A Date With Fate (Jessie’s Girl) free porn video

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SS26: ‘A Date With Fate (Jessie’s Girl)’


This is SS #26, entitled ‘A Date With Fate (Jessie’s Girl).’ This is part one of a two-part sequel to my story ‘Step-Mommie Dearest.’ This is the non-erotic portion, setting up the forthcoming actual erotic portion (which will be SS #27, called ‘And The Truth Shall Set You Free’), and so I’m tempted right now to quip, ‘Don’t even read this, just go ahead and start one-bombing it.’ But, I shan’t.


August 19th, 2:12 p.m.

Jessie was studying her reflection in the mirror from a number of angles as her future step-mother strolled by.

‘Hey, Gretch?’

Gretchen Peterson paused and cautiously turned in her direction.

‘…Yes, Jessica?’

Jessie took a couple tufts of her moderate-toned brunette hair in her hands.

‘Can I ask your opinion about something?’

Gretchen was nervous, but she acquiesced. ‘Okay.’

‘I’m gonna get my hair done. How do you think I’d look with blonde-lights?’

‘Oh, uh…well, hon, I…I think you’re beautiful no matter how you look, or what you do with your hair,’ Gretchen evasively sidestepped. ‘You should do whatever makes you happy.’

Jessie had to think about that piece of advice for a moment.

Whatever makes me happy…who even knows what happiness is? she wondered.

She nodded back to Gretchen knowingly. ‘Point taken.’

The affable yet somewhat impish smirk on Jessie’s face still gave Gretchen a bit of a chill. Ever since their incident a week ago, Gretchen certainly respected Jessie, but at the same time she wasn’t terribly anxious to spend a great deal of time with her. Obviously, marrying William Townsend meant also marrying his daughter, in a way, and while she didn’t have a deal-breaking problem with Jessie’s homosexuality, she still couldn’t personally understand it. And what she couldn’t understand had always frightened her a little. Unfortunately, she didn’t see herself being able to approve, either, but fortunately, it was a small enough situation that she didn’t think the whole marriage had to be averted. At 52, Gretchen Peterson was a bit old-fashioned and set in her Christian ways, but she adored William, and wanted so much to like Jessie too—uneasy though it was after last week—and she was willing to do whatever it took to get the marriage to work.

She nodded politely to Jessie and said, ‘Well, um…I’ll…see you at dinner then.’

‘See ya at dinner,’ she heard Jessie call as she headed off. Jessie kept trifling with her hair, which over the past year and a half had worked its way down her back, almost to her waist. As she bounced around Europe on her school tour, enjoying all the exotic culture and scenery, she didn’t have a lot of time to locate a good hairdresser and visit him or her, but highlights or no highlights, it was definitely time to get a trim. Before leaving home on her scholastic journey, she’d been seeing a brilliant stylist named Marlene who could wrestle her thick hair into submission to do whatever Jessie wanted with. The woman was a hair genius. She hopped online to check if her office had moved. Googling her, she noticed the office location was the same, but there was a new phone number.

She grabbed her phone to dial for an appointment. The phone had a touch-screen—no numbered buttons—which could be bothersome at times, but the device normally behaved itself well enough. Jessie pushed the buttons on the phone display, focusing more on her computer screen than what her phone was doing.

Ring…ri— ‘Yello!’ said a female voice she didn’t recognize.

Well, that may have been a girl on the other end, but this wasn’t the greeting Jessie expected at Marlene’s salon. She hesitated.

The mystery voice came again, the ‘y’ changing into an ‘h’. ‘Hello?’

Jessie stammered out a response. ‘H—…uh, hello?’

‘Hello?’ the recipient of the call echoed.

‘Uh, is this Marlene’s?’ asked Jessie.

‘Mm, no, I’m ever so sorry, but it’s not,’ said the confused but friendly female voice.

‘Oh, gosh, I’m sorry,’ Jessie replied, insisting the apology was hers to make. ‘Is this…’ She double-checked. ‘…555-2610?’

‘Oh, no, no, no, my dear friend, this is 555-2640.’

Jessie removed the phone from her ear and looked at the display. 2640, there it was. Oh, for cr—…you dumb phone, she thought, realizing what must have happened. The ‘4’ was directly below the ‘1’. She’d meant to press the ‘1’, and despite her certainty, the phone must have thought she wanted the ‘4’ instead.

She put the phone back to her ear. ‘Oh, shoot. Well, that’s a little embarrassing,’ she stated. ‘I was trying to reach a Marlene.’

