The Housewives Of Coxville County Part 2 free porn video

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Chapter 1: The Coxville Book Club

The sun was just setting over Coxville County. The bird chirps that
assailed the orange sky were slowly fading out, and being replaced with the
faint baying of dogs as they barked in far off distances. The sprinklers
in the Summer's house had just shut off, leaving wet dew on the lawn of an
almost emerald hew when seen at particular angles, and casted reflections
of the sun onto the idle beads sitting atop the thousands of blades of
grass. The house was large and lavish, though something that one who lived
in the community would consider typical, down to the white picket fence and
centered welcome mat written in cursive. Inside Jenny Summers set a tray
of ice down on the living room table that sat in front of the large white
couch, which was on the opposite side of the large flat screen television
that was mounted on the wall, just above the collection of old football and
new golf trophies that sat arranged in order of year in a brown oak mantle
case. Stationed just below the television and in between the mantle case,
was a DVD player that had been affixed to the wall for easy use. To the
immediate left of the couch sat Harold's favorite reclining chair, a
luxurious brown piece that had fallen into the "do not touch" category the
very day he had bought it. On the opposite end of the chair, to the right
of the couch, was a smaller couch used to sit guests, positioning them in a
semi circle around the glass table.

"Ivy" called Jenny, "you almost finished with that lemonade? The girl's
will be here any minute!" The gorgeous blonde set the ice tray down on the
glass table.

"I know when the girls are supposed to be here, Jenny. I can keep track
of time you know. And yes, I'm almost finished", the equally beautiful
brunette Ivana snapped back.

Jenny walked over to the couch, fluffing out a couple of the seating
pillows and aligning them. Ivana Swallows meanwhile was in the kitchen,
putting the final stirs on a pitcher of lemonade with a large brown spoon.

"Oh Ivy, you have the movie right? I thought I'd placed it on the couch
awhile ago, but now its not here" said Jenny.

A secret smirk crossed Ivana's face upon hearing this.

"Oh? No I haven't. You sure you didn't put it someplace else?"

"No, I could have sworn I'd brought it here earlier", Jenny replied.

Ivana finished stirring the lemonade, and grabbed the pitcher by its
handle. She walked into the living room, each step with an audible clunk
from her high heels, a less than convincing perplexed look on her face as
though to express confusion as she looked over to the couch, and at the
empty space where the now disappeared DVD was.

"Well it isn't there now", said Ivana in response.

Jenny had a hand buried in the side of the couch, combing it from side
to side to see if the DVD she'd been looking for had somehow fallen between
the cushions. After a few moments of less that successful searching, she
came up empty handed and frustrated, and placed her hands on her hips.

"Darn'it, I know I had it here somewhere", said Jenny.

"Hmmm" began Ivana in the appearance of thought. "Why don't you retrace
your steps? I mean it didn't just get up and walk away after all."

Jenny hesitated for a moment and then nodded her head.

"Yeah, you're right. Let me go double check the bedroom, maybe I left
it there."

Jenny Summers wore a white, tight fitting blouse that was tucked into an
even tighter fitting black skirt that ended just at mid thigh, showing off
her taught legs and wide hips. As she turned from the couch and headed
towards the main hallway and to her bedroom, Ivana caught a full side
profile glimpse of Jenny's body as she left the living room...and a part of
her twitched at the sight. Over the last weeks Ivana had begun to notice
that her long time rival Jenny had put on a couple pounds. Nothing drastic
and hardly noticeable, but for Ivana noticeable all the same. Certain
parts of her were a bit softer and puffier than usual. Her face didn't
showcase her immaculate high cheekbones nearly as much as it used to - her
chin developing the scantest bit of pudginess near the jowl area. Her
waist and thighs weren't as slim, not as tight as they used to be, which
must have attributed to how tight fitting her blouse and skirt now were.
However, Ivana's disgust did not spawn from repulsion towards Jenny's
softer, less toned appearance. She was angry because, somehow, these new
"imperfections", if they could called as such, had made Jenny look...dare
Ivana thought...better. The extra facial and body weight that was now on
Jenny, somehow made her appear...younger, more youthful and giving her face
a more girlish appearance. One who had somehow ceased aging in the face at
the cusp of womanhood, while body still bloomed magnificently into a near
perfect figure. Her jowl area, now a bit more full, extenuated more of her
natural beauty, capturing the curves of her full lips, and the contours of
her chin, nose, and giving her bright blue eyes more of a foreground to be
taken notice of when looking at her.

And more still was the fact that the added bit of weight to her body had
- in what seemed to be in total contradiction to Ivana- made her appear
more physically healthy and voluptuous than before. An hourglass would not
have served as a decent description of her shape. Her breasts, still
large, still round (if not moreso now), had maintained their natural shape
an appearance of softness. They still curved upward near the nipple, and
they still held a natural bounce as Jenny walked down the hall. They were
held tightly in place by the fabric of the blouse, while her waist and
stomach didn't bulge as one would expect with weight gained, but merely
distributed the weight in equal measure throughout her entire body. Her
mid section had gotten a bit wider, but so did her hips, ass, thighs, and
legs in accommodation. Jenny had just gotten bigger overall, with the
muscle she had from before holding the extra meat firmly in place. The
weight gain had taken the shape of mass more than bulk, making Jenny
resemble more of a super-heroine rather than a swelling whore, some sort of
finely aged goddess from Norse mythology rather than a low class fraud who
hadn't been watching her diet as of late. And what perhaps disturbed Ivana
the most, was that glow Jenny now seemed exude. Over the last few weeks
Ivana had started to take note of a kind of...radiance emitting from Jenny.

She always appeared to have a slight sheen to her skin. A natural glow
that gave her pallor a healthy looking tint of pink, that in turn
emphasized Jenny's long golden hair. When she smiled, showcased her set of
pearly white teeth, her entire visage beamed. It was the kind of glow
Ivana noticed a woman would have after a long hot bath or stint at the spa,
or...Ivana thought to herself, the glow you get after having really good
sex, she finished, biting off the thought as quickly as it came. Ivana did
not know this sort of glow herself really, at the very least not as well as
Jenny had proven to, but her and her girlfriends in the past had always
noticed, somehow consciously been able to read the physical signs of their
peers after one of them had had a particularly enjoyable romp with one of
the male (and in some rare cases female) students.

It pissed Ivana off to no end. The slut went around doing god knows
what with other men at that, and somehow managed to look
healthier, better for it? The mere notion made Ivana's stomach turn. She
toiled night and day to maintain her physique. She scrutinized and
calculated every single morsel and calorie of food she put into her body,
while of course all Jenny Summers had to do was sleep around and swallow
black spunk to look just as good (and then some). And for it, everyone in
Coxville loved her, little miss perfect Jenny Summers.

Ivana's fists clenched for a moment. Clenched, and then released. She
let the anger slip, pass from her in a single exhalation of inner heat.
It's alright, she thought to herself. Everything is fine. Jenny won't
look at all like the rosy little princess that everyone sees her as after
tonight, that's for damn sure.

After a few moments Ivana poked her head into the hallway, making sure
Jenny was out of sight before she made her move. Quickly as her step in
heels would permit, she strode down the hallway, her enormous tanned
breasts bouncing slightly with her pace, and over to the coat rack that
stood next the front door. She went through the pockets of her brown
jacket, one she had brought there earlier that day and had hung on the
rack. From one of the deeper inner pockets, she retrieved a slim black
jewel disc case, with a silver DVD inside titled "Coxville Book Club Film".
From another pocket in her coat, Ivana withdrew another jewel case with a
DVD inside, and it too read "Coxville Book Club Film". The two discs were
identical, except for one minor difference. On the second DVD there was a
small period made at the end of the title, a dark subtle mark that only
Ivana would recognize between the two discs.

Ivana's plan was simple, though she had gone through each step in her
head meticulously, over and over again that entire week. Ivana's
objective, the destruction of her best friend and greatest rival Jenny
Summers, was about to commence. After years of bringing up the rear
socially, Ivana now had all the pieces assembled to turn the tables of her
seemingly inescapable station as Coxville's second best woman, the primary
piece to the plot having been given to her by Jenny's own hand. The plan
had taken shape from the events of what had happened the previous week
during a Coxville High basketball game. In short, Jenny, a married mother,
had been caught - discovered in the most crass and crude of methods - with
a very large, very black man in one of the school rooms on campus. Ivana -
who had stumbled upon the act - had filmed the disgusting display with the
new camcorder her husband George had bought not long before. The panting
and puffing, grunts, groans, and cussing, loud slams of flesh on flesh, and
base a****listic behavior, had all been captured on high definition film,
immortalizing Jenny's true whorish self. After the deed was done, both
parties spent, Ivana had taken the footage home, and through a bit of
searching on the internet for instruction, and a quick trip to the local
electronic store, had succeeded in making a DVD copy of the act. Jenny,
the Queen of Coxville as many called her, would be exposed for the lowly
fraud that Ivana had always known she was. And the forum for this
unveiling would be held at none other than the whore's own house, in front
of her best friends, who just so happened to be the loudest band of gossips
in the county.

