Edible Aubrey indian porn

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 253 Now Where Was I

What am I getting myself into now? I was about to leave when I heard the sounds of someone slowly moving along the wall to find their way in the dark. Eventually, Carrie emerged with another girl in tow. The girl with Carrie, name Angel, is best described as a girl resulting from sex between a waif and fairy. She had white-blonde hair and eyebrows, bright piercing blue eyes, who was almost as tall as I, and with barely enough fat in her body to give her small breasts, but not any butt. She...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 254 Finally On The Road Home

How did we do all of that and still get on the road on time? We filled up the rental, grabbed breakfast, and made it through the next big city before their rush hour kicked in fully. I was able to get up to eighty and not worry about getting a ticket unless the speeds dropped down below seventy. When we stopped to pick lunch, I texted mom to say I would be home to stay tonight before continuing to Karen’s house. She texted me back to say she wasn’t going to tell Trudy or the four naked girls...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 257 Seek No More

That got the laughs I wanted. There were three ambulances out in the parking lot with paramedics trying to make sure it was safe to transport the girls to the hospital before they left. All three girls were fighting all attempts the paramedics did to examine them. They weren’t even letting anyone get their vitals. I went to the first ambulance to talk to the paramedic. I asked him if I could have a minute or two with the girl to see if I could calm her down. I explained how one of the other...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 258 Strange Ailments

What is wrong with Molly? “I’m taking her to the ER. She isn’t ever cuddly like this, not even with me. Molly’s is almost limp like a rag doll. Her breathing is normal, and I can feel her heartbeat is fine, but she didn’t even respond when I pinched her just now,” I told them as I got the door open. “Can you call ahead and let her parents know?” I had the place in my head only show me any bad energy inside her and anything making her unresponsive. All I saw was the bad energy from a few...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 259 Molly Watching

I’m tired of hanging out here anyway. Maybe the nurses will need some help in the ICU. When I came into the ICU, there were three nurses on duty. I got a few odd looks until they saw my badge and then recognized my name. “My, what a big boy you have become, David,” one of the ICU nurses joked. I just smiled back to say, “You have no idea.” From the blush, I’m sure she has a good idea. “The night shift nurse said that you were a great help last night and this morning. Your friend in the...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 260 Wake Up Princess

What a majorly fucked up mess. Those cops have their work cut out for them. Once the cops, Human Resources, and the hospital lawyers left, the doctor managed to still get another three hours of sleep, in my arms, before needing to get up. Since the room had a lock and shower, she told me to stay put. Sex was over a line she wasn’t going to cross. I’m cool with that. Taking a shower with me, however, seemed fine to her. After showering, we ate in the cafeteria before going our separate...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 261 My Parents Are Away

Will Molly follow his instructions or think she knows better? It was almost my birthday when I finally came home from the hospital with Molly. I found that my parents had planned out a pretty good vacation. They were taking a transatlantic cruise out from Florida to Denmark. From there, they would tour Europe, staying and eating at Elena’s family properties. I tried not to laugh when they said they were spending two nights at this bed and breakfast near Toledo. I showed them where to find...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 262 Eating the Neighbors

“Well, that’s new,” I said to cut the tension a bit. Carrie slipped off into the crowd. Jess hooked her arm through mine to take me inside the house and then into my parent’s room. She gave me a big kiss on the lips and a big hug. “I can’t believe Carrie is so desperate that she found those losers online to screw her last night,” Jess said so that only I could hear her. “My parents and I knew what she had done before they even got near her. We made it so that she snuck into the pool cage,...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 263

Why don’t Elise’s parents look the least bit surprised that I know Anna? Elise and her parents drove off in the beaten-up minivan. Anna got into one of Elise’s family’s cars, and the person that drove the van here got into the other. I left first, and instantly, I could feel a seeker nearby with someone who could detect Elise, if she was still the same as when she slid onto my dick last night. The seeker wanted to be a seeker and hated all of those like us for no reason whatsoever. She just...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 264 Ghostly Visitors

Why do they want to come inside? Isn’t that against all sorts of Halloween rules? “Can we go up to your room please David,” one of the teenaged boys asked. “We need to talk about something with you.” Ok. It is a bit odd, but these kids can’t exactly hurt me, and there is no way they will get close to Nelly or the babies. In my room, they stripped. The girls all got on the floor to spread their legs and hot pockets. Each boy was sporting a boner. One of the boys got between the...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 265 Message For You Sire

Who told the clothes crew that I had a bike messenger job? Molly’s mom bonded with the babies, especially since she decided that she wasn’t having any more to focus on giving her children much more of her attention now. For the time being, she offered to watch them during the week and weekends when my parents went out of town for a romantic weekend. Once mom had left with the babies, I had some unexpected visitors, and a request. “Mister David,” one of the women I knew swapped out the...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 266 Is This Life

What the heck is it about people wanting to know if Celia or her sister were putting out. “I have no idea. Celia’s only twelve, and I don’t even think about having sex with middle school girls anymore. I’m pretty sure I probably did when I was in middle school,” I told the mother of Celia’s best friend, who so happened to be a boy. “As far as I know, the kids are treating her like a leper because she did some dumb human trick to impress some kids. She did say some boy came over to see if he...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 267 Three Bagging

