The Housewives Of Coxville County Part 6 free porn video

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From the medical journals of Ivana Swallows;

- Foreword;

First and foremost, I would like to personally thank the faculty and
staff of Coxville County High School for their boundless support in -
finally - getting this project sanctioned by the Coxville County Westside
Admissions Board of Health & Research. Without Miss Dianna Murdock -
senior secretary and keeper of school records - Principal William Long, and
their combined efforts, this study simply would never have happened. I
would also like to thank head county librarian Mrs. Bobbie Sue Kindle for
allowing me full access to county history medical records, and her
extensive knowledge in guiding me through them. To the opposing majority
of those who stood against this study and rejected my numerous requests to
submit my findings to our county university, I would like to issue a
sincere and whole-hearted thank you as well. Without your vocal and
vehement opposition to this study, I would have never been impelled so
strongly to change my presentation's focus from nutrition in Coxville, to
the study I now present to you. If my numerous requests to the parents,
teachers, administrators, practicing doctors, county executives and our own
great mayor Van Buskirks had been met with a smile of approval and good
blessing, it would be been ineffable proof that my medical research was
simply not important or groundbreaking enough to merit study.

The strong apprehension and almost - dare I say - fearful responses to
the subject matter of my research stands as proof of how important it's
carrying out is to our community and - if I may be so bold - to our great
country of the United States. Too long have we let the old wive's tales
and ridiculous yarns of myth dictate our beliefs and leave us stagnant in
the face of scientific research and advancement. If we are to keep our
great county as such, we will have to drop the shroud of old-fear and
relinquish our c***dish need to clutch at negative racial stereotypes
hoarded from the Dark Ages. I'd be remiss in neglecting an innate sense of
pioneers' joy and invigoration in being the first - and only noted -
studier in the medical field bold enough to delve into this topic.

I would be equally remiss If I neglected to mention how elated that
honor has made me. This hitherto uncharted matter, once deemed taboo and
shrouded in the ireous secrecy of our forefathers, will now be soundly and
quite thoroughly, put to a much needed rest. I can guarantee that all who
read this medical journal - proponents and nay-sayers alike - shall be
enlightened, informed and quite engaged at the results. I myself - an avid
seeker of medical knowledge - swells with anticipation to delve deep into
this topic. To cure the ills of old world myth and archaic legend once and
for all. That being said, and breaking medical ardor and tone, allow me to
present you the findings of my research; let's get the bottom of this!

- Ivana Swallows ...

Principal Long sat slouch in his office chair, the long brown fingers of
his hands erected into a steeple as he gazed across the way at his visitor.
The upside down U shape of his mouth and surly sour-puss expression his
bushy white moustache seemed to always convey betrayed the fact that -
today - Principal William Long was in a rather happy mood. There was a
slight glimmer, a sheen in his dark brown eyes and bald pate, that conveyed
a spry sense of elation rather than his regular irritated and appraising

"I take it you have everything prepared then?" said Long, still as a
statue in his seat.

"Oh yes, I've got everything just about moved to the new school

"Wonderful. Glad to hear it."

"Though...", the visitor added in a 'by-the-by' tone, "If I may make a
suggestion; you'd do well to tell your janitors to learn how to be just a
bit more mindful when they work. Those two act more like repo men when
they're moving things, they almost ruined a box of very delicate tools I

Long's mustache twitched the slightest bit. It didn't matter how sweet
the tone, nor sugary the request, whenever Ivana Swallows made one of her
'suggestions' the recipient always felt as though they were being insulted.
Some biting quality in her voice that just made whoever she was speaking to
want to cut their eyes, and utter the word "Bitch!"under the breaths. Long
- to Nurse Swallows good fortune - was able to suppress an outburst upon
hearing her most resent request.

"I'll be sure to have a word with them about that. If there's anything
else you need them to do for you, anything moved or rearranged, I've given
them strict instruction to drop whatever they're doing and have them do it
to you, immediately."

"For..." Ivana replied.

"Pardon?" said Long.

"You'll have them do it for me, immediately."

"Ah...yes, of course" said Long, a subtle start and grumble in his voice
that Ivana had never heard before. "That's what I meant. They'll drop
whatever they're doing and have them do it for you, immediately."

"Are you feeing alright, Principle?"

"Why, fine Nurse Swallows. Never better...why do you ask?"

Nurse Ivana Swallows sat in the chair directly across from Principle
Long, his large brown desk putting space between them. She wore what was
supposed to be a simple white button down blouse, a cream colored woman's
vest, a mid length black skirt and modest matching heels. Supposed to be,
but on the body of the beautiful, buxom and exceedingly curvaceous figure
of the caustic brunette, the attire selection had the same effect on the
eye as lingerie. Her mid-toned skin color - the Italian side of her
lineage she'd always been told - made the colors of her outfit pop,
especially the white of her blouse that was only just suppressing the ample
curve, roundness and heft of her immense bosoms.

Ivana sat in the chair with her legs - shapely, tanned and highly toned
- crossed. She shifted one leg to the other, and twisted the slightest bit
to realign herself with the arm rests. Long took notice of how the motion
caused her breasts to jiggle ever so slightly beneath her white garments.
No bra, he thought.

"Its just that..." Ivana hesitated. An old line of wisdom she recalled
learning long ago about 'not biting the hand that feeds, or looking a gift
horse in the mouth' crossing her mind. "Its just that you've been
so...helpful the last few weeks."

"As opposed to the other forty-nine some odd weeks of the year when I'm
not?" Long replied with a mocking chuckle.

"No, that's not what I mean. What I mean is...If I'd have asked you for
an office meeting three weeks ago to discuss with you....I dunno...the
lunch menus of our cafeteria in reference to my research of nutrition in
Coxville County, you'd have had Ms. Murdock simply take down my requests,
and would have forwarded me an email about a month later, not sitting with
me here right now drinking coffee."

Ivana nodded to the coffee mug at Long's desk, the words "World's
Greatest Grandpa" written in bold on one, and another - significanly colder
- mug with the smiling image of a Cheshire cat on it.

"I am a busy man, Mrs. Swallows..."

"No, no I know..." Ivana said, doing her best to be cautious and not say
anything that would sour the principle's seemingly ever-soured mood. He'd
been at the helm of support for her and her project (for whatever reason)
and she wasn't about to screw the whole thing up on account of choosing the
wrong set of words. "You're a very busy man, and no one understands or
appreciates that more than me. Its just...your sudden interest in my study
just seemed so...out of the blue. I must say, it took me for a loop how
fast you responded to my request for the school medical records of its

"You needed something important done for a very important medical
study", said Long. "What sort of principle would I be if I simply put that
on the back-burner in favor of...I dunno...lunch menus or football games.
It simply wouldn't be right."

"I see" said Ivana, less than convinced but receptive of his answer all
the same.

"Its like you said in the draft of your foreword you emailed me, which I
absolutely loved by the way; this research of yours is important, not just
to the county, but arguably to our country. Me not helping you with
whatever you need would mean my failing - not just as a principle of this
institution - but as a citizen of this community and moreso this very
country. That's not something I'm prepared to let happen my dear."

"Well..." Ivana almost didn't know what to say. "I truly appreciate
that Principle. I wish more of the faculty had been minded, as
you on subject."

"I may be old Mrs. Swallows, but that doesn't make me a fossil or a
fool." Long said, an uncharacteristically jovial smile switching the upside
down U on his mouth into a slightly upward cocked one. "And, as a black
man, I'd be a damn fool to not want people out there to know the truth
about us."

Ivana found this comment strange. Does the old fool WANT people know
that NOT all black men are hung like..." the brunette's mind wandered. It
drifted backwards to an image of her on her knees. Sucking and sputtering
wetly on the knobbed head of largest penis she'd ever seen in her life.
mmhmmmhmh! *GURK!* She could recall the frantic, almost pitifully
obssessed noises that had escaped her mouth throat while she sucked and
struggled on the thing. She recalled the taste, the slickness and how
overwhelmingly hard and thick it was as it wedged itself firmly in the
tight corners of her mouth and the innermost parts of her cheeks, before
imposing itself down her throat. She recalled lurching from the seemingly
endless span of fat inches and remembered how all the other girls - Sammy
Spitzmen, Anya White and Bianca Blackwood had choked gagged from the effort
in a similar fashion. All of them tried handling it, and all them
failed...except Ivana.

Ivana had managed to tackle that big brown monster (more or less), and
actually made it explode in a spray of thick white semen...the only to
succeed where the other girls had failed...aside from Jenny fucking Summers
that is. That night, Ivana recalled Jenny Summers, the leader of that
memories' events. She sucked, slobbered and slurped that brown b**st down,
and then took things one step further when - in act of exceedingly base and
slutty behaviour - fucked the dark skinned youth right in front of them.
Bucking and bouncing, grinding and groaning like a bitch in heat.

