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I wasn’t sure what I was doing there. I should’ve been in my hotel room analyzing why the deal I had put together had just fallen apart.

I’m a mediator (a very good one, I might add), which means I help individuals and companies work through their differences and come to an agreement before the courts and lawyers get involved. That didn’t happen this time.

I had flown out to Silicon Valley to finalize an agreement between two tech companies. Everything was on track until one of the CEOs got cold feet and withdrew the company’s offer. Now we were back at square one.

What did that mean? I had no idea. That’s what I should have been trying to figure out. But I needed to blow off some steam, which is what brought me to this bar a few miles from my hotel.

It wasn’t anything special, but good enough for me to sip a jack-and-coke in a corner booth. I had planned for a quiet and lonely night, a few drinks, and then I’d tackle my problem tomorrow.

Then she walked in.

Wearing a simple sleeveless black dress that stopped just above her knees and cork wedge sandals, she still managed to look exotic. I think it was her almond-shaped large brown eyes, long dark eyelashes, and high prominent cheekbones. Her small mouth looked like it was constantly puckering for a kiss. Her skin was tan and her dark brown hair was tinged with a subtle purple. Adding to her allure were the piercings in her left eyebrow and tiny nose. There was a long flowery tattoo that ran up her thigh to disappear beneath her dress, and another that ran across the length of her left arm. Her calves were shapely and her thighs thick, her ass pushed up by her wedges.

She sat by herself at the bar and pulled out her phone. I watched her scan and scroll for a few moments, then she frowned, apparently annoyed at something. “Fuck…” I heard her whisper under her breath. She set the phone down in front of her, looked straight ahead, and sighed heavily.

I felt bad for her even though I had no idea what just happened. I had toyed around with the idea of approaching her before, but now she was likely in a bad mood and it probably wasn’t the time. Then again, I reasoned, she might need the pick-me-up.

I went back and forth until I decided that since I was planning on leaving soon anyway I might as well say “hi” on the way out. If she wasn’t interested, no harm done.

I stood from my seat in the booth and walked to the bar to stand next to her. I set my drink down, leaned my elbows on the bar, and turned my head to her.

“Excuse me,” I said, getting her attention. She still looked annoyed as she glanced at me. Nothing to do but follow through, though. “I’m too exhausted to be trying something like this and I’ll probably screw it up. But you are absolutely gorgeous and I’d like to sit here and buy you a drink if you’d let me.”

She sighed again and glanced down at her phone. “I guess so.” An ominous start, to be sure.

I pulled out the barstool and sat. I got the bartender’s attention and she ordered her drink. As we waited, I said, “I don’t want to come across as creepy or anything, but it looked like you just got some disappointing news.”

She shrugged her shoulders. “You could say that. I just got stood up.”

Who in their right minds would stand this beauty up? “I’m sorry,” I said, somewhat sincerely.

“It’s ok,” she answered. “It was just a tinder match.”

“Well, whoever it was is an idiot for passing up a chance to meet you.” Not my most original line, but what the hell. I was tired.

“Thanks,” she answered. “I’m Zatianna.”

“Mark,” I answered, holding out my hand to shake hers. Just then the bartender brought her martini.

“What brings you here?” she asked as she took a sip. “Picking up chicks?”

I chuckled. “No, I’m avoiding my inevitable return to the work grind. I got some bad news today too.”

“What’s that?” she asked. “What do you do?”

I explained what I did, as briefly as I could knowing my job wasn’t all that exciting, and told her about the deal that had just fallen through.

“That sucks,” she responded when I finished. “But at least it’s not over, right? You can still work out another deal.”

“Maybe,” I said. “Time will tell. What do you do?”

“I’ve done some modeling and some odd jobs. Now, I’m working my way through college.”

We chatted about those topics for a while. As we talked she started to open up, eventually sharing details about her upbringing.

“I grew up in a very conservative family,” she explained, “And I always felt so…confined. Like, I just wanted to explore and live and experience everything I could.”

I nodded. I could relate.

“So, when I left home,” she continued, “I became…a little bit of a cumslut.”

This caught me by surprise. I knew she had relaxed quite a bit since we started talking, but I didn’t expect her to be so forward. Not that I minded.

“And how is that working out for you?” I asked.

“I love it!” she exclaimed. “I feel so alive and…free. I can be who I really am now.”

“In that case, I’m really happy for you!” I said, really meaning it.

“Thanks. I’ve learned something about myself. I’m half white, half Asian,” she explained. Then she leaned in and said with a wink, “But I’m one hundred percent kinky.”

I smiled and took a sip of what was left of my drink, processing what she was telling me.

“What about you?” she asked.

