- 4 years ago
- 18
- 0
Dani woke the next morning, as usual, at five thirty. Until recently, she had awakened to Melanie’s crying for a bottle, Melanie now slept later, but Dani hadn’t been able to break the habit of waking. She had found that getting up so early gave her a better chance to get things done around the house without the girls in the way.
She stood and stretched, her back ached from sleeping on the floor. Sean was sitting up in bed, looking at her. ‘Good morning,’ Dani said. ‘How did you sleep?’
‘Good,’ Sean said. ‘Why you on the floor?’
‘I thought I heard you crying last night,’ Dani replied. ‘Then I thought you might get lonely, so I slept in here.’
‘Oh. Can I get up?’
‘Sure. Do you remember where the bathroom is?’
‘Yeah,’ Sean said.
He got out of bed and disappeared down the hall. Dani folded her blanket and put it back in the closet, then went back to her room. ‘Where were you?’ Jason mumbled.
‘On Sean’s floor,’ Dani said. ‘He was having nightmares.’
‘I didn’t hear anything.’
‘You usually don’t,’ Dani pointed out. She stripped off her clothes and put on fresh ones.
‘What time is it?’ Jason asked.
‘Five thirty. Go back to sleep.’
Dani kissed him on the cheek and left the room. Jason was snoring again by the time she got to the door.
Sean was standing outside the bathroom, looking confused. ‘Did you go potty?’ Dani asked him.
‘Do you want to get dressed?’
She took him back to his room and picked out an outfit for him. Phyllis had told her that Sean could dress himself, so Dani told him to come downstairs when he was ready, and left him alone. She was doing the dishes when Sean came down. His shirt was on backwards, and his sweatpants were inside out. Dani decided not to say anything. ‘Who you?’ Sean asked her.
‘What do you mean?’
‘Why you take care of me?’
Dani put down the dishcloth and picked up Sean. ‘Your Daddy and I were very good friends,’ she said. ‘Even though I never got to meet you before, he thought I would want to take care of you for him if anything happened to him.’
‘Where my mommy?’ Sean asked.
Dani hadn’t anticipated this. She hadn’t realized that Sean even remembered his mother. ‘I don’t know, Sean,’ she said. ‘Did your Daddy used to talk about her?’
‘Sometime,’ Sean said. ‘He say she not come back. Daddy not come back neither.’
‘I’m afraid that’s true, Sweetheart,’ Dani said. ‘Your Daddy would never have left if he could help it, but God decided it was time for your Daddy to go to Heaven.’
‘Tell God give Daddy back,’ Sean said. ‘I not done with Daddy yet.’
Dani hugged the child and put him down. ‘God knows that you miss your Daddy,’ she said. ‘But once someone’s in Heaven, they can’t come back to us.’ She felt uncomfortable discussing this with a child as young as Sean, but she had decided when Anna was born that she would treat her children the way her parents had treated her: if a child was old enough to ask a question, they were old enough for some kind of answer.
‘Then I don’t like God,’ Sean said.
‘That’s okay,’ Dani said. ‘God loves you anyway. And so do I.’
‘I love you, too,’ said Sean. ‘Breakfast now?’
‘Sure,’ Dani said, smiling.
She gave him a bowl of cereal, then went upstairs to check on the girls. Anna still seemed to be asleep, but Melanie was lying in her crib having a monologue with her mobile. ‘I bet you’re ready for breakfast,’ Dani said to the baby as she took her out of the crib.
‘Me, too,’ said Anna, climbing out of bed.
By the time Anna had eaten, and Melanie was fed and dressed, it was after seven. Anna took Sean upstairs to play, and Dani put Melanie in her swing. Then, just as she was restarting the dishes, the phone rang. It was her mother. ‘How are you doing?’ she asked Dani.
‘Better,’ Dani said.
‘You know, I keep thinking about that poor little boy,’ her mother said. ‘Have you heard how he’s doing?’
‘He misses his father, but he’s only two and a half. He doesn’t really understand what’s happening.’
‘And what happens if Ben’s stepmother can’t take him? Who’ll take care of him then?’
‘We are.’
‘That poor little boy must be going through- what do you mean, you are?’
‘Ben named me as Sean’s guardian,’ Dani said. ‘Sean’s upstairs right now, playing with Anna.’
‘What does Jason think about this?’
‘He doesn’t like that Sean is Ben’s son, but he’s okay with Sean staying with us.’
‘Is Sean living there already?’
