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Incredible ChangesChapter 357 Bureaucracy

Hmmm. Am I servicing a harem? It wasn’t a very long drive home. I called my dad to chat as I drove. He needed to know what happened that took so long and then give him the details that I effectively had two “real” harems now that the girls would have my children. “Oh, the humanity. How will you manage to survive with fifty or more girls and women wanting you to screw them as many times as it takes to get them all pregnant? What about the girls that are already physically women that can...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 358 Air Taxi

I should have expected that. Molly teased me that the girl on the plane is more in danger than April. “Does your daughter like kids?” I asked. He gave me a stern look and replied, “She loves them, but I don’t want her having my first grandchild before she graduates college.” “It is ok. I have plenty of rubbers, but that isn’t why I asked,” I joked and watched the Colonel relax. “I’ve been traveling a lot lately and promised to take my nearly three-year-old daughter with me. If your...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 359 April Takes A Boat Ride

That makes sense. If you are on duty and need to pee, you must do something. We soon reached out to the carrier for them to direct us in. I knew how to land on the ship, but that didn’t mean I had a clue how they would guide me in. Movies always made this big deal about calling the ball and similar things. I followed their instructions to line up the glide path and then flew right in. My tail hook hit the first arrestor line, and they didn’t need the nets they had up if I screwed up the...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 360 Time to Exercise

I see that look and know it well. You will see I’m not full of shit. Didn’t you get the briefing on what I did to get April back? “April sleeps through the night, but if she wakes up, she may crawl into bed with us. I have no idea when I will finish sparring tonight. It has been a while, and I do enjoy it when the time permits to have someone with the skills,” I told Winter as I put April on the bottom bunk in our quarters. I changed and began to head down to the part of the ship where I...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 361 A Long Boat Ride

I’m down with ensuring there are no leftovers. By the time I got back to the table, Winter had tried to drink coffee without spilling it or burning herself. April was nowhere around. Her tray was gone, but she was still in the mess somewhere. I can sense that she is ecstatic about whatever she is doing and isn’t in any danger. When the serving bowls came to the table, I dug in. I finished everything in around ten minutes. I was still hungry but wouldn’t ask for more until after the mess...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 362 Aloha

I think I can find ways to keep myself distracted for two more days. I was up at oh-three-thirty to get ready for PT. April had me lift her to get into bed with Winter, and Officer Martin was there waiting to go down to PT with me. “I know the drill instructor was being a dick about loading you up, and you rubbed his face in it. I heard some grumbling because he made it known that we had gotten soft if a seventeen-year-old kid quite literally ran laps around us. I know that you won’t be...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 363 Grass Skirts and Lava

I can’t complain about that. I want to see the two enjoying being able to move again. The retired Admiral, Frank, was waiting for us outside an armored limo. He didn’t even blink at the van that pulled up next to us, which took everything I brought off the carrier, including my bag of dirty clothes. After one woman slathered up April with sunscreen, put a lei around her, and then a bright floral bucket hat on her head, the van left. After we got into the limo, Frank said, “I didn’t even...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 364 Healed Bones Broken Friends

Shelly, I hope you don’t have any deeply hidden secrets in there that will shock me. Not that there is much that would surprise me these days. She still had a few hours to go on their replacements and had some screws in her vertebrae to replace with stronger ones for the upgraded brace. I shouldn’t go into someone’s head to poke around in their memories, but I felt there is a reason I wanted to do this for her. The place in my head has done a pretty good job guiding me to do things for...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 365 You Have a Bouncing Teenage Boy

Time to take matters into my own hands. Nalani was about to make Porter pop his cork if she moved her hand any higher on his leg. Only Curt and Candice failed to notice what was going on with Nalani and Porter. Shelly’s parents had known both for a long time. Frank was a retired Admiral. I excused myself from the table and quickly slipped into the kitchen. Along one wall, I saw a whole section of different-sized cloth napkins and cloth squares they put under things when setting the table. I...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 366 Unresolved Unbelievably Crazy Shit

Something isn’t right here. For once, I’m not getting it. Kaipo finally finished fucking June’s dad like a bitch in heat, at least long enough to get something to drink and use the bathroom. June handed me her tablet, which is amazingly free of any shit, to show the message saying, “David. Don’t question what is needed. Do as asked. No one will get harmed. Trust.” That is odd. But June didn’t write it. She did write out a message that said, “Hold my head down and don’t let go until I’m...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 367 A Room with A View

If you insist and April isn’t a bother. “Sir,” a butler said at the door. “Please allow me to show you to the kitchen. We were just having a late dinner. I will warn you now, David, that the cook has a mean streak, and you are best not to try to get into her dishwashing area. I doubt even poisoning your food would have any effect on you, but she can make sure your daughter has the shits with a vile odor. Look, we know already how the estate came to you to settle an annual debt payment. The...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 368 Surprised Guests

Now, the strays are finding me. Kona relaxed her arms around me and sat back to pull Cam over into a hug before saying, “I couldn’t get him to cum inside me, and all he did when I came hard was to rub my back in his sleep. If his dick moves inside me, I start to get off again. You all about killed me after you got him back in me after he peed. I need to have him holding me and his dick has to be in me. I’m so confused.” Many of the boys, and a few girls, quickly covered up when the herd of...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 369 Can I Get That for You

