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2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 23

The truck pulled away from the mine to be replaced by another as a bulldozer growled its way towards the new truck. Dust hung heavy in the air, kicked up by the huge tires of the truck moving through the desert. Ed blinked his eyes trying to rid them of dust, but it was a losing battle that would only be won when the dust settled back to the ground. Outside of the trucks, it was hard to tell that this was an operational mine. Shouting over the noise of the bulldozer and truck, Calvin...

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 1

... to be drawn and quartered, with arms and legs bound in chains of obligation, and pulled by love. Even as we scream our pain and anguish into the empty cavern, we hear our cries echo back at us in a voice that sounds angry rather than anguished. “I want, and I don’t want this!” When opportunities for growth arise for one member of a family, how can we support them while remaining true to ourselves? It’s not exactly a new problem, it’s more of a widespread dilemma of modern times. Should...

4 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 2

Ed was seated in the dining room of the first year dorm eating lunch with Kelly when Albert Mandel and Cindy Carpenter entered the room. Waving an arm, he caught their attention and they headed over to their table. Kelly was puzzled by the appearance of the two individuals as they were wearing outfits unlike anything she had seen before. Wearing dark green clothes with soft leather boots that laced up their legs, they looked like something out of a Robin Hood movie. Noticing her puzzlement,...

4 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 3

Uncomfortable in hiking boots, Ed followed behind Albert as he slipped through the woods. While Ed was proud of being an outdoorsman, the Ranger was amazing in how quietly he could move through very rough terrain. Ed was no match for him. Poor Howard, following behind the two men, was positively miserable. After years of not wearing regular clothes, the khaki cotton jeans rubbed him in all of the wrong places, the shirt felt confining, and his hiking boots were rubbing blisters on his...

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 4

They reached the site where the body of the Ranger had been found late in the afternoon. The body had been found in a small creek bed surrounded by a half dozen trees by a local man that had noticed a large number of crows in the area. When he had approached, it seemed like twenty of the birds had flown out of the creek. Wanting to find out why so many carrion birds were in one place, he had found the body expecting to find the carcass of a deer killed by a poacher. There was nothing...

3 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 5

Ed, Albert, and two FBI agents sat in the local bar drinking cokes and talking to the waitress. The woman, in her early fifties, had seen more men come and go through the bar in her lifetime of working there than most women ever met in their entire lives. The four men at the table were the strangest that she had ever encountered. Winking at the woman and the bored manner in which she had greeted them, Ed said, “You don’t seem surprised to have a Druid in your establishment.” “Hey, you work...

1 year ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 7

A very pregnant Ling waddled into the first year dining room and sat at the table with the rest of the family. She was due to give birth at any time and was looking forward to being able to walk around with her normal grace. Her frequent need to go pee was another thing that she hoped would end soon, since she didn’t enjoy going to the bathroom in front of an audience. The students, fascinated by her pregnant body, took every opportunity to look at her naked form. Arriving at the table, she...

4 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 8

Ed and John sat by the stream watching the surface as it broke over rocks, creating chaotic patterns and swirls. This summer was hot and humid, draining the energy out of Ed in a way he had never before experienced. After years of moving around in the hot sun of Arizona, Ed couldn’t believe how hot he felt. His shirt stuck to him, his pants felt damp, and sweat dripped from his nose. Looking over at John, he said, “I hate it here.” It was tempting to argue that things weren’t bad here, but...

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 12

At a convenience store on reservation property, Ed held the door open for William. The little guy, just shy of four years old, wasn’t strong enough to open it himself. The handle was barely within reach. William, holding a five-dollar bill in his hand, marched up to the counter. The man behind the counter watched him approach with amusement at the serious expression on his face. Reaching the counter, William said, “I need a pack of tobacco.” The man, a Native American who was thirty years...

3 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 13

“I pay them. They should put my needs ahead of theirs,” said Nora as she looked at Ed expecting him to agree with her. She sat there wearing designer jeans, a stylish shirt, and boots that cost five hundred dollars. The boots weren’t any good for real use, only for show in a Hollywood store. After two days, they were already showing signs that they would fail. Chipping away at the rock face with his rock hammer, Ed didn’t answer. The medallion on his chest flared with heat and then subsided....

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 14

Sitting naked on the sofa, Ed watched an old movie from the late thirties and laughed at the action on the screen. The kids surrounded him on the couch, enjoying the movie with just as much enthusiasm. Kelly entered the room and glanced at the screen. She asked, “What are you watching?” “Sherlock Holmes with Basil Rathbone,” answered Ed without taking his eyes off the television. “It’s my favorite.” Shaking her head, Kelly wondered if Ed had ever seen a movie made after 1960. Watching him...

3 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 15

It was hard to believe that three months had passed since his return to Arizona. Over the course of that time, he had taken the kids rock hunting, watched stars through the telescope, and taught the kids how to ride a pony. Now his time with them was coming to an end as they were going to return to the college in a few short hours. Kelly sat up in the bed and looked down at him, seeing that he was awake. Her hand wandered down his body towards his cock. He smiled when her hand reached it and...

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 17

It was around lunchtime and Ed was driving when they crossed into Arkansas. The ‘Welcome to Arkansas’ sign flashed by with both occupants of the car shouting, “Goodbye to Oklahoma! Hello To Arkansas!” The noise of a motorcycle, still using a gasoline engine, caught their attention. A guy in his early thirties passed them for the fourth time on his antique Harley Davidson motorcycle. While Fusion Engines were available for motorcycles, very few serious bikers used those engines. It was widely...

