Karen_(0) free porn video

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There was tea and coffee available, but she asked for water. While the organiser went to get water from the cooler, I poured myself a tea, and offered her a biscuit. She declined, and I took a seat opposite her at the conference table. She immediately stated that she was very pleased to meet me, a twinkle in her blue eyes, as she opened her portfolio of papers. She referred to a report on the transport operating corporation and said she had downloaded my representations on it from the internet and read them with interest. While we waited on others to arrive, we discussed my report, and animated, her face glowed with the freshness of youth. She gave the impression of being impressed not only with my report but with having met me. I was glad I had sat opposite her.

Eventually others arrived, a tele-conference link to London was activated, and discussion began. Tactics and options were discussed, background to similar operations elsewhere, and it quickly became very technical. The room was not too big, and it got warm before very long. Karen slowly unbuttoned her jacket and slipped it off her shoulders to hang it over the back of her seat. I tried not to be too obvious about it, but as she did this she stretched the white fabric of her blouse across what was clearly a perfectly formed pair of full thrusting breasts, their precise form disguised by the bra she wore. The blouse clearly fastened at the back, and the front had a scoop neck that for the moment sat neatly on her shoulders and exposed her neck and collar bones and top of her chest, but totally respectably, and from my viewpoint totally irresistible.

Although I tried hard not to stare, she caught my eye and there was a glimmer of a smile appeared with again that twinkle in her eyes. She tossed her hair back and lifted her arms to sweep it behind her ears, an action that could only have been calculated to add to her provocation as it lifted and stretched the front of her blouse across these two delightful mounds. Around us the discussion continued, and it seemed everyone else was oblivious to this little drama unfolding.

As the discussion ebbed and flowed, and there was something said which was ironic or caused a smile among those gathered round the table, she would smile openly and her whole face lit up. I could not resist watching her smile and her eyes would meet mine, as though the smile was not in response to the conversation, but was for me alone. I took advantage of our shared smile at a remark to let my eye pass across the front of her blouse, now idly wondering if I could make out the shape of her nipple, but her bra was doing a good job and the thrust of her breast was undefined. I was nevertheless captivated by the fullness of those two beauties and could only sit there and imagine what they would look and feel like nakedly exposed.

The afternoon wore on and two senior managers who had been at another meeting joined us, and the story so far was repeated for their benefit, and Karen was getting a bit restless and shifting her position in her seat. The blouse neck was actually looser than I had at first thought and I suddenly realised that not only was I seeing her neck and collarbones, but the blouse had shifted out on her shoulder and I could see her bra strap as it ran down over her shoulder bone. She saw me do a double take and looked directly at me, but I could only look away. But if she realised how she was sitting with the blouse loose on her shoulder she did nothing about it, and she was now leaning back listening to the debate.

I too was getting stiff (from sitting too long in one position!) and moved to stretch my legs under the table. As I did so I looked down to make sure I was not going to kick anyone. I had not appreciated but Karen’s well turned ankle in a stylish court shoe was just alongside my foot as I stretched. I guess she saw me stretching, as she gently slipped her shoe off. A perfectly formed slim stockinged foot was now within inches of my foot.

I did not want to embarrass her, but over the next few minutes I casually checked her out, and somehow the blouse had slipped slightly on her shoulder and the lacy top of her bra cup was now exposed. She leant forward slightly to write something on her pad, and the top of her breast was now there in front of my eyes. She looked at me as she sat back, and I realised with a start that her nipple was now definitely outlined through her bra against the stretched front of her blouse. She was either completely naïve or she was playing a game with me to liven up the long drawn out meeting. And then I felt the delicate caress of her stocking clad toes on my ankle, easing up the foot of my trouser leg, and stroking gently. I caught her eye and she looked back at me, no expression in her eyes, but the intensity of her look telling me for sure that I was not imagining the deliberateness of her teasing actions.

Soon after that the meeting ended, and business cards were exchanged. I had noticed her earlier writing something on the back of one of her cards, and she passed them out. I took the one she held out to me, again her cool fingers just touching mine as she handed it to me. She held my glance and there was just a twinkle of mischief in her eyes.

I went back up to my office, and sat to look at her card. I turned it over and she had indeed written on mine. It said

“Thanks for letting me spice up our meeting this afternoon. Ring my mobile when you get back to your office.”

I didn’t hesitate. I dialled her number and she answered immediately.

“Hi, Karen, thanks for your business card, especially for the message on the back.”

“Oh, hi” she answered, “I thought you and I might have more to say to each other out of our colleagues’ earshot. You couldn’t keep your eyes off me this afternoon, you old roué. Usually when I go to meetings with the men in suits they just treat me as another suit, but you really made me feel very feminine today.”