Off to dinner. April came to hug Kona and told us to go away. I found six cars and two minivans in the drive when I got back to the mansion. Inside I heard talking from the dining room. Inside I saw eight sets of adults sitting dressed around the table. Everyone under eighteen was naked and sitting on a towel. I’m sure Yuki has some magic potion that works on adults too. You fucked like rabbits most of last night and today, yet these naked teens have your juices flowing. “Ah, there you...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 370 My My That Is Some Meat

Someone is going to get teased in the morning. As the kids got up early for school, Tess found out she was the butt of a joke on her birthday. She got woken up after everyone else was dressed and eating. “Where are my clothes? I will be late if I can’t find them soon,” Tess asked with a towel around her body. Her brother grabbed her towel to leave her there standing there naked and said, “You are already dressed. It is your birthday, and you are wearing your birthday suit, so what is the...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 371 Settling Up

Who wants their orders from the sushi bar after they already start on the main course? Kaipo had a seat at the table between Porter and Nalani. Really? Come on. No one is going to take a picture of that look on his face. “Kaipo is still hungry, so she is joining her family,” I told him. “I’m throwing the party, so I guess I have to try to get everyone their sushi orders before cake.” The manager said, “You can’t do that. I don’t know you. Do you have a Health Department Card?” Sorry....

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 372 Guest Services

So how is this going to go for the rest of the guests coming in today? I expected a lot more dressing down of the families, but it was much less than expected. One of the families was shocked to hear the psychologist say, “We have placed five of your children under psychiatric care to prevent harm to other guests or themselves. Three are classic psychopaths, the other two sociopaths. None of them are the ones you have kept under close watch due to showing suicidal tendencies. Those children...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 373 I rsquo m the Boss Again Sort of

What am I doing for the next ten minutes while she showers? I got a shower, but with extremely touch-averse, non-verbal kids staying at the resort. A few I power fucked as I brought them off with the place in my head. Others I washed any part of them I could reach. The spot in my head showed me that the energy I send out was filling the room. It only affected a quarter of them. Whatever else it is about me affected the rest. The guys can pop the girl’s cherries, as they give them their own,...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 374 Meditation and Contemplation

Time to see what you have learned, young one. I put the pads back on her, more to protect her now that I removed the rig, and told Bambi, “Open your eyes. I’m going to put on some music. Don’t think about anything. Just let the music move your body.” My phone seemed to have a compilation ready to go, and it tapped into the speaker system here that I didn’t know it had. The first three minutes didn’t have a beat as much as a rise and fall tempo. I watched as Bambi closed her eyes and began...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 376 Getting Things Sorted

Well, they are all looking more relaxed, but I need to do something different. The girl that told me about the aura went back to barricade herself in her room. I went to find Ona, who, it turned out, wasn’t hard to find. “I need solid color, soft wristbands in the primary and secondary colors. One needs to be a solid color for the younger kids that don’t need to be sharing rooms with older kids or adults having the same color. At least something along those lines,” I told her. “A person I...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 377 Questions I Never Knew to Ask

What did I do? What did she do by using me? “David, somehow, we went to a place where this man brought you teachers to distract you from your grief as Paula laid there on the table with her brain a blob of mush. There you called me Serenity,” the triplet told me. “I can’t understand how it worked, but he was able to bring you grandmasters from every martial art the main-in-the-machine put in your head. Time moved differently there. We never aged, got hungry, needed to use the bathroom, and I...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 379 It Comes with the Job

Did I see the three punishment girls shiver in fear? “You know, they can wait right here while we have our discussion in private,” I told the woman who was head of their family. Once we were in the room behind my office, she started to strip, but I stopped her. “Hold it,” I told her. “I didn’t bring you back here for that, and it really wouldn’t be appropriate, I don’t think. I have other things in mind for you, and they are in the refrigerator.” The implant pinged me and told me that she...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 380 How Do I Answer Hard Questions

Oh uh. Caught! “Before you start to freak out, I’m one of only a few, and we won’t divulge it to anyone except you,” Mary’s mom told me. “There will never be a way anyone can prove what I know is the truth. Your honesty is what made me suspect all was not as it seems. While I can’t tell you irrefutable details about your body, I remember everything you have said in my presence. I knew why you were there that first time we met but also knew that Mary wouldn’t have you make her a woman if you...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 381 Witches and Power

Now to show that I can be a god! When Eve, the weather witch, could stop laughing, she was sitting where I told her. I had distracted her to the point that she stopped pushing more energy into the hurricane she sent toward the island. “Thank you, Eve,” I told her. “Relax. You are done for today. If you piss me off, you will be done forever, destined to look your age as you wait for eternity, unless someone kills you first.” “You arrogant little bastard, David, do you think you are a god or...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 382 Instant Babies

How is this going to work? One of the memories in the boy’s head was that I didn’t need to worry about how moving these girls and women between slower and faster time bubbles would ultimately affect their bodies and possibly those of their children. It was a way used for millennia to give a child to a girl or woman that had something happen that prevented the child from existing as required by something somewhere. Eve decided that she wanted them to have a son and a daughter from different...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 383 On the Job Training

