Fremder Schwanz In Meiner Freundin indian porn

4 years ago
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Mutter meiner Freundin

Die Mutter meiner FreundinIm  Herbst 1994 absolvierte ich ein Praktikum in Dresden in der Rechtsabteilung einer Bank. Einige Monate zuvor hatte ich Susi kennen gelernt und mich unsterblich in sie verliebt. Seitdem musste ich sehr um sie k?mpfen, weil ich als 20-j?hriger Jura-Student bei ihren Eltern nicht gerade wohl gelitten war. Sie war gerade 17 geworden und ihre Eltern machten ihr regelm??ig Vorw?rfe, warum sie ausgerechnet einen 20-j?hrigen Wessi-Schn?sel anschleppen musste. Umso mehr freute ich mi...

4 years ago
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Meine Freundin

Der Regen prasselt leise gegen das Fenster, dunkle Wolken bedecken den Himmel. Alles in allem passt das Wetter zu diesem trostlosen Sonntag. „Noch eine Tasse Kaffee, Marc?“ reißt mich die hohe Stimme von Marion, Nicoles Mutter, aus meinen Gedanken. „Hm? Ach ja, ein Tasse nehme ich noch“ erwidere ich und reiche ihr meine Tasse, damit sie nach schütten kann. „Du gefällst mir heute gar nicht. Stimmt etwas nicht?“ fragt sie, während sie meine Tasse nachfüllt. „Ach, alles bestens. Es war in...

3 years ago
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Sein dicker Schwanz

Ich bin 17 Jahre alt und blase gerne Schwänze. Bei mir in der Nähe gibt es einen Badesee und dort auch einen ziemlich dichtbewachsenen Bereich zum cruisen. Vor einem Jahr hatte ich dort das erste Mal einen Schwanz geblasen und es seitdem schon öfter dort gemacht, aber nie mehr als blasen. Ich knie mich hin vor dem Typ und blase ihm sein Teil bis er kommt und mir ins Gesicht spritzt.Einmal lief es aber anders. Ich ging dort wie immer durch das Gebüsch und erspähte schon bald einen jungen Kerl,...

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Jessy Meine Frau und ihre Freundin

Auf der vierstündigen Heimfahrt, sprachen meine Frau und ich kein Wort und wann immer ich zu ihr rüber sah, konnte ich in ihrem Gesichts lesen, das sie an keiner Unterhaltung interessiert war. Ich hatte es ganz am Anfang der Fahrt versucht und gefragt, „Können wir reden?“ und sie sagte nur abweisend, „Lass es einfach!“ So kamen wir am Nachmittag zu Hause an. 200 m² Wohnfläche, um sich aus dem Weg zu gehen und das taten wir auch. Am Abend, ich hatte mir ein Bier aufgemacht und im Fernsehen...

3 years ago
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Die beste Freundin

Peter war ein durchschnittlicher Junge. Er war 20 Jahre alt und ging zur Uni. Er war normal gebaut und nicht sonderlich athletisch. Seine Freundin war Sophia, sehr hübsch, groß, kleine brüste und einen dicken Arsch. Sie beide hatten eine Fernbeziehung, weil sie in unterschiedlichen Städten studierten. Lisa war Peter's beste Freundin aus Schulzeiten. Die beiden kannten sich nun schon 5 Jahre und hatten viel zusammen erlebt. Lisa war 19, und ca 1,65m groß. Sie war sehr dünn, hatte dafür aber...

3 years ago
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Meine beste Freundin

Meine beste Freundin, und wie ich sie hintergehe Anika (18 J) ist meine allerbeste Freundin und ich ( Katja 18 J)schäme mich ein bisschen, weil ich es mehrfach mit ihrem Freund getrieben habe. Alles fing mit dem Zoff bei mir zu Hause an. Mein Alter war ständig besoffen, vögelte unter anderem mich und meine Freundinnen, bis eines Tages Mutter dem ganzen ein Ende machte. Sie schmiss den verkorksten Alki und den Rest der Familie einfach raus. Da ich nicht wußte wo ich übernachten sollte, fragte...

3 years ago
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Die kleine Freundin

Meine kleine Freundin Sandra Traditionell verbrachten Sandra, meine kleine hübsche Freundin, und ich den letzten Sonntag im Monat in der Therme. Öfters hätte es unser Geldbeutel , wir studierten beide noch, nicht hergehalten. Sonntags war für uns auch ein besonderer Tag da ich abends immer nach Frankfurt reisen musste, da ich nicht wie sie in Kassel studierte. Im Gaststättenbereich, wir hatten gerade eine Kleinigkeit gegessen, gesellte sich eine, zugegebener Maßen schöne Frau zu uns, die Sandra...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Ich ersteigere meine Freundin

Dies basiert auf einem wirklichen Erlebnis mit meiner damaligen Freundin. Dazu muss man wissen, dass meine Freundin "halb-schwarz" war, mit einem deutschen Vater und einer afrikanischen Mutter. Wir waren auf Urlaub in den USA und besuchten in den Südstaaten eine "historische Stätte" (eine Art Freilandmuseum) aus dem Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts in dem dargestellt war, wie die Menschen dort damals lebten. Neben einer grossen Ausstellung und teilweise echten, teilweise rekonstruierten Prachtvillen...

3 years ago
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Die verkaufte Ex Freundin

Zufrieden sah Timo den anerkennenden Ausdruck im Gesicht seines Gegenübers. „Serr gutt die beiden", sagte der russische Mädchenhändler mit seinem harten Akzent und betrachtete weiterhin die Fotos von Frederike und ihrer Cousine Eva. Frederike, die von allen schon immer nur Ricky genannt wurde, war Timos Ex-Freundin und der ursprüngliche Grund für diese Zusammenkunft. Dass es mittlerweile auch noch um Eva ging, machte die Sache noch reizvoller. Der Russe notierte sich die Daten der beiden. Eva...

4 years ago
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Meine Frau braucht einen Schwanz

"Oh Mann..." Aufseufzend rollte sich meine total verschwitzte nackte Frau von mir herunter. Ich wusste, ich hatte sie wieder enttäuscht. So viel Mühe sie sich auch gab, so wild sie auf mir ritt, wenn wir miteinander schliefen, mein Schwanz wollte einfach nicht mehr richtig hart werden. Nur, wenn sie dann irgendwann zu fluchen begann, wie gerade eben, wenn sich ihre Fingernägel in mein Fleisch gruben und sie in meine harten Brustwarzen biss, so dass ich aufschreien musst, wuchs er für sehr kurze...

