Tenchi Universe indian porn

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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 55 Scene of the crime

"Just how far is this going to go Mihoshi?" Kiyone suddenly asked. She and her partner had been walking along the service road away from the lights of Butto. Even dark as it was, the starlight still favored her friends smile as she turned and regarded her. "I'm not sure what you mean?" Mihoshi asked with a laugh, batting those vicious baby blue's. "Ok, then I'll spell it out for you," Kiyone sighed, wondering if she should even try. "You took that job as a waitress, so you could...

2 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 57 Tag team action

"GOD DAMN IT JAX!" Sato swore, still rubbing his splinter offended posterior. "What did you do that for?" Finishing the sentence almost as a sob. Gazing about the small clearing, Sato's gaze periodically swung back in the general direction of the shrine. "Got the cocksucker off us didn't it?" Jax said with rage masking an icy calm, staring right into Sato's eyes. "Y-you, you," Izo stammered, still slightly dazed from his run in with a water dipper. "You shot, him!" he finally...

3 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 58 Sugar Booger

"Nobuyuki?" He seemed to hear distantly. "Honey?" He tried to focus, everything felt just like it looked, Fuzzy! It reminded him of a water color landscape after someone had dumped an additional bucket of h2o on it. Muted shapes were all around! It seemed at first like he were drifting impossibly up a long ladder. Till something argued to him somehow that he was in fact on his back looking up at a series of ceilings lights as they surged past his view. He'd just begun to make some...

2 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 59 Road Kill

Izo stumbled headlong on to the blacktop, falling to his hands and knees. Just about having run out of steam and reasons. How long had he been running? The simple thought, was enough to almost enough to send him into spasms of laughter, almost. If he'd had, the 'wind' currently to spare. Part of him, 'almost' wanting the demon to find him! "Make this be over!" He wailed to the uncaring asphalt beneath.He couldn't really remember when or where it had all gone wrong. Utterly spent, he...

3 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 60 Who s the Spook

"So, are you still gonna quit?" Achika asked him bluntly over crossed arms. Leaning back against one of the innumerable, enigma's the good professors myriad domains had to offer. Nobuyuki wondered briefly if the creature contained within could see either of them. Not that its clairvoyance particularly mattered. Or, as if anything could make Achika more attractive ... the slightly cross expression succeeded however. "Leave our family without guidance?" She finished reproachfully. "Now...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 61 lakeside drama

Even fueled by terror, there was only so long Sato's less than perfect physique could be pressed into this kind of rigor. Feeling like he was breathing needles, he was almost grateful when realizing there was a lake in his way. He remembering, 'vaguely' something, somewhere? about how spirits, particularly demons, had some kind of aversion to water. Thinking dimly if true, this could work to his advantage! If he kept to the lake shore, he was certain to wind up at his great aunt's spa in...

3 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 62 not some lab rat

"Thank goodness!" Ayeka breathed. Smoothing Mayuka's hair, giving her a squeeze. "You see?" She told the child smiling. Holding her own raging emotions in check. "Nobuyuki's going to be fine!" "Too early to 'count blessings' I'm afraid!" Washu told her. Not even pausing to glance over her shoulder. "We are definitely not out of the woods yet!" "But, but I thought." The princess stammered, with Mayuka looking poignantly on. "I've managed to stabilize him, just barely!"...

3 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 63 Take down

Luks rounded the largest trunk he'd seen for a while and suddenly went tumbling, punctuating each successive impact as he rolled downwards into the dark. "OH! OW! FUCK! DAMN!" His eloquence in motion was halted abruptly by a large bramble at the bottom of the gully he'd unintentionally discovered. Both cushioning and making his final impact a most memorable occasion. Realizing, eventually he was still somehow conscience and not at all certain that was such a good thing. He lay for...

2 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 66

Day 4: 'Hero Warship' "This will do just fine sir, let me out here." The young man offered politely, while gazing critically at the Misaki residence. It was certainly smaller than expected, given even the sketchy number of residence supposedly living there. With a laborious whine of carbon on metal, the old green flatbed slowed ponderously to a halt roadside of the split rail fence. Well-used hinges made an indifferent sound as the olive drab farm truck's door swung open. Dropping to...

1 year ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 67 Dysfunctional Family

"MEYOW!" Ryo-chan lurched, all but whirling to glare directly down at Ayeka while rubbing her precious derrière. "Well, I'm sorry you keep fidgeting!" The princess snapped mildly, replacing the straight pin into her wrist mounted pincushion looking at Ryo-chan ruefully. "If you'd hold still, I wouldn't have stuck you!" She added tersely. Even angry as she was, standing atop the kitchens borrowed stepping stool, attired resplendently in a flowing white wedding gown, Ryo-Oki was the...

1 year ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 68 Portents and Shadows

Elsewhere, in a room of marked shadow and muted light a single figure sat pensively regarding the table illuminated before her. Red lacquered nails adorning graceful ring laden hands reached elegantly across, firmly placing the deck upon the table's translucent surface. They had served her well, time and time again, these old friends of hers, yet never was she able to suppress the slight tingle of anticipation as she prepared. Mindful of the forces she now would again dare to...

