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Aaron's Animals


Aaron Hansen was under the dinner table, his head forcefully burrowing intoher crotch. Judy closed her eyes and stretched her thighs so high and wideapart that they ached. She wanted to make sure that his wonderful mouth hadfull access to her dripping snatch. Her hands held his hair in a death grippulling him in deeper while his tongue danced over her engorged clit. Her assbounced loudly up and down on the seat.

Aaron replayed the fantasy in his head several times during the evening. Itwas a diversion which he had no intention of acting upon.

"The smart thing for me to do is to have nothing to do with this whitebitch." he thought.

But he felt a primal pull that he couldn't deny. Aaron gave himself a commandto 'Behave!' and took a deep breath to clear his mind. After all, this wasa business dinner to welcome his new employee and his young wife to his Phoenixbranch office.

Their waiter, Ricardo, paused at the table, placed the bill down in frontof Aaron and smiled, "I'll be back for this when you're ready Mr. Hansen."

No sooner had he turned and walked away when Judy, commented, "I wouldn'tleave that jerk a tip Mr. Hansen, his service was just awful," turningher head towards her husband she added under her breath, "I guess we'lljust have to get used to 'Mexi-can' and 'Mexi-can't' service when we move herehuh?" They both giggled like mischievous little children.

That was the moment Aaron stopped fighting his fantasy. Judy was a bigotedbitch. All night he had suffered her subtle holier than thou and racist remarksbecause he genuinely thought her husband Peter would be a strong addition tohis management team. As an Afro-American he had grown accustomed to dealingwith the occasional closet racist; but, his patience with Judy ran out withthe 'Mexi-can' crack. He grew hard at the thought of making the arrogant bitchkneel before him and beg for his black cock. So later that evening as the threediners sat sipping coffee, Aaron set his impromptu plan to collar her intomotion.

"I'm afraid I owe you both an apology", Aaron began, "WhenI hired you Peter I had every intention of keeping you here in Phoenix; butfrankly, in the past month I've come to the conclusion that I really need someoneto spend more time in the field working with our Boston accounts."

Aaron watched Judy's brow furrow in displeasure. They were newlyweds and heknew Judy would no doubt miss getting her daily 'hokey pokey' from her hubby.

"I'll be asking you to spend time away from home for weeks at a timePeter." Now Judy looked absolutely crestfallen. "I know this presentsa hardship and I hate to ask it of you two but I want you to know that I intendto make a substantial salary adjustment because of the new situation."

Judy's face relaxed noticeably, " Mr. Hansen, you have been so kind tous, I think Peter and I can manage to spend some time apart if it will helpyou out, isn't that right Peter?"

"And a greedy bitch too", Aaron thought. "I will certainlyenjoy this." His eyes danced over her bosom.

Peter seemed a good deal more concerned about being separated from his youngwife than she seemed about being separated from him. "Well, I guess thatit will be fine for awhile Mr. Hansen; I wouldn't want to let you down."

"You guys are great; I knew you would be a good fit for my team." Aaronsigned the dinner check (leaving a large tip), took a final sip of his coffeeand bid his guests a good night.

Driving home, he calculated he could have Judy bored to distraction withinthree months and well trained to service his cock within four if he enlistedsome help. He'd leave Peter alone in Boston. He could get some serious productivityout of the young man while he trained his wife.

At home, Aaron placed a call to one of his old friends.

"Aaron, how are you; it's been way way too long. I should be really pissedat you!" Tess was genuinely excited to hear from her old partner in lust.

"Yes, it has, and I feel a bit guilty. I'm calling to ask you for a favoragain." he hesitated, thinking perhaps he was imposing on their friendship.

"Do not be an asshole Aaron; you know I'd do any thing for you. Justask!" She owed him a great deal but she loved it that he still always'asked' her when he wanted a favor.

"Well, I've got a new employee and his wife is a holier than thou whitetrash bitch. I need your help in getting her into line. Actually, I want youto get her collared and trained for me! I just don't have the time to giveit justice."

Tess let out a deep laugh, "Sounds just like your scene Aaron, delegate,delegate¡­but it ought to be a lot of fun for me, just like the goodold days."

The good old days, she referred to took place back East when Tess and Aaronwere much younger and playing heavily in the Boston BDSM scene. They routinelycruised together. (Tess referred to their excursions as "vanilla shopping").Tess was a stunningly beautiful black bisexual. Even then she could lure menor women into anything, and that's exactly what she did more nights than shecould remember. Aaron, a more traditional dominant; trolled for the innocentand not too innocent vanilla white woman seeking a little diversion; i.e. blackmeat. Invariably those women received much more than they bargained for. Becausehe could smooth talk women practically into a trance, Tess had taken to callinghim Rasputin. Given his cruising success the name suited him well.

After a ten minute conversation they had an arrangement. Tess would fly intotown and meet Aaron at the Phoenix airport next month. Hanging up the phone,she realized she was grinning from ear to ear. Aaron was always fun and shewas ready for some female white meat.

Tess' mind was racing so much with possibilities that she had forgotten allabout Buttboy23 until he called out to her from the workroom in a quiveringlittle voice. "Mistress Tess, Mistress Tess"

That snapped Tess out of her reverie. She picked up her riding crop and raninto her workroom.

Without hesitation she stepped over to the naked young man kneeling on thefloor and delivered a series of sharp nasty blows to his already black andblue ass cheeks.

"Buttboy you are so fucking stupid, you know enough never to speak tome unless I give you permission. I told your Mistress I'd have your lily whiteass ready in two days and I fucking will or it will end up in shreds on thisfloor." She laid several more blows on his buns to emphasize her point.She had to hold back a chuckle as she watched him wiggle around the floor screaminginto the carpet. New nasty red welts began to appear on his hindquarters.

"OK asshole, why did you call me? Now you can speak!" she bent downon one knee and glared into his face.

Buttboy23 managed to choke out his request between sobs, "Buttboy23 hasto go to the bathroom Mistress."

Tess exploded and gave Buttboy23 a sharp slap across his face. "Idiot,you don't have to do anything except what I tell you, understand? You may wantto go to the bathroom but you won't unless I tell you to understand?"

The boy toy decided not to argue the point. His knees were sore from kneeling,his arms ached from being tied behind his back and his ass still smarted horriblywith a slow burn from countless blows.
"I understand Mistress"

"I hope so; now let's get back to work", Tess stood up spreadingher long legs; she grabbed him by the hair and pulled his face into her bushycrotch. "Get that tongue working bitch! Ahhhhhhhhhh¡­.yes¡­that'sthe spot my little cunt eater!! You're lucky to be allowed to eat dark meatpussy boy"

Grinding into him she rode up and down his face faster and faster, tearingat his long hair and whipping his ass cheeks whenever his enthusiasm waned.He pushed his tongue out as far as he could and circled her moist tunnel withrapid movements. Tess had a surprise for her trainee tonight. As he pushedhimself deeper into her pussy he felt warm oil pour down his back and run downtowards his anus. Before he could register a response Tess slammed a five inchribbed dildo fully into his ass. She could not have been happier with the results.His sudden muffled screams sent intense vibrations through her clit that resonatedthroughout her entire body. She worked it in and out as the boy bucked wildlyand screamed repeatedly into her pussy.