‘Well, I’m sorry I’m unable to help you there,’ the other voice chuckled back. ‘Zero Marlenes here, so you’re kinda C.O.L. But if you happen to be in need of an Annabella, I’m your girl!’

‘Annabella?’ said Jessie. ‘Huh. That’s an unusual name…oh—very pretty name, though,’ she quickly added.

Annabella giggled through the phone. ‘No, no, you’re right, it is unique. You don’t run into too many chicks named Annabella. And even fewer dudes.’

They shared a chuckle. ‘Well, splendid to meet you, my name’s Jessie,’ she intro’d herself. ‘Actually, now that you mention it, I think I did know an Annabella once,’ she said, trying to think back. ‘Yeah, yeah, I think I went to elementary school with her. I seem to recall she had some kind of…funny multisyllabic last name too.’

The other end was silent for a moment.

‘Just before I tell you…quick query,’ said Annabella. ‘Ridgeway Elementary?’

‘Yes!’ said Jessie. ‘And I’m pretty sure she and I were in the same grade.’

‘Uh-huh,’ said Annabella. ‘Righty-o, big question then: was her name…Annabella Fiorello?’

Jessie gasped. ‘Oh my God, yes!’ she exclaimed. ‘That’s it! It’s all coming back to me now! Holy smoke, that was you??’

‘That was me!’ laughed the voice. ‘Still is, actually! Kooky, huh?’

‘Wow, yeah, that’s amazing!’ said Jessie. ‘Yeah, now I remember thinking, what a goofy name! But, y’know, I was just a kid, so…’

‘Hey, I still think it’s goofy myself,’ laughed Annabella. ‘Oh, I caught some holy ribbing for that, I did. An Italian name can get you teased like nobody’s beeswax. But like you just said, we were kids.’

‘Aw,’ said Jessie. ‘Well, I honestly don’t remember, but I’m really sorry if I ever teased you about it.’

Annabella chuckled again. ‘It’s okay, Jessie. It could’ve been worse, they could’ve known my middle name’s Serafina.’

Jessie took a second to digest that. ‘…Wow.’

‘Yep: Annabella Serafina Fiorello. Three names, twelve syllables. How many cats can lay claim to that?’

They ended up gabbing a good while longer, like a couple of old friends. Annabella was Jessie’s age, 23, and worked as a human resources coordinator for Team, Inc., her forte being interviewing potential colleagues. A friend helped her land her position right out of high school, Team, Inc. being a company which actually encouraged nepotism and the like, and such a vocation was so important to her, she hadn’t much time for a college education. She wasn’t the most scholastically gifted student anyway, so she worked full-time, and spent her leisure hours in pursuit of numerous different activities.

She sported a fascinatingly diverse array of non-vocations and personal projects, Jessie noted. She did bips and bops of volunteer work here and there, she belonged to a biweekly-meeting craft club, she shot league billiards on the weekends, she liked to sing and play the piano, and she was learning her ancestral homeland’s native language—Italian—oh, she said, and then there was her most recently up-taken hobby, of which she was proudest yet: designing perfume.

‘…Good grief,’ said Jessie when she finished. ‘When do you sleep?’ < br>
”Sleep’? What’s that?’ joked Annabella.

They giggled again. Jessie very much liked the sound of her laugh. Her voice was very pleasing, even when not laughing. Her pitch was slightly lower than average, but her timbre was high and feminine, and she used a lot of words Jessie hadn’t heard in years, like ‘groovy,’ and ‘boss,’ both in the context of meaning ‘terrific’. Now that she was back home from being abroad at school, Jessie was looking forward to tossing herself back into the dating arena, or at least the flirting circle, and trying to meet a nice sweet girl. She was aware of course she and this girl had never met face to face—well, as adults—but she didn’t see what she had to lose. She thought she would throw out something of an escalator.

She offered, ‘Y’know what, it’s funny, I’ve always wanted to wear perfume’—which was true—’but I never have’—which was also true, technically, although she did occasionally dab herself with a drop of her Dad’s cologne, should a pretty girl with a keen sense of smell cross her path. When she was a teenager, she was excited because the bottle informed her that it was ‘guaranteed to attract women.’ But she was quick to learn that was merely a sales pitch.

Annabella took her ‘bait.’ Kind of. ‘Oh, you should swing on down to the mall then!’ she told Jessie. ‘You can find me there at the Aromaworks sometimes. I’ve got a deal with the managers where I bring them my scents, and if they like them, they offer them as samples to customers, and if they become popular enough, they market them!’