“You are very feminine, and I think exceedingly attractive. And I think that you know how to distract a man who is not so much interested in you as a suit, but in what is inside that suit. And you were making sure I got a little hooked on the possibilities there.”

She laughed and continued

“Look, I am still in the foyer downstairs and I only live in the converted warehouse apartments across the road. Do you have much still to do, or would you like to join me for a drink back at my place?”

“If there was a greasy fireman’s pole, I would be sliding down it right now” I joked. “I’ll be there in 5 minutes.”

“I don’t like greasy firemen, but sliding poles could be a different matter” she purred. “I’m waiting.”

I never switched my computer off as quickly as I did that afternoon, and hoping none of my colleagues would choose that moment to leave the office and accompany me out, I departed for the foyer. She was standing there, looking just as gorgeous with her jacket now buttoned up, and circumspectly watching for me. When she saw I was alone and making a beeline for her, she gave me one of those radiant smiles, and as if we were old friends, I guided her out through the revolving doors and into the cool of a frosty evening.

“I hope you don’t think putting that message on my card was too awful of me, and I realise I really know nothing about you, or you about me, but I thought after I had realised that you couldn’t take your eyes off me, I would play you along a bit, and then I thought it was only fair to at least offer to explain why I was so forward, and perhaps we could get to know a bit about one another.”

“That’s a long speech,” I laughed, “but I am glad you took the opportunity as otherwise I would just have gone home and thought of you for days.”

“Oh,” she smiled “so transport planners are human? I am so glad. I love my job, you know, but sometimes these guys are so pompous. And a lot of them aren’t much older than I am, and to find someone older, like you, sharing my sense of mischief, well that just made that meeting buzz along nicely”

“Karen, I can understand all that, but don’t you have someone in your life that you can unwind with out of hours? Why pick on someone at a meeting to spice up your life?”

“Well, I guess I don’t want any commitments just yet. And I could see from your ring that you are married, I presume? So I thought you might be good company, but not get all serious and spoil things.”

“Sounds logical,” I said “and I am married and the good news for you is that my wife is away from home at the moment looking after her sick father. So I am very much my own company at the moment and I am sure you would be good company.”

She laughed, and as we had reached the warehouse apartments, she let us in and we moved to the lift. We got a lift to ourselves, but as the building was only four storeys high there was only time for Karen to take my arm, and as the lift doors opened we walked arm in arm to her apartment door. She unlocked the door and led me into her loft apartment. To my surprise it was at the end corner and her main room had a large corner full height window, with a glass door leading out on to a small balcony. She didn’t put the lights on, but took me across to the window, opened the glass door, and we stepped out onto the balcony. The view, although in one sense well known to me from ground level, was nevertheless stunning. Across from us was my office, all quarter of a mile long and three storeys high, floodlit and with the office lights shining through the windows. Turning slightly towards the harbour there was the Ocean Terminal, again floodlit, but this time in a range of pastel shades, and alongside a couple of cruise liners, fully decked out in lights and looking rather magical. We still had out coats on against the cool of the evening, but the romance of the view had only one conclusion, and we turned towards one another, our eyes locking, and I bent to kiss her. She turned her face up to me, and our lips met, coolly at first, just testing one another, but then our lips pursing more, exerting more pressure, then the softness of our lips on one another easing them apart, and my tongue running round her lips, first just outside, then inside, feeling the soft inner flesh of her mouth, and in turn her tongue seeking out mine, and pushing it back so she could run her tongue around my inner lips. We were almost still standing apart, but as our kiss grew more passionate, I took her in my arms, and she put her hands behind my head, and as I pulled her yielding body close to mine she pulled my head down firmly against hers, our mouths locked in what seemed like a timeless moment. I remember thinking we were in plain view of the office, albeit on an unlit balcony, and not caring.

After what seemed like an age but which was probably only a minute or so, we broke the kiss, and with our arms round one another went back into the warmth of her room. She took my coat and the jacket of my suit, and took off her black jacket. Then she offered me a drink and we settled on white wine. I followed her into the kitchen area while she opened the wine and got some nibbles. Watching her standing and moving about, she was every bit as attractive as I had thought sitting across from her at the meeting. I don’t know if she had done anything to her blouse, but one arm was now completely off her shoulder, the bra strap fully exposed, and her neckline was loose showing the top of her bra cup again on one side. She certainly had a good figure, her shapely bosom firmly pressing against the front of her blouse, and yet the blouse tucked into a very slender waistline of her skirt, the skirt itself pencil thin to below her knees.

