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THE CAR FIRE By Alyssa Davis I stood by the smoldering wreck waiting for someone to come along to give me a ride. The road was pretty desolate. My car had totally gone up in flames, out in the desert of west Texas. There was nothing I could do but stand by and save myself from injury. Traffic was very light on this road, and it was a long distance between towns. I figured I better stay by the wreck as my best chance to get picked up. After what seemed like hours, I saw a vehicle approaching a long way off. As it drew closer, I saw it was a Chev Suburban pulling a shiny, big, Airstream trailer. Waving my arms, and seeing what's left of my car smoldering by the side of the road, it came to a stop. The Suburban was occupied by a single woman, a large gal, attractive, about in her mid-thirties. "You look like you need help, mister. Are you hurt?" My clothes were a mess, but I was all right, otherwise. "Thank you, I'm OK, but I could use a ride into the next town." "C'mon, get in. That wreck's a goner. Do you have any belong'ins?" "All I was able to save was my briefcase and my computer. Everything else is gone, and I burnt my clothes saving those." "Well, thank heaven you're OK, everything else is replaceable, "she said as we pulled away, continuing west, the direction I was heading. "I'm Cindy Mc Allistor...what's your name." She reached over and shook my hand. She had a firm grip for a lady, but then, she was a big lady, physically and big hearted. "Hi, Cindy...I'm Pat Neal," I said, catching my breath. "I really appreciate your stopping to help me, and I apologize for my appearance." "Oh, I can understand, under the circumstances, you look pretty good. You coulda been fried like a chicken. What happened, anyway?" "I was driving along, normally, when I thought I started to smell something burning. At first, I thought it was my imagination, but then, smoke started coming into the car, so I stopped. By that time, the whole back end was smoking. I popped open the trunk to grab my luggage, but the rear was all on fire and the flames jumped out at me. My stuff was burning. I grabbed my laptop and briefcase from the front seat and ran before the gas tank blew up, which it did in a few moments. Must've been a short in the wiring or something." "So, where're you head'n hon?" "I was on my way to San Diego. I'm a computer software consultant. Heard the job opportunities are good there. I 'm coming from Dallas. Bought an old junker there for the trip. I was hoping it would make it, but I guess I was wrong. How 'bout you?" "Ha! Don't know a thing about computers. I'm an of the few lady auctioneers in the country...for sure, the only one in these parts, anyway. I travel a lot, that's why I have this rig. Takes me where ever the job is. Right now, I'm heading for the Lazy H ranch to auction off some cattle, then, on westward." I looked at her as she talked while concentrating on her driving. She is an attractive, robust woman... a hearty Texas lady, friendly and not shy. I can see why her gender doesn't hold her back from a typical male occupation. In fact, it might be a real asset. She's wearing a long, western looking skirt, a cotton top well filled, and fancy boots. Guess that's typical out here for a woman her age. "Is there anywhere I can buy some clothes in these parts, Cindy?" "I'm afraid not, Pat...we're a long way from the next town, and it's just a church, post office and a bar. I've got to stay here overnight, then tomorrow, after the auction, I continue west to a larger town. Might be sumpin' there for you. But hey, I've got a big trailer with plenty of room. You can stay with me, if you'd like. Can't very well leave you alone with the coyotes, now can I?" she said, laughing. She looked like a woman who could take care of herself, probably from years of traveling alone and working among cowboys, ranchers, and business people. Besides, she is as big or bigger than me. "That's very generous of you. I appreciate the offer and I guess I have no choice but to accept." "When we get to the ranch, I'll park the trailer and go on to meet the owners. You can go in and cleanup. You'll find a shower an' stuff. Help yourself to whatever you need. I don't have much, but I'm willing to share to help a fellow traveler in distress. Heck, that could'a been me back there, and I'll bet youd've done the same for me." "I sure would. Wow, the shower sounds good! Any place I can wash my clothes, or what's left of them? " My shirt was scorched and torn, and my pants were ripped up the side. My undershorts were dirty from when I hit the dirt as the car exploded. I was a mess. Luckily, my shaver and toilet kit were in my briefcase, but I didn't pack a change of underwear like I usually did when I traveled by air. "No, I don't have a clothes washer, and besides, looks like there's little left to wash. I'll see what I've got you can wear. I'm sure my stuff will fit you." "But...." "Oh don't worry, no one will see you.," she interrupted. "'sides, this ain't the time to be modest or fussy. You just stay in the trailer. There's nothing out here for you anyway. You don't have a lot of choice, you know, unless you want to go around in a bed sheet. A skirt wont kill you. You might even like it! " " you have any jeans, maybe?" "Nope, don't wear them anymore. I've learned, that if I look like a lady among all these men, I get treated like a lady. I used to wear jeans and men's shirts 'n stuff. Sure, they were practical but the guys would consider me 'one of the boys' and that didn't work. An auctioneer has to maintain order and know, like be the authority figure. As a woman, I couldn't do that and still be a 'good 'ol boy' , so to speak. The skirts made all the difference. I'm the Lady, and now they instinctually behave like gentlemen." Well then, it was either a bed sheet or a skirt. My clothes were pretty shabby and beyond repair. I wondered how long before we would get to a store. I guess I had little choice...she was my transportation. "Say Cindy, do you suppose I could buy some clothes from the ranchers?" "I was thinking about that, darlin', but if you saw these guys, you'd know that it's doubtful anything would fit you. These are some big guys out here, are you're not exactly Texas size, besides, I don't think we want to let them know you're here. Seeing you now in these clothes, you look like an escaped convict or worse!. And I don't think it would do me any good to be seen traveling' with a man. These folk know me and know my reputation. Don't want to tarnish it, if you know what I mean. When you get cleaned up and in a skirt, well....No, let's not wake the sleeping dog, so to speak." I guess she was right. She knew her customers and I didn't want to abuse my benefactor. We arrived at the ranch in the early evening. Cindy skillfully parked the trailer a short distance from the ranch house and disconnected it from the Suburban. We went inside the trailer. Being self-contained, it had it's own water, and fuel for cooking and heating water. She had hooked up to the ranch's electricity so she could turn on the was huge inside! A well furnished living room with a sofa-bed and lounge chairs, a dinette area, a galley, 2 bedrooms with double beds, and a bathroom with a shower. I'd never seen anything like it. She showed me my bedroom, where the towels were, and how to turn on the water heater. It didn't take long for the water to heat in the warm climate of Texas. While I went around pulling the curtains down, Cindy got a robe out for me to wear. After she left, I removed the remains of my clothes and threw them into a garbage can. Even my shoes were scorched. The hot shower felt great. Drying myself off, I went into my room and found a flower patterned silk robe on the bed. Putting it on, it wrapped around me almost twice. It was light and filmy and felt good. I tied the sash into a big bow. On the floor was a pair of satin slippers. Surprisingly, they fit me perfectly, since I did have a small foot for a man.. So I lounged around, waiting for Cindy's return. I was curious as to what else this trailer had, but I didn't want to be nosy, so I found a magazine, Cosmopolitan, and made myself comfortable, curled up on the sofa. How appropriate, nothing but articles about women, photos of women and their stylish clothing, and ads for feminine products, and I'm sitting here looking like a woman and soon dressing like one. But then, this was a woman's domain. "Well, don't you look comfy," Cindy said, bursting into the trailer. "Aint that a dandy robe? Too pretty for me...I've never worn it. Was a gift from an admirer, but it doesn't fit my personality." "Well, it must fit mine, it sure is comfortable. I've never worn silk before." "Don't worry, darlin', you'll be wearin' more than silk. Wait'll you see what else I've got for you." She had me wondering what other surprises