K's Story free porn video

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They raced to see who would finish getting undressed first. Kaitlyn got a one piece of clothing head start because she has extra underwear, of course. Then, as usual, Dan, “accidentally” bumped into her a couple of times when she was ahead, so he won and got to be Dominant first. She pouted, not because she was really upset, but because she knew he thought it was cute.

“That won’t save you this time,” he smiled with a slightly evil twinkle in his eyes.

“I hope not,” she replied, holding out her wrists for him to put the cuffs on then standing still for him to put a pair on her ankles as well.

She climbed onto the bed and let him tie the cuffs to the bedposts. As he did, she breathed deeply and let herself fall into a relaxed and accommodating mindset. This was helped immensely when he put a ball gag in her mouth and a blindfold over her eyes. It was completed when he leaned down and breathed in her ear how beautiful she looked and how much it pleased him that she gave herself to him so willingly. She couldn’t really smile with the gag in her mouth but she would have otherwise.

She felt his fingers stroking her skin lightly up and down her arms, almost, but not quite, tickling her. His hands ran down her side and across her hip, making patterns down her thigh and calf. She heard him get up and cross the room to her other side where he repeated his touches, down her arm and along her leg. This time, he slid his hand across and made the same patters up the inside of her calf and thigh, slowing down as he moved upward. It was very sensual and, with her eyes covered, calming and delightful.

She felt his hot breath on her neck and almost moaned as his mouth moved down to her chest. It felt like he was holding his open mouth over her nipples and breathing out deeply. Then, suddenly, he took each nipple in his mouth in turn and then blew cool air over them. Now she did moan, quietly, but most definitely, out loud.

The moans turned into cries when, as soon as her nipples were even slightly hard, he put clamps on them and began gently but persistently flicking them. She flinched every time, no matter how hard she tried to remain still.

“Now Kaitlyn, you must learn to control yourself,” Dan said as he twisted one and then both of the clamps.

She cried out into the gag, thankful it was there to muffle the curses.

He reached down and gently stroked his finger between her legs, feeling the wetness there.

“Well, for all the noise you’re making, you seem to be enjoying it,” he said as he let his fingers play with the soft folds of her skin, teasing her with gentle touches and light strokes.

“If you can stay quiet for the next two minutes, I’ll think about letting you come for me. I’m betting you don’t make it.”

Kaitlyn huffed as much as she could with the gag in and decided that she’d show Dan just how quiet she could be. She steeled her nerve and pushed her mind back and away as far as she could.

Dan, meanwhile, continued to torment her nipples in the clamps and put what felt like several clothespins down between her legs. When this didn’t get the response he had hoped for, she felt him stand up from the bed and heard him picking through the toy box for something. When she heard the tapping she was pretty sure it was the crop. When she heard and felt the slapping sound on her breasts, she knew she was right.

He started gently enough but was soon directly striking the clamps on her nipples and the clothespins on her pussy. It took everything she had to force herself to breathe deeply and slowly.

“You’re doing much better than I expected, Kaitlyn. Just ten more seconds.”

She began to feel proud of herself until she felt him start to remove the clamps and felt him rub her nipples between his fingers, increasing the pain of the blood rushing back into them. Her breath came in rapid pants but she made no noise. Kaitlyn held onto her focus, barely, when, it seemed he grabbed all of the clothespins and pulled them off at the same time.

“Well, whaddya know? You made it. I’m duly impressed. I guess I will have to reward you,” he said as he removed her ball gag.

“But, of course, you’ll have to beg for it in the end, as usual.”

She felt him get down onto the bed between her legs and, after what seemed like a couple of minutes, finally felt his breath on her wide open pussy. He teased her with tiny flicks of his tongue as the sensitivity from the clothespins faded away. Then Dan began long, slow patterns up and down the sides while avoiding touching her most sensitive spots. Just when she thought he’d forgotten what he was supposed to be doing, the tip of his tongue began to circle her clit while one of his fingers slipped gently into her. She began to writhe in her bonds as the pleasure welled up inside her. But when she tried to lift her hips to increase the pressure and the penetration, he pulled back and eased off.

