Screwed Over, An NIS StoryChapter 2 free porn video

Monday Evening
We pulled in at Amy's house. I realized that we lived at different ends of the same subdivision on cul-de-sacs. As I stopped the car and parked, I said, "Your house is on my way to school. I will be glad to pick you up and take you home."
"Is that a long term offer?"
I started and then looked at her. I smiled. "How about that it's for as long as we're in school?"
She said, "If we don't drop out, it could be a couple of months until we graduate."
I looked her in the eyes. "I know." She smiled at me.
I got out and came around to open the door for her. She smiled again, "A gentleman, too." We went inside and she introduced me to her parents.
Mister and Missus Redd were very nervous. Missus Redd said, "Did you see Amy naked today?"
"Yes, ma'am." I said it deadpan and didn't volunteer any other word or emotion.
Missus Redd wasn't happy about the tone of my answer. She asked, "Do you think she's pretty?"
"I thought she was pretty before she had to be naked."
"You didn't like looking at her naked?"
"She is a pretty young lady but was scared and crying most of the day. I don't like seeing any person trapped in a situation like that against their will."
That ended the conversation. Mister Redd had said nothing but I could tell he wasn't happy about hearing of his daughter's reactions to her day. There was a lot of tension in the room. A knock on the door relieved it for only a moment. Amy nodded at me and we went to the door. My parents were standing there.
Amy said, "Come in, Missus and Mister Jones. They looked at my face and were not relieved. They came in and were introduced to Missus and Mister Redd. Amy said, "Please sit down. We have some things to say to all four of you this evening." All four sat down looking worried.
Amy said, "We were raped today." All four started to say something when she added loudly and slowly, "By. Our. Parents."
I said, "We were thrust into the Naked in School program without warning and against our will. It was a sexual situation in which we were constantly touched against our will and forced to be naked. That constitutes rape." That got them talking.
My mother had looked smug like Missus Redd though she wasn't so sure now. She said, "You seem to have gotten through it well."
I knew my parents. Ever since I could remember, they had talked about the importance of my getting a college education. I said, "I plan to cure the problem. I will sign my drop out papers tomorrow. I will not continue to be raped."
Amy looked at her mother. "Obviously, I was mistaken in thinking that my parents loved me. I will be right beside Warren tomorrow dropping out of school. We can stop people, including our parents, from raping us."
My father was troubled and a little angry. He said, "If you drop out, you may not live in my house."
"Very well. I will go there right now and remove those possessions that I have purchased and be gone. You won't have to see me or deal with me ever again."
My mother looked stricken. She began to cry. My father said, "You have made your mother cry."
"No, sir. My parents caused her to cry when they decided not to love their son but to betray him sending him off to be ravaged without warning. Her crying is a consequence of the decision to have me raped and your decision to force me out of your house when I have decided to take steps to prevent that rape from continuing."
My father jerked back at that.
Amy jumped in. She looked at her parents. "I will be moving out tonight also. I will not live in a house with people who send their daughter and only child to be raped."
Her mother said, "Where will you go, Amy?"
"What difference does it make to you? You sent me to be raped this morning." I put my arm around her. "I will probably go with Warren. We are both victims having to take refuge from savagery."
Both our mothers were crying. Amy had cried her tears earlier today. She had moved to anger. I hadn't cried except in my heart for the betrayal by my parents and the humiliation that we had both suffered particularly Amy. I'm sure my face reflected my anger.
Our fathers looked very troubled. I don't think that they had considered the possibility of this situation occurring.
Mister Redd said, "Amy, how can we make things right. We did not mean for things to be this bad."
Amy replied, "I don't know. I do know that I cannot trust either of you. You both knew of my distaste for the Naked in School program and that class taught by that lecher, Missus Clarkson because we discussed it. I trusted you. I talked to you both about dropping out of school rather than take that disgusting course from that evil bitch. You knew that this decision of yours to have me cruelly taken against my will would have consequences."
My mother said, "Warren, I don't want you to move out." I said not a word but just looked at her. It was her signature on the NIS papers. I really don't think my father wanted me to move out but he was upset about the idea of me dropping out of school. They had both heard me tell of my hatred of that program, not because of the nakedness, but because of the other parts that were designed to humiliate the participants. I was aware of the direction of the law regarding nudity and public sexual activities. I had no problem with any of it if it wasn't forced.
I decided to up the ante a little. I said, "We're just surprised that you didn't forge our names to the consents to have us physically raped and not just psychically raped." Our mothers cried even harder.

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