Homeowner's Association: A Big Deal At Sunny Manor (BDSM)Charity Speaks To The Family free porn video

Charity placed her hands behind her head, stood with her legs apart, tits out, shoulders back, and ass cheeks clenched tightly before addressing us. Dad switched off the TV completely and told us to put away our phones and hear her out.
“Thank you all for letting me address you openly in this manner. I know the sight of me like this may still shock you. I also know that not all of you wanted to live like this, and I asked Master to allow me to address any concerns you may have. I would appreciate your attention, but I can wait until your TV show is over,” she said.
“It is just Netflix, we can watch it anytime,” Lindsay shrugged. We were all curious where this was going.
“It did not make sense to me that I would have to call a stranger even younger than you, Sir or Ma’am and not address you with the same respect. You are above me now in the household as you have always been above me. Your father rightly puts you first before all things. He wanted to protect you from being required to engage with me as a slave as much as possible, but that will not be possible if I live as one in the open and I am sorry about that,” she began.
I swallowed as I looked at Lindsay for guidance, and her expression told me to just listen for now. We sat on the couch with Simon and Lucy and listened.
“If you would prefer that I address you by your first name at anytime all you must do is tell me. I must call you Mister Simon or Miss Lucy in public or I will be punished, but at home, it is alright if you would prefer me to just use your first name. It is not our intention to make you uncomfortable at any time,” she said.
“Would you be able to call me Princess Lucy?” Lucy asked.
Dad told Lucy to be quiet until the end and added that would probably be fine. “You are, after all my Princess.”
“I am not permitted to sit on furniture at home or in public. I must kneel or squat. As a slave, I have no expectation of privacy. I understand that you will see parts of me exposed that you may not want to see. I apologize in advance, and it is my hope that eventually, it becomes so common that my cunt is no different than my elbow to you. You will also hear me speak like that on a regular basis. Just like Delilah, I am a cunt with a cunt. I accept that, and I don’t think all women are cunts. I know I am one though and I have taken the first step of openly admitting it. If it offends you to hear me say these things, then I apologize in advance. Your father will understand if you distance yourself from me when we are in public. Your father will make accommodations for you if you are offended by these things and all you have to do is speak to him about them, but I have surrendered the privilege of pretending I was ever anything but a lowly cunt.”
Lucy and Simon looked mortified, but Lindsay was doing her best to pretend not to care what Charity said. Inside, I knew she was celebrating.
“In public places, you are going to see me pulled behind the golf cart, spanked and inspected just like all the other slaves. It will be a difficult transition for me to my new role if at home you treat me like Mary. As a result, I have asked your father for permission to beg you to treat me like any other slave in the community. It was his wish that you treat me as you did when I was Mary. I appreciate his intention, but I have difficulty switching between Mary and Charity. I do not wish to go back to who I was. You may think I was a nice person, but I have done many things I am ashamed of, and I am no longer Mary. If I were to pretend I was at home and put on airs, I would have difficulty being Charity again in public. I understand that may be a difficult adjustment for you but I ask that you treat me the same whether we are in the house or out of the house,” she said in a slow and magnificently loving manner.
“I understand that it may be confusing to you. You may still talk to me, and you can always ask me questions. I may be gagged or forbidden to answer, but I will reply honestly if I can and beg your patience to wait for an answer. I will continue to serve the household domestically as I have for the last six years. You will not have to pick up a shirt from the floor, fold your clothes, wash a dish, or cook a meal. If there is a chore that you want me to perform around the house, you do not have to ask. You may simply tell me to do it, and I will obey. It makes me happy to serve and make others happy. Your father wished to make some things clear on this part,” she stopped talking.
“Don’t make a mess just to see her clean it up! Don’t abuse your authority. I reserve the right to assign you the same chores if I catch you!” my Dad added.
“I also have two requests, and I know it may be difficult for some of you,” Charity looked at Lindsay with an expression that suggested this would be easy for her. “You must never thank me for anything I do around the house. At our house in Atlanta, you made me feel guilty for doing what I wanted to do which was provide you a clean house by treating it like it was a big sacrifice of my time and energy. Your smiling faces and a harmonious household will be thanks enough. This includes gifts and rewards. It is now my official job, and the reward is the work I am doing. The other request is that you must never apologize to me. If you make a mistake, I hope you learn from it. I do not wish for any of you to ever feel sorry enough for me that you feel the need to apologize for anything to me directly. You can speak to me in any fashion you want as long as you do not patronize me or apologize to me,”
I had never heard of anyone ASKING not to have gratitude shown.