The girls in the Coxville Book Club had been gathering on a monthly
basis for almost a year now. It had begun with idle chit chat one day
between Ivana, and Mrs. Bianca Blackwood in the faculty lounge at Coxville
High where they worked. Bianca, being a teacher and also adept with
keeping in shape, and Ivana being the head school nurse, would often engage
in idle tete a tete on topics pertaining to diet, their workout regimens,
the state of nutrition (or lack thereof) in the school, and other topics of
interest that they both shared. One day the two women were discussing
their thoughts on a contemporary fiction novel - a modern romance that they
had both found particularly intriguing. Eventually during the
conversation, Jenny Summers - much to Ivana's dismay - had been brought
into the conversation by Bianca, after discovering Jenny had also read the
novel. Bianca asked for her thoughts on the ending, one which Jenny found
the happy ending of the story to be an unrealistic, on account that the
blue eyed and fair haired male protagonist did not seem to be nearly as
masculine, or as physically equipped to satisfy the needs of his tall, dark
haired female counterpart.

"He just didn't seem...well...manly enough for her. I mean all that
crying he did near the end during that rain storm, and the way they
described him physically just made him seem so...pale and skinny, built
like more of little boy than a man. Not nearly enough for a tall fit girl
like her", said Jenny with matter of fact fervor.

This in turn struck up a small debate between Jenny and Ivana on their
separate takes on some of the finer points of dialogue and plot found in
the story. They went on for the entire span of their lunch break about the
characters, their interpretations of the imagery and their metaphors, as
well as what they felt was an incredibly erotic use of superlative language
in certain prose. By the time they had finished, they were so enamored
with the discussion they had decided to reconvene at a later time so that
they may continue it. A discrepancy in scheduling made it difficult for
the three women to find time for them to all meet up in the lounge at the
same time. Jenny was swamped, what with her taxing instructional duties as
cheerleading coach, and Ivana and Bianca had their own affairs to attend
to. After a minute or two of comparing conflicting schedules, the trio
decided that they would meet the following week, which fell on the first of
the following month. They decided to meet not at the school, but at
Jenny's house and at a time when all three women would have a few spare
hours to their name. Smilingly, the girls (Ivana included out of fear of
seeming like a killjoy) had agreed.

The following week Ivana and Bianca arrived to Jenny's house.
Unexpectedly in tow was Sammy Spitzmen - the young redheaded girl who lived
next door to Ivana, who had been informed of the meeting just after a
rigorous workout with Ivana at the local gym they both frequented - and
Anya White - the tall dark haired wife of Bianca's neighbor Tom White.
Sammy - having hours of free time to spare that evening, and still bursting
with energy even after having finished the majority of her chores at her
suburban home as a newly married housewife - decided to tag along with
Ivana, despite her admittedly limited knowledge of the book that was to be
the evening's main course of discussion. Anya, a tall and exceptionally
curvaceous woman of a remarkable beauty that fit her in perfectly amongst
Coxville's female natives, had decided to accompany Bianca after speaking
to her on the phone, on the grounds she merely wished to be out of her
house for a few of hours. Being born not a member of the Coxville
community, but a foreigner from a small, unpronounceable remote town
somewhere in Russia, she saw the meeting as an opportunity to befriend a
few of the local townswomen, and establish a cluster of people of whom she
could perhaps call her friends. Having also read most of the book herself,
a practice of her own making to develop her still budding skills with the
English language, Anya had decided the meeting would be a refreshing event
to take part in.

Despite several spills of lemonade and blunders with kitchenware onto
the floor from the clumsy Sammy, - who was all left feet unless exercising
- and the difficult language barrier found in communicating ideas to the
thick accented Anya, the gathering couldn't have been any more joyous. The
girls exchanged thoughts, ideas, and voiced discrepancies with one another.
They filled Sammy in on the details of the novel that she didn't quite
understand, and Jenny and Ivana had engaged in a particularly lively
debate, once again over the plot's ending, that only ceased after Bianca
intervened. Before they knew it, the moon had risen and Jenny's husband
Harold had returned home, weary after a long day at the office. With his
arrival, the girls decided that they'd conclude their gathering, but pick
up the discussion the following month, same time, same place. And thus the
Coxville Book Club was born.

As the women talked more and more during the club meeting's interim,
they passed on knowledge of other novels that they thought one another
would be interested in. This pattern of passing information became
routine, and before the ladies knew it, they were reading almost a every
few weeks. Jenny in the comfort of her bed at night next to her snoring
husband, Ivana during the waning quiet hours in her office at the school,
Bianca in her classroom whilst taking a break from the arduous, often
irksome task of grading less than stellar papers and essays, Anya after a
taxing yoga session or an argument with Tom, and Sammy while cycling or
during a less intense portion of her daily workout routine. Over the
course of that year they had discussed many books and novellas, and held
over dozens of conversations. Things had progressed in much the same
pattern that entire year, all the way up until now, with Ivana swapping the
second disc into the case of the other, and vice versa, and placing the
switched DVD not into her own coat pocket, but into Jenny's, which had been
hung right next to Ivana's.

Things, for a time, were good for the girls. Good, yet not without
their own stint of tribulation. The few more recent months had been
something of a low point for the club. Interesting though the discourse
amongst invariably girls was, though the novels they read kept them fairly
entertained in the duller hours of their everyday lives, the ladies
couldn't help but feel the faint approach of boredom creep closer and
closer upon them with each gathering. No amount of intriguing literature
could banish the strain of routine after all, as all the women soon began
to realize, though kept quiet amongst themselves for fear of sounding like
a nag. Meeting again, month after month, had turned into a habit. With
that habit came the feeling of mundaity, and with the feeling of the
mundane came a hesitance to attend. Conversation grew stale, subject
matter and context began to lose meaning and worth, and the girls soon
found themselves in an increasing number of prolonged silences. To bolster
their spirits with a change of scenery, the girls decided to rotate the
hosting houses from month to month. One meeting would be held at another
girl's house, from Ivana to Sammy, Sammy to Bianca, Bianca to Anya, and
Anya back to Jenny. They changed the genre of books they read from
contemporary romance to fantasy, thriller, some horror, and even a spot of
science fiction by Sammy's suggestion. This served to create more
discrepancies amongst the group than it did strengthening bonds. The
subject matter was just too broad, left people either torn, dissatisfied,
or wholly confused. Soon they decided to jump more into tales of classic
origin, and to give the club a bit of a jolt to their sessions, they
decided to add film to format in order to spice things up visually.

The plan this month for the book club was to watch a film version of the
most recent novel they had been reading, a period piece about a single
mother raising her c***dren, and finding a new romance in a wounded soldier
guilty of desertion in the south during the Civil War. After watching the
film, they would discuss their thoughts, and compare its contents to the
novel. It was a sure fire method to get the girls talking again, to get
them interested again. Ivana however, had a different film in mind for the
evening. One that would most certainly get the girls talking. In the
event Jenny decided to place the blame on her for switching the DVDs -
transfer the outright guilt of unveiling the craven carnal appetites
harbored by the blonde to Ivana's questionable tactics of deception - the
evidence being found in her own pocket would ruin any remaining credibility
that was to be salvaged. Their peers, after seeing what was on the planted
DVD, would most likely be too shocked, too appalled by the footage, to give
any credence to Jenny's claims.

It would be considered a product of Jenny's own lack of caution in
labeling such a lewd video of her being engaged in such abominable acts, an
attempt to dupe Jenny's husband Harold should he come across the DVD and
wonder of its content. Surely he'd find nothing suspicious in Coxville
Book Club Film being written on such an unassuming disc. And by the time
the footage was shown, its contents showcased, and the accompanying fallout
from its unveiling exploded, would the particulars of how the DVD came to
be, or how it came to replace the original film really matter? The
identity of the mysterious third party who recorded their tryst wouldn't
take precedence over the film's footage, nor would Jenny's lax skills in
hiding her depraved trophy of the act count for much in the court of her
peers. With possession being 9/10s of the law, and the evidence being 100%
true in regards to the female participant's identity would be two strikes
out of three for the blond harlot.

In switching the DVDs, Ivana was setting a fire that would finally burn
her long time rival to her very foundation, ashes to ashes. Her peers, her
best friends, after seeing how disgusting Jenny really was, would turn
their backs on the blond in sheer revulsion. Word would surely spread
through the teacher's lounge in low grumbles, through the gym, through
phone calls and so forth, about why the girls had suddenly decided to erase
Jenny from their list of friends. What with the town being so small, and
the lips of the other girls being so loose when it came to gossip, ripples
were sure to follow. Jenny's reputation would be annihilated, the facts
and proof laid out for all to see, and after the subsequent divorce from an
outraged and heartbroken Harold, Jenny would remain as a scarlet shaded
slattern, the blonde pariah of Coxville. The social leper, who's true,
tarnished colors shone for everyone to see. It would be glorious, and it
made the smirk on Ivana's face twist into a smile resembling that of a
busty Cheshire cat.

