Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 13 Sultry Genies Naughty Competition
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Jacob Masterson was an 18-year-old, 1st year university student. Like most 1st years, he lived in university accommodation, and in his case that meant a small, university-owned house. He lived with 2 other students, a boy named Andrew, and a girl named Lizzie. All 3 of them were typical “losers”. None was particularly attractive, and all 3 were virgins, though none knew this of the others. They sometimes hung out, but mostly kept to themselves.
Our story begins one Thursday morning in November. Jacob had gotten up for his morning lectures, and was just getting ready to leave the house, when there was a knock at the door. He opened it to see the postman there.
“Parcel for Lizzie Lawson,” the postman said.
“Yeah, she lives here.”
“Sign here please.”
Jacob signed for the parcel, and closed the door. It wasn’t too large, although it had some bulk to it. He walked through to the kitchen, where Lizzie was sat in her dressing gown eating her breakfast.
“Parcel,” he said.
“Ooo yay!” Lizzie said, taking it from him. “I’ve been waiting for this.”
“What is it?”
“A thing I ordered online,” she said, opening it up. “I like collecting random shit.”
Lizzie opened the package, and pulled out what looked like an old oil lamp.
“It’s a lamp,” Jacob said.
“Well obviously,” Lizzie said. “Some antiques shop was having a closing down sale, so I bought it. They said they didn’t know where it came from, they just found it on a shelf two or three years ago.”
“You should give it a rub,” Jacob joked. “See if there’s a genie inside.”
“Maybe later. Anyway, don’t you have lectures to get to? Those tuition fees’ll go to waste!”
“Yes mother, right away mother.” Lizzie stuck her tongue out at Jacob, who then left to walk to university.
Jacob’s day went as normal from that point, until he got home around 1pm. He’d grabbed himself a sandwich while he was out, and he was walking to his room, when he heard something interesting coming from Lizzie’s room, which was right next to his own. It was moaning. Load, lustful, orgasmic moaning.
“OH! OH! OH GOD! OHHHHHH!” Just some of the noises Jacob could hear coming from his housemate. It was definitely Lizzie’s voice, but now she was moaning and groaning and crying out at full volume in obvious sexual bliss.
“Oh my God,” Jacob said. He didn’t know she had a boyfriend, so this was all new. He was gonna ask them to keep it down, but figured he wouldn’t embarrass her. Besides, hearing her moaning like this was kinda hot. Jacob went into his room, where the pleasured moans were still very much audible, and ate his sandwich, before pulling his trousers down and jacking off. Because when your housemate’s getting laid next door, you’ve gotta take advantage of it.
He stroked his cock, and closed his eyes, imagining that Lizzie was on her hands and knees, that it was him that was making her moan out like this. Jacob groaned out as he blew his load, picturing it covering Lizzie. He wanted to think Lizzie was cumming at the same time, but going by the noise she was making, it sounded more like she was having a non-stop orgasm. Her guy friend must have been good, he thought.
Jacob browsed the web for a while, until about an hour later when he heard the moaning subside. Jacob got his Playstation out, and decided to do some gaming for a few hours. It was about 6pm when the moaning re-started, and Jacob smiled, wishing it was him that was getting all this sex. He was struggling to understand how the hell they were still going though. Several hours earlier, and now again, their genitals must surely be completely sore by now?
Another hour later, and the moaning ended once more. Another few minutes, and Jacob heard Lizzie’s door shut, and the girl run upstairs to the bathroom. Figuring she was going for a post-sex shower, Jacob went upstairs too, and knocked on the bathroom door before she could start.
“Lizzie?” He shouted.
“Yeah?” She shouted back.
“I’m gonna get pizza. You want any?”
“Uh ... okay!” She shouted back, her mind obviously elsewhere. “Seafood one.”
Jacob wondered if the mystery guy was in there with her, or if he was hiding in her room. Jacob walked downstairs to the kitchen, where he found Andrew pouring a drink.
“Andrew, you eaten yet?” he asked.
“No, why?”
“Me and Lizzie are getting pizza. You want in?”
“I shouldn’t,” he replied. “I already have too many takeaways.”
“Great, what do you want?”
“Meat feast please.”
Eventually Lizzie walked into the kitchen, dressed in her dressing gown, any evidence of her day of sex washed from her, aside from a smile on her face.
