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SleepwalkerChapter 39 Miracles Do Happen

I jerked awake. I was in my bed snuggled up to Shannon. Allison lay just beyond her, still asleep and facing the wall. I turned to see the clock; it was just after midnight. Jumping out of bed I raced to the kitchen, flipped on the light, grabbed the phone, and quickly dialed the hotel number from the note on the counter. A woman's voice answered. "Hello. My name is James Matthews. My parents are Richard and Cindy Matthews; they are guests in the hotel. I need to speak to them...

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SleepwalkerChapter 40 An Old Friend

One of the really nice benefits of dreams is that it doesn't matter how tired you are when you go to bed; once you're in 'dreamland' everything is as new and fresh as you want, or in my case, as you can make it. Going in, I knew it was going to be a busy night. There was so much to do. I decided that the first thing to do was go see Bob. Unfortunately I couldn't. When I knocked on the door to his office as usual, there was no answer. I opened it anyway but the room was empty. I guess it...

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SleepwalkerChapter 41 A Time to Trust

This time Bob was in his office. "Jimmy. Obviously I've been expecting you. Nice outfit." I looked down to discover that I still had on my Robin Hood suit. I blushed and laughed, then switched to something more appropriate, jeans and a tee shirt. "Sorry about that. I took Allison and Shannon to see an old friend of ours." "Whoa, back up. You took Allison and Shannon? How did that work? And when did you find out you could do this?" "Oh yeah, sorry, uh, Friday night, Allison and I...

4 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 42 Dots on a Map

Rebecca As soon as Jimmy left I found myself sitting on my bed, still dressed in the jeans and shirt I had pulled on before he took me to the theater. Next to me on the bed was a DVD. I took it out to the living room and inserted it into my player. No good, it was a recordable; my player would not recognize it, and I don't have a DVD-ROM in my home computer. So now what? Well, there was always the computer at work. Okay, think Rebecca it's a dream; Jimmy drags you all over the world; hell...

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SleepwalkerChapter 43 Coming Clean

Monday was mostly a blur. I met with the gang at lunch. It was pretty obvious that something was wrong. Fortunately the other problem explained it. Bob started the story. "What we're about to tell you cannot leave this table. Jimmy almost lost his parents yesterday." The news had the expected affect. The questions started flying. Bob shushed them and continued. "Everyone is alright. Tomorrow we wouldn't be able to tell you this because there will more than likely be a gag order in...

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SleepwalkerChapter 44 Welcome to My World

The scene at the door was as emotional as you would expect. Mom and Dad barely made it in the door before Shannon and Allison hit them both. Tears flowed freely as the pent up emotion of the last few days was finally able to dissipate. There wasn't a dry eye in the house. At first Tom, Karen, and myself were just responding to the scene, but when it was my turn to finally hug and hold the parents I had almost lost... well, use your imagination. Finally Tom stepped in and took Shannon's...

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SleepwalkerChapter 45 Third Interlude The Morning After

'Waking up' with a beach outside your bedroom door can have a major impact on your world view, especially when you live at the base of a small mountain range 80 miles from the nearest ocean. Having your teenage son lead you out onto that beach with your daughter and her best friend waiting for you can be a bit of an eye-opener. Getting a hug from an eight-year-old girl you've never met but that you know is actually a 20-year-old woman in a coma -- that tends to put big dents in your...

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SleepwalkerChapter 46 Needles and Haystacks

Sending Rod along with Paul to interview the Pena girl's family had turned out to be a very good idea. The parents' English was sketchy and they dropped in and out of Spanish. They had decided ahead of time that Rod would play interpreter to Paul's agent. When he introduced Paul as being with the FBI they were openly nervous but when he said they were there about Maria the door opened wide and they were ushered inside. Apparently the locals had been less than enthusiastic in their pursuit...

2 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 47 The Dating Game

Thanksgiving is the official kickoff of 'The Holiday Season.' Not a big event around our house. The holidays are officially family times. Mom was an only child. We had always assumed that Dad was too, and knowing that he had once had a twin sister didn't really change the present. The last of our grandparents had died over five years before, so we pretty much were the family. We made the best of it. The Davises were out of town for the weekend. Tom's parents had invited them to Denver....

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SleepwalkerChapter 48 The Worst That Could Happen

Friday morning at breakfast I told Mom and Dad about my upcoming date with Angela. I guess waiting until the last minute wasn't the brightest idea I'd had. They looked at each other for a second, and then they looked at Allison to see what her reaction to this was. I can't say they were disappointed, but they obviously were not getting the reaction they were expecting. "What?" Allison asked, when she saw them staring at her. Mom shook her head in confusion and said, "Your brother just...

3 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 49 Revelation and Relaxation

Time flies, but we still made it back to my house by 10:30. I invited Angela in to meet my parents, but they had already gone to bed. I apologized for dragging her out of her nice warm car. "That's okay," she answered, "I was kind of hoping Allison would be up, though." She blushed as she continued, "I wanted to talk to her about all this and make sure this was all, you know... I think I just wanted to reassure myself..." I put a finger to her lips and said, "You don't need to...

4 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 50 Fourth Interlude

Allison and I slept late Saturday. Okay, I slept until 6:00 before getting up to run instead of my usual 5:30. Allison generally just snuggles in and waits for me to get back and showered before starting her day. This morning she decided to start her day in the shower with me. I took my time gently soaping and caressing her awake; when her eyes looked like they were finally focusing correctly she did the same for me. Finally there was a pounding on the door and Mom's voice said, "You'd...

