Stiefvater indian porn

1 year ago
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Schloss Gr nwalde

Schloss Gr?nwaldeTeil 1 – Kapitel 1-13Synopse: Gr?fin Verena von Grunwald nimmt in ihrer Verzweiflung finanzielle Hilfe von Robert Geldern an und willigt gleichzeitig in die Ehe mit ihm ein. Die zwei T?chter der Gr?fin macht er sich ebenfalls Untertan. Bei der 16-j?hrigen Komtess Tabea hilft er mit einem speziellen Serum nach. Bei der 13-j?hrigen Komtess Tamara stellt er schnell fest, dass sie eine ausgepr?gte masochistische Ader hat.Kapitel 1Tabea von Grunwald griff mit zitternden Fingern zum Telefon.?...

3 years ago
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FamilientraditionenUSABen hatte die Ranch erst vor einem ? Jahr erworben und gleich modernisieren lassen. Er wollte daraus ein Paradies machen. Ein Paradies, in dem er schalten und walten konnte, wie er wollte. Er wollte einflussreiche Personen mit gleichen Interessen hierher einladen. Personen aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Showbusiness und Sport. Woher sollte er wissen, dass dies viel schneller vonstatten ging als er es sich in seinen k?hnsten Tr?umen ausgemalt hatte. Noch vor wenigen Tagen war er J...

4 years ago
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Wie ich zum Wichsen kam

Seit einiger Zeit erinnere ich mich wieder an die (ganz) alten Zeiten.Wir hatten eine kleine Wohnung und ich kein eigenes Zimmer !Ich schlief mit im ... EHEBETT !!!Eines nachts wurde ich wach...Unruhe neben mir.Nur das Licht der Straßenlaterne schien ins Zimmer.Öffnete meine Augen...meine Mutter lag neben mir.Ihr Körper wippte leicht auf und ab.Im schwachen Licht sah ich ihre großen Titten hin und her bewegen.Sie war zwar mollig, aber nicht zu dick und ihre Brüste waren wirklich...

4 years ago
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Kimberly Ab dem 7ten Lebensjahr wurde sie immer von ihrem Onkel, dem Bruder der Mutter, in San Diego, Kalifornien, in sein Hotel eingeladen worden, um dort die Sommerferien zu verbringen. Wundervolle 6 Wochen lang. Ihr Onkel wohnt in der obersten Etage des Hotels. Sie war riesig. Kim war jetzt schon so oft bei ihrem Onkel zu Besuch, aber alle Zimmer hatte sie noch immer nicht gesehen. Ein Teil der Etage war auch immer ganz verschlossen. Es war mit einem elektronischen Zahlenschloss vor...

1 year ago
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Die kleine Schwester

Babsi, eigentlich Bärbel, war Hals über Kopf in Ihren Schwager verliebt. Es nahm schon komische Züge an wie sehr sie sich wünschte endlich in seinen armen zu liegen, ihn zu Liebkosen und sich ihm auch Hinzugeben. Babsi war 16 Jahre alt, und shcon seit einiger Zeit total verschossen. an ihrem 16 geburtstag gab es mal wieder Stress mit der Muter, ihr Stiefvater hatte kein Interesse an ihr, und ihr Mutter machte sie für alles Verantwortlich. Vor allem das sie eine tolle Figur bekam, lange braune...

3 years ago
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Zuchtstuten Teil 4

Teil 4: DoppelbesamungAm Samstag Abend war Vanessa mit ihren Freundinnen in die Disco. Marc war mit seinen Kumpels unterwegs. Endlich einmal hatte Sandra wieder einen langen gemütlichen Abend alleine mit ihrem Mann. Sie trug nur ein kurzes, durchsichtiges Negligé, ein winziges Etwas, dass ihre Reize mehr betonte als verbarg. Nach einem Glas Wein, leidenschaftlichen Küssen und gegenseitigen Liebkosungen setzte sie sich breitbeinig auf seinen Schoß. Aufreizend rieb sie ihre nackte Scham an seinem...

2 years ago
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Zuchtstuten Teil 2

Teil 2: Die Teeniestute und der DeckhengstAm nächsten Morgen erwachte Vanessa nur langsam. Es war hell im Zimmer und nur allmählich gewöhnten sich ihre Augen an die Helligkeit. Noch langsamer fing ihr Verstand an zu arbeiten. Irgendetwas stimmte nicht. Irgendetwas war anders als sonst. Dann begriff sie. Das war nicht ihr Bett. Das war nicht ihr Zimmer! Aber wo war sie denn? Dann erkannte sie das Schlafzimmer ihrer Eltern. Sie lag im Ehebett. Und sie war nackt! Was war geschehen?Plötzlich...

2 years ago
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Hirst Hall German

Hirst Hall (German)Anmerkung des Autors: Dies ist die deutsche Fassung des englischen Originals von Hirst Hall. Hirst Hall hat mich von Anfang an so in seinen Bann gezogen, dass ich Surtea einfach um die Erlaubnis bitten musste, dieses meiner Meinung nach meisterlichen Werkes, in die deutsche Sprache ?bersetzen zu d?rfen. Leider sind meine Englischkenntnisse sehr bescheiden, so dass dies keine 100% ?bersetzung wird. Aber ich denke, zu 90% werde ich es hinbekommen, zumal Surtea die ?bersetzung v...

1 year ago
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Alle Personen sind mindestens 18 Jahre. Tanja ist ein junges Mädchen von 18 Jahren kein Modell klein 1,63 Rote lange Haare mit einer leichten Natur Krause Helle Haut und wirkte irgendwie zu klein für ihren großen Busen.Tanja brauchte einen Job und eine Wohnung.Vor einen Monat ist sie nach einen heftigen Streit mit ihren Stiefvater mit nur ein Paar Klamotten raus as dem Haus. Leider haben sich fast alle Freunde von ihr abgewendet so hat sie niemanden der ihr helfen könnte. Also lief sie schon...