“I said I’d reward you, I didn’t say I’d do it quickly, Kaitlyn.”

He went back to his repeating the circles and sliding his finger slowly in and out of her and she tried hard to hide how close she was to coming. But when her pussy began to tighten around his finger and her stomach tensed, she knew she could hide it no more.

“Please, please let me come. I need it so badly. PleaseOhPleaseOhPlease.”

To her surprise, he didn’t stop or even slow down. In fact, his tongue shifted to a side to side movement and he slid another finger inside her. His pace with both quickened until she slid easily over the crest and moaned loudly into the gag.

She thought he’d stop then but he barely slowed down. Instead of letting her wallow in the pleasure as she’d hoped, he continued licking and stroking her. She almost whined as he kept up the movements as she was so sensitive there but, within seconds, the pleasure welled up again inside and her mind blanked out and exploded even more intensely this time.

This time, he did stop. But he didn’t withdraw. He left his finger inside her and gently pressed his lips against her. She was able to relax and ride the wave of pleasure until her breathing calmed and slowed.

Still, he kept his hand and mouth in place, absolutely motionless. He let her wonder why if she’d rather he removed them or started pleasuring her again. Just when she had almost decided, he slowly, very slowly, slid his finger out of her and gently planted a kiss on her clit and moved up the bed. She could feel him straddling her, his cock, hard and hot, between her breasts. He removed the blindfold.

“My turn, Kaitlyn,” he said, with lust heavy in his voice.

Knowing what he wanted, she opened her mouth wide and moaned quietly when he slowly thrust his cock in, looking up at him to see if his face showed anything. As he leaned forward against the headboard of the bed and he slid in more deeply, his eyes close and his mouth opened slightly and he breathed out heavily. She wrapped her lips around his cock and let him move himself in and out slowly, sweeping her tongue around the bottom side, tasting him and inhaling his scent as he pushed deeper and deeper with every thrust.

He pushed into her mouth, slowly, in long deliberate strokes starting with the tip just between her lips then filling her throat and almost making her gag. She tightened her lips around the shaft and literally sucked on his cock, making every effort to make it feel as good as she could.

She was rewarded by a low, guttural growl from deep in his chest and a quickening of the pace of his thrusts. Reveling in her helpless position, she continued to slide her tongue around and tighten her lips around his hard cock. When she couldn’t keep it to herself anymore, she moaned loudly and long in her throat.

“Yes, Kaitlyn, show me how much you love my cock in your mouth, you dirty little slut.”

He thrusted harder, faster, and deeper as he began to utter a stream of filthy words about how good it felt and how naughty she was for liking it, for wanting it. The words changed into a long snarl and, suddenly, he pulled out and sat back as his come poured from his cock onto her breasts without him even touching it.

“Fuck yes, God, oh God,” he cried out and she moaned in response. He collapsed next to her with his leg and arm draped over her, his cock still throbbing at her side. She let him enjoy the moment for a while and then turned her head and whispered in his ear.

“My turn, Dan.”

“Mmmmmm, yes. Yes, it is.”

He released her from the cuffs without untying them and she buckled him in, tracing her fingers up his limbs and kissing his chest. Then she got her underwear from the floor, balled them up and shoved them in his mouth.

“You’re going to need that,” she said with an evil grin as she grabbed a handful of clothespins and started to place them on his scrotum and foreskin, each one causing him to flinch and cry out into the makeshift gag. She chuckled and flicked each clothespin in a sequence as his eyes kept staring daggers into hers.

“Well, you can dish it out but you can’t take it, huh, Dan? Too bad you can’t do anything about it though.”

Smiling and whistling a happy tune, she put clothespins on each nipple as well. Ignoring his squirming and muffled cries, she twisted each one, in turn, going a little further with each cycle. Then she booped him on the nose, just for fun.

