TGS The Little Toy Gun
- 2 years ago
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Son of a Gun
Part One
by Velvetglove
The blade slid silently across young Grommet?s throat.
?What you looking at, boy ??
The Ship?s Lad froze in terror at the unexpected sound of the Second Mate?s growl. The erection, which the fourteen year old boy had been fisting through a slit in the inside pocket of his breeches, softened almost instantaneously in shock.
But not fast enough.
The iron grip of Master Wallis, the Second Mate, spun the fourteen year old lad around effortlessly.
With a wordless snarl, the bear-like older man stared coldly down in amusement at the petrified young voyeur?s bulge, then he quietly leaned forward so that he too could take a turn peeking through the hole.
Left-handed, he kept the sharp gutting knife poised in position, still pricking the vulnerable underside of young Grommet?s neck, while he pressed his right eye against the wood.
They were below decks in a dark, dingy storeroom adjacent to the most privileged part of the vessel; the passengers? quarters.
The tiny eyehole looked into the cabin of the only male and female couple on the voyage.
Wallis grinned at the display of Sir Rufus and Lady Rigby enjoying a cramped, afternoon fuck on the narrow double-cot. It was their honeymoon, after all. They were on their way to start married life together in South Africa.
He studied them, guessing the red-headed, red-blooded male was older than his wife, at around thirty. His ?Sir? was an inherited title. The young fuckwit obviously hadn?t done anything himself to merit an honour except hunt, shoot, fish and screw scullery maids. He was still wearing his cream silk shirt, riding up his back, as his pale buttocks hammered up and down on top of his young, nubile love.
The new Lady Helen Rigby was no more than twenty two, with a lovely glossy skinned face totally devoid of pockmarks and blemishes, a tousled mop of toffee coloured curls, brown doe-eyes, and tits like ripe grapefruits that were barely confined by her bodice.
Wallis couldn?t see her face at that moment but the position of her ankles drumming her husband?s back suggested the slut was probably enjoying her new afternoon pastime.
Wallis slowly pulled his eye away from the hole and stared back down at the anxious lad. He chuckled, sheathed his knife and ruffled the teenager?s hair.
?Run along, boy.?
*** *** ***
I laid the knife meaningfully along her throat.
Her lovely emerald eyes stared back up at me, saucer-wide and evidently full of terror.
?Open wide.?
My knees were planted firmly either side of her shoulders, my butt across her ribs, my sweaty balls bouncing on her cleavage. I was holding the knife in my right hand so that I could pump myself in a frenzy with my other fist.
The piece of cutlery I was pressing into her skin was blunt but she parted her jaws and hesitantly opened her plump red lips regardless.
I literally laughed aloud as the first huge rope of pearly semen uncoiled out of my cockslit and landed with an audible splat on her forehead, backfilling along the bridge of her nose, upper lip and into her gaping mouth.
She shut her eyes but not fast enough. A second jet pulsed in a straight line directly into her right eye then hosed her cheek.
She gasped as her eye stung, instinctively wriggling to try and use her hand to wipe it, but I had pinned both her arms still by her side.
In the throes of my orgasm, I couldn?t help her, even had I?d wanted to. I kept frantically jacking my dick with my left hand, aiming for the other side of her face, watching the third of my customary ?big three? dollops land in her other eye socket, leaving a trail from her chin to her eyebrow.
Oh boy, do I love a face painting session !
My balls still had a couple more bullets in the chamber. Not as messy as the opening triple torpedo salvo but just as tasty. I concentrated my firepower into her mouth, looking down as it coated her tongue, gums and palate.
A few seconds later, I was done.
?Phew !? I exclaimed, lifting a knee, climbing off her chest and collapsing on the mattress beside her. ?Pheweee.?
I glanced up at the digital clock by my side of the hotel bed. The green numbers told me I?d timed everything perfectly. The pay-per-view movie I?d selected was starting at seven.
She was reaching out to her bedside table for a tissue. Her fingers fumbled about, eyes shut tight due to my stinging juice.
I watched her a moment, getting my breath. At last she found the box and extracted a tissue, pulling it over to her face.
?Let me.? I said, softly.
I used my fingers to scoop as much of my coagulating spunk as possible into a puddle and eased it onto her upper lip.
?Open up.?
Obediently, she made an ?o? with her mouth.
I tipped the goo in and only afterwards used the tissue to mop up the residue from her eye sockets and nostrils. I laid the useless knife on my bedside table. It was one of those cheap, blunt ones that airlines used for meals before 9/11, and hotels still do. It had come with our room service tray of tropical fruits, fresh breads and a wonderful cheese plate.
Cautiously, she blinked open her eyelids. Her mascara had smeared into a detonation of dark streaks.
We smiled at each other.
This was a special holiday. We both knew it. Chances were we would return to London engaged, unless something went very wrong. I?d spent over ten years looking for ?the one?. And my numerous adverts had finally found me Misty; stunning, sexy, fascinating, funny, bubbly, inquisitive, only 22 but adult beyond her years.
And - obviously above all - kinky and submissive.
I turned on my side and ran my hand down from her smeared face, over her elegant neck, between her ample breasts, stretching my fingers over to thumb her erect, hard nipples, then across her flat stomach to her tousled pubic curls. We?d already done the shaved pussy thing and now I?d let her grow it back into a luxuriant dark triangle.
I teasingly fingered her aroused clit.
She gasped and tilted her head back fractionally. ?Facial rapes? never failed to get Misty going.
?You want to come, baby ??
Her eyes rolled gently.
?Please ??
I glanced over at the clock.
18:59. Movie time ! She loves it when I deny her release. Makes her do all sorts of things to earn it.
I pulled away from Misty?s clit and ruffled her hair.
?Well, you?ll just have to wait. Run and fetch the TV remote.?
*** *** ***
The year was 1859.
Exciting times. Around the globe, the French Navy?s ?La Gloire? was being launched as the world?s first ocean-going ironclad warship, Oregon had been admitted as the 33rd US State and John Brown?s raid on Harper?s Ferry in Virginia was about to signal a general slave rebellion and thus indirectly trigger a Civil War in America.
Meanwhile, in Second Mate Wallis?s home port of London, the great bell Big Ben had just chimed for the first time, and the British Naturalist Charles Darwin was putting the finishing touches to his book ?The Origin of Species?.
In the Spring of that year, a Merchant Packet Ship, The ?Descendant?, had left Southampton, pausing in Lisbon, and it was now on its way to Port Elizabeth in SouthAfrica, carrying a cargo of equipment, dry goods, port wine, and a small number of passengers, brave or foolhardy enough to make the journey.