3 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 19

Bob, furious, paced in front of the house waiting for Ed to arrive. The man had hurt his wife’s feelings for no reason. When Ed came home, Bob was going to give Ed a piece of his mind before his wife had a chance to see him. His stomach churned at the thought of having to leave the house because Ed had been a bastard. Bob had listened to her vent her anger for almost twenty-four hours. Marguerite was furious with Ed and was threatening to kill him when he arrived home. The day before, a...

3 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 20

Shuana set the plate in front of Ed with care. Following his normal behavior when presented with a new dish, Ed looked it over appreciating the presentation and then bent over to savor the aroma. With a smile, he picked up his knife and fork to cut a bite out of the meat dish. She held her breath, as he tasted the dish, hoping that he enjoyed it. Looking up at her, he was tempted to make one of his usual comments but realized that she was watching him with a seriousness that would make it a...

4 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 21

Exhausted was the only word to describe how Ed felt as he stepped into his room. He had spent most of the previous night sitting with Dr. Hayes as the old man talked about his life with his wife. The elderly doctor had loved his wife with a love that had grown even stronger in the latter years of their life together. It had been a very hard evening listening to the stories and keeping up the spirits of the doctor. On several occasions, the doctor had broken down and cried. The morning had...

3 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 22

The plans for the funeral evolved beyond anything that Ed could have imagined. The service was held outdoors in the park under the open air. The clear blue sky had turned a darker shade of blue, the mountains in the distance were sharp, and the wind was gentle. The temperature was not hot or cold, but comfortable. Everything combined to make it a perfect day for outdoor events. The park was filled with people dressed in their Sunday best. The casket was under a white canopy, surrounded by...

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 23

Sitting in the living room, Ed was watching the weather channel. Everyone was flying out the next day for the new academic school year at the Druid College and he wanted to make sure that the weather would be good for their flight. Betsy came running into the living room and ducked behind the couch. A minute later, Ling came in the room and looked around. “Where is she?” Ed pointed to the end of the couch and said, “You’ve been found, Betsy.” Betsy came out and started to tear out of the...

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 2

Ed sat at his normal place at the conference table and looked around the room at the other occupants. Jim sat at the head of the table with a huge stack of papers in front of him. Seated next to Jim was Jack Anderson, the family accountant. Ed didn’t know the man that well, and realized that it had been years since he had last talked to him. Kelly, Leroy, Ling, and Linda shifted nervously waiting for the family meeting to begin. They were watching Ed, making him feel self-conscious. Ed...

3 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 4

It was a tired Ed that returned home from his first afternoon as Chairman of the Board of the Fusion Foundation. He noticed the strange car parked in the driveway, and realized that Kim Green had beaten him to the house. Hitting his head with the palm of his hand, he realized that he hadn’t let anyone know that she was coming. It was even worse since he had left her with the mistaken impression that she would be sleeping with him that night. Entering the house, he was met by Cathy with her...

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 6

Ed stepped into the infirmary and looked at Dan lying on the bed. Sarah, naked as always, sat in the chair next to the bed. She looked up from the magazine she had been reading. Frowning, she said, “He keeps waking up and then fainting. I don’t understand.” Looking at the man in bed, he replied, “We’re going to go to the employment office to find some more staff. You might want to get dressed. I’ll sit here with Dan until Maria comes over.” Sarah set down the magazine and left the room....

4 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 7

The pool room was quiet for a change when Ed, restless and anxious, stepped into the room. The lights were turned low giving it the sense of being larger than it really was. He stripped and entered the pool, enjoying the coolness of the water as it flowed over his body. It was the first time during the entire day that he was able to relax. The two new hires had moved into their rooms and Dan had returned home. Even Betsy had gone to bed early after meeting Lucy. For some reason, the pool...

1 year ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 8

Kelly returned to the Druid College once her responsibilities to the Fusion Foundation were over. Leroy left to move his lab closer to home. Ed was surprised to learn that Leroy had learned to fly and had purchased a private plane. The three-hour drive to his new lab was now just a little over an hour away by plane. Ling, working with Cathy and Mary, was still coming to grips with taking over the financial responsibilities for the house. They were still short-staffed, but it would be a while...

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 9

Stepping into the Druid College brought back memories of times spent with John. Ed paused, finding it hard to believe that only a month had passed since his husband had given up his life to sanctify the glade. He looked over at the large photograph of John hanging next to the entrance. It was a color picture that showed John standing along one of the paths into the woods near the school. In it, John looked regal wearing his robe and cloak as he held his staff. A tear slid down Ed’s cheek as...

1 year ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 11

Captain Nathan Jones sat at the table, exhausted from making the trip from the dorm to the dining room. After a week in the infirmary, they had given him a portable parallel walker. The next week, they had moved him to a first year dorm room that he shared with three naked roommates, a man and two women. At Bethesda, he wouldn’t have been forced into such an active life without months of physical therapy. There were times when he wondered why he had accepted to be transferred here. Of...

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 12

“You want me to do what?” asked Nathan with a hint of dismay in his voice. “You heard me,” replied Ed without looking up from his work. “I’m not a babysitter,” said the soldier, indignant that he should be asked to watch Beth on her field trip. The crazy jobs that Ed was giving him to perform were about to drive the soldier crazy. Ed looked up and said, “I don’t expect you to babysit. I expect you to be a body guard.” “Body guard?” Folding his hands together, Ed said, “Maybe you aren’t...

