Changed Ch. 01 free porn video

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I want to tell you about something that happened a while ago that changed my life.

My name is Mary and I am an engineer for a small environmental engineering company in New England. I am 26 years old and live with my best friend Julia Cho in a condo near the beach on Cape Cod. My work for the environmental company takes me all over New England and I get to see many different things.

On one trip I was in a small coastal Maine town taking soil samples from a trench that a construction company had dug. They were installing a new water pipe and had dug into an old oil tank and the foreman thought the ground was contaminated so my company was called to investigate.

As I was bent over in the trench digging out a sample I saw something sparkle in the dirt. I brushed the soil away and found a large ring. It looked like steel or iron, but it wasn’t rusted at all.

Just then my phone rang. Distracted by the phone conversation I dropped the ring into the pocket of my jacket and forgot about it.

I completed my samples, packaged them up and got in my Land Rover for the long ride back home. I had spent the last few days in a cheap hotel room and was looking forward to hot bath and sleeping in my own bed tonight.

Four hours late I finally pulled into my parking spot. Tired and cranky form the long ride and the traffic. I climbed the stairs up to the front door and dragged my self inside. The place was dark, Julia wasn’t home yet. Going straight to the bathroom I turned on the tub and let it fill with hot water. I went to the kitchen, got a glass of wine and grabbed some cheese and crackers. On the way back I stopped in the living room and grabbed a book that I’ve been meaning to read for a month and haven’t had time to even look at.

I went into the bathroom, stripped off my jacket and clothes and settled into the hot water. It felt wonderful. After a few sips of wine I opened my book, nibbled on a cracker and started to really relax.

My relaxation was disturbed about ten seconds later by an cheery electronic “Beep be de beep be de beep ba beep!” My cell phone, it was in my jacket pocket, which was sitting 2 feet away on the sink. I sat there and seriously considered flushing the damn thing down the toilet. I wasn’t going to answer but then my mind started thinking that it might be important, or better yet it might be Anthony, the guy at the office I have been shamelessly flirting with for months.

I reached for the jacket and pulled it off and fumbled around in the pockets trying to locate the phone, as I did I heard a metallic “Ting” as something hit the floor. I couldn’t see what it was and just then my fingers found the phone and I yanked it out. I looked at the screen, it was Julia. I flipped it open.

“Hi. Are you back yet?” She asked in her perpetually bubbly, happy sounding voice.

It seems like Julia is always happy and cheery. She had a perpetual smile on her pretty Asian face. Julia is of Chinese descent. Her mother and father immigrated to the USA before she was born and worked in the vineyards of the California. Julia grew up there and moved to Boston to attended college. We were roommates freshman year and have been best friends ever since.

“Yeah, I just got in, I’m soaking in the tub, trying to relax.” I said, putting a little emphasis on ‘trying‘.

“Cool, well I’ll be home in about an hour, want me to pick up something to eat? How about a pizza?”

“That sounds good, I should be pretty waterlogged by then.”

“Great see ya in a little while” and she hung up.

As I reached over to put the phone back on the sink stand I caught sight of what had fallen on the floor. It was that ring I had picked up. I scooped it up and looked at it more closely. Most of the dirt had been brushed off while it was in my pocket and I could now see it better. It definitely wasn’t gold or even silver. More like steel but it wasn’t rusted so maybe it was nickel. It also wasn’t smooth like modern jewelry, it was a little rough like something made by a blacksmith. It was pretty big too, definitely a man’s ring not a woman’s. It really didn’t even look like jewelry, it was too big even for a man’s ring. Maybe something some farmer dropped or… who knew? Could have been anything.

Purely because it seemed the thing to do I slipped it onto the thumb of my right hand. I was way too big, I could have fit both my thumbs into it. I was just about to pull it off and toss it in the trash when to my shock, it shrank down and fitted itself to my thumb. Scarred I tried to yank it off but it wouldn’t come off, it was stuck tight. I yanked and pulled at it but all I was doing was hurting myself.

