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After we were done Lindsay caught me alone and made fun of how I had said we all needed to help with Charity’s new role and support them.
“What was I supposed to say? That she was a gross pig and we won’t help?” I really didn’t understand what Lindsay expected.
My big sister looked at me like I was an even bigger dummy then she thought. “No, you should have said you’d be happy to walk her fat ass back to the toilet and time her. You can check the toilet to see how many turds and take a picture and text him for all I care. I told you to be ruthless. Your idea of being ruthless is to tell Dad you’d be glad to help?” she asked.
“I am not ruthless,” I shrugged to my sister.
“No duh,” Lindsay put her hands on her hips and glared at me like I was a disappointment. “I want you to pretend you are. You don’t have to do it forever. You can be subtle around Dad but when he turns his back pinch her butt or goose her. Tell her to show you the butt plug and then pull it out and let it drop on the ground but tell her it was her fault,” she said.
“That sounds like something you would do,” I observed.
“Exactly,” Lindsay told me to be more like her for a change. “Charity basically gave you an open invitation to walk in on her in the bathroom anytime you wanted. Do you remember that time you walked in on me?” she said.
How could I forget? Several years earlier I walked in on my sister in the bathroom. The shower wasn’t running but she was naked on the toilet. It looked like she was playing with herself and pissing while taking selfies. It was popular at the time for girls to make duck faces and throw up a peace sign while sitting on the toilet and taking a selfie.
I was so stunned that I stood there and looked at my sister’s boobs. She has developed a lot more since then. She barely had mounds bigger than Lucy back then.
Lindsay looked she was going to flay me alive for staring at her. She told Dad that I was intentionally peeping on her and I was grounded for a week from video games. She has never let me live it down ever since.
“You like looking at girls on the toilet, don’t you?” Lindsay implied I was a perverted horndog. She wasn’t wrong. I am a teenage boy after all. “Walk in on her and watch the way you did me. I bet she won’t even tell Dad,” Lindsay suggested.
“If she does he’d do more than take away my video games for a week!” I reminded her what happened the last time.
“Tell him it was a mistake and that you thought you were supposed to check up on her. Use the fact that this is all new and no one explained the rules to you to break them. It is easier to beg forgiveness than it is to ask for permission,” she said.
I tried to explain that it was actually easier to ask for permission but Lindsay tapped her phone and said “Tick tock! You run out of time and I’ll show him what is on the phone. Is it worth getting in a little trouble to avoid showing him all the emails of you jerking off you sent me?” she said.
I reminded her that I didn’t send them and she showed me her phone and said that it looked like I did to her.
I went back to my room confused and frustrated. Charity did indirectly suggest she had no qualms with losing her privacy. It still didn’t add up that Lindsay wanted me to be the mean one. I felt like she was setting me up for a trap. She already had enough blackmail to bury me though so if she was just trying to get me in a little more trouble then it was extra credit after she already earned an A from the teacher.
I immediately changed all my passwords on my phone, but I’d have to wait to change them on my laptop until Charity unpacked them for me. I was scanning Twitter looking for lifestyle BDSM couples. Ever since Tumblr put a stop to porn, Twitter was a great way to look at porn for free on my phone. Camwhores, Lifestyle Kinksters, Fetish Models, and the like loved to advertise, so it was a great way to look at amateur porn.
I had just found an account sklavin-elke featuring an older, blonde woman that looked exactly like that lady we saw gardening earlier today. She wore a collar and big gold hoops in her stretched pussy lips and pancake nipples. I wondered if it WAS her. Most of the pictures were the woman smiling in public places that looked like they had to be in Europe exposing her naked body to anyone on the street. I found it hard to imagine the reaction of families walking through a rustic French village and suddenly this sexy waif comes flitting out completely naked and dancing around while someone takes a picture. I liked looking at their expressions in the background of the picture to see if any of them were surprised. They often looked like they really didn’t care one way or the other.
My favorite were the ones where the women were in bondage gear like Fawn wore in public. They had a website called totaldisgrace.com where girls were trotted like ponies on cobblestone streets. I enjoyed seeing Hot blonde women who should be treated like queens on yachts in the Riviera walked on leashes like dogs outside of German restaurants.
Most of all I enjoyed the pictures or videos where the woman had been body painted. In some cases, they would be painted to look like they had on clothes. In others, they may have a sad British bulldog painted on their chest so that his eyes are her tits and his mouth is her pussy. I liked to imagine the reaction of the girl the first time the artist painted their butthole with a cold, wet air-spray brush.
I had just read a post she put advertising a place the older slut sklavin-elke would be willing to give blowjobs to whoever showed up. I wanted a blowjob so badly that I would have done just about anything to get one. If I were wealthy, I wondered if I would have flown to Denmark or wherever she was in order to see if she’d be there and deliver as she promised. The old slut had obviously sucked a lot of cocks by the look of her.
Sklavin-elke clearly felt strongly enough about her submission to have her tits and pussy pierced with big thick hoops and wear a collar in public. She seemed like somebody would suck anybody’s cock and not think twice about it. It was just a random act of sexual debauchery to her.
The old slave wouldn’t know much it meant to me. I imagined how I’d feel validated getting my dick washed by a woman’s throat and loved by her tongue. Sklavin Elke wouldn’t know how many times I’d seen a girl with pretty lips and wished she would offer to give me the sweet release of cumming in her mouth. Those girls were stingy with those offers though for boys like me and Sklavin Elke was half a world away just handing them out like Halloween candy.
