Homeowner's Association: A Big Deal At Sunny Manor (BDSM)Sunny Manor Pony Farm And Pet Grooming Facility free porn video

“If where we are going next is something for Lucy, then we probably ARE going to the FART FACTORY!” Lindsay teased her little sister as we walked back to the golf cart. “They will make you head of production in no time!”
“You fart too!” Lucy pouted. Lindsay was once again making the joke that the Fun Center was a Fart Center because in her opinion it was dumpy while at the same time getting a little dig in on her sister.
“You seem obsessed with farts,” Eddie said to Lindsay, “sounds like a personal problem!”
Lindsay turned her nose up at him and scoffed to make Eddie feel bad about interjecting in their conversation but the Director didn’t care.
“Butt plug check,” Master Davidson announced once we were back at the golf cart. I had almost forgotten that Charity and Angelica had been following us the entire time. They had been quiet and stood in the background without making any comments.
Charity bent over in the same manner that Angelica did and spread her ass cheeks for Eddie to look. He didn’t touch their butts, but he did admire them.
“Your slave has a beautiful dumper,” Director Davidson complimented my father and said that he was hoping he would stay just to improve the view around here. Angelica didn’t take that as an insult, and when they were permitted to stand up, they reported to Carlos. He patted them on their butts and tied the rope to the eyelet of their collars.
Stacy and Bambi didn’t bend over, and they didn’t have to. They had their collars off. I wished they had, though!
I quickly got in the same seat I was in previously in the hopes that Bambi would sit next to me.
Bambi didn’t though. I didn’t think it was to snub me. She was just a free spirit, and she wanted to get to know Simon as well. “Hey, I am Bambi,” she said as she got in the seat next to my little brother. I felt jealous, even though Stacy sat next to me.
Stacy was by no means fat. She was full-figured, and with her puffy chipmunk cheeks, it made her face seem full. The shape of her mouth reminded me of a rabbit’s buck teeth. The pretty girl buckled herself by bringing the strap between her tits. She didn’t stop and think about how sexy it looked to watch her put it between her boobs. Then she spread out in her chair and expanded her elbow into my ribcage.
“Sorry about that,” Stacy apologized. I didn’t mind, though. Connecting physically with a girl’s bare arm was pretty much the highlight of an already awesome day. I didn’t ask her to move it, and she didn’t retract her arm back to her side of the cart either.
Once everybody was buckled in or tied to the back of the cart except for Bambi, we pulled away from the Fun Center.
“Where do you think we are going?” Stacy asked me right away.
“I don’t know. I’ve never been here before,” I answered her. I was nervous. I wasn’t as head-over-heels in lust with her as I was with Bambi, so I found it easier to focus on short and simple answers so that I didn’t put my mouth in my foot. I mean my foot in my mouth. You know what I mean, right?
“You don’t say much, do ya?” Stacy appeared to expect me to chat her up.
“I’ve just never been here before, so I have no idea where we are going,” I said. I tried not to sound like a wet blanket, but I knew I wasn’t succeeding.
“Your little brother Simon likes to talk. You guys are brothers, aren’t you?” she said.
Oh great, she liked Simon and not me.
“Yes, he is always hatching some new scheme,” I said.
“Yeah, he told me he’d like to find a way to turn these houses into timeshare units and sell limited ownership to approved members,” she chuckled. That sounded like some scheme my brother would hatch. I did not care though because I was picturing Stacy’s chubby cheeks being packed with cum when she talked.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked.
“Like what?” I said. I was afraid of the answer she would give.
“Like you want to crawl inside my mouth and live for a week,” She said.
I apologized.
“You don’t have to apologize. It is kind of flattering. Just don’t you have a girlfriend or something where you come from?” she asked. That was flattering to ME that she thought I was handsome enough to have a girlfriend.
“Yeah,” I lied. I don’t know why I lied. I do know. I didn’t want to seem lame enough not to leave somebody behind. I could always say she and I broke up. I was already inventing what state she was from and what her name was in case I needed any background information to support my fib.
“Is she a submissive, or are you the submissive?” she asked.
