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Some weeks passed, weeks in which Elizabeth and Seth became used to each other?fs ways, as newly married folk must. They got on well together, for Seth was hard-working and a good husbandman, knowledgeable and active, and willing to listen to his wife?fs suggestions - which he did with a male smile at her womanly foolishness before acceding to her wishes to humour her and finding that things went no worse, if not the better, for it. As for their nights, they were few when her bedroom was not left ajar in invitation, for both he and Elizabeth were young and lusty and delighted in each other?fs bodies.

Between them, the old farm promised to regain something of its former glory, for all Seth?fs efforts went towards repairing the dry-stone walls in order that they might pen the sheep they hoped to acquire by barter or by carrying off those wild sheep of the fells unwary enough to come within the reach of Seth and his dog.

Elizabeth worked no less hard than she had before, cooking and cleaning as usual and caring for her sister and their other beasts, but she was able to devote more time to her vegetable garden and her orchard, both formerly neglected, the produce from which would help to feed them throughout the winter and the following spring and perhaps leave a surplus to exchange for their other needs. As for Elizabeth?fs wretched sister, Ruth had improved by leaps and bounds under the taming influence of Seth?fs dog, whose actions she copied as well as she was able. No longer did she try to lash out through the bars as formerly, even allowing Seth and Elizabeth to stroke her dirt-encrusted flanks and eating from their hands. Only a month after Lady?fs arrival Elizabeth had entered Ruth?fs shed to feed her one morning and found her sister looking up at her though the bars of her cage with all the placid innocence of an animal.

Elizabeth and Seth had rejoiced. Sending for a Wise Woman, they found their hopes had indeed been realised: God had won His struggle with Satan for Ruth?fs human soul and had gathered it into His bosom. The fiend, left with only the sinless soul of an animal as compensation, had withdrawn, baffled and defeated.

Now, at last, Ruth could be taken from the four foot square wooden cage in which she?fd spent the last fifteen years, and a hard task it had proved to be. Seth had buckled a collar around her neck, and to this Ruth submitted docilely, but when Elizabeth attached a leash and tugged on it, Ruth mewed and whimpered pathetically, afraid to leave the shelter of her familiar prison. But she was coaxed out in the end, and led out of the shed into the sunshine she hadn?ft known for so long. Ruth was chained to Lady?fs kennel and Elizabeth sheared her sister?fs long, filthy, tangled hair, something Ruth submitted to in the manner of a good beast who has learned that her keepers sometimes did things to her that were painful but also necessary.

During daylight, Ruth was led into the old paddock and tethered there on a rope twenty feet long to see if she could recover some use of her thin and wasted legs. And she did, managing finally to run stooped over once she?fd launched herself upright by scrambling forward on all-fours. Unable to fully straighten her legs, Ruth could only run like this while she kept up a certain pace, falling to all-fours when she slowed and stopped. Still, it was good enough for what Seth hoped for his sister-in-law; that she would be useful, if Lady could train her in the sheep-dog's art, to help his dog in herding the sheep he hoped to acquire.

But now, as the days wore on towards Lammas, the thoughts of both Elizabeth and her husband turned to the coming autumn and the necessity of storing sufficient food for both themselves and their animals to keep them through the winter and the following spring, amongst the most important of which would be the brewing of the October ale.

This task had been Elizabeth's since the age of twelve, and a good brew it was, getting thicker, stronger and more nutritious as the winter progressed, but for it she needed barley in addition to that she already had. Elizabeth was a good housekeeper and a thrifty, and barley would become more and more expensive as the main brewing season approached. She'd picked a sack of onions, half a hundredweight, and those she thought she could exchange for a like sack of grain with the landlady of the Inn, for Elizabeth's onions were the finest in the Dale.

And so, early one morning in July, Elizabeth put on clothing for the first time since her wedding day and asked her husband to aid her with her load.

Elizabeth draped the harness over her broad shoulders, securing it at the waist with the heavy belt and fitting its single broad front strap into the valley between her breasts before tightening the brass buckles. For his part, Seth lifted up the sack of onions and placed it high on her back, securing it firmly in place lest it chafe her skin through the leather of her carrying-harness and the undyed linen of her thin single garment.

All was now ready, and Seth clipped the thin, plaited-leather woman-leash that had been Elizabeth's mother's to his wife's collar and led her forth. Passing through the the gate at the end of the track which divided their farm from the public road, he tied the end of the leash around the top rail of the fence, then helped his wife with her bulky leather mitts. Finally he secured her arms, forearms horizontal and parallel, behind her back with the leather arm-binder and left her after a tender farewell kiss.