she had for me. "The auction will take all day, tomorrow. We'll leave the next morning for New Mexico. I've got a job near Roswell. Wanna ride along?" "Well yes, as if I have a lot of choice. If I stay here now, I might end up as somebody's wife. But, what can I do to help you? I don't want to be a freeloader." "Oh, that's OK...I'll find somethin'...maybe you can help drive. We'll make better time that way. Wont need so many rest stops. So, let's turn in...gotta get an early start. I'll get some things for you to wear tomorrow...cant stay in that robe all day. And I'll find you some PJ's for tonight." She returned from her room and handed me a frilly nylon nightgown. "Another gift I've never worn." "I know, it doesn't fit your personality either." "You got it! Glad to see it put to use. Shame to throw that stuff away." I went into my room, removed the robe, and slipped into the nightgown. I knew I looked foolish, but it felt good. Into bed I went and sleep came immediately. I woke up to the sound of cooking and the smell of coffee. Cindy was making breakfast on the propane stove. After using the bathroom, I looked in on her. I was wearing the nightgown covered with the silk robe, and I felt silly. "Good mornin' mam...anything I can do to help?" "'Mornin' hon. My, don't you look cute. That fits you so well. Go get dressed, breakfast will be ready in a few minutes." I found the clothes she left for me on my bed. Cotton underpants...well,at least no lace...a midlength floral patterned skirt, a cotton top with front buttons, that's shoes, good...nylon stockings with elastic tops, well, OK...but... a bra? I put on the panties, skirt, nylons, and shoes, and, topless, went to ask Cindy about the bra. These things all felt so different than anything I'd ever worn. The skirt swishing around my legs when I walked, and the feel of the stockings on my legs. Different, but delightful. "I know you think you don't need a bra, hon, but you need to show you're wearing one. It shows thru your shirt. Without it, you look too manish. The same goes for the hose. We want to eliminate any doubt." "But, I'm not trying to pass as a woman!" "Well hon, you aint goin' to fare too well as a man who wears woman's clothes in this country. I think you better play along. It wont hurt. It's only till you can get some guy things." "Why? Nobody's goin' to see me, anyway, except you." "Not today, maybe, but what about tomorrow or the next day?. You cant hide forever! 'Sides, you gotta get used to the feel." She wasn't going to let go. I gave in and returned to the bedroom. With little choice again, I figured out how to put on the bra, followed by the cotton shirt. That was troublesome buttoned backwards. It did complete the outfit, though. And I admit, the outfit didn't feel all that bad. At least they were fresh and clean. And the fit was fine, almost too large. The panties, stockings, bra and skirt were a new sensation, especially the bra. The elastic band around my chest and the shoulder straps. Whenever I moved, it made me aware of its presence. I hesitantly walked back into the kitchen feeling a little foolish again. I expected Cindy to laugh, but she didn't. "Now, that's better. You look great," she said matter-of-factly, with encouragement. "You'll get used to the bra in no time...Wouldn't hurt to add a little padding to give you some boobs. After breakfast, take a close shave while I do the dishes, and then I'll try to do something with your hair. Finishing eating, I slowly and carefully shaved. Cindy came in with a hairbrush and brushed my hair up and forward to tease it up as I watched her in the mirror. It was long enough to form it into a unisex hairstyle. Satisfied with that, she applied some foundation to my face and patted on some powder and rubbed it in with the pad to cover my shadow. Amazing what a little makeup will do. I wondered what she could do with all the other stuff, but I didn't dare ask. She then handed me some rolled up stockings. "You really need these," she insists, pointing to my chest. I gave in and stuffed them into my bra cups to fill them. I now had the missing boobs. Admittedly, they did look good there proudly pointing outwards and filling out the blouse. Somehow, I felt different standing in a skirt, with breasts and makeup on my face, my hair "done up"....I felt like a different felt sort of...good. "Much better, now you're a little passable. I think you'll get by, in the dark, anyway," she quipped This will take some getting used to, I thought. I'd have the whole day to practice. And I did. I practiced sitting in different ways, crossing my legs, my ankles, hitching my skirt up to pretend it was a short skirt. I admired my legs in stockings. Not bad looking. I practiced walking as I thought a girl walks. Never really paid much attention before, but now, it's different. I felt different. I was beginning to enjoy this feeling. Wanting to be useful, and with the whole day to kill, I looked around and find some cleaning stuff. I started doing some housecleaning for Cindy. Dusting, cleaning windows, etc. Suddenly I felt so domestic, swishing around in a skirt and a blouse full of "goodies". While in Cindy's room dusting her dresser, I saw her cosmetic box. I had a sudden thought...what's it like to wear lipstick? Why not try? I selected a bright red and applied a little to the lips of the girl in the mirror. Not much came out, so I pressed a little harder, carefully outlining the upper lip, then the lower lip, then rolling the two together to fill in the color. With my mouth open, I added more to coat the inside. I probably put on more than I needed, but the urge was strong. It felt a little greasy but it smelled good. And it looked great on my powdered face. Seeing myself in Cindy's full length mirror for the first time, I agreed, it completed the outfit. I did look very much like a woman. It felt new and different and not all that bad. Hopefully, the lipstick would wear off by the time Cindy returned. I finished cleaning by lunch time. The place shined. I threw together a little lunch, cleaned up the dishes, and prepared for an afternoon of doing nothing. I was afraid to go outside so, looking for some activity, I stood in front of the mirror and practiced feminine movements and gestures. At first, just clowning around, but after a while, I started to take it serious since, if I was to look like a woman, I might as well learn how to act like one. Pretty soon, with practice, I got pretty convincing, even in my own opinion. Placing a chair in position to see myself, I watched myself sit and move and talk to my image in the mirror, making corrections to be ladylike, until they come naturally. The afternoon was well spent attending "Neal's School for Ladies". Hearing the Suburban approach, I hastily tried to remove the lipstick with a tissue, than soap and water. A trace remained, but it was the best I could do. "Hi Pat, did you have a boring day?" Cindy bellows, as she burst into the trailer. Before I could reply, she said, "Wow! Look at this place. It shines! You have been a busy girl...I mean, guy. Thanks hon, but you didn't have to do all that." "It's OK Cindy, was something to do. So, how was your day?" I asked like a dutiful wife greeting her husband. I sat down, ladylike, smoothing my skirt under me, crossing my legs like I had practiced all day, throwing my skirt over my legs, and my hands in my lap. Cindy looked at me and paused. I tried to keep a straight face and not reveal how I spent my day. "You look different...You move differently. All of a sudden you're so graceful. And, I'll be're wearing lipstick! Did you go and have a sex change, you rascal?" She started to chuckle. "I hope you don't mind that I tried some of your lipstick...curiosity got the best of me," I said blushing and smiling. "Mind? I think it's great! But you need more, darlin'. I'd love to show you how to put on makeup. It gets mighty lonely being the only lady out here." "Well, I'd like to see what I look like sometime, now that you've got me wearing a skirt and all, but not yet." " Say, how come you move so gracefully all of a sudden?" "I've been sort of practicing all day, you know, moving like a lady." "So, you're really getting into this, huh? I think that's great. I'd love to help you any way I can, Sugar.". "Give me more time to swallow this. I never thought I'd go this far. I still feel sort'a silly." "Oh don't... 