‘Not really. He’s spending the weekend with us. Then he’ll go back to Phyllis for a little while, while we work out the details. He’ll probably be moved in in a week or two.’
‘Sweetheart, it’s just like you to want to take care of this boy. But are you sure it’s a good idea?’
‘It’s what Ben wanted, Mom.’
‘What about Jason?’
‘Jason wants what I want, and I want to keep Sean with us.’
‘Just don’t take advantage of him, Dani. Even Jason has his limits.’
‘I remember that all too well, Mom. Don’t worry, we’ll be fine.’
‘I hope so.’
‘We will, Mom.’
She hung up in time to hear Jason bellowing, ‘Anna! Quiet down!’ She went upstairs and found Anna and Sean in Sean’s room, yelling into the closet. ‘What on earth are you doing?’ she asked.
‘There’s a monster in Sean’s closet,’ Anna said. ‘We’re trying to scare him away.’
‘Well, Daddy’s trying to sleep,’ Dani said, hiding her smile. ‘And the poor monster probably is, too. Come play downstairs now. We’ll take care of the monster later.’
‘He’s my Daddy, not yours,’ Anna said to Sean.
Dani took Anna by the arm. ‘I don’t ever want to hear you say such a cruel thing again!’ she said. ‘It’s true that your Daddy isn’t really Sean’s Daddy-‘
‘My Daddy in Heaven,’ Sean interrupted.
‘That’s right,’ Dani said. ‘But, Anna, Sean is going to be living with us now. So he’s kind of your brother, and Daddy and I are kind of Sean’s Mommy and Daddy, too.’
‘I’m sorry,’ Anna said. ‘I’m sorry I was mean, Sean.’
‘Okay,’ Sean said. ‘We go outside?’
When Jason finally got up, he took Anna and Sean to the playground to give Dani a break. They were gone through lunchtime, and brought back a pizza.
Jason left for work at four o’clock, and at five, Dani heated leftover pizza for Sean and Anna’s supper. At six, she fed Melanie and put her to bed, at seven, she bathed first Sean, then Anna. She read them a story and tucked each of them in. ‘Good night, Mommy Dani,’ Sean murmured as Dani closed his door.
Dani went back downstairs, fixed herself a glass of iced tea, and curled up on the couch. Then, finally alone, she burst into tears, for Sean, for Ben, and for herself. Jason found her there, sleeping with tear-streaked cheeks, when he came home at one a.m.
* * *
On Sunday, they went to church. Dani had called the pastor and told him about the new member of the family, since it was a small church, she was expecting a lot of questions along with the congregation’s support. What she wasn’t expecting were the four boxes of clothes that the pastor’s wife pointed out to her. ‘Some of those are from Matt and me, and some are from the Emmetts and the Wilsons,’ the woman said. ‘They’ll be too big for Sean now, but he probably has clothes for now.’
‘He does,’ Dani agreed. ‘This is wonderful, Clara. Thank you so much.’
During the service, the pastor said a special prayer for Sean and Ben, and for Dani and Jason for agreeing to take the boy. This angered Dani, to her own surprise, the pastor made it sound like having Sean live with them had been a major sacrifice. She had to remind herself that no one here knew how much Ben had meant to her, and how impossible it would have been for Dani not to take Sean.
After church, they
went to visit Jason’s parents. Jason had hung up on his mother the day before, after trying to make her understand why he was letting Sean stay with them. ‘She always thought you were screwing around with Ben,’ he told Dani on the way to his parents’. ‘That’s why she was so pissed when you had him in the wedding. I tried to tell her she was being ridiculous, but she didn’t believe me.’
Dani didn’t know how to respond at first, since Jason’s mother’s suspicion hadn’t been far from the truth. Finally, she managed to say, ‘Well, she was just looking out for her little boy.’
‘Yeah, and look how her little boy treated you and Anna. You’ll never know how sorry I still am about that, Dani.’
Since Dani had heard this ‘apology’ many times before, she changed the subject. ‘Are you going to say sorry to your mother for hanging up on her?’
‘If she says she’s sorry for calling me an idiot for letting-‘ He stopped himself, realizing that the children were listening. ‘For letting you have your way,’ he finished lamely.
‘I don’t think that was what she meant,’ Dani said.
‘That’s what she said, Dani!’
‘Jason, why are we fighting about your fight with your mother?’ Dani sensed that Jason was about to lose his temper.
Jason relaxed and smiled at her. ‘You’re right, as usual,’ he said. ‘Fine. I’ll apologize to her.’
