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You are lactating because I have been sucking the milk from your tits several times a day for several months. We are on vacation at a nice resort and decide to spend the afternoon relaxing by one of the pools. You are wearing one of your favorite bikinis, one that hugs your tits especially tight and typically draws lots of looks from both men and women. On this day, we’ve just finished a milk sucking session and your nipples are still stretched out; they are easy to see through your top.

We stretch out on some beach chairs, don our sunglasses, and watch people as they walk by. As expected, you and your gorgeous tits are getting plenty of looks. But one person stands out: I notice that our waitress has not been able to keep herself from staring at you each time she passes by, and she even slows down a bit as she nears us, pretending to scan the area as if she were looking for something or someone. Eventually, we call her over to place our orders. Even though I’m talking to her, she’s looking at you most of the time, with a friendly and enthusiastic smile. You notice that when she returns with our drinks, her nipples are now erect and visible through her swimsuit-style uniform material.

Without any urging from me, you start chatting her up. We learn her name is Luna, she’s from Romania, and is 26 years old. She is one of the most strikingly beautiful women you have ever met: dark hair, beautifully tanned skin, and a healthy, fit body. But what strikes you most are her large, round, firm tits (and long nipples, it appears!) and her stunning face. She has high, pronounced cheekbones; a cute nose; a beautiful smile; and the most beautiful, large, dark brown eyes. She wears just enough makeup to accent her natural beauty. Her demeanor is friendly and somewhat shy- she clearly gets hit on a lot at this job, and is naturally wary of anyone asking personal questions. But at the same time I can sense that she really wants to talk with you- she spends more time with us than she needs to, and as she talks to you she moves closer, bit by bit. Her eyes remain fixed on you, especially your tits. By the time she leaves, she reaches out and somewhat awkwardly touches your arm, saying she hopes we have a nice stay. Both of us watch her walk away, with a smile.

As we head back to the room for another feeding session- your tits have been swelling for the past four hours- you confess to me how attracted you are to Luna. We compare notes on how gorgeous she is, especially her beautiful lips and eyes. That evening, as I suck your tits dry, you tell me how you’d love it if Luna sucked your tits like that too. I get an idea…

The next day, I convince you to hold off our midday feeding session, promising (with a grin) I’ll make up for it later. As we get ready to head out to the pool area, I ask you to wear *my* favorite of your bikinis tops. This one is sheer and white, made of cotton. In truth, it really isn’t much of a “bathing suit” at all, because it tends to become see-through when it gets wet. And this time I steer us toward a more out-of-the-way area, somewhat obstructed from the view of most poolside guests. As you settle in, you doze off, and I set out to find Luna. When I catch up with her, she greets me warmly, takes my order, and asks how you are. “I didn’t get her order, Luna… would you mind stopping by and seeing what she wants?” My plan begins to unfold.

Luna approaches you somewhat quietly, thinking you may be asleep. With your shades on she can’t tell you are awake, and takes the opportunity to give you a full inspection. You watch as her eyes slowly scan your entire body, finally landing on your milk-swollen tits. This causes your nipples to harden, and her eyes grow wide. Her mouth opens ever so slightly, and she is lost in her own thoughts. You move slightly, letting her know you are awake. To cover her embarrassment, Luna quickly says, in her halting English, “I love your top… it looks really pretty on you!” But the look in her eyes is one you recognize: I look like that every time I see milk dripping out of your tits. By now, this is a conditioned response for you, and your nipples start to leak. Luna is spellbound. Somewhat alarmed, you sit up, and this startles Luna as well. Both of you say, “Oh sorry!” at the same time, but for very different reasons! For an instant, things are awkward. But then you notice that even now, with wet spots spreading across the cups of your top, Luna has not left- in fact, she is coming closer to you, occasionally glancing at your face while staring at your now-visible, leaking nipples.

Your fantasy from the day before flashes into your mind: you briefly imagine she is coming towards you to suck your milk. You quickly dismiss this idea, but the thought lingers just long enough for your body to take over. Several times a day you willingly express your milk for me, so your body now expects it. In fact, it’s been too long since our last session. The thought of Luna drinking from you is all it takes to trigger a full let-down response. Milk flows freely from both of your tits, filling the cups of your top, and spilling down your front. For a frozen moment, you and Luna watch this unfold.

