Sophomore HopChapter 3 free porn video

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Thursday Morning

Closing the door and hearing it latch was evident that a switch opened something in Helen's expression, I noted. She watched me dress, followed me to the kitchen, watched me drink another glass of orange juice, and she never stopped chattering. She became silent when the door closed, or so it appeared. We were half way to the street and she continued with her silence, although she was clinging to my arm in the customary manner. I stopped walking, and she stopped. I saw sadness in her face when she looked up, as she held firmly to my arm. She was looking at me and I saw the sadness in her eyes.

"Something is bothering you. Is it the same problem you had last night?" I asked lifting her chin to face me when she lowered her head.

She wasn't crying however, I saw her eyes were tearing, her look depressing, and I could see she was in pain. Her head nodded slowly, and a tear formed in each eye. I saw the tears building, finally rolling across each cheek, and dropping to her blouse. I felt numb. I was aware of my faculties; however, they didn't appear to be functioning properly

I pulled her to me, wanting to comfort her, however I couldn't think of a consoling word. I waited for her to say something, anything; her only response was to put her arm around my waist and pull me closer.

We clung to one another a long while and when she spoke I pushed her from me in shock, dumfounded by her words.

"WHAT!" My voice was close to a yell. "What did you ask?" Her question shocked me.

Helen remained meek, her head lowered; however, she had to know the answer. The question, unanswered, remained paramount in her mind for two years. She was face-to-face with him and needed an answer.

"Are you a pedophile; did you have sex with that young girl?" She asked, breathing heavily, she had finally confronted him with the question. Looking up, and staring at him straight in the eyes, she hesitated, wanting another question answered, yet, fearing the answer. She was his favorite girl, or so he told her many times a day for years, but he had given her favorite gift to another girl.

"You gave her my favorite panties, why?"

I knew she could see the frustration in my face. It was evident she hadn't been informed, or either she wasn't satisfied with the answer she received. Two dozen times, I told the story, and she was asking again. I thought the situation had been laid to rest, although very apparent it wasn't as I looked into her eyes.

"NO, to question one," I said spitefully, answering the same for question two. "Your panties," I said and paused. She stared, her mouth agape, and it was the expression on her face that caused me to change the tone in my voice. I could see my tone upset her, although she couldn't be aware of my feelings, I was just as upset.

"Those were the panties in the top of your drawer. I laid them aside at first; picking them up when I remembered how much joy they brought you. She was hurting, scared, and extremely embarrassed. I thought they would be a small comfort to her, and they were. That is why I chose that pair, your favorites." I continued looking into her eyes; I didn't want to break the contact fearing she would doubt my answer. It was the truth, whether she accepted my response, or not.

"That damn bus," Jason said aloud as she turned and saw it slowing. Stretching to kiss him on the cheek, she turned and began running. He saw nothing in her face to warn him if she accepted his explanation. She did look back and wave before she stepped up into the bus, and she was smiling. He felt that was a positive, however had the bus arrived three minutes later she could have responded, hopefully putting the incident to rest.

I began walking slowly to the house, staring at the basketball backboard. Dad removed the hoop after the incident. "I'll put it back when I have grand children, not before," dad told mom the day he took it down.

It was a cloudy day, the sun popping through the clouds every few minutes for a few seconds, before it disappeared again. We were into summer break two weeks and the excitement was wearing off, boredom was setting in due to a lack of friends to joke and horse around. Many of my friends had summer jobs, and I was designated master of the house in the daytime with a primary responsibility of caring for Helen.

That wasn't a task, I watched over her during her entire life, especially after she started school; mom went back to work. Dad came home before mom every evening, however, by the time he came home we were ready for bed; home work completed, baths over and lunches made, if we were going to carry a lunch the following day.

I veered toward my old Ford; it would be hot later and I walked over to roll the windows down. I looked at the stereo system, still semi installed after two years, and I did not intend to complete the installation, although it was an early seventeenth birthday present.

I was installing the stereo, and half dozen boys were shooting baskets, boredom already showing in the ten to twelve year olds. I heard the girl calling her brother two minutes before I heard her scream.

"Bubba, you have to come home, we're getting ready to go."

"Sister, tell mom I don't want to go, I'm going to stay here and play."

