- 2 years ago
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This is a work of fiction. All of the characters and events in this story are fictional. If you are under the age of 18 or are in an area that prohibits erotic fiction then leave now. This story depicts lesbian sex and mind control, if that’s not your thing then leave now. You’ve been warned.
Special thanks to Vella_ms for her help and support as my editor.
Please remember to vote, 5’s are appreciated.
I woke up the next morning to a most unusual sensation. Julia was leaning over me, her lips pressed to mine and her long tongue was sliding down my throat. I decided that it was probably the most wonderful wake up call I had ever received and I moaned softly.
She saw that I had finally woken up and slid her tongue out and smiled warmly at me. ‘Good morning sleepyhead. I didn’t really want to wake you. You looked so cute lying there naked with your hand cupping your breast like that, but,’ she sat up and sighed while her lusty eyes continued to roam my naked body, ‘it is Monday morning and you do have to go to work.’
Work? Oh shit! I looked at the clock, eight-thirty. I was already an hour and a half late. ‘Couldn’t you wake me up a little earlier?’ I called over my shoulder as I ran to the bathroom.
Julia followed me in, ‘I figured you needed the rest after last night.’ She was watching my ass as I turned on the shower. As I bent over to check the water temperature I felt her place her hands on my ass.
‘Julia, what do you think you’re doooiiiinnnngggg…?!’ The last part turned into a long groan as Julia slid her long tongue into my tight pussy. ‘Julia…I…have to go…to…go to…work!’ I managed to get out between grunts.
But it was too late, Julia’s very talented tongue was already tickling a sensitive spot deep inside me. ‘Oh, Julia! Julia…JULIA!’ My arms gave out and I fell forward. I lay bent over the side of the bathtub, the hot water pounding on my back. ‘No Julia, I have to go to work! Please, I have to… I have… No, I… I… Oh! Oh God you’re so good! Oh! Yeah, right there, oh!’
Julia slid her tongue back out of me and said in a little girl voice, ‘Well if you really have to go to work, I’ll stop.’
All thoughts of work were pushed from my mind. I was beside myself with hot need. ‘Don’t you dare stop you little minx! Eat me, eat me, oh, please eat me!’ I begged. ‘I need you Julia! Please fuck me baby! I need you inside me!’
‘You need me?’ She asked again in that same little girl voice. She leaned back in and I could feel her hot breath on my pussy. ‘What do you need little old me for?’ As she said it, her long tongue flicked my swollen clit.
Another soft moan escaped me as her tongue teased me. ‘Please Julia, please, fuck me with your tongue. I need you, I need you so badly right now! Oh… please make me cum baby!’
‘Well, since you asked so nicely I guess…’ The rest became muffled as she slid her long tongue back into me and her lips pressed against my cunt.
I cried out once again as her long tongue found my most tender, intimate places. Her tongue rolled around inside me as she slid it in and out. Ecstasy flooded through me and in just a few short minutes I felt myself going over the edge. Every muscle in my body seemed to go taut and I let out a cry of pleasure as I came. I felt Julia’s hands tighten on my ass, her fingernails digging in painfully as she came with me. Ever since I had linked our minds yesterday, whenever either one of us had an orgasm, the other would at the same time. So Julia was making herself cum by eating my pussy. The very thought of what she was doing to herself was so erotic that it drove me even higher. I cried out with the intensity of the pleasure, ‘Oh Julia! Julia, I love you! I love you baby! Aaaaggghhh!’
She continued to eat me for several more orgasms until, unable to take any more, I rolled completely into the tub to escape her long, talented tongue. I was completely exhausted and lay in the bottom of the tub, moaning softly to myself as the hot water continued to rain down on me.
Julia sat on the floor for a few minutes resting then finally stood up on shaky legs. Her face was slick with my cum. She ran a finger down her cheek and slowly licked the sticky wetness off her finger. ‘Mmm, you’re delicious baby.’ The corners of her lips twitched up into a little smile and she turned away, heading for the door. ‘I’ll go get you something to eat.’ And she was gone.