‘Oh gosh, that’s so cool!’ said Jessie. ‘So how many have you gotten marketed?’

‘Just one so far.’ Her voice deepened as she proudly purred out its name. ‘It’s called ‘Torrid.”

Jessie was suddenly very intrigued.

Annabella’s voice returned to normal. ‘But even if that’s the only one, hey, that’s still crazy awesome for me. That was already beyond my wildest expectations when it happened. This is just a really fun kick for me. Now I mean, if it had the potential to become a career someday, that might be a different story. But right now it’s just a hobby.’

Sounds like fun to me, thought Jessie. She took a chance and asked, ‘Cool! So, eh…what does your husband do then?’

‘Oh, I am married not, my good lady,’ Annabella accentuated with a chuckle.


‘Nope, I am free as a bird.’

Ah. So now came the challenge. ‘Well, that’s cool, so am I,’ Jessie said, keeping her advance paced and matter-of-fact. ‘I’m also gay though, so…y’know.’

‘Oh, nice,’ replied Annabella. ‘I’m a bi-er.’

For a second Jessie was about to ask, ‘Buyer? I thought you said you were a human resources coordinator.’ But then she quickly realized what Annabella meant. And it interested her yet further.

‘Well, then,’ said Jessie, now becoming eager to find out more about this girl, who clearly had a comely voice, an active personality and a good sense of humor. ‘I might just have to make my way on down to the mall then!’

The level of their conversation ascended slightly from casual chatting to subtle flirting. Now that she knew Annabella was both unattached and could theoretically like her, Jessie was excited. She started to really enjoy her inflections and elocutions. Annabella accentuated her words just so that her voice seemed to hug the corners of the consonants and pour just the right amount of nuance into the vowels. She’s brilliant, Jessie thought as she listened to her. I think she could read me the phone book and I’d be all ears.

After a few more moments of friendly conversation, Jessie was trying to think of a way of maybe taking this chance encounter to the next level, but before she had the chance, Annabella broke the news to her that she had to head off.

‘Aw,’ said Jessie, hoping Annabella would pick up the coy disappointment in her voice. ‘Well, hey, uh…are you on Facebook?’

‘Um, duh! Who isn’t??’ Annabella chortled.

‘Oh, cool, I’ll look you up!’ said Jessie. ‘What’d you say your name was, Annabella…?’

‘…Serafina Fiorello,’ she finished for her.

Jessie wasn’t terribly good with names. Especially long ones.

‘Yeah…y’know what, maybe you could look me up instead?…’


August 29th, 5:38 p.m.

Jessie successfully dialed Marlene and made an appointment. She had more thought to put into her hair and overall appearance now that she actually could have something that might or might not be a date. When Annabella had found Jessie on Facebook and they exchanged adds to learn more about each other, their conversation resumed in Instant Message form. And it lasted until 2:00 in the following morning as they unearthed the numerous random things they had in common, only ending because neither could keep her eyes open another minute. After a couple more evenings spent in one another’s cyber-company, they planned an initial in-person rendezvous. Jessie would meet Annabella at the mall on Tuesday, the 29th, late afternoon, for an evening they both had free. ‘Approx 5:30, 5:45 sound good?’ Annabella asked her.

Jessie threw on the outfit she informed Annabella she would be wearing—her Beatles T-shirt with the lyrics to ‘Love Me Do’ speckled on the back, jeans, black socks and hush puppies—tossed her Dad and Gretchen a quick ‘see ya later’ and bounded out the door, more excited than she could remember being in a while.

Annabella didn’t tell Jessie what she would be wearing, as she preferred to surprise her. It was one of the ways in which she was delightfully quirky. She simply told her, ‘You’ll see me. Just go in Aromaworks and cast an eyeball around for the babe with the chestnut brown hair.’ This didn’t seem like a lot of help to Jessie, but she figured between the two of them they had enough to go on.

When she parked, she checked the rear-view mirror for a reassuring look at the highlights Marlene’d given her. She purposely had several strands of hair out of place to match her normally laid-back nature. She finger-brushed the hair forming her widow’s peak down into her forehead, giving herself some makeshift bangs, decided she looked cute as could be, grabbed her purse and got out.

Cast an eyeball around for the babe with the chestnut brown hair, Jessie repeated to herself as she circumnavigated the mall until she reached Aromaworks. Not much of a clue…then again, I’m not a detective. Probably not a huge crowd in there, after all, and maybe she’s dolled-up. Maybe she just dresses nicer than I do.