It sent ripples of pleasure throughout her body, a twinge of excitement
for the execution to begin. It wasn't evil, wasn't petty or cruel if it
was for the reputation of the town, Ivana had told herself numerous times
since making the duplicate DVD. What she was doing was a service to her
town, exposing indecency for what it truly was. And what was on that DVD,
the raw, sweaty, loud, forceful display Ivana had seen, was indecency at
it's most potent. So potent that numerous times Ivana had secretly wanted
to watch the footage again to grasp what it was on camera that in person
left her so awe struck. Despite her innate nodding to put the DVD in, to
push play outright to see it, Jenny and that big hulk of a man, him pushing
his enormous...thing into her with the subtlety of a mating bull...his
huge...Ivana shook herself out of the trance. Disgusting, she thought to

Ivana could hear Jenny riffling through things in her room. It made her
jump, thinking that perhaps Jenny was returning to the living room.
Hastening her pace, she walked back over to the couch, and lifted one of
the pillows that had been sitting there. She placed the second DVD, the
one with the period, onto the couch, just between the seats to avoid any
lingering suspicion of it randomly disappearing and reappearing again out
of thin air. Jenny would equate the finding of the item to her simply
overlooking the lesser explored crevasse of the couch. By the time the
footage was played, it would be far too late for Jenny to deny or protest.
Just as she settled the DVD in its place, and put the pillow back on top of
it, Ivana heard the sharp ding-dong of the doorbell.

"That's them!" shouted Jenny from the other room.

"Alright, I'm finishing up this lemonade Jen, let them on in and we'll
find it afterwards", replied Ivana. She scampered away from the couch and
back into the kitchen just as Jenny strode through the hallway and towards
the front door.

Jenny tugged and pulled at her clothes a bit, adjusted the pin that held
up her hair, and she opened the door to a high pitched hail of voices.

"Hey girl!" squealed Sammy.

"Helloo!" said Bianca.

"Jenny!" said Anya in her thick European accent.

"Hey girls!" said Jenny with a bright smile. "Come on in."

She hugged each girl as they walked in, each woman holding matching
copies of a book as they passed the threshold. As the four of them walked
through the foyer the living room, Ivana had just been making her way out
of the kitchen with the cold pitcher of lemonade, seemingly for the first
time in several minutes.

"Hey ya'll" said Ivana.

She set the pitcher down lightly on the glass table, and made her way
around the room, giving hugs to the other girls. Some idle talk,
compliments on one another's outfit and their origin were passed around.
The girls laughed, making small talk about the goings on of their day, the
strenuous nature of their workout at the gym, their frustrations with
certain students at school, and the lack of appreciation from their husband
and/or respect from their stepsons. When the girls finally got settled,
Jenny stated that there was a slight problem in finding the film of the
evening, bringing up the disappearance of the DVD they were supposed to
watch that night.

"You mean this one?" said Sammy almost immediately in her typical
girlish tone.

She sat up slightly in her seat on the couch, lifting herself up from
one of the pillows she had been sitting against, and felt something hard
and somewhat pointy against the cushioning. Low and behold, Sammy had
found the missing DVD, holding up the black jewel case and disc inscribed
with the words "Coxville Book Club Film." in bold dark marker.

"Oh, that's it!" said Jenny in surprise. "I swear I near tore that
couch apart looking for it."

"Well, obviously you didn't look well enough hon", said Ivana a more
smug expression than perhaps merited, a smirk painted her face and
reflected in her green eyes perhaps more than she intended to convey.

"Well...I suppose so. Oh well, we found it so that's all that matters."
Said Jenny briskly. "Ya'll girls ready to get started?"

That's weird, I could have sworn I checked under each pillow, Jenny
thought to herself.

"Oh absolutely, I've been waiting for this all week", said Bianca.
Sigh...I hope this doesn't go on for too long tonight, I've still got a
mountain of papers to grade thought Bianca.

"Yep, let's get this show on the road!" said Sammy enthusiastically,
somewhat bouncing in her seat like a teenage girl. Did I forget to turn
the porch light before I left? I could have sworn I did? What time did
Steve say he was coming home tonight? Early I think. I hope he's not too
exhausted tonight, rambled Sammy in a no specific pattern in her mind.

"Da, cannot wait", said Anya. I'm just glad to be away from Tom and
that little prick Todd she thought to herself.

Jenny took the DVD, and walked over to the television mounted on the far
wall. Using the remote she turned on the flat screen TV, and with the same
remote activated the DVD player. The screen illuminated in a brilliant
high definition shade of bright blue. The girls gathered in their seats,
Anya, Sammy, and Bianca sitting on the middle couch, while Ivana stood just
in front of Harold's reclining chair, too excited, too enthralled with the
promise of the oncoming storm.

"Everyone keeps telling me the movie was better than the book", said
Jenny with her back to the girls.

"Yes, it's gotten very favorable reviews thus far. I'm actually really
excited to see it for myself", said Bianca.

"How'd you manage to get a copy of it so early Jen", came Sammy.
"Didn't this only just come out a couple weeks ago?"

Jenny bent over and forward a bit, placing the DVD into the player and
pushing the open/close button on the right side of the machine. Her
posture and position reminded Ivana of that night, bent over on the science
lab table. She had to shake her head again to oust the image.

"Well", Jenny began with a hint of hesitance. "I've got a friend who
works for the S.A.G. We were talking one day, and I got around to telling
him we were reading the book, and he told me that he was reviewing the film
version. It went against a rule or two, but I was able to convince him to
let us borrow his copy for a night to use in the club meeting. That's why
I was so panicked about it being lost. It's his only copy."

Did you fuck him too, you slut? Thought Ivana.

"Wow Jenny, you've got connections", said Sammy in tone that hinted of

Jenny and the other girls laughed, while Ivana stood silent. Once the
DVD was in the player, the opening slid shut, and small text on the upper
left corner of the screen read "play" in bold white letters. This is it,
thought Ivana.

"Well, maybe one or two. He's already seen it for his review, so he
didn't see any harm in letting up use it for tonight."

"Alright girls, here we go, this is gonna be good", said Jenny as she
turned and made her way towards Harold's reclining chair. Jenny had been
told numerous times of his desire for his chair to be unused by anyone else
aside from himself, however Jenny had time and time again showed little to
no concern for such a request, especially these days it seemed.

"S'cuse me Ivy" said Jenny stepping passed Ivana to get to the chair.

The girls all leaned forward in anticipation, Ivana stood just next to
Jenny as she swung her large curvy bottom into Harold's recliner, and sat
on its edge.

"Ivy, why you are still standink?" asked Anya looking over to Ivana.
"Com, seat." She said, placing her hand on the open space on the couch.

"Oh I'm fine darlin" replied Ivana with a light smile. "I was just
gonna grab a glass from the kitchen."

And with that Ivana turned and headed towards the kitchen, making her
presence less known as she slipped out. The blue screen turned to black
for a long moment, as the DVD player read the data on the disc.

"Hurry Ivy it's starting", called Sammy.

She waited, listened, and stilled herself as much as she could with
anticipation. After another long pause, the silence of the room was broken
by precession of audible grunting, pants, and moans that Ivana knew to be
familiar from the other room. The video had started, and for a moment she
swore from the kitchen she had heard a simultaneous gasp from the girls at
once. A collective breath of shock from the living room as the various
noises filled the area. As the loud pounding noises commenced, the deep
baritone of the black man's voice vibrated in the surround sound, before
the familiar accompanying female voice chimed in with,

Oh shit! You're burying that big black cock so DEEP!

Ivana could hear the soundtrack of the video playing in the other room,
each sound emphasized by the surround sound speakers positioned at
different points in the room. And with that, Ivana plan had commenced.


Ivana had to clamp a hand over her mouth to keep herself from laughing
out loud. It was really happening. Jenny Summers was being destroyed at
this very moment. Ivana wanted to rush back into the living room to see
the look of stark terror on her face in being exposed in front of the

She wanted to laugh, jump around, and poke a finger in Jenny's face with
an exclamatory "HA!" However, despite her innate to capitalize on the fall
of her rival, and the...odd.. truly odd sensation of warmth that started
pulsing through Ivana's body in response to all the different noises.

The slapping of what she knew to be dark honed muscle slamming against
soft white skin. The sensation slowly crept from her head, then to her
chest, and feeling her nipples hardening for some reason. She noticed her
heart was beating quicker than normal, this feeling, this deep warmth going
down her stomach and her legs would go back up her thighs to give a rush of
heat to herUgh! You like dat big ol nigga dick stretchin out yo pussy huh,
dirty white bitch?!

The phrase sent another strange pulse through Ivana's body. She turned
and began making her way back into the living room in haste, since all the
focus in the room was undoubtedly being directed to the screen; which she
now wants to see for herself (again) as well. Oh shit, the glass. She
opened the cabinet and retrieved a small glass from the middle cubbard and
closed it.