Ten minutes later as I was stuffing a bagel into my mouth and pouring black coffee, double sweet, into my travel mug. I asked where Alissa and Cassandra had gone.
‘Oh they left about an hour before you got up. Alissa had to go to a meeting or something and Cassandra had class.’ Julia was sitting at one of the counter stools, wearing only a short, flimsy bathrobe, sipping at a glass of orange juice and flipping through one of her product catalogues for work. Julia managed a women’s swimwear store at the local mall and I couldn’t decide if she was actually doing work or just admiring the firm young bodies modeling the suits.
‘This is the first time I’ll be late for work in two years.’ I said in disgust. As if on cue my cell phone rang. I looked down at the small screen, it was the office calling. I flipped it open. ‘Good morning. This is Mary.’ I said, trying hard to sound professional.
‘What happened to you this morning?’ It was one of the lab techs named Anthony, although everyone called him Ant. He was about six foot, dark hair, brown eyes, not too bad looking. I had been shamelessly flirting with him for months and he had been a little standoffish. We were friends but he just wouldn’t take it up a notch as I had wanted. It occurred to me as I listened to his voice that I now had no interest in him that way at all.
‘I just over slept, forgot to set the alarm, it happens.’ I said, trying to be flip.
‘Not to you it doesn’t. The boss has been wandering around looking for you.’
Shit, I thought to myself. Aloud, I said, ‘Is he mad?’
‘No, I think he’s just worried, his star engineer being missing, you know.’ he teased.
‘Oh, shut up. I’ll be there in about thirty. Can you hold down the fort till I get there?’ I had my keys in hand and was heading to the door.
‘Yeah, we’ll manage. Don’t forget, you get to interview the summer help today.’ I heard him snickering, ‘Lucky you. See-ya.’ He hung up.
The interviews for the summer co-op position, oh yippee, I thought with very little enthusiasm. Not a single woman in the lot, I thought again with disappointment. It would have been nice to have some tight young thing as my assistant for the summer. Oh well.
I gave Julia a lingering kiss at the door, out tongues playfully dancing for a minute. ‘I’ll see you tonight baby.’
Julia smiled, gave me one more quick kiss and said softly, ‘I love you.’ Then she went inside and looking back with a small smile and closed the door.
Work was horribly slow all day. I couldn’t get visions of Julia, Alissa and Cassandra out of my head. What and incredible weekend it had been. I couldn’t wait till next weekend. Actually I couldn’t even wait till tonight! I was getting wet just thinking about it.
The day slowly came to an end. I shuffled through a mountain of paperwork that had accumulated while I was away last week, made a few phone calls, and handled a few crises. I also conducted the first four interviews. They were as bad as I thought they would be. Two jocks, and dumb ones at that, one computer nerd and a pervert, quite a collection my boss had called in. We had gotten about fifty or sixty applications from the local colleges, I couldn’t believe this was the best he could come up with.
It was about five thirty and the office was vacant, everyone else had gone home already but I had stayed for the last interview. Apparently he had a conflict and had scheduled a late interview.
I looked at the resume on my desk, Tony. No actuall
y, Toni misspelled with an ‘i’. Perfect, I thought with bad grace, the jerk didn’t even proof read his own friggin name. This should be a short interview.
I heard the front door open then close, followed by slow, tentative footsteps.
‘Back here!’ I called out, ‘Third door on the right.’
The face that looked timidly around the corner was not what I had expected. It wasn’t a college age guy in a cheap, poorly fitting suit, it was a pretty, young, black woman.
‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. I thought you were somebody else.’ I apologized. ‘Can I help you with something?’
‘I… I’m here for an interview. Ah… a job interview I mean.’ She was trying to be professional but she was clearly very nervous.
‘And your name?’ I prompted.