Her heart did speed up a bit when she located the store. As she wandered in, a happy salesperson greeted her.

‘Good afternoon, ma’am!’ she said far too cheerily. ‘Would you like to try our new papaya and pomegranate splash fragrance??’

Y—…your new WH—…? ‘Uh, no, no thank you,’ Jessie politely declined. ‘I’m just looking for someone.’

‘Oh, fun!’ replied the little girl, just as bubbly. ‘Well, there’s Tilly, Candy, Dolly, Trixie, Muffy, Buffy, Fluffy and me!’ She referred Jessie to her nametag which read, Hello! My name is Colette!

…Did I hear that last one right?? Colette was almost starting to frighten Jessie just a little. She looked around the store. She’d never been inside before. It was larger than it looked from the outside.

‘Do, erm…do you know if there’s an Annabella here, by chance?’ Jessie cautiously queried.

Colette batted her eyes a few times. ‘Huh?’ she asked, baffled but still with a chirpy smile on her face.

‘Uh…never mind, I’ll find her myself,’ Jessie said, patting Colette on the arm. ‘You just keep it up, you’re doing a beautiful job.’

She poked around the store, making sure her Beatles shirt was in plain view. She headed to the back of the store, towards the registers, reasoning that if Annabella did her biz with the management, she’d likely be in that general vicinity. She tried one or two of the scents which
looked interesting, and subsequently hoped no one in the store saw her reaction after sampling them.

She hesitated to simply call out the girl’s name. Given the choice, she’d opt to do this without drawing attention. However, someone else had other ideas. After another few minutes of browsing, she heard a familiar voice singing loudly behind her—

‘Love, love me do!/You know I love you!/I’ll always be true!/So plee-ee-ease…love me do!…’

Halfway through the performance, Jessie turned around, even though she already knew this was clearly Annabella. They may have only spoken on the phone the one time, but aside from more evidence of that glittering persona, that voice would be hard for Jessie to forget. She turned around, and her eyebrows jumped at what she saw.

In the initial moment they met face-to-face, Jessie could’ve sworn she’d stepped into a time machine and dropped off somewhere in the middle of 1958. Annabella was wearing—Jessie had to blink a few times to make sure her eyes weren’t playing tricks on her—a knee-length red and white polka dot dress, white gloves, and saddle shoes. And that was chestnut brown hair, all right, elegantly swooping down around her face and shoulders and curling up at the ends. It also just happened to be adorned with a headband, a flower, and her Audrey Hepburn cat eye sunglasses. No wonder that was all Annabella had told her on the phone. If she had told Jessie she’d look like this, Jessie probably wouldn’t have believed her.

Even though she was about 99.9% sure, Jessie asked, ‘Signorina Fiorello, I presume?’

‘Ever so astute!’ Annabella replied with a small bow.

When she’d finished singing the lyrics on Jessie’s shirt, Annabella’d given her a big, giggly smile. Already visually charmed, Jessie extended her hand. During their electronic conversations, she’d gotten the sense that Annabella was kind of idiosyncratic and free-spirited, but she saw now she’d even still underestimated. Annabella, ladylike, accepted her hand and curtsied.

Jessie was starting to feel a little ordinary standing next to this extraordinary-looking damsel. She felt slightly underdressed, though she reminded herself that first of all, she did get her hair streaked and she made sure her reflection approved of her and vice versa, and secondly, she couldn’t see herself in an outfit like this. It looked great on Annabella, but on Jessie, not quite so much.

‘Gosh,’ she said, giving Annabella another look up and down. ‘You look…uh…’ She searched for the appropriate word to match the era of Annabella’s remarkable fashion choices, and finally located it. ‘…fabulous!’

Annabella looked away shyly with a wave of her gloved hand. ‘Oh, go on,’ she teased. ‘I bet you say that to all the dollies.’

Not really, no! Jessie thought in amusement. Just the ones that’re dressed like the cast of Grease. She was quite the flirt, Jessie could see already. However, Jessie had a few courting tricks up her sleeve as well. She’d do her one better. She took Annabella gently by the arms and planted a large, audible kiss on each of her cheeks. When she stepped back, it was Annabella’s turn to be charmed. She blushed just a touch and fanned herself. ‘Oh my!’ she commented.

‘Oh, excuse me,’ Jessie said innocently. ‘I just came back from my three semesters abroad in Europe. I hope you’ll forgive me if a little of the culture rubbed off.’