She was not insensitive to my admiring looks, and as she picked up the wine and nibbles, just mouthed one word, her eyes creased in a mischievous grin.


We sat side by side on a sofa, dim wall-lights casting shadows round the room, and that stunning view again out of the balcony windows. For about an hour we talked, opening up about our backgrounds, lives and our jobs. We sipped the wine and devoured the nibbles. Then when our glasses were empty and the food was gone, she took the debris through to the kitchen area, put on some soft romantic music, and pressed a button which brought curtains across her windows. We were now cocooned in our own little world, and she came back and sat close to me on the sofa.

She kneeled beside me on the sofa and put her arms round my neck before moving in for another kiss. As our lips met, I put both my hands at the back of her head to pull her into me, and then, as our tongues parried, I stroked down onto the back of her neck and towards her shoulders. I quickly realised that somewhere along the line she had undone the clasp that held the blouse together at the back, and beneath it there were a couple of buttons. These too were already undone. I didn’t need to be a genius to draw my own conclusions. I slowly ran my hands down her back, feeling her bra strap and fastening as I went, but stroking her spine with my fingers and with my palm and thumbs playing across the flesh of her back through the cotton blouse. I soon reached her waist, and gently eased the blouse out from the top of her skirt.

Not to be outdone, as we kissed long and hard, she undid my tie and removed it before unbuttoning my shirt. I then felt the exquisite pleasure of her cool long fingers spreading the front of my shirt open, feeling the top of my chest and tenderly stroking my nipples on either side. By this time I was able to lift her blouse and I drew it up till we broke our kiss, and she raised her arms above her head to let me lift the blouse up and over her head. With one hand I held the blouse round her raised wrists, and she laughed as I put my other hand on the back of her neck and drew her mouth again to mine. I then dropped my hand round to the front of her neck and slipped it down into the cleavage at the centre of her lacy picture bra. She drew breath as I firstly stroked the exposed flesh at the upper rise of her breasts, and then lightly tickled my thumb over the cotton where it covered each nipple. She murmured her arousal as we continued to deep kiss, and I ran my hand then over her flat smooth tummy. I then relented and pulled her blouse free of her upraised wrists and she immediately brought them down and quickly pulled my shirt off me. Before I could do anything else, she reached behind her back and unfastened her bra, and in that delightfully coy way women have using both hands dropped the cups away from her breasts and threw the bra away on the floor. In one quick move she then shifted from her kneeling position and turned herself to lie across my lap, body up, and breasts now fully exposed, stretched her arms again above her head so that what I could now admire as a perfect pair of firm well developed breasts with gorgeous large dark nipples were themselves stretched and openly inviting my caresses. She just lay smiling and purring like the cat that licked the cream as I started to caress her breasts one by one, teasing around the nipples, and drawing them gently out to full, and judging by her response, sensitive erection. I played with her breasts for a few minutes and stroked her flat belly and the sides of her ribcage and up into her shaven armpits.

She then pulled herself up again, and lifted me up so we stood, and face to face kissed again, our naked upper bodies now pressed to one another. I could feel the soft fullness of her breasts against my chest, her nipples poking into me, and as she ever so gently moved her body, the nipples brushing through my chest hair and against my now erect nipples. I stroked her naked back and shoulders, and felt her press her belly against mine and wriggle so she could clearly feel my not inconsiderable erection. She obviously decided the time had come to move on, as she quickly undid my belt and unzipped my fly before pushing my trousers and briefs down in one swift movement, her hands stroking my buttocks as she did so. She broke the kiss and looked up at me, smiling mischievously again, and I sought the fastening of her skirt and undid it, pushing the skirt down across her shapely buttocks in turn. We broke apart, me to remove my shoes and socks and get my trousers and briefs right off and her to step out of her shoes and skirt and slip her tights down and off her long slender legs. She then wore just a neat thong, and looking me straight in the eye, she peeled that down and off so we were both now naked.

She was magnificent. Her body was tight and trim, long slender legs, a flat belly above shaven pudenda, her sex lips puffy with arousal and moist, a neat little waist, then a rib cage rising to those delightful full firm breasts with their engorged nipples. She smiled at my appraisal, but her eyes were also appraising themselves, and I trusted that she was well pleased with what she saw.