“Hey Lizzie, we’ve ordered,” Andrew said.
“Oh, thanks,” she said, getting a drink out of the fridge.
“Figured you’d need some nourishment after what you’ve been up to today,” Jacob said, and Andrew followed this by imitating her moans from earlier.
“Oh...” Lizzie blushed. “You two heard that?”
“Lizzie, I’m pretty sure the entire street will have heard it,” Jacob said. “I can’t imagine what he was doing to you to make you cry out like that.”
“Oh you know ... stuff ... good stuff...” Lizzie said, obviously thinking back to the experience.
“Since when do you have a boyfriend, anyway?” Andrew asked.
“I don’t, he’s just a ... just a friend I met,” Lizzie said.
“So he’s a friend who’s a boy who you also have sex with,” Andrew said. “But not your boyfriend.”
“Right,” Lizzie said.
“Where’d you meet him, anyway?” Jacob asked. Lizzie seemed caught a little off guard by that.
“We, um ... we met on ... We met on Tinder,” Lizzie eventually managed.
“Tinder? Well, at least one of us is successful on there,” Andrew said.
“Don’t worry guys, I’ll try and keep it down in future,” Lizzie said.
The pizza came and the teens ate it and chatted as friends do, avoiding the topic of Lizzie’s sex life, before all retiring to their rooms for the night. Jacob was pleased to hear, or rather not hear, that no more orgasmic moaning seemed to be coming from her bedroom, although it was kind of a disappointment that he didn’t get to listen to her any more.
Jacob went to bed, and woke up around 3am, thirsty. Knowing he had some juice in the fridge, Jacob got out of bed, and left his room. He was naked, as he normally slept, but he figured Andrew and Lizzie would be asleep, so he didn’t bother getting dressed.
Jacob opened the door to the kitchen, and through his half-asleep state he was able to recognise that the light was already on, and there was a naked guy looking in the fridge.
“Oh hi,” he said, turning to him. “You must be Jacob.”
“Yeah...” Jacob said. He looked up and down this guy’s body, getting a good look at him. He appeared to be around his age, and had pretty tanned skin. The guy had a little bit of stubble on his perfect face. He had an extremely toned tummy, the kind where you’d expect him to be constantly posting topless pics on Instagram of his perfect muscles. And at his crotch, among neatly-trimmed pubic hair, he had the biggest cock Jacob had ever seen. It was at least 10 or 11 inches. And it was soft. Jacob could only imagine how huge it would be hard. His balls, likewise, were equally enormously-proportioned.
It was then that Jacob was reminded of his own nudity, and his hands rushed to his crotch, and he turned to leave.
“I’ll uh ... come back later,” he said.
“Don’t leave,” the guy said, and Jacob immediately stopped in his tracks. “Come back, I wanna talk to you. And don’t cover up, we’re all guys here.” Jacob turned back around, and sat on the sofa while the guy took one of Lizzie’s beers and started drinking it.
“So are you the guy Lizzie was, um ... having fun with, earlier?” Jacob asked.
“Oh yeah, she mentioned you’d heard us,” the guy replied. “It’s why she had me soundproof the room after.”
“You soundproofed the room? How?”
“Oh yes, I’ve just realised I’ve not told you my name,” the guy said, shaking Jacob’s hand. “I’m Belkan.”
“I’m ... Jacob,” he said, shaking back.
“Yes, we’ve been through that,” Belkan smiled. “You’re one of Mistress Lizzie’s housemates.”
“ ... Mistress Lizzie?” Jacob asked. What, did they have some kind of dom/sub thing going on?
“She’s laid in bed right now, asleep. Having literally hundreds of orgasms will do that to you. Oh, and she’s covered in my semen right now. Literally, I don’t think there’s an inch of her body that isn’t sticky right now. She seemed to like it though. In the morning I’m gonna wake her up by licking it all off of her.”
“Oh my God...” Jacob said, thinking about such an image. His cock was now rather firm.
“Anyway, I’m gonna go snuggle back up to her,” Belkan said. “Oh, and I’m gonna need you to forget all about this. Mistress wouldn’t like you knowing about me.”
“What?” Jacob asked. Belkan left the kitchen and shut the door, and Jacob blinked, and was momentarily dazed. What was he doing in the kitchen again? Oh yeah, he wanted a drink.
