Ace! free porn video

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Regina was in the cockpit of the Spitfire called PG-9 checking the gauges, ticking them off one-by-one on the clipboard list when the scramble horn sounded. She only hesitated a moment, tossed the board and list out, yanked the little access door closed, slid forward the canopy and pulled back the throttle and adjusted the mix. She revved the engine, released the parking brake and spun out of the revetment and then taxied to the end of the runway, pulling on the helmet as she did, her heart racing and a smile on her pretty face.

“Peter-George Nine ready to roll,” she announced, holding down the mike button and keeping her voice low. She could see men running toward the parked planes.

“Get going, angels twenty, southwest. Go, go. They’re coming right at us.”

Another plane pulled up beside her, wingtips nearly touching, and they roared down the tarmac together and lifted almost simultaneously. Regina watched the gear come up under the other plane and found the lever. She had never flown a Spit nor any plane with retraceable gear.

The pair climbed together, and she saw a flight of gray bombers with bulbous glass noses heading right for her, skimming the tree tops. She peeled away and went for them head on, clicked on her guns and got a red light on the dash.


Damn, she ducked low and flew straight through the enemy formation, saw a few tracers, banked left and headed back to the satellite airfield, almost coasting, very embarrassed as well as angry. The Dorniers had disappeared, skipping her small field and heading for the city.

“George Peter Nine, no ammo; permission to land. Oh, Peter George nine, sorry.”

“Circle once,” said the voice. “Who is this?”

She tuned off the mike and swung wide, lining up the runway as she watched another fighter take off.

She started down and the alarm went off. She smiled to herself, flared out, dropped the wheels, landed smoothly and taxied to the amourer’s area. The only other planes she had flown were an old Piper and a Tiger Moth. She had soloed six months ago, right after turning sixteen, lied about her age and joined the RAF auxiliary, the WAAF. She still remembered that first night in the barracks. She had been a virgin that morning when she took the oath, but by the next dawn, she knew a lot, including that she like fucking and hated the taste of cocks.

Two men jumped up on each wing and she let the Rolls engine idle while they quickly filled her ammo hatches with belted machine gun bullets. It took less than five minutes, and she took off again and headed southwest fast with three hundred .303 bullets for each gun.

At twelve thousand, she saw them, a flight of five DO-17’s in echelon. There was no time to turn. She flicked on her trigger, leaned forward, ignored the tracer coming at her and when the first twin-engined bomber filled her sight, punched twice with her thumb, very short bursts into the right engine and slid to the side and fired at bulbous canopy of the second plane and then nosed up and put three short blasts into the underside of the third. She pulled back, went inverted and turned quickly to see three Germans falling out of the sky, two trailing smoke as several parachutes appeared, one of the other two was headed toward the ground but the other suddenly appeared right in front of her, bomb bay doors open. She gave him a short burst into the wing root and dove for the lone bomber headed inland.

The Spit reached 300 mph before the Dornier filled her gunsight, weaving from side to side. She shot, missed, slipped sideways, throttled back and fired again until her guns were empty. The bomber exploded in a ball of flame, sheet metal and smoke.

Guns empty and fuel low, Regina found her field, circled, got permission and landed, taxied to the ammo area and killed the engine. She slid back and canopy and yelled, “I need petrol.”

A major with a bristling mustache climbed the wing, glared at her and yelled, “Get the bloody hell out of that frigging plane!”

She blinked at him as the tanker arrived, asked, “Sir?” and hit the starter. The already hot engine roared to life and the officer was nearly blown off the wing, as his hat went flying.

Regina taxied to the other end of the short runway where three big tankers waited. She spun about and a thick hose was quickly attached and fuel pumped into her tanks. The cover was smacked closed and one man signaled thumbs up just as the hatless major came running across the field. The girl quickly turned onto the landing strip and gunned the big engine. The tail came up and she rose, smiling, and pulled the retract handle.

Noise crackled in her earphones and a breathless voice said, loudly, “Circle the field, be useful at least.”

She got trimmed up and leaned back, relaxed and made wide left turns about the countryside, alert, hoping for trouble but saw nothing but returning Spitfires. Evidently the raid was over. Thirty minutes later, low on fuel, she carefully landed, taxied to the storage area, swung about and got out of her plane, slid down the wing and hurried away.

By the time the bell rang for the evening meal, the story was widespread and everyone was talking about how some female had hijacked a Spitfire.

That night in the arms of her young lover, a flight lieutenant from a very wealthy Canadian family, she cuddled and purred, highly satisfied, the man’s limp prick in her hand, hoping for more.

“Did y’hear,” he asked, “some splittail took a crate up this morning.”

“Can’t believe it, really?”

“What they say. Spit had one of those new gun cameras, tied to the trigger somehow. They’re processing the film. Slut fired off 1200 rounds.”

“Um, you’re getting hard, aren’t you?”

“Doubt it. You wrung me out, you did. Major’s fiercely angry, says the woman nearly killed him.”

“Oh well, no harm done, eh? Plenty of majors about.”

They laughed and kissed, and she stroked his swelling male member and palmed its blunt head.

“Want to be on top?” he asked, patting her firm butt.

“Now I know why some call it a joystick,” she said with a laugh as she mounted his slim body and eased herself down his stiff shaft.

The next morning at breakfast in the shabby messhall, all the chatter was about the hijacked Spitfire and the story was that the gun film showed that she had hit five different Germans bombers and probably downed at least two of them.

She hurried back to the parked planes, found PG-9 but could not find the clipboard and the list she had been working on so she started another, finished that job and moved to the next plane down the line.

By the evening meal, the story was that the mystery pilot had been credited with four confirmed kills and one probable. A captured German pilot had said that all five of the planes in his wing had been shot down and that six fighters had jumped them from above.