“Me? Oh, well…I love being with women as much as the next guy, but most of my encounters have been pretty…vanilla.”

She snickered, “Sounds like you need to branch out a bit.”

I smirked. “I agree with you. But it takes two, ya know?”

She paused for a moment, apparently thinking something over. Finally, her lips curved and her eyes narrowed. She leaned toward me and laid a hand on my forearm.

“I’ll tell you what,” she said just above a whisper. “I’m pretty good at reading people, and you seem like a good guy. Why don’t you put work off a little longer, come with me, and we’ll see what we can do about that?”

I strained to keep my mouth from dropping open. Yeah, fuck work. No way was I turning her down.

I narrowed my eyes to match her expression, leaned in, and whispered, “Lead the way.”


I paid for our drinks and called for an Uber. Her apartment was only about a ten-minute drive away, but our hands wouldn’t wait that long. Our driver was apparently oblivious to what was going on in the back seat. Zatianna started running her hand over my groin, making my cock instantly hard against the suit pants I wore. My fingers caressed her thigh and, ever so slowly, journeyed up her leg to tease her pussy through her panties.

We enjoyed each other’s touch for the entire drive, neither of us saying a word. By the time we reached Zatianna’s apartment, her panties were damp at the front and my pre-cum soaked the waistband of my underwear.

She lived on the first floor. When she unlocked it and we stepped in, she wasted no time. Sauntering over to the couch in her small living room, she grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it over her head as she walked. She flung it away and I stood there, mesmerized by the bounce and jiggle of her plump asscheeks as she walked in her wedges. She spun around, sat down on the couch, and patted the seat next to her.

I shook myself out of my daze and, trying not to run, took the seat next to her. She wasn’t wearing a bra, only a burgundy thong that hugged her pussy mound. Her hips creased as she sat, and my mouth watered at her feminine thickness. Her tits weren’t huge, but they were perky and perfectly shaped. Her dark nipples demanded attention. A large flowery tattoo like the ones on her arm and leg stretched across her torso underneath her breasts, accenting them perfectly.

When I sat on the couch she stood and then straddled me, placing her knees on either side of my legs. She grabbed my face with a hand, leaned in, and our lips locked in a passionate kiss. My hands went instantly to her juicy asscheeks, which jiggled as she started to grind her crotch into the bulge pushing up through my pants.

She leaned back and unbuttoned my shirt, helping me to pull it off. She ran her fingers along my arms and chest and smiled. “I like it,” she approved.

I cupped my hand around her breasts and squeezed as my fingers pinched her nipples. “Me too,” I agreed.

She leaned in and whispered into my ear, “I’m gonna suck your cock now.”

A thrill shot through me as she dismounted me and kneeled on the carpet. I unbuckled my belt and lifted my hips to pull my pants and underwear down to my ankles. My erection sprang up and stood ready for her.

She knew what she was doing. After taking my cock in her hand and licking around the head, she wrapped her lips around my shaft and made a point of slurping loudly as her head bobbed up and down. All the while she looked up at me, eyes pleading for affirmation. I ran my fingers through her hair approvingly.

After a few minutes of this, she suctioned one last time and, with a “pop,” pulled her lips from my cock. Still stroking me with one hand, she said, “I have an idea.”

“Anything you want,” I promised.

She ran her tongue along the underside of my shaft, and then said, “I want you to use me.”

“Oh?” I responded, wondering what that meant.

“I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to go into the bedroom and put on a blindfold. I want you to come in and do whatever you want with me.”

“You’re sure?” I said hesitantly. I was a passionate lover but inexperienced in the kinkier side of bedroom antics.

“I am,” she confirmed. “I want to try something new. And you need to open up more.” Her expression became serious as she said, “I’m trusting you to stop if I tell you to.”

“I promise I will.” Then the thought hit me and I could’ve kicked myself. “Um…I forgot to grab a condom.”

Zatianna didn’t miss a beat. Maintaining the serious look on her face, she cocked her head to the side and said, “Well, then you’ll just have to cum in one of my other holes.”

She smiled again, licked my cock one more time, and stood up. “Give me thirty seconds.”

I nodded and watched her ass wiggle and jiggle as she quickly walked back to her bedroom, leaving the door open a crack behind her. I took the opportunity to shed the rest of my clothes, counted to thirty, and followed her in.

I entered to find her sitting on the edge of her bed blindfolded and wearing nothing else except the burgundy thong, the waistband of which disappeared into the thick cleavage her hips made as she sat. Her hands were folded in her lap and her mouth hung slightly open and she inhaled and exhaled deeply. Appreciating that this was new territory for both of us, I determined to take it slow at first. But I remained committed to the promise I made: to use her as I pleased.