The next morning, Jacob got out of bed, and headed upstairs to the bathroom to use the loo, slipping on some boxers for modesty in case he should encounter anyone. When he got there however, he was greeted by Lizzie’s orgasmic cries of ecstasy coming from behind the door, along with what sounded like male grunts.
“OH GOD! OH FUCK! FUCK YES!” Lizzie cried from behind the door.
“Hey you two!” Jacob shouted, knocking on the door. “Mind wrapping things up? I need to piss!” No response, presumably due to how loud they and the shower were. “Fine, have it your way.” Jacob grumbled, and went back to his room to hold it in.
20 minutes later, and he finally heard the shower shut off. A minute or so more, and he heard the door open, and two sets of footsteps head downstairs and into Lizzie’s bedroom, complete with girly giggling from his housemate. Happy it was over, Jacob headed to the bathroom to relieve himself. Afterwards, he figured he should shower too, so he slipped his boxers off, got his towel out of the cupboard, and got into the shower. He closed his eyes and moaned under the warm water. He began shampooing his hair, not even noticing that his cock was slowly hardening, not stopping until it was completely erect. His mind was completely off sex, so there was no apparent reason for this erection. It was as though someone just cast a boner spell on him.
“AHHHH!” Jacob cried out as his penis convulsed in the most intense pleasure he had ever experienced, a thick dollop of hot cum spewing out the tip. Normal orgasms have some build up to them, a few seconds of increasing pressure where you know you’re going to cum, and there’s nothing you can do about it but wait for the inevitable to happen. This orgasm had none of this. Jacob went from 0 to Earth-shattering pleasure with literally no build up whatsoever.
Then the second contraction came, complete with twice the pleasure and twice the semen. This was too much for Jacob. His knees gave in, and he fell to the floor of the shower, straight on his ass. Jacob spread his legs, and cried out in bliss as this unbelievable orgasm overtook him. The warm shower water flowed down onto him as his cock continued to explode. The contractions were coming less than a second apart, and each one brought an impossible amount of pleasure, and an impossible amount of semen. Each contraction he seemed to be shooting more cum than he normally did in an entire orgasm, and yet somehow he didn’t run out. It just kept going on an on. Even after 10 seconds, when one would expect a normal orgasm to be petering out, this one continued. In fact, rather than subsiding, it seemed to be getting stronger. The pleasure got bigger and bigger, as did the size of his spurts of semen.
“AHHH AHHH! AHH CHRIST! HOLY SHIIIIT...” Jacob groaned as his cock continued with this orgasmic episode. He had no idea what the hell was happening to him, and he was torn between enjoying it and worrying that he was having some sort of stroke.
10 minutes passed, and Jacob had almost begun to resign himself to orgasming for the rest of his life, when he finally felt it begin to subside. It took several minutes for him to find the strength to pull himself up, his cock now completely soft. Jacob washed off the remaining semen, and then headed downstairs, towel wrapped around him. Just as he got to the bottom of the stairs, Lizzie’s door opened, and she walked out, fully dressed.
“Oh hey Jacob,” she smiled.
“Oh uh, hey Lizzie...” Jacob said, kind of embarrassed to be in front of her in only a towel, and after what had just happened.
“Did you have a nice shower?” She asked.
“Uh, yeah...” Jacob said. It was at this point he noticed Lizzie properly. Her midriff was exposed, a thing she never did, and it revealed a tummy that was considerably thinner and more toned than he’d expect from his overweight friend. Looking up, her boobs were considerably bigger than he’d thought they were. He’d never seen her boobs, but he knew her boobs weren’t anywhere as big as that, and yet it seemed she now had an enormous pair under her shirt, nipples obvious through her T-shirt. He reached her face, where he saw that the acne she’d had just yesterday was gone, leaving a clear, beautiful face.
“That’s great!” Lizzie smiled, bringing Jacob back down to Earth. “I was really wishing you’d have a pleasurable time! Andrew’s laid in bed right now, so I wished he’d have a pleasurable time too!”
“Right ... anyway, I think I’m gonna join him,” Jacob said.
“Ooo, really?”
“Not like that. I’m just feeling kinda ... worn out. I’ve not got lectures until later so I’m gonna nap for a bit.”