I took the initiative now, and turned her round to sit back on the sofa, while I dropped to a kneeling position in front of her. She leaned back against the cushion as I parted her thighs and raised her ankles to drape them over my shoulders. I stroked her thighs then ran my hands up her sides to her breasts again as my mouth and lips homed in on her moist open sex lips. I planted a kiss on the lips curling open round her unfurling cunt, and followed through with my tongue probing those lips and seeking the moist juices within. Then as my fingers again teased out and stimulated her nipples, I ran my tongue up to the hood protecting her clit, and with the very point of my tongue parted the hood and sought out the nubbin of her clit itself. As I struck home, she shuddered and sighed, and I very gently licked round the clit and the surrounding flesh before moving back down to her cunt lips. But before she had almost registered my move, I lifted her thighs on my shoulders and went on to pass the tip of my tongue over the puckered flesh at the mouth of her anus. She really jerked at that and only by having a good hold on her did I avoid being knocked forward by her body. I made my tongue curled and rigid and probed her anal opening before stroking back up to her cunt. I repeated the rigid tongue probe on her cunt and penetrated the soft inner folds for a few moments. He was really aroused now and her juices were flowing freely. She tasted sweet and creamy, and I continued my ministrations as her breathing grew deeper and her sighing louder, and after a minute or two her whole body went rigid and she started to scream and shudder as her honeypot now gushed and spasmed in a powerful orgasm. I let her down gently and she pulled my head towards her and reached forward to kiss me and lick her own juices off my face.

Then she laughed and said those magic words

“Your turn”

and stood up from the sofa to push me down in a sitting position, and knelt in front of me with my legs now apart. With her eyes never leaving mine, she leaned forward, hands on my knees pushing them further apart, and let her tongue start at the very base of my balls. I am very sensitive there and the sensation supercharged and reinforced my erection, as the tip of her tongue moved up on to my balls and she started to lick round and about them. She certainly knew what she was doing and I was aware of pre-cum oozing from the slit at the tip of my cock. I lay back and enjoyed her expertise, her lips now playing round my balls, encircling one at a time, her tongue still poking through to lick and give that added sensation. Then, mischief still in her eyes, her tongue lapped right up my stem, and she sucked in my pre-cum before wrapping her lips round my helmet. Her tongue probed my slit as her lips exerted a velvet suction on my cock, and she slowly moved on to devour my length within her mouth. I could feel the inside of her cheeks against my cock, and the feeling was great as she proceeded to give me a first class blow-job.

But she wasn’t going to let me have the satisfaction of creaming down her throat. She judged well my state of arousal, and as I was beginning to mount the myriad of pre-orgasmic build-up, she withdrew and with a wicked smile, said

“I’m not going to waste that this time, nice as it would be to swallow it all. No, I just have to feel you inside me, you gorgeous man!”

And with that she stood up and moved her pelvis forward till it was poised over my erect and throbbing cock. She braced herself with her hands on my shoulders and I reached out to grasp her hips and steady her as she positioned herself. Then again looking me straight in the eye with a wistful grin on her freckled face, she slowly lowered herself and between us we hit the bullseye. Her open and dripping cunt sat down straight over my helmet, and she slowly took me into her, just a bit at first before moving up slightly then a bit more, then up again, and she settled into a rhythm of taking me a bit deeper each time before the velvet grip of her vaginal muscles caressed the length of my cock almost to the tip, then sat back down again. The feeling in my cock and balls was exquisite. Every nerve ending was singing, and my balls were tight and full. As I held her hips and she glided up and down, I started to raise myself off the sofa to meet her rhythm, and she gasped with pleasure, realising that she was not totally in control of the sensations in her body. I then moved my hands from her hips up the sides of her ribcage, and over onto her full breasts, softly squeezing, and rotating her firm mounded aureola and engorged nipples, dark with the blood flowing in them, and by the way she bit her lips and tossed her head with its gorgeous mane of hair, I knew I was having an effect on her. She increased her tempo of frictioning her cunt on my erect cock, and she leant forward towards me now, and pulled my head towards her breasts. I took my hands off her breasts and she pulled my face against them. I wrapped my lips round the peak of one breasts, and sucked deeply on her nipple, laving its tip with my tongue, and nibbling with my teeth. I shifted from one breast to the other as she increased her fucking of me again, and this time I drew her nipple out with my teeth without any preliminaries. She wriggled as both my hands still held her breasts, one funnelling her nipple into my mouth, the other rolling her nipple in the saliva left on it by my sucking and making sure her breasts were the centre of my sensual attention. We were still pounding together down below and as well as bouncing up and down she was pressing forward to rub her fully exposed clit against my stem on each stroke. It was only a matter of moments and I felt my orgasm gathering and my cum rising as she started to shudder, her breathing coming in short bursts now, and together we hit orgasm, she screaming and flailing around , her hands now on her head pushing her hair off her face as her head rolled back and fro, her pussy now pouring with her orgasmic juices, and my cock pouring jet after jet of cum up into her cunt, only for it to join her juices and pour back out of her. After a minute or two (or so it seemed), our climaxes subsided and she collapsed against me and kissed me passionately on the lips, her teeth nibbling my lower lip, her lips sucking voraciously at mine. We lay in one another’s arms, then gradually moved apart and she got some tissues to mop up the evidence of our copious coupling.