“Submission is not a gift that I give to you. Allowing me to submit is a gift that you give to me. I must, however, apologize in advance to you because I will do what I told you to never to do me frequently. I will show gratitude daily for allowing me to serve this way in your house. I will apologize for and admit any mistake that I make. I understand this may seem like a double standard, and your father was very gracious in allowing me to make this request. It was not his idea. He wanted us to be equal, but we are not equal. I am a house slave, and you are free people. The rules and expectations for me are very different than the ones for you,” she paused and told us we could ask questions before they continued with what they had to say.
We were all a bit overwhelmed and moved by what she had to say. None of us had questions right off. Lindsay was sitting on the couch like a coiled snake trying to decide whether to bite into a white mouse in her cage or let it continues to think it was safe. “So let’s say I tell you to pick up my favorite pair of heels from upstairs and bring them to me while I sat on this couch. You are telling me that you are going to go do it?”
“Yes, Ma’am, I would repeat your orders so that you knew I understood and then bring you your shoes,” she said.
Lindsay sneered skeptically and said, “What if you drag your ass slowly up the stairs, rifle through all my stuff, and bring me the wrong pair just to piss me off?”
‘I will never do that, Ma’am” Charity assured my big sister.
“Promises, promises,” Lindsay shrugged in disbelief.
“If you have a problem with Charity’s performance of her duties, then come to me, and I will handle any corrections,” My Dad could see where Lindsay was going.
“Oh, so then you have an excuse to trot off into the dungeon and play a little slap and tickle for two hours while we listen to her gasp and moan?” Lindsay prodded my father.
“I am sorry if you heard my moans, Miss Lindsay. That was not your father’s fault. If I offend you, I will apologize and ask for an immediate punishment from your father,” she said.
“Yeah, any excuse to go hide in that dungeon and hang by your tits so you can get off,” Lindsay poked at them again.
“I am getting the impression you want to be able to come to watch Charity be punished in the dungeon?” My dad understood where she was going with this.
“God no! Gag me with a spoon! I just think it is a convenient excuse. Anytime Charity gets bored and wants your attention, she can just ignore my instructions and have a little two-hour sucky-fucky playtime session with you,” Lindsay dared say that.
My Dad started to tell her off and say that wasn’t her business, but Charity intervened politely and asked if she could address my sister’s concerns.
“I am a reflection of this household and your father. If I am well trained and behaved around others, then it is because of his hard work keeping me in line. I realize that means by default, I am also a reflection upon you. If I am lazy, sloppy, selfish, cruel, vain, or inadequate, then it reflects upon you. My parents owned a car that was always sputtering out black fumes, had all sorts of dents. I rode in the car, and it was a reflection on me as well. I have a responsibility to be the best slave that I can be, but I cannot do that without training, structure, and discipline.
In public, if I am disobedient, I will be spanked out in the open in front of anyone who would be amused to watch. If I offend you then I do not want to enjoy my punishment and should I crack a smile I would prefer you to tell your father to stop and try a different method of discipline. Punishment is an education opportunity for me as well as a chance to show contrition for a mistake that I have made. At home however if there is something I have done that is significant enough to warrant two hours in the dungeon I ask that you respect your father’s wishes and trust that he will not allow me to manipulate him into rewarding me with his attention,” Charity said the word manipulate as if she knew Lindsay was trying to manipulate him, but maybe that was my imagination.
“Yeah, and what if Dad is at work? are you in charge then?” Lindsay asked.
“No Ma’am, I am never in charge. I have surrendered authority over myself. I cannot possibly have authority over another,” Charity said plainly.
“So who is? Me?” Lindsay had cleverly worked herself towards what I assumed was the primary focus of her gambit. If she was in charge of the house when dad was gone, she could be as ruthless as she pleased.
“You are the oldest, but I’d prefer you text me if you need something addressed,” Dad held up his iPhone and shook it to show he was always a few taps away.