4 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 13

Looking up from between Kelly’s legs, Ed watched as Kelly sucked on Ling’s breast. As always, the sight of his wives kissing or touching each other excited him. He turned his attention back to Kelly and slid his tongue between her pussy lips. The heady aroma and rich flavor drove him renew his efforts to please her. On the floor next to Ed, Leroy and Linda were engaged in sixty- nine. Leroy was working on her with his full attention trying to bring her to orgasm before she was able to make...

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 15

William took to riding a horse as if he had been born on the back of one. By the third day of their trip, William and Dale seldom left Ed’s side. William had learned an incredible amount of information about the desert. Dale discovered a wealth of information about rocks. The transferal of knowledge was occurring in the old fashioned manner, from the elder to the younger through demonstration and practice. Ed knelt by the outcropping and pointed to the four-inch wide layer of rock. As his...

3 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 17

Ed walked to the podium and looked out across the audience who filled the auditorium of the administration building. Nearly four hundred people waited to hear what he had to say to the very first graduating class of the Druid College. Oliver had given him the honor of addressing the graduating class since he had been present at the initial conception of the idea for the school. The tension in the room rose as he looked from one graduate to the next. Once he had composed himself, he said,...

3 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 20

The family lounged around the pool after having played in it for the past hour. Naked and wet from the water, Ed was happy at having his wives and husband alone with him while Betsy was at the park with Mary Gold and her daughter. He could tell the wives had something on their mind and were waiting for the right moment to initiate a discussion. After sharing looks with her other two wives, it was Linda who broached the subject they had been avoiding all morning when she asked, “What do you...

1 year ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 22

Claire was on the bed with her legs spread apart waiting for either Dan or Ed to slide between them. The black skin of her soft breasts, topped by dark aureole and bullet hard nipples, was very inviting. Both men were still feasting on her breasts unwilling to turn down the invitation. Ed was certain that she had the largest nipples that he had ever seen. Frustrated, she asked, “Won’t one of you get busy and fuck me?” “We’re too busy to fuck you at the moment. Your breasts need a lot more...

2 years ago
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Inside The Mind of Dr Agnes O Brien

PrologueI enjoy writing fictional stories that are based on characters created by others.? For example I am currently working on a BDSM Library serial based on the AMC TV series ?Mad Men?.? In the past I have written stories like "Candy Among the Christians" revisiting Voltaire’s novel ?Candide? and the opera by the same name by Bernstein.  "Constanza's Submission"?was inspired by the ?Abduction from the Seralio? by Mozart.? At another site I have written stories based on Lupus Pictures'...

3 years ago
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Remembering Mary O Brien

In my Senior year of high school, I did well enough in Forensics to earn a spot in the state competition. We piled onto a bus, kids and chaperones and luggage and all, and set off across the state. We arrived at State University, the site of the competition, and settled in. My event was Extemporaneous Speech, wherein you get a topic, and 15 minutes to develop a 5 minute oration based upon it. Now, I’m a talker (surprising, no?), and a bit of a dilettante, knowing a bit about a variety of...

1 year ago
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Abigail s Choice Pt 1

“Please come home John... I miss you. I miss us. I’ll accept your punishment, I’ll submit to you. Just please come home.”He sighed, put his finger under my chin and lifted my face to look at him. “Abigail, go home. This isn’t the place.” I tried to look away again, but he wouldn’t let me. I closed my eyes as a tear trickled down my cheek. “Damnit Abigail look at me.” I opened my eyes“Please John, I-“He gripped my chin and tilted it up further, pressing a kiss to my lips. “Abigail, go straight...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Abigail s Choice Pt 2

Pt 2 “Will you submit, Abigail?”Rubbing my cheek against the top of his head I whispered “Yes, John. I will.”Pulling back he looked at me, staring for what seemed like minutes. “You’re sure?” His voice was husky. “No,” I smile a little, “but I want to be. Show me? Show me what it means to submit to you?”He leaned back on his heals, rested his flannel pants clad bottom on his heels. He pulled me up off the  the mattress, sliding the opened robe from my shoulders. “Gladly. On your knees Amoré,”...

4 years ago
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Howard s Interview

Howard Dover looked into the mirrored panel beside the elevator bank and smiled. He looked good. His clothes fit well, his tie was very rep, his haircut was worth the price, and he was confident he would get the job. Howard was fresh out of college with a degree in business administration and computer sciences and this was his fifth interview. He knew what was coming, and he was prepared. He palmed his groin and smiled again at his reflection as his eager cock quivered. He rode to the...

3 years ago
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Howie Returns to the KiowaChapter 3

"You did well," Tall Grass said to Marcy. "I am glad you passed the GED. "Thank you. I can't believe I'm a real Apache," she said. "We prefer Kiowa, although we're Kiowa Apache," he said. "And you are my Chief," she said. "I want you to think about what you would like to study," he said. "I thought I just passed," she said. "I want to go to the community college in Albuquerque. I don't want you to ever be stuck, without options," he said. "What do you think I should...

3 years ago
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Showoff Homebody

"Oh, Eric, could you put a light bulb in the changing cabana while you're here? Remember, it was dark the other night?" It was Saturday and David was watching a game on TV. I stepped into the cabana, following his cute little butt in a red pair of trunks. "Maybe we shouldn't put a bulb in ... it was so much fun, eh?" I giggled. "This one is OK, it was just loose." He grinned at me knowingly. "Oh, really? That's an idea. Just leave it un-screwed, then." My meaning brought a smile,...