Still naked she got us more drinks, soft this time to replace the fluids we had so enjoyingly expended, before throwing on a wrap and heading for the kitchen to cook us a more substantial meal. It was difficult to think that only hours before I had not even met her.


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Moms Laptop Part 9

Toby stood at my laptop again, naked except for a t-shirt, masturbating. His shorts and underwear were on the floor. This wasn’t the first time and it wouldn’t be the last in these stuck-at-home COVID days. He’d pushed my chair out of the way and positioned himself to the left of my computer. He’d moved everything out of the direct path his cock was pointing to. Toby watched a video and I moved next to him to see what it was.His cock had appeared to soften slightly when I walked into my...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Ruby Reign Fucks To Beat The Heat

The summer heat is making Ruby Reign hot and horny. The beautiful hottie in pink bikini tries to cool herself down by bathing in water. When that doesn’t work, she goes to see Jimmy Bud. The handsome lad is quick to understand the assignment. He hurriedly leads Ruby to the bedroom and starts worshipping her body. Jimmy passionately eats out Ruby’s pussy before letting her give his cock a blowjob. Ruby’s feelings of happiness and lust are obvious on her face as she enjoys...

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AllGirlMassage Sophia Leone Brooke Haze Sore After Practice

Two peppy eighteen-year-old girls in cheerleader uniforms return home from practice and flop down on the couch – they’re exhausted! They’ve been trying to get their squad into shape to compete at Sectionals this year, but they’re nowhere near ready. As the girls gossip about how the practice went, they remark that they don’t think they’ve ever felt so sore in their life! They could both really go for a massage. Sophia Leone makes a joke that Brooke should...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 5 Jill TrimbleChapter 3

Bobby got up from his nap two hours later, when a gaggle of girls stampeded past his room, one of them thumping into his door. He put on the same shorts and T shirt he’d worn when his mother had awakened him, and left the room, to see what was expected of him. There was cooking going on in the kitchen. A big pot of corn on the cob was boiling, and Prudence was frying chicken, while Mirriam got a ham ready to put in the oven. “Smells good already,” said Bobby. “Good, you’re here,” said...

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A Weekend Away With Christina The Finale

Jim and I rode the elevator in silence, contemplating the sight that would welcome us when we entered their unit.  The sounds that were emanating from the bedroom pulled us in like dogs to a can-opener.  I was obscenely close behind Jim as he headed for the bedroom.  So close, that when he stopped to take in the spectacle, I bumped right into him.I mumbled, "Sorry," as I attempted to move around him, but he paid me no mind.  As I moved around him, I saw Christina on her back, nude.  Her legs...

Group Sex
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The Rape of Maya Chapter Three

Introduction: Mistress Ms Slave Training, of Maya as a sex slave! The Rape of Maya Chapter Three Mistress Ms Slave Training, of Maya as a sex slave! All three of these women are now in separate chambers and hanging upside down by their ankles,.. This has left them totally naked and helplessly swinging slowly back and forth! The next part will be getting them trained and ready. This is done by first letting them know who their boss is and who is in charge! Mistress M just loves to hang new...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Chanel Grey Bella Rolland Tall Babes Bella And Chanel Fucking

Bella Rolland is normally always used to be the tallest babe in the room but Chanel Grey is giving her someone to look eye to eye with. These hotties can not wait to get naked and see just how many times they can make each other cum while pleasing you too! The girls wear green lingerie to compliment each other but we all agree that Bella looks much more sexy once she gets in between Chanels sexy legs! Bella hits all the right spots making Chanel shake uncontrollably cumming just the way Bella...

1 year ago
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Can You See Me NowChapter 7

Riley got up early and made tea instead of coffee. She spent two hours on a drawing, pausing only to fix Curtis breakfast, and get him started on the PBS educational shows he liked in the morning, and which would give her another hour of uninterrupted work time before she needed to be a mother again. She waited intentionally to check her email, because she was too anxious about hearing from Bob. She'd thought his repeated calls, on his days off, had been cute. Now she was worried that she...

