Creatures of the Night
- 3 years ago
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Strolling through the final airlock, you feel satisfied that the facility's in order: the spacesuits are starched, the moon rocks are neatly arranged, and you personally checked that every stateroom is in perfect condition. Twice. Tomorrow's going to go great, and you're finally off the clock. You look back one last time anyway. Time between tourist stays always make you nervous: it feels difficult justifying your non-existent workload while everyone else still has regular maintenance duties.
Compounding the lull in responsibilities has been the temptation of finishing the final level of Creatures Such as We. Will you wipe out the last of the Traditionalists, or will Lauress elude your grasp at the last minute? Will you and Elegy have a happily ever after? The anticipation is giddily maddening. You hear chatty banter as you approach the passageway to the crew common area and laughter as you pass it. You hurry along. You're about to save the day, be the hero, put everything together.
It was just too hot for Mike to sleep. It was nearing the end of their two week holiday on the Island and the nights seemed to be getting hotter. Not that it worried Sally. His wife lay alongside him sleeping soundly. He slipped off the bed, pulled his light dressing gown on and went into the lounge of the apartment, quietly closing the door behind him. He slid back the door onto the small terrace and stepped out.The night was completely still, not a breath of a breeze. Chirping noises filled...
Quickie SexThis is a story about a guy (or girl) that makes it with a Neko, a Centurian, an Inu, or an alien. So, first thing's first: Are you going from a male point of view, or a female, and what gender is your partner?
FantasyAn einem schönen Sommerabend fahre ich gemütlich eine einsame Landstraße entlang. Ich habe es überhaupt nicht eilig, mein Ziel, eine nur noch etwa 20 Kilometer entfernte Kleinstadt irgendwo auf dem Land, wo Fuchs und Hase sich Gutenacht sagen, zu erreichen. Ich werde nämlich erst am nächsten Tag dort von meinem älteren Bruder erwartet, der mich zu einem Besuch bei sich und seiner Familie eingeladen hat. Es ist mittlerweile schon fast 10 Jahre her, dass ich meinen Bruder und seine Frau das...
Die beiden bildhübschen achtzehnjährigen Mädchen Julia und Monika leben in einem kleinen Dorf in Osteuropa in ärmlichen Verhältnissen. Seit dem Ende der Schule arbeitslos melden sie sich beide auf eine Zeitungsannonce, in der von einer Agentur Arbeit als Au Pair - Mädchen in Deutschland angeboten wird. Julia ist ein großgewachsenes Mädchen mit langen braunen Haaren und gut entwickelten Brüsten, während Monika ein eher schlankes Mädchen mit langen Beinen und einem sehr süßen, knackigen Arsch...
Das Leben zieht seine eigenartigen Kreise. Man trifft Menschen. Man verliebt sich. Man entliebt sich, verliert sich aus den Augen, vergisst sich. Manche jedoch hinterlassen Spuren. Seltsame, eigenartige Erinnerungen tauchen auf. Und einer von diesen Menschen ist Tia, meine Jugendliebe. Wir blieben vier Jahre zusammen, die letzten zwei Schuljahre, die ersten zwei Erwachsenenjahre, bevor wir uns trennten. Eigentlich trennte ich mich. Sie war eine Droge gewesen, unwiderstehlich, hatte mich...
Mein Name ist Rebecca und in meinem bisherigen Leben habe ich immer gewusst, dass ich lesbisch bin. Das erste Mal verliebt habe ich mich mit dreizehn. Damals war ich noch verwirrt, denn meine Gefühle galten einem Mädchen aus der Parallelklasse. Leider hat sie meine Gefühle nicht erwidert - jedenfalls habe ich das vermutet, denn geoutet war ich damals noch nicht. Die ersten sexuellen Erfahrungen habe ich erst mit siebzehn Jahren gesammelt, als ich gemeinsam mit Freundinnen auf einer Party war....