I walked over and stood in front of her, taking time to admire her pouty lips, her perky tits, and her juicy thighs. I reached a hand down to caress one of her tits, kneading her flesh and pinching her firm nipple. With my other, I grabbed a handful of her hair at the back of her head and, slowly but firmly, pulled back until her face tilted up toward me. “Uhhh…” she breathed.

I leaned down and ran the tip of my tongue over her lips. Her mouth opened a little wider. Accepting the invitation, I pushed my tongue inside and sucked on her upper lip. She responded in kind, sucking my bottom lip into her mouth. We both embraced the sloppy wetness, passing saliva back and forth as our tongues danced around each other, exploring every corner.

Still holding her hair, I pulled away. “Stand up,” I commanded. Guiding her by her hair, I pulled her up from the bed and let go. I kneeled in front of her and ran my fingers up the front of her thighs until they reached the waistband of her underwear. I leaned in to lick her pierced belly button, the cold metal contrasting with the warmth of her navel. Then, with both hands, I pulled her thong down her legs and dropped them to the floor.

She had a beautiful pussy. Her outer lips were thick and hairless. Between them the two tiny wings of her labia spread out, revealing the glistening wetness of her arousal. Her clit poked against her protective hood above, and above that was a nicely trimmed patch of black pubic hair.

Holding onto her hips, I leaned in to put my nose right next to her pussy and inhaled deeply. The pungent sweetness of her natural lube made my cock twitch. Still holding her hips, I pushed her back until she fell back into a sitting position on the edge of the bed.

I put my hands on her knees and pushed her legs apart. Her pussy lips stuck together for a moment, finally coming apart as her legs spread. I shuffled forward on my knees and, putting a hand on her chest, pushed her back until she fell back onto her elbows.

I ran my fingers up and down her inner thighs, pleased to see that her breathing sped up just a little. Then I leaned in close to her pussy lips and lightly blew on them. She shivered.

I was ready to taste her now. Slightly spreading her lips apart with my fingers, I ran my tongue from bottom to top through her labia, the tang of her wetness exciting my senses. At the top, I flicked her clit with the tip of my tongue.

I repeated this a few times, then I used my thumb to pull back on the skin above her clit, letting it peek out from beneath its hood. I ran my tongue around it, then suctioned my lips around it as my tongue flicked across it. This made her legs tighten around me as she moaned, but I held them back with my elbows as I showered her button with affection.

Deciding to change things up a bit, I hooked my arms underneath her knees and brought them up to rest on my shoulders. This tilted her pelvis toward the ceiling, giving me access to her hole. As I rubbed the thumb of one hand along and around her clit and massaged her breast and nipple with the other, I pushed the tip of my tongue into her. At first, she tensed, blocking my advance, but with a deep exhale she relaxed and I burrowed inside her until my mouth pressed against her mound.

Her pussy tensed and relaxed around my tongue as my rubbing of her clit sped up. “Mmmm….mmmm!” she sounded with each exhale. Her thighs squeezed my head and, without any warning, I felt a warm blast of her wetness splash against my tongue. Her pussy convulsed and she groaned, “Fuuuuuuuck…”

I didn’t let up. Her hips bucked, but I held her in place, determined to get the most out of her orgasm. Even when her pussy juices filled my mouth and dribbled down my chin I kept going. I couldn’t get enough of her taste. Her writhing and squeezing around my head were the stuff of my fantasies.

As the twitching of her pussy slowed, so did I. I pulled my tongue from her and gave her lips one last lick. Then I ordered, “Lay face down.” I stood up and helped guide her into position, face down lengthwise on her bed.

Once she was there, breathing heavily and enjoying the aftershocks of her orgasm, I went to her closet. I managed to find four belts, which I thought would do the trick.

Bringing the belts back to the bed where Zatianna lay spread eagle on her front, I wrapped a belt around each of her wrists and ankles. Then, since her bed didn’t have a head or footboard, I tied the ends to the frame. I picked up the bottle of Astroglide she had sitting on her nightstand. Then I stood at the foot of the bed to admire her.

The way the mattress pushed up against her thighs and hips made them look even thicker. Her tied legs were spread, giving me a perfect view of her pussy, and her slightly-dimpled bubble butt stuck out into the air inviting me to do as I wished.

Her feet laying soles up, I ran my fingers along the bottoms of each. She shivered. I was sure it tickled. That was the point. I kneeled at the foot of the bed and bathed the bottoms of her curled toes with my tongue. She wiggled them, and as she did I caught them with my mouth one by one to suck on them.