Tanner, you are book smart, just not street smart yet. Tanner didn’t know that Gideon was saying that she made herself like Tanner’s touch, which is what Gideon meant. Why else would she agree to let Gideon touch her and be surprised when it wasn’t what she expected? Gideon had Tanner naked before Tanner even knew what happened. I checked Tanner out to compare her to the myriads of other girls. Her breasts didn’t need a bra. They were only the size of half baseballs capped by rounded...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 384 Routines

I’m okay with that way more than you can imagine. The girl found her uniform clothes laid out on the bed next to where I had some slightly dressy shorts and a button-down shirt for me. She was funny, though. I couldn’t use a towel to dry between her legs, but she was fine asking me to use some scissors to cut back all the hairs on both sides of her gash. They made her uncomfortable because they curled into her split to poke her like a whisk broom. I don’t need the place in my head to...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 385 Sealing the Deal

I am bad at shooting pool. I will have to honor my deal. All the young women heads’ of families, except Alani, said if they beat me at playing pool, I would take them to my bed tonight and show them why women were trying to get me into them. They didn’t mind sharing a big bed with the others. All of them had long ago learned the pleasures of being with girls. Lightweights. Not one of them could take me eating and fingering them longer than ten minutes before doing their best to push away...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 386 Goodbye for Now My Friends and Loves

Do I get to have a vacation too? The answer was a resounding no. I did find myself in my office dealing with a few that either appealed the man upstairs’ decree or those who fucked up so badly that they came directly to me, bypassing even the lawyers. Moms are evil for asking what the kid in trouble feels is a suitable punishment for whatever the kid did wrong. I don’t have to be a mom to ask that of them, do I? Only in one instance did I have to laugh at the head of a family’s...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 387 Meet the Family

It is nice to be home even if we had to take a tour bus to get here. Bart and Chrissy got their luggage to hurry over to her house. Camden said she would explain once things settled down. April was in the door as soon as it opened, yelling, “Mommy, Daddy, Day-id has seven babies.” She went off excitedly to tell them all about how she was a big girl and had a job, too. They heard all about how she got to say hi to the new people and bye when they were leaving. It was a big job because I...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 388 Meeting the Neighbors

I might as well get this out of the way. They will be seeing a lot of other teenagers around here and me driving around here now. “Well, that was rude,” I said to the woman. “Who is getting robbed?” the lead officer said, coming over to me. I laughed and said, “These people swatted me. My parents told me we were moving into the mansion I got from that Darren guy when he died last fall. I sure as hell wasn’t going to have my Maserati anywhere near the movers. All of them dodge the Camry as...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 389 The Mother of My Children rsquo s Parents

Hmm. Which one is going to give me the most shit? Camden’s dad, Howard, waited until we were on the sidewalk before he said, “I guess I should be holding a shotgun or something. You got one of my daughters pregnant twice and had sex with the other. It was a bit complicated. Camden said she couldn’t go into it but that she was on her own raising the babies.” I might as well have some fun. “I don’t kiss and tell and never have. Not sure how Camden got pregnant from me twice without having...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 390 Parties and New Starts

Party time, at least according to April at six AM. Everyone loaded up to go to Elena’s resort near town. She was bringing the girls. The rest of the octuplets were going to be there as well. Seeing all eight together made it pretty clear that they were all sisters. April linked to them all as soon as we arrived. Genetic testing showed the sets weren’t related, but their families suspected. Fortunately, the resort had opened. There were a lot of children in all various child care areas. The...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 391 Kay Cee Without the Sunshine Band

Goodies. “Fuck! I hate that cocksucking bastard. He cut off my phone,” Cee snarled. Kay and Casey had their service shut off too. They were furious. I got their attention and said, “I don’t know who you are pissed off at, but I take umbrage to you calling me a cocksucking bastard. Seeing as how your phones are ancient, I expect that your service disconnection is tied to me somehow. Oh, you’ve got goodie bags.” The girls forgot their cell phones as they got into the bags. I watch them...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 392 Reconstruction

Uh oh. Now you’ve done it. When I saw Molly standing at the front of her car with plans, I knew that someone was a pain in the ass. “David?” an older man in a suit asked. “I’m told that you own this and all the land around it now.” “That is correct. A guy I met a few times died, and he decided to give all his wealth to me. The neighborhood is one of those things he owned or someone managing all that stuff bought for him,” I told him. He got on his pompous ass hat and said, “There is some...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 393 Stragglers

I bet you turned pale. As I walked Carla and Mandi over to the medical intake area, I told them, “You two will get scrubbed, shaved, disinfected, stitched up, and have the best medical care for hundreds of miles. I’m going to be right there with you. I might even help the doctors and nurses out where I can. Feel free to break down to cry all you want. We have plenty of mental health staff who are the best too. If they weren’t, I wouldn’t have brought one of my best friends here to get her...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 394 Closet Skeletons

It isn’t the restaurant safe where they keep the checks and cash. It took her a lot of tries to finally get the thing to open. Inside was indeed a keyring with a lot of keys. She then pulled out a piece of paper with a list of names on it, and they looked familiar. Too familiar. I got my phone to start putting in the names to use my custom search engine that I knew would find them. I didn’t like what I found. “Irene?” I asked. “Can you look at these pictures and tell me if you have seen...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 396 How to Clean This Shit Up