Erika war 40, dunkelblond, 80C, schöne Kurven, an den richtigen Stellen und siet 10 zehn Jahren verheiratet. Sie war glücklich mit ihrer Beziehung und ihrem Leben. Hin und wieder gab es Ärger mit ihrem Mann. Immer dann, wenn er eifersüchtig wurde. So wie heute. Erika hatte ihm gesagt, dass sie mit ihrer besten Freundin in die Sauna gehen wolle. Bisher war sie dort noch nie. Aber als ihre Freundin Tammy ihr davon erzählt hatte, wurde ihr Interesse geweckt und sie wollte es auch einmal probieren....
Ab und zu suche ich nach Inseraten zu Sextreffs. Meist handelt es sich um kommerzielle Angebote. Schon der Titel Vergewaltiger gesucht ist sehr ungewöhnlich. Neugierig sehe ich mir die Anzeige an: Wer möchte sexuell flexible Sie (19) vergewaltigen? Kein finanzielles Interesse! Bitte nur einzelne Männer oder Paare (m+w) ab 40, gepflegt und sauber. Keine bleibenden Verletzungen und nichts was ins Klo gehört! Aus Neugier beschließe ich sie anzuschreiben. Ich frage wie das laufen soll. Den Rest des...
Ben war seit etwa 2 Jahren als Rechtsanwalt tätig und hielt ein kleines Büro in der Innenstadt. Die Geschäfte liefen gut, doch bei der vielen Arbeit hat er in letzter Zeit kaum noch was vor die Flinte bekommen. Dabei sah er gut aus und als Mittdreißiger stand er noch ordentlich im Saft. Um sich Entlastung im Büro zu verschaffen, hatte er sich auf die Suche nach einer Sekretärin gemacht, die ihm bei den täglichen Erledigungen im Büro unter die Arme greifen konnte. Nach zwei Wochen hatte er...
Sklavin gesucht! Sabrina Schmitz saß an ihrem Schreibtisch und studierte die Kleinanzeigen in der Tageszeitung. Nicht, das sie etwas spezielles für sich suchte, sie las alles eher aus beruflichen Gründen. Als Kommissarin der Polizei in Aachen, verfolgte sie mit ihren Kollegen im Kommissariat für organisierte Kriminalität alles was ihr ungewöhnlich erschien. So konnten sie im letzten Jahr eine internationale Hehlerbande dingfest machen, die über Kleinanzeigen Fernseher und andere elektronische...
Sklavin gesucht! Sabrina Schmitz saß an ihrem Schreibtisch und studierte die Kleinanzeigen in der Tageszeitung. Nicht, das sie etwas spezielles für sich suchte, sie las alles eher aus beruflichen Gründen. Als Kommissarin der Polizei in Aachen, verfolgte sie mit ihren Kollegen im Kommissariat für organisierte Kriminalität alles was ihr ungewöhnlich erschien. So konnten sie im letzten Jahr eine internationale Hehlerbande dingfest machen, die über Kleinanzeigen Fernseher und andere elektronische...
Am nächsten Morgen wurde ich wach weil ich etwas hörte ich bin erst erschrocken aber Angaran beruhigte mich gleich ihm ist nur eine Flasche runtergefallen. Ich war noch total verschlafen als Angaran mich küsste und anfing zu streicheln ich mag es sehr frühs so geweckt zu werden, er fing an mich zu fingern ich hab es genossen. Er legte sich auf mich und spielte mit seiner Eichel an meinen Lippen und er küsste mich dabei er wusste das mich das rasend macht. Endlich steckte er ihn rein aber was...
Es war wieder Dienstag. Ich war um 12 h in der Sauna angekommen. Da mein Hengst, der mich dort benutzen wollte erst gegen 14 h da sein wollte, hatte ich genügend Zeit, mich in Ruhe zu reinigen und ausgiebig zu spülen. Von dort ging ich wie immer erst einmal unter die Dusche vor der Dampfsauna und gleich nass hinein. Ich hatte schon gesehen, dass sich dort einige tummeln müssten, da viele Handtücher an den Haken hingen. Die wohlige feuchte Wärme umfing mich. Ein, zwei standen schon in dem noch...
