Call GirlsChapter 13 free porn video

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Jan and Peter Stewart were in a rental car they had picked up at O'Hare International Airport. It was mid-November, their honeymoon was over, and they were on their way to the small town of Deerfield, Illinois, about twenty-five miles north of O'Hare. When they saw the first sign for Deerfield, Pete heard a little gasp from Jan. He glanced over at her and could see an expression of dismay verging on fright. "What's wrong, darling?" he asked softly, reaching out his hand to take hers. Fortunately, they were on the Tollway and he did not need both hands on the wheel.

"I'm the trouble," she said. "Darling, I never should have let you talk me into marrying you! There are nice apartments all around here. I should just rent one to be close to you and be available to you when you want me. Agreeing to marry you was stupid of me. Darling, I am a whore!"

He glanced over and then took his hand away as they approached a toll booth. When he accelerated out after paying the toll, he glanced over again and said, softly but firmly, "Janice Carson Stewart, that is just about enough of that! You are the best thing that ever happened to me. The only thing I worry about is what my friends are going to think of your eyesight or judgment when they learn you married me! Darling, you are a vision!

"But even that's not all! Darling, you positively glow! You are a vision in gold. Your tan is glorious, your hair is like a golden cap on your head ... You know what? I was thinking of joining a nudist group so we could maintain our tans. I gave up on the idea when I realized what the sight of your nude body would do to them! The men would want to rape you and the women would want to kill you!"

Jan grinned and squeezed his hand. "No, darling. The women would be lined up to have you service them! You are unbelievable! And you are all mine!"

He glanced over and grinned back. "I'm glad we finally got that one settled. I certainly am all yours!"

They drove up to a large house set back from the end of a quiet road on a large wooded lot. He drove up the driveway and shut off the engine. Getting out of the car, he went around to open Jan's door. When she got out, he easily picked her up in his arms and carried her up the front walk. He had the house key in his hand and quickly opened the door in spite of her weight in his arms. Carrying her across the threshold, he kicked the door closed and carried her upstairs to the master bedroom. Meanwhile, Jan just rested her head against his shoulder as she delighted in the feeling of being carried in his strong arms.

Depositing her on the bed, he had her stripped in no time and was soon entering her warm loins. When he reached full penetration he stopped, leaned over and gently kissed her lips. As usual he received a jolt of electricity that was like a small electric shock. "Welcome home, my darling," he whispered. "I hope you aren't disappointed in your new home."

Jan just enjoyed the feeling of Pete inside her. She reached out and holding the back of his head pulled his lips down to crush hers. When she finally released him she said, "Darling, I would cheerfully live with the pigs in a wallow as long as I could be with you! I didn't get to see much, but what little I did see is lovely! My darling, you can't believe what this means to me. A home of my own? A husband I adore? In my most optimistic dreams I never dreamed I could have any of it. Darling, you married a prostitute — a filthy dirty pig! Darling, I love you and I love it. Now please fuck me? Please?"

Soon Jan was writhing on the bed in ecstasy. This time with an effort of will she retained consciousness as she reached her peak. Pete rolled off her body and held her tightly to him as she slowly regained control. She looked up at him with a look of unadulterated joy on her face. "Darling, I didn't pass out! I stayed conscious! Honey, it could not have been better. It just couldn't! Thank you, my darling."

After taking a nap, he helped her out of bed and into the bathroom. She reveled again at sharing a shower with her husband and grinned when he went to his knees to lick out her cunt that was still flooded with their juices. Jan grabbed a bottle of shampoo and started to wash his hair while he was on his knees in front of her.

"What are you doing?" he exclaimed, looking up at her from under a head full of suds.

"Washing your hair while you do my cunt. Darling, I'm now a housewife with all sorts of things to do. We don't have the time to only do one thing at a time anymore," she said with a big grin. She went back to washing his hair.

When they were out of the shower, Pete insisted on drying her off. "I can't get enough of your body, woman! It is absolutely exquisite!" He took the opportunity to bite her nipple lightly as she stretched high to dry his head.