They included the aforementioned honeymooners Sir Rufus and Lady Rigby and the good knight?s younger sister, Rose, whom he was escorting south to join up with her fianc?, Major Seaton of the British Army. The other three passengers were all male, all ordinary, and shortly never to be heard of again.
The ?Descendant? was an honest merchant ship of sturdy construction, with three officers, namely Captain Bates, First Mate Lubbock and Second Mate Wallis. Her crew comprised a cook, a carpenter, a boatswain, 11 able seamen and 12 ordinary seamen. Plus one Ship?s Boy.
Like most of her journeys, this one had been uneventful so far. She rode out the few storms, negotiated the Doldrums, and was making good time in a strong breeze for Port Elizabeth when disaster struck.
Just before dawn on the morning after Second Mate Wallis had spied on the happy couple making love in their quarters, the ship shuddered to a halt with an ear splitting crash.
The ?Descendant? had become helplessly impaled on an uncharted rock. Her hull was opened up as completely as Grommet?s throat might have been by the Second Mate?s blade. Seawater gushed into the engine room and then a freak wave twisted the knife, condemning the ship to the depths.
There was only sufficient time to launch two of her three lifeboats. The First Mate, three passengers and eight of the crew clambered into the first.
The Second Mate, three passengers and another eight crew had a few moments to gather some equipment and belongings before jumping into the second.
Captain Bates himself went down honourably with his ship, while the remaining crew flailed in the foaming water until the sharks put an end to their suffering.
A century and more later, the ?Descendant? had become one of South Africa?s ten most popular diving wrecks.
It is not known what happened to the first lifeboat. There is no historical record of a First Mate called Lubbock surviving nor any of other the three passengers who climbed into his boat.
But the second lifeboat made it to land. Of sorts.
It drifted for 30 hours, as the ocean swell raged, then dwindled into steady rollers under a gentle rain. Inside the boat the ten men and two women huddled dejectedly on the floor. The men stared at their feet glumly and the traumatised women wept, then slept.
Wallis surveyed the motley crew and decided he was ?Second Mate? no more. The Captain had gone down and Wallis doubted he would ever set eyes on the First Mate again. He studied the sole male passenger, Sir Rufus, and surmised that any leadership skills the man might have were suited to shiny redcoats, cavalry charges and a formal military structure.
No, in this situation, Wallis was definitely in charge.
Mid-afternoon on the second day, young Grommet, taking his turn as watch, spied a solitary island. It emerged slowly from below the endless horizon, until they could all make out a silhouette resembling a fat man floating on his back in the water.
As they drew closer, Wallis saw there was a mountain rising like a paunch, covered in lush foliage, and a second smaller hill reminiscent of a head, with sandy beaches and palm trees fringing the entire island.
Without consulting anybody, he formally assumed command.
?To starboard.? He bellowed, peering into the crystal clear waters for any sign of rocks as they navigated to shore.
His lifeboat crew comprised several of his best mates; Greaser, Donkey and Stoker from the boiler room, and Limey Jack, an able Seaman. Only ?Doc?, who was the Ship?s Cook, and the old carpenter and another crewman were unknown quantities. Grommet, the Ship?s Boy would do as he was told. The men paddled using the two oars combined with other bits of equipment to row the longboat towards the shoreline.
The three passengers, Sir Rufus, Lady Helen, and Rose huddled in the back of the boat and behaved as if they still believed they were paying passengers. Wallis growled.
?You !? he snapped at Sir Rufus. ?Get your head down that side of the boat and look out for rocks.?
The pompous, carrot-topped, freckled face looked up at him aghast.
?Do it. Now.? Wallis roared, snarling until the man obeyed.
Carefully, they made it ashore and beached the longboat.
Wallis, accompanied by Greaser, the engine room oiler, took a tour of the island. It covered a few square miles and was almost completely surrounded by white sandy beach. They managed to use their cutlasses to hack through the scrub forest that covered most of the inland ridge and there, to their immense relief, was a natural spring stream running along the side of the mountain. They also spied a few goats, rabbits and a mass of wild berries.
As they were walking back to the beach to convey the good news to the other members of the party, they spotted the two women who had removed their sodden dresses and were drying them behind a clump of rocks. They were sharing a woollen blanket that Lady Helen had produced from her sack of possessions.
Greaser exchanged glances with Wallis.
Both men smiled stained and gap toothed grins.
But there was no rush. At first there was too much to do.
Wallis organised them into pairs to perform the most suitable roles.
The carpenter had brought a few of his tools with him in the lifeboat. He and a crewman set to work constructing a shelter.
Greaser and Donkey collected wood for the hut and also built a fire.
Stoker and Limey Jack strung bows and cut arrows, with flint tips, and took them and the cutlasses to catch food.
Wallis and Doc completed a thorough inventory of everything they possessed; each individual crewman?s possessions and the general supplies from the boat; knives, bowls, rope, needles, thread, candles, cutlery, seeds, a mariner?s clock and a compass.
And there was a single firearm that Wallis kept for himself; a fine 12-bore sidelock hammer pigeon gun that could be used to shoot animals - or man - as required.
With water, some food, their equipment, and luck, they had a chance of survival, as long as another ship came by to rescue them within a few weeks, or perhaps even months.
In the meantime, Wallis studiously ignored the three ?passengers?. Their fare had run out when the ship went down.
Now they were on their own !
That first meal of goat and berries, and freshwater, tasted as good as any ship?s rations. The men stood around in a circle, grinning as the bloody meat soiled their straggly beards and rags.
Eventually Sir Rufus approached.
?Er ? may we ? join you ??
Wallis looked at him coldly. ?You want to share ??
?Yes, rather.?
?Sure.? He said eventually. ?We?ll all share everything then.?
Wallis watched him start to pull off a leg of goat meat to take it over to the two women huddled together thirty yards away.
?Nah. Tell them to come over here, nice and warm like, by the fire.?
The man?s eyes sparked in the firelight. ?But they are not dressed properly !?
There was a tense hush. All of the crewmen had stopped eating.
Wallis allowed ten, fifteen awkward and menacing seconds to pass before he replied.
?No. They?re not are they ? Okay, you take them some food. Tonight.?
The next morning, Wallis pulled the old carpenter over to one side.
?Choice, old timer. You for me or against me ??
The old man?s rheumy eyes glanced at him. He didn?t need to speak. The eyes said ?for?.
Wallis drew with a stick in the sand. He smiled.
?Can you build these. Nice and sturdy ??
The carpenter nodded silently.
