Note: Please be advised that this chapter has been modified from the original version. Also, I can not promise I will keep doing twice the work to get these chapters posted here.
by Bistander
Chapter 7
Summer Lawn Job
The birds...
My wife's interest in sex had long since waned. Blame our many kids she's tending to or my own overactive libido; the result was the same: morning shower masturbation. Let's face it, that particular activity only goes so far and it wasn't long before I took to the internet to find oral gratification. Unfortunately, my ads only had men reply. Thank you very much, but I'm very comfortable in my manhood and wasn't interested in having a guy suck me. But after a couple of months, I had to...
Suite à certaines critiques que j'ai reçu, j'aimerais vous prévenir au sujet de deux ou trois trucs:
-Cette histoire n'est PAS réaliste, et ne se veut absolument PAS réaliste.
-Oui, il y a plein d'invraisemblance: les femmes ont des seins démesurés, plusieurs d'entre elles sont dotées d'immenses pénis, leur soif de sperme est du jamais vu dans la "vraie vie", des pénétrations ou des maniements de seins décrits ici comme agréables seraient extrêmement douloureux dans la "vraie...
Anil saw Neena standing naked, close to me, after I stripped her completely. He got up, slowly removed his kurta, came forward, held her hands and caressed them affectionately. He closely scrutinized her body from top to toe. He wanted to have the feel of the entire body of the woman he had craved; for the past several months. He moved a little and took her in his arms. Not knowing exactly how to react, she simply let Anil’s arms envelope her. They were in a face to face, body to body embrace....
The Kingdom Of The Blind
Another attempt at entertaining you with my depressing and disjointed ramblings.
This one should not have as many grammatical error or spelling mistakes as The
Oracle of New Delphi and for those of you who found that distracting I apologise, but
typing until the sun rises causes some errors (So does leaving the proof reading to MS
Word spellchecker but that is another matter).
The Oracle was my first attempt at a story since I left school fifteen years ago...
The Girls of Club Cache: Starr Obsession [Part 3]
By Diana Heche
Part 3: A Drug
When I woke up I was tired and dehydrated that was not a new
feeling for me. I had spent the past few months under the knife
transforming myself into the woman that I wanted to be. As soon
as the doctor cleared me to go back into surgery, I did so again.
Since I had the money to wave, they often rushed the process a
little more quickly than they normally would.
I sat up...
The Warning Label
By Ricky
This warning may be hazardous to your health and sanity.
It's canning season, and the kitchen is filled with several
bushels of tomatoes in various stages of processing, from
whole in bags through juice in buckets to glop on the
floor. Just to be sure, I read the instructions on the
canning jars, and found that, in an attempt to protect
itself from lawsuits and to please some anonymous
department regulating our safety, the list of...
Title: Femme Your Hubby FAQ #5
Author: A. K. Remenko
Preface to FAQ #5
Some email has been received about feminization issues relating
to minors. Please be advised that such issues are NOT a part of
this discussion. ANY email received containing ANY content
relating to minors will not be reproduced or answered. The
author is confident that readers will understand why this policy
is necessary.
To the...
PAYMENT DUE (part 1)
Never one to pass up a good bargain on an old book, Kyle found himself
stopped in front of the antique bookstore he had discovered one day as
he rode into work on his motorcycle. His love for reading had blossomed
early in his life, thanks to a difficult home environment, and had given
him a much needed outlet for his frustrations and a secure sanctuary
from the troubles he experienced growing up. Despite spending hours
each night between the...
Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 7
By: Malissa Madison
With the departure of my sister and her command group I began to feel as
if I needed to know more about the things I hadn't ever considered
before. Like the parallel universes like Earta Prime. I knew that
Calista was from one, called the Kaidran Quadrant. Her husband while
being a Cheetah Furry was a Kaidran rather than a Terrellian like those
in this Universe. So I began looking into those, then I realized that
"Priscilla, we are ready for our tea," his wife Abagail said,
intentionally using a plummy voice.
Paul took a steadying breath. He couldn't believe this was actually
happening. It had been one thing to have the fantasy. To imagine
himself as a perfect maid, serving his wife and one of her friends while
he was in full uniform. His face made up conservatively but femininely.
No hair anywhere on his body. But it was something else again to
actually be...
My wife's interest in sex had long since waned. Blame our many k**s she's tending to or my own overactive libido; the result was the same: morning shower masturbation. Let's face it, that particular activity only goes so far and it wasn't long before I took to the internet to find oral gratification. Unfortunately, my ads only had men reply. Thank you very much, but I'm very comfortable in my manhood and wasn't interested in having a guy suck me. But after a couple of months, I had to admit...
April 11, 1988, Chicago, Illinois
Jessica, Kara, and I were standing outside the ER early on Monday morning.
“Ready to go back to work after your vacation?” I asked.
“Yes! I feel so much more relaxed and refreshed. Of course, by tomorrow morning that will likely change.”