Not the underwear and bathing suit outlet story again. Should I get it printed up on a page I can hand people? My phone rang, and it showed the same unknown number from earlier. “I’m sorry, but I need to head back to my house. I have a guest,” I told them. When I got there, I was surprised to see that the person waiting for me was a girl I had hung out with as Darren at the resorts, but they never got intimate. She had come to my house when everyone was paying me what they owed Darren. The...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 398 Apologies and New Starts

I don’t have anything else to do if that is what you mean. Since we hadn’t gotten all the HVAC equipment checked out and didn’t have the water on yet, Irene guided me outside to a covered dining area. She took me over toward a group of people off to the side enough that they wouldn’t get heard easily but could be seen by whoever happened to be watching them. I picked out the man and three women bodyguards. The others had their backs to me as I approached. “David,” Irene started saying in...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 399 How Can I Help

What? Do those earrings cost more than her father makes a month? They weren’t even diamonds. The more I found out about those cunts doing all they could to their friend, with a happy marriage where theirs had failed, I got more pissed off. Then I got angry. Because I had made their friend’s daughter’s thirteenth birthday something she would never forget, they got furious. When the mother and daughter had gotten back to their home, they found their possessions strewn all over their front...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 400 Good Deeds and Sour Pusses

So, you have stuck with my imaginative ramblings for 400 chapters. I want to thank you all for reading what I wrote as a way to escape into a fantasy world for a little while. I hope that you have enjoyed it. Dead Writer Now to see if these two can handle the nudist lifestyle. I found that Cici’s brother was also named John, but he wasn’t John Junior. I took the two kids to my old bedroom, pointed at the toilets, and turned on the shower. If either needs to let off any steam, that is the...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 401 Office Staffing

I’m going to get out of the office before she snaps back into this reality. The young woman that works at the front desk must have been listening in because she told the girls to take a break in the lounge. Maybe, if I had the time, they could convince me to join them for a bottle of water. They moved as fast as a group of subway beggars when someone dropped a handful of change as they walked past. I did kiss the young woman on the cheek as I walked past to accept the invitation the girls...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 402 Sheltering at My Place

All I have to do is to sign and drive. What? That is what I’m doing? Looking at the four kids, I said, “Now that you have signed yourselves over to me, as your temporary guardian, you have to do what I tell you. There is a catch.” “Told you,” Tate, the fourth girl that rubbed her pussy subconsciously when agitated. “Nobody. Nobody rides for free.” “Hey, I’m not some monster, or the state wouldn’t have allowed a seventeen-year-old to take custody of kids his age and under,” I told her as I...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 403 Foundations for Learning

Molly, you are something else, and I love you for being who you are. “Well, Bob, in that we do agree. You are a damn good foreman, but not for this job site or customer. I’ve looked over the details this young provided me compared to what you have modified. You are enviable to seek to source materials with similar specifications at a lower cost from a different provider than specified. You also question the costs of doing things in the construction process which are over-engineered and...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 404 Adulthood or Not Not Found

Pain is a good motivator not to do something told will hurt. The new implant took some retraining to get used to, but once I learned to tap into it to push in what I wanted it to do and pull back the data through my shield, I found it was much like when I used to wear the goggles. The place in my head routed the information to the correct parts of my brain. I like not having to tell the place in my head to remove everything between April and me to check on her. “One final thing, David,”...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 405 Birthday Guests

So, did she figure out the riddle? “I think you are messing with my head, David,” Emily told me. “It doesn’t make sense that two girls and two boys are siblings. One of the girls is the niece to two siblings and her own aunt, but all four kids have the same parents. The girl is the daughter of one of the boys, but he isn’t her dad, and she isn’t her mother’s daughter.” I let her stew on it as we followed the gravel road around the neighborhood about to get excavated to the previously poured...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 406 Tit or Tat

Time to compare Amelia’s fitness and stamina to Analise’s. In the bathroom, I started the shower. “Deidre knows that anywhere she is close to me is a safe place for her to let down all her defenses. It is where she doesn’t have to worry about what will happen to anyone around her when she drops them,” I told her as I reached for the hem of her shirt. “My nose is much more sensitive than I expect most men are. You weren’t there wiggling like a worm because you have much better control of...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 407 Let rsquo s Party

Now, this is a birthday party that I will be able to remember fondly. “Everyone that wants to swim, into the pool. You know where to find bathing suits if you want one. It is clothing-optional for people under twenty. Everyone older can swim nude if they wish, but do it inside. Somethings kids don’t want to see,” I joked as I carefully took off my clothes, put them on the chair, and grabbed an already nude April. “Throw me, Day-id,” she giggled. I watched as those here who didn’t know...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 408 Cousins

I know she was joking. “Olive is my cousin who came in for my birthday yesterday. I got your birthday email. You are looking good, and it seems that moving out is doing you a world of good,” I told Paulette. “She and I were taking a walk as we caught up. We didn’t know we had walked to town, so I wanted to get her a phone since we were here. She wants the LG one with the case that is also a second screen. Your associate seems to think that we are morons who will pay two-grand for an iFruit...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 409 Doing for Those Who Make Do Without

What else does she need that she won’t tell me? I can’t believe I didn’t notice it before. Olive is squinting to see the names of the stores down the road. “How long have you needed glasses, Olive,” I asked. She looked down at the ground and just held my hand as we walked down the block. Finally, Olive said, “Since always, but it was never bad enough that I couldn’t read the board, and I sit in the front. Only after my boobs showed up and I got skinny again did it get worse. My parents...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 410 Interrogated With a Date