3 years ago
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Mama und Jana im Sexshop

Alle Personen in dieser Gesichte sind über 18 Jahre alt. Über Ideen, Anregungen und Kritik würde ich mich sehr freuen. Viel Spaß beim lesen. Erzähler: Ich bin Tim, der Sohn von Marianne und der Stiefvater von Jana. Zu meiner Person ich bin 46 Jahre alt, 190 cm groß und 110kg schwer, das Haar schwindet langsam und die Haarfarbe wechselt von blond zu grau. Ich bin mit einem normal großen Penis ausgestattet, jedoch spritze ich sehr oft und sehr viel. Außerdem bin ich extrem Dominat und Sadistisch...

3 years ago
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Endstation Stra enstrich

„Entschuldigen Sie bitte, Miss, ist der Platz neben Ihnen noch frei?” Sandy schreckt aus ihren trüben Gedanken an ihr Zuhause und an ihre Familie, die sie für immer verlassen hat. Vor ihr steht ein großer, gutaussehender schwarzer Mann, der mit einem sympathischen Lächeln auf den leeren Sitz neben ihr deutet. „Ja, äh ..., natürlich ist der Sitz noch frei.“ antwortet sie mit einem breiten Südstaatenakzent, an dem ihre Herkunft unschwer auszumachen ist. Sandy nimmt ihre Tasche von dem Nebensitz...

2 years ago
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Internat f r Schwererziehbare

Prolog Ich beobachtete wie meine Mutter mit Itami, meinem Stiefvater sprach. “Denkst du wirklich, dass es gut für Kagome ist, sie auf ein Internat zu schicken?“, fragte meine Mutter. Itami versucht schon seit Beginn der Sommerferien sie davon zu überzeugen mich auf das Kyoiku-Internat für Schwererziehbare, in dem er auch arbeitet, zu schicken. Bisher war er aber erfolglos. Dachte ich zumindest. “Sie ist in einer schweren Phase. Wahrscheinlich glaubt sie, Ich will ihren Vater ersetzen, deshalb...

4 years ago
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Die letzten Sommerferien

Mia hatte ihr Abi gerade in der Tasche. Manche Leute würden sagen, dass es doch ziemlich überraschend war mit welch gutem Ergebnis. Insgesamt hatte sie eine glatte 2,2, trotz ihres Rufes als Schulmatratze. Ausgerechnet das Ergebnis in der mündlichen Matheprüfung in Mias ausgewiesener Schwächedisziplin war eine 1,7. Zwei der drei Prüfer waren männliche Lehrkräfte und es kam der einzigen weiblichen Kraft im Raum fast schon unheimlich vor, dass Mia tatsächlich auf die Fragen immer genau die...

3 years ago
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ATM Himmel

Du warst schon immer ein Loser wie aus dem Bilderbuch. Du hast es im Leben zu nichts gebracht. 35 Jahre lang hast du nichts gerissen und es soll, laut deiner Mutter, auch schon wahrlich früh so manchem klar gewesen sein: aus diesem Jungen würde nichts werden. Zumindest Mutti war es klar und sie machte seit Kindheitstagen keinen Hell daraus. Andere Ansprechpartner hattest du nicht, keine Geschwister keinen Vater, ihn hatte ein Besoffener Lastwagen Fahrer von der Elenden Existenz als dem Alkohol...

1 year ago
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Enge Stieftoechter

"...Hallo! Aufwachen!..."reisst eine Stimme Julia aus dem Schlaf. Als sie durch ihre verschlafenen Augen schaut, erkennt sie ihre Mutter "Peter faehrtt mich jetzt zum Bahnhof. Du haelst die Stellung! Ich komme in 2 Wochen wieder heim. Peter holt mich dann am Montag wieder ab. Pass auf deine Schwestern auf," sagte sie, bevor sie ihrer Tochter Julia ein Kuesschen auf die Backe drueckte. Dann verliess sie das Zimmer und kurz drauf hoerte man die Haustuer. So das hiess also, dass Julia (gerade 19...

2 years ago
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Mein bisheriges Leben

Es ist sehr merkwürdig, seit dem ich 17 Jahre alt bin, gehe ich mit meinem Geschlecht anders um als ich es biologisch wirklich bin. Das macht sich wie folgt bemerkbar! Noch weit vor dem siebzehnten Lebensjahr als ich so um die neun Jahre alt war, habe ich, wenn meine Mutter auf die Arbeit ging ihre Kleidung angezogen und mich anders, besser gefühlt. Ich konnte damals zwar noch nichts damit anfangen, aber ich dachte mir später das mein leben eine Menge Überraschungen mit mir vor hat. So kam es...

2 years ago
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Zuchtstuten Teil 5

Teil 5: Der PostboteEin paar Wochen waren vergangen, seit Vanessa erfahren hatte, dass sie schwanger war. Noch war nicht allzu viel davon zu sehen, höchstens eine ganz leichte Wölbung ihres ansonsten flachen Bauches. Bei ihrer Mutter, die ja zwei Monate Vorsprung hatte, war dagegen schon eine deutliche Rundung zu erkennen.An dem Fick-Arrangement hatte sich durch Vanessas Schwangerschaft vorerst nichts geändert. Sie wurde weiterhin von Thomas und Marc regelmäßig gefickt. Und auch Sandra wurde...

3 years ago
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Rahel Erziehung einer Jungfotze

Rahel - Erziehung einer Jungfotze (Teil 1 - 27) =============================================== by Alphatier, © 2014/2015*         *kopieren, ausdrucken, reposten ist alles erlaubt Entgleist       Alles begann, als meine Frau mir vor drei Monaten heulend erklärte, dass es aus ist. Einfach so hatte sie plötzlich mit ihrem kleinen blauen Sportrucksack in der Küchentür gestanden und mich mit einer Mischung aus Schuldbewusstsein, Vorwurf und Selbstmitleid angesehen, während ich nur zitternd am...

