- 3 years ago
- 22
- 0
Mike sat with Naia on the edge of the fountain, their arms wrapped around each other. He took in her scent, which was reminiscent of rain and the forest floor. When she finally released him, she had a scowl fixed on her face.
“You had better come back alive,” she told him. “Or I will be very cross with you.”
“Don’t worry. I’m going to be very careful. If things start to go south before I get there, I’ll come back and try again next year.” Truthfully, he hoped that wasn’t the case. How many years had Cecilia been stuck in the faerie realm already? Every morning leading up to today had filled him with the anxiety of knowing that an hour to him could be months to her. Was she still okay? Would she be happy to see him?
He had started having dreams about her when Lily wasn’t inside his head. Cecilia would try to warn him away, and he would chase her until his dream filled with mist and he became lost. No amount of Dreamscape trickery allowed him to part the veil and find her, which made him wonder if it was a variation on the anxiety dreams.
When he stood, he looked up at the roof. Though he didn’t see her, he could feel Kisa’s presence up there, almost like an itch that couldn’t be scratched. Ever since the incident at the centaur camp, he could feel her no matter where she was, and she claimed a similar experience. Luckily, the centaurs had provided her with some herbal tea which acted as birth control. He had been very happy to see her drink it down without any hesitation.
Lily had suggested that Kisa get spayed, which prompted Kisa to try and take a chunk out of the succubus.
Ratu had examined both Mike and Kisa and said that their magic was now linked in a similar manner to the way a witch would bond with a familiar, but nobody knew what that now meant for the two of them. She also announced that it was likely that Kisa would go into heat on every full moon from now on, unless she sequestered herself away from the sight of it. Kisa’s protest at this announcement was mellow by her standards, and he wondered if perhaps she didn’t mind. She had definitely softened in her approach to him, and he had spotted her lurking around more often.
The others bade him farewell as he picked up the backpack he had prepared for this trip. When he made it down the hill to the gate, Beth was waiting to see him off.
“Good luck,” she told him. “Sorry I couldn’t find out more about the geas, or your contract with the queen.”
He smiled. “Learning about Samhain was more than enough. I’m leaving you in charge. Make sure Tink brushes her teeth, and no parties. It is Halloween, after all.”
She laughed. “Do you suppose we should let her go trick or treating? She could pass for a kid in a costume.”
“If you can get her to actually wear underwear, then maybe.” He looked up the hill at Tink, who was busy with a giant spool of electrical cable. She was almost done rewiring the house, but the large industrial spool of wire she had ordered by accident had been way more than she needed. She was using it as a spare table now, and he couldn’t help noticing that she kept it pretty far from the edge of the roof. “But I did see the giant bag of candy hidden in the back of the pantry. I assume you bought it?”
Beth smiled. “Like you said, It is Halloween. I don’t expect anyone to come to the door, but you never know. When I was a kid, this neighborhood always had the best candy, and some years, a few kids would be brave enough to ring the bell. Maybe this year, someone will answer.”
Mike nodded, wondering if Beth would wear a costume. Would it be something cute? Maybe something simple, like cat ears and a tail? Would that piss Kisa off?
“Guess I’m headed out.” He didn’t know whether to hug her or shake her hand, and the moment was quickly becoming awkward. She seemed so distant recently, and that insecure part of him kept crying out that she saw him as a failure.
It really shouldn’t matter, but he couldn’t shake the idea that she might not value his company. Maybe it was just that she was happy enough with Asterion and Sulyvahn, but it wasn’t something he could just come out and ask her.
He offered her a slight wave and unlocked the gate, then stepped through. Once on the other side, he passed the key back through and watched Beth lock the gate.
“You sure about this?” she asked.
He nodded. “I don’t want anything coming out while I’m gone. Besides, if everything goes well, Cecilia will bring me back the regular way. If not...” he shrugged. “Try not to let the next disaster get you down if you fuck it up. Gotta keep trying and all that.”
“Is that another one of your boy scout mottos?”
“Uh ... no. Just good advice is all. Gotta go. Got a date with a banshee.” He turned away from her and walked into the woods. Once the mist gobbled up the gate behind him, he put his fingers into his mouth and blew a loud whistle.
“Date with a banshee, really?” Lily stepped around a nearby tree. “Shit, watching you two is like watching shitty prime-time TV.”
Mike startled, then put a hand to his chest and let out a breath. “Really? From behind a tree?”
“Trick or treat, Romeo.” She moved next to him and put her hand over his. “That was the trick. The treat is that I’m coming with you on your little trip. Just to the gate, anyway.”
“I thought you couldn’t?”
She shrugged. “I changed my mind. My presence might attract demons, but I’m also going to be riding with you on the back of Cerberus. Even if they show up, they’ll hightail it out of there. Besides, I figured we could chat.”
Lily transformed into Beth, then pressed herself against him. “So, Mr. Radley, do you wanna fuck or what?”
Mike’s stomach dropped, and he turned around to make sure that the gate was still a good distance behind them. What if Beth heard? “What are you doing?” he asked in a hushed town.
Lily was herself again, and she rolled her eyes. “Please. Watching you two pine over each other is giving me blue balls. Let’s talk about us, instead.” A grin appeared on her face, but then faltered when a giant shadow manifested in the mist.
Cerberus had arrived.
“Hello,” Mike said, stopping to scratch each head. Cerberus soaked up the attention, but threw Lily a trio of dirty looks.
“Play nice,” he warned her, eliciting a whimper from one of the heads.
“Someone is learning,” Lily muttered behind him, but he ignored her.
“Let’s hunt for some wayward spirits,” he said, then pulled himself up by Cerberus’ shaggy mane until he sat behind their shoulders. He stuck a hand out for Lily, then hauled her up to sit behind him.
Cerberus wandered into the woods, leaving the mortal realm far behind. They were on the prowl, which meant Cerberus would stop on occasion to sniff the ground, then change directions. Lily’s hands were tight on Mike’s belly as they moved through the mists of the Underworld, and he was suddenly very aware of how her hands kept sliding lower toward his crotch.
“So how long do we do this?” she asked. “Seems kind of like we’re walking around with your dick in our hands.”
