Changed 01 - Sentenced free porn video

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He was lost in the conflict in Vietnam, in the late 60s.

I was named Rex and had always been, a runt of kid; and at 19 year nothing had change (140 pounds, 5’8”).
My skin was rather pasty with small fading freckles on my face.
I had blue-eyes and dirty blonde hair, which I had always cut it short.
My body for some reason, never grew much body hair; this use to worry me.
So the only places that hair would grew was; on my face, head and pubic regions.

Since the end of grade school I had been good friends with Anthony, Rob, Jack and Tom.
I would follow them to hell and back, without question; if they wanted to go there.

Which made us, often sharing; detention classes together.
We as a group were probably best known as, the schools ratbags.

Fast forward now, to a year after; school was over.

It was now the day before Anthony’s big wedding day and his last night of being a bachelor.
So it was decided, that we would hit the town.
Joining our motley crew were some of Anthony’s other friends; that I didn’t know.

The majority of us were jocks; that is the ones I knew.

We spent several hours of hard drinking; at a local Tavern.
Like, we had always done.

Eventually the unrestrained drinking had got the better of us and we became; loud and obnoxious.
The security’s tolerance had finally run out; and he evicted all of us.

By now I was feeling the effects of the alcohol and was; just merely a sheep in a flock.

So we then ventured towards the red light district; and to the strip circuit.

We entered a strip club; and that is all I can recall of the night.

It all went blank for me then.

I was sleeping off a hangover; when someone man handled me and I woken abruptly.

Lights and shouting filled the room.
I tried opening my eyes but when I did the room; felt like it was spinning.
The effects made me throw my stomach up or basically vomit.

Before I could focus and work out what was happening; I was forced face down on the floor and into my vomit.
My arms were forced behind my back; I lay there in vomit and confusion.

Then someone read me my rights, and then my arms were handcuffed behind me.

The police were in force in our motel room.

None of this made sense to me, as I lay face down on the ground.

Eventually I was lifted from the floor and pushed towards a wall.
Then I noticed that everyone else was; in a similar predicament; minus the vomit smell.

The police rifled through our belonging and tossed the room.

We were then frog marched and transported to police holding cells.
Not one word was said, in the transport vehicle.

I think maybe everyone was, at a loss for words, hung-over or too ashamed to say why this was happening.

We were then made to strip and cavity searched, before our DNA’s were taken.
Then separately made to shower and to wear; county orange coveralls.
From there were placed in the holding cells.

There we were, all stunned, tired, confused and nervous.
Once the guards had locked us in our section; we began chirping amongst ourselves about innuendos.

No one knew what happened.

Anthony’s other friends would only chirp amongst themselves and distanced themselves from us.
I didn’t trust them before and don’t even more now.
Jack grew suspicious of them as well and wanted to confront them.

Over the next few days more was revealed, as we were individually interviewed.
Tensions grew between the two camps of so called friends.

Jack came back from his interview and was adamant; they knew sometime.
He was going to beat the truth from them; prior to lights out.

The only problem with Jack’s plan was that, once evening mess was over; our groups were segregated to different areas.

Still nothing made sense to me, except maybe something like a deal was done.

I was never to see Anthony and his friends again.

What was known though was, we had all been implicated in a rape of a female; a stripper.
If that wasn’t a shock, then the news that Anthony and his friends; were charged with her murder was.

Her body was found in a nearby alley to the club, we were supposed to have picked her up from.

CCTV footage shown to me confirmed that we left a strip club with the brunette.
It also showed that, I was too wasted to do anything but stumble over; as I needed help walking.

Witness’ later pointed us out in a line up and our DNA was found; all over her clothes.

Also some of our DNA was also found; on her rape kit test.

Mine was not, but I was charged with accessory.

I was sent to a remand center along with Jack and Rob; Anthony and the others were sent somewhere else.

We were all charged with the gang rape of the woman but Anthony and his friends took an early plea.
They would have been charged, with murder; but took the deal and pleaded guilty to accidental manslaughter.

In the remand center we were held, in the sex offender’s section.

Every night I cried myself to sleep and worried about going to jail.

When we pleaded ‘Not Guilty”, at the trial; the verdict was never going to be good.
The judge sentenced me to two years with a non parole period of twelve months.

Jack and Rob received harsher sentences because footage showed they looked aware at the time.
They both received; four years with a non parole period of two years.

The Trip to Prison
In the transfer wagon we spoke of sticking together inside; whenever we could.

Once we arrived at the prison; we were prepared to be in trouble if we ever were separated.
Soon as we arrived, the guards made us strip; and again we were searched.

