Cletus Tucker(4)Chapter 12 free porn video

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New Mexico Territory, April, 1876

Cattle rustling was getting to be a real problem. Cletus found himself and his Mexican vaqueros permanently assigned to riding patrol around the ranch. All of Cletus' men were bachelors so the long intervals away from the main ranch complex were not a burden. Some of the other patrols started having trouble when the married men were kept away from their wives for a long time. Finally, the foreman resorted to assigning only bachelors to the job of riding patrol.

Some of the other patrols had run into pitched battles with rustlers with mixed results. The foreman considered increasing the size of the patrols to 10 or 12 men plus the patrol leader, but there was a problem finding enough men. Only Cletus was able to field 12 vaqueros, in fact, he had to turn some men away because he already had his 12 men. The Mexicans all preferred to ride with Cletus because everybody was treated as an equal, not like the patrols led by Anglos. Tunstall, himself, finally had to threaten to fire one of the patrol leaders to settle things down.

Cletus left with his patrol, as usual, on a Monday morning. They had been out three days when they found sign of a large cattle drive leading away from the Tunstall ranch. They turned to follow the trail and soon found the cattle being driven by 9 riders. Cletus sent a scout to look at the herd and the man reported that they were, indeed, Tunstall cattle. By now, it was late in the afternoon, so Cletus assumed that the rustlers would soon stop for the night.

The rustlers made camp and, foolishly, failed to put out an adequate guard. Except for two men with the cattle, all the rustlers had gone to sleep. Cletus decided to capture, rather than kill, the rustlers on the off chance they might gain some useful information from these men.

Cletus had his men dismount and creep into the rustlers' camp. They were unnoticed by the two men with the cattle as they overpowered and captured all of the sleeping men. By convention, the guard changed every four hours, so Cletus knew that he could expect the two guards to ride into camp wondering "where the Hell" their replacements were. Cletus planned to capture them at this point. This was what happened and the whole operation went smoothly.

The next morning, the rustlers were tied to their horses and three men were detailed to take them to the foreman for disposal and the rest of Cletus' men drove the cattle back to where they had been rustled from. Cletus' patrol returned to making its rounds and the three detached men caught up in a few days. Cletus' patrol returned to the ranch complex on schedule, not having met any more rustlers.

The following Monday, Tunstall called a meeting of all the patrols before they left on their rounds. He announced, "I have had enough of this stupid talk of not taking orders from a nigger. Mr Tucker has proved his abilities in leading his patrol and I want him to be in charge whenever there is need to combine patrols into larger groups. Anyone who cannot live with that can collect his wages, now, and leave." Several men did quit, but most stayed and the patrols left for their rounds. All those that quit went to work for The House.

When they returned from patrol, Cletus suggested to the foreman that he reorganize the patrols to provide for a reserve force. They now had 3 patrols of 12 and 1 patrol of 10 men. He thought that they really didn't need 4 patrols. Cletus thought that 2 regular patrols, one leaving on Monday of one week and the other leaving on Monday of the next week could cover the ranch adequately. The remaining men should be used as a reserve to aid either of the patrols who ran into more than they could handle. The men could be rotated between active patrol and reserve to keep all of them sharp, yet not too tired. The foreman said that he would discuss this with Mr. Tunstall and let Cletus know the outcome.

Tunstall liked Cletus' suggestions so much that he ordered the immediate change and put Cletus in overall command. The other phases of the ranch operation had grown so big that the foreman really had too much to do. Tunstall thought to take some of the burden from the foreman by assigning the "military" operations to Cletus, who would report to the foreman. The two of them would work out any problems and go to Tunstall only in special cases. Cletus and the foreman thought that this would work well and were both happy with the arrangement.

Four more men quit when the change in organization was announced, but neither the foreman nor Cletus were particularly concerned. These four had never fit into the Tunstall ranch's operations very well, anyway, so it was a relief to be rid of them.

Cletus began the rotation plan immediately by putting one of the other patrol leaders in charge of his group while Cletus spent the week in getting everything fully organized. He made up a roster of who was going on which patrol and who was assigned to the reserve for each week. This assignment list was posted where everybody could see it and it was read to those who could not read English. The men were very happy with this new way of working and glad for the periodic break from active patrol. The reserve also gave the foreman a pool of men to call on when he had unusual manpower requirements.

The one big problem in all of this how to signal the main ranch complex that the reserve was needed. One of the ranch hands had been in the Union Signal Corps during the war, so he was familiar with using mirrors to signal distant troops. He showed the idea to Cletus, who embraced the concept with both arms. The two of them worked out a simple set of signals that anyone could remember and use to signal that a patrol was in trouble and needed help.