“Don’t enjoy that very much, do you? I’ll tell you what, once you make me come, I’ll take them off… I promise.”

She got up on the bed and straddled his chest with her legs, not at all caring if the clothespins on his nipples got bumped or jostled. Then, with deliberate slowness, she lowered her hips and sat on his face. Once there, she moved her hips in slow circles, grinding against him.

“I’m going to take that out of your mouth now but you have a much more important use for your lips and tongue than to talk, understand?”

She reached between her legs and yanked her panties out of his mouth, dropping the damp item on his cock, which pulled down the clothespins and made him cry out. Quickly, she muffled his cries by pushing her pussy onto his mouth. When he made a few tentative licks instead of really getting to work, she flicked the clothespins on his nipples and reminded him that they would only come off once she’s come. When he made no further efforts at pleasing her, she twisted them. This must have gotten the message through because, finally, his tongue plunged into her and began to swirl around her clit. She leaned forward and pressed down against his mouth. Soon, her breathing quickened and deepened as he found a pattern which caused her to moan aloud even though she fought to keep herself quiet. Just seconds later, she let herself go and cried out as her insides tensed and pulsed and her wetness began to bathe his face.

She rested on her arms for almost a minute before, as promised, she removed the clothespins, teasingly slowly. He tried to curse and complain but she kept herself pressed against his mouth so all she heard was muffled mutterings. While she was still a little shaky, she climbed off of him and reached under the bed. He looked at her questioningly, even nervously.

“Oh, you thought we were done, didn’t you? Silly boy. I have a special plan for you now.”

She pulled a collar out and held it up. As he began to object, she held up the ball gag in her other hand and smiled “that” smile again. He quickly closed his mouth and made sad eyes in hopes of getting some mercy. Ignoring him, she fastened the collar around his neck and slid down his body, stepping off the bed onto the floor between his legs and reaching under the bed again.

This time she brought out a spreader bar and clipped it to the cuffs on his ankles before untying his legs from the corners of the bed. Then she tied his collar, loosely to the center of the headboard and untied his wrists from the other corners.

“Okay, now we’re going to flip you over. You can help and I’ll think about going easy on you or you can resist and I can make you pay for it. Your choice, Dan.”

His only response was to whimper softly and nod his head. She grabbed the spreader bar and rotated it as he twisted his hips and used his hands to flip himself over, avoiding the rope holding his collar to the bed. Then she yanked on the bar and plopped his legs down off the edge of the bed so his hips were on the edge, careful not to put any pressure on the collar and rope connected to it. Giggling at his predicament, she grabbed his wrists and clipped them together behind his back then stood beside the bed and admired the situation.

“Now you’re really mine, aren’t you Dan?”

“Please, Kaitlyn, please. I’ll be so good. I’ll make you come again, I promise.”

“Nah, I’ve done that enough for right now. I’m going to punish that bubble butt of yours instead, just for fun.”

She moved down to the end of the bed and, without any warning or further preparations, started spanking him hard and fast. The slaps rang out in the small room with his whimpers and cries.

“Ooooh, nice and pink. I love it. But, it’s not quite what I really wanted.”

She walked around to the side of the bed where he could see her and bent down again.

“What do you think I have here, Dan? Hmmm? Maybe it’s my favorite… cane!”

His eyes got very wide and he whimpered again as she whipped it through the air, testing it out against her hand.

“Yes, this will do nicely, I think. Ready or not, here it comes.”

She brought the cane down quickly as he tensed up but stopped just short of contact and tap, tap, tapped it on his sore bottom. He let go of a deep breath and relaxed… just as she popped him with the cane.

He yelped and tried to stand up but failed miserably without the use of his hands and with the collar tied as it was. This made her laugh as, with just a flick of her fingers, she slapped the slender stick against the pink skin three times, moving up from his thighs to the top of his hips. His loud cries just made her smile as she lightly traced her fingers over the marks left by the cane.