You are momentarily confused: what now? You look around for a towel, but the only one within reach is under you, wrapped around your chair. You spread your arms wide and look at Luna, silently asking for help. She has some small hand towels with her, and grabs one. She holds it out to you as she kneels down, but you see an opportunity. Hiding this from Luna is no longer possible of course… you keep your arms spread, and lean your chest forward, offering your dripping tits to her. Luna looks up at you and can read your expression: please dry my tits off. She turns her attention to the task.

As she pushes the towel against your tits, even more milk leaks from the cups. She moves the towel back and forth, and eventually settles on cupping her hands under your tits and gently squeezing to soak up the milk. That might work in other circumstances, but not this time. You look down and see Luna gently kneading your leaking tits with both hands while frantically trying to catch your milk. She keeps whispering “I’m so sorry, oh I’m so sorry!” and she means it. But all this does is excite you more, so the milk continues to flow. The towel becomes fully soaked, and still Luna is massaging your tits. You place you hands on hers and pretend to “help” her capture the milk, while actually directing her how to properly stimulate your milk production. Her kneading feels so good you almost cum. After three towels are soaked through, it becomes clear this cleanup effort isn’t working.

Luna eventually pulls her hands away, holding a dripping towel. I’ve been watching the whole event from a distance, and now walk up on the two of you. “Looks like we’ve had a bit of an accident,” I quip. “And there’s only one way to fix it, isn’t there?” you ask. “Yep, gotta suck all that milk out. It’s the only way to stop the flow. Good thing it tastes so good!” I smile broadly.

Luna looks at me curiously, then turns to you, as if asking permission. “Go on, taste it,” you say. She hesitantly puts one finger in her mouth, and slowly licks it. She pauses a moment, rolling the taste on her tongue, then smiles broadly. “Yes!” she says, “It’s very good!” She puts a second finger in her mouth, then begins slurping milk from between her fingers, catching every drop. “Tastes like melted ice cream… so sweet!” Once she’s done, reality returns, and she realizes that she may have done something terrible with her guests. She looks around nervously, but no one is seems to have noticed. “I’m so sorry!” she says, for at least the twentieth time. Now she looks worried.

“It’s OK, Luna, really. You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable. Sometimes my body just reacts like that. It’s not the first time I’ve leaked milk.” She looks into your eyes, trying to read your expression, then relaxes a bit. “But if you have any concerns or want to talk about it later, you can always come by our cabin. When are you getting off your shift?” Luna tells us she’ll be off in about two hours. She gathers her towels, and tries to compose herself. In the last 10 minutes she has gone from taking your drink order to tasting milk she squeezed out of your tits… it’s enough to unnerve anyone. We watch her head back to the clubhouse… both of us enjoy watching her walk away with a little bit of a lift in her step. Perhaps she’s already thinking ahead?

You and I return to our suite, you wrapped in your beach towel. Fortunately, the leaking stopped when Luna left us. You emerge from the shower with sexy wet hair hanging down over your huge tits. “So I leaked a lot of milk, but I still haven’t been properly sucked all afternoon,” you pout. “Here, let me help.” I turn you around to face the shower stall, and reaching from behind you I gently pinch your nipples. “Imagine Luna latched on to you, honey. Sucking hard, desperate to pull your milk out. Imagine her swallowing a mouthful of your milk, then filling her mouth again and kissing you deeply. You mingle your milk in a deep kiss, and let it drip down on her tits… would you like to lick it off her?” I pull just a bit harder… I know what you like.

Your tits start leaking again, then you get a steady stream. You reach down to rub your clit while holding one nipple in your mouth, sucking. “That’s it, babe, feed her your milk. Feel her pulling it out. Suck it like she sucks it…” you let out a slight cry as you cum, milk autostreaming into the shower stall. I catch you from behind as you lose your balance. We watch as your milk streams into the shower. After a minute, it dribbles and stops.

“That ought to help,” I say. “Yes, but only for a while. I need to be sucked properly!” “In a while… I promised you the wait would be worth it.” You step back into the shower to clean the milk off, then emerge drying your hair. The weather is warm enough you don’t feel the need to put any clothing on. Even a wet towel is enough cover.

