Reginald's ChildrenChapter 11 free porn video

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Chapter 11

Puzzled, he informed her, “Yes. I just lifted them straight out, then moved them into the trench I prepared for them. They just felt right, the way they were. Why?”

“They felt right, as the base was heavier than the rest of the concretion, that’s why. I have looked at both of these, and there is a glint of gold showing on each base. Gold is heavier than silver, so there is a natural tendency for the find to sit in that orientation. I suspect the gold coins – from what I saw, they are coins – were placed in first, and then the silver ones to cover them. It would hide the fact that there was gold present, if anyone saw the bag of coins. It is a sensible decision to place them in a bag that way.

Reg, I now need to photograph the underside of each concretion. Can you hold each one up again, and this time hold it steady with the base facing me, so I can get a good shot?”

Reg flexed his arms for a moment, to prepare, and then lifted the first one as she directed. It did not take her long to take the picture, then he replace the lump and moved to the second one. It too was quickly pictured, and he was able to put it down safely.

“What now, Mrs Newsome?” He was sure of her marital status, as he had earlier noted the wedding ring on her left hand.

“We have to weigh each find. I have a set of scales in the car for that purpose. I also have to fetch two plastic boxes and packing material from my car. I’ll do the packing in here, for convenience, and then we can carry the boxes to my car boot. There are good handles on the boxes.”

The weighing was done quickly. She explained that detailed accuracy at this point was less important due to the presence of soil and other detritus that would be included in the concretion.

It turned out she had what looked to be felt blankets to wrap round the concretions, then once each was in a box, it was stuffed around with quantities of plastic bubble-wrap to absorb any movement in the box. The second was done likewise. With the boxes having handles, she and Reg could easily carry one box at a time to the car and place them in the boot. There she had inbuilt straps to hold the boxes in position while she was transporting them back to York.

With that done, they went back inside the house for Reg to fill out a Finds report for each concretion, as to when and how he found it, and the depth at which found. This included his name and address, age, phone number, email addy, general location of the Find – the farm name and its address – then the GPS location on the farm. She next completed the description for him, as she knew the terms to be used and which details to be applied. She got Reg to read it through, with her explaining as they went, so he would know what it all meant.

She next had to obtain the details of the owners of the field, and their agreement as to their share of the find’s value. Next, signatures and dates for both parties to the agreement. She explained the procedures that would have to be gone through before any financial offer was made to the parties. Reg was already aware of that, from his previous experience. He asked for, and was transferred into his own phone, a copy of each of the photographs she had taken.

Finally, she was ready to leave, and handed over her card, so that they could contact her at any time for an update on progress.

They waved her off on her trip back to her York office, and went inside. Reg found that Jessica and Sidra were in the kitchen with Mrs Robson. Sidra was learning about the various farm-sourced ingredients, and how they came to be ready for use. When Reg entered, Sidra rushed to him to explain how the carrots were grown from seed in drills in the field, and how sandy soil was best for carrots. She had been told how other vegetables were grown: parsnip, turnip, kohlrabi, kale, cabbage, and so on. Sidra had been surprised to discover that Brussels sprouts were grown in England, just like cabbages, and that the sprouts were like little cabbages growing on the sides of the plant stalk.

Reg was surprised that this was new to her, then twigged that most vegetables appeared magically in the supermarket, with no data on the growing of them. He pointed out that Brussels sprouts seemed to have appeared for the first time in Belgium in 13th century records. He explained that many foods had place names attached to them, indicating a strong historical association; like Parmesan cheese, and Parma ham; Bath buns and Arbroath smokies – smoked haddock.

He asked Sidra was she aware that milk came from cows? She blushed and said, “I do now, Reg. Charlotte took me to see the cows and explained how they were milked. It comes out of their udders – things like breasts, through teats – long nipples.”

Reg smiled. “So, just like a baby gets milk from its mother?”

“Yes, but it looks so different. Mrs Robson says it comes out in long squirts if you do it by hand, but it is almost all done by machines now. Sounds horrible!”

Charlotte added to this knowledge, “Cows only give milk once they have given birth to a calf, Sidra. Cows are bred by us to produce large quantities of milk, so that the calf still gets its share, but we humans get most of it, sold through the shops.”

Jessica added, “Sidra, that is one of the difficulties about becoming a mother. Your breasts fill with milk, and you have to feed your baby regularly or your breasts get sore. Women who have to be away from their baby for a while might express their milk using a breast-pump, which is not too different from what is used to extract milk from cows. The expressed milk is then given to the baby, giving it a regular feed.”

Sidra grimaced, “Yugh!” and turned to her mother, “You’ll have to do all that?”

Her mother said, “Of course. It is one of the joys of being a mother. Having a baby means taking on all the responsibility that it entails, Sidra. Not so keen on the idea now?”

Sidra was silent. Jessica smiled to herself, satisfied that her point was taken.

Mrs Robson looked at Jessica enquiringly, and raised her eyebrows in query. Jessica took notice, and gave in.”Yes, Charlotte, I may be pregnant, but it is by choice.”

Charlotte frowned. “I thought you said you were separated from your husband?”

“I am.”

Sidra tapped Mrs Robson on the arm. “Reg. She got Reg to do the job.”

“Reg? He of the many wives? Why?”

“By the time I gave birth to Sidra, I had discovered what a brute my husband was, so I determined not to have more children he might eventually beat. Now that we are free of him, I want more children while I can, and Reg was to my mind suitable. His wives approved of my decision and my request to them.”