"Bubba, mama said she wasn't going to stand for any excuses, you have to come home now."

"YOU BETTER NOT," she yelled.

Seconds later, I heard her scream as the bicycle scraped on the concrete drive. I quickly slid from beneath the dash and looked over the car; she was lying on the drive, holding her knee and screaming at the boys.

I rushed over and saw the scrape on her knee. She was holding her knee and crying; I knew she was hurting. This girl was a tomboy and tough as nails, she'd never cry in front of the boys if she weren't in terrible pain. She had the ability to pin the ears on any of the boys I saw surrounding her. I saw the blood on her thigh and turned to her brother, "Bubba, run get your mother and bring her."

One of the boys saw the blood and yelled excitedly, "She's bleeding. She's hurt bad." That was a signal to the boys because they scattered, each grabbing a bicycle and shouting blame to one another as they quickly peddled up the drive. I rushed into the house, calling for Evelyn, our housekeeper, and returned to the driveway with a small wet towel.

I wrapped the towel around her knee, and it was swelling I could see. She continued crying as I tried to comfort her. The tomboy was missing I noticed as I stood close waiting for her mother. The ball hat and cut-offs were missing, as well the walking advertisement sweatshirt she normally wore. Instead, she was wearing a white blouse, skirt, and socks. Instead of the ponytail hanging out the back of her hat, her hair combed out, teasingly covering one eye, made her look older and I could see she was a pretty girl. Even while in pain and crying, she looked beautiful. There were crazy twelve-year-old boys in the neighborhood if they weren't attempting at courting her.

I saw the blood on her skirt when I returned with the wet towel and I knew what it was, Helen started her periods six months earlier and we were in the mall when she started. She was just as embarrassed as sister.

We waited more than twenty minutes and she continued sobbing as we waited for her mother to show. I saw her grab at her stomach, and she started sobbing harder. I was sympathetic toward her, and her feelings. Lifting her gently, paying attention to her injured knee, I carried her into the house and took her into Helen's bedroom. I sat her on the closed toilet, opened the closet door pointing to Helen's female supplies, and walked from the bathroom.

I was sitting on Helen's bed when she came from the bathroom, dressed in Helen's robe. She struggled to walk, and I assisted her to the bed. She was sobbing still and she told me her clothing was soiled. I walked into Helen's closet and searched for a skirt, finding one I thought she could wear. The panties were an after thought.

I chose Helen's favorites. She spotted them in a catalog and we sent cash in the mail to order them.

I was leaving Helen's room, where she could dress, when I heard the scream and felt the fists beating me on the head. Her mother was on a wild rampage, accusing me of assaulting her daughter.

When mom and Helen returned, the house was full of people. There were four or five police officers, paramedics, and reporters and photographers were outside the door. The paramedics took sister in the ambulance and when dad came home, after mom called him, they took me to the police station and asked a million questions.

Mom and dad brought me home, and dad took the hoop from the backboard that afternoon. I had to see a counselor twice a week the remainder of the summer; she studied me and said I had pedophiliac tendencies. If I had known at the time I would never admitted to washing Helen's back once or twice a week, or going shopping and helping her select clothing. Hell would have frozen over before I would have admitted ordering the panties for Helen, because I still hear one question, "Do you like watching little girls walking around in frilly, sexy looking panties."

I had my hands on the steering wheel and I was leaning, my forehead supported on my hands, while I stared at the odometer. The numbers were blurred and unreadable; I was looking past them.

Helen was sent to Europe for a year, to stay with friends. I heard the counselor tell mom and dad we should be separated, and I wasn't allowed to communicate with sister in any fashion. I did see her one last time, although only for a moment. Mom and I were shopping at Christmas time; sister and I saw one another and she started walking toward me. I heard her mother calling for her to keep away from me. Sister walked up to me, said hello to mom as bold as ever and turned to me, smiling.

"Thank you, I think you're sweet." She rose on her toes and kissed me on the cheek. I thought I saw a tear and she said, "I'm sorry," quickly turning and joining her mother.

A few days after school started back after the Christmas and New Years break, Bubba was sitting at the top of the drive, apparently waiting for me to come from school. I stopped, and he pushed his bike to the car, looking it over closely.

