Priscilla Elegancia (In Catalan) free porn video

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Priscil?la -Eleg?ncia 2

Preliminars 2

La Festa 4

Reinhold 5

Nit 6

Esmorzar 7

TimiJeff 8

Primera escena 10

Segona escena 10

Tercera Escena 10

Ep?leg 11

Priscil?la -Eleg?ncia

21 Juny 2001


Avui, com filla de l?ambaixador d?Austr?lia, va a una recepci? en que el seu pa?s ha estat convidat

a la commemoraci? del 125? aniversari de la fundaci? de l?empresa de la fam?lia de X.

A aquesta celebraci? han estat convidats altre personal diplom?tic com alguns dels personatges

importats de l?economia i l?art del pa?s.

Tothom hi acudeix amb els seus millors vestits i joies.

La recepci? est? prevista que duri des de les 9 fins a les 12, i a ella, tamb? hi est? convidat

Reinhold Messner, afamat director de cinema de pel?l?cules X.

Priscil?la ha vingut amb els seus pares, John i Mary. A cap dels dos els ha estranyar quan ella a

dut una petita bossa amb roba per canviar-se i els ha comentat com es quedaria a dormir al Palau de X..

Doncs ja s?hi a quedat altres vegades, per la seva amistat amb l?Aurora, l?esposa d?en X.

I malgrat que Priscil?la ho ignora, el seu pare sap de les relacions d?ella amb el Palau. Ho accepta

com un mitja de sostreure-la de la educaci? puritana i repressiva que la Mary ha donat a la filla


Ell mateix hi va de tant en tant al Palau, sense que esposa ni filla ho s?piguen ?s m?s, procuren

que la Priscil?la ignori completament el fet que el seu pare n??s assabentat del que fa ella. S?n conscient

com per la Priscil?la, fer-ho d?amagat dels seus pares, que la consideren pura i virginal ?s un est?mul, una

transgressi? afegida de les normes. El que en el fons l?estimula a fer el que fa. Com tamb? ignoren que

va ser el seu pare, ja fa dos anys, un dia que era al Palau, va parlar amb en X. de la preocupaci? pel

tancament i falta de relaci? de la seva filla amb els companys masculins de l?escola.

Uns dies despr?s en X. li proposava la soluci?. A la qual, uns dies despr?s ell hi va donar el seu


Per tant, ja s?ha imaginat que tindrien quelcom preparat per ella quan en J?nos ha aparegut a casa

d?ells a visitar la Priscil?la. El que ignora ?s tot el que han parlat, o faran aquesta nit, com ignora, doncsmai li expliquen, el que fan amb la seva fill. ?s part del tracte.

La que si sap que li ha dit ?s la Priscil?la. En J?nos, que nom?s ha estat amb ella el temps

necessari per donar-li les instruccions per aquesta nit, li ha recordat les instruccions habituals, res de

roba per sota el vestit, el qual ha de sentir directament sobre la seva pell. Com s?mbol, davant d?ell li ha

hagut de donar les calces i els sostenidors que duia. Ja li tornar? al dia seg?ent, quan marxi. A canvi ell liha donat el molt minso, nom?s unes fines tires, que haur? de dur. ?s la ?nica roba que ha de dur, a part

la que dugui posada per anar a la festa. Ella li tornar? aquest banyador abans de tornar a casa.

-Com tornar? a casa ?

-Et tornarem en cotxe.

-Jo hem referia a la roba. No puc tornar amb els vestit de la festa posat.

-Ja, ?s que si vols tornar vestida, el vestit que duguis te l?haur?s de guanyar.

I sense m?s explicacions, doncs no les ha de donar, s?acomiada d?ella fins aquesta nit. I li recorda

com ha d?estar atenta a quan ell li faci un senyal.

El J?nos s?en va sabent que ja la deixat amb la condici? que ells volen. No sap encara que far? ni

haur? de fer, simplement sap que l?entregaran a alg? perqu? l?usi a ella per satisfacci? sexual. I aix? ja

l?excita, per? encara cala m?s en ella l?efecte en veure el minso banyador que li ha donat. Pensa com

haur? d?anar gaire b? nua, davant d?homes que ella segurament ni tant sols coneix. Com tamb? li intriga.

Que vol dir amb que s?haur? de guanyar el fet de poder tornar vestida ?

La Festa

La commemoraci? passa com qualsevol altre de l?estil, amb les presentacions, els corrons de

conversa, els cambrers servint, els amfitrions passejant i trencant i separant els cercles de conversa.