Who do I know that has eight kids in high school at the same time? The girl in the shower with me went on to say, “There is come crazy genetic oddity in my family. It affects all the girls in every other generation. It is sort of like that thing in South America where a kid is a boy but looks like a girl when born. Then at puberty, his dick pops out, and his pussy goes away. After you cum inside me, so I can get pregnant again, I will prove it to you.” I got a ping in my head that she was...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 268 As The World Turns

Life is going great, so why do I think there is something about to change? I got my answer an hour before the end of the day. “David, come into my office and close the door. We need to have a chat,” the boss said. Once inside, but not seated because the only chair in his office was behind his desk, he told me, “I don’t have time to waste here. You’re a kid and don’t need this job to pay rent or buy food. I hate to do it, kid, but I got to can you. In all my years working here, I haven’t...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 269 Retribution and Repayment

Hmmm. I wonder what else needs discussing? Corwin finally had a decent meal, even if that was in the form of something on par with a baby food shake. She had rested well and was awake for a short while as she nursed the babies again. No one had told her I was here and that she hadn’t imagined it. “Feeling better, I see. Someone contacted me and let me know that you needed me, so here I am. We made beautiful babies, Corwin. I’m sorry that they caused you such trouble,” I told her as I sat on...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 270

Who do I visit first? Skylar or Mary? It turns out that my next stop was Camden. She had her baby six weeks premature. The baby was perfectly healthy and doing well. I didn’t find out what she needed until I arrived. “The doctor told me that I’m clear to have sex, and I just ovulated. I want you to get me pregnant again if I can,” Camden explained. “Though that isn’t the biggest reason. Bambi is horny. She had seven different discrete boys whose parents let her stay over regularly. In fact,...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 271 Pop Ins

Bambi didn’t have sex with me once in the hotel room with her friends. Corwin loved having me there with her, but it was driving her crazy that her body still hadn’t gotten ready to have sex again. Tee and Dee didn’t want me ever to leave, but one more night of Bambi screwing me nonstop, and they sided with Corwin that I should go, but try to come to see them sometimes. I drove the car someone left at Corwin’s house for me to where the GPS directed me. There inside a small hanger was one of...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 272 Reuniting Siblings

All their power and money can’t replace the love of their families. The man of the house asked if I wouldn’t mind visiting an additional day or two since I seemed to be the only person his four Autistic children bonded with as soon as they found me. Not having anything else to do, I agreed. I’ve never seen happier, carefree children than the sets of twins as the handyman removed the hidden panels from the doors secured behind them. All four were still naked, but that didn’t last for long....

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 273 Do I Have Limits

Why did it change me from a secure landing area near home to here? When I landed on the top of Steve’s building, I found a pilot there wearing a pressure suit like I should have been worn but didn’t have the time to change and never considered stopping somewhere to put it on. Whatever they used to camouflage the planes made it appear to be a commercial helicopter. The pilot did a quick set of checks before climbing in and having it seem to be spinning up the rotors for takeoff. I slipped...

5 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 274 Testing My Limits

Now seemed like this a good time for me to do this power testing with the succubus. I need a safe outlet for my anger, and this is perfect. As we walked through the maze of hallways, underground tunnels, various elevators, and then a long stairway down, my connection into the elder’s phone and laptop remained active. My anger continued to build as he began to provide me the data on what he was finding out. I don’t care if everyone even remotely involved with blinding these two children died...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 275 Unlimited or Untestable Limits

With power cables bigger around than her legs, I can see why she is worried. “Riley, I’m not worried at all,” I told her as I rubbed her back. “I thought you knew that people like me enjoy pure bliss, and unnaturally strong climaxes, from playing with lightning. The bigger the storm, the better. Between us, I think this is more to test how much power this testing facility can draw in before it burns something out. I’ve never done this with generated electricity before. I have pulled all the...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 276 Test Dummy

Where is this heading? Does the man-in-the-machine have some bigger plan for me? While happy to get a chance to work out in an exoskeleton again, I didn’t quite like that it was in front of an audience. At least I’m not the only Guinea pig strapped into an exoskeleton. I turned out to be the easiest to get into the exoskeleton. So easy that the staff helped me get back out of it to help the seven girls and three boys into the ones they were going to be demonstrating. All ten were...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 277 The Fish You Can Find

What have I gotten myself into now? I expected a fight when I slid the love tunnel scrubber, the nurse’s name for it, not mine, onto my finger, and then got it positioned to help clean the shit out of the wrong hole. Are girls on this ward so bad about getting shit, or other nasty things, in their pussies so often that someone made this tool? I couldn’t even imagine anything like this existing. Instead of a fight, the girl contorted her body around until she had her arms behind her knees....