“Alrighty, I’m gonna go have some fun in class.”
“I doubt that’s possible.”
“Oh, you’d be surprised what’s possible with a little bit of wishful thinking.”
“Riiiight. Anyway, see ya.”
Jacob headed to late morning class, and on his way home he walked past the university cafeteria, where he noticed Lizzie once more. She was sat at one of the tables, next to Belkan (Whom Jacob had no memory of), who had his arm around her. 2 other guys, both quite nerdy looking, were sat with them, gazing at Lizzie, and appeared to be absolutely enthralled with her. Jacob hid around the corner so he could listen in and watch.
“You, go get me my food,” she said, pointing to one of the boys. “You’ll pay too. Then bring it back and feed it to me.”
“Yes Mistress,” the boy said, getting up to go do as he was commanded.
“Now you, gimme a shoulder rub,” she commanded, and the other boy obeyed.
“Now Belkan,” Lizzie said.
“Yes Mistress?”
“I wish for these boys’ dicks to be at full mast forever and ever,” she commanded. “However, they will never be able to orgasm unless they’re thinking about me.”
“Your wish is my command, Mistress,” Belkan said, snapping his fingers.
What were they talking about? Wishes? And why did she have two guys fawning over her like she was some sort of goddess? Jacob left, and headed home, confused.
That evening, Jacob and Andrew were sat in their small living room, watching a movie, when the door opened. Lizzie walked in, with Belkan behind her.
“Hey guys, there’s someone I want you to meet,” Lizzie said. “This is Belkan. He’s gonna be living with us from now on. I wish you’d be happy with that.”
Jamie and Andrew were about to voice their objections and questions, before they suddenly changed their minds.
“That’s great, Lizzie!” Andrew smiled.
“So this is your boyfriend, I guess?” Jacob asked. Given he’d seen him with his arm around her earlier, he figured it was a good guess. “The guy from Tinder.”
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Jeanie the GenieCopyright Oggbashan August 2015Edited September 2015The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.The information about genies is fictitious. Don’t try any of the information on your neighbourhood genie. September edit is to correct a minor plot...
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“What is it Johnson?” asked the man. “Sir, we have a problem,” said Frank. “How interesting,” the man said, taking another sip. “Asrah’s been taken.” “WHAT!?” “I’m sorry Mr Brookman, our plan failed. They worked out a way to remove Asrah from my control.” “DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’VE DONE!? They’ll destroy us now! Kill us, or worse, and destroy everything we’ve worked for!” “Not quite sir, before they could manage it I released another genie and re-instated all our protections.” “Well...
Andy cursed as he rummaged through the old storage unit. It was full of dust, droppings of animals, and who knows what else. "Couldn't your old man auction this lot or something?" he asked his best friend. "This ain't storage wars," Kyle shouted back from behind some boxes. "We are in bumfuck nowhere. Good luck finding bidders out here." Of course, Andy knew he was right. Sighing he did get back to work and started sifting through the boxes. There was his Sunday going down the drain,...
“Charlie?” “Morning Dan. Have fun yesterday?” Daniel sat up, and realised he was in Harry’s room. Memories of the previous day came flooding back to him. “Yesterday? But it was like midday?” “You slept all day and night. You were exhausted.” “I’m not surprised. What the fuck did you do to me?” “I made you shoot half a litre of jizz. You passed out after that, so the girls just made love to each-other while you slept.” “Oh my God…Where are the girls, anyway?” “I sent them home to get...
Disclaimer: Adult content and sexual in nature. If you are not at least eighteen years of age, please do not read this story. Author's Note: This is the fifth Spells R Us story that I have written. If you would like to read more of my stories, you may contact me at [email protected] and I can provide you a site which hosts my other stories or provide you a link to my own site. This is a 'jdw' proofread. Spells R Us: The Sex Genie by JR Parz I. Tony Rodgers was so...
G.S.P. Chapter 9 An Avalanche of Power * * * Eagle stood in the office of Agent Anderson with clenched fists and a face contorted in anger. "This isn't fair, I was recruited to be the field leader of the team," he complained loudly. It was not the first time. The elderly agent on the other side of the desk sighed deeply. "It is indeed true you were chosen as leader when G.S.P. started, but things have changed," Anderson responded. "For instance you are now as first priority loyal...