Elizabeth, properly helpless and tethered as women should be in public, watched him go, an affectionate smile on her face. Dear Seth! He was such a good man, comfortable at board and warm in bed. Of course, he had his share of male foolishness, as witness his reaction to her news of her pregnancy a week ago. At once he would have it that she do nothing but lie on the sofa in her parlour – a room to which, as a man, he'd never been invited – and rest whilst he waited upon her, or got some girl or woman to do so. Elizabeth, boiling inwardly with laughter, had gently teased him out of his foolish male notions, reminding him that his own mother had given birth to him in a furrow of the field in which she was sowing seed in the wake of his father's plough. He'd turned out none the worse for it, and neither had she!

Naturally, Seth had gone on to outline great plans for his first-born; a son, he was convinced. Elizabeth had meekly agreed, but with a secret inward smile, for she was resolved that their first child of the many she intended to bear would be a girl, not a boy. An elder daughter, hard-working and dutiful, is a strong right arm to any woman, helping to keep her husband and the younger children in order, and an ever constant aid in things of the house from an early age.

Standing in the sunlight, the dust of the track warm under her bare feet, Elizabeth once more entertained an heretical thought common to all the women of the Dale – and to all women everywhere, perhaps. Certain it was, she thought with a smile, that God was male, for if a woman had been responsible for Creation, things would surely have been arranged to better advantage.

At the sound of a calling voice, Elizabeth looked round to see her friend Bathsheba running towards her from the orchard where she'd been spraying her father's apple trees with soapy water against the blight, leaving the cart containing the buckets, her mother harnessed between the shafts and tethered to a tree, behind her.

The meetings of the two friends hadn't been too much hampered by Elizabeth's inability, as a collared woman, to be out in public unleashed, for, where she'd often visited Bathsheba, Bathsheba now visited her, agog to learn how her friend was coping with the restrictions on her movements and, as Elizabeth could tell, secretly longing for the day when she, too, would become a grown woman and wear some man's collar.

Bathsheba had long ago set her sights on a certain God's-Will-Be-Done Ramsclough, a choice which had filled Elizabeth with secret mirth. 'Willy,' as he was universally known, was the only child of Beulah Ramsclough, a poor widow whose husband had died early, and the two eked out a meagre living on a tiny small-holding in the most barren part of Owldale. Poor as they were, they were a cheerful pair, Beulah always ready to bear a hand in the fields of their neighbours, and Willy, a merry little sprig of a man, was a hard worker for all his japes and jesting. Bathsheba, in short, could travel further and fare worse in her choice of a husband, and Elizabeth, regarding her friend's plain, honest, and rather earnest countenance, knew that Willy would be good for her; he would make her laugh, and that was a good thing in a man.

Bathsheba had come to tell Elizabeth that Beulah Ramsclough was coming to tea on Sunday, and her son with her, on a serious mission of intent. Indeed, that was the understanding between her and Beulah, although neither Bathsheba's father nor Willy had any inkling of the purpose of the meeting. Elizabeth laughed; Willy would leave the Ackroyd farm a man spoken for, dazed and bewildered, and perhaps wondering how this state of affairs had come about. His mother and I will see that he proposes to me, Bathsheba told her friend, and Elizabeth smiled, bidding Bathsheba that she have a leather dog-collar handy in her pocket for the great moment, at which the younger girl blushed, and then burst out laughing.

Coming back to practical matters, Bathsheba told Elizabeth that she'd seen young Jesse Holmforth, the blacksmith's son pass along the lane an hour earlier. He'd told her he was en route to his uncle's farm a mile further up the track, there to bring back a young she-goat to be served by the village ram. 'He will be back presently,' she told Elizabeth, and then hugged her in farewell and ran back to where her patient mother waited to be set to work again.


Jesse Holmforth, a ten year old imp of a boy, led the young she-goat down the track, his mind on the problem of delivering the animal to its destination without being spotted by his mother from their cottage across the Green. She would undoubtedly find tasks for him, and it was too good a day for him to spend doing household chores. He'd seen good strawberries in the garden of old Mister Oldacre on his way from the village, and he had it in mind to entice away his bosom friend Jacob Patterson from his tasks on his father's farm to take advantage of the opportunity. Jacob being just such another daring and black-hearted young ruffian as himself, it would go hard if the two of them didn't manage to eat their fill of the berries, all the sweeter for being illicitly come by. Catching sight of the tall woman tethered to the fence ahead, his face fell. About to pass by with no more than  a respectful 'Good morrow, Mistress Arkwright,' he was halted in his tracks by a frosty glance and a few curt words.