Tess' thighs clamped onto Buttboy23's head and her knees buckled. She leanedher weight into the boy's face. Before long she involuntarily dropped her jaw,threw her head back and howled. Seconds later her pussy kicked into a seriesof spasms, her right leg cramped up and she spewed gushes of her cum into theman's face¡­." Swallow it bitch¡­.swallow every fuckingdrop" she commanded still gasping for breathe and struggling to keep herbalance.

Buttboy lapped at her pussy in desperation for as long as he could beforehe lost control of himself and released a powerful stream of urine.

Tess collapsed to the floor next to Buttboy's mess. "Looks like someoneneeds potty training too" she whispered. She had just enough strengthleft to send one more smart lash across Buttboy23's ass; this was after alla training session.

Buttboy23 released a pathetic groan. "Yes Mistress, Thank You Mistress."

Aaron hadn't laid eyes on his friend Tess in years. He was happy to find thattime had been more than kind to her. She strolled through the airport towardshim with the easy grace that he remembered from years ago.

"Christ, she has actually grown sexier!" Aaron's opinion was confirmedby the sea of male heads that turned to watch the long legged beauty pass by.

Later, back at his residence, Tess unpacked her bags in the guest bedroom;changed into her PJ's and joined Aaron in the kitchen for a cognac.

"So tell me about the prey Aaron" Tess jumped up on the counterand rolled her liquor around in the snifter.

"Ah yes, Judy. Well, I think you're going to like this." Aaron jumpedup next to her and tipped his glass towards her in a toast. "To old friendsand new adventures."

The two schemers touched glasses and set about planning Judy's new life.

Judy opened her liquor cabinet and stared at the near empty bottle of vodka.Yesterday the bottle was full. The familiar sound of ice cubes clattering inthe bottom of her glass was interrupted by the sounds of her phone ringing.

"Who the hell could that be?" she thought. She staggered towardsher phone. Peter rarely called anymore; Aaron was working him to death andthe time-zone difference made it crazy to try to keep up the daily phone conversationsthat they used to have weeks ago.

"Judy, this is Aaron, Aaron Hansen." He turned and winked at Tess.

"Yes Mr. Hansen, how nice to hear from you." Judy forced herselfto focus and speak clearly.

"I wonder if I might impose on you for a favor."

Aaron proceeded to tell Judy about a female cousin of his who was visitingfrom the Northeast and how he would really appreciate it if Judy could findsome time to show her around while she was in town. When he mentioned thathe would insist upon paying for all their expenses Judy turned very receptiveto the idea.

"I'm bored stupid anyway, might as well use Aaron's money to have a littlefun." she thought.

"Mr. Hansen, I'd be happy to entertain your cousin." But she wonderedto herself where the hell she would take a 'darky' woman. She certainly wouldn'tgo to one of those fucking hip-hop joints, no matter how much Aaron paid her.

After making arrangements for the two to meet, Aaron put down the phone andturned towards Tess. "She took the bait. I'll leave the rest to you mylittle training expert."

"Is that what I am Aaron, your training expert?" Judy had a mischievoustone to her voice. "The reason I ask is that it's been so long since you'veseen me collar a vanilla how do you know I'm still an expert?" She stuckout her tongue and ran it slowly around her lips. Then she inserted her indexfinger into her mouth and sucked on it making loud and sensuous slurping sounds.

"Stop it Judy, I've got to go to work and you have to prepare your plan!"

Judy dropped to her knees. "Oh please master, Judy has been such a goodgirl and it's been soooo long since master has let her suck his beautiful cock." Shepouted. Tess was a formidable top but when she wanted to play the submissive,she was utterly convincing.

Aaron burst into laughter, "Tess I didn't bring you here to take a strollback to memory lane."

"Yes Master but Judy has been soooo lonely." Judy ripped off herPJ top releasing her perfect breasts. "Master's bitch is in heat again¡­arf!!...arf!!" "Youremember how hot I get don't you??"

Aaron knew he had already lost. Judy had just reminded him of how much hemissed her creativity (and her bark.)

"Arf¡­arf" Her breasts swung freely as she bent over onall fours and began a slow crawl towards Aaron. " Grrrrr¡­..grrrrrr¡­.arf!!" Shesmoothly peeled off her PJ bottoms and tossed back her long dark hair witha snap of her neck.

Aaron wasn't laughing anymore. Judy squatted before him now nibbling her breast,and rotating a finger in her dark thick bush. She looked up at Aaron as ifasking permission but all that came out of her mouth was a throaty growl.

"Grrrrrrrr¡­¡­Grrrrrrrrrrr¡­¡­Grrrrrrr",she finger fucked herself with increasing intensity.

Aaron sighed and pulled down his pants and shorts in one quick motion. Tessbounded forward and her mouth consumed his cock. Her hands circled behind himand clamped onto his ass cheeks. Bending at the waist Aaron churned himselfinto Tess's skilled mouth. She was not going to prolong this. She was goingdirectly for his juice. Within seconds Aaron's torso twisted involuntarilyand his pelvis pounded into Tess's face. She moaned her satisfaction when shefelt him stiffen and cum hit the back wall of her throat.

Moments later Tess let his flaccid member slip from her mouth.

"Yum yum Rasputin" His cum drizzled down from the corner of hergrin.

"Well I guess I know my trainers!" Aaron gasped for air.

They fell to the carpet together in a commotion of laughter.

Judy was a mess. Tess was scheduled to show up in half an hour to take herto dinner. The house looked like she hadn't cleaned it in weeks. As she thoughtabout it; it occurred to her that she 'hadn't' cleaned her house in weeks.What was the point? All she did was lie around, drink vodka and watch TV. "God,I'm tired, bored and horney as a toad." She sighed. After taking a longslug from a bottle of Vodka she decided it would be best to meet Tess outsideon the stoop.

Judy was taken aback by Tess' imposing physical presence the moment she steppedout of the cab. Tess was expecting someone who looked more like Aaron. Darkskinned and short haired. But this woman was light skinned, long haired , talland beautiful, not that she found women 'attractive' in that way but still,Judy found herself attracted to this woman.

"Hi!" shouted Tess. "You must be Judy¡­Aaron didn'ttell me how pretty you are¡­jump in the cab, Aaron has me checkedin at a hotel with a great restaurant."