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 278 Can I Be A God

I can see that. So, what now? Since I had arrived by stealth aircraft, Steve gave me a ride home. He talked about how much better Paula continues to remember at home, but also that she remembered a lot from when I took her around places that would help her remember. He had some more suggestions but said Paula was going to have to earn those trips, or even sex with me, by getting her strength back up. Lately, she has been refusing to do physical therapy at home because it makes her sweat and...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 279 Meeting the Families

Never thought of it that way. Mary and Skylar’s fathers had many wives. Did they not come from outside of their family? Without the four girls here, I’m sure there will be other families who encourage their daughters to try to have me impregnate them, just to keep up with the Jones. They are going to be out of luck. To keep from being a distraction from “business,” I went to my room to dress in shorts and a button-up, short-sleeved blue linen shirt, plus sandals. I didn’t know how to call...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 280 Don t Mess with My Friends

What sort of revenge has Elena been plotting? She doesn’t look mean, Elena looked scary. After we ate, including “David,” Elena laid out what was going to happen over the next two days. “David” was still an unknown to the people here other than he came here with Molly and Elena. Someone incorrectly assumed that Molly must be a fuck toy Elena brought along. There were going to be some rude awakenings. “So here is the start of the plan,” Elena told us. “Darren, you are going to be busy with...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 282 Risa and Family

Why don’t I remember her? Did I even see her or wash her without even noticing her? “Today, I smelled a familiar scent and then heard your voice. My juices instantly soaked my panties, and that has never happened before. I need you, Darren. I’m not a virgin, and I haven’t been for years, so you need not worry about that causing me pain. In advance, I will apologize for any times I may call you David,” she told me as she reached down to play with my dick. I kissed the top of her head before...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 283 Moving Friends

What is this place? It looks like a medieval castle built in the nineteen seventies. Risa was excitedly waiting for me to arrive. She rushed me into an office filled with grumpy older men that looked bothered that we were taking up their time. Being cordial, they all stood and shook my hand. “Nice to meet you, gentleman. My name is Darren. Risa requested I see if I could assist her,” I explained. Four of the men’s expressions showed they dismissed me as another kid too young for their...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 284 Chilling by the Pool

“Who wants to go skinny dipping?” I asked the kids on the bus. They are all for it. Only a few still had clothes on by the time I parked the bus by the guest house. Once the naked kids all tore off at a run for the pool, carrying their clothes and shoes, I looked at the others. “Ok, come on. We can get you cleaned up in the guest house, and no one will know you weren’t able to hold it any longer,” I told the kids still on the bus. “It was a long ride, and we didn’t take enough bathroom...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 285 Time to Vanish

Does anyone here, at least those old enough, not know the look on his face and why the girl pushes him out of the way to get more food? If they didn’t know that look, they got that his dick was hanging limply out of his fly, a bit of semen oozing from his pee hole, and a spit-shined shaft. The girl having a bit of sperm at the corner of her mouth made what happened completely clear. The woman, who I think was the touch-adverse, possibly autistic, mute girl’s mother, told me, “If I hadn’t...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 286 Flying the Happy Skies

No wonder I got the text to make sure I had one of my bags of rubbers in my laptop bag. I had on a pair of long boxer-briefs under my board shorts and a plan. The girl texted back and forth, occasionally dropping her hand down to diddle her hard clit, at least until she realized where she was, all the way up until they told us to turn off electronic devices. When it was our turn to take off, the girl scooted over against the thin console separating our seats. As the jet started moving...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 287 Return Trip through Hell Atlanta

Back in my seat, I carefully climbed over Jules to try to get some sleep. The flight attendant came over to hand me a comfy pillow and a big blanket. I covered up and went to sleep. How is there a fully naked girl sleeping on me, and I didn’t notice? Wait. Where did she go? Is this a dream? Something is weird. Weirder than usual for me these days. I must be dreaming. People don’t appear for a second or two and then disappear again, can they? For the next few minutes, I found the naked girl...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 288 Time Travels

Time to time travel Yuri back into time. The woman and three girls gasped as Yuri started phasing in for a part of every second. She held my hand as we walked into the center of the chamber. In the middle, they had a padded table with these monstrously thick cables coming out of the floor. A tech came into the room with a heavy cart. From behind me, the tech checked to see how things from the cart fit against my back, butt, and legs. Once the technician had what was needed, the items went...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 290 Side Show Hell

An opportunity I can’t pass up. It can only help boost Darren’s reputation. Using my phone, I reached out to the place where I found was how I could “broadcast” my need for the silent jets. I didn’t want one of them to extract Amelia and her team, as that would raise too many questions, even with their advanced training. They gave me back some details regarding where to go, and when to be there, and to expect something unusual. That can be anything given the silent planes. I thanked the...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 291 Mind Games

She is a monster or at least became one. Will that happen to me? Who can keep me in check? Would lava even affect me? For the first time I can recall, the place in my head asked me what I wanted to do. What should I do? Through the implant in my head, I heard hundreds of thousands of voices. These are from those who fled her reaching into their minds to try to communicate. Each said the same thing. It was time for her to return to her place of birth to die along with her equally immortal...