A few minutes later Jesse continued his journey, the leashes of his two charges clutched in his hand. Women must go about their mysterious – and probably sinister female business – and men and boys must lead them. He was in a gloomy mood, not helped by the fact that the long legs of the woman were making him adopt a pace less comfortable than his former slow shuffle. Once, when he was younger, it had seemed a fine thing to seen in control of a full-grown adult woman, but now he realised that his control, and that of all men in like circumstances, was more apparent than real, for women, collared and leashed though they were, would go where they pleased.

Nor was Jesse's mood improved when, half a mile further along the lane, they met his friend Jacob, as downcast as himself at having to lead his mother to the village with her cart of potatoes. Mister Oldacre's strawberries, it seemed, would live unmolested that day!

It was the work of seconds for Elizabeth to manoeuvre her handler so that she walked level with Mrs. Patterson, a large and cheerful lady in early middle-age who chatted to her about this and that nineteen to the dozen, not that this disconcerted Elizabeth in any way, for she reciprocated, the two of them employing that marvellous feminine ability to speak all at the same time and to understand each other nonetheless.

The little party continued along its route, the two boys united in silent disgust and the two women talking whilst the goat trotted at their side. Elizabeth admired the cart to which her companion was harnessed by a wide belt around her waist and two broad straps up her back and over her shoulders where they came together and returned to the belt at her front as a single strap running down between her bare breasts. The cart held no less than four sacks of potatoes, two hundredweight, and Mrs. Patterson told her that pulling it was infinitely easier than carrying a single such sack on her back. It was much cooler, too, she told the envious Elizabeth, for women pulling loads went naked, as they did on their husband's farms, apart from a fringe of leather stitched to the fronts of their wide harness belts for the sake of modesty. Elizabeth agreed, and wondered how she could entice Seth to build her a cart of her own; it would be very useful in transporting their surplus crops about the other farms in the complicated system of barter which held in Owldale, where coin was scarce and hard to come by.

Without warning, Mrs. Patterson came to a stop, almost pulling her leash from her son's hand. He and his friend turned to regard her in surprise but a few curt words soon acquainted them with her desires. Jesse and his friend, with long-suffering looks on their faces, waited whilst Jacob's mother spread her legs a little and emptied her bladder into the dirt between her bare feet. This done, the little group went on as before, and in twenty minutes or so the two women and the goat were tethered to the Woman rail outside the Inn, waiting to be released whilst the boys made their escape.

Freed from her load and her woman's restraints, Elizabeth resisted the temptation of beer and bacon in the Women's Room for the moment in favour of visiting her father, now comfortably lodged with distant relatives on the other side of the Green. As the Village Common was just that – common ground – she walked unleashed, passing the men sprawled on benches, taking their morning draughts, outside the Inn with only a level stare of disapproval to indicate what she thought of such toping. Leaving them in a satisfactory condition of vague guilt, she walked across the Green, noticing that young Magdalene Briggs was once again being punished, and pausing to stop the young children around her cage poking her naked body with their sticks. Magdalene Briggs would come to a bad end if she didn't mend her ways, Elizabeth thought as she went on. One day, if she continued to disgrace herself, she would vanish from sight, to spend the rest of her days chained up in her father's cellar or behind the bars of a cage in some remote shed. For there was no greater sin than to persuade men, who were made in the image of God, to fall from grace - as had Eve, the first woman and the first sinner.

Elizabeth found her father as well as could be expected, for he'd suffered another stroke and could barely speak. But he could hear well enough, or so Abishag Plowman assured her, for Abishag was a godly woman and a kindly, and took as much care of the old man's soul as she did of his body, reading to him from the Bible morning and night. Satisfied as to her father's spiritual and bodily welfare, Elizabeth knelt again to receive his blessing before departing back to the Inn where she found that the women of the women of the village had gathered to greet her, all eager to learn what she made of married life.

A merry time the women had of it, too, especially when, as always when women are gathered together, the talk progressed to anecdotes of the odd behaviour of their husbands, whose characters were dissected with a merciless and humorous clarity, sparing no detail, that would have horrified the unfortunate men concerned. As it was, the men outside, listening to this sinister feminine levity and rightly guessing its cause, grew uneasy and drifted back to their labours one by one, muttering into their beards as they went.