'Sides, you don't have a lot of choice, Hon, so enjoy it while it lasts. You might have fun as a girl, and I sure do enjoy the company. Let's make it a game. Let's see how good you can be at acting as a woman...what do you say? I'll train you to be my sister. It'll be just between us girls." "Well, it would break the monotony...OK...If you promise to keep it a secret, I'm in. I've already had a day of practice as you've noticed. What's next, 'Sis'." "Wonderful! Let's get you changed into something more feminine while I make dinner. I've got a fancy dress that I've never worn...too fancy for me, but it'll look great on you. I'd like you to try it on." With that, she took a black sheath dress from her closet, along with a black, full slip and matching nylons and handed them to me. I didn't think it was all that fancy, but compared to the cotton and denim that she wears, I guess she considered it fancy. In my room, I removed my skirt and top and my hose, and pulled the slip over my head and down my body, smoothing it as it conformed to my shape. Next, I did the same thing with the dress. The fabric was thin and form fitting. She must've gained some weight since getting the dress. It sure wont fit her now, nor will the slip. Cindy entered, carrying a pair of black pumps, just in time to zip up the back of my dress, captivating me into this feminine ensemble. I sat down on the bed and pull on the black nylon stockings. They had elastic tops so I didn't need garters. I placed my feet into the shoes and stood up. She was right, her clothes did fit me perfectly. I had no trouble walking in the 2 inch heeled shoes but the tight skirt made me take small steps. The whole outfit was very comfortable. "You're a natural, Patti. Freshen up your lipstick and help me make dinner." She called me Patti, and I felt like Patti. This was going to be fun. I re-applied the lipstick, confidently, being extra careful. From then on, I didn't intend to wash it off. "Wish I looked that good in that dress, Sugar. You're going to do very well as a woman. Little rough around the edges but we'll take care of that. Sure is good to have another woman around the house. Take this apron and help me. You can set the table." I put on the bib apron she handed me and went about setting the table. My skirt swished around as I moved. And my heels clicked on the kitchen floor. I felt kind of feminine, I think, and I didn't mind it one bit. Why was I not embarrassed? I actually liked doing this! After dinner, Cindy coached me on the fine points of being a lady. Being properly attired and in the mood, I was a willing subject. I stayed dressed until bedtime when I changed into the nightgown. The next day, I wore a sundress to "hideout in" and continued to practice my new skills to overcome boredom. The sleeveless dress reminded me to shave my chest and underarms. Fortunately, my legs were hairless. Now I really looked like a woman, even when nude. When Cindy came back, I surprised her and had dinner ready. After dinner, she relaxed while I did all the cleanup. She noticed that I had shaved my body and complimented me on my improved appearance. "You're coming alone nicely, Hon. Tomorrow mornin' we're leaving for Roswell. When we stop for fuel, you'll be able to be seen in public. I'm confident you'll pass as a woman." For some reason, that pleased me. I slipped behind her chair and gently massaged her neck and shoulders, like a dutiful wife would do for her husband after a hard day. This was the first time I'd touched her. Cindy relaxed for a few moments, then turned and pulled me to her and kissed me firmly on the lips. "Oh, be careful of my lipstick!" I say to her, effeminately and smiling. "I didn't ever expect you to say that!" She took my hand and silently led me to her bedroom where she took off her shirt and flopped onto her bed on her stomach. She was no longer shy about undressing in front of me. I started to massage her back, working around and under her bra straps. "Mmmm...undo my bra and rub s'more, Sugar. It feels sooo good." Doing as she asked, I moved the wide bra out of the way and, lifting my skirt, I straddled her on my knees, and massaged her soft skin in earnest while she relaxed and moaned in comfort. I rubbed in wide circles...the shoulders, the spine and the sides. Before long she rolled onto her back, letting her bra fall off and exposing her full breasts to me. Her nipples were large and erect. I felt my hardness tugging at my panties. I continued rubbing and worked into fondling her large, beautiful breasts. She laid there, watching me and smiling. I gathered the feminine mounds together in my hands and kissed and tongued her hard nipples, first the left, than the right, then her lips. The kiss lingered for a long time, our tongues dueling. Her breathing became heavy, while I got a massive erection which she felt through my panties. She lifted up her skirt exposing her panties. I pulled them down as she raised herself to help me. We said nothing as I slid my panties down, releasing my rigid member from it's nylon captivity and easily entered her hot, wet vagina with an appendage that was all that was left of my manhood. Our bodies thrust at each other, at first, slowly, then violently, she, lusting from years of abstinence, mine from the excitement of making love to an attractive woman, and maybe from feeling like an attractive woman I was becoming. I didn't feel like a man making it with a woman...rather like a woman with another woman. The thought excited me even more. She soon climaxed with her organ squeezing my shaft like a maiden's hand milking a cow. Although I tried to hold back, the delightful sensation caused me to blow my wad in what seemed like a never ending surge of ecstasy. We held our position until I softened up, she not wanting to release me from the jaws of heaven but having no choice. "Oh Patti honey, that was wonderful! You don't know how much I needed that," she sighed. "Cindy, it was great for me too. This wearing women's clothes has been making me very horny. Wish it could've lasted longer tho'. I'm sorry." "Sugar, you'll have plenty of time to redeem yourself. I'm glad it's affecting you like that...we'll both benefit. Let's shower." With that, she got up and removed her skirt and panties with one movement, letting me watch her become totally nude, and headed for the shower, motioning for me to follow. I went to my room and undressed, dropping my skirt and panties together, also. But I had to remove my hose and blouse and bra. I joined her in the shower where she was waiting for me. We lathered each other's bodies slowly and sensual. From her touching me, I got another erection. She faced me and straddled it and kissed me passionately with my hard penis locked between her legs. As she relaxed, I entered her again while she embraced me and hugged so hard I could barely breath. Our lips touched and instantly she was sucking my tongue like it was a phallus. I don't know how she did it, but it felt as though she was milking me again with an invisible hand and I responded quickly, perhaps too quickly. I was her love slave. "Girl, we're going to have a lot of fun. Tonight, you're sleeping with me." "Guess I gotta get used to being called girl, huh? "Uh huh, but you're a very special girl to me, Sugar. You've got somethin' others don't have." "Does seeing me dressed in woman's clothes attract you, Cindy?" "I don't know, Patti, maybe so. I don't know exactly what it is...maybe 'cuz I know you're a man in those panties, or just simply 'cuz you are a man. But I know I like seeing you as a pretty woman. How about you? Do you like being in girl's clothes?" "Well, at first, I felt ridiculous, but then I began to feel more comfortable about it. Now? Yes, I think I actually enjoy it. I know I sure enjoy being with you, Cindy." "Thanks love. I'm going to try to make you as pretty as possible." We rinsed ourselves under the warm shower like two children playing in a summer rain, dried each other's naked bodies touching and caressing, free of any inhibitions, and donned our nightgowns. Cindy uncovered her stash of booze and mixed us an ample batch of martini's. We discussed her itinerary for the next week. Finishing the drinks, we went to her bed to get rested for an early start in the morning. We kissed warmly, snuggled together, and fell asleep immediately. Cindy hitched the trailer to the Suburban easily and skillfully, gained from a lot of practice. I could only standby and watch like the helpless female I looked like. At the first large truck stop we encountered, Cindy stopped for fuel for the truck and water for the trailer, and had the holding tank emptied. And we went in for breakfast. Luckily, it was early and there were few people inside. It was my debut in public as a woman. I was wearing the sundress, nylons, canvas shoes, my hair was done as well as it could be, actually kind of boyish for a girl. I was wearing lipstick and earrings, which pinched my ears but Cindy said I'd get used to also. I tried to move very effeminately. A few heads turned to look at me. Even the waitress accepted me. I began to gain confidence. This was fun! Before we left, I used the restroom, the ladies restroom. My first time, it felt strange to enter this sanctuary for females. Nothing but stalls, lavatories and the ubiquitous tampon dispenser. And it was a lot cleaner than most