4 years ago
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Showoff by Starlight

"Oh, hi, Mrs., Barton!" Ellen turned to find Eric carrying three packages. "Eric, hi, sweetie, doing your grocery shopping, I see." "Just a couple things Mom forgot. Looks like you have a load! Can I help?" "Thanks, yes, you can help me put these in the van, if you don't mind." "Love to." They walked the length of the row of cars and she clicked the door unlocked and began loading things from the cart to the car. "How was your date with Jenny?" she asked quietly,...

2 years ago
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Showoff for Dance

"I think I'll open another bottle of wine; this was delicious, don't you think?" The candlelight was warm and romantic, casting shadows around the room as David got up to for more wine. "Oh ... I should mention that Eric is coming over shortly. His mother wants me to give him some dancing lessons. So, don't make amorous plans with giving me more wine!" Ellen laughed as she said it. "Really? Well you are good at it. Why doesn't she teach him, though?" "Oh ... I don't know. Maybe...

3 years ago
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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 18 Bigots and Scoundrels

December, 1812 One drawback of having the tenants reception on a Sunday after church was that Thomas had to go to church. He had been very busy the days before going over the records and the estate ledger with Mr. Conway, setting goals and allocating funds. He also took Mirabel into Guildford to have her measured for more clothes and other accessories which she would need. Mirabel of course protested against the expenses, but Thomas overruled her. If Mirabel was staying in Gibraltar, she...

1 year ago
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Howe Watson 6pk

The new reality was that for ten to twenty hours a day Watson was homeless. Someone sitting on a well padded chair, at a big desk, inside a warm office, and drinking coffee at the headquarter of homeland security had decided on our covers. I was a bride recruited from the Internet for the Muslin terror warriors, and my partner, Watson was posing as a homeless man in order to be the outside any one of them on any given day. Watson pretended to live near the terror location dejour, and just...

2 years ago
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Bigdaddy s Long Weekend Ch 03

Okay so this one was written for a friend, he is far more into the mind control then I am so I gave it a whirl, also he likes chick on chick, so I gave that a shot too. I hope it worked out okay, after this there are at least 2 more chapters, and they will be dominance based again. ************************************************** She wakes up and he is already gone so she slips out of bed and she can smell coffee and bacon. She jumps in the shower, puts on a little make up and then slips...

1 year ago
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Bigboy 6

Sue continues her quest for bestiality and big cocks. Hey Bo, hope you had a great weekend. Personally, I took some time off so I could recover a bit after the Dane workout. I went back to visit John yesterday and wow, More of the greatest sex ever... A huge human cock and a huge K-9 cock all in the same day. What more could a girl ask for? After the first round we sat at the dining table sharing a beer and chatting. John told me that he owed me big time. I kind of laughed and said that...

3 years ago
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Bigboy 2

Bigboy-Chapter 2 Well it's Thursday finally​,​ I arranged for twelve of my fri​e​nd​'​s to show up around 9am.. Lisa is due around 9:30, Hopefully she doesn't get cold feet.. Well she didn't, She arrived actually five minits early lol Eager girl.. As she got undressed she treated us to some very sexy lingerie got down on her knees and told the guys to line up.. Once you are finish please move away because everyone is eager, If you later decide you Want seconds please move to the...

4 years ago
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Bigboy and His Bitches Part 3

Vickie and Julie were in each other’s arms quickly, kissing, tearing each other’s clothes off until Vickie says, we need to slow down and get in that shower girl. They do. They hug as they stand under the hot streaming water laughing as Julie says, “I don’t think I can scrub off the slutty feeling of having a black man cumming in my married white pussy. God that was so nasty feeling, having my pussy stretched so much and feeling his black balls filling me so deeply. Have you ever felt a...

1 year ago
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Bigboy and His Bitches 2

I try to drive slow going home but my thighs squeeze constantly as I think of what is waiting for me there. My foot keeps subconsciously pressing harder on the accelerator as the hunger I feel impels me to speed home. I have to constantly correct my speed and slow down to keep from getting ticketed. It feels like it takes hours to get home but is really only about 20 minutes but the craving between my thighs makes it seem much longer. Once home I go to the computer and open the website so...

3 years ago
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Bigboy and His Bitches

Once both our parents had passed I had decided that farm life wasn’t really my cup of tea and looked around for my little niche in the world. I had gotten a job and decided to take a few years off before going to college in order to save some money towards it. I had my own little apartment in town and was pretty much happy the way my life was going except that our town was small and there weren't many guys that I considered husband material. Cheryl had always had a love of the farm...

3 years ago
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Bianca Bigboobs Is Back In Town

“Jeez,” the freely perspiring, oversized hunk of man beef said, opening the car door. “How come it always rains in your country?”I wanted to ask if a man who clearly had hyperactive sweat glands didn’t find England more congenial than California, where he spent most of his time, but it wasn’t my job. I also wanted to ask him if he didn’t have bigger fish to fry.There was a media scrum at the airport. Revelations about Bianca’s past had become breaking news with her and her minder half way...

3 years ago
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Officer Bigdick Pt 1

It was late one Friday night, about 11:15. I had just gotten home from a late night at the office. The kids were at my mother's and my husband was on a business trip in Denver, CO. I kicked off my heels and constricting business skirt, had a quick shower and relaxed in my bedroom. Drying off, when it hit me: Damn-I am so horny!. My husband hasn't been around lately and when he has, he hasn't exactly fucked me right. Sure, I do love him, but his 5 inch penis and poor stamina in the...

