Freibad indian porn

5 years ago
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F lk

Ich musste dieses Referat heute fertig kriegen, doch ich konnte mich einfach nicht konzentrieren. Das kannte ich ?berhaupt nicht, sonst fiel mir es leicht, konzentriert zu arbeiten. Das zeigten auch meine guten Noten. Ich fing an zu glauben, dass es daran lag, dass ich mich selbst zu sehr unter Druck setzte. Schlie?lich war es nicht mehr lange bis zum Abitur. Und zu meinem achtzehnten Geburtstag. Letzteres war wohl eher der Grund, gr?belte ich. Mein Geburtstag war schon heute, aber ...

3 years ago
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Das Tor

Jackpot!! Ich sa? fassungslos vor dem Fernseher. 6 Richtige und Superzahl! So langsam wurde mir klar, was das bedeutete. Nie wieder arbeiten, in Rente mit 25... Und es schlich sich mir ein Gedanke in den Kopf, den ich schon vergessen glaubte: Das Tor. Jetzt w?rde ich es gr?ndlich untersuchen k?nnen, jedenfalls besser als beim ersten Mal, vor langer Zeit. Damals sorgten die Ereignisse f?r einen Umzug und einen Schulwechsel. Und ich sah das Tor zehn Jahre nicht mehr. *-* 10 ...

3 years ago
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Eine Fahrt ins Blaue

Eine Fahrt ins Blaue (Katrin*2012) 1.Einleitung Manchmal kommt man in seinem Leben auf dumme Ideen. So, war es damals, als ich der Idee nachhing, einen Sommerurlaub, als Transvestit oder Frau zu verbringen mit einer Fahrt ins Blaue. Zu dieser Zeit war ich noch jung, z?hlte 23 Lenze und hatte noch Rosinen im Kopf. Mein Auto, das ich besa? war relativ alt und es war schon ein gewisses Risiko, damit auf gro?e Fahrt zu gehen. Es sollte Quer durch den Osten Deutschlands gehen und dann nach ...

2 years ago
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Wie Yvonne eine T rkenhure geworden ist

auch bekannt als „Potenz überzeugt" ~ Prolog ~ Es ist ein lauwarmer Frühsommertag in den letzten Tagen des Mai. Zwar weht dann und wann noch ein kühleres Lüftchen, aber dennoch haben die Mädchen die warme Jahreszeit längst mit ihren knappen Tops und kurzen Miniröcken willkommen geheißen. Kneipen stellen ihre Stühle raus und die ersten richtig hart Gesottenen trauen sich auch schon mal in ein Freibad. Meine Freundin und ich haben uns daher kurz entschlossen mit einem gemeinsamen Freund...

3 years ago
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Chrissi erpresst und verliebt

Chrissi ist 18 ein ganz normales 18 jährigem Mädchen das auf dem Gymnasium in die 12 klasse geht. Sie hat dunkelbraune, leicht rötliche Haare. Sie ist 1,55 groß und zierlich gebaut. Einen süßen festen hintern und ein a Körbchen wovon sie immer denkt es könnte ja mal wachsen.... sie ist eine durchschnittliche Schülerin und allgemein eben ein typisches Mädchen... Sie hatte bisher 2-3 sex mit ein und demselben jungen. Ihrem erfreund. Doch da es nicht berauschend war macht sie sich Nichtviel...

3 years ago
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Mein schlimmer Onkel Niklas

"Jetzt schmoll doch nicht die ganze Zeit", sagte mein Vater und starrte mich genervt durch den Rückspiegel an. "Vor kurzem hast du noch gemeckert, dass wir nicht in den Urlaub fahren würden!" Ich antwortete nicht und sah aus dem Fenster. Draußen zogen endlose Rapsfelder vorbei, während wir über die Landstraße Richtung Ostsee fuhren. Schließlich drehte sich meine Mutter zu mir um. "Marie, Schatz, das ist vielleicht das letzte Mal, dass wir gemeinsam verreisen. Nächstes Jahr machst du Abitur und...

3 years ago
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Der Ausflug der anderen

Von meinem Zimmer aus beobachte ich die kleine Gruppe um meinen Bruder. Sie wollen im Wald zelten. Sie sind die coolen. Schicke Klamotten, lässige Sprüche und immer alles im Griff. Die heißesten Mädels und die Champs unter den Jungs. Ich verabscheue ihre Dummheit. Aber ich wünschte ich könnte so einem Mädchen mal näher kommen. Auch wenn sie dumm sein mögen, ihre Körper sind einfach toll. Verärgert verlasse ich meinen Platz am Fenster. Mein Blick wandert durch mein Zimmer, ich tiger umher um...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Theresas Abenteuer

Theresa sitzt in ihrer schmucken Dachgeschosswohnung mit Balkon vor ihrem Laptop und ist in diversen Chats auf der Suche nach Männern, die sich mit ihr treffen wollen. Theresa hat zwei recht ungewöhnliche Angewohnheiten. Zum einen verabredet sie sich mit wildfremden Männern, die sie über das Internet kennlernt. Sie verabredet sich mit diesen Männern in Cafes, Kneipen, Parks oder einfach irgendwo in der Stadt und spielt mit ihnen. Meistens lässt sie es nicht bis zum Äußersten kommen. Sie liebt...