“So you got Reginald to get you pregnant? You must like him a lot, to ask that of him and his wives.”

“He is a very lovable young man, and quite fertile with it. All his wives are pregnant.”

“ALL of them?”

“Yes, all five.”

“I thought you said he had four wives.”

“He did, but another girl asked to join the Commitment, and eventually the wives permitted her to join, so it is five.”

“So is number five as facially challenged as the others?”

“No. She is pretty normal, but had a bad family life after her widowed father remarried. She and her stepmother hate each other, it seems. She is happy now, and lives with the rest in the large house they have.”

“Yes, I understand Mr Robertson struck it rich at our nephew’s farm.”

“He did, to some extent, but the house they live in belongs to the father of one of the girls. He is glad to have the Robertson family staying there, as it is a long-term investment for him, and a lived-in building is not the worry that an empty building can be.”

“That’s true, especially in an urban setting. My nephew told us about where Reg was living: he was impressed. A large building, he said.”

“Yes, it is. We have been made most welcome there.”

Mrs Robson gave a start. “Oops. Need to get that lunch ready, Jessica. Let’s get back to it, eh?”

As they worked to prepare the meal, it occurred to Jessica that the two daughters were not present to lend a hand.

“Charlotte, are your daughters not able to prepare food? Excuse me if I am out of order, please.”

“A sore point, Jessica. These girls imagine that everything should be laid on their plate, and that they shouldn’t have to labour in any way.”

“Gosh. Back at Reg’s home, everybody mucks in to prepare things. We have the twins who are nominally cook and housekeeper, but all the girls are happy to help with anything that needs doing. It is only their studying that stops them doing more.”

“Perhaps I should send my two to the Robertson household for relationship training?” She laughed as she said this, but there was a hint behind her laugh that she was semi-serious. She clearly felt her girls were not pulling their weight.

“I don’t think you would get a response from Reg to that suggestion. He would want to refer it to his wives for a decision. That man involves his wives in most decision-making, and they let him participate before they decide by themselves what they want to do.” Jessica smiled as she said this, even though it was accurate.

“Hmmm...” was all Charlotte would say in reply.

Reg was in the farmhouse living room, chatting with Charles, while the two daughters listened politely to the dialogue, then the pair gradually lost interest and wandered off to find another conversation more of interest to girls. Reg was quizzing Charles about the difference in how farming here differed from what his nephew did.

Charles Robson explained, “Part of it is down to the type of soil, which is dependent on the underlying geology. You may have a soil which is primarily clay, or primarily sand, or perhaps a good loam; but that is a tiny part of the whole. There is the question of height above sea-level, as that affects what will grow well, and weather conditions in the locality: whether you get a lot of sun on your fields, or have a hill causing a shadow. Then you have the question of arable, pastoral or mixed. That affects what you do in the way of manuring, crop rotation, and so on. Finally, there is the matter of knowledge, education. My nephew is a geology graduate and that background imparts knowledge about how to farm his land more efficiently and effectively.

I would happily admit he knows better than me how to run a modern farm. I grew up as a farmer and run this farm based on the knowledge I built up over the years as I grew up, watching my father, and then my elder brother.”

Reg was fascinated. “So there is no single correct way to run a farm?”

“None. Some farmers are trying new breeds of cattle and sheep; other have introduced deer, alpacas, ostriches, and other new species such as water buffalo. These farmers are still learning, but they have developed a market for their produce, and will probably thrive, farm subsidies or no farm subsidies.”

“Wow. I still learn something new every day.”

“Your Jessica said you were much into education, so I am glad to hear we can still teach you things.”

“Sir, there is too much out there NOT to learn something every day. And please, she is not MY Jessica; she is her own woman, making her own decisions about her life, now that she is free to do so.”


“More or less. She escaped from an abusive husband, so is still hiding from him. We are helping, and she is enjoying taking charge of her own life again.”

“I presume that applies to her daughter as well?”

“Indeed. In fact, it was Sidra who first ran away from home when her father started beating her as well. She was found by kind people, and we were asked to look after her, sort of as a place of refuge, as we had the space and could offer protection. We are home-schooling her for her school exams. I am hoping she will get good enough results to go to university. We will finance her there, if she gets in.”

Charles gave a grunt, and said, “I wish our girls had studied more, and achieved better results. They have turned into a couple of layabouts, and I can’t even see signs of them getting married. Putting on weight hasn’t helped either.”

“How old are they, sir, if I may ask?”

“Jemima is twenty and Hermione is twenty-one, almost twenty-two. There is eighteen months between them. I worry about these girls and their future. They don’t fancy farm work, yet there is no indication of them doing anything else.”

Reg thought about these young women. While not exactly pretty, they had pleasant, homely faces, just like their mother, and both had reasonably good figures, even if the elder one was letting her weight creep up far too much, and her sister seemed to be following her. He did not see signs of innate badness, so he assumed they simply had no goals in life, and were letting things slip.

He asked his host, “Charles, could I suggest that your girls come and live at our house for a while? The reason for that proposal is that I think my wives and staff might be able to instil some ‘get up and go’ into them. If we can’t do something along these lines within three months, we will return them to you, regretfully. I will hate it if I am wrong!”

“Young man, I am astonished that you would make such an offer. It does appeal. Let me speak with Charlotte, to see what she thinks, and I will let you know later. When do you go home? I am assuming you have finished with your detectoring, as you have found a substantial hoard.”

“I had allowed myself two days of searching, sir, and this is the second day, so I think it is not worth searching the remainder of the field; not unless another coin turns up in another part of the field!”