Regina spent that night in Group Captain Manning’s bed and enjoyed his strenuous attentions thoroughly and then lay back beside him smoking a cigarette. “Who’s the girl?” he asked. “You know all the WAAFs; who had the nerve?”

“Lots of us. I could have done it myself.”

“Haw, haw. Course you could. How ‘bout licking the poor thing, dearie?”

The next morning the newspapers and the radio stations had the story and were saying that a female had shot down five German planes and was the Britain’s first woman ace. The search was on to find the girl and pin a medal on her.

That afternoon Regina was called into the squadron office and reported to the C.O. in her number one uniform. She saluted and stood before his desk. He smiled up at her. “This the one?” he asked the major sitting off to the side.

“Might be,” he said, rubbing his bushy mustache. Regina didn’t even glance at him. “Only saw her for a moment; damn’ near killed me, she did.”

“Corporal,” said the colonel with a smile, “did you nip one of our planes and had a bit of a joy ride t’other day?”

Regina blinked at him and shook her head, suppressing a smile. “No sir, not me.”

He opened a folder. “Says her you’ve got a license, soloed in a Moth. That right?”

“Yes sir. That’s tight.”

“So you do know how to fly, eh?”

Regina licked her lips.

“Do you know who took the fighter and flew off, got her story in the papers?”

“No sir, haven’t heard a single word.”

“What do you think, major,” the colonel turned to the bluff man.

“Couldn’t say, sorry. Might be her.”

“All right, corporal, dismissed. Stay out of trouble.”

Regina saluted, about faced and left, blushing.

Regina was in the cockpit of the Spitfire called PG-9 checking the gauges, ticking them off one-by-one on the clipboard list when the scramble horn sounded loudly and repeatedly. She only hesitated a moment, tossed the board and list out, yanked the little access door closed, slid forward the canopy and pulled back the throttle and adjusted the mix. She revved the engine, stood on the right-hand brake and rudder, spun out of the revetment and then taxied to the end of the runway, pulling on the helmet as she did, wobbling from side to side to see ahead, her heart racing and a smile on her pretty face.

“Peter-George Nine ready to roll,” she announced, holding down the mike button and keeping her voice low. She could see men running toward the parked planes.

“Get going, angels twenty, southwest. Go, go. They’re coming right at us.”

Another plane pulled up beside her, wingtips nearly touching, and they roared down the tarmac together and lifted almost simultaneously. Regina watched the gear come up under the other plane as it climbed and found the lever. She had never flown a Spit nor any plane with retraceable gear.

The pair climbed together, and suddenly she saw a flight of gray bombers with bulbous glass noses heading right for her field, skimming the tree tops. She peeled away and went for them head on, clicked on her guns and got a red light on the dash.


Damn, she flew straight through the enemy formation, saw a few pale faces, banked left and headed back to the satellite airfield, almost coasting, very embarrassed as well as angry. The Dorniers had disappeared, skipping her small field and heading for the distant city.

“George Peter Nine, no ammo; permission to land. Oh, Peter George nine, sorry.”

“Circle once,” said the voice. “Who is this?”

She tuned off the mike and swung wide, lining up the runway as she watched another fighter take off.

She started down and the alarm went off. She smiled to herself, flared out, dropped the wheels, landed smoothly and taxied to the amourer’s area. The only other planes she had flown were an old two-place Piper and a Tiger Moth. She had soloed six months ago, right after turning sixteen, lied about her age and joined the RAF auxiliary, the WAAF. She still remembered that first night in the barracks. She had been a virgin that morning when she took the oath, but by the next dawn, she knew a lot, including that she liked fucking and hated the taste of cocks. Both her belly and the inside of her thighs were bruised.

Two men jumped up on each wing and she let the Rolls engine idle while they quickly filled her ammo hatches with belted machine gun bullets. It took less than five minutes, and she took off again and headed southwest fast with three hundred .303 bullets for each gun.

At twelve thousand, she saw them, a flight of five DO-17’s stacked up in echelon. There was no time to turn. She flicked on her trigger and gun sight, leaned forward, ignored the tracer coming at her and when the first twin-engined bomber filled her sight, punched twice, very short bursts into the right engine and slid to the side and fired at bulbous canopy of the second plane and then nosed up and put three short blasts into the underside of the third. She pulled back, went inverted and turned quickly to see three German aircraft falling out of the sky, two trailing smoke as several parachutes appeared. One of the other two was headed toward the ground but the other suddenly appeared right in front of her, bomb bay doors open. She gave him three bursts into the wing root and dove for the lone bomber headed inland.

The Spit reached 300 mph before the Dornier filled her gunsight, weaving from side to side. She shot, missed, slipped sideways, throttled back, got level and fired again until her guns were empty. The bomber exploded in a ball of flame, metal and smoke.

Guns again empty, Regina found her field, circled, got permission and landed, taxied to the ammo area and killed the engine. She slid back and canopy and yelled, “I need petrol.”

A major with a bristling mustache climbed the wing, glared at her and yelled, “Get the bloody hell out of that effing plane!”

She blinked at him as the tanker arrived, asked, “Sir?” and hit the starter. The already hot engine roared to life, and the officer was nearly blown off the wing as his hat went flying.

Regina taxied to the other end of the short runway where three big tankers waited. She spun about and a hose was quickly attached and pumped 100 octane into her tanks. The cover was smacked closed and one man signaled thumbs up just as the hatless major came running across the field. The girl quickly turned onto the landing strip and gunned the big engine. The tail came up and she rose, smiling, and pulled the retract handle.

Noise crackled in her earphones and a breathless voice said, loudly, “Circle the field, be useful at least. Bloody hell!”