2 years ago
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Ich wusste gar nicht wie meine Familie drauf ist

Ich war 15, als ich meine Sexualität entdeckte. Sicher wusste ich schon einiges über Sex, zum Teil aus der Schule, aber mehr noch aus den Erzählungen meiner Freunde. Aber ich hatte keine Ahnung, wie viel Spaß Sex, oder zu mindestens die Selbstbefriedigung, machen kann. Von praktischen Erfahrungen ganz zu schweigen. Von meinen Eltern wurde ich nicht aufgeklärt. Sie waren sehr konservativ und ich habe sie, solange ich denken kann, nicht einmal in Unterwäsche gesehen. So entdeckte ich erst spät...

4 years ago
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Der willkommene Gast

Es war ein anstrengender Tag gewesen. In der Schule hatten die Lehrer, trotz der Hitze, einiges von uns abverlangt und ich war müde. Als ich nach hause kam, ging ich erst mal ins Zimmer um ein bisschen auszuruhen. Meine Mutter rief mir nach, dass es bald Mittag gäbe. Sorgfältig schloss ich die Tür meines Zimmers ab. Die Tasche pfefferte ich in eine Ecke, die Schuhe in die andere. Ich ging zum Fenster und schaute raus. Es war ein schöner Tag. Vielleicht würde ich am Nachmittag noch ein bisschen...

2 years ago
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Cuckold in Afrika Afrikanische Tr auml ume

Afrikanische TräumebyQueenofSpadesLifestyle©Ich spürte wie sein Atem immer schwerer wurde und wusste, dass es Zeit war ihn zu bitten herauszuziehen, aber ich schwieg. Stattdessen legte ich meine weißen Hände auf seinen pechschwarzen Po, damit er sogar noch tiefer in mich eindringen kann und flüsterte ihm in sein Ohr: „Komm in mich. Komm in meine weiße Pussy!" Seine Stöße wurden auch sofort immer intensiver und sein schwerer Atem verwandelte sich in ein wahrnehmbar lautes Stöhnen; plötzlich...

2 years ago
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Der Keller 2

Ich hatte mich in mich selbst zur?ck gezogen und meine Umwelt v?llig ausgeschlossen. Um so erstaunter war ich, als ich eine Ber?hrung an meiner Hand sp?rte. Als ich den Druck leicht erwiderte, klirrte die Kette. Das brachte mich wieder ein wenig in die Wirklichkeit zur?ck. Mein offensichtliches Zur?ckkehren zu der 'normalen' Welt hatte eine weitere Auswirkung: Meine andere Hand wurde ergriffen und gedr?ckt. Wieder kamen Tr?nen in meine Augen, diesmal aber wenigstens teilweise positiv. W...

3 years ago
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Das Erbe

Intro und Danksagung: Eigentlich h?tte ich nie gedacht, dass ich mal aufraffen w?rde und eine Geschichte f?r fictionmania schreiben w?rde, aber die wunderbaren Geschichten von Transbonder haben dazu gef?hrt, dass ich mich nun doch hingesetzt habe und einen kleinen Roman zusammengebastelt habe. Noch mal an dieser Stelle, vielen Dank Transbonder, du bist die Gr??te. Die folgende Geschichte ist ein Test und k?nnte der Auftakt f?r eine ganze Serie sein. Daf?r m?sstet Ihr mir aber Feedback ge...

3 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 31

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webseiten, ...

3 years ago
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Rahel Erziehung einer Jungfotze

Rahel - Erziehung einer Jungfotze (Teil 1 - 27) =============================================== by Alphatier, © 2014/2015*         *kopieren, ausdrucken, reposten ist alles erlaubt Entgleist       Alles begann, als meine Frau mir vor drei Monaten heulend erklärte, dass es aus ist. Einfach so hatte sie plötzlich mit ihrem kleinen blauen Sportrucksack in der Küchentür gestanden und mich mit einer Mischung aus Schuldbewusstsein, Vorwurf und Selbstmitleid angesehen, während ich nur zitternd am...

3 years ago
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Laura hat ein Problem

Er f?hlt mit der Hand ?ber ihre kurzgeschnittenen Schamhaare und grinst Laura breit an. Erst mit einem, dann mit zwei Fingern dringt er in sie ein. W?hrend er seine Finger in ihrer Scheide herumwandern l?sst, schaut er ihr ins Gesicht. Sie versucht seinem Blick auszuweichen, indem sie die Augen schlie?t. "Das ist ja ekelhaft. Der glaubt doch nicht im Ernst, dass mir das Spa? macht, wie er da so rumstochert." Ihre Arme sind ganz taub, ihre Brustwarzen schmerzen, ihr Hals ist vollkommen trocken und in i...