It was obscene how much Jenny loved it. Almost as disgusting as what
the blonde bimbo then recommneded to them not long after. You girls go out
there and get your own, was the gist of the dare. Go out there and get
your own Big Black Cock...

"Don't you want that?" came Principle Long's voice from across the room.
Ivana half jumped in her seat from being snapped back into the here and

"E-excuse me?" she said with a start. "Do I want it?"

"Why yes...don't you want people to know the truth about racial
stereotypes in Coxville? I mean, that is the whole premise and mission of
your research after all."

She nodded, the strands of her dark brown hair bobbing almost c***dlike
as she did.

"O-Oh yes, of course. I feel that stereotypes like penis size and body
type no longer have a place in our community. If we don't do the work and
prove to people what's what, then who will?"

"Getting to the bottom of it, as you so eloquently put it." said Long
with a smile, his all-too-white teeth sparkling in his mouth.

What's this old coon so happy about, Ivana thought. At the end of this,
everyone will finally know the truth about black they all AREN'T
hung like horses. The idea and plan had come to Ivana that same night of
the Coxville book club meeting. Making her way home - her jaw sore from
holding Samson West's giant cock in her mouth - she'd learned one of two

The First; that lockjaw is by no means an exaggerated condition when
dealing with monster cocks.

The Second; Jenny Summers had developed an outrageous - boarding
fanatical - obsession with black men.

In all their years knowing one another, Jenny Summers always did have to
go overboard to win over people, invariably winning with nil more than her
looks. Even back in high school; when Ivana would get straight A's, Jenny
would thrill everyone by winning some stupid Miss Dairy contest. When
Ivana would rank top of her class in math, science and just about every
other subject, Jenny would dazzle everyone by becoming prom queen and
wearing a new dress. For every acheivement Ivana made in way of her
intellect, Jenny would always trump with some base display reliant on her
femine wiles and bimbo behaviour. It was enough to make Ivana sick.

This cruel reciprocity carried between Swallows and Summers had carried
on all the way to now it seemed. Ivana was advancing her medical portfolio
and career by studying the nutritional benefits and reprocusions of health
in the county, and in response, Jenny wowed everyone (their circle of
friends made up of Sammy, Anya, and Bianca) by fucking someone. Not even
just someone, a black man for crying out loud. It was disgusting. Not
(perhapss) the act itself...Ivana (in guarded secret) admittedly thought it
was rather intense and (perhaps) a bit impressive how Jenny could take
something so large into herself. But that lay beside the point. Whatver
Ivana did, Jenny would be right there to destroy her stride and take the
wind from her sails by acting like some glammed up yellow-haired strumpet.

But that night - and oh what a night that had been - Ivana created a
plan. Yes, Ivana would beat Jenny at her own game. Her own game, but with
a strictly 'Ivy-fied' slant. Her health study research's focus would
switch. Instead of nutrition, her study would be a survey on the bodily
health of Coxville citizens. A thorough comparison between blacks and
whites in the county. Jenny had boasted and bragged how ALL, not some, not
a few, but ALL black men had huge cocks. Now, Ivana had to admit, Samson
West did happen to have a hung and heavy member on him. The weight and
fullness of it still rang solid in Ivana's mind, and - admitted silently
and only in the darkest hours of night - Ivana would allow herself the
secret bit of pleasure in know she was the only woman of her group able to
make that massive penis to Jenny fucking Summers she would
then have to remind herself. And yes, the big bruiser of a nigger who
Jenny had so sluttily fucked on camera (the footage taken covertly by
Ivana) had an even more massive member. That was two, Ivana thought.
However, two is a vastly smaller number than ALL. All the negroes of
Coxville county could not, no, DID not come in such behemoth sizes, of this
Ivana was certain.

And so, the plan was simple; expose this truth for what it was. Prove
through simple scientific study - basic physical observation - that Jenny
Summers arrogant vow of black superiority was absolute, one hundred
percent, false. Ivana would mark down and take note of a 4 inch black
penis here, a brown penis of a meager 5 inches there, round the numbers
together and prove how Samson West and that janitor monstrosity had been
flukes, two freak occurences in an average of perfectly normal, perfectly
normal black cocks.

Then, when Ivana's findings were submitted to the Coxville County's
Board of Health & Research, and everyone FINALLY saw for themselves that
black men were no more endowed than ANY other race on earth, then Jenny's
sails would be the ones to falter. Her tryst with that big black skinned
galoot will have lost its appeal and edge, and by relation in the eyes of
their friends and peers, so would she and the ridiculous, outright
LUDICROUS claim that ALL the black men in Coxville had huge cocks. It was
a plan that only Ivana could have conceived. Proving herself to not just
be a diabolical dynamo, but a SEXY diabolical dynamo almost got Ivana as
wet as Samson West's cock did when it was probing the depths of her throat.

And here sat that old fool Principle Long in front of her, nodding his
head and giving her support blindly. Did the old pervert think he really
had a chance with her? Was he willfully sacrificing and setting fire to
the ONE age-old myth that black men had going in their favor for them,
BESIDES being prime atheletes? Had he really outted his own race to
scientific scrutiny at the simple exchange or her showed him a bit of
cleavage and wearing that one skirt that all the boys seemed to like on
her? He couldn't have been slipping that far into senility to believe such
nonsense, so she figured it must be the former.

It took Ivana all of three minutes to convince Long that this study
NEEDED to be done, to show everyone the truth. The old coon was all too
eager to agree and approve. Ivana had to admit that the speed of which
she'd gotten the green light to commence the study - guised as a simple
series of random physical check ups held in the school - baffled her.
Prior to going to Long for help, she'd tried initially to go straight to
the Board with her project.

Her request - to do a penis survey and comparison between white and
black males in Coxville - was denied soundly and swiftly more than several
times. It seemed like the ones in charge were simply shouting 'nay' at the
top of their lungs upon reading the cover of her request, hence why Ivana
had been denied by the Board several times, and had given an emphatic NO
when she approved the mayor himself for assistance. Mayor Van Buskirks was
keeping in line with his predecessor, Mayor Smith, and was blindly denied
any form of study in the nature of race in Coxville. The rotund town
runner even mailed her a terse letter of response stating - as she later
found out while reading through Coxville historical records - word for word
the reply of the late mayor;

"There's nothing unusual about our colored citizen's penises. While we
appreciate your interest in proving an old wive's tale false, we find that
the subject matter and manner of your study is unsuitable, and greatly
inappropriate for the Board's consideration or the wholesome nature of this

Van Buskirks regurgitating what the previous mayor had said only made
Ivana that much more driven to get her research approved. She'd have
preferred not going to him for help, but in the end Ivana found a stout and
very useful ally in Principle Long. He'd backed her to best of his
ability. Mrs. Murdock - his ancient secretary - gave her their full
support, and not only allowed her access to hitherto restricted medical
files, copied ad kept filed away in the school archives, but Long himself
even took a hand in getting Ivana's plan in motion.

"Let me make a phone call" was all Long had to say on the matter. Ivana
recalled the name "Laveau" from the conversation, and not long after that,
Ivy had received the official green light from both the mayor and the
Board. It had almost made her head spin how fast it all happened. And she
recalled thinking, If I'd have known how fast that would have worked, I'd
have flirted with the old coot from the beginning. And just like that, the
premise of Ivana Swallow's medical study had changed. She would take down
a viciously untrue rumor about blacks in Coxville, she'd win the
recognition of her peers and elders and all those who owed her praise, and
- most important of all - she'd finally upstage and soundly defeat that
whore Jenny.

Ivy giggled, a genuine bubbly chuckle that in reality had very little to
do with Principle Long's quip.

"Exactly that Principle Long...getting to the bottom of it", once and
for all...


Ivana Swallows sat at her new office desk, a wide U shape of a smile
framing her full lips making her resemble that spoiled little girl who had
- in fact - gotten the pony she wanted on Christmas. Her desk was a
polished oaken table that had been a (conspicuously generous) new addition
to accompany her new quarters in Coxville High. The area was ideal;
freshly polished and sterilized tile floors of an affectively eye-pleasing
- if spartan - black and white checkered design. A stainless steel sink.
The new and freshly painted cabinets on sides right and left of the office
stocked with whatever Ivana's necessary doctoring accouterments she may
need. Clean light colored shelves that had been brought in and installed,
and - Ivana's favorite feature of her new office - a brand spanking new
exam table.

It was large and wide enough to hold a patient (really any two patients
she'd guessed by its width) of any size, yet not so large that it appeared
to take up too much room in its place at the center of the space. As if
that were possible, Ivana thought, since her new office was easily twice
the size of the old broom closet she'd been cramped and forced to work in.

Years of work she'd put into researching health for the benefit of
Coxville. Hours upon hours of reading, research, study, pleading requests,
hours of exhausting labor and more than a few not-so-subtle "accidental"
gropes of her ass and breasts from male patients complaining of a faint -
and suddenly fleeting - cough, and in the end, what was that got her
efforts acknowledge, her hours of physical labor and academic ardor
rewarded? Why, the comparing of the menfolk's penis sizes, that's what she
answered in her head.