Not yet, he thought to himself, thinking of her slender fingers. “Samhain is supposed to start at sundown, and I figured if we left a little bit early, it would increase our odds of seeing the spirits as they come through. Honestly, I don’t know what to expect, but—”
A ball of light formed in the mist off to their left and then rocketed past, blipping out of existence just past his shoulder. Cerberus lifted their heads and sniffed, then turned toward where the ball had come from.
“Was that a spirit?” he asked.
“Fairly certain it was fae. The boundary’s thin, but the fae are more powerful. Any spirits hanging about likely won’t come out until tomorrow.” She leaned forward over his shoulder to reveal that her face was now painted in black and white, making it look like a skull. “Dia de los Muertos, mi rey.”
He understood the first part. “Day of the dead. It’s tomorrow.”
“Interesting how it overlaps with Samhain, isn’t it? You’ll find that so many cultures have celebrations that line up like that for a reason. The pagans were pretty good about noticing those things, they’ve always been in touch with the world and its inner workings. The Catholic church pretty much stole most of their holidays, because the only things they want to touch are money and little boys.”
“Harsh,” he muttered.
“Truer than you think. Remember, never trust a man who claims to be noble. Judge him instead by his actions.” Her hands had moved low enough that she could tease the tip of his cock with the edge of her fingernail.
“You sound oddly philosophical,” he told her. “Did you eat someone nice, or are you done playing hard to get.”
“Hmmph.” She pressed her face into his neck. “If you’re gonna be a dick, I can always just walk home. If you’re lucky, I won’t accidentally show a horde of demons through your backdoor.”
“Yeah, well, last time you brought something through my backdoor, it started off scary and ended up being enjoyable.”
He heard a slight hitch in her voice, followed by a chuckle. Her hand moved lower and she pinched the fabric of his jeans just hard enough to capture the head of his cock between her fingers.
“Now you’re making me blush, Romeo,” she said. “I wasn’t aware that you ever thought about that.”
“We spend so much time in the Dreamscape that I think about it a lot. Those first few days of confusion, that bet that you lost.” He grinned at the memory. “I’ve gained a newfound perspective on life this month. Probably growing as a person.”
“You speak like a man who knows what he wants, but I sometimes wonder; do you know what you want?” With one fluid motion, she had undone the button on his pants, exposing his cock to the outside world. She was stroking him from behind, and he closed his eyes at the sudden rush of pleasure that moved through him.
“Uh, Lily, I’m not sure—”
“Oh, it’s fine, she’s not going to eat you. Remember, she’s an animal. Worst case scenario, pretend like you’re marking her as your property.” Lily’s other hand found the base of his cock and moved past to stroke his balls. “But let’s talk more about you. I know you’re attracted to Beth, I’ve been inside your head, remember?”
“Um...” He had no idea what to say. What was Lily trying to do to him? He was supposed to be tracking wayward spirits in the Underworld, but now she was messing with his dick and talking about Beth.
“You know, I could do this better if you moved the backpack.” She took it off his shoulders and transferred it to hers. “There doesn’t seem to be a lot in here. What did you pack?”
“Mostly sandwiches,” he replied.
“Really? Off to fight the queen of the faeries and you packed sandwiches?”
“Nope. Sofia packed them for me. This way, I don’t end up starving to death while getting there.” He was distracted when another orb shot by him and Cerberus changed direction once again.
“Oh, Romeo, what am I going to do with you?” Her hands found his cock once more. “Oh. Right. Beth.”
“I don’t really know how I feel about her,” he said. “Being a hundred percent honest, I feel an attraction, but I’m not sure why. I’m literally surrounded by exotic women of all shapes and sizes, have sex on a daily basis with many of them, and know that Beth is far more interested in men who are more ... legendary, if you catch my drift.”
“Maybe you like her for her brain?”
He thought about it. Beth was very intelligent, but did she really compare to others? Ratu had the wisdom of centuries, Tink could fix anything, and Zel was like a walking pharmacy. Any aspect of Beth taken individually paled in comparison to someone else, but whenever she was near, he felt his old lack of confidence come up.
“Maybe I like her for her,” he replied. “She’s like the female version of me, tossed into a crazy place with—” he grunted as a wave of pleasure shot up his spine, then watched as a series of sparkling lights moved between the trees up ahead. “With monsters. She has taken the whole thing in stride, so I would have to say it’s her confidence, or maybe her capability, who knows?”
“Interesting. Is that confidence enough?” Lily’s tail slithered into view, then moved up his leg until the tip of it hovered over his dick. “What about me? Are you attracted to my confidence?”
“Okay, I know for a fact that won’t fit in there,” he told her.
“You worry too much,” she whispered, and then the tip of her tail opened up, creating a wet sleeve which enveloped the top of his cock.
He gasped in response as a sensation like a sucking mouth worked the tip of his penis. Her hands and tail worked in unison, sending warm waves of pleasure up and down his legs.
“You didn’t answer the question,” she told him.
“Your confidence is unnerving,” he said, then leaned against her. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but it scares me sometimes. Not because I think you shouldn’t be confident, but because I worry you’ll do something to get hurt someday.”
Cerberus paused, then looked back at the two of them.
“Mind your own business, bitch,” Lily snapped.
Cerberus growled, but resumed their walk. Every time Mike felt like he was getting close, Lily backed down her ministrations and asked him another question, or squeezed the base of his cock to chase away his orgasm. Tiny little sparks danced all along his stomach and thighs, and occasionally along Lily’s tail. Most of the questions were casual, some were serious, and he noticed that the frequency of passing spirits was increasing, but he wasn’t exactly paying attention to the shifting scenery.
Lube flowed from her tail onto his shaft, keeping him well oiled. Cerberus kept looking back to see what was happening, but continued moving through the Underworld. The trees had changed, and most of them looked like they were dead, or close. The ground was littered with ash and leaves, and when Cerberus stepped around a grouping of rocks, Mike found himself staring at an old stone archway with symbols carved into the blocks along the top. Lily clamped one of her hands across his mouth to keep him quiet.