4 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 71 A Recipe for romance

Sometime later, Sasami leaned back tiredly on the kitchen counter and sighed. Exhausted, she surveyed the gleaming white surfaces around her with a sense of satisfaction. After two hours, she'd not only scrubbed the well-intentioned mess Ryoko had made off the center of her universe but had managed throwing something together which might pass for a meal. "Lets see," she murmured off her checklist. "Cabbage rolls, stuffed with pork, had to heat 'em way too fast!" Sasami sighed,...

3 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 120 Dearly Beloved

Dawn had come and gone leaving nothing remarkable in its wake. Discounting of course that during the previous night The Emperor of the most powerful Dynasty in known space had made planet fall. And at some point, just before the approaching noon, the closest male friend of one Kiyone Makibi would be married and thus recognized as It's crown prince. So, Key had wisely allowed additional sleep time for both Mihoshi and herself. Certain that calling what was to come 'hectic' would be the...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 126 Goodnight Miho

"Itz ah shin I tellz ya!" Mihoshi continued to blubber. Directing her comments towards Kiyone's hind quarters, as her partner began hiking up the stairs. "Tooz womenz uh wan manz! Id juz wong! Unateral!" "Yes and you'd form a nice quartet in two shakes wouldn't you?" Key responded dryly. Shifting her 'fireman's carry enough to open the door to their room. "Dey needs da guidance!" Miho slurred. Straitening enough over key's shoulder to emphatically gesture. "Avz a...

1 year ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 127 Bed Check

It was quiet in the rest of the house. Almost an unnatural calm had settled in the wake of the ceremony. It was interesting for Key to note that all the Tanzuru had withdrawn from inside. Maintaining slightly more than a token presence at the home's perimeter. Whether this was due to no member of the household being perceived any longer as a threat or to simply allow members of the royal guard to 'party' was anyone's guess. Key didn't give the matter much thought. It gave her much...

3 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 78 Divinations

"Nagi Has secured her target." the woman closer to the rooms doorway announced, glancing within the darkened chamber where Ena sat. Brooding as was usual over her cards. A gentle nod, the only indication she had heard at all. "Main group reports the residence Secured." The woman, still viewed in silhouette continued. "I calculate less than a ten percent deviation from projected out come." "Your accuracy is amazing!" The second woman's voice breathed. "As always." Ena's response...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 79 Key and Mih

"Key, you didn't have to hit him!" Mihoshi told her partner reproachfully as they were moving along the darkened main road. "He had his hand on your ass!" Kiyone growled, stopping for a second to glance at Mihoshi and dab at her busted lip. Thankful for the cooling breeze. Choosing the current rout instead of the service road added six or so minutes to the trip. Both however had made a silent agreement leaving Butto. Neither one of them fancied a trip past the shrine right now, wanting...

2 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 80

Day 5: 'All good things.' "Uhhhh." Kiyone moaned softly, wishing that taste in her mouth would go away. Opening her eyes took an effort. One that was promptly rewarded with a view of a disturbingly familiar ceiling. Astonished, suddenly she found the ability to sit up. Confirming she was indeed in her room on the second floor. The morning sun, shining through the windows. A bird sitting outside, singing sweetly on the sill. To her left Kiyone could see the unmistakable curves of...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 87 The Betrayal

Since opening his eyes, Katsuhito had blinked several times, studying the world about him, still uncertain if in fact he were truly awake. Everything was swimming in a kind of 'claymation' mosaic. Colorful certainly but less than informative. Nothing made any kind of sense. Several indeterminable such moments managed to pass during which he didn't feel more than mildly groggy. Nothing more that the usual one experiences during the interval between sleep and wakefulness. Were he to...

1 year ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 90 Yucanojo

The ice flows spread out below in all directions, stretching to and past the horizon. Snow that hadn't seen liquid form since before man discovered fire wafted ghost-like about fissures deeper than the Grand Canyon. Born aloft ever so briefly not by wind but vibration generated through tectonic stress caused when continent size five mile thick sheets of ice slammed ponderously together in an eternal ballet of titanic destruction. Seen from orbit as long spider-web cracks, gave the surface...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 91 An ugly little World

"Such an ugly little World." Yanaye commented dryly. Looking down from one hundred miles above, the chain of tiny islands seemed even more insignificant against the mass of the continent appearing at least from this altitude, a healthy stone's throw to the west. The master agrarian was clearly unimpressed by what she saw below. In her three hundred years she'd seen perhaps a hundred worlds. Less than half of those could even laughingly call themselves inhabited. Fewer still possessed...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 92 Mask of War

Noting minor elevations in temperature, a portion of the support system with in the darken room raised a silent if mild alarm. Sending a resultant pulse deep within the ancient complex mass of circuits and organic nodules that comprised the guardian. The gnarled surface of its body, almost rendered ebony with long absorption of protective oils over the centuries, reflected dully the light sources around as Yadon 'powered up'. To any earthling born in the south-pacific 'Yadon' or its...