2 years ago
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Mischivious Mami

Hi dosto mera naam ratan hai main nagapur ka rahnewala hu. mian 22 saal ka hu ye mere pehele kahani haiye mere aur mere maami ke kahani hai .main ek sadha ladka hu 3rd year engg mein pad raha hu.chalo ab main mere mami ke bare mein bata du apko. main mere mami se unke shadi ke bad kabhi nahi mila tha after completing my 3rd year 1st sem i was having a holiay of nearly one month.my parents were forceing me to go to our relatives place so then i finally dicided to go to our relatives place near...

3 years ago
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Exploring Ranjini ma8217am

Hi, it’s me Arun again, with yet another experience. Your comments have made me bare all my secrets. Thank you all for the good ratings that you people gave me for my earlier postings. That is an inspiration for me to come up with another one. First, let me introduce you to the heroine of this experience. My teacher, mrs. Ranjini chellaiah she was not a regular teacher, she was the principals pa,a nd would come in to teach when some teacher was on leave, she knew me as a kid and into i pu....

1 year ago
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Claires Awakening 5 Mr Williams

Dave Williams lived alone. He was 46 and looked good for his age. 6”2, dark brown eyes with long curly lashes and almost black hair – short and tousled. His wife Helen had left him a year ago for his best friend John. The split had left him devastated and he hadn’t left the house much since. His days were now spent surfing the internet for porn. Sweet virgin teenage pussy. It was a growing obsession, spurred by his neighbour’s daughter Claire. Sandra and Pete had always been good friends of...

3 years ago
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Newly Submissive

After getting all dressed she sat down and started her laptop. Her boyfriend new that she loved reading sex stories online and they happened to get her all soaking wet so he made it a rule that she read them for 30 minutes every morning and 30 minutes every night. As Kasey waited for it to load she went and grabbed her vibrator, already excited as she passed the rules on the wall. This whole power exchange between her boyfriend and her turned her on greatly. She loved how strict he was with her...

2 years ago
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Storms of Passion

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This story has been submitted as part of the RAINY DAY STORY CHALLENGE set on the Author Hangout Discussion Forum. All criteria and build up can be viewed through this link: RAINY DAY STORY CHALLENGE THREAD * * * * * The lightning cracked across the darkening sky as the maelstrom approached. The smell of rain filled the evening air and drifted across our senses. Sitting on the hood of the car, Kim and I watched the storm get closer. With each boom, Kim’s brown eyes widened....

2 years ago
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Katies Begining Saturday

The feeling of her nipple being stroked was a different way to be woken up she decided but once she had identified who was doing she relaxed. Pity she thought as a more erotic scenario flashed through her mind. But even if it was only Katie it was a nice way to be woken up. I t may have been even better had Katie actually been awake but it soon became apparent that she was asleep and the stroking of a nipple a dream or just a comfort thing. Either the way the reaction was predictable and...

4 years ago
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Smash the patriarchy

Smash the Patriarchy: I recall the day my oldest daughter Gillian came home with a mug that her friend had bought her which said "Smash the Patriarchy!" on it. This was the first time that I felt my authority as head of my household challenged. I was, after all, the father of two girls and we lived in a modest four bedroom detached house just outside Birmingham. I was used to being obeyed. I told Gillian and Natalie that when they went to school I expected them to wear their...

4 years ago
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AssassinChapter 13

"Oh my god! Look!" Rosalee hadn't expected the array of dicks even if she had known it was a nude area. I guess she must have imagined everyone stood waist-deep in the water. "Roger doesn't seem to have any competition," observed Hailey quietly. "They all seem so small." "Be fair ladies, they haven't had you around them to make them harder. If they did you might be surprised." "I won't know where to look," complained Rosalee. "I'd suggest you behave like you'd like them...

1 year ago
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Incest is Truly Best

Jack and Sharon were always close. When in their teen years, they explored sex, but never went all the way, but 30 some years later, fate put them back together and finally made love Incest is truly Best I’m Jack, 52, 5’ 10, 175 lbs, brown hair, in good shape. I am divorced so many years now, over 20, that I can hardly remember why I even got married to the ex. She was a control freak and very obsessive. It lasted a mere 3 years. No kids, so it was an easy split. I have a small, 3 bedroom home,...

4 years ago
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VACATION Beautiful, Friday and work was over, I just had to drive home, a 20 mile commute. I usually enjoyed the drive, and as I drive I often fantasize about being a sissy; oh some of those daydreams are so good, creating a never ending story. It was hot, and I drove our old car, brutal even with all the windows down; but my wife Kellie deserved the car with air conditioning. Anyway, the intense heat turned me on somehow. I unconsciously began to daydream, thinking back to the...