The archway had diagonal iron bars embedded inside that looked just wide enough to be squeezed through. Cerberus walked around the gate, but he couldn’t help but watch it as they passed. The air smelled of dust with a slight trace of sulfur, but there was another acrid odor he couldn’t place. Once they were away from it, Lily dropped her hand.
“Where did that one go?” he asked.
“Hell,” Lily told him. “The bars allow you to go in, but what you don’t know is that they’re like shark-skin, covered in microscopic barbs. Smooth one way, rough in verse, and if you try to back out, it tears your skin off. That’s the best case scenario.”
“Why would anyone go in there on purpose?” He looked over his shoulder at her.
Her face darkened. “There are things here that are far worse than Hell. Your version of Hell is a rather new idea, but the Underworld itself is ageless. It’s been around since the beginning of everything, maybe even before. There are things here that would love to get ahold of a wandering mortal, or even a soul that is firmly rooted here.”
“But wouldn’t Hell be worse?”
“It’s all a matter of perspective. There are things out here that mortals have forgotten the names of, creatures made of hooks and chains that feast on suffering. But enough about that, because it’s making you soft.”
“Oh.” He looked down to see that she was right. “I mean, you don’t have to do that.”
Lily bit his ear and started stroking him even harder. “I did not spend all that time edging you through the Underworld just to have you blow me off, Romeo.”
“Why are you edging—ow!” She had bitten him again.
“Lots of reasons. Because I’m a tease. Because I thought it would be fun to jerk you off while riding a three-headed dog. Because I thought it might help you relax, or maybe just because I thought you might enjoy it.” Her hands were working overtime now, as if to make up for lost ground. It was having the desired effect, and his thoughts were beginning to swim, his concentration lapsing.
“Lily, I—” he stopped mid-sentence when she started licking and sucking on his neck. The sensation of her lips on his neck was sending chills down his spine to meet up with the fire that blossomed below. Sparks now crawled along his entire body, and he felt the pressure building.
The vegetation had become so dense that the branches dragged along his skin like grasping fingers, and the trees were actually moving out of the way to let Cerberus through. Suddenly, the trees were gone and he found himself looking at a giant river. Cerberus padded carefully across, the water coming up just past their belly.
The water was black in places, and appeared to climb up Cerberus’ fur to reach for Mike. He caught the odor of brimstone, and his mind immediately jumped to a time and place from his youth, and he could hear the rancid screams of his mother bouncing around inside his head. Long forgotten memories rushed forth, filling his belly with lead. He clenched his fists, letting the anger rush through him.
Lily turned his head and put her lips on his. Her scent washed over him and he felt the memories of his youth vanish in the surge of energy that passed between them. When she broke the kiss, they were on the other side of the river, near the mouth of a large cave that fed the river.
Silver columns supported the ceiling of the entrance, and he couldn’t help but think the folded walls of the cavern looked like an eager vagina, beckoning him to enter. He was about to tell Cerberus to take him inside when Lily’s tail shifted and sucked him in deep.
“Oh ... my ... nghh!” The lightning danced out along Cerberus fur as Lily’s tail milked him, and the legendary beast trembled, then shook itself off, scattering water away from them. The succubus groaned as the magic traveled up her tail with his semen, her hands squeezing him tight while he released his load inside of her.
He shook his head and frowned at the cave. The sudden compulsion to go inside had vanished, and he thought he saw a figure in the mouth of the cave step back into the darkness.
“What just happened?” he asked. “What is this place.”
“That’s just some post-nut clarity,” Lily replied. “We should keep moving.”
“Okay.” He looked over his shoulder at the cave and caught the glimpse of a figure disappearing around the corner of the rocks. The strangest urge to go back and check it out pulled at him, but Lily put her mouth near his ear and whispered a single word.
He nodded, and looked away from the strange cave. The forest ahead was thinning rapidly, and he now saw buildings, or what was left of them. They looked like they had been bombed out, but as they approached, they faded away. They were now surrounded by whirring lights as spirits shot past them, and shadows milled about amongst the phantom city.
“Where is this place?” he asked.
“War zone, most likely. As for where, I couldn’t say.” Lily swiped at a nearby building and it vanished. “When you have enough death in one place, the boundary between the Underworld and your world thins to accommodate the sudden transfer of souls. In a way, they are both here and there at the same time.” She paused as a large shadow, nearly twelve feet tall, lumbered past them. “This may not even be our world.”
Cerberus stopped and belched fire at a nearby copse of trees. A group of creatures scattered from behind it and bolted into the woods.
“Scavengers,” Lily said. “Looking for an easy meal when someone crosses over.”
“This part of the Underworld seems a little more dangerous than over by the house,” he told her.
“The house has a Cerberus watching it. This place? Not so much. Actually, I don’t know that we want to run across another Cerberus. It may not be very happy to accept the condition this one is in.”
Cerberus looked back at the two of them and grunted in the affirmative, or so Mike thought. They continued onward for another hour when he patted Lily on the leg and looked over his shoulder.
“Can you grab a sandwich out of my bag?” he asked. He heard her rustle through his backpack and then went quiet.
“This isn’t a sandwich, it’s a whole fucking meal.” She handed it forward and he took it. It was essentially a BLT on a long hoagie roll, with some type of aioli that Sofia had whipped up this morning. “She made five more of these for you!”
“She didn’t want me going hungry. Want some?”
“No. You’re gonna need your strength when you inevitably fuck the faerie queen.”
“You really think it will come down to fucking her?” He pulled off a piece of his sandwich and held it back for her. There was a moment of hesitation before she took it from him and he heard her chew on it.
“Honestly? I fully expect her to betray you somehow, then you’ll seduce her with that big dick of yours. Probably fuck her in the ass in the hopes of dislodging the massive stick that’s up there.”
He laughed, which caused him to cough a bite of sandwich into his sinuses. This triggered a coughing fit, and Lily smacked him on the back, which allowed him to swallow the offending bite. He finished his sandwich and had Lily hand him a water bottle, which he promptly drained. The scenery was going from urban to jungle now, and they were walking along the side of a river that was cold enough that chunks of ice were caught in its current. From the side of his eyes, he thought he saw people clinging to the chunks, but when he looked directly, they were gone.
