Dalhart, Texas, Summer 1966, By Mookie free porn video

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For my 18th birthday my bitch mother was going to have me committed to a lockup nuthouse. Back in the day, homosexuality was classified as a mental illness (typically treated with electroshock), homosexual acts between consenting adults were criminalized, and being outed at the tail end of the McCarthy era (as my supposedly best friend did to me in high school) got you branded by some as traitor to your country.

So I visited my grandma who gave me $10, stuck my thumb out at the entrance to the Hollywood freeway & made it as far as Amarillo, Texas where I was literally thrown into a large drunk tank with only a few bunk beds; most of us slept on the floor.

I teamed up for protection with Orlando, a tough little Mexican guy my age, whose father owned a ranch in New Mexico, & who was riding the rails for fun, which you could still just barely do then. We got out on the same day & bummed aimlessly around mostly Texas & Kansas, sleeping in freight yards with old hobos who told the same kind of stories they'd been telling for 50 years or more: "Yeah, that's the bull got his leg shot off by Kansas City Slim. Well they fitted him with a wooden leg & now that old bull's back meaner than ever."

This was shortly before the hippie clones flooded (and destroyed) the counterculture. Orlando knew that a delicate white boy would fare better than he would panhandling, so that was my job. I could tell you stories about people so nice, including nice cops, it would break your heart. But I want to tell you about some stuff that happened to me in Dalhart, Texas.

I'd been sleeping every night for about a week in a hobo camp, in the arms of Bodean, a big, strong (& always drunk) old grey-bearded hobo who appreciated me keeping his sizable uncut cock smegma free by orally servicing him. He was so gentle and affectionate with me (except when he was shooting his copious loads, when he would instinctively push my head down hard & jam his cock down my throat), that I got addicted to the ripe funky odor of his grey haired cock & balls. After he came we'd cuddle, & all he practically had to do was gently hold my hard cock in his gnarled, calloused hand & I'd cum. I was embarrassed about having so little control, but I was too turned on by him to prolong it. He'd pull out his filthy red handkerchief, wipe off his hand & my dick & we'd fall asleep.

One day I'd had the most unbelievable luck panhandling. A housewife in her mid 30s had taken me into a mom and pop convenience store, gotten a large empty paper bag from the owner & had me fill it up. Local news travelled fast in Dalhart, so she knew I was hanging out with "some other boys." (Except for Orlando & me, they were all old hobos.) She kept urging me to put more in the bag, which came to over $20 & embarrassed the hell out of me. Orlando passed the goodies around as if he were my manager; and the next day, even though we still had plenty for us and "the boys," sent me out to panhandle again, saying "Never mind the food this time, Cherry. Get us some money."

Well, I didn't get food OR money that time. I got the whole bloody bunch of us busted & taken to the Dallam County Sheriff's Office, consisting then of a small office room with an even smaller room leading off it, one small barred cell & one larger cell. It was manned by two bored Gomer Pyle type deputies, and occasionally visited by other deputies & cops. Those guys knew every one of the 4 old hobos by their first names. Bodean merited special treatment, being placed apart from the rest of us in the small cell. It didn't take long to find out why. Separated from his booze, he would see hostile men in the corner of his cell, start calling for help and actually violently shadow box those phantoms. I silently thanked God he'd always been drunk with me.

There had been no formal trial or sentencing. Five of us shared one toilet in the middle of the cell. There were 3 bunks, so Orlando & I slept on mats on the floor. We got two meals a day ordered from a nearby burger joint. Having to listen to Bodean yelling in terror when he wasn't sleeping, and listening to an endless round of weary hobo tales, on the 3rd day I suddenly remembered I'd had a pack of Camels the deputies had appropriated, so I said to one of them as he passed our cell, "Could you ask the cat who took my smokes if I can have them back?" I knew I'd blown it when Orlando, the 3 old hobos in our cell & even Bodean across the way all groaned.

Nothing happened right away, so I forgot about it, until an hour later an enormously fat, tall uniformed cop in his 50s stepped up to the bars &, scowling, said "Hey boy! Yeah you! Come here." I obeyed. "Are you the cool cat?" he asked. I was petrified & couldn't answer. The cop called to one of the Pyle twins to open the cell door, which a deputy, broadly smiling, obligingly did, saying "You ain't gonna hurt him too much, are you Junior? Little puff of a thang don't look like he could stand much of a whippin'." "I know what I'm doin'," Junior mumbled. "I know that's right," the deputy giggled, "back room again?" "Back room again," echoed Junior, squeezing my arm painfully & unnecessarily yanking me forward through the cluttered office.