When they arrived at Jason’s parents’, however, his mother had apparently forgotten the argument. ‘Here are my grandbabies!’ she exclaimed, holding her arms open for Anna to run into. After hugging Anna tightly, she took Melanie from Dani. ‘Aren’t you getting big?’ she crooned to the baby. Then she looked at Sean. ‘And this must be the one Jason told me about.’
‘This is Sean,’ Dani said. ‘Sean, this is Mrs. Sheridan, Jason’s mother.’
‘She’s my Gramma Susan,’ Anna said.
To Dani’s relief, Susan told Sean, ‘You can call me Gramma Susan too.’ Sean had been accepted.
Shortly after they arrived, Jason left to help his brother Tim, who lived next door to their parents, fix his pickup. Jason’s father Carl, thrilled at having a little boy around since all of his grandchildren were girls, spent the afternoon roughhousing with Sean. He seemed unaware of Anna’s disappointment with this turn of events. ‘He seems to be doing okay,’ Susan commented as they watched Carl and Sean through the window.
‘He has nightmares,’ Dani said.
‘Dani, why are you taking him in?’ Susan asked.
‘Where else was he going to go? Ben wanted him to be with us.’
‘It didn’t have anything to do with you and Ben’s relationship?’
Dani hated to lie, but in this case, she had no choice. ‘Ben and I were just friends, Susan. He was like a brother to me. And for some of the time I knew him, I was practically the only family he had. It’s logical that he would make me Sean’s guardian.’
This last, at least, was true. The night Ben turned eighteen, his father, drunk as usual, had thrown him out. With nowhere else to go, Ben had come to Dani and her parents. ‘Of course you can stay here,’ Dani’s mother had said, her father had agreed. Ben had stayed with them for a month, until he had saved enough money from his three part-time jobs to get a place of his own. He had paid the Phillipses back every penny they had spent on him during that month. The rift between Ben and Dani’s parents hadn’t come until after Dani was married to Jason. Ben had borrowed five hundred dollars from the Phillipses to pay his college tuition. He had paid back only half the money, and had dropped out of college before the semester ended. From that day, Dani’s father had refused to even hear Ben’s name. Dani hadn’t spoken to her father in the few days since Ben’s death, she wondered what he thought about Ben’s son living with her.
‘We were family,’ she repeated to Susan.
‘I hope Jason didn’t agree just because you wanted him to,’ Susan said.
‘Jason’s a good person,’ Dani said, knowing Susan would hear this as praise of her mothering skills. ‘He doesn’t care who Sean’s father is. He just knows we have a scared little boy who needs a home.’
‘I’m sure you’re right,’ Susan said.
Jason finally returned from Tim’s with the news that the truck was beyond repair. He, Dani, and the children headed home shortly after, Anna was so angry at being ignored by Grampy Carl that she was disobeying and talking back to the adults, and Dani felt it was best to get her home before she went too far. By the time they got home, all three children were asleep. ‘What did you and my mother talk about?’ Jason asked as he gently took Anna out of the car.
‘I can walk!’ Anna said indignantly, waking, as she always did, as soon as she was moved.
‘Then walk!’ Jason responded. ‘And when we get inside, you can walk right up to your room for the way you acted at Gramma and Grampy’s.’
Anna burst into tears, and sobbed her way up the steps to the door. ‘She wanted to make sure I didn’t bully you into letting Sean stay here,’ Dani said, removing Melanie from her car seat. Sean woke up at the sound of her voice, unbuckled himself, and ran up to stand next to Anna.
‘Did you bully me?’ Jason asked.
‘Did I?’
‘A little,’ Jason said. ‘But we won’t tell my mother. Anna, don’t even!’
Anna, who had been about to punch Sean, looked around guiltily. Jason opened the door and carried Anna up to her room, to the accompaniment of her shrieks of protest. ‘We have a tantrum in progress,’ he told Dani when he returned.
‘As long as she’s having it in her room, let her,’ Dani said.
‘She mad at me,’ Sean said. ‘I play with her Grampy.’
‘Grampy Carl told you that he’s your Grampy now too,’ Dani reminded him. ‘Anna just feels bad because usually Grampy plays with her, but today he was playing with you. Sometimes Anna isn’t very good at sharing.’
‘Me, too,’ said Sean. ‘I have snack, Mommy Dani?’
Jason glanced out the window. ‘Not now,’ he said. ‘Your grammy’s here.’
When Phyllis came in, Sean started to cry. ‘I wanna stay!’ he said.
‘Don’t you want to come back to Grammy’s?’ Phyllis asked, looking hurt.