4 years ago
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Die Freundinnen meiner Frau

Die Freundinnen meiner Frau Vielleicht sollte ich mich erst einmal vorstellen. Mit bürgerlichen Namen heiße ich Johannes Fischer. Die meisten meiner Freundinnen nennen mich einfach Jo. Wenn ich Freundinnen sage, meine ich eigentlich die Freundinnen meiner Frau Rita. Rita und ich wir sind schon über 30 Jahre lang verheiratet, wir haben unsere gemeinsamen Kinder großgezogen und im Laufe der Jahre, lebten wir mehr oder minder nebeneinander her. Natürlich liebe ich meine Frau und ich habe auch...

3 years ago
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Meine beste Freundin

Es war letztes Jahr im Sommer. Sabine, seit unseren gemeinsamen Zeiten im Kindergarten meine beste Freundin, und ich wollten endlich gemeinsam Urlaub machen und entschieden uns für eine Reise nach Afrika, genauer gesagt nach Mali. Geld spielte keine Rolle, denn Sabine hatte die Reise von ihren wohlhabenden Eltern zum bestandenen Abi geschenkt bekommen und durfte ihre beste Freundin, also mich, mitnehmen. Alleine hätte ich mir so eine Reise nie und nimmer leisten können. Sabine hatte bereits...

2 years ago
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Die beste Freundin meiner Frau

"Martin", fragte meine Frau mit dem Telefon in Hand, "bist Du nachher zu Hause? Anna will vorbeikommen und sich ein Buch abholen." Ich bejahte das."Okay", sagte meine Frau, "Martin ist nachher da. Kannst also vorbeikommen."Ach ja, Anna. Auch bei Freundschaften ist es manchmal so, dass sich Gegensätze anziehen. Wie anders wäre es zu erklären, dass meine Frau - eine typische Bildungsbürgerin - eine Freundin wie Anna hat? Die beiden hatten sich vor Jahren ein Zimmer im Krankenhaus geteilt und...

3 years ago
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Der Geburtstag meiner Schwester

Das lange, weißblonde Haar, das sonst meist zu einem bauschigen Pferdeschwanz gebunden ist, fließt jetzt weich und üppig über die runden, schmalen Schultern. Es umrahmt Sandras hübsches Gesicht und lässt es eine Spur kleiner erscheinen. Lustig und keck wirkt das Stupsnäschen, das von drei, vier Sommersprossen beherrscht wird. Der volle und trotzdem fast noch kindliche Mund hat sich leicht geöffnet. Die weißen Zähne schimmern feucht. „Na los, mach schon, Sandra, wir warten, blas´ sie doch...

4 years ago
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Patentochter meiner Frau

Die Patentochter, Tina, meiner Frau besucht uns für zwei Wochen. Sie hatte ihre Ausbildung abgeschlossen und tritt bald eine neue Stelle an. Vorher kommt sie zu uns in die Großstadt. Für mich schränkt sich damit der Zugang in unser Büro ein. Wir haben dort ein Gästebett wo sie schläft. Schon bevor sie angekommen ist herrschte hier große Hitze. Unsere Wohnung ist unter dem Dach und es wurde sehr heiß bei uns. Wir alle tragen darum so leichte Kleidung wie möglich. Das führt dazu, dass Tina bei...

2 years ago
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Die Tageb cher meiner Tochter

Hier saß ich also jetz im neu renoviertem Zimmer meiner Tochter und schaute auf die Sachen die ich gefunden hatte bei der Renvierung während sie gerade auf einer Klassenfahrt ist. Erstmal möchte ich mich natürlich vorstellen, mein Name ist Thomas und ich bin selbstständiger Architekt und lebe mit meiner großen Tochter Nadine, welche 18 ist, 174 groß mit langen blonden Haaren braunen Augen und ein paar sexy Sommersprossen und einer echt Sexy Figur die kurven hat wo welche sein müssen ( 75C und...

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Der Sklave meiner Sekretarin Story in German

Der Sklave meiner Sekret?rin (Muriell 2007)FF/m, Humliation, Femdom, Feet, Stockings, Socks, Spanking, AgeplayGedankenverloren stand Peter Kaiser an der Strassenecke Maximilianstrasse, Lindenstrasse und betrachtete die noble Fassade des neuen, grossen Gesch?ftshauses. Es war sein neuer Firmensitz, der vor wenigen Wochen erst fertiggestellt wurde. Es war sein Werk, sein ?Kind?. Wohl das, was man eine klassische?Juppykariere? nennen k?nnte. Peter Kaiser war mit seinen 23 Jahren bereits eine fixe Gr?...

3 years ago
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Die Mobberin meiner Tochter

Mein Name ist Marion, ich bin 36 Jahre alt und die Mutter von einer 18 jährigen Tochter. Emilia kurz Mia ist wohl die beste Tochter, die man sich wohl als alleinerziehenden Mutter nur wünschen kann! Ich war damals selbst gerade einmal so alt wie mein kleines Mädchen, als ich Mias Vater kennengelernt haben. Ich damals so unglaublich dumm, aber Liebe macht eben blind! Ich hab nicht bemerkt, dass der damals 25 jährige Junge mich nur ins Bett bekommen wollte. Er hat mich damals so lange bearbeitet...

2 years ago
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Verf uuml hrt von meiner Cousine

Verführt von meiner CousineDie Geschichte ist vom Urheber geschützt und wird bei weiter Veröffentlichung gelöscht.Sabine sollte eine Woche bei uns übernachten. Da ihre Eltern geschäftlich weg fahren mussten.Sabine war schon 14 Jahre alt und ich war 12 Jahre alt. Bei ihr sah man nur die kleinen Brüste und mein Penis war für einen jungen in meinem alter doch recht groß... was immer für neidische blicke sorgte. Meine Eltern waren recht locker uns so durften wir zusammen baden und in einem Bett...