3 years ago
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Luzufers heimt ckischer Eros

Key-words: FemDom, Oral duty, cunnilingus anilingus, dirty, golden shower, consensual bugging & sex, cheating, pregn,. Luzifers heimt?ckischer Eros Von MASOSTUD ? 2010 by Masostud Alle Rechte vorbehalten / all rights reserved.  Inhalt/ Summary: Martin k?mpft um seine Arbeitslosigkeitsunterst?tzung, denn er f?hlt sich von einer hinterlistigen Frau ruiniert, deren Rache seine Existenz vernichtet hat. Aber zuvor muss er seinen ungew?hnlichen Werdegang mit sexuellen Perversionen bekennen.VORWORT: Das ...

1 year ago
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Die achtzehnjährige Katrin dreht sich wieder auf den Bauch, findet einfach keinen Schlaf in dieser warmen Sommernacht. Ihre lockigen braunen Haare hängen ihr wirr ins Gesicht. Das kleine Bächlein Schweiß, das zwischen ihren strammen Teenager-Brüstchen herunterläuft, sickert in das rosafarbene, zerwühlte Bettlaken. Wieder dreht sie sich nach links und rechts, und ihr türkisfarbenes Nachthemd wird dabei ganz nach oben geschoben. Obwohl sie das Fenster weit geöffnet hat, als sie ins Bett gegangen...

3 years ago
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Die Webcam5

Story nicht von W.„Willst du noch eine zweite Runde, Tobi? Wir könnten es mal gleichzeitig probieren. Schon was von Neunundsechzig gehört? Mach aber vorher den Computer aus. Das Gebläse nervt. Wenn geblasen wird, dann anders."Für das Angebot war Tobias natürlich sofort Feuer und Flamme. Er beeilte sich, den PC auszumachen und schaltete ihn einfach mit dem Netzschalter aus. Dabei übersah er das rote Blinken der Cam-LED, die anzeigte, dass sie auf Sendung waren und eine Zuschauerin gehabt...

2 years ago
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The Beginning 8211 Ayesha

Hello friends, I am Ayesha. I am 25 years old and this sex story is about my experience after marriage. I married Abhay a year back. We knew each since college and were in love and wanted to live our lives together. He proposed me in the final year of the college and I said yes. I was really happy to marry the love of life. After college, Abhay joined his family business. He was the youngest of his three brothers. After marriage, I moved into Abhay’s huge house. It was like a mansion....

1 year ago
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Chanel 17

I sigh heavily and finish taping up the last box. I didn't think I had that much shit, but the eight large, full boxes suggest otherwise. After Eugene dropped me back at Aaliyah's --after our daring stunt in the hills-- I decided to head home and start packing since I'd be paying the deposit on my apartment tomorrow. I changed into some jean shorts and a tight tank top while I packed, and it took me most of the day, but it's done. I flop onto my bare mattress and stare at the ceiling. I feel...

2 years ago
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Violated VirginChapter 5

The early morning light filtered through the drapes, and in the street the first sounds of activity could be heard. A friendly shout between two men echoed up to the room, and Suzanne stirred, opened her eyes and looked about. At first she felt a stab of uncertainty, then she realized where she was. Then she remembered what had happened the night before, and her face went scarlet. She looked over her shoulder and saw Yvonne and Carole, still asleep, their arms about each other, a look of...

4 years ago
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My first with Dave

A man of about 25 answered, who I knew to be Dave. He asked me to come in, so I took a deep breath and walked inside. I tried to keep my composure, but it wasn't working, as I was breathing irregularly. I had no idea what to expect from my first gay encounter. "First time?' He asked, obviously noticing my nervousness. I replied with a small nod, and sat down on the couch nearest to me. "Is there anything special you wanted to do while you have the chance?" Dave asked, and all i...

2 years ago
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Turning Fantasy Into Reality

My wife and I were enjoying our weekend with the k**s at the grandparents. Friday night was a relaxing dinner with friends and then we had a nice session in the bedroom and my wife, Kelli, let me set up the video camera for the night. Saturday was quiet, we met friends for golf and then came home and made dinner and then Kelli said she was going to take a bath and I should come up in an hour. At about 8 pm I headed up and she was on the bed completely naked and slowly touching herself basically...

2 years ago
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Master John finds his slave

Master John finds his slaveChapter 1    John hated going to weddings. They long since ceased to be fun anymore. He wandered over to the bar again as the singer from the band introduced the wedding party. John ordered a scotch..decided he needed a double instead and watched the party walking in. As he watched John wondered how long the couple would stay married. Longer than he had he decided. But almost everyones marriage lasted longer than his had. He knew deep down not to marry a vanilla girl...

2 years ago
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The Ice Cream ManChapter 3 The Wedding

What can I say? It was fabulous! Mary and Jen, put it together so quickly that it had to surprise everyone that everything was so well done. I found out that Mary had contacted my Mom and she lent a hand in helping make decisions about the food and decorating. It was surprising how my mother and Mary became such good friends in such a short time. I was surprised when I arrived at the church and it was full of people. I guess the Bradley's had a lot of friends and associates. I was happy to...

2 years ago
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Ex Cellmate Looks Him Up She s back for he

Everything was going to be perfect. Nathan hummed an upbeat tune to himself as he set the table. His girlfriend would arrive for their dinner in any time now. Nathan checked the food simmering on the stove for the second time in as many minutes.He heard a knock at the door."Be there in a minute," Nathan called out from the kitchen. He quickly ran a comb through his hair and then grabbed the flowers he'd purchased for Jenny. Nathan opened the door and presented the flowers to his visitor."Those...

2 years ago
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Neighbour pleasure

Hi to all readers, I am one of the greatest fans to this site.My name is Vivek(name changed) and I am working in MNC at Mumbai. I am from Bangalore and living here for one and half years. I am 26 years old and I am not attractive.62 kgs of weight and 5ft , 9inch and normal looking with no additional charming things in my body.I enjoyed my college days to the maximum, but I was never interested with any girls. I used to tease them with their behaviours. I had a problem,I used to be nervous and I...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Preachers Sex Toy

Each testicle was the size of a kiwi fruit. His ball sack was beautiful and hairless. I spent a lot of time sucking and licking his gonads after I finished my wine. I stood and turned away from him while standing between his legs and began to sit down on his cock-head. As it touched my sphincter, I reached under and grabbed balls again. As he arched himself upwards, I moved away slightly. "If your cock doesn't slide right in.." I said, "Then that means you're going to have to tongue my ass a...