I stood and climbed onto the bed, laying the lube down next to her. I squeezed and kissed her thighs, nibbled and licked the insides, and worked my way up like this to the crease of her ass. I opened my mouth wide and sucked on the flesh of her underbun as I squeezed the thick meat of her hips.

Having arrived at my destination, I sat up on my knees between her legs and squeezed her thick asscheeks. She cooed as I massaged her dimpled flesh, then yelped as I smacked her ass. A little harder than I had intended, but she didn’t tell me to stop.

I picked up the bottle of lube and was about to dump a glob in the crack of her ass when I had an idea. Closing and dropping the bottle back on the bed, I climbed off and sprinted to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and scanned the shelves on the door. “Yes!” I whispered to myself as I grabbed the bottle of chocolate syrup I found there.

I sprinted back to the bedroom and returned to my place between Zatianna’s legs. She exhaled heavily and said, “I thought you were running out on me for a second.”

“Are you kidding?” I responded. “I’m just getting started.”

I opened the bottle of syrup. With one hand I pulled her cheeks apart and with the other I let a thick stream drizzle up and down the center of her crack. She inhaled sharply and flinched. “That’s cold…” she said.

“I’ll warm you up,” I promised. Closing the syrup bottle and laying it aside, I gripped each buttcheek and leaned in. Starting at her pussy, I licked my way up the center of her crack, running my tongue along the stream of chocolate and sucking it, along with her flesh, into my mouth. It was sticky and took a long time to clean up, but that’s exactly what I wanted.

When her crack was clean, I turned my attention to her asshole, where the syrup was still buried in the tiny wrinkles. I licked and sucked every bit out of her rubbery rim, then wiggled my tongue in the center. With a contented “oooooh,” she relaxed her sphincter to receive my ministrations.

Within a few moments, she was raising her hips into my face, at least as much as she could still being tied up, which let me know it was time for the next step. I turned around and released her ankles from their bonds, then turned again and whispered firmly, “On your knees.”

Her arms were still stretched out to her sides, unable to move with her wrists still belted to the bed. From between her legs, I reached an arm under her waist to help her up to a kneeling position. Her ass stuck up into the air and her face and chest smashed into the mattress. I squeezed her ass, then ran two fingers along her pussy’s inner lips. Still wet. Good.

I took the lube and dropped a large glob into her asscrack, still sticky and glistening with my saliva. I took two fingers and gently massaged the lube around the rim of her anus. Then with one finger I gently pressed on the center.

Despite my recent tongue bath, it was still resistant. But Zatianna again exhaled and gradually relaxed, her asshole giving way to my finger. When it entered up to the first knuckle she inhaled sharply through her teeth. I let my finger stay right there so she could adjust to it, then slowly pressed again, this time up to the second knuckle.

Now I slowly rocked my finger in and out. Before long I was inside her up to my third knuckle. Her hips started moving in time with my finger as she showed me she was warming up.

Deciding now was the time, I removed my finger and applied a generous amount of lube to my fully erect shaft. I settled the head against her asshole and pressed, softly at first then with greater force. Her sphincter opened and wrapped around the head of my cock more easily than I was expecting. “Fuuuuuck,” came Zatianna’s muffled voice from the mattress below.

I eased my way into her, stopping a couple of times for her to adjust. When my pelvis met her ass I started thrusting, slowly and deliberately. Every time my hips met her bubble butt she yelped, “Uh!… Uh!”

I felt her relax around my cock and the resistance decreased. Her hips started to buck in time with my thrusts and I knew she was about ready to get pounded. But, instead of doing this right away, I buried myself completely inside of her and laid my chest and stomach along her back. Sliding my hands along the mattress until I was able to wrap my hands around her tits, I put my mouth to her ear and whispered.

“You like having my cock buried in your ass?” I asked as I pinched her nipples.

“Yes…” she gasped.

“Do you want me to pull out?”


“What do you want me to do?”

“Fuck me…”

“Fuck you where?”

“In my asshole…”

“Say it all at once.” I twisted her nipples, harder this time.

“Ahhh! I want you to fuck my asshole!” she screamed.

I sat up straight, sunk my hands into the meaty cleavage of her thighs, and fucked her.

Zatianna hadn’t been very vocal before this, but now she completely let go. “Oh fuck! Oh yes! Oh fuck!” she yelled, not caring one bit of her neighbors heard.

I grunted as I pounded away at her ass, her cheeks rippling every time my hips smacked them. I looked down to the side and saw her pretty toes curl in ecstasy. Feeling myself getting close and wanting her to enjoy a second orgasm, I leaned over her again and managed to release her right wrist from the belt.