“Seriously though, is there a plan? If she betrays you, I mean.” There was absolutely no humor in Lily’s tone now.
“If she betrays me, she still has to let me return home. She can’t harm me directly, that much I know. It’s likely she will try to do something regarding Cecilia’s capture, but I’m not sure what.” He sighed in frustration. “Honestly, the only trick I have up my sleeve is that I can challenge her to a duel, but she has to accept. If we agree on the outcome of the duel, she gets to pick the weapons that are allowed, and I get to pick the location. I debated having Tink build me a giant faerie trap, but that could be seen as outside interference. So the duel is out.”
“Maybe you’ll get lucky and she’ll choose genitals as the weapon of choice.” Lily ran her hands along the front of his pants again. “Then you could pick somewhere romantic, show her that thing you do with your lightning...”
He grabbed her hand and moved it off his crotch. “Sorry,” he told her. “Got told by a trusted source that I’ll be banging a faerie queen later, so I need to have some gas in the tank.”
She laughed, pinched his stomach, then leaned her head against his shoulder. He thought he heard her sigh, and he couldn’t help but smile.
Beth was busy washing her dinner dishes while looking out the back window. Mike had been gone a few hours already, but she felt like it had been far longer.
Shortly after he left, she had gone out front to see if the sundial would turn for her. On the one hand, she was relieved when it didn’t. That meant that Mike was still alive. On the other hand, it also meant that she would be unable to activate the home’s defenses if he became trapped in the Underworld, and she wouldn’t put it past the queen to find a way to trap him there until the house was overrun by the society, angry gods, or whatever was waiting to pounce on the place.
The others were having a semi-quiet meal in the dining room. Tink was discussing some interior improvements with Reggie, and Sofia sat between Yuki and Quetzalli, the three of them going over some artbooks from the Library. Kisa had stopped in briefly to grab her meal to go, and Beth suspected she was up on the roof.
Dana was out back with some redesigned drones, trying to get in some last-minute adjustments before the sun went down. Undoubtedly she would take her place across from the mysterious door once night fell. Beth wasn’t certain what Dana had discovered, if anything, but had heard her talking to the rats a lot of nights in hushed tones. At first, she had wondered if they were helping her make progress, but it turned out that Dana rambled when she had an audience. Her inner monologue would float down the hallway for troubled sleepers to hear, and most of it had been a mess of alchemy, astrology, and Dana’s personal thoughts on both.
A small drone whizzed around the yard, then chased a pair of fairies. Cerulea and Olivia left sparkling trails behind as they dashed out of the way, then took turns riding the thing as if it were a bucking bronco. Beth wondered if they would be able to stay on it for eight seconds when she heard the doorbell ring.
The others looked at her with puzzlement as she walked through the dining room, but she noticed that Tink was missing. By the time she made it out to the front room, she noticed the goblin stood at the window with Jenny, both of their faces pressed to the glass. Tink was hopping up and down in excitement, and when Beth looked through the peephole, she saw a witch, a Frankenstein’s monster, and a nervous-looking army man.
The door creaked when it opened, and she looked down at the children as they lifted their bags and shouted with enthusiasm.
“Trick or Treat!” they shouted.
Stunned, she realized that she had forgotten to retrieve the bag of candy and asked them to wait. She locked the door and sprinted to the kitchen, then grabbed the bag of candy so fast that she accidentally spilled a box of pasta. On her way back, she noticed that Yuki and Quetzalli now stood at the window, and she was about to open the door when a hand fastened around hers.
“Oh, please, allow me,” Yuki asked, then took the candy from her. Her features shifted, making her ears bigger and her nose longer and more fox-like. She threw a card on the ground to summon a large chalice roughly the size of a bucket and then dumped the candy in.
Standing back from the door, Beth watched Yuki open the door and growl at them.
The witch shouted “Trick or Treat” one more time, but the army man broke and ran down the front walk. Frankenstein’s monster stared as he took his candy, but the witch clapped her hands in excitement.
“Your costume is so cool,” she declared. “Can I get an extra piece for my brother?”
“Sure,” Yuki told her.
“Thanks. I like your decorations, the dragon in your yard is so cool!” With that, the witch and the monster departed down the long path to the road and the safety of their parents. Beth couldn’t help but notice that the Jabberwock opened an eye as they passed, then puffed out a wisp of smoke.
“Wait, they can see the Jabberwock?” Beth looked at the others with concern. “What happened to the geas?”
“It’s Samhain,” Yuki replied. “The thinning of the barrier between our world and the spirit world. My guess is that barrier may include the geas somehow. It’s still up and protecting us, I can feel it. But maybe the visual protection is weaker. It’s not like Emily ever had someone stand out front to test it on Halloween, we always just kept to ourselves. The Jabberwock, on the other hand, is bound to be noticed.”
“It won’t eat anyone, will it?” No sooner had she asked her question, the doorbell rang again.
“Hold on.” Yuki closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them. “It’ll just watch, for now.”
Tink ran between them and snatched the bucket from Beth. She yanked open the door to reveal a princess and a teenager wearing a rubber horse head.
The princess rose her bucket eagerly, but the horse took a step back. “Bro, your costume is awesome!” he shouted, then took a picture of Tink with his phone.
“Extra candy for cute princess,” Tink said, then bared her fangs at the teenager. “Tink is not bro,” she declared, then slammed the door on him.
Outside, Beth heard the teen laugh. When she looked through the peephole, she saw that the fairies were now whirring around the yard, leaving spectral trails in their wake. Along the grounds, the carefully cultivated greenery that the centaurs had planted were now illuminated by flashing lights that shot out into the darkness.
“Of course,” Yuki said from against the window, “you have a gate to the Underworld out back. With the veil thinning, the souls are using this place as a nexus.” She furrowed her hairy brow and looked at Beth. “But why haven’t I seen this happen before?”
“Did Emily ever open that gate?” asked Beth.
Yuki shook her head. “Not to my knowledge. But we also didn’t have the grim reaper living with us, or a dullahan hanging out in the front yard.”