“Just keep your eye on the end of May, Babe.”
“June 10th - when I finish my last Board exam!”
“Have a good day!” I said.
“You, too! Are you going right to work?”
“Yes. Mine has been backing up, unlike yours!”
September 11, 1988, Chicago, Illinois
I walked home slowly, trying to figure out what was going on with Jolene. The problem was that Hope kept popping back into my mind and I couldn’t banish the thoughts. I tried hard, because the last thing I needed was a relationship with a fourteen-year-old. My real concern had to be with Jolene, and whatever the problem was. I tried to piece together the small bits of evidence that I had.
She’d been upset about not being promoted and hadn’t been able to...
August 1982, Talladega, Alabama
Stephie knocked on the door of my room at 4:00am. I decided I had enough time to take my run, so I did that, then showered and ate breakfast. I finished just as Red knocked on the door. We said goodbye to Stephie’s mom and dad and went out to the car. We took the T-tops off, put the beer cooler in the back and Stephie got in the back seat and Red in the front and we drove to Emily’s place. She was waiting on her porch and ran out to the car. Red got out, let...
"This is a sad and sorry tale indeed. I must remember to treat women more kindly in future else risk suffering the same fate perhaps," said Gabrain, "I'm glad I persuaded you to allow me to visit Cruachan one last time before we left the Earth. I promised Mayla and Shaygan they would one day see the beauty of Dalriada and they fell in love with it.
"It also allowed me to leave my letter close to the hydroelectric station where it would be found and delivered to my family. Leaving...
Kyle terminates the call and, still using Skype, he calls his mother’s cell phone. “Charlotte,” she answers.
“It’s your favorite son again. We’re about fifteen minutes from you. Where do you want to meet?”
“If we can have twenty minutes I’d like to pick up some additional things at Target. Can you meet us at their front entrance?”
“Sure. Look for a black Suburban with a Prospectors tag on the front, but you won’t recognize the driver.”
“You can explain about that later. Did Dennis catch...
Present – Jens – In the tunnels
Hammer dragged a person into the room, Linus just finished one of his terrible jokes (thanks Daddy!), and I declare, "I'm not sure which was worse the drugged water or the joke. Now Hammer what makes you think this man isn't a Marine?"
Hammer answers, "Th' dobber gart up some tossel an' bull story abit hoo he'd saved th' General. He was braggin' tae aw th' other men."
Daddy looked at him and swore, "Like hell he did! I've never seen this man in...
Present – Jens – Traveling back to the cabin
We ... Well, I stole the taxi, the taxi company disabled it and locked the doors (damn 'roadside assistance' that is really just another way to spy on you). I had just shot out my side window and Yasmeen shoots out her side window at the worst possible time - just as a sheriff deputy drives up. The bullet goes through the side window of the taxi and through the side window of the deputy's car.
He flies out of his car, crouches behind it and...
Present – Jens, Ben and others – The trip
The twins no sooner finish talking with Alexi when Gretchen says, “Jens, Liz wants to talk to you.”
I ask Liz, “How are you feeling mother-to-be?”
Liz frantically replies, “Jens I’m ... I’m ... I’m going a little crazy because Bernie has our wedding setup for three days from now.”
I congratulate her, “Liz, that’s great news, I’m impressed that Bernie did everything himself.”
Liz confesses, “Well, he did hire a wedding planner but there’s a huge...
Almost there! After this, there's only one more to go! Remember, if you
hate the wait, I've got it free up on and you
can see the first half of my next story Slut High up on ! Enjoy!
Warning, this chapter includes the second person, topless waitresses,
ironic reveals, resets, rollbacks, coffee, anger, justice, mercy,
vengeance, truth, confrontations, further hard decisions, mysterious
benefactors, opportunities, and a bright light shining...
Authors Note: With this, I am trying a little experiment in
the land of horror in order to see if I can take my fiction
into another realm for me. I have ended up with something
that does bear a passing resemblance to 'The Bequest', but
it is a very different story in substance and feel.
This is a nasty piece (in places) so, if you are a gentle
soul, I suggest you find something else to read - it is not
for you and I would rather loose you now rather than upset
you later and have to...
This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer
touch than many others. There is sugar and spice and everything sissy-
nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy milk-sop behavior and a
little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for
looking anyway.
It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended
to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present.
This chapter is rated X, as there is sexual...
Arron Murphy could not believe how fortunate he was to be accepted to
that university. The one that was near the beach that had the perfect
lagoon for racing rowing sculls. This was the same university that was
known for the number of buxom beauties that seemed to exist in all the
sororities, and worked the shops and cafes and bars in the nearby mall.
There was the smell of fall in the air, brick and granite buildings.
University lawns idyllic to the inlet that lead to the lagoon ...
May 1986
Sandra dropped Archie off outside his townhouse. They both watched the
curtain twitch as the car pulled up.