I cook us a light dinner, all the while keeping an eye on the clock. I make a little extra, just in case. We enjoy some appetizers and a drink, and talk about what happened earlier. “She’s so unbelievably beautiful, I just couldn’t help it,” you explain. “Seeing those beautiful eyes undressing me, then seeing her mouth quiver as she looked at my tits… I can’t resist that.” “Good thing you had a lot of milk in there, no?” I tease you.

A bit after the expected hour, we hear a soft tap on the front door, which was left open on purpose. “Hello? Are you here? Hello?” We hear Luna’s soft, hesitant voice echo in the hallway. “We’re in here, Luna, come join us.” Luna walks in to the great room, no longer wearing her uniform. She has changed into a loose fitting casual top and light skirt that largely hides her voluptuous curves. She stops at the entryway, unsure what her reception will be… are we angry? Are we going to laugh? Embarrass her? She flushes ever so slightly.

“Hi, Luna! Come on in! It’s so nice of you to come by!” This cheers her instantly. “Come here, have a seat.” You pat the space next to you on the sofa. You are curled up on the sofa, legs tucked up under you, with your tits hanging and swaying slightly when you move. Luna sits down stiffly, back straight, trying to be proper. What a sight: my irresistible partner lounging nude next to a nervous goddess.

You start the small talk in an attempt to relax her. She tries to apologize yet again, and you cut her off: no need for any more of that. It’s just nature doing what nature does. She seems insistent, she needs to talk about it. So, instead, you start telling stories of when your milk leaked at unexpected times. Some… most, in fact… are pretty funny (in retrospect), so soon we are all in on the joke, finishing each other’s sentences and enjoying a good time. Eventually you bring up this afternoon’s little incident, and now it all seems OK to Luna. She has lost her nervousness, and begins asking more questions.

“Why did it happen today?” You explain that you noticed her looking at you. She blushes and giggles nervously. “You are so pretty,” she explains. You explain that you find her absolutely gorgeous, and you felt so special when she looked at you that way. Because you hadn’t expressed your milk that afternoon, you were especially sensitive to any attention to your tits. And once you imagined she might like to suck them, there was no going back. “Does it really work that way?” “Yep, look at what’s happening right now.” Small drops appear at your nipples. “You mean if you think… about me… tasting… your milk… that’s enough?” She’s staring at your tits and watching you react to her words. “That’s exactly what happened today. And look, it’s happening again!”

This time, Luna is not embarrassed. She stares intently as the drops form and drip off your nipples. You take a chance: you lift them up and turn to face her. “Would you like to taste my milk again?” “May I?” “Of course, I’ve been waiting to be sucked all afternoon. Would you please suck my milk?” Luna nods, then leans forward. You hold your left breast up to her as she slips off the couch and kneels in front of you. She tentatively opens her mouth, and you slip your nipple in while supporting the back of her head with your right hand. “Go ahead, suck.”

Luna pulls the tip of your nipple in and sucks it very gently, thinking she needs to suck like a baby. But I’ve been pulling milk from your beautiful nipples for a long time, and they are more sturdy than she thinks. “Take the whole nipple in. That’s it. Suck harder…. You will get more milk.” You coach her for a minute or two, and your milk starts flowing steadily from your left breast. You can feel her swallow it and resume sucking.

You take a make a moment and capture this. This beautiful young woman is on her knees in front of you, sucking the sweet cream from your left tit. You run your hand through her beautiful hair, and instinctively pull her head in closer to encourage her. After a couple of minutes you and I realize this is not the position you are usually in when you feed me, so you suggest that the two of you move to the bedroom. Luna releases your nipple, with a trickle of milk at the corner of her mouth. You grab her hand and lead her in.