En un d?aquests moments ?s quan en X. ha presentat en Reinhold Messner, com cineasta, sense

entrar en detalls, al John, la Mary i la Priscil?la, que en aquells moments era xerrant amb ells. Durant els

pocs minuts de conversa, comenta com el director ha acceptat quedar-se fins l?endem?. En aquesta

curta conversa, diverses frases van dirigides cap a la Priscil?la, amb un doble sentit, el segon dirigit

directament a ella. Aix? la fa envermellir lleugerament les galtes. Com tamb? es tradueixen en un est?mul

que r?pidament li recorre el cos, concentrant-se a l?entrecuix. El veu com home gran, madur i que ?s a

prop dels cinquanta anys, per? encara conserva un cert atractiu.

S?n poc m?s de les dotze, quan alguns convidats ja han marxat, que els pares d?ella s?en van. I la

deixen ella al c?rrec d?en X. i l?Aurora. Aquest prometen a la seva mare tenir-ne cura.


En X. la d'hut amb el Reinhold i l?ha encarregat a ell cuidar-la mentre acomiaden la resta de


Durant la mitja hora, en que ning? m?s est? amb ells conversen. Aleshores ?s quan sent la

hist?ria, que segons en Reinhold li han explicat a ell. Li han demanat que li faci un c?sting, per saber

quines possibilitats t? per fer cinema pornogr?fic. Li han explicat com ?s el que ella desitja. I la Priscil?la,

inicialment queda desconcertada, per? quan ell li demana si ?s aix? ella o confirma amb el cap. Ella

acaba sentint l?explicaci?.

Dem? vindran dos actors seus, que tamb? s?n a la ciutat, i far? unes proves amb ella.

Durant l?estona tamb? li ha comentat, com f?sicament sembla preparada, com aparentment t? un

bon cos i una cara d?innoc?ncia que tant agrada per certes classes d?actriu porno.

Per? com tamb? ?s una feina dif?cil, i no totes les dones estan preparades pel que han de fer. Ni

per les llargues hores de rodatge.

Estan en aquestes quan en J?nos fa un senyal a la Priscil?la des de l?escala. I ella es disculpa a en

Reinhold i va cap a on ?s en J?nos.


Aquest la condueix fins a la cambra d?ella.

Quan s?n dins, el primer que li demana ?s el vestit, i ella s?ha de despullar i donar-li a ell. Nom?s

es pot quedar els collars. Li explica com nom?s sortir enviar? un dels criats per tornar-lo a casa dels seus

pares. Tamb? repassa amb ella el que es suposa que ha de fer l?endem?, encara que no li ha de donar

gaires explicacions, doncs la conversa amb que ha tingut amb el Reinhold ja li ho ha aclarit for?a.

Tamb? li ensenya la porta a l?esquerra de la cambra i li explica com ?s la cambra on s?hi allotja en

Reinhold. I com esperen d?ella que avui ja comenci a demostra-li les seves virtuts.

Ella es queda sola i nua a la cambra.

Sobre el llit te la petita bossa que ha dut, en obrir-la veu els petits estris de bany que s?n dins. I el

minso banyador.

Ho agafa tot i ho du fins al tocador. All? ho desa tot i s?emprova el banyador. Es queda davant el

gran mirall que hi ha una banda de la cambra, on veu completament el seu cos nu. Ella es mira mentre

s?acaricia, pensant si el seu cos estar? prou desitjable.

Realment anomenar-lo banyador no ?s m?s que una excusa. S?n dues petites tires grogues, que

subjectades per darrera el coll, passen entre els pits i s?ajunten entre les cuixes. Tapant lleugerament el

forat que all? hi ?s. La resta no ho tapen ni lleugerament, ho deixen tot al descobert. Quan es decideix al

que cal el deixa a l?armari, on veu que no hi ha res m?s.

Passa per la porta, travessa el bany i entra a la cambra del Reinhold. ?s diferent. ?s una cambra

normal, no com la d?ella, arreglada com un simple picador, ple de miralls i un llit d?aigua rod?. L?habitaci?

d?ell ?s simplement normal.

Ella es posa dins el llit i es tapa amb els llen?ols, disposada a esperar.

Nom?s triga uns minuts a apar?ixer el Reinhold.


Al mat? seg?ent quan la Priscil?la es desperta ja troba el llit buit. Per? sent el Reinhold a la cambra

de bany. I ella s?aixeca i s?hi dirigeix.

Quan hi entra, el vapor de la dutxa que est? prenent ell omple ja la cambra. Per? ella es pot veure

al mirall. Est? completament despentinada i amb un aspecte desastrat. Ella s?hi est? arreglant, quan surt

ell de la dutxa i es lliga la tovallola a la cintura. La saluda amb un cop de ma a les natges.

Ella s?hi acosta i comen?a a abra?ar-se a ell, que no rebutja el bes, per? li contesta: -Ves dutxantte i vesteix-te que ens esperen a baix per esmorzar. Ell no li ho comenta, per? ella ha aprovat la primera

prova: est? disposada a tot per aconseguir ser una actriu.