men's rooms. Just being in there made me nervous, but I couldn't very well use the men's room. I entered a stall, lifted my skirt, lowered my panties, sat down, and did my business. It was better than standing and splashing. Reversing the process, I washed up and left. Another milestone. As we headed west, we entered a relatively large town which had a Walmart store. Cindy asked me if I wanted to stop and buy any men's clothes. I told her not yet. I'd continue to stay this way for a while longer. She sighed in relief and said she had hoped I'd say that. I reminded her that I promised to play her game of making me her sister. And, actually, in the few days, I'd become quite fond of wearing skirts and dresses. I confided to her that I liked wearing lipstick...the look and feel of it. She smiled at me and squeezed my hand. During the hours on the road, as we talked, we got better acquainted with each other's background and experiences while Cindy subtly coached me on how a woman talks as compared to a man, i.e. gestures, tone of voice and inflections, and eye movements. I found it very interesting and challenging. Stopping only for fuel, food and comfort, we pushed through to Roswell, New Mexico. Cindy found a place to park the trailer and we left it to shop for groceries and other things. Finding a large shopping mall, we restocked on food and looked at other stores. In a department store, Cindy located the cosmetic section where she bought me some makeup more suited to my skin, and my own lipstick in several shades. Also, hair conditioners and shampoos for me. In a small jewelry shop, she persuaded me to have my ears pierced and small gold hoops inserted. My ears were so sore from the clip-ons, I gave in easily. I told her if I had to wear a bra, I'd like to try a better fitting one so I didn't have to stuff it all the time. We located a lingerie department where I was able to try on and get fitted for the right bra, a padded and reinforced A cup device which molded my flesh to fill it and was surprisingly comfortable. At least the straps didn't cut me or slide off. And now, I looked like I had my own breasts! I bought three of them although I don't know why. One would've been enough. Again, Cindy asked me if I wanted some men's things and again, surprisingly to me but not to her, I declined, but I could use some more hosiery. I guess I wasn't in a hurry to go back to being a man. I asked her if she minded me sharing her wardrobe and she replied, "Goodness no, Sugar...I've got plenty of things I hardly wear, and as long as everything fits you so well..." So that was settled. I bought more stockings, especially pantyhose. I preferred them to elastic top hose which seemed to pinch. Pantyhose shaped my legs so well and were so comfortable, especially when wearing short skirts. I never thought I'd be concerned about that. We stayed in Roswell for three days while Cindy attended to her business and I took care of the trailer doing the domestic chores. Now I was free to move around since I'd developed the confidence of appearing as a woman. The feminine actions and expressions learned from the hours of practice compensated for my voice. No one thought of me as anything but a woman. Everyone was very kind and helpful to the two women traveling alone. It was another adjustment for me to let people do things for me. As a man I had been always very independent and self-sufficient, but as a woman, I had to learn it was gracious to let people, especially men, perform little acts of kindness. This new lifestyle brought out a new and gentler side of me that I liked...more than my looks had changed...I was developing a new personality, a feminine personality. We left Roswell and headed for Albuquerque. Taking our time, we planned to make it in two days with overnight stops. We found some fairly isolated trailer parks so we were able to have some wild lovemaking sessions. Cindy was a tiger in bed, and I was her sex kitten. She was definitely a dominant lover and I had become very submissive as a woman. Besides giving me more training in cosmetics skills and constant coaching in the art of femininity, she began to discuss my behavior if and when I get approached by men. What to say, how to say it, how to behave, what they expect. A whole new point of view for me. I didn't totally agree with her on everything, but being a novice woman, I had to accept and comply. I was to find out when we got to Albuquerque. We went to a bar/restaurant for dinner the first night. I was wearing the black sheath dress, black hose, and high heels. Cindy wore a dress and heels, fancier than her usual attire. Waiting in the bar for our table, we were having a drink when two handsome men approached and started making conversation. Cindy responded with her usual friendly small talk and before long, they invited us to join them for dinner. We paired off during the course of the evening and continued to get acquainted with our respective partners. Roger, my friend, was tall and handsome, and if I was a real woman, I'd have considered him attractive. But then, I was feeling like a woman and I did find him attractive. Being on my best behavior and ever mindful of my position and Cindy's training, I was being as effeminate as possible. After our meal, we parted as couples and went for a short walk. We held hands and talked. Stopping to rest in a park, we sat down on a bench and Roger kissed me. Being mentally totally immersed in feeling like a woman, I offered no resistance and, in fact, returned his kiss. I felt no embarrassment and, in fact, I enjoyed it. I probably would have gone farther under the proper conditions. He told me I was one of the prettiest and most savvy girls he'd been with in a long time and I was pleased to hear that. I had passed the test with a one-on-one relationship with a man. He never guessed my true gender. Cindy, as my mentor, was proud of me, but after that, I was very careful not to push it to far. I could see how easy it was to get carried away. We did more shopping in Albuquerque. I started to accumulate a woman's wardrobe, buying my own things with my credit card. No more men's clothes. Just dresses, skirts and tops. I wasn't even interested in slacks or jeans. Must've gotten that from Cindy. Our next stop was Tucson. In the few weeks I had been living as a woman, and the constant tutoring I had been receiving from Cindy, it seemed like years. I felt like a total woman and had forgotten what it was like to be a man, maybe because I lost interest. We were to stay in Tucson for a week while Cindy had several auctions to attend. I was free to roam around and did a lot of sightseeing since I could use the Suburban. I toured the airplane museums where they were surprised to see a woman so interested in aircraft. I was given guided tours so the men could explain the displays to a single woman, another benefit, I discovered. I liked the attention. And in Old Town, an old movie set, I fit right in with the other ladies gathered for the tour. By now, I was completely at ease as a lady. I could do my own makeup, my hair, I could choose my clothing and was as if I'd always been a woman. And, of course, more shopping. A feminine trait I picked up very quickly. I was able to select and buy things for myself without Cindy's assistance. It was especially fun to try things on with sales ladies' helping me. They never guessed who I really was. I kept my body shaved and powdered, my makeup was perfect, my hair groomed carefully, and my actions completely effeminate. When we left Tucson for San Diego, my destination, Cindy and I talked about my plans. I said I now thought seriously of continuing to live as a woman. I really didn't want to be a man anymore and would try to find employment as a woman, not too difficult for a computer consultant and California was very forgiving of cross-dressers. In San Diego, while Cindy was sightseeing, I went on several job interviews as Patti Neal, a female consultant. Being well dressed, and with the proper demeanor and credentials, I was easily accepted as a woman. I had several offers of employment and was about to accept one when Cindy interceded and asked me to stay and work for her as her permanent companion and assistant. I would be her business manager, driver, and lover as well as her "sister". An offer I couldn't refuse for I'd fallen in love with her. We drove up to Las Vegas where I dressed one last time in men's clothes. I purchased a cheap suit, disguised myself as a man, and Cindy and I were married, after which, Pat's clothes were buried. Patti became my permanent identity and now Cindy and I are together forever. Cindy, treating me as the woman I've wanted to become, and she, having her lesbian tendencies fulfilled. Cindy was right, traveling the Southwest, the ranchers are very courteous to the two lady travelers. Thank heaven for the car fire. The End