Judy allowed herself to be swept away by Tess's charm and barely got out agreeting before she was in the back seat chattering away with this interestingwoman as if they were old girlfriends. Tess, on the other hand never forgotfor a moment that she was working, she used the time in the back of the cabto assess her prey.

The dinner experience was awful for Tess. Judy proved true to form and managedto flash false airs and piss off everyone she came into contact with exceptof course Tess. Much like Aaron, Tess began running through fantasies aboutputting Judy in her place.

"The little bigot will come down a step after I have her suck off a fewbig black dicks," She thought, "really big black dicks." Animage of Judy impaled on a black cock flashed through her mind.

Tess suddenly stood up "Hey, let's go to the lounge for some cocktails." Judythought that was a wonderful idea.

It was a Thursday night and there wasn't much of a crowd in the lounge. Shetook Judy by the hand, "Let's grab that booth in the back"

The women sat side by side talking and drinking for hours. Tess sipped winewhile Judy guzzled back a substantial amount of vodka. When Judy started tobabble about how difficult it was to get along without her husband in townTess decided it was time to play her hand.

"I've never been separated from my husband for more than a week; eventhen, I had to carry around my little friend 'Sammy' with me¡­knowwhat I mean?" Tess winked at Judy.

Judy gave a confused look which told Tess that she missed the point.

"This woman is practically a virgin!" she thought. Tess reachedinto her purse and pulled out a small black battery powered vibrator. "Youknow¡­my little friend; you have a little friend too don't you?"

Judy turned beet red when she realized what Tess was talking about. "Well,I, well no, I don't, I just try not to think about sex too much when my husbandis away¡­you know." Judy was uncomfortable with the conversationand shifted in her seat.

"God! I would just explode without Sammy. You should try him." Thedildo crackled and sent out a small hum when Tess turned it on. She waved itslowly in front of Judy eyes and cooed, "I'd love to see you try him!"

"No I don't think¡­Ahhhhh" Judy sucked in her breath asTess deftly slipped her hand under Judy's skirt and placed the vibrating pleasurestick just above her mound.

Judy's eyes closed and her breathing turned deep and rapid. "Noooo¡­.noooo'she reached down to push Tess' hand away; but, Tess held firm. With her freehand Tess grabbed the back of Judy's head and drew her face to hers for a deepkiss. When Judy felt Tess' tongue slip into her mouth her ass stayed plantedfirmly on her seat and she went limp. She wouldn't move now if her hair hadcaught fire. The only important thing to her now was keeping that vibratoron her pussy.

Low moans pulsed from Judy's throat. Tess slipped the vibrator into Judy'spussy and snapped it on fast vibrate. Judy's pussy slid up and down on theshaft with abandon.

"I think it's time to get you upstairs my pet." Tess removed thevibrator and chuckled when she heard Judy's moan of disappointment. "Hurrylove¡­there will be more." Judy picked up her purse and coatin a daze. Tess led her around by her hand like a 12 year old; through thelounge, into the elevator, down the hall and into the suite.

As soon as the door closed behind them Tess whirled Judy around by her armand threw her to the floor.
"Now get up, turn around and kneel on the couch slut."

Judy was surprised by the sudden violence of Tess's actions. She just becamepainfully aware that Tess was quite strong. She decided to 'play along' forawhile with the 'rough sex' and told herself she was too drunk to fight anyway.Besides she was anxious to get 'Sammy' back into her box as soon as possible.

She slowly stood up in the darkened room, looked at the couch and paused.Tess pushed her forcefully into the cushions and tugged her skirt down to herankles. "No thinking slut, just do as you're told and this will go easierfor you."

"Ahhhh I see we enjoyed 'Sammy' downstairs didn't we? Our little pantiesare just soaking!" Tess' hand ran roughly up and down between Judy's legs.She slapped her ass cheeks in a quick burst. "Take them off slut. We havemuch work to do."

"OK this is getting crazy" Judy thought. She turned to stand upbut Tess flipped her back into place and grabbed a handful of her long blondehair, painfully pulling back the surprised woman's head.

"Go ahead, I prefer it if you fight me slut¡­I have so muchmore fun that way. I've got new nipple clamps I'm dying to try, cuffs and ariding crop with your name on it, so go ahead, resist me babe, I'd love tohear you howl!" Tess lowered her face to the back of Judy Panties grabbedthem with her teeth, and savagely ripped them to shreds. If Judy still harboredany thoughts of resisting this woman she dropped them now.

Still held firmly by her hair; Judy's fears gave way to new sensations. Tess'free hand was taking long silky journeys up and down Judy's thighs dartinginto her crotch and darting out. The hand was a flurry of teasing stokes. Judybegan an almost imperceptible rotation of her rear. Within seconds she forgotall about trying to get away.

Tess whispered in her ear. "You love it don't you, you little white slut,that's right wiggle your juicy little pussy, I'll give your cunt somethingelse to wiggle on soon, come on ride my black hand you bitch."

Tess accelerated the pace and almost as if she simply gave up Judy buckedher ass up on her hand in a bid for some relief.

"Oh no slut¡­not yet." Tess quickly pulled her hand outof Judy's crotch and lifted her off the couch by her hair until she was standingon tip toes.

"The evening is long slut and we have so much work to do before I canturn you over to your master."

"What master what are¡­?" Judy never had a chance to finishher question. Tess's right hand came screaming out of nowhere across the confusedwoman's face. Then gripping her by the throat with one powerful hand, Tesssqueezed Judy's throat until she began to gag for air.

"Lesson one slut. You no longer speak until I give you permission. Understand?" Tessshook the frightened woman like a rag doll. "Understand?" Judy bobbedher head up and down in agreement. Finally released she fell to the carpetpanting for air.

"Get undressed and stand in that corner slut. I'll be back in a few secondsand I will be very angry if you are not ready for me." Tess turned andwalked towards the bedroom.

Judy thought a moment about making a break for the door but realized thatTess had her skirt and there was nothing left of her panties. She decided tofollow instructions and was soon standing naked in the corner as ordered.

Tess just loved breaking in new meat. She approached Judy slowly taking timeto appreciate her body. "Damn, nice long legs and a great ass. She'llmake a great fuck toy for my Aaron. Leave it to him to spot talent." Tessdwelled on the possibilities as she lubed up her strap-on. She would be gentleat first. The shaft wasn't even a full 6 inches; it was her preferred toolfor a first timer.

"Spread your legs and put your hands on the wall in front of you, now!" Jillgrabbed a handful of hair to emphasize her command but she didn't have to;Judy moved quietly and quickly.