3 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 51 Valentine s Day

There aren't too many Valentine's gifts that work for three people. All the little lockets, hearts and "couples" jewelry were just that, intended for couples. I finally settled on two necklaces. They were the type that had two hearts intertwined, designed for you to break apart and each keep half. The problem was when to give them to the girls? Allison was no problem, and I could have just had Allison give one to Shannon, but that didn't seem right. The problem resolved itself when my...

2 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 52 There Has to be a Way

We were stuck, dead in the water, up the proverbial creek without a paddle. I'd been going over and over the images Jimmy had shown me. The working hypothesis was still that the killer liked young, athletic, naughty girls. The gaping hole in that hypothesis had been Amanda Watkins; now I knew the truth, thanks to Jimmy I finally had the confirmation I needed to pin the sex button on my killer. Unfortunately, I couldn't use it as there was no supporting evidence of any kind. No real,...

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SleepwalkerChapter 53 This should be Interesting

Allison had brought up some interesting questions. Looking at it now there was a lot we still didn't know just because we hadn't really been making any effort to study and discover what I could do. Somewhere along the line we had stopped trying new things. What she was asking seemed like very simple and basic things. I made a mental note to talk to her and Bob about setting aside some time to discover things like this. Shannon may have some insight as well. I didn't want to involve Rebecca...

2 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 54 Where to Begin

Rebecca was waiting for me in her living room. She was still in the jeans and shirt she had worn to the meeting. Her gun was now sitting on an end table next to the couch. I still didn't know where she had it before. "I hope you haven't been waiting too long," I said. "No, actually just a few minutes," she said with a puzzled look on her face. "Dream time takes a little getting used to. I've actually had time to take the girls to the beach and spend some time with Amy." She got a...

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SleepwalkerChapter 55 The Dark Truth

Human literature is full of stories and tales dealing with the loss of innocence. There are many themes, many variations; the first loss of a loved one, the first betrayal of trust, the first heartbreak. Some are truly acts of evil; rape, murder, the senseless violence that mankind has forever heaped upon its fellows. Not all are dark and tragic; many speak of the first sexual act, the loss of virginity to a true love, leaving home for the first time. I thought mine had been one of these...

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SleepwalkerChapter 56 A Night of Surprises

"What is she talking about?" Shannon asked. "I have no idea." Allison answered. "Okay, Jimmy, you've had your fun, now put the house back together and let's see if we can find out what's going on here." "And you may want to consider putting some clothes on her while you're at it." Shannon added. "One thing at a time," I thought as I pressed Samantha gently away. Despite the tears her face was almost shining with something I had never seen in any of my previous visits. Hope....

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SleepwalkerChapter 57 Baby Steps

The look on Frank Watkins's face when Allison began ripping his guts out didn't make up for the atrocities he had visited on his daughters, but it was a good start. And it felt really, really good. I guess that qualified as ending on a high note. Saturday morning I made a surprise announcement to the family. For several weeks I had been watching the paper, going online to check values, checking maintenance schedules, and checking insurance rates. I was now sixteen years old and having...

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SleepwalkerChapter 58 Detective Work

Rebecca and I had gotten into a pretty good routine. I would monitor and record any unusual dreams that came my way, then once a week, usually Friday or Saturday night depending on whom had a date on which night, we would get together and go over the highlights of the week. I would run the 'footage' I had acquired over the past week, she would compare the images to the girls she had been monitoring for the past several months. So far we had three very likely candidates. I had received many...

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SleepwalkerChapter 59 Researching Developments

The idea of Mom playing memory fairy for Rachel opened up a whole string of questions and problems. Answering those questions proved to be more complicated than I expected. As usual, the first step was discussing the whole thing with my resident genius. "I hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew here bringing Mom in," I said as we stood waist deep in the lagoon petting Zeus and Hera, the two dolphins that had come to play with us. The rest of the pod was off doing whatever dolphins...

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SleepwalkerChapter 60 Crunch Time

Originally posted on: Mon Dec 25, 2006 5:29 pm Last edited on: Wed Dec 27, 2006 5:22 pm "I really don't like this part," Shannon said. "I don't want to risk Cindy but I don't want to risk Allison just to find out either." We had started the night in the usual fashion. You know, dinner with the family, dishes, the 'rents playing cards, the kids playing video games, and swimming of course. Then it was time for Tom, Karen, and Mark, to say goodnight and leave. Now we were standing in...

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SleepwalkerChapter 61 On the Job

We were so used to starting out in either the glade or the cabana that it felt really weird starting in the living room. But Mom sort of needed an easy reference point. For starters she had to survey all of her scrap-booking paraphernalia, and there was a lot of it. Then we had to come up with the right 'magic bag' for her to put it all in. Then of course she had to organize it all so she could find it. At this point Allison could no longer contain herself. "Mother!" she said in...

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SleepwalkerChapter 62 What Happened

I was standing by the "Hotdog-on-a-Stick" in the food court, when someone yelled fight. Everyone rushed the door but they were just crowding around trying to see; no one was going outside. Knowing Jimmy was outside I forced my way to the front to see if he was okay. I saw him punching a boy and I was starting to push the door open when the guard grabbed my arm. "Whoa there, young lady, you don't need to get any closer." I whirled and screamed, "That's my brother!" I could see the...

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SleepwalkerChapter 63 Waking Up

I lay in darkness. No stars, no sound, no sensation of any kind. At first I expected to start seeing the usual flashes of scenes from the killer's mind, but I quickly realized that this was a different place. For one thing there was no place to stand or sit, no up or down to orient myself to; I just seemed to be drifting. I tried to lift my head and look around but it didn't work. As soon as I tried and failed I realized that I couldn't even see my nose. You never seem to notice it unless...