You prop yourself up on pillows, and Luna lays down on your left side. She slides down until her mouth is close to your tits, then you turn towards her and she resumes sucking your left tit with no invitation needed. As she sucks, her body relaxes. She begins to moan as she develops a rhythm: three hard pulls, swallow, three hard pulls… You can’t resist talking to her as she sucks. The intimacy allows you to share whatever you are feeling at the moment. She opens her eyes and looks at you longingly, her cheeks collapsing a bit each time she sucks. Her lips pull on your nipple, and it begins to stretch to its full length. “You are the most beautiful woman I have seen in years,” you tell her. “Please suck all my tit cream out. I want to know that I have fed you and nurtured you with my own milk.”

Luna is excited by your encouragement. Her head begins to bob as she tugs your nipple harder, and she is rewarded with a faster flow. You continue encouraging her. “It feels so special when you suck. I want to know you want me. Do you want me?” Luna nods yes but remains latched to your tit. You resume stroking her hair, then run your fingers along her jawline, eventually cupping her jaw to your tit. You capture this moment as well: holding her chin to your nipple and feeling her mouth work rhythmically to drain you.

After several minutes Luna releases your nipple, slurps up the milk remaining in her mouth, and again tells you how good your milk tastes. “Show me,” you say. Then you lean down and kiss her. At first she is a bit hesitant, then she realizes you want to taste your milk with her. She slides down, latches back on your nipple, and draws out a large mouthful. “Mmmm… kiss me.” She opens her mouth slightly and the sweet milk flows out, spilling into your mouth and down onto your chest. You savor the flavor of your sweet cream and Luna’s mouth mixed together. You both moan in pleasure. “You spilled some!” you tease her, and she begins licking the milk off your skin. She playfully tickles your nipple with her tongue and caches the drops that appear.

To get to all the milk running down your front, she grabs your tit and gently lifts it. She lifts her milk-covered tongue to your open mouth. After a long, delicious kiss, she resumes sucking but leaves her hand on your tit, and begins slowly kneading it. This feels so good you feel yourself getting wet. “Yes, please… keep going.” Your nipple feels electric, and you press her head into you. “Suck, harder. Drain me. Drink me. Yes…” Your body starts to quiver, your breathing quickens. Luna looks directly into your eyes as she squeezes and sucks your tit. She is beautiful, and she wants your milk. That triggers a massive orgasm. You lock eyes with her for as long as possible but eventually you cannot control yourself, and the waves of orgasm wash over you. You cry out, your pussy juice floods out, your chest flushes, and you spasm over and over.

Luna loses her grip on your nipple as you arch your back and twitch for several seconds. As she watches you orgasm, your right tit begins to spray milk. Luna waits until your body settles down, then she stretches across your body to suck your right nipple. It continues streaming into her mouth and she gulps the sweet milk down. You wrap your arms around her shoulders and gently roll her over to your right side. She settles in, resting her head on your right arm. You kiss her forehead as she continues drinking your milk.

Your left hand wanders over her body, and she turns on her side to give you access to her tits. You notice how hard her nipples are, and reach out to cup one tit, brushing your hand against the nipple. Luna moans and presses her tit into your hand. She reaches up and guides your hand down her shirt.

To be continued, possibly? ;-)

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Buckle up for this one guys cause it’s about to get crazy up in this bitch. Why? Well, let’s just say that all of your needs for amateur porn have been met for the rest of your goddamn life, as well as your children’s life, as well as your children’s children’s life and so on. I honestly don’t know if it’s possible to actually go through all of the amazing videos that you’ll find on, and the best part is that they are all 100% free. Yeah, you heard me right, even a bum can go...

Amateur Porn Sites
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I'm a big fan of (Jav4me aka JAV For Me)! Few things in this world are better than a sexy Japanese schoolgirl. Come on, you have to admit it, just check "Jav for me", you know I’m right. Japanese chicks are just so fucking hot. They’re petite, they’re often innocent looking, they’re soft in all the right places. It does not surprise me at all that Japanese porn is one of the most popular genres in the online adult entertainment marketplace. There’s just nothing quite like watching a...

Asian Porn Sites
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Looking for a female-friendly porn aggregator like For Her Tube? Historically speaking, porn has been made primarily for men. The overwhelming majority of porn focuses on scenarios, fantasies, and styles of fucking that men would like. In fact, that’s been one of the biggest criticisms of pornography since its inception—that it is all just a bunch of wildly unrealistic shit dreamt up by men for men, and that no woman could ever possibly enjoy many of the positions, situations, and things like...