She was feigning bashfulness and actually toying with her. The truth was, Jessie knew exactly what she was doing. She was being affectionate and then acting as if she were unsure of herself, when in reality she was completely sure. She could read the signs in Annabella’s face to tell her she was interested. The kisses seemed to catch her a little off-guard, but she said, ‘You’re forgiven.’

‘Grazie, amica mia.’

Annabella was impressed. ‘Parli italiano?’

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ALTERED FATES: AGENT ZULO by BobH (c) 2011 "Yes, baby, oh yes!!" I moaned, bending over the motel room desk as my partner took me from behind, grasping my hips and snorting as he rammed himself into me. Red-faced and breathing heavily, the effort seemed to be taking a lot out of him. Giving one last thrust that almost pushed me into the wall, he came with a final labored grunt. Having shot his load he pulled out of me and sat down heavily on the bed, sweating...

1 year ago
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Girls With Muscle!? I’m getting mixed feeling here guys. On one hand, I love fit women, I like it when women take care of themselves and their bodies. But on the other hand, when some of them have bigger muscles than me, I don’t really know what to think of that. Welcome to GirlsWithMuscle.com, where you’ll find tons of real images of real women who are packing heat. And by heat, I mean guns. And by guns, I mean their biceps. Holy cow, look at those biceps! I can feel a bit of insecurity coming...

Fetish Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Fate Accompli

The last page of the book was torn out. I dropped it onto the table next to the others. Sunlight forced its way through the grimy windowpanes and between the gap in the dull curtains to light up the specks dancing in the dusty air. I needing more light so I pulled the curtains open. Illuminated, the room looked no better. It was untidy and unkempt, but thankfully, not filled with putrid foods and rats. The atmosphere was dry and parched. A thick layer of dust covered pretty much everything....

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Love Commitment Promise And Fate

Hey friends, I’m Yash. Now, first things first. I’m not a professional writer, nor an experienced person. I’m just a regular guy pouring every drop of his brain to yours. Back to business, This goes back to my late teens. I was a good guy, good in academics, good in football, and good at heart. The only thing my parents worried about was my physique. So, I joined a gym. I was a lean guy, but I was fit. I had muscles (no abs, and no chiseled body), and people liked my company irrespective to...

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Accepting Fate

Accepting fate by Salma Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and yes it has scenes in it which is for a mature audience only. I knew it was time for my mother to leave me alone, I really did not want to go and she saw it in my eyes. She gave me a hug with tears in her eyes, "You are his wife now, and he is your lord and husband remember that." I cringed at the words, lord and husband. I remembered the leering look on Mr. Johnston's face, the look of lust when my mother bought me...

1 year ago
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A Chosen Fate

A Chosen Fate By: Monsta Edward Smith was having a sandwich at a diner during his lunch break. The salty gooey cheesesteak at Ned's diner called to him from time to time. Even though his doctor would likely recommend against it, Edward sometimes answered the call. Ed was only 24 years old but he already had elevated blood pressure. He wasn't overweight by much, he just had a high stress sedentary job. His wonderful newlywed wife had been gently urging him to improve his health ever...

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A Quirk of fate againIVa glory holeGH103part1of1

Thinking the night was going to be a bust, I was in the ladies room by nine fifteen and Paige had been right. There was a glory hole in the last booth. I was disappointed because it was cut in the wall where you couldn’t set on the commode. You had to kneel to get to the cocks. I could hear someone in the other stall so I stuck my finger in the hole. He must have been waiting because my finger was barely in the before there was a hard cock sticking through the hole. Six inches of virile teenage...

4 years ago
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Sarah and Emily Sister Ponygirls

Sarah and EmilySister PonygirlsBy Sarah        Sarah and Emily awoke to the sounds of their collar chains rattling, and the sunlight beginning to filter into the barn where they were being kept.  The girls smiled to each other as they lay on their hay bed, playfully kissing each other as they awoke.  As they looked around their now familiar stall, their pussies moistened at the thought of what had passed, to lead them to their current lives.Chapter 1: Kidnapped and Transformed        Sarah and...

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Altered Fates Triptych

Altered Fates: Triptych By BobH (c) 2003 Lucius Duvall checked his reflection and nodded his approval at what he saw. His hair and beard might have long since turned silver grey, giving him an illusion of age and wisdom that, in terms of age at least, was beyond his years, but both were immaculately trimmed, their edges razor-sharp. His suit was tailored to perfection, the trouser creases sharp and straight; his shoes polished to an almost mirror-finish; the carnation in...