4 years ago
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Der Schwimmbadspanner

Ich wuchs als Einzelkind in einer zumindest nach aussenhin prüden Familie auf, in der Nacktheit nie ein Thema war. Als ich langsam erwachsen wurde und anfing, mich dafür zu interessieren, wie die Geschlechtorgane anderer denn so aussehen, habe ich das Spannen für mich entdeckt. Damals gab es noch in vielen Schwimmbädern sogenannte Spannerlöcher in den Umkleidekabinen, durch die man gut beobachten konnte, was so in der Nachbarkabine vor sich ging. Auch gingen viele Umkleidewände nicht bis zum...

1 year ago
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Der Freund ihrer Tochter

Ja, ihr habt recht, Annegret sollte sich schämen. Nun gut, zumindest etwas. Sie als reife 49-jährige Schachtel ergötzte sich an dem 18-jährigen Freund ihrer Tochter. Halb so wild sagt ihr, solange es bei der Fantasie bleibt. Ist es aber nicht, die beiden sind letztes Wochenende am Badesee einen Schritt weitergegangen. Wahrlich ein Tabubruch, oder? Es ist alles nur passiert, weil ihre Tochter sie überredet hat, mitzukommen. Zunächst hatte sie sich geziert. Die beiden Teenager sollten sich doch...

1 year ago
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Poker nights are fun

The Basics. My name is Chelsea. Blond. 5’4. 32C. 25 years old. And a nice firm ass. I’ve been engaged with Jim for the past 3 years. He’s a good 8 years older than me, but he’s the perfect type. Good at everything: sports, smart, well-off, and handsome. But he’s not much of a sexual partner, which I can deal for the most part. But it does make me slightly disappointed at times. One night, he invited over some of his poker friends for a round of poker in the next room over. All drinking beer...

Cheating Wifes
5 years ago
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A hot wife gets banged on a Greek ferry

The ferry was due to sail just before midnight. While we were waiting to drive our hire car onto the ship, my wife and I had sat in a taverna knocking back Metaxa Greek brandy. By the time that we had stowed the car and found the lounge I was shattered. Susan, my beautiful but wanton wife, had consumed enough Greek brandy to feel horny, so she told me to get another round of drinks and then find somewhere quiet for us to fuck. I had been driving all day and badly needed a few hours sleep, so I...

3 years ago
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soccer moms big discovery pt 2

Another long story I’m afraid but I hope you enjoy. Message me with any comments if you wish. The rest of the afternoon passed very quickly, both of us in shock over what had happened, we both retired to bed early. The next morning mom came into my room, it was early but it looked like she had spent a while getting ready. She was in some high heels, very tight jeans that accentuated the gorgeous curve of her ass, a top so thin and tight that you could see the lace push up bra easily...

3 years ago
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A New Lease Chapter 5 While Her Guitar Gently Weeps

I would've glided through the house after my shower, had I been coordinated. I ended up successfully making it from the bathroom to the bedroom without tripping over my feet, which I considered a success. Physical therapy had taught me to walk, but it had not so far taught me to be anywhere near graceful. I plopped on the bed next to Liz, who was laying there reading. It was some fantasy novel that was popular with the younger-than-us crowd, it seemed a new book series had come...

4 years ago
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My wife sarita

My wife is 30 with a body to die for; she keeps her bush very nicely trimmmera ed. Wherever she goes she always turns heads & it’s always been my fantasy to watch my wife having sex with another man for a few years. I would tell her stories while I fucked her with her big dildo about her getting a real good fucking by a total stranger. This 1 night as I was fucking her with the dildo I asked her if she wished that the rubber lund was a real one that was making her cum, she was gasping & bucking...

3 years ago
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Bound For Glory

The first thing that attracted me to Janine was her long hair. I know that sounds kind of shallow, but then you've never seen her hair. I almost didn't. My first glimpse, at a company picnic, was serendipity. I was watching one of those three-legged races. Janine and a girlfriend were running, but not very well. I had barely noticed her until she fell down, when the impact must have knocked her bun loose. As she got up, up with her came a flowing cape of deep brown hair. The wind was strong...

3 years ago
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The Cleaning Lady

The Cleaning Lady Belladonna I had spent some of my weekends working as a cleaning lady in my own office from time to time for over 20 years. I began doing it not long after I started my company. No matter where the office was located, I always found time to go in and clean it up when no one was around. My company's office is currently situated in a building that the company owns. The office occupies a full floor of that four story building. I had built up the corporation...

2 years ago
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Vacation on RehomeChapter 68

"We can only put it to them, and let them decide, as a family. Wait until we have eaten, then we can take them aside and put it to them." The Lubbock family arrived mid-afternoon, father driving the tractor, and mother and Susan in cushioned benches in the trailer. The seats were complete with restraining belts, for protection from the many bumps and hollows in the farm tracks being used. On their arrival, they were offered a comfy seat on which to recover, and a cup of tea or coffee plus...

3 years ago
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Enter The Tentacle

Markus woke up, slowly rising from his sleep. The 22 year old son of billionaire Henry Creneth rummaged through his dark brown short hair, slowly getting up. He usually had some issues in the morning, so he forced himself to get up. Markus was in most aspects...rather mundane. Short brown hair, a bit of a round warm face with eyebrows that were just too tiny for his face. Markus was in many aspects the most 6/10 man you would have ever seen. He scratched his ass, looking around the...