She got trimmed up and leaned back, relaxed and made wide left turns about the coutryside, alert, hoping for trouble but saw nothing but returning Spitfires. Evidently the raid was over. Thirty minutes later, low on fuel, she carefully landed, taxied to the storage area, swung about and got out of her plane and hurried away.

By the time the bell rang for the evening meal, the story was widespread and everyone was talking about how some female had hijacked a Spitfire.

That night in the arms of her young lover, a flight lieutenant from a very wealthy Canadian family, she cuddled and purred, highly satisfied, the man’s limp prick in her hand, hoping for more.

“Did y’hear,” he asked, “some splittail took a crate up this morning.”

“Can’t believe it, really?”

“What they say. Spit had one of those new gun cameras, tied to the trigger somehow. They’re processing the film. Slut fired off 1200 rounds.”

“No, hadn’t heard that one, more bullslime I suppose. Um, you’re getting hard, aren’t you?”

“Doubt it. I’m nackered. You wrung me out, you did. Major’s fiercely angry, says the woman nearly killed him.”

“Oh well, no harm done, eh? Plenty of majors about.”

He laughed; they kissed, and she stroked his swelling male member and palmed its blunt head.

“Want to be on top?” he asked, patting her firm butt.

“Now I know why some call it a joystick,” she said with a laugh as she mounted his slim body and eased herself down his stiff shaft.

The next morning at breakfast in the shabby messhall, all the chatter was about the hijacked Spitfire and the favorite story was that the gun film showed that she had hit five Germans and probably downed at least two of them.

Regina hurried back to the parked planes, found PG-9 but could not find the clipboard and the list she had been working on so she started another, finished that job and moved to the next plane down the line.

By the evening meal, the story was that the mystery pilot had been credited with four confirmed kills and one probable. A captured German pilot had said that all five of the planes in his wing had been shot down and that six fighters had jumped them from above.

Regina spent that night in Group Captain Manning’s bed and enjoyed his strenuous attentions thoroughly and then lay back beside him smoking a cigarette.

The bold headline on the morning paper read “UNKNOWN FEMALE ACE.”

The messhall was filled with rumors. It was Amelia Earhart who had been hiding in Scotland. It was the Duke of Cumberland, a turncoat Hanoverian. It was a boy in disguise. It was Elizabeth, the King’s daughter. It never happened, just RAF chaff.

Elize McCoy sat at the breakfast table playing with her sausage and eggs and trying to listen to her father who was going on about marriage. “But I have a whole year, Daddy. I’m only fifteen you know?” He smiled and lit his first cigar of the day. “True, true, but remember you are promised, promised since you were two.” The pretty blonde girl made a sour face. “But Daddy, Philip is such a, a prig. Isn’t that the word? He’s no fun at all, won’t even dance or anything. And he goes to that hardcore church, that fire and hellstone preacher.” He chuckled. “He may be a dolt, suspect he is, but his family and ours need this wedding, this union. His tractor business and our cars are a fine match, make us number one in the Confederation; boy’s worth millions y’know.” “We’re rich enough, Daddy. Aren’t we?” “I suppose, but old Ralph admires you. Spect he’d like to have you in his own bed, crowded though it might be. Fact is, m’dear, once you are in his family, I expect you to be a good wife, and if your dear father-in-law wants to mount your lilywhite body, you will welcome him with open legs. Y’hear? He might get a child on you while his fat son just plays with your titties.” He looked stern, something he found hard to do with his lovely child, his only child. His fashion-model wife, who he knew was up in her room with one of her young studs, absolutely refused to bear another. “I’m going to the park with some of my friends; won’t be home for lunch.” She kissed his stubbled cheek and fled, her short skirt fluttering about her long legs, her young vulva pulsing, eager for sex. In the driveway she jumped into her royal-blue Jebster, the new sports coupe her father’s company had recently debuted and scattered gravel as she roared away. It was not friends she sought or intended to play with, and she grinned as she floored the powerful car and raced toward the big stud farm in the outskirts of Richmond. Elize, like her mother and most of her female cousins, had a running account with Stanley’s Studs and were able to satisfy themselves whenever and wherever they chose. The girl had been using the bound boys since she was twelve and seldom went through a summer week with romping with one or more of the well-hung young men whose job it was to please, serve and satisfy wealthy women and a few rich men. As she reached the county road and retracted the roof, Elize wondered again about the world she lived in, the world of privilege for a very few and toil and restraint for the many who served them. By the time she was born, the blacks had almost disappeared from the Confederate States, at least in name and obviousness, many shipped back to Africa or to Brazil, more than a million slaughtered in the mutiny or uprising of 1900, although numerous mulattos still served in various capacities, mostly sexual. In fact some of the most beautiful women on the salacious television programs were at least part African. Above the scattered progeny of former slaves and masters were the bound men and women, a serf-like multitude who were Scot-Irish or German for the most part, and by law and contract, forced to serve various masters for a set number of years, usually seven to ten. Most were young and in fact, when she thought of it, Elize wondered why there were not white-haired bound people. She did not know about the termination laws although she was aware of the crematorium on the distant hillside that smoked night and day. By law, when a member of the servant class was no longer useful, he or she was painlessly euthanized. There were, she knew, white people like herself who were not wealthy and could not vote, men and women such as doctors and teachers, who served the ruling class in various worthy capacities and who were rewarded for their work and allowed to breed more or less freely. Some of them were quite elderly. The girl frowned as she reached the long driveway and pulled into the parking area, jumped out and ran toward the big barn. Her people and people like them were at the top, they ran the country’s enterprises and ruled it as well, had for more than a century, since the end of the War Between the States. At least the men did. Women were cherished but they neither voted nor held elected office. President Wilbur Philipson, now in the eighth year of his ten-year term, was a friend of the family and often dined with the McCoys at their palatial home high above the James River. Her multi-millionaire father was a senator although he seldom attended sessions unless a vote was scheduled. Buck Stanley saw the lithe girl trotting across the lawn and felt his cock stir. She was one of the prettiest of the snotty bunch his boys served, and he had often plotted ways to get her alone and have her pale body for himself when she was high on one of the soporific drugs, but she ignored him with haughty glances despite the fact that his family was at least as high-ranking as hers, just not as rich. “Hi Buck,” Elize chirped, giving him a friendly hug and a nuzzle, letting her globular breast almost fall from her loose-fitting blouse, “how ‘bout fetching me a boy to play with, say that Robert Twelve I saw last time. He was right good.” “Fraid not, pretty thing, Bobby’s off working in Petersburg t’day, doing a bunch of them book reading ladies.” “Shoot,” she said with a pout, “aw’right, who’s next, who’s on deck as they say?” “Got a real young one for you, sweetie, only fourteen this boy is, just broke in so I’d like to know how he does when y’all are done, if you don’ mind.” She smiled and nodded. “Fourteen? Does he shave?” They laughed together and a door opened and the lean boy appeared, wearing the usual t-shirt and jeans, a sensor on his left ankle. All the boys and men who worked as studs had been neutered, some with chemicals but most by vasectomy, and all were famously endowed; seven inches was guaranteed by the firm. “Lord,” Eliza said, “ain’ much of him is there. Might break him if I’m not careful.” “Have fun,” Buck said, squirming as he tried to adjust his trousers. The bound boy took Elize by the hand and led her out to one of the grassy play areas behind the barn and within a hedge of bushes. His parents had hired him out to the Stanley firm, bound him by contract for ten years, and agreed to have hm operated on with the agreement that the treatment could possibly be reversed. It seldom was. Most of Stanley’ studs died in the saddle or were so diseased that they were terminated before their years of service were over. Wordlessly, they stripped each other in the bright sunshine, and the girl was very pleased to see that the skinny boy was indeed very well endowed; in fact his dangling pecker frightened her just a bit. She had enjoyed several young men who sported seven-inchers, just as Stanley advertised, “at least a stiff seven for you” the ads proclaimed. And last week, with the boy who was now in Richmond, she had her first eight-inch cock and screamed with delight when he repeatedly lifted her on it. But this youngster, this 14-year-old had a long, slim member that might be longer than that once it got fully excited. Elize stroked his slim penis as he bent to lick her hard nipples.