The busty and exceedingly curvaceous brunette was not angered by this
thought however. Quite the opposite. If she'd known that all she had to
do to get this sort of backup from the school and the Board was champion an
assurance to the men in a study that says 'your penis sizes are just fine
gentlemen, no need to panic!' she'd have put this proposal to Principle
Long and the Board ages ago. Really, Ivana didn't care for the study, not.
Penises were penises and their size - at the end of the day - really didn't
matter that much to her...not really, not actually. Ivana chewed at that
thought for moment, feeling the slightest bit of unease at that thought.

She shrugged it off with ease however, and continued jotting down her
notes onto her journal. She'd had three patients in that afternoon. Three
down, several score more to go. The number of responses she'd gotten for
her study had been astounding. Principle Long had put out the word and
summons that any male student - Age 18 and up exclusively - would be
allowed to participate in Nurse Swallows medical study. The necessary
permission papers were issued to those who responded, and everything - thus
far - had been signed as was progressing smoothly. Other participants
-fathers, class alum, interested members of the community, etc- of higher
ages (20 and up) outside the school had been contacted via the school news
letter and other county forums. Upon reading the words 'conducted by
Coxville's own Nurse Ivana Swallows' and seeing the accompanying picture of
the gorgeous 34 year old woman next to the article, the replies swarmed
Ivana and Principle Long's inboxes.

The responses to Ivana's study was so strong in fact, that she'd
actually had to ask for Ms. Murdock's help in scheduling appointments to
take them all. Ivana was booked solid with willing study participants for
the next month! Nurse Swallows was overjoyed. She'd had a solid base and
office to conduct her research, and more than enough patients to get a full
controlled study of the county. It was a perfect balance between white and
black males, with the smattering of other Coxville citizens who fell into
other categories bringing up the rear as a back up and control group.

Ivana did find it curious how - upon looking at the population
statistics - how the male population of Coxville was predominantly occupied
by black and white, with Hispanic, Asian and perhaps one of two other races
making up whatever was left out of the percentile of 100. A curious thing,
but one that Ivana knew to be circumstance of the deep south and the
county's secluded history. Either way, it made for an almost perfect field
of study. 55% of the men in Coxville were white, 44% were black (though
those numbers didn't include the blacks who left town), and the remaining
1% consisted of those who fell into other racial categories. It was better
than anything Ivana could have hoped for, and the smile on her face had
been worn so long that her cheeks were now beginning to ache. With the
numbers in her favor, it'd be an easy feat to debunk Jenny's ludicrous
theory that white men were invariably small, and blacks invariably large.
The population itself would prove her rival a fool and a slut (Ivana
pictured what the blond slut would look like handing 44% worth of cocks).
Ivana would win through proof and research, rather than playing Jenny's
debaucherous little games.She wrote down some finishing notes on her most
recent patient;

- Subject; 19 yo/ Male.

- Name: Walton, Dale.

- Height: 6'1"

- Weight; 156lbs

- Race; Caucasian

Ivana jotted down the remaining particulars of her last patient. A
tall, gangling young man, his initial excitement and confidence melted into
apprehension when he entered Ivana's office. Sitting on her exam table,
his legs so long that he could have touched the floor by simply pointing
his toes downward, he relaxed a little while she asked him all the
necessary health checkup questions of ailments, allergies, previous medical
visits, diet, sexual activity and so forth.

When Ivana got to the latter question, the boy couldn't hold back a
blush and eeked out an unsteady "N-No", before falling into a deathly
silence. She attempted to break the awkward silence with smalltalk, making
note of his being a Coxville High alum. He nodded and gave a squeaky
affirmation. She asked him if he had a girlfriend, his face went beet red,
and even more so when Ivana asked him if there were any girls he presently
had his eye on. He gave her a terse 'yes', but afterwards Ivana suddenly
noticed the color fell from the boy's face upon encouraging him to ask this
mysterious crush out on a date.

"I-its...a bit complicated..." he said nervously.

"Isn't love always?" she replied.

"Not like the way it is with me..." he said, and then left the matter at

When Ivana finally rose from her rolling chair - her body heaving and
her parts bouncing the smallest bit in that manner all Coxville women
u*********sly do, all the while unaware of its affect on the menfolk -
looked at him and said,

"Alrighty then, let's have a look at you", and began to approached him,
the young man suddenly tensed as though he were about to seize up in spasm.

His body was about as stiff as a cedar tree when she was up close to
him, while checking his neck with her fingers and gently feeling the points
between his arms. Ivana always liked this part of her exam. She drew a
silent pleasure from feeling like a full fledged doctor in those moments.
The young man refused to budge an inch, like a little boy in the face of a
hissing cobra, he was frozen in place whenever Ivana drew too close or laid
a finger on him. Her touch was gentle, steady and carefully guided along
his neck, ears and shoulders. This only served to jostle two reactions
from him; stillness or a nervous twitch. In the latter part of her exam,
it began to actually annoy Ivana, for the young man's motions went against
every instance or necessary reaction that she needed.

He'd refuse to move when she needed him to move, his nervousness around
the buxom nurse making a check of his reflexes a nightmare. And he would
fidget and half-flail whenever she needed him motionless, his knees bucking
and kicking like a frightened horse before she could even near him with her
reflex hammer. He became jittery when Ivana leaned in close to his ears in
an attempt to search his eardrums. It was like chasing a rabbit in a wide
open field. And his fear of looking Ivana in the eye made checking his own
all but impossible.

"Mr. Walton, you're going to have to relax. None of this is going to
hurt, so if you could please stop fidgeting."

The boy muttered an apology, but only lilted into a momentary stillness
before he began to jerk and twitch away from her. No wonder he's not
having sex, Ivana thought. If he's this scared around women with their
clothes on, I can only imagine. When Ivana finally asked for him to drop
his pants, she'd have sworn the young man was about to faint. She assured
him that everything was fine, and that noone but them would know about what
transpired in the confines of her office.

It took several minutes, but eventually she was able to calm the young
patient into undoing the buttons of his pants and dropping them to the
floor. His tight white underwear seemed to match his pale skin, and Ivana
silently noticed herself preparing to be disappointed. When the young
man's briefs fell to the floor, Ivana put on her best 'neutral' face, one
that did not convey judgment or any sort of real emotional response to the
young white man's unveiling of himself to her.

"Ooook..." She said while jotting notes and adjusting her white gloves.

She approached him with the measuring tape, and her approached caused
him and his manhood to visably recoil from her. The head of his penis
retreating into itself as she neared it.

"Its alright Mr.Walton. No need to be nervous, I'm just going to
measure you. It won't take a second."

Dale gulped, causing his pronounced adam's apple to bob up and down in
his throat. She slightly kneeled and aligned the measuring tape along
Dale's manhood. To get a proper length she tilted the device upward so as
to get the full estimation.

"Alight Mr.Walton, just go ahead a lift it up for me really quick so I
can get the right measurement."

He did, and she measured, her response restricted to a curious,


Again, he gulped. She set the measuring tape down, jotted her notes,
and then looked to Dale again.

"Alrighty, why don't you go ahead and get yourself erect." At that, Dale
went a deathly pale.

"W-well I...I" he stammered.

Oh for Pete's sake!, Ivana thought, Men. Can't get them to leave their
dicks alone at home, but put em in front of a woman and all of sudden...

"I'll go ahead and turn my back while you get yourself ready, K?"

Ivana turned her back to the young man. She heard him rustling and
light muttering to himself, the fringe mumble of a curse word or two, as
though he were arguing with his member, bickering and bargaining with it in
order to wake it up. A few prolonged minutes later, she heard Dale
nervously say,

"O-Ok, ready..."

She turned, and again immediately dawned her 'no-judgement' face. She
quickly approached with the measuring tape, jotted her findings down on her
clip board, and gave Dale her warmest feigned smile.

"Alrighty Mr.Walton, thank you so much. You can go ahead and get your
pants back on now."

Dale scrambled clothing himself once again, and as Ivana shed her white
gloves and wrote some finalizing notes down, the young man stammered a
finalizing question;

"'d I do?"

Ivana looked at him for a moment.

"Well" she began, making sure her voice was linear and without contempt,

"This exam isn't something you're judged on Mr.Walton. You don't pass
or fail.

I'm just documenting what I find. But, from a physician's stance,
you're a very healthy young man. I'd perhaps recommend a bit more sleep
and perhaps a bit less caffeine for the sake of your nerves, but all in
all, you're in tip--top shape."

This summoned a smile of elation in the young blond man's slim face that
Ivana might as well have told him "That was GREAT! You've got the biggest
cock I've ever seen! Congratulations!" He released a slight nervous laugh,
interpreting what he would from the dark haired nurses statement.