We were made to stand naked before the warden; as he read us the rules of the prison.

Soon after, I was left devastated.
That pact we spoke about, in the transport wagon; was thrown into disarray
Jack and Rob were lead out of the room first, before I was lead in the opposite direction.

I looked around towards them, until a guard shoved me away and towards a door.

He motioned me to walk through the door, which I did.
I was then led into a room to get dressed; into my new prison orange coveralls.
The officer then handed me some sheets and a pillow; and then walked me towards general population.

As we walked, the sheer horror of my situation finally dawned on me.
Hoots and whistles were heard were all for me; as I was paraded by the guard through several cells.

I knew now that I was on my own now; and separated from any friendly faces.

The guard didn’t help either.

All the time; he kept telling me about, how lonely some of these guys were; and what they did to fresh innocent looking pretty boys.
He told me about how I was going to be popular; with the long termers.

Tears welted and slowly ran down my face as, the reality sank in.

As I walked near where my cell was to be, the inmates kept whistling and making derogative remakes towards me.
The even had their cocks out and waving them at me.

When I was in my cell I was relieved, to find it empty.
I thought I had some luck go my way, for a change and had a cell to myself.

I stared into my cell for about five minutes before moving inside.
It had a bunk bed, a toilet, a table; and three concrete walls.
There was a barred window and the door was made of steel; with bullet proof glass as a window.

Eventually my cell mate showed up.
He smirked at me, and climbed up on top; of the top bed.

He was of heavily tattooed big Latino man, in his 40s.

Not a word was spoken, which freaked me out even more.

Afternoon roll call occurred and I found out his name was, Hernandez.
Then we all went, to the mess hall for even supper.

He went towards another older Latino and younger black man.

I sat in the corner and by myself, until some guys that looked like girls sat with me.
We chatted briefly and ate our supper.

In the corner of my eye I watched my cell mate and his friends.
They were all built like brick shithouses and tattooed, and scared the hell out of me.

After supper I walked by myself back to my cell.
Bad move, on my part.

As I was about one cell from my own, I was taken from behind into the cell; by force.

I was shoved to the ground and my cell and his friends; were standing around me.

I stared at them with intensity and fear.

The black guy pulled his cock out and smirked at me.

“Suck my dick bitch,” He said.
“Fuck off,” I quickly said.

“What you say, bitch,” Hernandez said, and his mate punched my face.

“Suck my cock,” The black guy said, again.
My reply was to spit on the ground.

I was punch three times, for that.

The black guy then put his cock back in his pants and kneed me in the chin.

I don’t remember anything else after that.

When I woke, I was in the infirmary and had broken ribs; and I was told I was raped by the nurse.

They wanted to know who did this, I answered with I don’t know.
I knew if I had of snitched, I would be dead soon.

A three day stint in infirmary and constantly asked questions, about my bashing; I didn’t snitch once.

I was back in Hernandez’s cell, jumping at shadows; and with reason.
Two days of nervous sleep had left me; with hardly any.

It was on my three night out of infirmary, that I finally was too exhausted to fight the urge to sleep.
After lockdown at 10pm, I finally drifted off to sleep.

I woke a few times, before drifting off to deep sleep.

Several hours passed, before I woke to a hand muffling my mouth.
I was freaking out and looked around frantically.
A guard and Hernandez had me gagged and restrained.

I had no option but to go where ever; they frog marched me too.

All the time I was wondering and worrying, about my fate.
Was I to be bashed, murdered, raped or all the above?

My questions would soon be answered, as I was pushed and shoved; while walking towards the showers.

When I was inside the showers, several prisoners; were waiting for me there.

I suspiciously looked around; just before I was shoved inside and be fed to the wolves.

My clothes lasted about ten seconds, as they were torn from me.
I then was pushed to the ground across the wet tiles; like last week’s leftovers.

There I was on my hands and knees, whimpering and begging.
They all just laughed at me.

When I looked up, a big Latino guy walked in front of my face; and indicated that I was to suck his cock.

At first I tried not to, but as they all surrounded me; I nervously slid it in my quivering mouth.

The Latino guy (Axe) had a big fat cock, about 7-8 inches long; which he forced down my throat.

I started to suck on Axe’s cock, when a tattooed black man (Rubes) spread my legs apart; before prying open my ass cheeks.

Someone then guided my head up and down Axe’s cock, making me gag and tear up.

After the gagging session continued for a few minutes, I quickly learnt how to suck without; gagging.
I closed my eyes and didn’t think about my ordeal, and thought; as I f I was dreaming.