Jimmy, as the boy was called, was new to this work. He had gone through a six-week training regimen and had mounted several women, but this girl was different. She was beautiful and she was more or less his age. He licked and sucked her tits and then kissed his way down her lithe body, kneading her firm buttocks as he did so, and buried his face between her legs, probing and sucking as he had been taught until she squealed and pushed him away.

By then his long prick was fully aroused and arched up, nearly ten inches long and as thick as the handle of a baseball bat. The girl turned around, dropped to the padded mat, raised her ass and the boy stroked her bulging slit and then pushed his stiff rod into her. She wiggled and gasped as he penetrated and then held her at the waist as he drove it into the hilt, to the balls.

“More, more,” the girl gasped as he began, “harder, deeper!” Jimmy grabbed her long hair and arched her body as he hammered away with short, vicious thrusts and then he felt his testicles surge and the flow of semen in his cock. He trembled with fear as well as lust.

He came, gritting his teeth to keep from crying out, pumped hard and shivered with pleasure as he pistoned out his semen. The girl’s head dropped, but he grasped her at the shoulders and get right back into rhythm, humping steadily at marching pace just as he had been taught. Elize was on the point of achieving her third orgasm when the young man hammering his long ram into her suddenly stopped, grunted and collapsed on her.

She wiggled away, kicked his shouder and said, “What’s wrong, boy. Get back to work.”

His briefly blood-starved brain recovered, and he swam back to consciousness. Buck Stanley who had been watching the action on his closed-circuit TV and jerking off his cock while he did, zipped up his britches and ran out to the place where the boy was on his hands and knees, head drooping and the girl was kicking him in the ribs.

“What happened?” he asked her, not wanting to say he had seen the young man go stiff before he fainted.

“Damn if I know,” she said. “He jus’ quit on me.” Smiling, Buck pulled his Tredegar automatic and fired two heavy slugs into the back of the boy’s head. Blood spurted as he pushed the shocked girl back to the soft lounge, freed his raging cock and mounted her, still fully clothed. Elize screamed and screamed as she was raped.

Buck’s manhood was thick and hard and his style was vicious and mean. He satisfied himself in five minutes and then dragged the mewling girl back to the barn and gave her to the man in charge of the wholesale sluts. “Aw’right Jethro,” he snarled, “I want you to dye her hair and ship her off to N’Orleans with the next batch, y’hear?”

The man, who was well aware of who the girl was, nodded. “Y’can use her and share her, but don’ you let her get loose.”

“Yessir,” the man said, licking his lips as he grasped the girl’s wrist and pulled her to him. He patted her butt and said, “Come along, Honey, we’s gonna have some fun.”

Buck drove the roadster back behind the barn and had his mechanics disassemble the car. The engine and wheels went to one scrap dealer and the frame and body panels to another.

The headquarters tower of Jackson Motors was near the sprawling assembly unit on the road to Petersburg. The tower held the design, engineering, manufacturing, sales and business executives and their staff as well as dozens of young females who served the men who worked there. Each top executive had his own PA or mistress and there was a pool of well-trained girls shared by the others.

