Erfinder indian porn

1 year ago
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E Ein erotischer Erfinder

Hallo! Mein Name ist Bernd, ich bin ein 48-jähriger Erfinder. In den letzten Jahren hatte ich so einige Ideen wie den unsichtbaren Regenmantel, den Kinderwagen mit Fernseher und Radio oder den sprachgesteuerten Vibrator. Heute jedoch stehe ich kurz vor dem Durchbruch! Was ich erfunden habe ist wirklich eine Innovation - und aus meiner Sicht super sexy...

1 year ago
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Ein Fall f r FICK

FICK ist ein Akronym und steht für die Protagonisten Frank, Ingo, Corinna und Klaus. Als Fick-Bande lösen die vier 18-jährigen Jugendlichen Kriminalfälle. Unterstützt werden sie dabei von Corinnas Vater, dem Kriminalkommissar Emil Klackner, und Ingos Vater, dem Erfinder Herr Volker Zweistein. Hauptcharaktere: Frank Kasten Frank ist Anführer der FICK-Bande, und heißt eigentlich Frank Kasten. Er wohnt im Internat mit Klaus in einem Zimmer, das den Namen „Führerbunker“ trägt. Frank ist...

2 years ago
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Willkommen in der Sexworld

Helle Blitze reißen Andreas aus seinen tiefen Schlaf. In seinen Zimmer schießen aus alle Ecken blaue Blitze. Panisch duckt er sich, aber als in dennoch einige Blitze berühren, merkt er das diese keine Schmerzen verursachen. Als er sich wieder gefasst hat rennt er nur in Boxershorts gekleidet aus seinen Zimmer um nach den Rest seiner Familie zu schauen. Andreas ist 24 Jahre alt, aber lebt noch bei seinen Eltern im großen Einfamilienhaus in der Vorstadt. Das Pendeln zur Uni geht im zwar so...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Der iBod

For the english version go here! Das ist die Geschichte von Walter, einem 48-jährigen Erfinder. Vor kurzem hat er etwas erfunden, was sein Leben für immer verändern wird! Und zwar den iBod, ein iPod-ähnliches Gerät mit Verwandlungsoption. Damit kann man Materie scannen und sich in eine gespeicherte Form verwandeln. Alternativ kann man auch Bild- oder Videodateien für die Verwandlung benutzen, nur wird dann die Verwandlung ungenauer. Jetzt ist es an der...

3 years ago
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Der Bodymorpher

Du bist Walter, 46-jähriger Erfinder. Vor kurzem hast du etwas erfunden, und zwar den Bodymorpher, ein iPod-ähnliches Gerät mit Verwandlungsoption. Damit kann man Materie scannen und sich in eine gespeicherte Form verwandeln. Die ersten Tests mit leblosen Objekten und der Hauskatze waren bereits erfolgreich. Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, das Teil am Menschen zu testen!

2 years ago
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Studienergebnisse eines Mannes im K rper hei er Girls

Das ist die Geschichte von Walter, einem 48-jährigen Erfinder. Vor kurzem hat er etwas erfunden, was sein Leben für immer verändern wird! Und zwar den iBod, ein Gerät, mit dem man sich beliebig verwandeln kann. Walter hat damit natürlich nichts blöderes zu tun, als sich in heiße junge Fotzen zu verwandeln und das Ganze auch noch wissenschaftlich zu dokumentieren. Das sind seine(?) Abenteuer ;)

3 years ago
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Doppel Anal Geht es Es geht

Die Frage stellt sich mir nicht mehr. Ich darf allen Lesern mitteilen. Es funktioniert garantiert. Dabei ist es nicht eine Frage von Ort oder Zeit, nein höchstens eine Frage der Stellung. Da ich ein BBW Liebhaber bin, was soll ich nur machen ich liebe dicke echte Titten und dicke echt fette Ärsche, in deren Hautfalten man Titten, Bauch und Gesäßfalten ficken kann, ist die Durchführung des Vorhabens „lass uns zwei Schwänze in einen Arsch stecken“ viel einfacher. Allen schlankere Frauen zur...

3 years ago
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Headset Part 1 of 2

Headset -- Teil 1 von Michael Binary Frauen sind wie Versicherungen, immer wollen sie Geld, und wenn man dann mal berechtigte Ansprueche stellt, verhalten sie sich so, als wuessten sie nicht, wovon man denn ueberhaupt rede. --- Michael Binary (Mai 2002) "Ich liebe die Frauen." Achtung: Die hier niedergeschriebene Erzaehlung beschreibt sexuelle Vorgaenge. Wenn Ihnen das nicht behagt, dann sollten Sie sofort mit dem Lesen dieser Geschichte aufhoeren. Ausserdem muessen sie...

2 years ago
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Die Forschungsreise

Die Forschungsreise (Katrin *2013/ 2014) Teil 1 Einleitung Die Schule war vorbei und ich hatte mal wieder Semesterferien. Mein Studium besch?ftigte sich mit den Mythen und Sagen der verschollenen Mysterien, die sich um die Mayas rankten. Das hatte mich schon immer fasziniert und aus diesem Grunde, hatte ich an einem verregneten Sommertag einen Termin in der B?cherei unserer Hochschule. Die blonde Bibliothekarin kannte mich inzwischen als B?cherwurm und begr??te mich, wie immer, wenn ic...

3 years ago
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Die Sammlerin The Collector

Die Sammlerin (Teil 1 - 4)===============================================by Alphatier, © 2014/2015"Mein Ziel ist es, den Besuchern die wunderbare Komplexität des menschlichen und tierischen Körpers lebensnah aufzuzeigen. Hierbei soll das Plastinat auch an die eigene Sterblichkeit erinnern, indem es gleichsam augenzwinkernd zu den Betrachtern spricht: Ich war, wie Du bist: lebendig Du wirst sein, wie ich bin: tot Jedoch kannst Du auch sein, was ich bin: ein Plastinat."- Gunther von Hagens...