She gave him a quick kiss as she finished. "Thank you, dear. That little bite means you're still interested in me!"

The next day Jan was alone in the house, cleaning. She loved her new home and was impressed with Pete as a housekeeper. Everything was neat as a pin. There was only the dust that had collected during his four-week absence. She was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a chambray shirt with her hair tied up in a red kerchief as she cleaned and put things away from their trip.

Jan was surprised when the doorbell rang. An attractive dark-haired girl was standing on the doorstep when she opened the door. "Mrs. Stewart? I'm Anita Collins, society editor of The Deerfield Times, the local weekly here in town. May I come in?"

Jan smiled warmly and stepped back from the door. "Of course, Miss Collins, but I'm scarcely dressed to receive company. I hope you aren't offended."

The girl came in and was seated in the living room while Jan went for coffee. In the kitchen she removed her kerchief and shook out her hair, then smoothed it with her hand. Returning to the living room she sat down and looked at the young woman attentively. "What brings you over here this morning? What can I do for you?"

The girl studied Jan and just slowly shook her head. "Wow! They certainly got that right!"

"Who got what right?" Jan asked, looking puzzled.

The girl grinned at Jan and said, "The word's all over town. Peter Stewart went on vacation to Hawaii and brought back an angel as his wife. Mrs. Stewart, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on! At any rate, I said I was society editor. That's true. In all honesty though, there are only two of us full-time on the paper. He — my husband, Bill — is editor-in-chief and I guess I am editor of everything else.

"Anyway, I guess you and Pete went shopping yesterday and the word spread like wildfire. Since Pete's president and owner of Illinois Technologies, you are the big story in this week's issue. Do you mind if I interview you?"

Jan agreed even though she could feel a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Here it comes! she thought.

"First, where are you from originally? Could you give me some background about yourself? Where did you grow up? Go to school? Things like that." Jan told her that she grew up in Iowa, went to school at Yale and received her MBA from Columbia's Graduate School of Business in June. "I guess you met Pete in Hawaii. What were you doing out there? Vacationing?"

"I was working, Anita. I guess there's something you should know about me: You see, when Pete met me, I was a working prostitute. That's how I put myself through graduate school. It paid well and did pay for my education. It also destroyed me. I was out in Hawaii with a couple of wonderful people who befriended me. They had recently met and wanted to hire a prostitute to give them pointers on their lovemaking. That's why I was out there. Then I met Pete and he forced me to marry him."

"What do you mean, forced? How did he do that?"

Jan smiled ruefully and said, "He did to me what women have been doing to men for centuries. I wanted to be his mistress. He had made love to me and it was the most exquisite experience of my life. He refused. He said the only way he would sleep with me was if we were married. So we are. I can't live without him."

Anita blushed as a thought ran through her mind. She blurted out, "Could I see you bare?"

Jan looked at the girl strangely, stood up, and quickly shrugged off her clothes. She stood in front of the girl naked with a questioning look in her eyes.

"My God! I didn't know the half of it! Pete took an awful chance, didn't he? He could have lost you! You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! And you look so happy and ... and fulfilled! That's it! Fulfilled ... You have a great love life with Pete, don't you?"

Jan quickly dressed and sat down again. She smiled warmly and said, "I couldn't imagine anything better. As it is, whenever he takes me I feel I'm dreaming. I think it couldn't possibly as good as I remember, but it always turns out to be even better.

"Anita, he's kind, considerate and gentle. At the same time he's so big and strong and muscular he makes me feel like a little girl. Believe it or not, when he took me the first time I felt like a virgin doing it for the very first time. He stretched me. He has such control over himself and such a feel for me that I swear my orgasms last at least fifteen minutes.

"The first day here in our bedroom was the very first time he took me without me losing consciousness from a sensory overload. Once I was out so cold Pete carried me from the bed, gave me a bath, changed the bed, ate out my cunt and was holding me in his arms when I finally came to. If that meets your definition of a great love life, I guess we have one."