Porn for Women Sites
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Let's play at Play Force One today! If you’re like most people, then you probably stopped keeping up with your favorite porn flash games years ago. Back when that shit was really popping. Who could forget the amazing games like Reiko the Biker Girl or all the sexy flash animations pumped out by Zone-sama? Those were the fucking days. But, belief or not, flash games are still going strong. They’ve gotten more complicated with complex gameplay and even sexier animations. With the huge surge in...

Free Sex Games
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The Candid Forum! I’m just going to jump right into this one. Creepshots, candid pictures, sleuth shots, whatever you want to call it. I am talking about people sneaking around and taking steamy, usually softcore, pictures of random chicks assess, tits, bodies, or whatever else and posting it online for other horny dudes to jerk off too.Man, even softcore porn has its fair share of different fetishes. But who can blame these dudes? Who hasn’t seen a 10/10 dimepiece strutting her way down the...

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Fap For Fun! I’ve seen some of you neckbeards lurking in the back of an FYE where they have all of those DVDs covered up by 18+ cards. That’s just pathetic. And you know that cashier is judging your fat ass when you bring up that degenerate loli fuck fest that you have clutched to your chest with shaking hands. You guys already have it bad enough. Why make it so much worse on yourself? Have some fucking dignity and fap to hentai bitches without leaving your mom’s basement. If you’re going to be...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Facial Forum! The best reward you can give a horny girl is a splash on the face with all of your delicious seeds. Well, that is what also likes to discuss, and you have the chance to explore it. I am sure that you will enjoy everything has to offer, but for those who were actually expecting porn or whatever, I have a couple of shits to mention.From the very start, I think it should be pretty obvious what kind of shit has to offer. Start with...

Porn Forums
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Reddit Too Cute For Porn, aka r/TooCuteForPorn… is there such a thing? I mean, Reddit has a subreddit with that name r/TooCuteForPorn/, but the majority of what is posted here is actual porn. So, I guess there is no such thing as being too cute for porn. So, if you are into a chick who are classified as cute or whatnot, this is the perfect section for you.There are thousands of subreddits out there, and I think I really love what this one has to offer. I am also sure that you will enjoy all the...

Reddit NSFW List
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Sexual Forums! Welcome to one of the OG forum websites… a place that a lot of us loved to visit, and that offered just what we wanted to see; the Now, this place was filled with a shit ton of great content and suggestions in general, just what you would expect from this type of site in the first place. Now for those who were not lucky enough to have visited this website before it ended up on the wall of fame, I am here to tell you all about it.Upon your first visit, it is...

Porn Forums
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Have you been looking for a gore forum to while away the hours looking at severed heads and gaping wounds? Have you grown so bored of airtight bukkake orgies that you’d rather see a woman drown to death in water than just watch her choke on a little sperm? Are you so jaded by unlubricated anal fisting videos that you’d rather see a man battered to death by those fists instead? Well, hold onto your hats, you sick fucks, because I’ve got some nasty shit to blow your has a name...

Extreme Porn Websites
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If you like Manga for Free, I’m willing to bet you might be at least a little bit hooked on the internet. Hell, you younger fuckers don’t even remember how hard it was to find X-rated Japanese comics to whack off to a couple of decades ago. The web has made these things easy as hell to get, provided you’ve got a good source. This next joint gets around six million visitors a month, which tells me the weeaboo perverts shaking their dicks at their laptops are pretty goddamn

Hentai Manga Sites
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Porn Force sounds precisely like the type of force I love to reckon with, but that isn’t saying much; slap the word “porn” on damn near anything, and I’m going to have to take a look. Maybe the keyword, in this case, is actually the “force” part of the title, implying strength and energy as part of a physical motion. I think we might have gone over something like that in physics class back in school, but I’ll be honest, I was always too busy studying human anatomy to hear what the teacher was...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
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Juicy Forum! If you love browsing beautiful models that make the Web a fun fucking place to live, then you have so many goddamn options that await you. Hell, just look at the sites that I have reviewed on ThePornDude if you do not believe me! You will see how many fucking options there are for jerking off to amazing models.And if you don’t mind browsing a forum, then you need to know that this is where JuicyForum fits into the fucking picture. You will find all kinds of amazing models from all...