2 years ago
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SkatabendIch habe mir 4 meiner Meister zu einem sadistischem Skatabend eingeladen. Wir haben solche Abende bereits haeufiger gehabt, und alle beteiligten kennen den ungefaehren Ablauf, sowie die Regeln, welche gelten:1.        Jeder bringt eine kleine Sauerei zu meiner Folter mit.2.        Ich habe bedingungslos zu gehorchen.3.        ich darf nicht mitspielen, bin aber Gastgeberin, Bedienung und Experimentierobjekt4.        Der Gewinner verfuegt den Rest der Nacht ueber michEs wird 8 Uhr, und...

2 years ago
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Ich w nschte es w re eine Liebesgeschichte

Ich w?nschte, es w?re eine Liebesgeschichte.Patrizia Panther Based on a true story.Wann immer Sie mich beobachten, schauen Sie hinauf. Und wann immer ich Sie beobachte, tue ich das von oben herab. Selbst wenn Sie sich hinter dem Vorhang des Lehrerzimmers im ersten Stock verstecken und auf den Schulhof hinunter schauen und sich unbeobachtet f?hlen, sehen Sie nicht wirklich auf mich herab, sondern haben ein schlechtes Gewissen, bei dem, was Sie tun. Wo immer Sie sich befinden, Sie sind irgendwie u...

3 years ago
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Der iBod Reloaded

Das ist die Geschichte eines Erfinders. Vor kurzem hat diese Person etwas erfunden, was deren Leben für immer verändern wird! Und zwar den iBod, ein iPod-ähnliches Gerät mit Verwandlungsoption. Damit kann man Materie scannen und sich in eine gespeicherte Form verwandeln. Und jetzt ist es an der Zeit, das Teil am Menschen zu testen!

3 years ago
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Die Frau im roten Kleid

Die Frau im roten Kleid erotische Intelligenz gute Gef?hle Macht&Ohnmacht Geschrieben von: Die vierte Schwester am 08. Juni 2003 23:44:54: Die Traumfigur Sie ist ca. 175 gro? und Sie hat braune Augen. Die Augenbrauen sind leicht geschwungen gezupft und geben Ihr eine freundlichen, leicht erstaunten Gesichtsausdruck. Sie hat halblanges, dunkelbraunes Haar, bis ca. 2 cm oberhalb der Schultern. Um den Hals tr?gt sie ein Amulett mit einem Pentagramm, ei...

4 years ago
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Luzufers heimt ckischer Eros

Key-words: FemDom, Oral duty, cunnilingus anilingus, dirty, golden shower, consensual bugging & sex, cheating, pregn,. Luzifers heimt?ckischer Eros Von MASOSTUD ? 2010 by Masostud Alle Rechte vorbehalten / all rights reserved.  Inhalt/ Summary: Martin k?mpft um seine Arbeitslosigkeitsunterst?tzung, denn er f?hlt sich von einer hinterlistigen Frau ruiniert, deren Rache seine Existenz vernichtet hat. Aber zuvor muss er seinen ungew?hnlichen Werdegang mit sexuellen Perversionen bekennen.VORWORT: Das ...

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Sklaven Kapitel 9

Kapitel 9Die Nacht über schlief ich wie ein Toter. Die Ereignisse des vorigen Tages hatten mich ausgelaugt und waren anstrengend genug gewesen. Trotzdem erstaunte es mich doch. Ich hätte nicht damit gerechnet. Als ich dann morgens aufwachte, ließ ich meine Augen zu. Niemand sollte sehen, dass ich bereits wach war. Ich brauchte ein wenig Zeit für mich, musste mir endlich Gedanken darüber machen, wie ich dieser Situation entkommen konnte. Noch war zumindest für mich die Sache recht glimpflich...

4 years ago
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Marias Erziehung 3 Hochmut kommt vor Strafe

Marias Erziehung: 3. Hochmut kommt vor Strafe Ich bin jetzt schon l?nger als drei Monate bei meinem Herrn - seinen Namen darf ich nicht nennen - als Dienstm?dchen t?tig, aber ich habe mich noch immer nicht an meine neue Identit?t gew?hnt. Mein Herr ist der Meinung, dass es mir hilft, wenn ich Episoden aus dem Alltag im Internet ver?ffentliche. Wenn er der Meinung ist, hei?t das nicht, dass die Meinung von mir in Frage gestellt werden k?nnte, sondern dass seine Meinung gilt! Ohne Wenn und Aber gi...

2 years ago
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Schloss Gr nwalde

Schloss Gr?nwaldeTeil 1 – Kapitel 1-13Synopse: Gr?fin Verena von Grunwald nimmt in ihrer Verzweiflung finanzielle Hilfe von Robert Geldern an und willigt gleichzeitig in die Ehe mit ihm ein. Die zwei T?chter der Gr?fin macht er sich ebenfalls Untertan. Bei der 16-j?hrigen Komtess Tabea hilft er mit einem speziellen Serum nach. Bei der 13-j?hrigen Komtess Tamara stellt er schnell fest, dass sie eine ausgepr?gte masochistische Ader hat.Kapitel 1Tabea von Grunwald griff mit zitternden Fingern zum Telefon.?...

3 years ago
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Der ehrenwerte Pastor German

Der ehrenwerte PastorDienstag Die 15-j?hrige Karola lag in der Badewanne und genoss das hei?e Wasser. Sie war mit ihren Freundinnen Eislaufen gewesen. Es gab einen kleinen See unweit des elterlichen Hauses. Etwa 250 m lang und 70 m breit war er nur. Im Sommer nutzen sie und ihre Freundinnen ihn zum Baden, im Winter zum Eislaufen.Karola ist eine wahre Augenweide. Lange schlanke Beine. Fester Po und stramme Schenkel. Und was f?r Br?ste. Mit den Ma?en 86-57-88, bei einer Gr??e von 1,65 m, ist sie schon ...

