Honey, I'm Home! free porn video

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Honey, I'm Home! By The Sympathetic Devil ([email protected]) "Honey I'm home!" Henry rolled his eyes and guiltily put down the controller. "It stopped being funny the fifth time you set it, Jared!" he muttered at his gainfully employed roommate. "How goes the job search?" Jared asked. "Sucks," Henry said, running his fingers through his short blonde hair and looking at Jared's shoes. "I got a few leads but..." "But the rent isn't looking so good this month?" Jared asked. Henry nodded glumly, wondering if this was the moment he got kicked out. Moving back in with his parents might be his only option if Jared wasn't willing to spot him a month. "Well, I've met your mother, and I'm not about to send you back to her. So I think I've come up with a solution." his roommate said and handed him a flier. "A research study?" Henry asked. "You want me to be a guinea pig?" "A guinea pig who can pay his share of this month's rent? Damn right I do!" Jared said. "Okay okay." Henry nodded, since he had met his mother as well. "But what are they testing?" "Kind of vague, isn't it?" Jared said. "I'm sure they'll tell you all about it tomorrow morning." Henry sighed. He didn't have much choice. Day one "It's an anti-anxiety drug," the incredibly stacked nurse explained. "But I don't have anxiety," Henry exclaimed, though he had to admit he was a little anxious at the moment. "Of course not, silly," the nurse said. "They test it in healthy people first to make sure it's safe, then they test it on sick people to make sure it's effective." Henry blushed at being called silly. He would have been angry, but the nurse was so...distracting! In the end, he signed the paperwork the nurse gave him, glancing down her blouse as he pretended to read it. Then he let her lead him to a small room with a hospital bed and a TV. She placed a blood pressure cuff and heart monitor on him, and two electrical leads that she taped to his temples. It was unsettling, but it did give him several opportunities to discretely peer down her blouse. He downed two large, purple pills with the glass of water, the nurse promised to check on him later, and turned on the TV as she left, handing him the remote. Henry tried to find something interesting. Over and over he changed the channel, watching the numbers on the screen climb up up up. There was nothing on at all. He wished they had a gaming system. Or WiFi. Or something. But no, just mindless TV and the numbers climbing up and up and up. At some point he must have zoned out, because the next thing he remembered the nurse was shaking him awake, helping him out of the bed, handing him two $20 bills and reminding him to be there on time the next day. He staggered out into the early afternoon, dazed and blinking, more money in his hand than he'd had in quite some time. He could go to a bar. He could go to a strip club even, though not for very long. Why hadn't he checked out the nurse's tits on the way out? But as he tried to think of where to go with his two $20 bills, he realized he had to take them home. That money was for Jared. It was for the rent. Jared could've tossed him out on his ear, but he hadn't. Henry didn't deserve him. He walked on home. It was quite a way to go, but Henry didn't really have any place to be. Jared wouldn't be done working at his research job at Bloom Pharmaceuticals for several more hours and Henry had a lot to think about. What did he really want out of life? He made it home to the apartment and collapsed in his bed. Being a guinea pig was exhausting somehow. He only vaguely heard Jared come in saying "Honey I'm home." Henry gave a token laugh and drifted back off to sleep. Day two Henry had woken up with a head full of feathers, confused as how he had gotten there from a half-remembered dream world. He had slept in his clothes and his mouth tasted horrible. But then Jared had called out that he had made coffee. Such an awesome roommate! Henry really didn't know what he would do without him. His breath stank, though, and probably the rest of him. He didn't want Jared to have to smell that. So he begged his pardon and hurried to the bathroom. Henry's skin felt so sensitive and the shower had left him buzzing. He thoroughly brushed his teeth, but his face was still as smooth as it had been when he shaved the day before. That would save time, but it was odd. He wondered if he should tell the nurse about it. Could it be a side effect of the medication? He put on a pair of sweats, since it was the softest thing he owned. His skin was just so sensitive! Not painful, just distracting. But then Jared was giving him coffee and it really calmed him down. He usually took it black, but Jared had added cream and sugar and some kind of flavored syrup. He didn't want to offend Jared, since he was being so nice, so Henry drank it and it turned out he really liked it that way. By his third cup, he was just gushing about how great it was and what a great friend Jared was. Jared just smiled quietly. He had such a nice smile. Henry didn't know why he used to find it smug. And then they were off to the clinic. Henry couldn't thank Jared enough for dropping him of on his way to work. He was just so grateful! This time the nurse gave him four red pills. When he asked about the difference, she assured him that the doctors knew what they were doing. He'd get a different color tomorrow too. But she'd let it be a surprise what color. He wanted to argue with her, but would Jared be disappointed in him if he got kicked out of the trial? He decided not to push it. Instead, he told her about the sensitivity of his skin and his beard not growing and asked if that could be a side effect. She wasn't sure so she said she would check with the doctors after he took his pills. He did as he was asked, endured the setup of the monitors and once again sat futilely looking for something on television and zoning out as the channels slipped on by. It was so hot in the room. Why did they have to keep it so hot? Then the nurse was there and he was blinking away from the television. She was handing him a big tub full of the glistening pink goo. "This should help with your skin," the nurse said. Henry blanked. His skin? His skin was hot. And prickly. And... He was really confused... But the nurse was taking off his clothes and that seemed right. She guided his hand into the goo and showed him how to slather it on. He felt tremendous relief and began enthusiastically rubbing the stuff into his skin. He rubbed it all over, watching the TV change channels automatically as he did so. The remote must have been stuck. But that was okay. Rubbing the stuff into his skin was much more relaxing than