As we traversed the room, I got to see the surroundings through the windows. The daylight, contrasted with the dingy cell, seemed unnaturally bright, but I was being forced along so quickly I couldn't make out much beyond the barren yard. As we entered the smaller windowless room & old Junior, locking the door, switched on the single dangling bare bulb which illuminated nothing but one straight backed chair in the middle of the dusty wood panelled floor, I spontaneously let my mind go blank, ready to get it over with.

He stood facing me, his jowly bulldog face scowling down at my somewhat slouched 5'7" stature. I was ready to shit my pants. In a near whisper, Junior said "Don't be afraid. I ain't really gonna hurt you, but I gotta do somethin' them boys can hear, and I promise, you WILL feel it. Understand?" "Ye-yeah, I guess," I stammered. "Shush! Not so loud," he whispered, and in that barely audible deep timbre, throwing his powerful arms around me and hugging me so tight against his enormous belly I could hardly breathe, he said, "I knowed you's a good boy the minute I saw you. Why you hangin' around with them dirty old men?" When he let up enough for me to talk, I whispered, "I'm on the road, Sir. Just having fun." "Well I'm gonna give you somethin' to remind you to avoid that kind of fun from now on."

He dropped his lard ass onto the chair & roughly jerked me toward him; then surprised me by saying loud enough to be heard in the adjoining office, "Drop your pants, boy," which I quickly did. Then I surprised myself when I realized I must have had a raging hard-on from the moment he'd spoken tenderly. My dick was actually dangling a string of pre-cum. Junior at that point even more closely resembled a bulldog, when saliva started freely flowing from the corners of his lips down his double chins.

A wonderful surprise met me, as Junior breathed out a contented sigh &, pulling me closer, engulfed my entire 7 inches: He had no teeth! (I recalled an uncle who hated dentures and had trained himself to sound & appear as if he had teeth.) I had never experienced such velvety wetness, but not knowing the protocol for unloading in a cop's mouth, I whispered, "Sir, may I please have an orgasm?" "That's my good boy," he softly intoned as he pulled away, "you have good manners. No, you do not have my permission yet. I still have to give you the discipline a boy like you needs."

As he held me back from him, for the first time I clearly focused on his billy club & holstered gun; an all time first for a sex encounter. Then came another first: Without getting out of the chair, as if I weighed practically nothing, he lifted me face down horizontally & set me across his lap.

I didn't have to wait or wonder. WHACK! That huge fat hand came down full force on my ass, and it fucking hurt! I had no doubt the deputies heard it & were cracking up. My dick was uncomfortably cramped against his thick legs; perhaps he noticed, since he separated them a bit for my dick to slip between, then closed them again, which actually felt good against the material of his uniform. WHACK! I hadn't had a spanking since I was 5, & I certainly did not remember it being this painful. My heart was racing, both with sexual excitement and real fear, as the blows increased exponentially in frequency & with no let up of force.

Now I was angry & experienced a nearly irresistible impulse to get the fuck off his lap & punch him in his ugly face; but remembering his gun & club restrained me. The now almost painful rubbing of my dick as it bobbed up & down against his starched pants & his legs squeezed in on it, got it harder & more swollen than I could remember. My whole body was reflexively jumping up with each violent slap. With the slight reasoning ability I still retained, I realized I must be drenching his uniform with pre-cum. Finding myself now in a timeless realm comprised of equal pain, fear and sexual pleasure, I had no way of knowing how long my spanking actually went on; and then something in me snapped. I neither wanted it to go on or to stop. Being spanked by Junior was my world, my reality; I completely surrendered.

I must have momentarily lost consciousness, because the next thing I knew, I was sitting in Junior's lap while he covered my face with wet kisses. "You gonna suck my dick, boy? Are ya?" he kept whispering. Then he hitched up his shirt, letting his big man boobs flop down over his huge hairy belly. That drove me crazy! As I leaned forward to take one of his hairy old breasts in my mouth, the pain from my well-punished ass made me wince & pause a moment. "Yeah boy," said Junior, "you gonna have considerable trouble sittin' on that thing awhile. Now what do you say when the nice policeman gives you a spankin'?" "Oh thank you Sir," I breathed, "for helping me to be a good boy." "Oh Christ," he muttered, forcing my head down on a breast, "you're too fuckin' good to be true!" I tongued & played with those amazing fat tits as he ran his fingers through my hair. Then he lifted me off himself, set me on my feet & stood up, whispering, as he unbuckled & slid down his pants & oversized briefs, "You like my big belly, don't you son? Well here's somethin' else you're gonna like." His nice thick uncircumcised cock must have been ten inches long. I had expected it to be rock hard like mine, but it was completely flaccid. "That's right, son. I can't please the ladies no more. That's why I need a good boy like you to help me."