"Awww, jeez. Well...thanks."

Ivana smile, a upturn on her beautiful lips that crept nowhere near her
eyes. As Dale collected himself and headed for the door in his departure,
he waved to Ivana, and she waved back.

"You can go on ahead and use my name in your study if you like Nurse
Swallows!" Dale said jovially.

"It's all confidential, but thank you all the same dear." she replied.

When the door closed behind him after the respective exchange of thank
you's and goodbyes were swapped, his tall lanky silhouette showing and then
disappearing from the front of her office door, Ivana let out a giant sigh.
Whether it was one of relief or disappointed, Ivana did not know if it was
one, the other, or perhaps an aggregation of the two. She complimented
herself on how she was able to leave exams on such good notes with her
subjects. As she went back to her desk to couple her most recent notes
with the others, she observed the last bit of info she'd added to her

- Subject; 19 yo/ Male.

- Name: Walton, Dale.

- Height: 6'1"

- Weight; 156lbs

- Race; Caucasian

Male organ measurements;

- Flaccid; 2.5"

- Erect; 3.5"

Size placement; TBD (early estimates rate as below average/lower

Another sigh escaped Ivana's lungs, her heavy round chest motioning up
and down. No one said the truth would be easily won, she thought. Her
most recent patient did not bring her any relief or assurance that Jenny's
claims were false. But that was alright, these things were bound to come
up during the course of her study. In her heart and mind she knew Dale's
less than stellar endowments consisted of only one out what would be dozens
of patients. She'd find a balance in size in her future patients, of this
she was certain. And - she was equally certain - there would be a black
penis among the multiple that was just as unimpressive as Dale's that would
even out the numbers.

She nodded her head at this thought...and then suddenly had to shake the
image of Samson West from her head. There was no comparison to be made
between Dale and the West boy. Measuring the tiny pale white thing
belonging to the Walton boy against that huge black monstrosity that Ivana
knew - from an up close and personal experience - dangled between the West
boy's legs.

One or two anomallies are to be expected Ivana thought, nothing more,
shaking the memory of Samson's giant cock head brushing against the back of
her throat, and wondering comparatively estimating how the Walton boy's
cock would barely make it passed her lips. Ivana warned herself against
generalizing. West and the brute from the video were exceptions, not the
average she reminded herself. Dicks that big couldn't be the norm among
blacks in town. How would black women even take it all, she pondered, and
teased for the slightest moment the sensation of having something that
large and hard and dark penetrating her soft tight white gash. Get your
head out of the gutter and get real Ivy! she scolded herself.

That dribble that Jenny was trying to push on her and their friends was
just that, dribble. Untrue and unfounded. Ivana would prove this, and
she'd put that blonde bitch in her place once and for all. Her efforted
realigned, Ivana looked over to the black office phone sitting at her left.
She pushed one of its buttons and her the sudden beep on the speaker as it
dialed one of the other lines in the school.

"Ms. Murdock!" Ivana said, her voice booming as though about to make a

command. A shaky old woman's voice replied from the speaker.

"Yes Nurse Swallows?"

"I'm ready for another patient. This one African-American if you'll

Ivana had to half-check her tone of voice, noting that her request
sounded more like she was ordering off the menu of a fast-food restaurant.
It took a moment before the old secretary gave a reply.

"Oh, alright then. I'll send him to you now."

"Thank you dear!" said Ivana before closing the line.

The cold steely look of determination on her beautiful face was dawned
like a war-mask. She replayed the mantra in her head as she rose from her
seat and prepared for her next patient.

We're gonna get to the bottom of this.


When the next patient walked - really barreled - through her office
door, Ivana could barely hold back a gasp of shock from the thunderous
noises of his entry.

"Yo! Yo! YO!" yelled the tall, burly negro as he shoved the door open,
allowing it to slam shut with a clamor so loud that Ivana was surprised the
glass hadn't shattered in the door frame.

The young man's dark brown eyes scanned the room, before settling
themselves onto Nurse Swallows.

"Daaaaayum...dis place clean as a mu'phucka! Some old advanced Docta
House type shit."

Ivana cringed on the inside. God, did they send me the biggest THUG on
the list on purpose, or is this just my luck? Ivana thought. She could
feel the brute's eyes on her before she even met them.

"DAAAAAYUM ma! You even finer in person dan in yo picture!"

He approached her abruptly, a motion that caused Ivana to stir in
discomfort the slightest bit. The raising of his large dark hand - a
gesture of greeting - caught her off guard, and she half-flinched at the
negro's approach. This caused him to laugh.

"Ha-ha! Don't worry ma, I don't bite...less dat's part of tha process."

He held his hand out to her, and she took it, spending perhaps a moment
too long looking at it in hesitation before shaking it. Ivana noticed the
young man's hands were huge, easily enveloping hers. They were also hard,
felt like they were made out of granite and rough leath rather than flesh.
A thought passed through Ivana's head. That age old myth about what came
along with big hands, and she quickly dismissed it. That stupid old wive's

"Pleasure to meet you. Thank you so much for agreeing to see me." Ivana
said, wearing her best fake smile.

"Shiiiit, ain't no thang ma!" the young man replied. "Seein yo fine ass
in person is my pleasure, believe-you-me!"

He gave her a wide smile, all of his teeth a pearly white, except for
the shinning gold tooth where his left molar should have been. The smile
did not put her at ease. After situating herself, Ivana got to jotting
down her necessary notes.

- Subject; 20 yo/ Male.

- Name: Wallace, Warren

- Height: 6'3"

- Weight; 220lbs

- Race; African-American

Warren "Wa-Wa" Wallace was a tall dark skinned black man. His imposing
height was only trumped by his wide muscular build. Standing before Ivana,
he may as well have been a brown bear standing on its hind legs. He sat on
her exam table, his feet just barely dangling over tile floor despite her
raising its height to near maximum, while she assembled her tools. She
could feel his eyes on her as she walked from one side of the room to the
other. She could feel his brown eyes exploring one part of her ample body
as she reached upwards into the cabinet for one tool, and zoned in on other
parts when she bent over to retrieve another. Unlike her previous patient,
Wallace"Call me Wa-Wa" he insisted.

Wa-Wa was never short of hesitant with his words. He assailed her
almost non-stopped with questions an inquiries, and filled in the moments
without questions with comments. Most of his questions pertained to the
reasons behind her study.

"Whatchu so curious about dick sizes fo?" Wa-Wa asked, a casual
cheeriness in his tone. "You ain't gettin enough at home wit cho man or

"No..." Ivana replied tersely. Where did they dig up this scumbag?
Ivana thought coldly. "Nothing like that".

Her calm demeanor was being pushed to its brink within mere moments of
meeting this obnoxious thug.

"Its a necessary study for the county."

"Why?" He asked, an almost c***dlike arch in the deep bass of his voice.

"Because its been rejected as a study in the county for decades."


"Because the preceding heads of this county were fearful of doing the

"Damn...well why?"

Ivana's head had been veiled behind her silver clipboard when asked this
last question, maintaining an effort to keep herself busy with writing down
notes, and preferring to not look Wa-Wa head on. Her irritation towards
the barrage of c***dish questions however had trumped her reluctance to
acknowledge Wallace deep - rather intense - stare. All of once, Ivana
found herself staring head on at the burly Negroes, her clips swing from
the area of her face down to hem of her form-fitting skirt, the clipboard -
still held firmly in her hands - connecting with her thick thighs with a
sharp plap! sound.

"I don't know, Mr. Wallace!" Ivana said, her voice leaning a bit more
into a blunt shout than she'd planned. "I suppose the same reason they
invented those ridiculous spray-on hair products, Viagra, blow up dolls or
why Hummer SUV's are still being purchased by the dozen in this country;
MALE insecurity."

This was spoken with the intention to sting Wa-Wa, a Ivana-styled jab at
his no doubt inflated ego. She expected this last remark to sting him into
silence, to cease his insipid line of questioning. Her face waited for his
to curl into an expression of offense, a glare of anger hastily reshaped to
hide a wound machismo. Ivana's face however curled into a look of
confusion however, when instead of ire and anger, she saw a simple smirk
planted on the large black man's face. The creases of her confusion
deepened on her brow when the young man, his voice a deep sonic boom, broke
into an uncontrollable sputter of laughter.

"WA-HA-HA-HA!!" bellowed Wa-Wa, his held tilted back and a hand on his
stomach. One would have thought he'd just heard the single greatest
punchline to a joke ever conceived.

"Oh SHIT! Doc got jokes. Wa-HA-HA!"

Ivana was not prepared for this reaction, and her clipboard, once held
firm in her delicate fingers, had slipped almost out of her grasp. When
the silver object almost fell from her hands, Ivana jutted, barely plucking
it from its decent, before a unprepared smile hastily formed on her
beautiful features.