Anita Collins had been making notes as Jan had been talking. Without commenting on Jan's reply she said, "Jan ... Do you mind if I call you Jan?"

"Not at all, if I may call you Anita."

The girl grinned, nodded, and continued. "The story I have in mind will read like this: 'Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Stewart returned home to Deerfield after their wedding and honeymoon on Maui, Hawaii. Mr. Stewart is the founder, chairman and president of Illinois Technologies of Deerfield. The bride, the former Janice Carson of New York City, grew up in Davenport, Iowa. After graduating from Davenport High School she attended Yale University where she graduated with highest honors with a major in economics. She was also elected to Phi Beta Kappa in her junior year.

"'Mrs. Stewart pursued a professional career in New York City while she was a student at the Columbia University Graduate School of Business. She graduated with highest honors in June with a combined degree in finance and marketing.

"'Mrs. Stewart will be serving as vice president, finance and marketing, at Illinois Technologies. She is also planning to be active in the Junior League's Northbrook Chapter, in addition to maintaining their home in Deerfield.

"'Mr. Stewart is a graduate of New Trier Township High School. He received his bachelors degree, summa cum laude, from Harvard University with a major in history where he was also elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Subsequently, he received his masters and doctoral degrees in computer science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After receiving his degrees he founded Illinois Technologies here in town.

"'The Deerfield Times joins all of the people of the town in welcoming such a beautiful person into our midst. Congratulations, Jan and Pete!'

"It requires a little work, but that's the gist of the story we'll run in this week's issue. Now if you'd stand over against the wall, I'll take a picture to accompany it. Actually, I am a lot better photographer than I am a writer, so your picture should look pretty good."

Jan allowed herself to be led to the wall and smiled as the shutter clicked. The girl took two more and then put the camera away. Jan was still shaking her head. "Anita, what were you thinking about with that story? I don't know who you are talking about!"

"Since you are the only one around, it must be you. Now what's wrong with the story? You are from Davenport, aren't you?"

"Yes, but—"

"I did some fast checking before I came over. That's how I know about Yale, Phi Bete, Columbia, and so forth. Jan, I would be old and gray before I ever found it out from you. It is true, isn't it?"

"Yes, but—"

"I'll bet you didn't even know about Pete with his degrees from Harvard and MIT, did you? I think two Phi Bete keys with neither knowing the other had one is a riot! We all tease him about being a professional bumpkin! He's the smartest person I ever met — or was until I met you." Anita stopped and regarded Jan thoughtfully. "You know, it really isn't fair. I just realized for the first time how big and powerful Pete really is. Although he hides it pretty well, he really is a hunk, isn't he?"

At this point Jan smiled warmly. "You certainly have that right!" She then proceeded to tell about the first day they met and how they put sun tan lotion on each other. "So you see, after I had only known him for a couple of hours I saw what he is really like. Anita, he's a dream!"

She frowned at the girl and continued, "But that's not what I mean. You said I pursued a professional career! Some career!"

The girl smiled softly and said, "I have always heard prostitutes and whores referred to as pros. So I guess they must be professionals, right?"

Jan let that remark pass but asked, "What's this Junior League nonsense? Where did that come from?"

"From right here. I'm nominating you for membership in the professional section. You'll make a big hit. They're always talking about 'displaced homemakers' and similar shit. With a Phi Beta Kappa key, a graduate degree and a business vice presidency, you'll fit right in. By the way, you and Pete do have separate bedrooms, don't you? After all, that is the way to go these days."

She tried to look unhappy as she continued, "Bill and I can't afford a second bedroom. In fact, we can't even afford a second bed. In fact, our bed is so small I have to snuggle close to Bill or we both can't fit. I'm afraid they're going to throw me out if I don't do something about it pretty soon!"