I wonder what is for dinner. “You are not taking these charges seriously,” a man said, almost screaming at me. “Any of these can see you in prison for the rest of your life, if not on death row with a very short wait.” I looked him in the eyes, which made him shiver and said, “No, it is you that have no fucking clue what you are talking about, or at least don’t know all of it because you don’t have the security clearances. Even if I was guilty of even one of them, you say I have a trillion...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 411 Re Briefing

Wander off somewhere I shouldn’t go? Really? Does this building have any areas like that? When the two female agents got me into what they used as a locker room to change for missions, one of them stripped, but the other was in pain but doing a good job not showing it. “You need to learn how to do this yourself, but Julie said that David had a lot of medical experience and could keep me from having to go to the hospital. I’m tired of the comments of other agencies that women are too weak to...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 412 Inking A Bike Deal

“We don’t have a business anymore,” the woman sitting next to me said on the verge of tears. I put my hand on her arm and said, “You just might, if you will hear me out.” Now they are all ears. I found that their shipment had enough parts to build two thousand bikes sat in the warehouse they were renting. Another was due today or tomorrow. Some digging got me the details for the people they paid to rent the warehouse. I connected to my implant to feed that data to the AI to give me the...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 413 Take Out to Move

“Desi is hanging out for a few weeks to escape her parents working to give her a sibling or two,” I said to break the tension I was feeling off them. “What happened? You look terrible. I thought things were all on track at the factory. I’m going to need a few more bikes to take home for my other toddlers and preschoolers. Long story. You wouldn’t believe me anyway.” One of the women was barely holding back the tears when she said, “I’m starting to believe that CFO stands for Certain Fuck...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 414 The Journey Home The Long Way

Chris skipped off happily, but the flight attendant grabbed me before I could get far. “Why did you go in with a boy, and now he is dressed like a girl? What did you two do in there?” she asked accusingly. Yes, Mr. Air Marshal. I see you standing off to the side. “How does that song go? Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls. It’s a mixed up muddled up shook-up world, except for Lola. While none of your business, Chris’s father asked me to help out with Chris. Besides being on the...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 415 Restaurant Meltdowns

Molly sent me a message that the integrated Molly Speaks app read, “Desi. Do not take your green, blue, or two yellow pills until after you meet me at David’s house, but take all the others. I know what that will do to you and never would do that if you were not with David. Please don’t fight it when it comes on. Just let it happen. David trusts me enough to know that I have my reasons and that you are in no danger whatsoever. He has bottles in his trunk that he will carry with you everywhere...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 416 Beauty and The Beasts

My GPS showed me to go to another of Elena’s Dad’s restaurants, but that wasn’t what Desi needed right now. She remained utterly drained from last night. Instead of little blobs of something on a plate for fifty dollars, Desi needed fat, greasy, artery-clogging goodness. The smell of sausage and coffee brought her out of her zombie-like state. I let her have coffee, but not any of the three-hundred-minute liquid caffeine shots they had by the register. I got dirty looks from her until the...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 417 Bed and Dinner

“I’m sure I don’t need to know the details of how you gathered another thirty-four kids to ride home with you, but it isn’t a problem. It will help me check out the remaining places on your route. Elena will make reservations at each of them for thirty-six. I expect plenty of chaos,” Elena’s dad told me. The food arrived first. “Ok, kids, my name is David. You are in my custody until I let someone get you to take you home, which will require that they meet with some people who will discuss...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 418 Country Road Take Me Home

Desi surprised me with how she was running the show. The two adults and their seventeen-year-old daughter were overwhelmed. All the kids were running amok. Boys were trying to get in bed with girls, siblings fighting, and everything I would have stopped. What I found out was that Desi had gotten right about to go off on all of them, as she almost had a meltdown when the boy that can make time bubbles picked up on it. He ran around to tell the others that Desi was about to lose it, and they...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 419 Wet and Wild

“I need to go find us a place to stay for the night and somewhere to eat dinner. You can get out to stretch your legs, but don’t walk away from the bus. I will be back as soon as I can,” I told them. I walked toward the no-tell motel office. Instead of going in, I walked into the breezeway. I hurried on over to the waterpark. “My name is David Jones. I have a busload of kids I’m taking to live at my foster care complex about six hours away. These kids have had a hard time with life, and a...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 420 Welcome One and All

The girl we added to the group went to say goodbye to all her Scout friends that had come on the waterpark trip. Her troop leaders helped her find some darling dresses. She put one on and put the rest with what little clothes that she brought from home. Everyone ate, changed, and was ready to get on the bus. The only thing was the bus wasn’t there. “David! Over here,” a man said from over by a tour bus. “Your office called to say that you needed a bigger ride. “This one seats sixty. My...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 421 Family Additions Like I Need More

“I have a situation that ties back to the families. I found a girl, Ellen, that has survived in the woods for over two years since she was nine. It seems like a kid that can hold her own. Now comes the fun part. She has to become a member of our family. Either I adopt her as a daughter, or I get an eleven-year-old sister. I didn’t get the details why, but I suspect it is more elite family business-related. They did say that when she gets her period that she needs a loving family around her,...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 422 Eres Tu Nuevo Hogar

After breakfast in the morning, I watched the kids show me how well they were riding their pedal-less bikes. They were having such a good time with them. Mom said that most of the kids two-and-a-half and older abandoned their tricycles and other riding toys for these bikes. While they only had them a short while, they were riding them until the kids exhausted themselves and then were back on them as soon as possible. Mom and dad spent a bit of time getting to know Ellen before going to work....