“So you are going back to your hotel this afternoon?”

“That is the plan. Before we go home I want Jessica and Sidra to see some more of Scarborough, such as the Castle and the harbour.”

“How about if I ask you to take Hermione and Jemima with you to town as your guides, to let them get to know you? If we decide they are to go with you, I want to be sure that they do not actively dislike you!”

“Sounds a wise approach, sir. I am happy to oblige. I could bring them back to you and get your decision around tea-time.”

“Fine. Let’s leave it at that. I’ll tell the girls about going in to Scarborough with you. Will there be enough room in the taxi?”

“When I ring the driver, I’ll warn him, if there are to be five of us.”

“I expect there will, if for no other reasons than getting to know you.”

At this point they were called to lunch by Mrs Robson.

“Come along, boys. Come and see what Jessica and I have prepared for you: Mutton chops, Pakistani style.”

“Sounds interesting,” commented her husband. Reg added, “Jessica is a good cook, so they should make a fine meal together, Charles.”

Jessica came round to join Charlotte, and said, “We had to make a few adjustments to take into account what ingredients Charlotte had available, but we tasted the result, and I was happy with it.”

The Robson sisters were called, and slowly everyone was seated at the dining table, and Charlotte brought out the casserole dish with the chops. She dished out portions for each member of the family and the visitors. Sidra was first to dive into her meal, and sample it. She said, surprised, “Hey, this is different from usual, but tastes great!”

The others were quickly trying their food and soon started clearing their plates. There was enough to allow for small second helpings, until the casserole was emptied.

Charles was eager to tell his wife, “That was delicious, Charlotte and Jessica. We should have this again. Get Jessica to give you the recipe, dear.”

Reg was equally impressed. “Jessica, that is a very worthwhile recipe. If you have adapted it anew today, keep a note of it. It might be worth selling to one of the companies that market ready meals.”

“Thanks, Reg. Mrs Robson and I worked together on it, so it is a joint recipe, to be accurate.”

Charles meanwhile had spoken to his daughters.

“Girls, I want you to go into Scarborough with Mr Robertson, Jessica and Sidra. Show them some of the sights and get to know Reg better. I may have a suggestion for you girls when you get back home. Reg will ensure you get home safe.”

The two girls were puzzled at this sudden enthusiasm for visiting town, and with their visitors. They decided that their mother and father wanted to be alone with adequate privacy, for some reason, so they went along with the request, having nothing else to do at the time.

Charles Robson told his wife that their girls would be going into Scarborough with the three guests, and that Reg would ensure their safe return home. Reg phoned the taxi firm, and explained that there would be an additional two adults for the trip back to Scarborough. The firm happily told him that all their cars could seat five comfortably, and asked when he wanted the taxi to be at the farm.

He checked with Mrs Robson as to when the girls would be ready to go, and gave a time to the taxi firm.

The girls dressed warmly, as it was still winter, and the taxi arrived, ready to load them all aboard. Reg told the driver they wanted delivered to the hotel, and he soon had them there; it was only a few miles into town.

Getting out of the taxi, Reg escorted the ladies into the hotel and up to their rooms. He showed the Robsons around his and Jessica’s room and got them to sit while he ordered drinks for them all. He asked what each wanted to drink, then phoned down the order to room service.

While waiting for the drinks, he asked the two sisters to tell him a little about themselves.

Hermione led off, speaking for both, as the elder sister.

“We went through primary school and then high school, and got reasonable certificates, but neither of us had any ideas about a career. We like hanging about together, and occasionally going into Scarborough to meet other school friends, and having a laugh. We have a regular appointment at our hairdresser, who also does beauty treatments.”

“Do you not want to do anything around the farm?” Reg asked.

“That smelly place? It is either beast manure smells or tractor engine oil stinks; we don’t want to have to deal with that.”

“What about domestic tasks, helping your mother? Surely that is more to your liking?”

“Drudgery, as far as I can see it!”

“So how do you see your life in the future? Sitting around doing nothing much and depending on your parents to provide the cash for your entertainment?”

Hermione stared at Reg in surprise, and spoke slowly, thinking about her words.

“I don’t know: I haven’t thought about it much.”

“I see: a life of watching TV, listening to music, getting yourself prettified regularly, and going out with the girls. What about boyfriends?”

“Haven’t met one that interests me yet. Neither has Jemima. I constantly get afflicted with references to the Harry Potter books and films, so boys who mention that get the bum’s rush: mere kids, in my opinion. Neither of us is in a hurry anyway to give up our freedom for a man’s benefit.”

Reg commented, “Interesting, wouldn’t you say, Jessica?”

Jessica gave a grin and said, “A pretty short-sighted outlook on life, I would say, Reg. Limited intellect, limited ambition, limited prospects; a sad life eventually. Sidra has a far more interesting set of experiences, and she is only sixteen.”

Jemima and Hermione looked over at the teenager. “Her?” demanded Jemima. “She looks terribly normal. What has she ever done?”

“You mean, apart from putting up with being beaten by an abusive father, running away from home, abandoning schooling, and taking up home-schooling where she has to basically teach herself? Nothing much else, I suppose, apart from casting eyes on a married man.”

“Eh? She fancies a married man? Why? That sounds stupid.”

“Yes, with your limited experience of life, I expect it sounds that way; especially as the man has five wives and a girlfriend already!”

“Good God, woman! That sounds pretty weird, not to say illegal!”

Jessica accosted her, “Explain what you mean by illegal, Hermione.”