4 years ago
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H Bigguns Victorian Scientist Vol 02

The thorough written evaluation of my earlier interlude with Miss Lillian was cut short by a sharp rapping at the entry hallway door. As my subject was likely at this point lodged in my study, either contentedly, apprehensively, or blankly I could not truthfully fathom, for her general abandon of months of work and progress may have ‘reset the clock’ as it were, and her general imbecility as regards her moral and other responsibilities likely had rendered her, if nothing else, slightly bored. ...

1 year ago
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H Bigguns Victorian Scientist Vol 03

‘Mrs. Emma, you look most peckish, do enter!’ I exclaimed upon seeing her. My housemaid Miss Lillian had just walked her to my study door and was standing looking at me most expectantly as I assisted the poor young doctor’s wife into the room to recline gently upon the settee, for she did look most pale and drained and reticent to sit, although with my motions I did get her to gingerly it seemed rest her posterior upon the thing. ‘Mr. Bigguns, sir, if it please you I must mention that…’...

2 years ago
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H Bigguns Victorian Scientist Vol 01

A rather dreary London day greeted me as I arose in the morning, the grey pale light yet another reminder of the rather depressing northern climes I had recently returned to, but never really escaped from in my thoughts. A late night out with friends after a most stimulating discussion at the London Scientific Foundation dinner the previous evening had rendered me lethargic and un-nimble in my ablutions, in fact having just spilled a trail of urine off the corner of my bedpan in a blurry...

2 years ago
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Bigtit Nikki gets fucked

Now open wide, and he gave her three heaped teaspoonfuls of product and sent her on her way. She got to the car and couldn’t stop herself sticking her fingers in her wet cunt, frigging herself to an orgasm. The next few days were a blur. She felt overwhelmed by feelings of lust, spent hours with her sex toys in her cunt without any realisation that she had already become an addicted to the product, and things were about to take a turn for the worse. Nikki was a good looking woman. in her...

1 year ago
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Bigboy and His Bitches 2

Introduction: Vickie recruits a friend for Bigboys use but gets sidetracked on the way home I keep daydreaming at work as my mind creates visions of me and Ronny, Aphrodite and Bigboy and also both of us with fatty and his pony cock. By the time I close the shop Im ready for Bigboys big cock to impale me deeply. I try to drive slow going home but my thighs squeeze constantly as I think of what is waiting for me there. My foot keeps subconsciously pressing harder on the accelerator as the...

2 years ago
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The Bighorn Hiking Club

My wife Joan and I moved to the Colorado Springs area eight years ago, when I was 50 years old and she was 47. I was transferred there by my high-tech company from the Minneapolis area, and soon became an avid outdoor enthusiast. We had beautiful lakes in Minnesota , but the mountains had a beauty all of their own and I started doing a little hiking in the foothills. But because Joan had no interest in outdoor activities, I always went alone. These were always day hikes and I never ventured...

3 years ago
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An Unambiguous thought

It’s our fantasy, but neither one wants to admit it. It’s an unambiguous thought, those engaging words that I whisper into your ear while I’m fucking you, satisfying your aural fixation by phrases like ‘you wish he was here with his big cock’ and ‘suck it, suck his cock ’ and ‘how does he feel.’ Just making reference of those thoughts spurs your arousal. Similar to sticking my fingers in your mouth allowing you to suck my fingers, like slapping your round ass or sliding my cock over your...

2 years ago
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Officer Bigdick Pt 1

Introduction: I cant believe Im doing this! Intro: Ive never done this before, so I just want to get my story out there. Please comment!!! This is easily my most exciting sex story and what makes it so great is that it actually did happen. Thank you all. It was late one Friday night, about 11:15. I had just gotten home from a late night at the office. The kids were at my mothers and my husband was on a business trip in Denver, CO. I kicked off my heels and constricting business skirt, had a...

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Das leichtgl ubige M dchen vom Land

Hallo zusammen, Bitte schreibt mir Anregungen. Ihr könnt auch eigene Kapitel verfassen. Zur Hauptperson: Michaela Huber ist 19 Jahre alt, alle nennen sie eigentlich nur Michi. Sie hat einen gut trainierten Körper mir schönen festen C Brüsten. Sie ist 1,65m groß und hat schwarze Haare welche ihr bis zum Po Ansatz gehen. Seit 1 Monat ist sie nach Wien gezogen, da ihre Eltern verstorben sind und sie weg vom Land wollte. Zur Zeit kann sie bei Fremden durch Couch surfen übernachten. Sex hatte sie...

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Welcome to the Erotic Bigtop

"Welcome, to the Wormling Brother's Erotic Bigtop Circus of Sex and Service," a brightly dressed man with a cane said, as you approached the gate, "where erotic fantasies, come true. Ticket please." You hold out the ticket you had bought online for the man to inspect. "Ah yes, you seem to have the right credentials. Alright, we just need to make sure you end up in the right area. Women take the right door, men take the left door." With that he uses his cane to push you along towards the doors,...

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Lara Croft and the jungle of Biggo Cocko

At first, it had looked like an easy jump. Of course, the clearing was small, barely wide enough for an experienced parachutist to make a somewhat safe landing, but the tall mountains that surrounded the jungle of Biggo Cocko on all sides shielded it from the wind, and Lara's descent had been a piece of cake. This was a good sign: that jungle was renowned for being especially unforgiving, and a good, swift start was mandatory if she wished to complete her mission and be back at the pick-up site...