1 year ago
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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 39 Battle for Karsakini Part 4

Amy appeared on the bridge deck, and quickly reacted to the damage. Activating the tractor beams, she reached out and latched onto the crew. Only two were sucked out, as internal forcefields she had installed snapped on and covered the openings. Activating her communications system, she issued her orders. "This is Amy, I need medical teams to the main bridge we have casualties." Walking around the room, she checked each crewmember and finally knelt by her sister-wife. "Tammy, please...

2 years ago
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Dead by Daylight Explicit Fanfic The Nurses Calling

I sighed deeply as night after night I found myself here, trudging through the darkness, the moonlight illuminating my way forward. There were others like me, sometimes we would help each other sometimes not, either way it didn’t matter to me. I’d learned all I needed from this place and escaping from here had become nothing more than a simple chore. Still, I guess in not really knowing what else to do; it was time to get to work. x x x x x x In this perpetual night time she sat glancing...

1 year ago
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Healing Cousin George 6

Transformation Debbie spent the next hour or so working on my face, hair and nails. I protested a bit when she suggested cutting my hair into a more female style. "I only met Amanda yesterday, she will notice the difference," I said. "Don't be silly Alex, women change their hair styles all the time, so you had a trip to the hairdressers so what," she said giggling as she spoke. "Eh I suppose so," I mumbled, so my hair was restyled. "There, done," she said as she shaped finished...

2 years ago
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A Maggot in My Mind Ch 05

This is chapter 5 of the story and before reading this you should read the previous chapters. The chapters are not self-contained but part of the same developing story. I apologise for how long this is taking me to put it all together but a good story like good sex is best when it is prolonged. Chapter 5: The morning is such a rush. Never enough time, everything squeezed into a precise routine, a well-rehearsed schedule through which we rush with no time wasted in thought. Sara and Tom’s...

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Lesbianism in Modern Literature 5

The smell of coffee brewing and bacon cooking awoke Sam. She opened her eyes and stretched. A feeling of great euphoria rushed over her and she smiled. All of her upbringing told her that what had happened last night was wrong. However, every other part told her it was so right. It was like she had an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. They were arguing right and wrong. But, she couldn't tell which position the angel or the devil was taking.Sam got out of bed and put her robe on...

1 year ago
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Becoming Femme

BecomingFemme! Fuck, you betas really want me to cover this? Alright, I’m not going to like it, but I know you cock-loving, ball-cupping bastards need help finding the best porn sites too. I’m not talking about straight-up gay porn of two dudes fucking each other in the ass. This is like a step between. It’s feminized trans sluts with dicks and tits getting fucked, sucking dick, and everything else in between. Sexuality and gender are a spectrum, and blah, blah, blah. Whatever you use to...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
3 years ago
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The Desert Sendoff

Lina could only focus on two things as she finished the last leg of her run: the cold beer in the trunk of her car, and the solar shower she'd set up hours before. It had been a long few days hiking, climbing, and camping. Her friends had left earlier in the day and she couldn't wait to unwind and take in the desert one final night on her own.Finally she reached the car, kicked off her shoes, grabbed a cold beer and her towel and head over to the shower. She had found the perfect spot, a...

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Met Pami On Facebook In Hyderabad

Hi all, once again thank you for all your responses and appreciation, today I’m narrating my other session with a lady whom I meet online. Gorgeous lady’s, housewives, aunties and girls can reach me to my mail id() for self-satisfaction and unsatisfied lady’s and girls can meet me for pleasure and sex any time, this should be between us only. My name is Vishwash from Hyderabad. I’m 5.6 height, I’m from decent background, graduate and working in an it firm. This sex story is about me and a...

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Daddy and Jenna 4

Doug awoke in the middle of the night amid a tangle of arms and legs, desperately needing to relieve himself. His memory of the previous evening quickly cleared as he remembered three naked teenagers and himself pleasuring each other, fucking his daughter, Jenna, and her friend Maria, though Courtney seemed anxious about fully participating with the rest of the group. Doug carefully moved a leg here, an arm there, so as not to awaken the girls, until he was able to extricate himself from the...

2 years ago
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Unexpectedly Filled

I didn’t cope very well when I started university. During freshers’ week, when everyone was making friends, I stayed in my dorm room. Compared to the posh voices of the rich kids, my Brummie accent sounded low-class to me. Naturally slim, I lost weight that first month so that my legs were like sticks and my breasts the size of dumplings.One night, Kate, the girl whose dorm was next to mine, obviously felt sorry for me and invited me to a house party. I plucked up the courage and decided to go....