2 years ago
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GameplayerChapter 9

Only one car was parked in Heritage Realty's spacious lot --a slate-grey Land Rover. It was the first Land Rover Sam ever remembered seeing in Twin Rivers. The company was located in a handsome two-story detached brick building in the far-western section of Twin Rivers, near the new high school. Evidently, the entire spacious structure was Heritage Realty. The door was open. Inside, Sam saw no one in the front reception area, but he heard a man's voice down the hallway, and followed the...

1 year ago
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Golden Comics

What’s so Golden about Golden Comics? Honestly, I saw the name and thought it was going to be a collection of pee fetish hentai, but it turns out the library is far more diverse than that. They’ve got a bit of that kinky, stinky wet stuff if that’s what you’re into, but I think the “Gold” in question is just a reference to the overall quality of the stash. The subtitle claims they’ve got The Best Porn Comics, and well, I wanted to lube up and see for myself just how true that was.If the joint’s...

Porn Comics Sites
2 years ago
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Having missed his school bus, Jordan was walking home from school that Friday afternoon, it was dark chilly and with a threat of rain in the air. He didn’t mind though, since he was out of school for a blessed two days. Away from the teachers, away from his fellow students that had made his life a living hell for all of his years in school.. He was a senior, just turned 18, small, pale and androgynous in appearance, with no friends. What had made matters worse for him was not having a...

1 year ago
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Fridagirl want to know your choice

I read of her account, it was brutal to say the least, but being of a similar ilk, I bet she enjoyed it, shagged up her arse and pussy simultaneously, two cocks rubbing together inside her body, God I get wet just thinking about it.Girls think and talk about it, as you just read. Most men don't know and have never have had the privilege of hearing women talk shop, when it comes to fucking, we can be cruder and more descriptive than men. It's like a defensive mechanism we have, your best friends...

4 years ago
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The Cuckold

It's a Friday night and I'm late home after working away up north for the week. The traffic had been terrible and it was late and dark on this January evening. I park up outside my fiancée's house and walk down her driveway to the front door. I'm so glad she managed to get the k**s looked after this weekend leaving us some privacy after being apart for 5 days.  Before I had left on Sunday evening she had fitted our new 'item' to me, a chrome chastity device that we'd talked about getting for...

3 years ago
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If He Only Knew

We arrived at the Halloween party late. Richard had sworn he knew the way, but of course we'd ended up getting lost. I was dressed as a sexy nurse and Richard was Captain Jack Sparrow. We'd have both looked ridiculous asking for directions, so we decided to take it out on each other, arguing and bickering every inch of the way. It took us an hour and a half of driving around to finally find where we were meant to be. We could hear music from inside the building and as we made our way inside,...

1 year ago
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Teenage urges

My name is Alex. I'm 18 and English. This is a story which isn't (yet!) true, and it's been a fantasy of mine for quite some time, I've just never got the courage to do it. My name is Alex. I'm 16 and I live in England. I'm 6”, about 60kg, well built, short dark hair, blue eyes, and a 6 inch cock. I have a pretty good life. I do well in school, have a girlfriend whom I love a lot, I am pretty confident generally and have no trouble with girls. Sex with my girlfriend is good. Not...

3 years ago
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Tied to a Chair

This is a true story from a couple months ago with my girlfriend at the time. Her name was Linda (named changed to protect the not so innocent) and we had met at a house party in Europe when I was there for an exchange program. We hit it off and continued to see each other long distance over the next year. Eventually she ended up traveling and living with me at my place for a few months. Linda was incredibly sexual, had a petite body with fair skin and was naturally a light redhead. A couple...

Oral Sex
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Lost At Sea Book 2 Drifters Chapter 16 Part 2

Grindylow were starting to crawl up the Kestrel’s sides, cresting the railings toward the midship, flanking the defenders. At the helm, Captain Vex cursed. They were running out of time. “Danica, Coleman, get us free!”“Aye, captain!” came the answering calls. Coleman and Danica North led their gaff hook wielding swabs toward the prow, but the fighting was too thick. There wasn’t going to be any safe way to employ their hooks and shove them free of the black ship. For every Grindylow the crew...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Trojan Horse

TROJAN HORSE By Geneva A young Spanish Gypsy girl is saved from death by a Corsair raid, but becomes a slave, then wife, to a North African slave dealer, helps him overcome challenges and turmoil and gets her revenge for past injury. This story parallels events in my earlier stories, "The Ship, the Oasis, the Book, the Slave," parts I-III. START There were some in our Spanish village who called my mother and me witches. Well, we could not do much about it but I did not think...

2 years ago
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The Half LilinChapter 8

I kept on screaming as I felt myself falling down a misty shaft back first. It was very cold. My arms tried to grab on to the sides without success. As I fell, I thought about my life and my destiny ... namely that jerk Chris. I kept asking myself, "Why? Why? Why?" I had so many questions that I couldn't even tell where I should start. Suddenly the mist disappeared and I fell onto a semi-hard object on top of a very soft surface. Immediately, I heard a disembodied female voice saying,...

3 years ago
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Uma Aunty rsquo s Valentine rsquo s Day Fuck

Hi all I am back with my another encounter with my darling love who does anything for me this lovers day was so special for us I just loved it. She had bought some gifts for me and so did I for her and we were making out and slept after making out and I was woken up by my Uma darling with a gentle kiss and hug and she wished me for valentines day and I too wished her valentines day for her.She gave me my gift and I opened it and I saw to my surprise she had kept my favorite stud for me and she...