Judy jumped when she felt the cuff of a spreader bar being attached firstto one ankle then the other. "This is just so you don't do something stupidand hurt yourself slut." Tess actually tried to sound reassuring but sheknew that this would keep Judy from running screaming from the room and provideeasy access to her fun holes. "Good girl" Tess stepped back. "Don'tyou dare move."

Judy replied, "Yes." and got her first taste of a riding crop. Herhand shot back to cover her ass. Tess had no patience. She let loose a barrageof swipes while screaming wildly at poor Judy, "Never talk and don't move,how hard is that? How hard is that? Move those fucking hands back to the wallnow!"

Judy let her hands fall into the wall before her and hoped the whipping wouldstop. It did. "See," said Tess, "Do as you're told and thingsget easier." Judy was surprised and a little embarrassed at how easilythis woman seemed to be gaining control of her.

Tess knelt down facing Judy's ass and blew lightly over the welts. "Awww,poor baby" She planted a kiss on a rosy cheek. "I've got somethingthat will help that."

Tess walked away and came back with her lube tube. She began to slowly kneadthe oil all around Judy's buns. Judy was confused. The burn from the weltscombined with the gentle massage of her tormentor's hands sent new sensationsthrough her. She didn't know what to make of it. But, when Tess's hand beganworking its way around her pussy, she knew she liked it. She pushed her assout to give Tess better access. Tess smiled. "Good little slut, good littleslut, good little slut" she cooed, Judy's ass was swaying widely backand forth now. Tess's talented hand had become the new center of her world.

"Ohhhhhhh God, Oh God , Oh God", Judy had no words. She had hardlynoticed Tess removed her hand when she felt a hard dildo at the mouth of herpussy. She was going to be fucked by a woman. It slipped right up her soakingpussy to the hilt. Once again Tess held her in place with a grip on her hairas she began to pound her trainer cock in and out of Judy's pussy.

"Come on Blondie take me for a ride". Tess grabbed long strandsof hair in each hand, and pulled like they were horse reigns. Judy realizedshe was being ridden like some kind of tramp and normally that would disgusther but her pussy never felt so good. The vibrating cock sent shivers up anddown her midsection. She was in heaven, Tess, paused and twisted and sloweddown and sped up. Judy's voice was trapped in her throat and her jaw was lockedopen in surprise and delight. This was her first lesbian experience and shecould hardly believe how good it was. Tess never went limp she went on andon. She was being expertly fucked and she loved it.

"Come for me you little stuck up slut¡­I can do this all night¡­youknow I can¡­tell me you love my black plastic cock and come for me." Tessteased her impaled plaything.

"Oh God, Oh God, Oh God," Judy pushed at the wall and churned herass like she had seen the sluts on cable TV do.

"Tell me you love it bitch!!" Tess heated up Judy's ass with a seriesof sharp open handed slaps. Judy was beside herself. It hurt so good. She struggledto understand her emotion when she heard Tess clearly through all the confusion.

"Don't think you horny slut just do as you're told! Tell me you loveit bitch, tell me you love black cock."

Judy gulped and screamed "I love black cock, God I love your cock cockcock cock."

Tess rewarded her by shifting into a new harder rhythm. The increased forceof her penetrations shocked Judy; she involuntarily reached back with one hand,found her clit and squeezed it until it ached.

"I'm coming Tess¡­I'm gonna come ¡­please fuck mewith that thing, I'm coming Tess, I need to come sooooooo¡­..baaaaaad¡­¡­..Ahhhhh¡­Ahhhhh¡­Ahhhhhh¡­.OhGodddddd!

Judy's cunt exploded; gushes of juice flowed down her legs and onto the carpet.It was her first ejaculation.

"Ohhhh she squirted for me¡­what a little cum slut!!" Tesspulled out the dildo and Judy fell into the wall before her and slid down tothe floor. She sat in her own juices wracked by deep sobs and intermittentspasms for a full five minutes.

Tess stood spread legged over her conquest, "My turn now cunt!!!" Tessgrabbed the spreader bar and dragged Judy into the center of the room. "Let'ssee how well you eat pussy." Judy opened her eyes just in time to seeTess' beautiful ass plop down hard on her face.

Tess held Judy's head firmly between her knees and pulled savagely at Judy'shair while she shouted "Lick me slut¡­slobber all over my pussy¡­Lickit. If I don't come you'll be so sorry cunt."

Judy could hardly breath and when she could her nostrils filled with the smellof this woman's pussy. Her face grew wet and sticky with Tess' juice and herown saliva being run up and down her face. Tess bounced and slammed and groundher crotch into Judy's face. Tess was disappointed with Judy's performanceand made a mental note to herself to strap a dildo to Judy's mouth the nexttime. For now Tess decided to simply ride Judy's face until she could achievea nice relaxing little orgasm.

Within minutes, Tess released a heavy sigh and called "Good enough thistime cunt¡­but you will get better."

Tess stood and turned towards the bathroom, Judy didn't move, she simply pantedfor air, her breasts heaving up and down.

Tess kept Judy in the hotel room for several days. The second day Judy wastied to a kitchen chair and gagged. When she realized what was about to happenshe screamed twisted and fought like a woman possessed. Tess approached herwith a razor and shaved off all her hair. Just like that. Judy held a greatdeal of her vanity tied up in her long blonde locks; now they were gone. Tessplaced the cut hair on Judy's lap for her to look at and dragged her into thebathroom so that she could stare at herself in the mirror. She left the bathroomrelishing the sounds of Judy's sobs. Shaving a trainee's hair was an importantstep in making a new collar realize that the old life was over.

After losing her hair Judy became much more complacent, the two women fellinto a routine working on what Tess called "core skills". Judynever came so often or with such intensity in her life. Nor had she everbeen so humiliated. Tess taped each session and played them back repeatedlyso Judy could watch herself perform like a crack whore. Then Tess would makeher repeat the performance with more and more enthusiasm. Her voice was raspyand raw from screaming in delight and in pain. She had been fucked and spankedall over the suite and had learned the proper way to please and thank hertormentor. She was fucked while she was tied up gagged and hanging in theclothes closet. She was fucked while Tess watched Oprah and ate pizza onher back. She was fucked while leaning over the couch like a rag. She wasfucked while she crawled around the room on all fours with a spreader barbarking like a bitch. She was fucked while she lapped up water from a bowlon the floor. She was fucked from behind while Tess rubbed lubricating oilover her head and called her a "cue ball slut." She was fuckedwhen she called her husband to tell him she was fine and that she missedhim. She learned that the best way to get Tess' ass off her face was to eatpussy like a madwoman and make her come as soon as possible. She was alreadya much improved muff diver.

Tess 'pounded' home her message to Judy with every enthusiastic fucking "Youare now my fuck toy slut. I fuck you whenever and however I want to. I ownyou and your nasty white girl pussy."