"One day I'm going to get me a mustang," he said. "This is a nice car." He continued looking at the car and then in my direction. "We're moving, but sister sent me to give you a message. I'm supposed to say it just right or she is going to brain me." He smiled and looked into space, apparently recalling the words.

"Thank you for being nice," he said, pushing the bike to get it moving. I put the car in gear and he shouted at me, stopping about twenty feet from the car, "and understanding." He shouted, following it with a smile, raised his arm and waved, then pedaled off.

"Thank you," I replied although I knew he couldn't hear me.

"Thank you, but I don't know what for; I haven't done anything... yet." The voice surprised me; I hadn't realized I had spoken aloud. I saw the feet as I glanced in the direction of the voice, my forehead still resting on my hands. Rising to a sitting position, I turned to the voice and stared into a pair of barely covered tits.

"Hi," I muttered, my eyes remained on the breasts. "Helen just caught the bus. She has tests today."

"Heck, I hoped she would cut with me, and we could do something," Eleanor remarked frowning.

That was a lie. She wasn't knowledgeable of Helen answering the phone in my room earlier. I questioned why she lied and wondered what she was up to, however I didn't say it aloud.

"Where is Mrs. Michaels?"

"She is inside," I said and I saw a frown. "I don't think she is up however, she visited friends last night and came in late." The frown changed and became a smile.

"Pity," she said, I could have talked to her a while. "What are you doing out here? I have been standing here watching you three or four minutes, are you feeling bad?"

"No, I was just sitting here daydreaming."

"Were you thinking about your girlfriend?"

"No, I don't have a girlfriend; I was just sitting here thinking."

Placing a hand on his shoulder and brushing imaginary lint, she said, "You mean you don't have one special girl. What do the college girls do; do they date a different guy every night?"

"No, they don't date a different guy every night. Where did you ever get an idea like that; you don't date a different guy every night, do you?" She pulled her arm back and laid both arms on the car above the door, placing her forehead on her hands for padding.

"No, there aren't that many interesting boys in high school, there are many more to choose from in college."

Her smile was faint and she was purposely placing her breasts in my face, and I was enjoying the display of flesh. "Do you have one special guy?" I knew she wanted to appear older and I wondered what Helen would say if she knew her best friend was teasing her brother. I thought about it for a moment and began to wonder if the pair of them set this meeting up. I wouldn't put it past Helen.

"No, no one special, I think the boys in school are too immature. I like to go with older boys... men," she corrected herself.

"How old do your MEN need to be?" I asked. I dropped my smile and looked at her with a cold, somber expression before I spoke.

"20 to 25," she said without hesitation.

My dismal expression didn't change. "I'm disappointed," I said. "I don't fall in your group, I'm only 19."

The smile left her face and there was a long pause; she stood erect dropping her arms to her sides. "I thought you were older; there are always exceptions," she said softly, the smile returning.

I was no longer staring at her breasts, my eyes traveled to the four-inch span of bare skin between the halter-top and her short skirt. Raising my hand, I let a finger glide across her flesh just below her top, "I don't think I have the experience the MEN you are talking about. I'm positive I don't have the experience," I looked upward, letting my eyes lock on hers as I spoke.

"I didn't mean that... , " she stopped mid-sentence.

I slid from the car seat, causing her to step back. We both turned when the door opened and Evelyn called out. "Jason, I'm cooking waffles this morning," she said laughing as she spoke. She knew I thought her waffles were the best in the world, my favorites for the fifteen years she worked for our family. "Eleanor, there are plenty, come along," her tone was directive.

Evelyn didn't give us a chance to linger; she waited at the doorway for us to enter. I was midway through my fourth waffle, Eleanor was just finishing her second, and Evelyn walked into the dining room with her purse.

"I'm going shopping and if there is anything special you'd like now is the time to tell me," she said brushing across my head with her hand, an affectionate act she performed for years.

"Well if it's not too much trouble, the cordon bleu, pastrami and rye, and pork roasts I have been eating are not within your standards." I just smiled when I named my favorites.