2 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 64 Changes

"I know, Mother." Allison said, again. It was going to be a long night no matter what and it was already off to a bad start. Since we had returned home from the hospital Mom and Allison had been arguing about whether or not she should spend the night with me. The idea was that I have someone to keep an eye on me and make sure I didn't have any further problems. Mom seemed to think that perhaps Allison had other ideas about sharing my bed. "I'm just saying that you are supposed to be...

3 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 65 A Long Day

My shiner was in full bloom for school Monday morning. That and rumors of the fight at the mall got me a lot of very strange looks. I met with my usual group at break and Melinda whistled when she saw my eye. "Ouch. That's a beauty. So I guess the rumors are true." "I've been trying not to listen. I'm sure they're all pretty exaggerated." "They certainly didn't exaggerate about that eye. Rumor has it there were three of them, that was the only punch they landed, and you put all...

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SleepwalkerChapter 66 A Night to Remember

Originally posted on: Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:27 pm Prom night was one week before graduation. The four of us; Tim and Cindy, Angie and me, doubled for dinner and then headed for the big party. The night before I had a long talk with my dad and he set up a room for me at one of the hotels that we 'worked' for. I explained that I didn't have any expectations but that I didn't think that was a good excuse for not planning ahead anyway. If something was going to happen between Angela and I there...

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SleepwalkerChapter 67 The Countdown Begins

There's nothing quite like the last day of school. You've spent the whole year waiting for it to arrive, suddenly it's here and everywhere you look you see people crying at leaving. Not everyone of course; there are always, for example, the ones who can't wait to get to the first party of the summer. They will likely discover that it bears striking resemblance to the ones they've been attending practically every other weekend. Then there are those sad unfortunates for whom the last day...

4 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 68 Showtime

Rebecca "Hampton." I answered the phone on the third ring. I would have gotten to it sooner but I was distracted reading a case file. It was just background on one of the cases currently ongoing in the office. I tried to keep up just in case I got called in to assist. "Special Agent Rebecca Hampton?" "That's me, who's this." "Ms. Hampton, this is Sheriff Dobbs with the Fresno County Sheriff's Department. I just got a missing person's call that fits the profile you asked us to...

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SleepwalkerChapter 69 Now What

Rebecca called Bob while she was awaiting her return flight. She was leaving Paul behind for an extra day to co-ordinate and oversee the efforts of the CS team. They still had Easy's car to go over, the neighbor's house, and of course trying to track down the receiver for the remote cameras they had found in the house. Bob called me at the house and said we needed to meet. I gathered us in my office as soon as we were all available. "We've been made," Rebecca said plainly. "What?"...

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SleepwalkerChapter 70 Here We Go Again

The night monitoring system had turned out to be a complete bust so far. Dream activity is not particularly regular in a lot of people under the best of circumstances. Made me wonder that we all seemed to fall into it so easily and spend so much more time at it with no ill effects. I made a mental note to talk to Bob about it next time I talked to him. School had been out for almost three weeks and there had been no trace of activity since Elizabeth Street's little adventure. For some...

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SleepwalkerChapter 71 Games People Play

Rebecca This weekend was going downhill fast. The first wild goose chase, using Elizabeth Street to flush me out, had been bad enough. Now he had used Alicia's disappearance for a completely different purpose. Being set up is never fun; having your nose rubbed in it was another thing. What other purpose could he have for leaving a letter behind? That the letter was specifically addressed to me confirmed what I already suspected. On the other hand, being cocky meant that now his ego was...

2 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 72 The Hunt Begins

Rebecca The nightmare I had been hoping to avoid had come true. In my wildest dreams I never really thought Angela was in danger. She was so far down the list... In the back of my mind I had to wonder if Amy had known this would happen. She seemed to know so much. Her warning to Jimmy that I would die if I tried to do this without him... One had to wonder. But for now all I could do was to try and make it easier on my young friends as they tried to deal with the knowledge of what had...

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SleepwalkerChapter 73 So Close and Yet so Far

"You don't understand; I had her, it was just for a second but I'd swear I felt her." I had tried to get back to sleep after my alarm went off but the adrenaline rush it had generated wouldn't allow it. Eventually I had given up and gone for my morning warm-up run. I was talking to Mom and Allison before getting in the shower. "I do understand that," Mom said. "And I understand that you're upset that you woke up and couldn't try to actually, what do you call it? Bridge her. But...

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SleepwalkerChapter 74 Scheduling

Actually Mom's idea of getting to be early was just the opposite of what we needed. We were all for getting to bed early, but instead of trying to get to sleep on the off chance that I would be able to bridge Angela again, I felt my best chance would actually be to stay up as long as possible and sleep the next day. In the week that she had been missing my only successful attempt, not counting the near miss this morning, had been in the middle of the day. Granted I didn't know she was...

4 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 75 Desperation Setting In

Rebecca was excited to hear that I'd reached Angela again. We didn't talk much on the phone but I did give her all the information on the sounds that Angela had remembered. The gun shots were the most promising for giving us a place to start. "Three shots, closely spaced, means it was intentional," she said. "No one fires a gun accidentally three times; you don't target shoot in groups of three, or in a single group. Something, or more likely someone, died of those shots. "I hope you...

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SleepwalkerChapter 76 End Game

Allison and I spent a large part of the afternoon discussing whether or not a dream created character; one essentially stolen from someone else, could actually track another's dream back to its source. While there didn't seem to be much that I couldn't do in dreams, finding Angela had proven beyond me. If I couldn't do it, could I make someone else do it for me? "You don't know that you can't do it, find her I mean. Maybe it's just something you can't do yet? Or it could be that you...