Jonathan McCoy entered his suite of offices at about ten that morning, ensconced himself in his huge, leather chair and welcomed Lucille, his current PA, with a smile and open legs as he got ready for a busy day. The lovely young woman put down his cup of coffee and sticky donut and knelt to service his cock with her mouth, throat and his testicles with her fingers tips. McCoy closed his eyes when he came, both hands buried in his girl’s curly hair. She licked him clean and left quickly as he turned to look at his schedule.

After a morning meeting about the new mid-engined sports car’s design, McCoy was thinking about whether to horse one of the new hires before or after lunch when his phone buzzed.

A strange voice said, “You want to know where yer kid’s at, you gotta pay me ten thousand in gold. Today. Interested?”

“No,” he said loudly and hung up. Then he wondered how someone outside had known his private number. The phone rang again.

“Now it will cost you twenty, twenty thousand, and I mean now or it’s goodbye Elize; you’ll never see her again in this life.”

McCoy said, “I’ll listen.”

Jethro Stevens smiled. He was sick of working for the Stanleys and sick of being treated like a bondsman. The girl was now in the stocks and two of his boys were using her, one in her mouth and the other sodomizing the youngster. The room was filled with the sound of grunting and flesh smacking together.

“How do I know you’ve got her?” McCoy asked, remembering that there had been several high-priced kidnappings recently, in the last few years.

Jethro took his phone to the wooden stocks, pushed the man away from her face and said, “Say hello to your Daddy, slut.” He held the phone out and Elize spat and said, “Help me, Daddy, please help me I’m at...” “Satisfied. Twenty thousand at noon downtown at Security Trust. I’ll send a messenger. He’ll be wearing a blue cap.” Another of his boys stepped up to use Elize’s face as Jethro listened to the man hem and haw. “Listen McCoy,” Jethro said loudly, “last chance or I ship her to the Magruders in New Orleans.” He named the most famous brothel operator in the Confederacy. “You know what twenty thousand in gold weighs?” McCoy asked. “I’ll take it in certificates,” Jethro said with a smile as the man horsing the girl’s ass pulled out of her and slapped her buttocks hard. “Right, noon, blue hat,” McCoy said and hung up. He quickly summoned his security chief and outlined the problem. Together they set up a plan to follow the messenger and find the girl. After he climaxed in the girl, Jethro freed Elize from the stocks and walked her down to the dock. He pushed her out to the end, lifted her chin and cut her throat. He dropped her body into the fast flowing stream, rinsed the wide blade and went back to dress for the money pick up.

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As Eustace scrubbed his chest, his dick bounced between his legs, As Eustace scrubbed his chest, his dick bounced between his legs, and he was overcome with the desire to touch it. I have to clean it, don't I? Eustace thought. But he'd already washed it a bit...too much! My wife will cause me grief, he mentally reminded himself. Opal had her rules. Just the other day she'd cought Eustace rubbing his Supertube, though that wouldn't have much effect on Eustace's crotch, since his...

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"What the hell is she doing here?" my sister Jean demanded. Lupe and I jumped apart in surprise. We'd been sitting on the loveseat in the living room. I had Lupe down to just her panties. I still had my pants on. As you might have surmised Jean's arrival was completely unexpected. She was supposed have been out all day. My parents were out of town for the weekend and I thought I'd been clear to invite Lupe over for a little heavy petting and maybe if I got lucky I'd lose my virginity too....

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I came home five hours late and ready for trouble. Daddy was waiting for me in the living room, sitting in his big easy chair and staring at the front door. He had his belt in his hands, the long black leather one that he usually wore. Daddy held it doubled over across his thighs and I had the impression that he'd been sitting like that for a long time already. I didn't say anything. I just swallowed hard and closed the door behind me with a loud snick sound. The house was very quiet and...

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I'm not sure exactly why I did it. Well, of course the reason I chose the study topic is obvious: I can only really fill out my B cups when my weight goes up or once a month. But what the study turned into... , well, maybe it was when I saw the applicants. You see, I'm doing post-graduate work in the bio-medical field. I saw those ads for the herbal supplements to enhance your breasts, and I was intrigued. The fact is, I can't imagine letting someone take a knife to me and sticking that...

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Cam Place! If you are one of those folks looking to find a perfect live cam site ThePornDude just landed you on one. Lots of diverse European girls signing up as models on this site each passing day. Find all your fantasy women here whether kinky, red-haired, big tits, assful, small tits or whatever it is you love in these goddamn fucking hot women. They are ready to get down to some nasty action just to keep you busy with a fap. It’s simple, afford the tokens to tip the models and in return...

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The name of the page says it all, really. Pussy Space is a page that does an amazing job at stuffing lots and lots of pussies in your screen, Just take a look at the home page! As soon as you make your way inside PussySpace, you will get at least 15 great pics of pussies, and this is obviously not where the fun stops. I mean, for starters, these aren't just plain pictures, these are thumbnails of various videos that you may watch on pussy space. Did I mention that these videos are completely...

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What's up at Pornstar By Face? In today’s world, there is a near limitless number of pornstars that are all kinds of ages (18+ of course) and hail from all kinds of backgrounds. With that being said, one of the greatest novelties in porn that just about all porn connoisseurs love is finding a pornstar that looks like a girl or woman that they know and want to desperately fuck in real life. 20 years ago and beyond, people who jacked off to porn couldn’t choose what kind of pornstar they’d bust...

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Birch Place! Welcome to a place made for all transgender and bi-curious people, the This place is the best place for you to chat with random people who share your interests and love for a certain naughty act. There will be lots of horny trannies and bi-curious people here, and honestly, I had fun exploring everything they have to offer.A bit confusing at the beginning…This place has been founded in 1995 and seeing as how it still has business, they might be doing something...