The second evening, they had found wild yams and Greaser had fashioned a harpoon with which he had speared a fish. Alongside a rabbit and more berries, it was a veritable feast.
Rufus approached again.
?I?d be ever so grateful ??
Wallis interrupted him.
?Bring them over here.?
?But ??
?They don?t come here, then none of you eat.?
With a gulp, Sir Rufus Digby turned around. Wallis spat out a fishbone. Take these pompous lords and ladies out of their fancy houses with no servants and see how they cope.
Slowly the two young women in their sun-dried dresses came over with their chaperone.
Wallis scratched behind his ear.
Lady Helen and young Rose hesitantly stepped into the circle around the campfire. The crewmen took just a step or two back, no more.
?Last night,? Wallis said, grinning at Sir Rufus, ?we all agreed to share everything, right ??
?Well ??
Without warning, Wallis seized Lady Helen by her collar. There was a shout of approval from his men and an anguished groan from Sir Rufus. Rose screamed and tried to run from the enclosure of burly men but she was caught by Limey Jack, who had been ready, on account of the sign Wallis had given by scratching his ear.
?Well, then you are going to share your wife with us !? Wallis announced over the tumult, hurling Lady Helen down into the sand, ripping her dress.
?Noooo?? Sir Rufus roared, charging, but a cudgel blow to the head knocked him unconscious. When he awoke, the world would never be the same again.
Son of a Gun
Part One
by Velvetglove
The blade slid silently across young Grommet?s throat.
?What you looking at, boy ??
The Ship?s Lad froze in terror at the unexpected sound of the Second Mate?s growl. The erection, which the fourteen year old boy had been fisting through a slit in the inside pocket of his breeches, softened almost instantaneously in shock.
But not fast enough.
The iron grip of Master Wallis, the Second Mate, spun the fourteen year old lad around effortlessly.
With a wordless snarl, the bear-like older man stared coldly down in amusement at the petrified young voyeur?s bulge, then he quietly leaned forward so that he too could take a turn peeking through the hole.
Left-handed, he kept the sharp gutting knife poised in position, still pricking the vulnerable underside of young Grommet?s neck, while he pressed his right eye against the wood.
They were below decks in a dark, dingy storeroom adjacent to the most privileged part of the vessel; the passengers? quarters.
The tiny eyehole looked into the cabin of the only male and female couple on the voyage.
Wallis grinned at the display of
Sir Rufus and Lady Rigby enjoying a cramped, afternoon fuck on the narrow
double-cot. It was their honeymoon, after all. They were on their way to
start married life together in
He studied them, guessing the red-headed, red-blooded male was older than his wife, at around thirty. His ?Sir? was an inherited title. The young fuckwit obviously hadn?t done anything himself to merit an honour except hunt, shoot, fish and screw scullery maids. He was still wearing his cream silk shirt, riding up his back, as his pale buttocks hammered up and down on top of his young, nubile love.
The new Lady Helen Rigby was no more than twenty two, with a lovely glossy skinned face totally devoid of pockmarks and blemishes, a tousled mop of toffee coloured curls, brown doe-eyes, and tits like ripe grapefruits that were barely confined by her bodice.
Wallis couldn?t see her face at that moment but the position of her ankles drumming her husband?s back suggested the slut was probably enjoying her new afternoon pastime.
Wallis slowly pulled his eye away from the hole and stared back down at the anxious lad. He chuckled, sheathed his knife and ruffled the teenager?s hair.
?Run along, boy.?
*** *** ***
I laid the knife meaningfully along her throat.
Her lovely emerald eyes stared back up at me, saucer-wide and evidently full of terror.
?Open wide.?
My knees were planted firmly either side of her shoulders, my butt across her ribs, my sweaty balls bouncing on her cleavage. I was holding the knife in my right hand so that I could pump myself in a frenzy with my other fist.
The piece of cutlery I was pressing into her skin was blunt but she parted her jaws and hesitantly opened her plump red lips regardless.
I literally laughed aloud as the first huge rope of pearly semen uncoiled out of my cockslit and landed with an audible splat on her forehead, backfilling along the bridge of her nose, upper lip and into her gaping mouth.
She shut her eyes but not fast enough. A second jet pulsed in a straight line directly into her right eye then hosed her cheek.
She gasped as her eye stung, instinctively wriggling to try and use her hand to wipe it, but I had pinned both her arms still by her side.
In the throes of my orgasm, I couldn?t help her, even had I?d wanted to. I kept frantically jacking my dick with my left hand, aiming for the other side of her face, watching the third of my customary ?big three? dollops land in her other eye socket, leaving a trail from her chin to her eyebrow.
Oh boy, do I love a face
painting session !
My balls still had a couple more bullets in the chamber. Not as messy as the opening triple torpedo salvo but just as tasty. I concentrated my firepower into her mouth, looking down as it coated her tongue, gums and palate.
A few seconds later, I was done.
?Phew !? I exclaimed, lifting a knee, climbing off her chest and collapsing on the mattress beside her. ?Pheweee.?
I glanced up at the digital clock by my side of the hotel bed. The green numbers told me I?d timed everything perfectly. The pay-per-view movie I?d selected was starting at seven.
She was reaching out to her bedside table for a tissue. Her fingers fumbled about, eyes shut tight due to my stinging juice.
I watched her a moment, getting my breath. At last she found the box and extracted a tissue, pulling it over to her face.
?Let me.? I said, softly.
I used my fingers to scoop as much of my coagulating spunk as possible into a puddle and eased it onto her upper lip.
?Open up.?
Obediently, she made an ?o? with her mouth.
I tipped the goo in and only afterwards used the tissue to mop up the residue from her eye sockets and nostrils. I laid the useless knife on my bedside table. It was one of those cheap, blunt ones that airlines used for meals before 9/11, and hotels still do. It had come with our room service tray of tropical fruits, fresh breads and a wonderful cheese plate.
Cautiously, she blinked open her eyelids. Her mascara had smeared into a detonation of dark streaks.
We smiled at each other.
This was a special holiday. We both
knew it. Chances were we would return to
And -
obviously above all - kinky and submissive.
I turned on my side and ran my hand down from her smeared face, over her elegant neck, between her ample breasts, stretching my fingers over to thumb her erect, hard nipples, then across her flat stomach to her tousled pubic curls. We?d already done the shaved pussy thing and now I?d let her grow it back into a luxuriant dark triangle.
I teasingly fingered her aroused clit.
She gasped and tilted her head back fractionally. ?Facial rapes? never failed to get Misty going.
?You want to come, baby ??
Her eyes rolled gently.
?Please ??
I glanced over at the clock.