2 years ago
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Episode 23 8211 Anita And Reddy Getting Closer

It had been a dream come true day for most of the people in the apartment. Anita had been dreaming for Reddy ever since she had seen him, and in the Sunday morning she had him seduced and playing with her body. They had spent such a steaming little time that she ended up masturbating several times, thinking about it later. Mrs. Nair too was having a gala time. First Borah and now Rahul, slowly her widowed life too was becoming colorful with these illicit affairs. She could now enjoy with these...

3 years ago
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The Path To The Dream

The Path to My DreamBy ladybalddreamzAll my life I had been troubled by my clitoris. It would swell and ache even without stimulation of any kind, I could be getting on with my life not even thinking about sex and all of a sudden it would throb, ache, when I was at work I had to go in the toilets and masturbate to relive the tension. Yet when I had sex with a partner I did not always orgasm and some times orgasm took a long time to come, my clitoris was far too sensitive and at the wrong times....

2 years ago
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Mumthaz Shilpa and Sonali

Hi friends, I am Ravi Sreedhar, I am 19Year-old, 5' 6" in height and doing my graduation. I was staying with my brother who was Lt.Col in Army and was studying in Delhi for Degree first year when this terrific incident here is happened. My first sexual experience was with my cousin sister as well as teacher Latha aged 23 [Uncles daughter] at the age of 16. We had a wonderful period of 2 years. During that time we had several wild and beautiful love making occasions. She was more interested...

2 years ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Cecelia Taylor 02 01 2022

Cecilia Taylor has been working for Jovan for a month cleaning his pool. Jovan was sitting at poolside checking sports scores on his phone while Cecelia was doing her weekly pool servicing when all of a sudden, she recognized Jovan from porn sites she has visited on her off time. During her pool cleaning duties she was looking back to make sure that her boss Jovan was the same guy as the guy on the internet with the hugest dick she has ever seen. Cecelia musters the courage to come to Jovan and...

2 years ago
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Eli Kady

Eli had Kady pressed up against the wall of her bedroom. At first he kissed her lips gently and methodically, as if mapping them. He nibbled her bottom lip, encouraging her to give into him. As she let his tongue meet hers, she could feel the icy heat in her veins spread as her body responded to the slow torture. She pressed against him, becoming needy for something to work her closer to the pleasure she knew she’d find with him. He had one hand pressed firmly against her hip and the other...

2 years ago
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Servicing the Client

My name is Jake and I’m a 58 year old stockbroker. I’ve been married and divorced twice and am now a confirmed bachelor. I keep myself in decent shape by regularly working out in a local gym and by running four days a week. At 5’10” and 175 pounds, I’m “average” sized, but I can hold my own in any situation I’ve come across. My sex life is not bad…there are a lot of lonely women out there who are looking for a good, hard man and I have no problem finding a bed mate. Over the past few...

4 years ago
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Strange LandsChapter 17

Two days later the six relaxed. Valerie ran out of nutrional and thirst pills. That meant Jackson, Ura, and Herb had to hunt down any animal worth eating. Atlanta, Anna, and Valerie forage for plant life as they took their time going back down the mountain. It was getting warmer as they descended closer to the village they burned down. Sometimes Jackson and Ura would double back to make sure no one was following them even though they were sure that there was no threat of an attack. The...

5 years ago
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Paleo What

"Well, you remember that whole Paleozoic-diet from a while ago?" I asked, trying my best to stifle my rampant nerves. At the therapists nod I pressed on "do you know much about it?" "Assume I don't " she replied. "Ok, well I didn't either, not at first, wasn't even in high school yet. I saw an article online about it. They went into detail about the research behind it, the competing theories about what the data meant, the different issues with making generalities from small data...

3 years ago
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Single Mom Faith Herron

It was a Saturday night.Herron Owens had just arrived at 1203 Hummingbird Lane in his black 201 Cadillac Escalade EXT sport truck. He walked up the steps to the above-the garage-apartment where Faith Moreland was staying. The five-foot-six, blonde-haired chick opened the door. She was eager for him to come inside. There was an overwhelming smell of marinara sauce in the air. She had made mozzarella-stuffed Italian sausage meatballs. They were resting in a warm pan with a store variety...

4 years ago
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The Christmas Bonus

At the age of twenty-four, Belinda Moore knew this was the last year she could vie for the Inspiring Young Women’s special Christmas bonus that the company gave out each year. She could, of course, compete against the rest of the firm next year, but that special Christmas bonus was only available to those under twenty-five in the dynamic public relations firm. She knew once she turned twenty-five the competition for the yearly bonuses would get fierce. She also knew that in the male-dominated...

2 years ago
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Won t Get Fooled Again

Smile and grin at the change all around Pick up my guitar and play Just like yesterday Then I’ll get on my knees and pray We don’t get fooled again Pete Townshend The club was jumping, the music was pulsing, the strobe and black lights were washing everybody in a glowing sea of light. I had dressed to the nines in my best clubwear. A black pair of slacks, boxer briefs, a light blue dress shirt, thin red tie, and a loose-fitting jacket over it. And a sporty looking fedora hat over my...