"Do you think she knows about us?" Sandra asked, biting a fingernail.
"I doubt it. She thinks I'm a womaniser but wouldn't waste my time on
my partner, too many loose lips etcetera. Thinks I play around on her
as means of getting my own back." Archie stuffed the case files in his
"But you are a womaniser Archie, everybody knows it," Sandra...
What happened to Mary Part 1Author’s Note: This is a story of what happens after the ending of Cindy’s lessons. I have received several questions of what had happened to Mary from ?My daughter becomes my Mistress? so I have written this story. It has some areas that would be considered too gentle but they are necessary for the story. It would be helpful for you to read the FINAL chapter of ?My Daughter Becomes My Mistress? in order to understand about Sarah’s past.
All the stories...
Behind the escaping ship, with six men rowing frantically, the waters of the Strait were calming, but blood still showed, where Scylla, the six-headed monster had carried away three men.Ulysses cursed himself for his own carelessness. He had been warned by sorceress Circe, to steer a careful course through the Strait. “Too near the right bank and the whirlpool of Charybdis will take you, ship, and all, she’s a hungry one. But the opposite bank hides Scylla of the six heads, disturb her and she...
How do you use online dating if you’re a kinky woman? That was the question that I was asking myself. I suppose that it didn’t matter if you had no objection to the world at large knowing you were a really kinky tart but that was not the case. I am by profession a librarian; I work at a respected academic institution who would not appreciate my taste in clothing when I want sex to become known publicly, and for that matter neither would I.The thing is you see that during the day I wear what you...
Thursday, April 5, 2007 (Continued)
I pointed upward to let the choppers know, then ascended myself. By now the sky was pretty crowded, with 24 helicopters (15 news, 3 private, 2 police, 2 Air Force, 2 Army), 6 private planes and 6 Air Force fighters. The armed forces were keeping their distance, either from military caution about getting too close to a possible enemy, or because the news choppers had 'elbowed' them aside in their desire to get close to me.
I stopped at 3,000 feet ASL,...
[NOTE: I though it wise to put this story in one place for ease of
reading, especially when it's set in the same setting as my upcoming
This version contains additional editing to grammar/spelling, prose and
Fervour of the Past
by Tegeli
PART I: Corset
The old tramp freighter wheezed from the relief of completing the long
voyage over turbulent seas. I was more than glad to get off. While I
splurged my last funds on a private cabin, it had...
My Husband, My Daughter.By Betty Noone"Paul, I wish you could be a little happier," JoAnn his wife of two yearssaid to him."I have been out of work for over three months now, and it seems that no-one wants to hire me." Paul replied.JoAnn Crawford was thirty years old. Six years older than her husband.He was in real estate sales, but the recession caused lay-offs, and itseems no-one is hiring. He tried to get a job in other fields but in atight job market, the employers were looking for...
My Husband, My Daughter.
By Betty Noone
"Paul, I wish you could be a little happier," JoAnn his wife of two years
said to him.
"I have been out of work for over three months now, and it seems that no-
one wants to hire me." Paul replied.
JoAnn Crawford was thirty years old. Six years older than her husband.
He was in real estate sales, but the recession caused lay-offs, and it
seems no-one is hiring. He tried to get a job in other fields but in a
tight job market, the employers...
The Big Teasing I arrive home to find my slave waiting for me asI had ordered her to in the email I sent earlier. She was blindfolded and nakedexcept for the high-heeled sandals that were a bit too small. She had alsoplaced the cuffs on her wrists and ankles as directed. As I had demanded, shehad diligently secured her nipples in the tight nooses that graced the endsof a foot long piece of 5/50 cord that I often use for this purpose. Wisely,she had complied with my directions to tie the...
Wyoming Ute Trucking IGT, Shyhorse
By: Malissa Madison
Sitting at the wheel of Shadow Lover, Shyhorse Lightfeather was waiting
for his Uncle Jake to arrive. The rest of the family had already left but
Shyhorse had volunteered to stay behind and wait for his uncle whom no
one could reach before they left.
The truck stop at Alamogordo, was fifty seven miles south of the Transit
Portal. That was what Shadow Lover had called it.
Jake had called from Hobbs on his cell phone, he...
“Be careful, Honey. Your Sister can walk in at any moment. You promised to keep our secret from her and your Dad,” his Mom cautions.
“I know, Mom, but I can’t keep my hands off of you. I want to kiss and lick every delicious inch of your sexy body.”
“And I would love for you to do just that, Honey, but not while your Sister is around.” Mom reaches behind her back and squeezes his hard cock. “As soon as your Sister leaves for school I want some more this big fella!”
Logan pours himself and...
Less sex more plot than the last ones, just some near the end, the calm before the storm :0 (M/f, nc, inter, rape, humil, bdsm)
Secondly this is an adult story, if you are younger than eighteen DO NOT READ!!!
If you liked it drop me an email [email protected] if not, fuck off.