18:59. Movie time ! She loves it when I deny her release. Makes her do all sorts of things to earn it.
I pulled away from Misty?s clit and ruffled her hair.
?Well, you?ll just have to wait. Run and fetch the TV remote.?
*** *** ***
The year was 1859.
Exciting times. Around the globe, the French Navy?s ?La Gloire? was being launched as the world?s first ocean-going ironclad warship, Oregon had been admitted as the 33rd US State and John Brown?s raid on Harper?s Ferry in Virginia was about to signal a general slave rebellion and thus indirectly trigger a Civil War in America.
Meanwhile, in Second Mate Wallis?s
In the Spring
of that year, a Merchant Packet Ship, The ?Descendant?, had left
They included the aforementioned honeymooners Sir Rufus and Lady Rigby and the good knight?s younger sister, Rose, whom he was escorting south to join up with her fianc?, Major Seaton of the British Army. The other three passengers were all male, all ordinary, and shortly never to be heard of again.
The ?Descendant? was an honest merchant ship of sturdy construction, with three officers, namely Captain Bates, First Mate Lubbock and Second Mate Wallis. Her crew comprised a cook, a carpenter, a boatswain, 11 able seamen and 12 ordinary seamen. Plus one Ship?s Boy.
Like most of her journeys, this one
had been uneventful so far. She rode out the few storms, negotiated the
Doldrums, and was making good time in a strong breeze for
Just before dawn on the morning after Second Mate Wallis had spied on the happy couple making love in their quarters, the ship shuddered to a halt with an ear splitting crash.
The ?Descendant? had become helplessly impaled on an uncharted rock. Her hull was opened up as completely as Grommet?s throat might have been by the Second Mate?s blade. Seawater gushed into the engine room and then a freak wave twisted the knife, condemning the ship to the depths.
There was only sufficient time to launch two of her three lifeboats. The First Mate, three passengers and eight of the crew clambered into the first.
The Second Mate, three passengers and another eight crew had a few moments to gather some equipment and belongings before jumping into the second.
Captain Bates himself went down honourably with his ship, while the remaining crew flailed in the foaming water until the sharks put an end to their suffering.
A century and more later, the ?Descendant? had become one of
It is not known what happened to
the first lifeboat. There is no historical record of a First Mate called
But the second lifeboat made it to land. Of sorts.
It drifted for 30 hours, as the ocean swell raged, then dwindled into steady rollers under a gentle rain. Inside the boat the ten men and two women huddled dejectedly on the floor. The men stared at their feet glumly and the traumatised women wept, then slept.
Wallis surveyed the motley crew and decided he was ?Second Mate? no more. The Captain had gone down and Wallis doubted he would ever set eyes on the First Mate again. He studied the sole male passenger, Sir Rufus, and surmised that any leadership skills the man might have were suited to shiny redcoats, cavalry charges and a formal military structure.
No, in this situation, Wallis
was definitely in charge.
Mid-afternoon on the second day, young Grommet, taking his turn as watch, spied a solitary island. It emerged slowly from below the endless horizon, until they could all make out a silhouette resembling a fat man floating on his back in the water.
As they drew closer, Wallis saw there was a mountain rising like a paunch, covered in lush foliage, and a second smaller hill reminiscent of a head, with sandy beaches and palm trees fringing the entire island.
Without consulting anybody, he formally assumed command.
?To starboard.? He bellowed, peering into the crystal clear waters for any sign of rocks as they navigated to shore.
His lifeboat crew comprised several of his best mates; Greaser, Donkey and Stoker from the boiler room, and Limey Jack, an able Seaman. Only ?Doc?, who was the Ship?s Cook, and the old carpenter and another crewman were unknown quantities. Grommet, the Ship?s Boy would do as he was told. The men paddled using the two oars combined with other bits of equipment to row the longboat towards the shoreline.
The three passengers, Sir Rufus, Lady Helen, and Rose huddled in the back of the boat and behaved as if they still believed they were paying passengers. Wallis growled.
?You !? he snapped at Sir Rufus. ?Get your head down that side of the boat and look out for rocks.?
The pompous, carrot-topped, freckled face looked up at him aghast.
?Do it. Now.? Wallis roared, snarling until the man obeyed.
Carefully, they made it ashore and beached the longboat.
Wallis, accompanied by Greaser, the engine room oiler, took a tour of the island. It covered a few square miles and was almost completely surrounded by white sandy beach. They managed to use their cutlasses to hack through the scrub forest that covered most of the inland ridge and there, to their immense relief, was a natural spring stream running along the side of the mountain. They also spied a few goats, rabbits and a mass of wild berries.
As they were walking back to the beach to convey the good news to the other members of the party, they spotted the two women who had removed their sodden dresses and were drying them behind a clump of rocks. They were sharing a woollen blanket that Lady Helen had produced from her sack of possessions.
Greaser exchanged glances with Wallis.
Both men smiled stained and gap toothed grins.
But there was no rush. At first there was too much to do.
Wallis organised them into pairs to perform the most suitable roles.
The carpenter had brought a few of his tools with him in the lifeboat. He and a crewman set to work constructing a shelter.
Greaser and Donkey collected wood for the hut and also built a fire.
Stoker and Limey Jack strung bows and cut arrows, with flint tips, and took them and the cutlasses to catch food.
Wallis and Doc completed a thorough inventory of everything they possessed; each individual crewman?s possessions and the general supplies from the boat; knives, bowls, rope, needles, thread, candles, cutlery, seeds, a mariner?s clock and a compass.
And there was a single firearm that Wallis kept for himself; a fine 12-bore sidelock hammer pigeon gun that could be used to shoot animals - or man - as required.
With water, some food, their equipment, and luck, they had a chance of survival, as long as another ship came by to rescue them within a few weeks, or perhaps even months.
In the meantime, Wallis studiously ignored the three ?passengers?. Their fare had run out when the ship went down.
Now they were on their own !
That first meal of goat and berries, and freshwater, tasted as good as any ship?s rations. The men stood around in a circle, grinning as the bloody meat soiled their straggly beards and rags.
Eventually Sir Rufus approached.
?Er ? may we ? join you ??
Wallis looked at him coldly. ?You want to share ??
?Yes, rather.?
?Sure.? He said eventually. ?We?ll all share everything then.?
Wallis watched him start to pull off a leg of goat meat to take it over to the two women huddled together thirty yards away.
?Nah. Tell them to come over here, nice and warm like, by the fire.?
The man?s eyes sparked in the firelight. ?But they are not dressed properly !?
There was a tense hush. All of the crewmen had stopped eating.