“Lovely, just lovely,” she said. “And let’s see how you’re responding, shall we, Dan?”

She reached between his legs and found his cock hard and twitching. Tempted as she was to stroke it and tease him, she decided to wait a while before letting him enjoy himself. Tapping the cane vertically with tiny light strokes, she teased him that way for several seconds before flicking it harder twice on each cheek. It made such a nice pattern that she repeated the strokes.

“Okay, you’ve been pretty good. Ten more and I’ll let you come.”

This brought another whimper from him.

“Oh, you can take it and it makes your butt look so pretty.”

She stepped to the side and gave him the ten strokes, not gentle but not harsh, and counted each out loud. When she had finished, she released the rope on the collar and helped him stand up, pressing herself against his back and reaching over to wrap her hand around his throbbing cock.

“Do you want to come for me, Dan?”

“Oh, yes, Kaitlyn, please may I come for you? Please?”

“And what will you do if I let you come for me, Dan? Will you return the favor? Will you make me come too?”

“Yes, Kaitlyn, as many times as you want, however you want. I promise.”

She began to stroke his cock, slowly but firmly.

“I’ll give you one minute, after that, no orgasm for you. Do you understand, Dan?”

“Yes, Kaitlyn, one minute.”

“Starting…. NOW!”

She slid her hand up and down the hard shaft fast and whispered naughty words into his ear. He panted and moaned and thrust his hips forward into her hand.

“Thirty seconds,” she said when the time had passed, “better make it happen quick.”

That was all it took, he moaned loudly and his knees buckled slightly as his cock twitched and his come spurted onto the bed. She let him come back to his senses then she lowered him to his knees and pressed his face down into the mess he’d made on the bed. Then she leaned down and whispered in his ear, “Good boy. Now it’s my turn.”

She crawled up on the bed and spread her legs and pulled his face to her by the collar. It was a little awkward with his hands behind his back but he stretched his neck up to reach her and started licking in long slow strokes up and down the full length. Closing her eyes, she laid back and fondled her breasts as she enjoyed his efforts. He ran his tongue from side to side, gently caressing her clit with each movement. Her thighs closed slightly and pressed his head harder into her as her breath deepened and became ragged. Taking this as a signal, he began to lick faster and twirl his tongue round her clit quickly. She had become so excited punishing him that it only took a few seconds of this to bring her to orgasm. Crying out, she grabbed his head and held it in place as she came in a wave of intense and sudden pleasure.

“Good boy, Dan. Very good boy,” she sighed as she came to her senses and reached down and played with his hair. He smiled and thanked her quietly, nuzzling her thighs with his face.

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 273

Nothing was settled, Laura knew that. She and Sara had spent a weekend so crammed with sweet, tender, and emotionally intense fucking that by the end of it both were exhausted, wrung out, and limp. They slept most of the day Sunday, entangled naked together, and did not part until it was absolutely necessary, late that night, since tomorrow was a work day for both of them. Never did the subject of Dee Dee arise, and their love seemed so deep and transcendent to Laura that she was tempted to...

3 years ago
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My First MILF Part 4

This is the ongoing fictional saga of the best summer of my life … the summer of my "first" … which also just happened be my first experience with the MILF of my adolescent fantasies. To maintain the continuity of the story, I strongly urge that you read the previous chapters before reading this chapter …My First MILFChapter 4Of course, the night after my first ever fuck, I was back outside waiting for Brenda to visit me. I finally fell asleep and woke up in the morning disappointed that she...

2 years ago
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Trafficked Love Ch 4

Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...

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Chapter One Camping with Chris

Every year, in late May, my family and I go on a camping trip with the Wright family.  My parents had known the Wrights for years.  Their family consisted of Jane, the mother, Ron, the father, and their son Chris.  We only went to see them once or twice a year because they lived in California and we lived in Texas.  I was most excited when my parents told me that Chris would be going on the trip.  He had not gone the past three years and I had not seen him in a long time.  My parents trusted me...

