Finder's FeeChapter 5 free porn video

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"I'm bored," I heard from somewhere behind me. I was working in my office at the time tending to a few of the projects I had started before I'd fallen into this brilliant scam with the girls. I suppose I could have postponed them or even quit them altogether but I'd taken them in good faith and I really hate not finishing what I started. Besides I really didn't expect even a generous finder's fee for returning the girls would make me independently wealthy; I'd hoped to live far too long for that. So, I needed to keep myself out there, make sure people could still depend on me. I have a good rep and had to make sure it stayed good.

What did I do? Actually that's a good question. The simple answer is just about anything anybody needed me to do, within limits. I said before I dealt in information and that's exactly what I did: I moved information around and collected a fee for doing it. No, I'm no computer genius; I can't hack someone's protected net, but I know someone who can. I make sure information, and money, flows from one area to the other keeping all involved happy. Nothing too illegal for the most part. You need a part for your thirty-year-old MDX 32 Surfacerunner? They haven't been made for twenty-five years so good luck finding it in the parts distribution chain. Well, I know someone who just might know where one can be found, or made, or if not I know someone who can retrofit a new part that will work. You can do that yourself, you say? Have at it, buckaroo; it's a free planet more or less.

I'm selling you the time it would take you to do it yourself. Want to find out how much overhead your competitor has for a new line they're coming out with? I can find out. You want to find some loser that owes you money? I can do that too. You want me to find you some willing young piece of ass because you're tired of your present bed toy? Go fuck yourself; I don't do that. I have standards; they may be pretty low and at times flexible, but I do have standards.

Anyway, I was sitting in my office, actually one of the spare bedrooms that I'd set up a work station in, getting some of this done when Terry found me. I know, you're thinking that with Sharon I could have done it just as easily sitting in the common area and you'd be right, but I like separating life and work; so sue me. I realize some of you A-types think that work is life but for me it isn't. I work so I can live, not the other way around.

I say she found me but it's not like I'd been hiding. I tried not to keep anything secret from the girls; there wasn't any real point to it anyway. There was one new project I didn't want them to see but that was mostly because I didn't want them to worry overly much about it; it scared the shit out of me enough for all of us. I was trying, very, very delicately, to find out just how the girls ended up in the state's meat factory and not as honored guests at the local Hilton waiting for transport back home. Somebody fucked with the system and if that somebody knew somebody else was looking into it I had to assume they wouldn't be very happy about it. So I was going slowly and making sure my sources kept a really low profile for their protection and mine. Other than that the girls were welcome to walk in on me at any time so it didn't take much effort for her to find me.

"I'm bored," Terry said again.

"So un-bore yourself," I answered glibly. If I'd have known then what I know now I would have cut my tongue out before telling Terry that, ever!

"Actually we're all bored."

"Again, so?"

"So it's your responsibility to keep us entertained," she said as if stating a fact. "You aren't doing a very good job."

"How do you figure it's my responsibility?" It had been four days and I could understand that they were probably getting a touch of Mars-fever. Terrapors are used to open spaces and Mars hasn't got much of that, not unless you suit up and go outside which is interesting for about the first five minutes. How long can dirty brown sand keep your attention? If you're like me, not long.

"You're our owner and therefore you need to exercise us." Terry seemed to take great delight in shoving that fact in my face for some reason. Eve hated the idea and never mentioned it. Keelin — well, Keelin was different. She never really mentioned it. No, what she did was much worse; she seemed to accept it as established fact. Half the time she'd follow me around like a love-sick puppy with those big green eyes and sexy little body ... I've never considered myself any kind of saint but if I manage to keep my hands off that sweet young thing until they leave I'm sure I'd have earned my ticket to heaven or wherever. I talked about it with Sharon in her head-shrink mode and she explained that Kee had fixated on me as her savior or some such rubbish. I tried not to make a big deal about it given what she had gone through but it sure was hell on me.