‘No! I stay with Anna and Jason and Mommy Dani!’
Phyllis looked at Dani suspiciously. ‘Mommy Dani?’ she repeated.
‘Can I talk to you for a minute in private?’ Dani said.
She and Phyllis went into the kitchen. ‘I didn’t think he’d act like this,’ Dani said. ‘He just started calling me Mommy Dani. I think the first time he said it was just before you got here. I’m sure he really does want to go home with you, it’s just-‘
‘It’s just that you’re a family, and I’m just an old lady,’ Phyllis said. She smiled. ‘Dani, I’m not taking it personally. The fact that Sean doesn’t want to leave just shows how good you are with him. I knew you would be, from everything Ben told me about you. You don’t need to apologize. It isn’t like you’re trying to turn him against me.’
‘Exactly,’ Dani said. ‘And I’ll tell him-‘
Phyllis interrupted again. ‘It’s good that he wants to stay,’ she said. ‘And given the circumstances, I think we should let him, if it isn’t inconveniencing you.’
‘Of course it isn’t,’ Dani said. ‘But are you sure?’
‘Very sure. Ben definitely chose the right person to raise Sean. Just let me talk to him for a minute, then I’ll have to get going. I’ll stop by tomorrow with some more of his things.’
‘Thank you, Phyllis,’ Dani said.
‘What for? I’m just being a grammy.’
Sean literally jumped for joy when he was told that he would be staying with the Sheridans. ‘Do you think you’ll want to come home tomorrow?’ Phyllis asked him.
Sean shook his head vehemently. ‘I home now!’ he said. ‘I stay forever!’
Phyllis smiled. ‘Okay, bunny,’ she said. ‘But Grammy and you will visit each other, right?’
‘Yeah. Like with Daddy.’
‘That’s right. Just like you and Daddy used to.’ She turned to Dani and Jason. ‘I know you weren’t expect
ing him to move in quite so soon,’ she began.
‘It’s fine,’ Jason said. ‘We’re ready if he is.’
‘Great,’ Phyllis said. ‘I’ll bring as much of his clothes and things as I can tomorrow after work. Sean, can Grammy have a kiss goodbye?’
Sean gave her a kiss and a hug. ‘Bye, Grammy,’ he said. ‘I visit real soon.’
‘I love you, Sean,’ Phyllis said. She turned to leave, but not before Dani saw the tears in her eyes.
* * *
After the kids were in bed, Dani and Jason, who had traded with another worker and would be working third shift that night, curled up on the couch to watch TV. ‘I feel so bad for Phyllis,’ Dani said.
‘Because of Sean?’ Jason asked.
Dani bit back a sarcastic reply. ‘Yes, because of Sean,’ she said. ‘We don’t even know him, but not only does Ben choose us for his guardians, Sean wants to stay here instead of going back to Phyllis’s.’
‘I don’t know why Ben wanted you to be Sean’s guardian,’ Jason said. ‘I can’t get inside his mind. As for Sean, I think Phyllis was right. He had a lot of fun with us, and at his age, that’s what counts. Besides, Phyllis didn’t seem to have a problem with it.’
‘She was crying when she left, Jason,’ Dani said.
‘Well, she’ll miss him. But she didn’t seem upset that he’s going to stay with us. And didn’t you tell me that her apartment’s too small for him anyway?’
They were quiet for a moment. ‘I can’t believe the way Anna acted today,’ Jason said finally.
‘Sibling rivalry,’ Dani said.
‘It’s just like when Melanie was born,’ Dani explained. ‘All of a sudden, there’s someone else getting attention. And Anna had just gotten used to having a baby sister. Having Sean here isn’t easy for her.’
‘She told me yesterday she wished Sean could stay here forever,’ Jason said.
‘She probably does. But she also probably wishes he’d go away, just like she did with Melanie. I think we should both try to spend some time one-on-one with her, and with Sean.’
‘What about Melanie?’
‘Melanie’s four months old. She needs attention, but as long as she gets her share, she doesn’t care who else gets attention. And she’s cute enough that she definitely gets her share.’
‘Yeah. Both our girls are cute. Just like their mother.’
‘I’m not cute.’
‘Yes, you are,’ Jason argued. He blew in her ear. ‘You have cute ears.’ He tickled her foot, stopping when Dani kicked him. ‘You have cute feet.’ He put his hand on her breast. ‘And you definitely have cute tits.’
‘You’re perverted,’ Dani said, laughing.
‘With a wife as sexy as you, how can I help it?’