“Neither of us is, we are just vanilla.” I was making up how my pretend relationship worked, and I’d already chosen to make it vanilla. I was disappointed in myself for not being a little bolder.
“Oh, you seem like you would be the submissive probably,” Stacy told me. That hurt my feelings.
“Ouch,” I said.
“Hey, are you trying to say being a submissive is an insult?” Stacy became mildly annoyed with me. “I am a submissive. Is it a put-down?” she asked.
“No, I guess just for a boy, maybe?” I answered her. This was the longest conversation I’d had with a girl (and an almost naked girl) in my entire lifetime, and I felt like I was fucking it up in a major way. I wanted to abandon the metaphorical plane and let it crash and burn.
“Why? It’s okay for a girl to submit and not for a boy?” Stacy seemed ready to provoke an argument with me.
“No, I just think it is not manly,” I said.
“My Dad is more man than you will ever be. Do you know what they call my mom? The Dicktatress! He submits to her!” Stacy said as if she was challenging me to a debate. She said, “Just because your Mom is a submissive you think all women are supposed to bow down to your male macho attitude?”
“I was raised by my Dad. Charity isn’t my mom. They have been dating for six years, and he is going to marry her. My mom passed away when I was really little so I really never thought about it,” I said.
I wasn’t trying to go for sympathy, but Stacy apologized and said she was sorry.
I never knew my mom, so I never learned to miss her. I didn’t see any reason for her to apologize. It was just the way things were, and I told her so.
“Can I ask you something?” I said to change the subject. I didn’t know what I wanted to ask her I just wanted to change the subject. She said Sure, and I asked, “Why do you have on a thong and those things on your boobs? Why not just be naked like Bambi?” was the first question that came to my mind.
“I am on my period for one thing,” she explained the thong “and for another, my nipples are like really weird,” she said.
“What do you mean?” I was hoping they were four inches long and shaped like an earth worm like Bambi’s mom.
Instead of telling me Stacy plucked the pasties off of her boobs and showed me.
Her nipples were puffy and huge. There was no nub sticking up like on some of the boobs I had seen. The entire nipple was the nub.
“Wow, those are so cool!” I said because I had never seen boobs that looked like that.
“Really? Usually only creepy old dudes like staring at them,” she said.
I felt terrible that she compared me to a creepy old dude.
“I am not saying you are a creepy old dude. I mean you are a little creepy, but it is okay if you want to look at them,” Stacy rode the rest of the way to our destination topless. Her tits were bouncing as we hit bumps and went off-road. The cart could not fit on the sidewalk. Typically, they drove them on the streets at Sunny Manor.
“I didn’t think they could drive these on grass,” I said to Stacy as we pulled out into a green pasture.
“What do you think Golf courses are?” Stacy looked at me like I was an idiot. I glanced down at her tits and then back at her face.
“I told you that you could look at them. If you want to look at my boobs, just go ahead. Stop trying to steal glances,” Stacy seemed flattered that I was looking, but she made me feel like a perv.
It wasn’t long before we arrived at a barn with a fence around it.
“This is the Sunny Manor Pony Farm and Pet Grooming facility,” Eddie explained as he called Carlos from the rear-facing seat to untie the slaves and perform a butt plug check.
“Can’t be too sure a butt plug didn’t squeeze out of their assholes and drop on the ground when they were running!”
Charity was breathing heavy after that long jog, but she was no worse for wear. She was sweating profusely. Carlos held a cold bottle of water over her mouth. He didn’t let them hold the bottle as he poured the refreshing ice water into her mouth and then Angelica’s mouth.
“I went to school with him last year,” Stacy told me that Carlos had graduated from high school last year. He seemed so mature compared to me - a full-grown adult, and yet he was only a few years older.
“There is a school in Sunny Manor?” I asked Stacy. I was happy she was still talking to me after the ride. I had assumed the conversation would be over like it was with Bambi once we got where we were going.
“No dummy, it is a regular school. River Ridge,” She smiled. She told me that Carlos Diego earned his nickname “Blackbean” playing Football. “He was one the fastest running backs on the field!”