Ella primer va a buscar el banyador i quan torna es posa a la dutxa. Quan ella surt de la dutxa ell

encara s?est? afaitant, i ella es posa al costat, primer per assecar-se i despr?s per posar-se el banyador

assecar-se el cabell amb un assecador. Durant aquesta estona, parlen una mica, i ella escolta els

comentaris que en Reinhold li fa: que s?enfosqueixi una mica els mugrons. Un color tant clar quasi fa que

no es distingeixen del color de la pell.

Una estona despr?s ja ha baixat a la piscina. All? hi s?n en X., l?Aurora i el Reinhold, els dos

primers sobre la gespa fent l?amor, que la saluden, per? aparentment indiferent a ella i al Reinhold o al

mateix servei.

Indiferent als gemecs d?en X. i de l?Aurora, el servei li demana a ella que vol prendre, quan ella

s?asseu al costat de Reinhold.

Tots dos xerren i ?s quan el Reinhold li explica com els dos actors arribaran a mig mat?, per? que

les proves dels c?sting no les faran fins a mitja tarda. Li explica com ell sempre ho fa aix?. Dona un temps

perqu? els actors es coneguin i agafin un certa relaci?. Una bona relaci? sempre es reflexa positivament

a la c?mara.

Abans d?acabar l?esmorzar s?hi uneixen a ells els altres dos. I el que acaben de fer forma part, de

la manera m?s normal de la conversa. Com tamb? algunes alabances per la Priscil?la i com creuen que

aquesta te els dots per ser una bona actriu porno.

El Reinhold els ho confirma, per? que no se sap mai fins que no s?ha fet una prova real, deixant la

resposta definitiva per aquesta tarda.

Tim i Jeff

Despr?s les dues dones es posen a prendre els sol mentre en X. es posa a llegir uns papers i l

Reinhold es banya.

Una estona despr?s tamb? es banya la Priscil?la.

Cap a les dotze arriben els dos actors, acompanyats fins la piscina per una serventa.

Quan arriben, criden a la Priscil?la perqu? surti de l?aigua i aix? puguin fer les presentacions. Amb

ella molla i gaire b? nua l?Aurora fa les presentacions:

-Tim, Jeff us presento la Priscil?la, vol ser una actiu porno.

-Si ?. I t? alguna experi?ncia.

-Cap, per? aix? no deu cap inconvenient si ella serveix . Oi?

-Per descomptat que no.

-Els coneixes d?alguna pel?l?cula ?

-Si el Tim ja l?he vist.

-Si es molt conegut. Te una verga enorme. I no vegis com treballa. Pot mantenir l?erecci? per


-El Jeff no ?s tant conegut. Es mou en uns cercles m?s redu?ts, doncs el que li agrada ?s el que

les dones i homes tenen en com?. La seva especialitat ?s l?anal.

-Saps, a ella tamb? li agrada. Comenta al Jeff

-Jo no ? comen?a a parlar la Priscil?la, per? la talla l?Aurora

-Si els ho hem explicar, com a tu tamb? t?agrada for?a que et sodomitzin. I la Priscil?la no

respon, sabent com sap que li toca seguir el joc.

-Be, ara que ja hem presentat la cambrera us acompanyar? a les vostres cambres. All? podeu

deixar les vostres coses i despr?s podeu baixar a la piscina fina a l?hora de dinar.

I tots dos s?en van seguint a l?empleada mentre la Priscil?la torna a entrar a la piscina.

Quan tots dos tornen es dirigeixen directament a l?aigua.

Fins a l?hora de dinar tots 3 estaran jugant a l?aigua, coneixent-se. I no nom?s de parla. Sin? tamb?


Les mans imp?diques dels dos homes no tenen cap limitaci? a l?hora de palpar i tocar qualsevulla

part dels cos de la dona. Com bons professionals volen con?ixer com reacciona, les parts sensibles, el

tacte. Una estona despr?s a ella mateixa li demanen que es tregui el minso banyador. Aleshores queda

ja completament lliure el forat perqu? ells l?examinin. I ells mateixos li conten com es veu com te un sexe

no massa utilitzat, i descobreixen tamb? com el te de sensible, quan aviat la fan gemegar amb els seus


Abans d?acabar el Jeff vol con?ixer-la tamb? per darrera i li demanen que es giri. El que ella fa

sense cap inconvenient.

I repeteixen unes manipulacions semblants a les d?abans. Des de la nuca, passant per la columna,

les natges fins arribar als peus els homes l?acaricien, la palpen l?examinen com respon.

Les ?niques recances d?ella s?n per quan el Tim li separa les natges, per fer m?s accessible l?anus

als dits del Jeff. Que entra primer un lentament. Al que ella respon amb un lleuger gemec.