Her hand went immediately to her pussy. She sunk two fingers in and fucked herself furiously. “Yeeeesssss!” she yelled, the wet sloppy sounds of her fingers echoing off the walls and mingling with the slapping of my thighs meeting hers.

Her asshole started to twitch violently around my cock, and she gasped, “Cumming!” That did it for me. With one last thrust, I buried myself in her up to the hilt and sprayed her insides with my cum. Her sphincter squeezed tight around me and milked my cock of all it had.

Wave after wave of shared orgasm washed over us as we gasped and panted for breath. I managed to release my grip on her hips, my fingers having been stuck there like a vice. I withdrew my half-flaccid shaft from her asshole and watched my cum dribble out of her asshole and down along her pussy lips. I crawled over to release the last belt on her wrist. Then we flopped next to each other on the bed, recovering and soaking in the remaining pleasure.

We lay there silent for a few minutes. She pulled the blindfold off and threw it across the room. Then she turned away from me to lay on her side and backed her ass up to me. I turned to wrap an arm around her and nestled my spent cock in the crevasse of her ass.

Having recovered enough to talk, Zatianna asked quietly, “When does your flight leave?”

“The day after tomorrow,” I responded between breaths.

“Mmmm…” she cooed. “When you’re ready, go to your hotel, grab your things, and bring them here. I have some plans for us.”

A tired smile spread over my face as my eyes closed. “I can’t wait to see what they are.”


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Last year while Tom and I were living in Myrtle Beach we had a house in a very nice neighborhood with many  good friends.  We lived on a circle at the end of a dead end street which eliminated through traffic and noise.  Directly across from us on the circle is where Jeff and Allison lived.  They were a couple just a few years younger then Tom and I and they had two children.   During the month of June Allison stopped over for morning coffee and asked me for a favor.  Her, Jeff and the kids...

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My name is Dan, I'm a 39 year old father of four. I'm married to Megan, the mother of my children, who also happens to be 39. We were high school sweethearts, I fell for her then because she was an absolute knockout, with a strong personality to match. Megan was a sporty girl 5'6" medium wavy brown hair and had the body of girl who works out. Firm legs, strong arms, flat stomach, an amazing bubble butt and smallish but quite perky breasts. I got a little too into her too early and knocked her...

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Eines Abends saß ich,wieder mal allein,am Rechner und chattete mit meinem langjährigen Lieblingsuser auf X-Hamster.Er wußte genau,was mich total geil machte und so kam es,dass ich in völliger Ekstase ihm mehr aus Spass schrieb,dass ich ihn unbedingt mal treffen wolle. Irgendwie kam ich aus der Sache nicht mehr raus und als ich dann seine Handynummer wählte,schlug mein Herz bis zum Hals und zwischen meinen feuchten Schenkeln pochte es gewaltig vor Erregung. Wir verabredeten uns für ein langes...

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Housecalls by UmmmDonuts I have worked at a local department store for the last few years. It was a big store that housed a dental center and a hair salon. I used to love walking by the salon and getting a whiff of the perming solutions and hair sprays. All the girls that worked in the salon were nice. One in particular was very friendly with me. She was a middle aged woman who was well versed in all aspects of her profession. She was slender and would change her hair...

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this is a fiction ,,,,,, was late as i rolled into the driveway. looks dark as i make my way into the house. is a little light comeing from the tv in the liveing room as i get closer to it. as i walk in i have to let my eyes get used the the surroundings. there on the couch is my housesitter all alseep curled up on one end, i make my way over the the other end and sit down. i see that it was a porn on the tv as i can see its cover laying on the floor in front of lisa my housesitter. beside...

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Vendeuse MarieaAnne Smith Chapter 1 Suzie & Mary "Mary, it seems such a long time since we've talked. I've just been shopping, including a visit to your boutique. I had hoped to see you to chat, though I did need a new bra, so it would have been nice for both of us. Your new vendeuse, though, is a super saleswoman. Almost before I had realized it I had a new bra and panties to match, she even persuaded me to buy two pairs. I haven't been fitted...

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WOMOPAUSE Chapter 1 - Pause A strange phenomenon has been widely recognized by the medical society for a group of men in their mid-life. It starts with erectile dysfunction as sex drive disappears, over time the testicles and penis shrinks and becomes non-functioning, breast tissue forms as nipples bud and become sensitive. Muscle mass and body weight decreases, skin turns soft, facial and body hair disappears and an emasculated sense of tranquility emerges with a submissive...

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1HothouseBy the TechnicianBFSM  Self-Bondage, F/Solo, Sweat, Suspension, Public Nudity, Public Bondage, Caught= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Stacy tries self-bondage sessions in the greenhouse at new home. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =WARNING!  All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY.  Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content.  All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely...