5 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 292 This Is Yours

The room fills with their pheromones, and yet none could maintain their arousal if they tried to act on their lust. I’m not here to fuck them, and we all know it. Melinda and Rain refused to allow me to dress. They needed skin on skin contact with me. Many did things to them against their will. Others were permitted to do something to them in exchange for what they needed to remain alive. Each came to peace with those things already. It was the things they did with their abilities that...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 293 Banging with the Jones

I never thought about it, but it does seem that people would call us insane if we even tried to discuss that we might have some powers and abilities most humans did not. Zander did his best to get me outside of the complex and away without the others being able to intercept me. He succeeded, except for things he could not control. Tommy had abilities that none of the others knew about, and I was the only other person that he told. Waiting for me on the path back toward where I rescued...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 294 ISS

I never thought about going into space. What the hell else do these aircraft do? The three kid’s total disbelief that I was taking them to the International Space Station quickly dissolved as we slowly approached the place my visor was showing me. It guided me toward one of the docking ports on the side. Before I could figure out how the hell we were going to dock with the space station, a robotic arm began taking things from an external location to reconfigure the docking port. The nose of...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 295 Corrections

“Please start without us. We shouldn’t be too long,” I told everyone else. I took the guy through the door into the kitchen area and found him a spot in front of a hot stove. There was a lovely selection of extremely sharp knives behind me. I just stood there staring at him. “What did you want to talk about,” he finally asked a slight bit arrogantly. Are you that dense? After letting him sweat it, literally, for another minute, I asked if he knew who I was and followed by questioning the...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 296 Choo Choo

Can this be real? Oh, I hope so. I spoke so that only the older woman, with the loud opinions about me and the girls from my sleeping compartment having a meal in the elite dining car, and the other woman with her could hear me. “You’re an arrogant little shit! How dare you threaten me. Do you know who I am,” she asked at full volume. I did and proceeded to tell her all about who she was, including her four affairs that resulted in her seven bastard children that she told her husband were...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 297 Hijacked on the Rails

We stopped, and I didn’t even notice. I found something to put on and went up to the observation car to check out where we stopped. As I looked around, I saw Kirsten turn and look right at me. Eva and Gabby were fighting to keep her from running back to the train. I also saw the girl who woke up in my arms. She saw me, waved, and then signed that she was sorry we didn’t get to screw. She wanted to do it with me because of my amazing body, but all the other school groups on the train found...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 298 Thumbing A Lift

Like I had to beg to get a seat in the van they called. The two small children the kidnappers held at knifepoint were more than happy to sit on my lap with the seat belt going over our laps. I hugged them close to me as we drove. Now both girls I had seen having sex, with the two boys they took up to the observation area, were squirming all over the place in their seats. I found out the drive would take hours to get to our destination. The two little kids started falling asleep, so when we...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 299 Quite Peculiar Parents

“That was completely odd, but I won’t complain one bit. I can save a lot on train tickets to and from work,” she told me. I could see why as soon as I saw the ticket price, even though this was a local train versus an express. We only rode for two stops, but the distance was enough that it was too far to walk or bike to work. The government taxes cars heavily here, and the bus lines were such odd routes that she needed to make two transfers to get close enough to her home to walk. Once we...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 300 Righting a Very Wrong

And now I wait to see what or if she will tell me anything about her past. She was lost in the scene outside the train window for a long time before finally turning to me to say, “Compared to my family, Teri’s family is ultra-progressive. I’ve never gotten a reason why my parents treated us like the most precious treasures in the world that they must hide away from the world. One day a man comes into our home with his son to stay with us. We bonded instantly. I had just turned eleven. He was...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 301 Speed Training Days

Time for a training day, or three. Jasmine still looked at me like I had two heads as we walked into what appeared to be the offspring of a dojo and heavily padded cell in a mental ward. I could throw Jasmin as hard as I could at the wall, and at most, she might get a rug burn from the material covering the walls. “I’m pretty sure that the hundreds of small computers build into the exoskeleton are programmed with all of the self-defense moves you’re about to learn. It will almost instantly...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 302 Business or Pleasure

I could use a nice fuck. Hell, I think I can even do a nasty fuck after dealing with the shit with Gabriella’s and Jasmine’s families. The powerful women took us through her “brothel,” for lack of a better description, to outside a room marked private. She explained that the girls inside were excellent at their trade, which made them arrogant and cocky. It seems that they say no one can get them off. Girls can’t get their motors running, and guys can’t last more than seconds in their tight...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 303 Duty Free

I guess I better make sure I get home before my birthday, or I will be in deep shit with a lot of people. Here I’m the most powerful person in the world, but I’m worried about pissing people off by missing them celebrating my birthday. A check of my phone did indeed show that I didn’t have any other obligations that needed my direct attention. Corwin, Mary, and Skylar began handing some of my affairs where I didn’t need to intervene. One area involved finding out if any of the families still...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 304 Paula Play Date

Time to see Paula’s progress. Following my parent’s wishes, as part of my being on “house arrest” until after my birthday, I hopped on the newly updated version of my messenger bike. There was a note from the factory thanking me for beating the hell out of their previous models so that they could improve their bike designs. Hmm. I guess one downside with this much muscle is that the companies designed bikes for smaller and leaner riders. Before I got my license, I would never have thought...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 305 Reacquainting

I like how Sarah blushed when she saw me walk in with Paula. The three guys were there again today, but all dressed. Jackie didn’t get any shit for Paula when she handed Paula a sports bra and biking shorts to wear for working out today. Sarah made a very cutting remark about the guys not performing adequately and that if I remained, it would be too distracting. The guys had to prove that they had some other skills than what they had shown her so far. If they didn’t prove their worth, they...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 306 Tandra and Deidre