Cletus got enough small shaving mirrors to insure that every man had one and started a training program so that trained signalers would be available for the next week's patrols. Each man who was rotated off patrol into the reserve would be trained in the use of the signaling mirrors so that everyone would be properly trained in a short time.

The flat roof of the tallest building on the ranch was designated as the lookout post and two-man shifts were arranged so that a constant watch would be kept for the flashing of signal mirrors. To make sure that every patrol was monitored, Cletus had each one send in a status report at the noon meal break. This was to keep everyone alert without making it too much of a burden.

After three weeks, Cletus took out a patrol. Everything was going well and they did not see any rustlers for the first few days. However, as they were riding through a cut between two hills, they were shot at from both sides. Cletus knew that it would be sure death to stop where they were, so he ordered his men to ride as fast as they could out of the cut toward a low hill about 300 yards away. The hill was mostly bare, except for some dense brush near the top.

This was an unusual arrangement for vegetation, so there must be some water source at or near the top of the hill. Cletus wanted to reach that in case they were besieged. Their attackers came swarming after them as they reached the hill. Cletus ordered his men to take their horses as far into the brush as they could penetrate and then come back to the edge of the brush to fight. His men acted hastily, but they did as he ordered. Cletus spaced them around the perimeter of the brush and the enemy charged on horseback up the hill.

The defenders began to fire at the attackers with reasonable success, shooting horses as well as men. This is something Cletus had drilled into his men while they were in the reserve: kill a running horse and you kill the rider, too. Some of the men could still not bring themselves to shoot a horse, but enough could that it was an effective tactic. Cletus was a bit surprised to see that the attackers were Indians, not Anglos or Mexicans. As he looked closer, he saw that they were Apaches, which was not really important, just an interesting footnote to the battle. Of much greater importance was the fact that there were about 50 of the attackers against his 13. If they could not get help, they were in serious trouble.

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Sung Hees New Job Part 2

(Author’s Note: This story, although fiction, is based upon a very real woman, a Korean American who also resides in southern California. The parallels, and there are many, between fictional Sung Hee and our real life heroine are deliberate and intentional. As you read this, know that much of Sung Hee lives in real life.) I did not sleep very well that night. When my alarm went off, I sat straight up in bed. I looked over at my husband’s back, who was still asleep. Fuck! What was I doing?!? I...

4 years ago
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Daisy punana ch 7

================================================================= NOTE: Due to too many storylines going on at the same time, I am going to split the "daisy" story off from the "punana" story. Here's the map: Daisy modified (no chapter mark) is all punana Daisy modified ch 2: is all punana Daisy modified ch 3: introduces RL Daisy and includes a few scenes with punana Daisy modified ch 4: picks up RL Daisy's story and gives a last glimpse of punana then they split: Daisy...

3 years ago
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ShawnChapter 43

Japan was not gloomy at all and seemed to thrive as it felt oppressed by the rest of the world. The Russians turned up the heat by trying to claim more of the islands north of Japan and had even put troops on them. The area was believed to have oil or gas but none yet had been discovered. This appeared to be a direct provocation. A strange series of undersea explosions had sent a wave of water almost two hundred feet high sweeping north across island, wiping it clean and sinking the Russian...

2 years ago
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Fancy Dress

It was a night out, or a night in, depending on how you looked at it. Me and my boyfriend, Tom were going to a fancy dress house party at one of his friend’s houses. He was dressed as your quintessential pirate, and I was going as a burlesque dancer. This essentially entailed me wearing next to nothing; simply some black high heels, stockings and suspenders with a corset and some halfway down the leg, frilly shorts style knickers. I was running late upstairs and was putting the finished touches...

3 years ago
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Happy Birthday Part 2

This is the sequel to ‘Happy Birthday.’ The next morning I was up early preparing breakfast for us and another special treat for you. Fortunately, I finished before you got up allowing me to bring it to you. As I enter the bedroom I stop and take in the the stunning sight before me. You have propped yourself up with pillows and are looking out the window. The bed sheet slowly slips from your body exposing your full firm breasts and I see that your nipples are very prominent. As you pull up...

2 years ago
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Porn Lessons

I disagree with those that say porn has no educational value. I learned how to deep throat, I learned how to prepare my tiny pink hole, I learned how to apply make-up and dress like a little sissy slut all before I turned 16, just from watching porn and most of all, I learned that daddies love it when I pay attention to detail and do as I’m told.I was 18 the first time I went out in public dressed up as a little sissy boi, heels, stockings, garters, silk panties and push up bra with inserts,...