Porn Forums
1 year ago
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Hot Movies for Her, other than being a long name for a porn site, strikes me as the kind that's all for women. I mean, duh, right? It's in the title. The porn titles Hot Movies for Her is coming with are really appealing to anyone. The site looks to have quite an array of categories while also featuring some of the most popular pornstars in the industry. Even if these girls aren't popular, the site includes rising stars that you're probably seeing pop up here and there.Just on the surface of me...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
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I knew Leak Forum was the place for me as soon I saw the big, warm greeting at the top of the front page. “Welcome to the Community,” it read, and I immediately felt right at home. Of course, it helped that I already had a feeling about what I’d find inside, thanks to a name that hinted at private nudes and premium smut swapped like sticky baseball cards. I already blew my monthly masturbatory budget on a new silicone vagina to replace the Pringles can in my homemade sex bot, so I was eager...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Note : This story is completely fictional! At 27, I was still relatively young and even made a few bucks, if you don't take in consideration the last five years. So there's nothing clouding my mind when they spring the doors on me. Just sky blue skies. A had a case of the fuckit. Fuck you that fuck with me for fucking the fucks I was fucking. So fuck it! They picked me up at the terminal and from that moment on, I wanted for nothing. Every few minutes she was hugging me to her ample bosom, Mona...

3 years ago
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Unforeseen. By Tanya H. With uncanny timing John called me just as I finished drying from my morning shower. With the usual happy smile his ringtone always lifted from me I dashed across the bedroom to grab the phone. He'd been on night shifts and the couple of days since I'd seen him last had dragged like endless algebra. "Hiya, Nat,'" he said and my silly smile spread further - the way he made my nickname sparkle! I closed my eyes, imagining that he was sitting beside me on my...

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"No complaining. You lost the bet fair and square. You shouldn't have been so cocky." With that, she brushes her fingers against the head of my swollen cock, giggling a little. Bound and gagged, my only available response is to grunt a little, to stretch and strain to try to put my cock more fully into her hands. "Since you failed so badly in our last game, let's play another one. Just something simple. If you win, you get a reward." She reaches down and strokes my cock gently, taking it from...

3 years ago
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TransformationFran Avatar Damn, that hurts! And it stinks too! No escaping either of it. The painand the smell don't seem to be affecting my cock though, my meat isrock hard. So's my master's, buried deep within me. He's enjoying this.Probably more than I am - and I'm about on cloud nine! With every touchof that electrolysis wand I keep going further onto that cloud. Myreaction and the fact that it's him who's holding that damn thing iswhat's keeping him hard inside me even with his moving...

2 years ago
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Transformation By Fran Avatar Damn, that hurts! And it stinks too! No escaping either of it. The pain and the smell don't seem to be affecting my cock though, my meat is rock hard. So's my master's, buried deep within me. He's enjoying this. Probably more than I am - and I'm about on cloud nine! With every touch of that electrolysis wand I keep going further onto that cloud. My reaction and the fact that it's him who's holding that damn thing is what's keeping him hard inside me even...

1 year ago
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Pretty soon I have a considerable lead and I leap into the air, instantly morphing into a large eagle like bird but with my own twist. Thats the thing, not only can i transform into real animals, objects, and people but i can adjust the appearance or the chemical makeup of that object to whatever suits me. The bird is as big as an F-16 and has a black appearance but the feathers seem to bend light around it essentially making it invisible... that is if your not looking for it. I bank around...

3 years ago
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Hello iss readers. This is my first story. My name is gaurav 14 year old boy i am in 9th standard in a school in kolkata. I am 5 my waist size is 28 and have a fair complextion my weight is 48 kg. I used to feel bit embbarased because i was bit more cute and boys used to tell me that i look like a fair girl whom every man wanted to have. This incident took place around 3 months back after my final exams in which science segment my papers ware worse and i knew i would surely fain in each papers,...