anything he could find on TV. He spent a lot of his time rubbing the stuff into his chest, his fingers circling his nipples. Why did men have nipples? Maybe for rubbing. Really good to rub. He wondered if the nurse or the doctors could see what he was doing. But he didn't really care. They would like his nipples if they saw them. Would Jared? When the nurse came in with his two $20 bills, the tub was empty and there was no more hair on his chest. Henry squealed as the nurse surprised him, but instinctually he covered his nipples rather than his crotch. His cock was flaccid, but his nipples were hard. The nurse helped him to put his clothes back on and sent him on his way. He didn't even look at her chest. His mind was fixated on his own. It felt strange. It felt awesome. He had so many questions. But he went straight home. He knew he had things to do. *** "Honey I'm home!" Jared announced as he opened the door to the apartment. Henry squealed, delighted that Jared had come home. He wanted to show off his work. "Wow, Henry!" Jared said. "You've been really busy!" "Do you like it? It seems like the least I could do," Henry said, gesturing to the spotless living room and kitchen that he'd worked nonstop to clean since making it home. "There's a chicken in the oven. I spent just a little bit of the money I earned at the clinic today. I hope that's alright. The rest is on the counter." "Oh that's just fine, roomie," Jared said. "I appreciate it, really." Henry was overjoyed. He had done right! Jared was going to keep him. He wasn't going to throw him out. They both agreed to play video games while dinner finished cooking, but Henry kept having to get up to check on things, so eventually he just encouraged Jared to play the computer while Henry watched in between quick trips to the kitchen. Jared was so much better at videogames than him anyway. Henry felt much more satisfied watching Jared eat the dinner he prepared. He really enjoyed it! Jared appreciated him and that felt great. But Henry wished he could do more. "You know, Henry, this is so good we should have wine," Jared said after his second bite. "Oh! I didn't buy any!" Henry exclaimed. "I'm sorry!" "Actually, I've have one," Jared said, getting up and retrieving a Chardonnay. "I stashed it away to celebrate when you got a job. I think the clinic gig is close enough, don't you?" "Aw!" Henry exclaimed. "Best roommate ever!" Henry didn't know if it was that Jared was so generous refilling his glass or that it had been a while since he could afford booze, but by the time the bottle was empty, he was feeling very drunk and couldn't stop giggling. "You are such a cheap date!" Jared exclaimed. "You're drunk off your ass, aren't you?" All Henry could do was giggle and nodded in agreement "Well, you wanna watch some TV?" Jared asked. Henry giggled and said, "I gotsta tinkle first!" Jared helped him up and directed him towards the bathroom. He was just so helpful! The best! Henry staggered towards the room he had spent so much time cleaning earlier that day. He pulled down his sweatpants and realized he wasn't wearing any underwear. He must've left them at the clinic. His cock was flaccid and looked smaller than it usually did. Must've been the wine. He giggled and realized that his pubes had fallen out along with his chest hair. He wasn't sure he could pee standing up, as drunk as he was, so he sat down and left loose with a sigh. "I'm peeing like a girl!" he said to the room, then giggled. He got up and washed his hands and face. His skin was so soft and smooth! His bluegray eyes were out of focus, so he couldn't be sure, but his face looked really different. His body seem to have made up for the loss of body hair by growing his eyelashes and his blonde hair, which was dangling into his eyes. He brushed it to back. "About time for haircut," he drunkenly told himself. "You should ask Jared what kind a haircut to get. He is really smart. Best roommate ever!" And then he staggered back to find the best roommate ever had the TV on and had made him a drink. "Ah! You're gonna get me drunk, Jared!" he exclaimed, then giggled. "Honey, you're already drunk," Jared said handing him a cosmopolitan. "So I made you a girly drink. I'm having bourbon. I hope you don't mind." "I can handle my bourbon!" Henry objected, but took the drink he was given and sipped, since he didn't want to offend his great roomie. "But this is really, really good! Maybe I'll have bourbon after I finish this one." "If you think you're up to it," Jared said. But Henry wasn't lying about it being really good. Really, really good! And for a girly drink, it seemed to really pack a punch. So when Jared made him another one, he didn't complain. "I like girly drinks!" Henry exclaims and drank down the cocktail. "Why don't you find us something to watch," Jared said. "I'll make you another one." Henry just giggled his assent and grabbed hold of the remote. He worked his way up the channels. But, just like at the clinic, nothing seemed to be on. Just the channels going up and up and up. Still, it was nice that Jared trusted him to find them something to watch. He would keep going. As long as it took. He would find something that Jared liked. That's what Henry really wanted. To make Jared happy. At some point, Henry slid down to sit on the floor, Leaning back against the couch. He tried to get up when Jared returned with his drink, but Jared placed a hand on Henry's head and pressed him back down to the floor. "You look more comfortable down there," he said. "And you're less likely to spill your drink and undo all your hard work cleaning today." "Oh! I'm gonna clean every day Jared! You'll see! I'm going to make everything perfect for you!" Henry gushed, but he agreed that the floor was the best place for right now, as drunk as he was. He took the Cosmo and relinquished the remote. He felt bad he hadn't found something good for Jared to watch, but was a little vindicated by the fact that Jared didn't seem to find anything on either. He just made the numbers go up and up and up and Henry watched as the channels changed, sipped his drink and giggled. It was so much like the clinic, but a million times better because Jared was there. Jared sat on the couch and straddled Henry with his knees spread wide. Jared stroked his hair as he sipped his Cosmo. "Your hair is getting long," he observed. Henry blushed. Jared had noticed! "Yeah! What kind of haircut do you think I should get?" Henry asked, grateful that he didn't have to bring up the subject. "Oh I don't know," Jared said, taking a strand of his soft blonde hair between two fingers and rubbing. "I think maybe you should grow it out. Let it get a little longer. That's way you have more options when you go to