Hmm. What was Tandra going to say? “Well, that isn’t how I wanted this to go,” Tandra told me. “Brutal little girl, isn’t she. I suspect someone set me up to come here to have me finally talk to you about that day. It was all my fault about lightning striking you. I’ve heard you say how you felt off that whole day and part of the day before. Now I get it. You were the only person who was nice to me all the time. I had some girls who I thought were my friends. We had hung out together for a...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 307 Seek Me Not

Time to make introductions. Will any of them want to have their ability removed? I went outside to find that there were dozens of seekers spread out around my house trying, badly, to look inconspicuous. My implant pinged me with their names and locations, as well as those of their “handlers.” In one of the cars, it marked the three girls, who didn’t have names available, that I had “burned out” at the school board meeting. I went right toward them first. How did these people get to the...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 308 Birthday Waiting

So now I’ve caught up with most of my friends. What are my parents planning for my birthday, anyway? To say Deidre wasn’t interested in anything remotely sexual was an understatement. Chrissy had come over with a group of girls and guys. Chrissy and two girls I know changed into just barely-there bikinis that gave a hint at the shape of the dark nipples and hairy muff if they hadn’t shaved bald. The other girls had on a one-piece. I could see tan lines on two girls, and they wore a bikini...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 309 Birthday with Friends and Babies

What is there not to like about this arrangement? Two topless girls in just panties. Wait, make that all the girls are topless only in panties. When the movies finished, the girls all headed to the nursery to change the newborns and April. From there, they headed upstairs to shower after Emily and Elise got the babies in the crib or bassinet. I walked into the nursery to see Dolly. “I don’t know what they have planned, but they are taking up my shower, and I haven’t gotten to shower off the...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 310 He was just Seventeen

Well, it looks like I’m going to bed without any more pussy tonight. At least Deidre loves to cuddle with me. When we landed, it turned into mass confusion. Outside the terminal was a woman with bags for Elena and the two toddlers dressed for sleeping on the flight. Plans had changed, so she needed to be there first thing in the morning. The woman was one of the girl’s nannies getting to take a working vacation overseas, with a magically appearing valid U.S. passport. I got a hug from...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 311 Summertime Easy Living

After whatever the virtual session with “me” did in your head to break you of needing to fuck me, I’m not worried. If it ends up inside you, then it does. It did. Twice in the night, one of us went to shift to get comfortable only to find my cock buried inside her. As soon as we noticed it, she pulled it out of her or, I did. “Please, leave it in there unless you need to go to the bathroom,” Chrissy said. “It took me forever to get back to sleep the last two times we pulled it out. We...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 312 Resorting to Relaxation

Molly so doesn’t need me to connect her computer gear. She is using me to reach out to do the scans. When we arrived, multiple people came out to greet the car. Chrissy’s new friend for the next two weeks introduced herself before putting Chrissy in a golf cart and heading to parts unknown. April and my siblings each had a nanny. None of the ones I met were wet nurses. Mom decided to completely wean the babies off breast milk once and for all. It was the best way she thought to do it. Part...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 313 How may I serve you

I never thought about being a waiter. I invited them, so I guess I have to feed them too. I started with appetizers. I went to the back to find one of the computers and found it unlocked, which was good because I didn’t need to try to find a way to hack it. I didn’t know the table numbers, so I had to go up to the front to get it off the stand. I quickly entered the appetizer orders. The staff in the back aren’t questioning the order coming in, so that is cool. I went back to get what they...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 314 The Big Questions

That is the sixty-thousand dollar question. One of the girls thought it over for a minute before answering, “I can’t speak for other girls or women, but the question of why is the reason I am in therapy. She and I have known each other forever. We are great at making people think we’re smart because we are quiet and keep to ourselves. But let us face reality, David. She and I are smart enough that we won’t be cooking fries for the rest of our lives, but just barely. We’ve known this all our...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 315 Days of Feasts

Avery texted me to ask what I was doing for dinner tonight. When I called her back, she said, “So are you going to have a monster-sized thirty-ounce steak or show them their sushi-eating contest isn’t a challenge?” “Can I do both,” I asked back. After she asked someone, Avery came back to say, “Sushi and Steak it is then. We will meet you at their Asian-themed resort building. The restaurant straight back from the front doors. You can’t miss it.” “I need to go change first. I’m only...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 318 Fiery End

Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to hammer I go. For the next three days, we worked on the Habitat for Humanity builds their family was sponsoring. The build was going quickly now that all the concrete for the foundations passed inspection. On the fourth day, things felt off. The work started ok, but I started noticing we got a lot more volunteers right after lunch. Terrance said that happened on Fridays sometimes. I doubt mercenaries and private security guys, and gals volunteer to build houses for...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 319 Power Abhors A Vacuum

I know that. What is the big news that brought three women from almost halfway around the world to my house? Camden’s eyes went wide when she heard the three girls speaking the variant of the Elder’s language the families used to have a common language. Camden didn’t know it. I did and needed to be very careful in how I joined the conversation. “What language are you speaking? I seem to be able to pick up spoken languages easily from hearing them, but I don’t think I’ve heard that one...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 320 Jess and Paula