2 years ago
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En el transporte publico sin luces

Esto que les voy a relatar me ocurrio hace algunos años me dirigia a casa despues del trabajo como siempre el metro super lleno para mi suerte una chica como de 30 o 35 años con buenas nalgas y mucho busto, lo malo viajaba acompañana, aproveche que el metro estaba lento y me fui acercando a la pareja, la chica con un mayon muy apretadito, me acerque por un costado de la dama, y al momento de sentir su calor mi verga cobro vida propia, se puso firmes para lo que fuera, la mujer al sentirme me...

1 year ago
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PornPics Cuckold

Do you love the idea of looking at content that features hotwives sucking other men’s dicks – while their husbands jerk off? If you love watching wives get used and the husbands that love to watch, then this is exactly where you fucking need to be. Save for the fact that you don’t mind looking at images and galleries that will deliver those goods to you.If you want to browse amazing galleries of images and want the lion’s share of this kind of content, then I urge you to take a look at...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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XSFGCChapter 5 The Nightly Visit

After checking on the carnal activities going on in the West Wing Common Room, Emma went to bed naked with a smile on her face. Her examination of Phillip went better than expected. He was an inquisitive young man and she knew she could have fun with that. She had thought about bringing one of her very willing students to her bedroom for some personal satisfaction, but decided sleep is what she needed. Besides, while she was in the Common Room, Sally again tried to put a damper on everyone's...

3 years ago
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Service A Pantyboy Profile By Gingerfred Man INTRODUCTION Men who meet my three best friends and me always say we're "delicious." Like we're food for them or something. I guess we do provide nourishment for their deepest hungers. My name is Cheryl. I'm 20 years old and I'm a pantyboy. If you "read" Panty Boy magazine (and who doesn't?) you know that I was Miss First-Half-of-June 2002 and they did a big pictorial on little old me. Oh, I'll bet you remember it now. The New...

4 years ago
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Jessica s Anal Training

Jessica’s Anal Training By RockbohunkJessica was a young submissive with a lot to learn. Although she tried to please Rick, she had always refused his anal advances. Rick had heard enough of Jess's excuses, today was training day. Jessica completely undressed for Rick as he handed the leather wrist and ankle restraints to her. Jess strapped on her ankle restraints just like the many times that she had done in the past. Rick helped her with her wrist cuffs and secured them together. Rick led...

4 years ago
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The Heatwave Back to nature

Back to nature It was a baking hot afternoon in early August. For the past week the south of England had been enjoying a ridge of high pressure which showed no sign of moving and temperatures had soared way above the seasonal average, causing the grass to wilt and yellow, and stimulating the local insects into furious buzzing action. Around the ancient earthworks of the Iron Age hill-fort the air shimmered with the heat, the sun so fierce that this normally crowded beauty spot was almost...

3 years ago
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Western Girls Come Out To Play

I know it sounds lame but my roommate of the time, Ella, had wanted to join the Western re-enactment society because she wanted to dress up and play the role of a saloon girl in the hope of getting closer to Jack Hargreaves.Tall and muscular with chiselled good looks, Jack was a regular member of the society and always took the handsome gunslinger roles. His other claim to fame, if he but knew it, was that he could make Ella soak her panties just by entering the room. Sadly for Ella, he was...

2 years ago
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BAMVisions Carolina Sweets Nothing Better Than A Real Fling

When schoolgirl Carolina Sweets orders her BAM Visions Mick Blue big dick dildo, it arrives by express. “That was fast!” she says excited, having heard that if she orgasms all over the sex toy, the real Mick will appear. She swirls it over her clit, slides it into her shaved pussy, and as she climaxes, Mick Blue arrives with his real big cock. Shocked and horny, the blonde coed gulps his hard-on in deep throat, slurping his balls along the way. Mick works her loose with his fingers before she...

5 years ago
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MagicianChapter 86

I’d sort of been under the impression that the valley that Megiddo was based in was small. I couldn’t have been more wrong. The prophesy of Armageddon states that all the armies of the world will fight there; there’s certainly enough room for them and to spare; after all, it covers over 320 square kilometres. What I was doing, was a scouting mission for Morgana and I was accompanied by Talshish, one of Verenestra’s armsmen, as well as by Abi who needed to scan the Sidhe as well as get us...

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Timmy s New Job

Timmy reread the ad, as the bus roared up the hill and diesel fumes wafted through the open window to upset his already nervous stomach. Wanted, a personal servant to attend to my every need. Must be a male with boyish looks, at least 18, but no older. Must be no more than five-foot five inches tall or shorter. Must be thin and small. Generally, the smaller the better. Applicants must respond by email for further instructions on how to apply. No experience needed.Timmy desperately needed this...