the salon." "Thas brilliant," Henry said. "You're just so smart Jared." "And you're just so drunk, Honey," Jared said. Henry could only giggle in agreement and drink his drink as the numbers went up and up and up. He didn't know if Jared would ever find anything to watch, but Henry didn't care. He really enjoyed watching the channels change. And he liked Jared stroking his head, there between his knees. It was a really good place to be. Jared was talking and Henry knew he should pay attention, but he just enjoyed the sound of his roommate's voice and the feeling of being stroked and wanted. He just couldn't quite focus on the words. But they were all good, he was sure. Everything was perfect. At one point, there was a lull in Jared talking. Henry felt like he should say something. Anything. "If you were gay I would totally suck your cock right now," he said. Or at least he thought he might've said that. Maybe that was a dream. Henry had all kinds of dreams that night. Strange dreams. Sexy dreams. At one point, Henry dreamed that he had found a job and had just gotten his first pay check. He had come home to their apartment, eager to tell Jared, only to find him sitting on the couch with some blonde tramp In nothing but a thong, vigorously fellating him. "But Jared is my roommate!" Henry objected. "Sorry dude!" Jared said heartlessly. "You're a dude! You could never suck dick like this hot Honey!" "I could try!" Henry begged. "How do you know if you don't let me try?" Jared laughed at him. The blonde girl turned toward Henry and laughed as well, tugging at Jared's cock so that he showered her soft blonde hair with his cum. If only Henry had soft blonde hair like that, Jared could have been his! Day Three "Soft blonde hair... Soft blonde hair..." he muttered, awakening in a mass of baby-fine flaxen locks. "Here you go Henry," Jared was saying, brushing hair out of his face and handing him coffee. "Wha..? How...where...dream?" Henry stammered,trying to grasp a coherent thought and utterly failing. "Drink your coffee," Jared pressed. "I made it just for you." Henry could hardly refuse that. Plus the coffee would help him think. He drank it down. It was so good! Jared was so good to give it to him. And he was still his roommate. That was good. The dreams...what dreams? Everything was fuzzy. Jared swept away the blonde hair that had fallen in Henry's face again. That helped. "Let's tie this back for you," Jared said after refilling Henry's coffee cup with goodness. "You really took my suggestion that you grow your hair out to heart, didn't you?" "I....um...yeah...do you like it?" Henry asked and drank his coffee, hoping for an affirmative answer. "Oh definitely," Jared said. "It really suits you. Here, let me get that for you." He refilled the cup. Henry sipped and blinked, his long lashes tickling. Why was he on the floor of their living room? "You had too much to drink last night and passed out in front of the t.v." Jared said as if reading his mind. "I'm sorry to rush you, but we need to get you to the clinic so I can get to work on time. You'll just have to go in that. I can drop off some clothes for you later." "I... Oh.... Thanks?" Henry said, very confused. But Jared was so nice and he was so grateful. He drank down his third cup of coffee quickly to avoid making his roommate late. In his rush, he spilled a little on his chest. He went to brush the droplets from his sweatshirt before they had a chance to absorb, and then his eyes went wide. He dropped his coffee cup so that both hands could confirm what he was feeling. "I have boobs!" he exclaimed. "Jared, I have boobs!" "You do?" His roommate asked. "Let me feel." Henry had never had someone ask to feel his boobs. He was too astounded by the fact that he had them to object. And besides, it was Jared. Jared wasn't gentle and Henry gasped as his roommate vigorously fondled his new boobs. "Yes, you definitely have boobs," Jared confirmed, nodding but not relinquishing his grasp. "They're small boobs but they're definitely boobs." "Why...why do I have boobs, Jared?" he asked, then shuddered as Jared pinched his erect nipple. It felt so good! Did he need another reason why? "It must be a side effect from the medicine," Jared said. He was so smart. And the way he was fondling Henry's boobs was sooooooo..... Henry's eyes rolled in back of his head and he shuddered harder. "You think... You think my boobs are small?" he said. "Yeah, I'd say you're somewhere between an A cup and a B cup." Jared said, squeezing a little harder to be sure. "But I don't know if they're done growing. Maybe you should ask the nurse when we get to the clinic." The nurse... She had really big boobs. Jared had to have noticed. Henry remembered how envious he was when he first saw them. At least was pretty sure it was envy... "Do you like... Do you like the nurse's boobs?" Henry said, dreading the answer. "They're bigger than mine." "Yes, she does have an incredible rack doesn't she?" Jared said conversationally. Henry stomach did flip-flops. Jared liked the nurse more than him. He would probably like her as a roommate. "Let's just stay home today, Jared!" Henry said, not wanting him to see the nurse's boobs. "I could cook for you and... And do anything... Anything you want. You can call in sick for work. I'll make it your best day ever!" "If I'm the only one of us with the job, Honey, I better not lose it," Jared said. "And you promised you'd help me with the rent this month. How are you going to do that if you skip the clinic? You do still want to live here, don't you?" "Oh yes! Oh yes, of course! Oh Jared, yes I want to live here!" Henry cried, losing what little grasp he had on rationality at the horrific thought of Jared throwing him out. "Then you need to keep your promise and go to the clinic," Jared said. "I'll get you more coffee you can drink on the drive over." Henry staggered to his feet, his head spinning. What was happening to him? Who was he? So many questions. But was any question more important than Jared? "I will always keep my promises to you, Jared!" he pledged. "And I'll promise anything! Just don't throw me out!" "I'm not gonna throw you out, Honey," Jared assured him and handed him the thermos. "Now drink your coffee and let's get you to the clinic." Henry dutifully sipped the coffee Jared had been kind enough to prepare for him. He had made it even sweeter than before. Jared was just so sweet. How could Henry not trust him? How had he ever considered breaking his promise? He had to make it up to Jared. "I'm so sorry I was giving you trouble this morning," Henry said between sips of coffee as Jared drove him to the clinic. "I never ever want to make you mad at me. It's just, things are just so strange lately. I don't