“You can’t delegate like Master Davidson said,” Lindsay reminded him that Eddie had told us that a good master knew when to delegate authority and it didn’t diminish any of his authority.
“Are you asking if you can spank Charity when I am not home?” Dad came right out and asked her.
“Disgusting!” Lindsay feigned outrage.
“Are you asking if you can spank your sister and brothers?” Dad asked her with a pursed lips.
Lucy and Simon looked worried she’d say yes, but she had a similar reaction.
“Then what are you worried about?” Dad seemed confused by what they were talking about.
“Well, let’s say herky-jerky-boy over there,” my sister directed her thumb in my direction “brings over one of the neighborhood hussies and he wants to spank her like he sees you spanking her. Who can put a stop to it? If Charity isn’t going to take charge, can I?” Lindsay asked.
“You really think your brother would do that?” My dad looked at me like he’d be proud if I could pull it off.
“I am not saying he has any game at all. I am just saying that the girls around here aren’t exactly the kind that close their knees. I could tap-tap-tap my problem to you and wait for you to tell ME to put a stop to it or I could just put a stop to it,” Lindsay rolled her eyes like Dad was being unreasonable.
“Yeah, I suppose if its something immediate like that, then I’ll trust your common sense to work things out,” Dad shrugged. He had just opened the door to my sister, becoming a closeted Napoleon around the house.
“I don’t like it, but I’ll accept it,” Lindsay closed the deal without asking more questions.
Charity and my father continued their discussion for our benefit into the next three or four hours before he instructed Charity to start unpacking boxes around the house so that our dressers at least had some fresh clothes.
Charity would be expected to do all her chores in the nude, and at times my father said he would make it more difficult for her. “It isn’t about efficiency. It is about making her really understand the labor that she is doing,” he said.
As an example, she was expected to have one hand handcuffed to the laundry basket while she did laundry and fold clothes with one hand. That was to teach her to take her time and focus on the precision of her work.
Another example was that Charity was given a toothbrush and told to get on her hands and knees and scrub the grout in the tile floor in the kitchen. She wiggled her tits and ass back and forth while she soaped up a tiny brush. “Charity could use a much broader brush and be finished faster, but not only is this a lesson in obedience and endurance, but it is intended to keep her busy. Once a house, even this size is clean, it is simple to maintain. She will be busy throughout the day cleaning and re-cleaning the same surfaces,” Dad explained.
As for crawling, well, she was expected to do that a lot as well. Lucy liked the idea because she pretended Charity was a puppy. Charity even acted friskily, wiggled her butt like it was a tail and sniffed around Lucy’s feet playfully between chores.
At Dinner, Charity ate from a plate at our feet under the table with her tits touching the tile and her ass raised up. She had returned the black turnip-shaped butt plug to her ass, but I could still see the rim of her anus while she ate finely diced food that she had previously cut up herself. It was surreal to watch her from a plate.
Charity wasted no time and didn’t pause or slow down once while she chewed her food rapidly. She acted grateful to get to eat this way at our feet. I have to admit I couldn’t stop staring at her the entire time. Simon and Lucy giggled a lot and Lindsay seethed with a simmering but quiet rage.
Dad told us that as Charity went through the orientation, some of these rules were subject to change. He said he hadn’t drafted his own house laws yet but that he saw women eating off the floor at Cheeks when he picked up the hamburgers we were eating and that he liked it a lot.
“Ruff!” Charity sat up and barked that she approved and we all giggled. I know it sounds surreal that your future stepmom is naked on the floor eating dinner with you, but after all that led up to this, it would have seemed strange if she sat down at the table and ate like the rest of us!
“Can I give her a little bite of my burger?” Lucy offered to hand-feed Charity at the table!
Dad smiled and said, “Not too much!” and Lucy pinched off a piece of her burger and let Charity swallow it.
It would have been extremely humiliating to me to be naked and eating off the floor much less to let my little sister hand feed me. Yet, Charity looked pleased we accepted her like this.
After Dinner, my dad stopped lecturing us about how things would be, and we settled down together to continue watching the Netflix special we had started earlier. I would normally have been playing Xbox, but my games were still packed away. I didn’t even mind spending time with my family. Simon, Lucy, and Lindsay were usually off doing something on their own, but we were all together. No one was looking at their phone. We were all enjoying our time together while Charity served us.

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