A part of her was surprised that none of the girls, Jenny especially had
jumped up and hit the stop button on the DVD player. The footage was
rather...shocking to say the least. The vision held you in place in much
the same way watching a car crash or watching a building explode. When she
entered the living roomer, there wasn't a single person that stirred, moved
or spoke from her angle. Now, for a bit of acting on my part,

"Did any of you girls want any-", an abrupt pause. She gave a practiced
gasp of shock intended to imply that she had been taken off guard from
seeing the footage for first time, which in effect wasn't entirely untrue
to her she thought.

Ivana had forced herself to not look at the video again since the night
of the game when it was first captured on the camcorder. Perhaps from some
sort of irrational fear that she would somehow be tainted by the images if
she saw it again. Since then, the whole ordeal had distorted into merely a
kaleidoscopic slew of abstract parts of images. a****listic grunts, curse
words, single muddled shots of body parts, and patches of sweat had
replaced the entire memory of the ordeal. But leaving just
certain...feelings in their place that Ivana thought was strange for her.

Strange, because of their habit to cause her heart to race, and equally
(if not more so), strange because the sensation of her heart racing in the
manner on hand, was often associated to her wanting sex. And now, days
later, all the pieces had were reassembled before Ivana into a singular
panoramic image. However this didn't help the fact that she had caught
herself thinking about it more times than even she was willing to admit to
herself. The crystal clear images of the black man and his gargantuan
penis plunging itself into Jenny's pink muff was now recaptured. This time
perhaps. even more thoroughly from the intensity of their fucking.

Yet another surge went through Ivana's spine as she reached the open
space of the living room, the jolt was so strong this time upon seeing the
black stud giving it to Jenny without a shred of mercy, that she actually
dropped the small glass that was in her hand. It hits the hardwood floor
with a sharp crash, which oddly made Ivana's surprise now seem more
genuine. This crap can't possibly be turning me on! Ivana thought while
trying to collect herself. As she did she noticed the slight feeling of
dampness between her legs.

Fuck! You're gonna make me cum on that huge motherfucker!

Ugh, yeah, I'm bout to nut too baby.

The silence persisted outside the soundtrack of Jenny's writhing and the
black man's grunting. Ivana wanted to observe the faces of the other
girls, but she couldn't manage to pull herself away from the images that
paraded in front of her. It was just

Oh yes! That's it, baby! Pound that pussy! Give me that hot white
nigger load!


The same climax, the same close up shot of the black man's huge member
flopping out of Jenny's beaten hot pink colored pussy. The thick white
globs dribbled profusely from the opening of a cock head the size of a
fist. It was the same motion of Jenny quickly turning and falling to her
knees while taking the bulbous thing into her mouth. The same thick liquid
pumps down her hot mouth and into her throat, while her head bobs furiously
in the process. The same white remains dribbling down her chin and onto
her heaving tits.


The intensity waned, leaving the pair catching their breaths. Ivana had
intended to savor the next part and drink the next bit of dialogue in as
though it were the last dregs of a fine rare wine. But she was too
occupied with her own physical situation. The wetness that now soiled her
white cotton panties.

Ma cousin Jerome was right. You one bad bitch Mrs. Summers. Shit, I
ain't neva seen a white bitch take all ma meat like dat beefo.

And the piece de resistance, the cherry on top, the killing blow. me Jenny, came the woman in the video between bouts of
licking and sucking on the man's soften, monstrous cock head. Jenny's face
is now in full view of the camera. What was your name again?

The rest fell into a blur due to a lack of relevance. The climax had
hit and the countdown reached zero. When Ivana finally turns her head away
from the glowing screen, she surveyed a room filled with only a host of
ghost white, jaw dropped, effeminate faces. Sammy, Bianca, and Anya sat
right next to each other on the couch and looked frozen as though they were
statues made of pure ice. Their eyes glued to the screen all the way up to
the final frame and eventually cut to blue, the word "stop" appears on the
upper left side of the screen.


For a long while one spoke, no one uttered a single word. Ivana glances
down to Harold's reclining chair and at the snow white face of Jenny
Summers, her rival-or rather- her ex-rival. When Jenny finally spoke
again, it seemed distant, tiny and on the cusp of being ethereal.

"Girls I...I"

Ivana crossed her arms under her enormous breasts in triumph. I've done
it! Game Over, Slut! There's no way you could deny this. Not with the
camera showing a clear shot of your face covered with that black man's

"Well..." began Ivana, breaking the long stint of silence trying to keep
her face as stoic as possible. "Jenny...I just don't know what to say.
I'm shocked really..."

To this the other three girls finally brought themselves out of their
stupor to nod at Ivana's statement. All of them leering at Jenny, all of
their faces wearing the same wordless O of shock.

"To think you were capable of something so...I mean...what in your right
mind would possess you to...I can't even put the words in my mouth."

Ivana was coaxing the other girls into joining in, to fill in the blanks
of her purposely broken sentences.

The girls only nodded in agreement. They were still quiet, but all of
them were listening, present, and in complete compliance to her every word.
Ivana suspected they would be as such from now on, what with their great
heroine Jenny Summers now being torn down from her pedestal and Ivana being
the only acceptable choice remaining to lead them. This is fitting
actually, no. More than fitting, this is perfect.

"So ladies..." she said, looking over to the three on the couch. Ivana
drops what little resistance towards gloating, "do you have anything to say
to Mrs. Perfect?" There's no point in holding back now. All Ivana would
have to do, with the explosion already set and ready, would be to strike
the match. It was, surprisingly, Sammy who spoke up first out of the trio,
an O still formed on her tiny mouth.

"Jenny..." Sammy comes out with a mousy tone.

Here it comes, thought Ivana.

"Good Lord, girl!" she then blurted out.

"I- I had no idea you could, that was- I'm-" stammered Bianca.

"bozche moi Jenny!" Said Anya.

"That was...THE..." her mouth emphasizing the word "the".

Its happening chimed Ivana in her mind.

"Yes Jenny" began Ivana "that was purely-", but she was cut again by

"HOTTEST thing I've ever seen!"

A key characteristic of Sammy Spitzmen was that whenever she was truly
awestruck, her bright green eyes would widen and beam with an incandescent
shine. She resembled a girl on Christmas morning that had just walked down
to her living room to find a pony, a brand new princess dress, and a
full-fledged castle waiting for her. This was the expression of pure glee
and amazement that was painted on her face when she shot right up from the

In response, Anya rose from her seat with a similar expression that
almost had the same degree of wonder and enthusiasm, while Bianca remained

"Goodness Jen..." said Anya while shaking her head.

"Did not know you were such...such...intense zexual, such power,

Anya had been reduced to simply throwing out random words that best
described her take on the matter, she was so awe struck.

"Well..." Bianca said adjusting her black round rimmed glasses.

"What about your husband?"

Bianca will back me up for sure, thought Ivana to herself. She's the
most conservative woman I know. She'll think what Jenny's doing is
unforgivable...I'm sure of it!

"Forget er husband," interrupted Anya with a biting tone to her voice.
"He's probably a jerk too!"

"Well..." Bianca said lowly. "It's...certainly not what I was

Here it comes! She always starts off calmly before digging into
someone, thought Ivana. Despite her certainty of Bianca's response, a
distant part of the brunette crossed her fingers.

"I mean...I know we've had something of a drought in terms of
interesting topics as of late. But for you to have a side-lover outside of
marriage is extreme in and of itself, but with a BLACK man Jenny? In
Coxville of all places?!

Jenny gulped in response to the sensation of her throat drying up.
Ivana reveled in seeing her nemesis squirm, watching her stew in the hot
seat of scrutiny for a change. It was a delicious sight that left the hint
of a delectable flavor on the brunette's tongue that caused her to subtly
lick her full lips. YES! Ivana cheers mentally. She folds her arms to
signal to Bianca that she was on her side.

"If nothing else it's certainly a bold move! And if there's one thing
that we've learned during this year in our club, it's that pushing
boundaries are often quite useful in maintaining the interest of your

Bianca said this with a raised right index finger in an exclamatory
gesture, as though she were back in the classroom giving a lecture to her

"And to go as far as to film the event, just to push the idea of a novel
plot...well, I don't know if you're crazy bold or just plain crazy, girl."

The three women eyed Jenny, however it was not with the disgusted
accusatory scowls that Ivana had originally envisioned. Sammy stood almost
on the tips of her toes before Jenny like an excited puppy dog about to go
for a walk. Her face didn't display the outrage that she'd originally

"The plot?"

Jenny replied with her frozen state of terror now broken by a look that
bridges confusion and surprise at the accolades that she was now receiving.
I can't believe they're taking this so well.

"Yes, Jenny..." came Bianca, knocking Jenny from her thought.