know who I am anymore." "You're my tiny-tittied roomie, of course," Jared said, reaching over to cup a hand around his boob. "You don't need to be anything besides that, do you? Oh my, I think you're getting bigger there, Honey." His head was swimming from the fondling of his boob and the sweetness of the coffee. "Bigger is good, right?" he said. "You like bigger?" "Everyone likes bigger bobbies, don't they?" Jared said. Henry grabbed his other boobie and squeezed, wishing it bigger, dreading the comparison with the nurse that was coming. But he sipped his coffee and that made him feel better. After all, Jared hadn't made the nurse coffee. *** Eight pink pills. That was what the busty nurse presented him with at the clinic. Henry stared openly at the nurse's chest, not peeking as he had the first day, but not lusting at all either. How could he compete with that? It was like his dream. Jared would jump at the chance to have the nurse as a roommate instead. "Thanks so much for bringing me here, Jared!" Henry said. "And for coffee this morning and dinner and drinks last night and everything! Just everything!" He needed to show the nurse that he and Jared were happy as roommates. No vacancies at their cozy apartment for busty nurses to take! "Because there are so many pills today, we'll pay you twice as much," the nurse explained. "$80!" "That's great! Isn't that great Henry?" Jared said. "Yeah... Great!" Henry agreed. If Jared thought it was great, it must be great, right? "You can cook us steaks with that kind of cash!" his roommate said. With the reminder that Jared liked his cooking, all the anxiety Henry had been feeling washed away. Jared really liked him! Eight pink pills went down, one after the other, and then he was waving goodbye to Jared as the nurse led him off to his room and the TV that seemed to just be a display for channel numbers and flashes of images and sound that were gone too quickly to even register. But it was alright. Everything was just fine. As long as Jared was his roommate, nothing else mattered. "The pony tail looks good on you!" the nurse said as she put on the sensors that would monitor his vitals. "Huh?" Henry asked, then reached back and remembered that Jared had tied his hair back when he woke up that morning. "Oh, yeah...Jared did that for me." "He's really nice, isn't he?" "Oh god, He's the best! Best roommate ever! You don't even know!" Henry gushed. The nurse giggled and pushed him down into the bed. "I believe you, Honey!" she said. "Why wouldn't I?" "Jared calls me Honey," he said as the world got sparkly and his sense of equilibrium decided to take a break. "That's so sweet!" the nurse said. "That's a nice name. It suits you." "I'm sweet and sticky!" he exclaimed. "I'm Honey!" Then he giggled and giggled and the nurse did too. "Oh god! The pink pills are the awesomest!" Honey exclaimed. "I know, right?" the nurse agreed. "They were my favorite too!" Honey giggled and giggled, delighted that the busty nurse had this in common with him. It took a moment for the implication to sink in. "You take the pills too?" Honey asked. "Oh yeah!" the nurse exclaimed. "I was the first test subject! God, I just love my job so much! I'd do anything for my job! It's the best job ever! Honey crossed his eyes and tried to focus. "Boobs!" he said, pointing to the nurse's boobs. "Yep!" the nurse agreed, splitting her tremendous rack. "No, I mean...pills....pills and boobs....do pills mean big boobs?" Honey tried to ask. "Oh! Oh yes!" the nurse exclaimed. "I'm not suposta say, but since you already have boobs, I guess it's o.k. The pills turn you into a super- sexy girl! Isn't that great?" The room slowly spun. "I'm turning into a girl?" Honey asked. That would make so much of the past few days make sense. "I super sexy girl!" the nurse emphasized. Honey giggled then looked up and down the curvy nurse's body. "Do you used to be a boy?" Honey asked. The nurse giggled. "Honey, I don't even remember! Life before the pills was so boring! Does it really matter?" Honey's head swam. Did it matter? No; only one thing mattered. "Only Jared matters!" Honey declared. "I'd do anything for Jared!" "Including be a super sexy girl?" the nurse asked. "Because that's what guys like!" "I want to be a super sexy girl for Jared!" Honey declared. "I wanna be his dream girl!" "Then I'll slip you some more pills so you can hurry the process!" the nurse said. "We super sexy girls have to stick together!" With four more of the pink pills in her, Honey was just flying. She just giggled and giggled and babbled about how much she wanted to be Jared's fuck toy. Everything made sense now. This was her destiny. This was who she was. The numbers on the TV screen climbed higher and higher faster and faster as she cried out to the screen her devotion to her roommate. The nurse brought more of the goo for her to rub on her titties and she did so with a passion. She needed bigger titties for Jared. Kitties he could slide his cock between. That's what her titties were for. she started crying. Jared deserved a roommate who could titty fuck him. She would be that roommate! At some point, someone turned off the TV. Honey blinked confusion and looked up to see a doctor in a white lab coat. She instinctively covered her titties. "My titties are for Jared, Mr. Man!" she explained. "It's Dr. Mann actually," he explained. "And I know that your titties are for Jared. But what about your asshole?" "My ass belongs to Jared!" Honey declared. "All of me belongs to Jared!" "That's a very good attitude Honey," the doctor said. "But don't you want a nice fuckable asshole for Jared? You can't just jump into anal. If you'd like, I have a machine that will get you already for. Would you like that?" "I... I..." Honey stammered. She had never even considered anal sex. But her ass did belong to Jared... "Guys love it when you take up the ass, Honey," the curvy nurse said from behind the doctor. "I'm sure Jared wants a roommate who will take up the ass!" "Speaking as a guy, Nurse Britney is right about that," Dr. Mann piped in. " "I... Anything for Jared!" Honey declared. "That's the attitude we like to see!" The doctor praised as nurse Britney squealed and clapped in approval. Soon Honey's feet were in stirrups high above her head and spread wide so she could see the TV between her increasingly dainty toes. The doctor injected several syringes full of pink liquid into Honey's buttocks but it hardly hurt at all. Nurse Britney had rewarded her with four more pink pills. And then well lubricated device was slipped upon his ass. It was a very strange sensation, but she knew she could like. For Jared, she would learn to like anything! "You just think about how much Jared is going to appreciate your