‘Very.’ He kissed her. ‘Want me to prove it?’
‘What are you going to do?’
‘What do you want me to do?’
‘How about-‘ She whispered in his ear, then ran upstairs, laughing as he chased her.
* * *
After a couple of days, Dani became concerned enough about Sean to call the Center for Grieving Children. After explaining Sean’s situation, she was given an appointment with a counselor that afternoon. ‘He’s not old enough to-‘ Jason began when Dani told him where she was taking Sean.
‘Not old enough to know his father’s gone? Or not old enough to miss him?’ Dani interrupted. ‘If you really think that, Jason, then you’re not as smart as I try to give you credit for.’
‘But counseling?’ Jason said.
‘They work with young children, Jason,’ Dani said. ‘It isn’t like he’s going to lie on a couch and pour out all his childhood secrets. It will help him express how he feels about all this. Except when he had that nightmare the other night, I’ve hardly seen him cry at all. And he doesn’t talk well enough yet to know how to say what he’s feeling.’
‘I’m sure you know best,’ Jason said, in the tone of voice he used when he thought Dani was full of it.
Dani ignored him and went upstairs to get Sean up from his nap. ‘Where we go?’ he asked before his eyes were even open.
‘How do you know we’re going somewhere?’ Dani asked.
‘My daddy tell me.’
Dani assumed that Sean was making this up, Anna tended to say that she had been told things by imaginary friends, or her toys, or even Melanie, and it made sense that Sean might do the same sort of thing. ‘We’re going to talk to a man named Tom,’ she told Sean. ‘He helps kids like you who are missing their mommy or daddy. He’s going to talk to you about your daddy, and maybe help us think of some ways to help you miss him a little less.’
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First TimeDeanna’s mom had found solace for her grief and her guilt in the arms of her church. Who could blame her? Her own mother was half a continent away and she had 2 young children to raise. She somehow managed to get hold of herself and take care of her children, but she was changed forever and became something of a religious fanatic. Deanna knew that the Puritan-like view of sex that her mom had developed had something to do with her dad. It made her both sad and rebellious, because she...
Introduction: Chapter 17 I may be in trouble for my fun I had when John was away. I last left you with finding out that the fishing trip John took with his dad was really a visit to Las Vegas for some gambling and a visit to the local whorehouse. I was hurt over it because he had not told me the truth. If not for DeRonda, I never would have known. You would be better to read my last story Fishing for Trouble as this chapter picks up where I left off. I just stayed in bed the next day crying...
Foreword: For the sake of publishing something (and because finding the time to write new things is hard), I have uploaded some very old things I wrote which I never really finished. I've tried to put up a lot of warning signs to keep anyone who doesn't want to read something without an ending from wasting their time, so hopefully no one gets mad. I'd imagine doing this might hurt my integrity as a writer. If you're worried (please don't leave!) I'll say this: All of the...
Karen woke and found herself tied to the back of a horse that was standing beside two others. She had no idea as to how long she had been out. When she looked around she didn't recognize any of the landscape. Everything came back to her in a rush then; the attack, three dragons and several humans. It was while Dracon was fighting the dragons that the men came after her. She tried to get a way from them but something hit her and she blacked out. As she tried to think how long it might have...
Sometimes things are not what they appear -- in fact, more often than we might know, things aren't really what they appear to be. That was the case of my good friend Sam and his youngest daughter, Kristin. I'd met Sam in my college years and I'd been his best man when he'd married his college sweetheart, Marie. They'd been happily married for several years and I'd watched them grow in their love and in their family as Marie had their first baby and then a second and a third. The third...
“Okay, deal, look forward to it,” she smiled as Ric continued kissing her arse with a throbbing erection. Watching him grab her arse cheeks then slowly slide his ten-inch cock into her as he built up a rhythm was a real turn on especially the noise he made as he slapped into her arse cheeks. That was a week ago when I arranged a younger bi-sexual man to pleasure both of us for Anne’s forty-fifth birthday. As part of the arrangement after Anne had him he gave me a tremendous blow job while...
One of these girls was a little Jewish girl from Philadelphia. She was only about 5'2" tall. Her name was Ellen. She quickly became friends with the men of the dorm. You could find her playing Pinochle or Hearts with us or just hanging around. At first this was kind of nice. She had a nice enough personality, gave an exceptional back-rub and was petite enough to walk on your back to stretch it out. However, it seemed like she just wanted to be "one of the boys." This became annoying....