‘Toni, Toni Charles.’ She hesitated a second, then held out her hand. In the process she managed to knock a stack of folders off the table next to the door.
‘Oh no! I’m so sorry!’ She quickly bent down to pick them up. As she did so she bumped the file cabinet and a coffee cup that was sitting on top of it on top fell onto the floor and shattered.
‘Oh my God! Oh shit!’ She cried, and then she covered her mouth with her hands, ‘I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to say that! Let me just clean this up!’ She looked like she was on the verge of tears.
I couldn’t help smiling. This girl was a complete disaster. She was so nervous it was actually comical. ‘Don’t worry about it! Please, please just leave it.’ I said helping her up. She had all of the folders in her hand and she put them back on the table.
‘No, no, I’ll go get a broom or something to clean up the glass.’ She was heading for the door.
‘Trust me, just leave it. We have a cleaning service, they’ll get the glass. It’s all right. Now please, come and sit down.’ I said pointing to one of the chair across from my desk.
She sat down, a little reluctantly. She looked absolutely miserable, clearly she figured this interview would be over very shortly. I took a moment to study her. She was about five foot five or so, probably twenty or twenty one years old. She was black but not really dark, maybe like a cappuccino color. Dark brown, very curly hair, a little longer than shoulder length, tied back in a ponytail. A little heavy through the middle with small breasts and thick legs. But she had a very pretty face with dark eyes and full lips. I could work with this, I thought.
‘This is your first interview, isn’t it?’ I asked.
She looked even more miserable. ‘Is it that obvious?’
‘Ah, yeah. It kind of is. Why don’t you just relax? You’ll do just fine, now. Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?’ I gave her a little push on her mind to help calm her down. She sighed and seemed to visibly relax.
‘Ok, about me,’ she seemed to take a mental inventory for a second, ‘I’m a freshman at …’
She talked on for a few minutes about herself. I asked a few questions but mostly I let her talk. She was a freshman at a local college majoring in environmental engineering, she lived nearby with two of her friends. She was currently working for the college in the library but was hoping to get a job that related to her field of study.
She seemed a little more confident now that she had contributed something but she still wasn’t comfortable. She actually seemed very intelligent and knowledgeable, if a bit clumsy. I figured she would make a fine addition to the company. And she would be just fine for me too.
‘Well, the job that’s available is an assistant engineer. Basically you would be my assistant. Working on paperwork for me, lab data, field reports, things like that. You would also be working in the field with me, collecting samples, performing evaluations and investigation and so on. There is some traveling involved, we work all over New England and sometimes stay on site for a few days. Are you available for travel?’
‘Oh yes, that’s no problem at all.’ The expression of earnestness on her face was almost comical. For some reason she wanted this job very badly. Maybe it was the only interview she had gotten, I thought. I wondered how many resumes she had sent out.
I leaned back in my chair and looked at her. ‘Well, what do you think? Do you want the job?’
The question seemed to shock her a little, like she hoped it would come but didn’t expect it.
‘Yes!’ She blurted out, and then seemed to catch herself. ‘Um, yes… yes I would like the job if it’s available.’ She added a little sheepishly.
‘Well then…’ Suddenly in the middle of my sentence I felt an intense rush of pleasure avalanche through me as my pussy spasmed with an unexpected orgasm. ‘Oh! Oh God!’ I cried out. My head rolled back and my hands clutched the arms of my chair so hard my knuckles turned white. Fire burned through me as I wondered what was happening to me.
Toni was staring at me with wide eyes. She was probably wondering if I was completely mad. ‘Are… are you ok? M… m… maybe I should be going.’ She said nervously as she started to stand up.
Through sheer force of will I controlled the passion rampaging around inside my body and asked Toni one final question. ‘So how badly do you want this job?’ I said in a voice so strained it was barely recognizable. As I said it I pushed on her mind to make her desperate enough to do anything… absolutely anything.