"As if I didn't already know you wanted those," she said and ruffled my hair and then hugged my shoulder. "It's so good to have you home, and I know your father is at wits end. He has been strutting his 'stuff' since you said you wanted to work with him this summer. He may not tell you in words; however, he is very proud of you. I had better be on my way or I will be making myself cry." She gave me another quick squeeze on the shoulder and walked from the room.

Eleanor and I were on our last bites of our late breakfast when she looked at me and grinned. "I think Evelyn is just as proud as she claims your father is." Pushing her plate back, she said, "Those are about the best waffles I've had, and I don't like waffles."

I stood, gathered my soiled dishes and walked into the kitchen. Eleanor was close behind, took the dishes from my hands, and pushed me aside, rinsing the plates and placing them in the dishwasher. I stepped back and studied her as she busied herself. I paid particular attention when she leaned over and arranged the plates in the dishwasher; her skirt stretched tight across her ass.

Eleanor was tiny in frame, barely five feet tall and not weighing a hundred pounds, if that much. I judged her shape to be above average, comparing her to other girls of sixteen, however she had the majority beat in the tit department. Her breasts had to be at least a 'C' cup, and I could see where my sister could be envious; they were well shaped. The bra she wore had to be thin because her nipples remained erect since the moment she walked to my car earlier. I had an urge to ask if blondes really had more fun, however I refrained. She straightened and turned, and I smiled as I studied her face. She was very attractive, not what you would call beautiful, but elegant. Her thin face and high cheekbones reminded me of Audrey Hepburn, although my movie idol would look terrible with blonde hair. That was just my opinion.

"What are you smiling about and what are you thinking?" she said almost breaking into a laugh.

"I was thinking how nice it would be if I were in that 20-25 year old group."

The semi-laugh disappeared and she stepped close, concern was expressed across her face. "I didn't mean it exactly as it came out earlier; I just meant the boys my age don't have a clue about treating a girl the way we like to be treated." Placing her hands on my waist, she pulled my body against her thin frame, "You fit in any girls group." I felt her breasts press against the upper part of my stomach and her warm body caused strange things to happen rather quickly, "Mr. P" began rising as he stiffened. I didn't have time to debate the question; that being whether it was the contact of her warm body pressing against my prick or her firm breasts causing the commotion inside my brain.

I was trying to think of a number, one-hundred, two-hundred, three-hundred; I didn't know and had no idea. How many times had I looked at a girl and desired her, yet in my arms I held one which looked two or three times better than any I lusted for. The majority didn't have as fine a shape as Eleanor and I was holding her. I did not intend to kiss her; I was complacent just holding her close. That changed when she looked up into my face and I saw she was poised, expecting me to kiss her. I lowered my head and our lips met. Very quickly, I realized she was more experienced in one area than I was; her tongue slipping into my mouth was a complete surprise. I saw her a half dozen times in the past few days and thought of her as a sixteen-year-old girl, All of a sudden I had a lot to learn.

Our tongues twisted and wrestled and I thought I was in heaven. I realized I was only on the threshold when she covered my entire oral cavity, not missing a centimeter. I felt as though I was melting when she sucked my tongue and I began copying her moves, touching the inside of her mouth in its entirety. I tasted the syrup on her lips and began sucking, covering each particle of skin as she taught me. I had her bottom lip in my mouth for the second time when her hands pulled my hands under her halter and pressed them against her soft mounds.

"It clips in the front," she said pulling her lip free. I didn't understand the meaning of her words and a minute later, her hands joined mine momentarily, long enough to unfasten her bra. I trembled and had to catch my breath, I was almost to the point of shooting into my trousers. I could feel her hardened nipples pressing against my palms and I felt as proud of myself as the night I first touched a breast.

I remember I was in the seventh grade, I was playing with a half dozen friends, and we were in the barn. I was helping the girl to the ground when my hands slipped under her blouse. She didn't have breasts; they were just nubs however, when my hands cupped them the nipples was hard. She pressed my hands firmly against her body and I massaged them for four or five minutes, and all the time she was smiling at me. I hated it when one of our playmates called because she quickly pushed my hands from her. I tried four or five more times that evening to touch her; however, she rebuked me each time.