2 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 94 Nagi

Some distance away in another chamber of the massive landing craft, Nagi's ears peeked, instantly aware of the faint reverberation. Hardening the lines of her mouth, she turned her attention back to the Queen. "Alright your majesty," She thickly rasped. "You've secured your merchandise; I've done my part, its time to conclude our business." Funaho, regal and commanding as always, smiled and bowed her head. "Ah, yes," She sighed indicating a low object laden table to her right,...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 98 Ena

Standing suddenly in the doorway of an unfamiliar octagonal room, Ryoko found herself again taking stock. Marveling at the subtle details which proclaimed this new vista unfolding before her as absolutely real. The sight of lavish draperies splashing iridescent color across dark hardwood walls, a lingering aroma she couldn't immediately identify cascaded pleasantly past her perceptions as Ena's voice softly began. "I was still quite young; the day my mother pulled me roughly into the room...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 102 Family Ties

"I was tending swine, at the south gate well after sunset." Ena continued as the new scene all about them became stable. Even if the location was different, Ryoko could still see the humble family dwelling in the distance behind. As the young Blue woman went busily about her chores. Emptying scraps of food into troughs as the swine eagerly converged on their banquet. "I was enjoying the music of crickets singing to the night, when suddenly ... impossibly, someone called my name! I...

1 year ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 103 Introspection

"So, was that before or after they put the crown on her head?" Ryoko wanted to know. "Before actually." Ena smiled re-materializing before her in the void. "After the initial shock had subsided, the queen found in Funaho a desired stabilizing influence upon her maverick son." She paused speculatively. "Also, The girl took to politics like a fish to water!" Ena shrugged. "One could not help but sense Ayeka's regret at never having a daughter." "Did, you and Azusa ever..."...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 104 Retro genesis

"I don't remember much before waking up." Ryoko suddenly seemed to hear. "I don't even remember 'waking up' at all exactly. Everything was just sort of THERE! All of a sudden! One moment nothing then BAM! I there I was!" "W-What the hell?" Ryoko stammered suddenly alarmed from her place at Ena's side. "It's your memories Ryoko," Ena told her gently. "Your 'true' memories." "But that was my voice speaking!" Ryoko demanded astonished. Floating a few feet away Ena's...

3 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 106 Misconceptions

"You labor under several misconceptions my dear." Ena gently interrupted causing the images around them momentarily to fade. "Arin Kagito, I am giving to understand, became fascinated by the holy power. He was 'seduced' some might say by his desire to understand it. His wish to somehow replicate it. Particularly the levels found among the holy trees and wielded by the royal family. To that end he left his home world initially to study the giant trees of Ryten, before turning his...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 108 Schism

"I don't remember much of what happened after bursting out of that tube." Ryoko's voice continued. "Most of what followed seems hazy even now. The next, even semi-solid recollection I have is of flying through the corridors of the Soja, laughing uncontrollably! Destroying everything in my path! All without a clue to even who the hell I was! Yet somewhere somehow knowing that something was terribly wrong! I remember landing in the main hall trying to get a hold of my self! Almost...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 110 Day 7 Cards on the table

Gearan shouldered the second tray with the same sense of pride he had the first. Moving across the central mess area with the practiced ease one tends to acquire after a century of service. Of course while the galley facilities aboard the imperial launch were 'limited' compared to those in his kitchens in the palace on Jurihelm. The hastily granted refits he'd demanded, more than allowed him to compensate. Fortunate enough indeed, given the lavishness of the orders received unexpectedly...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 111 Old Wounds

She'd been asleep. Doubtlessly dreaming of family and friends left behind on Majesta prime. Nagi remember being excited, as always, she supposed? on the prospect of seeing a New World. Wondering the same sort of things any girl of fourteen standard galactic years did. She'd had her moment of temper of course, demanding why she should have to go? Perhaps father would begin advising construction of a new spaceport on planet Boralis as newly appointed master architect for the imperium, But...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 112 Wrath

"Nagi?" Some time later when at last she was alone the voice had come again. Having fed and bathed, just as Nagi was preparing to settle down in one of the well appointed staterooms. "Your back!" She whispered excitedly. Having begun to think she had somehow imagined the whole earlier affair. "Well of course." He replied obviously amused. "Did I not say we would talk later?" She remembered blushing, smiling having forgotten that detail in all the excitement. "I wanted to say...

1 year ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 113 Ambivalence

How long she was unaware Nagi never precisely discovered, even in the intervening years since. Remembering only her next sensations were that of hands moving along her skin. Large hands, undeniably masculine yet deft and gentle as they messaged and soothed tracing the gentle flair of her adolescent hips, sliding under lifting and firmly cupping before kneading the muscles of her posterior. Extracting a gasp from her at such contact with her most intimate of areas. 'Naked.' Nagi thoughts...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 114 A Fine Mess

"Bounty hunter scum..." Someone suddenly murmured darkly across the room, bringing Nagi's wandering mind firmly back to the present. "Yudai!" Came the immediate if somewhat louder reaction, just as she was refocusing upon the Two Tanzuru seated there. "You boys got something to say?" Nagi challenged cavalierly between bites, smiling at the two knights. "Don't be shy now!" she added, now actually looking. Nagi instantly recognized both, as two of the queen's personal guard. Not...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 115 Sasami Tsunami

The first few moments were the most disorientating. Enduring an interval when she wasn't even certain who she was, let alone if she were conscience. It only took an instant of collecting thought however to arrive at one inescapable conclusion. "C-cold! S-so cold!" A numbing sensation pervaded her renewed awareness. An icy tingling that seemed to define everything about her current state. She tried to open her eyes only to find them apparently frozen shut. "T-Time f-f-freeze..." Her...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 116 Key to a T

"There." Malet said stepping back with professional flourish. "Not too tight across the shoulders?" He asked carefully. Kiyone surveyed herself critically in the three full-length mirrors provided. Still trying to 'get over' the current brand of strangeness. Events of the last few days hadn't given any of them time to think really, let alone adjust. One moment she was angrily discussing world domination with the queen and now the 'fresh' oddity of being fitted for a dress...