“I can’t believe they let him be a squire right out of high school,” I said.
“He started before it was over,” She told me. My eyes went wide - they let people nearly my age have authority over girls?
“He couldn’t do much, but Master Davidson is one of the senior-most Masters in Sunny Manor,” she said.
“Are you going to serve him when you graduate?” I asked.
Stacy laughed at the question. “I haven’t thought about what I am going to do. I mean if Bambi does I might,” she laughed but told me that Bambi was a grade younger than me and she’d have to decide what she would do before Bambi graduated. “Maybe go to college, maybe join the airforce, I don’t know,” Stacy explained.
A few quick calculations put Bambi roughly around my little sister’s age! The difference though was that Bambi had actual boobs that stuck straight out of her chest and a smoking hot body. She seemed so mature. I could hardly believe she wasn’t exactly my age. I didn’t have a shot with Bambi as far as I was concerned but the fact that she was younger than me made me less inclined to try.
I am sure when someone is ancient like 40 years old, it doesn’t matter if they meet a 38-year-old or a 42-year-old but two years could make a world of difference on the maturity scale when you’re my age.
I was still enamored with Bambi though, and I watched as she skipped behind her grandfather playfully without a care that she was naked.
Eddie was showing the others around the working pony farm. There were real horses. Eddie said they had been at Busch Gardens, but after Anheuser Busch sold it, they retired the “Clydesdales” to stud. I didn’t know what that meant, but Eddie seemed to think it was quite the life.
“You get to fuck all day and eat all night. Someone comes and washes your dick and sweeps up your shit and then you do it again the next day,”
The horses did have HUMONGOUS dicks. I am not kidding. These things were bigger than my entire arm, and when they got hard, there was no mistaking them for what they were. I didn’t feel so bad that I had a constant boner in my pants.
“You like her, don’t you?” Stacy was talking to me while I stared at Bambi.
“Who? What?” I said.
“Bambi? Are you hot for her?” Stacy didn’t seem like she would be offended if I were to say yes. She looked like she expected me to say yes. She prodded me to tell her I wanted to date her and said she’d set me up with her if I liked her.
“Who wouldn’t like her?” I thought it was the most diplomatic answer.
I didn’t expect Stacy to stomp off with a jealous look on her face, but she did.
Eddie continued the tour. There were four tall bald women. All very shapely and trussed up in bondage gear exactly like Fawn. They wore matching feathered headdresses, had their waists cinched with the metallic corset to enhance their curves, their tits bound into three increasingly smaller tiers, show-pony tails in between their ass cheeks and they had eternity collars with matching shackles and wrist cuffs.
A different squire was outside, giving them instructions and marching them around an elaborate field that had been set up with hedges and hoops for them to jump through. He was hollering out orders and hitting them with a leather strapped thong to bring their knees increasingly higher and stay in step. I came to learn the strap was called a “Tawse.”The squire also had a slender rod with a long string on it to whip them in his other hand. The squire was trying to get them to work together in perfect synchronicity so that all four of their left feet were raised at the same time while they marched around the field. It seemed silly at first, but he was training them like human ponies. He made them jump through hoops, and the women looked so athletic and disciplined as they performed for him.
It began to really turn me on to watch them. The squires had just introduced the ponygirls to a maypole line when my Father walked over to where I was standing by myself. The maypole line is a long pole in the ground. The girls are tethered to it by a rope connected to their collar and have to march in a circle in perfect step with one another while the squire berated them for being lazy and fat.
“I want those titties dropping at the same time, ladies! You fat-assed beasts! Let me see you perform like your big ass depends on it because it does,” the squire commanded them. He was insulting them and I thought at least once one of them might tell him he went too far. Instead, the hot ponygirls seemed to work harder to impress him.
Eddie and the others were closer to the action, but I stood off to the side near some hay in the barn.
“We haven’t had a chance to talk since the tour began,” My Dad looked concerned about me. He asked me what I thought of this place.