1 year ago
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Beauty Queen Uma Aunty And Me

Hi all I am back with my other encounter with Uma Aunty, If any ladies,girls,aunties,widows,divorcees want to have sex in Bangalore can contact me on full secrecy guaranteed. After years of sex we decided to be together always she told let us get married I without taking a second thought agreed to her. We decided ok let us go ahead and get married and be together always, we told our relatives that we are going to chennai to visit our relatives and left to chennai after reaching there we took a...

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Pauline The Slut Part 23 Anne Gets Used

When Anne came back down, my husband went over to her and thrust his hand between her legs, roughly feeling around her vagina. “Good slut, that’s nice and smooth.” He pushed her back on the couch, knelt in front of her, spread her legs and started eating her cunt. After a few minutes she was struggling not to respond to his assault. She closed her eyes and threw her head back. She was breathing heavily. He broke away before she reached her orgasm. He got his camera and started to film her....

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Wifes postadult store gloryhole email

This is the email my wife sent me from her recent trip to Houston (see the pics she sent me, too)--just a cut and pasted :-)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Know you've posted a few pics on Xhamster and it gor me thinking about playing again. So, while here I went to an adult store initially to get a new virator but noticed it had a back room like the ones we've played at...

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The Accidental Watch 8th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 8

"But ... you Have to. I've seen you do it." Violet flickered again. "I was just there! I watched you go to Montgomery and turn in the ticket. You have to go!" "Funny thing about the future, Violet. Getting up late in the morning changes it. Good night, Violet." "But..." she tried to follow them in but she couldn't get past her own wards. The Monster Millions computers shut down every night at eleven and start working at five am. It was ten after two when they finally went to bed....

4 years ago
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NotSoSuper ModelChapter 9

Hannah had endured during the unusualness of the experience, but needed a break to process her own feelings. Or get away from an insatiably curious teenager. She got up and announced that the laundry wouldn’t do itself. She kissed me and left the room. That left her daughter and me there alone and Harper suddenly wasn’t so full of questions. I thought it was interesting that she got shy without her mother there. She’d never been shy around me at all. “So,” I said, casually, “what did it feel...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 19 Sorting Things Out

January 9, 1989, Milwaukee, Wisconsin I’d run with Jacquelyn as usual, then after a shower and breakfast, I’d left home to drive north. I arrived in Milwaukee just before 9:00am, and also as usual, had tea with Mr. Bykov before going to see Chris to get my marching orders for the day, making sure I properly waddled into her office and gave the right greeting. “You seem like you’re in a better mood,” she said once we’d discussed the modifications and enhancements that she needed. “I am....

3 years ago
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Becky Was Bad

Becky Was Bad (1) She had worked on me for over two weeks to talk me into coming to this party and I had to admit that my reservations about meeting and getting along with her co-workers were groundless. I was getting along great with them although I did wonder why the women, especially those talking in groups, kept looking my way. I kept wondering if I'd left my fly open. The men there seemed to be mostly my age and in talking with them I found that we had a lot in common. Several were old...

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Rachel Crossing the Line IV

Authors Note: This is the fourth chapter in the continuing story of Mike Moore, whose life was turned around while returning home from a crossdressing outing in Las Vegas as Rachel. If you have not read the first three chapters 'Rachel ? Crossing the Line I / II / III' you may be a bit lost with Rachel's motivations and the story line, a lot has happened to her in the first chapters! No one edited this chapter for me and as much as I was flamed for mentioning the file editing of...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 18 Outside Interference

June 15, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “I had a message that you called yesterday,” Jamie said. “I was in meetings until 6:00pm.” “No worries. I have a potential problem and I need some advice. Hang on one sec.” I covered the mouthpiece with my hand and asked Penny to step out. She wasn’t happy, but she did so and closed the door behind her. I explained the situation between Jeri and her parents, and described the phone call from Mrs. Lundgren. “You’re serious? Your programmer is worth over $8...