“Speak of the devil,” Beth muttered when she looked back through the peephole. Sulyvahn was watching a group of kids as they came up the walk, but they didn’t seem to notice him until he popped off his own head. One of the kids screamed and ran down the path, but the others laughed and kept going, clearly under the assumption that he was animatronic. “Well, there’s only one thing we can do.”
“Which is?” Yuki turned to face Beth, a look of seriousness on her face.
“Not run out of candy.” The doorbell rang and she smiled. “Can someone else get that? I have a costume I want to wear.”
Mike was dead. Well, not all the way. Opening his eyes to the blinding light coming through the curtains, he realized that the sensation of death was no more than the events of the last two days catching up with him. He groaned, sliding out of bed and sitting on the floor. His legs wobbled beneath him, muscles protesting his attempts to stand. His head pounding, he stumbled into the bathroom, leaning against the bathroom sink. “You’re a mess this morning, aren’t you?” Naia’s head and...
“Monsters. The guy who built this house collected monsters.” Mike sat on the edge of the tub, Naia wrapping bandages around the deeper cuts on his body. He wore only his boxers, having stripped away his clothing. He was grateful that the bushes had caught him, but a bit miffed that they had taken their price in flesh. “Yep. It started as an academic thing, but he had a really big heart. The world was changing too quick for us monsters to adapt, so he rescued as many of us as he could.” Naia...
[Samhain, 1678] Near Oxford, Oxfordshire THE DANCERS WERE nude. All of them, as far as Amélie could tell. Men and women, although more women than men, not a surprise, given that it was Samhain, she thought. She shivered, but not entirely because of the cool night air that became chillier with each hour. Without the bonfire that must have been twenty feet high to dance around it would have been impossible to enjoy the celebration. Beside her she felt rather than saw Sandrine moving in time...
Yuki stood by the back door, her eyes on Naia’s fountain. The nymph was currently absent, resting in her spring. Unstoning the others had taken some time. After reviving Beth, the minotaur had been next, and it had taken almost everyone to calm the beast down. Scowling, he had stormed back into the Labyrinth, disappearing behind its thick, metal doors. Beth had been unable to follow, still weak from her transformation. Sofia had simply collapsed, holding her sides tightly. Naia, after a...
Lily sipped at her cocktail, smiling at the ocean waves that crashed into the shore, scattering sand along its edges. Technicolor crabs that looked like they had been drawn by a toddler scurried in every direction, a remnant of a childhood memory seeking shelter from the crushing surf. While the drink was good, Lily was a little sad that it had no bite to it — it was impossible to get truly drunk from a dream. “Hey!” Lily held up her drink. One of her beach minions ran forward to refill it....
Mike gazed morosely at his cellphone, watching the timer for the sundial eventually hit zero. For good or bad, he wouldn’t be there to reset it. Time was up. Standing on the terrace of the tower, it took a supreme effort to stick his phone back in his pocket rather than throw it off the side. “I take it the dial has reset.” Ratu spoke from the chaise lounge behind him, her legs dangling off the side. She was engrossed in another of Yuki’s journals. She had stayed up most of the night,...
“A dullahan?” Mike frowned. “I’m afraid I don’t know the term.” “I’m yer friendly headless horseman, lad.” The dullahan still held his own head in one hand, and was now swinging it back and forth like a macabre pendulum. “My job is similar to a banshees in that I deal with dead spirits, though I usually cut a more dashing figure on my horse. So I guess I’m technically just headless.” The grin on his face was impossibly wide, his lips stretched nearly to his ears. “I want to speak to the...
Mike opened his eyes. He was lying in his bed with Tink wrapped around his feet. The ceiling up above had somehow become a dome-shaped skylight, allowing him a perfect view of the stars as they swirled about in the night sky of the Dreamscape. Sleep in the Dreamscape was an enigma for him. Despite knowing that he was asleep, he still became tired after a while and allowed himself to crash on his bed. He didn’t actually have dreams while he was here, but instead entered a meditative state...
Daryl stood outside the garage apartment, staring up at the windows above the garage door. It had been no easy matter tracking down the delivery girl. Luckily, she worked several jobs around town, and was well known by name at more than a few establishments. Those who knew her also knew her story. Apparently the love of her life had died in a terrible motorcycle accident. They had scraped what was left of Alex Winters off of the highway, leaving behind grieving parents and a closed casket...
“Did you have a good nap?” The voice was cold, snapping Mike out of his slumber. Tink’s arms clutched him tightly, and he pushed the blankets off of his head, staring at the dark figure in his room. He reached out to touch the lamp, warm light bathing the angry figure in the doorway. She stood with her arms crossed and a messenger bag slung over her shoulder. “Uh ... hi Beth.” Mike slid sideways out of the blankets. “So, uh, I’m sure you have some questions.” Sitting up, Mike tried to keep...
Mike wasn’t sure what he expected to see once inside the tower, but it certainly wasn’t this. What he had thought was the entrance to the tower was in fact an outer wall. A large courtyard full of flowers and creeper vines would have been impressive enough, but the sheer number of butterflies, bees, and even birds had him staring in awe. An entire ecosystem had been formed inside these walls, complete with a small waterfall that flowed out of the cliff itself and fed into an irrigation...
Mike stared at the piece of paper in front of him, then looked up. Jenny stood on the other side of the paper, holding a large pencil in both hands. She was tapping her foot impatiently. He sighed. “How about W?” Jenny drew the last leg on the hanging stick figure, then drew an X over each of his eyes. He heard a distant cackle come from all around the room, and she dropped her pencil. He scrutinized the puzzle before him and then looked at her. Somehow, despite guessing all the vowels,...
The gray skies of the Underworld did little to improve Mike’s mood, and the occasional wail from the house made his stomach sour. Yet he sat quietly as Yuki told Amymone about how she had escaped from her tower. “ ... and after we sent the Society packing, Mike forgave me for trying to kill him.” Her tale done, Yuki put her hands in her lap. “And so I live in the house again. It’s really weird that nobody remembers me, but I’m hoping to try and rebuild those relationships. It’s frustrating,...