Wallis allowed ten, fifteen awkward and menacing seconds to pass before he replied.
?No. They?re not are they ? Okay, you take them some food. Tonight.?
The next morning, Wallis pulled the old carpenter over to one side.
?Choice, old timer. You for me or against me ??
The old man?s rheumy eyes glanced at him. He didn?t need to speak. The eyes said ?for?.
Wallis drew with a stick in the sand. He smiled.
?Can you build these. Nice and sturdy ??
The carpenter nodded silently.
The second evening, they had found wild yams and Greaser had fashioned a harpoon with which he had speared a fish. Alongside a rabbit and more berries, it was a veritable feast.
Rufus approached again.
?I?d be ever so grateful ??
Wallis interrupted him.
?Bring them over here.?
?But ??
?They don?t come here, then none of you eat.?
With a gulp, Sir Rufus Digby turned around. Wallis spat out a fishbone. Take these pompous lords and ladies out of their fancy houses with no servants and see how they cope.
Slowly the two young women in their sun-dried dresses came over with their chaperone.
Wallis scratched behind his ear.
Lady Helen and young Rose hesitantly stepped into the circle around the campfire. The crewmen took just a step or two back, no more.
?Last night,? Wallis said, grinning at Sir Rufus, ?we all agreed to share everything, right ??
?Well ??
Without warning, Wallis seized Lady Helen by her collar. There was a shout of approval from his men and an anguished groan from Sir Rufus. Rose screamed and tried to run from the enclosure of burly men but she was caught by Limey Jack, who had been ready, on account of the sign Wallis had given by scratching his ear.
?Well, then you are going to share your wife with us !? Wallis announced over the tumult, hurling Lady Helen down into the sand, ripping her dress.
?Noooo?? Sir Rufus roared, charging, but a cudgel blow to the head knocked him unconscious. When he awoke, the world would never be the same again.
-->Flashback - 11 months earlier (Author's notes - the intro takes place 'right after' Andersonville 6) There were fifteen men and women crowded into the small conference area. As Colonel Myers surveyed the room, he noticed most of them, the programmers anyway, were about half his age. Barry shook his head; he was getting old. His goal was to make general before he retired, and the Andersonville project had seemed like the best way to increase his chances. The problem was, he had...
THE GUN THE GUN By Aaron Oliver I didn?t see her until I rounded the front of my van.? She was fumbling with her purse between the two cars, bent over the door lock, fiddling with her key.? The first thing I noticed was abundant blonde hair falling across her shoulders and hiding her face. Then she straightened up and turned towards me and I saw the gun in her hand. ?Get in,? she said, and gestured toward the door of her car with her other hand.? I stood there, frozen, mesmerized by...
Altered Fates Hawaii Five 0 - A Woman's Work is with a Gun By Danielle J Based on a teleplay by Glen Olson and Rod Baker This story is dedicated to the late Leonard Freeman, creator of one of my favorite television shows, Hawaii Five 0. Author's note- I've been toying with the idea of doing an AF Hawaii Five episode 0 for years. One season seven episode, A Woman's Work is with a Gun, was best suited for making a few TG modifications to. The trouble was, I hadn't seen the episode in...
Andersonville 5 - The Guilty Soul by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to all the TG writers out there, who make the days easier to deal with by posting new stories to read each day. Fade in... The sun wasn't even peeking over the hills when the alarm started going off. I hit the snooze button several times but eventually realized I was going to have to get out of bed and get ready for work. I stir slightly, stretching my legs and arms in a poor attempt to wake up. Then...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Andersonville 2 - Judge-less by Kelly Davidson This story dedicated to Mathew Shepherd, who lives in the hearts of all open-mind people. Fade in... The warm glow of yesterday's conversation with my father ended in the cold reality of Monday morning. The cold reality that I was a young, teenage girl. The cold reality that I was expected to act like a girl, something totally foreign and yes, something I found even a little scary. And the cold reality that I had no idea why I...
Andersonville 1 - Home Sweet Home! by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to Susan M. Bidwell - a young lady who died before her time. Andersonville is based on the story "The life and death of Al Parker". Reading the story is recommend to understand some of the discussion in the follow series. Fade in... Dennis Butz worked on some last minute paperwork with a certain relief. In a few hours his dream would become a reality and then the real work would begin. He heard...
Andersonville 6 - Friendship Lines by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to my TS brothers and sisters, who have the guts to stand up to the world and say, "I'm not going to live a lie anymore." Fade in... I saw them come out of the courthouse from across the street. There were four of them; all men dressed in business suits. Every day, just a few minutes after 6pm, they left the courthouse to go home. Three of them proceeded to their cars but the fourth man, maybe 21...
Andersonville 7 -- Soul Mates by Kelly Davidson This story dedicated to all the writers of TG Fiction. Fade in... There I was, in the file room working hard to make sense of the mess I had gotten myself into. I had accidentally misplaced a file and suddenly everything seemed to be out of whack, causing me a great deal of frustration. As a private investigator I was never good at filing, that had always been Al's job. Now, unfortunately, the job was mine and asking myself how...
"Good morning, Miss Anderson," Crius said in a formal tone. "Please, call me, Linda," I replied. "Only if you call me, Crius," he answered. The Titan God smiled, but I detected no warmth to it. "Okay, Crius." I returned his smile with some reservation. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I didn't feel at ease with him. When he had asked me out to breakfast, I had been tempted to say 'no', but my curiosity had gotten the better of me. "So, what can I do for you?" "Nothing,...
I stood there in my black dress watching them slowly lower the casket into the ground. Standing next to me was my mother, who was weeping softly. Next to her was my sister Jennifer, and she seemed the saddest of us all. Perhaps she was remembering her own mother and father's funeral who had both died when she was just a young girl. On the other side of the casket I could see Crius standing next to Dennis with an impatient frown. He seemed so out of place, and the expression on...
Andersonville 3 - The Price of Revenge by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to all the survivors of child abuse, both physical and emotional. May you find the support and strength to deal with it like I did. Fade in... Linda Anderson - the do anything wonder woman. That's what the job title should have read. Not that I was good at everything I did; I was just expected to do everything around the office. That included making coffee, filing folders,...
Andersonville 8 - The return of Tom McClain! by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to my good friend Darkside, who inspired me to reach beyond what I thought I was capable of writing. Fade in... "Would you like some desert Linda?" Dennis Butz asked politely. "No thanks," I answered suspiciously. The man had been acting way too nice to me today. It had been a pleasant lunch so far. Dennis had started out by asking how my brother was doing, and I could see that he...