"Hehe!", the restrained titer coming from her voice, choked off only at
the last moment before bursting into full laughter. She hadn't expected
Wallace to take a stab at his masculinity so lightly.

Unexpectedly however, the reaction had somehow eased the tension in the
room. And after a few long seconds of laughter, Wa-Wa's giant bellowing
outlined with Ivana's slim giggles, the flow of doctor and patient resumed.

"Alright Mr.Wallace."

"Wa-Wa", the man corrected.

"Uuuh, ok...Wa-Wa. Let me have a look at you."

Ivana waited for Wa-Wa to suddenly tense up. To recoil at the notion of
a woman being in such close proximity to his person. She set down her clip
board and approached. Ivana noticed that instead, the large black man's
demeanor hadn't changed. If anything, his joviality had increased. His
lips were curled back into an expectant smile, all his pearly whites, plus
one gold canine, on display as the busty nurse drew closer. It was the
opposite reaction to Dale Walton's visit. As nurse Swallows went about her
exam, lightly touching Wa-Wa here, gently pressing on him there, Ivana
noticed something about the black man.

"You work out often Mr....uuhh...Wa-Wa?"

"He-he, I get it in when I can, Doc." replied Wa.

"I can tell, you're in pretty good shape." replied Ivana as she gave the
mass of one of Wa's massive t****zius muscles a squeeze. He was
significantly passed 'pretty good' shape, though Swallows chose to keep the
compliment restrained.

This summoned a chuckle from the man.

"You know it. Gotta keep up my strength fo tha ladies, you know?"

She didn't, and didn't particularly want to know what sort of strength
this giant brute would put on a woman. Though Ivana had been hoping to
find Mr.Wallace's member in the sensible realm of - say - six inches
(erect), she'd noticed up placing both her hands at the dark brown man's
jawline that that hope was swiftly fading into a pipe-dream. He's built
like an ox, she thought.

"Any irregularities in your diet?" She asked while lightly tapping his
knee with the reflex hammer.

"Been feastin mostly on blondes as ah late..." said Wa-Wa, a testing
tambour in his bassin voice.

He wanted to jostle a response out of Ivana, she knew this as well as he
did. However, choosing professionalism over allowing her emotions, she
ignored the comment, pretending to be too focused on checking his reflexes.

"Brunettes be ah proper meal in ma book, though" continued Wa, his voice
even more challenging. "Been havin me a hankerin fo one fo a long minute

Again, Ivana ignored him. Crude nigger, she thought, biting her tongue
all the while to keep herself from giving the big brute a piece of her

Ivana's evaluation of Wa-Wa continued in relative silence. It was while
checking the man's reflexes, observing his remarkably thick thighs and
heavily muscled legs as she struck his knees with her reflex hammer, when
she caught sight of it. The outline of Wallace's penis was - from even a
rough estimation - ten inches. Shit cursed Ivana in her mind. This big
nigger is hung like a horse. From the fabric of his trousers she could see
that Wa-Wa Wallace was in possession of a what looked like a policeman's
night stick resting flatly inside the man's pants.

"Good reflexes" Ivana said, trying to take the edge of her own
frustration at the revelation.

I can't use him, she thought. Ivana cursed her luck. Out of all the
black men in town, she - of COURSE - had to have the one other black man in
Coxville who looked like he could appease the sexual needs of a Belgian
Blue cow. After a few more feats of her checkup, Ivana said;

"Alright Mr.Wallce. That'll do it. Thank you so much for coming in."

Wa-Wa Wallace's jovial expression abruptly melted into one of an almost
c***dlike disappointed.

"Wait....dats...dats it?"

Ivana, keeping true to form, didn't even raise her head to acknowledge
the burly Negroes question.

"Yes" she said flatly, her eyes still cast down to her clip board as she
half-wrote a few nonsense lines down on a line of paper.

"But...I thought you were gonna check me out. You know, get a
measurement of ma-"

"No, Mr. Wallace. That actually won't be necessary."

"Tha fuck?"

"My having you in doesn't automatically guarantee you'll be used in the
study, Mr. Wallace. It simply means that we have your information on
hand, should I need it."

"Should you need it?" parroted Wa-Wa.

"Yes" Ivana replied, head still down at her board. "And as it turns
out, I won't be needing yours after all. Thank you so much for coming in

The mood of the black man suddenly went from happy to sore, and flirted
with outright anger.

"Awww, shit!" Wa-Wa said some moments later.

After another few moments of waiting to see if Swallows had simply
caught him in yet another joke, the giant brown man hastily adjusted his
clothes - having at some point undone his belt buckle in anticipation - and
angrily trod out the door. Ivana could feel each angry footstep as he
stomped from her examination table, to the office door, and down the
hallway of Coxville high. His embittered exit was marked by a loud smash
of her office door as it was angrily swung closed behind his departure.
The glass did not shatter, but it did rattle quite a bit in the door frame.
As his massive shadow faded from the view of her door, Ivana rose her head
from her clipboard. She sighed, a mark of relief melded with frustration.
Swallows knew what she'd done hadn't altogether been clinically fair or
even personably nice...but if a potential subject of her study proved
himself unusable, then what else could be done?

Wa-Wa Wallace, as it was made sense in Ivana's mind, was simply
ineligible for involvement in her study. Why? Came a tiny voice in the
back row of Ivana's head. Because his body type did not fit the criterion
for my research, she replied to herself. Why? The voice in her head
followed again, nigging and nagging at her like a c***d. Because his build
wasn't what I was looking for, Ivana replied. Why? Came the voice yet
again. Ivana's frustration flared up in kind, and suddenly decided to drop
away the line of questioning she'd posed for herself. Because his cock was
too BIG!

Ivana finally confessed to herself. And with that, came a wave of
dread. Dread...and an odd contradictive wave of relief over the shapely
brunette. Ivana Swallows' plan relied solely on proving to everyone that
black men in Coxville were NOT all larger than average. If she was going
to finally put Jenny in her place, take the blonde bimbo from her false
high-horse of slatternly superiority , she'd HAVE to have a concise,
comprehensive and, most importantly, irrefutable compilment of evidence to
that fact. It simply wouldn't do to have an entry - her FIRST black entry
no less - reading;

- Subject; 20 yo/ Male. - Name: Wallace, Warren - Height: 6'3" -
Weight; 220lbs - Race; African-American

Male organ measurements; - Flaccid; (approx) 10.5" - Erect; UNKNOWN

Size Placement; Above Average.

No, Ivana simply could not have that happen. If she was going to prove
that slut Jenny Summers wrong, and finally put her in her place, she needed
to find smaller black cocks. Smaller black cocks...and LARGER white ones.

"Ms. Murdock" belted Ivana over the office phone.

"Y-yes Nurse Swallows" came the totteringly pleasant voice of the old

"Send me in another patient please. And for the rest of the day I'll
only be taking in caucasian males. All the African-American potentials
will have to be rescheduled for another day."

Ivana added this with a harsh trilling of her voice. She knew that
Ms.Murdock had her on speaker in the waiting room, and imagined the news
for the men who had gathered there would be divided into two responses; a
hail of high-fives and triumphant smiles for the white men, and a wave of
sour faces and dropped defeated heads for the black ones. Ivana couldn't
fight the shape of a smirk curling on her full lips.

Another moment, and Ms.Murdock's voice came again on the speaker.

"Oh, well...alright..."

The old woman almost sounded disappointed herself, though Ivana knew
that couldn't be right, and Ivana quickly dismissed it as a flexing of her
imagination. From there, nurse Swallows readied herself to the onslaught
of remaining penises. Thick, full, lengthy, healthy white cocks. White
members that beamed a healthy pink color when stroked and woken up by their
eager owners. Among the multitude were bound to be a few whoppers for
Ivana to document, there had to be. There's gonna be Ivana assured
herself. This thought comforted Ivana for all of five minutes. When one by
one the white men came in, and one by one was met with failure. 3" here,
4" inches there. A hail of white cocks ranging 5" inches, and a hail more
ceasing growth at 6". Her results weren't 'bad' per se. But not one among
the gathered had a penis reaching anything close to what she'd seen from
the black men.

The largest of her subjects - a cocky, brown haired young man of no
older than twenty - was particularly pleased upon Ivana asking him to
remove his pants. He was above average, packing a shapely white penis of a
flaccid 6". It wasn't bad, and Ivana's face even managed to sneak a smile
passed her conscious senses. This inspired the young dark-haired man to
smile in kind, and flirtatious add;

"Like what ya see?"

Ivana's glee at finding a white cock that WASN'T the size of a roll of
dimes was thwarted by the young man's cockiness. Looking up at him, she
suddenly felt the urge to strike him with her clipboard.The young man's
face was just so smug, so over-confident and chuffed with his erect 7
inches, that it almost completely soured Ivana's joy at finding a usable
subject who could give credence to her study.

"You're about average..." she replied, flatly and in a tone she hadn't
used on a boy since high school.