Axe started to fuck my head, with the help of others.
I felt tears running down my face and my nose began to run; all the while saliva oozed from my cock filled mouth.

The other inmates jeered and became jovial.

I opened my eyes and saw, a lot of inmates slowly stroking the cocks; near or around me.

Axe hadn’t cum but was pushed away and a new cock; was forced in my mouth.

I went back to closing my eyes again, as I didn’t want to know; who or what awaited me.

Rubes had started rub my cock, with shampoo or something soapy; while slowly fingering my asshole.
This drove me nuts; as sucked on cock; my cock began to grow.

I felt like I was going to cum and started to moan.

“Look at the bitch; he’s getting off on it.” Someone snickered.

I was, and enjoyed my cock being stroked; while shampoo was smudged inside my asshole.

He stopped fingering my ass and stroking my cock, just so he could slide his cock inside my screaming asshole.

I froze as it inched inside.

There was pain, and my cock sprung to attention; I felt like I could pee.

Here I was in the shower block, on hands and knees; with a cock in my mouth and in my ass.
My own cock felt strange, as Rubes started fucking me; in the ass.

I stopped fighting and began to moan more, as I willed myself to enjoy my predicament.

As soon as I did that, my cock let go; and I knew I had just cum.
I so hoped the others didn’t notice, but I was lost in dream land; for now.

A few guys, blew their loads in my mouth; waiting for the guy inside my ass to finish.

Before I could think about spitting or swallowing, another cock would be inside my cummy filled mouth.

After about the sixth person had finished fucking my ass, I could feel cum dribbling out of my asshole; and down my balls.

Over time, I was fucked over and over again; and sucked on every cock.

Some of the inmates would even tease me, by stroking my cock briefly; just to watch me moan for more.

By the end of the night, I was enjoying myself.
I tried desperately not to let that fact on, to the others.

It was hard to hide that fact, as I had cum several times, without anyone even touching my cock.

When everyone was finished, I was left there in a heap.

The guard came by, and then led the inmates; back to their cells.

Feeling exposed and abused, I sat with my head between my knees; crying.

When the guards came back for me, I had my face in my hands.

“Tonight was just a taste,”
“You are now, a punk or a bitch.”
“Every night, and sometimes during the day; I was their bitch.” The guard said, smirking.

He then turned the shower taps on me, before escorting me back to my cell.
I struggled to stand and then walk, and my jaw ached.

The whole cell block knew what had just happened to me.

The next night, it was more of the same.
As I submitted to them last night; they knew I was marked; so they didn’t threaten violence.

I learnt to accept being their bitch or be bashed and be their bitch, anyway.
So for the next week, my life was of; cock and cum.

When I closed my eyes, that week; all I saw naked men and cocks.


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WARNING ... this story is of a adult nature and has a scene of RAPE in it. This scene is not to glorify this disgusting act and in no way condones such a deed, which by its very nature makes the perpetrator a very sick individual indeed, and if anyone it thinking of committing it I recommend they get immediate help from a qualified medical person. Having said that, it is included in this story because it was just something I had to get out of my system, the character in the story...

2 years ago
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A Routine EnslavementChapter 30 Private Sentencing

The evening after that brutal public punishment fair I relaxed at home and thought about what sentences I would hand out. I was feeling a good deal less vindictive after watching that cruel exhibition — just as the judge had indicated. What would happen to the prisoners next was up to me the judge had said. I checked my messages and found one from Judge Morelock's law clerk. She said the judge would like to see me with my attorney and opposing counsel in his chambers the day after next if...

3 years ago
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Changed Ch 04

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters and events in this story are fictional. If you are under the age of 18 or are in an area that prohibits erotic fiction then leave now. This story depicts lesbian sex and mind control, if that’s not your thing then leave now. You’ve been warned. Special thanks to Vella_ms for her help and support as my editor. Please remember to vote, 5’s are appreciated. I woke up the next morning to a most unusual sensation. Julia was leaning over me, her...

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Changed Into An Elf Girl

Changed Into An Elf Girl By Kachakali See an anime picture of this story and other reading stuffs at my site I used to be one of the greatest mercenaries in the Yborean Army. I was known as The Destroyer! I was feared and respected. I towered over my fellow soldiers. With one swing of my blade, I could destroy a platoon of enemy forces. I was a one man cavalry! The people would talk about my battles and how I helped expand the empire that...

1 year ago
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Life with a Sentence

Life with a Sentence By TSnympho - Fifth Edition - I am usually a well-behaved person, which makes it unusual for me to find myself in trouble with the law. I was with some friends and ended up going to a party, my friends soon left finding the party a little on the boring side, and left me to enjoy myself. I was getting a little buzzed by now and got another drink. Apparently someone put something in one of my drinks because soon I lost all control...