4 years ago
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The Transformation Chapter 1 ¬ The Introduction I met Robyn and Amber about a month ago at a local sports bar. They were both very attractive and young. Robyn the younger of the two had long blonde hair down to the middle of her back and Amber was a strikingly beautiful brunette with a very short hairstyle. I’m Bill and I live down on 5th and Broadway, just a short walk from the sports bar where I first met these two gorgeous bombshells. I am thirty-two years old, and I am a free-lance...

2 years ago
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The Transformation Chapter 1 ¬ The IntroductionI met Robyn and Amber about a month ago at a local sports bar. They were both very attractive and young. Robyn the younger of the two had long blonde hair down to the middle of her back and Amber was a strikingly beautiful brunette with a very short hairstyle.I'm Bill and I live down on 5th and Broadway, just a short walk from the sports bar where I first met these two gorgeous bombshells. I am thirty-two years old, and I am a free-lance...

2 years ago
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"I feel guilty," I told Jeanette, "about treating your family as an ordeal and mine as a refuge." It was Christmas, and the two of us were driving from our annual dinner with my in-laws back to my parents' place. "Bob, you think of my mother as a self-centered, nasty woman. Don't you?" Well, yes. "And you don't?" I asked. "Heavens no! That's much too mild a description. You can't -- no one raised in the Brennan family could -- imagine how evil she is." Well, she is evil enough...

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Simone's First Transformation By Simone Clark If you passed me on the street, you would see an average looking man, with a slight paunch walking with fast, purpose-filled strides. That's me in boy mode. My alter ego, Simone, however, would have me dressed in alternative attire walking with the small meek steps of a woman. For years I fought this battle raging inside me. Part of me was the man I portray to the world, a generous, funny and kind fellow (at least that's what I have...

2 years ago
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You yawn and roll out of bed. Slowly making your way over to the mirror you look at yourself. Everything is where you left it last night. You chuckle to yourself at the thought. Slowly scratching your hip, you walk into your bathroom and turn on the water in the shower. Waiting for the water temperature to get where you like it, you stand in front of the mirror and look over your body a bit more closely. "You really are not much of a morning person are you," you say to yourself as you rub more...

3 years ago
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Jeanette Brennan thought "post partum depression" was a damn patronizing concept. "Post partum exhaustion" had been more like it. Her husband Bob had done what he could; but he was teaching a full schedule, and breast-feeding isn't a task that can be shared. They took to going to bed at nine p.m. so that each of them would get something like six hours of sleep during the next ten. The tide finally turned, however. Her baby -- The Kitten -- decided that it was possible to sleep without...

1 year ago
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Jimmy walked through the locker room on his way to showers thinking about the upcoming report he would have to give at the quarterly meeting later that afternoon, and while he was well prepared, but this was a very important presentation what with the head of marketing from the home office due in town to attend the meeting. As he entered the shower room in the company gym, Jimmy wasn't too surprised to find a stranger lathering up under a hot stream of water, as many of the salesmen in his firm...

3 years ago
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TRANSFORMATION By Bea CHAPTER 1 Enid uncoiled from her chair and sauntered over towards me. She still held the half finished drink in her hand. Concentrating on my embroidery I didn't look up right away, but could hear the tinkle of the ice cubes as she neared me. "Like another drink dear?" I asked, suddenly afraid that she would think I was ignoring her and raising my eyes. "No thank you pet," she replied. "Just thought I'd see how your needlework is doing. Let's see,...

4 years ago
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TRANSFORMATION By Annie James Prologue, Allan's voice seemed to come out of a fog. The words, "It's a boy!" registered on my confused senses. Slowly the mist began to clear. A man's face, fuzzy at first, began to take shape. My eyes struggled to focus as the face moved closer. Lips touched mine, ---- gently, as a man kisses a new mother. The faint pressure of lips ceased and as the head drew back a second person spoke, crisply and clearly. "You will have to leave now, Mr....

1 year ago
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Jamie had been on the road to california for a few hours, and she could feel her stomach rumbling. There weren't many choices to eat, since she had been lost for a few hours, so she decided to stop at a diner for a burger and fries. Jamie was a pretty attractive 23 year old, she had graduated college, and was headed to California wanting to make it in the acting career. She was about 5'6 with a C cup,brown hair, and pretty skinny for her age. She stepped into the diner, the door closing behind...


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