I was only too happy to help, & secretly pleased that his monster cock wasn't going to present too much of a challenge after the workout I'd just been through. I got down on my knees & went to work, taking into my mouth as much as I could. Even on soft that thing was more than a mouthful. "Oh yeah boy," he groaned, "you were made to please a man like me. This is what I needed for so long," followed by: "Goddamn, I have to pee. Sorry, boy, I'm gettin' old, I can't hold it like I used to, & I ain't goin' out there now. Listen, I used to have a little woman who loved to drink my piss. Think you can handle that? I don't want to make a mess in here. Think you can be my toilet boy? It's just a little piss." "Just a little?" I asked. "Listen, I can't hold it. Just be good," he said, forcibly holding my head tight against him so that his cock was touching the back of my throat. I just let myself relax as he turned on his faucet. Mercifully, he was right. It was a slow, steady old guy trickle that didn't last too long, & I found myself enjoying the warm, bitter drink. When it ended, he relaxed his grip. I pulled back to catch my breath & looked up to see him smiling behind that great hairy belly. That had been a first for me, & I felt proud. I was a policeman's toilet boy!

The knocking on the door startled both of us. "Everything OK in there, Junior?" asked a deputy. "Everything's fine, Kyle, this boy just needs some special attention." "OK then, Junior, just makin' sure." "Motherfuckers," Junior grumbled, "they know they're not supposed to do that. Let me feed you some dessert now, Sweetie." I went back to work & it wasn't long before his cock chubbed up pretty good & I was rewarded with a slow dribble of thick, actually sweet, cum that seemed like it would never stop. I made sure I got every last spurt.

"Alright, Son, your turn," said Junior, plopping his fat ass back on the chair, placing his huge hands on my still smarting butt & drawing my aching cock into that slobbering, toothless mouth. Looking down at his strong, fat old body, I watched him encircle the shaft of my dick in one hand as he gently teased its head with his tongue, then scooped up my balls with his other hand, sucking & rolling them around in his mouth. I don't know where Junior learned that, but this cop was a practiced cocksucker!

I realized I was experiencing an unaccustomed ability to prolong my orgasm, but Junior slapped my sore ass hard & painfully three times, began jacking my cock violently & said "I'm givin' you my permission, boy. Don't be shy. Nothin' to be embarrassed about. Let the nice policeman see what a stud you are." I leaned my legs into that enormous belly, placed my hands on his broad shoulders and felt all my pent-up sperm shoot full force into his hungry hot mouth, as he gazed up lovingly into my face.

There was no fanfare whatever when we emerged from that back room. The two deputies in the office paid no attention to us, & just went on sorting papers while glancing at a news broadcast on a small black & white TV against the wall.

The old hobos knew the drill; they would let us out (all except for skinny old Pervis, the real old-timer, whom they probably felt sorry for & wanted to feed for a few more days) just as soon as Bodean was reliably recovered from his DTs, which took the better part of a week. The routine was to allow the hobos to hop another freight (what else could they do?), but a deputy drove Orlando & me to the edge of town, where they had made arrangements for a Greyhound bus to pick us up & transport us clear out of Dallam County, signing off with the obligatory "Don't come back, or we won't let you off so easy next time."

I know it sounds corny, but my heart was aching for Junior; not only because of the kinky sex, but because of one last encounter I had with him. When they opened the cells & ushered us out into the unaccustomedly bright daylight, while the deputy who was to drive Orlando & me to our rendezvous was doing something with his squad car engine, I heard a deep voice say, "Hey, where you goin', boy?" Junior, whom I hadn't seen since our back room adventure a few days before, was coming around the side of the building. Ignoring Orlando, he wordlessly handed me my nearly full pack of Camels. I didn't discover until later that he'd slipped 2 twenties into the pack. He was visibly trembling as he glared down at me & whispered, "I wish I had a boy like you." Then he quickly turned away & walked back into the building, where I could hear him loudly laughing & joking around with a couple of deputies.

