Screwed Over, An NIS StoryChapter 8 free porn video

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
We went to school Thursday and were two of the very few wearing clothes. During the day, we noticed many students engaged in sex with other students and with teachers. Miz Hudson and Missus Clarkson were being fucked in their cunts or ass holes almost all the time. They weren't even pretending to teach. We were in Advanced Human Sexuality watching Missus Clarkson taking cock after cock when we heard a disturbance from outside. It was coming from Mister Manchester's room. Anyone close to his room had heard the sounds of painful sex. If you were in the room, you watched him fuck female students, usually in the ass. Some of them had no problem with that until the actual fucking. He was slamming his cock into their butts causing them to grimace and grunt with the pain of his penetration. The disturbance was that he was being removed from his room in handcuffs. The rest of the day was quiet. No one bothered Amy or me though we were both offered the opportunity to have sex with others. Declining only led to a shrug of acceptance.
After school, we met at my car and rode to Mister Ling's restaurant to sign the lease. I read it and then let Amy read it. Once she finished, I signed it and Mister Ling signed it. I pulled my checkbook out and wrote a check for our first month's rent. He had been good enough not to charge a security deposit. That check also included one-fifth of the amount due for the furniture. He was not charging for the five days proration of the rent either. I explained that I liked to pay my debts and he was doing a lot to help a beginning couple. Amy stood and hugged him and I shook his hand. One of the young people who were the servers came to us with a package.
Mister Ling said, "Please come back soon and eat. It's a little early so I had the kitchen fix you something for a light supper for this evening as a gift. Have a good evening!"
Amy hugged him again. We left very happy. We went to our room to have an early supper and then make love. We had talked and the only thing planned was to call my uncle and bring him up to date. We were sat back glowing from our lovemaking.
I took my phone and called my uncle. "Hello, Uncle Steve, it's Warren." He had heard from my dad. I gave him my version that matched my dad's fairly closely. I added information about Amy and the rental house after receiving his promise not to tell my parents about it.
I said, "We are getting married. Amy has a maid of honor and I need a best man. Will you do me the honor?"
"Warren, when you decide to do something, you go all out. Of course! I'll be proud to be the best man." I gave him the date and he said, "I am reserving the entire day. When may I meet your fiancé?"
I said, "We're moving into the house this Saturday. We're living together since neither of us live at our old homes any more."
He said, "I can understand that. What the hell was Betty thinking?
"Are you and your dad talking?"
"Yes though he's walking very carefully. Amy's mother also appears to have been the one there, too. Her sister is supportive of us. She will be maid of honor and will be at our new home Saturday, too. We haven't told either set of parents about our new home yet nor about the wedding nor when. They won't be allowed to participate and we are undecided about whether or not they will be permitted to even come. It's been a tough week."
"I have heard from some of my co-workers about their children's opinions. No one seems to like it. From what I heard, I'm not surprised. I will come help Saturday."
I told him what time and thanks. We ended the call.
Amy and I lay in bed cuddled next to each other talking. It wasn't very late but she soon said, "Turn off the big light and ravish me some more, love." Obeying her is such fun!
In the morning, we went for our last day of the week to school. We still wore clothes. We did talk about going naked but decided to wait until next week to consider it.
School was quiet and, after the announcement at homeroom, teaching was occurring again. The amount of sex was slowing down also. It was quickly losing its luster from overuse and under care for partners.
We asked Mister Astor if we could remain partners for the remainder of the year and he consented. He said, "You seem to have quickly formed a genuine bond. Congratulations to you both."
After school, we left for our room and found our mothers waiting for us outside. We stood at my car and they came to us. My mother said, "The manager would not let us in so we had to wait out here for you."
I said, "Why are you ambushing us this way?"
She said, "I just wanted to talk to you. I am saddened about how things have changed between us."
I looked at them both almost shocked at the statement. "After doing what you did to each of us knowing how completely we opposed what you did before you did it, why were you surprised that our reaction was negative? Did you think we would enjoy being betrayed or raped?"
Missus Redd said, "We were only interested in helping you. You both overreacted. It's time to stop." Her words cut off suddenly when Amy slapped her as hard as she could. Missus Redd staggered back.
Amy's eyes were flashing. "It was no overreaction. I never want to see you or hear from you again. I tell you again, 'I am not your daughter and you are not my mother!' That situation is permanent. Go away and stay away!"
I looked at my mother and said, "Missus Jones, I don't want to see you ever again. When I marry and have children, they will be told that my mother, their grandmother, is dead. You will never meet them. I want nothing to do with you and certainly don't want your help. Go away and stay away!"
We went into our room locking the door behind us. My mother had put her head in her hands and cried. Missus Redd said something to her and they walked away.
Tears were streaming down Amy's cheeks and I pulled her to me gently. She held me tightly and sobbed. She sobbed, "Love, she just doesn't get it. She thinks she can retrieve the situation and have it her way."
"I know. My mother does, too. I really don't want any involvement with them again. It's just not going to work. I'm not sure how much we can tell our fathers without them telling their wives. It's bad."
We had calmed down and were thinking of going out to eat when my phone rang. It was my father. He said, "Warren, I just found out that Betty approached you this afternoon. I didn't know. I'm sorry. I have told her that she must get counseling or we will divorce. If she won't treat me like a husband, then I won't have her for a wife."
"I understand, dad. She makes it difficult when she won't see any reality but the one she wants. I have some other items that are or were in my room that I would like to pick up tomorrow if you will be there."
"I can be but you can come in."
"No, sir. I don't have a key to that house. I left it on the hall table."
"Yes, I will come by around ten if that's convenient."
"Of course, I will be here."
"Thank you. Bye." We left the room and went for fast food bringing it back to our room.
We removed our clothes and ate naked teasing each other. When we finished eating, we went into the bathroom and took a shower together continuing to fondle each other. We barely managed to dry each other before jumping in bed with Amy on top. She straddled my hips and aimed my cock for her pussy and took me deep. She lay forward kissing me as I thrust up and she slammed down making noisy, passionate love until we climaxed together hard and out of breath. We lay like that enjoying the feeling of me being inside her and our bodies plastered tightly together.
We made love twice more that night. Each time still continued to be sweet and new as if we had never made love before.
Saturday morning, we packed, checked out of the motel, and left for our new home. We pulled in and placed our suitcases in the bedroom. We walked through the house with our arms around each other's waist. My Uncle Sam showed up and Amy's Aunt Julie came less than a minute later. We met them both with hugs and kisses from Amy. I thought for a moment and whispered to Amy. She grinned.
She said, "We need some special help from each of you. Uncle Sam, would you take me to my old house and help me gather some things from my old room. My father should be there but my former mother may also. You can help deflect her if necessary while I get my father to help me gather things and put them in your car."

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