Chapter 4 : One Chance
Kailya felt herself relax for the first time in a week, after the exhausting oral rapes it felt good not to have black cocks thrust in her face.
She took a deep breath and...
It was a beautiful late spring day on the coast as Karith and her father strolled along the beach enjoying a rare day off from the confines and heat of the forge. Galt, Karith's father, was the village blacksmith as well as the area's swordsmith and could usually be found hammering out a piece of glowing metal in the oppressive heat from the smithy's forge. This day however he was enjoying a well earned afternoon off with his daughter on a picnic at the beach. Karith was walking along the...
"We'll reach the largest city in the country, New York, New York, in another two days. Since it was the home of seven million, with millions more surrounding the city, we're curious how many still reside there. The large numbers should mean there are a lot of survivors. However, we don't know how many abandoned the city, nor whether the numbers resulted in fighting over resources. What's more, with no information on the state of the city, we don't know the best route into the...
Only, it was no ordinary dream. He found himself back in that familiar Philadelphia park. It was once again a bright, warm, sunshiny day, only there wasn’t another soul there, no outside noises, no traffic sounds or jet contrails. Phil was instantly on guard.
Glancing up into the heavens, he opened his arms.
“Hello? Anyone there?”
“Good evening, Phil,” came an answer, quiet as a whisper but seemingly coming from everywhere at once.
“Okay, for someone in the midst of their own dark ages,...
The Alien Within or Holy Crap, There's An Alien In My Bed!
Part Two
(c) 2002 By Lorraine B.
All Rights Reserved
Chapter twenty-four:
We as a family withdrew from the waters, all was well or at
least I had hoped so. Gordon placed an arm around me as I
held our baby walking. The arboretum was almost empty when
we arrived to the shore. We looked into each other's eyes
there was the sign of contentment there in Gordon's. I knew
that my eyes had the same signs. I was happy with...
Things moved very quickly for the new couple once Janet broke down
William's defenses. That night at William's house was an epiphany for
William and Janet. Once Janet experienced William in female form, she
could not get enough of him - or her?
Janet took the alpha role in the relationship and William was grateful
to be free from making those difficult decisions. He was incapable of
moving ahead without Janet's encouragement and reassurance. Realizing
that she may have found what she...
Duty Honor Country Family- Part Twenty One
By Danielle J
Thank you to Puddin for all her help preparing this story chapter for
As Ripley's immediate superior, Grant Williamson was the first Swan
Song committee member to be notified of Charles McBride's desire to
see Hiromi. The Deputy Director went to wake Robert Mueller and tell
him the news. "McBride says he wants to come to see his wife tomorrow
morning. He is asking to be picked up at his mother's home at...
Sunday morning, Caroline was there with Catherine when Muriel and Dale came down to breakfast. After greetings, they ate and chatted. When Dale needed to study, Caroline said "That's fine. I want to talk to Muriel for a while."
"This is not an official consultation, Muriel, and you won't be charged for it. Care to tell me what happened in bed last night?" Caroline started right in when the two women were alone.
Muriel hesitated at first, but assured that strict confidentiality...
The next day after school, Sarah drove herself and Jess to a fast food place where they sat and talked. This time, Jess was far from speechless.
"Sarah, I don't need to go through what you did. I don't care if I'm not like Cinderella. I don't care if I don't date a lot of different guys. Remember, you caught more grief than I did just because you look so young."
"Yeah, you've never had that problem," Sarah acknowledged. "OK, Jess, what do you want to happen? What do you want to...
Karen and I knew from the beginning that we were meant for each other because we are both sex fanatics and willing to experience anything that sounded like fun. On the day of our seventh wedding anniversary, we were in San Diego attending a convention. We had elected to stay at a motel near the airport rather than the Convention Center Hotel. We wanted total privacy away from the other conventioneers; away from people, we knew. Karen and I...
Copyright 2018
The flight back to LA was uneventful.
We flew to Reno dropping off Roger Johnson, to coordinate things between the Pinetree and local law enforcement. From there, we flew back to LA.
Jill reminded me that we had dinner plans with John’s Mother, Jennifer. I had John call his Mother for me.
“Hey Mom! Guess where I’m calling you from.... Nope……Nope, wrong again…. I’m calling you from Mr. Greene’s private jet. Mr. Greene would like to talk with you...
The days began to blend together and Missy and I established a workable and comfortable routine. She really was enjoyable company, not at all like the horror stories I had heard from others who had done similar work. In fact, it got to where we were almost like a married couple, we could anticipate what the other one was thinking or wanting without being told. I was thinking that if this was what witness protection was like, I would like to do more of it! For me, it was the closest thing to a...
Party Switch
By Diana Kimberly Heche
Part I: The Plan
Halloween approached and Jamie and I looked forward to it with growing
anticipation. It was by far one of the funnest nights of our year as well as
being potentially important to our future. Every year, a couple in the city
threw a huge Halloween bash filled with the who's who of the town. Jamie
had gone to school with the wife's personal secretary and called in a favor to
finagle our way onto the list several years...