Judy's cunt was swollen and raw and her body was scored with long red welts.She was physically and mentally exhausted. After a week of Tess' program shedidn't think anything worse could possibly happen to her. She was wrong. WhenTess finally took her back to her house she was greeted by the four imposingblack men who were brought in to teach her how to worship black cock. Judywould learn how to be a superior fuck before meeting her new Master.


If truth be told¡­Aaron really wasn't paying much attention to themeeting. Pete DeGangi, his Marketing manager was a talented fellow and Aaronwas sure that his presentation would be great. All of the employees aroundthe table seemed to be hanging onto every word. Aaron's mind was on Pete'swife. She was waiting for him at a resort hotel on the outskirts of town. Suziehad been playing a flirting game with Aaron for weeks. He finally allowed himselfto 'fall' for her advances. He considered her a little diversion to keep himbusy while Judy was getting her intensive training. As Pete droned on and on¡­Aaronreviewed in his mind how he would turn Suzie into his regular Wednesday afternoonslut fuck.

His secretary called him on his cell exactly on queue. "Damn, I'm sorryPete; I've got to go put out a fire¡­you go on with the meeting¡­greatstuff¡­ I'll touch base with you tomorrow." Aaron walked outof the conference room down to the garage and jumped into his car with imagesof putting out the fire in Suzie DeGangi's box racing through his head.

Suzie had followed instructions to the letter. When he opened the door roomservice was just leaving after having delivered a lavish lunch for two. Thepetite blonde looked like a model out of a Land's End catalogue. She was modestlydressed in Dockers and a sleeveless top. Aaron had to remind himself that sheprobably wasn't more than five years out of college. They embraced brieflythen sat for a 'civilized' candle lit meal.

Suzie tried to control herself but her passion was rising. Her head was fullof images of silk sheets and soft music. Aaron took note of her heavy breastsrising and falling as her breathing grew faster and faster. She had lustedfor Aaron since the first time they met. But her dreams of a romantic sexualinterlude were about to be shattered by the reality of her first session asAarons latest fuck slut trainee.

Aaron soon looked up from his plate to hit her with her first dose of thereality of her situation. "Suzie, we have a big problem."

Suzie's brow wrinkled with concern. "What's that Aaron?"

"Your smelly¡­wet¡­nasty¡­little¡­white¡­pussySuzie it's a problem."

Suzie was surprised to hear the refined man before her speak so crudely. Herface turned beet red.

"I'm sorry to disturb you slut but¡­" Aaron stood andwalked around the table until he stood behind Suzie's chair. "¡­it'sobvious that your pussy is out of control."

Suzie was dumbfounded. She started to turn her head but Aaron seized it andheld her firmly. "Look at you¡­in a hotel room with your husband'sboss¡­and you're here to ¡­" he paused "tellme why you're here Suzie."

The dazed woman mumbled something about 'seeing' Aaron for lunch.

Aaron surprised his prey with a sharp blow to the side of her head. "Youcame here to get your little pussy fucked Suzie¡­by a big black cock!" "Sayit!" Again he slapped her on the side of her head.

"I came to get fucked", she whispered

Again he slapped her "No! You came to get you little pussy fucked bya big black cock ¡­say it."

Suzie blurted out "I came to get my pussy fucked by a big black cock."

"Better¡­you little slut" Aaron reached down slippinghis hand inside her pants until he found her pussy. His finger began to prodand tease her slit. Suzie's breathing was now very rapid.

"I can tell that this wet little pussy is out of control¡­itmade you lie to your husband and pulled you into this hotel room so I couldfuck it. Isn't that right?"

Suzie's eyes were closed now¡­she had to agree. "Yes, that'sright."

"Well I know how to control a wild pussy. Lucky for you Suzie. Do youwant me to control your pussy?"


"Yes What" Aarons finger was moving faster now.

"I want you to control my pussy."

"Well give me your pussy and I'll control it for you¡­.Willyou give me your pussy?"


"Yes what you stupid cunt?"

Suzie felt like she was slipping into a trance as she heard herself say "Youcan have my pussy Aaron. Please take control of my pussy Aaron."

Aaron furiously pulled the woman to her feet by her hair, and held her onher tip toes while his free hand pulled her pants down around her knees.

He pushed her forward and her hands caught the edge of the table to breakher fall. That's when she felt the unbelievable sensation of Aaron's huge cockslip into her dripping snatch. The poor girl moaned and Aaron pumped himselfinto her firmly and with purpose.

Within seconds he held a fistful of her long blonde hair in his right hand.Her head was pulled back painfully, veins bulged from her neck and she shookfrom side to side trying to break his grip. This is not what she had in mindbut he held her securely. She could do nothing but accept the intense steadyslamming of his black cock into her little white pussy. If he didn't holdher by her hair she would be launched over the table. It was all she coulddo to hold onto the edges of the table. Plates and glasses rattled and fellto the floor with each one of Aaron's pelvic thrusts.

"Not what you expected is it you little white cock tease." Aaronrotated his hips wildly grinding himself deeper into her snatch. "Shakethat pussy bitch that's MY pussy now!!" Aaron's massive left hand slappedbrutally at her ass cheeks. "That's right, fuck me like an animal youlittle bitch, this is why we call it doggy style. I love it doggie style."

Suzie could only moan and stick her ass up higher and wiggle it to meet hisassaults. She did feel like some kind of animal. After ten minutes of the slappingand pussy pounding, her ass had turned into a sensitive red welt. Every slapnow caused her to jump uncontrollably from the sting and the heat. Every timeshe jumped she felt Aaron's enormous blood gorged cock stretching her pussywalls.

Aaron pulled the petite woman's head way back towards him until her ear wasinches from his mouth. "Gimme that pussy bitch¡­you're goingto ride my cock to Chicago and back or I will seriously hurt you." Hethrust a wet tongue deep in her ear driving her to even greater distraction.She trembled and bucked on his dick with enthusiasm just as he liked it.

"Nothing like a little white bitch getting the fuck of her life is therecunt?" Aaron abruptly pulled out of her dripping snatch, let go of herhair and slammed her torso down onto the dinner table. What few plates thatstill remained on the table went flying to the floor.

"Ahhh, just what I was looking for" Aaron grabbed the butter dishand scooped out a huge dollop of butter.

Before Suzie could react; Aaron unceremoniously smeared the butter up anddown her crack several times from her pussy to her asshole.

" Buttered white ass!!" he laughed as Suzie, realizing what wascoming, began to buck and shake trying to get out from under the black man'scontrol.

"That's right¡­now you're getting it¡­wiggle it forme honey." Aaron held her down with one hand planted firmly on the smallof her back and he caressed her into delirium with the buttered strokes ofhis other hand. "I'm guessing you never had your ass buttered before¡­amI right Mrs. DeGangi?