Same as Fire Videos

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The Firefly verse didn't exist for long. An incredible show destroyed by ruthless Fox execs who keep churning shit out on the TV. But enough of that. Firefly had plenty of incredibly sexy women. Choose what happens to these women, and what they get up to in the black.

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Shannon Blake couldn't help it. She simply had to talk herselfinto trouble. This had been a problem for her growing up at home,at school and later on, wherever she worked. She seemed tocrave confrontation and constantly found herself arguing withothers over the smallest of issues.Of course, this was before she met Erik Powell.The two had been dating less than a month when Shannon managedto instigate a loud argument in the middle of a film theywere watching. Aggravated by Shannon's behavior and...

2 years ago
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I sat on the big chaise lounge by the fire pit. There was a slight chill in the air, summer had began to give away to fall. These were the days I enjoyed most of the year and yet like spring they also seemed the most fleeting. I could not help thinking that we lived mostly in the extremes: hot and cold, light and dark. There seemed little time to hold onto the twilights, the dawns, the subtler moments of being, the connecting moments. Knotted pine popped in the fire pit, sending an arc of...

4 years ago
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He watched the smile slowly, her lips stretching out and open and her tongue gingerly licking the white smear. ‘I told you whipped cream was a good thing.’ cracking a smile of his own, ‘a little more to the left now sweetie, you’re missing a spot. A lot of spots actually’ laughing and leaning into press a kiss to her cheek. They lay against each other, giggling as they kissed, savoring the wet taste of the cream slurped down their tongues. After a while, she broke away and pulled out from...

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Ben Meir, a firefighter so very far from Kansas, tapped his fingers nervously along the padded handrail inside the elevator. Even the Muzak seeping out of the speakers didn’t settle his jitters. Attending a fire safety trade show, Ben wasn’t concerned about the conference, there was another show he was more interested in. When the elevator’s doors opened, he walked down the casino’s aisle with its garish mauve carpet with gold and brown swirls, passed rows of slot machines toward the lounge...

3 years ago
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Another fantasy with a grain of truth....Whenever there is a big bush fire, the service calls up its volunteers, organises them into strike teams and sends them out to fight. A strike team is 5 trucks, each truck with nominally 5 crew, a command vehicle with 3 crew and sometimes a quickfill with 2 crew to supply the frontline trucks with water as quickly as possible. This is usually done by finding a river, creek or other water supply and pumping out of there and into the trucks.Generally...

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This was an incredibly difficult paper to write the research and verification involved came quite close to defeating me several times. Starting a fire is the hardest when you need it the most. These instructions are for times such as that. A calm or gently breezy, dry day makes the job a lot easier! One, it's damned hard to start a fire with wet wood. How can you tell wet from dry firewood? If it feels cool or cold when held against your lips then it's too wet to START a fire with. It...

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Fire Cams! I am pretty sure we all know how cam sites work, but in case you did not know, do not worry, I will explain all the details. From the very beginning, you will be introduced to plenty of gorgeous chicks on, and everything from here on should be fairly straightforward. You have a lot of beautiful girls who love to do naughty shit on live cams, and you are more than welcome to watch them.The first annoying thing that I have to mention is the fact that their ‘Join’ shit will...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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Zoë was bored. Desperately bored. Amazingly bored. And in need of a fuck, just one good fuck. Letting her beautiful long hair down her back, dressed in her tight top and tighter trousers, she went out for a drink. Finding a good bar, she sat alone at a table for one, bored, lonely, and itching for some goodness. The bar, however, is mainly empty, with people so damn ugly; she wouldn?t fuck ?em for all the gold in Sihnon. Except for one person. A girl, quite the hottie, that she keeps looking...