‘Oh please, I really need this job! I’ll do anything, anything at all!’ She cried out, tears welling up in her dark eyes.
Her words were music to my ears. ‘Good, then… get under… under my desk!’ I managed to get out between moans and pants.
Her eyes got so round they looked like saucers, ‘No, I, I, I can’t!’ she stammered, ‘I don’t do that kind of thing! Please, don’t make me do this! Anything else!’ But even as she said it she got down on her hands and knees and crawled under my desk.
‘Now pull my… my pants down and… eat meeeeee!’ The last part came out as a scream as another climax surged up inside me. I felt her hands slide up along my hips and grab the waistband of my pants. With a single pull she slid them down past my knees and then down to my ankles. I slid down farther in my chair and spread my legs wide. I felt her curly hair brushing against the inside of my thighs as she leaned in.
I could feel her hot breath on my slit as she leaned in close. I pushed hard on her mind as I sensed her getting close to me. I groaned loudly as I thought about what she was about to do. I changed her mind to make her love the taste of my sex, love the taste of another girl. From now on even the smell of a woman would be an intense aphrodisiac for her. ‘That’s right baby, slip that… ooohhh… slip that tongue into me!’
I looked down at the face between my legs. Toni had her eyes closed and as I watched she touched my clit with the tip of her nose. As I moaned I saw her inhale deeply, savoring the smell of my pussy. She gave a long shuddering sigh then her eyes opened and she looked directly into mine.
I moaned again, louder this time as I saw the look of intense lust that flared in her eyes and the devilish smile on her face. Her eyes slid slowly closed and her face pushed in, then I felt the tip of her tongue touch my clit.
It was like a bolt of lightning had struck between my legs. I jerked up off the chair as I cried out with the pleasure of it. Toni’s arms grabbed onto my ass and held her face between my legs. I thrashed and jerked as Toni’s inexperienced tongue twirled around my clit as she savored her first taste of pussy.
My legs finally were unable to hold me anymore and I slid completely off the chair and fell onto the floor. My head hit the cold tile with a hollow thump but I didn’t care. The pain was blown away by the raging hurricane of pleasure that was inside me. I clutched the back of Toni’s head and pulled her face harder against me, desperately grinding myself against her.
‘Get over here! I want to tast
e you too!’ I managed to say as I continued to hump her face.
She let go of my bottom and stood up. Reaching behind herself, she unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. She was wearing a pair of black lace panties and thigh high black nylons with lace at the top. As I continued to watch, she hooked her thumbs under the panties and slid them down her legs.
‘Tear open your blouse.’ I told her.
She immediately grabbed the front of her blouse and gave it a yank. There was a rapid popping sound as the buttons were torn away and I heard the little clinking noises as they scattered on the floor.
My spontaneous orgasms seemed to have stopped for the moment and I took a second to study her as I recovered. She did not have the most attractive body I had ever seen, not bad, but not really good. Small breasted, a little bit of a roll to the stomach, big butt and the legs were a little on the thick side.
Well, I thought, the big ass can stay, it actually looks kind of cute. But the rest of it needs some work. I pushed on her mind, made her trust me completely, made her want to confide in me, made her believe I was her new best friend. Then I asked her, ‘Do you like your body, Toni?’
She looked down at me and her expression became a little downcast. She said, ‘Not really, I’ve tried dieting and exercising but nothing seems to work. I just can never seem to look like I want to. I wish I had a body like yours. You look incredible!’
‘So what would you change if you could?’ I asked.
‘Everything.’ She laughed, but there was no humor in it. ‘Skinny legs, smaller butt, flat belly, bigger boobs. You name it, I’d change it. I just wish it was that easy.’
I smiled broadly. ‘Your wish is my command.’ I envisioned how she wanted herself to look in my mind and pushed.