The talk turned to Elizabeth herself, and how she got on with Seth, and the affairs of their farm – or, rather, Seth's farm, for, as a woman, Elizabeth could own no property of her own, not even her clothing nor the collar her husband had put around her neck on their wedding day. The news of Ruth's recovery was already known, and Elizabeth was congratulated on it, and on Seth's plans to train her as a sheep-dog if it were possible. There was precedent for this, as all knew, for had not the father of Martha May-God-Be-Praised Hawker, own brother to the father of Jabez Hawker the Inn-keeper, had his unregenerate daughter's arms removed and put her to work as a draught animal many years ago? She lived still, and could often be seen harnessed to a loaded cart, driven about the farm, and she could even pull a plough through the light, sandy soil of the Dale.

Then the new ordinance of the Elders was discussed. It was non other than to return to the custom of twenty years ago, which Elizabeth didn't remember, of making women go bridled and bitted in addition to being leashed in public. It was, every woman agreed, just the sort of nonsense to be expected from men, purported to still the lewd tongues of women but in reality to avoid have to listen on their journeys to the leashed women pointing out the many shortcomings of the male sex in general and of the man or boy leading them in particular. But that was the way of it in the Dale, where men were made in the image of Christ and women knew they were little better than the beasts of the field.

Presently the women drifted away to get on with their housework, and to chivvy their husbands into greater effort in their labours, and Elizabeth was left to haggle with Rebecca Hawker, the Inn-keeper's wife, about the relative values of her onions and the latter's barley.

Both women thoroughly enjoyed their bargaining, and Elizabeth became the new owner of a plump sack of good quality barley. She took a meal of fried cow's lung and pease pudding, washed down with plenty of small-beer, and then prepared to depart, Rebecca helping her with her restraints and hoisting the sack of barley on to Elizabeth's back, strapping in firmly in place lest it slip.

Although it was but early in the afternoon, Elizabeth knew from experience that she was in for a long wait before some passing man or boy could be inveigled into leading her home. As it was, the only available male was a seven year old urchin who was willing enough but whose spindly legs would scarce survive the six mile round trip. Besides, he was sure to get lost on the way back, and Elizabeth had been waiting patiently for an hour, sweating freely in the heat and occasionally wriggling her shoulders to ease her heavy load, when she saw two distant figures approaching on the road which left the village for the far end of the Dale.

Elizabeth knew at once the identity of the youth leading the laden donkey. He was Joshua Golightly, and his work was delivering the soft coal his family hewed from the outcropping on their farm high up the Dale. Dusty and tired, his first thought was for a meal and a draught of ale, and water for his donkey, but he readily agreed to lead Elizabeth as far on his way as he could. Even better, he then accepted her offer of a meal and a bed for the night if he'd lead her all the way to her home, and a meal the next morning, and this pleased him as he thought of the two pennies his father had given him for lodging at the Inn on his return journey which he could now divert to buying ribbons for his sweetheart at Lammas Fair.

All the same, he sat an hour over his food and ale, much to Elizabeth's disgust, but he then assented to lead her directly home and deliver his coal the next day to the farm of Ephraim and Manasseh Gotobed, twin brothers who'd married the three sisters Sapphira, Sheba and Sharon Archer, and who lived a mile nearer the village than did Elizabeth.

After making his farewells to his host and checking the security of his patient donkey's load, young Joshua set off, leading his donkey with Elizabeth's leash shortened and tied to one the straps on the beast's load.

It was a weary journey for Elizabeth, bent and sweating under her burden with her hip bumping now and then against the side of the donkey's haunches. After a mile so Joshua halted them outside a roadside cottage and tied the donkey to a tree whilst he went inside on some errand or other entrusted to him by his mother. Elizabeth, whose bladder was feeling the effects of her lunchtime ale and who had been wondering if she could last out, took immediate advantage of Joshua's absence. Spreading her legs as far apart as she was able, she urinated copiously into the dust beneath her feet, feeling the warm liquid splash up over her bare feet and ankles.

Joshua, on his return, made no comment on the pool of drying urine where Elizabeth stood, only to be expected of leashed women and other such cattle,but merely untied the donkey's halter and continued his journey under Elizabeth's direction until they reached the familiar gate of the track leading to her home.

In the farmyard, Joshua took Elizabeth's load from her back, and then removed her arm-binder and unlocked her mitts. Leaving her to remove the rest of her woman's restraints, he began to unload his patient donkey, a task which Elizabeth helped him to complete. Together, they led the donkey into the paddock where Elizabeth's sister leapt about in wild excitement at the end of her rope and Lady ran up to investigate. Seth arrived, his tools over his shoulder, and pumped water for his wife's bath.