Seriously freaked out and shaking a little form the shock I tried to clam myself, OK, what do I do? How do I get this off? Slide it off? How? Hand cream! I’ll use some cream, then I can slip it off.

I jumped out of the tub, splashing water all over the bathroom and made a lunge for the cabinet. As I pulled open the cabinet door I realized suddenly that the ring was getting hot… very, very hot. It hurt! It was burning, I looked at it and it was glowing with a dull red color.

Panicked I stuck my hand into the tub to cool it, it didn’t help, it was getting even hotter. My whole arm was getting hot. It felt like I was slowly stepping under a scalding hot shower. I screamed and collapsed on the floor.

Suddenly it all stopped and I felt normal. There was no sense that anything had happened, no pain, no marks, nothing.

“What the hell was that!” I said to the empty room, not expecting an answer. I got one anyway.

That was the start of The Bond. If you are ready we will now complete The Bond. said a feminine voice from somewhere.

“Who the hell said that!” I said to the empty room as I looked around wildly.

I did. Came the voice.

I realized then that the voice wasn’t really spoken, it was in my head. “And who the hell are you, where are you?!”

I am, or more accurately was, the Royal Sorceress Marcellene, and right now I am wrapped around you finger. The voice returned in a pleasant tone.

Standing in the middle of the bathroom naked, dripping water all over the floor, I looked at the ring in horror and wonder. “If you’re a sorceress then why do you look like a ring, and why did you hurt me, and how are you talking to me, and, and, and… WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!” This last part came out as a hysterical scream as my brain was rapidly approaching the point of overload.

I immediately felt a cool, soothing feeling wash through me and I involuntarily took a deep soothing breath, it felt wonderful. I began to relax even though I didn’t know why.

Please be calm and I will explain everything to you. As I have said, I was the Royal Sorceress Marcellene. I served Emperor Natora who ruled the northern tribes over 5000 years ago. My life force was trapped in this ring by mistake when I tried to create a powerful magical item for him and I have been trapped here ever since. I have been worn by hundreds of men over the years who used my powers to become rich and powerful men, some built huge empires and controlled the destiny of millions. The last man who wore me was a Viking about 600 or 700 years ago, he seized me from my previous master during a raid. He then came to America with a Viking fleet to try to found a colony but he was killed and I was dropped into the mud where I have been lying for many centuries, hoping another man would find me so I could bond with him. You are the first woman who has ever put me on. I did not think a woman would want my powers but you have put me on and you shall have them when The Bond is completed. The voice concluded in a pleasant, soothing tone.

I thought that was pretty far from explaining everything but at least it was a start. OK, the basics. “Who was Emporer Natora?
What do you mean by ‘creating an object’? What kind of object were you trying to create and how did you become trapped?”

Emporer Natora was a horrible tyrant whose only love was power, it was the only thing he wanted, nothing else mattered to him. When he turned 60 his advisors warned him that he had no heir and that when he died the throne would pass to his sisters son whom he hated, and in fact had tried to have killed several times. Natora needed to take a wife and have a child but he was too old, 60 was very old 5000 years ago, and he could no longer be with a woman in that way. He did not even desire them any more. He was also quite horrible to look upon, his face disfigured from diseases and many battles. Women shrank away from him when he came near.

I was to create a potion that would make him desire women again and be able to be with a woman again. It was also to give him the ability to charm women, at least long enough to copulate. It was a simple thing for a sorceress of my power but something went wrong. When I was saying the incantations over the bottle of liquid I sneezed. The voice paused, then continued on, seemingly heavy with sadness, so simple a thing to start 5000 years of confinement. Such a simple, silly little thing… a sneeze. The voice sighed heavily and continued. The spell I was weaving exploded in my face, I was killed instantly, my body torn apart by the magic, but I was not destined to die. The iron ring that hung by a fine chain between my breasts, the symbol of a royal sorceress, somehow absorbed the shattered spell and my life force. The spell and I became bonded together and to the ring, forever.