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"Tragedy struck this morning as federal agents moved in on the man suspected of kidnapping young Angela Osborne. Miss Osborne has been the focus of an intense manhunt after she failed to show up for an appointment with officials at Arizona State University where she was to attend classes this fall. The FBI's lead investigator on the case, Special Agent Rebecca Hampton of the Bureau's Los Angeles office, was on the scene waiting for additional agents to arrive when an explosion destroyed...

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"Hey, sleepyhead... Wake up." I rolled over and opened my eyes. Mary was sitting at the edge of the bed with a big grin on her face. "What time is it?" I asked groggily. "About 8:30. You promised to help me finish cleaning out the third bedroom, remember?" "Yeah, right." I yawned and stretched. That's when I realized what I was wearing. "Oh shit!" I quickly reached for the covers but Mary was sitting on the turned back portion and I couldn't pull them over me. "Shit," I...

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"Welcome to our annual volleyball sleepover!" Coach Anderson exclaims to her young team. "I'm so glad you all could make it, before we start, I have a few things to announce such as which rooms you will be staying in! Since Cole is letting us use this awesome 8 bedroom house for our sleepover, he and some of the other baseball boys will be joining us." This revelation was met with some gasps as well as some seductive smiles. I looked around at the other girls and felt a weird pinch on my...

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Sleepover By Miss Anonna “Mom!” Hollered Seth as I was laying in the bathtub, soaking up the fresh salts I had just bought earlier. “Can Jesse spend the night?” He crept into the bathroom with a big grin on his face and sat at the edge of the tub. “Pleeeeeeeeeeze?” He begged and held his hands up as if he were praying to the Heavens to make it happen. “We want to watch this scary movie that’s on Showtime and it’s supposed to be awesome. “I thought you were hanging out at work after he got off.”...

3 years ago
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Sleepover at my Uncles

A few months after i turned 16, my uncle started eyeing me. I think he liked my perfectly twink body. One weekend i was at a sleepover at his place. Me and my cousin were playing in the backyard. He came with a beer in his hand and asked us to cut the grass. Me and my cousin decided to play a little longer and cut the grass later. Eventually we forgot about it and we were in for hell of a beating. Uncle was mad. He made my cousin lay on his lap and pulled his shorts down and started spanking...

4 years ago
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Sleeper Bus Thriller sex

Hello friends. Vinay here from Chennai with one of my travel encounters. Hope you like this story. We had booked bus tickets in a/c sleeper coach from Chennai to Mysore for a function. At the last moment my wife dropped out and her ticket could not be canceled. Once the bus departed I felt like a maharaja having a big double seat to sleep. I took a nap and suddenly a sound of a baby crying woke me up. I tried to sleep but could not as the baby was crying non- stop. I peeped from my curtains. On...

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Sleeper Car

The Sleeper Train By Jill Gossard I was travelling on a journey to the southernmost tip of England and decided, as it's a long drive, I'd take the sleeper train. I was to spend an overnight in a hotel near Falmouth, so I decided to take my alter ego Jill with me in my bag so as to have a little gentle fun while in the confines of my hotel room. It was past 11.30 in the evening, the night train was standing silently at a platform on Paddington station in central London. The...

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Sleeper Coach Me Liye Maze

Hiiii frndz, mai Sameer apni pehli story apke samne pesh kr rha hu. . Ye mera first encounter h. . Mai 23 yr ka hu ht 5. 6 ft h avg looking hu par personality acchi h acc. To gls. . Now sidhe story pe ata hu bat aj se ek year pehle ki h jab mai railway ka exam dene jara tha Bhilai tb last time pe reservation na milne pr bus se jane ka decide ki usme b late hone k karane piche ki berth mili bus me jisme mai akela tha, berth sleeper me 2 log share krte h par, meri kismat ko kuch aur hi manjur...

4 years ago
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Sleep Therapy

‘Lindy, toss me one of those peppers, would you?’ ‘Red one, Rob?’ ‘Ah, yep. You said you do like curry, right?’ ‘Yeah, I do, but nothing too extreme, okay?’ ‘Got it Mel. I promise your mouth will be mostly intact after.’ ‘Mostly?’ ‘Well, it’s not a curry, if it’s not hot.’ ‘You said ‘a mild dish’. I heard you Rob.’ ‘Yeah. Mild. For Mindy. Well, I intended that, for a start.’ ‘Oh.’ ‘Yeah, ‘oh’.’ My name is actually Melinda. Rob likes to mess with it as much as possible. He’s the same...

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Sleep Therapy

"Lindy, toss me one of those peppers, would you?" "Red one, Rob?" "Ah, yep. You said you do like curry, right?" "Yeah, I do, but nothing too extreme, okay?" "Got it Mel. I promise your mouth will be mostly intact after." "Mostly?" "Well, it's not a curry, if it's not hot." "You said 'a mild dish'. I heard you Rob." "Yeah. Mild. For Mindy. Well, I intended that, for a start." "Oh." "Yeah, 'oh'." My name is actually Melinda. Rob likes to mess with it as much...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Alex Coal Step Sister Caught Me Creeping

Alex Coal is into her stepbrother, Nathan Bronson, but she doesn’t want to be too easy to get. She decides to send some mixed messages to mess with Nathan before she gets into his pants. She takes her time getting dressed, trying on first one outfit and then another as she admires herself in front of the mirror. On her second outfit, which features a top that easily pulls down to show off her boobs and a miniskirt that makes it clear she’s not wearing any panties, she finally...