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Dragons vs DC Universe

Mount Everest, Earth The highest mountain in the World lay quietly within the ranges of the Himalayas. The clouds themselves bowed to its size and hid the top of the mountain. Only a few had ever managed to conquer this mountain. Hundreds had died trying to reach this peak. But the mountain rarely revealed its secrets. Again, and again the bodies of expeditions that had failed on the way were found. Although the mountain was the most famous mountain on the planet, nobody knew its true secret....

3 years ago
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Making Love With The Universe

They had hiked all day to get to the clearing on the mesa, taking turns leading. Jack liked to follow. Instead of having to scan ahead to find a decent path through the brush, trees, and rocks, he could watch Nancy’s ass and tanned legs as he followed in her footsteps.She was the avid hiker, but he was growing to love it. This would be his longest trek so far, one or two nights, depending on how things went. They had slept in the SUV where the dirt road ended the night before. At dawn, they...

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A Perfect Universe

My name is Rakhor and although I have the appearance of a tall, good-looking black man in his early twenties, I am actually much more than that. I am the God of Balance, Justice and Travels. A Trickster who acts as a force of balance on a cosmic scale. When I look at the world these days, I find myself disgusted. Seriously. Women are getting out of control and men are doing nothing to stop them. Women are the fastest-growing group among prison populations. I’ve got mixed feelings about that. ...

3 years ago
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Ragnarok Shorts Tales From the Spellbinder Universe

Ragnarok Shorts: Tales from the Spellbinder Universe By D.A.W. * * * Author's Note: Each piece can be read as a standalone, but you may get more enjoyment from them if you read my Ragnarok Rising Trilogy as they are set in the same universe and feature some of the same characters. Each of these tales takes place at different points in the Spellbinder Universe chronology and contain minor spoilers. As such they may seem to contradict each other if you're not familiar with the...

3 years ago
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A Darker Universe

A Darker Universe by Mermaid Master, Delisha, Dina & slave bodica Copyright © 2008 All rights reserved This material may not be sold but may be freely reproduced and distributed without charge as long as it is done in its entiretyThis is a variation on the NUDEP stories by Nialos Leaning found at http://www.asstr.org/~nialos/spanking.html.  This story takes things another step further.  It includes overt sexual activities between teens.  If this will be offensive, DO NOT READ IT.  It is a...

2 years ago
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Normality Self insert universe

This is a normality-self insert story where a character of your own choosing either one made up by you or a character from your favorite movie, TV show, game, book, comic, or manga is placed in which ever fictional universe that you want and given the power of universal acceptance to do what ever he or she wants to do. First pick a universe you want this story to take place in, then make or pick your character for that universe the rest is your choice.

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Fairy Tail Universe

In the Fairy Tail Universe, the world is full of magic, and mages. These mages grouped themselves into what they call guilds, which take on jobs from the local populace and other mages. Many guilds are evil, love massive destruction, or are just straight up assholes. It is in this universe you may start your adventure; will you bring someone from this universe to yours?, Will you live the life of one of its characters?, or will you become something completely different! (Most if not all...

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Rule of the Gender Role Reversal Universe

So I'm starting a new universe which anyone is welcome to add to. Below is a list of rules for this new universe. The stories can be done in first person or third person but my first set of stories will be in first. This universe is very much like our own except for one major difference, the gender roles are reversed. What that means is that while our bodies remain the same, everything that is attributed towards male and female has been reversed. In our world what is associated...

3 years ago
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Amulet of the Universe

Three days ago you were given an amulet. It seemed pretty standard as far as finding random amulets go. Gold chain, red jewel in the center, standard stuff right? In fact you probably would have pawned it off by now if it weren’t for that weird message that came with it… The moment you put the amulet on there was a voice inside your head. It called itself Cosma and claimed to be the orchestrator of the universe. She rambled on about how you were the lucky one to find this amulet, yada, yada,...

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Alternate universe

A parallel universe, also known as a parallel dimension, alternate universe or alternate reality, is a hypothetical self-contained plane of existence, co-existing with one's own. The sum of all potential parallel universes that constitute reality is often called a “multiverse". Uni Please Use the Variables (will be put up soon)

4 years ago
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Sara The Best feeling of the Universe

English isn't my mother language so I hope you will forgive me about grammars and word's errors. Please read the first part of SARA for understand better the story. (F/f, petting, teasing ) The next morning Viktoria dragged her daughter out of the bed, shocking the still sleeping girl.. Viktoria decided to give to her daughter a little lesson of humility. Now she has found a good candidate for put new spirit in her job, she was feeling free to start a new education for her...

2 years ago
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A Mind Controller s Guide to Enslaving the Universe

Dear Audience, thank you for joining me on my journey beyond the astral plane. I -- Er, wait. That's... not... hold on... Pst. Hey! Is it loaded, yet? Don't forget to restock. 'Member, restock! Ahem. Okay great. Dear Audience. Thank you for joining me on this voyage into the final frontier. Where we will explore strange new worlds. Seek out new life and new civilizatio-- No, no, no, that's not it either! Damn it, Virginia, right line please! Right line! Yes, the one under Masterful Intro! Above...