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My Brothers Bestfriend Chapter 2

Friday came faster than expected though. i made sure i took a nice bath so i could be fresh and clean when i saw him. i put on tight revealing leggings that showed off my big ass and a tank top to flatter my tiny waist. i finally heard the doorbell ring and i raced downstairs to answer the door. it was him. i opened the door and he smirked looking me up and down slowly. "hey" i said finally. i threw my arms around him. he slidhis hands down from my waist and gently squeezed my butt. i...

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The Road to Norwich Ch 1

Authors Note: In order to protect this story from unnecessary slander, I have decided to put in this quick note. This story includes a character that manages to breastfeed a child without ever having given birth herself. Apparently, there is a common misconception that this is impossible. Although that may be true for some women, it does not apply to all women. If there are any doubts, please see related education materials provided by the leaders in breastfeeding: La Leche League....

4 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 30

Saturday morning was laid back; no early appointments. My entire security group had an extended breakfast and discussed the events of the day. Vicky and I were going to sign the contracts with Premier Cordeiro at noon in the palace in front of the cameras. Melinda and Hanna had front row spots in the media section. At four we had an appointment with the royal hairdresser, then we were dressing. The rest of the time we were spending in either the motel or at the US embassy that was not far...

3 years ago
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You Bet Your Ass Gay

There's nothing worse than two divorced guys sitting around watching television on a Saturday night. Lamar lost everything when his wife took everything he owned. All he had left after he got home from work that day was the car and the clothes he had on his back. I wasn't much better off. The only difference seemed to be in the bills that were left behind. In this department, I was the ultimate loser. Still I managed to get a tiny apartment behind an old house on the outskirts of town. When I...

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The soft flow of her hair had gradually disappeared as the mist turned to soft rain, and yet she was relentless in the pursuit of her goal. As the drops grew heavier, flowing in rivulets down the back of her neck under the collar of her blouse, she never wavered. The same slow movement, almost mechanical in nature, continued. Her hair, now seeming even darker, shriveled into tangled strands, allowing even more rain to flow down onto her face and shoulders, soaking her blouse and even her pants...

Oral Sex
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The first encounter

He called her one last time as she was packing. "Don't forget all your lingerie," he instructed. "Yes Sir," I replied. "What are you wearing on your way to me?" he asked. "The shortest skirt I can find, no bra or panties and my tightest revealing top."  "Good girl." "Thank you Master." "Now call me when you are on the train." "Yes Sir," she answered with a smile. She could feel her nipples growing hard and her pussy wet with anticipation of what will happen when she arrived. She called him when...

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The Crystal RainbowChapter 14 Homecoming

Helen opened her mouth to begin her confession, but a knock on the compartment's sliding door interrupted her. Before anyone could respond to the rap, the door slid open and a tall, rather effeminate man with a thin, black mustache stuck his head through the opening. "Next stop, Paris! Ten minutes!" He announced succinctly and without another word or waiting for a response, he withdrew and slid the door closed with a soft thud. "Damn it! I guess the fates wish to draw this out for as...

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Dont Be Too Familiar VIII

DON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR VIII Jessica ran to the bathroom and threw up. Rinsing her mouth and gargling, she did her best to rid herself of her failed attempt at punishing her disrespectful minion. Stubs followed her into the room, concerned for her. Brushing her teeth and repeatedly spitting, she just wished everything could be normal again. Standing with both hands grasping the sink, wearing clothes that were adulating unseen by anyone but the wearer, she gathers her strength....

1 year ago
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My Innocent Mother

100% fiction! My father is a alcoholic and once he started to drink he will drink for days. My mom is a simple lady. I’m the eldest and I have 2 sisters and the youngest is my brother. My mom really gone through difficult time bringing us up. I didn’t continued my studies to the higher level because I wanted to help my mom with the finance. So I started to work in a factory. After her secondary school level, my sister started to work and help and 1 year later she got married. The other sister...

3 years ago
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The TarotChapter 4

That night and the following, Angilee tried to interest Terry in physical intimacy. He had been given two nights off and Angilee, feeling a bit guilty for even entertaining the thought of infidelity was determined to recapture the affections of her husband. The first night, after the kids were put to bed, she dressed provocatively, sat on the couch next to Terry as he watched TV and made advances. His only response was to smile and offer his arm around her shoulder. She tried again but it was...

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Her Journey Begins

It was after their third date that she succumbed to her desires and let him takeher to bed. He proved to be a vigorous, imaginative, and considerate lover.Their first night together they made love for hours and only stopped when thesun's first rays lit up the bedroom. After that night, they had sex every timethey met, sometimes they would just meet for a quick tumble. They made lovepretty much anywhere, at first it was only in the different rooms of the house.But then they started having sex in...

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