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As a major producer and director in Hollywood you’ve made an awful lot of money over the years, both in movies and in television. You now live in one of the largest mansions in Beverly Hills and have expensive apartments and properties all over the world. You’ve never lacked for female attention, especially since producing some of the biggest blockbusters in the last ten years. It’s always given you a kick to give some of the hottest talent their big break, Salma Hayek, Jessica Alba, Megan Fox...

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Zielstrebige Steuerberaterin bekommt Kundschaft

Daniela und die Dogfart-Boys Blonde Steuerberaterin übernimmt ein Neumandat Daniela schaute ungeduldig auf die Uhr: Gleich 20.00 Uhr. Eine halbe Stunde wartete die junge Steuerberaterin jetzt schon auf ihren Angestellten. Den sollte ich feuern, das hätte ich schon längst machen sollen., dachte sie. Nur weil er ihr dieses angeblich so gute Neumandat bringen wollte, hatte sie ihm noch mal eine Gnadenfrist gewährt. Die ehrgeizige junge Frau hatte schon mit Anfang 30 ihren Titel in der Tasche und...

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Bigtitslut4u s Birthday Surprise

Today was the first day of Spring vacation from College and I was awoken by a loud noise outside in front of the vacant house next door so I went to the window to see what was going on too see that a moving van was in front of the house next door and they were moving furniture into the house next door !! The house next door had been up for sale and I'm guessing the new owners were moving in today!! So I decided to go on about my business for the day!! I got dressed and went down stairs to have...

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A great time with bigboldbellend and his mate

Busty36DD meets James and William !Got to new Love Xhamster corn all the fun and meet ups but most merabel was one of The first times when I had the pleasure of having an invite to the Hotel room of Busty36DD...Me and my good friend William arrived at the Hotel bar and there she was, sitting at the bar drinking a cocktails with her low cut top revealing her enormous knockers which even the barman could not stop looking at! It was a casual and fun next hour or so as we chatted and I introduced...

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Bigtitslut4u dirty lil cockslut

rJust so you know this story isn't true is a story I'm posting for a friend!! Well the story began' s with Laura out shopping for sex toys and she's looking around the place trying to find just the right toy to fit her needs but is having a hard time deciding on which one will do the trick when out of no where comes the sales person of which Laura becomes mesmerized with as soon as she hears him speak as his a very handsome man with a body that looks as if he works out a lot!! He's 5'6 and...

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Ana s choice is abigger dick than mine

During our first years living in New York, Ana and I had got a cheap but nice apartment.We had only one neighbor living in the same floor. His name was Ritchie and he was a young student. He looked a very confident little brat.He always played loud music and we had gotten into a couple of verbal arguments about it. I often saw him bullying people; I knew he was a sadist.Once he had also tried to touch Anita’s butt in the hall; but my wife had slapped his face as she ran away from him.I looked...

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Accident Leads to a Biggger and Better Thing

Well I start out how and what the accident was and how all this came about. So a few weeks ago my wife was not feeling well she was laying in bed and wanted me to lay with her. Well snuggling up next to her I became hard and horny. My wife being the trouper she is started playing with my hard dick. She then pulled it out and was stroking my dick. She then stopped and took off her top and told me to titty fuck them. So I straddled her and place my hard dick between her nice size boobs. She...

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Bignick and the older women part 2 continue

Ok this big nick on a different profile so the older women I walk in to her house and went in to the room were all the noise was coming from and it was her beautiful young daughter playing with a big sexy toy one of the biggest toys I have seen smoking a cigarette the older women walk in and said sorry nick that my daughter Emma she had big tits and was playing with that toy beautiful pussy my dick was hard i want so much to put it in her the older women said come on nick to my room with that...

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Bigboy Dog and His Bitches

My story begins right after my sister was rewarded a scholarship to go abroad and study under a famous Master Chef. She was having second thoughts about accepting it because she couldn't afford to have her Bullmastiff Bigboy boarded. She couldn't stand the thought of having to give him up. He had been our mother's dog and Bigboy was at her side when she had passed away, true to the last. Mom had asked Cheryl to take good care of him and she had. Cheryl had lived on the farm with mom and had the...

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Biggy x The Beagle Wilds

Ziggy blinked an eye. His head was giving him that sign again, like when his dad talked with him thru telepathy. It was faint at first but then it came thru clearer, more audible. It said: “Look son, you three must get out of there as fast as possible. The boss is sending Montana over in an hour to bring you boys to him. Montana is a mean big bulldog who likes to beat up young k**s. There’s no telling what he will do if the boss asks him to knock some information out of you guys. Now listen...

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Licking My Frustrations by Bigsoftee 34609

There are times that I am frustrated by becoming a senior. And the most obvious affect is the matter of sex. Since my wife went thru menopause (almost 10 years ago), she no longer has any desires for any sex. Snuggling, kissing and hugging are still okay with her but not the actual consummation of sex. So, I often find myself either going out to get a massage and hope for a “Happy Ending” or watch a porn movie on the TV and jerk off. Well, that is until I met a friend in the similar...

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MY LAST MASSAGE by Bigsoftee34609

(Originally written under my old log in Bigsoftee)I live down south and have always been fairly healthy and rarely ever see a doctor. However, about 6 months ago I had an auto accident that caused an injury to my neck. After my surgery, part of my recovery included physical therapy and massage therapy. I found a good physical ther****t and worked out diligently 3 times per week. After a week of working out and feeling a bit tight I remembered the massage script and checked the phone book and...