Her eyes rolled back into her head and she moaned slightly. I watched her body change right before my eyes. Her legs became more slender and shapely and her butt became smaller and firmer. Not too small, I thought. Black girls always look good with a little bigger ass. Her stomach flattened out and her breasts swelled. She hadn’t unhooked her bra yet and the breasts pushed and strained against the flimsy material.
‘Oh my God! What was that! It was wonderful, it felt like I was… AAAAHHHH!’ She screamed as she looked down and saw her massive new breasts. ‘What happened to me? My tits are… oh, God this bra’s so tight! It hurts!’ She was fumbling with the front clasp, trying to release it, but in her panic she couldn’t make it work. ‘Help me! It’s hurting me!’ Tears were starting to run down her cheeks and her hands were trembling from her shock, and pain.
I quickly stood up and helped her unhook the clasp. The two halves of the bra snapped back, releasing her new breasts which bounced slightly with their newfound freedom. She let out a ragged sigh as she massaged them.
After a few seconds she said, ‘What the hell has happened to me? Did you do this to me?’ She was looking down at her new body now, twisting around to see past her breasts.
‘Yes, you said what you wanted changed about your body. So I changed it for you. Don’t you like it?’ As I said it I pushed on her mind to make her believe everything I said.
She looked down at her body again in amazement. ‘I love it! It’s incredible, how did you do this?’
‘I have a magical ring that allows me to change any woman’s body into anything I want.’ I answered truthfully. ‘I found it a little while ago and have been using it to have a little fun with my friends. Would you like to be one of my friends Toni?’ I asked, already knowing the answer.
‘Oh, yes Mary! I’d love to be friends with you. Can we really be friends?’ She was so eager, if I hadn’t still been so turned on I would have laughed.
‘Yes my dear, we can. But first we need to make one more little change. Are you ready?’
‘Yes, I’m ready! But what are you going to do to me?’ She asked eagerly.
She looked so hot now that I was having a hard time concentrating. She was still wearing her high heels and nylons. She also had the unhooked bra and the blouse she had ripped open. The blouse was open and I could see her cleavage but not the stiff nipples that were making little tents out of her blouse. I desperately wanted so see more of those breasts.
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So I was sitting there between Phil and Bob , when Lisa told them me to help them get undressed . One by one they rose, first Bob, and I pulled his shirt offer his head, then I undid his belt, un snapped his jeans, and pulled them down. I saw his hard cock pushed his undershirts out, and as I pulled them down, releasing him I looked towards Lisa who nodded to me. I took that as encouragement and cupped his sack in one hand, then kissed the head and slowly took it in my mouth. I alternately...
It was a lot of little things that first made me suspicious that my beautiful, sexy wife of just three years had found other avenues of expression in her life. Things continued to be great at home. We enjoyed everything together, especially sex. Both of us had been in our late twenties when we decided to get married. Neither of us were strangers to robust sex when we met. Then we had lived together for a year prior to taking the step. We shared so many common interests together that we never...
My name is Joe. I’m 29, still single, and have a good job making decent money. It began a couple days earlier, when my co-worker Mike invited me to his house to continue the plans on our new project. He told me to arrive at 5pm and we would work as long as needed. I didn’t mind the idea since I was still going to get paid. It's much better to work at home than on the job these days. I arrived at his house 30 minutes late, but once there Mike said "Don't worry about it, I made a mistake...
For Samantha Rob Wilson AKA Houndguy "Well, now what?" He asked her such a simple questiononce dinner was over. "Lets go back to your place." Her answer had both surprised her and scarredher, it sounded like it was the most natural thing in the world to do. Hisplace, she knew, was a hotel room he'd rented out during his short stay inthe area. It would be getting dark by the time they got there and her invitation,she thought only now, was implying that she would stay the night. "Sounds fine...
The Captain did not join Kitty in his bed that night, leaving her instead to stew miserably and attempt to predict what the next day would bring. Shortly after sunrise, the door opened and Kitty strained in her tethers to see what was happening. She heard a body falling on the floor and a terse command to ‘Wait there’. Then the door closed. Intrigued and terrified, Kitty manoeuvred her body until she could see the figure of Tom, bound hand and foot, lying on the floor. ‘Tom,’ she hissed in a...