El Jeff li posa la ma lliure sobre la nuca i la tranquil?litza mentre segueix manipulant-la amb un dit, i

despr?s dos. Una palmadeta a les natges i unes paraules d?ell li indiquen com ja ha acabat.

Uns instants despr?s, amb el Jeff posat davant d?ella, ella li confessa com en realitat t? poca

experi?ncia amb que la sodomitzin. Per? la reconforta quan aquest li promet fer-li plaent, ell ?s un expert

i ho pot fer, li diu.

Primera escena

Ha arribat l?hora de fer la prova i tots excepte en X. van a la cambra de la Priscil?la, que ?s la

preparada per fer les proves.

Ella ja va vestida, amb mitges negres i unes tires de cuir que li envolten els pits, ressaltant-los.

El Reinhold els dona a tot les explicacions d?aquesta escena. ?s simple, sobre el llit ella els haur?

de fer una mamada i despr?s se la follaran.

Les paredades i interrupcions durant l?escena s?n continues, fent-los repetir, canviar postures, etc.

Segona escena

En aquesta segona escena be la part de l?anus, tant de moda darrerament.

Un a un li van posant tot una s?rie d?aparells, mentre ella ha de moure el cos, o posa les

expressions de la cara que li ordena el Reinhold.

M?s d?un cop t? la sensaci? que van a partir-la, per? ?s que a m?s ho a de repetir m?ltiples cops,

fins que el Reinhold troba que l?escena queda be. Alguns cops ?s a punt d?abandonar, per? l?Aurora, que

?s all? per aix?, per la fa continuar, ho evita.

1. El primer que li posen ?s una s?rie de boles, que van entrant, una a una dilatant-la. El Jeff, en

tot moment ?s apunt per acariciar-li el sexe, per mantenir-la excitada i facilitar la penetraci?.

2. El segon ?s una ample tub de pl?stic, que els costa bastant de fer-lo entrar i que transparent

com ?s permet veure l?interior.

3. El tercer ?s un llarg i gros fal?lus,

4. El quart ?s un aparell especial

5. El cinqu? ?s una grossa i llarga verga, que fan entrar tant com poden dins els cos d?ella.


Tercera Escena

Despr?s d?un curt descans i permetre que ella es pugui arreglar i netejar passen a l?escena final

que provaran.

1. Primer ?s la seva habilitat en muntar un penis de pl?stic

2. Enculada pel Jeff

3. Tim i Jeff a l?hora

Aquest part ha estat m?s f?cil que l?anterior, per? ha hagut de v?ncer el cansament.


Aprovada, sobretot per com s?hi esfor?a, encara que li falta qualitat art?stica i coneixements tots 3

fan un sopar lleuger, dons ja s?n cap a les dotze.

Despr?s de sopar s?acomiaden, el cineasta i els seus actors ses queden aquesta nit al Palau,

mentre l?Aurora avisa el J?nos perqu? la vingui per dur-la a casa els seus pares.

Ja dins el cotxe, la Priscil?la nom?s du el minso banyador, tal com ?s l??nic que ha dut tot el dia. I

torna a preguntar, si ?s que no pot donar-li alguna roba. Si ?s que no se l?ha guanyat.

-Si que te l?has guanyat, per? nom?s te la donar? per entrar a casa teva

I aix? fa el trajecte en el cotxe pr?cticament nua. Aturat el cotxe unes cantonades abans d?arribar,

la Priscil?la ha de tornar el banyador (i despullar-se), per posar-se l??nic que li dona el J?nos, una camisa

curta i uns pantalons curts que li deuen haver donat els pares d?ella..

Aix? entren tots dos i en una curta conversa formal, ha de respondre les preguntes dels pares de

com li ha anat.

Pujada a la seva cambra, es torna a dutxar abans de posar-se al seu llit a dormir.

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANINGI wrote these stories many years ago for the Spreview site. I think they’re probably still posted there, although the site has completely changed its character. Several people told me that they liked this writing.Since then, xhamster has taken everything to a new level, where I think these stories are much more at home. So I have done some rewriting and am posting them here. If appropriate, I can post the remaining 11 sections in sequence.Alex C.PRISCILLA'S FIRST...

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Priscilla the Anal Whore

I am here is to expose Priscilla, a recent ass slave of mine, as the vile piece of trash that he/she/or what the fuck ever sex turning your asshole into a pussy makes you. He calls it his "Manpussy" and he is ever so proud of its giant size.Priscilla is really Rob…….. who chased me for years and got used like the bitch he is. He has already told all my sex history to everyone and spent years jerking off in my food, conditioner and God knows where. Beware, this freak will fuck your dogs and...