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A Little Twist at My Last Massage By BigSof

I have a really bad back from an auto injury several years ago and have been getting massages to relieve some of the discomfort I have. The problem with that is I, like so many people with injuries, have an addiction. I’m not talking about pain killers… I am now addicted to massages! Now I know some of you are laughing thinking I am trying to 'be cute', but I am telling you, I could get a massage right now and 1 hour later if given the chance I’d do it again, and again, etc. The overall feeling...

3 years ago
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Bigdog gets turned out and becomes a Male Whore

Chapter 2 – The Big Dog becomes a “Cunning Linguist”A little about me. At 18, I was 6’2” 200 lbs. blessed with a fat 10-inch cock. Because I worked for my dad’s construction company after school and full time in the summer. I was well built and strong as an ox.After graduation, I was going to live on campus at the state university but Maryanne suggested to my folks that I “come live with her and do chores around the house as rental payment instead of moving on campus with no supervision.” I...

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Bighairyharleybiker Road Trip part 1

I have spent a few hours (probably days) reading these stories and recently thought people may enjoy reading about a few of my experiences. To start off with I’m no writer but I do my best to use spell check punctuation and complete sentences, but you may find a mistake or two. A little about me, I’m no wonder stud! Just an old biker. I’m 50 with a belly, shaved bald head long beard and an average cock. I can’t “pound” a woman for hours, but I will always make a woman cum before I do and I live...

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Checking Out the Massage Competition By BIGSOFTE

In the area I live it is considered a “bible belt” area, which partially means no adult book stores or anything else adult oriented. Well, I was totally thrilled to see that we now have, not one, but two Oriental Massage places opened in town. One of them I have been going to every Sunday and getting a nice massage along with a Happy Ending. I figured since I was getting a nice hand job there I didn’t need to go looking elsewhere. And that is until the gal from the shop I go to asked me a...

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b Defacing Mom by MomsBigBoy b

True Story, i****t Introduction: This happened to me a long time ago, I have changed names and obviously spiced it up for your enjoyment Not even in her wildest dreams did Donna ever expect to be in the position she now found herself in. Down on the floor, kneeling in front of her only c***d, the stacked blonde mother had her head tilted back against the edge of her son's bed.She'd come to Michael's apartment for a simple discussion, that was all. But somehow she had ended up like this, about...

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Steph n bigthighlover

THIS STORY BY bigthighlover:I had been talking with this very beautiful sexy tranny from the southern part of the state for weeks and she told me she was going to drive up to Morgantown and check out the gay lesbian club Vice Versa on Saturday night so I decided to surprise her and be there I got there around 8 pm and got a table next to back wall in front of stage I could see from there desk the hostess set out and I watched for Steph to come in it was all most 9 pm and there she was walking...

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My Little sister and Flashing a Maid by Bigsofte

I have always loved flashing my cock and seeing the reactions to my actions. I've driven up to girls on the street and flashed them as well as let my cock hang out of my shorts when my wife had one of her girl friends over for a visit. I always got good reactions from flashing them and sometimes I'd even cum while they watched.Well, a few years ago I was on a trip from NY to Florida with my k** sister (she was 35 at the time). We decided not to drive straight through so we stopped at a motel....

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A Little Twist at My Last Massage By BigSof

I have a really bad back from an auto injury several years ago and have been getting massages to relieve some of the discomfort I have. The problem with that is I, like so many people with injuries, have an addiction. I’m not talking about pain killers… I am now addicted to massages! Now I know some of you are laughing thinking I am trying to 'be cute', but I am telling you, I could get a massage right now and 1 hour later if given the chance I’d do it again, and again, etc. The overall feeling...

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Rob I Have Sex On The Train Written by Bigro

Sex on the trainThis story takes place over 20 years agoMy girlfriend Michelle has very long dark brown hair brown eyes she is 5'10 150 and has 38D's 28 inch waist 40 hips very beautiful face. We met in high school we even lost our virginity to each other.Here is what happened on this fateful night Michelle and I were watching Risky Business on VHS starring Tom Cruise and Rebecca De Mornay. When the movie came to the scene where Tom and Rebecca having sex on the L train Michelle whispered...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 9 Papa Ne Bigada Maa Bete Ka Khel

Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Mujhe aap apne mail se utsahit rakhe aur main apko apne kahaniyo se manoranjit. Pichle bar apne Rahul ke ghar dekha ki kaise maa bete porn movie ka sath mein maza lete hai. Fir kya hua janiye aaj ke episode mein. Jo bhi ye episode pehli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padhne se pehle Season 1 padhle. Isse apko saari kahaniyo ki jad se pata chale. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id /...

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Coming to America Part 1 by BigBad

"Look at this!" Claire squealed. "I can't believe this!"Andy enjoyed it when Claire opened the mail. Along with the love and lust letters, and proposals of marriage, there were panties, nighties, stockings, garters, dresses, shoes, jewelry, dildos, oils and perfumes, and flowers. He didn't pay much attention until she repeated. "Andy! Come over Hon! You gotta hear this! She started to read:"Dear Claire and Andy,I've been following your Diary for some time and have enjoyed your joy in...

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Maid To Order By Bigsoftee

She was proud to be a personal housemaid like her mother had been. Her mother cleaned private estates for almost 20 years and now she was happy to take over for her mother who had decided to retire and move to Arizona for health reasons. After all those years of dusting she felt the good clean air would do her some good. Her mother only had six private cleaning clients, but they all paid very well. Strangely her mother never met some of her clients because they were gone by the time she got...