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Star Wars The Alternate Universe

In a galaxy far, far away - and a long time ago! - the Star Wars galaxy was suddenly changed by a mad person writing this alternate story because everyone knows the real story and you're here to read about crazy sex and Force-ful behaviors of violent Sith (excuse the pun!) Firstly, you must decide what Star Wars universe you will be experimenting in: Knights of the Old Republic In which Bastila is the cool Jedi prodigy, ready for your loving grace or dark domination. Here Carth awaits a new...

1 year ago
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Sex Filled Adventures In The Marvel Universe

The Marvel superheroes, villains and everyone inbetween are always far too busy to have proper lives. Most of the time they're either stopping threats or running from them and whenever they do get a bit of spare time we hardly ever see it. So if your like me and have always wondered ehat those characters are up to behind closed (or open) doors then you've come to the right place because i'm going to be telling you all of the dirty little secrets and fantasies of the marvel universe and the...

3 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 15 Master of the Universe

Cassidy woke me up. “Get up, get up, get up!” she said as she poked me in the ribs, and then noticed I wasn’t alone. Megan popped her head up and then scurried off to the bathroom. “You are a bad, bad boy,” Cassidy scolded. I cocked my head sideways. The only flaw in Cassidy’s logic was Megan had on the same clothes she’d had on last night. I tried to remember what had happened. We were drunk; well, I was drunk. Kent and Hana had gone to their rooms, or so I hoped. Megan made sure I got...

3 years ago
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Across the Universe

My wife, Sue, and I had recently moved to Millville, but I was already rethinking our decision. The house we bought was located in a nice neighborhood and the weather in Florida was fantastic. Why, then, was I concerned that we had made a mistake by moving? In the three weeks since we relocated, two neighbors had been gruesomely murdered. Before we purchased, I had taken the time to look up the crime statistics for Millville and found nothing which concerned me. There had been a murder a few...

4 years ago
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The Incest Universe

Welcome to the Incest universe! The world is like ours in various ways but different in the fact that people are only sexually attracted to family members. On the 18th birthday the parents welcome the traditions by having a threesome with them. It has been like this since ancient times and no one has questioned it. It has just become normal for families to fuck each other. In fact, it started happening so much that it became law. It also became normal to see families fucking in the street. The...

4 years ago
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The DC Universe

You suddenly woke up in a black void. A screen pops up. It asks you to choose a character from the DC Universe. You slide through the choices before coming to a conclusion.

1 year ago
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Lust takes over the universe

I was so bored sloth and gluttony were sitting on the couch doing basically nothing pride and envy were fighting as usual and wrath was trying to kill greed for eating all his snacks and while yes I had a massive harem with the prettiest babes in existence they I had fucked them a million times already and they no longer interested me I needed fresh blood. As I signed and turned on the tv to look for something interesting. After scouring all the universeI found a channel showing a chick with a...

Mind Control
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Stevens sexy universe

For some reason the characters of steven universe get in sexual situations anything goes (all the characters are aged to 18) You want a stroy wahrw connie is useing her mom as a bdsm slut go for it or how about a stroy whare a nieve steven is being toght about sex by the gems who diced to give a deminstartion or what if your in to harem steven ends up the only male on home world surounded by sexy horny alian gems. How about aoem fun with paradot the clules smart short stack. Or lapis useomg her...

2 years ago
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Male captain in a female dominated universe

You are Lucien Starslayer, the newest captain for the united planetary league's latest ship the S.S. Ragnarok. You head into the ship hangar to see a cat girl with a very curvy figure doing quick specs of the ship on a holopad to make certain it's ready for a long journey. You then look towards the ship, it's not huge, but just big enough for you and a few others to live comfortably for quiet a few years on board. The cat girl then looks up to see you looking at the ship and she walks up next...

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Lord of the DC Universe

I am Lord. I am the savior of this universe but they do not understand yet. These worthless heroes fight everyday against both men and women who truly understand the world. Of course, some may pursue more chaotic desires. But some, like me, truly wish to make a difference even if it means tearing apart everything they “love”. Who is they? Those “heroes” everyone worships and idolizes as gods. I will show these gods can bleed... I will make these gods kneel. The door to the office bursts open...

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Invading the Marvel Universe

As an every day Joe you've seen the Marvel Universe from an every day man's perspective. Working at the nuclear power plant near Manhattan you've constantly seen the superheroes and superheroines who protect the city. While you've secretly wanted to be a superhero yourself for the power and the prestige and the adventure, the biggest part of the desire has always been about the women. Superheroines are hot. All of them seem to be so sleek and skinny and muscular and sexy with gorgeous faces and...

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Morrigan s conquest of the Marvel Universe

Morrigan Aensland, succubus and Demon Queen of the Makai, slammed her hips against Dmitri's one last time as an eruption of sperm spilt into her vagina. The sensation, far from merely arousing and deeply satisfying, fueled her demon spirit as it drained energy from her partner. Dmitri, demon and long-time adversary of Morrigan, shuddered in exhaustion and pleasure as more life flowed from him into his bitch-queen, Morrigan. Dmitri had fought nobly against Morrigan, holding the Succubus at bay...