asshole, Honey," Dr. Mann. "I'm going to go appreciate Nurse Britney's. We'll be back to check on you in a few hours." And then the lights in her room dimmed and the TV started doing this odd strobe effect, throbbing and pulsing. After a slight delay, the device in her ass began doing the same. Honey' eyes went wide and she shuddered violently. She broke out in a cold sweat. She would learn to like this. She would learn to like this a lot! And then the world was melting and so was Honey and she didn't know where she was or what she was. Jared was the only thing that was real. With the TV strobing like that, it was almost as if he was smiling at her every other image. She stared intently and let her mind go blank. "Honey....Hooooonnnneeeyyyy...." It was HIS voice! HIS voice, calling her back into the world, making her real again. "Jared! On my sweet Jared! I want you up the ass! I want you to fuck my bum!" Honey exclaimed. "I like it! I really, really like it!" "That's great Honey," he said, stroking her sweaty blond hair and squeezing her growing left boob in a way that almost made her pass out again. She mewled like a kitten. "But if you are going to be my dream girl, I don't want to just fuck you up the ass," Jared said. "My titties!" she said. "My titties are getting bigger! They'll be big enough to titty fuck you! Very soon! Nurse Britney said! And Blowjobs! Oh gawd, I want to suck you off Jared! I just want to suck you all down! I want you to come deep in my throat!" "And I will, Honey!" he assured her. "I will! But we still need to do something about this." He tapped between Honey's legs. She looked. There was a tiny, pathetic remnant of a cock. "I don't need that!" Honey said. "No, you don't," Jared agreed. "But Dr, Mann can build you a sweet little pussy. You'd like that, wouldn't you Honey?" A pussy? If she was a girl, she should have a pussy, right? But that wasn't the right question. "Would YOU like it Jared?" she asked. "Oh definitely," her perfect roommate affirmed. "Then I NEED it!" Honey declared. "I need a pussy for my Jared!" "Oh what a good girl you are, Honey!" Jared said, patting her sweaty head and making her squirm in delirious bliss. Dr. Mann came in to explain the procedure. Honey had a hard time following, what with Jared playing with her nipples and just standing there being, well, Jared. She was sure that her roommate understood everything. He would take good care of her. He was so much smarter than her. She only perked up to what Dr. Mann was saying when he mentioned that she would wake up tomorrow with a fully functional vagina. "Tomorrow?" Honey exclaimed. "But I have to cook Jared dinner! I was gonna cook steaks!" Most of the day was a fuzzy pink blur, but she had remembered what she promised Jared that morning. She needed to always remember promises to Jared. "It's all right Honey," Jared assured her stroking her head. "You can cook steaks tomorrow." "But I promised!" Honey objected. "Honey, I want you to have a pussy tomorrow more than I want to have a steak tonight," Jared assured her. "Aaawww!" Honey said. Her roommate was just so sweet! It was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to her. The last thing she saw. As the anesthesia took hold was Jared's smiling face. She was the luckiest girl in the world. **** "Honey, I'm home!" Honey squealed. Jared was home! She was so happy! She'd missed him so much! "Oh Honey!" Jared exclaimed, dropping his messenger bag and gaping at the sight of her. "Do you like my outfit?" Honey asked earnestly. Nurse Britney had taken her shopping before dropping her off at home with three hours to get herself and dinner prepared for Jared's homecoming. (Dr. Mann had given Britney the afternoon off so that she could help her.) They had struggled to decide on the perfect outfit for Honey to wear to welcome Jared home in, but from his reaction Honey believed they had gotten it right. She wore a pair of red heels that Britney had given her tips about walking in. They bought those first so she could practice while they shopped. Her Matching red lace thong was showing off nicely because the only other thing Honey wore was a white apron with little red cherries all over it. "Oh Honey," Jared exclaimed. "Oh Honey, I like a lot! We turned you into such a hot piece of ass!" Honey giggled and pranced about in her red heels, preening and posing for Jared. "So..." Honey said, swaying her tits from side to side and twirling a lock of blonde hair around a dainty finger. "Would you like me to cook your steak now, or can I give you a blowjob first and cook your steak after?" "Oh, the blowjob first," Jared said nodding vigorously. "Definitely the blowjob first." Honey squealed and tramped her feet making her boobs jump out from behind her apron and jiggle chaotically. "I was hoping you'd say that!" Honey exclaimed. Honey approached the most perfect roommate in the world and kissed him deeply. She moaned as his tongue slipped into her mouth and he reached around to squeeze her ass. She was so lucky! So very, very lucky! When he broke off the kiss, she gasped and panted: "I so want to suck your dick, Jared! I've been dreaming of it for as long as I can remember!" And it was true. She didn't remember much, but she certainly remembered that! "Then suck it, Honey!" Jared said. "Suck my dick, you hot little slut!" She giggled in delight and slipped off her apron. She folded it and set it down on the floor in front of his feet. She giggled and ran one manicured dainty finger around his left nipple, then sank down to kneel on her apron, drawing her finger down his chest to find the fly of his pants. She felt so nervous but so deliriously happy! She whimpered in relief at what she felt and saw as she unzipped. "You're already hard for me, Jared!" she exclaimed in grateful wonder. "And getting harder by the second, Honey!" he said, stroking the top of her head. She giggled and finished liberating his cock from his pants, then gasped. "I had no idea your cock was so big!" she exclaimed in wonder. "Do you think you can still get it all in?" he asked. "Oh yes!" she promised, nodding enthusiastically without take her eyes off her prize. "Nurse Britney helped me practice with a cucumber! A big cucumber! Big like this!" She took him in her dainty fingers. It was so warm and velvety and it pluses in appreciation of her gentle, adoring strokes. She cooed and sighed. This was heaven! "Oh Honey!" Jared exclaimed as his dick grew harder and harder. She took the tip between her lips and pressed, ever so gently and her dainty tongue gave it a tiny tap, then swirled a little circle around it as the fingers of one hand slid back along Jared's shaft to entangle themselves In his pubes. The other hand took a firm grip around his shaft