3 years ago
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With the film now out a new lease of life it’s about time we tried a Firefly/Serenity story based on Joss Wheadon’s failed TV series about the crew of the cargo ship Serenity. Lead by Captain Mal Reynolds a brooding ex-soldier from the losing side in a war, his first officer Zoë her husband and ships pilot Wash, the ships on board companion and ambassador/whore Inara, the cute engineer Kaylee wanted fugitives Dr Simon Tam and his sister her crazy River, Shepard Book and the Man they call Jayne...

1 year ago
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Helen had just turned 18, the world was her oyster so to speak. It was a Friday night in a small Californian town. The beach was looking inviting on a hot summer night. Helen knew there was probably some of the college kids doing their usual bonfire out on the beach that night. Every Friday there was something happening somewhere where she could find trouble to get into. With the summer heat she decided the beach would be her best bet. She got into her Jeep and headed to the beach towel in...

First Time
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Backfire By Alec Stevens Note: This is my first story, so let me know what you think. (Story takes place mostly in and around Flint, MI) Chapter 1: Beginning of the End John Woodby walked down the hall to his next class from Advanced Placement Biology. He, being only in 10th grade and going into honors classes, was extremely smart. As a result of this, he was also stuck up, and everyone, especially the girls (due to the fact that he was the cutest guy in the school) hated him....

3 years ago
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My name is Sam. I’m a firefighter. As the city was in the grips of an arsonist, I found my destiny. I wasn’t looking for it, but I don’t think anyone ever is. I knew I was gay, really understood what it meant, when I was thirteen. I remember looking through the big holiday catalogs when I was younger than that, looking for toys and finding the men’s underwear section and staring, enjoying what I saw. I didn’t understand what I felt though. But when I was thirteen, it all changed. I was with a...

2 years ago
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Fire Synopsis: When a young man's prank causes a fire, it causes changes for his friend. [-][+][-] Well, here I am, graduating as the class valedictorian, wearing my Drum Major uniform under my cap and gown, ready to lead the Eastmont High School Concert Band as everybody dances. My uniform is not the red tuxedo jacket, white dress shirt, blue tie and trousers of the band. No, I'm wearing a blue sequin miniskirt and matching bloomer with white shimmer tights and boots. Let me tell...

2 years ago
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Wildfire This is a story that I started, and wrote a few chapters of, on another site several years ago. I'm not comfortable with just bringing it here, so I'm rebooting the whole thing. I know, some of the characters are blatant rip offs, but the idea for this story came to me almost 30 years ago. Some of the characters reflect that. I admit that although these are Marvel characters, the name Wildfire is a dedication to my all time favorite, a member of DC's Legion of Superheroes....

3 years ago
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I sipped at my iced tea, watching my mother as she stood at the kitchen counter, deftly chopping vegetables. God, it felt good to be home. I'd just finished a brutal year of college, and looked forward to a relaxing summer with Mom.  You might have heard of my mother, actually, except that I can't tell you her name. She's a fairly successful author of historical novels. She ditched my loser of a dad when I was ten, and has been content to live on her own ever since, raising me along the way....

2 years ago
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I sipped at my iced tea, watching my mother as she stood at the kitchen counter, deftly chopping vegetables. God, it felt good to be home. I'd just finished a brutal year of college, and looked forward to a relaxing summer with Mom. You might have heard of my mother, actually, except that I can't tell you her name. She's a fairly successful author of historical novels. She ditched my loser of a dad when I was ten, and has been content to live on her own ever since, raising me along the...

4 years ago
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I always knew that there was something brewing in me but I couldn’t quite place it, a freak accident later and it was bright as fucking day. It only cost me a year of my life spent in an accident induced coma followed by 3 straight months of seizure filled nights and cold sweats. All in all it was a pretty shitty time but the payoff was worth it, at least in my opinion. I woke up seemingly normal and right on time my nurse was there ready to check if I had taken my piss or not and like always I...

2 years ago
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One gorgeous spring morning strolling into the kitchen my other half hands me a cup of coffee and says a beautiful weekend for a first run on the bike ,looking over the rim.of my cup smiles a weekend away with you sounds heavily when we leaving finish your coffee I will make you breakfast then we will pack the the bike.We are ready dressed bike is packed asking him any place in mind he says we will let the bike decide ,the bike comes to life vibrating with anticipation on our destination ,lift...

3 years ago
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Copyright© July 6 2005 She had been anticipating seeing the fireworks all day, and by 5pm, she was ready to go. She even took a shower without a reminder. Daddy shook his head, knowing that there was no convincing her that she did not have to be ready this early. After her shower, she dressed in a denim skirt and a top that tied behind her neck, the stretchy material snug across her accentuated breasts. Slipping into sandals, she asked daddy how she looked. "It looks like some little girl...

1 year ago
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I'm so glad that we decided to walk to the local park to see some 4th of July fireworks. the local TV station said that it should be a fantastic show - they even have live music! Now it is dusk, and the large crowd is filled with anticipation. we are sitting together on a soft blanket in the middle of the crowd and I have brought a second blanket to cover up our laps. As the first fireworks whistle skyward, every person there is looking up. boom! BOOM!! sparkle! crackle! BOOM!! the big show is...

3 years ago
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This was turning out to be much more enjoyable than Jocelyn would have thought. She certainly hadn't been looking forward to spending the fourth of July with her stepdaughter Stephanie and the girl's boyfriend. She was still pissed that Robert hadn't taken her to Tokyo with him and left her here to baby sit. Stephanie was hardly a baby--she was 19! Still, Robert was right not to trust her alone with the house. Especially with that boyfriend of hers. He was obviously a gold digger--it took...

2 years ago
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I did it.I flew the coop.I quit my job, sold my car, and bought a one way ticket to the wild, unadulterated land of opportunity that is America. I was free! I had my own place! No more sharing bathrooms! No more parents nagging after a night out spent in the clubs! No more crazy ex-boyfriends and friend zoned men! I. Was. FREE.And yet, I had never been so miserable in my entire life. I willed myself out of bed and climbed down the ladder that led to the lower deck of my loft. I had been...

4 years ago
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And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. It was the fourth of July and my flag was at half-mast as I kissed you and fondled your soft round breasts through your thin halter-top. It felt sexy, as you were not wearing any bra. We were sitting in a car parked on a hill overlooking the city. We were in a fallow field with weeds growing almost as tall as the grill of the car. There was one other car in there about 25 feet away....