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Programmed Ponygirl

Programmed PonygirlBy Sarah        ?Sarah, you know I love you, and want to spend my life with you.?        Sarah and Jim cuddled in each others arms.  Sarah, having turned 18 the day before, was dressed in her boyfriend’s favorite outfit, her cheerleading uniform.  She had her hair in a ponytail, and was laying her head up against his shoulder, as he reached over and cupped her C cup breasts and rubbed her pussy over her skirt.        Jim was 23, and a junior in college.  He had met Sarah on a...

3 years ago
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Rings of Fate

THE RINGS OF FATE "David, I'm going to the mall, keep your eye on Susie?" mother called up the stairs. "O.K. mum," I called back, my heart rate picking up. As soon as she was out the door I searched through her bedroom for the rings that I'd seen her and dad use. Dad was an archaeologist, he had obtained these rings from an Arabian associate, they were very, very special. "Where are they?" I searched frantically until I came across the ornate little wooden box in dad's...

2 years ago
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The Terrible Fate of the English Nobleman

         The Terrible Fate of the English Nobleman                        By Dr. Phil This is the story of an 18th century English nobleman living in the Caribbean. He is hated by a local pirate governor. The Englishman refuses to sell a small piece of land to the governor who has wanted it for a long time. The Englishman has been protected by his friendship with the captain of one of the pirate ships. Even the governor fears this ruthless captain. One day the pirate ship arrives in port with...

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Destinys Welcomed Fate

Destiny's Welcomed Fate Talking across the cyber lanes; sharing desires, and speaking of dark things,daring whispers. Such secrets are only safe when shared with a hidden stranger.It was then that I began this twisted plot to gain my desires and at the sametime quench the mysteries you sought answers for. It must have seemed quite innocent when it arrived... it was meant too.Or perhaps simple blind luck, a commodity that had so often escaped you inthe past, how could you question its plain...

1 year ago
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Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate Chapter 8 Unexpected Friends

Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate - Chapter 8 - Unexpected Friends A few more weeks passed since my trip to the College to meet Adeline and I tried my best to continue to live as Ally while also under Mom's ever watchful gaze. Not that there was really anything else I could do for the time being anyway, and it gave me an excuse to never be alone with Mike which made our relationship easier to manage. Even if it would have broken Ally's heart, I was half hoping Mike would want to...

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Amy Criminal Ponygirl

Amy – Criminal Ponygirl By Arnold Puttwyn? This story is a work of fiction, made up entirely in my own mind. Any similarity to any person or persons living or dead is coincidence.This is a story using the society from ‘Kari in Training’ The time is fifteen years after the finalization of the Slave Act.     Society had to change because an unknown genetic disorder caused men to have many more X chromosome sperm cells, so the birth of females 2 to 1 over males made the population change to 67%...

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Forced to be a Ponygirl

This is one of my fantasies. I’ve always dreamed of being made into a ponygirl, so here we go?Amy couldn’t remember much of what had happened last night. A college girl, she had been in a bar for a while. A handsome man, a fair bit older than her, had bought her a drink and chatted her up for a while. Amy was a slim brunette who normally had her fair share of successes attracting guys in bars, so this was nothing out of the ordinary. But then there had been something about going home in a taxi,...

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The Jokers On Batgirl

INTRODUCTION: Attention - this work of fiction contains scenes of comic book violence, super villainous rape and bad puns. It is not a “safe space” and no doubt abounds with micro and mega aggressions. If reading this will cause you to visit the fainting couch or get the vapors then by all means don’t read. Stick to something more to your tastes, I wouldn’t want to lose sleep worrying you might need therapy or counseling due to my warped mind. To those that wish to read, enjoy my take on...

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The Jokes On Batgirl Sequel to The Jokers On Batgirl

(The Sequel to The Joker’s On Batgirl) By rutger5 Copyright 2016 Barbara Gordon peppered the heavy bag with one final flurry of punches but like all previous efforts it left her feeling somehow unsatisfied. Grabbing a towel she wiped her brow then tossed it into the dirty bin before heading for the gym exit. If anything the humid, summer air felt even stickier against her alabaster skin than the steamy gym interior had but it didn’t cause Barbara to change her plans. After a quick...