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My story starts when i was involved in a bad car crash. My son John was in the car with me. He was knocked out and i had dislocated my shoulder. The 18-wheeler that had slid over the corner and plodded into us left me no chance to avoid him; the only good thing was i was not going fast. My son who was 16 at the time ended up in hospital for three days and i had my arm in plaster for 4 weeks. My son seemed fine and things went back to normal. Something about our family! My husband Peter is 41...

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SleepwalkingChapter 2

She slid slowly off my big cock, the length and girth of it slowly withering away. We had just had hot sex in the bottom of the shower and I had blown my nuts in my mother in law's cunt twice already. Considering the amount of sex I had been having with my wife over the past several months, I was amazed I had lasted as long as I had. She knelt down in front of me, waiting. I sat back against the back of the shower, spreading my legs wide to allow her to clean me. I watched as her head...

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SleepwalkingChapter 3

It was wednesday, and my mother in law and I had done very little except eat, sleep, and fuck. and Fuck. and fuck some more. The woman was an absolute dynamo, and my wife was an absolute memory. She had called on Tuesday and dropped what she thought was a bomb on me by telling me that she wasn't coming back, and that she wanted a divorce. I threw her a curve by telling her I just needed the papers to sign, and she'd be out of my life. "What?" "What's wrong Janet? I am just trying to...

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SleepwalkingChapter 4

Jessie, Julie and I woke up and had another session before they had to get back to the conference. I went back to sleep after they showered and left and crashed until the phone rang. "Martin? Are you still asleep?" "ugh mfn huh? Hey Jess. Duh!?" She giggled. "Awww, poor baby. Must of worn your old bones out huh?" I could hear Julie cackling in the background. My mother in law seemed to be enjoying wearing me out. I heard the phone switch people and Julie's voice came on the line....

1 year ago
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PunishTeens Aaliyah Hadid Social Media Creeper

Aaliyah the supermodel/popstar has had a bit of a stalker situation on her hand. Some creepy guy named Brick won’t stop liking, commenting, and messaging her on all of her social media accounts. She wouldn’t mind a little attention, but this dude has definitely been crossing the line. One day Aaliyah receives a strange call from a man whispering very odd and scary things to her. Her heart begins to beat faster. Just as she walks into her room, she gets blindsided by someone. What...

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MomIsHorny Lolly Dames Bathtime Creeper

Lolly Dames arrived home tired from the work week. All she wanted to do was take a hot shower and relax. However, her stepson Berry, had other things in mind. As she showered, he snuck into the bathroom and began spying on her. He watched her as she soaped up her huge tits and phat ass. Eventually, as she was drying herself, she caught him in the act. After she confronted him, she decided that if he wanted to see tits, he would get just that. After dragging him to the living room by his ear,...

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Sleep Well Bitch

Sleep Well Bitch By srone This is mostly a true account of experiences that I've gone through. The thoughts and emotions are very real. I hope you enjoy, she did. The cold has burrowed down into the core of my being while she is nestled among her nice warm blankets. My legs burn with cramps as they long to stretch out while she moves her legs in whatever way her subconscious mind desires to afford her a restful sleep. I try in desperation to shake the red stiletto heels...

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Sleep Well Bitch

This is mostly a true account of experiences that I've gone This is mostly a true account of experiences that I've gone through. The thoughts and emotions are very real. I hope you enjoy, she did.   The cold has burrowed down into the core of my being while she is nestled among her nice warm blankets. My legs burn with cramps as they long to stretch out while she moves her legs in whatever way her subconscious mind desires to afford her a restful sleep.  I try in desperation to shake...

2 years ago
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Sleep With Me

Neil was not enjoying a very uncomfortable meal. Alex didn’t seem to notice but that might be because he didn’t want to. Alex’s mother noticed, she was the cause of it. Every time Neil glanced at her she was watching him. She didn’t actually glare at him but she was cold and Neil wanted to shout ‘What!!!!’ There was only one reason he was here at all. He loved Alex, plain and simple. He loved him enough to sit through this torture. Pushing his food around on the plate Neil tried not to lift...

4 years ago
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Sleep Fuck With Mami

I am Akash, 26 yrs. old slim and shy but always horny. My mami is 42 yrs. old, slim, 5ft 1 inch tall with boobs like Mallika (I don’t understand sizes) and is an insurance agent. She once had to come to Delhi for some work. As I am the only relative living here so far away from home she had to stay in my room; for a week. I had been attracted toward her since childhood and also been peeking over her boobs most of the time we met. She also notices it and I think she deliberately used to show...

2 years ago
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The vulnerability of sleep intrigues me. As she lay there resting, her body nestled into mine with rolling deep breaths, my senses tuned themselves to her. She was my focal point: smells, feelings, tastes were tied into what she was. Things that were not of her were unimportant.We were there – in our pajamas, in a bed a little too small for two people – and I argued with myself, though I could have predicted the victor. We have a connection, don’t we? I think we do. I mean, we’re here, now....

2 years ago
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Sleep orgasms rock

We'd been married about nine years and our sex life was, well, I'd say 'minimal' and my wife would say 'excessive.' I generally had to persuade her to have sex once a month. Michiko was a beautiful 33 y.o. by then, and enjoyed living in the West away from some of the cultural restrictions that her own society placed upon females. We were great friends from our very first meeting and also in our marriage. But she seemed to struggle with enjoying sex.She'd made all the right signals when we were...