the way Nurse Britney had taught her with the cucumber and she slid his cock head deeper into her mouth. She inhaled deeply, then slid towards the best roommate ever. She knew the gag reflex was coming but she powered through it. She needed his cock inside her. All of it! "Oh Honey, you're so good at that!" Jared praised. She looked up at him beaming down at her and she didn't care at all that she couldn't breathe. She moaned her devotion to him and began to bob her head, her tongue and lips caressing him as her fingers stroked his pubes and fondled his balls. She was blowing Jared! His dick was down her throat! He was loving it, loving her! How could she possibly be happier? "Oh Honey!" he stammered, clutching at her hair. "Oh Honey, I'm Home!" And then his cock was throbbing and pulsing in her mouth and she could taste his jism on her tongue and feel it rolling down her throat and Honey realized that it was indeed possible to be happier. "Mmmmmmnngh!" she exclaimed in gratitude. "MnnnnnnghMmmm!" She reluctantly let his deflating cock slip from her lips and she sank down onto her haunches, smiling up at him, savoring the taste of him lingering in her mouth. "Thank you, Honey," Jared said, adjusting himself. "Oh no! Thank you Jared!" she exclaimed, smacking her lips "That was the best! I love that! Dr. Mann says you can't fuck my pussy just yet, and even my ass needs some time to recover, but I'm gonna do everything I can for you with my mouth and fingers until then!" He chuckled. He was just so adorable! "Oh Honey, you're so very good at sucking dick, I can wait as long as you need," he told her. "Awww!" she exclaimed at his compliment and patience and quivered with pleasure. He really was the best roommate ever. He reached down a hand to help her back up onto her heels. She gave him a peck on the left cheek and he gave her a squeeze of the right tit. Her new pussy ached, more with longing than surgery. Could she really wait as long as Dr. Mann said? Jared would have to be strong for both of them because if it were up to Honey she'd jump him immediately. "Well, Jared, I'm gonna go make dinner for the best roommate ever!" she said. "But if you want another blow job, you just let me know as soon as you want you're ready for one!" "I will definitely tell you when I need another one," he said tapping her on her pert little nose. "But dinner would be absolutely awesome." Honey giggled and bent over to pick up her apron. Jared grabbed her ass and she squealed. She put her apron back on. He slapped her ass and said, "Back in the kitchen, woman!" Best roommate ever! ***** Epilogue They were celebrating the one-month anniversary of Dr. Mann giving Honey the go ahead for unrestricted sexual activity. "Yer gonna get me drunk again!" Honey accused as Jared refilled her wine glass. "I'm going to get you drunker," Jared countered. Honey giggled her concession of the point and took another mouthful of merlot. A glistening liquid garnet dropped from her bee-stung lips to splash on her massive chest. "Let me get that for you, Honey," Jared said and dabbed at the droplet with his finger, then he stuck his finger to her lips so she could lick it off. She giggled as inevitably his other hand went n for a grope. She was even bigger then Nurse Britney now and Jared just couldn't keep his hands off her titties! "Why do you like to get me drunk, Jared." Honey asked him. "You know I'll fuck you sober!" "Of course you will, Honey! But you're just so adorable when you're tipsy! It makes your boobs blush!" Honey giggled and stuck out her chest proudly. "Yer the besss roommate ever, Jared!" she slurred for what might have been the 5000th time. "Actually, Honey, I wanted to talk to you about that..." Jared said. Honey's heart sank. She still lived in dread that he would kick her out. He had seemed so happy with her, but... "As I told you, Bloom Pharmaceutical is very happy with the drugs I've developed," Jared explained. "They're spinning off a whole new decision to capitalize on it. And they've asked yours truly to head it up!" "Oh my god!" Honey exclaimed. "That's great! ... Isn't it?" "Oh definitely!" Jared said. "And it comes with money! Crazy money! I never in my wildest dreams thought they would pay me this much, but since they can't patent my drugs given that they'd probably be declared illegal the second the government found out about them, so they're REALLY motivated to keep me!" "Of course they are!" Honey declared. Who wouldn't want to keep Jared? He could have any job and any girl he could want! The sinking feeling returned as Jared's grin faded. "But with me being paid such a huge salary and being the head the division of a major company, it really doesn't make sense for me to be renting a tiny apartment," Jared explained. "I can afford a house! Hell, I could afford three houses!" Honey looked around at their little apartment in trepidation. Her lower lip trembled. "Then you wouldn't... Need a roommate... Would you..." she said as the foundations of her world crumbled. "No, I don't think I would need a roommate," Jared said, nodding sagely. Honey shuddered in despair as tears welled up in her eyes. "But I could use a housewife," Jared said, holding out the small jeweler's box. Honey's jaw dropped and her eyes popped. "Ooh-ooh! Ooh-ooh!" she gasped. "So does that mean you'd consider the position?" he asked, opening the box to reveal a gaudy explosion of diamonds and gold. She looked up at Jared, unable to speak, and nodded vigorously. She held out her trembling hand and he slipped the ring on her finger. She looked back and forth between her finger and the man she belonged to, body and soul. "I...I..." Honey said, knowing she was supposed to say something but not able to think, let alone articulate. "I think you're supposed to say 'Yes' under these circumstances," Jared prompted. "YES! YES! YESYESYESYESYES!" she exclaimed with more enthusiasm than the first time he took her from behind. "Well good!" Jared said. "We'll call a realtor tomorrow. But what should we do to celebrate?" Honey stood up on her soaring heels and ripped off the flimsy cocktail dress she had been wearing. She held out her arms wide and her tits high. "FUCK ME, JARED!" she shouted. "FUCK ME NOW! FUCK ME FOREVER!" And fuck her he did: on the table, on the floor, in the shower, and in the bed. They said goodbye to their little apartment in a most spectacular fashion. And as she rode his cock to one final, exhausted orgasm, he gasped out those three little words that she lived to hear: "Honey, I'm home!" The end. (Or possibly the beginning. Let me know if you liked this and if you'd like to about Cherry Blossoms, the new division of Bloom Pharmaceuticals that Jared will be heading up. [email protected])