2 years ago
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Sealed Fate

Liuzhou Intermediate People's Court pronounced its verdict, the two were guilty of intentional homicide, the defendant Lu Yuqiao (female) was sentenced to death. He Zhikun also received the death sentence and was carried out a week later. Lu yuqiao would try to appeal her death sentence. A few weeks later Yuqiao’s mouth closed over my penis and the sensation made it go erect immediately. Opening my eyes I make direct eye contact with this beautiful you woman whose sucking my dick. She only...

2 years ago
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Haunted Fate

Laura knew something wasn’t quite right the minute she entered their apartment. The upside down coffee table and a scrawled sign on the television that shouted, ‘WATCH THE TAPE’, tipped her off. ‘Oh, brother. Must be time for another mission improbable.’ Grabbing the remote control, she turned on the TV and pushed play. The screen filled with the dim shape of a man lying face down with wrists bound behind his back and his ankles tied together. The lifeless hands frozen in a claw shape and...

1 year ago
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Love Commitment Promise And Fate1

I was a good guy, good in academics, good in football, and good at heart.The only thing my parents worried about was my physique. So, I joined a gym. I was a lean guy, but I was fit. I had muscles (no abs, and no chiseled body), and people liked my company irrespective to the age difference. (I still am the same, but with a beard now ???).During my 11th, I was put on the team sheet of my school’s football team as the striker.We had won many games, many tournaments and many more awards. So,...

3 years ago
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Festival of Fate and First Meeting

“Kelly, are you listening?” Grace asked as she jabbed me in the arm. “Huh? What?” I said startled out of my thoughts. “We are trying to plan for the festival and your input would be nice,” Mady said annoyed, but smiling. I felt my cheeks catch fire as I bit my bottom lip and looked down. I didn’t want to talk about the festival because I was anxious about going this year. “Sorry, guess I have too much on my mind,” I said as I looked up at my two best friends. Mady and Grace laughed and I was...

Straight Sex
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The Worst Possible Fate

The Worst Possible Fate Copyright 2000 By Scott K. Jamison Tammy Fey had two problems. The first was the physical fact that he had been born male. Obviously, disgustingly male. Tammy hadn't been able to convince any doctors that he was worthy of gender reassignment surgery, and his efforts to disguise his maleness on his own just hadn't been terribly successful. To soothe his wounded spirits, Tammy wrote stories. Glorious, wonderful stories in which men were granted the...

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Usamas Fate

Usama's Fate By JRD It was a Grand Convocation of the Fae. All types were there: Elves, Gnomes, Brownies, Leprechauns; at least a few of every type of faerie was there. And all were clamoring to be heard. Finally, Oberon stood and yelled, "ENOUGH!" In a moment's time the clamor was gone, and the hall was silent. Oberon continued, "The rules stand! The Fae will not reenter the fate of humanity. Any who do so will answer to me!" then he and Titania were gone. As most of...

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Beautiful Fate

Beautiful fate By Jungle Jane I guess you could say that my fate was sealed the summer I was thirteen years old. I was short, skinny, and awkward. I had just moved from Chicago, to a small Midwestern town, and I was having problems fitting in. I certainly did not fit in with the cowboys, the jocks didn't want anything to do with me, and I didn't want anything to do with the nerds. I was pretty much on my own at an age when kids need to feel they belong to...

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The Ring of Fate

The Ring of Fate - by Acid Dreams CHAPTER 1: The Ring of Fate Tommy looked at the ring one more time, not sure if he could accept such an expensive looking artifact. The lawyer looked at him sternly and told him that if he was not available to accept it, it was to be destroyed. Tommy wondered what his uncle was thinking when writing his will, but decided that the ring would do better with him than with no one. "I'll take it," Tommy told his uncle's lawyer. The lawyer smiled...

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Altered Fate

Altered Fate By Shagufta Hanaphie 1. a. Deepika meets Alok I was studying in the first year of engineering college at that time, so was Alok. The first time I met Alok he was struggling with some luggage he was trying to get to his hostel room. I carried it for him till the boys' hostel gate, as he walked behind looking quite embarrassed. I wondered at the frailty of the poor guy, he seemed so weak and shy. He thanked me profusely the next time we met - I think it was in the canteen. I...

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Fate is a sneaky bitch

Fate is a sneaky Bitch No matter what anybody else tells you, Fate is a sneaky bitch. Take me, for instance. Up until today, I was Jay Carter, drama lover, geek, and wimp. Until one day I bumped into Thomas (the tank) Anderson - Safety and defensive captain for our football team. Not that I was aiming for him. Far from it. I was just trying to get away from Marcus Carol, our school's resident stereotype bully. A guy who liked to throw his weight around, and there was a lot of...