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Cuckold Place! So, I heard you get off watching your spouse/GF or whoever get rammed by another man? Don’t worry; you are not alone. There are lots and lots of men just like you. In fact, there were so many people who enjoyed this kind of an act that there is now a term to describe it all, cuckold. In case you have never heard about the cuckold fetish, I shall explain it in the best way I know.Basically, a man who gets a boner by encouraging his wife to sleep with another person is called a...

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What exactly is Collar Space? Is it the part of your neck where a dog leash fits well, keeping your right to breathe freely in the hands of your leather-bound master? Or is it a place on the internet where you can find that dominant kink partner to take the reign and maybe bang you up the ass with a strap-on after thoroughly spanking your bare butt, balls, and back? Well, while I do review the occasional sex toy here at ThePornDude, this one’s an online thing, though maybe it’ll help you find...

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Have you ever been on a Face Fuck Tour? I hate to tell you, but I think I already know the answer to that question. As much as we’d all love to go around boning pretty girls in the mouth, day in and day out, most of us will just never get that opportunity. I’ve certainly been luckier than most, but even if I wasn’t a bona fide porn stud, this next site might be the ideal place to get my vicarious face-fucking thrills. I certainly wouldn’t be the only one, as their traffic has nearly tripled...

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Intro The shadows hid everything well. She bobbed up and down, wriggling into the right position. He gave a slight “mmmphhhh.” From underneath her, and she smiled in the dark. Closing her eyes, she gave a sigh of utter comfort and content. This was fun. Her two bottom cheeks swallowed close to his entire head, her thighs rounded towards the top, her large, protruding ass hungrily seeming to feed on his face. His nose pressed deep in her ass, her tightly-fitting white panties the only thing...

2 years ago
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Displacement By Danielle Krieger Chapter 1: Premonition It was a rather cool and windy afternoon. The alley between a brick and stonewalls of two local businesses was the best shield that Jack Diangelo could find for a few blocks. His rather long, unkempt dark brown hair whipped around his face as he lifted one side of his long trenchcoat to light a cigarette. After completing the task, he let the coat fall into place and grasped the cigarette with two fingers of his right...

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"An old farmer was pulled over by a young state trooper for speeding. The trooper, fresh on the job, decided to throw his weight around and he started lecturing the farmer about his speed. He did his best to make the farmer uncomfortable but eventually got around to writing the ticket. As he wrote he had to swat at several flies that were buzzing around his head. "Having some problems with circle flies there are ya?" asked the farmer. The trooper stopped writing the ticket and looked up....

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Facebook: He was looking at images on Facebook on his ipad until he stopped at one of a blonde woman with almost straight chest length hair wearing crimson lipstick and a brown pillbox hat. The caption said "Beware of the Sorceress." She had blue eyes and long black lashes. She was looking away at something to her left which could not be seen in the picture. She was wearing a black corset and a brown scarf around her neck and two brown bracelets which matched her...

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i am not sure i know where to start my name is stacey i am nearly 14 years old and i have a dilemma which is making me feel both extremely confused and awkward, you see i am having feelings, thoughts even fantasies if you like, about my parents at first i kept trying to stop them, force them from my mind as i felt they were not normal and i would start to masturbate thinking about my best friend who i have also experimented with a little but it would inevitably lead always to me thinking about...

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Another Friday night has come upon us as I invited over my best friend Marcus to spend the weekend with. We decide we want to have some fun so we invite Grace to spend the weekend with us. I'm still the only guy Grace had ever fucked. After my 14th birthday, Grace and I had hung out several times after to fuck. She had gotten adventurous the last few times and she had me fuck her in the ass. She enjoyed it and had expressed several times that she would want to do two guys at once. Madison...

2 years ago
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Grace and I had known each other for a very long time, seventeen years in fact. In all that time, though we’d loved each other for at least fifteen of those years we’d never consummated our love. There were reasons: when we first met, I was married and I loved my wife. Later, by the time my wife’s constant infidelity had destroyed that love, Grace was married and in love. Later still, when I was divorced Grace was still married, albeit unhappily, but hanging in there for the sake of her kids. ...

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"I told you, just give me 50 bucks and I'll call the whole thing off." Not a chance. I had him right where I wanted him. For weeks, I'd daydreamed about the moment when I'd be able to peel off his briefs and devour his cock, to lovingly thrust it into my mouth until his hot, delicious liquid was deposited in my throat. "I told you bro, I'm broke." "Well.. I guess you better put up or shut up." Without another word, I dropped to my knees. We were lucky, his parents...

4 years ago
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‘Do I really have to go through with this?’ I asked, feigning disinterest. In reality, my cock was growing steadily more erect by the minute. ‘I told you, just give me 50 bucks and I’ll call the whole thing off.’ Not a chance. I had him right where I wanted him. For weeks, I’d daydreamed about the moment when I’d be able to peel off his briefs and devour his cock, to lovingly thrust it into my mouth until his hot, delicious liquid was deposited in my throat. ‘I told you bro, I’m broke.’ ...

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I sat in the padded chair my Mother handed down to me waiting for the buzzer to go off. That moment when the performance begins, my heart starts racing, and my panties get wet. The sound of fresh meat.I'm excited and nervous at the same. I fidget with my mini skirt. A black and pink tutu like skirt that was chosen to cover my strap-on, only I decided not to wear the strap-on after all. I also chose to wear my leather studded heels instead of my vinyl boots because I will be face sitting and...