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There was the one night in my early twenties in particular, that sticks in my mind. I was out at the pictures with my girlfriend of four months, she was my first ever straight one. Which was a new experience for me, as all of the others before her were bi. I’ll be fucked if I can remember what we went to see, but I can remember we enjoyed whatever it was, amazing what u forget. The film finished about 8.00 that night, so she decided to take the back roads home, just to waste some time as it...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Penny Barber Macy Meadows Sharing A Holiday Treat

The holiday season brings out the craziness in people, and Tyler, Penny, and Macy are no exception to the rule. Expecting guests, Penny tells Macy she’ll be sharing a room with Tyler. But Macy is not so stoked on the idea as Tyler is obnoxious and is constantly jerking off. When Penny catches Tyler fucking a can of raw dough, she decides to help him out with his raging boner. Later, Penny, Macy, and Tyler have more fun on the couch. They have so much fun, it might just have to become a...

1 year ago
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Games of the Children Part 1

Games of the Children "Brad! Heads up!" Brad Weaver looked up just in time to see the pop fly dropping lazily toward him. He lifted his left hand and snared it easily in his glove. Three outs. Game over. He wasn't too impressed with the kids from the North side of town. He and his friends from Maple Street took this one 8 - 2, even with his incessant daydreaming. Even with their team sprinkled with seventh graders. His team was, with one exception, loaded with kids from the...

3 years ago
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Happy Valentines

On Friday, Valentine’s Day, I went out with Tommy. I felt bad about Daddy, home alone. The last woman he’d slept with that I know of (besides me), was Mrs. Trefethen, who was married anyway. He said it didn’t matter, that Valentine’s didn’t mean anything to him, but I think he was just encouraging me to have a good time. We agreed we’d make up for it on Saturday. The night with Tommy was pleasant enough, but nothing really to write home – or you –...

2 years ago
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Shaadi Uski Suhagraat Meri

Mera naam Usmaan h aur mai Delhi me rahta hu. Meri umar 25 saal h aur mai Delhi me ek MNC me job karta hu. Mai yaha apne parivaar k sath rahta hu. Humare kuch rishtedaar Pakistan me hain, lekin mera kabhi waha jaana nahi hua. Aurr kabhi mera mnn bhi nahi kiya. Lekin Ashar Bhaijaan ka nikaah tha isliye mujhe aur abbu ko jana pda. Zyada door nahi h Lahore isliye hum jald hi Lahore pahunch gaye. Thaa toh sab kuch humare jaisa hi lekin fir bhi bhut kuch alag tha. Nayi nayi cheesey dekh k kaafi...

Gay Male
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The Dream Project Ch 1

Girl: Uggh what the hell just happened? :Flashback “Yes I will take that offer hurry it up now!” Oh yeah now I remember what has happened.: So now what do I do? HEY!! What the fuck are you doing trying to grab me their?!? Punching perverted guy in the face. Now tell me something what year is this? Pervert: It’s 1996. Girl: And who is the current ruler of the world? Pervert: Where have you been? The ruler for the last 200 years has been Chang Long! Where the fuck have you been? Girl: Chang...

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Food Taster Day

The next morning she gets up at 8 am to make sure she gets there on time. She goes and takes a shower and masturbates her pussy until she was at her climax and wanted to cum. She gets out of the shower and gets ready for the taster day. When she got ready it was half-past 8, she decided that she would wear a skirt with no underwear so she could masturbate as much as she wanted during the day. On the top half of her body, she wore a bra and a crop-top even though it was something she did not...