I felt a wave of intense sorrow and loss for Marcellene. To be trapped, without a body for thousands of years was a fate to horrible to contemplate just now. I couldn’t bear to think about it, I felt sick with despair. I needed to get that vision out of my head so I asked another question. “You said that you had never bonded with a woman before and that no woman would want your power. Why is that?”

When the spell shattered it was twisted and magnified a thousand times. The spell no longer grants the receiver a charm that allows him to seduce women temporarily. It gives the receiver the ability to control any woman, all women, completely in soul and in body. He gains complete control of her soul, the ability to change her every thought and dictate her deepest darkest desires. He also gains total control of her body, her physical form, to shape her into whatever form he wishes for her, whatever vision of beauty or horror he sees fit. No woman can resist my master. The woman of his choosing will changed into whatever he wishes and do whatever he wishes.

“That’s horrible!” I cried out. “To be changed into whatever someone else want’s you to be! How can you allow that!?”

I have no choice. I am bonded to the spell and the ring. When the ring is put on a man then I become bonded to him and he my master. My master is granted my powers.

“Is there anything else?” I asked with a growing dread, looking down at the ring on my finger. Frantically trying to figure out how to get rid of this cursed thing.

Yes. If you remember I said the spell also had to make the Emperor desire women again. When the spell shattered sexual desires the spell was supposed to impart also changed. The receiver now becomes addicted to women and the pleasure they can give him. The pleasure that women can give him also becomes much, much more intense. All sexual sensations are greatly magnified. Climaxes are reached very quickly, are much, much more powerful and last many times longer, and they can be had repeatedly. It is this desire to be with women that made me wonder why you put me on. I would not think that a woman would want these desires. But you have put me on and so we will now complete the bond.

“NO!” I screamed.


“I don’t like girls that way! I don’t want to like girls! I… I… I like guys! I don’t want to be a… a… a lesbian! I don’t want The Bond! Just go away and leave me alone!” I was stuttering while I yelled, my thought’s were getting very confused as I started to panic.

But it is too late, The Bond has been started, it cannot be stopped. If you did not want my powers you should not have put me on. The ring said flatly.

“NO!” I screamed as I felt the heat flare up in my hand again, quickly spreading through my body. “NOOOOOOOO!” My arms and chest felt like they were on fire, I could feel the fire creeping up my neck and down my legs. When it reached my head I passed out.

I woke up to the sound of a knock on the door. “Mary, you in there? You OK?”

It was Julia, she sounded a little worried.

I sat up and looked around. I was lying on the bathroom floor, naked. Wow, that was strange, what a dream.

“I’m fine. I must have just dosed off. I’ll be out in a minute.” I called out to her.

What the hell had happened? Was that a dream or was it real? Did this ring really bond with me? I didn’t feel any different. No, it was just some crazy dream, but why was I on the bathroom floor naked? At that moment I realized my head hurt and I put my hands up to rub my temples. When my fingers touched my forehead I felt a bump on my left temple. That’s what happened. I had fallen and hit my head. I had dreamed it all. I slipped trying to get the ring off, hit my head and dreamed it all. It had seemed so real but it couldn’t be, that’s just crazy.

I tried to pull off the ring but it was stuck tight. Hadn’t it been too big? No that was just in the dream, it must have been this size before, metal rings don’t just change size on their own. It was a little too small and I stupidly pushed it onto my thumb and now it was stuck. Well, maybe Julia could help me get it off. I dried off, wrapped a robe around myself and went out to get something to eat. Julia had gotten a pizza and it smelled wonderful.

Julia was standing by the door with a concerned look on her face. “Are you OK? I’ve been calling you for about five minutes?” She looked closer, “What’s that bruise on the side of your head at the hairline?”

“I think I must have fallen getting out of the tub and hit my head. I think I blacked out.”

She now looked very concerned “Come sit down and rest. Do you want me to call and ambulance for you?”

“No, no, I’m fine, really. Don’t be such a mother hen. I’m fine. All I really need is some of that pizza, it smells great.” I said with as much gusto as I could manage.

Julia didn’t look convinced but sat down on one of the stools at the counter to eat. I walked over and sat down next to her. Julia had also gotten out a bottle of wine.