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Honey Thats Not Me In My Body Part 2 The Missing Episode Disney Censors Couldnt Approve Of And Will Never Ever Broadcast

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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 5

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Honey Dippers

In this story a "Honey Dipper" is slang for a waste-water and sewerage removal vehicle. The men who work the trucks are called "honey dippers." These men used to clean the waste out of out-houses but now clean up the waste in septic tanks. They also empty the waste out of porta-potties at major events and for road construction crews. The waste is then taken to treatment plants where it is flushed, filtered and treated. The remnants are then burned or made into fertilizer. This is the short...

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Honey BareChapter 7

Honey was topless, except for the bra that she'd been wearing under the blouse. It wasn't a costume bra with the usual frills and fringes, but rather an everyday bra that women wear. But on Honey it was special. It wasn't really everyday in any sense of the word. Black and sheer, it tried to cover all of her breasts. But there was just too much for it to handle, and there were luscious mounds above the cups. She was still facing me, letting her hips sway provocatively in time to the...

4 years ago
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Honey for SaleChapter 5

Labor Day was fast approaching and it looked like that Beth and I had all of our bases covered. All three of the girls were so excited I had to bring in a few of Beth's regular lovers to keep the girls from killing boner and me. We decided to let the six of them live with us for the couple of days before the party and they would chauffeur the girls to the event. Sugar discovered that it would be Father's Day in Australia and New Zealand the Sunday before Labor Day, so my women promised me...

2 years ago
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Honey Im home

It had been a long day teaching, as she drove home her mind raced over the many things she would need to do when she got back to work in the morning, she could feel her shoulders and neck tighten. As she pulled up outside home she took a deep breath and decided it could wait, time to relax.Swinging her long legs out of the car her pencil skirt rose up her thigh slightly as she got out, turning to reach back into the car to pick up her bag, she could feel her black lace panties rub against her...

3 years ago
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Honey I8217m Home

About me, I’m Anil Birju. 22 years of age, based in Mumbai. I live with my parents, but i have a fantastic sex life without their knowledge. I’ve had affairs with many older married women who are probably unsatisfied with their marriages. They make love to me on the condition that i guard their secrecy. I escort women purely for the pleasures of it. For my call boy service contact me at We have women purely for lesbian sex only. This story is fiction, enjoy it. I work the late shift. I hate it...

3 years ago
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Honey Im HomeFriday

Finally, it is Friday. Ally should have caught her flight home by now. I had sent Ally a text this late last night that I couldn’t wait to get her home and get her in our bed for the whole weekend. My mood changed an hour later when Ally text me her flight got canceled but she booked another one as soon as she could. The only problem was she wasn’t getting in until A few hours later than planned. Well shit. My plans with Ally got changed. So, that means I have some extra time to add to my...