Eleanor wasn't denying me; she was urging me, actually teaching me how to caress the breasts of the fairer sex. Our lips met again and as I massaged her breasts, our tongues were busy working with and against one another. I was nearly a foot taller than she was and I became uncomfortable bending, and I knew she was tired of stretching. I lifted her and sat her on the butcher-block table; she was nearly weightless I thought. Our lips and eyes were almost level and there was no longer a need to bend, and it was much easier to keep my hands on her breast.

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Core of NightChapter 2

He walked quietly and purposefully through his day. Working his way up hill, he stayed downwind from his destination. As he got close, he moved more slowly and carefully. When he was within fifty meters, he crouched down at the base of a tree and looked over a ridge line. There, below him, was a small human encampment. There were four shelters in the camp. As he waited and watched, he counted five adult males and two adult females. There did not appear to be any juveniles present. He...

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arkadas annesn skms

--------------------------------------------------ALINTIDIR------------------------------------------------------------------Slm ben sedat izmirden 19 yaşındayım. benim başımdan geçenler dünyanın en iğrenç durumu diyebiliriz. ailem kusursuz bir ailedir babam 50 yaşında avukatlık yapan biri annem 44 yaşında ev hanımıdır. alsında ufaklüğümden beri çevremdekilerin annem ile ilgiliki görüşlerinden bıkmıştım. çoğu annemi sex amaçlı konuştuklarına şahit olmuştum defalarca. yalnız 2015 gördüklerim...

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Butter FaceChapter 1

"Dude, looks like you've got an admirer," Jessie said slapping my arm while looking past me to my right. Casually glancing in the direction of his stare, I saw a young girl standing next to a bus stop bench wearing baggy gym shorts and a tee shirt looking our way. She quickly turned away once we locked eyes. "Come on, man, she's what, like 10-years-old?" "Naw, I've seen her at my brother's school. He's got a class with her so she's got to be the same age as he is." "Looks like...

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My sensual Boss at the hotel room

Sheila had been my Boss during the last three months. She was some years older than me; but that woman really made me hard every time she called me to her office.Sometimes I could not even to hide my growing erection under my trousers.Sheila knew she was a perfect bitch and she enjoyed teasing me.In our company it was considered taboo to have sex with co-workers, or even worse, with senior employees. But that afternoon Sheila called me and asked if I was available to go to any place with her...

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Both Turned Into a Slut for BBC PT1 Gay

It all started innocently enough, I guess. Henry went to the same gym I did, and he was the kind of guy you couldn't help but notice. Tall, probably 6'4" or so, around 220lbs, incredibly muscular body without being "too cut", if you know what I mean, and skin the color of a Hershey bar. He was just gorgeous.I had flirted with the idea, when I was in college, of trying sex with another guy. I'd even gone so far as to go to several adult video arcades with every intention of sucking off or being...

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new to the neighborhood pt 2

continued for pt 1 emily was screaming YES FUCK MY PUSSY FUCK ME HARDER FUCK IT FEELS GOOD (PT 2 FUCK MY TIGHT TEEN PUSSY. So i continued to pound her pussy like there was no 2morrow then i felt a tingle feeling in my balls and i said emily im gonna cum she said YES CUM INSIDE OF MY PUSSY BABY I WANNA FEEL YOUR LOAD INSIDE OF ME with that i released spurts of cum deep inside of her pussy. Then we layed there for a while...

4 years ago
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The Night after I Broke up With You

dear Matthewhere is a little story of what i am doing now that you are gone.So me and my Gf from work meet up at the cabo - after work. About 11:30 - I went out to my car and changed into something more appropriate. My black skirt and a nice silky tank top, and my black boots. When i got to the bar, my friend was already drinking - so I asked my bartender guy friend I've been wanting to fuck, for a drink. One two three drinks down, and i was feeling quite buzzed. then to my left I saw two...

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Diary Of Sex 8211 Part 2

This is Amar(name changed), 24 years of age with a fair complexion and 5’11” I height, and a 6” dick. I had just finished my engineering and am working in a reputed company. This is the continuation of diary of sex with my cousin’s sister. I request the readers who have missed the first part to go through and give your feedback. My cousin’s sister’s name is Usha. She is 23 years of age pursuing M.Tech. Usha is 5’10” tall, with curves just in the right places, and has a flawless body of...