Mike held the small sledgehammer in both hands, dubious that he would be able to strike another living being with it, much less a minotaur. Still, it was better than nothing, which made him feel a little bit better. Mike had debated purchasing a gun, but he knew next to nothing about them other than to point the long, skinny end at stuff you wanted to kill. His lack of education aside, Naia had warned him against such a purchase for the sole reason that she had no idea what other creatures...
Mike yawned, covering his mouth, then set his book down on the cart. It was dangerously full, and he knew that Sofia would ream him out if he just kept cramming books onto it. “Can you take this to the platform?” he asked Death. “Yes I can, Mike Radley.” The grim reaper grabbed the cart with bony hands and pushed it down the corridor, the wheels squeaking softly. Mike rubbed his eyes and yawned again, then checked his phone. He had no signal in the Library, but all he wanted was to see the...
Dana was upstairs when she heard the front door explode. Quetzalli emerged from her bedroom with a concerned look on her face, and the two of them rushed to the top of the stairs to look below. There was a flash of light, followed by a scream from Beth. Quetzalli was already heading for the stairs when a man in a hoodie pointed his wand up at her and hissed something under his breath. Dana shoved Quetzalli out of the way in time to catch the brunt of the magic, and the shockwave carried both...
Kali’s fists clenched and unclenched in the back of the town car. Daryl was kneeling on the floor in front of her, contemplating the large patch of skin that had been blasted off the side of her ribs. He gave it a gentle tug, making Kali wince. “You always impress me,” Daryl said, pulling a scalpel from the small kit on the floor. “Anyone else would have passed out from the pain.” “I don’t feel pain.” Her eyes bulged from her head, many of the veins burst from the lightning blast. Daryl...
“Ow, fuck!” Mike winced as Naia inspected the large bruise forming above his hip bone where Abella had squeezed him with her stony thighs. The Mandragora plant had actually injured him less than the gargoyle had, surprisingly enough. Save for some scrapes on his hands (well, and not being eaten), he was fine. “Yeah, that will sting for a while.” Naia placed a kiss on it. “You had me so worried! I’ve never seen the Mandragora do that before. You’re going to need to feed it pretty...
Beth stepped out of the secret tunnel into the center of the Labyrinth, her shoe catching a rock and sending it skittering across the cold stone. Up above, a large gemstone shone like a tiny star, warming the entire room to a comfortable temperature. Large tables were covered in different magical items in various states of disrepair, and rats moved around in the shadows, carrying what looked like rocks of different sizes. Ratu was leaning over a stack of books, her kimono hanging open and...
The technicolor clouds of the Dreamscape parted as Mike fell through them, and he flipped himself over in an attempt to finally stick the landing on the beach. For a moment, he thought he had it, but at the last second his feet swung out from under him and he slammed into the ground hard enough that the beach crumbled beneath him. He fought to stay above the flowing sand that rushed in to fill the gap, and was busy pinwheeling his arms when a golden ray of light broke through the sky above to...
Beth scowled at the water. She was sitting on the shore of the Labyrinth’s circular river, watching it rush past. Her knees were pulled against her chest beneath a powder blue skirt, and she tossed another rock into the cold water. It disappeared with a small splash, and Asterion lifted his head from his position next to her to see what had happened. “Is everything okay?” he asked. She rolled her eyes, but didn’t look at the minotaur. “Yeah, it’s fine.” In truth, it wasn’t. Ever since her...
“ ... and that brings me to here.” Dana sat on the edge of the fountain, her chin in her hands. She wondered if she should feel more upset, regaling the others with her tale. Tears were beyond her ability. The strange numbness of her body applied even more so to her eyes. She could no longer feel them, and it was taking effort to remember to blink. “So if I don’t deliver Mike or whatever special treasure the house hides, he will leave me like this.” Naia, Cecilia, and Zel looked at each...
His soul floated, hiding just beneath his skin, dreading the moment that his eyes would open, streaming reality in High Definition through his very being. It wasn’t that he was afraid to face the morning, but rather that he was afraid of how much pain he would be in upon awakening. The morning before, his whole being had been in agony. Between fucking Jenny out of Beth and then carrying Beth home, he wondered if his body would decide to be tired or sore instead. How does a body decide how...
Stirring Memories The group was huddled on the floor, staring at the mock map Mike had made of the hallway. He had used his knife to carve wooden blocks from the still flopping dresser, lying the pieces end to end. The smaller ones had already stopped shaking, and the larger ones were weakening. Cecilia hovered overhead, and Carmina stood amongst the blocks. Carmina had gone first, flying along the ceiling and then back again. Cecilia had become invisible, traversing the same distance. The...
Kali stood in the front yard, her dark eyes focused on the Radley house. She could see tell-tale signs of the Geas all around her like a giant, magical bubble that shifted away from her when she tried to pop it. She had been fascinated by the spell ever since she had heard about it, but had been warned away from trying to mess with it. While Emily was alive, any attempt to come near the house had ended in death for Society members after the fiasco with Garrett. After Emily had died, she and...
Yuki sat on the porch swing, staring out at the front yard with a cup of tea in her hands. The debris from the magic storm was strewn across the grounds, making the land look like a small junkyard. Somehow, it served as a perfect metaphor for her life right now, a giant mess with nobody to help clean it up. She took a sip of tea, letting out a sigh as the hot liquid streamed down her throat. The front door opened behind her and Mike walked out, then sat down next to her on the swing. She...
“Actually, there is something.” Mike carefully walked around the furniture in the room, pulling the doll from the mantle of the fireplace. He came back, handing it to her. The docile porcelain features of the doll gazed imploringly into Beth’s eyes, as if it was sad to be leaving. “I don’t care how, just get rid of it.” Beth realized that even she thought the doll was spooky. Staring into its painted eyes, she couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m on it. Have a good night, Mike.” She left him, a...
Big Hands, Big Feet The walk back through the tunnels was uneventful. Back in the throne room, Mike had Beth broker a new agreement with the rats. If they wanted to stay, they could, but they needed to close off any tunnels to the outside world that could be used to get in. The rats were hesitant to deny their request, particularly because Tink kept throwing everyone stink eye while holding her club and Mike held Jenny in his arms like a pet. The doll didn’t reanimate on the way back, but...