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Texas Trade

TEXAS TRADE Texas, big Texas, wild west state and one of the few states where cowboy boots go with a suit, it's the state I was going through, easy to get lost in it, how true. Id come into some money from my grandmothers estate, about 50 grand. Part of it went to clear some debts, and the rest I put onto a holiday, a self drive one through the United States. I had the leave and the money, so why not. Id come into Texas through New Mexico, another state where cowboy boots...

2 years ago
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Texas Trade Chapter 2

TEXAS TRADE CHAPTER 2 That night I slept in segments. I knew it wouldn't be long until my male body returned and I could go back to being male. I had enjoyed being female, being a sexy cheerleader, shopping for sexy clothes and showing them off. It had all been eye opening, but I was still hoping to go back to being male. Jenna's 18yo body that I was still in was out of school and I was reviewing university options, there were a lot of them. Jenna's grades had always been good and...

4 years ago
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Everythings Bigger in Texas

Everything's Bigger in Texas By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "I just can't get over her," said Connor. "You're a bloody millionaire, man," Replied Billy Bob as they sipped their beers at the bar. "I knew leaving New York might be an issue, but she's loved Texas since we've been here," said Connor. "Just not me anymore! I'm so damn lonely since she moved out." "Damn it, come on man! Pick yourself up," said Billy Bob. "With your money, you can have almost anyone...

3 years ago
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Adventures of Texas

Author's note: This story was originally hosted over on Writing.com, but has been transferred over here so that people may read it again! Wherever possible, the original authors have been credited. Otherwise, the chapter was written by Squashedflat. The characters and settings are all from the game Texas in Trouble, which can be found here. Additions are more than welcome, and I've left character bios for all the characters in the story guidelines sidebar (which comes up if you're adding or...

1 year ago
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Sweethearts or Strangersa West Texas Romance

... sweethearts or strangers, where do we go from here, I'll leave it up to you... Ahhhh... ! The lyrics of that sweet old country ballad from the 1930's came drifting back on Memory's Tide as I started to write this story ... hence the title. June Richardson wrapped her arm protectively around her daughter's shoulders. They stood watching a lone rider riding away from the wagon train. A few minutes later, he was just a small speck on the distant purple horizon. "Mommie, do you think...

4 years ago
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My First Taste of TexasChapter 5

I reserved two stalls for our four horses ahead of our trip, and I drove straight to the Kay Yeager Coliseum, so we could get them settled. Manny drove in right beside me when I stopped. We were still unloading the horses when I looked up to see Avery Denton and his wife Francine. “Wade, we’ve been expecting y’all to get here any minute. “Julie, you look like one of the flag bearers, dressed in those fancy jeans and that white shirt. You better hang close to Wade, or of one of these...

2 years ago
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The Baldwins From TexasChapter 5

Rita and Chance were back at the ranch after spending the night with Sam and Nancy. They figured it would be another seven days before Ma and the three with her would return. The two punchers on the place came to the door while Rita was preparing the evening meal. “Did you bring food? We been living on flour fried in bacon grease and the grease was rancid.” “Oh, I’m so sorry. I forgot all about you guys. You know with our honeymoon and all. Yes, we brought food. We spent the night at the...

4 years ago
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The Baldwins From TexasChapter 6

It was another long day. We stayed one more night with Tim and Faith, too tired to ride home. In the morning we mounted up. Marion was the saddest person standing watching Rod ride away with us. Ma wanted Sam to ride in the gig with her for awhile. I knew she wanted to tell him all about Rafe Barkley dying and what he had given her. Ma would never divide it and it was for all of us to use. Who needed a corporation with shares? We were all one family and would continue to live that way. We...

1 year ago
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The Life and Times of Jim Horn Texas Ranger An Excerpt

"Sheriff Buck, Jim, please come quick! Bert sent me to tell you there's going to be trouble over at the saloon!" Buck followed Jim who was hot on the boy's trail as he headed back in the direction of the saloon. As soon as Jim saw the number of horses with Mexican rigs at the hitching rail he reached out and halted the boy. "How many of them are there, Jasper?" He asked. "About six, sir. They came in asking about Angelina and Bert sent me to find you!" "Buck, find us some...