“Well, marrying five women; that is illegal.”

“I didn’t say he married them, Jemima. I simply said he had five wives.”

“You are just spitting hairs! English law says you can only marry one woman.”

“Exactly. He hasn’t gone through a legal wedding with anybody, though. They have all committed themselves to be his wives, and are treating him as their husband. They are all happy to do so.”

“Just a private harem, then?”

“If any of them were here, Jemima, you would get a strong telling-off. They all love him; I have seen it for myself: it is a true marriage.”

“You have? Who is this paragon that can get five women to throw themselves at him?”

Jemima gazed at the woman, shaking her head at such denseness.

“You were speaking to him a minute or two ago, girl.”

Both sisters swung round to stare in shock at an amused Reg. “What? This guy? The treasure hunter? He is younger than us: I don’t believe it!”

Reg told them, blushingly, “I can hardly believe it myself, I can tell you!”

“You have five women fawning over you?”

“Not quite. Rather, I have five women telling me what to do, and how to do it!”

“And you are running around with a girlfriend on top of that?”

“I expect you could use that allusion, but it is not quite what is the reality. My wives approved of me starting a baby with her. Is that not so, Jessica?”

“It certainly is. I am looking forward to having your baby, but I will definitely be last in the queue, as all your wives are expecting already.”

Hermione had been standing with her mouth open. Now she closed it enough to speak.

“Good God! That means you have five, possibly six children on the way? How old are you, Mr Robertson?”

“Nineteen, Hermione. Me and my wives are all at university, studying for various degrees, as well as running our household as best we can. Our cook and housekeeper do most of the housework, though.”

“For Pete’s sake: it goes on? you have a cook and a housekeeper, as well as five wives? How big is your house?”

“You know, I have never counted the rooms, but it is on three floors. It doesn’t belong to me, though. It is owned by the father of my chief wife.”

Jemima turned to Hermione, to comment, “This guy is full of surprises, sis. I don’t know what to think of him now. Do you think we can trust him to behave himself around us?”

“While we are in Scarborough, with witnesses, I think so, Jemima. This Lothario wouldn’t dare touch us.”

“Touching you is not my intention, girls. Educating you, perhaps, but that is a different matter.”

“Educating us? You intend to do that this afternoon?” She looked at her watch: “In two or three hours?” she challenged. “I wish you luck!”

Reg smiled, deprecatingly. “Naturally not. It is not as easy as that. First of all, I don’t really know you yet; you are still strangers to me. I want us to go out and about in Scarborough, so I can see what you like, what you don’t like, and your interests in general.”

Hermione gave him a distracted look. “What are you trying to do, Mr Robertson? I can’t fathom you out.”

“Why don’t we all go out for a walk, and you can show us the sights? You have a harbour here, and a castle; that’s right?”

“Of course. You probably can see the harbour from your window here in the hotel. The castle is not much further away: it sits on the headland between the two bays. Just boring old stonework, in my opinion, apart from being bombarded in 1914.”

Reg picked up on that.

“Bombarded? An ancient castle? How come? Why would anyone want to bombard an ancient castle? Oh wait a minute: 1914, First World War?”

“Correct,” admitted Hermione. “A couple of German warships appeared nearby and shelled the town for half an hour before scarpering off. I heard that around 500 shells landed in and around the town. The Grand Hotel got hit, and many houses, but not that many people were killed. I am sure you could look it up if you were interested.”

Reg praised her. “Sounds to me that you are quite interested in history, Hermione. Did you enjoy that at school?”

She brightened up as she looked at the young man. He was showing an interest in anything he heard, so she told him, “I did fairly well in history, and got a GCSE in it.”

“Well done! I am a great believer in education. That is why I and my wives are all doing university courses, and I want Sidra to get enough GCSEs to go to university as well.”

“You do?” Hermione queried. “Why? What is the point? Why go to university?”

Reg gazed at her in astonishment, and finally answered, “What is the point of living, Hermione? You have to want to do SOMETHING with your life, surely!

Do you imagine that you should simply grow up, procreate, and die? Education makes life interesting! You can utilise what you learn: make your life better; more satisfying. You can not only improve your mind, but often you can improve your economic circumstances through gainful employment or starting your own business, all of which assumes you have been adequately educated for the task. Education expands your horizons, girl. Life is SO much more fun if you know things.”

“I never thought of it that way. Our schoolteachers just hammered their subject to make us learn enough to pass the exams. That seemed to be the raison d’etre for their job.”

Reg told her, “Probably true, as far as it goes. Did you notice that you used a French term there? That surprised me. Did you study French, Hermione?”

“A little, but didn’t take it to the GCSE level. I got A-level English, though,” she said with some pride.

“You seem to have absorbed some French, at least. Were you aware that a lot of the English language is derived from French?”

“It is? Pardon?”

“Yes. Pardon is another word that comes from French, as is parboil, in cookery; mortise, as in a mortise and tenon joint in woodworking; or the word jest, for a joke: that comes from the French geste. It goes on and on.”

“So YOU studied French at school?”

“No. It wasn’t one of my priorities, but English language was, and that’s how I learned that so much of our language derives from French. It is why so many words in English end in -re (which the Americans have changed to -er, to make it easier to spell; as in metre becoming meter, and thus confusing it with an electric or electronic meter).”

“So why did you make English language a priority?”