4 years ago
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Kimberly Ab dem 7ten Lebensjahr wurde sie immer von ihrem Onkel, dem Bruder der Mutter, in San Diego, Kalifornien, in sein Hotel eingeladen worden, um dort die Sommerferien zu verbringen. Wundervolle 6 Wochen lang. Ihr Onkel wohnt in der obersten Etage des Hotels. Sie war riesig. Kim war jetzt schon so oft bei ihrem Onkel zu Besuch, aber alle Zimmer hatte sie noch immer nicht gesehen. Ein Teil der Etage war auch immer ganz verschlossen. Es war mit einem elektronischen Zahlenschloss vor...

3 years ago
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Helga und Maria GERMAN

Helga und Maria Ehepaar und Tochter werden von dem sadistischen Arbeitgeber des Ehemannes und Vaters gefoltert.   Teil 1: Marias erste Sitzung. Nachdem der Brand im Studentenheim gel?scht war, wurden die ausw?rtigen Studenten in Hotels evakuiert. Die Studenten, deren Eltern in der N?he wohnten, wurden gebeten, dort solange zu wohnen, bis das Studentenheim wieder bezugsfertig war. Maria fuhr also zu dem Haus ihrer Eltern, dass nur knapp eine Stunde von der Uni entfernt im Gr?nen am Rande de...

4 years ago
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Die Erlebnisse der Gutsherrin

Meine schönsten Erlebnisse (Gutsherrin - Erlebnis 1) wieder einmal war es heute nachmittag soweit, daß ich, eine frau vonmitte 30, einer bestrafung beiwohnen durfte. Unsere 42 jährige dicke köchinhatte schon zum zweiten mal den sonntagsbraten anbraten lassen, so daß dieserweggeworfen werden musste. Damals in der schwierigen zeit im 19. Jahrhundertein hartes vergehen der untertanen. Ausserdem war marta unsere köchinin letzter zeit sehr störrisch und frech und hat sogar mal etwas gestohlen.Mein...

3 years ago
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A trip to the mall

A trip to the mall By Princess Pantyboy Author's note: I will be continuing my other stories soon but I wanted to share this little adventure that happen to me the other day. Thanks for all the sweet comments and lovely emails with words of encouragement you have been sending me. The other day my boyfriend and I are just walking in the mall like we do a lot, but this time we are looking for Christmas gifts. We are holding hands when I notice a mother and child going into Macy's....

2 years ago
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Mai Aur Meri Haseen Chaachi

Hi friends .. Mera naam viraat hai mai uttrakhand ka rehne waala hu. Meri umra 24 saal hai dikhne me ek achaa khaasa naujawaan hu. Dosto ye meri pehli aap beeti kahaani jo mai kissi site pe daal rahaa hu. Maine bhut si kahaania iss site pe padi aur mujhe lgaa ki mujhko bhi apnaa kissa yahaa share krnaa chaahiye . To dosto meri kahaani pade aur mujhko mail kr k bataaye ki story kaisi lagi aapko .Jiss aunty yaa bhaabi ko mujhse secret sex chaahiye wo bhi mail kare il.Com To dosto pesh hai meri...

4 years ago
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Sex Slave VirginsChapter 6

In the bathroom with the douche tip inserted deep into her cunt-hole, Mary realized that she was losing her grip on reality. When Nate had fucked her the first time, she'd resisted enjoyment of the act. But by the end, she'd nearly begged for it. Then Royce had stabbed her with his big prick and again her lust had finally overcome her fear. In fact, even the stiffness of the plastic nozzle made her tingle. She stood in the tub, legs spread wide as the cummy juice drained from her body. She...

3 years ago
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Reckless House Wives

They called themselves ‘reckless house wives’ – taking after the popular tv series. A group of wives, most of them working, meeting once a week for a cup of coffee and gossip. Tika was the odd person out as she was a widow. She also does not work; so is rani. The other three – kamala. Raji and vani were all professional people. So were their husbands. They had too much of money and too much of time in their hands as their kids were all grown up and left home. Tika has been widow since her...

4 years ago
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New Start Ray s StoryChapter 4

"Thank you for seeing me Dr. Austen," Ray said to the attractive brunette in her mid-thirties. "You're very welcome Mr. Averhurst. Please call me Liz," she responded. "Well then, please call me Ray." "So what is happening Ray?" Liz asked. "Well I am not usually one for talking about stuff like this, but I am worried that I may have issues with anger." He would have told Liz that it was her sparkling reputation that made him schedule the appointment with her. But it was...

4 years ago
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From the Pages of Carmyns Diary A True Story 7

July 27, 2007 2:11 pm Dear Diary, Today is the last day of camp. I’m really going to miss this place. Along with new friendships I’ve encountered some new experiences. Thank goodness I have my diary to remind me of the incredible things that have happened this summer. My last summer attending this camp. Next year it’ll be college cheer camp and dorms filled with hot girls. Oh my, I cannot wait. The last few weeks here have been splendid. Amber left camp after she found out I’d slept with her...

3 years ago
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The Perfect VisitorChapter 5

I woke with the naked girl still pressed against me. My cock was soft again. It was just delightful lying there and knowing what I was feeling was real. But I needed to hit the latrine, and based on last night, there wasn't going to be any morning delight, so I just got up and went to the bathroom. When I finished, she was still lying there, pulled into a modified fetal position. I admired her naked hip and bottom, picked up a pair of gym shorts off the dresser, and went to the kitchen to...

4 years ago
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Office tour

Hi I m Nikunj, male 26 from Mumbai. The door was half open to my professor’s office. I knew that these weren’t her normal office hours, but I took a chance that she would be their. I knocked lightly on the door and waited for a response. “Come in.” The voice was lilting and inviting. It reminded me of the daydreams that I had had in class and the images of her naked body that I had conjured in my mind. There were times when her breasts pushed just so against the material of her blouse and the...