Time to clean the pool before something else pops up. It will need it to handle the increased load of people using it. Chrissy and her friends decided that it was an excellent time to raid the refrigerator in the garage since that was a gray area concerning needing to dress appropriately. Mom bought a commercial one when Chrissy and Trudy started to bring friends over during the summer. They stayed out of the fridge in the kitchen as a result. Mom had hired some service that came every few...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 321 I Need to Buy a Bank

Pay him? I thought that this was a done deal before he burned alive? “I’m confused. Since Darren died, and his three wives don’t take power until the next day, don’t you get a pass? Shouldn’t it still go to his wives instead?” I asked, before commenting. “Now I’m sure that he was a much better man than me. I have a lot of girls who are my friends, but we aren’t intimate. He took on three wives.” I let them believe I slipped off in my mind for a bit. The naked girl in my lap said, “You both...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 322 Secrets and Neighborhood Investing

I don’t know when the girls are leaving, but I can’t sit around here and let that money, jewels, and gold sit in my dad’s office. Dad hadn’t yet gone into his office, so he had no idea how little space remained inside. He waited until dinner finished, cleaned up, and my guests headed up to my room, or the guestroom, before asking mom and me to join him in his office. “You need a bigger office,” I joked as he came in last. It was a tight fit. Once sure no one would disturb us, Dad said, “I...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 323 How the Lesser Halves Live

I can sense the mercenaries out there keeping watch over the girls. No one is going to fart anywhere near the girls and get away with it. Our walk was followed one of the paths around a lake between some rundown apartment buildings, a school that needed significant work, and a playground that had seen better days. We passed a mother with two young children playing happily even though their pants had holes in the knees. The mother’s clothes were old and faded, but clean and in good shape. In...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 324 Can rsquo t They Leave Me Alone

That might be a first! Camden wanted some private time, and only my parents were home. I’m sure they will want some private time too. From when we went to bed until she needed to shower before her aunt and uncle came to get her, we screwed in every position Camden knew, and then some. Except for the first time she came, Camden called me Darren. I didn’t mind that Camden went off into her little fantasy world. She was very sore when we finished showering, but also ecstatic. “I’m sure...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 325 Money and Power

Geez! I was going to do it anyway! “Agent Summers,” I told her. “I’m glad you had an enjoyable conference with Mr. Smith, but right now, you do not look anything like a professional, high-ranking Treasury Agent. Unless you decide otherwise, we are going up to my bedroom where I will help you shower, dry off, do your hair, and then redress you in professional attire. I know you already know a lot about me, or you wouldn’t have allowed me to restrain the lead Treasury Agent. We both know that...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 326 Property Master

This place is the first I’ve seen that runs perfectly, as I would expect for an expensive restaurant. “I’m impressed,” I told Elena and her dad. “This is the first of your restaurants that we have eaten in that runs like a well-oiled machine. Well, mostly. I did notice they place the better-dressed patrons closer to the front and windows. They don’t appear to refuse to seat anyone waiting based on their attire.” Elena’s dad said, “I wish I had any of my restaurants that ran this smoothly. I...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 327 I rsquo ve Been Had

What have I gotten myself into now? At five-thirty AM, the bedroom became filled with teenaged gymnasts, half of which were naked already. Others who began taking off what little clothes they had worn into my room. For the next two hours, I shaved or trimmed their pussy hair, speed-washed them all, and then got to watch them dress while one of their older sisters sat with my dick buried inside her as we waited for the girls to dress in their leotards. She let them watch as she used her...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 328 Change of Plans

Uh oh! What have the girls been discussing in the bathroom? Elena had a concerning grin on her face when she began saying, “David, there is a change of plans. From the rough translations between Hinata, Alex, and Andy, we are going to be traveling together to one of the largest Renaissance Fairs open this time of year. Hinata and her grandfather want to have the experience. Andy wants to see her past apprentice’s work. Andy wants to compete. You, dad, and I are going to get into the spirit...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 329 Lioness Fight

Hmm. This event looks interesting. I hadn’t seen Alex’s armor, so I had no idea which of the “knights” she was. Hinata, on the other hand, had gone off to make an outfit change I hadn’t expected. She walked out onto the battlefield dressed in middle-ages period clothing for an Onna-Musha, a Japanese woman warrior like the legendary Tomoe Gozen. “Wow! Today is turning out to be a historical event for our Renaissance Fair this year. We had two women swordsmiths competing against their male...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 330 Giving Thanks

Who might this be? A naked waif of a girl, even too skinny to be a pixie, slipped into the shower with me. The only fat she had in her body was in her small breasts, and she only had a minimal amount of muscle to participate in gym class. She was only an inch shorter than me. “It took them long enough to get to sleep, finally,” the girl said to me. “I’ve sat outside your bedroom door since my sister brought my cousin and me over to join the orgy they planned. My niece was wrong about Ethen...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 331 Thanks For Giving

He has something to say. That is clear to see. “Hello, son. You can call me Harvey as that is my name after all,” he said dryly. “My son and daughter said I would have no problem finding the boy in charge. The one that made them strip in front of a room full of naked boys and girls of all ages. They told us all about it as they showed us their new clothes. Now we don’t have much, but my wife and I work hard for what we have. We never took charity from anyone before, and we aren’t starting...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 332 Needy Needs

How did they decide on one unisex area? The helpers are one thing, but the other kids? After getting the girls the right bra fit, or training bras for the ones that didn’t need a bra except to keep their buds from showing through their shits, we had an influx of kids that stripped off everything they had on, threw most of it in the trash, went to shower, and then come back to find clean clothes. I didn’t even bother telling girls what size bras to get. Instead, I got the right one and put it...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 333 Homing Runaways

I need to have my computer go through and break out what each corporation owns to let me see how many places I now hold. Do I have a lot in town from those taking their children to Steve’s clinic? The guy and gals in white coats didn’t question how I could settle down those they were transporting to rubber rooms for observation. I had a gift, they said, of knowing how to, temporarily, debilitate people without requiring sedatives. “Man, you are a lifesaver,” said one of the white coat guys....