Later, clad in a clean dress in honour of their guest, Elizabeth cooked a supper of fried oatmeal porridge with bacon and eggs from her hens, the whole washed down with good ale from the barrel in the corner of the kitchen. After supper, all three sat with pipes and tankards whilst Elizabeth read to them from the Bible, and afterwards discussed the meaning of the words they'd heard in Godly debate.

Joshua, yawning widely, went off to sleep in the barn with the blanket Elizabeth had given him, and Elizabeth went to her bed. Seth went out to take his sister-in-law to her kennel and chain her up, then took a turn in the yard with his pipe and ale-pot before going into the house and up the stairs to his spartan little room. There he found the door to the much larger bedroom of the woman of the house invitingly ajar and the smiling woman herself, clad only in her thigh-length hair, waiting to take him to her bed.

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"Tim, I want to ask you something," Suzi started before our third hour class a week later. "But you have to promise me you will tell me the truth about how you feel about it." "Shit. This doesn't sound like I want to hear it, but okay. I promise. You want to go someplace private?" "Uhm, yeah. I can't get this out of my head. Let's go upstairs." Nobody noticed us leave as the tardy bell rang, nor did the few people passing notice us holding hands climbing the stairs. She was...

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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 15 Preparing the Breastworks

Once in his chambers, Judge Rule turned and said, “Roycealee, Peter, Joe Bob, anybody want a drink? Sweet tea? Jack and branch water? Some of Pappy Smith’s ‘shine? No? Well, we’ve got big problems. This smells bad enough to gag a maggot! Y’all get that feelin’ too, don’t you?” Roycealee frowned and told him, “I’ve had a bad feeling for quite a while, but I never could get it to jell. Y’all both think we have a white slavery ring operating - at least sex trafficking, don’t...

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What It Takes to Succeed in Slutworld

Note: Please activate Game Mode for the best experience! It is Sunday, September 4th, and the golden sun of a late-summer afternoon is streaming into Natalie's window as she lies on her bed reading, getting ready for the start of school. Stretched out on her bed with a mug of tea and her phone on the table next to her, she's got her summer reading book open on her knees: Basic Anatomy, Sexual Education, and Sluttery for Women. Nat turns the page and keeps reading as she takes another bite of...

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Lisanna Craig was lounging in her mansion on a Friday Night. She had just slipped on a fleecy nightgown and was enjoying a glass of wine while she stroked her cat and read a paper. She had made the headlines again in her superheroine persona, Knightwoman. She had prevented the nefarious Clownman and his henchwoman Jenny Jester from robbing the first national bank of Renisance City. She smiled at the picture of her in a superhuman pose as the two villains where lead away in a van. "Sometimes I...

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What can we find on Adult Work besides UK escorts? Well, this is just in: it is possible to do other things besides just masturbate all day long on the internet. Like what, you ask? Well, you don’t have to always watch porn every time you’re horny, you know. Sometimes you could try to make your own! Or maybe you could browse escorts in your area, see if you can’t land yourself some real-life pussy. I’m sure your hand would appreciate the break anyway. Or you could get real old-school with it...

Escort Sites
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Scat World! There are no two ways about it; scat porn is degenerated, weird, and repulsive. And that is me being nice. This is no genre for ‘normal’ people if at all you could term people who jerk off to porn normal. As a matter of fact, if you are reading this review while having lunch, my apologies for ruining your meal. The shit I’m about to talk about is messy and gross, and if I’m, to be honest, I don’t understand how y’all sick fucks get turned on by the sight of chicks shitting all over...

Scat Porn Sites
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Have you ever wished for an adult social network that you could go to just to enjoy some nice content and have a friendly chat with people and maybe a dirty chat or two with a girl here and there? I know that there have been many attempts to make something like this, but most of those end up being niche sites for some kind of kink. If you’re looking for a broad website that acts like a general adult social network, it’s pretty much impossible to find something like that. However, you can hit...

Reddit NSFW List
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What’s the deal with Pissy Network? Is it a message board for bitchy Karens to air their daily grievances about not being the center of the world, or maybe it’s a cable channel devoted only to the most furious of angry dudes? Come on—why the hell would I be talking about that kind of bullshit around here? If there’s one thing I love, it’s something to jerk off to, and sometimes that goes well with a refreshing eruption of lemonade.PissyNetwork.com is a network of premium piss porn paysites all...