“So that I could better understand what words actually meant. English is a bastard language. Most of the words are derived from French, Latin, Anglo-Saxon, Scots, and some from Spanish and other languages. Many place-names are compound words that tell you about what the place was originally. For example, Scarborough is a borough based on a Scar – a rocky outcrop, in the Norse language. That prefix tells you that Vikings were here long ago. Borough is from an old Anglo-Saxon word, burg, so the name comes from two languages and hints at the history of the place.”

“Yet you have never been to Scarborough before now?”

“Never. The languages used in the name is enough to give me clues about the place, along with general English history. Of course I knew that the Norse Vikings were in Yorkshire long enough to give many places names from their language. Whitby, down the coast, is from the Old Norse for ‘White Settlement’, and Grimsby is Old Norse for ‘Grimr’s town’; ‘-by’ means a settlement or town. Just in case you thought the -by was short for ‘bay’, the Norse word for bay was ‘vik’, giving us the place-name Wick, on the coast of Caithness, or Brodick (broad bay) on the Isle of Arran, or Lerwick (muddy bay) in Shetland; but Alnwick in Northumberland, far inland, comes from the Anglo-Saxon word -vic meaning homestead or farmstead. So Alnwick is homestead beside the river Aln, Prestwick is priest’s farm, and Berwick is barley farm, from the old word ‘bere’ for barley.”

Jemima was impressed. “You seem to know an awful lot, Mr Robertson.”

Reg admitted, “That is because I didn’t have much of a family life while growing up, unlike you girls. I was an only child, and my widowed mother didn’t care for me much, so I was on my own a lot, and spent much of it reading up on subjects that interested me. You girls have a loving set of parents, yet you don’t seem to properly appreciate them.”

Jemima and Hermione started to look embarrassed., so Jessica stepped in.

“Girls, I know from experience that young adults do not necessarily go along with their parents’ wishes. It may be a fault, but not a serious one unless you choose to make it so. If you love your parents, and I am sure you do, it should allow you to demonstrate that by cooperating with them as best you can.

Note that I am not giving you instructions, just some useful advice. I can pass on a story I got from one of Reg’s wives: it may interest you.

Frances and the other girls wanted the parents to attend their Commitment Ceremony, and Frances told Reg he had to invite his mother. His mother! This is the woman who did such a bad job of raising him, so he was not keen on doing so. He knuckled under only when Frances insisted that even if his mother hadn’t treated him well, it was no reason for him to treat her badly in return: He should be a better person than that, she said.

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ReginaldChapter 4

She gaped at him, suddenly aware that he spoke the truth. Her devious plan for him had unravelled, but she rose to the occasion. “Oh. Oh, well, I suppose...” and she grasped her nightie hem and lifted it up and off her body. She was wearing only panties underneath, but quickly dropped these and stepped out of them. She faced Reg and said, “Right. There you are: just as you demanded, Reg, you forceful boy. Happy now?” He was indeed happy, getting a full-frontal view of Frances in all her...

3 years ago
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ReginaldChapter 5

“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...

1 year ago
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ReginaldChapter 6

Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...

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ReginaldChapter 7

“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...

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ReginaldChapter 8

“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...

4 years ago
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ReginaldChapter 10

He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...

3 years ago
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ReginaldChapter 11

Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...

4 years ago
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ReginaldChapter 12

“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...

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ReginaldChapter 17

Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...

2 years ago
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ReginaldChapter 20

Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...

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Karma Olyvias pov1

The sun is just starting to set over the tops of the trees in the neighborhood. I pull the mirror out of my purse so I can apply a new coat of tantalizing red lipstick. Satisfied with the reflection, I stick the knife from my purse into my bra, toss the bag under the seat, and climb out into the school parking lot. I parked around back so the car wouldn't be visible from the road. I know the middle school doesn't keep cameras in the lots so it’s a perfect place to leave the getaway car...

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Succession to the Throne

"Close the door," you order and wait until the knave turns toward you. "Usually, I would ask my maids this favor...," you start before making a pregnant pause. "... but in this case, it isn't possible," you continue, lowering your eyes. "The... it's just impossible...," you sigh and turn your back on him. After waiting some moments, you finally come to the point. "This is where you come into play...," you say in a low voice. "I heard, that you took care of your lord's hair removal...," you add,...

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The Seventh SensePart 24

Prosecutor Jones tried one last, desperate hail Mary on the morning of 18 April, [redacted]. In 1861, in what is sometimes called the granddaddy of all American constitutional crises, Southern secession occurred. In one particularly striking sub-crisis, during that time, President Abraham Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus, citing Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution, which says: The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion...

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She Needs to be Punished

Jack grabbed his girl Emily by the wrist and dragged her to the bathroom. “I’m s…sorry,” she whispered. “No, that’s not good enough!” Jack replied. He was outraged, his face red with fury, half running while Emily dangled from behind, her mascara beginning to run. She was a gorgeous girl, 5’ 8’’ with long flowing brown hair and deep blue eyes. Her lips were thick and moist, her body was shaped well, with a firm ass and c-cup breasts. She was still wearing her pajamas when Jack grabbed her,...

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MomsOnMoms Cory Chase Silvia Saige Becky Bandini Rachael Cavalli Last Night Of Freedom

Cory Chase, Silvia Saige, and Becky Bandini are all celebrating Rachael Cavalli’s last night before she becomes a married woman. She’s the last in their group of friends to get married, so they’re throwing a wild bachelorette party to make sure she goes out with a bang! But no party’s complete without a stripper, and they’re expecting a sexy fireman to show up any moment now… As they wait, Cory gets a text message from the male stripper and lets the other...