The summer was uneventful for the fabulous foursome of Archie, Bettina, Jerry, and Veronica. At least, until Archie and Jerry decided to join the Girl Scouts in order to go on a camping trip with Bettina and Veronica. The two girls expended a lot of time and effort to make the boys look presentable as normal teenaged girls. The clothes were not a problem at all. In fact, Archie fit well into Bettina's duds and Jerry looked quite fetching in Veronica's body hugging black dress....
Blushing bride Samantha Mack has just given her gorgeous wife-to-be Jessie Lee the gift of getting fucked in the ass by a man for the first time. But even though Jessie enjoyed every minute of getting fucked by Isiah Maxwell, she still feels a little guilty, as if she’s just cheated on Samantha. Isiah hates to see any strife between his friends, so he makes a suggestion that he hopes will help – maybe he could fuck Samantha too, to even things up? Jessie is all for it, and Samantha...
xmoviesforyouMY first timeHello all sex lovers.My story goes long way back. My father left India to go to UK to make more money. He left behind I sam then I was 8 year old and my sister was 4 year old. Mom was about 30. She is very sexy woman.We had nice time growing up. Dad use to send money every month it made mom,s life easy.I an my s*s were very close to each other.Mom looked after us very nicely. We both k**s did not give mom any hard time. Mom had one lady in the village who use to visit mom. She was...
I met James Dennis at a nearby café and, after coffee and doughnuts; we walked two blocks to the train station and waited for the train to arrive. I should take a moment to describe Mr. James Dennis to the reader. He was a tall, well-favored young man, dressed to the nines in tight-fitting dark brown slacks which were pegged at the cuffs in the current fashion favored by the under twenty-five set. He topped them off with an expensive camel's-haired sport jacket. He could easily have passed...
I used to be a shy and innocent k** in highschool. No one really wanted to be my friend, no guy thought I was hot or something like that. I was feeling kind of down at some point. My parents were pretty worried that I was always indoors, and nobody else except my teachers called to contact me. I was frequently crying and feeling dissapointed. It was the loneliest time of my life. But oh boy, things were about to change in my senior year. One day, I was sitting in front of my highschool,...
I can still remember the first time I asked her if I could do it. I had always had a fascination for tasting my own semen, you see. My wife Megan had indulged me certain levels of satisfaction in this matter but refused to let me give her oral after sex.She said it was "gross".I had licked it off her tits and she occasionally would kiss me after a blowjob, but that was the extent of it.But then I had an idea. What if I fucked her with a condom on and then ate her immediately afterward. It might...
Dear Readers, This is my first real incident recorded in writing. So, I humbly request you to apologize, if there are any grammatical mistakes in this story, as this is my first story ever written. Preface to this story: Got married just before lockdown and it was arranged. It was done in traditional Kerala style. This incident happened a year ago during the first lockdown. Part1:Let me introduce to the characters of the story: Myself (Karthik), my wife (Karthika) and a close cousin from my...
First TimeI tell this storyabout my friend Indio, who I grew up with I tell this story? about my friend Indio, who I grew up with. Indio is dead now, gay plague got him at the age of? thirty-nine. He and I were orphans together in a place I?ll call Boysville, though nobody knew Indio?s story. I got a bad enough deal?my folks, whoever they were?didn?t bother to give me a front or middle name, just initials, but ?Abandoned Infant Indio? was all that was on Indio?s birth certificate. Indio showed...
Having danced since she was about 6, Andrea was very flexible and she didn’t let it go to waste, finding no trouble applying her skills to improve and spice up the already amazing sex she had with Jack. They hadn’t seen each other for three weeks and the last time they’d had sex, due to time constraints, had only lasted 5 minutes (although a very good five minutes) with their plans for their last time together before their separation being interrupted beforehand due to her premature time of...