Premium Scat & Piss Porn
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All day crossdressing twosome

This experience was a twosome with my closest tranny friend.We got together one Sunday morning and transformed ourselves fully into hot sexy sluts. We were both wearing well stuffed bras, suspender belts, crotchless panties, stockings and high heels.We lay on the bed together kissing and stoking each other. We had made sure we had full balls for each other, so we were very horny.I got a pair of handcuffs and we closed them tight around our genitals, joining us closely. The twist was that the...

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DaughterInLaw Tricked Into Sex Twosome

Raj and his friend shyam sat down on the couch with a can of beer each and started to watch the basketball. Raj was a married 55 year old who lived with his wife of 30 years out in the countryside. Raj was a slightly overweight man who had a large beer belly, and had gone completely bold. Since he retired five years ago, he would spend most of his days, and night drinking with his buddies. His wife had gone to her friends for the night, so raj had invited shyam over to watch the basketball with...

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TV Listings for the TG Network

If you would like to archive this story elsewhere, please contact me and ask permission first. However, any story ideas that appear in here, or in the review section, are "Free Game" for development (Unless the author specifies otherwise in their "review"). "Thanks for your support" (Hey, there's an idea for a TG commercial...) gregri [email protected] "TV" Listings for the TG Network By Gregri Copyright 2000 The TG Network: "Television for New Women". (Lifetime is a...

4 years ago
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The Magic Anime Network

Magic Anime Network A Wish Fullfillment Story by Rugburn Major Elements: TG, Transformations, Turning into Animated characters. Note: This is a set up story. I'm setting up a universe in which I am writing captions for. Stories updated first on my DA account. There is a map of the Magic Anime Network on that account as well. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I closed the door to my home. The lock clicked into place. I walked into the den...

1 year ago
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The Network

I had no idea where this was going when I started. I was thinking stroke, added some fetish elements that I know very little about and then tried to make it all work in the end. ‘Fred, this neighborhood has got to have the cutest teenage baby sitting corps in the whole state!’ The two friends were chatting on the periphery of the typical neighborhood pool party. ‘It would be hard to argue with that, Mike. On the other hand do I need to remind you of the legal penalties for having sex with...

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My Escort Network

MyEscort.Network calls itself “The #1 Female Escort Directory!” It’s a bold brag with an exclamation point for emphasis, but I don’t know, they might be on to something. Their traffic has nearly doubled in the last couple months, with nearly 300,000 eager users hitting up the joint. The big question with a site like this is always how those user numbers break down. With any luck, a good chunk of those thousands are escorts actively hawking their services on the platform, but there’s really only...

Escort Sites
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It was a cold, wet, miserable Tuesday in November last year and I got asked to take the place of a work colleague at a networking event.To say I'm not a big fan of these sorts of things is an understatement, but I liked the guy who asked so to help him out I agreed to go.As I walked into the venue a hot girl was stood outside smoking. I thought "if she's going in here I can live with this". Sure enough she followed me in and I immediately started chatting to her. She was already tipsy and very...

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Dogfart Network

The Dog Fart Network! Fuck, I love watching slutty babes get absolutely wrecked by some big black cock in interracial porn. Or watching a smoking hot Latino chick bounce up and down on a dick while she sucks off the five other dudes in the room. Interracial porn brings the good shit. And it’s not just the same old scenes every time. Are you as tired as I am of watching a plain ass white couple have lame, uninteresting missionary sex? It fucking sucks. It’s time to branch out. Help break down...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Fetish Network

FetishNetwork is a pretty great name for this network, since it is comprised of tons of fetish sites that cover a wide variety of topics from usual to spooky to super hot and taboo. There are more than 40 sites in this network and they are always adding more, which is unusual for a network. There are even different categories of sites for you to pick from that all keep it really kinky. There are about 20 BDSM sites, a couple hypnofetish sites, spanking sites, female domination ones, smoking and...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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The GF Network

TheGFNetwork! We really live in the glory age of amateur sex movies. Everybody walks around with a video camera in their pocket capable of making pretty fucking decent porno movies. Don’t believe me? Check out TheGFNetwork.com. Just about all the videos were shot on phones or webcams, and you’d have to have serious erectile dysfunction not to appreciate this site.For the past decade or so, TheGFNetwork has been collecting a massive and exclusive stash of DIY porn. They’re popular enough that...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
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Blind Date with Catwoman

“Oh come on.” You mutter as you cancel out the call you were dialing at the sound of the doorman's buzzer in your apartment. Shoving your cell into your coat pocket you hold down the answer button on your digital intercom and answer, “Yes?” “Dr. Anderson, a Ms. Kyle to see you, she says you have date.” “I thought her name was Novak.” You wonder to yourself, “and she is over an hour early.” “Dr. Anderson, are you there?" The intercom interrupts your pondering. "Should I let Ms. Kyle in?” “Yes,...