Suzie had no fight left she shook her head back and forth in response. Betweenthe pleasure and the pain she resigned herself to the inevitable and unconsciouslybegan to rotate her ass to assist Aaron's ministrations. She may not have beenaware of the betrayal of her body but Aaron was very much aware of it.

"You've never been fucked so well have you Suzie?" He shoved twofingers deep into her pussy so violently he lifted her partially off the table.

"Tell me cunt¡­let me hear it." He twisted and tickledher pussy unmercifully.

"No, I've never been fucked so well." The shy girl found the truthsurprisingly easy to say.

"Well¡­.Thank me cunt¡­.thank your black man forthe fuck of your life."

"Thank you Aaron¡­thank you for the fuck of my life¡­thankyou¡­thank you" The words could not come fast enough.

Behind her Aaron grinned in victory and positioned himself for his final assault.

Suzie released a loud hissing noise when she felt first his bulbous head thenhis full 11 inch shaft slip up her ass.

"Oooooohhhhhh God¡­¡­Ohhhhhhhhh God ¡­..OhhhhhhGod." All she could do was babble while new emotions and sensations floodedher head. She spread her legs as wide as she could to better accommodate theinvasion. Aaron stroked a steady rhythm.

When he felt she was near her climax, Aaron grabbed Suzie around the waistpulled her off the table and standing stiff as a statue proceeded to slideher up and down on his cock like she was a rag doll.

"Slap your clit until you make that pussy come for me cunt¡­.slapit!"

Suzie followed orders and slapped desperately at her mound to bring herselfto a climax. She did not have far to go.

As her clit grew more and more sensitive and the burning sensation in herasshole gave way to waves of pleasure she moaned almost imperceptibly and glidedinto the strangest orgasm she ever experienced. Her head was spinning and herarms flailed while she flopped about like a puppet on Aaron's cock.

She heard the scream deep in her head long before she filled her lungs torelease it. When it came; it came with such fury that the force of it evenshocked Aaron.

" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

It was enough to bring Aaron home. He had planned to spew himself into thepretty little blondes face (he loved that) but her climax caught him off guard.He involuntarily jerked his hips forward again and again hard into her perfectass; finally sending gobs of his seed up her asshole. When he released hisworn out victim she collapsed into a heap on the floor before him. He knewshe would be an even more enthusiastic fuck at their next meeting¡­theyalways were.

Aaron reached under the dining room table and removed the small digital recorderhe had taped there earlier. Slowly he bent down next to Suzie. He turned iton when it was right next to her ear. Her eyes opened wide in shock and herjaw dropped when she realized Aaron had taped their entire tryst¡­fromthe little luncheon to his brutal assault on her.

"Sounds like you doesn't it? I think Pete would recognize that voicedon't you?"
Aaron loved to watch his victims crumble when he played their tapes for them.
"Not to worry my sweet little pussy¡­if you do as you're told your hubby will never know what a little slut he married."

Aaron stood up and dressed while Suzie lied on the floor still trembling inlust. "You'll be hearing from me soon Suzie¡­count on it. Inthe meantime¡­clear your schedule for Wednesday afternoons untilfurther notice. I'll want you to bring my pussy to me on a regular basis." Withthat, he threw a slip of paper on the floor before her and walked out of thehotel room.

Suzie reached for the paper and read it slowly. It was a set of instructionsfor the next month and a shopping list for their next meeting. There were manyitems on the list that she had never heard of and the ones that she was familiarwith appalled her, and how would she explain to her husband that she wantedto trim her bush into the shape of a heart?

Judy's Graduation:

They were all agreed. The four black men sat on the couch while Judy's headbobbed up and down on each cock in turn. Judy could certainly suck cock. Asa matter of fact it was clear that she had come to enjoy the taste of sperm.She rarely let a drop of it drip from her lips. Amazing how quickly a wellpaddled woman can learn. The four black "contractors" had been livingin Judy house for the past month. Judy was at first a reluctant participantbut after she came to realize the hopelessness of her situation she appliedherself to learn her lessons. In addition to developing her deep throat abilitiesthey had taught her how to ride cock with abandon. Screaming and squeezingher tits. She loved being on top now. It afforded her the chance to grind herpussy hard into her partner's crotch. She loved to grind her pussy on big cocks.The snotty little white blonde she used to be was just a memory now. Aftersucking them all hard Judy placed her pussy over a huge cock and balancingherself with her hands on top of her clean shaven head she slid her pussy ontothe shaft and began what the men called her "Judy Dance". The girlcould magically undulate her lower body. She milked the come out of her teachersone by one.

Judy was never allowed to come until she screamed for black cock. After countlesssessions of having her ass cheeks slapped while she squatted and bounced upand down on one of her "trainers" dicks she was not permitted tocome until after she begged for it. "Fuck me with that black cock I loveblack cock Please fuck me with your black cock." If she dared to comebefore she was allowed to¡­she was thrown on the floor and whippedblack and blue by four vicious riding crops. Judy was very careful to comeonly with permission now. Each evening a vibrating butt plug was slipped upher anus and she was allowed to frig herself to orgasm before she went to sleepin her cage; but even then¡­she had to recite the litany¡­" Fuckme with that black cock I love black cock Please fuck me with your black cock." Bythe time she realized she was being conditioned it was too late. Now she wonderedif she would ever have an orgasm with her husband again. The thought of Peterfucking her missionary style with her legs wrapped around his torso held littleerotic value for her. Tess had turned the little bigot into a perfect whorefor black cock. Tess knew Aaron would be really pleased with that special feature.

Tess was blessed with imagination. No one was more aware of this than Judy.So when the brown paper package arrived at the house Judy had an understandablesense of apprehension. Her instincts were correct. Tess had snapped up thepackage and went whistling into her bedroom leaving Judy to ponder her fatein her cage. She didn't have to worry long. The distinctive chime of Tess'bell soon rang out. Judy jumped out of her cage and scurried to her mistress'room at top speed.

"Position yourself for me slut." Tess smiled in satisfaction watchingJudy drop to the floor to take her submissive pose. Legs wide apart on herhands and knees Judy pushed her face into the floor and propped her ass highin the air to best display it to her Mistress.

"You have come a long way slut." Tess knelt before Judy's wonderfulrear end. "I have a treat for you for being such a good student." Sheslowly began her ministrations and Judy relaxed into the familiar feel of heranus being covered with butter. "White buttered ass." Tess chuckled¡­"yourmaster's favorite kind of ass." Then Tess went to work in earnest. Twofingers slipped into Judy's Ass and two slipped into her pussy. Tess' handmade delightful circles until Judy's moans came with regularity. Then she churnedrapidly and forcefully delighting in the sounds the woman's dripping cunt made.