The reaction didn't settle on the young man's face before it did his
penis, for it suddenly deflated before her eyes. Like a balloon a clown
would use for molding shapes having its air drained away all at once, it
went from upright, to drooping sadly at the uppermost part of his legs.
When his face twisted into a dry sneer, Ivana smiled a bit.

"That's not bad. Its perfectly normal actually."

Ivana said this as a means of damage control. A sweet by-the-by to an
otherwise sour bit of news. This gave the young man no comfort, and he
said nothing upon his departure from her office after they'd finished up.

It had been a good find...but it still wasn't enough. And throughout
the rest of the day this plagued Ivana Swallows mind as the cocks rolled
in, and limped out. A hail of shorties, with a few averages peppered in
between. And the few who merited being called "large" still didn't come
anywhere close to what Ivana had seen on the black men. Roughly five white
penises of 7" inches, one ranging closer to 8...versus four black cocks.
The latter four stood at an average of 10 inches....flaccid...It was enough
to give Ivana pause and make her face turn pale with worry. A worry, that
was oddly marked by a light but steady mark of excitement based somewhere
in her gut. When she finally gathered enough data over the hours of the
day, Ivana left her office, went home, logged everything on her personal
computer, and laid her head down to rest in the soft pillows of her queen
sized bed. She would eventually doze off repeating what had become the
mantra of her study;

We're gonna get to the bottom of this...


Days consisting of this pattern bled into one another, eventually
forming a week. A week of tens if not scores men coming and going from her
office. Men entering with the upbeat smile and a noticeable pep in their
step - the bounce and upbeat stride of a man all but certain he was about
to get lucky - and exiting with the sour disposition of one thwarted in
that goal. The busty nurse barely even felt the passage of time as she
compiled her data. When she did note the time, it was only out of
frustration in the fact that there simply wasn't enough of it in the day to
satisfiy what had become an obsession of proving an old wives tale
false.With each departure, Ivana's notes grew. With each departure, she
was able to build a slow but continuous confidence in her findings.

The second week presented an influx of decent (yet not particularly
awe-inspiring) members added to her study. Unlike the first week, it war
marred only with several subjects who Ivana knew most certainly would not
be admissible in her aim of proving the age-old myth of 'small white cocks'
up as false. It seemed like every positive step Ivana advanced in her
research was met with two steps backwards when a penis of four inches,
three inches (or less in a couple tragic cases) posed opposition to her
work. As the second week concluded, Ivana had made a fair amount of
progress. Enough progress to where she was smiling - despite the lingering
bite of knowing she'd not yet found her 'Great White Cock"- as she made her
way out of her office on the second friday of her research. Her gorgeous
facial features beamed as she walked down the halls of Coxville High, and
many noted her trek down the school corridor - the more ample parts of her
body bouncing slightly inside her clothing from a noted spring in her step
- as a happy one.

This satisfaction - this contentment with the length and width of white
cocks she'd measured thus far- lasted for all of five minutes...

On the night of that second friday, Ivana Swallows lay awake in her bed,
her stark green eyes wide open, her sleep held at bay with ponderance,
deduction, the looming pang of worry and punctuated with an even rarer
(lesser acknowledged) pang of elation. Friday's study - despite having
collected useful data on dozens of native white men in Coxville - had taken
a severe blow. The brown haired beauty's work faced with yet another
unforeseen variable. Staring face-up at the ceiling of her bedroom long
into the AM hours of the night, the boar-like snoring of the sleeping
husband lying next to her composing the soundtrack to her restlessness, she
lie awake with knots in her stomach and her thoughts racing miles per
minutes. Ivana found herself sucked into the particulars of her study long
after she'd concluded the day's work. She was a woman possessed, wrought
with pressure and the (quite frankly) daunting task which - realizing now
more than ever - towered before her. Her days filled with flaccid and
erect penises, measurements, comparisons, speculations, statistical checks,
estimations and guesstimations and reciting evaluations from those already
documented consumed her every thought.

Ivana had realized this earlier that night, while in bed with her
husband. She'd found herself thinking about work even during sex. While
George huffed and puffed his way to a quivering explosion of orgasm, she'd
found herself unable to take herself out of the role of "Nurse Swallows",
and the strange (unacceptibly coincidental) tribulations that posed against
her research. While George Swallows' sweaty body bucked and rocked atop
her, his white underwear briefs bunched round his ankles, his hirsuit and
doughy stomach brushing against her flat, hairless and well-toned one, she
silently sized up and estimated him. Five inches in length, three inches
wide, she thought, running the numbers through her head as George pumped
furiously into her. Beneath her husband she could feel the full measure of
his manhood attempting to broach the further walls of her womanhood, and
missing the mark by far more inches than what he had to offer.

"Huhng! Huhng! HUNHNG!" was the noise George would make while throwing
himself into his wife's deliciously curvy hips.

The noise he made always made Ivana think he was apeishly grunting the
word hung beneath clenched teeth and a flattened tongue. Hung, her George
was anything but. Lord knew Ivana Swallows loved her man. Loved and was
devoted to him as much as any proud woman of Coxville could love her
husband. But she had no delusions about the size and power of her
husband's member. Sex with George invariably consisted of her trying to
slow him down from his own frantic pace. Saving him from himself was how
she classified in her head. Holding him close to her and wrapping her firm
legs around the top of his marshmellowy behind - which had increased in
size and softness over the last few years - so as to force him into a more
even pace, to give their sex a longer span of time than the three minutes
that had become the av

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Housewives of Valley County Ch01

(This story is a part of the Blackedmerica series, which is set in an alternate history.)"And for the rest of the day, we can look forward to more sunshine and great weather…"  Weatherman Alan Westerman broadcasted from a high point overlooking the beautiful suburbs of Valley County.Over on crest road, a neighborhood filled with lush green trees and beautiful architecturally designed homes, a woman's moans traveled out through the garden facing windows of one of the homes.Jamilah Najjar, a...

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Housewives of Valley County Ch 04a

Across town, a mile away from where she had dropped off her daughter and her boyfriend, Amarika pulled into Valley County College. On the campus, since it was Jabari day, the black students and faculty, similarly as Amarika were all displaying their proud heritage by dressing in African-styled garbs. The other students and faculty were, of course, showing their appreciation and admiration for the proud tradition by being either topless or bottomless which was customary.Having parked in her...

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Der Fluch von Coxville

Harolds Hand bewegte sich zu ihrer anderen Brust und er küsste ihren Hals. Ihr geht's gut, Schatz. Kitty ist mit Todd unterwegs. Er wird gut auf sie aufpassen. Harold drückte die Brustwarze seiner Frau und die verhärtete sich zwischen seinen Fingern. Komm, Schatz, bitte." "In Ordnung, Harold" sie seufzte wieder. "Pass auf." Jenny hörte zu, wie ihr Mann im Dunkeln nach einem Kondom im Nachttisch suchte. Mit 36 ​​Jahren hatte Jenny das Gefühl, zu alt zu sein, um erneut schwanger zu werden, und...

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The Origin of Millie Marie and her Housewives

On the 31th of July Millie Marie closed the shop that bore her name, giving, as was her long tradition, the employs and followers of Millie Marie's Housewives & Others the whole of August off with pay. Millie herself, making sure no one knew where she was going, headed to the airport for her annual pilgrimage to the Greek Isle of Samos. It was there in 1890 that Millie Marie, then known as Sir Miles Jove St. Maris, a member of what passed in that time as the profession...

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The Real Housewives of McKinney Part 7

The Real Housewives of McKinney.I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the...

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Housewives of Valley County Ch 04b

“Mrs. Wells.” Patricia, naked, and in a somewhat of a hurry, gave chancellor’s Glover’s secretary a pleasant nod on her way past.“Professor Walsh.” Louise returned the courteous gesture. Again, when she noticed all that delicious cum on the professor’s face, she felt her bare nipples aching to be touched. For a quick moment, Louise closed her eyes and imagined the sensual feeling of Chancellor Glover shooting all his thick, chunky cum all over her face.“Oh…” A wonderful sigh of desire left...

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The Real Housewives of McKinney Part 4

I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the punch, I decided I’d write down...

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VCR Desperate Housewives

NOTE: This story is set in the VCR universe created by Dee Janes. I have her permission for the story. She also looked it over and offered some editorial help. Thanks, Dee! --------------------- THE VCR: Desperate Housewives By Desperate It was Charlie that came up with this brilliant idea. He brought in the camera, the tapes, and the girl. And he's the one that brought the damned VCR. It was January, and Hinkman had just gotten home from his all-expenses paid,...

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Desperate Indian Housewives Part 1

“Who is a husband? Is it he who marries a woman, lives with her under one roof, and fails to satiate her? Or is it he who fulfils her deepest darkest desires whenever he takes her to bed?” Yasmin asked Shalini, puffing a cigarette. The question made Shalini uncomfortable yet made her zone out. Yasmin and Shalini were next-door neighbours and have been friends ever since Shalini moved to her new flat. They bonded like sisters, although they were the exact polar opposite of each other. Yasmin was...