2 years ago
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Duell mit der Freundin

Du sitzt mit deiner besten Freudin Mia auf der Couch und ihr unterhaltet euch über Vor- und Nachteil des Frau bzw. Mann seins. "Dann lass uns es herausfinden", sagst du zu ihr. Mia stimmt dir und ihr legt Bedingungen fest. Nach einer Weile habt ihr alles besprochen und seid zu einem Ergebniss gekommen. Es gibt 3. Wettkämpfe, 1. Armdrücken 2. Schere-Stein-Papier 3. ein Wrestlingmatch. Nach jeder Runde darf der Gewinner sich eine Strafe für den Verlierer ausdenken. Wer 2 von 3 gewinnt, steht als...

3 years ago
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Meine s e gemeine Ex Freundin

Zwei Jahre war ich mit Andrea zusammen. Ich war verrückt nach ihr. Damals und leider auch heute noch. Mit ihrem süßen unschuldig verlogenen Mädchengesicht, ihren brünetten halblangen Haaren und ihrem prächtigen dicken Hintern, den sie bevorzugt in knallengen Jeans oder Leggings präsentierte. Dass sie gerade mal 160 cm groß war, stellte ihre Macht über mich nie in Frage. Nachdem Andrea mir in einem Cafe bei einem Glas Champagner, den ich ihr auf ihren Wunsch bestellt (und dann natürlich auch...

3 years ago
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Die neue Freundin

Der Regen prasselte mit aller Wucht gegen mein B?rofenster. Bis vor ein paar Tagen war es noch ein sch?ner goldener Herbst, aber jetzt war alles grau, kalt und nass. Ein richtiger Herbst halt. Der Klingelton meines Handy riss mich aus den Gedanken. Es war Roman, Studienfreund, bester Kumpel und manchmal auch Saufkumpan. "He Alter", h?rte ich Roman sagen, "du weisst schon noch, dass wir nachher zur Afterworkparty gehen, und heute kannst du dich nicht dr?cken." Ich war jetzt seit einen...

3 years ago
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Ich wette auf die Tugend meiner Frau

Meine Frau und ich waren auf der wunderschönen Insel Puerto Rico. Es war ein üppiges tropisches Paradies, eine willkommene Abwechslung vom Winter. Die sonnenverwöhnte Insel mit ihren duftenden Blumen überwältigte die Sinne, die faulen Tage und sternenbeleuchteten Nächte bieten einen romantischen Hintergrund für unseren lang ersehnten Urlaub. Karen und ich haben beide in den sechs Jahren unserer Ehe gearbeitet, sie als Anwältin und ich im Technologiebereich. Wir hatten geplant, dass sie aufhören...

2 years ago
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Erziehung meiner Frau

wieder mal gab es einen kleinen streit. nachdem er den ganzen tag unterwegs war, war sie abends unzufrieden und misstrauisch. die direkten fragen vermied sie wie immer völlig. sie wollte nur sehen ob er einen dicken bekam wenn sie ihn berührte. dieses spiel kannte er. sie wollte gar nichts von ihm, wollte nur sichergehen, dass er nur für sie da war. er ging darauf ein und sagte ihr, dass er ihren po wolle. innerlich lachend kannte er ihre antwort bereits: völlige ablehnung. doch diesmal...

3 years ago
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Die Freundinnen von Meiner Freundinn mal ficken

Es war wieder einmal Sonntag und ein Renntag auf der Pferderennbahn. Normalerweise gehe ich immer mit meinem Girl und einer ihrer Freundinnen hin, aber diesmal mußte meine freundinn "leider" arbeiten und ich ging also mit dem süßen anderen girl alleine. Sie ist 22, ca 174cm groß hat langes schwarzes Haar, braune Augen eine ordentliche Oberweite und wie ich jetzt weiß ist sie untenrum auch schön glattrasiert. Wir 2 verstehen uns ganz gut und ich muß sagen das ich schon öfter darüber nachgedacht...

4 years ago
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Die beste Freundin meiner Frau 3

Ich drückte mit meinen Schwanz gegen ihr Loch. Langsam, ganz langsam gelang es mir, meinen triefnassen Schwanz hineinzudrücken. Puh, das war ganz anders als ihre Fotze. Eng und trocken. Wie ein Schraubstock umfasste ihr Schließmuskel meinen Schwanz. Ich sah, wie Anna eine ihrer Hände zwischen ihre Beine nahm. Offenbar streichelte sie sich den Kitzler. Ich drückte langsam weiter und steckte bald bis zum Anschlag in ihrem Arsch. Was für ein geiles Gefühl.„Okay", meinte Anna, „jetzt kannst Du...

2 years ago
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Die Rache der Exfreundinnen

Du erwachst in einem hell beleuchtetem leeren Raum. Die letzte Erinnerung die du hast ist dass dir jemand während du unter der Dusche warst heftig auf den Hinterkopf geschlagen haben muss. Dann bist du hier aufgewacht. Wer auch immer dich entführt hat, hielt es wohl nicht für nötig dich anzuziehen denn du stehst vollkommen nackt an diesem Fremden Ort. Vor dir steht ein kleiner Runder Tisch mit einem Zettel darauf. Du greifst ihn dir und kneifst die Augen zusammen um die schwungvolle Nachricht...

2 years ago
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Parking Schwanzwald

The last couple of days had been a blast. The conference had had a great line-up, but especially the after-parties had been great. I’d met a lot of new folks and many old friends, some of who I’d never met offline before. But today it was time to head back home. I left Nuremberg around three in the afternoon and hoped to cross the border at around nine and then be home at ten. It soon became clear that this was not going to happen though. Between Würzburg and Frankfurt I ran into a traffic jam....

2 years ago
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Mara die Schwanzbl serin

Lea konnte es kaum erwarten, dass Mara sie zuhause besuchte. Sie war sehr aufgeregt. In einer Stunde würden schon die Jungs kommen. Lea und Mara sprachen über dies und das. Schließlich lenkte Lea das Thema auf Kosmetik. "Hey Mara", sagte Lea. "Probier doch mal diesen Lippenstift aus. Er ist ziemlich teuer, aber seine Farbe passt doch nicht zu meinem Hautton. Aber ich könnte mir denken, dass er deinen Mund gut betont und die Jungs anmacht.“ Mara hatte einen schlanken Körper, einen schönen runden...