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Rightous Wife

Author: Jon Maddux Written as a project for alesha4all! I hope its everything you wanted it to be!Righteous WifeCHAPTER 1:    My uncle Frank is on his death bed, dying of lung cancer, his 3 pack a day habit finally caught up with him.  He is 11 years older than me and for some reason has called me to his side, of course I can’t refuse.    I enter the room and he waves everyone else out and it’s now just the two of us. ?Jon, I need you to do something for me.  I know I can trust you and it would...

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PalimpsestChapter 15 An Old Whores Heart Warming

As promised Mary set up a date for Joe to visit Marcie. Everything good about his date with Marianne vanished in Marcie's presence. "Why aren't you getting naked honey?" she asked when she peeled off her clingy cotton dress revealing her saggy forty year old body. Slim, her fake tits defied gravity. The old whore's face looked skeletal fighting age's loss of metabolism. Her butt sagged and her flesh lost resilience over the years. Her broad face still looked beautiful in its perfect...

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1939 The New AgencyChapter 4

Barbara knew her mother had worked here once. It seemed that her mother had worked at every big stage in the city over the years. It was an older theater with few poor seats but less in total number than the newer theaters. It wasn't as ornate as some of the newer theaters yet it usually had a good play on the stage. It had fought a gradually losing battle with the huge, ornate movie theaters but somehow had remained open. This play wasn't a musical so some more seats were gained up front...

1 year ago
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Crazy Barcelona Night

I was having a blast! Going across Europe sight seeing, experiencing all sorts of new things. I started off in Barcelona for a week and had some of the crazy in bed and their oral abilities were much better than the girls in the US. I was traveling around with my buddy Victor, a friend from college. Victor was blessed with a great body defined abs and a general defined body, he has these blue eyes and blonde hair that make it easy for him to bring back some of the most attractive women. I wasnt...

3 years ago
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A wonderful wife

Hi I am back. This story is not mine. But one of my nerd friend has emailed me. I don’t no whether this story is true or not. I hope u will enjoy this story. One thing I want to inform u readers is that, if any house wife or any women who have any problem or need friend ship or need some one to be with them when they have problems then feel free to contact me. Age does not matter. My email id is and Will wait for emails and also feed back on this story. Amy and Bred where married for nearly...

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On The Road4

My stomach churns nervously and I am racked by involuntary shakes. These are the effects of pure excitement. I simply cannot wait to get there. I finally pull into the laneway. I park and as I emerge from the car I see her. Her big beautiful smile lights up. I run over to her and wrap my arms around her waist. I pick her up and squeeze. It feels so good to hold her in my arms. I have been waiting and wanting this moment ever since I left her side. I kiss her. My lips push against hers, the...

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A Nanny Femtastic 7

A NANNY FEMTASTIC! Chapter 7 After that first dinner Bradley and Felicity retired to their bedroom. And even though they were in a separate wing of the sprawling villa I could hear them making love! I thought of what Felicity felt as a transsexual woman having had a vagina created out of what was her penis. To feel Bradley rigid penis inside her. I wondered how nice it would be to put on a skimpy pair of knickers or a g-string and feel it flat against your own vagina. The thoughts turned me on...

4 years ago
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I was 58 before I lost my virginity

My parents were strict Jehovah Witnesses. I don’t know how the JWs are now but back then they had a very peculiar view of sex, I was born eight years after my parents married, and now wonder if they actually knew what to do in bed. My mother told me in later life that after I was born they had a visit from the Elders from the Kingdom Hall who warned them about having sex for bodily sinful pleasure as any such activity should be restricted to bringing c***dren into the world to the service of...

2 years ago
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A Dream comes True 17

A Dream comes True. Ch 17 by Julian Irwin. My three weeks of school came and went rather quickly with most of the time spent with a speech therapist after my five or ten minute operation. I didn't realize the operation was going to be such a small part in the process of obtaining a softer more feminine like voice. Yes the hard work was then left up to me learning to speak once again, which is an ongoing procedure thankfully I have two wonderful helpers who won't let me slipup not even...

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