My thanks to Monica Rose for proofreading and helpful suggestions.
This is a work of adult fiction so that's a caution that covers
everything. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected.
More than 30 years ago, in the mid-eighties, I bought half of a semi-
detached house in a neighborhood of Portland while the other half was
bought by a young woman named Dahlia after her divorce. She had a
seven month-old daughter name Laura. I moved in with...
Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie.
Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces
ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu,
mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir
quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant.
- Ecoutez, jeune ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux
aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...
Abilene, Kansas - 9:18 p.m.
Shelley Hanel had just gotten into her car, which was sitting idle in
the Parking Lot of the theatre as she watched the stage play, and she
had only begun to fish around in her pocket for her car keys when she
suddenly remembered the time.
She was eighteen minutes past the time when she usually called her
husband. She kept in touch with him at least once, if not more than
once, a week.
Lawrence Hanel had made a surprise visit a couple of...
What I Want
What I WantBy Darqside The first time I met her, she was leaving the same hallway
door I was about to enter, we were both on our own way to or from class in
college, but that single moment that I met her changed everything. I wanted her. From that single encounter I recalled with exact clarity her
height, the blonde tufts of curls in her hair, her deep blue eyes, long
eyelashes, and pink lips. She was wearing a blouse with black dress pants, perhaps for
a presentation or...
The search for Invader ships took the Personalia to many stars in and around the local stellar cloud. Visiting each of these stars was a chore in itself, despite the use of the Personalia's FTL (Faster Than Light) subspace drive. The stars themselves were not the target; but the planets, asteroids and other bodies circling these stars were the main interest, for several distinct reasons.
The first, and most apposite reason was the Invaders' "reason d'etre", their elected justification for...
Brian woke up with Heather beside him and looked over to see it was half past seven. He snuck out of bed and grabbed a quick shower before dressing in jeans and a golf shirt and heading downstairs. His mother wasn't up yet so he got everything ready to make some breakfast for a few people if they got good news at eight. The coffee pot was put on and bacon was thawed and bread put in the toaster while he got out the frying pan and the eggs for frying.
Brian went up back and woke up Heather,...
I was expecting Bill to arrive early the next morning, so I left the door ajar. When I heard a knock on my hotel room door, I called out, “Come on in, Bill.”
Bill walked into my room with an attractive woman by his side, and she seemed a little uneasy. Bill said, “Doug, this is my wife Susan. Sue, this is Doug.”
Sue offered her hand to me and said, “It’s nice to meet you, Doug. Yesterday, Matt and Bill told me about you and since you are going house hunting today, Matt thought that a...
December 3, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio
The funny thing about temptation was that it only attacked our weaknesses. If we were strong, there was no real temptation. I had worked in the hardware store and the Quick Mart and I’d had plenty of opportunity to take money or items, but I’d never even considered it. There were fairly easy ways to cheat on homework and tests, but I’d never even given a moment’s thought to them beyond recognizing they existed. And I could go on and on about the things...
An attractive woman in her late forties, Nirmala R. looks lot younger. When I complimented her about this, she blushed happily and looked fondly at her son, Ravi, as she reached out to touch him. “It’s all thanks to my boy. He was not shy about letting me know how he felt about me ... and he’s still the same. Even after two fantastic years ... I still feel like a teenager in love for the first time,” she said, smiling and blushing again.Although I could not see it, I sensed that she was holding...
by Geneva
Amid the destruction of a society by an Ottoman invasion, a young man is
changed by a gypsy's spell. In a web of confusion, trickery, and mistrust
she struggles to find herself and her path.
This story is the third in a sequence ,"A Spell of Freedom", and "She of
the Book", which will lead eventually to "Turkish Delight".
It was the lowest ebb of my degradation. I felt, below my bare feet, the
warm wood of the auction block, no doubt worn smooth by the...
The lights were on, the stage was set, the audience mulled into the
auditorium, murmuring and laughing, talking about what they expected to
see tonight. The Sain School for the Technically Gifted was one hell of
a place after all. It provided special resources to people with special
talents, promoting the young and brilliant to the forefronts of
scientific and technical advancement. The audience was composed of
friends and family members of the student's who would be showing off
Mary looked at Jordan who stood staring at the approaching judge and
her daughter and all she could do was shake her head in wonder. Of all
the times... she turned to Frances. "See if you and Robbie can do
something about him. I'll say hi to the judge."
Frances laughed. "Ok."
"Hi," Mary smiled through her mask and waved as she approached the
guests. "I hope you didn't have a hard time finding us."
The judge shook her head. "Not at all. The GPS on my phone brought us
straight to...