4 years ago
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Anything to declare

My sweet Mistress Isobelle  I will try to write more mistress, as I know the direction my tale will take, but I know not how it will arrive at my final humiliation and sacrifice to the gods of pure female domination. The improvised gag filled both my throat with its taste and my nostrils with its rank stench. I could feel the cold touch of the cuffs against my wrist and ankles and I strained at the chains links in a futile attempt to somehow break them, and regain my freedom. But each...

3 years ago
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An Unplanned Overnight Stay

Chapter 2An hour later we were ready, not a sign of the horny games we’d been playing in evidence.Lorraine was wearing a gorgeous short grey dress in a stretchy, partly see through material, it had only one shoulder strap, she was wearing it over her tiny black lace thong and strapless lace push-up bra, the flesh coloured stockings complimented the colour of the dress perfectly. She’d slipped on a pair of black patent Christian Le Boutin shoes with daffodil heels. She looked amazingly...

2 years ago
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Threesome With Pooja And Her Maid

Hello, guys, this is Rocky here back with my second story. I have good a good response to my first story . This story is related to the first one so please do read the first one also if you have not read it. Guys, it’s a long story so hold your mood. Let’s jump to the story. So as you all know that I had sex with Mona before her marriage for the whole week. Now after her marriage it had been almost 8 months we had not seen each other or spoken to each other. One day suddenly I had got a text...

2 years ago
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FembotsChapter 6 Slaves of the Fembots

In spite of her air of determined confidence, Amanda was feeling very uncertain. She didn’t really have much of an idea about what to do next and while she thought herself a fairly self determined woman who liked to get her own way, she had never taken a dominant role sexually. Even so, she knew that was exactly what was going to be needed here. Perhaps, she thought, I can convince the fembots that I should take Gerry and Mike for “further training” or something similar or perhaps I can get...

3 years ago
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Building a LegacyChapter 19 Larger Visions Beyond Death and Oblivion

"So have you made any headway on your 'inter-dimensional GPS'?" Becky teased. Though the question was serious, she and the others were trying to pull Alex out of his shell. They were driving through downtown Portland and Alex had been silent for most of the trip, as he often was recently, only now he looked even more troubled. Becky and the others had left him alone to work it out, but now that he needed to deal with new followers, Becky was anxious to see what he'd discovered. "I've...

2 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 32

The courtroom the next day was exactly the same. The Crown Attorney took up where he had left off and dealt with the next set of charges against Goldbalm. "Tell us what happened when you were chased by Mr Sinclair." I had a folder in my hand with my notes and went through them point by point. The courtroom gasped as I took out Mr Sinclair's eye then his testicles and jaw. I explained how I was hurt but still got the man into the car. I mentioned his gun but he was in no condition to get...

1 year ago
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NYC Tails 6 Swinging Action

My date Natasha and I received a flyer for a swing club in the city while we were on a date last week. We have discussed it at length and I was getting excited hearing how excited she was with the possibility of trying a swing club. She suggested we try it on our new date, which was two days ago, Sunday, the day after Christmas. We decided that we would just go and check it out. If we enjoyed it we would have sex with each other, but we both agreed that we wouldn't do anything with anyone else....

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Private Lottie Magne Anime Princess

Debuting for you today is Private new girl Lottie Magne, a stunning young teen who has come to Private Specials, Cheeky Teens 2 to satisfy everyone’s anime dreams and prove her worth as a quality Private babe. Andrew Fire is the lucky guy tasked with showing this saucy redhead how we do things Private style, and you can watch all the action unfold right here on as Lottie shows off her cock sucking skills before enjoying a hot fuck that has her screaming and shaking in her...

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First cousin cleans the house

This story is total fiction.I was 24 at the time and had an accident at work where I cut my tendons in my right hand and had to have six weeks off work.One afternoon it was teeming down with rain. I sat inside bored to death so I decided to drive down to my local pub for a couple of pints.After I got home, a key entered the door. When it opened, in came my sixteen year old cousin Deborah who was soaked through. "Oh my god!" I said as she shook off a little rain. "Oh hi David, I'm soaked, the...

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A Well Lived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 5 Alliances and Conspiracies Part I

June 1981, Milford, Ohio “Stephanie!” I growled when she came out of her room for swimming. “What?” “Get in here! Now!” I said firmly. She walked into my room and I shut the door. “When did you call her, Squirt?” “Call who?” she said, trying, but failing, to act innocent. “Stephanie, what got Jennifer in trouble? What was my problem with Becky?” She visibly deflated, “Yesterday. But I had to! I had to! You were going to get engaged to Kara!” “I was NOT going to get engaged to...

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Punishment for Playtime His POV

SMACK! Her naked body writhed over my lap in pain and pleasure as I slapped myhand across her upturned ass. I wanted to punish her, shame her, but at the same time, I wanted to make her scream for more... *** If you've known my girlfriend, Jaime, for any length of time, you knowshe loves sex in any shape or form. In fact, she was laying across my knees receiving punishment for just that reason. I know, I know, you want to know why I would punish my girlfriend for loving the very thing men are...

1 year ago
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MyWifesHotFriend Nina Skye 24073

Robby walks into the bathroom to shave thinking it’s his wife in the shower, but – whoops! It’s his wife’s friend, Nina Skye, who’s staying the weekend for the high school reunion. She’s not as embarrassed about it as he is, and in fact, Nina, in a towel, puts her hand on Robby and tells him that she’s been dying to exact revenge on his wife ever since she stole her boyfriend in high school. Awkward, yes, but when Nina unfurls her towel to reveal her naked,...

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Topless At a the Beach

James and I planned to go to a nude beach but decided at the last minute to try this beach which was hard to get to thinking it would be deserted. This was a while ago and before I had become more brazen in my flashing. I'm at a stage now where I'll wear sheer tops in public without a bra or quite easily strip naked in public, but back then, I wasn't as brave. I was going to wear a tight singlet as a dress with only my thong underneath but decided against that, instead going for a loose singlet...

3 years ago
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A shorty

"You know, I wanted that once you see how a woman looks like, if you have splashed her mouth." At that moment it seemed to me a second time and I sprayed her breasts.She got up, turned around, and to the delight of all the other customers, walked right back behind the bar.