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Incredible ChangesChapter 423 Offline for Your Protection

I remember showering and Ellen telling me my phone was off, but not why. Damn! I have a catheter! Why? I checked the place in my head, and it was neon purple. It made no sense. My shield was doing as always, and I had no harmful bacteria inside me. The implant was there still. I did a quick double-check from head to toe, and I was fine. I tried to sit up, but I found myself strapped down. I knew I could snap the straps with my muscles alone, without any power from my shield or place in my...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 424 The Road More Traveled

Soon the lady cop’s kid showed up. Ellen saw them and ran full steam at one of the boys. She then pulled his pants and underwear to his ankles as she pushed him onto the ground. “Both my daddies said boys and girls are to play with their stuff in private, not outside. I’m not sorry I kicked you in the balls and pushed you down the hill. That snakeskin you found tied around your ding-dong in a bow came from the timber rattler about to bite your ding-dong. You shot your stuff right on it,”...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 425 Racial Tensions

Since the restaurant was empty, except for our group, I got them all together and said, “In the last few months, I’ve had girls of different colors and races asking me if I minded them hanging out or doing things with me because I was white. Twice since I started being your shuttle bus driver on this trip, I have heard people attacking Wally’s heritage for being Cherokee and Shoshone. You can sit here to say you are Asian-American, African American, Unicorn-American, Marshmallow-American,...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 426 School Driving Dogs and Ponies

One of the marketing types said, “David. By allowing us to use footage of you learning here, our registrations jumped dramatically for a few years, but now we see some slowdown. Your footage has gotten old and dated. Now that you are eighteen, we have a much broader range of options for marketing. For one thing, we don’t have to worry about the speed and aggressiveness limitations imposed on us when training minors. Another is what we use the video we take.” “Oh, cut the pretty talk,...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 427 Babysitting and Bambi

Desi was a whole different person, and her dad would find that out sooner rather than later. She and I had talked about it, and even as horny as she has been with her medicines adjusted now, Desi wouldn’t screw her father. It was one of those catastrophic things that would cause a significant mental break for her. Bambi was having a hard time with the driving school requirements, so I stayed here with her to offer moral support. I ended up taking the stubborn kids that said something wasn’t...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 428 Roller Coasting

“Girls, we need to get going to make it to all the places I was only planning to take Susan. We have to get you all three showered, too,” I told them before I got Susan back in my arms to carry her. I looked at their parents and brothers when I went in the girl’s heads to put a sleep-like bubble over the places in their heads that let them use their form of telepathy. Both boys high-fived and took off toward some part of the park. Their parents looked a bit lost. I saw them head over to an...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 429 Bambi and More Foster Kids

“Did you just give a teenaged girl two credit cards with no limit?” Tina’s mom asked. “Yep. I know that Bambi won’t go insane, and there isn’t anything around here where she can do all that much damage. Plus, she is ready to get home after having been here longer than expected,” I answered. “How about some breakfast in town? I know this place you won’t believe,” I told them. Tina’s dad asked, “If your friend took your car, are we taking our minivan?” “No need. I have a car waiting for us...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 430 Someone Had to Do It

One side benefit of the drugged kids is that they were easier for the doctors and nurses. Each was undressed, examined from head to toe, the girls checked for sexual assault, showered, dried, dressed in clean clothes, and put to bed. Having food on the bus let me drive through the night. Once the kids started to wake up, I drove the bus to a park where they could have some fresh air as we told them where they were going, but not how they came to be with us. That was something they were going...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 431 Janey rsquo s Got a Birthday

It looks like Bambi is going to beat me home. Freshly a legal, sixteen-year-old driver now, Janey wanted to drive again. That worked for me. I found that she was an average, soon-to-be high school sophomore. Her grades were usually As and Bs. Like most kids, she got in trouble for dumb stuff like not doing her chores, being out past curfew, and other things high school kids do. Her parents used to make sure at least one was home all the time, but when she started high school, they left her...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 433 Mandy Handy

So, what sorts of powers did I get with the federal stuff that kicked in when I turned eighteen? “I don’t know who you are yet, Mr. Jones, but I have no choice but to trust you. I ask for the same in return,” the cop told me. “Deal,” I replied. “Your partner is a twitchy ass.” The guy smiled and said, “Unofficially, on that, we agree. He shit in his pants when you plucked out the barbs like they were mosquitos. Officially, I’m not about to even try to piss off someone that moves as quickly...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 434 Kicking Asses Without Taking Name

I bet that got your hands moving. You have maternity leave if you choose not to use those golden slippers. Mandy’s parents rushed through the title paperwork for the new cars, houses, and everything else to do all the things to make the house I gave them as theirs free and clear, well except for property taxes, which in that area is less than three months of rent on the trailer where they previously lived. The place in my head showed that Mandy and her mom didn’t have their cycles in sync....