Hallo zusammen, ich habe irgendwann mal irgendwo eine Story gelesen die mir sehr gefallen hat…Sie hiess Vera und die Drachen.Leider habe ich sie nie komplett zu lesen bekommen, wäre aber interessiert dies nachzuholen.Zum besseren erkennen hier die Story soweit wie ich sie habe.Ursprungsautor so meiner Information Erofant.Damit zur Story, sie ist NICHT aus meiner Feder und wird auchNUR zu dem Zwecke gepostet damit jemand sie evtl identifizieren kann..Sollte jemand die Story komplett haben wäre...
Hilflos, ?ngstlich, weiblich sucht By derdurchdiezeitreisende Ihr sympathisches L?cheln hebt meine Laune. Die zierliche Stewardess gef?llt mir. Mir gef?llt, wie sie sich bem?ht freundlich und adrett auf mich zu wirken. Das haben sie Ihr gut beigebracht, denke ich bei mir. Die Amerikanisierung unserer Dienstleistungsbranche und die Angst den Job zu verlieren, macht unsere Dienstboten viel unterw?rfiger. Als ich mich gen?sslich mit einem selbstgef?lligen L?cheln in den Ledersessel der ersten...
HI everyone this is sunny, first time I sharing my experience with ISS. I’m working in a reputed MNC company in Bangalore. Its true story happens with my peer Suchi. She is very good in looks, sexy figure, nice assets, super shape ass, but she is short. This incident happened few months ago. She my colleague n even she is my team member. We both are in a same team from last one year, but we became close to each other in just few months ago. We both use to talk on phone for long time & use to...
Hello Friends This is Ajay from kerala . This is my first story in ISS . I am a regular reader of this site. Am an unmarried man on 27 .This is an incident happen during my college days in 2005. Some of the names In the story had changed due to some personal reasons. This is a real story. Since being my first story please forgive the mistakes. U can contact me I had completed my BE degree in a remote village at Tamil Nadu . I liked the place and people very much . I was staying outside the...
Ich hole alle meine Texte nach Hause, zu mir. Sei sind nicht neu, manche(r) kennt sie; ich will sie einfach nur bei mir haben. Sie erscheinen irgendwie etwas verloren - dort wo sie jetzt stehen. Zu denen, die sie das erste mal lesen, sei gesagt - sie erscheinen daher etwas aus dem Kontext gerissen, ohne Beginn und Anfang. Naja, seht selbst... Ich hätte auch noch eine Idee, aber dazu später. hier mein allererstes Kapitel: Wie reagieren die...
BDSMEs war Freitagnachmittag 14 Uhr. In der Werkstatt war heute nicht viel los. Auf einem Fernseher lief ein Nachrichtensender. Mein Chef hatte mir gerade gesagt, dass wir noch einen neuen Kunden bekommen, der gerade von der Autobahn abgeschleppt wird. Kurze Zeit später kam schon unser Abschleppwagen mit einem 1er BMW drauf. Er hielt vor der Eingangstür und eine Frau stieg aus. Sie hatten einen grauen langen Mantel an, blaue Schuhe und hatte lange schwarze Haare. Der Abschleppwagen fuhr hinten auf...
Bevor ich anfange von meinen Erlebnissen zu erzählen möchte ich zuerst einmal meine Familie vorstellen. Als erstes bin da natürlich ich Tom. Desweitern ist dann da noch meine Cousine Eva. dann sind da noch meine Geschwister mein Bruder Andreas und meine Schwester Julia. Zu guter letzt natürlich noch meine Eltern mein Vater Paul und meine Mutter Christine. Aber nun zu meinen Erlebnissen. Es ist spät in der Nacht als ich nach Hause komme. Da ich niemanden wecken will schleiche ich mich im dunlen...