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My Wifes Submission Part 2

Three years have now passed since my wife first submitted to me. We have been married for 33 years and in a few months we shall celebrate our 34th anniversary, where I intend to push her to her new-found limits.Each morning starts with her sucking my cock until I either instruct her to cease or to continue to completion. Every time I come in her mouth she swallows all my spunk. If for any reason she has been sloppy and soiled the sheet through failing to swallow all or allowing her to drool...

4 years ago
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The Touch Ch 37

WARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British. The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. This chapter may seem to ramble even more than usual as it was originally several very short parts which have been combined into a single chapter. Chapter 37: King of the Castle Friday turned out to be pretty hectic. With both Maggie and Emma leaving for France on Sunday there was a lot that needed to be sorted out before they went. I spent...

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Dan The New Girl

Dan often felt uneasy. He would nod and smile and try to get along with the lads, but they just weren’t his scene. Not really. He always felt more comfortable around girls. Girls were smarter, more fun to go out with, and they looked so much better too. Such beautiful faces, bodies, clothes - everything about girls seemed better than boys.When he started seeing Lucy, it was more admiration than love. She had a beautifully soft, calming voice. A petite girl - flowing dark hair, pretty hourglass...

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Wife on the phone Secretary on the bone

It was barely a month ago that I discovered my husband was having an affair again. I appreciate to many women that revelation would be heart-breaking, but to me, hailing from France as I do, it wasn’t a huge deal anymore. As a young and impressionable teenager I once witnessed my own father making love to our maid one summer’s afternoon in his study (while my mother tended to the roses in their garden outside), so I tend to take these things in my stride.As it happens, it’s almost accepted in...

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Another shitty porn

I dunno what you were expecting. Just pick a porn tab already. Theres a lot that can be chosen. Obviously not yet because I just started writing it but whatever. You're still reading? Why? I told you to pick 4 sentences ago. Or if you prefer 38 words from now. And that's including numbers! Please just pick! Im begging at this point. Oh, you will? Thank you. Finally I can be free!

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The model

Being a gym instructor has its benefits but it turned out to be much more than I thought. During my college years, I had to work part time to make up for a small scholarship. The gym I worked in after class were frequented by a number of people but mostly lawyers and accountants from big firms in the office blocks around.   My job was to welcome new members and assess their fitness levels and particular exercise needs before starting them on an exercise program. The assessment part...

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Alexis Tae 500 281 000

You came here for a reason! Alexis Tae's cunt is etched into your pervy brain, and now you just follow her around the web, interested to see everything she does. Well, the good news is that Alexis has an official account on Twitter,, and even better news is that you can follow it free of charge. Twitter is a haters' paradise, but the smut gods showed some mercy to the grim platform and sent the naughty angels that not only share love but give boners to the kinky...

Twitter Porn Accounts
3 years ago
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Seduced my my Grandson rsquo s friend

I had been living alone for sometime now. I hadn’t thought about sex, to be honest, in a long time. When my Grandson and his friend started hanging out over at my house, I didn’t think anything about it. Even when his friend started to come over by himself, I didn’t mind, I enjoyed the company.Then things changed. My young Grandson’s friend spilled his drink on my and fell to his knees in front of me to clean it off. I was all at once shocked and didn’t fully grasp what was happening. I tired...

3 years ago
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The Willing Wife

It seems like it’s always work. It’s a drag. The only thing in your life worth anything is your wife, Kathleen. Not only did you manage to marry up in the looks department, but also in the life partner department. She is always there for you, urging you to do new things, encouraging you when you need it. She is the shining light in the darkness that would otherwise subsume you. You return home from work. You’re exhausted. It has just been one of those days when nobody is happy about anything....

3 years ago
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Maggie The Best Sex Ever

The announcement came over the public address system:“We regret to inform you that flight 215 from Johannesburg to Istanbul has been canceled. Passengers with confirmed reservations will be booked on the flight leaving Johannesburg at the same time tomorrow.”“Shit!” said Maggie to nobody in particular.“Damn!” The speaker was a young U.S. Marine in uniform sitting beside her in the airport lounge. “I was ordered to arrive in Afghanistan today. I'll miss my flight from Istanbul. I hope I'm not in...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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A Penny for Your Thoughts Ch 05

We had just a little over an hour before everyone arrived at the meeting that Gayleen and I had arranged. Mostly friends, people we knew who were at least minimally in a position to invest a little bit in my idea anyway. A few others, contacts that the friends knew, and who thought might also be interested in at least hearing me out. No more than twenty or so…but it was a start at least. I had of course planted a few subtle hints, suggestions going in. Carol as well as Susan would of course be...

2 years ago
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Farm Girl Soil Tests

Allan trotted along beside the tractor as Kate steered it toward the barn. He pulled the sliding door open and stood aside as she brought the tractor smoothly to rest in its accustomed place. She killed the engine, jumped down from the driver’s seat, and writhed to stretch the kinks out of her lower back. ‘We got a lot done,’ he said as he reached for her hand. She smiled tiredly, slid the barn door closed, and took his hand. They headed up the slight incline toward the house. ‘Kate?’ ...

3 years ago
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Naive Encounters

Not long ago, I was in a business training conference. Sabra, a very slim, mildly pretty brunette with a round face, big brown eyes behind big black glasses, was reclusive and shy. She showed an odd conflict of naive vs. longing that seemed out of place for a mid 30 years old woman. For some unknown reason, she was constantly drawn to me, crossed my path and finally, boldly introduced herself. Why was she clinging to me so much? I was not attracted to her at all. Our department was a...

3 years ago
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An Erotic Night With Colleague

Hi, guys, This is my first story. Let’s begin. I am Kiran(fake name) of average height and the normal looking guy, working in a corporate company. One day we had a lot of work in an office, so we had to extend our office hours till late night. There is a girl named Neha in my team who had to extend with as most of our team members were on leave. She had an issue with her work and called me to her cabin. She was there sitting in front of her system with free hair, nice curves wearing tight...