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Incredible ChangesChapter 435 What Do We Have Here

Time to make more friends before I meet this unknown enemy. “Get your girls out of here as fast as they can. Something is coming that puts them in danger. I don’t want them used as pawns for this person who doesn’t fear what they should,” I told Mr. Big. “Whatever is coming will be in the area outside of town where I am going to have a meet and greet with them. At their current rate of speed, your girls should be at a safe distance by then, I hope. I’m not as I was when they last got near...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 436 She rsquo s the Girl in the Rock

Time to show they are all outclassed. When my first match started, the dick came out talking shit and acting cocky. Being a black-belt match in this discipline, I had to get five points. I toyed with the guy for the first ninety seconds of the two minutes. He hadn’t gotten even close to scoring. “Bored yet?” I asked. “I am. Are you warmed up yet? The girls can do better than your best so far.” Don’t you know to control your anger? In the next fifteen seconds, I had my five points, and...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 438 Let Me Introduce Ellen My Daughter

Way to be a father, David, and scold Ellen for once. I got her plenty to eat when she stopped crying and apologizing. I hated to do that so harshly, but she seemed to have needed it. “I have plenty for you to eat, Ellen, when you are ready,” I told her after she blew her nose and wiped her eyes. She was ravenous, and I had to stop at the next exit to let her hit the throne while I got her more to eat. We ate there until Ellen had crapped out pretty much everything inside her gut besides...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 439 Girls Will Be Boys

Time to show the boys around here that Terry isn’t the only girl who can hold her own with guys. Ellen came back with Terry looking much worse for wear. “I promise. I didn’t do it. That little jerk thought he was going to show Terry that she was only a girl,” Ellen said. “When I got done with him, he looked much worse than she does. How does something that stupid manage to survive?” “Because we are humans and not animals, Ellen,” I told her. Terry may not mind being naked at my house with...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 440 Rachael Rides Again

Oh. Come on! She is only fifteen! Can’t they at least ask me first? “Terry said not to let you even start to bitch about me not asking before using your dick to be my first,” the girl told me. “Your aunt called my mom and said that her nephew David was visiting. If I wanted to have a safe, disease-free, long cock and a guy who could go all day and night, then to get my butt over here. Just let me use your dick until you can’t get hard again, or I can’t fuck anymore. I should be safe, but if...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 441 What Do Mopeds and

I know that they want, but do I want to ride that moped? How does that joke go? What do mopeds and big women have in common? “Damn! He does have a long dick. Maybe it is long enough to pop our cherries and let us feel one in us if he will do it with us,” the biggest of the five women said. Another asked, “Do you think he would do it with us? I mean, I just turned sixteen last week. He is eighteen and even wore out the ice cunts.” Four of them went off into another room to keep...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 442 Bad Families

I wonder what his story is and why he got drawn to Ellen. Ellen sent in the boy she had found to play with here, and as soon as I saw him, I knew him. I watched the realization on his face when he sort of recognized me. I showed him a picture of me from before Paula’s accident. He asked, “Darren?” in his family language, to which I replied, “Darren is dead. I’m David.” “You smell like Darren and have his eyes,” he whispered in my ear. I whispered back, “I also have children with Mary,...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 443 Roller Coasters and Big Balls

Ellen won’t put anything in there until it stops hurting. After the doctors cleared Ellen to get dressed, the gynecologist told me that the pills Ellen would be taking, four times a day for two weeks, were more than just antibiotics. They had a lot of different hormones Ellen needed to balance out her body. It also contained meds that would make Ellen’s clit, vagina, and uterus ache if she started to play with herself. Getting aroused without touching herself was ok. An orgasm shouldn’t be...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 444 Grateful Naturists

Why didn’t I expect that being here now would cause this to happen? It never even crossed my mind that Molly and I had been here during this same week when we visited years ago. I rocked on the porch swing at the cabin, giving Ellen the chance to enjoy herself without being close enough to make her hold back around the other kids. Even if I was only eighteen, having any parent around always made me not want to do things that weren’t even bad, but I thought they might be, so I didn’t risk...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 445 D eacute j agrave vu Again

The boy has his towel around his neck, and the girls have theirs around them. All three kids were from different families, and none were eating in the dining area tonight. Ellen went to the cabin to get beach blankets that I laid them on after re-rolling them in their towels. I borrowed some of the dishtowels to roll up to make pillows for their head. Ellen went over to nudge them from time to time to get them to wake up, but they would roll over to go back to sleep. “Daddy,” Ellen told...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 447 Not a Sole Savior

More like show them what the tornado would have been done to them if they hadn’t found shelter or gotten dragged to shelter. “Before any of you say anything about Ellen and me saving lots of lives, we didn’t. All we did was tell people to get to cover. I may have grabbed a few that couldn’t keep up, but so did all the bigger kids. Everyone worked together. If anyone needs recognition, it is Ellen. She felt something wasn’t right and found me so we could tell the camp office,” I told...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 448 Clearing the Air

I probably should tell him the rest, but that wild boar looks like dinner to me. Leigh and Kirsten’s father, Irving, may have taught his girls and Ellen’s dad survival skills that kept Ellen alive after her father died, but he didn’t have my reflexes. Before he could get his shotgun off his shoulder and put a shell in the chamber, I had side-stepped the boar’s charge and kicked it hard between his head and shoulders. That broke his neck, and he skidded to a stop at Irving’s feet. Irving...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 450 You Robot