The pizza was delicious and after a couple of pieces, and a couple of glasses, we were both laughing and joking again.

I looked closely at Julia as I ate. For the first time in years, really studied her. Shoulder length black hair, dark, dark brown, almost black, slanted, Asian eyes. She had a slim, tight body with small firm breasts. Short at only about five foot two inches. She maintained her trim body with an hour of aerobics a day. She was really very beautiful.

I bet she looks really good naked.

Where the hell did that thought come from? Why would I think that? I’m not interested in her that way, she’s my best friend. Why would I want to see her naked?

I want to see her naked because I want to have sex her.

What!!?? What was I thinking? She’s my best friend! I can’t have sex with her. Why was I thinking like this? It was like someone else was planting thoughts in my head. I was starting to feel a little lightheaded.

“So what do you want to do tonight?” Julia asked interrupting my churning thoughts.

The thought that immediately came into my head was, “I want to watch you climb up onto the counter and play with y
ourself.” I didn’t say it out loud but just the idea of it struck me with a little bit of horror, where were these thought coming from. I’ve lived with her for years and never thought that before. What was wrong with me? But what happened next almost knocked me off the stool.

Julia climbed up onto the counter and started to strip.

“What are you doing?!” I said, the worried tone in my voice was hard to miss, all of this was rapidly becoming very unreal.

“I just felt I had to play with myself for you. I knew that you’d like to watch me fuck myself.” Julia said in a soft, sexy voice.

I was speechless. This was just what I had wanted, but I didn’t really want it, did I? I was so confused. Conflicting thoughts were running around inside my head looking for a way out. I felt dizzy with confusion, and with desire. It was the first time in my life I had ever felt desire for another woman and it terrified me. What was going on? I was becoming very turned on, my nipples were rock hard and I could feel my wetness soaking my bathrobe.

Julia was now naked and she lay down on the counter and started to play with her already wet pussy and her small hard, pink nipples. She slipped a finger into herself and moaned.

“Oh! Oh yeah! It feels so good! I’m so wet, look at me, look at my cunt! ” and she opened her legs and held open her pussy with her fingers. She was very wet. Her bright pink pussy was covered by sparse, soft black hair. She was clearly very turned on. “I’m wet for you! I’m turned on just for you! Ooohhh!” She moaned out louder as she slipped two fingers inside herself.

“I want to watch you cum.” I thought to myself, then I realized I had actually said it out loud.

“Oh, OH, OH, YES, YES AAAAAHHHHH!!! I’m CUMMING! I’m cumming for YOU! OOOOOHHHH!!!” Julia screamed out as she came. He body writhed and thrashed on the countertop. Her juices soaked the counter as she continued to furiously finger her pussy.

It was a wild sight, I had never known anyone could cum on command. It was incredibly sexy and exciting. She had fucked herself because I wanted her to I had made her cum just by saying it. This new power was a heady rush. After watching Julia’s lewd display I was now on fire, I had never been so turned on in my life. I needed release, I needed sex, I needed Julia! I gave into my lust. I had to have her.

“Get over here and eat my pussy.” I commanded her.

I almost came before she even touched me. Just the sight of this beautiful girl hopping down and putting her face between my legs made me hotter than I had ever been in my life. Then her tongue hit my pussy.

The ring on my finger flared with heat, the Ring! The dream, it had been real! The ring was changing me. No, I didn’t want to be changed, I tried to resist but my mind exploded with visions of beautiful women, big beautiful breasts, shapely tight asses and wet pussies. Of controlling every woman I met! Of having sex with any woman I wanted. I could, I had the power to control their minds and bodies. The ring on my finger flared with heat again. The Bonding was complete, the ring had changed me, forever.

“Oooohhh Julia, that’s soooo good! Oh yeah, eat me you little slut. Ooooooohhhhh!” A long moan escaped my lips. This was heaven. Julia would do anything I wanted her to. She was mine. But even through my sex crazed thoughts I wondered how much had I changed Julia, what had I done to her?