3 years ago
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PatriciaUna Nova Dona al Palau in Catalan

Advertència  : Aquesta història éspura i simple fantasia i no ha de ser llegit per persones a les que pugui molestar.Més estrictament : és sexe-ficció i de cap manera representael que és el món real en que tots vivim i convivim. Sinopsis  : Una noia acabats de complir els 18 anyses duta al Palau, on rebrà l'educació que ja va rebre la sevamare. Qualificació :  M+/f+, pallissa (spanking),  joguines(toys), lligams (bondage), cinturó castedat (chastity belt), reticent(reluctant), Suau/Light...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 3 The Catalans

Beyond a bare, weather-worn wall, about a hundred paces from the spot where the two friends sat looking and listening as they drank their wine, was the village of the Catalans. Long ago this mysterious colony quitted Spain, and settled on the tongue of land on which it is to this day. Whence it came no one knew, and it spoke an unknown tongue. One of its chiefs, who understood Provencal, begged the commune of Marseilles to give them this bare and barren promontory, where, like the sailors of...

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANING. PART VIFurther instructions by Dr. Stanton himself THE ADMINISTRATION OF AN ACTUAL CANING: INTERACTION WITH THE MISCREANTThe considerable detail in which we have discussed the management of the cane so far will prove, I hope, sufficient to ensure that when it comes to the actual event you will manage it smoothly and effectively. There remain, however, some additional points to be made.As you proceed with a caning, however, additional problems may arise and we will...

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PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING (Part X)Note: Priscilla’s diary, the principal source of our longer account here, proceeds to the events of her caning almost immediately after this However, a recent interesting discovery has provided another source that coincides directly with her account at this point. The editors have decided to work on that text first, so that it will precede Priscilla’s story in these extracts, as it did in the original course of events. There may therefore be a slight delay...

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANING. PART VIIFurther instructions by Dr. Stanton himself Some Subtle Considerations A word of reassurance on two related matters may be in order here. The first is somewhat private and, one might consider, embarrassing. However, as I have made it clear, I hope, I am striving to be both franks and comprehensive in my advice. In addition, I would note that I have even discussed this with ladies of my acquaintance, who have all...

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PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING (Part V)Note: Dr. Stanton himself provided an adequate introduction to this part of his manuscript. There is a strong element of missionary zeal to his writing that suggests he genuinely thought that there might be a receptive, if slightly limited, audience. We cannot tell whether he exercised any effective influence over other school principals, male or female; but there are odd items in the collection of documents indicating that he did in fact discuss such matters...

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANINGFurther remarks by Dr. Stanton SECTION IV: THE CANENote: Just as a fascination in the female posterior (or bottom, as Dr. Stanton specifies it should be called in this context) was perhaps inevitable in light of his weekly engagements with this aspect of his students, it is no surprise to find that the features and use of the cane held an equal fascination for him. Nevertheless still remarkable is the almost scientific degree of observation...

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PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING PART IIIThe Headmaster SpeaksNotes: These sections reconstruct what we referred to at the end of Part II, in a slightly edited version, Dr. Stanton’s text, The Philosophy and Practice of Caning Young Women. Readers, of course, may not be interested in Dr. Stanton’s curiously – perhaps bizarrely -- practical approach to his subject. The editors, however, feel that the variety of material to follow will make better sense if they can be viewed through the very...

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANINGDr. Stanton’s Philosophy and Practice of CaningEdited by AlexDear Reader:Some interest has been expressed in the recovery of documents surviving from what on might call the regime of Dr. Stanton, a Principle of St. Swithin’s School for Girls who pursued with remarkable enthusiasm a disciplinary policy of corporal punishment. So we will proceed to post Section II here. However, and precisely because of the interest aroused, we will take the opportunity to review the...

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Priscillas Problem

"Hey why'd you changed the channel?" Priscilla scolded her younger brother Thomas. "That show sucked. I wanna watch this show instead," Thomas chuckled, after grabbing the remote control from his sister. Just about a minute ago Priscilla was watching a History Show on television about the Amazon warriors and their ancient corpses found in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Thomas changed the channel and now they were watching a show she didn't liked but one he liked, Wrestlemania. Priscilla was...

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Priscillas Perils

Reminder: please keep in mind that this is a work of fiction. Also, this story involves forced feminization. If that's not your cup of tea, please save your time and skip this story; don't read it and tell me it's unrealistic (I know that), or you don't like this type of story (fine by me). All rights reserved. Kate ([email protected]) Priscilla's Peril In retrospect, the biggest mistake I made was underestimating my younger sister, Margaret;...

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Priscillas Parlor

Greg was hungry. He'd slept late and skipped breakfast, so even though it was only 11:00 he was ready for lunch. Some of the women around his office had been talking up a new place called Priscilla's Parlor. It was supposed to be good -- Southern cooking like Mom used to make. Not Greg's mother, of course. The Hefferdale matrons never handled things like butter and flour; servants did that sort of thing. Greg had been raised with similar values, that was why he was management. He didn't...