A woman’s phone announced loudly, “Warning. Right leg temperature is critical. Cooling system fault. Emergency shutdown in progress. Locking into a standing position. Left leg put into a low-power state. Repair services dispatched. ETA, three minutes to your location. Live GPS tracking of child enabled.” Now that is new. I knew the five that came with the kids here were androids, but no one else in the dining area did. “Please refrain from attempting to get a view of the procedure we will...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 451 Questions Answers Confusion

“Come on then, Ellen, let’s hit the road,” I told her. She survived on skills and instinct, so I have no reason to question her intuition. We had locked the gate behind us. While filling the gas on the rented jeep, I got a ping on my implant. Molly had a message that told me, “Ellen stays acutely attuned to her environment. Unwanted parties are en route to the camp to discuss matters best not discussed with you at this time. This group is not interested in your digital friend’s technology...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 452 Hunted Hunters

How did she learn about GPS coordinates? Wait, what is she using to get GPS coordinates accurate down to two feet or less? She didn’t even have anywhere to put a radio. I didn’t get an answer to that question, but Ellen regularly called out on the radio the GPS location and elevations where she found one of the people who tried to escape when they found that the attempt to kill me fucked up. “Suspect located, but unable to approach due to canine unit refusing to stand down,” someone said...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 453 Bad Little Girl

What do I do with this bad little girl? Molly had cooled off after a good night’s sleep, so she wasn’t about to start back into whatever was going on between her and April. “Camden’s home is complete, and they have taken up residence during your absence,” Molly said flatly. April started to say something, and a look from me stopped her. Molly flicked over her phone and started sending me updates to my phone, and thus I could use my implant to access them quickly. With the kids from my...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 454 I Don rsquo t Play Favorites

Tanesha will need someone to tell her the truth about what is going on with her brother and cousin, not give her glossed-over bullshit. A girl that lived here came over to sit with me and ask, “Why did you have them take a blind girl up to your suite when you say she is freaked out by whatever happened to her brother and cousin? Isn’t that a bit of a dick move?” “If Tanesha weren’t blind, it would be a dick move. In her case, she will fall back on survival skills for a person who lost their...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 455 This Isn rsquo t How You Fucking Party

Oh, what fun this party is going to be tomorrow. Becky and I worked out the fun for tomorrow, so she wasn’t angry anymore but was horny. We fucked all over my penthouse before she dropped on the bed. I cleaned us both before spooning up behind her for the first time I can remember. She never slept over after working on getting pregnant again. In the morning, she got up early and asked, “Do you think I should keep any pussy hair? I like being bare, but it shows I’m a woman, you know?” We...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 456 You No Mess With Lo Wang

Is it wrong to re-fill the energy she used in the gym, hitting my hands when trying to land a punch on me? When the girl jumped into my arms, crying, she had beaten the living shit out of every boy and girl who came into the suite that had ever sexually abused her. I did find that Crimilda wouldn’t stop until all of them were bloody, bruised, and had long gotten hit enough times for them to start begging her not to hit them anymore. When they were all crying and cringing, Crimilda turned in...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 457 My Parental Responsibilities

I’m not a deadbeat dad, am I? I mean, Becky got pregnant with all the others without me knowing and has never asked me to help out, and I know I offered a few times already. When I got home after fucking Becky raw, per her request, I checked on the girls. Both lay passed out on top of their beds. Ellen was in pajamas, with panties, but already soaked in sweat. I turned down the AC in her room, used the place in my head to make sure she had nothing in her pussy, changed her into dry clothes,...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 458 I rsquo m Not a Therapist Nor Do I Play One on the Internet

“Why were you fighting getting off?” I asked Trudy’s friend. Some questions I shouldn’t ask. “Because I don’t want people to think I’m a slut,” Trudy’s friend explained. “You see how easily I came once I stopped fighting it. The boys that did it with me, even if they seem not to have popped my cherry, made me cum just poking around before they got off. The last time the boy told everyone I loved fucking so much, I came faster than a boy, and thus I must be a slut. Before my pussy could even...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 459 Can I Fix It Uh Huh I Think So

Time to go find out what is up with the other houses. As I got to the next home under dispute, I had the contract punch list of the upgrades they requested. “It clearly states stainless-steel appliances, but these are brown,” the woman started bitching. I waited for her to settle down and then said, “These are stainless steel, specifically the Tuscan Stainless Steel you requested because the slate stainless steel was too dark, and regular stainless was too shiny. Those are the only three...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 460 How Can I Suck at Shooting Pool

She isn’t wrong. Playing pool only involves angles, just enough power, and knowing where to hit the cue ball to make it move how you want. I am a grandmaster in all martial arts. How can I suck so bad at it? “After all that we discussed, son, it looks like shooting pool is at least one of the places you need more practice. I bet you still suck at bowling, too,” dad told me. “It is good to know that there are still some things your old man is better at doing than you.” I can’t believe I am...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 461 How Did I Become a Teacher

I’m glad I don’t need the pay or benefits. The first part of the day was for the kids to get tours of the new school and grounds. They would then have an assembly after lunch. For the rest of the day, they went to each of their classrooms, gym, art, and extra-curricular activities they were doing. I did my new employee paperwork. Since I didn’t care one bit about the money and had no need for any benefits, it was merely a formality. The money they would have paid me went into a fund to pay...

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