“Julia, what about your boyfriend?” I managed to get out between moans. She had a steady boyfriend, Jack. I thought he was a jerk but she stuck with him for some reason.

Julia pulled her face out from between my legs and smiled up at me, her face wet with my juice, “Who? Jack?” She looked confused for a moment then “I’m done with Jack, guys just don’t seem do anything for me anymore for some reason. It’s girls that really turn me on now!” With that, she put her face back between my legs and continued eating me out.

I had changed her just by wanting it. This was too good to be true! At that moment Julia slid her tongue deep inside me and I felt myself going over the edge.

“Oh Julia! You’re making me cum! Oooohhhh! Cum with me! Cum with MEEEEE!!!!” I cried out as the most intense orgasm of my life exploded through my body. I convulsed as wave after wave of white hot ecstasy surged through my veins. “Oh Julia, JULIA, AAAAHHHH!!!!”

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Introduction: A story of two people finding each other and finding themselves. Opening the car door the 6,7 foot man stepped out into the dewy misty morning. Locking the vintage jaguar door, he stood back admiring his prize possession. Now in his sixtys and semi retired, the car was his first extravagant and impulsive decision. Buying the remote house with 5 acres of pasture and woodland was his second. All his life he had dedicated his existence to science. Until the military became...

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Here you are...another night spent here in front of your PC.Reading another erotic fiction about gender bend,your already 21 years have no job.your not good at studies,your a useless NEET living day by day on your parents fortunes.You don't go out of your house,you stay in your all day while everyone looks down on you and keeps giving you lectures to get your life together.You're tired of think "man,women have it easy..all they need to do is use their body get whatever they...

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So I was sitting there between Phil and Bob , when Lisa told them me to help them get undressed . One by one they rose, first Bob, and I pulled his shirt offer his head, then I undid his belt, un snapped his jeans, and pulled them down. I saw his hard cock pushed his undershirts out, and as I pulled them down, releasing him I looked towards Lisa who nodded to me. I took that as encouragement and cupped his sack in one hand, then kissed the head and slowly took it in my mouth. I alternately...

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It was a lot of little things that first made me suspicious that my beautiful, sexy wife of just three years had found other avenues of expression in her life. Things continued to be great at home. We enjoyed everything together, especially sex. Both of us had been in our late twenties when we decided to get married. Neither of us were strangers to robust sex when we met. Then we had lived together for a year prior to taking the step. We shared so many common interests together that we never...

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Katie the Prodigal DaughterChapter 4 Neighbors

Grandpa and I woke up late. I was smiling as the last night's brutal fucking had left me sore and nicely tired. Grandpa and I drank each other's warm fragrant urine. Grandpa smiled as I showed eagerness for his shit as we always did on weekend mornings, "Katie, sweetie, shall we keep our shit inside in case you might want us to make loaf and pancakes." We got ready and went to visit our neighbors. "Katie, I know, you like uncle Tom, auntie Shari. Please follow my lead and take any...

3 years ago
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Muscle encounters 9 Debra D Andrea

Muscle encounter 8 - Debra D AndreaBy lilguy [email protected] house sits for a strong womanInspired by was a young black man who recently called in classified ads for someonelooking to housesit. The woman that he was housing sitting was Debra D Andrea.She was a sexy bodybuilder with black hair who weight 160 pounds. All it waspure muscle and breast. Her six packs were hard and you could pack a coin offit. Her legs were strong as an Ox, and...

2 years ago
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Sex with good looking sexy Boss

Hi .. I am Sujata from Pune. I am a regular ISS Reader and enjoy this site a lot. Today I am sharing my own story with you all. I am 30 years old women with little pleasantly plump body with nice boobs and other curves in place. My husband Rishi is an IT professional and unfortunately not very good in bed. I have never felt like a complete woman after having sex with him. After I got married at the age of 25 I came to Pune and since I am from a very traditional family I never thought of even...