Judy's ass rocked up and down with such speed that both knees were sore tothe touch from carpet burn. The small of her back ached from lifting and loweringher ass again and again. She began to sob when Tess pulled out her fingersto slap her cheeks hard and fast then returned them to further torture herholes. Then again¡­the ass slapping¡­then the fingers.Within minutes she was crying loudly and screaming her litany for permissionto come. "Fuck me with that black cock I love black cock Please fuck mewith your black cock."

OK come for me slut cum all over my hand¡­.Judy stopped countingher orgasms when she reached five.
Her training kicked in before Tess had to remind her of her last duty aftercoming¡­she showered praise on her mistress¡­thanking herfor letting her come and fucking her so well. Judy was not playing a part.She was as happy and as satisfied as she had ever been in her life.

I hope you enjoyed that you little slut; because you will not have an orgasmfor a long time to come. Before Judy understood her meaning, Tess slapped athick, leather chastity belt around her bottom.

"You have two holes my horny little slut. One for your asshole." Sheslipped a vibrating dildo into it. "Don't you dare let that fall. Anda little pee hole. You have had your last orgasm until your Master permitsit. I expect in a week you'll be one really horny little slut and a magnificentfuck for your masters first session."

Judy stayed in position deeply disappointed as she realized how much she wouldmiss her daily fuck sessions with her teachers. Odd she had feared them somuch in the past yet now the idea of not getting fucked hard several timesa day was torture. She knew Tess was right. In a week she would probably fuckanybody or anything. It was going to be a long week.

Tess opened her cell phone, sat on her bed, spread her legs and pointed toher pussy. Judy rushed forward digging her face into her Mistress' bush. Hertrained tongue made a path to Tess' bulging clit. Tess dialed Aaron's numberand left the message Aaron had been waiting for.
"Clear your calendar for next week Rasputin¡­have I got a white fuck slut for you!"

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Xxxecils NymphaManiacsChapter 8 Finale The Male Animal

It was a soft, fuzzy feeling when I awakened. Waves of feathery delight flowed into and over me. Like my entire body was being gently massaged with happiness. I opened my eyes slowly to survey my surroundings. It felt like a silk & velvet four-post bed in a room scattered with throw pillows and round cushions obscuring the floor. The walls were covered in soft, rich-red curtains that muted light from the windows. I did not recognize this place. And I was naked. "It's a new Hive...

2 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 1 An Odd Animal

Human beings are social animals. For thousands of years, people have banded together for protection. In prehistoric times, people formed nomadic tribes and crossed savannas in groups facing sudden death from lions and other predators. There was nothing worse than being banished from the tribe. It was essentially a death sentence for the individual. Even in modern times the worst punishment, short of death, is solitary confinement. If a hundred people are put in an enclosed area the size of a...

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My very first time with an animal

So me being so horny I let her lick it, It felt so awesome not as better than a real girl, but close enough, she licked it for a good 30 minutes and I blew a huge load on my self, she then started licking my body and that turned me on even more, The movie was over I got on my laptop to look up if this was normal and it turned out there are tons of people who do it too. but most of the videos are guys actually fucking them. I couldn't do it I told my self but i was extremely...

3 years ago
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Its a small world after all Also Animated

You wake up, rubbing your face and tasting the cottony dryness in your mouth that indicates you had a particularly good time last night. It was one of those boring meetings that is usually followed by a usually boring mixer. You can't remember the details of the mixer, though. The slight headache you have indicates it was either unusually good, or so boring that you made up for it by drinking a little heavier than usual. Whichever it was, a quick shower and a cup of coffee should fix that. You...

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Party Animal

Chapter 2 - Puppy Love Looking down at Jenny, kneeling naked in front of me, a throng of men andwomen joking and laughing at her predicament, I wondered just exactly whatshe was feeling. Shame and humiliation - most definitely. Regret that she hadever tried to steal from the company - certainly. But I sensed that, even thoughshe would probably never admit it to herself, there was a frisson of sexualexcitement at being treated like this bubbling away inside her. Deep down,I just knew that...

2 years ago
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Party Animal

PARTY ANIMAL Four peaceful weeks had sped by since the weekend Melody had spent as Megand Sally's personal attendant and she was still unsure whether she had reallyenjoyed the experience or whether she had done the things required becauseshe had been given no choice in the matter. How Steve had ever believed her story about getting drunk with Sue and havingthe rings put in her fanny and tits she'd never know, but he obviously foundthem sexy and toyed with them when ever they came in to view. ...

3 years ago
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Not a Party Animal

My sister and her husband Jeff had invited my wife and me to a party, hosted by one of his business contacts. "Need someone there I know," he chuckled. My wife Dawn and I are not really party animals, but we were looking forwards to going out for a change. It was a big house with lots of people milling about. My wife and I don't drink so we concentrated on what we thought at the time was the non-alcoholic punch. My sister Jenny and Jeff in contrast do like to drink and I noticed that even...

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I became a whore for animal

Pete grabbed my hair and pulled me towards the middle of the pathway and Hank put a collar on me. They then continued to chain me to both sides of the pathway where the horse stalls were. They fixed the chain so low that it was impossible for me to get up, so I sat there on my hands and knees. Even though I didn’t want this and was scared out of my mind my pussy was getting wet. Hank dropped his trousers and held his limp dick in front of my face. I knew I didn’t have much choice, but also, I...

2 years ago
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Im an Absolute Animal

See, I didn't have the best childhood. My parents divorced in the middle of my coming to age, and I was left with not much more than an above average sized cock to jerk off 3 times a day with, a naive sweetheart of an older sister, and two little pricks that I called brothers. Our parents were awful to say the least. Our dad was surely roaming the streets begging for money somewhere (heroine is a hell of a drug), and our mom, for lack of better terms, was a bit of a whore. And not even the...

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A middle aged woman begins to realize her desires both with man and animal

Just a few things you should know about me to begin with. I am an overweight, middle aged married woman who loves sex. I find time to please myself during the day and at night I have a husband that loves to fuck me. I keep my pussy neatly trimmed to where I have a small patch of hair above my clit although it is sparse. I delight in seeing my pretty pussy as I have thick, profound lips and love to watch myself masturbate in the mirror. I am a little wide across my ass, have big breasts, and...

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Suspended Animation

My pet and I were enjoying a nice Saturday afternoon together one day, just lounging in the living room and savoring each other's company, when a sudden knock on the front door broke the idyllic spell. Pet, who had her head resting on my lap while I gently stroked her long luxurious hair, sat up so that I could answer the door and find out who had the nerve to interrupt such a peaceful moment.I always answered the door, since she was not allowed to touch a doorknob in my presence (who said...