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Changed By Margaret Jeanette Martin Huxley was a happy man. He had just sold his third computer game to a company and sold all rights to it. He got over ninety thousand dollars for it, as they thought it was an excellent addition to their line of games. When his wife Judy got home he couldn?t contain his excitement. She shared his excitement, so they went out for supper to celebrate. Judy was proud of her husband. He developed games for a living and she had never thought he...

3 years ago
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Changed by magic

FEMINIZED TO BECOME A VAMPIRE BY Stephanie Sheppard It was another miserable day as stuart sat on his sofa watching the television, raining again but then it only capped off a miserable day. He was watching deal or no deal on the television, he liked these kind of programmes, watching contestants open boxes at random to see what sum they would leave the studio with. He liked watching their joy or sorrow as each box was opened and it gave him a sense of sharing of belonging. Stuart...

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Public Pillory 1 The act and sentencing

The Humility bill of 2069 changed it all. It was a sweeping bill that changed the face of justice. Trials lasted days not months or years. Most sentences lasted hours or days not years. When a sentence was completed, the accused had a clean record. No more ruined lives due to past indiscretions before the accused learned their lessons. Almost overnight, all prisons were repurposed into rehabilitation and party centers. Serious crimes of murder dropped by 99.8 percent in a matter of months....

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The Sentence

Man the sentence of this court for your immoral conduct is that: We were taken early one afternoon when we were making love in an old barn just outside town. Our spouses came with the court officers and identified us. We were barely aloud to put some clothing on before being dragged away. A night in the dungeon, separate but in sight of each other was followed by a court appearance the next morning. The trial was not going to be a long one and there was only one verdict as we were caught...

2 years ago
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Changed By My Sister

CHANGED BY MY SISTER by Throne I was home from college for Spring break. My older sister Gwenn acted glad to see me but she was a bit reserved. And why not, after I had been a total pain to her while we were growing up. One thing I had taken special delight in was ruining dates for her, and even breaking up her relationships with guys. To me it had been fun, and I guess I never lost that attitude. I was still comfortable taunting her about it, along with tormenting her about her...

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The Sentence

The sentence given to the unfortunate couple was the talk of the town andthe horrified villagers could scarcely contain their excitement. Captain Raymondand his betrothed, the lovely Lady Josephine had conspired to kill the Kingand turn the Kingdom into a Republic. They had amassed a small army of supportbut they spoke with the wrong people. They were caught when Constable Sallersforced a confession from one of the unfortunate couple's best friend. The Grim judge read the Sentence in a clear...

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The Sentencing

The idea for this story came from a short, inspirational email that was shared with me a few years ago. I thought the message behind it, was quite lovely and wanted to somehow turn it into a story to share with everyone. It took almost two years for a story to develop where I could use it in a way to honor the beauty it was written in. If I knew of the original author, I would like to include them...but as with much that is passed around in cyberspace, they are unknown. All I can do is...

2 years ago
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The Sentence I should have never said Chapter 2 Mom shows up at school pissed and then I said that stupid sentence

Chapter # 2 Mom shows up at school pissed, and then I said that stupid sentence. Mom was not a happy camper when she arrived at the school that's for sure. She had just gotten that new premotion at work about three months ago, and now she had to leave work for this. I knew I was going to hear it, but good, by the way mom was looking at me. The only thing was I knew that I didn't really do anything wrong, but it seemed no one would listen to me. The principle had both of us come...

3 years ago
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Changed into a Slut for Cock

I dozed through all the court proceedings that day. It was all boring as hell. According to my appointed solicitor the woman pressed charges and had severe back injuries from the broken glasses and a fractured jaw. But she deserved it just like my bitch of a wife back home. The judge looked at me, disgust in his eyes. They have even got my wife to go against me, the bitch, and she even said how I abused our son as well. The judge had given me a choice either a few years in prison minimum or a...

3 years ago
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Changed My Life

Hi readers this is Sha from Chennai, my id is I recently came across this site and found this interesting. I have gone through most of the stories, its good, sets a good standard so thought to share my story. I  live in Keralite studying in Chennai for my MBA. This is the one a only real sex experience I had still now. I’m reasonably good looking as others say, athletic and fair. I never had the crunch for sex in teen age as my family was so orthodox, my father was so strict. While I was doing...