2 years ago
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Domination of Liz by Ice

I was very excited about the backpacking trip I had planned with my girlfriend, Liz, at Yellowstone, in late January. The snow was flying and it was a beautiful time to backpack through the park and then stay at the Winter Lodge that had an ice bar this time of year. I have to admit I was mostly looking forward to being able to fuck her all weekend long. I picked Liz up early Friday morning and we headed out to the park. As we drove the route to Yellowstone, I could tell Liz was excited about...

2 years ago
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First Time Shower

I met Steve the night before round a mate’s house and we had got chatting. He said he was bi-sexual and through my own curiosity had questioned him more about it. He had suggested I popped round to his the next day and so that’s what I did.We relaxed with couple of beers when Steve had suggested we shower together. I wasn’t apprehensive at all; in fact, I was more excited so I had said “why not”!We went into his bathroom that had a bath with a power shower fitted. He set the controls and...

4 years ago
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My girlfriend the prostitute

“Whew” says John as he let’s off a sigh of relief. ‘Finally finished work’ he thinks to himself as he starts rummaging his pockets for his phone. He pulls it out slowly before unlocking it and heading to his contacts. Scouting for a few seconds, he stops at the name ‘Lacey’ before pressing the call button as a little smirk appears on his face. Waiting for the phone to ring, He begins walking to the bus stop. Between the journey, the phone just kept ringing with no answer. ‘Oh yeah, she said she...

1 year ago
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Three Girls

© 2002 I found myself driving through another state headed to a business appointment. An area I wasn't really familiar with. Since I hadn't been here before, and I had a little extra time to kill, I thought it would be fun to get off the interstate, take some back roads and see a little scenery. Explore a bit of unfamiliar territory. I was passing through the mountains when my rental car started to make straining protesting sounds under the hood. Just as I was thinking to myself this...

1 year ago
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A Call Center Incidence

Hi friends I am a reader of sex stories, not so frequent but depend on schedule. Would like to share with you an incident of my life which happened some 5 years back when I was 23, I was in Bombay. Know I am in Kolkata. The incidence goes like this- I was working in an international BPO in Navi Mumbai, we used to get pick up and drop from office to residence and again back. That was a common pick up; tata sumo was there which used to pick 7-8 employees from the same area one by one and after...

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PublicBang Lexi Luna Lexi Having Wild Fun Around The City

The hot and playful Lexi Luna takes a day to hang out and get fucked with us. In todays update we see her great body and attitude as we’re out across the city. This chick is down for public fun and we get to see her show her tits to random guys before she starts sucking on cock and running to not get caught. She’s horny and ready to take cock anywhere. She gets fucked as they tried to hide the best they could. These two get wild as they fuck with the hight traffic behind them. The rain changed...

1 year ago
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Dreaming about you

I had a dream about you last night. This is rare since I usually don't dream and when I do I'm usually alone or with generic, faceless people. But this time it was definitely you. I remember hearing your voice. But most of all I know it was you because I could feel you and touch you. I couldn't see your face but I knew it was you by the way your body felt, tracing your curves with my hand as we laid beside each other. My hand told me it was you when it moved down your back to caress your...

3 years ago
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Pygmalion ProjectWeek 4 Mid June

Sunday Julia was especially bright-eyed and animated Sunday evening when she arrived. All through dinner and relaxation afterward, she seemed to exude energy. It was she who suggested it was time for the hot tub. Greg quickly got into his suit and went out to make sure the patio was tidy with Shannon's help. He had just placed a stack of fresh towels in the rack and stood up to see Julia walk out of the house naked. "How do you like my nun's outfit, Greg?" Shannon let out a small squeal...

2 years ago
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The Creek Part Two

‘When you two have finished screwing around in there, excuse the pun, would you consider coming out here and having some fun?’ Logan looked up and smiled. Silhouetted against the fire was Jeremy and Maggie, standing naked in the cool night air. Jeremy had his hand planted on Maggie’s arse which he squeezed occasionally. Maggie was busy toying with Jeremy’s cock. Logan cleared his throat and blushed. ‘Um…we were just…Anyway, we would love to join you two.’ Logan felt Sophie’s hand on his...

2 years ago
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Alls Well That Ends Well

It has been said that "All is well that ends well" but who is it that determines what is "well"? A case in point: I find out that my wife is an unfaithful whore and I toss her out on her ass and I'm rid of her. It ended well for me right? Then how come I'm so fucking miserable? It started six months ago when I married my secretary. Hillary was hired by my dick. The day she came in for her interview and walked into my office my brains shot right down into the head of my cock and it said,...

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Sue and Lou Finally Get A Clue

Once there were two teenagers, named Sue and Lou, And they did all the things that most teenagers do. They went out for parties, and went out on a date, And sometimes got in trouble if they stayed out too late. They were friends to be sure, but didn't go with one another, Sue's parents were friends with Lou's single mother. Sue's mother was Grace and her father was named Larry, While Lou's mother's name they all knew was Mary. They would get together and talk about each others kid,...

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Katy The Sex Slave SecretaryChapter 2 Schoolgirl Gangbang

For the next fortnight, Katy served her boss like a dutiful young slave. She wore whatever he told her to - always a short skirt, and often without any underwear. The pretty blonde did exactly what he said, performing the most degrading sex acts on herself, on him, or on whoever he told her to. Most days John would fuck her at lunch time, and then again after work. He would never let her clean herself up afterwards, so Katy would spend all afternoon with his cum leaking out of her shaven...

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Sex with my sweet neighbor

`Hai my dear reader friends….this is your madan,….today i want to tell u about my recent sexcounter…….on that day after going home from office i was feelig bore as my wife went to her mothers place due to marriage function…i was alone after getting bath i was seeing a cd of bf,i was wearing a lungi without drawer so that my cock feel free there were fucking scenes of black dicks in white cunts two negros with their huge dicks of about 9-10 ” strong in thick fucking a lady in her wide opened...

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Great intro for me

Need to start with me bout 20 yrs old Im just out of home living with couple good friends in an upstairs flat just off main road . We have been there for couple months , our working life is different , Me,,I do building ,others are taxman n Benny is working for government . Our flat is over looking a small park in the distance with group of up market flats just down next to us but single story . The unit straight down from us was having new tenants I was out running round the park n saw the...