Good manners
The Danish public last told patience with the youth drinking, having sex and
destroying property. So new and tuff laws are passed in the government and this
is the story about a young man being put through the system. (13-09-2006: This is part one only. Work is in
progress.) Good manners 1. In
court As the
final of the three youngsters stood before the judge in the courtroom they all
joked loudly. The whole trail had been influenced by their disturbing...
It was going to be another glorious spring day that had a cold front
with thunderstorms coming sometime late in the day. Dylan had slept in,
he told everyone that he felt fine, and worked with Oscar and Charles,
once he was up. The plan was to have dinner at 5PM and chase everyone
out by 7PM. Dylan was made aware that Delta, Bethany, and Charles would
be attending with Delta and Charles being a couple and friends of
Charles and Oscar made the final run for the food...
I was given a horse by King Tynis, as a reward for my part in the events of Warmuth Bridge, a warhorse. Tarn was his name, and he was a fine, fine beast. It did not take my master long to find a way for me to put him to use.
"It is time for the North Ward at Starhill to be restored," my master told me one day. "You will ride to Starhill"
"Yes master."
"Take the Hadof with you for your studies." I nodded. The Hadof works dealt with the runes of the southeastern islands, and in...
Logan and Beauty stared at each other. They stood within arm’s reach, but the distance felt much greater. The truth about her lust enhancing venom stood between them; a chasm he was uncertain how to navigate around.“Alright, Beauty. I did my part. Now go and do yours.”She nodded, but there was something in her body language that did not indicate confidence in the task she was about to attempt. That did not reassure him. Doubt was an emotion Logan had never seen on the demon’s face before...
Seeing the twin horse-driven polished box-like carriage heading up the main drive, Jack Wetherly knew exactly what it contained. His heart gave a heave, knowing that this was his new challenge, arriving with two long-coated men sitting upfront. Excitedly, he called to Alf, his boss and mentor.Alf came hobbling out of the stable. Jack couldn’t help thinking how much slower on his feet the older man had become. He was due to retire soon and that was why Jack had been appointed. But this new...
“I am NOT gay, I like girls. I really, really like girls. I am NOT A SISSY.”He was panicked, frightened and close to tears. His voice dropped to a whisper. “I’m not… a sissy… I just might have a strange fetish.”That fascinating disclosure emanated from my then eighteen-year-old nephew, David, while he was standing in front of me in the middle of my own bedroom.~ ~ ~I am the Chief Executive Officer of a financial company located on the umpteenth floor, high up in one of those tall buildings in...
The next morning, Mack awoke as he usually did—with a hard-on. He stroked his cock and thought about his mom and the events of the night before. He was unsure of what his mom's reaction would be. For all he knew she would be angry; he may have turned her off completely, so that their relationship would never be the same. He wondered for a moment if she would maybe even report him and what he had attempted to do. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized that his mom's reaction and...
Special Needs.
Players (in order of appearance): Rose Marian Carter; Tracy
Tillerman; Beth Goodman; Mark Sanford; Lucy Davis as Ms. Pennywort;
Susan Day; Trent Baker; Helen Anderson.
Synopses: Special Needs has an odd connotation without context, and
of late a politically correct term for accommodating the handicapped.
Mark wasn't handicapped when he filled out that form although not too
long after he did that form he wished he was. At least then he'd have
a reason for...
This is only my second story. Had the idea for this in my head for a
while but needed to work out the kinks (no pun intended). As much as I
loathe seeing "part one of nineteen" of stories here, I think this might
have the potential to be a series. Interested in your thoughts and
feedback. As always, please be firm, but gentle. Kisses.
The Vamp-Ire Diaries
This was easily just as good as everybody said it was, thought Taylor as
the buxom young co-ed with pinup girl looks gave him...
Every circle of friends has its feuds. Bring enough people together and
some will rub each other the wrong way. That's just how it goes.
With my crew the biggest rivalry is between me and my technically-friend
Marco. We've known each other since we were little, and were buddies for
years, but by middle school we started moving in different directions.
By the end of high school we were cool toward each other, and by the
time we got back from college our relationship had blossomed into...
"Extend," Miss Fullerton advises. "Really stretch your leg out, see how
it feels." I comply, extending my leg to its fullest as my foot stretches
downward, supporting my entire weight on the tips of my toes. Nicole,
Harriet, Megan, Priya and Suriya all giggle as they watch me switch to my
other foot, eventually standing en pointe on both feet in the brand-new
shiny satin shoes.
"These still feel a little loose around my heel," I say, earning groans
from my friends- not to mention the...
The Ghost of St. Jude
Saint Jude Thaddeus: The patron of Hope in troubled times
"Welcome Mr. Leeds!" Karolyn Karson rushed over to shake her visitor's
hand and give him a polite kiss on the cheek.
Nicholas Leeds was a valuable investor in Karson's Kove. His monetary
input had paid for much of the drugs and training which forced their
captured men into the ladyboys they were forced to become. In most cases,
he, his men, and his guests were the first ones to experience the...