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My Emerald Universe

I am NOT the author.am simply sharingWith humble and joyous thanks to Gypsy Isabella.Beloved, my heart is full to the brim as we celebrate two decades together. Will you accept these words as a small tribute to our love? As I look into your eyes, I see you as you are now, and I remember the evening when you first shared my table. Since that wondrous night, we’ve grown from boys to men. We buried friends and raised a god son. We celebrated holidays and simple days with the incredible community...

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The Alternative Universe

Notes: this is my first story (as you may tell) and this story may not transition or conclude as a normal story would. I do appreciate tips [email protected] The Alternative Universe. By Joanne Chapter 1 John was a shy and lonely man, after leaving his teenage years recently behind him he has found it hard to cope with the real world, This is his story on how he eventually was able to cope with his fears and...

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Reverse Universe

Reverse Universe By Ender Eric had never been one of the popular boys in school. While he was not a nerd or a bully target, he had never been a well noticed boy. Some of that was by his own doing, while the rest was because of his place in the school social order. He always dreamed of dating and having sex with some of the beautiful girls in his class. In many of his classes there was one girl, Mary, who was absolutely hot. She had started budding early and by sixteen, she was...

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Marvel Sexual Universe

Welcome to the Marvel Universe, it is I, the god who created this reality, invite you to explore and enjoy my world. Now, usually my world is rated PG-13, something people of all ages can enjoy sitting together. But today particularly I feel very horny which is why I have filled this iteration of the same events with a lot of sex. Nasty stuff. Just pick a story below and start reading.

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Family Rules Fan Fiction Inspired by the BSC Universe

Two families and their children explore nudism, family sex and learn a few family secrets. This story takes up after Chapter 26 of BSC07 the First Lifestyle Nudist (also found on SOL). I have the author Murray Wilson’s permission to post this chapter. I have imagined a course of events for the families. The story is not canon to his universe. He has reviewed a draft. Any errors are mine alone. The following is all fantasy the characters and situations are all imagined. No relation to...

3 years ago
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Family Feud Universe

The family feud universe is such a wonderful place. There’s cum drenched sex for all but not only that, some of the main characters are either people I’d love to meet or emulate myself in real life. Any character capable, willing or not, to bare themselves before total strangers, masturbate to orgasm, take a cock in their ass or swap cum with another woman is my sort of girl! But wait, there’s more. All this and bondage too. Tightly bound tits, gags and other assorted toys abound but hey, why...

1 year ago
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Marvel Porn Universe

Welcome to the Marvel Universe X. It is I, the God who created this multiverse reality, invite you to explore and enjoy my world. Now, usually my world is rated PG-13, something people of all ages can enjoy sitting together. But today particularly I feel very horny which is why I have filled this iteration of the same events with a lot of sex, perverse stuff... nasty stuff. Please motivate me to contribute more to this story by becoming a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/horny4love

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Ultimate Universes

**Readers disclaimer, this is a parody work of many other much greater stories. The purpose of this is to explore alternative erotic world's of these popular universes. The only regular stipulation is that most of these adventures will be Conducted by a group of alternative characters who as a reader will take some time selecting at first so the storyline will go slowly at first as you the reader chooses who you want to see and what they are doing in the adventure.** Who you are is not...

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Shota Universe

If you are enjoying this, please hit the like button at the bottom. The year is 2263. One hundred sixty-nine years ago, the last grown man on earth perished as the result of the Shota Virus pandemic. Males who had not yet entered puberty at that time or were born after faced a different fate. The virus lays dormant in their bodies. While not fatal in this state it still has a drastic impact on its host. The plague has caused several drastic alterations to male physiology. The average height of...

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Der iBod Paralleluniversen

Walter war am Verzweifeln! Diesen Morgen hatte er erfahen, dass für sein Forschungsprojekt am Institut für Quantenforschung an der Uni bald die Fördermittel ablaufen würden. Bisher hatte er noch keine vorzeigbaren Ergebnisse erbringen können, außer aus einem Schnitzel eine Bratwurst zu machen! Vor allem Tests am Menschen standen offiziell noch aus...

2 years ago
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“ALL CHARACTERS IN THIS STORY ARE EIGHTEEN OR OLDER!” “Wubba-Lubba-Dub-Dub, Morty my little protégé of I guess a grandson, although I’ve always hated that so Um what ever, ready for are greatest adventure?” Rick Sanchez Said as he took a heavy and hard drink of vodka slurring his word’s. “ Um I’m tired of all these adventures, people or things getting hurt, it’s always so much chaos Rick!” Morty Smith Nervously replied back at his genius of a grandfather, who also happened to be drunk, which...

Mind Control
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Comic Universe! You nerds love jerking your micro-cock to comics. I’m sure you have hoards of pristine, sleeved comics that you would defend with your lives. But I doubt that those ones are full of busty bitches getting fucked by tentacle monsters or of your favorite waifus getting pounded. It’s all shit about buff dudes with superpowers fighting each other. I guess I get why you betas read them. You need to look up to alphas like me without it being too obvious. Don’t worry; your secret is...