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Teresa Her 3 Sons Chapter 2 Saturday morning

After a few minutes I headed into the en suite to shower. I soaped my lovely boobs and gave both nipples a few playing nips before having a play and a wash down below. Thankfully I had kept the enema attachment for the shower and gave myself a good clean out. Before snuggling into bed I used a nicely lubricated butt plug to be ready for any anal action my boys might care to offer when they awoke. I fell asleep straight away and have memories of dreaming about sex, more sex and even more...

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Wild Hibiscus

“Do you like what you see?” Her bewitching azure eyes sparkled with mischief. Astride my body and fully impaled on me, she took what she wanted with a confidence that belied her age. It was beyond my youthful comprehension how a woman so young could fuck like this. She moved with the elegance of quicksilver and kept me at her mercy on this delirious sexual plateau. With her fingers she splayed her sex and revealed how tightly she had me. Watching for my reaction, it drew an instinctive...

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Cuck Father

Reed was home from college for the summer. His room had been converted to an office for his milquetoast father. So the young man was forced to convert part of the attic into a bedroom. ‘That’s fine.’ He thought grumpily. ‘Not like I could bring any tail back here anyway.’ He was moving some boxes when one split open. The old cardboard ripping. Grumbling he picks up a collection of old books, paper, art supplies, an old camera. He stops when he notices a photo on the ground. It looks like a...

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Tushy Adriana Chechik Carter Cruise Old Friends And New Experiences

Carter has taken a trip to LA to visit an old friend from high school. She has married a hot rich European guy who gives her everything she desires. Just as Carter is about to leave, her friend brings her a last minute surprise. Some beautiful red lingerie that matches her own. Once they are both wearing the gorgeous outfits, her friend confesses that she has always been attracted to Carter and its not long before he two girls are becoming intimate. When her husband walks in unexpectedly,...

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HandsOnHardcore Valentina Nappi Seducing Her StepBrother

Horny college cutie Valentina Nappi gets her wish when she finally has the chance to put the moves on her brother Logan Long, whose mammoth member she’s heard stories about from her girlfriends. The beautiful brown-eyed Italian babe cuddles up next to Logan who is home sick from work and the glamour model enthusiastically soothes his ails away, licking and petting his massive cock as she prepares it to shove deep inside her curvy ass cheeks. Be a part of the ass fucking action that ends...

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On Probation Chapter 3

The car came to pick me up at six next morning. As instructed by Liam, I had packed an overnight bag, but I still had no idea where we were heading to. The only clue I’d been given was that it involved flying of some kind. Tossing and turning all night, I had fantasised about everything from helicopter rides over central London, to hot air ballooning through the Cotswolds, even wondering for a split second if he’d organised a skydive.  Outside, the weather was frosty but dry, with a thin...

Straight Sex
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Kim and James in Vegas Chapter 3

Kim & James StoryChapter 3A Day to Remember Tom told them OK, let's get started. I thought we would go to the same store the strippers and dancers go to. We can save the fancy stores for later. Off they went. The days adventure had begun.Kim, sitting in the back was rubbing her nipples hoping that Tom would notice. She could see him peeking at her thru the rear view mirror. Tom ask her, that feel good? Looks good from here. Glad to see you dressed comfortable today as it is supposed...

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German Shepherd 12

Introduction: Part AMazing 12!!!! Lyle then found my entrance, and began to slowly enter me. The head of his cock pushed into me and I gave out a moan. He then quickly said Are you all right? I then said Yeah dude, go for it. He then slowly pushed the rest of his cocks shaft into me, and I felt his balls resting on top of mine. He was fully deep inside me, and I waited for his hips to start fucking me. He then said Fuck dude, your so fucking tight even though Buster just got done fucking you...

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A NotSoSimple Life Part 1

“You’re holding up ok back here TK?” Leo asked, patting me on the back as I cleaned a pitcher of beer. His real name was Reginald Marino, but he had long dirty blonde hair and a bushy chin strap to go with it that vaguely made him look like a lion. He was a stocky man with a beer gut, but all in all, a really nice guy, who was a long time friend to my dad. Because of that, he let me work at his restaurant, secretly, for the last two years. “Yeah, the couple near the end is fixing to go...

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Positively Glowing 7

The electric chime sounded as Taylor and Gerry entered Amanda's Boutique during lunch on Friday. "Oh, it's my favorite bride," the proprietress beamed at them. She pulled a garment bag from a rack and handed it to Gerry. "Here you go, sweetheart. Take this out back and try it on. Try on EVERYTHING, though. The panties can go on over what you're wearing for now, but I need to see you in the bra, with the stockings and then the dress. I'll help you with the veil when you come out." Far...

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Masters Sissy Slave Chapter 8 Moulding

Chapter 8 - Moulding The rest of the weekend and the next week fell into a similar pattern. My days had now started to become so busy that by the time Master would finish using me for the night I would fall into an intense and deep sleep. The irony being that my body was used and abused beyond anything I would have ever imagined but I would fall to such a deep and contented sleep that I had never known. My mind would wake up so refreshed, whereas my body would wake up sore and usually...

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Restraining the Personals girl

As I get older, I find myself more interested in   kinkier stuff, seeking to live out some fantasies. I found out that by posting online ads on a personals site with kinky scenarios, I get many more responses from ladies who are eager to experience something more than what I call the “in and out” encounter.   I had made a posting in which I announced that I wanted to restrain a woman, and have my way with her. Apparently, quite a few women have the fantasy of being overpowered because I got a...