4 years ago
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I saw her across the crowded ball room. Gliding effortlessly around the floor, like a bird of paradise. Delectable. A Swan like neck, perfect bosoms, sparkling blue eyes, perfection in human form. Dressed in an exquisitely tailored gown of a vivid green hue with ermine trimmings, my heart skipped a beat. Suddenly my whole being yearned to reach out to her, to unwrap her swirling ball gown, to extract her perfect bosoms to feel their firm softness to slip off her underthings and unlace her...

2 years ago
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From the darkened corner I watched as the truck pulled into the bay and knew you were coming. I must confess, I didn’t care about the rule I was shattering and longed to see you in all your glory, sweaty, soot covered and bathed in smoke … such a tantalizing image. Hoards of manly men leaped from the truck, jostling for supremacy, cracking jokes and doing what men do best. I watched as small groups headed for the stairs at the opposite end of the expansive bay and my stormy eyes flitted across...

1 year ago
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Glenda stumbled from Mr. Avery's office with her eyes full of tears. This couldn't be happening to her, she had been with the company for over three years and this was the thanks she got! She passed Mrs. London's desk on the way to her own, and as she walked past it she said, "I can't believe it, the asshole just fired me, he said something about across the board cut backs, and that I was doing a fine job but they just had to let me go, why don't they fire his precious Marianne," she spat,...

2 years ago
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It was crowded around the campfire that night. The day had been warm enough, hot even, but with the sinking of the sun, the warmth and light brought it’s own promises. Bodies milled about, some with bottles in hand, covered with cloaks. Others, preferring body heat, snuggled together on blankets. As the flames curled up into the night, I saw his eyes watching me, considering. We hadn’t spent any time together that day, and the night before had been so late when he arrived, that there hadn’t...

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It was the Fourth of July and just starting to get dark. I'd spent the day with my live-in girlfriend, Mary, and her family at the Riverfest, sitting on a blanket and listening to the music coming from the bandstand, eating grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and drinking the overpriced beer that the vendors sold. There was a pretty good crowd at Centennial Park, and the weather had cooperated nicely for a change, with none of the usual afternoon thunderstorms that our area is known for in the...

4 years ago
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Eyes wide with shock, Lisa’s head whipped around at the sound of shattering glass, the object having hurtled past her shoulder and collided with the door frame. “Don’t you walk out on me Lisa, I’m not finished talking about this,” the edgy frustration in Jason’s voice was evident as he stood just inside the dimly lit bedroom. “You did not just throw that!” Lisa hissed furiously, her green eyes narrowing into emerald slits, as auburn curls swung angrily around her stiff shoulders. She...

4 years ago
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By the time I was sixteen, it was clear to one and all, that I would live my life as a gay man. I was not effeminate, but simply refused to play the pretense game, that so many unfortunate souls had to conform to. Luckily, my parents were very laid back and non-prescriptive. When I eventually ‘outed’ myself, it was a total non-event. I had never had proper sex at that age, but knew what did, and did not turn me on. I was attracted to boys, simple as that. Other than my sexual orientation, I...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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My name is Amanda, I’m 63 now and spent most my life as housewife and mother of 3 boys. I’ve had bi/submissive urges since I was in my early thirties, I found this out in a rather harsh way. I’m 5’6′ 36C and at the time of this story 135 lbs. My husband at the time (since passed) I thought was having an affair with a neighbor, so after he went to work and k**s off to school I set off for her house to set her straight. Things went wrong from the start, she invited me in and I immediately started...

4 years ago
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My name is Amanda, I'm 63 now and spent most my life as housewife and mother of 3 boys. I've had bi/submissive urges since I was in my early thirties, I found this out in a rather harsh way. I'm 5'6" 36C and at the time of this story 135 lbs. My husband at the time (since passed) I thought was having an affair with a neighbor, so after he went to work and k**s off to school I set off for her house to set her straight. Things went wrong from the start, she invited me in and I...

4 years ago
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My name is Rick Mandel and before I ever met the woman I eventually married, I use to dream about that future ... Who would she be? How many children would we have? Where would we live? What would be the story of our life together? In all my fantasizing, I never once imagined how it would have turned out in the end. When I met Claire in college, I was instantly attracted. Other men were, too, and so I spent the next three years winning her love. Despite gentle warnings from our parents, who...

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Why do women cheat on their husbands? I know people will say it is because men cheat on their wives. But if a man doesn't, what then? I don't know the answer, but I may find out after I finish planning what to do about my wife's indiscretions. Yes, she is one of those wives who cheat. I know because I saw her go into the motel with one of her co-workers. I watched the door for two hours until they appeared again. They didn't even keep it hidden from the world either, for she kissed him as...

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I always hated Mondays. This one would turn out to be one of my worst ones. My wife, Peggy, was very despondent and moody. She fixed breakfast for the boys and I as if she were a robot. She wasn't being nasty, just depressed. It didn't help to brighten the morning. I had no idea what brought it on and didn't feel inclined to ask her. My sons, Robert, sixteen and Dave, eighteen left for school about the same time I left for work. For the last fifteen years I worked for a freight company that...

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Copyright© The place was beginning to fill up with the after- work crowd. The noise level had risen and people jostled each other at the bar, yelling out their drink orders. In a back booth a man and a woman sat across from each other, nursing their second (or was it third?) martini. Angela Rizzo was a dark haired beauty in her early 40s, but with a bitter twist to her mouth as she looked at the front door. "God damn that bitch. Here she comes waltzing in with hubby at her heels. Mrs....

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It was Friday, July 2. I was on my way to visit my girlfriend Meg at her parent's house. They had invited me to their annual Fourth of July celebration. Meg is my college sweetheart, and we hadn't seen each other in nearly two months, so I was anxious to be with her again. That wasn't the only reason I wanted to be there, though. I was hoping that the weekend would finally be the right time for Meg and I to sleep together. Meg's 18 (almost 19). She and I had met back in January during the...

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It was a hot July 4th afternoon when my wife and I slowly began to get ready for the evening fireworks show, down at the lake. We live in a gated lakeside community. Our youngest child, Cody (16), still lived at home. His two elder sisters are married and have families of their own. They would not be attending. It was about 7:00 PM when Cody came running up the block with our next door neighbor's daughter Sammy (Samantha) 13, in tow. They had apparently just set off some firecrackers because...

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Jennifer Shepard puttered around her kitchen. She'd lived in this house on and off for her whole life, yet she had never cooked a holiday meal in it. But after talking with Abby and Tony and finding out that Team Gibbs spent most holidays alone, she offered to host a Fourth of July cookout. Most of the sides had been ordered cold from catering, but it was the thought that counted. She'd asked everyone to bring something special and the grill was fired up. They'd all bring packs along, just...