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The Real Housewives of McKinney Part 3

I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the punch, I decided I’d write down...

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The Real Housewives of McKinney Part 5

The Real Housewives of McKinney.I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 88

Kat had tried to be good, she really had. She’d done all of her homework, helped her mom make dinner, and volunteered to do the dishes. After a little TV the whole family had gone straight to bed; this time of year it was getting dark early and a good, long night’s sleep seemed like a great idea.But an hour later Kat found herself tossing and turning in the silent house, feeling wide awake and restless. She tried touching herself to see if that would help, but it just wasn’t working tonight....

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"There is absolutely nothing to do in this hick town," eighteen year old Amy Teller whined from the back seat of her family's SUV. They passed the tiny movie theater and one of the two gasoline stations on their way to her Grandmother's house in Winford, West Virginia. "Hey, over there is a movie rental place that has a video game room," her 19 year old brother Jake laughed. He had to take off a week from his studies in order to attend his Grandmother's sixtieth birthday. As he listened to his...

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County Fair

County Fair By The Professor Most of the year, I envy guys my age, growing up in cities like Omaha or Lincoln. They've got it made with concerts and big movie theaters - not little ones like the Rivoli here in Leeds - and all sorts of amusements. But every fall as the end of September rolls around, I start to feel a little sorry for them. That's because late September is when we celebrate the Carver County Fair. "Mr. Hall?" "Huh?" I looked up at Mr. Jackson, our American History...

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Dolcett County Ponygirls

Dolcett County PonygirlsBy Sarah        Author’s Note:  I would like to thank P_Eric of the forum, for introducing us to the idea of the multi-zonal jurisdictions in his version of a Dolcett World.  I would also like to thank him for allowing me to use part of his transportation idea, to bring our main character out to the area.  If you haven’t read his work yet, I suggest you first read ?Air Dolcett?,14887.msg169673.html#msg169673  so you can bring...

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The Legend of Whitburn County

I just want to go on record right now, in front of God and everybody, that I never, ever planned it to wind up the way it did. Things just happened. In the end, though, I’m glad it all worked out. See, Jared and I always wanted to play basketball. He was too skinny and I was too short for football, and neither one of us could throw or hit or run very well to play baseball or track. There were endless nights playing half-court in the driveway of Jared’s family farm, shooting hoops until his...

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Desperate Housewives Part1

Michelle was a lovely young woman that lived across the road from me. One day I had helped her to get her car started when I saw her battling to start it on her way out. She had both her k**s strapped up in their car seats, her daughter of almost two Caitlin, and her newly born son, Mark. I managed to get her car started, and she sped off, waving and mouthing her thanks. A couple of hours later I heard my doorbell ringing and went and opened it up, and was pleasantly surprised to find Michelle...

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My County Tis of MineChapter 1

I was two weeks short of 15 when dad explained the facts of life here in our county. "Son, your grandfather was a brilliant man. He won one of the first large lottery jackpots and moved here so he could own the whole county. He invested wisely and I think I've done a good job following his lead. This is a dirt poor county with less than 10,000 people in and our family owns most of it. We own the Ford and the Chevy dealership along with the Toyota store. In addition we own all the fast food...

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The Real Housewives of McKinney Party I

I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the punch, I decided I’d write down...

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The Real Housewives of McKinney Party 2

I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the punch, I decided I’d write down...

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The Real Housewives Of McKinney Part 6

I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the punch, I decided I’d write down...

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The Bong Housewives 8211 Part 2

Sharmila called me after her daughter went for tutions. She said to me don’t come through the gate. She asked me to jump the boundary wall which was on the other side of our houses. I went outside and checked if anyone was noticing me. When I saw nobody was there as it was already a bit dark, I jumped the boundary wall and entered her house. She had kept open the drawing room door and I entered through it. I checked for her in the drawing room but she wasn’t there and then I went inside the...

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The housewives private sex club Part 2

I had only been to the housewives secret sex club once and I already felt that I had become addicted to sex with young men. My friend had got me to go the first time and I really enjoyed myself especially knowing that my husband was at work and I was having wonderful sex with a gorgeous young man behind his back, I love cheating on him, it’s so exciting. I had arranged to go again and this time I was determined to have two young men at my disposal. I preferred them in their very early 20s so...

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The Bong Housewives 8211 Part 1

My roommate told me about the neighbour bong housewife who lives in the nearby building when I first came to settle in Calcutta. I was really eager to see her as my friend had already described her beauty in detail and how she responds to his gestures. I came to Calcutta looking for a job from a small town. I have had relationships before but never had the opportunity to loose my virginity due to small town upbringing. I was very excited about my new beginning in a new metropolitan city and...

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When Good Housewives Go Bad

Introduction: Family Guy STRAIGHT DS??? Lois paces around the kitchen table, holding Chris most recent Report Card. By the tone of her voice, she doesnt seem happy about it. Chris sits at the table with a solemn look on his face, knowing he hasnt done any good. Chris, I am very disappointed in you. She says. What happened to your father? He was supposed to be tutoring you. Well, every time we started, Dad said he had to go get some Tutoring Aids. Chris tells her. At that moment, Peter bursts...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 69

As she watched Annalise’s face disappear underneath Ana’s ample derriere, Lexi was struck with a brilliant idea. Returning to the kitchen, she found Annalise’s purse and searched through it until she found the wallet. Riffling through the credit cards, Lexi selected a Platinum Visa card and repaired to her computer, where she called up an adult website and started shopping.As the sound of soft moans drifted in from the bedroom, Lexi picked out a couple of strap-ons, handcuffs, leather...

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Revenge of the Drunken Housewives

Helen didn't know why Sylvia had asked her to come over, but she had sound so distraught on the phone, the 38 year old housewife had abandoned the cookies she was rolling out for her son's party that night and crossed the suburban street that separated her home from Sylvia's. Sylvia terribly upset by something, her brown eyes wide, her full lips quivering. "My God, Sylvia!" she exclaimed. "What's wrong?" "I...I..." Sylvia stammered. "You better sit down, Helen." Her best friend indicated the...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 32

Jackie woke up from a highly erotic dream feeling disoriented and kind of uncomfortable. It took her a few seconds of looking around the room to remember that she had spent the night at Lexi’s, against her better judgement; after a long day of school and practice, followed by a long, sweaty roll in the hay, she hadn’t had the energy to go home. The discomfort came from her arms, which had been lifted over her head and tied to the bedposts, one with a scarf and one with the belt of a robe.Just...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 30

The next day was Monday, a school day for the cheerleaders. For the housewives, it was just a continuation of the weekend. Samantha, Betty Ann, and Janice gathered at Jessica’s, sipping mimosas by the pool and watching as Marie practiced her rope techniques on Jane in the living room. Some of the positions she was put in looked extremely uncomfortable, but Jane suffered it all without a word of complaint. Later she was brought outside and made to service each woman in turn. Janice, who went...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 29

The housewives and cheerleaders piled into Jackie and Ella’s cars and drove to Jessica’s, where they pulled up at the same time as Jessica’s SUV. Marie waved to them from the passenger seat, and when the garage door slid open and Jessica pulled in, the ladies filed into the garage to greet them.In the back seat of the SUV was an enormous trunk, which Jessica recruited a group including Jackie, Kelly, Kat, and Samantha to carry inside. They sat the thing down on the living room floor and stood...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 3

It was quite late by the time Kelly Ann and Olivia dressed to go home, looking a little wobbly on their legs with goofy, satisfied smiled on their faces. Jessica wrote out a check and handed it to Kelly, saying “Obviously I can’t keep writing you a check every day. But anytime you feel like dropping by, either one of you, you’ll be welcome. Isn’t that right, Marie?”Marie licked her lips, which were still well-coated with pussy juice. “Oui.”Kelly and Olivia walked together for two blocks,...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 1

From the outside, Glenview Drive appeared to be an ordinary suburban cul-de-sac. It was a relic from another time, the sort of place where the men went off to work in the morning, while their wives got the k**s off to school, then cleaned house and met for coffee in the afternoons.This wholesome veneer, however, concealed a hotbed of lesbian activity that was centered on the house at 420 Glenview. Located at the very end of the cul-de-sac, 420 was slightly larger than the other houses and set...

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Housewives secret sex club part 4

If there’s one thing I’ve enjoyed in my married life, it is my ability to lie to my husband about pretty much anything. In the early part of our marriage before the c***dren were born I considered myself to be fairly prudish and not at all promiscuous. But since I hit my 40s I know that I have become a complete and utter slut for other men. I have been a member of the housewives private sex club for two years now and really enjoyed going there spending my husbands hard earned money to be...