“It is okay,” I lied. It was fucking phenomenal. All my most perverted dreams were being realized before my eyes by real-life women. I could have safely deleted my two gigs of porn and not felt like I had missed anything if I lived here. In fact, I didn’t feel the need to look at porn because I was looking at something even hotter.
Wiggling asses and jiggling tits being marched around the maypole! I just didn’t want to seem like a total horndog around my Father and admit I loved everything about it.
“I want you to know that I honestly didn’t think it was quite this extreme here,” my Dad was trying to apologize. He didn’t usually have a problem with that if he made a mistake, he would own up to it.
“It is what it is,” I said something he often said.
“It is,” my dad agreed, and we both stared at the butts in the distance in silence for a little while.
“I saw you were talking with that pretty girl earlier,” He said with a look of pride on his face.
“Which one?” I asked.
“You know son. I don’t tell you often enough how proud you make me. The fact that you talked to so many pretty girls you don’t even know which one I am talking about, is pretty damned sweet,” my father clapped me on the back with pride.
I wasn’t trying to butter him up, but I took the compliment. It felt really good to hear that coming from my father.
“I saw her storm off after she showed you her boobs. I need you to understand that how you see me or Master Davidson talk to women doesn’t always work with girls your own age. Even if they live here, they may not be ready for that,” he said.
I didn’t know what he was talking about.
“She just got jealous because she asked me if I thought Bambi was hot. She told me it was okay and to tell her if I thought so. Stacy told me she would even set me up with her, and then when I said I liked Bambi she got angry,”
My Dad chuckled. “You have a lot to learn about women. That was a test and sad to say that you failed it.”
“Sorry, Dad,” I said as I looked at my shoes.
My Dad had mirth on his face. “Son, the only way you can learn to pass those tests is to fail those tests a few times. If a girl asks you if you like her friend, the answer is usually no. She wants to know if she should waste more time flirting with you or if you are into someone else,” she said.
“She was flirting with me?” I asked.
“Son,” My Dad looked me right in the eyes and told me, “She showed you her boobs. Yes, that was flirting,” he laughed at how naive I was being.
Eddie took us into an area where they bathe dogs, shave them and trim their nails. “We do non-human pets and human pets. Hose the girls off every morning and every night,” he said. He asked if we had any “non-human pets.”
“You mean like a dog?” my Dad asked and then said no we didn’t.
“Good, we don’t mind canine but if you decide to stay and you get one come to see me, and I’ll cover the rules about that in common areas,” he said.
My Dad shrugged.
“A puppy! A puppy! A puppy!” Lucy began to chant and pump her fists eagerly as we walked to the last part of the tour of the ranch.
“This is the stables where we keep the ponygirls at night. Each one of them has a door,” he tapped the one with Fawns name on it. “Their squires groomed them and put them through daily training,” he explained.
“What for? It’s not like there is an Olympic sport for shaking your ass around an empty field,” Lindsay said bluntly. My father told her he had enough of her being rude, but Eddie said it was fine.
“There isn’t an Olympic event, YET!” he smiled playfully before adding that training isn’t about winning medals.
“Criminals get punished for doing bad things. You saw Karen at the marketplace, and she was there to reflect on her actions and face the consequences. Athletes train to be the very best at what they do. They push themselves to the point of exhaustion, and sometimes that is painful. They do this to improve themselves. If I sent Fawn to the pillory to train this afternoon, it wouldn’t be because she is a bad girl. It is because she is a good girl who wants to be an even better girl,” he said.
Lindsay didn’t understand that, and neither did Simon.
“You play sports to win! That is the point,” Simon said before adding, “Unless you are just trying to make the point spread so you can cash in.”
Simon knew a lot about professional sports but only because he had an interest in online betting.
“There are some sports you try to win. If the ponies race then I want the fastest one to win. If they are performing equestrian style jumping as you saw earlier then points are awarded for grace and style individually and for the synchronicity of the team,” he explained.
We didn’t understand.
Eddie said that the girls train individually but only as a team do they actually begin to learn their role. “They have to lift each other up to succeed. They cannot pull each other down. The slowest, most dim-witted member of the team is a liability. They will work together to overcome any obstacle. Speaking of which, who wants a pony ride back to their house?” he said.