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Hello, I'm John Davis, 23 years old. It's my first day in my new job. I'm dressed comfortably in a cotton t-shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and sneakers. I'll have to thank my girlfriend, Doe Miller, for this job. She managed to convince her aunt, Linda Wilson, into giving me a chance. I've been with Doe for the last six months. She's witty and unpredictable. But I like the way she tries to understand every situation. She always says that there's more than two sides to an event. It's probably...

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"The concepts developed in the attached story-boards build on and exploit the success of Bio-DNA's super-premium product placement." Rick Peters considered his last sentence, made sure the attachments were, in fact, attached, and clicked send. Two seconds later, his computer chimed and he glanced at it, expecting to see one of the auto-answers he always got when he sent e-mails to upper management. Instead, he saw a private message from Human Resources. He frowned. Bosses made a point to...

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New Girl in School Part 11 Valentines Day Date and Prom Queen Election

New Girl in School Part 11: Valentine's Day Date and the Prom Queen Election Written March 11-23 "Oh so lovely...." Chloe thought as she stared off into the distance, lost in thought. Joey had to poke her with a straw to get her attention. "Hey, you alright, Chloe?" he asked plainly. She looked back to him. "Oh it's nothing, Joey. I am having a great time," waving her hand dismissively. The two sat at a booth at Louie Drello's, a local Italian place right off the main road leading...

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Patriot Games v20 Chapter 3 Unenthusiastic Commitment

A NOTE REGARDING THIS STORY. This is a fictional chronicle of a normal hardworking guy named Jack. The federal government made him an offer he couldn't refuse. All they asked was for Jack to go undercover to help the U.S. Government ensnare a terrorist. Any resemblance of the characters depicted in the story to actual individuals is coincidental. All events are the sole responsibility of the author. None of the scenes in this story depict minors engaged in any sexual...

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Dorm Room Foursome

Several years ago... Several years ago while I was in college, I had the best roommate I guy could have. We were in our second semester of our freshman year. I had already slept with his girlfriend several times, we had wild times while he was in class. One Friday night in early spring we were all invited to a party, to celebrate spring break. So all three of us as well as many of our friends decided to go. Once at the party the scene was amazing. Music pumping, the girls and guys were...

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Priyanka8217s Sex Journey 8211 Chapter 1 8211 The Beginning

Hi I am Priyanka. I belong to a very conservative family and the incident I am penning down is a total fiction but a fantasy of mine. You can connect me on for doing a role play chat. This incidence took place when I was 20 and was enjoying my college life. My father died when I was just 7. My mother decided to marry her boss who was quiet younger than her. But the step dad denied to accept me in the family. So they kept me a hostel for my studies but never came to meet me. Even they denied...

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Build the Moon Ch 02

I knew I had brief moments of consciousness, but for the most part I was shrouded from reality. Snatches of what happened came to me. They never stayed. My mind put up all of it’s defenses to keep me from remembering. Unfortunately, something so traumatic would never leave me. I wanted to wake up. I knew I wasn’t home or any place I knew of. I knew a strange man had saved my life. And I knew he was never far from me. Sure my mind threw the word ‘Vampire’ at me, oh, about a hundred times. ...

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New Age CrazedChapter 5

The subject in the state of hypnosis is a tabla rasa, a pure slate open to achieving perfect suggestibility enabling a perfection of purpose, untainted by the imperfections learned and trained by a purposeless life and schooling. --from the thesis "The Psychopathology of Radical Thought Metamorphosis: Processes in Mind Transformation" by Deidre Haas I know it's a cliché to awaken and be completely confused by where you are, particularly if it's somewhere you have never been before. But...

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At Jims house on Saturday

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Short Stay with My Aunts

I was in transit back the states after my most recent tour in Afghanistan and all expenses had been paid by the Army. I had been there for a year and frankly I was looking forward to getting stateside. I missed many things while deployed; food, professional sports, cars but most of all I missed women!My travel took me to Atlanta before going on to my base. While passing through Atlanta I was to have a one day layover. Normal I would get a voucher for a hotel but since my aunts lived in the area...

3 years ago
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My Brother and His Husband 2

Chapter 2: "Shower"RORY:I was woken in the morning by the sounds of a blender. I opened my eyesslowly and it took me a few seconds to realize I was in my brother's livingroom.I got up and stretched, before I realized I was sporting major morning woodin my boxers."Good morning," my brother's husband Owen came from the kitchen area."Sorry for waking you up.""No, don't be," I said, yawning. "I went to bed early last night." There'sno way he didn't notice my erection, but he didn't comment on...

3 years ago
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exploring each other Dirty girl used

I have a relatively new girlfriend, who is awesome in bed but frustratingly isn't into anal, which is one of my passions in life. Luckily she loves a facial and in all other aspects is a filthy girl who likes to show off.She loves being drilled hard and is noisy as hell irrespective of neighbours, friends etc being within earshot, in fact I think she gets off on it. She is totally relaxed and confident sexually to such an extent that she has happily gushed all over her bed, my bed and her sofa...

5 years ago
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My Husbands Family

I married an oilman, richer than god, and as arrogant. By forty-five he owned wells on three continents. I lived in a mansion in Houston, Texas. At twenty-five I had no illusions that I was a trophy wife. My parents knew I was a beauty and for my high school graduation present gave me a nice pair of D-sized tits. A modeling agency took me in, and my face made four national magazine covers before I met Jack at a movie premier. His money overwhelmed me. The private jets, the parties, and the...

3 years ago
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OHGirl Like Mother Like Daughter

My daughter had graduated from high school and had turned 18 all in the span of a month. She was so much like me that I had never really noticed until now. She was my height, at about 5’3” tall, and she had curves just like her mom too. She had been a cheerleader and ran track while in school, so she kept her body in great shape and had an athletic build that supported a natural 32DD-24-35 frame that had a lot of men looking at her. She and I attracted quite a few cat-calls and stares when we...

4 years ago
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My First Virgin

My son's friend, Josh, was going to be spending a week with us while his parents were out of town. The Saturday Josh was to come over my husband had to run up to his parents house out of town to tend to some emergency they were having with their plumbing, and he took my daughter and son with him. They would return on Monday. Josh showed up and after some chatting he went out to mow the lawn for me. Josh is a good k** and I have known him since he was little. He was excited about getting his...

2 years ago
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Dare YouChapter 20

I had arrived home in a pretty confused state and it had nothing to do with the erection I had that hadn't gone down on the walk home. Mum and Dad pounced on me as I walked through the door, asking how things had gone and I'd answered 'fine' before concentrating on telling them all about the food that was served. I specifically avoided any mention of Ana and how we'd behaved towards each other. As soon as I could I'd escaped their clutches and headed for my bedroom and some serious...

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