“Are you alright, Master?” Asked Alexis as she walked back into her Master’s bedroom. “Yes, I’m fine,” replied Leonardo. “My soul is cleansed. At least I hope so.” “I still don’t understand why you insisted on getting that priest in anyway.” “Alexis, nearly five decades with you would be enough to test anyone’s faith. But even you cannot determine or even know what lies beyond this life. Think of it as attempting to cover my bases.” “Master, I do not know if there is any sort of...
I was on holiday in Morocco, not in one of the touristy areas like Marrakech but being a bit more adventurous. Currently I was pottering around a village souk way out in the mountains. In hindsight it was probably overly adventurous because there were a couple of guys bothering me a bit. To get rid of them I ducked into what in England would be a junk shop selling all kinds of stuff a bit tatty and dusty. I have spotted that at the counter was a woman and I hoped she would help. Once inside the...
“This is so much fun, don’t you agree, Dan?” Charlie said as they walked through the city. “Loads of fun,” Daniel said. “Oh come on, don’t be like that. Why don’t we go and get you something?” “I’ve got plenty of clothes already.” “So do I, but you can always get more. Now come on, let’s go and check out the market.” Late that afternoon they took the bus back, and parted ways, Charlie carrying her plethora of bags with her, after being unable to convince Daniel to come and carry them for...
In a medium-sized but well-furnished house, an old man was sat on an armchair, sipping at a glass of wine. His laptop began to ring for a Skype call, and he answered it. “What is it Johnson?” asked the man. “Sir, we have a problem,” said Frank. “How interesting,” the man said, taking another sip. “Asrah’s been taken.” “WHAT!?” “I’m sorry Mr Brookman, our plan failed. They worked out a way to remove Asrah from my control.” “DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’VE DONE!? They’ll destroy us now!...
“Mistress, calm down,” Afericus said, trying to comfort her. “Everything will be okay.” “Of course it’s not, they’re going to destroy the universe!” Charlie shouted. “Oh shut the fuck up,” Sarosa said to her. “Well sorry, I just don’t like the idea of not existing!” “Any reality where I don’t have to listen to your whining is a good reality.” “Girls girls, break it up!” Daniel shouted, getting between them. “Honestly, is it me or do humans get less intelligent as time goes by?” Alexis...
Chapter Two: Step One: Never Trust Another Genie! To say that the old apartment building was dilapidated would have been diplomatic. It had to be a serious fire hazard, with the roof sagging like that, and most of the paint coming off in dangling strips. But it was the correct address, he was positive of that. There was only one Georgia Street in town and this was it. Well, I wanted to know where she lived, Avery thought, as he made his way up the creaking steps and onto the apartment’s front...
CHANGE OF POWER IN A PLACE NOT QUITE IN THIS REALITY... She glided through the realm, no one who watched being quite sure whether she was walking with her feet or just moving through effort of will. Either was possible. She was one of the major Incarna, a pure force of nature, the living essence of pure feminine power. She was second only to the major trinity whose interplay kept the universe moving, who were in turn second only to the one who created all. All who were in her...
So now, both girls were on their hands and knees on Sophie’s bed. Each girl had one guy fucking her ass, one guy underneath fucking her pussy, and two more guys in front having their dicks sucked. The remained 3 guys were having their cocks jerked off by the girls. All 13 of them were orgasming intensely, the girls’ pussies contracting and the boys’ dicks expelling large quantities of semen. All of them were in sexual nirvana. At around 2am, the humans collapsed into a big, sweaty, cummy...
************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan May 2003/October 2013 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* Reginald was a nerd, a geek, a wimp. He was the man who had sand kicked in his face, who...
Being a genie has its perks, my breasts are perpetually firm and they never sag. My immortality lets me keep my youth. While being blessed with the vitality of a young woman is fantastic, to be honest, sometimes the wait to be found can be most annoying. It may not feel as long as it actually is, but sitting in my bottle for decades on end sure can be lonely. I've come across some of the most interesting people with this life. Not many people know how we become genies and most don’t care, they...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMatt had his typical Saturday morning lay-in the next day. Though to be fair, recent events had left him rather exhausted, what with the large amount of sex he’d been having. Not that he was complaining in the slightest. When Matt eventually got up, he got dressed, and started walking downstairs. He could hear giggling from downstairs, followed by his sister saying “Fuck, he’s coming”. Matt walked into the living room, and found Becky and Jamie sat on the sofa, trying to look innocent....