Jan looked at the girl carefully. She realized that she was like a pixie. She was about five feet two but had a beautifully trim figure. She decided she liked this small girl very much. "Anita, could I pass on one tip? Maybe you and Bill have already discovered it. I picked it up from my friends in Hawaii. Regardless of what else happens, when we are about to go to sleep I have my head on Pete's shoulder. His arm is around me and his hand is cupping my boob. Usually I have one hand on his prick and balls and always have the other on top of his, keeping it in position over my tit. We go to sleep that way. The next morning, if I awaken first I squeeze his hand. If he awakens first he squeezes my tit. Then he takes me. It's always so slow and gentle and wet and wonderful! What a marvelous way to start the day!"

Anita started to laugh quietly while she shook her head. "Jan, thank you so much for the tip. I think I'll try it with Bill tonight. The reason I'm laughing has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the Junior Leaguers! I don't think there is one of them in ten who would have the first clue what you're talking about. What you're talking about is worshiping the ground your husband walks on, isn't it?"

"You are so right!"

The girl got up to go and held out her hand. Jan took it in a firm grip. Just then Anita took Jan in her arms, stood up on tiptoe and kissed her. "I love you, Janice Stewart! You are a wonderful person." With that she fled out the door.

Janice just stood rubbing her cheek.

That night when Pete got home, he received a surprise. He closed the door and called to Jan when he realized she was standing behind the door wearing only the white shorty peignoir that scarcely reached her crotch. She went into his arms and melted him with a kiss. Then she led him into the living room where she sat him in his favorite chair and then sat on his lap.

"You'll ruin the crease in my pants!" he protested with his eyes sparkling. "And it's my very best suit, too!"

She kissed him softly and whispered, "Tough shit!" Then she reached for two martinis she had made and passed him one. "And how is my beloved husband this evening? Did he have a good day at the office?"

"As a matter of fact, it was awful! I couldn't concentrate on a thing. All I could think of was this small golden girl with skin like velvet, a mouth like liquid fire, and a cunt ... Well, words fail me. Everyone said I was just walking around in a daze with this silly shit-eating grin on my face." He looked at her quizzically, "Do you think I have a shit-eating grin?"

"No, dear, it's a cunt-licking grin." She gave a little wiggle of her hips on his lap. "And darling, you are too good to be true! I get wet just thinking about it. But then I get wet whenever I think about you."

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Incall on a Cold Winter Sunday

Marcie called Sunday around 1 pm saying she was lonely and horny. I had nothing better to do so I drove right over. Marcie answered the door in a loose hanging, bright red shift made of very fine silk. It hung down to her thighs, but it was easy to tell she was wearing no underwear. She gave me a hug and kiss on the neck and I took the liberty of reaching under her shift to grope her bare ass.She giggled as she pushed me away and led me through her back entryway into her kitchen. She...

1 year ago
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Scally Mosher

© 2012 Robbie WebbI’d seen him go into them bogs in the park a few times. So this particular afternoon I followed him. I didn’t know his name. I’d seen him hanging around town a few times and in the park. He was one of them moshers or goths or whatever the fuck they’re called. I think he lived in Mendip Close, somewhere round there, the posh area. He wasn’t from the estate where I live.So yeah, this was like the third or fourth time I’d seen him go into them bogs, so I waited five minutes but...

3 years ago
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Callboy Service To A Hot Lady In Gurgaon

Hi readers, I am back with yet another story of my life. Thank you for the response to my first story. Im sameer, delhi guy, a massuer and a call boy in my part time and a proud fucker. Ladies and girls from Delhi NCR are more than welcome to contact me for service. I dont claim to be brad bit or tom cruise, nor I say I have toned muscular body, but im fit healthy and in shape. I have had many satisfied clients so far. Coming to the story, this happened some months back when I received a text...

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Housecalls by UmmmDonuts I have worked at a local department store for the last few years. It was a big store that housed a dental center and a hair salon. I used to love walking by the salon and getting a whiff of the perming solutions and hair sprays. All the girls that worked in the salon were nice. One in particular was very friendly with me. She was a middle aged woman who was well versed in all aspects of her profession. She was slender and would change her hair...