1 year ago
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Fishing with worms

I picked a lake near my home that had a lot of open space as well as a lot of secluded coves concealed by canyon walls: which I had found in the past were great for bass fishing. With my cooler stocked and fishing poles and tackle loaded, I headed out across the lake. I drove for about twenty minutes just loosening up the engine and then headed for one of the coves a way back from the main lake which I had a lot of luck fishing in the past. As I pulled into the cove and slowed down, I saw a...

4 years ago
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Look What Teasing Gets You

KK trying the paste Look What Teasing Gets You(The story contains characters in both WCW and WWF wrestling and in no way resembles the people that play those characters for our enjoyment. The personalities here are entirely my own creation.)    Big Daddy Cool Diesel AKA Kevin Nash is one big man. At 7? tall and 315 lbs, he is head and shoulders above most of the rest of us. He?s also very handsome, well, at least I think so. Shoulder length dark brown hair, blue-green eyes, a dark...

3 years ago
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Meeting my slave friend

I´m going to tell you about when I visited a slave women I know.This story is true so maybe somebody would like it to be something different or more hardcore but I decided to not change anything.We talked a little bit about what was going to happen but decided not to decide everything before, so it wouldn´t be boring.Helene was a bit older than me or 39. She wasn’t thin like a supermodel but she had a good looking body and long blonde hair and she took good care of herself and was shaved in...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend

I had wanted to fuck my best friend Mari since the day when we were 17 and we fooled around in the movie theater. We had decided to ditch school that day to go the movies instead. We sat in the back of the empty theater. The movie was boring, and soon we were macking on each other, Mari straddling my lap with her jean skirt hiked up, one of my hands up her tight sweater and the other under her skirt, two fingers in her wet pussy, thumb rubbing her clit. We kissed hard, our tongues dueling back...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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My Friend And His Family 8211 Part 2 Sex With The Maid

This is a fictional story about incest sex in my friend’s family. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story, leading to sex, rather than stories with just wild sex. are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at Jai was invited by his friend Raju to visit his hometown. When they reached Raju’s place, Jai...

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Total Woman Security 01

Krista reviewed the Summary of Activities in her HQ Office suite. She was the Managing Chief of Total Woman Security. The Field Operations Status was ‘green’ across the board, no unmanageable threats or risks. The far-flung operational field offices continually loaded their extensive raw data into the system, the analyses and conclusions were instantly accessible to the department Chiefs for evaluation and action. Krista monitored the overall comprehensive summary and could further ‘drill down’...

4 years ago
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My Niece and Her FriendsChapter 7

I finished my shower and pulled on some clothes. I was gonna be a few minutes late picking up Emma after that delightful visit from Madison. Oh man, just thinking about that tight elastic-like cunt of Madison’s had me looking forward to her next visit tomorrow morning. She was certainly a hot little minx and I loved her enthusiasm. I had promised to cum on her face tomorrow and I was planning on making it a big load. I was sure she wouldn’t object if I happened to have my camera ready to take...

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Philippines Adventure

This is a true story. It all started four years ago now while I was over in the Philippines on a work related investigation for my company back in the USA.I was staying at a remote small hotel far from what we all know as being anywhere close to civalisation....the place was clean and the staff were most pleasing to deal with on every level of positions within the entire facility.The day had been a long one and I had to get ready to move out in the morning to another location far across the...

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My New Family With Me And Mom

Hello guys, I am Rahul from India and now settled in the US. I am 23 years old now, 6.2 feet in height with a rock- hard dick of 6.5 inches. I can make any woman happy in bed. Contact me for hot sex, and you will feel the heaven. I was an orphan till last year and was brought up in an orphanage in India. Our orphanage warden informed me about my parents on my 21st birthday. He said that they separated due to misunderstanding. My mom was just 23 years when she left me in the orphanage as she...

3 years ago
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One Hot RushChapter 3

Meagan had just finished washing and waxing her new bike. She carefully wiped it down with a soft cloth and was about to put it away, instead she decided to go for a quick little ride down to the gas station. May as well fill my baby up too she though, and it was a good excuse to get out of the house! She walked through the garage to get her jacket and popped her head in the door to tell Collin her M.O. "Honey! I'm going to the gas station be right back!" She hollered towards the living...