Mein alter Schulfreund Thomas und ich hatten dieses Jahr geplant ein Fußballspiel in der Hauptstadt zu besuchen und deshalb waren meine Frau und ich heute unterwegs zum Flughafen um Thomas abzuholen.Schon seit einigen Jahren hat Ines ab und an mal etwas mit Ihm gehabt, mal alleine und auch manchmal ein schöner dreier zusammen mit mir. Auf dem Weg zum Flughafen ging es im Auto jedoch nicht um Sex, sondern eher um Sachen wie was gekocht werden würde. Ines trug einen Pullover mit sehr tiefem...
-Neil Gaiman, "The Sandman" *** October 31st, 6:10 PM: The house was dark except for the black-and-white flicker of the TV screen. Richard stared at it, passive, waiting. A voice wailed from the speakers: "It's alive, it's moving! It's alive it's alive—it's ALIVE!" Richard yawned and checked the time. Behind him, Dwight was going back to the liquor cabinet. "I'd go easy on that," Richard said. Dwight's hands shook as he put the glass back. "I need to settle...
The world is a strange place, full of wonders the likes of which we don’t even know of yet. This is a tale about some of those hidden wonders, locked away from the senses of society at large. This is a world where creatures like vampires, genies, demons, ghosts, and many more roam the Earth in secret, right under our noses. This could be a scary place to live, you might never know what horrors are lurking around every corner just waiting to take an unsuspecting nibble. But this isn’t a scary...
Fetish*Note: Story inspired by the character Sqweegel The room was filled with darkness. Only the sudden flashes of lightning from the storm outside lit the interior through the window for a fraction of the second every once in a while. The only sound that could be heard was from the rain hitting the glass hard and the roaring thunder booming after the flashes. It was like a raging war outside yet inside the small bedroom it was calm and almost close to complete silence. There was nothing that could...
It Happened Exactly SuchBy: Londebaaz ChohanHello, my name is Nathan Aslam. I am an exchange student in United Kingdom and one of those lucky guys who were selected; rather who were picked by a family in UK to stay with them in their house as their guest and whatever the money settlement, was to be paid by the college who sent us or someone; I don’t even know who. The family consisted of a man, wife and their son; Bob Fletcher, who was also 20 years of age; just like me. Bob was also a student...
It was a little more than two weeks later, after supper when they were watching “America’s Got Talent”. Cassy sat between her parents on the couch – her favorite spot. Daddy’s hand relaxed on her thigh, her head resting against Mommy’s breast since her mother’s arm lay around her shoulder. They watched an act of a couple on a hoop in the air, doing tricks together and mostly just kissing. They didn’t get votes to pass on to Las Vegas. The 13-year-old looked at her mother suddenly and...
Stacy was a creature of the night, a party girl when she was still full of energy and a gloomy beauty full of contrasts once she cooled down and became tired. She was the only person who could bring Daniel to go to a party, to dance and suffer the insanely loud music when he absolutely hated all of that. He wasn't a fan of clubs, the flashing lights and the depressing loneliness in the faces of everyone around him, but at her side it became something else. A workout after a long day, an...
CREATURES OF HABIT. - by Bea "Hey ?YOU ? sweetie! In my office, NOW!" His boss, the big blonde yelled out of her office door. Mike cringed, but he knew better than to reply in anything but the time honored response.. "Yes MZ2," he said, and curtsied. Minced his way into her office, kissed the tip of her proffered dildo respectfully and sat down in the chair in front of her desk. Let his petal skirt slide up to show his shapely legs, shaved to a micro smoothness. Took his...
We'll call her L, 23, BBW, 5ft, Medium blonde hair, C cup, shaved.Met her on an online dating app, wasn't looking for anything serious first date was simple enough a drink in town and then a peck of the cheek. Second date rolls around and we go out for another drink, have quiet a few and end up back at hers, were messing around on her bed and I put my hand down her pants and instantly feel she's soaking, I start to play with her lips and she starts to shake, she looks up at me and said with big...