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Callboy Banne Ki Shuruaat

Hy chuddakad dosto. Mene kafi sexy kahaniya padhi h, muje sexy kahania aur sex bohat pasand h to mene socha ki me bhi meri life me huye sare chudai kisse apke samne pesh karu. Is kahani me sabhi sirf nam badle hue h. Koi real name nahi h. Baki kahani bilkul sachhi h. Ha to, mera name rohit sinha h, meri age 25 years h, ye kahani sirf 1 sal purani h. Meri family medium class h. Me mere mom dad ka bohat ladla beta hu, muje modeling aur movie me hero banne ka bohat sokh tha. Isliye mera body kafi...

3 years ago
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Callboy Ban Ke Client Ko Choda

A meri first story hai me bahut dino se a website ko padhta aa raha hu .me aur meri lady client ki story lady thi unka name( tulsi) thi me ek call boy hu ek website me registered ek din mere pass ek call aaye o call tulsi ji ka tha O Raigarh ki thi .O boli ki aap Raaz ho mene kaha ha ha ,me Raaz to aaj mujhe service chahiye to mene ek acche customer ki tarah unse baat kiya aur unko bola ki.madam kab jarurut hai to tulsi ji ne kaha ki aaj night me .to OK ho jaye ga. Phir me raat 11...

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Scally Boys Only Lead To Trouble

Adam was just 16 and still loved at home with his Father.It was a Monday night after Boys Brigade and Adam was in his uniform, cap, navy nylon shirt and string vest, navy trousers, regulation socks and black shoes. His navy jacket was lined with black nylon and Boys Brigade tie and gave a very smart appearance.He stood on the corner waiting for his Father to pick him up. A scally boy who had been watching him from the other side of the road making Adam feel nervous came over and stood next to...

2 years ago
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Scally Fucker

Usual rules apply.Read only if it's legal where you are,or this stuff gets you off!The lad in the flat above me was an absolute looker!About 20,slim,red hair,which I love,green eyes and the cockiest smile on his cute face.Jeeze,the times I'd tugged meself off thinking about him,surprised me cock hadn't dropped off!And what made it even better was a real gobby scally-lad.He was never in anything but trackies,footy-top and trainers.Fucking mind-blowing! His name's Wilf,NEVER Wilfred,as I learned...

1 year ago
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ScallyBoys force Me

Read only if ya know it's legal to where you are!This is a fictional account of a fantasy I have!Walking through my local park late one night I could not have predicted what would soon take place,but I'm so flad it did!Just up ahead,along the dark path I was taking,I spotted a group of about 5 young scally-lads.I was buzzin' from a really good night out and the sight of these lads in their trackies and hooded tops had me springin' a rock-hard boner in an instant!" 'Ere,mate you gotta spare fag...

4 years ago
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Incall With a Succubus

Jack Newman checked the house number against the address on the card. It was the third time he'd done it since climbing the small flight of steps that led up to the front door. He knew it was nerves. He'd never done this before; had never even considered it. He reached up to push the doorbell and his finger stopped just before pressing the button. He checked the address on the card again. Just to make sure. He looked up and down the street. There was no one around. Bridgwater was a quiet...

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Twenty year old Mikey, real name Michelle, and her twenty-two year old brother Don had both been in the same industry for nearly eighteen months, though neither knew it. Each had heard of the other's reputation, but only through the acting names they used, and it wasn't until they were both cast in the same hard core porn film that each found out what the other did. Mikey was already sitting in the lounge of the flat being used as a studio, going through the 'script' when Don was shown in....

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Hermes arrived at sunset, although at first, Callidora was unaware of his presence. Bending over the body in front of her, eyes wreathed in tears, she was effectively blind, doing her work by touch. The lack of vision had actually been a blessing, allowing her to fantasize that this was some other person being prepared for burial, a stranger's body, no one she knew. "Callidora." Even in her distracted state, there was no way of mistaking his voice as human. It had an almost symphonic...