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Last year while Tom and I were living in Myrtle Beach we had a house in a very nice neighborhood with many  good friends.  We lived on a circle at the end of a dead end street which eliminated through traffic and noise.  Directly across from us on the circle is where Jeff and Allison lived.  They were a couple just a few years younger then Tom and I and they had two children. During the month of June Allison stopped over for morning coffee and asked me for a favor.  Her, Jeff and the kids were...

Straight Sex
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Housebound Mike came home after another rough day at the office. He lived in a middleclass neighborhood, a 1-1/2 story ranch-style house built in the 60s. He workedas an accountant for one of the city's larger law firms and made good money.But Mike lived well below his means. He was, well, frugal in his spending habits.He was saving money for his next home, when he hoped by then he would havea wife (or at least a girlfriend) to share his nest egg. He had his eye ona couple of hotties in the...

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"Hey, Aaron!" said John, rapping on the metal frame of his coworker's cubicle. "Can I ask you something? A favor?" "Sure," said Aaron. "What's up?" Aaron liked John a lot because the older man took him, just 23-year's old, under his wings when he joined the company a year ago. John had been with the company 17 years. While John wasn't officially his boss, Aaron always followed John's guidance and he had never gone wrong doing what John said. John was a great guy. "Now feel free...

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I fidgeted, all ready knowing the job interviewer wasn't pleased with something. I was well qualified and everything, but there was a unreadable expression on her face. I'd read several books on positive interviews and really needed something quick, as the whole "dot com" blood bath had made upper management jobs totally expendable. I prayed my desperation was hidden beneath my arched back straining shoulders, phony smile and spiffy little three hundred dollar business dress, jacket and...

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Copyright© 2005 by Kien Reti Jennie was taking the clothes out of the drier when he got home. Man, what an ass! Bent over like she was, Mark was tempted to just flip up her skirt and... But no, the security circuits would zap him if he tried anything like that. Her bedmate module hadn't been installed. Damn! It cost an extra fifteen thou to add sexual functionality to a housebot. Where in hell could he get his hands on that kind of luchre? Wait a minute! What about that ad on ShoppersNet...

1 year ago
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Reddit Downblouse, aka r/Downblouse! Everyone has heard about Reddit, I am like 99% sure, and that 1% is designed for all the plebs who do not know better. Now, I am not here to talk about Reddit overall, if that is what you are interested in, you can check out my other review where I specifically talked about that instead. Here I shall review the ‘downblouse’ section of Reddit, which I enjoyed quite fucking much.For those who have never visited Reddit before, what the fuck were you thinking...

Reddit NSFW List
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8 Muses reminds me of that nerd who does weird shit, but is so excellent that you happily play along. 8Muses has an incredible and big comic selection that includes not just hentai, but western-style comics, webcomics, CGI, and a lot is all about the studio. Rather than giving you galleries of individual comics, all the browsing is grouped by popular brands such as Fakku, Jab, TG, and more. If you’re into the webcomic porn space, these names should all ring a bell.This type of...

Porn Comics Sites
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You don't need to be a fucking rocket scientist to understand what's going on Abuse Me, when you see the domain name. Since it says AbuseMe, you can be sure that the content is all about rough sex. Let me show you what they say about the platform: "Welcome to Abuse Me, the best 18+ teen abuse site on the web! Look, we made this site for one simple reason, We like to see teens treated like the dirty little sluts they are. So we scoured the earth for the cutest, tiniest, and sweetest 18+ teens of...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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Latina Abuse! Are you a staunch lover of Latina women with all their thick asses and soothing caramel skin tones? You might want to look away because this site is NOT for you. But if you love your Latina pussy mixed up with lots of face fucking, humiliation, and rough riding sex that’s extremely hardcore, then you might want to stick around because that’s what Latina Abuse is all about. Just a single look at the teaser photos is enough to tell you why the abuse part of the domain name is so...

Premium Latina Porn Sites
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Free Use Porn! Let’s be honest: nearly unlimited access to free porn was one of the things that turned the Internet into a household tool. Sex movies brought everyone and their mom online, and continues to seduce subsequent generations with the allure of no-strings-attached porn streaming. We’re so jaded by the stuff; it’s hard to get us excited with a site name like is yet another free sex tube offering up a nearly endless supply of lesbian tribbing, teen blowjobs...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Reddit FreeUse, aka r/FreeUse! Finally! A fetish I was looking for. Reddit is a place filled with so much random crap that you never know what the fuck you will get to see. Well, r/freeuse/ is a section of Reddit where women get treated as they should. Basically, this subreddit is dedicated to the fetish of doing whatever we want to women, and they just taking it as it is because let’s be honest; that is their job.Of course, none of the shit here is illegal or done against the women’s wishes,...