1 year ago
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NaughtyMag Bella Forbes Lil 8217 Sis Wants Dick

Height: 5’2″; Weight: 108 pounds; Bra Size: 34A; Birthday: May 26; Lives: Boca Raton, Florida. Bella knows that you’re going to watch her suck dick, get her pussy pounded and receive a sticky facial. She knows that you’re gonna jack your dick while watching her cum. She loves that. “I love it. It’s such a turn-on to know someone finds you attractive and is pleasuring themselves to you. My favorite is when I ask guys to send me videos of them jacking off and...

1 year ago
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Submissived Sofie Reyez Dominant Dinner Plans

Sofie Reyez understands what a big favor our stud is doing her by letting her live at his place, so she is more than willing to meet his needs when he lays them out for her. From here on out, he is going to fuck her whenever he wants, wherever he wants. They shake on it, and the next thing you know, he is having his morning coffee with a sloppy blowjob from sexy Sofie. Next, he is sliding his cock inside her juicy pussy while she studies. But when he and Sofie sit down for dinner, things get...

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Making Mom Happy

Growing up on the outskirts of Philadelphia, Graham had always looked forward to spending the summer at the beach with his family. The Jersey shore may mean big hair and Guidos everywhere else but for him it meant the boardwalk and miniature golf, pure family fun. Ocean City, Wildwood and Cape May were indelibly burnt into his c***dhood memories. However, this year it looked grim for any family fun.Sitting on the couch, the evening news played in the background as he ran things over in his...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Encounter With Landlady

Hello, everyone…. How are you all??? I know it’s been a long since I had written my last sex story…. But I promise the wait is worth it :-) Thank you guys for living my stories and making them present in HOT category….. For those who don’t know me… This is Tarun Goyal from New Delhi… I m 22 years old M 5’8 tall with an average body of fair color… Complimented by an adorable face cut(others say so)… M not a professional writer but I just pen down my true incidents with all the emotions that I...

4 years ago
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Fucked Married Maid When Wife Went To Chennai

Hi guys, I am Zamim here again with my next story. I hope you are all doing good. Thanks for the comments and suggestions for my previous stories. For those who don’t know me, I am Zamim 26 years old, slightly chubby. Basically from Chennai, but now living in Bangalore. My stories are usually long, as I don’t like to go directly into the story. I will usually narrate how everything happened. So pardon me for that. So let’s get to the story. I was married and lived happily with my wife. We...

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shagging my mates mum

This is something I never would have even dreamed about happening. It was not something you think about happening it just happens but when it does you feel like the luckiest man alive. So it starts off by the time I had to visit a house to price up a job for me and my dads building company. I remember reading the name on the address and it sounded familiar to me.So I went to the house late one afternoon, I will call her Mrs D because i cant give the name away. Anyway I knocked on the door...

3 years ago
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Gang Banged By Members Of The Football Team

"Alright guys, hit the shower, and get some sleep, remember games at 8:00 tomorrow. Now Bucks on three." The head coach of the varsity football team said."1...2...3... BUCKS!!!" Yelled the whole football team. Then they made their way towards the locker room.I had watched the last half hour of their practice in a white tank top and black mini skirt along with a friend and her boyfriend. However we spent much more time talking than actually watching the practice. We continued our conversation...

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Fucked My Friend 8217 s Hot Mom

Hello, Indian sex story readers. I’m back with another story of mine. Those who don’t know about me, then please go through my previous stories. Now coming into my incident, this story is about me with my friend’s mother. Yes, guys, it’s true. Her name is Ayesha and 45 years old. She is the perfect milf and doesn’t look too fat. Her son is a friend of mine and I’m not new to her family. Her husband works in one of the MNC company and moves to nearby cities because of his work. For every Muslim...

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Mistress Cruel LoveChapter 3 Deviated Prevert

Darius leaned against the bathroom counter and inspected himself in the mirror. He needed a break from his chores and his sore nose was itching fiercely. Ultimately, he could do nothing but gaze at his nostrils and try to will the discomfort away. His septum piercing was still healing and would be for another six to seven weeks. Heather had insisted he get more body candy. For reasons he still didn’t fully understand, Darius had gone along with it. Alcohol had not been a factor this time....

3 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 57 Bad News Comes in Threes

Mark There’s bad news and then really bad news that comes your way once in a while. I had two major doses of it on Monday morning. I’d been talked into a late start at work so that we could all have a relaxed breakfast, plus bid goodbye to Troy and Janet, and Dan and Sandy. That was fun and we had a heart warming parting. Their departure went like clockwork and they were out the door before seven a.m. to catch their flight to Atlanta. My first bout of news I didn’t want to hear came from...

2 years ago
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Slut School pt 4

Part 4-----------------------------------------------------------------------The guys all stood around their new toy, totally naked and as Sarah could see, all their cocks were as hard as stone in excitement."P-please... Let me go..." Her desperate pleas fell on deaf ears.Without so much as a warning, they began to play with her.The blond guy stood behind her hog-tied legs, grabbed hold of her waist, and pushed his thick cock right up into her slightly moist pink pussy.Sarah groaned as it had...

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KinkySpa Nicole Rey Sexy Latina Nicole Rey gets and extra special massage

Curvy Latina babe Nicole Rey really needs to cum. She decides to go to her usual spot to get her rocks off, the Kinky Spa, but it’s apparently under new management. After a bit of talking, her masseur tells her that he can still give her the same old Kinky Spa special she used to get, so he starts by pulling off her towel. She’s not looking for him to beat around her bush, so she tells him to flip her over and get to work and he does. He rubs her, licks her, and fucks her long and hard until...

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Now This Won t Hurt A BitChapter 28

When Richie boarded the school bus Monday morning, Jason spared him only a momentary glance before being forced to look away. Richie's aura was darker and more malignant than it had first appeared the day before. Jason could not look at it without feeling his stomach clench. Richie appeared to pause at this obvious snub. His eyes narrowed and he tensed for a moment. He eventually subsided and went to sit in another part of the bus. It was the next stop that Jason was dreading more than...