Porn Comics Sites
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Alpha Core 13 D Beyond the Universe

"Tribe, the other teams are returning. They've completed their missions, and have the data we needed," said the communications technician. "Are we really going do this?" "By ourselves no, but we aren't alone. And within the next seventy two hours it won't matter," said the leader of the Alpha Alliance. "The teams up top want to know when the support rigs are going to be back out on the road. And those down here want to know why no one is being permitted to leave the Garage's," said...

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Blowjob Universe

Your name is David. You are a disgustingly skinny moron who has been a huge failure at life. You lost your job, you dropped out of college, and your semi attractive girlfriend broke up with you. Your head is shaved, your armpits stink and you have proven repeatedly throughout your life to have about as much common sense as a monkey. Like all men you have an unquenchable desire to get blowjobs from beautiful women, a desire which has never been able to be fulfilled, primarily because you are...

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A Mad Mad Mad Mad Marvel Universe

“It’s all over, Tech!” Batman declared. He glanced to his right and saw Commissioner Gordon fleeing the Mad Hatter’s warehouse lair with the Mayor’s daughter, Catherine, in tow. The kidnapping of the Mayor’s daughter had gripped the city. It had taken Batman days to find the Hatter’s lair. When he finally did track down where Jervis Tetch was hiding the innocent Catherine, he discovered the college-aged girl wearing a frilly powder blue and white ‘Alice’ dress. She was having tea with the...

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A New Universe

"Hellllooooooo...." "Wakey-wakey." The coaxing of unfamiliar voices rouse you from unconsciousness, and as you squint into the bright light around you, you can make out two floating orbs above you, one light blue and one pale pink. "Ah! There we are! Awake at last!" As the you hear the pleasant voice, the pink orb seems to pulse. "We were hoping that you were still alive. Would've been a ton of paperwork for us if you died already..." "Um.. Wha.." You move to rub your eyes but find that your...

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Emperor of the Universe

In the galactic year 76549870 you were named the fiftieth Emperor of the Galactic Empires. Your father Thaddeus the bold has his body frozen into a carbonite statue and placed in the procession of kings. Your Chancellor, Ito, steps forward: "Your majesty there are things the must be attended to. Your royal brothers and sisters." Ito shows you the sum total of your father's progeny. 16 girls and 7 boys. Their ages ranging widely. "I suggest you consider the danger of your brothers trying to...

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Mysteries of the Universe

So, I'm at this part with my friend Jim. It seemed a little stuffy and the girls seemed a bit up-tight."Hey, Jim," I say, "got any leads on a good hookup?""Well," he said, "there are a few nice girls. Do you know Taylor?""Not really. She's the tall girl, right? Brown hair, likes wearing plaid?""That's the one. She's great. We hookup 3-4 times. If I wasn't with Sandy now, I'd totally go for it again. Times like this that i wish i was single." I knew he wanted her bad."Think she's in my...

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The Equality Universe

My name is Alex. It is the year 2062 and I am a 28 years old. My life has developed in ways I could never have dreamt of when I was younger. I met my wife Melissa when I was a senior in college, she is an amazing, beautiful intelligent woman. Back then she was near famous around campus for her smouldering good looks. I will take you back to the day we first met. "Hi, do you mind if I sit down here?" I turn around. Staring at me is Melissa. She is wearing a short denim skirt with a...

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A Pretty Sad Universe

"This looks like a good hotel," Cliff Ventage said, pulling into a gravel parking lot by the sign that said "The Extraterrestrial Inn. ET's Home Away From Home!" along the highway to Roswell, New Mexico. "we'll stop here." "Do we have to?" said Emily, his teenage daughter, looking at the green two story motel with crudely painted pictures of little green aliens on the side. "This place sucks. Can't we please keep going? I want to get home." "It's not nice to say 'sucks',"...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 11 The Start of University

Jason arrived on campus at eight fifteen, in anticipation of an eight thirty start. His guards blended easily and fluidly into the student body. He noted he was scheduled to attend orientation, which ran its events over the first week at the university, to acclimate students to university life. From what Jason could see of the program, it was exactly the same as one would expect from any college or university orientation, anywhere on Earth. There were considerable differences in the...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 8 Pre University

Harry, Jason’s great-grandfather was a rejuvenated man. He felt he was better than he had ever been. Jason invited him to spend some time with him in his house when his rehabilitation was completed. They visited with Cassius daily, starting with gym at the palace in the morning, he worked out with them on the machines, and he learned to fight as a bug. Harry decided he needed a vacation from his estate and decided to spend his time in Laomedeia, and would support Jason while he settled in...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 8 University

“If you’re going through a rough time, keep going until you reach the end. If you’re going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill “Hi Razza, I’ve hardly seen you guys for the last few days I’ve been so busy, I’m terribly sorry. What have you been doing?” Jason asked as they walked along on campus towards the information technology laboratory to speak to the professor. “We had a great time traveling around with your daughter and grandchildren. We all found Chuck and Chloe very...

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A Taste of University

May 12 - 16, 1975 Introduction When I began my senior high school years, I elected to do the advanced maths course; what was then called "Level 1 maths", but these days is probably "3 Unit", or for people in the US, it is the equivalent of "AP Math" (Advanced Placement – a precursor of university / college level). About twelve of us opted for that class, which was taken by Mr King – our normal maths teacher, and one of the top teachers at the school. Back with I was in 5th form (or...