3 years ago
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Sleep With Me Darling

The rain came down in a torrent, lightning filled the sky and thunder rumbled the old cottage. Helen couldn't sleep, she couldn't relax. As thoughts of being fucked by someone drifted through her mind, faces morphed into a series of men she'd had sex with. Gasping, her eyes flew open when the last had been Mark. "Mark was Helen's f******n year old" A delicious tingle between her legs and her suddenly hard nipples gave her an idea and she jumped out of bed before doubt could creep into her mind....

4 years ago
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Sleep Disorder

I am a fourteen-year-old girl and I have had a sleeping disorder all of my life. I have been to doctors but nothing worked until just recently. I sleep so soundly that I cannot hear an alarm clock or even a fire alarm. It takes mom almost a half-hour to wake me up in the morning for school and that’s after a ten-hour sleep. Then about a week ago all that changed. It had taken a few weeks for that last drug to get into my system and finally start to work properly. Then I didn’t want...

3 years ago
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Sleepover Fun

Introduction: This is my first story so sorry if theres any mistakes but enjoy. At thirteen, my friends and me always hung out after school. Wed play video games or try to skate board(even though we werent that very good). Most of the time, on Fridays, we would go hang out at someones house and sleepover. It was a normal thing to do, stay up all night or try to, and just play video games or watch Jackass. Joe gave me a call that Friday night, Hey Alex, you wanna come on over? Me and Nick are...

4 years ago
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Sleepover Fun

‘Let’s watch Carver Street,’ Lily said, and turned the TV on. We were both best friends, and tonight we were at her house, having our weekly sleepover. I wore my pyjamas, and she wore shorts and a top. We sat against the sofa in our sleeping bags, watching our favourite soap. Suddenly, two of the characters kissed, and Lily laughed: they were two girls. ‘I’m gonna get a drink,’ Lily said, and stood up. ‘I’ll come too,’ I said, and to pull myself up, grabbed what I thought was the sofa. It...

4 years ago
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Sleepover Party

So my friend, Nora, and I have been really good friends since like 5th grade. In October of senior year of high school we decided to have a sleepover with another one of our friends, Anne. I have thought since I was about 13 that I am bisexual, but I had never really been sure. we would always flirt and stuff, but it was just silly things for laughs. I am pretty sedentary, but look okay with 36C cups, small waist, nice back, and an ass that I personally think is way too big, but have been told...

4 years ago
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Sleepover Fun Part 2

Introduction: please go easy on me, this is my first time writing a sex story of any kind. This is the second part to Sleepover Fun so please if you havent read that please do so first Name: Kate (me) Age: 14 Hair/eye color: artificially colored, shoulder length red hair and honey colored brown eyes Height: 51 Body description: short for my age, slightly chubby around the middle, average sized chest (36B) Name: Seth (my boyfriend) Age: 16 Hair/eye color: natural dirty blonde hair and blue-gray...

4 years ago
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Sleepover Part 1

Lisa was in a rush this morning as she had work experience and on leaving the house reminded me that her friend Kirsty was coming over later for a sleepover, I had a few errands to run in town but told her not to worry as she ran out the house. I had never met Kirsty as she moved away but Lisa had always kept in touch with her.I took a quick shower and threw on my usual shorts and tee shirt thinking I had better get moving as Kirsty was coming in from out of town and I had promised Lisa I would...

2 years ago
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Sleepover Swap

Here's the story, with a little bonus as the end that I've included as a bribe to get more of you to comment on this story. *** Sleepover Swap By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 "I'm tired of being treated like a child -- no, like your damned _pet_," Carla Parker exploded. "I have to be there for you all the time, looking pretty, building up your ego -- as if it wasn't big enough -- doing every damned thing you say like I don't have a brain in my head." Jeff Crawford leaned back against...

2 years ago
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An old friend stays over with a family couple, the most interesting show begins at night when a husband pretends sleeping, just see what his wife is doing, when she thinks her husband is sleeping… My old friend prakash stayed for the sleepover, of course. We used to go to college together, then we were working for the same company. Then he went to mumbai, and i hadn’t seen him for more than two years. Prakash was more than just a friend. I can say i owe him my girl. Mala used to be his...

3 years ago
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Sleepover 2

Finally her phone chimed and she saw a message from Shelby, “OMG you missed out. I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk right for a week. We have tons to tell you” Sara laughed at how desperately Shelby was trying to own her mistakes. She texted back and forth with them, making sure that they didn’t have any suspicions. Sara was surprised that she hadn’t heard back from the last guy and texted his number directly. She desperately wanted the photos he’d taken since those were the most...

1 year ago
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Sleepover fun

I run to answer my phone "hey hilary, its tamara, do you want to come for a sleepover tonight?" I squeel a quick yes and tell her i will be over soon. Although i am not a lesbian, Tamara is seriously hot with huge tits. I grab some stuff, change into some sexy undies and get my car keys. I ring the doorbell and her dad answers "Hi Mr Fuller!" I smile at him, and can see him looking at my tits through my white top. "Is tamara home?" I look up and see Tamara running down the stairs, she looks so...

1 year ago
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Sleepover E 80 part 1 of 1

I parked the car in the drive way and then Tyler and I walked in and up the hall to the living room. When Barbara heard me open the front door she ran from the kitchen to greet me. There she was, in her new white sheer see-through top. And it left nothing to the imagination. I remember having told Barbara that I really liked her new top and how nice she looked. Tyler on the other hand just about had his eyes pop out. When he finally got his voice back, Tyler told Barbara how nice it looked on...

3 years ago
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Sleeper Coach Bus Resembled Heaven

Hello folks, firstly thanks to you all for your tremendous response to my previous posts and i wish your feedback would really help me in writing more experiences of mine in this treasure of romantic stories called ISS. For new ones, this is pavan from Hyderabad, working in an MNC with a fair complexion decent height and cute appearance. I dont like to boast about the size of my tool as the pleasure totally depends on the love and passion between two bodies but not the size n depth of genitals....