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interracial storiesTaught to fuck like an animal

Brewster taught Chloe to fuck like an a****l. You might wonder about that. What exactly does he mean? Was it really just about fucking hard, in an abandoned way? Well yes, it was about that for sure, but it was way more than that. It was about fucking with whoever Brewster directed her to. It was about creaming off on any thick black cock that Brewster said that she had to take. It was about appetite, wanting sex all the time, to do what he demanded, to screw the way that he wanted. It was...

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My Friend8217s Wife Fucked Like A Whore Wild Animal

This is my second story in ISS and this story is includes of fisting, fingering, Rimjob, feet licking, etc, I am going to share my fantastic experience, which is given by my friend’s wife, who is good friend of mine, to me. We had sex countless times and I am sharing a session from that. My friend and friend’s wife, both of them my friend’s, who was working together in my previous company. I got moved to other company and I am working in a mnc at chennai now. I was staying at my friend’s home...

4 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 26 Sound Effects and Animations

Millie stood in the center of the office. When Andrew turned to watch her, she started stripping out of her clothes. She didn't shed her clothes in the manner of a stripper, but in a business-like fashion that was strangely erotic. She would remove an item of clothing, carefully fold it, and then place it upon a chair. Andrew always had the impression that he was a voyeur watching a woman undress for the evening. Once she was undressed, she approached him. Normally, she would get under the...

2 years ago
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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 5 ReAnimated

McElligott was not certain what talents the Glou might have, but he was pretty sure they were based on Psionics, and this latest Union shield technology was not only opaque to it, but an effective way to isolate a psionic user from accessing that trans-spatial condition where Psions could be accessed. The small humanoid, sure enough, fell to the ground, no longer able to levitate himself. The Old Highlander got up and gestured towards a visitor chair that established itself. “As I said,...

1 year ago
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3D Sex Anime

A few things can match the thrill of watching a couple of 3D whores get fucked. And, man, anything is possible with kinky 3D porn. You can certainly browse through vanilla stuff like a couple of busty lesbians scissoring or have some dude plowing pussy. But you can also get wild and wacky with big-dicked futa, tentacle monsters, gangbangs, crazy penetrations, and so much more. Seriously, with 3D content, anything is possible, and any fetish can be a reality. So if you want to jerk off to a...

Cartoon Porn Sites
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The After Party continued

"You are being sooo good, baby," Linda said playfully, kneeling down and kissing me tenderly and whipping away the tears that had fell from my eyes involuntarily. "Are you having fun?" she asked. I smiled and nodded that I was, although I was still a little anxious not knowing the future.Just then Kathy appeared with a towel and some wipes and began cleaning the cum from my back and legs and wet asshole. The gesture was almost infantile and I could feel the sting returning to my cheeks. Oddly...

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Connecting RodChapter 7 Commitment and Crisis

May 19, 1969 The conversation with my mother stuck with me. I knew she was right. It was time to tell Shelly how I felt about her. It was the next morning when I hung back to talk to Mom. Shelly and Jurgen had already left for the garage. "Mom, I need some advice." She turned and looked at me with a knowing smile. "Go ahead." "I ... I want to ask Shelly to ... marry me." "I guessed that," she said, continuing to smile. "You did?" "I think you've picked a fine young woman...

4 years ago
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Hear See Speak

Author’s note: I did not expect I was going to post my short stories on this site. They tend to be tragic, and Hear, see, speak is no exception. It’s strange, I want my short stories to be powerful enough to punch someone in the gut. They probably aren’t, not yet, but I’m quite sure that there’s a glimmer of profoundness in each one of them. At least that what I tell myself. I want to make you think when you read this. Write your thoughts in the comments. Gift your insights and perhaps even...

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High School Softmore

High School Softmore By Jeffanie As I peered into the window of Karen's bedroom my eyes were glued to her as she undressed in front of me. What an ass and tits she had, she was truely the prized senior in school. As her skirt dropped to the floor her sheer pantyhose covered legs and perfect ass came into view. God what a sight! When her blouse was off I got the whole picture and then I snapped a couple pictures with my camera high in the tree aside of her...

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The Girl With No NameChapter 13 The Grand Dukes Castle

Danka’s ride approached the capitol from the north, following the main road along the East Danube River. The road was thick with travelers and trading caravans. Fine farms, nice manor houses, and prosperous villages covered the landscape. The land in Danubia’s westernmost province was the best the Grand Duchy had to offer, a rich and pleasant territory compared to the nation’s outlying regions. It was wonderful to just sit as a passenger and watch all the new sites, momentarily free of any...

2 years ago
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Too Good to be True

It all started when I replied to a sex ad online. There was a woman, in her early 50's, looking for someone to hook up during the day while her husband was at work. What was amazing after talking to her is that we lived only blocks away from each other. We exchanged several emails and agreed to meet just a few days after my initial response. I arrived at her house over my lunch hour. She met me wearing just a silk nightie. We hugged and started kissing. She led me to the bedroom. I agreed to...

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Granny Game

This story I wrote from the idea of another story called Granny Gameshow, posted by lexasgreen.The phone rings, Beverly a 65 y.o. granny answer it. It's Johnny calling her to participate a game where they can win money. After convincing her granny, Johnny came to her house so he told her the details. "It is a gameshow were young men answer questions about his granny. Every right answer is $500 but if I answer wrong you have to take off an article of clothing". Vera didn't like the idea at first...

4 years ago
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New Year eve or a saga of one Lieutenant

New Year eve, or a saga of one Lieutenant I walked on the path behind the Home, to the woods. The night was freezing. I could feel the icy humid air stick to my uniform. Somebody’s silhouette with a lit cigarette was outlined against a tree. I looked closer and recognized Lieutenant Željko. He was totally drunk. I felt really sorry for him. He was standing there so vulnerable, in the unbuttoned shirt, in deep cold, on that snow-covered New Year’s Eve.“Sir, you’ll freeze,” I said. He smiled...

3 years ago
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A Sissyrsquos New Daddy Search

I couldn't sleep last night so I figured I'd fire up the laptop. Lately I have fantasized about being totally dominated and used by a real top daddy since my old one moved away. When I’m in this type of mood I usually will do a quick hookup, but I was in such a sassy state, I really missed having a man taking charge of me, to humiliate me. It was a good night, I was getting a lot of messages from guys interested in teaching a little sissy how to keep her daddy happy, and how my fat brown ass...

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I sucked a Young Surfers Cock

I found an area where there were some surfers in the water and I parked near their cars, waiting for someone else to drive up. After about 15 minutes, another surfer drove up and he parked about 20 feet away from me. As he was getting his wetsuit on and his surfboard ready, I got out of the car, opened the trunk and got my bikini out and slid the bottoms on under the dress and then unbuttoned the dress completely, and slid it off my shoulders, standing there topless with only my little...

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