4 years ago
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Das verfickte Schwanzluder im Pornokino

Was tut eine Frau, die gefickt werden will, die aber keinen hat, der sie fickt? Sie geht auf die Suche. Und wo findet sie am schnellsten ein geeignetes Exemplar? Richtig, im Pornokino. Die Anonymität steigert dabei noch die Geilheit. Aber natürlich weiß ich immer zwischen Phantasie und Wirklichkeit zu unterscheiden. Und so war für mich die Phantasie, was alles möglich gewesen wäre, immer Phantasie geblieben und sollte das auch bleiben. Für mich zählte vor allem der Kick. Ein bisschen Schwänze...

Group Sex
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Schwanzgeile Flittchen

Bitte an die Boardregeln halten. In "Schwanzgeile Flittchen" sollen Gays, Shemales und Transen die Hauptpersonen sein. Die Startstory sollte in der Egoperspektive ( Thomas Sicht ) und in Vergangeheitsform weitergeführt werden. Es kann jederzeit eine neue ( passende ) Sequenz mit frischen Protagonisten und anderen Erzählformen von euch geöffnet werden. Schwanzgeile Flittchen ( Gay / Shemale Storys ) Thomas Träume werden wahr Ich muss gestehen, schon lange bevor ich zum ersten Mal mit Daddy im...

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Lucy der Schwanzlutschende Engel von Notre Dame

Der wirklich lustige Punkt an der ganzen Sache ist. Es begann schon mit einer Schlange. Einer langen Schlange von vielen, sehr vielen Menschen, die mehr oder wenig geduldig warten. Warteschlange schon das Wort ist eigentlich so gar nicht super. Meine drei Freunde und ich, mit denen ich, ursprünglich, aus rein nicht Touristischen gründen, nach Paris gereist bin. Wir stehen seit gut einer dreiviertel Stunde in einer dieser Warteschlangen. So angepisst wie ich, nicht nur, von der Warterei bin,...

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ADAM oder der Mann mit dem Hengstschwanz

ADAM Adam war ein ganz normaler Mann. Er sah nicht wie ein Männermodell aus, war aber ein attraktiver Kerl. Er war körperlich mit sich im Reinen. Keine Bodybuilderfigur aber, er konnte sich durchaus sehen lassen. Adam hatte blonde, kurze Haare und war 1.85 m groß. Er hatte schöne, breite Schultern. Schultern, an denen sich Frauen sehr gerne anlehnen würden, doch da gab es doch noch ein großes Problem. Wahrscheinlkich werden einige Männer neidisch sein oder manch einer auch Lachen, doch Adam...

3 years ago
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Parking Schwanzwald

The last couple of days had been a blast. The conference had had a great line-up, but especially the after-parties had been great. I’d met a lot of new folks and many old friends, some of who I’d never met offline before. But today it was time to head back home.I left Nuremberg around three in the afternoon and hoped to cross the border at around nine and then be home at ten. It soon became clear that this was not going to happen though. Between Würzburg and Frankfurt I ran into a traffic jam....

2 years ago
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Schwanzgeile junge Sau l auml sst sich im Asylantenheim

Ich konnte es mir nicht verkneifen nachdem ich das hier gelesen habe es selbst zu probieren. Ich bin Gestern später am Abend zu den Flüchtlingen gegangen. Ich sehe mit meinen 21 Jahren etwas jünger aus und habe mir schwarze Strapse angezogen ohne Slip, einen sehr kurzen Minirock und ein Bauchfreies Top und nur noch einen langen Mantel angezogen. Draußen vor der Tür standen auch schon ein paar Männer verschiedenen Alters und guckten schon leicht verdutzt zu mir. Ich ging direkt weiter zu Ihnen...

3 years ago
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Beatrice die kleine Schwanznutte Teil 2

Teil 1 = wird eingerittenIhr Chef hatte zwischenzeitlich die Wohnung ganz betreten, ging von Tür zu Tür, zum Schluss auch in ihr Schlafzimmer. Ohne Hemmungen öffnete er Türen, Schränke, Schubläden. Beatrice wurde es ganz heiß, denn sie bewahrte im Schlafzimmer ihre ganze Ausstattung auf: Dessous, Kleidung, und vor allem auch Sextoys. Ihr Chef fing an, die Schubläden ihrer Kommode herauszuziehen, griff in die...

4 years ago
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Beatrice die kleine Schwanznutte Teil 1

Was für ein Abend! Nach einem anstrengenden Tag war Bea zu Hause angekommen. Erschöpft, das Wochenende stand bevor, war ihr nur nach einem: Raus aus der Alltagskleidung und in die Badewanne. Sie hatte heute nichts mehr vor. Genüßlich lag sie in der Badewanne, massierte ihre kleinen Titten, die sich aufgrund von Hormonen gebildet hatten und es dauerte auch nicht lange, bis sich ihr Mädchenschwanz meldete. Behutsam und zugleich hart fing sie an, ihn zu massieren. Aber sie wollte nicht abspritzen,...

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SchwanzstuckerChapter 2

THURSDAY - EARLY EVENING I decided to call Lucy. After two rings she picked up, "Hello, who's this?" "This is Aaron. Is this Lucy ... the nurse?" "Oh. Aaron, I've been hoping you'd call. I've actually been waiting by my phone. I would love to see you." "Well, you saw me in the doctor's office, didn't you?" So lame! "Yes, silly. I was hoping you'd call and we could go out sometime." "That sounds great Lucy. When would be a good time for you? I've got absolutely...

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SchwanzstuckerChapter 3

I awoke a little startled ... forgetting for a split second where I was. The bed next to me was empty. I heard a shower running, and figured Lucy was cleaning herself up. I decided to see if she wanted company, so I walked straight into the shower. "Hello, there. It's Aaron and his little friend." "I wouldn't call him little. But it looks like he has shrunk some more. After the shower would you measure him please?" "I'll do more than that." She got down on her knees and put him in...

3 years ago
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SchwanzstuckerChapter 4

"Hey there, lover boy. What happened to me, anyway?" "I guess ... I fucked you into unconsciousness," I chuckled. "If I could move, I'll take a shower before Mom gets home." There was a door slam downstairs. I never saw my sister move so fast, up off the bed, running across the hallway and into the relative safety of her own room. I heard her shower start almost instantly. I quickly picked up her clothes and put them in my hamper. I straightened up the bed. I saw some of the remains...