She sat in the black sedan, watching the old, victorian era home across the street. Through the gate and the hedges, she could only make out the upper levels, replete with turrets and large, ornate windows. Inside that home, she knew would find her prey, but one problem remained. Of the many magical enchantments the house had, the most annoying of them all was that you had to be invited. They had bypassed this little detail with the succubus —using Mike’s blood had let them bypass the...
Kisa sat on the roof of the house, her eyes locked on the wrought iron gate at the back of the property line. It had been over a week since Mike had gone through it and returned with the devil dog in tow. Despite his reassurance that Cerberus was no longer a danger to them, all she could picture in her mind was being chased through the misty woods by a fire breathing beast. Memories of her trip into the Underworld from so long ago had rushed in on her like ice water. She had fled from the...
The drive to the storage unit took over an hour. Staring at the fields on the edge of town, Beth couldn’t fathom why Emily would insist on a storage unit so far away from civilization, especially when there were several good ones within fifteen minutes of her home. “Fries,” she said, and Lily, acting as her copilot, held up the small red fry cup like an offering to the gods. Beth grabbed a few, stuffing them in her mouth carefully to avoid smudging her lipstick. They had grabbed a bite to...
Water flowed through a crack in the wall. On the other side, Mike could hear the river. Placing his hands against the hard stone, he could feel the vibrations through it. Cupping his hands, he collected a mouthful of water and drank it. It was cold with a slight metallic taste, but Blue had informed him that it was safe enough to drink. “Is it good?” Blue asked from her perch on his shoulder. “It tastes like water,” Mike responded, sucking down huge mouthfuls. Wiping his mouth, he turned...
Mike yawned, the morning light through the white curtains casting a blissful glow on the room. He scratched the back of his neck, his foot kicking the lump near the bottom of his bed. He sat up, leaning forward to give the lump a playful pat. “It’s time to get up, Tink.” Mike watched the lump slide to the edge of the bed, disappearing over the edge with a thud. “Owie,” Tink muttered, standing up holding her bottom. She was wearing a tank top night shirt, one of the things Mike had ordered...
Chapter 1 Tendrils of mist slipped silently over the ancient stones that stood sentinel-like before her. As the blanket of stars that enveloped the world she knew showered down their crystal light tiny silicates glinted and glistened in the hard grey stone that had been formed so many millions of years before. No one knew how or why these massive obelisks had been brought from the place far across the sea. She knew of no one who had even travelled that piece of water that separated her world...
Mike realized his mistake as soon as it happened. Upon walking out the main entrance, they had stopped long enough for Beth to bid farewell to Asterion. The group all stood at the edge of the reflecting pool, their shortcut back to the house. When Beth rejoined them, Tink counted down from three and they all jumped in at the same time. That’s when Mike remembered that the magical shortcut would take them all to the downstairs closet. Not until the water soaked through his shoes did it occur...
They came again in the early hours of the morning, moving silently behind the outer wall. They triggered the wards Yuki had set, causing the kitsune to watch their approach through the window with bated breath. She could see them now, ominous shadows that peered over the wall and then vanished, gathering near the entrance for their next attack. Yuki had spent hours building her defenses back up, her mind and body tired from the effort, hoping to catch some sleep. Now, she watched with eager...
Mike’s heart pounded in his chest at the sight of the thing. The Jabberwock regarded the small group of people in its master’s home, then opened its mouth to let out a cry that made him think of a pterodactyl on steroids. Jabberwock saliva misted the entire room, and everyone covered their ears to shut out the cry. Daisy bolted, vanishing down the stairs and leaving a glittering trail behind her. Zel made a break for it, and the Jabberwock lunged for her, leaving a bloody gash in her...
“Are we ready?” Mike asked. The others nodded, each one at their stations. Tink had tied Beth to a chair which had been placed in the fountain, standing behind her with a knife at the ready. Abella was out of sight, watching from up above in case everything went wrong. She had explicit instructions to do whatever it took to protect the members of the house. Naia stood behind Beth, her lips a crooked smirk. “We are ready.” Cecilia said, standing next to him. Mike took a deep breath, taking...
Breakdown in Negotiations Mike pulled his shirt on in front of the bathroom mirror, Naia watching him from the tub. He could see the look of concern on her face, knew that the question was coming, and he had no idea how to dodge it. “Are you okay?” He let out a sigh. “No.” “Tell me.” He didn’t want to. He never wanted to talk about it with anybody. Yet, when he turned to face her directly, he remembered that she was the other part of his soul. She completed him in a way he couldn’t quite...
The Fool The railing was smooth to the touch, as if it had been recently polished. She touched a knot in the wood, her fingers caressing the fractured ridges. Closing her eyes, she took in the smell of the place. The rich scent of oil, sawdust, and water from the fountain out back filled her with a swirl of nostalgia, causing her to inhale again, only deeper this time. So many old scents and a few that were new. Behind them all was the faint, faded scent of sunflowers and...
Sleep came for Mike, but it was far from restful. Unable to properly enter the Dreamscape again, he tossed and turned in his bed, his brain unwilling to let things rest. His first thoughts were on Cecilia. He could see her now, trapped inside a silver cage in the middle of a glen surrounded by waterfalls. Breaking the lock on the cage, he stepped inside—only to have her melt like wax in his arms and slide through holes in the floor. “Cecilia,” he cried out, her name slurring as if spoken in...
Five Minutes Ago “You take me to the nicest places,” Beth said, stepping over a small, mossy rock. The world around them was dark, and the light from their cellphones poorly illuminated the forest floor. A breeze had formed as the cool, night air of Ireland blew through the portal into Mike’s front yard. The portal had been chewed into the inner wall of a crumbling home out in the woods, obviously long forgotten. “I do my best.” He stepped over a large rock and offered his hand when she...
Roommate Trouble Beth sat at the large dining room table with a small plate of bacon, some coffee and a large plate with the remnants of a strawberry crepe. She scribbled a few more words on a notepad by her laptop, frowning at the list. “Any luck?” Sofia asked, walking in with her own breakfast. The cyclops took the seat across from Beth. A few of the seats in the formal dining room had been designed for larger people, allowing the cyclops to sit comfortably at the table. As far as Beth...