1 year ago
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This is something I wrote under a different screen name on a social media site with a journal facility. I toned the sex down in the original, but we’re all adults here right? I’ve put it in the non-erotic category, because although sex is a part of the tale, [a] it’s at homeopathic levels and [b] the story is about how lustful thoughts can keep one’s mind away from the prospect of an imminent mangling. When I put it up in the other place, both of the people who read it said it was almost not...

3 years ago
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It was during one of these intense interludes when I noticed my step-daughter standing in a shadow just on the edge of the camera’s view. She was concealed by the dark but I could make out her profile against the wall she was standing by as she looked across the room, over her mother’s back at the monitor that had my image. Sherry was so busy with her fingers between her legs she didn't notice her girl behind her but I knew what JoAnne was seeing; a close up of my hand slow stroking my...

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I found Ellie by accident, which, I think, is how all loves begin. I noticed her because she was wearing our school uniform, despite it being a Saturday, waiting for a bus to come. She had short, blonde hair, blue eyes, and her face was evenly proportioned. Se was thick in the correct places, which is something I had not noticed in a woman before, and have not noticed since. She was sucking on a lollipop so forcefully that her cheeks became concave and her lips presented themselves as if they...

4 years ago
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I love watching Chase race. I love that the person in that car, rocking the race track, is my husband. It turns me on how he can control the car and weave in and out of traffic and react to accidents with quick reflexes. Tonight has been a good night, its been a hot sticky night but the car has been running great, and Chase won his heat race and we are just waiting for his feature, which is the last race of the night, and its sprint car night at the track, so it will probably be late before...

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Once upon a time, a person was offered a choice by a force infinitely their greater. Either they could remain as they are, continuing their life as though nothing had happened, or they could get a chance to experience a different life altogether, abandoning their old life in the process. This person, for some unknown reason, chose the latter. At this stage, you're probably thinking "Great, I'm going to get to experience another life!" and whilst that is technically true, there is one small...

1 year ago
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Peace, by Kathy Core (c)1999, Kathy Core. I must have fallen asleep in the bath tub... I used to do that a lot, even though I knew how dangerous it was. This time, however, things were a little different. I won't waste any time building this up, so I'll tell you straight -- when I got into the bath I was a hairy, male, twenty-something and I emerged as a slim, female twenty-something. Literally, I had become what I would always have been had I been born female. I trembled,...

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Giada's divorce is final today, she steeled herself against the idea of going home to an empty apartment once again. " Giada!" I called out, she looked around, surprised at the sudden outburst. She thought that all of her "friends" were at her ex-husband's apartment. That's where they always seemed to be. So who...? Through the throng of people, she finally saw me rushing toward her. As my familiar face approached her, her spirit lifted. " John!" she said, hugging me as I came...

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Vic stood alone in the bedroom, staring at the reflection in the full-length mirror as though taking notes. Dark hair, cropped close. Dark eyes, both by nature and by the distant look of loss in them. Full Mediterranean lips in an olive face. Torso covered by a black t-shirt. The leather jacket that went with it was thrown over a chair. Hips and legs clad in tight faded jeans that covered the tops of lace-up boots. "Yeah, I'm a sight alright," muttered the well built butch woman. She...

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He poured a second cup of coffee, sitting nude at the kitchen table and smiling as his wife drove away early on that Saturday morning to get laid. She’d dressed lightly and given him a loving kiss as she left. She’d be back for lunch, happy as could be, he knew from past experience. The male organ between his legs began to swell as he thought about what would happen between now and then. It was partly the idea that his wife of twenty years would be joyfully naked with another also naked man,...

4 years ago
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Copyright © 2003 I was in my bedroom. As thoughts of you flooded my mind. The heat from the advancing sunlight had made the bedroom extremely hot. I realized perhaps, I should put something cooler on. I got out of my blue jeans. Lifted my blouse and grasped my bra. When I did, my hand brushed across my breast. As if in a dream or in none. This brought me back to the thoughts of you. That warm soft thought of feeling your hand touching me. A sense of longing and passion surged through my...

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"This is so unfair!" "Life is unfair Mikey, live with it and stop acting like Kevin the teenager from the Harry Enfield sketches, it's only one night." My Dad said firmly. "But I was going out with Angie to Jenny's party tonight!" I said loudly, not quite daring to yell. "Well you'll have to cancel, your Mum and I are going out for the first time in over a year and we need you to look after your Gran while she's here on respite from your Mum's sister." Dad said. "But ... but...

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Jonah Whalerton was a 40 year old ex-SEAL. He had served 20 years in the Navy and had seen all of the war and suffering he ever wanted to. He was tired when he left the service and wanted nothing more than to get away from people for a while. He hoped that the solitude of his parents mountain cabin would allow him to get rid of the nightmares left over from his many missions. He had killed or seen killed way too many people, many innocent. The horrors of war filled him with guilt and...

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The party was held at a friends house. The usual gang was there, however Patty had invited a few more friends of hers to enjoy the fireworks from the back yard. Patty and Mark's house was right on the lake and every Fourth of July they held a small party, inviting us all over to enjoy their good fortune and view. Most the guests knew us both as we had attended all the parties save for that one year. David waved hello to a few guys while I scanned around the backyard looking for Patty. Seeing...

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Making Adjustments

This story was originally written as a serial story on my yahoo group over a period of several months. Making Adjustments By Morpheus Part 1 It was in the middle of the afternoon as the school bus slowly drove through the quiet streets, dropping kids off after their long day at school. 12 year old Richie Harper sat in his seat, silently watching the scenery pass him by. Several times he stared at kids who got off the bus, trying to figure out which house they actually lived...