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Getting a salary raise

I was there, sitting at my desk in my own office, thinking my Boss was a complete bastard. He had given me the worst tasks during the last three years working for him and I had done everything, without claiming a single word.So, I decided it was time for a change, or better I should say, for a raise in my poor salary.After lunch that Friday, I looked myself in the mirror, touched a bit my red lipstick and I climbed up the stairs to my Boss’ office.He was a handsome black man, almost eighty...

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Uncle Charlie and my Summer Family Ch 5

Chapter 5. With Donny at the Pond (1800 words) CHAPTER 5 SUMMARY Tess is ready to take the next step with her cousin. Tess slept until almost noon the next day. Besides her all day gymnastics meets, her body had never felt so weary. Her breasts and vulva were achy, and she could tell her asshole had become more than a one-way exit. She walked out of her room wearing only her loose sleep shirt and went to the kitchen. Everyone was standing around chatting as Kat made lunch. They...

2 years ago
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He Always Told Her Dreams Do Come True

It was a lovely day out, it was warm and seeing him made it even warmer for her (Sabrina) to take. He (Jacob) was her best friend and he had know clue that Sabrina was in love with him and would do anything to be with him. One day they were out together shopping like they always did, when they went into the bra department to scope out some new stuff for Sabrina. When they came across this really sexy purple nighty it was so hot that Jacob started to invision Sabrina wearing it but was to afraid...

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Solider and drunk Lieutenant

Before you read1992 Army. Very difficult for musician, for me, for someone that hates weapon and war.Still, it was mandatory,this is one of the erotic moments ,midnight, barracks, and being on duty all night. About 300 soldiers are sleeping, and me... walking and guarding them, actually walking numerous times from one to another side of a hallway. I was sleepy and tired. ******Going back to the empty after midnight corridor I was guarding.The silence of the night was disturbed only by snoring...

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A Wish Unwanted Part 11

A Wish Unwanted - Part 11 by Limbo's Mistress We made our way back downstairs to the party, which was still going full- swing. The group that had been in the office when we entered the house was gone. Likewise, when we got to the door, I noticed through the glass panes beset in the wood that the crowd outside had decreased by about twenty percent. "What do we do now?" Charlie asked, looking at the rest of us. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, I can search my room for the...

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Becoming A Slut Wife ChristinaChapter 11

To: JPB 5/16/07 Can you tell I'm having one of those weeks? So sorry that I have been out of touch, but you haven't missed anything. Last weekend was all basketball and apple pie. Jerry's sister came to town for Mother's Day so it was a family get-together time for all of us. The office has been horrendous -- but why go into that! Working on anything good lately? To: C 3/19/07 Got home from the mountains and there was a message on the telephone answering machine from the daughter...

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senior trip becomes senior suck Part 1

Tammy was feeling down, she had been looking forward to her freshman field trip ever since she heard the tales told by her older siblings. Every year her school took the freshman on a weekend trip to a waterpark the k**s were split into groups of 6 and designated a trailer in the camp grounds. usually after the chaperones fell asleep the boys would sneak into the girls trailers and play games such as spin the bottle or strip poker. Tammy was still a virgin and was shy around the boys, she was...

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Christmas Vacation

With thanks to the founding fathers and the U.S. Constitution Chapter One It was snowing outside and the temperature was in the low twenties but the heat was stifling as I moved through the terminal. The flight was late... I was pissed! This fucking weather! Why the fuck did I want to go back East to college!? I dragged my luggage forward about a foot as the line crawled toward the ticket counter. I should have traveled lighter... Then I could have just gone to the gate! Nancy's e-mail was...

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Lost By Archibald Young Paul was lost, cold and wet. His phone was smashed after he had dropped it. The rain sheeted down in a grey wall, and he could barely see where he was going. How he wished he'd stayed in the car, and not asked to walk the last few miles across country to the holiday house where his step-mother and step-sisters were probably having tea, warm and snug! He came to a road, and began to walk along it, looking for a phone box. It was a deserted spot, the...