I first met James when his family moved into the area, and he and his twin sister Sally joined the fifth-year class at the Secondary School. We did not hit it off straight away but slowly got to know each other through work projects at school and then began hanging out together at break times. We both liked hill walking and exploring the countryside and soon started spending weekends together pursuing these interests. A bonus was that our friendship brought the families together. Our mums...
I learned to recognise the thorough and primitive duality of man; Robert Louis Stevenson – The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr HydePicture the scene.Hotel suite–clean, well-appointed. Tasteful décor too–it’s beige, but you know, classy beige. Black hardwood furniture. Crisp white linen on the bed and tastefully patterned bedspreads, a complimentary shade…Alright, fuck this. Interior design’s not why we’re here. It’s a nice place, enough said. Now what else?Temperature comfortable–A/C managing...
Los Angeles, California. February 2009.
"People think it's tough to play a bipolar nympho, but I just played myself!"
Several years ago, I said that in an award acceptance speech. There are those who still think I was kidding today. It was the truth, however. It wasn't a joke. I really am a bipolar sex maniac. Those who know appreciate it, for the most part.
I need to introduce myself, don't I? The name's Isla Fisher. Occupation: actress, comedian, all around spreader of good humor....
"Spring in Chicago--hah!" Kalliste Periakes gratefully held the cup of cocoa in her hands. "It was so cold in the stands I thought my fingers and toes would fall off." She was standing in the front room of the Woman's Co-op still bundled up from the cold of Wrigley Field. She was a slight woman with long cascading dark hair and a thin face dominated by large eyes.
"I don't know why you went to that dumb game." Cheryl poured herself a cup of coca. Outside the old storefront people were...
Betsy and Judy were waiting when Jasmine, Vicki, Traci, Gilian, Dara and Ellyn, joined them in the clinic's consulting room on Dóchas. Betsy and Judy had just finished giving each a hug when Máiréad and Ciar arrived.
"Ladies," said Betsy, "we are a little concerned about doing this consultation as a group, even though you requested it. The issues each of you face are significant, and your choice will affect the rest of your life. For those reasons, we want your choices to be yours, with...
Lamar Williams looked up from his desk as his office door squeaked open. The opaque glass hid the silhouette figure until he entered. It was Andrew Reilly and he sighed thinking that the boy was back to plead his case.
“Coach, can I talk to you?” he asked shutting the door before walking toward him.
“If it’s about pitching I said I’d have to think about it.”
“No, it’s not that this time, but I’d really like for you to consider me. My dad says I could be picked up by a scout and get a...
"If someone had told me, following my rescue," I declared, "that one day, I'd be going back to China of my own free will ... I'd have said they were batshit crazy." I was wolfing down an Italian sub, complete with ham, capicola, pepperoni, Genoa salami, and a generous helping of provolone cheese, all doused with vinegar and olive oil. So much for eating right, but I was hungry, and I knew it would likely be quite a while before I had access to this brand of cuisine.
Odalys, picking her...
Breakdown in Negotiations
Mike pulled his shirt on in front of the bathroom mirror, Naia watching him from the tub. He could see the look of concern on her face, knew that the question was coming, and he had no idea how to dodge it.
“Are you okay?”
He let out a sigh. “No.”
“Tell me.”
He didn’t want to. He never wanted to talk about it with anybody. Yet, when he turned to face her directly, he remembered that she was the other part of his soul. She completed him in a way he couldn’t quite...
The following day, after their Intro to Ed class ended, Prof Martins asked her to speak to him.
“So, Miss Denison, I hear from your Merritt High School observing class teacher that you are disrupting his class, and then I hear from Principal Leeds that we have to send more students like you; you stopped a rape from happening. Whatever am I to make of this?”
“Sir, that the damned Program is all eff-ed up, you’ll excuse me. In the biology class, that damned teacher was trying to have the boys...
The preparations for the trip to Beletara soon became all-consuming, once the excitement of the Thanksgiving feast had died away. In addition, I had to give Master Jo an hour a day. I felt like I was starting over in my training with him. Every old thing became new when wrapped in the philosophy and knowledge of the Master.
I was also taking his instruction in the Bow, along with everyone else. Somewhere at the far end of the training, the Way of the Staff and the Art of the Bow would meet...
Heads turned and conversations everywhere trailed off into silence when Yelena Markov walked into the Exchange, but she was used to that by now. She wasn’t exactly sure when it had started happening, maybe it was after word had gotten around about what she’d pulled off at the Guggenheim, or the day after CNN had broken the story about the Gardner Museum theft. She remembered the day she noticed, though. The first day that she realized that the best thieves in the world (because to even know...
A warning to readers.
This story features the themes of sexual slavery, bestiality, among with others that are not always liked by many individuals. If these are not things you wish to read about leave now so your not offended by the above mentioned contents of this story do not continue reading. Farther more don't fill up the comments section with ones like *bestiality sucks" or " your sick" and so on.