3 years ago
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I Fucked Catwoman

5 years into being neighbors and wondering if she's into sex, is she gay? hell, I don't know. I decide to write a note and put it on her door with my phone number to ask her to call or text me. I had no idea if she would but it was an icebreaker. I did it on my way to work, hoping for but not expecting a reply. To my surprise, I get a text asking what was up. I ask her if she wanted to come over for a beer so we could talk. She said ok... I never expected that. I didn't know what she was...

2 years ago
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Part 19 Introduction to a network

In the previous part I mentioned about a swinging party of lactating women and their husbands. Well I was invited by Sajitha to one such party. Such networks usually operate underground (as I found out) and are usually restricted and invitations are only through contacts and word of mouth. The party that I went to was attended by well to do people in the society. Each group consisted of a Man, his wife (condition being that she has to be lactating), a spinster and a bachelor (both being invited...

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The Driftwood

He was still awake watching the western drone on in the background as his love’s snoring got louder and louder. He laughed at first to himself, then out loud. He watched her snore until he turned off the tv and the room disappeared into darkness. He inched closer to her in bed. He put his arms around her and snuggled his body next to hers. His cock instantly got hard with one touch of her. He started to growl in her ear, she slowly became aroused to the affection being showered on her. He...

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The Driftwood

He was still awake watching the western drone on in the background as his love’s snoring got louder and louder. He laughed at first to himself, then out loud. He watched her snore until he turned off the tv and the room disappeared into darkness. He inched closer to her in bed. He put his arms around her and snuggled his body next to hers. His cock instantly got hard with one touch of her. He started to growl in her ear, she slowly became aroused to the affection being showered on her. ...

3 years ago
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The Dangers of Social Networking

Cassandra Young has joined MyFace. Cassandra changed her info page. Cassandra added a photo and personal info. Cassandra and Rebecca Morris are now mates. Cassandra and David Greene are now mates. 37 more similar stories. Rebecca Morris Hey! I took your slate virginity. J You finally joined MyFace! How are things? 2nd December at 18:44 Cassandra scrawled on Rebecca's slate Sarah Young hi sis, love the pic. that top looks so cute on you. 2nd December at 20:04 Cassandra scrawled on...

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Part Six It was a very sore, sorry and completely naked Debra Hutchinson that wasfrog–marched out of the mansion the following morning. Although her muscleshad ceased their spasms – having been freed of the indescribably painfulstrappado that she had spent the night bound within – her entire bodywas a road–map of aches that piled one on top of the other, making eachstep a marked effort. Two guards flanked her, both uniformed in the black suitsthat Debra was fast becoming accustomed to. Neither...

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The Aurora Network

"My name is Ian Sawyer, I'm an archaeologist and for the past thirty years I've been studying humanity's precursors, around the world are incredible 'Manmade' structures." The message played on repeat, you really weren't too interested in the doctor's achievements, not now at least. At the age of four, you were taken away from your family and transferred to an underwater facility run by Doctor Sawyer. Years ago, he'd discovered the Aurora circuit, a powerful, interdimensional tunnel system...

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TouchdownChapter 13 Virtual Private Network

Warwick and Moscow. 7 days after Jennifer reappears A Remembrance of Things Past Wednesday morning finds Inspector Ackroyd making an early start. He is looking forward to his first call. He had not warmed to Professor Dawney when he interviewed her in the immediate aftermath of the Jennifer McEwan disappearance. It was a sort of love-at-first-sight but in reverse. In his opinion she was a self-obsessed woman with a surprisingly callous streak. He wonders if she has been mellowed by time? He...

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Sarah Naked In School Book Two

Dania stood in the doorway, watching as a convict tried to kill her coach with a bat.Sarah deflected the blow with her own wooden bat, backpedaling and slipping sideways, keeping Stephanie, assigned on prison detail as her personal assistant, from positioning herself in a striking formation."What are they using?" she whispered to Isparana, who also stood watching the two women attack each other."My sister says it is called a 'shillelagh'.  It is an ancient weapon used by her ancestors.""It...