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Priscillas Hot Summer

I have always wanted my wife Priscilla to do a threesome with one of our friends, but whereas it came close a few times, it never happened. She always broke it off at the last moment, "Oh Bobbie," she'd say, "how can I face him tomorrow?" So it never happened! That is ... it never happened until that fateful summer. We were young, married about a year; the apartment was small, our bedroom, a small guestroom and a living-dining-kitchen combo. Tom moved into the guestroom in June and...

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Priscillas Predicament

Not sure where I’ll take this from here, but the idea came to me from some of the Japanese artwork I’ve seen depicting “pillow girls.” Enjoy. As always, feedback of all kinds is welcome. I suck at proofreading (at least my own stuff), so I present this with all the usual caveats regarding typos and errors of syntax. For some reason I was moved to use both present and past tense. Not sure why. I actually started writing this two years ago, so who knows what I was thinking then. I decided to...

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Goes Without SayingChapter 25

David’s parents, as he expected, accepted David’s announcement with equanimity, once he had assured them that Gwen’s parents had urged the couple to marry as soon as possible. His father did take him aside. “You remember years ago when you brought her home for the first time? What I said?” “You said it went without saying, then you said it anyway. She’s still very beautiful, Dad, very sexy, but she’s changed radically. She’s been through a lot of suffering, and she’s learned a lot. She’s...

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The Innocent Neighbor Girl Part II

Introduction: The long awaited sequel for some of you. Enjoy! I stood there looking down at her innocent eyes, kind of surprised my dick had got hard again so quickly. I chuckled lightly, well then what do you want to do with him them. She sat there biting the tip of her finger nervously, can I make you squirt that white stuff out again? Then you can make me orgasm again, like we just did. I stood there wanting to burst out laughing, how about we try sex instead? I asked smiling at her. She...

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Craig MccallisterChapter 10

We spent a total of two days collecting our reward and selling enough stuff to end up with over $100. That was certainly good pay for a couple of day's work. We returned to the Neutral Territory, but not to the same town, figuring that we might have worn out our welcome there. We spent nearly five weeks wandering around without finding any more wanted men, and we began to wonder if we were wasting our time. We were about ready to head back to Texas when we ran into a rather bizarre...

3 years ago
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How I became a black cock slut Pt 1

My last year before being a freshman in high school I gave a guy a hand job. His penis was beautiful. Some of my other girlfriends had done such things with their boyfriends but they all said their boyfriend’s dicks were ugly and they hated doing it. I didn’t I was in a trance as I watched my small white hand pull up and down the shaft. He was cut and his hood made my mouth water but I was absolutely not going to put it in my mouth, even though I was not going to do that I still loved the...

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My Innocent Wife

Hello readers this is raja from new Delhi. This is the first time that I am telling you the story that really changed my life. This story is dedicated to all the ladies of Delhi. Do tell me how you find the story. After 2 years of marriage, my wife, Neeta and I, were facing disaster. We both enjoyed each other’s company, and most of the big things; career, finances, and family, were not an issue. We decided long ago not to have kids, so we could concentrate on our careers. The problem was...

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Runners MoonChapter 4

Half an hour later, after they'd finished dessert, Josh headed up the road in his pickup, while Tiffany started to walk back with Bullet and the pups. It was a nice evening, and she said she'd take the long way around. He found Mark and Jackie sitting out on their lawn again. "I heard you had a busy afternoon," he said as he got out of the truck. "Yeah, didn't get a lot of work done," Mark agreed. "I take it Mike told you?" "Just the basics," Josh said. "Kirsten said they...

1 year ago
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The Demise Of A Loving Husband 1

My wife, Mary, and I, David, had been married for ten years. I was thirty-seven, and she was thirty-five with a very womanly shaped body, firm 36C cup breasts, slim waist, and a very well-rounded backside well packed into her tight-fitting blue cocktail dress. It was low cut at the front, showed a nice cleavage amount, and just finished above her knee, showing her firm shapely calves.We had attended my Company's Christmas Party. The business had expanded very quickly over the past ten years,...

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Shobha8217s Affair 8211 Part 2 8211 Thrilling Sex In The Car With Horny Girl

Hi readers, this story is the next episode in my about Shobha’s affair. Both of them lay there laughing. Shobha enjoyed the feel of the cold bathroom floor on her bareback. Ashik finally came to his senses. He turned towards Shobha and asked, “now what?” Shobha laughed. “Get up lover. We are gonna go a ride through the city.” Five minutes later, they were dressed up and riding in her car. Shobha felt energetic and dangerous. Ashik who was driving noticed this and was grinning. They got on to...

