Homeowner's Association: A Big Deal At Sunny Manor (BDSM)Chapter 20 free porn video

Dad instructed Lindsay to take Lucy and Simon home. He suggested they could visit the playground instead. Lindsay usually would have said she had other things to do that day and scoffed, but she seemed delighted to be helpful. I knew my Dad was a little skeptical as well, but he didn’t argue with her.
I warned them that at this playground, women were fucking themselves riding the see-saws up and down. Dad didn’t believe me at first. We entered the playground, and the first thing we saw was a naked woman in her late thirties on the swing set. At first, my Dad shrugged that wasn’t a big deal until he noticed a collared male slave standing at attention in front of the swings. He had the words “Cuckold” tattooed in big letters on his ass. I could barely comprehend the commitment it must take to this lifestyle to wear an eternity collar and obey in public. Here was a man who was willing to be branded with the word’s “Cuckold” on his ass so that he would be forever seen as one.
His head was also shaved completely bald. Every time the woman swung forward, she kicked him squarely in the balls. Her cuckold flinched and adjusted himself so that he could return to the same standing position so he would be ready for her to kick him in the balls again on the next swing!
“Fine, this is an adult playground. I am sure you can find something to do,” Dad hustled us back out of the fenced-in area when he realized I had been right about this place. Dad looked disappointed in himself for not believing me in the first place. “I thought they’d put up a warning sign or something,” Dad shrugged and apologized for not taking my word for it.
He told Lindsay to take Simon and Lucy someplace else, and she agreed with a smile and left my father and me to walk together.
I told dad pretty much the entire story from start to finish in great detail about my day at the pool with Charity. I left out details like popping a boner while I spanked her across my lap. I also didn’t mention making Charity wait across my lap until it subsided and then letting Ruthie lick the residual cum from her hip. I hadn’t ordered either of them to do that but I definitely didn’t think my dad would appreciate knowing about it. didn’t mention that blowjob I got from that nasty whore in the glory hole. I also didn’t even think about mentioning spunking in the lotion when I had an orgasm. I told him I put lotion on Charity, but I didn’t tell him how much I enjoyed it. I think he figured out I enjoyed it all by himself and was grateful I spared him the details even though he told me to leave nothing out of my story.
My Dad listened intently and occasionally asked for clarification but refrained from comment. I told him how Master Thorne and Carlos had helped me and how it felt like I was doing the right thing when I was in the moment.
“Sometimes the best intentions at the moment can be the wrong decision though, Son,” Dad warned me. He didn’t say it had been at that time, but his face suggested he wished I hadn’t spanked Charity.
We ended up back at our house, sitting across from one another at the dining table still completely naked. It was surreal because we were never nude around each other in Atlanta. I am usually quiet and Dad does most of the talking. It was refreshing to be the one doing all the talking although I was nervous I’d put my foot in my mouth. Dad told me there was nothing to be worried about when he noticed and said as long as I told him the truth things would work out.
Dad asked me why I called Charity “Mom” now. He wasn’t mad at all. I told him what Stacy had told me about having three slave dads and how she treated all of them equally the same. Stacy explained that at Sunny Manor they call that a “Slave Mom” Or “Slave Dad”.
“Kid’s still respect them as adults but they don’t have the same authority,” I shrugged. That was what I was told Charity’s role was and my dad accepted my explanation. He even looked pleased there was a word for it.
“I like that. I know that thrilled Charity when you called her Mom. I would like you to continue that if you don’t mind,” he said. I told him that was fine with me. I continued to tell him about our morning and afternoon.
He would occasionally stop me when I rambled about details that didn’t matter to him, but sometimes he would ask a question like “How did Lucy react when you saw that girl with the tennis racket shoved up her ass?”
“She was curious what it means for a woman to cum,” I admitted.
“You weren’t?” he asked me.
“I was, but Charity explained there were different signs and not every woman expressed that sort of pleasure the same way,” I told him.
“Okay, but go back to the girl for a moment. Your sister didn’t stop and try to help the girl? She didn’t seem like she felt sorry for her?” he asked.
“She was a slave girl that was being punished. Charity told us that rules like that didn’t apply to people like us. She said that the best thing we could do for that girl is to not feel sorry for her,” I told him and added that she was supposed to learn consequences from her mistakes.
Dad said that made sense. He wanted to understand if we were offended or freaked out by what we saw and not if we understand why it happened.
“I wondered if your sister freaked out? I am glad you guys didn’t. Continue,” Dad told me to proceed with the rest of the story.
I also left the out the details about Stacy and Claire. I wasn’t embarrassed as much as I was afraid of getting his hopes up only to dash them if I was wrong about their interest in me. I didn’t want to jinx any of my good fortune with girls lately by talking about it and it wasn’t what he was interested in.
I didn’t tell him that Lindsay squeezed my dick in the pool. I thought about it but it would be my word against hers and he’d ask me why she did that. I definitely didn’t feel I should tell him about the blackmail or my sister’s instructions to make Charity’s life hell. I could have opened that can of worms but then he’d know about all the videos of me jerking off.