The rum-carrying Portuguese merchant ship was a fine prize. Not so much for the cargo but for the fact it was carrying a contingent of four fine female specimens for marriage in the colonies. Of course, they all came with their personal female companions making a nice little pool of eight nubile females to tend to the crews nocturnal needs in various manner of happy and enthusiastic coupling. I took advantage of the situation to test the waters of the youngest bride-to-be and found her to be...
The Uncut The Uncut ?It'll Take Millions In Plastic Surgery To Make Me Black? ?Strong black characters?? exclaims the man. ?Are you fucking serious? You fucking with me, right?? ?Well? no. I mean, I mean, look at Morpheus? Billy is taken aback a little by the man?s strong reaction, but decides to prove his point. ?He is, like, kind of a leader there, right? And then there?s Niobe and, um, Dozer, and other black people?? ?Kids these days?, says the man, shaking his head in disbelief,...
It was thanksgiving dinner at her house, when I first laid eyes on Audriana. I was captivated by her presence and her ability to work a room, but how could this be the same girl I had watched as a baby? She had grown up so beautifully but that was so long ago, she was sixteen now. Her Italian and black mix gave her a deeply tanned skin tone, big beautiful brown eyes that were feathered with thick dark lashes and her loosely curled, dark hair fell just above her mid back. She looked around 5’8,...
LIZZY’S FIRST TIMEIt was a sultry summer evening and a warm wind was wafting over the valley as Kate, a very respectable everyday wife and mother got into her car with her teenage daughter, Lizzy. This was not however a trip to the mall or anything of the sort. Kate was taking Lizzy to an adult bookstore to initiate her teenage daughter into the slutty excitement of gloryholes.Lizzy was wearing on a top with no bra and very short skirt. She was feeling really sexy and she certainly looked that...
You've probably seen her. She appears in three videos on this site. But she mostly stars in films on Brazzers, ****Hits, and other, more "raunchy" places. She is perfect and beautiful: 5'2", natural, slightly curvy red hair cascading all the way down her gorgeously-curved back, the perfect Swedish-American female: Alabaster flesh, no tattoos, a 26-year-old goddess with large, full, natural tits. (NO IMPLANTS!) Her big, blue eyes are liquid pools of obedient femininity, and her lips are...
Hi, my name is Rohit and I am from Vizag now staying in Hyderabad.I am a regular reader of iss. Today I want to share my own story which happened last week with my sex starved neighbour. After that encounter with my aunty I started to get really horny everyday. But as I moved to Hyderabad I was unable to get any pleasure.Many people contacted me after reading my previous story. Because of my busy work schedule I was unable to get laid with any of those who contacted me. Yes yes I know, I wasted...
Hello to all Indian sex stories readers. I am Aarem, 46 y/o male from the city of Mumbai. I have been an avid reader of Indian sex stories stories since a long time and have found a few to be good and erotic. I had been thinking since long to share my experiences here and now I am finally about to do so. About 10 yrs ago I had made friends with a lovely woman (alias Vina) on yahoo chat. She was a divorcee with a kid and was in a relation with someone else. We were regularly on chat for a few...
[ For my very good friend Meg, and her insatiable need for big black cock. Your doing wonderful things in the quest to destroy the long, sad, shameful racist history here in America---by something much more powerful than any set of laws could ever achieve. Keep it up, babe! ]My wife passed away some years ago. Her death was one of the most difficult, and painful things I've ever had to go through, and for a long time I lived single, trying to be a good parent to our daughter, as best as I could...
New Felicity: The Mur Cel was still looking for shelters with survivors ten years after the Gulf event. One team found a shelter that had seven women and an apparent wild man. He refused to show his companions to the team and when one came up from the cellar he punched her hard. The team subdued him and asked the women to step up. They were asked if they wanted too remain with him or go with them. All ran outside. All were naked. It was brutally cold. They left enough supplies for the...
Doosre din khet se lota to dekha ki zooni mere intezar mein haveli ke gate par khari thi, mujhe dekhte hi sarmakar andar gayi aur khana khilane ke bad mere bistar mein hi mere sath let gayi aur boli thak gaye ho meri banho me hi so jao, 15 sal ki kamsin ladki ek rat ki chudai mein hi chudsi ho gayi thi aur zeenat bahut dukhi thi ki aisi kamsin alhad jism ki mallika ko chod salman uske paas to badi mushkil se ayega. Mein jaise hi uske sath leta to zeenat bhi mere bistar par mujhse chipak kar so...