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I think I caught her and I love it

My wife never seemed the type to cheat. Sex, or acting sexy, talking about it, etc. was not really her thing. She was, for all intents and purposes, a bit of a prude, or vanilla I guess you could say. I guess the most likely reason is that when she had a few drinks, she really couldn't feel things sexually. She definitely could not reach orgasm when drunk. And like most women who tend to lose their inhibitions when they have a few too many, she was more of a party person, not getting frisky at...

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Meri Mami 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, I am very thankful for your response ab me aage ki story batata hu jinhone meri pahalii story nahi Padhi ho wo please pahalii story padee. Mummy ne hath me papa ka lund liya aur us ko pahalee saaf kiaa phir lund ke pass jaane lagiii aur lund ko halkaa saa kiss kiaa and ekdum se mummy ko ubkaii aane lagii to mummy ne niche muh kiaa to dekh ki nichee me hu…. Mummy ke to hosh udh gayee me to darr gayaa aur bas yahii soch rahaa tha ki mom ye dad ko naa bol deee Itne me dad uthe aur...

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MyFriendsHotGirl Quinn Wilde 23795

Why the hell is Quinn Wylde acting so flirty with her boyfriend’s buddy, Johnny? He’s over helping to put the finishing touches on her guy’s man cave that Johnny has helped to build, and he knows something up when Quinn starts leering at him, flaunting her diamond-pointed nipples and big round ass popping out of her skirt. And when he asks her about it, Quinn confesses that she knows her man got to fuck Johnny’s wife back in their wild college days, and now she feels left out. Johnny laughs it...

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DaughterSwap Lana Sharapova Daphne Dare Daughter Cum And Tax Refunds

After Daphne Dare and Lana Sharapovas dads get their tax refunds, they are rolling in the dough. But for some reason, they do not want to share it with their adoring daughters. Sorry hun, you should have gotten a job, they tell the girls. But Daphne and Lana will not take no for an answer. They decide that instead of letting their dads hire hookers, they should just seduce each others pops and earn some cash that way! So, they swap dads and work their tight young bodies to perfection. Daphne...

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He told me to take off my clothes so I did he told me to get on my I did...then he pulled down his pants and there was this huge extremely black cock it was so black it looked purple and it had a light plum colored head he moved forward and took my head in his huge black hands and guided my face to his cock it came to my lips and I opened my mouth slightly so that his cock head kissed me I kissed it back and stuck out my tongue and gave it a lick then I gave it a suck then he got...

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OyeLoca Mariana Martinez Latin Sperm Skin Care

Mariana Martinez is a playful Latina phenomenon. She shows up ready to party and gets all decked out in a cute American flag bikini. She loves flaunting her spicy curves and intensely sexy ass and titties. Soon, she is stripping down, and our studs cock stands up right away. She slobbers on his thick stick and they take to the bed for some hot muff pounding action. She rides him, making him wonder what he was doing with his life before he met her. Then, he slams her from behind, loving every...

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DickDrainers Zerella Skies Exorcise The Devil In Her Throat

I been having the weirdest dreams lately. I keep hearing voices. They talk to me….whispering….its like hundreds of messages burrowing into my brain. I can’t shut the voices off. Unless I Nothing shuts them off. Except her. The pretty girl wit the braces. She always come out of nowhere wit that pretty metal smile….always the same question. If I say no, the voices keep going on and on and on and on…but if I say yes….the voices stop for a price…. This pretty lil...

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Mom Ki Bra Ka Hook Nikhalne Mein Maddad Ki

Hi, I am Harsh from Bengaluru. Mai 24 saal ka hun, a software engineer working in an MNC. Mere ghar mein 4 log hain, mom,dad, sister and main. Elder sister:  Nandini(25 years), uski shadi ho chuki hai. My dad:  Rakesh (55 years), wo bhi ek MNC mein hai. My mom: JANAVI(45 years),jo ek interior designer hai. Mere dad ki job Chennai me hai, iss wajah se mom-dad Chennai mein rahte hai and sister apne pati ke sath Delhi mein. Ab sidha story pe ata hun. Hamre company se project ke liye one week ke...

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Jenna was a petite probably 18-year-old girl in summer camp (happy xnxx??). She enjoyed activities such as swimming, archery, minibikes, and horseback riding. Everything was going great, except she always got hungry late at night. Dinner was at 6, but she had trouble sleeping, and come midnight, she was desperate for a snack. Being around 18, her hormones were kicking in, and was interested in all things sexual. Jenna: If only there was a fat load of cum, I could swallow, that would hit the...