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A Group Of Unsatisfied Housewives

A bit about her background. She is a 5’4” lady with a 34/26/32 body Manisha. Her friends are Mona 36/34/36, Rita 32/28/30 and Isha 42/36/38. All of them are unsatisfied housewives and married more than 10 yrs. Their age group is between 32 and 38. All married to school time friends.They met on weekends as they had a Saturday night dinner at either one or the others places. The husbands though working with different companies were all workaholics and so their sex lives have become almost once in...

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A Group Of Unsatisfied Housewives

Hi, I am Mohan Reddy 52-year-old. I am writing this with the request of one of my friends who I made through ISS writing this story for her. After reading my stories she got in touch with me and we have been sharing pics and our intimate feelings. Due to location difference, we have not been able to meet but she shares a lot with me even about her friends. A bit about her background. She is a 5’4” lady with a 34/26/32 body Manisha. Her friends are Mona 36/34/36, Rita 32/28/30 and Isha 42/36/38....

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I am Vimal. I am 29 yrs old. I am not married. Living in Delhi remote area after my friend Ashok (33yrs) told me buy a house near him. I bought big house and moved there my house was some 100 ft from him there is no house in between so we came see ourselves a bit from our houses. I got a bike for my travel my office is just 5 minutes from home. Ashok is doing some business in NCR north a long way he goes by his scooter daily. If he goes in the morning he comes late night so I use to help them...

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Hungry Housewives 8211 Milf Chronicles 8211 Part 2

Hey everybody! This is Arshad here, from Mumbai, continuing my story of the Hungry Housewives – Milf Chronicles. About me : people describe me as a jolly, fun-loving and eccentric guy. I’ve been called a ‘Gentleman on the streets, Tiger under the sheets’. You can contact me at : Also, quick thanks to ISS for providing a great platform to express ourselves here, and get mingling with great like-minded people. Now we quickly get to the story. Please read the first part (if you haven’t) before...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 71

As Olivia entered the shop, Claire walked over smiling. “I hoped I might see you again,” she said, hugging Olivia and kissing her on the cheek. “Where’s your friend today?”“She’s, um, she’s busy,” answered Olivia. “How are you?”“I’m great!” chirped Claire. “I’m really glad you came in. I was just telling the manager about you. We’re getting ready to launch a new ad campaign for the shop – print and web ads, that sort of thing. I think you’d be just perfect for the photos.”“Gee,” said Olivia...

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Bored Housewives

JANE "My cock is six inches long. Not much compared to many guys, I admit, Jane, but those six inches are very willing to take care of your little problem." I had just barely opened the store. My wife had shut me off the previous evening, 'tired from taking care of the children', - believe that and I have a bridge for sale - and my quick jerk-off into the toilet had not really been satisfying. Well, no more than usual, anyway. Some people think that being a pharmacist is nothing but...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 6 A New Resident

Bob Turner climbed out of his car and grabbed his briefcase. It was still early afternoon on a Friday, but he had given himself the afternoon off. He unlocked the front door and went into the house. Setting his briefcase down in the foyer, he called out, in a high, false voice, “Lucy, I’m home!” Paige smiled in the kitchen where she was washing dishes. “Jack? Is that you?” she called out sweetly. Bob wandered into the kitchen. “Who’s Jack?” He came up behind Paige and kissed her on the back...

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Verde County

Introduction: This is not written by a woman, but from a womans perspective. I thought I would try to stretch myself. Ladies, let me know if I got it right. Why the hell do they call this Verde County? I thought. Doesnt verde mean green in Spanish? If it wasnt for the corn there wouldnt be any green. All I see are various shades of brown. I looked due west, over the hood of my Mitsubishi Eclipse and see the Rocky Mountains standing high above the horizon. Im lost in their beauty and my mind...

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Strange Happenings in Ragnarok County

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and any resemblance between real people and places is unintended. It does deal with Transgender themes and the supernatural. If these are not for you than stop here please! I the author reserves the right to repost this work. Thanks again to Janet Nolan, Hope, Holly and Paula for their great work and patience in proofing and first reads. Any mistakes of course are mine. Strange Happenings in Ragnarok County ...

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Verde County

I looked due west, over the hood of my Mitsubishi Eclipse and see the Rocky Mountains standing high above the horizon. I’m lost in their beauty and my mind wanders to the future. I am really looking forward to meeting up and spending the weekend with Karen, in Estes Park. It really sounds like fun. Especially now that I am rid of that loser, Joshua. I can’t believe I wasted one of my 28 years on that jealous, cheap, son of a bitch. I should have dumped him after the first week. I supposed...

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The Misfortunes of Twinks I A Dark Night at the County Fair

The Misfortunes of Twinks - I Chapter 1 - A Dark Night at the County FairBy: Arthur Wilde, Le Marquis De Zade(+M+fm/m, noncon, rape, forced, CBT, underwear, mast, oral, violent, humiliation, anal, milking; public places)************************************************************************A very dark night at a county fair for a very unlucky and unfortunate teenager. This story is not for the faint of heart or those who read pornographic erotica for the lovey dovey stuff....

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Occurrence At Palmetto County

ALL CHARACTERS ARE ADULTS. Abner Spinks murdered Carissa Browne, at Palmetto County, Florida on February 14th, 1899, Valentine’s Day. He was convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to die by Judge Rollo Sanders of the circuit court. So said the local newspaper. Spinks ambushed Carissa on her way to a neighbor’s house. He waited for her, concealed within a heavy thicket of palmettos, adjacent to a stretch of road that was deep sand, forcing the young woman to dismount her bicycle and...

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Knox County Ch 09

Before I start this, the final chapter of Knox County, I’d like to make a few comments. First, my most sincere apologies for taking so long to get this out. Yep, six months is inexcusable, but funny how life gets in the way sometimes. Second, thanks to all who have read and commented, both good and bad. Hey, even bad criticism is better than none at all. Third, this is a first for me. I have tried to tackle some tough subjects and do so in a compelling, believable manner. To do so, I have had...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 9 Scenes From A Cocktail Party

“I really appreciate this, guys,” commented Georgia for about the tenth time. Jeremy and Rusty smiled at each other and rolled their eyes. Moving Georgia Cummings’ outdoor bar system was a pain in the ass, but she was a nice lady otherwise. “Piece of cake, Mrs. Cummings!” replied Jeremy. “Are you going to the party?” asked Rusty. He was carrying a long water hose and a power cord and several blender pitchers, as Jeremy pushed the wheeled cart. Georgia’s duties seemed to consist of...

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The Sheriff of Spiny Cactus CountyEpisode 3 SCARECROW

The rattle of the engine caught the girl’s attention. When the power steering squealed, and brakes screeched, Cathy Lyman peeked through the blinds. She saw the Sheriff’s clunker pickup sitting in their circle drive. Her daddy got out of the passenger door, walking with a quick ginger step, when on his left foot. Earl Lyman leaned against the Sheriff for support. His left leg didn’t appear to enjoy supporting his body. Cathy took a deep breath, ‘Is Daddy hurt?‘ she ran to the door, flung it...

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One Fine Day in Coconino County

ONE FINE DAY IN COCONINO COUNTY by Laika Pupkino Somewhere out in the desert, a shifty little rodent stands leaning up against a funny looking rock. Up in the sky behind him a trio of pudgy bell-shaped UFOs sails past, perhaps on their way to some other story. A moment later a stout blue sillhouette carrying a night stick passes by... "Yo! How's it hangin' dawg?" The police dog stops, "Beg pardon?" The smaller figure shuffles obsequiously, "Er, I meant 'Good day, Officer!'...

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My County Tis of MineChapter 28

Country 28 Mom came in looking amazingly fresh, and I was awake awaiting details. Now I had swapped mom with two other kids but this was the first time I had actually pimped her out without me. On the one hand I found it a turn on to tell her to go fuck somebody and just have her do it because I told her so. It might have been a bigger turn on if she was a little reluctant, but I guess we were beyond any reluctance on her part to disagree with me. Almost a shame we had plenty of money, so I...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 14 Another Party

“Bob, I have a little confession to make,” announced Paige Turner “Oh, really? Who’d have guessed?” replied her husband with a smile. He was of two minds about the upcoming ‘confession.’ First was that a confession implied that Paige had done something bad or wrong, something which he wasn’t overly concerned with. If it had been serious, she would have said something as soon as he had gotten home from work. His second thought was that it was something Paige was embarrassed or nervous about,...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 10 After the Party

“Now what the fuck do we do?” muttered Bob Turner under his breath to the host, Tom Tallman. “Fuck if I know,” whispered back Tom. “Let’s hear from Barbara.” Bob shrugged in agreement, and the two men wandered back to the bar set up on the Tallman’s back deck. The party had broken up, and almost everyone had left. It was late, but three couples were heading out for some late-night clubbing, and most of the others had also gone home. All that was left now were Tom and Terri Tallman, who had...

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