Night Shift Part 1 free porn video

Every evening she watched him smoke in the parking lot behind the gas station. She'd noticed him months ago, as he walked out into the night. His broad shoulders pressed close inside his uniform, and she'd felt a sudden stab of lust. Ever since that evening she had waited outside to see him, hoping one night she'd get the courage to approach. She watched him now, as he dug his left hand into his left pocket. Then heard him softly curse. She chuckled before remembering the window was down on her side of the car. He must have heard her because he growled "Let me use your lighter." Hm. So it seemed he had noticed her as well. She wasn't smoking but had smoked several evenings ago as she watched him from the car. She swallowed hard. Felt her palms start to sweat a little. Unlatching her seatbelt, she opened her car door and moved awkwardly towards him as she pushed the door closed behind her. Then she was reaching out with her right hand, extending her bright pink lighter for him to grasp. His fingers covered far more of her hand than was necessary for the transaction, and she stepped back in confusion. Did he know? She watched his hands as he cupped his cigarette and quickly lit it. She swallowed hard again. Such nice, strong hands. And now, after all these nights of waiting and watching, his hands were close enough to touch her.
She heard the rain start before she felt it. Large drops falling quickly, and then his hand pressed her back, urging her under the building's awning and out of the rain. She didn't have time to process the danger she may have gotten herself into. Then he was in front of her and stepping backwards slowly. He motioned with his hand to follow him as he took a sharp drag on his cigarette. "It's wet. I'm going to step back here and light another one." She followed close, thinking to retrieve her lighter and get back to her car, but just as she rounded the side of the building behind him she felt herself being pressed up against the warm brick wall by the length of his body.
"What are you doing?" Her voice was shaking, and she felt his right knee move between her knees, spreading her legs quickly.
"I thought this was what you'd been waiting for." His voice was deeper now, and she felt his warm breath against her neck before she felt his lips and then tongue. Then his teeth sc****d her skin softly and she gasped. He had his hands busy, one hand grabbing the hem of her brown dress in the back as he ran his fingers up along her hip. With his other hand he traced the tops of her breasts. Then he was quickly dipping his head as he pulled the neckline of her dress down, running his tongue along the pale, sensitive skin close to her nipples. She felt his calloused fingers withdraw from her breasts. She heard herself moan, then felt his hands lifting her dress, kissing his way down her chest as he sank to his knees in front of her. She felt his warm breath at the junction of her thighs before she could collect her thoughts to protest. "What are you-?" The question was swallowed by another moan as she felt his tongue part her pussy lips. She arched her back and u*********sly spread her legs wider. He paused long enough to chuckle. "You like that, huh?" He moved the hem of her dress with his left hand as his right hand traced its way around her hip to grab her ass. Then his tongue slid back between her pussy lips, grazing her clit. She felt her own wetness dripping down between her legs.

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