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Bound Part Two

Bound Part Two By: Light Clark Warning: This story involves some mental manipulation which I know can be disconcerting to some readers. It's also set in the Whateley universe, but doesn't require you to know any of the characters or plots from that universe. It only borrows some basic world details and thematics. Chapter 18 - Day 25 - Wednesday Crashes and explosions buzzed out through laptop speakers as images of some epic action scene flashed along the screen. I didn't see...

1 year ago
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Wishing and Hoping Part Two

Wishing and Hoping - Part Two By: Light Clark Synopsis: Vali's greatest wish has been granted, but it wasn't her only wish. Hoping to achieve another, she has confessed the feelings that she has long kept secret, but will she get the answer that she was hoping for? Chapter 29 What was I thinking? What had I done? Those two questions echoed in my brain, crowding out every other thought, and yet, I could not convince myself to do anything to resolve them. I just stood there...

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Mums Friends Chapter Two

Next morning Paul woke at six. Jill was awake. They kissed gently as both of them were exploring each other's bodies. Paul was hard, and Jill was wet. They had ten minutes of foreplay then Paul went inside her. Half an hour later they were in the shower. Jill had fairish hair. Jill asked, “Would you like me to be more blonde than this? A lot of people have suggested that I would look great if I were blonde.”Paul replied, “Wait until you have spoken to your advisors. After we are dressed, we...

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Hi Im Jim Part Two

Hi, I'm Jim Part Two By Virginia Kane 1. I still can't believe what the "specialist" my transition doctor brought in to perform my latest feminization procedure did! To all intents and purposes, my groin now resembles a woman's mound! Sure, sure, my little cock had shrunk to less than half its original meager length it was before I began my feminization hormone regimen six months earlier, but I still enjoyed having Jim...

2 years ago
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Portland House Chapter Two

Chapter TwoThey went to bed around nine. They had a fantastic session on the sofa before retiring. They woke early the next morning. Joy wanted some water sports, so they went into the bathroom. Paul drank two litres of mineral water. They repeated yesterday's session, but then Paul sat on the chair and Joy went on top. She was wonderful. He played with her breasts and fingered her big clit as she rode him. Twenty minutes later Paul felt he was close to climax. He told her and then she peed on...

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For the Love of an Angel Chapter Two

Dad laughed, “Yes, but the little guy is only six foot, five inches! In our clan, that’s short! Shorty, have I got a deal for you! I’ll donate that dry muley cow in our north pasture and three kegs of beer if you could butcher her and put her on your pit down at the Council campground?” Uncle Shorty did most of the cooking there. It got him free beer, popularity, and was great publicity for his caf?Everybody who is anybody for forty miles around eats at Uncle Shortys place. Aunt Juanita...

4 years ago
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Wendy Takes a Shot of Vanilla Part two

Wendy Takes a Shot of Vanilla Part twoThe phone rang. It was 3 AM on Thursday. The boy awoke and fumbled around for it. It was someplace under his hoodie by his desk. He found it and answered it, half rolling away from his sleeping roommate in his bunk so as not to wake him. "Mmnnn Hello?" "Hello Vic! How is my nice hunk of Vanilla dick?" It was Wendy. She was horny, excited, and on the phone. "I'm good," he said trying to keep his voice down, "what are you doing? It’s a little after...

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lactating hot wife Chapter 4 Jill takes two

Previously: As you may recall, Glenn, my husband's best friend and college roommate, was staying at our home during the summer of 2015. I had given birth to my first child, Amy, less than a month earlier.  The first two weeks of Glenn's stay went smoothly, however, my life changed completely one Friday evening in early June. My husband, Chris, convinced me to breast feed our daughter in the living room while he and our house guest watched. It sounded innocent enough, but the sexual tension was...

Wife Lovers
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Just Do What Youre Told Part Two

Susan scurried across the van floor to the rear door as fast as she could. She knew she was to be punished and had no interest in making him any angrier then he already was. Once her feet hit the ground, Bill took her right arm and attached the cuff to the top of the open door. Someone else attached the left one to the other door. The doors were locked open and spreaded her arms out in a spread eagle position. The only light Susan could see was the bright glare of headlights. She was in a...

1 year ago
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Just Do What Youre Told Part Two

Susan scurried across the van floor to the rear door as fast as she could. She knew she was to be punished and had no interest in making him any angrier then he already was. Once her feet hit the ground, Bill took her right arm and attached the cuff to the top of the open door. Someone else attached the left one to the other door. The doors were locked open and spreaded her arms out in a spread eagle position. The only light Susan could see was the bright glare of headlights. She was in a...


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