"Hey, when are you going to be home?", I asked my husband Ben. "Probably not for another hour", he replied. "OK. Text me in 30 and I'll order pizza for the night". "Will do babe" he replied. We said our I love yous and hung up.I slipped into my bikini. I looked at myself in the mirror. I should have thrown this bikini out years ago as it's too small these days. Regardless, I headed to the hot tub. I filled the cooler with some beers. I opened a beer and jumped in the hot tub. It's a great...
I wrote this story about a visit with a guy in Tahoe, Please be warned that this story is about a man sucking a man and if that is not your thing, please do not read this. Pics have been added in my photos page. Tripper I was able to get away on Tuesday evening, and Tony said I could call anytime before 11:00 PM to visit and make a quick stop and get my cock sucked. I called from the Carson Valley around 9:15 and he told me he was looking forward to my visit tonight. He expressed that he...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Mary watched me walk in and sit down, a wicked grin on her face. “I knew you were watching, you know,” she said, getting up and slinking over to me, “I always know when you’re peaking. Everything gets quiet in your room.” She had me, of course. I had watched just twenty minutes ago when Mary had fucked the boarder who lived downstairs. He is a very muscular man of twenty five or so and had easily seduced my 18 year old sister in her own bed. Mary...
IncestThe weather remained overcast with the breeze gusting from the east. Celia rode with Chandra most of the time while I tended to ride with Sister Emily. Emily taking her charge to task, quizzed Dina on what she had learned from Allard the previous day at every chance possible. Until the third day of travel, Celia braved the brief but potent showers at the first sign of truly dark clouds that rolled all too fast in our direction. She bolted into her carriage and I caught Chandra looking...
Joann felt good. She lay on the floor, her dress bunched at her waist. Her creamy tits were exposed, and she had her long, enticing legs wide apart. She stretched luxuriously, smiling with flashing eyes at her son and daughter. She didn't feel ashamed or embarrassed. There was no need to. Dave had fucked her, fucked her beautifully, and her cunt still felt tingly. She had sucked his cock off, tasted his come juice in her mouth, burning down her throat. She had loved it, and wanted...
Morbius reclined lazily on the bed with Pamela nestled between his legs, eagerly sucking the head of his cock. Her fingers teased the shaft, bringing him incredible delight. In the two weeks running up to Christmas and over the festive period, she happily provided everything asked of her. She'd surprised everyone with how completely she'd immersed herself in her new environment. The phone rang and he reached over to take the call, careful not to disturb Pamela's ministrations. He feared...
I was told on Thursday that we where having some friends over on Saturday, this ment I had to cut the grass and edge around the pool, clean the pool, and make sure we had enough mixers and liquor. Well Friday I did all that...Saturday morning I cleaned the grill and started the smoker. The pork brisket was smelling good about the time everyone started to show up, that was about four in the afternoon, it had been smoking since ten that morning. The music was cranked up and all the ladies where...
It was any ordinary Friday morning I was sat in the kitchen daydreaming about watching my wife get fucked by another man. It is something me and my wife had joked about many times but never really seriously considered it. For some reason I decided to put it to my wife now.“ You know we were talking the other day about our fantasies and I brought up the idea of watching you with another man? I know we were a little drunk but would you be up for it”?“I’m not sure I know we joked about it at the...
Authors Note: Press like if you like it and anyone is welcome to add whatever they want to the story. I like to sleep late which is why it was annoying when my room shook and I heard "WELL THEN I DIDN'T REALIZE YOU STARTED USING WOMEN'S MAKEUP MY MISTAKE JOHN" before something else was said and a door slammed. Doing what was came naturally I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. Listening for a few more moments I heard my roommate Morgan stomp around knocking shit over in anger. After a...