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Nie wieder würde ich einer Freundin einen Gefallen tun. Nie wieder! Egal, wie sehr sie mich bitten würde. Seit Stunden stand ich hinter dem Tresen und zapfte ein Bier nach dem anderen. Meine Füße und mein Kreuz taten weh. Anja hatte mich gebeten, für sie einzuspringen. Nun stand ich da. Körperliche Arbeit war ich nicht gewohnt. Mein Bafög besserte ich sonst mit Aushilfsjobs an der Uni auf. Ich seufzte laut auf. Langsam leerte sich die Kneipe. Nur noch ein Tisch ganz hinten in der Ecke war...

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The Cat and the Willow

The Cat and the Willow By grrl9 Chapter I. It had been a long day and all I wanted to do was fuck. This was good for two reasons, one: because it relieved the stress of the world, and two: because it gave me a few extra dollars. I'm not a prostitute. Those whores stay on the street because they're not smart enough to be in the big leagues like I am. So when I got home and was ready to start...

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De Minimis Non Curat Lex

There was a young lawyer called Bex, Whose chest was quite flat for her sex; When charged with exposure She replied with composure, "De minimis non curat lex." The limerick sits neatly printed on the wall in our bedroom. The trifles aren't all that small any longer – two pregnancies have taken care of that. Still, they are fairly moderate in size. They were at their absolute peak just when the babies were born. Also on the wall, on either side of the framed limerick, are two...

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Play It Again SamChapter 7 I was misinformed

"Okay," I said looking around at everyone still seated at the breakfast table. "Based on the things you've said I've conceded that my theory about destiny magic holding you locked to me might be a big steaming pile of crap, but that pile doesn't necessarily have to stink to high heaven. Suppose it's an on again off again thing. I mean what if this magic jumps in when it feels like it and then jumps back out when it feels like it. That would explain how we all fell in love so quickly,...

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One for the BooksThe Share Holders Meetingp

It was just your average day at the bookstore, the girls were all buzzing about the latest Twilight movie, I was sorting books in the back because truthfully ..I wasnt in the mood, I had been kinda bummed every since Joey had quit, he got a chance at a better job, great news,right? except he had to move to his grandparents , hours away.I was into my fourth box of novels when Nick walked in,“ There you are! I was wanting to see if you were up for a little ride, you seem a bit....down, bored,sad,...

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I Dare You

"Today's the day." That's the one thought in your head as your eyes flutter open. Yesterday the newest addition to your growing sex toy collection had arrived in the mail, and the day before the dare had been laid out. Your roommate, used to your constant sexual adventures, but sick of the questionable packages always being delivered to your shared door, has issued you a challenge to ensure that you actually do with this toy something you haven't with the others. You have to see (and count)...

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SEX IN THE HOT TUB I have been married to my gorgeous wife for 10 years and our sex life is just perfect we are both in our mid thirties,We enjoy lots of sex and I must admit my wife sometime wears me out with her constant demands to try new things,We have no c***dren as we both have jobs that keep us very busy,I work as investment banker and my wife works as a private sectary for a firm of solicitors,Let me describe my wife Jen she 36 about 5’9’’ with long dark hair very sexy long legs and a...

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The Earls ManChapter 7

Twenty-one months later It had to be important. Everyone in the manor knew not to bother us once the bedroom door closed unless it was critically urgent. A disappointed Grace turned to Claire to finish what I’d started while I threw on my robe and answered the door. Months ago, we’d installed a partition completely blocking the view into the room from an open door. Of course, it didn’t block the quiet gasps of pleasure, but it was usually a female slave who was sent to interrupt us, and they...

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Beas PonyChapter 7

"So the three of you were in bed together," I said. Helen and I were sitting at the kitchen table having a second cup of coffee after Jack left for work. "Yes," she replied, "And your Mr. Young is one of the gentlest men in bed I've ever known." I felt a twinge of jealousy which I put down right away. So that's where he disappeared! In fact, I hadn't seen him again. Somers and I went downstairs for a drink, after he had given me back my clothes, of course. Somers had mellowed after...

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I lost a bet to my twin sister Rachael and she made me her slave 2

I walked out of her bathroom with my mind unable to accept the reality."Did i just fingered and made my twin sister squirt? Or am i dreaming?"I reached my room and i realised reality or dream i had a raging boner to care about.I pulled down shorts to free my dick,i took it in my hand and started stroking it vigorously like there was no tomorrow.I closed my eyes trying to imagine the sight of my beautiful naked twin sister.Her perfect breasts with tiny pink nipples,her long legs,her firm...

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Daddy Avenges His DaughterChapter 8 Schoolgirl Becky

After that we let Becky recover, then the next day, the Sunday, we fucked her all morning again, and Sally managed to drag out of her the admissions to another half dozen rapes that she’d inflicted on innocent young girls. The victims were all quite similar: small or slight and naive girls whose bodies were just maturing but who had no experience of sex. The athletic Becky had overpowered them and forced them to orgasm. She’d started to use the photos to blackmail them into keeping quiet,...

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Ida Found Her Pleasure

The scenes are making her excited more than the other days. She knows the reason. She is fantasizing with Dave, her first love. She imagines that Dave and she are the star of the porn movie that she’s watching in her PC. Ida was oversized and that’s a frustration in her life. She stands on her 19. Her weight was 98 kg with a 5’-11” height. Her breasts were 42. She tired several times consulting with doctors to reduce her weight, but those didn’t work indeed. Every boy in her school used to...

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The Cougar And Her Baby Sitter

His friends at school constantly belittled Darren once they learned that he was still a virgin. Even though he was seventeen, almost eighteen, and the ratio of girls to boys at his high school was five to three, he had never managed to have a girlfriend. At least, one who would have sex with him. He was so shy that his opportunities slipped away. He worked off his frustration by working out with weights at home in the basement and running every day, even after school. One Saturday morning, he...


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