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Mein Haus mein Halbbruder sein Monsterschwanz und ich

Am Tag, als meine Mutter Sarah verschwand, war ich gerade siebzehn Jahre alt geworden. Es war nur drei Tage nach meinem Geburtstag gewesen, und plötzlich war sie weg, ihr Zimmer leer, ihre Sachen fort, als hätte sie nie in unserem Haus gewohnt, und ich war alleine. Mein Zwillingsbruder Jochen war bereits vor einem Jahr ausgezogen, aber das war wenig überraschend gekommen. Er hatte die Schule mit einem ganz passablen Hauptschulabschluss verlassen und war ans andere Ende von Deutschland gezogen,...

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Zwei Freundinnen

Alinas Handy vibrierte. Es war eine Nachricht von Laura. „Komm schnell. Ich muss dir was Geiles zeigen.“ Alina lächelte. Alina und Laura waren seit ein paar Monaten befreundet. Sie hatten sich bei der Arbeit kennengelernt. Beide waren damals neu als Sekretärinnen angefangen und fanden sich sofort sympathisch. Alina war eher schüchtern. Sie war 24 und hatte erst einen Freund gehabt. Alina war jedoch fasziniert von Laura. Laura, 25, trieb es ziemlich wild. Sie nahm keine Rücksichten auf die...

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Zwei Freundinnen

An einem gemütlichen Samstag-Abend. "Nachher kommt Marie vorbei. Oh mann, das wird wieder gemütlich", denkt sich Jana, während Sie alles für den gemütlichen Abend vorbereitet. "So, Wein ist kaltgestellt, der Film eingelegt, jetzt fehlt eigentlich nur noch Marie. Wo bleibt sie denn so lange?", murmelt sie vor sich hin. "Hmm, was könnt ich jetzt noch machen?" Sie überlegt ein wenig...

3 years ago
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Hawas Se Bhari Ladki Theatre Mein

Hello friends, swagat hai aap logo ka ek aur hawas se bhari kahani mein. Ye meri zindagi ka ek khas experience hai jo mujhe mere shuruwati dino mein hua tha. Ye baat tab ki hai jab maine junior college paas kiya tha. Graduation mein kya karu nahi karu yahi sab chal raha tha. Un dino garmiyon ki chuttiyan thi. Aur hamare ghar ke rahne wale ek tenant ke yahan kuch guest aaye the. Unme se 2 hi log the ek aunty aur ek ladki. Mujhe laga ye aunty iski mummy hogi par woh uski bua thi. Woh ladki bhi...

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paid in full 2

--- "Shit!" That was the first thing I heard you say. That was the first thing I heard you say after your car ran into my car in the parking lot. More like plowed into the rear of my car, popping the trunk. We examine our cars. Yours doesn't have much if any damage. Mine is going to be in the shop for a week. Teach me to drive a fancy new car. Your older car is servicing you well through grad school. And that's when you drop the next bomb. "Sorry mister, I didn't mean to hit...

4 years ago
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It Just HappenedChapter 7 Having the talk

The next day I got up early and sent a fax. "Miss Spencer, I hope you enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving, Ben." The words we overheard when Jen was talking to her sister, "I can't. I just can't sit at that table and pretend... ," haunted me. Was she saying she couldn't sit at her parents' Thanksgiving table and pretend that the man she had given her virginity wasn't there? Was she saying she couldn't pretend that she didn't love me? Millie, I decided, was the only person who could tell me...

2 years ago
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Jamie s Bloomers Part III

Aren't those just the cutest cotton bloomers, the woman at the beauty parlor complemented me. She had me take off my blouse so I wouldn't get it dirty when she did my hair all fancy. I'd left my shorts on and the woman noticed it was all a one-piece garment. I couldn't take it off unless I'd taken off my shorts as well. No matter, she said. She'd be really careful. Mother told Carol, the hairstylist, that it was a one- piece and she had one on as well. "Well, isn't that the cutest,...

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The Life of RyanChapter 11 A Trap for Matt

Matt’s head hurt. He didn’t know much else, but he knew his head felt like he had downed about 30 shots of tequila and lived to tell about it with the ultimate hangover of all time. He was sure he shouldn’t open his eyes, but soon determined he was in a nearly dark room, so he ventured to force them open. He was dizzy and the room was spinning, but he was finally waking up. “I wonder what party I was at,” thought Matt at first. “I don’t even remember where I am. Matt, you idiot, waking up in...

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Blue Waters 8211 My Afrikaner Experience

Hi folks, I am back again with another encounter in Durban S Africa. Your comments are welcome It was almost Xmas season and I was a permanent resident at the Blue waters hotel on the Durban beachfront. I was still new in the country and yet to find an apartment of my own, and moreover I was frequently traveling back and forth from S Africa to Singapore almost every 3 weeks. So it made sense for me to keep a permanent room to myself there. It was a bright summer’s morning and as usual after my...

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Gangbang Of Pooja

Hello guys and girls, this is Kevin once again. Had a great response from so many of you. Please read to get a better idea of the characters. You can just click my name at the top, and you will get access to all my previous stories. Now to let’s move on to the story. So things were going great for Pooja and me. We had sex every week. Then all of a sudden, she started avoiding me slowly. When I approached, she was giving me lame excuses. At the same time, my girlfriend Diya came back. To know...

4 years ago
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Bachelorette PartyChapter 2

The door that led from the small room into the sanctuary was opened a crack allowing us a view of the large room. We still had twenty-five minutes to wait so as I waited for things to get started I began to reflect on how I got from the depths of my despair while driving from Las Vegas to Los Angeles at four o'clock in the morning three years ago to the near state of euphoria I was in that Saturday afternoon. That night had been the lowest point of my life and it had taken the full three...

2 years ago
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Fantasy In The Office Part 3

It was the sexiest feeling in the world. Ashleigh, my busty brunette boss, the woman I called my friend for the past eleven months, grinding on my leg whilst kissing me. I could feel her wetness through my stockings. I wasn’t a lesbian, I wasn’t bi, I had been curious but I never thought this would ever happen to me and I fucking loved it. I lost sense of the fact I was being watched, that this was at my work place everything went out the window as soon as Ashleigh moaned into my mouth. It made...

Group Sex
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Alandra Naked in SchoolPart 4 Thursday

I must've really tossed and turned when I slept last night. My sheets were on the floor, the vibrator had rolled off the bed and was by the door, and my favorite teddy bear was under my left foot. I'd had him since I was three, he was missing an eye, I'd glued on a new mouth when I was in Kindergarten, and added a clip-on fastener to his back in middle school. An idea hit me, I took the little 'cartoon pussy cat' charm I'd bought and held it up to Teddy's missing eye. A little big,...