4 years ago
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TITS at Home Depot

The Home DepotI was in the middle of a woodworking project in my workshop and found myself in need of some lumber and a few other items. I didn’t have much time as I was trying desperately to finish my project to keep my customer happy. I jumped into my pickup and sped over to Home Depot to purchase my supplies.Pulling into the parking lot I noticed a shapely woman about my age obviously having car trouble. She was wearing a pink, sleeveless, silk blouse, tight black shorts, and high heels. ...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 312 Resorting to Relaxation

Molly so doesn’t need me to connect her computer gear. She is using me to reach out to do the scans. When we arrived, multiple people came out to greet the car. Chrissy’s new friend for the next two weeks introduced herself before putting Chrissy in a golf cart and heading to parts unknown. April and my siblings each had a nanny. None of the ones I met were wet nurses. Mom decided to completely wean the babies off breast milk once and for all. It was the best way she thought to do it. Part...

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CuckoldSessions Skye Blue 10 09 2022

Skye and Husband Tommy have decided to embark on a new adventure together in the Hot Wife lifestyle. Skye is a self admitted size queen and really craves being stretched out to the max. Her Husband Tommy has decided to ask for help from one of the guys at work. His buddy Jax has quite the reputation in the secretaries pool for having laid all of them with his giant cock. So here we find Skye and Tommy waiting for Jax to arrive with Tommy worshiping his sexy wife’s feet, his camera...

3 years ago
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Wifes First MFM encounter

Introduction: Sues first threesome Sues First MFM This is another true story in the continuing saga of JayBird69 and Sues sexual exploits BTW posted stories are not chronological. I guess I need to list them in order one day. Those of you that have been keeping up with our stories are aware that Sue beat me to the punch telling about our first MMFF, or swap, encounter. I am taking back control however and am going to tell about the first time she had no other woman competing with her for...

4 years ago
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What Happens When You Get Too Drunk

It was a usual Friday night for me. I had left work at 5.00 pm., and since it was payday, I headed for the Crown Hotel, my old drinking hole. It was quite a dive, but I didn’t give a shit. The beer was cheap and Ol’ Sullivan the bartender, treated us good. And we didn’t get all the college kids and the yuppies that frequented the more trendy bars a block over in the club district. It was just good ol’ working class guys and retired alcoholics at the Crown. It was now 11:30 p.m. and I was...

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Bi Night to Remember

I was at a bar one Saturday night just watching the crowd and having a few beers. I noticed a nice looking couple on the dance floor looking at me and pointing in my direction. They caught my interest as I wondered what they were talking about. I walked to the bar near them to order a beer just after they came off the dance floor. The man walked over to me and said, “Hi, my name is Joe” “Tom, nice to meet you” I said and extended my hand. “My wife thinks you’re nice looking and wondered if you...

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The Interview

There was a job for a personal assistant that sounded like an ideal opportunity to get back into work. Our kids were old enough to look after themselves for a couple hours after school until I got home and the job was less than a mile from home in Overland Park, Kansas City. Wanting to look my best for the interview, I changed three times before I was satisfied. My best skirt suit was very professional in my opinion. But after the way Greg stared every time I wore it I began to think it might...

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The temperature was just enough that you could wear light clothing, but cool enough to prompt cuddling. He was anxious, he had never done anything like this before, never has anyone made him want to act like this, make him feel this way. She was anxious as well..she was shaking with excitement, just the thought of seeing him, him touching made her tingle from head to toe. Never had she wanted something so "taboo" before. She took extra care to get ready for their...

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I don t know what to feel

You come to consciousness on a Saturday morning in spring. As one usually does, you expect to feel your silk sheets caressing your bare form, but on this particular Saturday morning, you’ve woken up in your rooftop garden. Beautiful carnations, tulips, and roses surround you and you feel a bed of short grass pressing against your back. Sunlight filters through the boughs of your numerous overhanging pear and plum trees, warming your bare skin, and you smell the the scent of pollen and young...

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It Was Obvious Really

It had all come true. All my dreams and fantasies had been working up to this moment in time. This cock in front of me was going to penetrate me and I couldn’t wait. It looked so fucking gorgeous. The one thing that worried me was that I was not on the pill.They had told us in school to talk to our parents, or mum in my case, about going on the pill, but I just couldn’t approach the subject. I was not the sort of girl that my mum would have thought of as sexually active.Truth be told, somehow,...

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The Baby Sitter Part 2

You can read the first part here: on the bed was Cheyenne, naked, having her pussy licked out by her friend Hannah who was also naked! Cheyenne's two other friends, Jamie and Miranda were sitting on the floor their eyes glued on the action on the bed. Jamie had her hand inside Miranda's shorts and Miranda was feeling Jamies boobs. Simon just stood in the door way looking at the scene in the room. He was so hard he felt he might cum then...

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The Accidental Watch 8th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 4

Just so you'll know ... trips are boring unless it's your turn to do the driving. There's lots to see ... at first. But mostly it's miles and miles of the same thing ... with little wide spots in the road to catch your interest for a couple of seconds. I fully understand, "are we there yet?" I also understand, "we get there when we get there!" Imagine walking the 882 miles if you really want boring. Twenty miles and set up camp ... twenty miles and set up camp ... day after day after...