TranssexualMom went back to work down in the ER the next morning, which I found a blessing. I mean, I loved my mother, but she was driving me completely nuts hanging around the room with me. She still dropped in at lunchtime, but I could handle that. Otherwise, I had her bring in a few books from home that I could read holding up with my left hand. Kelly came over after school on Tuesday. She had worked out an arrangement to take a different bus over to the hospital, and then either Mom would take her...
Up to this point I had slept with two women who weren't single. I wasn't prepared to be in a relationship prior to my twenties. For one, I liked having random fun. I also couldn't trust any woman. Carrie was a year older than me and we had a few classes together. She was sexy; 5"4 with blue eyes, blond hair, great body and the face of an angel. She was the wanted one in our class. No joke, a gay guy confessed having a crush on her. She was that gorgeous. One day I walked into class and she...
Straight SexDetective's Blues - Chapter Fifteen I woke up alone. My head was fuzzy with sleep, and I wasn't quite sure where I was. I stretched lazily, my breasts shifting from side to side as I moved. As I snuggled back into the warm blankets, I became aware of a gentle rocking motion. I lay there yawning as it all slowly came flooding back to me. I used to be a man, but thanks to the memory transfer devise, I was now a woman. I was on board a container ship, steaming away from the...
Hello dosto ye meri story mami ki khushbu ka part 2 hai Meri mami roz apne bra panty bathroom me sukhti thi aur me roz usme muth marta tha mujhe ye sab kar k maza aata tha Ek din mami ka birthday aaya mama mami ke liye cake laye mami ki tabiyat thodi kharb thi to unhone cake nhi khaya unhone kaha kal khaugi sab ne cake kha liye mami ka cake freez me rakh diya me raat ko utha cake ko freez me se nikala aur apne lund se laga liya aur aa kar so gaya subha mami uthi sab kam pura kiya aur din me...
I love the holidays. I enjoy the time spent with friends and family during this time of year. There's something to be said for being in a festive mood during this season, especially when a very attractive next-door neighbor becomes extremely festive. Though I guess a better term to describe her would simply be... horny. Jack and Dawn have been our very good friends and neighbors now for nearly two years having moved into the house directly behind ours. I first met Jack about a week after...
Ye un dino kibat hai jab me ghar par aaya to mere baju wale ghar me naye padosi rahene aaye the. And usko dekhar koi keh nahi sakta ki who 30 sal ki hogi dikhne me who to sirf 23 sal ki lagti thi. To uska nam Heena tha. Aur uski figure 32”30”32” tha. Mene usko dekhte hi hos uud gaye or mere badan me ek fursat hu e. Who mere samne dekh kar smile kia aur chali gayi. Woh joint family ki wajah se bat karne me jijkti thi. Aur smile ka silsilly chalta raha uss dauran 1 maheena bit chuka tha aumene...
It had been almost three weeks since Ellen watched me through the gap in the fence. Each time I went out into the yard I looked to see if she was out there, hoping she might be waiting for another show. The memory of her watching me jerk off was stuck in my head, replaying time and again.Her blue eyes wide and bright, her gaze so focused on my cock as I stroked it. The intensity of the orgasm when my cock exploded and shot the huge load across my torso. The quiver she gave as she reached climax...
VoyeurLetters from Sky By Jan S Part 2 © 2008 by Jan S _____________________________________________________ Sunday, April 6th (midday) I really don't want to talk about her, Mars. OK? I'm glad Jim was acting nicer; guess it will take awhile like you said. Yeah, Lit. and folklore don't sound like good careers. Wouldn't it be nice if learning about neat stuff could? You...
A few years ago my parents had gone away on holiday at that time my sister was living with us and when feeling naughty i felt inclined to slip on her sexiest clothes as i often did while she was at work i slipped out of my clothes and slid on a very nice silky thong, some fishnet stockings from her Halloween costume, her shortest leather skirt, basque and knee high boots i felt like a complete whore but feeling very sexy, i loaded up a chat site and began flaunting my stuff on cam to a few...