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Apollos Guardians

Command module 'Sentinel' lifted out of the water under the body of the Sikorsky super lifter and Jack Swigert, Michael Partenza and Schtopaugh Strelnikov waited calmly until they felt the ship hit the deck of the U.S.S. Enterprise. (CVN-65) A hand thumped the portal on the main hatch and Michael gave the unseen figure the high sign. The hatch opened and a pair of hands lifted the sample cases out of the capsule first. The two pairs of hands reached in and helped Jack Swigert out of the...

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Tricking My Brother

Tricking My BrotherI came home from school early this afternoon. I had told the nurse I was suffering from a severe headache and needed to go home, take my medications and try to sleep. It was a perfect excuse, even if untrue, and she dutifully signed me out and off I went home. Since it was still before lunchtime, I figured that I could slip into the house and up to my bedroom and get on the internet with no problems because Dad would be at work and both, my sister and brother, at school.I was...

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Baby SittingChapter 3

‘Fay, you’re making me cross. Despite our ages, we’re in an adult relationship, so you must behave accordingly. You do not sulk!’ You glare at me, but continue the silence that’s existed since I arrived home. It’s been an hour and instead of enjoying our secret kisses, with my hand up your skirt, there’s been a stony silence. ‘Fay, please, tell me what’s made you this way and we can sort it out.’ You glare at me and stride to your bedroom. ‘Damn!’ I tip toe down the stairs and peer around...

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The Runaway

As a runaway, I didn?t have much choice in what happened to me Chapter 1Runaway As a runaway, I didn?t have much choice in what happened to me. I had to survive. I was really a very na?ve, scared 16 year old who was fed up with the screaming and fighting at home. I just had to get away. But now, where would I go? How would I find money? Food? A place to live? I hadn?t really thought it through. So I wandered the streets for a while. I had $30.00 in my purse from my Grandparents as a b...

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What Not To Do

2002 was a very bad year for me. I had moved up to upstate New York from Florida to be closer to an old flame from my high school days, some 20 years back. It turned out that she thought I had changed and I knew for sure she had too. One day it became to much so I stopped by the drug store on the way home from work and picked up an item that I needed. I sat down and wrote a long letter to my girlfriend, letting her know how hurt she had made me and how sorry I was for not being able to please...

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GunfighterChapter 13

Susan Hopewell assured us that she and her husband would be fine, so Sam and I returned home. We got back in time for supper and had to give a blow-by-blow description of our adventure with the Hopewells. After we told our story, the first question Jane asked was, "Was she pretty?" I assured Jane that Susan Hopewell couldn't hold a candle to her own beauty. I doubted that this satisfied Jane, but she did drop the subject, much to my relief. The rest of the evening went past in general...

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Papa and Megan Summer of Fun

I wasn’t there to watch her develop into a young lady, both physically and emotionally, that is as much emotionally as a teenager can be. But from afar, I noticed her development instantly each time I got a chance to see her. She was still flighty and fun loving; in fact, she was still my sweet little Megan, just a little older. Her physical development was more obvious, to me anyway. Not only did she gain a little height and weight, about 4’8” and 85 lbs., she was still a runt, really,...

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Butler No MoreChapter 11

Nurse Sanquhar helped Kathleen to get on the hospital bed, which had a body shape fitted on top, to ensure that Kathleen was in the correct position for the procedure. Next, she proceeded to rearrange the gown to expose the injection site, covering up the rest of Kathleen’s immediate body with a couple of towels. The Doctor had meantime busied himself with checking the instruments. The nurse told him when she was ready, and he turned round to observe the patient. “Excellent, Nurse. We should...

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Mom Cuckolded Me 8211 Part 2

I was still trying to analyze my feelings. It was good in many ways. But also for some reason, my heart was pounding. Do you know the kind of pounding when your wife suddenly tells you that she cheated on you? Like it makes you angry, jealous but horny at the same time. I didn’t reply or do anything. But the thought of this thing, knowing that I can just make it happen, that my fantasy can come true was in a way driving me nuts. Mom was sitting down in the living room watching TV when I told...

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The Houseparty

You’re hosting a party with six of your closest friends when, suddenly, three girls show up uninvited. Ethan(You): Rich Kid- You are the host of the party, as you live in a large house, and your parents are on vacation. Most of the rest of your personality is up to you. Kyle: Best Friend- Your best friend is a smart, yet athletic, geek. He plays soccer, but prefers to sit around and play video games with the guys. Matt: Lovesick Joker- Matt basically spends his days either pining after girls or...

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Helena and her lovely surprise

I was home alone and getting bored, since my lovely wife would spend the weekend visiting one of her girlfriends at a nearer town.I was in the afternoon checking my mail, when I received one from Helena, my sweet wife’s best girlfriend; the sluttiest one…I was really surprised, because that bitch had not spoken to me in many time, after we had fucked like rabbits several times…It was really shocking to watch Helena in an very unusual video. It I could see that bitch playing with her dog Roman,...

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