3 years ago
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Welt 3

Introduction: A darkness comes full circle, a soul is lost, and an angel falters in her stride and seeks the guidance of an old mentor.. Welt ~ 3 Here Falls Now Undone, Looks Beyond the Credits Sum&hellip, My ears rang and the smell burned my nostrils. My head twitched slightly at the neck and my breath came in short, sharp shots through my clenched teeth. Pain shot up my left arm, and then again, and I turned to see why. Bethany. Shrieking and yanking back from me, her hands locked around my...

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How Did He Get in

I look at my watch. 3 Am. The bar is closing now; time for everyone to leave. We don't have to go home, but we can't stay here. No problem, I'm way too drunk and tired to do anymore partying anyway. I say goodbye to my friends and hop in the nearest cab back to my place. The cabbie is gives me looks in the rear-view mirror. He makes me uncomfortable; his tip just got cut in half. I hurry out of the cab and make sure to walk to my neighbour's house until the cab is out of sight; last thing I...

1 year ago
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FamilySinners Gina Valentina Step Daughters

Gina decides to continue living at her mother’s house after high school because her mom married a hot Spaniard, Ramon. He is so far out of her mother’s league that Gina assumes he married her just for a green card. And yet, he still seems faithful, save for masturbating in his home office when his flight attendant wife is out of town. Gina usual plays with herself as she spies on Ramon jerking off, but today, she wants more. She walks into his office and catches him with his hands down his...

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Graduation and Ch 28

Stacey Dixon was lying in his bed, reading a magazine, when the phone rang. He was home alone, so he grabbed the phone next to his bed and said, ‘Hello?’ ‘I’d like to speak with Stacey Dixon, please,’ a sultry voice on the phone said, sending thrills down the young man’s spine. ‘Ah…that’s me…I’m Stacey,’ the young man replied. Who was this? ‘My name is Rita Meckler,’ the caller said, ‘Nicole Everett suggested I call you.’ Excitement rushed through the young man. If Mrs. Everett told this...

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An Unforgettable Night

Hi the readers of iss. I have been a frequent reader of this site and have been enjoying it a lot. Today I am about to narrate an incident of my life. This incident is associated with me and my ex gf. This incident is one of the most memorable incidents of my life. Please excuse me for any mistake, if I do so. I’m Raj (name changed) from Chandigarh. I am 5’10” and have an athletic body. My ex’s name is Sonia (name changed) and she is of 5’4” and vital stats of 34-28-32; a figure worth to die...

2 years ago
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Capitol BeatChapter 5 Revenge Rescue

Zoe was escorted into the empty elevator that would whisk them to the top of the Washington Monument. Zoe noticed there was a long wrapped package propped up against the elevator wall. Zoe had good reason to fear Claire’s wrath, but her angst over her mother’s reaction was overruled by her human feelings for Francis. Their relationship had blossomed like the cherry blossoms around the tidal basin and the national monuments in Washington DC. Slap! Claire slapped Zoe who had just delivered...

1 year ago
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Tushy Kimber Woods Breaking Routine

Kimber’s life with her boyfriend is just so routine. He has his time for everything day in and day out. But today is the day she is going to break the monotony. For as long as she has been with him she has had the same fantasy about his roommate. Kimber has lived it over and over again in her head, and now she is going to make it real. After sneaking into his room, she makes his way over to his bed and lays down to make herself comfortable. Needless to say, he will know exactly what her...

1 year ago
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Service SocietyChapter 16 Hotels and Hospitals

Breaking the silence that had held reign since leaving the house, Will asked, “What are we doing here?” “We’ll be staying here until your mother gets out of the hospital,” Dexter answered thinking he had told them they would be staying in a hotel suite with him. He was stopped at a light, waiting for it to change so that he could make the turn into parking lot of the business suite hotel. The place was a little distant from the house, but he had chosen it because it had a set of long stay...