Thank you so much dosto last story k liye wo aap ka pyar aur reply mila isliye..Main sonu phir le aaya hu aap k liye mere life ki real story. Last story maine mere maa ki havas kaise buzhai wo bataya baad main hum waha se mere mama k gaon chale gaye waha jate waqt maane kaha ki ye sab waha pe nahe chalega ye suun kar mera mood off ho gaya Hum mama k goan pohach gaye the mama humain railway stn par lene aagaye. Jab main ghar pohacha thod dekha ki mami humari raah dekhe khadi hai…Usdin humne thod...
Eva was a single mother. She loved her son. She loved nursing him and he has always slept naked with her in her bed. As he nursed she would put his hand on her other tit and he would always play with the nipple. She loved the way his sucking made her pussy tingle and she would get wet. Because she loved this feeling she never quit nursing him. She home schooled him so he could nurse morning noon and night. She never bothered to dress and he stayed naked too. As he nursed her she would finger...
A special thank you to all of you that have given us positive feedback. Happy that you are enjoying the story! Emma was tired and a little confused. She certainly wasn’t sure what the two men had gone on about, but she instantly liked Finley. That was until he mentioned Bonnie and Laura. A small frown wrinkled her brow as she gave Finley a questioning look, but the older man gave nothing away as Liam gently tugged her through the door again and out into the open. Home…sounded good. They...
“How’s school, Honey?” Mike asked his daughter. “Fine, Dad,” Eve replied. “I’ve been a little naughty a few times, though.” Mike recognized the game immediately. Eve would drop a line like that, about being naughty, thereby inviting her father to ask more questions. “Really? Naughty like ... how?” Even kept her eyes on the television while she spoke. “You know. With a few of the boys.” “No, I don’t really know, Evie. Why don’t you tell me?” “I don’t know, Dad. I don’t know if you want...
My Final Resting PlaceSpecial thanks to the members of the Gromet?s plaza, who gave me the inspiration and drive to write this story, especially the likes of Jenny and Toran**It all started 3 years ago, when a group of us met up, and decided to start a game, a sex game of warped proportions between our group. Each round was 6 months long, and usually involved a modification of some sort, and recently the stakes had been getting higher.My name was pulled out of the hat.My head started to spin.My...
As I again became alert, I discovered that I was lying on the floor in complete darkness. I couldn't understand what had happened. It was only Noon, so why was it so dark? I must have hit my head when I fell. Am I now blind? Must I live out the remainder of my days as a burden to my family? I felt a cold, numbing sensation in my back, and I tried to feel around me as I lay there. Instead of the carpet that I expected to find, I found the cold smooth feel of floor tile. Then I saw a bright...
I am not a published author, don’t claim to be, i am just a horny guy with some stories to share. All of my stories are true, the names have been changed to protect people. For any background information read the ‘about me’ section on profile, enjoy. By the time i hit 17 i was a fully fleged cock addict, i loved it and had lots of eager guys i played with, stories for another time. This however is the story of my first black cock and from that i became addicted to BBC. My first belonged to a...
Wednesday, June 4th, 2007 “Wanna race?” Mr. Coleston asked as he and Heather walked out of the teacher’s lounge together. He made this joke at least once a month. Quite often, the two of them would find themselves leaving the lounge at the same time. Yet, they both took different routes through the school building and back to their rooms, which were across the hall from each other. Heather smiled at the familiar refrain and shrugged. As she watched Mr. Coleston take off in front of her (he...
TrueAgain only Claire, Angela, and Fred Benson were in the courtroom. The bailiff had opened the door to the chambers and called her name. When the crowd surged, he said loudly that all others were to remain in the hallway until called. The bailiff had gone through his ritual, and Judge Newman had sat, fiddling with papers on his bench. "I've got a full docket, today, so I'll get right to this," he said. "I have reviewed the complaint. I requested and was provided information from the...