"The plot of the novel that we've been reading. A married woman with a
c***d who despite her social caste and environment, goes against the moral
grain of southern society, roots, and upbringing to pursue a relationship
with a black man who's escaped the Confederacy. This was the concept of
the story." god Ivana thought. That IS exactly what happened in the
story. Ivana was so caught up in planning and executing her offensive
against Jenny, that she had completely forgotten what the climax of the
novel had been. The big twist of the story, Rosewood Embers, was the
identity of the deserting soldier. Though described in bits and pieces
throughout the novel, at the erotic climax of the story he is revealed to
be a dark skinned black man, an ex-slave who had joined the military on the
side of the Confederates, only to abandon them and his duties during the
chaos of a particularly brutal battle.

It had struck Ivana as odd, and shocking at the same time. She had
learned from Bianca that during the Civil War, over 65,000 Southern blacks
had been in the Confederate ranks. Of the 65,000, an estimated 13,000 of
these men saw actual combat during the war. Many others, and
understandably so, soon abandoned their positions when the tide of war had
changed. Many of them had either defected or headed deeper into the less
populated regions of the Southern states. There was a deep historical
validity that had struck Ivana whilst reading the weighty novel.

Her feelings towards the female protagonist had gradually developed from
the beginning of the story into a mode of sisterly admiration, only to be
decimated upon the revelation that she willingly bedded one of those men.
It had struck her as revolting back then, but now... Ivana wasn't entirely
certain of her stance on the matter was.

The video of Jenny, the apparent intensity and raw passion in their
fucking had struck a series of lesser strummed chords inside of her.
They'd left her not so much curious, but...Ivana wasn't entirely sure what
to call it. The word and expression remained on the tip of her tongue,
ever-present there but ultimately out of reach.

All she knew for certain was that the act in question and contemplation
had stirred something inside of her. Something so brutish and primal that
she was now starting to have - in some mysterious and ill defined capacity-
a new found...understanding of the woman's actions in the novel.

"He WAS black wasn't he?!" Sammy erupted. "I KNEW IT! The way she kept
describing him and all that deep tanned muscle talk."

"Yes, Sammy. She did go quite a bit into detail during some of the
more...descriptive portions of the novel. Our maverick Jenny here was so
moved by it that she actually decided to go out and try it out for herself.
It's highly unorthodox and beyond brazen, but...I must say, the more I
think of it, dare I say I am impressed!"

And that negro she was with...I'm surprised his posture isn't completely
ruined by carrying something THAT big thing around.

"My goodness, Jenny!" came Sammy.

"I've never seen anything like it before! I mean, I s'pose I've been a
bit curious about it once or twice. What with all the rumors going around
about, you know...all the stuff they say about them having great big man
parts and all." Bobbie Sue and Steve always tell me that it's just a silly
old myth, but my goodness...that fella was HUMONGOUS!!!...and sooo fit too!

"Yeah, he was a giant alright," Jenny added with a hint of a smirk on
her face and with emphasis on the word giant. Her tone seemed rooted more
in the fond memory of encounter than simple fact.

Jenny felt herself feeling more relaxed and returned to her jovial
demeanor after realizing that the threat of condemnation had passed.
Despite her initial fear of being reprimanded by the other girls, she
realized that she actually enjoyed the attention. However a question still
loomed ominous above her.

How had that ended up on a DVD?

She shuddered on the inside at the thought of someone outside of her
active circle of partners knowing of her lesser known appetites for black
men. Jenny had always taken fair steps to keep not only herself, but her
daughter Kitty's activities with the local black men of Coxville a guarded
secret. Though this current storm had passed, Jenny knew she'd dodged a
seriously dangerous bullet by but a fraction of an inch. Like Bianca had
said earlier, this was Coxville. Things like her with Tyrone, Coach,
Black, Principal Long and so on just didn't happen in their small, time
encapsulated region of the south...not in the open at least.

The only ones who knew (to the best of her knowledge) outside of her
daughter and her friends -- who were all just as initiated with black cock
as she was -- was her husband Harold, who at present seemed to be the most
likely culprit. Harold had been extremely jealous of the black men in town
whom Jenny decided to engage and his jealousy was trumped only by his
intense arousal at the sight of seeing his wife, "the hottest woman in
Coxville" get fucked senseless by the hung dark skinned bulls.

He'd never admit it out loud, not even if pressed, but Harold never came
harder than when he saw his beautiful wife get manhandled by giant black
cocks. Jenny thought it's likely that Harold's fetish for playing the
voyeur had recently evolved to him wanting to film and document her
encounters with the various well hung blacks of Coxville.

To a degree it was fine by her, watching herself get pounded mercilessly
by that big stud Tyrone had turned her on in ways that were new to her.
Even now she felt moisture forming between her legs. She was crossed
however with the fact that Harold's little experiment had been left to lie
around so far in the open. She loved the idea of her being filmed, but
resented Harold's lack of tack in keeping the footage hidden. Jenny loved
black cock to the extent she'd tackle as many as she could when and
wherever she could. However Jenny's addiction to black men did not slate
her grasp of common sense. She'd be damned her reputation in town were
ruined on account of her husband's stupidity.

It wouldn't be a chore at all to reprimand him on the matter. She had
established dominance over Harold quite some time ago. Unlike what most
people assumed, she didn't care nearly as much, if at all, about her
husband knowing that she preferred the full, robust, male organ of men of
the darker hews in town.

Harold isn't my master, she thought with a slight grin, not with his
pathetic little pencil dick! Watching herself get pummeled on the video
only reinforced that fact. Harold doesn't even have a fraction of what
Tyrone or Coach Black has. Hell, he doesn't even compare to Samson and
he's still in high school!

"Heeuge like bull!" said Anya to Sammy as they engaged in a two way
parley about Sammy's earlier comment on Tyrone's body.

"I've never been even remotely interested in black men, Jen. But I must
say, the physique on that one was rather...remarkable." said Bianca
matter-of-factly. She was doing her absolute best to not let her face
flush at the memory of that huge thing.

The world had flipped inverted on itself. It didn't register to Ivana,
it just simply refused to make any sense. How did this happen? She had
gone over this plan thoroughly with a fine tooth comb, with every piece in
turn being meticulously combed again and again in her mind down to the
smallest element. They weren't supposed to be like this, sitting there all
bright eyed and giddy like a bunch of little high school girls in a gossip
circle. Sure, it was...intriguing watching Jenny take such a huge thick
dark... thing into such a huge and physically built was
pretty amazing...granted, but...but"I can't get over it Jenny, you and a
black guy?!" Sammy smiled. "Bobbie Sue and Momma always make it sound like
its so disgusting. But after seeing it for myself, the contrasting colors
and all, it actually looked pretty cool."

"Jenny, how ded you take et all?" came Anya as she leaned forward,
bearing a generous portion of cleavage in the unbuttoned area of her black

"Yeah, how did you take it all?" Sammy echoed with a glint of wonder
coming from her emerald colored eyes.

"I mean, that thing looked like it was about the size of my arm, and
almost twice as thick too! I'm afraid something like that would split me
in two."

"Indeed," Bianca added. "I'm a little curious myself actually. You
seemed so into it that it hardly looked like you required any real effort
on your part."

Jenny nodded her head in contemplation. Ivana remained standing a foot
or so behind her, both her arms folded stiff like two twisted branches on
an oak tree. She'd kept them preoccupied and concealed out of concern of
acting out the voice howling in her head to just strangle the blond bitch
where she sat.

"Well, I won't lie to you, It's harder than it looks. But after you
finally get the head in and take the first few pumps, your body just...I
dunno...adapts to all that extra meat. Your muscles and insides kinda
relax and just...give way. The first time is always the hardest, but trust
me, in the end it's well worth it. There's no better feeling than having
your pussy getting completely filled with all that warm, thick black meat."

"Wooow, Jenny...that's so lewd." Sammy remarked jokingly.

"Boszche moi" said Anya in her Russian lilt.

"Hmmm, interesting..." added Bianca.

The three women leaned forward on the couch with perched ears waiting
for Jenny to continue.

"Well, who needs a novel when we've got a living Rosewood Ember sitting
right here in front of us. A true heroine through thick and thin." Bianca
said jokingly.

The girls all giggled mischievously, as though they themselves were back
in grade school sharing in the punch line of some crude joke.

"Tell more Jenny", pressed Anya.

Heroine?...bah! Ivana sneered in disgust while Jenny went into more
descriptive detail, the girls clung to every syllable that came from the
busty blonde sage's full lips.

The questions soon followed in rapid succession, each one overlapping
the other. What's the biggest she's ever had so far? How did the semen
taste? Was it sweet? Was it as thick as it looked? How'd she psyche
herself up to do it the first time? How long did it take for her to get
adjusted to such a huge thing? Sammy Spitzmen presented the question of
how many calories she thought they'd burned during the encounter.

"You guys were sweating like crazy! I bet you it was a lot!"

The girls laughed at this, thinking the redhead was simply making a
joke, however the look on her face seemed to be one yearning of genuine
knowledge. So how often did you do it before that night at the game? How
did you discover black men? And again, how did you manage to get all that
inside you?