Reddit NSFW List
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Have you visited the Fap House lately? I ain’t talking about visiting your mother-in-law’s place, where your wife insists you’re not allowed to fuck in the guestroom, leading you to rub out load after load after explosive load in the bathroom. (“I swear, honey, I just have the shits from your mom’s meatloaf!”) I’m actually talking about a new premium site that popped up at the beginning of April. They made a ridiculously grand entrance into the online porn market, building up a following at a...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Kirsty giggled happily. “This has been so much fun! I can’t believe you have that whole pool house all to yourself! I swear, I’m going to spend my whole summer here.” “Totally, Kirtz! You know you’re welcome,” I said, grinning sheepishly. My party had been fun, but now Kirsty was leaving, and she and Corrigan were the last ones there. My parents’ extremely large back yard seemed empty now, unbelievably, and I was really quite tired. Kirsty waved a final goodbye, and Cory and I were all alone....

First Time
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Introduction: Rose makes work difficult for Sam but he gets his release. EDIT: all characters are well over 18. Sam paced around the bathhouse changing rooms. His boots squeaked on the white tiled floor he had polished barely an hour ago. He looked across the room toward his tormentor, Rose stood at the main entrance door smirking at his obvious unrest. She calmly readjusted her tight purple button up, undoing one of the top buttons in the process. Its not that bad sweetie, the worst is yet to...

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WARNING: THIS IS A VERY INTENSE TALE OF FICTION.  THE EVENTS PORTRAYED ARE ILLEGAL WRONG AND THE WRITER DOES NOT CONDONE NOR ADVOCATE COMMITING ANY OF THESE ACTS. IF YOU ARE OFFENDED BY GRAPHIC DETAILS  OF TORTURE, CRUELTY AND SEXUAL OFENSES THEN READ NO FURTHER. FARMHOUSEI really don’t know when I started thinking about bdsm, it seems like it has always been there deep in my core, lurking, waiting, being patient to show me who I really was. I have lived a mostly normal life married, two kids,...

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I started working out with a neighbor of mine who was once a competitive body builder. He was an invaluable source of fitness information. Anything you wanted to know about exercise, he seemed to know it. Since it was years since I did any real exercise, I welcomed his advice. After a couple of months working out with him, I really started to see significant gains. Since I was single again, I was very happy about this. Even if my newly muscled physique didn’t always impress all the women, it...

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"John!" Claudia called as you opened the door of your house. "So good to see you!" "Yeah, you too," you say, trying not to look too eager as you throw your arms wide and offer a hug, one she accepts before pulling away a little too quickly for your liking. She smiles at you, reminding you why you have such a crush on her. The smile is shy, a little awkward, and attached to an uncommonly beautiful face, framed by dark hair that cascades in waves over her shoulders. "May I come in?" she asks,...

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Mouse had taken to dancing in her panties and socks. Her shoulder-length hair - fine, yet a nondescript, easily forgettable shade of brown - whipped around her head and got caught in her glasses. But she kept going, arms and legs flailing wildly yet not without a sense of design. It was as if she were moving to some bright vision of grace in her mind that her body couldn't keep up with. Lamb was watching her from his studio window, drawn at first by the music, but then he found himself...

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Since moving in with Lorraine some months ago I’d seen her daughter Emma develop into the forbidden fruit I now lusted after. I felt no shame in that; it was normal; as was the fact that, she was also a rather exotic fruit with her caramel coloured skin and frizzy afro-hair. Her mother Lorraine was coffee coloured and Jamaican yet the kind of executive woman you see in movies; tall, sexy and in command. She’d entered politics after graduating and had become part of the United Nations...

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I really welcomed moving into the condo after my divorce. The divorce put me through a lot of mental anguish and coming home at night and not ever having to worry about things like cutting grass or raking leaves was a welcome luxury in my life. It still is a welcome luxury three years after. The condominium complex I found has a swimming pool, tennis and basketball courts. Next to the pool is a clubhouse that contains the changing rooms for the pool, a full-featured gym and a main room with a...

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It was one of those boring days again. John would make me sit as still as I could, and use me as he always did whenever he had a sudden epiphany to paint. “keep quiet and just help me, darling,” he would mutter whenever I made a peep of complaint, and he would silence me completely with a long and hard kiss before he stepped away from me, his eyes never leaving me, and sit again at his infernal favorite position, behind  the painting easel with the paintbrush held in his left hand. You see,...