2 years ago
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Bisexual Couple 8211 Part III

After my previous two stories, I got a lot of emails. 99 % of them were fakes. I don’t know what gays get by doing that. I was so pissed of that I decided not to share any of my experience ever again. But I couldn’t stop my instinct. I got so many emails from fake couples that I thought every emails is fake. But one day I got an email from a woman. She told me she is 38 female and lives in South Extension, which happens to be only 3 kms from my house. She wanted to meet me immediately. I...

2 years ago
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A Supportive Father

Ravi was kneeling next to the bed as he gently caressed the body of the girl sleeping in front of him. The girl lay there snuggling the pillow without any awareness of her surrounding. Ravi rubbed her soft thighs, which were covered with goosebumps. The girl felt the warmth of his hand. But instead of waking up, she squeezed the pillow further close to herself. Ravi’s gaze followed the curves of her body, and his eyes eventually reached her torso. The loose spaghetti top barely covered it she...

4 years ago
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Can t Pick Your FamilyChapter 25 Mother Daughter Issues

On the evening after calling Deirdre, after spending another hour on the internet and reviewing resort hotels, Maureen sent an e-mail to her daughter with a proposed plan. She had a flight to San Francisco on the 21st and she would spend the night in an airport hotel. On Saturday the 22nd, she'd drive up north and pick up Deirdre in Eureka before heading to The Bellweather Inn which was located on the Redwood Coast. They would stay until January 2 before they would head back to Eureka....

2 years ago
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Homeowner s Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSM Chapter 22

“I made a bet that I probably shouldn’t have with Karen after her training was over,” Mike admittedly with a regretful expression on his face. “Chicken shit,” Karen expressed disdain for Mike when he said he should not have made the life-changing bet with is wife. “I followed through with my end when I lost,” Mike said without explaining the conditions of the bet other than what happened if he won or lost. “If I won, then Karen would enter orientation again and become the slave, I always...

1 year ago
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Drunk camping trip

I am writing to tell about a fun time I had on a camping trip with my girlfriend on a holiday weekend at a wild campground. We got to the campgrounds around 10:00 pm so we were setting up the tent in the dark but managed to get everything set up. My girlfriend tells me that she had just gotten her privates waxed that day so no one would see any hair with her skimpy swimsuit. I told her I need to see it right away and pulled her towards me and removed her shorts right there out side by the fire....

Drunk sex
2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 67 Mind Games with Donna

Sunday, April 17, 2005 I woke and checked my clock to confirm that it was 5am. I felt perfectly well rested, so I had a feeling I was going to get more hours per day. Cool. Now what to do with them? I didn't want to wake the family, so I had a quiet pre-breakfast snack. Then I returned to my room and finished reading the Aikido books, unfortunately without learning anything useful. Then I got into the Driver Manual, using different minds to quiz each other. That got boring because I...

4 years ago
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A Bunnie To Play With Chapter 5

The crowd in the club was all made up of girls! I traipsed dizzily behind Anne, looking around with wide eyes and letting her guide me towards one of the round cocktail tables, where we hopped onto bar stools. She saw my surprised stares and giggled. “Took you long enough to notice.” I pouted. “Everything’s happening so fast. How is a poor little country girl like me supposed to take it in all at once?” I made a gesture of desperation, and Anne caught my hand in the air. She pulled it to...

1 year ago
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Dream Fantasies And Fetishes Of My Best Friend 8217 s Sister

I received a text message which contained a postcode and time and read, “Drink plenty of water and don’t be late, Shivani.” Bewildered at the text message, I mean what was the whole drink plenty of water about? Anyway, I drank water throughout the day. We were due to meet at the hotel at 7.30 pm. So I left. I didn’t see much of Arjun these days. The remaining exams were from a different course, so we didn’t study together. I recall drinking approximately 2 liters of water in such a short space...

2 years ago
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Do You Like My Pussy

Do You Like My Pussy I was twelve years old at the time and we had a duplex house with half of the house being an apartment. Dad had recently rented it out to a young married couple. The wife was eighteen and fresh out of high school. The husband was twenty-one and fresh out of a two-year college. He worked at the local packaging plant where Dad was a boss. I had seen Jill just a couple of times but she always seemed to be coming on to me. I told my mother about it and she told me...

2 years ago
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An unexpected meet

It was a typical day, woke up horny, wife uninterested in sex. No opportunity for a quick wank to relieve the aching balls!I decided to take out my photography gear and go to a local (ish) reservoir and indulge my passion for photography.I duly arrived at the reservoir and started taking pictures, as I walked around I noticed that there was a fair proportion of cars parked up occupied by guys on their own, just sitting there, nearly all of them about my age.I thought to myself I bet they're...

1 year ago
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Student AssistanceChapter 32

I hadn’t seen Karen for four days. We had talked by phone but it wasn’t the same. I missed looking into her eyes, feeling her body next to mine at night, and seeing her smile. I was ready for the wedding. We all were together to rehearse since it was a double wedding. Pastor Jim said, “Who comes down first?” Melissa said, “Karen will make the call. She and Brad started this joy. As long as I get there and Paul is there, I will be happy.” Everyone laughed. Karen smiled and said, “I...

4 years ago
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The Amputee Fuck Slut Family

1. Players- Mr Grotto, former surgeon, had been got fired after an i*****l surgery, now the dominant master of his family members. - Kathy, his wife, quadruple amputee (DAE, DAK), lost her limbs due to disobedience. The lack of limbs was a punishment. Finally she adopted well enough, maybe even enjoyed her helplessness. Faithful sex slave. - Tommy, son, congenital QUAD amputee (DBE, DHD) He is forced to meet of girls sexual wishes. - Lucy, daughter, QUAD amputee (LAK, RHD, LAE, RBE) due to her...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 219 Holidays

Most of us were finished with our finals on Thursday, but Jennifer, Courtney, and Rose were all on campus Friday for their last. It worked out conveniently since Rose would not return until mid-afternoon. That gave the rest of us time to get the house decorated for Christmas and for Rose's birthday. I actually got to watch our Holiday Special when it aired. Tomorrow and Sunday, we'd all be returning to our parents until Christmas and then we'd be back the next day to enjoy our break and...