Jenny answered each question as fast as she could, trying her best to
keep up with the women until Bianca said,

"My word, I just don't think I'd be able to do it," a response to
Jenny's experiences and methods of coping with such vast male members.

"Oh, don't be silly BB..." Jenny waved a hand in friendly dismissal.

"You've got a lot of cushion back there, girl. More than any other
white girl I've seen in Coxville. I've had ni-"

She stopped herself, not wanting to refer to it quite so freely to her
girlfriends just yet. It was the south, but even still, certain words you
simply didn't say aloud without approval.

"I've had black men inside of me that were SO much longer and fatter all
around. I'm talking thicker than a grown man's forearm, and longer than a
baby's leg. I think, with a little practice you'd be a natural."

"Good heavens! You think so?" Bianca asked taken aback by the claim.

"You bet! Trust me on this. A nice bubble butt like yours was made for
taking big black cocks. Plus..." Jenny paused a moment for emphasis.
"Black men love it, especially on white girls. They just can't get enough
of it!"

The girls giggled at this prospect, all of them taking that time to
steal glances of Bianca's rear, a large, heart shaped mound plotted on top
of the couch cushions.

"Look, BB. If my booty can take something that huge, I'm certain you
wouldn't have a problem, not with all you've got going on back there. You
and Ivana both."

"Wha-what?!" Ivana blurted. "My ass isn't THAT BIG!"

Jenny gave her a sideways glance.

"Ivy, as many times as I've heard you fuss and moan about not being able
to find pants that fit you,..." Jenny giggled, leaving Ivana to grumble and
grind her teeth and her cheeks to turn red.

Meanwhile, Bianca turned to the side and propped up her lower back up in
an attempt to get a better look at her posterior. It is rather large,
Bianca thought. The astute blond had held what she (and many others)
considered to be an abundance of hind quarter. A fact that often bothered
Bianca greatly. Her husband Ronald had never made any outward complaints
about it, but in the same breadth he had never particularly praised her for
having such a large behind either. She'd always attempted to cover up any
lingering insecurities she had through her conservative choice in clothing.

However, the attempts often times backfired entirely. No matter how
finely tailored the dress, slacks, shorts, and sweatpants were; her
backside has always appeared more plump and prominent, and exentuated by an
especually toned and curvy lower back, that always tended to arch and
expose lines of muscle, and sway in conjunction with her hips as she

The only time anyone had ever made a remark about her had been in school
by the students in her own classroom. Crass remarks that had come so often
and brutally that BB had since developed a kind of phobia of people making
remarks about anything pertaining to her rear end


Whenever Bianca turned her back to the class to scrawl a name, date, or
topic onto the black board; she would hear an array of whistles, hoots,
hollers, and a fair share of explicative slang terms that she knew were
crude and are only aimed towards her behind.

Bianca would bear the abuse, until she'd finally turn around in
frustration to track down the culprits. She'd look around to see nothing
but a host of innoncent faces staring back at her. All of them free of
guilt, except for a few of the young black students who had positioned
themselves in the back of the room.

They would all stare back at her, their faces barely masking their
laughter with scrunched lips and tightened jaws. After shooting them an
icy glare and giving a stern warning against disrupting the class, she
would eventually turn her back once again to the class, only to hear the
jeering commence again.

"BAM!!! There it is!"

"DAT ASS!!!"




Is that why they made such a huge fuss about my behind?

"Sammy. To answer your question from earlier, about how I discovered
black men. It's kind of HARD to explain, its a long story."

"Oh, don't worry about that! You gotta tell us Jen, please?" Sammy
begged, eager to know all the gritty details.

"Da, from beginink Jenny", said Anya with an approving nod.

"Yes, do tell." Bianca said, once again adjusting her glasses.

Jenny Summers could have lit a stick of dynamite and thrown it in the
center of the living room and it wouldn't have jostled a response to flee
from the women.

They huddled around Jenny, who sat on Harold's recliner. Despite her
state of utter shock, anger, and disappointment; Ivana maintained her
position beside Jenny and found herself actually listening in just as
intently to what the busty blonde was about to say.

After another long pause, Jenny then began her tale.

"Well... do ya'll remember that one football game against the Bartown
Beavers a ways back?"


By the time Jenny had finally completed her tales, her adventures in
discovering the wonders of big black cock, the girls all swam in the
lingering mental collage. Anya, Sammy, and Bianca stared up at Jenny from
their places on the floor, gathered round her reclining chair as though she
were a kind of fabled goddess given physical shape. Ivana hadn't moved an
inch throughout the entire duration of the story. Her legs and lower back
ached from standing up in such a stiff manner for so long, but she was also
amazed at the tales she had just heard. Unbelievable, was the only word
that could cross her mind.

"And that's it. I haven't gone back since. I mean why would I, hehe? "

"Woooow Jenny" said Sammy.

"That was rather remarkable Jenny." Added Bianca. "With Coach Black? I
just didn't know you and he were so...familiar."

"Iz this Coach Bleck really such stallion?" asked Anya, a devious and
curious glint in her eye. Anya had met this "Coach Black" before. Once,
when she and her husband bumped into (quite literally) the pair of Coach
Black and Jenny at the mall. From a first impression, Anya found the huge
negro to be utterly crude and vulgar brute. Making comments about 'fuck
buddies' and making no effort whatsoever to mask his interest with Anya's

He was a total svin'ya < pig > from what she recalled. A really tall,
dark an

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Chapter 4 The Strange Case of Mr. Brooks. Anya's Story There was blood on the sun the day he came to town. blood on the sun,because the townsfolk could find no more fitting an idiom to describe thestate of it. From that first sign of dawn til that evening's sunset - andthen for just a few minutes longer than dusk normally permitted - the bigbright orb that hovered over the vast stretch of land that was Coxvillecounty was splotched, saturated with a most peculiar shade of crimson. Athick...

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Housewives of Valley County Ch01

(This story is a part of the Blackedmerica series, which is set in an alternate history.)"And for the rest of the day, we can look forward to more sunshine and great weather…"  Weatherman Alan Westerman broadcasted from a high point overlooking the beautiful suburbs of Valley County.Over on crest road, a neighborhood filled with lush green trees and beautiful architecturally designed homes, a woman's moans traveled out through the garden facing windows of one of the homes.Jamilah Najjar, a...

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Housewives of Valley County Ch 04a

Across town, a mile away from where she had dropped off her daughter and her boyfriend, Amarika pulled into Valley County College. On the campus, since it was Jabari day, the black students and faculty, similarly as Amarika were all displaying their proud heritage by dressing in African-styled garbs. The other students and faculty were, of course, showing their appreciation and admiration for the proud tradition by being either topless or bottomless which was customary.Having parked in her...

2 years ago
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Der Fluch von Coxville

Harolds Hand bewegte sich zu ihrer anderen Brust und er küsste ihren Hals. Ihr geht's gut, Schatz. Kitty ist mit Todd unterwegs. Er wird gut auf sie aufpassen. Harold drückte die Brustwarze seiner Frau und die verhärtete sich zwischen seinen Fingern. Komm, Schatz, bitte." "In Ordnung, Harold" sie seufzte wieder. "Pass auf." Jenny hörte zu, wie ihr Mann im Dunkeln nach einem Kondom im Nachttisch suchte. Mit 36 ​​Jahren hatte Jenny das Gefühl, zu alt zu sein, um erneut schwanger zu werden, und...

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The Origin of Millie Marie and her Housewives

On the 31th of July Millie Marie closed the shop that bore her name, giving, as was her long tradition, the employs and followers of Millie Marie's Housewives & Others the whole of August off with pay. Millie herself, making sure no one knew where she was going, headed to the airport for her annual pilgrimage to the Greek Isle of Samos. It was there in 1890 that Millie Marie, then known as Sir Miles Jove St. Maris, a member of what passed in that time as the profession...

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The Real Housewives of McKinney Part 7

The Real Housewives of McKinney.I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the...

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Housewives of Valley County Ch 04b

“Mrs. Wells.” Patricia, naked, and in a somewhat of a hurry, gave chancellor’s Glover’s secretary a pleasant nod on her way past.“Professor Walsh.” Louise returned the courteous gesture. Again, when she noticed all that delicious cum on the professor’s face, she felt her bare nipples aching to be touched. For a quick moment, Louise closed her eyes and imagined the sensual feeling of Chancellor Glover shooting all his thick, chunky cum all over her face.“Oh…” A wonderful sigh of desire left...

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The Real Housewives of McKinney Part 4

I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the punch, I decided I’d write down...

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VCR Desperate Housewives

NOTE: This story is set in the VCR universe created by Dee Janes. I have her permission for the story. She also looked it over and offered some editorial help. Thanks, Dee! --------------------- THE VCR: Desperate Housewives By Desperate It was Charlie that came up with this brilliant idea. He brought in the camera, the tapes, and the girl. And he's the one that brought the damned VCR. It was January, and Hinkman had just gotten home from his all-expenses paid,...