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My First Triple Header

My Best Day Ever Starting with Lovely Arlene.During my first summer out of High School, I was sleeping in on a day off from my summer job. The phone rang too early, I sleepily answered to a dull hum. There was no voice but household noises in the background on the phone. In 1960 there was no way to know who was calling, so I hung up.  A few minutes later it happened again. No voice again. I listened for a while until I heard a familiar faint noise in the background. I let  Arlene know I...

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An American War HeroChapter 27

The mood of the group was relaxed. Liz's prognosis was excellent. A little nerve damage, but her face was well on the way to being restored. The Surgeon had fired one of his secretaries and the press were chasing some hint of an affair between Jimmy Stewart and Joan Chandler. David wished them every success. They were sitting on the lounge in their suite. The ladies were drinking white wine, and the men were sipping bourbon. Dragging deeply on his cigarette, Josh exhaled and sighed, "Ahh...

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Sylvia teases Bruce in the library

"Bruce was hangin' on every word. I loved it............just loved it. I kept talking to him about doing another boy. Whey does that get boys so excited?'' I 'm going back to what I said to him at that table in the library": '' Bruce look at me while I tell you this, please? I put my hand on his boner, just like I'm doing now..............and squeeze and stroke him in his pants................and then I like to...............unzip him and.....................slide my hand in...

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Nouvelle esclave

Pour commencer, choisissez votre rôle dans l'histoire. Le Maître mène la danse. Il parle plus avec les yeux qu'avec les lèvres. La première esclave est dévouée entièrement au Maître. Elle ferait tout pour lui. Ensemble ils vont chercher de la compagnie pour étendre les plaisirs dans leur relation de dominant/dominé. La nouvelle esclave (garçon travesti) était un garçon, avant de se trouver une passion pour le travestissement et l'exhibitionnisme via son blog et sa webcam. La nouvelle esclave...

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Julian And Jadzia Meet Seven Of Nine

Kira opened the door and rushed out just as Seven of Nine was walking by inthe corridor almost knocking her down. Always curious, Seven of Nine stoppedat the open door and walked in.She stopped and stared at Jadzia who was on a sitting on a couch with herStar Fleet uniform open down the seam showing quite a bit of skin and spots."You are a member of species 4219" she stated. Jadzia looked at her andsmiled, "Actually I am a Trill" she said "and I can give lots of thrills asJulian here knows."...

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Unexpected Night

First off this is my first story ever so bear with me. I’m gonna tell you a little bit about myself real quick. My name is John and I run a gun store in Wyoming. My town is averaged size with majority of our economy being the oil fields. I’m 5′ 8′ 150 pounds. I’m not in the greatest of shape but I’m some what toned. Short brown hair and Hazel eyes. I’m 22 years old. Like I said I run a gun store for a local couple in town. They are the nicest people you will ever meet. Our store is a very...

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The Driving Test Part 2

I moaned into his mouth as he fucked me. The muscles of his back and legs flexed and strained as he held me in the air, thrusting powerfully into me. His cock burrowed into my tight hole with each thrust, gaping me as I threw back my head and cried out. “Oh god! It’s so big!” I moaned, as I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. “You love my prick in you, don’t you?” His deep voice sounded strained from the effort he was putting in. That same sexy, cheeky smirk lit up...

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Hanging Out with Jake

Casey had been in a long term relationship for some time. She found a new confidence and it began stirring something inside her. She began to have fantasies about other men and women. Being with a woman sparked her interest, but her desire was building to find another man. She didn’t think that she would be capable of going through with anything that would potentially destroy her loving relationship, but the risk made her want it even more. She stumbled across her old high school friend, Jake,...

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Westward bound cum slut

After many months of internet relations I was on my way out west.There to meet the gurl I had longed to finally get to be with, you see Jill was the cd I had been talking to all these months exchanging stories of things we could do to each other, to bring the pleasures to each of us we really needed.The plane ride was awful and I was nervous as all get out, I had no idea What she would look like except she was blonde, tall, and thin with killer legs.Upon off boarding the plane I looked up and...

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The SparkChapter 19

Getting out of Coach Singleton's van when he dropped me off was also the end of my summer. The reason for that was that as soon as the Coach was gone and I had taken my gear up to my apartment I went inside to let Brodie know that I was home. Only he was not there and there was a note, in the kitchen, saying that I needed to call my mother as soon as possible. Calling her with some trepidation I discovered my concern was warranted as Brodie had been hospitalized due to chest pains. By the...

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Summer Vacations 8211 Part 1

The following is a fictional sexstory, created and written by me. Hii, I am Vikas. I am currently a second year engineering student, living in the college hostel in Andheri. At the hostel, I met and befriended my roommate Vatsal Shah. Last summer we planned spending vacations at each other’s houses i.e 4 weeks at my home and 4 at his. This was something new for me living at a friend’s house for almost a month. It felt weird but I liked the idea, so we called our parents and sought their...

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Ashleys Creation Part 2

I awoke the following morning, right off I knew this was not my bed as it was quite larger then mine, also the sheets were satin and pink in colour, not even close to what I was used to. I reached out to pull the sheets back and I saw my fingernails, they were long and red in colour, I was also wearing satin pyjamas and when I stepped down I saw that my toes to were painted red, I knew this was not right but I also could not remember a lot from the night before. Hurrying now I found...