3 years ago
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When I leave Ann's house with Beth in my car I ask her are you sure? she just blinks and looks at me, I say if you stay you WILL get FUCKED you WILL suck my COCK and your ASS WELL belong to ME!She nods and quietly says ok. Ok call your husband tell him something cause you will not be home tonite, but frist get naked I pull into a park and she striped and grabed her phone I pulled her close and kissed her neck and ears telling her to talk to him and do not hang up till I say. As she talks I'm...

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Mira 1

‘Is that your natural hair colour?’ The launch of the super yacht ‘Mira’ was a major event. I was there because I do the interior design section of my regional newspaper and my colleague, Luke, was there because he covers local industry. The yacht had been built in a local yard and the gala press day was designed to show it off. We’d been invited aboard for a sumptuous champagne lunch, followed by a short cruise with a dinner later. We had each been allocated our own cabin and had been asked to...

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Contest Winner in More Ways Than One

Chapter 1 Contest Winner, and Then Some Ok, so at 46 I really had no business trying to win Justin Bieber tickets. Save for the fact I wanted into the after concert party, and OK a chance to meet Justin and maybe some of his dancers. It was really the after concert party I wanted into, his road crew and his backup talent is just as hot as he is and who knows I might just get lucky with one of them. As the title suggests I did win, my sister and most of my friends we pissed, to say the least,...

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A Talk With Mom and Making the Squad

Getting ready for tryouts I persuaded Mom and Dad to let me do a few intensive weeks of gymnastics over the summer before ninth grade, my freshman year in high school. In between the gymnastics and working out with Tommy--and I don't mean just horizontally, although we did a fair amount of that, too, I mean running, and some swimming--I was a busy girl. Given what Mom and Dad had seen of Tommy and me earlier, my parents extended swimsuit-optional privileges to him. I don't know whether it...

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Lovers Game

“You know you’re distracting me!” I said while looking at Michael.  Michael was lying completely naked with his thick legs slightly spread, his muscled arms crossed behind his head and flaccid penis resting on his stomach. “How am I distracting you?” “I keep looking at you and wanting to just talk with you but every time I think of something so say I get distracted at how beautiful you are.” Michael opened his eyes and a smile crossed his lips. “May I kiss you?” I asked. “Only if you tell me...

3 years ago
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An Afternoon Sex Cocktail

Nothing, but the worst guilt trip of her life, could have caused such a need to vomit up her soul as she now felt. Suddenly pulling her elegant appearing smokestone clear coat metallic colored 2009 Lincoln MKS to the side of the parking lot as the was beginning her drive home. Eleanor ‘Ellie’ Berkenstein stopped the dream of a vehicle she’d purchased, actually her husband had written the check for the $40,000 plus automobile, only three weeks previously. Before becoming sick...

2 years ago
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NeighborsChapter 4

I got arms full of Haley. She was so soft and cuddly and excited and loving and I cherished her. My hands explored her slight body, getting me giggles and purrs. I slid my hands gently over her breasts, slight moundings that yielded to my touch, and she sucked a breath in when I touched her nipples. "Can I see them, sweetness?" I asked. "Why?' she said. "I'm almost flat. I dunno why I don't have bigger titties. I mean, Mom's got pretty big ones." Her mom was indeed busty, but two...

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Appoloin Ch 01 02

Chapter 1: Naissance An afternoon in the Amazon could not have surpassed the heat surrounding the Revrex lab. ‘Damn A.C. has to break down today of all days when I choose to wear pants…’ muttered Jennifer as she slowly got all the computers on standby. It felt like a swamp, the suppressing humidity and heat stifling all who dared to accomplish anything in the small lab. Only one woman managed to stay in the lab, Jennifer, the overworked and exhausted temp left to finish the days...

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Quickie Mortha s Heat

This is a word for word copy paste of an ERP I had with my favourite subby slut. If people seem to enjoy/request this kind of content I'll add more as I have a literal archive.Tags: Futa (of course

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Watchman does more than watch

I am Sarita. I was studying in 10 th when i had my first sex with our colony watchman. He was a middle aged man tall and well built. Whenever I used to come from school he would smile at me. I could feel him trying to strip me with his eyes.I had developed a nice figure by the time i was in 10th.I was constantly told i had nice long hair, my legs were long,espceally in the short skirts i wore and guys would constantly stare at my breasts,which were not large but well developed. One day my...

3 years ago
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My friend Jan came over last night to visit. She is a lesbian and I usually like men but she has a great set of tits and is a fantastic pussy licker. She soon sat on the couch with me and began to tongue kiss me and take her top off showing off those huge knockers. I soon had my top off and she was sucking my nipples half way down her throat as I rolled her nips between my two fingers. She put her hand down my pants and was finger fucking my cunt with three fingers and I was cumming fast for...

2 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 5 Jill TrimbleChapter 5

Bobby rode his bike to Jill’s. His mother was still upset about the picnic she was going on with Prudence and Ted. He knew that, because she had burned the pancakes she served him that morning. He hoped she calmed down enough to have some fun. He had an assortment of tools in his bag because he wasn’t quite sure what he was going to work on. Jill met him at the door in exactly the same outfit she had been wearing the last time he came over. Since he had made specific comments about that...

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The Pleasure Of Submission Ch 2

The first week Dee got accustomed to her new job.  So far, it was mainly getting coffee for Patrick, answering her work cell phone and taking messages, getting to know which clients Patrick deemed important and which he blew off on occasion.  She did notice that her first judgment of him was correct; he was very arrogant, demanding, and could be an asshole; not to her so much but to others.  He treated his employees very well however but tolerated very few mistakes.  She made a rather important...

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New Neighbor

It was early Saturday morning and there was a lot of commotion in the hallway outside my door. The unit across from me had long been for sale and no doubt, someone had bought and was moving in. I actually enjoyed the few months of privacy I had until then, but all good things come to pass, I guessed. I just hoped the buyer wouldn't be noisy. I was pretty shy and liked to keep to myself. I didn't like a lot of interaction.  Early Sunday morning, I sat on my deck enjoying my usual cup of...