4 years ago
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Walking down the street where i live, the night is cold and its drizzling slightly just enough you don't get agitated. Take out your pack of cigs and light one up...hmmm you inhale and for some reason your mind wonders off to distant memories. You are thinking about your ex-girlfriend and that it has been a while since you unloaded with fury. That moment in which you are so distracted you get a text message. You quickly take out your phone to check the message, its a number you cant place but...

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30th Anniversary Day 2

As I told in part one, my wife Terri and I decided to stay at the same motel one more night and meet Jeff and Greg again after they finished their delivery. We had set 7 PM as the time to meet. They wanted to go by the truck stop, where there were showers, and clean up after unloading the people’s furniture from their truck. Terri and I went shopping for some “things” to wear and got back to the motel around 4 PM to get ready for the night. Terri told me that unlike last night when I made the...

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Room for Rent Part 14 of 14

For three days, Zoey completely shut me out. She didn't come to the office, and she wouldn't answer my calls, texts, or e-mails. She even blocked me on Facebook, which hurt the most. But I didn't give up. I kept sending her messages telling her how sorry I was, how much I hated losing her, and how I would give anything just to see her again, and talk things over with her. I worried that I'd blown my one chance at finding love. Just like that it was gone. My mind spun in circles. If only we'd...

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A Lovely Night Journey

Hi everyone this is anil writing for the first time. So if there are any mistakes in it, I request you to pls give your feedback on it, so that I may rectify the same. I am a great fan of these lovely & sexy stories. Hence I am sharing this real story that happened with me. I live in Navi Mumbai, the city of the 21st century, near Mumbai. I am an average health man with fair complexion & smiling face (as per compliments received from aunties). This story is about my latest sex encounter in a...

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Legacy of a LegendChapter 55

“Welcome to Riften. I am Maven Black-Briar, the Jarl of Riften. I’d like to say that it’s an honor to have everyone here for this auspicious occasion.” A group of us that included all the Jarls had gone to Mistveil Keep. The tables that normally took up the dining hall had been hastily pushed to the side for room. “I’m certain you would, but whether you will or not remains to be seen.” “I beg your pardon? Was I not made Jarl by the Greybeards themselves, at a council that I believe you...

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Letters from a Friend in Paris Letter1

During my visit to London for studies where we had an Old Ancestral Home, I stumbled on a family treasure. Apart from money and other things I also found a hump of books, dairies and notes in the treasure which contained classic, Age old, Erotic books, Novels, and Magazines probably collected by my Ancestors. They are all timeless and precious. They are a must read for all erotica lovers. I want to share them on this site, If you will permit it. i am seeking your permission This is One such...

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Lena Loses Her Hymen 2 In Love Lake

LENA LETS ME FEEL HER UP DURING OUR BATH OF HOURS IN LAKE LOVE, I HOTLY HOPELena looks at her loveliest. Feels finally free from parental 'prison': over 18. Got Gymnasium.Lena is still a very virgin innocent teen. She even has not discovered yet any masturbation!Lena is with me, others siblings and our folks on a hot holiday at our auntie at Lake Love, Bavaria.Lena looks like me and dad: tall and very pretty. Lena and I are always closer, than the others.Lena is by three or four years younger...

2 years ago
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Acquiring a Taste for Brown Cock Meat

I’ve made a good living with my commercial landscaping company, servicing mainly neighborhood community associations, and I owe a lot of that success to my Mexican American crew, and especially my crew chiefs. I compensate my employees above the going labor rates in the Houston area, and even provide medical benefits. I’m paid back with their loyalty, hard work, and attention to detail on the job, that keeps our customers happy.We provide landscaping services most of the year, and even snow...

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Mr Lucky

Millie Dynamite The town was far removed from the problems of the big city. What little crime occurred in the sleepy hamlet was of the misdemeanor variety. Boys dreamed of running away from the community while the girls dreamed of marrying the local boys and running off with them. That night was no different than ten thousand others that had proceeded it. The local movie theater ran features on both screens, two showings of each feature that evening. After all, it was Saturday. The young...

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