2 years ago
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The Prisoner

The Prisoner Chapter 50. Stewart knocked nervously at the door to Chief Wardress Farrow's office,his newfound confidence rapidly evaporating. The order to enter was immediatelyand he came to attention in front of her desk. A sinking feeling in his stomachtold him that he was about to find out why she had deliberately remained aloofand unfriendly in the dealings that she had had with him so far. She was flushed and furious: "Where in the hell have you been Stewart? I sent for you hours ago!" He...

4 years ago
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Another from the GurlTown Files Softly

Soft Lee After working the normal day shift in the warehouse, Eddie had moved to night shift restocking. For over a year he had heard talk of “Softly”, the district auditor. She was said to be a dark haired beauty with alluring eyes, shapely and sexy. Her schedule was always uncertain but everyone brought their A-Game when she was around. It was implied that she was an “ice queen”, totally untouchable. Training with Charlie on night shift he asked more about her. Charlie took him up to her...

3 years ago
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The visit

It started out simply enough, I was visiting my sister andher husband for the week. They both work so I had the run ofher house and I took advantage of the opportunity to sleepin on my vacation. I woke late and assumed everyone had gonefor work. I took a nice long relaxing shower, s*s’s bathroomwas warm and cozy so I took my time.When I went to put my towel in the hamper I noticed a very slinkyteddy and panty set on top. I had never thought of my sisterwearing anything like that so I picked it...

2 years ago
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Caleb and Daniel

My mom is 31, and really beautiful, not hot, beautiful. She has long straight black hair that reaches down to her lower back. Her eyes are small, but she makes up for it with her dark eyeliner. And her lips are large, round, and full of collagen. She’s slender, has a large (silicone) rack, and an ass to kill for. Just in case you’re wondering I’m not attracted to my mother, she’s not my type, I prefer my girlfriends to be more natural. My mom got pregnant when she was 15, and then was kicked...

2 years ago
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Happiest Place

With my back pressed against the brick wall, I quickly think back on the events of the day and how they led to this precise moment in my life. I’d never, ever slept with a man that I didn’t know; but here such a man was between my thighs, looking into my eyes as if silently asking for permission. And in the middle of the happiest place on Earth, in the darkened shadows away from the bustling crowd, I nod my ascent for a complete stranger to fuck me. His hand pulls my tank top under my breasts,...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Auntie rsquo s Naughty Boys chapter 9

Herb watched Aunt Dee putting away the groceries. She was wearing a thin, silky,brown dress that showed off her ass to full advantage. Under the chocolate brownmaterial, the big globes of ass-flesh trembled, contracted as she reached up highinto a cupboard, and rubbed against each other when she walked. The rich colorcomplemented her fair skin, dark hair, and green eyes. Unaware that her fifteenyear-old nephew was watching her body as it moved, the attractive woman leanedover to pick up a brown...

1 year ago
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Growing Up

I was raised by a single mom who was very beautiful. It was just the two of us for fifteen years. When I was younger mom would lay naked with me on her bed and have me suck on her tits as she fingered herself and moaned. It was a normal thing to suck on her nipples any time she needed me to. She would pull me to her as she sat and watched TV and pushed my face to her tit and I would suck her and then sometimes she would rub my ass or pussy. When I was a teen she began rubbing my tits and my...

1 year ago
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Private Mina Von D Diligent Student

Mina Von D (Mini Vampp) is a sexy redhead with perfect tits who has come to Private Specials, Irresistible Beauties 2 keen to prove to her husband that she is not a gold digger by attending etiquette classes, but with a student as horny Mina around… you can bet that there’s no manners involved! That’s right, this wild babe takes full advantage of her teacher, Christian Clay, as she treats him to a blowjob and titfuck before putting her perfect body to work in spectacular fuck that has her...

2 years ago
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The Wilmington Woman s ClubChapter 7 Bernie Meets Eddie Boyle

It was a rainy Sunday; Bernie was just sitting around the off-campus apartment, watching The A-Team on NBC with George Peppard, and Chicago-born actor Mr. T. with two other girls, Frannie and Meg. Val was out on a date with Joe, and Bernie was more than a little jealous with the knowledge they were getting very serious about each other. Eventually, she got hungry, and got up to make herself and the others some spaghetti. As she stirred the sauce, she idly wondered if Eddie Boyle was going to...

3 years ago
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Slave Of Deepika Padukone Pee

Hi, this is Abhilash from Kolkata and this story is based on real true events that happened to me last week. This story contains female domination, humiliation, spit, toilet slavery. If this isn’t your cup of tea, then please leave immediately. I completed my college and after receiving the fashion design degree I wanted to visit my bua ji, who stayed with her husband and her son in Mumbai. My train was scheduled at 08:15 pm from Howrah station to Mumbai terminal. I reached Mumbai the next day...

3 years ago
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The Ark Part 1Chapter 9 Negotiating with the Unions

Sam Thomas was our key person for the Ark’s construction effort in addition to being one of our two lawyers. Sam knew that he would not be able to manage the construction effort without help, so he hired a construction management firm. The firm pulled our activities together in an organized and logical fashion with Sam’s help. They recommended an architectural firm, which we employed to design the electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and other systems required for living in the Silos. They also...

2 years ago
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Happy Birthday 3

It was my birthday as well as hers. We had decided to treat ourselves to a night out together. I arrived at her house only to find no answer at the door. I called still no answer. Looking at my phone i realized that i had an unread text. It was from her, saying im running a little late feel free to come in when you get here the back door is unlocked. So i walked around her house and let myself in. I've been here so many times before so i helped myself to a glass of water and turned on the T.V....