Elizabeth didn’t even smile for Carlos and Davy when she clocked in for her morning shift. People were worried. She tied her hair back in the staff washroom and came out looking like being pretty made her money. She just didn’t know what was her money and ... How much of a waitress’s job was her body? Her feet were her body. Elizabeth guessed 97.3%. “Boom! This ass!” Darlene, who always had the dayshift, came up behind Elizabeth and slapped her hands on the blonde’s hips. Darlene stuck her...
Copyright© 2004 A milkmaid there was, with a stutter, Who was lonely and wanted a futter. She had nowhere to turn, So she diddled a churn, And managed to come with the butter. My sister is seven years older than I. Early in our lives we barely saw each other - our age difference was enough to convince the both of us not to search each other's company out. So when my older sister showed up a week before I was scheduled to leave for my first year of college, it was a none-event....
Lovely Latina newbie Sawyer Cassidy ❤ makes her Hussie?Pass debut today, and we paired her up with 19-year-old big dick phenom Damion Dayski ? for this interracial update. After our director, Johnny ?? Robins, interviews the girl in the very unique t-shirt ??? Sawyer strips naked & warms up her meaty vag ? 1st with her fingers ?? & then with a purple vibrator ? Damion makes his way into the scene with some lube ? for Sawyer’s nipply ✏️ big naturals ?? & lovely backside ? which...
xmoviesforyouIn a dark room no actual light escaping the recess of the place, a man was awaiting the part of his personality that was being returned today. With the knowledge they would gain they should be able to end this idiot that was claiming to be the rightful Emperor. The other man in the room though unhappy had followed the orders of the sect's leader, shaking slightly the man thought to go against the leader was to invite death. They had received word that the agent had retrieved the information...
Chapter 6: Gossip and Gains Inside the cavern, the foamy surf splashed high over the rock, sending a spectacular spray of water into the air and over the two men bringing their narrow motorboat to dock. Dressed in a thick parka against the surprising chill on that part of the island, Royce squinted his eyes against the fine briny shower. The islander, on the other hand, didn’t even flinch. ‘You come here a lot, don’t you?’ Royce noted, his deep voice bouncing in soft echoes off the...
Friends I am writing my experiences for the first time. I will share all my experiences one by one. You can give me your feedback at my email All my stories will be based on true life experiences. Happy reading. Diggu mama entered the room with my Bindu Mausi (mom’s sister), bolted the door without realizing I was inside. He began kissing her furiously, sucked her tits and took out his massive cock and gave in her mouth right at the door. She too was sucking his cock like she was hungry for...
IncestWhat kind of "exotic" XXX content can be found at Palm Tube? Have you ever been in need of a free porn website that offers only the highest quality content with none of that amateur and low-res stuff going on? I think we all wanted that at some point at least, so get ready for a shocker when you find out that there’s a site called that offers you just that. These guys are all about premium quality content, for absolutely free. Yeah, you heard me right, they offer the best quality...
Free Porn Tube SitesHello indian sex stories dot net dosto me jiya hu.Ye kahani bilkul sach h.Aisa aur bhi kisi k saath hota hoga.Me khud mehsus ki hu.Mere family me 4 log h mummy arun me aur varun. Ab mujhse meri chhote bhai varun ki tadap dekhi nhi jati.Raat raat bhar jagta rehta kabhi mobile to kabhi laptop.Subah uthane jati to pura bistar bikhra hua hota jaise raat bhar sirf karwat badala ho.Bhai ek chhoti si chaddi pehna hota aur uska tight lund saaf dikhta mujhe.Lekin me roz ignore karte rehti.Varun ko utha...
OK, it's only 10 o'clock. Bob gave me a couple of very clear signals earlier this evening so I figure I know what he's got on his mind, but it sure isn't on mine and I have this horrendous day coming up and I want to go to sleep but I'm wide awake anyhow, practically so rigid I can't even feel the bed, thinking about the stuff I have to do tomorrow. I absolutely have to go to the grocery store or we starve. I've got to pick up Alan at school at 2:30 and take him to the mall and force...
Deana spent the weekend listening to her mother drone on about one dull thing after another. Half-listening, actually, since her thoughts were on her exciting fuck with the young intern, Cliff. ‘You’re nothing but a pious pile of shit, Mother,’ she thought, after a particularly drawn out tirade against the morals of the younger generation. She smiled broadly. ‘What so funny?’ her mother asked sharply. ‘Oh, nothing, I just felt like smiling,’ Deana said. ‘You young people, your heads are in the...