3 years ago
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My Neighbor Photographs my Wife in her Panties

My lusty brunette wife Susan is so sexy in her halter top, cutoffs, and panties that I wanted her to show off her buxom, all natural 38-28-38 to another man and turn him on with her amazing talent. I could watch her get fucked and cum screaming or wait at home while she explored another man’s cock as long as she returned with a detailed account of her sexual encounter! Hearing her brag about how hard she came and how long and deep he fucked her would really turn me on. But her monogamous nature...

10 months ago
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Tutor4K Montse Swinger Guy Poured Pheromones on a Hot Spanish Dame to Pump Her Full of Cum

When I was a young, pimply teenager, I often dreamed of a miracle potion that would turn me into an object of lust for every bitch. Something like a magic deodorant that would make all the beautiful women run to the smell of it. Yeah, like the ads. Those days are over, I learned how to fuck women without any magic. But when I got my hands on a whole bottle of aphrodisiac, I couldn’t resist. I remembered my pimply youth and decided to experiment. And now I have to wear a cast on my poor...

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A Glastonbury Sacrifice

The full moon had not yet risen as the girl trudged along the rough path that traversed the top of the long ridge up the Tor. Even so, there was sufficient light for her to see the ruined tower of St Michael’s Church on the summit, silhouetted against the darkening sky. She looked down at the baby clasped in her arms, barely three months old, and wrapped the shawl tighter around it. This Midsummer Eve the weather was warm and clear, but there was moisture in the air and she did not want it to...

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Light and DarkChapter 7

He had a woman he loved in Saigon I got a picture of him in her arms now Born in the USA, Bruce Springsteen Sutton, Surrey, November 25th "Sophie?" Caerys sat up, staring at the brief silhouette that disappeared as the door eased quietly shut. "Sophie, what's wrong?" The whispered reply was too quiet to hear. "What? Soph?" "Nothing, Caerys." She whispered, a little louder. "Nothing's wrong." "Then... uh..." The light flicked on as Caerys reached over to the bedside...

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Sydnies Summer Pt 1

Sydnie was enjoying the summer. She had cheer practice regularly, hung out with friend, and now her brother Rick was back from college. She really liked her brother, and he was frankly very hot. Her friends always commented on him. He was six foot, brown haired, cool blue eyes, and a great build. Sydnie’s best friend, Monica, always wanted to stay over when he was home, hoping to catch him naked. She was sweaty when he pulled up to take her home. Rick was always smiling, and she liked having...

3 years ago
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The Quick Change

1:30Soft opening. The work lights are off, and it’s dark backstage.  I’ll definitely need some help.  “I can do it in ninety,” I had said confidently, but I had no idea the sophistication of this costume.  Trying it on with two wardrobe assistants in a well-lit dressing room and this are such totally different experiences as to not even merit comparison.The stage hand who got assigned to help was waiting for me in the wing.  I gulped when I saw them.  They are so hot, and I’m about to be naked...

Quickie Sex
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GoddessChapter 19 Papagena

HARRY WAS ALREADY BACK AT his farm when we returned from Zion. I don't know how he traveled and I never found out. Persephone had put the fear of god, or more likely fear of the goddesses, into him, and for a while he kept his distance. Especially from Mrs. D and her bellweather farm. The whispered "Soy yo" and the little trill haunted me. We hadn't been back a week before I heard it again one afternon when Hebe and I came to the farm to see Persephone and her mother. We'd been swimming...

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Lieutenant Eva McKenna

Jack Smith was a young man. Perhaps too young for this sort of position. Still in his twenties, the brit had not expected to be roped into something like this right out of Command School. Yes, he’d gone to said school so that he COULD eventually take on a leadership role in the war against the Soviets and the Empire of the Rising Sun, but THIS leadership role, THIS soon? He’d never dreamed of it. Yet here he was, standing in the middle of a Commander Center that served as the nexus of all...

3 years ago
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Mommy And Me Un Expected Visitors

Hi, this is Sameera I am married 28 years old staying with my hubby Rajesh and mother in law Suman my father in Law had passed away. This story is 2 years down the line when I like any other girls was too conscious about my figure and a regular Gym user in my society. Our neighbour Mr Sunil was retired man living alone. He had this strange lusty eye on me and my mother in law and we both knew it. Mom often told me to maintain some distance from Sunil uncle. It was dawn of summers in April and...

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