2 years ago
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My Second ChanceChapter 10 Making Friends

Thursday is my first day of classes. The first thing I do when I get there is report to the office. They assign me a locker and give me my schedule. The Principal was kind enough to arrange it, so I was in English, gym, metalwork, and woodwork. The secretary let me know I could drop an elective as soon as the district approves my new schedule. My first class wasn’t what I was expecting. It was English, and the teacher has a strange tradition of giving the new kid a public speaking...

3 years ago
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HitchhikingChapter 4

Jimmy again said in a soft voice, "For you, I would do anything. I know that I have never made you feel like a real woman, I know that now. I want you to have that sexual feeling and pleasure; I want whatever you want to fulfill your sexual needs." I could not believe this. What he was saying to me was giving me some very dangerous and dirty thoughts. I finally said, "I will think about this; I don't know what I want to do right now. I do know I want to get some sleep, I want to sleep...

2 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 73

I stopped in the lane as the lad on the bicycle pedalled towards me. If this was indeed Liam, then from what I could see, Amanda hadn't done justice to this fine example of manhood. I judged him to be about twenty or so and quite well built and fairly tall. He had bleached blond hair cut close to his head. He had a fairly handsome face, though I noticed on closer examination, a front tooth was chipped, and he had a slight squint in one of his deep blue eyes. But, all in all, young Liam was a...

4 years ago
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I Seduce my Neighbor part IV

Vanessa, Sherry and I were now the regular members of our very own club: Le Club Taboo! What fun…all of us had taboos in our lives but once they were shattered it was full steam ahead. It was like our much treasured virginity: approached with awe and suspense and curiosity…some of us giving it greater or lesser importance in our youth. Then, once “lost,” or was it not lost at all but “won?” I mean “losing” virginity as attached as is that verb to a hymen that, once gone, returns no more. ...

2 years ago
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Kelly s Bad Day at the Office

The bank was busy with costomers, so Kelly did not notice the five men that walked in and positioned themselves throughout the bank. One stayed near the door, one walked to the drinking fountain, one went towards the other door, one went to the loan desk, and one got in line for a teller. As if on que they all pulled ski masks over their faces and pulled out guns. Everybody hit the floor, this is a hold up!!!! yelled the man in the teller line. Everyone do as your told, and no one...

4 years ago
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Specification Chapter one

Specification: Chapter one By Michelle Green Part one: 'never follow one' "Pervert." Another slap stung Nat's face, the resultant red welt almost glowing with dull, hot pain. "Fucker." Yet another slap. Nat lowered her eyes and began to sob quietly. "Why did she have to find me? Why couldn't I have just taken it all off ten minutes earlier? Why the fuck is this happening?" Her arms and legs, hairy and disgusting as they were, had been firmly fastened to the...

4 years ago
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Magic Cum

Bill snuck into the room of his 16-year old stepsister. As usual both their parents were at their night jobs. It was a warm night and Alice was sleeping on her back, naked, and legs akimbo. She was a cock-inspiring sight. She had firm tits with long nipples, a shapely ass and a beautiful cunt with trimmed bush. Bill had only hoped to sneak a peek at her, but the sight of her naked body made his jizz boil. He dropped his pajama bottoms and standing naked started stroking his cock. It was...

1 year ago
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Hosed on the Street

Dashing out of the strip club with $1200 in hand after five hours in the champagne room, I was ready for a night out with Gibson. I called him on my drive home to make sure he was ready to go clubbing. My sexy man was getting dressed when I entered the master bath. He was wearing jeans and a trendy, untucked dress shirt I recently picked up for him at Buckle. I quickly changed into my skinny jeans, a black lace bra, my favorite black blouse that is two sizes too small, and 5" platfrom heels....

4 years ago
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Free MagusChapter 22

I woke up in a panic. I was on my feet, ready for a fight. I quickly realized that I was back in the family room where I had been when Walker and his people had first arrived. My people were here as well as several others whom I did not know. One of them was a blond woman with striking features who raced toward me with what appeared to be harmful intentions. She reached out to me. If she was a Magus, a simple touch could do any number of things. I had felt some of those things, and I wasn’t...

1 year ago
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PropertySex Hazel Moore The Tenant Application Process

Chuck has been fielding applicants who are looking to rent his extra room all day, and a knock at the door reveals 19-year-old Hazel Moore as the next visitor. Hazel loves the place, works for a tech firm, and has good credit, but when Chuck tells her she has to fill out an application, she offers him $500 to skip the process. Chuck, an ethical man, doesn’t think he can accept the cash bribe, but when Hazel takes out her natural big tits, he quickly changes his tune! Chuck marvels at...

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Control Ch 06

Josh was not a bad kid. As his 19th birthday came and went he continued to experiment with his powers to control people. Josh’s intent was not to abuse people but at times he could just not pass up using his ability to satisfy his youthful libido. It felt too good to pass up the opportunities at hand. So far he had only directed others to perform sexual acts that stimulated his masturbation. Josh was still a virgin and had very little experience with the opposite sex other than having his...

3 years ago
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A Well Lived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 33 Summer Vacation Part VI

May-June 1983, Milford, Ohio When we arrived back at the Spencers’ there was a phone message asking me to call Ruth. I was sure what that was about, so I picked up the phone and dialed the number. “Sandy had her baby!” she said. “A girl and she named her Hope.” “Are they both doing OK?” I asked. “Yes. They’re at Clermont County and Sandy wants to see you.” “You realize that if her dad is there, it’ll start World War III? That just doesn’t seem like a good idea.” “He works tomorrow, and...

3 years ago
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Imagination 10

Imagination 10 No way! The thought of having to tolerate a really rigid and tight piece of foundation wear filled me with horror. I knew, however that I wasn't going to enjoy the results of saying no. They would undoubtedly be far worse than actually having to wear it. So, out came the expected answer. "Yes, Sister Sarah." The smile broadened on her face. "Yes what, Frilly?" "Yes, Sister Sarah. I shall enjoy wearing the nice girdle." "That's a good girl, Frilly. Not only...

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