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Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate Chapter 7 A Higher Education

Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate - Chapter 7 - A Higher Education After my 'date' with Mike, I'd be lying if I said it was still difficult being Ally. The next week definitely went by much easier than the first, although not without some hiccups. I was always an early riser and I didn't think much of barging into Mike's room to wake him up. We'd often go on morning runs together and being a heavy sleeper, I usually had to drag Mike out of bed in order to wake him up. Perhaps I...

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A Quirk of FateE07blowjobssucking cockswallowinganalpart1of1

"Man, it will be awesome. No one has to know. It will be just the three of us," Butch said to convince him. Getting off the bed, Butch walked over, unbuttoned my blouse and then arrogantly grabbed my breasts once again. "Or,” he smirked, “You can just watch. But I’m going to get some either way." A Quirk of FatePart-1-of-1 I was driving along highway-287 when I saw Butch’s car on the side of the road. Steam was coming from under the hood so it was obvious what had happened. I recognized...

Cheating Wife
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Altered FatesXFiles The Scam

ALTERED FATES/X-FILES: THE SCAM By Bob H. (c) 2003 FBI HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON, DC. FBI agent Fox Mulder was starting to hate working alone. Hidden away as he was in the windowless room of a back basement accessible only via a corridor lined with dusty storage racks, he often felt both unappreciated and as forgotten as many in the bureau would like the X-files themselves to be. He sometimes went days without seeing another living soul between the time he entered the J. Edgar...

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Black TGirls

This next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Batman and Batgirl

Batman and Batgirl By Alana I anxiously paced back and forth, scarcely believing I was in the world famous Batcave, taking in the sights, in awe of the incredible high tech crime-fighting equipment. I was waiting for Batman to make his decision, but I already knew what it would be. I was going to be his partner! Me, Dick Grayson, partner to the coolest crime-fighter the world had ever known! Batman came into view. He was carrying a garment I didn't recognize. "You may...

2 years ago
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Ich hatte einen sehr stressigen Job, und so suchte ich f?r meinen Urlaub etwas sehr Ruhiges. Keine St?rungen und kein Handy-Empfang. Nur Ruhe. Angeln vielleicht, aber das war auch schon das Stressigste, was ich geplant hatte. Ich fand was ich suchte in Skandinavien. Finnland kam mir zuerst in den Sinn, aber dann erfuhr ich von den vielen M?cken. Norwegen schien das bessere Ziel zu sein. Und ich mochte Berge, deshalb war ich dort richtig. Ich hatte eine kleine H?tte an einem Fjord...

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Harley Quinn and Batgirl

Batgirl was out in gotham it had been a long night and she was ready to head home as nothing much was going on. Just then something caught her eye a shadow in the next street.She moved stealthy over and knelt down peering around the corner, she saw harley quinn trying to break in to the back of a jewelers store, batgirl sighed thinking she was in the mood for this but moved round the corner sneaking up behind harley."need a hand there harley" batgirl said, harley jumped around "no im ok...

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Altered Fates 2065 AD

In the year 2065 the United States is a theocracy in all but name, and at the center of the system sits the Medallion of Zulo.... ALTERED FATES: 2065 A.D. by BobH (C) 2013. (Note: While not essential to your understanding and enjoyment, you will get more out of this story if you first read my tales 'Altered Fates: The Cult', 'The Chapford Wives', and 'Amazons', on which it draws quite considerably. All are available here on FM.) 1: Ray Standing at the altar before...

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The Fate of a Kingdom Chapter 4

We rode in silence for a little longer before I hurried Polia quicker to ride along side her. Rayne didn’t even give me a sideways glance as I came up beside her. “So how long will it take to get to my sister?” I asked, trying for small talk. “Around three, maybe four days,” She simply replied. We trotted along a little further. “If we are going to be traveling together for that long we could at least get to know each other?!” I offered. “I’m not the sentimental type!” “Well... I think...

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FateCHYOA Edition

A/N: OK! First story. Been watching Fate/stay night again and reading some eroge around it, really want to get into writing in this space! Welcome Fate/CHOYA Edition! This story will probably be heavier on the fighting aspects than most CHOYA stories but will definitely have the smexy bits you've come to expect on CHOYA! This story is open to the public. Rules of the story are at the bottom as well as a chapter with servant data cards. Fuyuki City, Japan. You are Shirou Emiya, an amateur...


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