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Incredible ChangesChapter 334 Feeding the Masses

I better go up to check on the rest of the kids. The house staff can only do so much. The lounge area was a mass of naked, or partially nude, kids from eight to eighteen. All were dried off and sound asleep. I did see some hard dicks and wet pussies when different kids shifted around. I’m not looking close enough to see who is on top of who. A staff member came to me to say, “They aren’t doing more than what you see, we move in to rearrange them if there is a chance any will hook up in...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 335 Childhood Responsibilities

I don’t think of myself as a god, even if maybe I am. The kids from the penthouse headed back with take-out containers for the others that didn’t come here today. Until the kids from jail came to thank mom for trusting them to help out, I didn’t realize that there were only three girls I hadn’t gotten to know better. Two were on the rag, and the other had diarrhea. I managed to arrange a bit of time to thank each of the kids here from jail, leaving the three girls for last. These boys seem...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 336 New Homes

I’m not even asking why that happened, but I suspect Mary, Skylar, or both. The next two weeks were hectic for me and those in my Sultan’s apartment. Children arrived from all over the state. They didn’t all have the same backstory, but the majority were physically, mentally, or sexually abused. Their parent(s) were undergoing long-term psychiatric care or were in jail. Others were great kids, from great families, who ended up on their own, sometimes along with other siblings, when things...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 337 Memories

“David,” Steve said, sounding pensive. “Lenny said to stop by his house before going home. Paula is already waiting for you in your room.” That is odd. Why is Paula in my room waiting, but he wants me to come to his house? I headed on over to Lenny’s house to see what was up. When I arrived, Trina was only wearing an annoyed look on her face. That changed into a big smile once she saw it was me. Of the multitude of boys, girls, men, and women, the only ones partially dressed were girls on...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 338 A Pre Christmas Gift

I’m not going to let any girl try to find a ride home with any of the assholes hanging out here tonight, even if it seems she can take care of herself. “Sorry for being rude. I never gave you my name. I’m Ellen,” the girl told us. “Those jerks need someone to put them in their place, and I didn’t mind one bit. They’ve had it coming for a long time.” She lived a long way from the high school kid hangout. The road to her house crossed two different school districts, but the school district...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 339 Watching the Hen House

I didn’t know they were much older than I guessed. With Melinda being fourteen, and Teri being fifteen, I relaxed a lot more about them being naked under the quilt with me. Using the place in my head, I looked to see that they did start puberty recently. Teri did have the start of breasts, but hers were mostly baby fat deposits right now. Knowing what I do about the things I did for Trudy, and those Molly helped me with, I was able to give their bodies a kick in the pituitary. Melinda’s body...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 340 Christmas with Babies

Off to spoil April and my siblings. After we drove for a few miles, Paula sighed. She was off somewhere in her head since we left Ellen and Jake’s farm. “I’m not sure if I recovered more memories before we went to the farm or during the time you dealt with those boys last night and their fathers today,” Paula said softly. “I didn’t have a clear view last night, but today it wasn’t hard to see how your body moved at the precise second needed to get you out of the way of the shot. No one had...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 341 Gifts Galore

They’ve done this before. Once we finished our shower, I massaged skin moisturizing lotion into the skin on both girls. At breakfast, I introduced Sidney to my parents. While the two girls got reacquainted, I reached out to Camden to see if she knew anything about the girl’s family. Chrissy, Sidney, Cassey, and the three babies were enjoying the heated pool when Corwin called me. “David,” Corwin said in a more formal variation of her family’s language. “Their parents were not the daughters...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 342 Christmas Surprise

I wonder if they will ever learn to use the bathroom when the train is moving? The girls and women did finally get in sync with using the bathroom on the train when it was moving. Not having a shower and only a washcloth to clean up still didn’t go over well. For the guys, it wasn’t that big of a deal. Everyone stunk after the second day anyway, and no amount of perfume was going to cover that smell. Early on the fifth day, we arrived back at where we started. Unbeknownst to those who I...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 343 Santa rsquo s Naughty List

Maybe now they will get the message, but probably not. It didn’t much matter anyway. A car drove past us at a high rate of speed. Before I could pull the gun to stop them, when they made a U-turn, I heard jet engines coming toward me. A skunkworks jet landed on the roadway fifty feet past the cop cars. It had missile pylons, but they were empty. There were no weapons on or in it at all. While I knew it did have advanced, on-demand, stealth capabilities, it wasn’t using them right now. The...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 344 Educate Me