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Mother And I 8211 Part IV

Hello to all! Below is the fourth part of what happened between my mother and myself. July 19 This was the day when even the nature acknowledged our union as it was raining from 5.30 am, with bolts of lightning flashes and it grew darker because of the grey clouds. The lightning bolts from the sky seem to applaud our holy union. We slept around 1.15 am after a marathon sex session which lasted for about 90 minutes or so. But both of us were eager for more of this. I was much more eager since...

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Stolen Smile Revelations

Looking closely, I was struck by how unaffected her makeup was even after the aggressive blowjob she had just performed. Her hair had loosened a little from her bun, but everything from her lipstick to eye shadow looked like it had at dinner. I didn’t see any sign that she had just taken a load from me not more than a minute earlier. “No, I don’t see anything.” I responded. “That’d kind of impressive” “With how much you cum, its very impressive” she smirked at me as we passed out of the...

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Mud MagicChapter 12 Rage

Thorn and Alheri entered Chassari’s chambers, arms piled high with bales and boxes. Lishaka shook her head. “You know, just because I’m more or less back to my old self doesn’t mean I’ll be able to teleport that many items. What is this stuff anyway? Don’t tell me you’ll also bring your playmates along.” The purple-skinned serpent-woman shook her head. “No, Lisha-chan. If I could, I would have brought not only these two, but my sssons as well when first I joined Thurguz. But he was adamant...

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the Search for Galaxia 2

The Search for Galaxia, 2 Following the beacons Sylvia was packed and ready to go, she stood with her grandchildren as she waited for the arrival of the transports from Kelvin Nine. She'd been alerted as they reached the one hour out mark from Iridani's big Phase Portal. Hob and his family had been working overtime to be ready to install not just the upgrades to the electronics, but to get the greenhouse plants ready to be sown on their arrival. As...

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Fucking My Horny Mom

Hi everyone, my name is Bharath, from Hyderabad. Today I’m going to describe my first sex with my mom. I am basically an incest lover and always fantasized of my mom. My dick size is 8 inches. Getting into the details my mom is Jaya. Her stats are 36C-30-38, she had an lovely ass which every men would die for. My mom is a bi-sexual (which I got to know later), she had many lesbian affairs but not an affair with men except my dad and now me. She is very hardcore at sex and sexually very very...

3 years ago
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Showing off My Desi Wife to Driver

I am M 38yrs ,married, a content person, happy with life and wife. We had an arranged marriage .I am married for 13 years and have 2 c***dren. I do a job away from my home & have to remain away for quite a few months. When I am away from home and on phone if I tell my wife that today I am on an outing with friend’s .After the general conversation, she adds, it’s ok to think and talk about ladies with your friends, but do it only for fun sake and don’t join them & go to any females. She...

2 years ago
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The store Party The next day

My eyes opened slowly, very slowly. I knew it was late by the way the sun was coming into my window. I lay still searching my memory to try to differentiate what had actually happened last night from what I must have been dreaming. I had the dry mouth and dull headache that marked a hangover. The Christmas party was last night. A quick glance at the clock, 10:30. My brain started coming out of the fog. What time do I work today? It's Sunday, so I have to be there by noon. OK. No problem. Last...

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Mom 0

She said Well young man are you going to give mommy some good sex tonight. You must be because you have me tied very good. I started to lick her pussy and she let out a moan, I starting fingering her and ask her if my 7 inch cock was enough for her. She said it was just fine, I said just fine is it. and got up and went to the back door and let max in. I walked around in front of her and max smelling pussy in the air went straight to her ass, and began to sniff, I looked at her said Well 7...

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Roman times

“Slave” Her master bellowed from the confines of yards of silk wrapped around him cocoon like. Miriam froze in trepidation and felt the wine slop around in the amphora she was carrying. She feared what was to come next and hoped that she wasn’t in trouble. “Put that down and come here.” She hurried to put the wine down, resting the amphora against the wall. Her slave torc swung free from her loose necked gown and banged against her breastbone. Her fear grew in exponential leaps....

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Don t Judge a Book Part 3 Chapter 4

Thursday 30th August 2018, Early hours of the morningThe video showing Jill and Malcolm consummating the new level of their relationship, now that they’d both declared their love for each other, ended just as quickly as it had started. The image of my beautiful wife riding up and down on Malcolm’s big cock abruptly disappeared to be replaced by another picture.This picture showed Luther and Malcolm sat at either end of a horseshoe-shaped set of three leather sofas, between them four black guys...

Wife Lovers
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Helping My Girlfriend Discover Men Go Black

Long past due here is part 3 of my story about my girlfriend Karma. If you haven’t read parts 1 & 2 it might help to understand part 3 better. This story takes places a little over a month after Karma sucked her first cock. Karma was almost addicted to giving blowjobs. She couldn’t suck enough cock. Over that course of a month she probably gave at least three blowjobs a day. Of course I couldn’t leave her have all the fun so I joined in. My black guy friends loved having this new eager little...