4 years ago
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Changed Lives

Tapping out the last paragraph of another report from an endless reel, flooded me with a renewed sense of apathy. Though I knew without looking that there were only moments remaining in the day, I was not perplexed. The excited snatches of conversation wrung out the end of the day better than any alarm could possibly have. I rose from my desk and my vision remained unnecessary and unfocused. I navigated the clutter of cubicles with a deftness only available after years of repetition. I gazed at...

1 year ago
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He told me, several things. One was that, the group who were raping me are part of some sort; of block gang. “I was now their property.” “They will now fuck the hell out of me, whenever they wanted.” “Don’t for your sake, refuse them.” “But and it is a big but, only they can fuck you or control who does.” “There were perks to being their property.” “Like, if someone hassles you." “They will deal with them swiftly.” “For as long as you are of use to them.” The guard said, to...

1 year ago
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Changed Woman

Chapter 1 People always say "Jill, you get whatever you want". Things in my life have always worked out the way that I wanted them to. I was a successful businesswoman, Vice President of Marketing for a large company in the Chicago, living in the most elagant neighborhood in our town. At 36, I kept in excellent shape by working out 3 times a week and eating right. My figure was a tight 36DD-24-32 and I was proud of it. I felt that I looked as good now as I did back in college. I was married...

4 years ago
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Changed Forever

Yesterday, when I was young, I tasted cum upon my tongue and was forever changed. Now I’m in the twilight of my years, I still crave the taste of cum, as much or more than ever. However, at my advanced age, and having severe ED issues, most men pass me by.Little do they know, I still suck cock as good as ever, and I’m still a very good fuck. Tis sad, as little do they know, what they are missing. I was a mere sixteen when my girlfriend’s father caught me fucking his precious daughter. He...

Gay Male
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My name is Kenta Ishimara. I am 21 years old, 5'7 with neat black hair and glasses. My life was, putting it very lightly, boring. Noting ever happened to me. I had a pervy lesbian sister, my dad I swore was secretly gay and us kids were the product of my mother sleeping around, like she did from time to time. They hardly ever even talked to each other, let alone made love. Of course, I also had some typical friends. Most of which I swear were only using me to get to my sister. As revenge, I've...

2 years ago
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Changed Neighbour To Lesbian And Did Threesome With Cab Driver

This incident happened with me some 9 months back. 3 years before we came to Mumbai from Kanpur because of my husband’s job and we came and settled here only. From first only we stayed at rented home my husband is in late 35 and he is a sr. Marketing manager. His sex stamina is ok. But I am bisexual I prefer female more than male. From first sight only sapna has attracted me towards her that why I made love to sapna. About ourself  I am 5. 5 ft tall,  skin color light brown, age 32, mere boob...

4 years ago
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Changed my life

Hi, this is Anish and wife’s name is Sona. Though not very beautiful, she has an attractive face with a 34C-28-36 figure and I usually notice men looking hungrily at her. For quite some time I suspected that Sham, male Muslim friend of mine and Sona were having regular intercourse but were being very discrete about it. The closest I came to witnessing one was during one of my lunch breaks when I came home to find his car parked in front of house. But this time I did not have the key to the...

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Exchanged Chapter 40

Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 40: MY BATH...

3 years ago
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Exchanged Epilogue

Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! This is my final posting in...

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Exchanged Chapters 1 and 2

Exchanged By BabySofia Before you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover readers. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. It is not a Whateley FanFiction like my last story and instead is in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. I debated about posting this on this site, but given it does have a TG element to it I...

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Exchanged Chapters 3 and 4

Before you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover readers. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. It is not a Whateley FanFiction like my last story and instead is in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. I debated about posting this on this site, but given it does have a TG element to it I believe there are still a...

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Exchanged Chapters 11 and 12

I'm assuming by now if you're reading this story you have read the previous parts. I you haven't just please be advised that this story is heavily oriented towards the ABDL community and involves being babied, diapers, bottles, etc. I give full credit to PrincessPottyPants for the DiaperDimension universe, as well as Langtab and KWOceans for writing the stories that inspired this tale. I hope you enjoy this Diaper Dimension tale! Chapter 11: DAD REACTED FIRST saying, "Oh my...

4 years ago
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Exchanged Chapter 17

Chapter 17: THE NEXT MORNING I woke up to Amanda picking me up. "Come on baby, let's get you ready for today!" I yawned and leaned against her. "I hate waking up..." She laughed. "Don't we all!" She lay me down on the changing table and pulled the nightgown up to see a very soaked diaper. "Hmm... I'm surprised this held out last night. But, we definitely need to make sure you're getting more to drink." "Why do you say that?" I asked sleepily. "It's a really yellow diaper...

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