"Come on out, Linda," Judge Herns told me. "I don't want to," was my reply back to her. "I look ridiculous!" "It can't be that bad," I heard Dr. Green say. "Yes it can," I responded through the closed door. "Why do I have to do this?" "Because it's part of your agreement for having me change you back into Linda," Judge Herns replied a little sternly. "Now come out here so we can see how you look." I reluctantly opened the door and stepped out wearing the ridiculous outfit...
Andersonville 9 - Never cry wolf by Kelly Davidson This story dedicated to Gwendolyn Ann Smith for her, "Remembering our dead". It's a place dedicated to our TG brothers and sisters who were murdered at the hands of others due to hate and intolerance. On the average, one (1) TG person is murdered each month. Would you take a moment to visit the site, bow your head, say a prayer for our fallen brothers and sisters, and remember what we are fighting for - the right to be treated as any...
Mike Stoner sat and watched as his boss read the report. Dennis Butz scanned through each page carefully, taking extra time to check out the psychological profile Mike had prepared. Satisfied with what he saw, Dennis placed the report down next to him. "Very thorough," he stated. "Thank you," Mike smiled. Dennis Butz was a good man to work for. "I think she is a very good choice for who you have in mind." Dennis nodded. "When can you move her?" "Tomorrow morning. I...
It was way too early for someone to be calling. Somewhere in the darkness of my room I could hear my cell phone ringing. Looking at the clock on my dresser I cursed - it was 3:30 in the morning. Moving my hand in the direction of the annoying sound, I found the phone and turned it on. "Hello," I said in a curt fashion. I wanted the person to know I wasn't happy about this early morning wake up call. "Good morning, Linda," Dennis Butz replied crisply. "I'm sorry to call you at...
There we were, two girls having lunch on a cool, April day - only that wasn't the case at all. Neither of us was who we really once were and only one of us was a girl. At least that's what I kept telling myself. As I began my second year as a citizen of Andersonville, there were times I regretted my decision to be turned back into Linda Anderson. It wasn't that I hated my life; I just didn't feel natural living as a woman. In all fairness, I most likely would have felt as...
Created by: MrSuits Chapter 1: The Purchase It was just like any other day when you first discovered the Possession Gun. It was a Friday night and you were sat on your bed on your laptop doing nothing out of the ordinary for a 16-year-old boy. It was as if by magic whilst browsing YouTube, which you swore didn't have popups, that a mysterious advert appeared on the screen. "Possession Gun" the colorful ad said. You were about to click off when you glanced over and saw what it claimed to do....
Fade in... The town of Andersonville Larry Smith, Bill Maxwell, and Steve Anderson walked across the school grounds. They didn't have football practice today, but that didn't stop the boys from pursuing other types of sports. They were heading for the park to shoot some hoops. The three of them looked like a group of typical teenage boys, but there was nothing typical about them, or for that matter, anyone else in Andersonville. "Is Sally going to meet us there?" Larry asked....
There I sat shifting through the many piles of papers lying on my desk and wishing I were somewhere else. It was truly amazing how many reports passed through my hands to be filed or used to type up other reports. I knew that at least half of them would reach Judge Jasper's desk, where he would study them for a few minutes then put them in his out box to be filed by you know who. What surprised me was how much information Judge Jasper remembered. He would quote me numbers on the...
Fade in - Somewhere in the Northwestern United States Leo knew he was in trouble the moment he came out of the portal. The place where he was supposed to have gone looked nothing like where he was. Instead of being in the Arizona desert, he was in a canyon surrounded by high cliffs and tall pine trees. On one of the rocky bluffs he caught sight of a herd of wild mountain goats walking along a precarious ridge. "Oh crap," Leo shouted, mostly out of a reaction to the fear he...
"She's here," Leo said in a respectful tone. Crius grunted, and slowly rose from the chair in his tiny but comfortable study. His new accommodations, a single story house with two bedrooms, were smaller than what he was used to, but still better than what the Olympians had provided him with. He entered the living room, and waited for a woman in her early 60's to get out of the car. She walked slowly, with a limp, as she made her way up the entranceway. Leo ushered her inside,...
Fade in -- North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Cheyenne Mountain Command Center General Grim walked swiftly down the carpeted hallway flanked by two high-ranking Colonels who served as his aides. His mood matched his name. Anyone who dared wake him in the middle of the night had better have a good reason, and this one certainly fit the bill. Over the past two days his facility had tracked an object just beyond the orbit of Neptune. Normally it would've been...
Andersonville 4 - Fallen Star by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to the volunteers and workers of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and other related, drug rehab programs. Fade in... I couldn't believe I was sitting here. Twelve years ago I was at the top of my game. 'Mack the knife' the fans use to call me. They gave me that name because I would slice through the defense of any team in the NFL. My team, the Cincinnati Bengals, was 14 and 2 going into the playoffs. We...
Flashback - Three months earlier... Judge Jasper opened up the chamber door with such great force that he almost ripped it from its hinges. Behind him followed Andrew Marshall (Mars), Pete Akins (Apollo) and Ashlee Gang. Jupiter slammed the crumbled note down on his desk in rage and faced his two sons. "This is intolerable!" he almost screamed. "A few months ago it was just one person, today it's two. What's he going to do the next time, bring in a busload?" "Father,"...
"Good morning, Crius," Dennis Butz said. "And to you - 'brother'," Crius replied with just a hint of sarcasm. The Titan God was seated on the back porch of his new residence having breakfast. He was dressed in his traditional long, white robe with an oversized hood that was common before the war with the Olympians. Nearby sat Lucus, who eyed the director carefully. Dennis gave him a frown and sat down. "Where's the suit I got you?" Dennis inquired. Crius grunted as he...
Alyson couldn't stop thinking about the previous evening and Roger's big cock. She had trouble sleeping and although she had had so many intense climaxes the thought of it just kept making her more aroused. She woke early in the morning, reached over to Graham and rubbed his cock. As she got it hard she straddled him and it slid inside her so easily. Although she managed to make herself cum she was immensely disappointed with his size. Later on her way to work while driving in her Mazda sports...
Alyson is ordered into The RoomAlyson felt she needed to get away from home, she had lived with her mum and dad for long enough and now she was in her mid 20s she had to make the break. As she worked in Durham it had to be fairly near so it was easy to get there and easy to get back to visit her mum and dad. She trawled through the local papers and found a first floor apartment to rent in a nearby village.She picked up the phone and called the number. A man answered and told her about the...