First Time
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A First Time For Everything

So, I'm sharing this story here cause I have nobody else to talk to about this. If you've read my profile before reading this story, then you know a little about me. If not, then I'll be quick about this: So, I'm a DL black male who loves women, but also likes dick here and there. Right now, I'm only into giving head, but in time, you never know; that might change. Anywho, here's my story. I met a guy from a hookup site. (I won't say which one for respect to XHamster. I wouldn't want to GRIND...

4 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 4 The Final Straw

That was the conversation Sophia kept replaying in her mind. They had more, over the next week and a half-their newly discovered mutual adoration of the Red Sox led to lots of free-agent-signing wishes and an entire evening waxing rhapsodic over the majesty that is Pedro Martinez-but that conversation was the one she kept thinking about. He had held her up as an example of how he would treat someone he was in love with. She asked him point-blank if he was in love with her, and he avoided the...

4 years ago
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TwinsChapter 9 The Case of the missing panties

Tracy shivered slightly as Clifford ran his tongue delicately over her tummy. She marvelled at just how far Cliff had come in his sexual prowess in the past couple of months. Together with her sister, Stacy, she had introduced Clifford to the joys of teenage sex, and all on a dare. Tracy had dared Stacy to get Cliff, who was then the school nerd, to cum by any means possible. But once the girls had seen how big he was under his boxers they couldn't help themselves, they had fucked...

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Beautiful StrangerChapter 22

Sara Wesek paused a moment, brushed the dried, crushed soma-tea leaves from her hands. She stood anxiously in the private chamber of the great lord - her lord, her lover - Iosoan Lei. As was her accustomed chore whenever a foreign dignitary was granted audience at the palace, she prepared the great lord's finest tea for host and guest alike; sixteen cups she had gathered, fire hot and water set to boil. Her eyes searched the room, seeking some thing which might cause her delay. She normally...

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Massage For Sweet Angel In Bangalore 8211 Part 2

Hi to my all sweet iss readers this is your ravikrishna going to narrate a awesome experience.My name is ravikrishna studying in a reputed college in Bangalore aged 21 with a height of 6 ft and I have a hard rock penis with a size of 6 inches which can satisfy all types of women.Any girls ladies or aunties in and around bangalore wants to get sex pleasure can drop a mail on think this story will make all girls to feel their wetness on their pussy.Girls,ladies,bhabhis,young teens who likes to...

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Who s Crying Now

Hey folks ... I just wanted to start out by saying thanks for another great year. It was a year full of changes and highs and lows. Among the highs were getting a lot of great letters and e-mails from you, telling me what you liked and even what you didn't about my stories. Among the lows were losing my long time editor and friend to health problems. But this next year will be one full of new highs and I'm sure, new lows as well. I wish you all the best. Happy New Year. Thanks to my new...

2 years ago
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Jason came in to the house through the front door and slammed the door behind him. He'd just been fired from his job as a kitchen hand at the local pub and he was itching for a way to vent his frustration. He was still living at home with his parents, who were out of town for the weekend, and his 18-year-old younger sister Ellie. His job was his chance to save up enough money to move out when he finishes his degree in just over a year, and now he was unemployed.He stalked down the entrance hall...

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Christmas at the burrow

Muggles that saw it would swear, jokingly, that it was held together by magic. Wizzarding folk, on the other hand, would know that that is exactly what is holding it together. A cold biting wind flows and weaves its way around the outside of the building, as if seeking a way in, drawing a fresh flurry of snow with it, which slowly makes its way down to the ground, adding to the drifts which lay all around, the countryside blanketed in pure, unbroken fields of white. Two figures, deeply...

3 years ago
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The Stillman Institute Power of Suggestion

The Stillman Institute: Power of Suggestion Margaret had joined her neighbors to drive Jenny to the airport, off for a week of training on the West Coast. While Jenny bustled with last minute preparations, Margaret continued the conversation she had started with Jenny's husband James and his best friend, Will, over drinks the weekend before. She was needling the boys one more time and they were rising to the bait. "I just don't agree, Will," James exclaimed. "The power in a...

4 years ago
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Sammie Series 1 Sammies New Home

Sammie’s New Home 1st Story in the “Sammie” Series By: Sitback Wayne and Suzanne are a happily married couple with 2 sons (Roy, age 15 and Glen, age 10). They have been married over 16 years and have been together for over 20. While they have fun sexually (doing some really imaginative things together, including openly fantasizing about other people while they are making love with each other), neither has been with anyone else since they met. Wayne and Suzanne also use the internet to “play...

3 years ago
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A construction superintendant has a threesome wwith a fourteen year old girl and her boyfriend

As a construction supervisor I meet all sorts of subcontractors. Working on a Saturday is not uncommon and often the subs bring their teenage sons along to learn the trade. This was the case when I met Dillon. Now I am a straight male but even I have to admit this boy was cute. Small boned, brown wavy hair to his shoulders, blue eyes and an engaging smile. At lunch time Dillon found me in the construction trailer and asked if he could talk to me. “Sure,” I said pushing a chair towards him. He...

1 year ago
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Halloween party with the phantom

Jamie's pussy was still tingly, and a little sore as she dressed for the Halloween party. God, she loved the way Steve fucked her in the shower, and she would have loved to drag him into the bedroom for 3 or 4 more hours of fucking. But Steve was on the board of a local charity, and scheduled to be emcee at tonight's party. She had to admit that it was very sexy that he took the obligation seriously, and truly enjoyed his work raising money for the charity. He was the best lover any woman could...

Adult Humor
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Savagely Sexed in School 6

My butt hole was so sore and tender that with every little movement of Daniel's huge cock my thighs and legs trembled and shook violently and uncontrollably. Daniel's huge cock head, slowly and deliberately, inched painfully further into my anal cavity. I could not take full breaths due to the pain of my anal muscle being stretched wider than it ever had been. I found my self clawing at the air, since Bruce and Charlie firmly held my wrist, I could only claw at the air. Daniel painstakingly...

4 years ago
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Bath And A Shower

It was a cold December day, we had set out to do some Christmas shopping on the other side of the Bay. By the time we finished going to all the places we normally frequent, it was getting late and we neither of us wanted to drive home, so we took a short ride over the hill and took a room at the Inn at Saratoga. We went out and had another entertaining dinner at Intense Italiano and went back to our room. We opened some Champagne and lit a dozen candles while the huge tub filled. I jumped into...

