Screwing Around, A Nis StoryChapter 5 free porn video

Tuesday Afternoon Assembly and Wednesday
We crowded into the gym and I helped set out folding chairs after making sure Sarah was comfortable. She told me she would save me a seat. The gym was a sea of naked bodies. At one end of the gym was a stage. There were chairs on it, too. I saw Coach Thurman head toward me as I sat down with Sarah. He was naked and said, "Sarah, Mark, Miz Norris wants you on the stage. He walked with us and went up the stairs to take a seat with us.
Everyone was seated and the buzz started. Then Principal Norris came out with Miss Patterson. Both of them were naked. Miss Patterson sat down between Coach Thurman and me. Miz Norris went to the podium and pulled the mike loose from the stand and moved to one side where her body could be seen. Miss Patterson was sitting with her legs spread catching a lot of attention as students looked at her clean-shaven pubes.
Principal Norris said, "I have called this assembly to go over an occurrence that I and some of the other faculty felt would happen sooner or later. With Mark and Sarah's participation in the Naked in School program and the opening of our laws, nudity and even blatant sexuality are permissible and becoming prevalent. Whether you think that's good or bad is not material, it's a fact. I met with the department heads of this school and the Superintendent. We have agreed that the Naked in School program will no longer be part of our curriculum but that this school will now be clothing optional. All sports will be nude except for required safety gear. Those are extra curricular activities. The nudity for all of those is now a requirement.
"You are encouraged to be naked all the time whether you're going to or from school, in school, working part-time jobs, or just goofing off. We will officially start the new practice tomorrow but it looks like we're well on our way.
"For those of you who might feel they need it, we have a handout for you to take home. They are available in the back of the gym. Anyone who thinks they may need it to convince your parents that this is now the official position of the school should take one. When the weather gets cold next fall, we may have to figure out something a little different, but let's cross that bridge when we get to it.
"Thank you for coming in here. We are ending school early today though you are encouraged to gather together to talk about this new program that affects every one of us."
I looked at Sarah and mouthed, "Wow!" Coach Thurman was sporting an erection with Brenda Patterson sitting next to him naked. She looked at his cock and turned to mount him taking it in her cunt until his balls banged against her butt. Principal Norris knelt before Sarah and planted a deep tongue kiss on her cunt. She followed up with her fingers as they entered Sarah's body. She looked up in surprise. "You have a butt plug!"
Sarah nodded and began to fondle my cock. She looked at me and said, "Fuck Principal Norris, Mark. Fuck her hard!" I quickly got up enough to maneuver around her and sink my cock into her snatch. For an older woman, she had a great figure and a tight cunt. I slammed into her forcing her face into Sarah's cunt. She screamed into Sarah's cunt helping Sarah get off. I slammed her hard just going for an orgasm and she went along with me and we climaxed together. I pulled out of her cunt and Brenda Patterson took my cock in her mouth while she sat on Principal Norris' face. I moved and Coach Thurman took my place pushing his cock down Brenda's throat. I took Sarah's hand and we walked away from the stage to let the teachers join the leaders of the faculty in their own orgy.
I looked at Sarah. She said, "Take me home, get that plug out of my ass, and get your brother, my brother, our fathers, and anyone else who is willing to run a train on my ass." I nodded and we left the school after talking with a few friends. We went to her room. I pulled the plug from her ass and she had me lay down on her bed. She got on top of me and buried my cock in her cunt. Guys started coming in and fucking her ass shooting cum deep in her rectum. The fifth was my brother. My sister was behind him and sucked Sarah's ass while getting fucked. She moved out of the way and more cocks went up Sarah's ass as she went into her continuous orgasm mode. It was about two hours later and after her third or fourth cleaning that she called quits to the train. I had shot two loads into her cunt and was just barely still in her. She was worn out and resting on my chest.
We slept the rest of the afternoon and the entire night through. In the morning, we found out that our sisters had taken over providing the train for anyone who wanted a cunt or ass. We were all tired from all the sex but it was a school day!
The six of us walked to school naked. We were joined by others all naked on the way. We arrived at school and saw no one with clothes. Amanda and Michael walked up to us naked. Amanda hugged and kissed both of us. She was smiling. "I spent the night at Michael's house last night in his bed with his mother's knowledge. She's not totally happy with everything but is going along with it pretty well. We are happy." Michael was smiling as well.
Sandra arrived looking worn. She joined us and said, "The twins took me home and fucked me most of the night with my father. I don't know if I want sex at all today."
Sarah said, "You will as soon as I have Mark shove a dildo in you and spank your butt." They, Sarah and Sandra, grinned at each other. It was time for class and we went into our homeroom.
Mister Calloway was wearing a pair of loose boxers, socks, and sneakers. When everyone was seated, he said, "I don't mind removing the boxers but I'm almost sixty. It's not the prettiest body in the school. I decided not to hurt your eyes or embarrass me." No one else was wearing more than socks and shoes.
When the bell rang, we went to our English class. We walked in and Miz Hudson was lying on her desk with semen dripping from her cunt. Angela hurried to her and began to suck her. She went up on her elbows to watch Angela work and the rest of us enter. We all sat down and the final bell rang. Angela wasn't finished. Miz Hudson said, "I do appreciate Angela's cleaning of my cunt. Six loads are a lot. Damn! I love to get fucked."
I was hard and Sarah sent me up to Miz Hudson to give her another load in her cunt. I gently pushed Angela out of the way and pushed my cock into Miz Hudson's cunt until my balls slapped her butt cheeks. I began to pound into her and she moaned and groaned cheering me on. I shot a good load into her. Michael was next and he did a good job of boning her. Five more guys followed him before Angela could get back to cleaning her. Miz Hudson was limp from the orgasms. Two more guys had gone up and fucked her with the last one finishing just before the bell rang.
We went to Mister Astor's class for American Government. He actually taught. It was obvious that his balls had been emptied probably in the last period. His cock was limp. He did say that it might take a few days for everyone to fuck enough to be interested in learning again.
When the bell rang, we went to Missus Clarkson's class in Advanced Sociology. Becky, Missus Clarkson, had been fucked a lot in the prior two class periods. Sandra took her cunt and Angela took her ass to suck. She came repeatedly. At the last period change, the twins came in and double penetrated her until all three orgasmed we were told.

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