4 years ago
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A Daughter Has Her Way

A Daughter Has Her Way by: crossvestite Players: Amy-18 Steve-(Amy's daddy) 36 Andy-(Amy's twin brother) 18 Lucas-(Amy's boyfriend) 18 Cheryl-(Lucas's Sister) 15 Story synopsis: A young girl discovers that her daddy is a closet crossdresser. And along the way she discovers a lot about herself. She has plans for her daddy as well as her brother and boyfriend. Many adventures in store for everyone. --------------------- NOTE: This is a story I recently wrote in many short...

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Faith Confessions of an English Harlotte Ch 1

Faith was a quiet girl. And in Surrey, at the time of our story’s beginning, that is 1828, it was expected of a girl to be quiet. She had recently attained her sixteenth birthday and preparations were underway for a lavish party. There was to be a grand ball, where Faith would be presented to society. It was hoped that Benjamin Gould would be in attendance. He was considered suitable for Faith and Faith’s father had been working hard to assure that Lord and Lady Gould considered Faith suitable...

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Jane rides the subway

Jane was wearing a dark long flowing dress, spaghetti straps, open from the neck line all the way down to the small of her back, six white buttons down the front. She wore black Steve Madden Deja Vu platform shoes, red lipstick and a splash of smokey grey eye shadow.She was quickly walking down the street, as if she was late for an appointment. She was clenching her small purse in one hand and a ticket in the other. She walked down the stairs into the subway station. She could feel the warm air...

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This is a silly story line, try not to take me too seriously, old men have twisted minds. And of course, it is NOT TRUE.“I am NOT GAY,” I said for at least the tenth time as I felt Jim slide his hand up the crack of my ass with a handful of Vaseline. “You may not be now, but in a moment you will be and proud of it,” Jim said as I heard him unbuckle his western style belt and drop his pants. I felt him rub the tip of his cock up the crack of my ass and tugged at the ropes that had me tied to the...

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Uncle Mike 3 Sarah s Fantasy

It was their third day together and it had been another hot sultry day. They had awoken and immediately Sarah had climbed into Uncle Mike’s bed and swallowed his cock, sucking him to intense hardness, until he pushed her onto her back, pushed her legs back and slid his cock deep into her willing wet cunt. He immediately pounded down into her, unable to control his lust on her warm yielding young body. His huge balls had slapped against her and her beautiful big young breasts had bounced and...

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Road RashChapter 23

As I’m sure I’ve said before, the ‘Cascade Classic’, or ‘Crashcade’ is a three-day event. Or more accurately, it is three mountain passes in three days, for a total of about 280 miles. On a ride like this you get pretty much two classes of riders: the first is the usual assortment of nice folks who want to raise money for a good cause, as well as, how does the flyer put it? Oh yeah, “challenge themselves to excel!” Gotta’ love that copy! In general, these are the folks that always start the...

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The Body Guard Book 3Chapter 3

A Month Later: Kay was a nervous wreck and her grand opening was in two days. The reconstruction of her restaurant was complete. She went over various names for her new restaurant, but in the end, she named it Adams Family Diner. She contacted Holly and her old staff. Most of them wanted to come back and work for her. They all loved working for Kay. They couldn’t wait for the grand opening. She hired a few new people. She had background checks done on them all. She was firmer on the way the...

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Min Wong Forces Kate Part Three

I make Kate/Sarah lay on her back on the bed, squat over her face and lower my pussy so she can continue lapping my pussy juices. I lower myself to her curly-haired bushy pussy and start my own licking. She's very juicy. Tasty. Yummy. I lick up and down to get the sweet juices that have leaked out. Then I start jabbing my tongue into her slit. Up and down the slit. In and out. I tongue fuck her pussy. Finding her love button, I close my lips on it and suck hard. Her body is squirming. She...

2 years ago
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On the beach

On my previous profile here (I could not get back into it, long story) I wrote about true sexual encounters I have had... I like that as it brings back an awesome memory... So my first new post will be the same, a true encounter. This story is not just a shag from start to finish... Being single I signed up to a dating site to see what would happen, I met some great people... one was a wonderful lady whom I met after chatting to for a couple of weeks... this was really meant to be a meet, greet...

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The perks of being a doorman

Working on the door of my local nightclub tends to provide a reasonable amount of excitement, not only do you get the buzz of doing a serious demanding job but also the perk of dozens of scantily clad girls/women to ogle every friday and saturday night! As with all nigthclubs the girls arrive wearing next to nothing in the hope of having a good night out and with the prospect of a shag come the end of the evening. The club i work at is to be honest a glorified meat market! As most doorman will...

3 years ago
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The Choirmaster s God

Chapter 1: It would be the last time, it had to be. The acolytes led her before their master like a dog, naked gagged and blindfolded. They had shoved a but plug with a fake tail on it into her ass so that she would better look the part. She could feel her fellow novice, Anna crawling beside her. One of them would        The acolyte leading Tanya slapped her on the back and she reflexively dropped her face to the floor, raised her ass in the air and put her hands on her back. She heard Anna do...

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Two s Company

Part One The day out. …Three’s a crowd, but four is… well read on and make your own mind up. But, please don’t ask me what I think, I’m still coming down and can’t think straight yet. Erotica; Probably the best exhibition or show in London of the year. Usually held around the middle of November, when it is cold and miserable out, but the heat in the Grand Hall; Olympia, near Earls Court, South West London, goes off the scale. I had managed to get two of the hottest tickets in...

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Call Me Mommy 8211 Part 3

HarDick69 is back, guys. I came back from college early to leave for shopping. We went there and went to the ladies’ section first. I led her to the section with many modern outfits. Me: Mom, you need to level up. I’ll help you na. I knew she looked sexy in all outfits. First, I chose a semi-transparent black saree to contrast her skin colour. The salesgirl assisting us must have assumed that I was either mom’s husband or boyfriend from how I was taking control of mom’s shopping. Salesgirl...