4 years ago
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The Incident Took Place While Commencing A Green Field Project

Hello readers, hope everyone is enjoying reading the stories here like me. I am Rahul again, sharing another real incident happened to me a few years back with all the readers of ISS. I am working in an internationally reputed engineering firm for last few years. By the way, I am 25 now. I joined this company as a management trainee and thereafter getting a couple of promotion, I became a project head which has been a decent rise in career. Before coming to the story, I would like to mention...

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To Pick a Rose

She sat smiling at me.a look of devilment in her eyes,her tongue gently made a luscious journey accross her sensual lips,the smile said it all.’you want me..haha,but you can’t bring yourself to try can you’,it said.and she was fucking right.20,my wifes daughter from a previous bad relationship,all tarty and dressed to thrill a man into serious trouble.a wanting little cow who had already learnt long ago how to use her assets and to get what she wants just by being hot n sexy. I hate that kind...

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First Night With Cousin Julie

We were having sweets and tea at the picnic-style table in the kitchen. I’d just bathed and had on my nightie. Cousin Julie also had on her flimsy nightie and sat so she nudged me so our arms were as though stuck together, the little hairs standing at attention, warmth kindling higher the longer Cousin Julie sat so insistently close to me. Even when I politely scooted down the bench to make extra space, she followed suit and again our legs and arms pressed together and her hand settled on my...

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A Trip to an Erotic Amusement Park

When you get to be my age, birthdays come and go. Except when you live with a very sexy, wild, and much younger woman. I have been fortunate to be quite well off, and probably that’s why my girlfriend, Candy, is even with me. That’s a story for another day. When one is rich, people flock to you. I love to spoil women and they like to spoil me. It’s a win-win situation. I met up with Candy when I was at a convention in Atlantic City. I was staying at the Golden Nugget. Candy was at a blackjack...

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Sexy Nurse Adventures

Hi guys, this is me, back with another story. My first story was ‘sexy sister seduced me’. This is my second story. I am a 6 feet guy with a great tool of 7 inch in size that is much on the fairer side. Any girl or ladies in kolkata interested in one night stand can ping me at I am not interested in any relationships so please, only one night stands. This story is about how I fucked a sexy girl whose name was Mahima. She used to work as a nurse at a doctor’s place where i used to visit once in...

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Shaila turn into a 100 euro slut

Hi readers this is Amit again, haven’t posted for some time since “Shaila and the Sex Cinema”, but have been keeping up to date with all the stories posted. We have now been married for 21 years and during that time have enjoyed a strenuous sex life. Shaila is a very beautiful pale skinned Indian 42 year old 36/27/38 48 kilos and is always being leered at by other men. Just thought I’d let you know of a recent experience whilst we were on a short city break. We were in Hamburg, Germany for a...

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STAR WARS between the wars

STAR WARS A long time ago there was a galaxy far far away which is constantly in turmoil. No matter what era, there is always some conflict going on. While this is a perfect recipe for many a legend to arise, especially with a mystical power like ‘the force’ touching so many, most people forget there are plenty more non-force-sensitives who are just trying to live their lives. These are an anthology of stories of the previously ignored people who make up the backbone of the star wars galaxy.

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ForgiveChapter 11 The Company

Thursday morning, the president and owner of Coulton Industries arrived at his office to a hoard of serious-looking individuals. Beth hated this portion of the process. She loved her job and liked Mr. Coulton, but there was no choice. Bob Coulton looked like a confused and defeated man as the team joined him in the main conference room. Tom Willis led the discussion. “Mr. Coulton, I wish I could tell you today was a good day for your company. Unfortunately, that would be a lie. Your sales...

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Classroom Fun

I hopped in the shower but kept thinking about the dreams as I started soaping up my body. I was standing facing the shower faucet rinsing my face as the warm water made its way down my neck over my tits and down to my pussy I felt my nipples getting hard and the tingling sensation in my pussy when my nipples were hard. My clit was still engorged and swelled more as the sensation made my pussy hot and pulsate. I started rubbing my nipples with the palms of my hands in a circular motion and...

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Favors Small and GreatChapter 3

At work that morning, I didn't get a moment's peace, of course. Granted, Shelly and Kelsey were now gone, but Margret attacked me in the john and immediately went to work on my cock before I even clocked in for the day. She knew that I had little time, so she focused like a laser on sucking me so hard that I felt as if she had vacuumed up my cum into her mouth. That certainly helped, but my dick didn't have it easy from that point, either. Instead, Rosa popped in several times to check up...