I felt like a starving man looking into a window and watching people throw away food that I would have appreciated as I pictured this woman taking dick after dick in her mouth for no other reason than it was a Tuesday and she knew it turned on the Master who had been taking all her pictures for Twitter.
I nearly jumped out of my seat while I was fantasizing when I heard my sister clear her throat from behind me.
“Oh good, I caught you before you started jerking off,” she said she had some more things to say to me. How long had she been sitting there? How did she get into my room without me hearing her? She was sitting on my bed, watching me from across the room.
I put the phone down and told her we were even now. “I’ve been thinking about our conversations on the stairs!”
“You were thinking? That is a first,” my sister had a wicked grin on her face.
“I don’t want to do this anymore. I did everything you asked of me tonight. I am happy for Dad and I am happy Charity! You should be too. We are even, ok?” I asked.
“Even? what makes you think you and I are ever going to be even?” My sister toyed with me.
“I did what you asked. I convinced Dad to stay, and basically, Charity begged him to let us tell her when she could take a crap. Isn’t that what you wanted?” I said.
“Yes, but you didn’t talk him into that. She did, and I am not sure what her game is, but I am not done with you,” Lindsay’s lips were formed into a wicked grin.
“You said if I did this, you would drop all the evil shit you have on me?” I tried to put my foot down and insist she drop her blackmail. I felt this had gone way too far but I didn’t demand my sister stop it either. I asked her to and she laughed in my face.
She made fun of how I asked and imitated me in a dopey voice saying “Please drop the blackmail you carefully collected over the last few years just in case you ever wanted to use it on me! I am asking nicely! Duh! I don’t like it! You are mean!”
“You said you would drop it if I did what you said, Lindsay” I didn’t have a come-back response to her mocking me.
“I told you I would let something drop? When did I say that? I seem to recall telling you what I expected and the consequences of failure. I said nothing about letting you off the hook. In fact, I distinctly recall telling you that I would be asking for more,” she was still toying with me.
“You can’t blackmail me forever!” I insisted.
“I know and I won’t. You will do what I tell you until you are no longer useful to me. At that point, I will drop what I have on you, OR you can fail me, and I will reveal your dirty little secrets, and it will be over,” Lindsay assured me that she was setting the terms of our deal.
“Tell me everything I have to do to let this drop!” I insisted.
“What would the fun be in that? That gives you the advantage of deciding if it’s worth it to obey me or not. I don’t like that, and I hold all of the cards. All you did tonight was bluster your way through an argument. You made dad suspicious at least a dozen times and then at the end when you could have stepped up and volunteered to discipline Charity you kept your eyes glued to Dave Chappelle!” she critiqued my performance and told me I sucked at this.
“I thought we were done. Charity volunteered to do what you told her,” I said.
“Yes, but I don’t know why. What does she get out of it?” she asked me.
“She said she wanted to see our smiling faces,” I explained.
“Yes, that is what I would say if I were up to something. Nobody humiliates themselves like this for nothing. Do you know how I became Captain of the Squad my Junior year?” she asked.
“I am assuming being great at cheerleading and leadership is not the right answer?” I said sarcastically.
“I am all of that, but all of those bitches are great at cheerleading. Some of them were holding pom-poms in their diapers. Cheer camp every year, It is serious competition,” Lindsay said.
I didn’t know why. Football scholarships I could understand. Cheerleading seemed superficial and pointless, with little reward.
“The cheerleaders have some traditions. Stuff you would have jerked your little thumb-sized dick to if you had seen it. Fresh meat on the squad get assigned to a Senior, and they get to break them in. Treat them like puppies, make them suck cocks and sniff asses like Charity,” she said.
“You did that too?” I asked excitedly.
My sister ignored my question. “Experienced girls on the squad don’t have it so easy. We have to be on call for parties and down to do just about anything that amuses the players. One night, I convinced the Captain of the Football team to tie up the Captains of the Cheerleading team. Titty to titty, mouth to mouth, and then drop them off at Carver,” she said.
Carver High in Atlanta is in a notoriously black neighborhood. “They spray-painted welfare sucks on their asses, painted Trump 2020 on their tits and hung them from a jungle gym in the park. I promised the Captain of the team I’d do anything he wanted if he’d just leave them there to twist in the wind naked in the ghetto,” she beamed with pride.
I wasn’t sure whether or not to believe my sister had arranged something as heinous as leaving naked high school cheerleaders in a rough section of town but she had gone to great lengths to ensnare me so it only made sense she would have done that to her rivals. I assumed they were white and as stuck up as her.
“What happened to them?” I asked.
“Who cares? You are missing the point. I became Captain of the Cheersquad in my JUNIOR year. Nobody had ever done that before,” she smirked.
“Every year after we put the fresh meat through tryouts we make the new girls put on diapers, suck a baby binky and sit topless in the back of a truck. On the way home, the Captain of the squad dumps the fatties and uncoordinated ones and makes them walk home. When I was Captain, I pushed the pretty ones out and kept the fatties,” she snickered.
The cheerleading squad looked pretty good to me. What Lindsay considered fat, I considered shapely.
“I had everything the way I wanted when Dad brought us down here and disrupted my life. I have nobody worth controlling here. I need new playthings,” Lindsay told me.

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