Kisa stood in the kitchen and scowled at the pantry door. How many times had she wandered in here and absent-mindedly opened it? At least three times a day, and now that she was here again, she had decided to look through the whole pantry and discover just what it was that she was looking for. Her missing memories really bothered her. She had just assumed that something would come back to her in the last few days, but all she got was static. Vivid images of the old man stirred something up...
Seven of Swords Beth said very little to the minotaur as they climbed the trail to the top of the cliffs. She could tell he wanted to comfort her, but there weren’t words or deeds to make the situation right. Her plan was to speak with Naia and Sofia right away, to see if either of them could offer her any help. There were only a few days to make her decision, and she wouldn’t be able to live with any of her options. She remembered when she was little, her parents started arguing...
Beth tumbled gently to the floor beneath, flipping her body at the last second to land on her feet. Staring up, all she could see were the clouds she had passed through on the way down. She had several red marks on her left arm, each one from a nasty pinch that she gave herself to try and wake up from this strangest of dreams. Now that she was on the ground, she saw that she stood in a beautiful garden with a large marble gazebo in the middle. “How peculiar,” she said, expecting her voice to...
Mike opened his eyes, staring at the waning sunlight through the canopy overhead. Scattered rays were dying, a sign that the sun was sinking toward the skyline, ready to slumber until the break of dawn. The forest was quiet – a complete lack of animals meant that the only sound Mike could hear was the occasional rippling of the leaves as the wind brushed them against one another. Lifting his head, he knew that he needed to get back. Though his slumber had been restless, he had clearly slept...
“Whoa!” Mike splashed water everywhere in his haste to get out of the tub. This time, Naia didn’t fight him as he scrambled out into the bathroom, covering up with a towel. She pouted as he slid across the floor, looking for his pants. Seeing that she hadn’t moved from her spot in the tub, Mike felt his heart rate level out, the burst of adrenaline gone. “Who ... what are you?” He asked, trying to keep his eyes off of her breasts. Other than the strange markings on her ribs, her skin was...
“Easy, kisa.” The familiar voice was thick with a Russian accent and elicited both feelings of warmth and sadness. It spoke to her from the void, guiding her back to the world of the living. The darkness peeled away to reveal a small dance studio with wooden floors and large windows overlooking a city. One of the interior walls was a mirror, and in the reflection was a young, black teen who sat on the floor, her face wracked with pain as an older man held her left leg in place while...
The Naga, the Fox and the Wardrobe The door of the wardrobe didn’t move. Puzzled, Mike grabbed the handle even tighter and pulled again, but it still wouldn’t budge. The wardrobe felt like it had been anchored into the wall, the door completely immobile. Frustrated, he tried rattling the door when he realized that he had missed one very important detail. Right below the handle was a small keyhole. “Ugh.” He got ready to kick the wardrobe out of frustration when he remembered that he had a...
The Hanged Man His chest was on fire and he couldn’t move. His limbs were super heavy and he couldn’t feel his legs anymore. Am I dying? Loud thuds like distant thunder beat in his chest and he thought he heard someone saying his name. His head cleared, and it occurred to him that he had looked onto the shores of the afterlife and they had looked nothing like this. A loud scraping sound filled his senses and he was suddenly blinded by a bright light and someone called his name. Oh shit....
The sudden shift in time and position was immediately disorienting. One second, she was on the first floor of the Radley house, the world spinning around her. The next, she was running along a busted bridge, her legs not quite right beneath her. She tripped, colliding with someone else on the bridge, and they tumbled off together. Once she hit the cold water, her synapses fired all at once, restarting her brain and giving her full control. “Beth!” A hand swung out, grabbing her wrist, but...
Up on the third floor, Mike contemplated the large set of double doors in front of him. The wall where the wardrobe used to be had been replaced with a slightly wider hallway that terminated after a few yards at a large pair of metal doors with a series of gears built into them. He tested the handle, but the door didn’t budge. Symbols were emblazoned across both doors with shapes that seemed astronomical in nature—he recognized the symbol for the moon and the sun, and the planet Mars, but...
“Ugh.” Mike held up a hand to shut out the sun’s light. It had been a late night trying to lay down all the new sod in the front yard. The lightning blasts and storm had killed off most of it, and only a few of the shrubs had survived. The delivery had showed up six hours late, and Mike and the others had to hastily unroll the sod beneath a scorching afternoon sun. Tink had crawled into bed with dirt on her hands and feet, her goggles pulled down over her neck. Mike had fallen asleep in his...
"Quick," he said, "grab the forty miles per hour sign." She bent down and felt around under her seat for the A3-sized placards that he had made up. She pulled them out and flipped through them, looking for the one he wanted. "Good grief, would you look at this idiot?" growled Michael. "Doesn't he know what a de-restricted sign means, for heaven's sake?" He changed down into third gear and cruised up to a few yards behind the bumper of the car in front, edging out towards the...
Four figures were seen with each other, locked together by their hips and holding each other's thighs. They were clearly very voluptuous women with extra body parts below. In front was an orange haired werewolf getting anally reamed and jerked off by a vampire behind her while the vampire was being pounded by a dark skinned mummy. And said mummy was being pounded by a green skinned zombie woman of some sort. To the side of the orgy lied a human woman oozing and caked in cum. The monster women...
FantasyThat evening, Sarah stopped by and asked if we wouldn't mind coming over to meet her parents. Mom and I followed her across the way to her house. Her mom greeted us at the door and welcomed us inside. The smell of freshly baked cookies filled the house, and I spotted a plate of them on the coffee table in the living room. Her dad sat in one of the chairs. Mom and I sat down on the couch, and Mrs. Laurent took one of the other empty seats. Sarah passed around the cookies, then disappeared...
This story introduces two characters to the readers. I will bring them back every once in a while but this was the first time I used them they came to me as a result of a story written called Yukon by – well it does not matter. It is a continuation to a story "Yukon." A couple go to Yukon, wife is fucked silly by a scum bag monster of a man who has done it before to others; husband is forced to put up with it until he finally figures out a way to kill the monster. Wife tells him monster is...