4 years ago
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Sleep Sex

I’m quite active and versatile in bed. I like to take control and get physical. Bouncing up and down on a fat cock is deliriously nice. Making him squirt inside me and then just carrying on is simply divine. My man makes ludicrous sounds that almost sound like he is in agony but never tries to stop me. And then all his juices start leaking out of me and I just carry on squelching up and down until my buttocks and thighs are burning. Awesome! But sometimes I get lazy. My man is quite happy to...

3 years ago
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sleep over

We had all just graduated from high school and this was to be ourlast get together. Some of the girls were going off to college; a coupleof them were moving for work, the rest of us were hanging around town atthe local collage, working or taking an after school break. There weref******n of us all together and it was decided that we would have a sleepover at Karen's house. It was the biggest and her parents didn't mind. Wehad all been pretty close over the years, playing sports together,...

2 years ago
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Sleeper By Waldo( "Mister Davis, I assure that it's perfectly normal to have erotic dreams. In fact, if you've never had an erotic dream, you wouldn't be normal at all." "Doctor Brantley, you weren't listening to me. I said that I've had the same damn dream every night for the last three months. And nothing about it, is the least exotic to me. It scares the shit out of me when I wake up and the memory is so .. vivid, so fresh in my mind that I...

2 years ago
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Sleep of the Guilty

Jimmy Boyd was a hard man. Towering over most people at six feet tall his casual persona hid the physical, threatening and violent tendencies that earned him his reputation. The long white scar running across the left side of his neck was given to him by a nightclub doorman, just before Jimmy got the better of him. After Jimmy had finished with him his injuries were so bad an ambulance had to rush him to the nearest hospital. Jimmy had an opinion that was without compromise. You either agreed...

Wife Lovers
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Sleep Sex

I use the Key you have given me Beloved Pet and slip into your apartment It is late morning and I pad quietly over to your bedroom door and quickly slip inside,I see you sleeping on your side your legs curled upwards your knee's almost touching your breasts your right on the edge of the bed.I stand there and soak in the Beauty of my Beloved Pregnant Pet your belly and breasts are now starting to noticeably swell,you are in just a pair of midnight blue panties and nothing else.There...

3 years ago
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Sleep Cock Sucking Turns Deep Ass Fucking

I woke up and found him, his mouth around my erect throbbing cock and his hands cradling my now firm ballsack. His eyes grew wide with the fear that I had woken up and the disappointment that he would have to stop, but that was not the case. Let me explain how exactly I got into this position. My name is Sanjay. I am 20 years old, originally from Chennai, but at this point, staying over at my native place – a village in Kerala. I am 6 feet tall, average built and I have a wheatish...

Gay Male
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Sleeping Pills

Let me tell you a story of something that happened to me not long ago. Part 1 I live at home with my mom and sister. We lost my dad about 6 months ago to a car accident. My sister is a year and a half older than me. We always got a long for short periods of time, but mostly we did our own thing. My mom works during the day, so my sister and I are home a lot by ourselves. Mom leaves the house about 8am every day and my sister rouses around 9 or so during the summer months. My sister...

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Sleeping Pills

It’s amazing how things happen sometimes. Let me tell you a story of something that happened to me not long ago. Part 1 I live at home with my mom and sister. We lost my dad about 6 months ago to a car accident. My sister is a year and a half older than me. We’ve always gotten along for short periods of time, but mostly we do our own thing. My mom works during the day, so my sister and I are home a lot by ourselves. Mom leaves the house about 8am every day and my sister rouses around 9...

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Sleeping on two boobs night 3

Hello friends! This is Sunny again with a fantasized story. I fantasize a lot about touching; feeling and fondling big-breasted females and also beautiful, voluptuous bellies, deep holed navels. I love females wearing saris and revealing. I can give them lot of pleasure, fondling and pampering. I am married hence “No Sex” with others. Only fore playing and fondling. I am repeating the initial section for new readers. This is a fantasy of how I spent my third night with my beautiful aunty. This...

3 years ago
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Sleep Over Part 2

Sleep Over Part 2Right after Kev said that, he moved back into a sitting posistionFollowed by Ray and myselfAnd we all took sips of our sodasAnd looked at each other and started to laughFuck me , that was fun Ray saidKev was moving his head in agreement as he downed the rest of his sodaHis eyes looking right at my cockRay asked me my thoughts on what just happenedI said, i want girls/women to do that with, But for now, you fags will have to doAnd we all burst out laughing.Ray got up to go to...

4 years ago
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Brian threw the pillow off of his face and slammed it on the bed, grunting with restless frustration. He kicked at his sheets, flinging them off his legs. Afterwards, his upper body shot up in bed, his eyes glaring forward into the darkness with fury and frustration. He had enough. The loud, obnoxious soundtrack of a wild girl's night in bled through his thin bedroom wall, preventing him from sleeping. The gaggles of giggles, the occasional shriek of excitement, the loud singalongs...

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Sleep sexing

I am Mr. Sex Maniac (real name concealed). Let me not create boredom by giving detailed introductions about myself. I know the purpose why you have opened this story. Let me talk it out straight. This incident happened when I was around 25 years. I was working at an MNC where I met one extra-ordinary and extremely good-looking girl called Sridevi aged 27. We were working in the same department and hence got introduced to each other. She got transferred from our Mumbai branch to Chennai branch....