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Desperate Indian Housewives Part 1

“Who is a husband? Is it he who marries a woman, lives with her under one roof, and fails to satiate her? Or is it he who fulfils her deepest darkest desires whenever he takes her to bed?” Yasmin asked Shalini, puffing a cigarette. The question made Shalini uncomfortable yet made her zone out. Yasmin and Shalini were next-door neighbours and have been friends ever since Shalini moved to her new flat. They bonded like sisters, although they were the exact polar opposite of each other. Yasmin was...

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The Real Housewives of McKinney Part 3

I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the punch, I decided I’d write down...

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The Real Housewives of McKinney Part 5

The Real Housewives of McKinney.I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the...

2 years ago
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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 88

Kat had tried to be good, she really had. She’d done all of her homework, helped her mom make dinner, and volunteered to do the dishes. After a little TV the whole family had gone straight to bed; this time of year it was getting dark early and a good, long night’s sleep seemed like a great idea.But an hour later Kat found herself tossing and turning in the silent house, feeling wide awake and restless. She tried touching herself to see if that would help, but it just wasn’t working tonight....

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"There is absolutely nothing to do in this hick town," eighteen year old Amy Teller whined from the back seat of her family's SUV. They passed the tiny movie theater and one of the two gasoline stations on their way to her Grandmother's house in Winford, West Virginia. "Hey, over there is a movie rental place that has a video game room," her 19 year old brother Jake laughed. He had to take off a week from his studies in order to attend his Grandmother's sixtieth birthday. As he listened to his...

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County Fair

County Fair By The Professor Most of the year, I envy guys my age, growing up in cities like Omaha or Lincoln. They've got it made with concerts and big movie theaters - not little ones like the Rivoli here in Leeds - and all sorts of amusements. But every fall as the end of September rolls around, I start to feel a little sorry for them. That's because late September is when we celebrate the Carver County Fair. "Mr. Hall?" "Huh?" I looked up at Mr. Jackson, our American History...

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Dolcett County Ponygirls

Dolcett County PonygirlsBy Sarah        Author’s Note:  I would like to thank P_Eric of the forum, for introducing us to the idea of the multi-zonal jurisdictions in his version of a Dolcett World.  I would also like to thank him for allowing me to use part of his transportation idea, to bring our main character out to the area.  If you haven’t read his work yet, I suggest you first read ?Air Dolcett?,14887.msg169673.html#msg169673  so you can bring...

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The Legend of Whitburn County

I just want to go on record right now, in front of God and everybody, that I never, ever planned it to wind up the way it did. Things just happened. In the end, though, I’m glad it all worked out. See, Jared and I always wanted to play basketball. He was too skinny and I was too short for football, and neither one of us could throw or hit or run very well to play baseball or track. There were endless nights playing half-court in the driveway of Jared’s family farm, shooting hoops until his...

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Desperate Housewives Part1

Michelle was a lovely young woman that lived across the road from me. One day I had helped her to get her car started when I saw her battling to start it on her way out. She had both her k**s strapped up in their car seats, her daughter of almost two Caitlin, and her newly born son, Mark. I managed to get her car started, and she sped off, waving and mouthing her thanks. A couple of hours later I heard my doorbell ringing and went and opened it up, and was pleasantly surprised to find Michelle...

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My County Tis of MineChapter 1

I was two weeks short of 15 when dad explained the facts of life here in our county. "Son, your grandfather was a brilliant man. He won one of the first large lottery jackpots and moved here so he could own the whole county. He invested wisely and I think I've done a good job following his lead. This is a dirt poor county with less than 10,000 people in and our family owns most of it. We own the Ford and the Chevy dealership along with the Toyota store. In addition we own all the fast food...

4 years ago
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The Real Housewives of McKinney Party I

I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the punch, I decided I’d write down...

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The Real Housewives of McKinney Party 2

I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the punch, I decided I’d write down...

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The Real Housewives Of McKinney Part 6

I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the punch, I decided I’d write down...

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The Bong Housewives 8211 Part 2

Sharmila called me after her daughter went for tutions. She said to me don’t come through the gate. She asked me to jump the boundary wall which was on the other side of our houses. I went outside and checked if anyone was noticing me. When I saw nobody was there as it was already a bit dark, I jumped the boundary wall and entered her house. She had kept open the drawing room door and I entered through it. I checked for her in the drawing room but she wasn’t there and then I went inside the...

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The housewives private sex club Part 2

I had only been to the housewives secret sex club once and I already felt that I had become addicted to sex with young men. My friend had got me to go the first time and I really enjoyed myself especially knowing that my husband was at work and I was having wonderful sex with a gorgeous young man behind his back, I love cheating on him, it’s so exciting. I had arranged to go again and this time I was determined to have two young men at my disposal. I preferred them in their very early 20s so...

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The Bong Housewives 8211 Part 1

My roommate told me about the neighbour bong housewife who lives in the nearby building when I first came to settle in Calcutta. I was really eager to see her as my friend had already described her beauty in detail and how she responds to his gestures. I came to Calcutta looking for a job from a small town. I have had relationships before but never had the opportunity to loose my virginity due to small town upbringing. I was very excited about my new beginning in a new metropolitan city and...

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When Good Housewives Go Bad

Introduction: Family Guy STRAIGHT DS??? Lois paces around the kitchen table, holding Chris most recent Report Card. By the tone of her voice, she doesnt seem happy about it. Chris sits at the table with a solemn look on his face, knowing he hasnt done any good. Chris, I am very disappointed in you. She says. What happened to your father? He was supposed to be tutoring you. Well, every time we started, Dad said he had to go get some Tutoring Aids. Chris tells her. At that moment, Peter bursts...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 69

As she watched Annalise’s face disappear underneath Ana’s ample derriere, Lexi was struck with a brilliant idea. Returning to the kitchen, she found Annalise’s purse and searched through it until she found the wallet. Riffling through the credit cards, Lexi selected a Platinum Visa card and repaired to her computer, where she called up an adult website and started shopping.As the sound of soft moans drifted in from the bedroom, Lexi picked out a couple of strap-ons, handcuffs, leather...

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Revenge of the Drunken Housewives

Helen didn't know why Sylvia had asked her to come over, but she had sound so distraught on the phone, the 38 year old housewife had abandoned the cookies she was rolling out for her son's party that night and crossed the suburban street that separated her home from Sylvia's. Sylvia terribly upset by something, her brown eyes wide, her full lips quivering. "My God, Sylvia!" she exclaimed. "What's wrong?" "I...I..." Sylvia stammered. "You better sit down, Helen." Her best friend indicated the...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 32

Jackie woke up from a highly erotic dream feeling disoriented and kind of uncomfortable. It took her a few seconds of looking around the room to remember that she had spent the night at Lexi’s, against her better judgement; after a long day of school and practice, followed by a long, sweaty roll in the hay, she hadn’t had the energy to go home. The discomfort came from her arms, which had been lifted over her head and tied to the bedposts, one with a scarf and one with the belt of a robe.Just...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 30

The next day was Monday, a school day for the cheerleaders. For the housewives, it was just a continuation of the weekend. Samantha, Betty Ann, and Janice gathered at Jessica’s, sipping mimosas by the pool and watching as Marie practiced her rope techniques on Jane in the living room. Some of the positions she was put in looked extremely uncomfortable, but Jane suffered it all without a word of complaint. Later she was brought outside and made to service each woman in turn. Janice, who went...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 29

The housewives and cheerleaders piled into Jackie and Ella’s cars and drove to Jessica’s, where they pulled up at the same time as Jessica’s SUV. Marie waved to them from the passenger seat, and when the garage door slid open and Jessica pulled in, the ladies filed into the garage to greet them.In the back seat of the SUV was an enormous trunk, which Jessica recruited a group including Jackie, Kelly, Kat, and Samantha to carry inside. They sat the thing down on the living room floor and stood...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 3

It was quite late by the time Kelly Ann and Olivia dressed to go home, looking a little wobbly on their legs with goofy, satisfied smiled on their faces. Jessica wrote out a check and handed it to Kelly, saying “Obviously I can’t keep writing you a check every day. But anytime you feel like dropping by, either one of you, you’ll be welcome. Isn’t that right, Marie?”Marie licked her lips, which were still well-coated with pussy juice. “Oui.”Kelly and Olivia walked together for two blocks,...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 1

From the outside, Glenview Drive appeared to be an ordinary suburban cul-de-sac. It was a relic from another time, the sort of place where the men went off to work in the morning, while their wives got the k**s off to school, then cleaned house and met for coffee in the afternoons.This wholesome veneer, however, concealed a hotbed of lesbian activity that was centered on the house at 420 Glenview. Located at the very end of the cul-de-sac, 420 was slightly larger than the other houses and set...

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Housewives secret sex club part 4

If there’s one thing I’ve enjoyed in my married life, it is my ability to lie to my husband about pretty much anything. In the early part of our marriage before the c***dren were born I considered myself to be fairly prudish and not at all promiscuous. But since I hit my 40s I know that I have become a complete and utter slut for other men. I have been a member of the housewives private sex club for two years now and really enjoyed going there spending my husbands hard earned money to be...