Alyson felt she needed to get away from home, she had lived with her mum and dad for long enough and now she was in her mid 20s she had to make the break. As she worked in Durham it had to be fairly near so it was easy to get there and easy to get back to visit her mum and dad. She trawled through the local papers and found a first floor apartment to rent in a nearby village. She picked up the phone and called the number. A man answered and told her about the accommodation and she arranged to...
Hi mera naam shabnam hai aur mera taaluq germany se hai. Main apni ek bahut hi khoobsurat saheli soniya(name changed) ki kahni us ki ijazat se pesh kar rahi hoon. Soniya aur main taqreeban class 10th se saheliyan bani. Who hi ek ghair mulki laarki thi jo meri class mein thi aur woh pakistan se thi. Bahut khoobsurat aur lambe qad ki malik aur lambe baal. Haqeeqat mein bahut khoobsurat. Hum donon bahut achchhi dost hain aur ekatthe hi hum ne a-level pass kiya aur soniya ne medical mein aur maine...
Author's notes: Permission to use the names of my fellow authors (and good friends) was obtained before this story was written. Any negative events that happened in this story were explained before consent was given. Fade in... There was no doubt they were in love. My brother was lying on Sally's lap while she ran her long, delicate fingernails through his hair. Steve's injuries were healing nicely, and the doctor had said that he should be able to walk without his crutches...
This is my first story, so i hope you like it… If you dont please give me advice! thanks!! My name is Kelly and this is the story about me and my cousins best friend Jayson. I was headed over to my cousins house one Friday which was common for me. I was best friends with the girl, Stacy (16) and her older brother was just like a brother to me, Dakota (18). Dakota constantly had hot friends coming over which made their house a common hang-out place for me. But my by far favorite of his...
Alyson’s desperate urge for a big black cockAlyson had been happily married to Graham for many years and had a twenty something daughter. Their sex life had always been very satisfying but recently her mind had been fantasising more than usual. She regularly pleasured herself, most of the time she used a black dildo and it was this had had been occupying her mind most recently.She had woken up feeling particularly horny one morning and as Graham had to get to work, a fuck was out of the...
Alyson had been happily married to Graham for many years and had a twenty something daughter. Their sex life had always been very satisfying but recently her mind had been fantasising more than usual. She regularly pleasured herself, most of the time she used a black dildo and it was this had had been occupying her mind most recently. She had woken up feeling particularly horny one morning and as Graham had to get to work, a fuck was out of the question. As she showered she loved the feeling as...
Alyson had been happily married to Graham for many years and had a twenty something daughter. Their sex life had always been very satisfying but recently her mind had been fantasising more than usual. She regularly pleasured herself, most of the time she used a black dildo and it was this had had been occupying her mind most recently. She had woken up feeling particularly horny one morning and as Graham had to get to work, a fuck was out of the question. As she showered she loved the feeling as...
It was a terrible situation, but Allyson decided to make the best of it. She lost her room, her clothes, and all her status, such as it was, but she still believed in John, and if nothing else, she still believed in herself. She’d work harder than ever. She’d prove to John that she was worthy of his love. The next couple weeks were a continuous routine of cleaning, scrubbing, washing, ironing, serving, cooking, and her weekly humiliation at the hands of an old pervert. At first she was asked...
The two women helped each other down the stairs. Both had a lot on their minds. The younger woman, Allyson, was recovering from a vicious beating. She didn’t actually need help, not in a physical sense, but her emotional situation was far different. At the moment she felt about as needy as she’d ever been in her entire life, and from the standpoint of a former foster child who’d spent her whole childhood shuttled from facility to facility much like a water bucket passed from hand to hand...
My friends, both male and female all consider me an attractive woman, - despite or perhaps because of - my being in my early forties. Very much a lady, but certainly not a prude. After being married long enough for my two children to have left home, I have a lot of time on my hands during the week while my husband is at work.One morning after shopping, while sipping a short black in a coffee shop in a fashionable beachside suburb, a woman who I had met socially a few times came and sat beside...
LesbianHaving gotten word from Hannah that Paul had been to see Allyson John left work early. He had his suspicions. He thought somebody had been seeing her, and somebody had tipped over the apple cart regarding the judge. Who else but Paul? Yes Paul was a problem. He had to be dealt with. Meanwhile back at the house, after Paul left Allyson continued with her usual routines, cleaning, scrubbing, and just generally trying to keep busy. If what Paul had intimated was at all true then just maybe John...
It was a perfect Saturday morning in Peace River. It was warm, but not too warm, and I was out taking a stroll around the town trying to get a feel for everything here. Connie had offered to go with me but I declined, saying I needed some time alone. I hated to admit it, but I was missing my life back in Andersonville. As I walked past Shady Pine Cemetery, I spotted Ashlee Gang laying some flowers on a grave. She didn't seem upset, rather the look on her face was comforting, as...
Fade in - Andersonville Cemetery 50 years from now. Gently I placed the flowers on the grave of my beloved husband with much sorrow. Three long years had past since his death, and yet I missed him as much as the day he had died. Close by were the graves of my parents, also having long ago gone to their reward. The Anderson's hadn't been my biological parents, but I had called them my own just the same. Next to my parents was the final resting-place of my brother, Steve, AKA...
Allyson involuntarily leaned back on the steps, her naked rear end on the edge of the third step from the bottom brushing up against the rough pile of the carpeted stairs. Her clothes were in a pile on the floor around her socked feet, her hands were tied behind her back with the shoes strings from the saddle shoes Hannah had bought her. Her hair was mussed, and had she been able to see, her lipstick was smudged. Standing in front of her were two young men, a third, the one who’d knotted her...
I figured I wasn't going to make it this time. I was hard and I had led a hard life. Lucky most of my time, I guess I had used it all up and should have quit this way of life six months ago. I was a cowpoke and gunslinger and had taken a job protecting some rag-tag cattlemen up north awhile back. They were good enough people, but they couldn't pull together against the big outfit that was pushing them off their land. When the man that hired me died, the rest just up and caved. At the...
At first the call from Audra caught the boys off guard, but they quickly recovered. While Wayne pulled the sleeping bags out of the tent and rolled to them up, Paul loaded the fishing gear and coolers. Aubrey soon had the tent down, and after a walk over to clean up any litter they were on their way. All three were tired so to keep awake they started to chatter. A number of things came up, but in the back of everyone’s mind there was only one topic that anyone cared about. ‘So she wants to...
By mid-morning the Hanson’s had managed to get Allyson back to their house. Mrs. Hanson, Audra, helped her upstairs and back into Paul’s bedroom. Allyson had been given a heavy dose of antibiotics, a mild pain killer, and a sedative to calm her down. Audra was thankful the doctors had medicated her so heavily since it had made it easier to get her settled. All the way back Allyson tried valiantly to assert herself, she insisted she’d soon be OK and able to start back out on her own. Audra knew...