2 years ago
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Our MMF Fantasy That s Gonna Cum True Part

She’d never been so nervous in her entire life. Part of her kept waiting for her feet to turn around on the sidewalk, but the hand clasped around hers helped her make it through those big glass doors. His hand was strong, confident-it felt like he was ready for this-so much more so than her. It was one thing to chat online, or even exchange phone numbers and pictures. But now…now they were 700 miles from home walking into one of the nicest hotels in New York City, and each step brought them...

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Nightmare Cometh

Coffee rippled inside the teacher's mug. Even those who noticed the tremors paid them no mind. Global earthquakes had baffled scientists for two years but always died down eventually without any real damage. “Alright, alright. You know, if you'd let me rest sometimes, I'd have an easier time doing this on cue.” Jade shifted her tight buttocks clenched around the horse's rigid ballsack hidden under her skirt to the edge of her chair. She prayed that Jennifer's report on a book she had...

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One Month of Chuck Steve an Alternative ScenarioChapter 21

MAC MELVILLE – The JUNCTION – Day 14 - Sunday This Sunday wasn't going to be a day of rest, I thought, as I got out of bed. I needed to check on how the techs of the Counterfeit Investigations Division were doing, presumably they would be using the Federal labs in LA, and it could take some time to get a response out of that group. Then I had to get Sunshine Helicopters organized as I couldn't rely on Gita Fullwood being able to do anything. After a quick breakfast at the cafeteria, I...

1 year ago
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The Morning After My Wedding Anniversary

Note: This is a fictional account of an incestuous attraction that does not result in intercourse. Although unsuitable for a high school English class, it may be too tame for some of the readers here. When I woke up I got the shock of my life. I was lying naked in bed, next to my naked eighteen year old hung over. The last thing I could remember was sitting in a restaurant with my daughter drinking what was obviously too much for me. We had been "celebrating" if you can call it that, my...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Isabella Nice The Big Boss Can Help When Isabella is Stuck

Isabella Nice has heard a lot coming from her boss, Mike Stefano’s office. She hears nothing but him fucking the office in the ass and knows he can help her. She’s got a buttplug stuck in her tight little asshole and shows him what a predicament she’s in. After all, he knows his way around a tight ass! Loosening the plug turns into a hot blowjob and she cannot stop herself from more. When he finally gets the plug out, he makes sure it doesn’t close and Isabella gets the deep drilling she really...

4 years ago
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summer night

It was a beautiful summer night,I decided to go sit on the deck and have a nice glass of wine before heading to bed, It was late around 11 but still very warm, I was dressed for bed in my teddy, panties and a silk housecoat, I settled into my lounger on my deck, then something cought my eye, the neighbors basement light flashed on and off a few times, out of curiosity I peered over the fence, hmmmm , my lucky night ,the neighbors son was in his room , naked. Id seen him several times...

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King Queen Competition

Hello everyone, my name is James, 25 yr old, 6’0 height and average body. After completed my bachelors from Australia, I was back to my dad’s business in India. After working for about 6 months, I knew this business is not for me. I deserve to do something better than this. A ‘not well prepared’ CAT was given, just to get an admission in a decent MBA institute. And then I landed up in this society. This society had 4 MBA institutes specializing in telecom management, international business, HRD...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Destiny Cruz 05 21 2020

Jake…I-AM-YOUR-PORN-DIRECTOR and it is your DESTINY to take this sweet but not so innocent girl on a CRUZ of LIFE CHANGING SEX! Feel the pussy Jake. Feel the PUSSY. “Life changing” sex were the sweet out of breath words uttered by this week’s exploitee after Jake used his light saber on 24 yr-old star-struck princess Destiny Cruz. So lets meet our rising starlet who just happened to stop by the explotee hotel room to get the fucking of a lifetime, and I do mean FUCKING...

2 years ago
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My First ExperienceIt was just two days before my eighteenth Birthday. I was very excited and making plans to celebrate it in a memorable way with my friends. So after coming back from school, I quickly finished my home work and rushed to Udit's place to give finishing touch to the plans and to finalize the list of invitees. Udit is my next door neighbor, my class mate and one of my best friends. He was not at home. When I rang the call bell, to my surprise the door was opened by his "Dubai...

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A Halloween to Remember

Gillian was a younger woman, around 21, or maybe 22. She had long blond hair, it was straight, and easily reached the middle of her back. Her eyes were a deep dark blue, almost a violet color. Thick dark lashes framed them. Her mouth was full, and pouty. She was looking into her full-length mirror in her bedroom, while studying her body shape. She had a firm tight body. The belly had a soft roundedness to it, but was otherwise flat. Her legs were long, seeming to go on forever. They were slim,...

4 years ago
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The Meeting

Fantasy FullfilledHow did things turn out? You decide ..............choose your endingHer flight had been delayed for hours, causing her to have precious little time to shower, dress and prepare herself for the evening ahead. They had been meeting in a rather unusual way for quite a while now. But every encounter together only increased her desire for him. She had gotten to know him a little more each time they met, and now felt simply at ease with him. He was so easy to be with. He was funny,...

2 years ago
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Lunch Rush

During the icy drive to the park my one coherent thought was 'Ferra is going to die over this'. She hadsomehow found my MSN password and arranged a trick with someone who saw one of my videos. On one hand, it involved one of my biggest fantasies. On the other, this could be bad, and not least of all because Ferra just didn't think about danger the way most people do. And of course, why didn't I just tell her "no"? Why indeed. Instead I drove to the city park which was totally dead,except for an...

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Good Girl in Vegas

A Good Girl in Vegas By My-bi I am happily married to my high school sweetheart for 20 plus years. She was a virgin when we met, and has never been with anyone else. We have always enjoyed a busy, but conventional sex life. Unknown to my wife, I was bisexual, with a few experiences in which I sucked cock and was fucked by another man, while wearing panties. My professional life requires me to be tough, and competitive, and I wanted my sex life to include me in the role as the woman,...

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13 January 2007Chapter 2

Wendy’s arms caressed Aaron’s naked body as he lowered her onto the bed. Her legs held him in place as she accepted his tongue in her mouth, then it began to explore her body. Her chest was heaving from excited breathing as she felt his full lips kiss her neck, to her shoulders, then down her chest to her erect nipples. She instinctively cupped his head to her breast as if feeding him her mother’s milk. Aaron continued exploring her body, discovering her reactions to his touch. Her stomach...

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