This morning I jerk off a stranger in the library. I happen to be there to book a theater seat, when I decided to have a look which dirty old man was peeking into the sex education books. Turns out it was a fairly attractive university student, with full concentration in a sex self help. I stepped forward without any preparation nor hesitation, because I know exactly how this was going to work out. I frankly asked him if I could help him. He started to blush, started to stammer and lost his...
Here I was, thirty-five and never married. And the thing was, unlike a lot of men who seemed to devote a great deal of time trying to avoid matrimony, I’d sought it out assiduously for many years, dating a myriad of women without finding the one. After the last time, I’d pretty much despaired of finding the ‘right girl’. Part of this was caused by a belief that I was ‘too weird’ for a serious relationship. Or, at least, this had been my self image; one of disgust with my own perversities. For,...
FetishDharma and Greg, and the triumphant of SO THERE! By Eric A desperately serious story! Thanks to Caleb Jones for the idea, and some suggestions. Also thanks to Steve Z for editing. As our newlyweds were having a quiet dinner, Greg forced himself to dismiss the oddly predatory gleam in Dharma's eyes. He figured, as usual, that she just wanted to get laid. When Dharma led him upstairs to the bedroom - he thought smugly - right again. The incredibly sexy, tall blond was all over...
Hi All, This is nashu working as software developer in MNC and also as gigolo for pleasure, as a develop I am getting the decent amount of salary for my parties but still I am feeling something missing in my life and found I am starving for sex. So I Decided to become the gigolo to satisfy myself and also for the ladies who are working in the IT Companies(With lot of pressure and also lust) and also house wife’s of IT Employees and Businessman’s( Who will not satisfy the wife’s but they satisfy...
Lucy Wyatt wanted to die. She just wanted to die. After what she had just witnessed there didn't seem to be any point to living. She and her family had been totally corrupted to the point of complete moral degradation. The day had started badly and it just got worse as the morning wore on. Lucy felt nervous and irritable. She couldn't concentrate on her work either. The poor woman decided she was going through drug withdrawal from something put in the tea. She couldn't imagine the motive...
‘Alright, I need a couple volunteers here…’ The professor swept the lecture hall and began to walk up the steps towards my row. Why did I pick today to sit near the aisle? Why did I choose then to meet my professor’s searching gaze? He walked up to me and held the microphone to my face. ‘Would you be a brave soul and volunteer for us, please?’ he asked. I couldn’t shake my head no—the humiliation of declining such a prestigious opportunity would be worse than facing it. I nodded,...
Last night was a late one, as I surfed through Xhamster, finally falling asleep in the middle of a hot video. I woke up this morning sporting a bit of wood left over from the night before, and as I lay there in the still coolness, stroking my cock, my mind began to wander. I began to think, trying to remember all those years back to the first time I played with my dick. It seems like I have always been in tune to things sexual, like playing doctor with the neighborhood girls. I still remember...
Melissa Garforth-Thomas was a very fortunate young woman some twenty and three years of age.. Virtuous, Handsome financially secure She had received a very generous gift of property in her Great Aunt Melissa’s will due to her parent’s foresight in naming her after the old lady and her parent’s subsequent divorce which the old lady abhorred. Hence Melissa was very well set up with a handsome fiancé and a wedding to plan as soon as he returned from the new world. Scorned. One morning...
Jill an I continued a sexual relationship for the next two years but with less frequency as we both started dating and became sexually active with boys. We would spend Saturdays, sometimes the entire afternoon cuddling and kissing, sharing stories about the boys we were dating. It always ended in the same way, with me being the aggressive one, undressing her and kissing her all over. It turned me on when she would confess that she liked our afternoons better than the grab sessions in the back...
LesbianAshley. The 5’4” redheaded, hazel eyed, wicked witch of the west was the person we blindly agreed to hang out with for the next few weeks. Fuck my life. Of all the people that could have come through the door, why did it have to be her? How bad is my luck? I know the saying goes you have to take the good with the bad, but this is worse than bad, this is beyond bad, this is Ashley, here, in our house, and there’s nothing we can do about it. “Oh you’ve already met each other?” Ashley’s father...
IncestDisclaimer: All characters in this story are of legal age. Chapter 3: Ryan talks Carmen into continuing their affairThe next morning I waited in my room and when I heard some noise from the kitchen I promptly walked into the kitchen. Here I found Carmen with a cup of coffee and a really hangdog look on her face. She was wearing a sleeveless white and black mosaic print dress covering her up from just above her knees too just under her throat. But while it look sophisticated on her, it couldn't...