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A Group Of Unsatisfied Housewives

A bit about her background. She is a 5’4” lady with a 34/26/32 body Manisha. Her friends are Mona 36/34/36, Rita 32/28/30 and Isha 42/36/38. All of them are unsatisfied housewives and married more than 10 yrs. Their age group is between 32 and 38. All married to school time friends.They met on weekends as they had a Saturday night dinner at either one or the others places. The husbands though working with different companies were all workaholics and so their sex lives have become almost once in...

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A Group Of Unsatisfied Housewives

Hi, I am Mohan Reddy 52-year-old. I am writing this with the request of one of my friends who I made through ISS writing this story for her. After reading my stories she got in touch with me and we have been sharing pics and our intimate feelings. Due to location difference, we have not been able to meet but she shares a lot with me even about her friends. A bit about her background. She is a 5’4” lady with a 34/26/32 body Manisha. Her friends are Mona 36/34/36, Rita 32/28/30 and Isha 42/36/38....

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I am Vimal. I am 29 yrs old. I am not married. Living in Delhi remote area after my friend Ashok (33yrs) told me buy a house near him. I bought big house and moved there my house was some 100 ft from him there is no house in between so we came see ourselves a bit from our houses. I got a bike for my travel my office is just 5 minutes from home. Ashok is doing some business in NCR north a long way he goes by his scooter daily. If he goes in the morning he comes late night so I use to help them...

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Hungry Housewives 8211 Milf Chronicles 8211 Part 2

Hey everybody! This is Arshad here, from Mumbai, continuing my story of the Hungry Housewives – Milf Chronicles. About me : people describe me as a jolly, fun-loving and eccentric guy. I’ve been called a ‘Gentleman on the streets, Tiger under the sheets’. You can contact me at : Also, quick thanks to ISS for providing a great platform to express ourselves here, and get mingling with great like-minded people. Now we quickly get to the story. Please read the first part (if you haven’t) before...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 71

As Olivia entered the shop, Claire walked over smiling. “I hoped I might see you again,” she said, hugging Olivia and kissing her on the cheek. “Where’s your friend today?”“She’s, um, she’s busy,” answered Olivia. “How are you?”“I’m great!” chirped Claire. “I’m really glad you came in. I was just telling the manager about you. We’re getting ready to launch a new ad campaign for the shop – print and web ads, that sort of thing. I think you’d be just perfect for the photos.”“Gee,” said Olivia...

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Bored Housewives

JANE "My cock is six inches long. Not much compared to many guys, I admit, Jane, but those six inches are very willing to take care of your little problem." I had just barely opened the store. My wife had shut me off the previous evening, 'tired from taking care of the children', - believe that and I have a bridge for sale - and my quick jerk-off into the toilet had not really been satisfying. Well, no more than usual, anyway. Some people think that being a pharmacist is nothing but...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 6 A New Resident

Bob Turner climbed out of his car and grabbed his briefcase. It was still early afternoon on a Friday, but he had given himself the afternoon off. He unlocked the front door and went into the house. Setting his briefcase down in the foyer, he called out, in a high, false voice, “Lucy, I’m home!” Paige smiled in the kitchen where she was washing dishes. “Jack? Is that you?” she called out sweetly. Bob wandered into the kitchen. “Who’s Jack?” He came up behind Paige and kissed her on the back...

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Verde County

Introduction: This is not written by a woman, but from a womans perspective. I thought I would try to stretch myself. Ladies, let me know if I got it right. Why the hell do they call this Verde County? I thought. Doesnt verde mean green in Spanish? If it wasnt for the corn there wouldnt be any green. All I see are various shades of brown. I looked due west, over the hood of my Mitsubishi Eclipse and see the Rocky Mountains standing high above the horizon. Im lost in their beauty and my mind...

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Strange Happenings in Ragnarok County

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and any resemblance between real people and places is unintended. It does deal with Transgender themes and the supernatural. If these are not for you than stop here please! I the author reserves the right to repost this work. Thanks again to Janet Nolan, Hope, Holly and Paula for their great work and patience in proofing and first reads. Any mistakes of course are mine. Strange Happenings in Ragnarok County ...

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Verde County

I looked due west, over the hood of my Mitsubishi Eclipse and see the Rocky Mountains standing high above the horizon. I’m lost in their beauty and my mind wanders to the future. I am really looking forward to meeting up and spending the weekend with Karen, in Estes Park. It really sounds like fun. Especially now that I am rid of that loser, Joshua. I can’t believe I wasted one of my 28 years on that jealous, cheap, son of a bitch. I should have dumped him after the first week. I supposed...

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The Misfortunes of Twinks I A Dark Night at the County Fair

The Misfortunes of Twinks - I Chapter 1 - A Dark Night at the County FairBy: Arthur Wilde, Le Marquis De Zade(+M+fm/m, noncon, rape, forced, CBT, underwear, mast, oral, violent, humiliation, anal, milking; public places)************************************************************************A very dark night at a county fair for a very unlucky and unfortunate teenager. This story is not for the faint of heart or those who read pornographic erotica for the lovey dovey stuff....

2 years ago
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Occurrence At Palmetto County

ALL CHARACTERS ARE ADULTS. Abner Spinks murdered Carissa Browne, at Palmetto County, Florida on February 14th, 1899, Valentine’s Day. He was convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to die by Judge Rollo Sanders of the circuit court. So said the local newspaper. Spinks ambushed Carissa on her way to a neighbor’s house. He waited for her, concealed within a heavy thicket of palmettos, adjacent to a stretch of road that was deep sand, forcing the young woman to dismount her bicycle and...

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Knox County Ch 09

Before I start this, the final chapter of Knox County, I’d like to make a few comments. First, my most sincere apologies for taking so long to get this out. Yep, six months is inexcusable, but funny how life gets in the way sometimes. Second, thanks to all who have read and commented, both good and bad. Hey, even bad criticism is better than none at all. Third, this is a first for me. I have tried to tackle some tough subjects and do so in a compelling, believable manner. To do so, I have had...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 9 Scenes From A Cocktail Party

“I really appreciate this, guys,” commented Georgia for about the tenth time. Jeremy and Rusty smiled at each other and rolled their eyes. Moving Georgia Cummings’ outdoor bar system was a pain in the ass, but she was a nice lady otherwise. “Piece of cake, Mrs. Cummings!” replied Jeremy. “Are you going to the party?” asked Rusty. He was carrying a long water hose and a power cord and several blender pitchers, as Jeremy pushed the wheeled cart. Georgia’s duties seemed to consist of...

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The Sheriff of Spiny Cactus CountyEpisode 3 SCARECROW

The rattle of the engine caught the girl’s attention. When the power steering squealed, and brakes screeched, Cathy Lyman peeked through the blinds. She saw the Sheriff’s clunker pickup sitting in their circle drive. Her daddy got out of the passenger door, walking with a quick ginger step, when on his left foot. Earl Lyman leaned against the Sheriff for support. His left leg didn’t appear to enjoy supporting his body. Cathy took a deep breath, ‘Is Daddy hurt?‘ she ran to the door, flung it...

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One Fine Day in Coconino County

ONE FINE DAY IN COCONINO COUNTY by Laika Pupkino Somewhere out in the desert, a shifty little rodent stands leaning up against a funny looking rock. Up in the sky behind him a trio of pudgy bell-shaped UFOs sails past, perhaps on their way to some other story. A moment later a stout blue sillhouette carrying a night stick passes by... "Yo! How's it hangin' dawg?" The police dog stops, "Beg pardon?" The smaller figure shuffles obsequiously, "Er, I meant 'Good day, Officer!'...

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My County Tis of MineChapter 28

Country 28 Mom came in looking amazingly fresh, and I was awake awaiting details. Now I had swapped mom with two other kids but this was the first time I had actually pimped her out without me. On the one hand I found it a turn on to tell her to go fuck somebody and just have her do it because I told her so. It might have been a bigger turn on if she was a little reluctant, but I guess we were beyond any reluctance on her part to disagree with me. Almost a shame we had plenty of money, so I...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 14 Another Party

“Bob, I have a little confession to make,” announced Paige Turner “Oh, really? Who’d have guessed?” replied her husband with a smile. He was of two minds about the upcoming ‘confession.’ First was that a confession implied that Paige had done something bad or wrong, something which he wasn’t overly concerned with. If it had been serious, she would have said something as soon as he had gotten home from work. His second thought was that it was something Paige was embarrassed or nervous about,...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 10 After the Party

“Now what the fuck do we do?” muttered Bob Turner under his breath to the host, Tom Tallman. “Fuck if I know,” whispered back Tom. “Let’s hear from Barbara.” Bob shrugged in agreement, and the two men wandered back to the bar set up on the Tallman’s back deck. The party had broken up, and almost everyone had left. It was late, but three couples were heading out for some late-night clubbing, and most of the others had also gone home. All that was left now were Tom and Terri Tallman, who had...

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