I didn’t think Lindsay was going to forget about her threats and let me out of it. I just didn’t like a lot of confrontation and decided now was not the time to bring any of that up. In retrospect, it seemed like that was the right time.
Dad was overall supportive to the things I told him. The part that disappointed him as I brought the timeline of events to a close was what I had not told him.
“I feel like you told me a lot of details but not what I wanted to know, Son. You could have said you plundered Charity’s body, told her to rub you down with lotion and then rubbed her down. You must have got hard at some point because you left in the middle of getting suntan lotion put on you and went to the bathroom and came back?” he said.
I admitted I had.
“You told me all these details, but you left out the important ones like you were getting off on what you were doing. You came back, and Master Thorne punished her. Then at some point, I am assuming you stopped touching each other long enough to swim around, and when you came back you made a joke about a random Principal Dominant’s body?” he asked.
“Dicktatress Moxxi,” I explained that it was the girl who rode with us in the golf cart’s mom.
“Ah, so you left that little blonde girl completely out of your story. The one who asked you if you liked her friend more than her? Let me guess, she gave you the cold shoulder at the pool and later came up and wondered why you weren’t chasing her around the pool trying to get with her?” he asked.
“Yeah, how did you know that?” I was shocked.
“Son, I wasn’t born a full-grown adult. Girls have been playing games like that since before I was a kid. She is a little tease,” he chuckled. “So you met her mother? and made fun of her mom’s funky shaped tits?”
“Yeah, pretty much,” I agreed.
“You’ve got a set of balls on you for sure. I wouldn’t make fun of anyone with the name Dicktatress. Charity laughed at your joke and dropped her butt plug. You didn’t come to find me. You took it upon yourself to punish her, and you expect me to believe that was a selfless act that you didn’t enjoy at all?” he said.
“I enjoyed it,” I admitted. I was a terrible liar anyway. I told him that I felt nervous and reluctant, but after I started, I began to feel like I knew why people enter BDSM relationships.
“I have a pretty good idea of what happened from talking to Simon, Lucy, and Charity. I think 60% of what you told me is probably not bullshit. I think only about 50% of the bullshit you just told me, you actually know is bullshit,” he said that I probably believed some of my own fabrications. He told me expected more from me but that he could fill in most of the blanks I left empty.
I told him the truth and left out a few of the parts that I knew he would not want to hear. I didn’t understand what he meant about truth through omission. He wasn’t yelling at me but he wasn’t happy either.
“You spanked an ass and asked some questions, and now you think you are ready to be someone’s master,” Dad said skeptically.
“I never said that. I just said I had a new appreciation for why discipline appeals to people,” I explained.
“Okay, I’ll buy that. Now tell me why you left out the parts where Charity let you play with her ass until you got it out of your system, or the part where she laid across your lap to camouflage your boner because you were embarrassed to stand up? How about the slave that licked her hip clean?” he looked disappointed in me. He must have heard all of that from Charity. “The one resource you have with me right now is trust. You use that up, and you have nothing left to trade. You lied to me through omission. What hurts my feelings the most about that is that you think you can’t talk to me about these things. Every single issue you left out had to do with girls and hormones,” he looked disappointed in me, and that was a terrible look to get from my father.
I tried to explain myself but Dad called it being defensive. “Yes, I am trying to defend my actions by explanation,” I said.
Dad looked at me like I was too wet behind the ears to understand him. He smirked and said that he understood where I am coming from. He told me not to put so much effort into justifying my actions and just tell him what I did and why I thought it was a good idea at the time. He told me he understood I was most defensive when it came to talking about my interest or interactions with the opposite sex.
“Son, I’ve been sitting across you from at a table completely naked. I don’t know how I can make it seem like I am not open-minded. Let’s put that behind us now. You did what you did and let’s talk about this,” Dad said. He placed a yellow USB thumb drive on the table. I instantly recognized it as the one I stored all of my porn on. His expression suggested he already knew what was on it but that I should talk to him about it.
“That is my porn,” I admitted plainly. Lindsay told me that if I did what she said that my dad would not find out about it. I regretted letting that fall into her hands. People think because I look nerdy and play video games. I know all about hacking and cybersecurity. I never had any reason to think about being more careful online. I would have never checked my outbox to see if someone was sending messages as me to make me look bad. I would never have thought to change my passwords unless I got locked out of an account or noticed someone had changed things. It all came as a surprise that this happened. I felt ashamed my Dad knew about my porn, but it was on the table now.
“Yes, and I am not going to lecture you about pornography. You are tech-savvy and have probably been looking at it on your phone and laptop since puberty began. You saw a pregnant slave suck a candy cane that had been shoved up her ass at lunch and I think one of the reasons you handled it so well was that the porn you like to watch is pretty graphic,” he said.
I was confused - was he angry with me for having it or not?
“You have been discreet about the porn, but your sister said you showed some of this to her. Have you also shown any of this to Simon and Lucy?” Dad asked.
Why would Lindsay have used her blackmail on me if I was doing what she asked?
“No!” I insisted. I was puzzled and mortified that my sister told him I showed it to her.

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