Hello, I am Rahul 45 year old from Bombay visiting my sister Rima 43 year old at her home at Bangalore as my wife (Sudha) was at her parent place and my sister husband (Mayur) at UK. I am fair, 6 feet tall with very strong body and my sister is 5.7 fell,very fair with a figure of 38 32 34 and she really maintain her curvy figure well and looking very sexy. We both have a happy and full sexual life individually but as we were alone at her house and her hubby was at UK since 2 year we both...
I'm sorry for the wait of the third part I know you all have been waiting I have just been very busy lately here goes-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------it was the morning after a saw mom cum all over the dildo she was using, I walked downstairs to get some breakfast and mom was sat at the table on the phone to dad, they were talking about how his time...
Kaise ho meri chutwali kamseen aunty bhabhi aur girls. Main hajir hu apke chut ka ras nikalne apka Yogu age 27 single, Rosy aunty ki chudai ki kahani lekar aya hu. Abhi work from home kar raha hu. Apk aaj ki story meri aur meri gadedar bhare hue gand gadarayi jangh bade bade boobs wali Rosy aunty ke sath ki hai. Unka figure 36-38- 40 ka tha. Gand bohut bahar nikli hui thi. Aur pet to ekdam bhara hua. Dekhate hi lund fufkarne lag jaye. Ab maine bohut bar unse badan se badan ghiskar unko mere...
I couldn't stop smiling the whole way over to pick up Betty. Was I given my wife's approval to fuck my mother-in-law? These last few days were so unbelievable - so bizarre. When I arrived, I saw Betty's suitcase by the door. I found Ben in his usual chair watching TV. He was in the middle of one of those crime shows that he liked so well, so I just said a quick hello / goodbye. I found Betty in the kitchen. She was prepping some food so all he had to do was through a container in the...
I was waiting for him at our favorite local pub, The Water Poet, after work. I was still dressed in my work attire, black pencil skirt, platform Mary Jane heels, and frilly pink blouse with a pattern of tiny black hearts. After the surprise encounter in the morning, my mind was numb for the rest of the day. I couldn't believe how ballsy he had been to sneak into my office and basically molest me under my desk. It was totally fucking hot! He was a total pervert, and I loved it. He came across as...
BDSMYui and Sana were once again in Thailand, in fact Sana had asked Yui if she would like to partner again for the Thailand shoot, and Yui, though thoroughly enjoying long nights of love with Emi, thought that a break would be good, and now it was her turn to be away.Indeed, Yui had told Emi about her previous trip, and all the sexual adventure it involved. Emi winked at her as she left."Yui darling, I hope you can enjoy a sexy Thai girl while you are there, but be careful", she whispered before...
Finally came the day that I had to go back to school. It was hard to say goodbye to my family. I nearly went against my loving Elena’s wishes and called the school so many times and told them that I wasn’t going this school year. But every time I picked up my phone with the intent to do just that I’d get a look from both Elena and Maxine. It was like they were telling me not to make the call, I’d end up hanging up the phone. That is how I found myself at my apartment that I had lived in with...
It’s time to play hard. Last night I got caught up in a fit of rage. I introduced the group of boys known as ‘the losers.’ Brent was a tall dork with a bad haircut and raging teenage acne. In his memory I was not girlfriend material. He hadn’t dated a girl and he was a sophomore. I entered the equation as a delinquent freshman pretending to be innocent. Another night I will tell you the story of devious behavior before I was a freshman. How I lost my virginity is a totally different...
Mera naam anil hai mai ek teacher hu age 25y. 5’7 feet lamba mai aaj aap logo ko ek mast story batane wala hu lakin sabse pahle aap sab logo k liye sorry ki kafi gape ho gaya mai aap logo k liye koi kahani lekar nahi aa paya darasal itne beech kuch aisa hua hi nahi ki mai aap logo ko kuch bata sakta aakhirkar kuch hua or aisa hua ki ye story likhne mili mai jhuti kahaniya nahi likhta isliye der hui so sorry mai aaplogo ko jyada bor nahi karuga mai apni story me aata hu Hua yu ki mera ek dost...