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Delhi Is Polluted But Beautiful Pallavi Or Mera Pyaar

Hi, myself hardy (changed name). I had read about 50 stories here and I found most of stories written here are for finding sexual partners, I am not writing this story for getting any sexual partner just want to retrun the pleasure you my lovely frnds gave me readinng your stories. My self is 19 years old jat boy from haryana (now in delhi) and this story is about a beautifull girl from piragharhi who met me 1st time in metro. Isse pahle Mai kabhi delhi nhi aya thaa , ye baat tab ki h jab mai...

2 years ago
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CSI Change of EmploymentChapter 1

Catharine Willows was the second most senior crime scene investigator in the Las Vegas CSI Division's night shift. She'd worked hard to turn her life around from her late teenage years and her early twenties when she'd been one of the hottest and best-known exotic dancers in Las Vegas. She'd finally managed to pull herself out of the strip club culture as she approached 30 and had made a successful career for herself in CSI. Catharine had found a career in crime scene investigation...

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Mom friend Donna

I was at my moms friends helping her. after we finished what we were doing she said she would give me a ride home after her shower so I said ok. donna went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. she closed the door but left it open a crack so I can see in the bathroom. I kept looking threw the crack in the door as she got undressed. I got so hard donna is a tall skinny women with short blonde hair and blue eyes.i kept lookin at her as she got in the shower donna had nice perky small tits...

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part 2 wife almost caught me with younger sis

part 2 Flash fwd a few months of hooking up with my wife's younger sister eating her pussy worshiping her tight perky ass 2-4 nights during the week after work while my wife is asleep. Bottom line she controls are encounters and i am loving every moment about it. Thursday nite of last week i get the txt msg while i was in the living watching TV. It reads " bring your ass up to my room and give me a long pounding" so i ran up stairs washed up and entered her room that is right next to my wife's...

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Jacob Penned by: Miss Deborah Leigh Johnson One I had come to Richmond Hill because though it is a very small town out in the middle of no where, they had an excellent computer-programming course. And it was free. My Grandmother died about three years ago, and she left me a small amount of money, that was tied up in a trust account at the community college in Richmond Hill. I have no idea of what her involvement was with the college, but none the less, if I wanted the...

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Behan ki gaand

Helo friends this is the real story between me and my elder sister.meri age 18 ha aur main 1st year ka student hon.aur meri sexy behan saima ki age 19 ha aur vo 2nd year ki student ha. Vo bohat sexy ha us ki gannd aur boobs bohat badhae hain jo b dekhta ha us k lund khara ho jata ha. Yae 3 months pahlae ki bat ha surdioon ka mosam tha. Aik morning ko jab hum college janae k liyae bus par bus par bohat zida rush tha. Insan muskal sae khara ho sakta tha. Main apni sister k pechae khara tha...

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New BeginningChapter 5 Transition

In February, Roger started following through on the ideas he had discussed with Dr. Franke. He went to a nearby Waldenbooks store and made his way to the Psychology section. As he approached, he saw an elderly woman holding a book. With her short grey hair and slightly wrinkled skin, Roger estimated the woman was in her seventies. Roger approached the woman, as she was standing in front of the books he wanted. While he waited for her to move over, Roger noticed the title of the woman’s book,...

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The Naked Weekend

*** (Some people and events in this story can be found in two other stories, ‘The Second Time’ and ‘An Evening at Del Grande’s, Parts 1 and 2’) Seven months had passed since our vacation on St. Lucia where Gwen must have received miles of black cock thanks to Del Grande’s party and his connections. We had seen David and Gloria several times, cementing our relationship into a comfortable and satisfying sexual foursome. One other issue had also been resolved; Gwen had found a black guy for...

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It Began With a Mole Mob

A message from the author. I regret to say that this story is not edited and might contain several grammar errors. If you hate reading text with some errors, please don't waste your time and get upset by reading this story. The "Mole Mob" what spread fear in our small Scandinavian town was probably the best joke in those thousand years that this small town had existed. It began with an article in the local newspaper in what a man by name Rupert Albert Timmer demanded an immediate closing...

3 years ago
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Cosine Shama Or Mene Pehli Mulakat Me Apni Virginity Todi Bade Pyar Se

Hi dost me sahil Mumbai me rehta hu or me ek bar fir apni story aplog ke sath share kar rahah hu pichli story meri babli masi ki chudai ki thi or aj ki kahani meri or cosine shama ki hai jab hum dono ne ek sath apni virginity todi thi wo bhi pehli mulkatat me uske college ke bathroom me pehle me apne bare me ek bar fir bata du meri age 29 hai hight 5.5 fair colour average body or penis size normal shama ki age 26 hai hight 5.3 clour fair hot body and strong figure bade gol matol breast kadak...

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Voeurism pays off

The neighborhood I live in doesn’t get much foot traffic through it. Most everyone that comes walking around are the local residents out for a walk. Typically most everyone takes their walks between 6-7pm as it can be really hot where I live so most wait until late in the day when it’s a little cooler. Because of this, I love to sit there in my living room with my binoculars and watch the people. While I do this people watching I love to have my blinds open and porn on the TV just for fun since...

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A hot night in

After a hectic long week, we were planning a night in the living room with our quilt and toy box. My wife Liz had been away on business all week and we’d been texting each other pictures every night and bringing each other off on the phone which as I’m sure you can imagine although bringing instant relief just served to build up the horn we’d both been developing all week. All day shopping with the kids we’d both been tactile with each other, kissing and cuddling, I’d made Liz wear her short...

2 years ago
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More Adventures of young Billy

Billy's mother had to work to help support their family. Although she worked in a dress factory as a seamstress, she dressed to the nines for work everyday. Billy cherished the opportunity to hang around her while she was getting ready.Her routine was exactly the same every morning. After she finished a couple of cups of coffee, she returned to her bathroom to begin her routine of applying her make up and fixing her hair. Once she was done with that, Billy knew what was coming next. She would...

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