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My Wedding Part 2

That night my mother slept in our bedroom.Heather dutifully moved out. She was still collecting her stuff to go down into the guest room but mom couldn’t wait.She stripped naked and then stripped me too."No more hiding. You are my husband. I am your wife. Your real wife." she said as she grabbed my semi hard cock and then kissed me deeply.“You know what a wife does to her husband? What a husband does to his wife?” She asked me rhetorically.“They make love”. Heather blurted out. Mom giggled.“May...

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Sex Worker Fragment 2 The Sink

John ground a cigarette butt on the ashtray built into the top of the litter bin. He checked the time on his phone and drained an energy drink, crushing the empty can in his hand and popping it in the mouth of the bin. It was better in these circumstances to be absolutely punctual. For once he was spitting on his own doorstep, but needs must and all that. He had timed it so after he had visited the sex worker for a half-hour session he could then catch a 2 o’clock showing of ‘John Wick 3’ at...

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The passage of time 1

It was a dry Wednesday afternoon. She’d come back after her school. I’d come back from my school just a little while earlier than she had. My mum was on a leave that day. So it was practically a different kind of home coming for both of us. We’d warm lunch served right in front of us. We all had good lunch where Nora couldn’t stop jabbering about her day. She was like an unwilting flower even in the terrible heat outside. I was barely keeping up with her initially. Later on we were all...

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Sabrinas Biker Gang Bang

I started talking to a dude we'll call "G-Man" on xHamster. His wife "Sabrina" is a gorgeous black woman with a body made for sin. G-Man told me that he and his wife had fantasized about her being gang-banged. I've always had a "thing" for chocolate and told G-Man so. He immediately asked me if my "buddies" and myself would be interested in gang-banging Sabrina. I told him yes....and since he didn't live that far from me that I'd come and pick his lady up for a day ride. Then he could meet us...

4 years ago
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The Punishment part 1

He swerved his car and dodged the car coming right at him. He pulled to the side of the road in a frantic attempt to comprehend what was going on. He had gotten so absorbed into his thoughts that he had lost track of his whereabouts. He composed himself and got back on the road, this time on the right side of the road. He pulled into the driveway of the apartment building and got out of the car with the flowers. He walked over to the trunk and took out a bottle of Jacob's Creek - 2009...

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Mothers Revenge

I started this story about a year ago but it never really got much further than where it is now. So I thought that I would put it onto Fictionmania and maybe come back to it some day. If anybody else would like to take it on from here then please go right ahead. Hope you enjoy. A Mother's Revenge By Kellie Cliffe I was only with Charlie for 2 months but it became clear to me that despite everything that went well between us, she just carried too much baggage. So one evening, the...

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Horror at Castle VagnorChapter 2

As the carriage rolled through the massive gates to the Vagnor estate, the girl twisted first one way and then another taking in the vastness of the forested lands. At last, through the trees, she caught her first glimpse of the castle itself. The massive structure was a monument to the fortresses of earlier centuries, with high towers and awe inspiring walls of immense stone block. However, there was something else, an intangible feeling of foreboding which seemed to permeate its very...

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Jason and James Pt 2

So there I was, standing before Jason’s father, Dan, dressed in girls clothing and covered in both mine and Jason’s cum. I was completely mortified and yet somehow it was the tiniest bit exciting. I couldn’t help but occasionally stare at his boxer shorts, his nice bulge excited my inner slut, but my face still showed shock. “Well, I never thought I would walk into my own kitchen and see this.” Said Dan, staring me up and down. I stayed silent, what could I say that would make this situation...

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Tuition Sir8217s Wife Turned Ruchi Into A Lesbian

Hello friends how are u all? I’m from Mumbai. I am a great fan of incest and also love satisfying women (age-no-bar). Be it a 20year old Virgin or a 70year old granny. I love to satisfy all women. This is my 1st story on ISS and it’s not my experience but of one of my friend who asked me to write here on her behalf!! Well here I present u an incident from cute sexy Ruchi which happened with her sometime back. Over to Ruchi now! Hello guys and girls I’m Ruchi from Nagpur and I would like to...


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