Are they going to tell me something I don’t know or can’t figure out on my own? “Who wants to go first,” I asked as I noticed the remaining yellow highlighted ones in the room pissed their pants. They didn’t know I understood everything they were saying using a language they didn’t expect me to understand. To show them the errors of their ways, I got loudmouth’s cell phone, redialed the last number called, and told the person who answered, in the same language as the men, “Got anybody else...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 345 Cleaning Up After Christmas

I want mommy and daddy too. As we approached, I connected the plane’s radios to all of the different ones used by the groups watching over my house. “We’re coming in to land now. Please stand down,” I said as I brought the jet down vertically in front of my house. A truck came up to move in from the side. The people got April out after I climbed down. No one needed to tell me to put the guns and magazines into the case in the storage compartment. My family didn’t need to know what I had...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 346 Happy Nude Years

I wonder if any of my male cousins are going to get out of girls teasing them about having boners? Only Olive has on shorts that won’t give a good look at what the girls are covering. I will go referee in a little while. When it was just Tina and me in my room, I locked the doors. A push of energy into the glop gave it that little nudge to send Tina running for the toilet again. My helping it along short-changed her from getting the orgasm the other girls arrived. Her eyes went large when I...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 347 Reacquainting

This conversation is the most interesting one I have ever had with any of my uncles. “I’m sure it was a chore, but you have never been one to turn away from giving it your all,” my quiet uncle said. Loudmouth didn’t know when just to shut the fuck up. He jumped in with both feet, not realizing it was a bottomless hole of shit when he commented, “What you are bitching about then? It sounds like you have kids all over the place, and not a damn one wants you to pay a dime in child support....

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Incredible ChangesChapter 348 So Long Until Next Time

Oh? Is that you losing control of your bowels? The other parents in the park enjoyed giving the guy threatening to sue me a lot of shit for it. “Well, that is not the fun-filled day with my cousins that I wanted to have with you,” I told them as we headed home. As I drove home, I called my dad and had him put me on speakerphone. I explained the gist of what happened, and then the girls gave the blow-by-blow details. Terry’s ability to knock a guy out with a football to the chest wasn’t a...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 349 Strays

I bet I already know, but I will let them tell me. “Molly, you are coming with us if I have to tie you up. Go in and get your stuff,” I told her. She didn’t even look up at me before running into her house. I saw the lights come on in her room and then turn back out a minute later. Molly was holding her “go bag” as she came outside. We loaded in my Camry and headed back to my house. On the way, I told them, “You will wear proper clothes that cover everything when you are not in my...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 351 You Can rsquo t Rush Some Things

That was a good distraction from worrying about Molly. I went to the cafeteria and into the back. One of the staff headed to the office to call security. I wasn’t threatening anyone, just looking around. The woman never got to dial out as someone watching the cameras called her and told her who I am. “Mr. Jones,” she started to say. “David. Please,” I replied. We went through the whole how can I kiss your ass bullshit first. Then I managed to tell the woman that I was hungry again. My...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 352 Righting Another rsquo s Wrongs

I’m making this right. I pulled the head chef over and said, “Call the corporation phone number and tell them to change the restaurant to any name you chose, including your own. Elena wouldn’t have sent you to me if you weren’t on the ball. I will email them to let them know to change whatever the current financial setup is on this place and must change it to you paying me a fair-market lease rate for the building and five percent of the net. I will extend a revolving line of credit with a...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 353 Making Lemonade

I don’t mind a silent drive or flight, now that they are all asleep for a few hours. A quick call had one of the silent jets waiting to fly us, van, and all, outside the town where their aunt and uncle live. I arrived half an hour earlier than expected. I went to the door, knocked, and told the girl, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, “Hi. I’m David. I have a van full of the kids who are going to make your house their new home. They are all sound asleep, so if you can show me where I can put...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 354 Jasmine

Wonder what she has on her mind? “What language were Alvin and you speaking?” she, his wife Nell, Anna, Ester, and two of the kids I brought here last night wanted to know. In a language that she knew, which she also thought no one outside her small family knew, I said, “Bitch. You had to go there, didn’t you? I’m so much more than you can even guess.” Now you have that surprised look on your face. I took a few bites and then said, “I met Alvin’s half-sister, Skylar, when I was at one of...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 355 What Game is Afoot

I wonder how this is going to go. The aunt seems confused. The girl’s mother, the restaurant owner’s sister-in-law Carmen, held my rock-hard dick in her hand as she watched her daughter masturbate in front of us. “Let’s see. Fifteenth to twenty-first. Thirty-one days. Five days of maximum viability,” Carmen muttered. Finally, she turned to me and said, “I’m fertile, but she isn’t. To answer your question, if you had sex, she should have no chance of conceiving from sex tonight. Her cycle...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 356 Moving Day

Oh, shit. Sharla and Winry are pissed that they don’t get to play a game of hide-the-sausage as they planned. Each girl found their moms packed them clothes for a week, including bathing suits, to take with them to stay with Gina, Lauren, and Steve at Jasmine’s house. They didn’t even notice the hug they got before leaving. “You two pick a booster seat. Neither of you is a hundred pounds or thirteen yet. That is when they say you can stop using boosters in many states,” I told them and...

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