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CalleyChapter 3

I was dreaming. Soft fingertips caressed my body. Not like Jill at all. She must have changed her ways, as the touch was light and haunting. I felt the fingertips trace my chest and abdomen, then they slipped into my shorts and touched Mr. Happy. He responded with a surge of blood and a low moan escaped my lips. I felt my shorts pulled down, something different about them than usual. I must have been wearing pajamas for some reason. The hands pulled them away along with my shorts. I felt warm...

4 years ago
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CalleyChapter 4

It was about three weeks later. I was laying in bed snuggled between Brenda and Calley. All of us were nude. I had just made love with Brenda, with Calley looking on wistfully. Calley was being a real sport about it, she was sticking to her deal. Although the toll for batteries might just bankrupt me. At first Calley would watch, then go off into the other bedroom for a while by herself. But eventually, she started using her dildo while she watched. This turned out to be the most satisfying...

2 years ago
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CalleyChapter 5

It was an unusual scene in the courtroom when the hearing on Calley's case arrived. Instead of a few interested parties, the courtroom was filled to capacity with well wishers, co-workers from our company and enough legal power to stop a mile long train in full motion going downhill. Whether or not it could stop the child welfare people was another question. Jill was there, having been subpoenaed. She didn't look too happy about it. I did my best not to look at her. The court was called...

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Do you know what’s weird about India? For one of the most populated countries in the world, they sure don’t put out a ton of porno. I guess it has a lot to do with cultural and societal attitudes toward sex; in a nutshell, Indians are prudes! Of course, there are exceptions to any rule, as can be seen at CallGin, aka, in case you haven’t guessed from the name, is an escort site full of Indian sluts ready to give you a whole lot more than a good plate of chicken tikka...

Escort Sites
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I think I might Call Escort tonight because - between you and me - it’s been a real dry spell lately. I like to supplement my chronic masturbation with some real, live pussy from time to time, but Tinder isn’t what it used to be before COVID. Anyway, I kind of like the sure thing of paying a woman to juggle my balls instead of spending hours laying the groundwork that may or may not pay off. Who’s got time to bullshit on the phone when you have aching blue balls and a throbbing boner?That’s...

Escort Sites
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Callboy Ban Gaya Bhabhi Ki Wajah Se Part 2

Pehla part: Callboy Ban Gaya Bhabhi Ki Wajah Se – Part 1 Dosto ye meri kahani ka dusra bhag hai jo mai aap logo ko batana chahta hu par samay ki wajah se last time utna hi likh paya. Puri santusti k liye ye part bhi zarur padhiye aur hilaye ya ungli kar le. [email protected] And who ever contacts me, make sure to maintain privacy. I don’t want my sexual fantasies to effect my social life. Privacy assured.

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Callies Intimate Learning Pt 01

Callie Patterson woke up at 6:48 AM on June first, officially eighteen years old. Every year she somehow woke at the exact time she was born to the very minute. Her parents had religious reasons why they did not did not want her to date until she legally became an adult. Which had just happened. Besides, Callie felt reluctant to deal with the drama of being in a relationship. That morning after a shower, Callie went for a run. As she jogged on a pathway that went behind the High School, two...

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Hypothetically Speaking

I pull out my phone and call my wife to tell her I will be late, only an hour, maybe two. She is not happy, hell anyone would think it is a chore to spend time with the kids, maybe she has got a hot date? A man comes up to the bar and takes the seat next to me, he is talking to someone on his phone, from his manner I’ll bet it’s his wife, maybe his kids too, I allow myself a smile when he proves my guess correct by telling each of them goodbye. Most people do not realise how much information...

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Magically Requested

Special Note: This is a sequel to my story 'Magically Maid'. I highly recomend you read it first. Magically Requested By Garath Xion: "Dude, that is just lame," the man named Reeve said as he watched his roommate Ken carry in a small stuffed panda bear. Ken was a collector of stuffed panda bears. He just liked them that was all. Though to Reeve it was a sign of being a nerd and to him that was a lame way to be. Ken just sighed...