Also absolutely no character engaging in any sexual act is to be...
I had recently moved into a quiet suburban neighbourhood on the west end of Ottawa from a rather rural and rustic military based community in Ontario. I had never lived in or near a city in my life so I was wondering how life would be in the “big city” as opposed to a small village of 15,000 (most of whom were either in the military or part of a military family).
As my family and I settled in, I reported to my new unit and began the oh-so-familiar routine of learning new procedures and...
In the distant past, in the time of the old world, our people once dreamed of flying among the stars; and then made it happen. They had conquered and reshaped the old world; building great cities here and on the eternal moon far above us in the evening skies. Nothing seemed impossible for them; and the discovery of the star-gate propelled them to a thousand worlds with a thousand different cultures.
This time of exploration and discovery brought great knowledge and wisdom to the old world;...
Julie Simmons nodded appreciatively as the house came into view. She turned to Victor Manners, who had slowed the car. "This looks rather special," she observed, and the older man's wrinkled face regarded her with a kindly smile."I thought you'd appreciate marketing a more up-grade property," he told her. Julie had been overjoyed to be appointed junior partner of this well-established estate agency just three months ago, after several years with other smaller outfits.Up until then, life...
Ray and Simmone were a married couple who I knew from my local pub in south east London a good few years ago and, like me they were both in their middle thirties. Ray was a big, big guy - not overweight but definitely a heavyweight; very tall, broad, altogether imposing but not altogether bright. Could have been a doorstop for an aircraft hanger. Simmone was a sex goddess! Not what I would call a classical beauty but she was a mesmerising work of art and her ability to spin heads was unlimited....
Chapter 1: Reuniting I faintly remember coming to this house thirty something years ago for play dates when I was allowed and then a few times with my mother to visit during the holidays and different occasions, but I never realized her family called this side entrance the “back” door. Karen did say over the phone to come to the back door near the driveway. And she was right about the front door having too much snow in front of it. She must struggle to handle such a hefty house all alone, never...
This is my first complete novella. Please commentThe Right Side of Forty: The Story of a Midlife ReawakeningBy Lindsay CascoChapter 1: ReunitingI faintly remember coming to this house thirty something years ago for play dates when I was allowed and then a few times with my mother to visit during the holidays and different occasions, but I never realized her family called this side entrance the “back” door. Karen did say over the phone to come to the back door near the driveway. And she was...
Hello all, my name is Harry and I am a 26-year-old Indian man living and working in West London. Part of the reason I want to share my experience with you is to raise awareness of places like these and encourage all to use them.
Before I talk about my experience I will freely admit that I have always been quite curious about touching and playing with erect cocks. I think the curiosity stems from gym locker rooms where men freely walk around naked.
It was about midday and I was travelling...
Jennifer had been becoming accustomed to life in the cellars and, whilst it was frequently arduous and often painful, it no longer held the dread that she had first held it in. It was, as Rachel had said, a very safe environment, even cosy in some bizarre way. You felt cocooned in the cellars, protected in some way and whilst many of the experiences were difficult to understand there was at least the comfort in knowing that they were not incomprehensible and that they were not random but...
By: Deane Christopher
Copyrighted: 1999
Note to prospective reader: I think of myself not as a writer or an author, but
as a surrealistic wordsmith, pioneering the literary art form of Out-based
Free-prose. Therefore, in the following composition, any and all adherence
to the rules governing the proper use of the English Language are purely
coincidental. The reader will find the sentence structure has a marked...
Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale
of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed
the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional
female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would
have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come
into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized,
five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to
explore how an avowed heterosexual...
My Halloween Suit
By Teddie S
With Halloween just around the corner, what happen a few
years ago comes to mind. My wife works in a gift shop and
they do things up big for all the holidays. But, the week
before Halloween all the employees dress in costume for that
A little background, before I go further. I've been a
crossdresser for as long as I can remember, and I'm now 35.
My wife has known about it since before we were married.
She had the usual questions, are you gay,...
The Red Prom Dress
By Stats
It was my destiny. I have been living full time as a girl
for twenty months. I just finished my second year of
college. To my complete surprise I achieved an A average. I
am sitting on my bed with my legs folded in front of my
breasts. My arms are on top of my knees and my mouth is
resting on my arms. My hair falls loosely around my feet.
My beautiful peach colored toenails are nestled in the
waves of my hair are like pearls. I move so my forehead...
Majors Monroe and Jackson walked through the hallways of Leavenworth
Federal Penitentiary arguing.
Major Monroe was barely controlling his anger and growled, "I think this
is a very bad idea. Picking Private Summers for this duty is at best
ludicrous and is at worst a travesty of justice. You do know why he was
put behind bars?"
"Of course. He beat a Second Lieutenant nearly to death after the same
Second Lieutenant attempted to rape one of his friends. If Private Summers