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Sleeping With Anu Chachi Part III

I woke up the next morning around 9 AM. I never woke up so late. Last night’s adventure kept me awake almost whole night. So waking up late was but obvious. I saw around my room, I was alone. My beautiful Anu chachi and irritating Rinku had left. Smile came to my face and my heart raced with excitement as I sat on my bed recalling my last night adventure with Anu chachi. “Was it for real ???? Did I really did those things to Anu chachi last night ??? Or was it my wet dream ???? Can I really...

3 years ago
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Sleeping Daughter 1 Wicked Wife s Plan

Chapter One: Wife's Wicked Plan By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The bathroom door opened right as I reached for the doorknob. I froze. A cloud of steam washed over me as my eighteen-year-old daughter stepped out, still damp from her shower, her brassy hair wrapped up by one towel, another towel wrapped about her budding body. I blinked at the sight of her swelling cleavage and then noticed how sleek her legs were. They glistened. The towel hardly fell down low enough to cover her...

4 years ago
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Sleep Well My Officer I m Your Hijazi Sweetheart

clerics.With a Hejazi virgin of a secular family who loved Egypt and its secular values and hated House of Saud and their Salafis clerics. To the memory of Princess Misha'al bint Fahd al Saud He was asleep again. Masha-il put her book of Nizar Qabbani poems on the floor and looked to the bed, where he lay. Darkness covered the window in the tiny room, and beyond it, crisp hot air, fields of sand and heat, sandy dunes rising like ramparts into a moonless sky. The only light came...

2 years ago
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I don’t always sleep well. I wake up at night and sometimes I wake up because I have pain. I’ve been that way all my life. I try hard not to wake my man up on those nights. Sometimes I get out of bed and go read a book or listen to music. Other nights I go sit on the porch and let the cool night air relax me and I can rest. But many nights I just lay there in bed and try to force myself to sleep. This night, I was awakened by a fierce pain in my chest. The lupus was just sitting there and I...

Oral Sex
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Sleep Well My Officer I m Your Hijazi Sweetheart

100% fiction! An Egyptian soldier in 2015 War against House of Saud & their Salafis clerics.With a Hejazi virgin of a secular family who loved Egypt and its secular values and hated House of Saud and their Salafis clerics. To the memory of Princess Misha'al bint Fahd al Saud He was asleep again. Masha-il put her book of Nizar Qabbani poems on the floor and looked to the bed, where he lay. Darkness covered the window in the tiny room, and beyond it, crisp hot air, fields of sand and heat, sandy...

Erotic Fiction
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Sleeping With the Devil in My Mind

Sleeping With the Devil Song by Lee Ann Womack Songwriter: Brennen Leigh Hulbert Lyrics: I’ve been sleeping with the devil, I thought you ought to know I can’t look you in the eye and tell you it’s not so I’m his little Darlin’, I’m that old man’s dream I’ve been sleeping with the devil, so it seems I’ve been sleeping with the devil, arms around him tight Breathing my hot breath upon his chest the whole long night Get up in the morning, God knows I have tried I’ve been sleeping with the devil...

2 years ago
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Sleeping with Anu Chachi Part IV

In the cold morning of Mahabaleshwar lying under a same blanket in the warm grip of my voluptuous sexy Anu chachi gave me an immediate hard on. Sharing of warmth of mine and Anu chachi’s naked bodies made the night sleep really pleasing. Further waking up next to my beautiful naked Anu chachi with her warm grip around me and her soft naked warm body engulfing my side, simply took me aloof from the entire world making me drown in the beauty and caressing womanhood of my mature voluptuous Anu...

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Sleeping Daughter 2 Backdoor Delight

Chapter Two: Backdoor Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The beep of my alarm clock dragged me out of drowsy sleep. I groaned, my hand lashing out, swiping across the counter, brushing my cell phone before I crashed into the side of the alarm clock's plastic case. My fingers trailed up it and found the button. “Crap,” I groaned. I hated Mondays. They were always the— Did last night really happen? I shot up in bed, my heart thudding in panic and looked at my wife. The covers...

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Sleeping Daughter 3 Nanny Cam Revelation

Chapter Three: Nanny Cam Revelation By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “She isn't even wearing panties tonight, the little slut,” my wife chortled in my ear. I reached up and adjusted the Bluetooth earpiece to make it more comfortable and stop pinching. “Ooh, this is almost as good as being there. She's ripe and ready for you. She's taken her medication and she's passed out.” My dick ached. Even after a month of fucking my eighteen-year-old daughter while she slept, I was still eager...

4 years ago
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Sleeping Booty 8211 A Twisted Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a beautiful little princess. Her name was Aludra, which, in the language of her people, meant “unwanted one”. Of course she didn’t know this, because all the servants in the palace DID want her. They loved her dearly. She was sweet and pretty and fun to be around, whereas her mother was a stone cold class A Bitch. The Queen was such a bitch that, after her husband, the King, knocked her up with Aludra, she poisoned him. “Imagine!” she...

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Sleeping Pills To Neighbour Tuition Teacher

Hi! Mera naam Suney hey ye ghtna tab ki hey jab mein 11th class me tha aur mera final exam tha mein aapko sabse pehle Renu ke bare mein batata hoon jiske saath maine sex kiya tha. Renu ka figure 34-28-36 hey, wo 32 saal ki hey, uski height 5’6 foot hey. Mein uski boobs ka diwana tha. Wo hamlog ke ghar se kuch hi dur rehti thi. Uske husband Kanpur me kaam krte hey aur hafte mein 1 ya 2 bar hi aate hey. Renu ke 2 bachche hey , dono hi school hostel mein rehte hein, wo har sat-sun ko ghar wapas...

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