So, instead of the leather pants she was going to wear, Linda opted to wear her school uniform: a green pleated skirt from freshman year that was entirely too short for her nowadays, and a white button-up shirt that was impossibly tight. A plan started to form in her mind. The Carmichaels needed her to stay overnight, and she knew Jimmy would be asleep by the time she got there. So she could Skype Kevin, and then she could give him a little show. He’d been so patient with her; when...
Missy was a good girl at heart, but knew her mother would not approve of her new part time job. Mamma was so old fashioned. She did not believe a young mouse should go out enticing all the males while not in her season. Missy would never dream of shocking mamma, but boys were so, well, Boys! Besides, mamma couldn’t object to her keeping the pantry full. She always made big tips working at Club Mouse-Holes. It may not be the most wholesome place for an attractive young mouse, but Missy loved...
Sophie fidgeted as the excitement of the crowd around her began to intensify. It wasn't the first wedding that she'd attended- not by a long way- but it still brought with it a clutch of new feelings. For starters, when Sophie had attended weddings in the past, she'd been dressed in a smart suit, a tie and lace-up shoes, a far cry from the smart pencil dress, high-heeled pumps and elegant hat she'd donned earlier in the day. She'd been sat with family during the last wedding, whereas...
It seems that one of the more raffish of the hangers-on that are evidently continually present on a ship of Mothers size, she would, after all, make a decent small planet, has conceived a passion for Simone, or Ship. The edict passed against Ship is running the gamut of the rumor mill and he is not capable of discerning the difference between the two. Words have been said to both, in the mistaken belief that both are Ship, or Simone. Indeed, a blow was struck, and the evidence plain upon the...
Piper Perri comes home from school to find the house empty. Her stepmom, Cory Chase, is nowhere to be found. When Piper calls out to see if she’s home there’s no answer. She goes upstairs to her bedroom and calls her boyfriend to talk about their afternoon session in the bleachers and how naughty it was. While Piper is on the phone, her mom arrives home and walks into the living room. When she sees Piper’s schoolbag in the living room, she wonders why Piper can’t pick up...
xmoviesforyouLooking back from September, Alicia Ortega thought the Sunday of her first run with Craig had made a dramatic turn in their relationship. Up to then, Craig had tried quite solemnly to give her as intense or as many orgasms as he could. She appreciated that; what girl wouldn’t? They had not, however, had much fun. After the pinch, the tickling match, the wrestling match, they had been much looser with each other. They slept in the same bed, and Craig had slept nude all summer. That made sex...
By Saturday afternoon, the twins were in a state of high excitement. They didn't know what had been arranged with them in mind, but there was going to be a party and that was enough for them. They would be able to dress up and show off their amazing figures (yes, I admit it, amazing), they could have a few drinks, and they could meet some boys. They could snog them, and have their titties felt up. There might even be some *girls* there so they could have sex! Well, the twins were learning...
"Hi Steve, are you having a good time" said mum on the telephone."How's Pat and how's Bournemouth?" She went on to ask."Great, I've seen a bit of Pat but not much..been out a couple of times on my own, just enjoying the break mum" "That's great, when can we expect you back? Or are you coming back?" She laughed."I'll be here for another week i reckon, I'll let you know what's happening, see you soon""Ok son, enjoy yourself and see you soon" she replied.If only she knew what we'd been up to. I'm...
Nicki Minaj entered her hotel room and quickly undressed, ready for a warm relaxing shower after her long flight. She knew she had to clean herself well because of how dirty she planned to get later...With her tight, fit, yet exceptionally curvy caramel body now completely naked, she entered the steamy shower and began to shave her pretty pussy and sexy legs. She had to completely smooth for tonight. The water slid down her curves and dripped on the floor after she was done cleansing her...