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The Last Man

This story was related to me by the main character, who shall be known as Roger Wilkinson. It was recorded by me in personal conversation with him over a period of six hours in four sessions, and when I set about writing it, I felt it best to put it in dialogue form because that was how he presented it to me. I offered the outline, drafts and now the finished product to him for his endorsation. He is satisfied that, if not literal, it is an accurate reflection of the past few months in his...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 35 Inside the Communal Dormitory

“Hang on a minute. I’m just going back to find Polly. She should have been down here by now. It wasn’t going to take her this long to read through the rest of her morning’s notes.” Jessie Harper stood ankle deep in the water’s edge of Lake Jackson as she spoke. She was just starting to untie her blouse done up across her bikini top but had a quick rethink before doing it up again. She had already taken off her short skirt that had covered her bikini bottoms but quickly put the skirt back on...

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IT WA FRAUDPart 3 of 6

>>>>>> We woke up early—really early, almost an hour before the alarm so I suggested breakfast at The Bear’s Den before she had to go to work. We showered together then I lay on the towels for what turned out to be her final application of the ointment. We dressed--me in a tee and shorts, Scarlett in scrubs--and I drove to The Den in my SUV. We had been seated for several minutes when I saw a friend from school approach the table. “Got a minute, Sean?” “Sure, Rod; this is Scarlett, my...

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The Female of the Species

The Female of the Species By Scott Ramsey Edited by Amelia R. Man's timid heart is bursting with the things he must not say, For the Woman that God gave him isn't his to give away; But when hunter meets with husband, each confirms the other's tale - The female of the species is more deadly than the male. - Kipling ** Chapter 1 October 2, 2006 The village of Illiamna, Alaska, nestled on the northeastern shore of the lake which bore its name, boasted a...

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Emily Part Two

"This is Part Two of a two-part story. I recommend reading “Emily-Part One” before reading this."We never did get to that "appetizer". The pizza place was slammed (it was, after all, a Friday night) and couldn’t promise delivery for at least an hour. I ended up running out for Chinese take-away while Emily freshened up a bit. By the time I got back, she was wearing a robe, had set the coffee table for dinner, opened another bottle of wine and had a couple of lounging pillows set out on the...

Straight Sex
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Gifted Book 1 SilenceChapter 12 Dignitaries

Willow was very nervous at meeting the King. She wore the green striped dress and found a lovely necklace and earbobs in her mother’s jewellery box. She didn’t like wearing powders on her face so she didn’t. She did smear a pink gloss on her lips and darkened her eyelashes. She grabbed her cape and purse and headed out to the sitting room. Ty turned when he heard her door open and he stood transfixed. She was beautiful, that was all he could think. Then she smiled that little smile she gave...

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Hes So Pretty In Pink

He is sixteen years my junior, six feet tall, blond haired and blue eyed, with an insatiable desire to be my submissive sissy slut. I never could figure out what drives his desire for an older woman, such as myself, but he can never keep his eyes off my long legs or my round, voluptuous ass. He pestered me to no end to dress him as a proper sissy and take his hungry ass with my strap on and was quite relentless about it.Finally he wore me down, so I invited him over one afternoon to give him...

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Dutiful Assistant

((There might be some changes throughout the chapters. This is because I am finding out the way I like to write. I'm learning different styles and quirks. Because of this, chapters might differ in style from time to time. This is definitely a trail and error kind of thing, chapters might have changed once you re-read them, this is because I might have gone back and found that I'm not very pleased with it.)) The feeling of uncertainty never seemed to want leave Erik's subconsciousness. Even as...

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Wife Swapping Part 3 of 4

“Keep sucking, beautiful. You look so good like that”, Al encouraged.Amy liked it when John called her beautiful. She couldn’t believe it. She had just swallowed all this cum and she was still sucking on John’s cock. And it was getting big again. She let it fall out of her mouth and said, “John, please fuck me. I need your cock in me.”Al slapped his cock against her face, “It’s Al, Amy. If you can’t keep up this role play I’ll have to punish you.“Please…Al. I need your cock!” Amy corrected...

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