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“What’ya doing?” The question startled me, jerking me out of my trance. I can slip into ‘the zone’ when I’m sketching and one inherent risk is being crept up on. I snapped out of it sharply, trying to discern the source of the floating voice. It sounded awfully close. Behind me perhaps. “Piss off!” Jim retorted, irritated at the interruption. He was sitting on the other side of his kitchen table sketching me sketch him. I looked over my shoulder. There, behind me, just peering around the...

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From the darkened corner I watched as the truck pulled into the bay and knew you were coming. I must confess, I didn’t care about the rule I was shattering and longed to see you in all your glory, sweaty, soot covered and bathed in smoke … such a tantalizing image. Hoards of manly men leaped from the truck, jostling for supremacy, cracking jokes and doing what men do best. I watched as small groups headed for the stairs at the opposite end of the expansive bay and my stormy eyes flitted across...

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I am Vimal. I am 29 yrs old. I am not married. Living in Delhi remote area after my friend Ashok (33yrs) told me buy a house near him. I bought big house and moved there my house was some 100 ft from him there is no house in between so we came see ourselves a bit from our houses. I got a bike for my travel my office is just 5 minutes from home. Ashok is doing some business in NCR north a long way he goes by his scooter daily. If he goes in the morning he comes late night so I use to help them...

4 years ago
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I arrived home after leaving LeeAnne's house in eager anticipation of out dinner date later that evening. Ten minutes after I got in the door, the phone rang. The caller was my "aunt" Lorene's sister Dara who lived in Texas. "Hello Trev, how are you?", she asked. I replied that I was doing well and asked her the same. She informed me she had spoken to Lorene on the phone, and was coming up to our city to help run Lorene's local business while she developed the new out of town venture. "Lori...

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The Mad House By latexslut Chapter One: Beginning It was early yet, with the sun just barely risen, but the sheer light blue of the sky promised a fine warm day. There would be a whisper of a breeze, and later in the day, after noon, it would fade, and it would become warm. Hot even. I could tell. Looking out longingly through the huge kitchen window, I absent mindedly raised the wineglass to my lips. It was yesterday's wine and there were lipstick stains on it. It had...

2 years ago
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She walks up the steps to the red-brick townhouse as though she’s already dancing. Her limbs make smooth, graceful arcs up each concrete stair, as though somewhere between the anticipation and anxiety she has found a perfect bubble of physical poise. Only another dancer would notice the tightness of her movements, the intensity hiding behind the seemingly easy motion. At the top of the steps, the door hangs open like an invitation. It is only an invitation, she tells herself. There is never...

3 years ago
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I love her caresses on my cheek. Kira’s slender fingers trailing over my face and mouth, down along the soft sensitive skin of my neck. Then to my breasts, gently massaging and teasing at the same time, each stroke designed to please me. I push Kira down on the bed. She looks so cute and edible in her tank top and red tartan mini skirt. I kiss her tenderly, sliding my tongue into her mouth and kissing her deeply. Hungrily we explore each others mouths with our tongues. It feels so good. I...

1 year ago
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I love her caresses on my cheek. Kira's slender fingers trailing over my face and mouth, down along the soft sensitive skin of my neck. Then to my breasts, gently massaging and teasing at the same time, each stroke designed to please me.I push Kira down on the bed. She looks so cute and edible in her tank top and red tartan mini skirt. I kiss her tenderly, sliding my tongue into her mouth and kissing her deeply. Hungrily we explore each others mouths with our tongues. It feels so good.I caress...

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Tim Geitner came into his house smiling. "Susan! Where are you honey?" He almost ran through the house yelling out her name. He heard the sliding patio door open then close and turned to watch Susan walk rapidly into the room. He was smiling as he rushed up to her and wrapped her in his arms. After a quick kiss Tim said, "It worked Honey! We finally got that asshole Williams in enough trouble the managing partners fired him. Saul was given his job and they offered me Saul's old job. Saul...

3 years ago
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Abused By strangefun WARNING: This story contains graphic depiction of depraved sexual acts, sisification, sexual abuse, humiliation and torture. Read at your own discretion! "Wow, you've got a new sissy slut to abuse!" The unfamiliar voice reached me through the sound my gagging on a long silicone dildo being inserted deep into my throat through the ring gag, that is keeping my mouth so invitingly open. I twitch in my bonds as my keeper pushed it in another inch: "Yeah,...

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I never spoke up about it, for several reasons I suppose, but the biggest was that I experienced my first orgasms during these encounters. It made me feel ashamed, like somehow I must’ve secretly wanted it, and if I came forward to another relative, or a teacher they would think I was disgusting for having LIKED what was done to me, so I stayed quiet. When it was just the first man raping me, I tried to avoid him, and sometimes I could do it for weeks at a time, making sure we were never alone...

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