1 year ago
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Adventures of a Texas Ranger Chapter Two

Jim remembered there was a small cafe just down the street and he was making a beeline for it when his attention was drawn to angry shouts coming from the sidewalk ahead. He recognized the man coming toward him on foot as Mayor Dixon. The mayor was a middle-aged man who Jim had usually seen impeccably dressed in a nice store bought suit. At the moment though, he had his nightgown half stuffed into his pants and his suspenders were flopping around his legs. "My mare's gone; I've been...

3 years ago
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The Life and Times of Jim Horn Texas Ranger An Excerpt

Jim and Buck were working on their second cup of coffee when Jim glanced out the open door and noticed Jasper running down the street toward the office. He burst in through the door! "Sheriff Buck, Jim, please come quick! Bert sent me to tell you there's going to be trouble over at the saloon!" Buck followed Jim who was hot on the boy's trail as he headed back in the direction of the saloon. As soon as Jim saw the number of horses with Mexican rigs at the hitching rail he reached out and...

2 years ago
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My First Taste of TexasChapter 6

Friday, after a full day of Cuttin’ Horse trials, Manny and Mandy decided to load their horses and head back to the ranch before dark. Watching Julie and Mandy hug and say goodbye made me realize how close those two have become since Julie came to live with us. Seeing them like this for the first time, made me realize too, just how much I have changed, since she came home with me. Though its only been three months, already I miss her when she’s not right by my side. I called Texas Roadhouse...

3 years ago
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The Baldwins From TexasChapter 2

I was pushing it, but I wanted to see the range back of Ronnie’s Ranch. We saddled up three days later and took off for the hills. There was a ridge extending across the front of the rough land and it would be hell trying to trail cattle in from the Pickwell ranch. After we were beyond that, the ridges turned and traveled in a different direction, making it easier going. We found springs and seeps. Every once in awhile we would come on a small creek in the bottom of a draw. The grass still...

2 years ago
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The Baldwins From TexasChapter 3

It was slow getting going in the morning because we had been out so late last night. The bunkhouse had a small room with two bunks in it for the Foreman. I took one and Sam was in the other. Ron took the one next to the door, knowing I wanted my brother with me. When I woke up, I went out and roused up the others. Rod jumped out of bed. I looked around, but was having to wait for someone to tell him what to do. I asked, “Where is Joe? Did he come back with us last night?” One of the punchers...

3 years ago
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The Baldwins From TexasChapter 8

Sam went down to the bunkhouse to speak to Hamilton Burger the next morning. “Hey Ham, we meet again. You do get around the country, don’t you? Are you still in Texas?” “No, actually I haven’t been there since I found the Witherspoon woman. I understand you didn’t hang around there after you found out you weren’t married to her.” “No, her husband bought our outfit. Chance had come up here and started an outfit of his own. We knew he had been to Laramie and we were able to trace him. We got...

4 years ago
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Texas dildo masscare part1of2

The golden field was full of beer drinking good ole boys and NRA enthusiasts. It had been one hell of a fight and the local county law men were mightily relieved to have had them here; those guys packed some heavy duty firepower. Everyone knew what was a stake and those fuckers had it coming. It would have never happened if not for the tip off, the searching scaled back some time ago. The crazies were all dead now but so was one of the cops own men, the recriminations no doubt to follow....

3 years ago
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Canucks in Texas

When I learned Puckbunii’s name derived from her crush on Canadian hockey players, the possibilities swirled in my mind. So, with her permission, here is her story…. ‘The Canucks are coming, the Canucks are coming!’ For weeks, Cindi talked up the imminent arrival of her favorite Canadian hockey team, the Vancouver Canucks. She desperately wanted to go, but the combined cost of transport, hotel, meals, and tickets was too dear for her. Alice, from New York, was a Ranger fan, but agreed to go...

3 years ago
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Gone to Texas

Caleb Winters sat easy in the saddle with his legs out of the stirrups and his spurs removed just to get them out of the way for the remainder of the journey. He seldom used the things except in emergency situations like getting out of the way of some marauding hostiles off the reservation making a general nuisance of themselves in the sparsely populated areas.His back trail was littered with bodies, but his conscience was clear and he had no lawmen posting wanted posters for his capture and...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Wishes Chapter 6 Restless in West Texas

Aaron and I managed to get together with Harris two more evenings during that torrid week in Houston.   Each encounter was wonderfully fulfilling.  I must confess, when I said goodbye to my ebony lover late Thursday evening, I was deeply saddened.   I had developed a genuine affection for him.  “Do you think we’ll ever see him again?” I asked solemnly.Aaron hugged me before responding, “I don’t know.   Perhaps…You really like him, don’t you?”I nodded, “He’s the only other man I’ve been with…and...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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My Trip To Austin Texas

I was on my way to a business meeting in Austin, Texas, which is about a four-hour drive south of Dallas. Just south of Waxahachie, about an hour south of Dallas, I was humming along in my rental car, making sure I minded the posted speed limit, when a very cute young redhead, about twenty something, flew past me in a red sports car. Two things crossed my mind. One – the flash of red hair and her speed. I knew she would be my ticket to get to Austin a lot faster than I had hoped, if only I...