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Lost My Virginity To Bigboobed Girl

Hello, everyone myself Abhi from Andhra Pradesh. Currently living in Vijayawada working in an MNC. This is my first story on ISS. Please send me your feedback to Coming to the incident, this happened when I was in 12th class and back then I use to watch porn and use to read Indian Sex stories and know everything about sex but didn’t get any chance to loose my virginity. In our school, they announced that there will be a national level science fair which they are going to conduct in school. So,...

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BigBimbo s Memoire s 3 Musings about

In 2003 I was freshly out of school, temporarily unemployed, in a depressing and unhealthy long-distance on-off relationship of the sort that young people who don't know what they want often find themselves in and, further, was newly and angrily "off". I went to a bar with some friends to blow off some steam and got a few drinks down the hatch in short order. There was a new girl working as a table waitress and, while nothing special to look at, she was curvy, showing a lot of strong-looking...

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Sexual Encounters Of A Biggun Part 8211 1

Hi, all ISS readers… I literally grew up reading the stories from ISS. So I am a writing this story as a way of showing my gratitude to it. This is purely fictional…hope you enjoy Hi diary, I am Subhash. Currently , I can tell you that I am the most influential person on the planet. I have 111 countries under my authority. So yeah I am kinda a bigshot. And this doesn’t mean that I am an old cripple.I am actually 25 years old. I wake up daily to a blowjob from one of my sex slaves. I then hold...

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BigBimbo s Memoires 2 My Tallest Blowjob

I spent the summer of 1998 iin New York for an internship. I met a girl there who was pretty but not the most stunning beauty that you have ever laid eyes on. She was fairly tall at 5'10", a natural brunette who had to dye her hair black because she lived in New York, her eyes were an unusual shade of blue but not really striking. I met her at a nightclub that an acquaintance from my internship invited me to (I think it was Cheetah, but I can't remember) and found her attractive, but not...

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This story is intended only for readers who are lawfully certified mature, sophisticated, cosmopolitan, and literate. All others fuck off. BiGirls by Vickie Tern i. I sell insurance, industrial, liability, all kinds. I know. But it's a living, if you work at it, and it's a product people need, so they buy it. If they luck out and it turns out they didn't need it they feel cheated. So...

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Bighairyharleybike Daytona Rich Bitch used as a Sl

Another true biker story.If you are a biker and live where it snows there is only one thought that gets you through the long winter:Daytona Bike Week!I been going to Daytona Bike Week since the 1970’s and damn has it changes over those years. Gone are the days of rampant nudity, fights, Outlaws vs. Hells Angels, and general tearing up the town. From the days of 50 guys wearing colors walking down Main Street to moms and k**s every where, One way or another it’s a homecoming to find old friends...

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This is just a quickie that I wrote for my own amusement. I was in an odd mood and thinking of my story Heavyweight when I came up for the idea for it. Bigtop By Morpheus To start with, let me introduce myself. My name is Ben Melkid, and I am a fairly attractive 27 year old man, or at least I've been told that I am. Attractive that was, not 27. I was almost exactly 6 foot tall, and had dark brown hair. At the moment, I was heading back to the ad company that I worked...

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Frankie meets BigIan Part 2

Frankie and Ian finally pulled apart and Ian removed the rest of his clothes, they both relieved themselves and jumped onto the bed.Frankie lay on the bed on her back as Ian leaned in to kiss her tongue once again searching inside her mouth, she responded and again they lay there kissing as Ian’s fingers started to play with her nipples rolling one after the other between his thumb and forefinger she was instantly turned on again, her pussy grinding against his leg as she forced her tongue even...

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Frankie meets BigIan

Frankie was sat at home bored, in recent weeks she had pushed her sexual boundaries to a new level and didn’t know whether you could be satisfied by just sex with a man.She was trawling her favourite site, reading stories, watching videos and looking at pictures when a message popped up from BigIan which caught her attention.He went into great detail and painted a really good scenario for her, so she checked out his profile and saw a picture of the most beautiful cock, just laid neatly on his...

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Frankie Meets BigIan Part 2

Frankie and Ian finally pulled apart and Ian removed the rest of his clothes, they both relieved themselves and jumped onto the bed.Frankie lay on the bed on her back as Ian leaned in to kiss her tongue once again searching inside her mouth, she responded and again they lay there kissing as Ian’s fingers started to play with her nipples rolling one after the other between his thumb and forefinger she was instantly turned on again, her pussy grinding against his leg as she forced her tongue even...

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Frankie meets BigIan Part 1

This is a tribute to BigIan, decide for yourselves whether it happened or not!!!Frankie was sat at home bored, in recent weeks she had pushed her sexual boundaries to a new level and didn’t know whether you could be satisfied by just sex with a man.She was trawling her favourite site, reading stories, watching videos and looking at pictures when a message popped up from BigIan which caught her attention.He went into great detail and painted a really good scenario for her, so she checked out his...

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An Unambiguous thought

It’s our fantasy, but neither one wants to admit it. It’s an unambiguous thought, those engaging words that I whisper into your ear while I’m fucking you, satisfying your aural fixation by phrases like ‘you wish he was here with his big cock’ and ‘suck it, suck his cock ’ and ‘how does he feel.’ Just making reference of those thoughts spurs your arousal. Similar to sticking my fingers in your mouth allowing you to suck my fingers, like slapping your round ass or sliding my cock over your...


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