“Really?” she asks me with a curious smile. “That’s what some psychological studies have suggested”, I reply. A psychoanalytical suggestion that men are attracted to the female’s butt because it stands for the breasts seems to intrigue Allyson, my 19 years old Australian student. She is one of the most lively and vivacious girls amongst the 31 odds students from Italy, France, Chile, Argentina, US, India, Iran, Japan, Korea and Australia who are in the international graduate exchange programme...
TabooHello Dosto kaise hai? Mai apni dusri stori ko lekar fir se apke samne aagaya hu. Pahle mera introduce to kara du mera name Rahul from valsad (Gujarat) my ID is guru4you.929 meri age 29 hai. Maine apni age ki stori mere boss ki biwi ki chudai ki stori likhi thi ajbhi mai usko jamkar chidta hu. Vo vaise haihi itni sexy ki usko dekhtehi mera land khada ho jata hai. Me jabbhi unke ghar jata hu to akeleme ragini bhabhi ko chode bina ata nahi hu. Meri dusri kahani bhi unke gharsehi start hui hai...
Ami kono mote Sonalir ghorer chabi ta reception theke niye nilam aar taratari Sonalir ghore giye camera gulo khule nilam. Ami camera ta rewind kore ami dekhte laglam je kemon chobi eseche. Tar por ami taratari niche giye dekhlam je Sonali ekta sofa te boshe ache aar Mr. Sen anno karur songe kajer katha bolchen. Ami chabi ta chupchap Sonali ke diye dilam aar giye Mr. Sener songe katha bolte laglam. Ami Mr. Sen ke bollam, “hello Sir, ami Partho hochhee aar ami Productione kaj kori. Ami ekhane...
Hello piyare doston main phir shabnam ap ki khidmat mein haazir hoon.aj main ap ko apne bare main bataoon gi ke kaise mera aur martin ka jismani taaluq huwa. Ye soniya ki shadi se taqreeban do hafte pahele ki baat hai. Main amooman university ke baad soniya ke ghar chali jati thi kiyunke soniya ki ammi ne kaha huwa tha ke main soniya ki shadi main un ka haath bataoon. Ye mere khiyal mein hafte ki raat thi aur martin ki aaj soniya ke ghar par dawat thi. Kiyunke derh hafte qabal martin ka...
Ei ghatona ta Sonali Chakraborty ke niye, Asole Mrs. Sonali Chakraborty amar Company te kaj korten tobe uni chilen Project Department aar ami kortam Production Department. Sonali khoob sundor aar tar figure ekebare perfect chilo. Tar dui meye chilo, kintu duto meye thaka satteo Sonali kintu ekhono tar sharire kono med jomte deyenee. Sonalir height praye 5’8” chilo aar tar puro sharire sab theke sundor chilo tar mayee jora, jeta ke dekhle je kono purush manusher jibon dhanno hiye jeto. Tar...
Ashok went into the bathroom to clean himself. But I was still hungry for this hot gal. Looking at her cum covered tummy and boobs, with legs spread wide, I got horny and I wanted to fuck her again. I turned Sonam to sleep on her front. Her curvy ass cheeks are now looking at me invitingly. I put a pillow beneath her navel and another below her face and let her relax. I slightly spread her legs and her pussy is visible from behind.I sat between her legs and started squeezing and biting her ass...
Mr. Shah ektu pore uthe bathroome gelen aar khoob taratari phire elen. Ami abar theke chan korar janno bathroome gelam. Ami jakhon chan kore beriye elam takhon Mr. Shah ghore theke chole giyechen aar Mr. Sen ghore bose chilen. Mr. Amake dekhe bollen, “Sonali, sattee tumi khoob bhalo. Mr. Shah tomar khoob proshonsha korchilen.” Ami bhablam keno korbe na. Uni kothaye eto boka meye paben jake matite jhunkiye uni chudte parben. Mr. Sen amake ekta envelop diye bollen, “eta tomar appointment letter,...
Sakal bela uthe ami ektu edik odik hatlam tar por chan kore jalkhabarkheye abar traing te gelam. Sekhane ami Sonali ke dekhlam. Sonali ke aajke beshi sundor lagchilo. Sonali amar anek aage bose chilo. Traing sesh habar por ami Sonali ke abar dekhte pelam na. Ami amar ghore phire elam. Praye bikel chatar somaye Sonali amake phone korlo. Sonali amake phone kore bollo, “ami tomar janno amar ghore wait korchee. Tumi taratari amar ghore chole esho.” Sonalir phone peye ami khoob khushee holam. Ami...
Instructions of the Boop Boop Ray Gun Congrats on finding the Boop Boop Ray Gun. People with the ray gun can swap one thing between two targets. Side effects may vary depending on subconscious. Side effects might upset conscious mind. Only allowed to use reverse button once per day. Only affects most recent swap. Must wait 24 hours before swapping anything back manually. If the ray gun is broken in anyway, the reality will be locked as is. Be careful and have fun. (A while ago: Note from me,...
I had done an agreement with my old friend Carl, who would let me use and have his slutty wife Sondra for just one night…She was going to submit to my commands; no question about it…Carl was flying out of town early in the afternoon. My sweet wife Anita was visiting some friends in a near city; so, she would not be aware of that matter; unless Sondra would tell her anytime.That bitch would please me all night long, just as we arranged.Sondra smiled that early evening, when I knocked at her door...
This is a continuation of my first story. It is easier to understand if you read that one first. I push off of Jayson and scramble towards my clothes. I throw his boxers at him and I put on my shorts and tank top as I run towards the closet. Just as the door to the room opens I slide into a small closet filled with toiletries. I hear Dakota start to talk to Jayson as I climb up to a top shelf in the closet (Im pretty nimble ha). Wow dude.. I can tell you got some last night. Jayson just...
By : Rajvinder Hi lo me phir apni ek nai story ke sath hazer ho jase mane app ko phele bataya ki mamma log ka business ka jagda ho gaya tab wa log alag ho gaya. Ma badi mammi ek or choti mammi dono ke ghar jata badi mammi ko lesiean thi is liyea ja unki chut me kujli hoti tabhi wo mere lund se apni chut pitwati varna mana kar dati uder dosri tarf choti mammi ka darbar hamesha kula tha jab chaho tub karo koi rok tok nahi thi. Ek din me badi mammi ke ghar per tha unhone bataya ki unke padosan un...