College Sex
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Jennifers CumPulsion III A Trip to Texas

Jennifer's CumPulsion III: A Trip to Texas By Jennifer James In the Fall of 2000 I had a single business meeting, on a Wednesday, arranged in Texas's largest metro area. I decided to make a mini vacation out of it, and made arrangements to arrive there the Friday morning before, and to fly back right after the meeting itself. Since I only had the one meeting, I had decided I would spend the entire time, except for the single meeting itself, as a woman. Arriving at the...

4 years ago
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Canucks in Texas

When I learned Puckbunii’s name derived from her crush on Canadian hockey players, the possibilities swirled in my mind. So, with her permission, here is her story…. "The Canucks are coming, the Canucks are coming!" For weeks, Cindi talked up the imminent arrival of her favorite Canadian hockey team, the Vancouver Canucks. She desperately wanted to go, but the combined cost of transport, hotel, meals, and tickets was too dear for her. Alice, from New York, was a Ranger fan, but agreed to go...

3 years ago
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Texas Teenage Slut

TEENAGE TEXAS SLUTS ????? Jennifer got off the bus and looked at the barren landscape in the small Texas townshe was being forced to spend the summer in. This was definitely not on herlist of places she would have chosen to end her teenage years. Her father haddied, and she and her sister Allison had been bounced back and forth from acouple Friends homes until the Final chapter 13 paperwork was finished liquidatingtheir Dads business. Her mother Brenda was finishing all that up and was goingto...

2 years ago
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Texas Stewardess Masturbates On Stage

I am a proud Texas Latina and a flight attendant for a major US airline but what you wouldn't know from your flight with me is that I am also an admitted exhibitionist, addicted really. Being watched while masturbating is a sexual fantasy and exhibitionist passion that began for me in my early teens. But I've actually been an exhibitionist all my life. Even as a c***d, my parents could not keep clothes on me. When I got off the school bus, I'd run up the long drive of our Texas Hill Country...

1 year ago
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Last Tango in Texas

New neighbors; you just never know what you’re going to get! I didn’t know my neighbors to the west very well. The husband was a consultant of some sort in the Cayman Islands. He and his wife spent most the year there, only coming “home” for holidays. I never learned what happened to them, but in March, a For Sale sign went up and the house sold in about two months. The housing market here in Beaumont, Texas is pretty lively. The next thing I knew, there was a moving van in the street and...

2 years ago
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My First Taste of TexasChapter 2

“Take the 12th Avenue Exit, then swing back underneath the interstate ... and take a right on Holiday Drive. There’s a western store down there where we can get you some work clothes.” “Wade, you’re investing a lot of money in me before we even get to your ranch. I hope I’m capable of doing the job you have for me.” “I still think you’re worth it. Besides, I don’t like the thought of dropping you off down at Sherman where you’re afraid to go to sleep. You have a lot to offer this world, and...

2 years ago
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Texas Sex RanchChapter 12

"I hope you realize what's going to happen when you get back," Melissa said. "You're going to do nothing but sate the lusts of older men." "I know. I've talked with the other girls. They told me what's happened to them." I cocked my head and studied Melissa out of the corner of my eye. "Is that why you gave it up and moved away?" "I didn't give it up entirely," she said. "I belong to a nudist resort in Kissimmee. That's on a lake south of Orlando. Very private, and without...

2 years ago
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The Baldwins From TexasChapter 7

Sam sent Hey Pete over to the Barkley ranch to tell me that they had discovered another twenty-three cattle carcass’s that had been missed last winter when we tried to get the cattle under the bluff. Sad, but nothing we could do about it. Nancy had included a note to Rita. “Rita, everyone busted their butt to get through the winter and we will soon be sorting out the cattle. Steers to fatten to sell, see how many heifers we have that came through the winter, and how big a calf crop we are...

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