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Rosie 8

Rosie Part 8 Lunch was actually a lot of fun. Nobody referred to the previous incidents, and I was encouraged to join the meal, which was a light tuna salad. Annabelle served my plate from the salad bowl, and I noticed that she measured my portion very carefully. She also passed me a pill. I looked at it warily. "Don't worry Nunkie, it's an appetite suppressant. Nothing to worry about. We're going to talk about your diet at our six o'clock appointment." Conversation was very...

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mum in our holiday room

It was our last night and was about to get off to bed as we had a early flight to catch the next day. Me and sam my friend were sharing a bedroom in this villa we was staying in. It was a large room with 2 double beds. For some reason the beds were already together like a kingsize bed, so we had just left these and slept like this. Mum and dad had the own room the other side of the villa. Our door was slighty open when mum peeked her head round it, 'you ready to go home boys' 'no, could do...

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Dungeoneering HaremChapter 21

The three girls awaken standing in front of a large door sealed shut in front of them. They shake their bodies, moving their limbs and stretching to limber themselves up for the fight beyond the door. Bonny turns towards Elinore as she adjusts Kaito’s armlet as it sits on her arm. “Elinore, we have to take this fight seriously. But we can’t go blasting fire all over the place, got it?” Elinore nods. “I know. I’ll keep control over myself and I won’t make a huge fireball. And you keep control...

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The Devil On My Shoulder

A story of two strangers coming (or is it cumming?) together by random circumstance...I don't know if you believe in angels or devils, but it seems to me I am covered by both. Many events in my life have been guided unseen hands, so call it what you will, but I'm still here and still loving the hell out of life. Now what made me go into that deli on that day at that particular time I can only assume was the horny little devil on my shoulder, keeping a sharp lookout for both of our interests.I...

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Lesson of the day Lesson 2

Bill awoke the next morning with his usual morning wood, and smiled thinking about what he was in for as the continuing education of his twin sisters. Anna and Louise had really gotten into it yesterday and he felt like it would be better today. He tried to compose himself and went to the shower to ready himself for days adventure. Anna and Louise awoke with a yell from their mother that breakfast was almost ready and for them to get up and get going. The girls looked at each other and...

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The Mystery Solved part 2

Cassie and Vera turned and walked around the suite to check it out. “Very nice,” Cassie said. “Let’s get comfortable, Vera.” They both began to undress and by the time they were naked, Terry was fully erect. Vera was much smaller than Cassie, almost flat chested but she had small hips and a tiny firm ass. Her pale skin was quite a contrast from Cassie’s. Cassie walked around the room a little more and Terry was amazed at her perfect body. Her breasts stood out from her chest, full and firm...

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Me and the Motherinlaw Pt2

well as the last story ended i said i thought she was to drunk to remember!It was a few weeks later me and my wife was just hanging around the house andthe phone rang it was her mom and she wanted to know if i could come by hergrandmothers house before work (she stayed there awhile to) to pick up somelimbs that fell in the yard, so i said sure i will be there shortly. As i pulled up her grandmother and aunt were leaving to get there hair cut and i waved and walked in, not noticing that there...

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Pay Back is a Bitch

What can I say, everything happens for a reason. Well at least that’s what I’ve always been told. I just can’t believe it was happening to me. Let me introduce myself, my name is Brandy. I’m 26 years old, married with two kids, and my husband and I both had good jobs. From what I could tell everything in my life was going well, until I walked in on my husband and my best friend (well I thought she was) in my house, in my bed. Let me start from the beginning. I decided to be nice and surprise my...

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Friendly CouplesChapter 6

Darleen pulled a beige leather glove onto her left hand. It was two thirty, Wednesday afternoon, five days after her husband had seduced Janet Richards. Her mind had been involved in nothing for the last few days, except to originate plans for the younger couple who were under Martin's power. She had only to wait for word from him as to when Greg Richards returned home from his trip and she could initiate her first step. She picked up the car keys and turned towards the door but the brash...

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Submissives diary Ep 3 Mistress Kate pt 1

Submissive's diary episode 3: Mistress KatePart 1Let's make another jump. My first night with Ashley was almost three months ago when this happened and so far it had been really fun to live with her. She proved herself to be an extremely smart young girl and a great aid at home. Not to mention a very passionate lover. One night Ashley and me were lying on the sofa watching TV when Mike came in, mischievously smirking, like always when he was up to no good. I sent Ashley up to her room and once...

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Simple job turned into so much more

As high school ended for summer i needed some extra cash so I looked for some available jobs. I stumbled upon a job that involved painting trailers and clearing fence rows. I went in for the interview and to my surprise my co worker/boss was a women in her mid 30's she wasn't a bathing suit model but she wasn't an eye sore by no means. She was wearing blue jean shorts and a tank top. It looked like she was smuggling a pair of watermelons under her shirt and a nice body to go with it she was...

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Hello my name is Shahid from Rawalpindi Pakistan this is a true story of my life my age is 31 now and have a nice dick of 6 ½ inches very nice dick. Four years back I lived in a compartment due to my job in a private firm, in my neighbors many families lived but I am taking about a very nice and rich family next door to me. Every one knew them family of Mr. Bhatti they are four family members Mr.Bhatti aged 57 doing job in Saudia Arabia his wife Shama aged 37 years 40 DD 36 38 I called her...

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Closing the store

Being an assistant store manager had itups and downs. It's good times as well as it's bad times, tonight was one of those bad times. It was my turn to be the closing manager, which meant I had many things to do, with not enough time to do them. Case in point the grocery truck had come a few hours later than scheduled. Which had started a cascade of bad things to follow, the main problem was now the stock crew was running behind. "Manager to the office," Sheryl said, she sounded irritated. She...


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