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Callie Gade The Fuck of a Lifetime

One day Calli Gade from the King of Random was walking through the streets in the city. It was a warm day and she wore a spring dress, which didn’t even go past her knees. As she passed an alleyway, a man grabbed her and pulled her out of the street. She was about to scream for help, but a hand was clapped over her mouth. Calli kicked and struggled but it was no use, her captor was much stronger than she was. He proceeded to drag her farther down the alley, then went into one of the buildings...

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The room was coldly clinical, glaringly pale and claustrophobic. I spent an hour or two in there most nights, and I didn't give a fuck. The thing was, even though I was in the room for so long, I was only aware of it for a few minutes each visit. Let me explain. Walking into the room, it wouldn't have been immediately apparent what its purpose was. The wall opposite the door was festooned with cables, flickering lights, and anonymous outdated boxes of electronic who-knows-what. Except I did...

1 year ago
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Erotically Shocked

As I came home from the party after my wife I caught the most upsetting but at the same time the most erotically enjoyable sight I have seen. There should stood leaning over our sofa as he thrusted into her from behind. We had enjoyed a night at a friend´s house, you know dinner, drinks and some music. The group of us in our 30s and 40s had spend the early evening hours toasting glasses of prosecco while talking about sports, politics and more basically curing the world´s evils. My...

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The company Halloween party. I hated it, but you scored big points with bosses for attending, assuming they saw you among 300 staff milling around the dim hotel ballroom. My costume was the same low-effort as last year: vampire teeth and a high-collared cape, hair slicked into a widow’s peak. I had just arrived, standing at the edge of the crowd, nodding and yelling pleasantries over the thumping music to coworkers as they passed.Scanning the crowd, it seemed pirates and sexy witch costumes...

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Call you mommy are you serious honey part 15

(The first two paragraphs are from part 14. I added them to the beginning of this part, because the story flows better. I hope you are enjoying my story. I hope you take the time to leave a comment on this website and or email me your thoughts. Hugs, Princess Pantyboy) *** Special note a big hug and thanks go out to Linda ([email protected]) for editing my story. Thank you again hun!!! Call you mommy, are you serious Honey Part 15 By Princess Pantyboy "I HAVE HEARD...

3 years ago
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Call you mommy are you serious honey part 13

Call you mommy, are you serious part 13 By princess Panty boy The sun is shining through the window and two little girls are playing Barbies like there is no tomorrow, just having a great time. While everyone in the house sleeps quietly. "Look, look Miley your baby sister is waking up," Amber says while I put my little pillow over my head seeing the light shining through the window. I hear Amber saying her baby sister is awake and I want to scream after such a long night...

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Call you mommy are you serious honey part 2

Call you mommy; are you serious honey? Part 2 By Princess Panty boy "Oh yes doctor. Definitely, the strength is coming back. I'm going to use the little girls room while the doctors look at you sweetie, be right back." I feel the nurse's soft hands moving around my ankles. "I bet that feels good doesn't it sweetie?" I look over at her. I blink my eyes once meaning yes. "I heard that pretty lady call you sweetie, is it okay if I call you sweetie too?" What the heck her...

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Callboy Sex Experience In Bangalore

Hi everybody, this is Shiraak, 24 yr young guy from Bangalore and I am a call-boy (part time) for ladies and girls. This is one of my sex experience which happened a week ago, I had many experience but due to of no time, did not submitted all. I am an independent call-boy doing social (sexual) service for those ladies/ girls who believe in youth are to taste not to waste!!! I love being call-boy because I love to have sex with different ladies and girls by satisfying their sexual urge. One...

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Call you mommy are you serious honey part 9

Note: I would like to apologize to all my readers for taking so long between chapters. I have had some serious personal drama that I had to deal with and I hope and pray things start to mellow out soon. Again please forgive me and I hope everyone had a great Merry Christmas!!! I hope you continue to enjoy my stories and thank you for your support and words of comfort. Hugs, Princess Pantyboy Call you mommy, are you serious honey Part 9 By Princess Panty boy "Wow...

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