2 years ago
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Honey Trap

“Emma said she saw you at the gym last week, and that you had a long chat.” Holly stood close to her neighbour, looking up into his brown eyes.Randy could smell the woman’s perfume, it was heady. He wished she wouldn’t stand so close when they were alone like this. It took all his self-control to stop from grabbing her and kissing her. Kissing was not high on his wish list at this moment though as Holly was dressed in only a tiny bikini and her tits were scantily covered. He wondered what it...

4 years ago
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Honeys Story

There you were standing in the middle of the hotel room, with a mischievous glint in your eye. You were holding a few silk scarves in your hand.“I’ve been waiting all day for this.” You giggle in delight.“Me too. It was all I could think about at work today. My cock is aching because it’s been constantly hard.” I reply.I smile at you and grab my still solid crotch. You walk towards me and hand me the silk scarves. Then I go to take your hand and lead you over to the four poster bed. I lay...

2 years ago
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Honey Mr Policeman

'Come and get afternoon tea?’ Lisa slung the tea-towel prop she had chosen, at the last minute, over her shoulder. She stood in her stiletto’s, legs apart, with her leather gun holster strapped to her hip. He didn’t look up from his laptop. ‘Uh huh’ There was a pause. ‘Wait... You cooked?’ At last his eyes left the screen and swept over her, taking in the full scene. Her coal-black hair fell in waves past her shoulders, her green eyes glittered with lust and she pressed her lush lips together,...

Oral Sex
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Honey for SaleChapter 6

Some of the guys went home that first night only to return several hours later, some had tents that they pitched, some slept on the cabin floor. The girls picked three guys each to keep them company during the rest of the night. Believe it or not I slept with the Judge. Nothing sexual you understand, I just wanted to give Beth the freedom to do whatever she wanted to without me being any kind of hindrance. She says it doesn't matter if I'm there or not, but I know better. Whether she wants...

1 year ago
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Honey Play Box

Based on the name, Honey Play Box sounds like it could result in a lot of sticky fingers and messes that are difficult to clean up. After spending the morning perusing the site, I can only confirm that’s true. Not because they’re a literal box full of liquid bee sugar, but because they offer the type of adult toys intended to help you generate your own syrupy emissions. If all goes well, the dudes will be blowing loads of cum and the girls will be squirting. You know, these gizmos might be a...

Online Sex Toys Shops
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James the Homemaker

"You've got some explaining to do, little Missy! What, did you think I'd call you 'young man' with all those panties and a bra under your mattress? Is that your only undies supply? Why didn't you just put them in your panty drawer? Oh, don't worry. I already moved them so they'd be a little more convenient for you. Oh, and I bought you some more. A girl needs more than five pairs of panties and one bra. I'm sure I got you the right size and I bought the most feminine ones for...

3 years ago
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Yes, I remember Honeyfold; the country station where I once sunbathed; the air heavy with the scents of blossom, field and farm, spiced with the lingering tang of the slow steam train I’d just missed. But I was content to bask in my summer dress for two hours till the next slow train. It was a God-given opportunity for a musician with thoughts enough to fill her mind.The music in my head resonated with the external world; sultry, languorous and somnolent. I closed my eyes and imagined the sun...

3 years ago
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You slide out of your jeans, revealing that you didn't wear any panties. I try to pay as much attention to the road as I can but it is becoming very difficult. I adjust the rear view mirror so it is aimed at you. I watch as you rub the vibrator all over your thighs, your mound and up over your stomach. Finally you settle in rubbing the vibrator over your clit and inside your vagina. You rub the vibrator over your pussy as you massage your breasts and pinch your nipples. Knowing that...

2 years ago
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honeymon night

visit on www.papahaxx.com to see new porn video and top rated galleryI and my aunty Radha had decided to celebrate a swag raat. Aunty went forshopping for our swag raat I too had took nice rest in the afternoon so that ourswag raat will be fresh. Aunty came to our room in the afternoon the see me butdidn't come to my room as my mother told that I am having rest. She told thematter of Neha's alliance being fixed to my mother and return back of uncle withnext two days. And she went to shopping.At...

4 years ago
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This was Tonya's favorite night, the night that she and her three best friends get together and stay up late. A "slumber" party, sure, but with not much slumbering, mostly talking, gossipping, sometimes a little music and dancing, and mostly, laughing their heads off. What else did young girls who were close friends do best? Everyone had arrived except Dana, who was going to be late, and the girls were already in their night attire, Tonya in a beige silk camisole top and panties, her...

2 years ago
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The front page at Lovehoney says that “Great sex starts with good communication.” To illustrate their point, they’ve got a photo of a couple embracing in their underwear. The dude’s face is hidden, but she looks pretty happy. I wonder if it’s the loving arms wrapped around her that have got her so excited or just the fact that she’s holding a fancy clit stimulator in her free hand. Perhaps the message being communicated is that my dude needs to work on his pussy-licking skills, or maybe they’re...

Online Sex Toys Shops
1 year ago
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Love Honey! Are you still jerking your cock with your bare hand like a fucking caveman? Come on; the future is now. That’s like going out and buying some porno mags or DVDs from a sex shop. There are better ways to blow your load these days. And with all of the money you dumb fucks spend on bullshit stuff like expensive coffee and doujinshi, you could be having the goddamn fap sesh of a lifetime by just investing in a few toys. Yeah, chicks aren’t the only ones who can buy expensive fuck toys...

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