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Celebrity University

Author's Note: I've added a "Score" feature. You will now have three main stats: Notoriety - How well known you are at Celebrity University. Making connections with famous people will help to boost this score. The more famous the person, the bigger boost you will get. Kinkiness - How 'deviant' you are. Performing sexual acts outside of the norm will raise this stat. Honour - Basically, how much of a dickhead you are. Are you a nice guy, or are you just an asshole. The idea is that certain...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 24 A Taste of University

“G’day Hannah, jump in,” I said to her as I pulled up at the bus stop. “Thank you again, Will, for driving me with you,” she replied as she settled into the passenger seat. “I’ll give you money for the petrol, too.” We had to be at the University by 8:30 for the first day of the vacation computer programming school. I had been looking forward to this ever since Mr King had told me that I have been selected for the five day course. I was surprised about Hannah; I hadn’t known she was...

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My First Experience At University

I was ten when both my parents died in an auto accident. They had had me late in life; I guess I was one of those unexpected surprises. Uncle Sebastian had taken me in, he was my father’s elder brother and my only real relative. It wasn’t easy for him, money was always tight, and he had no experience in raising a teenage girl but bless him, he stuck at it, and I loved him for it.Now having completed my A-levels, I was off to university and on my own for the first time in my life.It had been a...

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Debbie Returns To University

When Mike had finished at university, he was due to start work in his chosen profession with a top law firm working in the city. He had passed his law degree with a first and because of this, he had found that he had first pick of most of the positions being offered to graduates. He was going to spend his first year working as a trainee lawyer while Debbie would be finishing her degree at Warwick University.  They were still very much in love with each other and had shared a flat during Mike's...

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Pocket Monster University

Prologue He’d turned my own sister against me. Seeing her there, naked save for his collar, looking at him with that empty-headed smile on her face, it threw me into a fit of rage. It made me want to burn the world. Starting with him. I ascended high into the heavens like the goddess I was, inhaled deeply, then let loose the fires of creation. My fire didn’t just scorch the earth, it melted it, bathing them in flames hotter than the sun. The rising heat and expanding gases twisted the...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 27 Back at University

Just as everyone had warned me; second year electrical engineering was full on, right from the first day. In each of the subjects, the lecturers didn’t waste time reviewing what we might have studied in the previous year; it was head first into the deep end. I had some doubts about one of the subjects; Solid State Physics. To me, this looked like the sort of subject material that graduate students at Oxford University or MIT would cover; quantum mechanics, atomic particles, and similar...

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X Change University

You wanted nothing more than to escape the life you found yourself in. Growing up in a lower class borough brought hardships that someone your age shouldn't have had to deal with such as working part time jobs in the afternoons and evenings, having to take care of the house while your parents were out working or drinking (usually drinking), and trying to feed yourself. You had little, if any, time for studying for your high school exams and standardized tests. As such, It was no surprise that...

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Harvard University

I was a freshman at Harvard University. No, not that Harvard. Mine was a small liberal arts college in Eastern Oregon, near the Washington border. It's mission was to "Further Education Through Education." Whatever that meant. Truth was, the only people who went there had no place better to be. As for me, I was supposed to go to the actual Harvard or wherever. My grades in high school were perfect, I volunteered at soup kitchens, and I even published a few top selling apps on the Apple store....

Group Sex
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Learning something new after leaving university

After I left university (that's a good few years ago) I had no idea what I wanted to do as a career but needed to find work quickly as I had decided to stay in the university town rather than move back home. I took a junior clerical job in a large government services office. I was one of very few men working there, which suited me as I enjoyed the company of women and got on well with most of my colleagues, who were from a wide range of ages and personalities. There was a fair amount of...

First Time
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Hela University

Ah the unhallowed halls of Hela University, sister school to Hades University and according to those who know, the much more sinister sibling. It is located on the opposite side of Hell as Hades U, and is a Women's University with a very special student body. Slime girls studying shifting, vvitches testing their spells, suckubi practicing seduction, orges organizing orgies, cat girls capturing masters, dryads blossoming and ensnaring sweet beebabes, cowgirls shooting looks that beg you to milk...

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Visiting Her Son At University

Elizabeth had a week off work, and nothing to do. It was a case of unclaimed leave which had to be taken by a certain date or she would lose it. Being a single parent, she had nobody to spend the time with, but also, nobody else to consider, so she decided to visit her son, Mike, who was away at University.People had trouble believing her when she told them she had a nineteen-year-old son, telling her she looked too young to have a son that old. Always so flattering to a woman in her late...

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Ganymede University

You wait in the waiting room to meet the Dean. You are nervous because it's not normal to meet the Dean but you didn't meet the minimum standards for acceptance into this university and you had to beg to be let in. The Dean agreed but required you to meet with him in order to prepare you for the university. The Dean comes out and asks John Smith and you stand up to shake his hand. The Dean is handsome and has a great physique. His dark hair has only a few gray hairs. He guides you to sit in his...

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The University

The new semester was starting. It was a time of new beginnings for you in a lot of ways. You had recently broken up with your girlfriend about 2 weeks before school started again. Your relationship was on the rocks for awhile so it didn't come as much surprise, but it did come with the usual negative emotions that come with such a thing. But you were excited. You were in your second to last year of college and were having arguably the best time of your life. Your roommate was your best friend...

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