My little sister very loudly proclaimed that ponies ruled and that she would love to have a pony ride.
“You aren’t going to use the Clydesdales are you?” my Dad knew that Eddie was suggesting the girls pull us home.
“I hadn’t planned on it, but if you’d rather just ride in the cart then that is fine,” he explained.
Lucy wasn’t going to take that as an option, and she flat-out insisted. Lindsay told my father it didn’t matter and interceded for Lucy, which was something I seldom saw Lindsay do. “We’ve seen naked butts all day long. What is a few more?”
My Dad agreed, and Blackbean and the other squire began to hook up the four women to a cart they referred to as a “Sulky.” They lined up two by two in front of it and stood with their legs apart. Their arms were bound behind their backs.
“Blackbean will drive you back, and I can follow in the cart. I’d let Angelica pull, but she needs a second on the other side, or the cart will be wobbly,” he said.
Angelica stoically stared straight ahead without expressing any emotion.
“I can help pull the cart. Sir” Charity offered without hesitation.
“No, don’t be silly!” Dad told her. She was naked and plugged, but my Father drew the line at her pulling us in a cart.
“The cart was made for six girls. Fawn and Vixen are out doing community service today,” Eddie said.
“Wait, are these girls named after Santa’s reindeer?” Simon asked with a devilish smile.
Eddie chuckled and said, “ No, those are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunder and Blitzen! My girls are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Fawn, and Star! I only have six! Although I am always recruiting more,” he smirked.
“All of these belong to you?” My Dad seemed shocked.
“No, but the Master’s who train ponygirls all share them. It is kind of an elite club to be a Master with a girl in the stables. I think of all of them as my girls. The Masters who own girls in the stables have an understanding and we care for them all equally. The girls in this role are held to a very rigid standard,” he explained that it took many years to become a ponygirl. “They are the pride and joy of Sunny Manor as far as I am concerned. The pony stables are a tradition like the Clydesdales once were for Busch Garden. We place our girls in National and International Competitions! They are like local sports stars. Everyone in the community knows their names.”
“Wow, that is amazing!” my Dad seemed impressed.
“I wouldn’t expect Charity to be able to pull the cart on her first day anyway,” he told my Dad and thanked Charity for her willingness to try it.
“There are only four girls to pull the cart so unless you two little twats want to help pull it you are riding with me too!” Eddie told Bambi and Stacy to hop on the cart. I wanted to hop on the golf cart too if I could sit with those girls, but they both sat next to other and giggled and started talking before I could make my move.
My Dad asked us one last time if we were comfortable or would rather ride in the golf cart.
There was no dissuading my sister once she was in the cart. She wanted to go for a ride.
Carlos and the other squire had chained each girl’s feet together with only three feet between them so were close but they could still run. Then they attached leads through the rings in their hoops in their stretched out pussies. All of the girls had pussy lips that dangled down between their legs approximately four inches.
Each girl was expected to open her mouth wide and bite down on a leather bit. The gag was then connected to a pair of blinders, so the bald ponygirls could only see straight ahead. That meant the girl in the back row were looking right at the girl in front of her and nowhere else without any distractions. Carlos told us this was to ensure they don’t think about anything except pulling with all their strength when they are running.
The girls had leads of string bound tightly around their nipples and tied to the girl behind them. The rope explained why their nipples were so long and extended. Carlos held the two ropes to help him steer the girls in the right direction, and he could pull back hard on it to tell them to stop.
The final touch was the women in each row stood with their legs wide over a wooden shaft. The squires raised the wooden shaft up between their legs. There were three wooden shaped carvings that reminded me of a small bowling pin sticking straight up on the twin shafts like a row of giant dicks. The men lifted the shafts up to waist level on the ponygirls. The girls squatted down slightly like it was all part of a regular routine. They didn’t complain, fuss or say that it was too much effort just to pull four school kids home. They obeyed like it was their honor to allow the men to penetrate them with the dildos and truss them up like ponies for us. Once the girls were all lined up, the men pushed the dildos up so that all four women had the dildos in their pussies.

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