————- Prelude: Very early, about the 6th or 7th Century AD ———————- From the sparse artifacts and record fragments it can be determined that, of the small group of genie trainees graduating in this one class, most had absorbed the information and direction well, yet there remained a thread of individualism in each. Some were more pliable, other more impetuous, given to act first and think later, some, especially a couple of the girl genies, were anxious to please and seeking to become the best...
I've always told my mother that she works too much.She's a full-time attorney by day, and she somehow finds the time to teach a few evening classes per week at the law school which I attend.As a result, her love life had really suffered. Her workaholic behavior came as a result of the divorce several years ago. Overworking was her way of coping and moving on, and it left her in a cycle of being lonely and longing for the perfect man in her life.The Sex GenieIt was late in the afternoon and I...
(Author's note: While the events in this story are based off real life, there are some obvious embellishments. Also, all the characters involved in sex acts are at least 18.)I woke up with Ms. P’s soft skin pressed against my back, a ray of sunshine peaked through the mini-blinds warming my abdomen. Groggy, it took me a second to recall the night’s events: I had fucked my best friend's mom!Ms. P was an attractive middle-aged woman. The first thing any man noticed about her was the flaming red...
Harry awoke the next morning with a smile on his face. Of course, this wasn’t a particularly unusual occurrence. Since finding Sarosa’s lamp 7 months ago, his life had been perfect. His every desire had been granted to him by this magical girl, who desired only to please him. Someone up there must like him, he figured. Harry looked around the bed at the chaos on it. His duvet (Not a problem, since his room was always at a magically perfect temperature) and bedsheet, along with both pillows,...
Genie had been serving his master Aladdin for some time now.Sure he thought of Aladdin as a friend, but as a genie he was never able to make his own fantasies come true. Always having to grant wishesto make other people happy.Aladdin said he would be setting him free and once he did, Genie was going to make his own come true.It took a long time, Genie had to go through all kinds of bullshit because of Jafar wanting more power. But finally Aladdin made his last wish and set him free.Now that he...
The opening of Chapter 1 was originally written by Oren the Otter for a contest a couple of years back - which I humbly acknowledge winning - (I was the only entry so obviously no one felt they could top my story in the contest. :) It was rewritten late in the last millennium. The Genie And Adolph Hitler By Caleb Jones CHAPTER 1 Adolph didn't know what to expect when he opened the box, but this wasn't it. What hovered before him was a wisp of smoke from the waist down. From...
"Dan ... Daaaaan..." Daniel heard Charlie's sweet voice, pulling him out of his dream. He opened his eyes, and saw Charlie looking over him, smiling. She was dressed in her school uniform. "Charlie?" "Morning Dan. Have fun yesterday?" Daniel sat up, and realised he was in Harry's room. Memories of the previous day came flooding back to him. "Yesterday? But it was like midday?" "You slept all day and night. You were exhausted." "I'm not surprised. What the fuck did...
In the year 2013, at 32 Wayford Way, 12 teenagers and a genie were having the time of their lives. The senior football team had just won the big game, thanks in no small part due to some “wishful thinking” on the part of one Sophie Swift. In fact, it would be fair to say that they utterly trounced the opposition, although victory was likely even without magical intervention. After the game, Sophie and her genie Alexis had taken the 11 players home, telling them that they were their reward for...
“Another ale, my friend,” he said, flicking a coin in the direction of the bartender. “You’re not from around here, are you?” The bartender asked him. “No I’m not, but don’t worry, if all has gone to plan, I’ll be out of here before long.” A few minutes later, a man arrived in a cloak, carrying an ornate box. “Do you have it?” The Englishman asked, excited. “Yes, it is in this box,” the other man replied. “Good…let’s go into the back room. We need some privacy.” They went into the...
At Sophie's suggestion, Matt went home that evening. They didn't want to risk anyone suspecting that he had a genie, so they decided that he should probably keep away from her in public for a bit. Matt agreed, although he'd have much rather he didn't have to. Matt laid on his bed, nude, thinking about all that had happened recently. Many times in his life he'd imagined what his life would be like if he found a genie. Of course, once he'd hit puberty, his thoughts had turned to all the...