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Holiday Fun in the Caravan Part 2

We were not to see Jamie for quite some time. His parents became pleased that he was making new friends and seemed far less shy than he had been. They were a little puzzled that that had seem to happen while he had been in their caravan on his own. Chris suggested that he might have met a young lady while he had stayed down there. We both laughed like drains when they had left.That week when Jamie had been on his own, I left him deliberately alone with Chris. I had been told about a local...

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Just Me for the third time

Ok! so I promised to be truthful so I have put myself in the hole that I dug for myself and have to confess to being very disappointed when uncle did not let me suck on him on my next visit. He spent time caressing my naked body after slowly undressing me, getting me very juicy by softly stroking my inner thighs even though he did not actually touch my sex. I was disappointed and thought that I must have done something wrong the last time but I need not have troubled myself as he went to my...

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RawAttack Gia Derza Spreads Her Tight Asshole

Gia Derza is a complete slut when it comes to having big dicks buried deep inside her asshole. For this wild blonde, nothing beats hardcore anal pounding when she has nothing else to do. Gia stretched out her tight asshole with her hand before offering it to her man. She bends over on the couch and receives the man’s cock on her back hole. Moans of painful pleasure fill the room as her partner continues to stir her asshole in doggystyle. The couple shifts their position to reverse...

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ExposureI know her fears, the irrational terrors that lie deep within her third heart. Today I will exploit them to the full to test her will, to see if the steel is hardened enough so she can survive her ultimate test. She only knows that she is to meet me and to expect a night to pass before she returns to the real world. Today is a game day.I have told her to meet me on the bridge over the motorway at 8:30 in the evening. I will collect her at 9:00. She does not know that I will be...

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The Birthday Boy s Ideal Present

It was her son Adam's sixteenth birthday, and Julie had no idea what she could give him as a special present. She was thirty-five, slim and attractive, with decent 34B boobs, a single parent who worked shifts in the local supermarket, and had no idea at all of what a sixteen-year-old boy would want.And now there were only two days left before his birthday. Not even enough time to order something from online. In desperation, she posted the question on her Facebook page, something she knew Adam...

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Gotta Break Em All 6 His hard Golden rod ready for massacre

At least those who had seen a Machoke kill people before might not recognize the Machamp with an unusual coloration. The plan involved taking down the guardhouses. Here, Machamp would act as a mentor regarding a useful move. It involved observing the target for weaknesses, before landing a devastating punch. The group went to the nothern gate leading to Route 35. Their leader stood still to the side of the gate, paying no attention to the conflicts of Team Rocket grunts and trainers out in...

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Accept A Bull

Peter Morton had the perfect life. He was an annuities manager at an investment firm on Wall Street making more money than most people could ever dream of making. He’d made a few sound investments and done some trading that wasn’t really above board but he didn’t get caught and he made a bundle in the process so debt wasn’t a huge issue. He and his wife were empty nesters; their two boys were in college and staying relatively out of trouble, at least not the sort of trouble that would get...

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‘Come,’ the message appeared on my phone. It had been weeks since he and I had been together. I stared at the screen, feeling my blood start to get hotter. ‘Yes.’ I was in my car and on the road. I needed it so bad and so suddenly. My phone vibrated in my pocket, ‘Get your sexy ass in my bed, right now.’ I was suddenly driving 70mph on a dirt road. It was needed. I flew up the driveway and almost left my keys in my car in my rush to get to him. I dropped all my things on the counter in...

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TMKOC Goa Trip 8211 Part 1 Jethalal ne Madhavi ka uthaya faida

To baat us din ki hai jab Gokuldham society ki sari families ne Goa jaane ka decide kiya. Sab ki train ki tickets book ho chuki thi, aur sab taiyaar hoke gaadiyon mein baith gaye. Jethalal ko achanak phone aaya ki uska koi important client uski wait kar raha tha. Client bohut important tha, aur agar Jethalal usko nahi milta, to uska kafi nuksaan ho jata. Isliye usne Daya ko bola ki woh baaki sab ke sath chali jaye, aur Jethalal usko seedhe station par milega. Ye bol kar usne gaadi pakdi, aur...

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The Colors of Love Loneliness

The room smelled of juniper and wildflowers. She always loved burning incense and it reminded him of her. Tristan was sitting on his bed thinking of her. He thought back to when they first met and how that train ride seemed like any other morning train ride until he saw her. He remembered how she lit up the subway car with her beauty. He remembered how when the train stopped, he had to chase her down, because he was too afraid to say anything before then. He thought back to their first date....

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Reunion Ch 3 2

Cindy left early the next morning to get home, and watch her siblings. I sat on the back porch with my coffee, and pulled out my phone. “Change of plans.” I texted Katherine. I wasn't expecting her to reply. I didn't know what her shooting schedule was, and was surprised when she called me a minute later. “Good morning, Beautiful.” I answered. “Good morning to you, Love.” She said back. “What changed in the plan? I thought that you had that sweet little tart lined up to make Candice...

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Choti Bahen Ki Padhai Ki Jagah Chudai

Mera naam Sachin hai. Vadodara(Gujarat) ka rehne vala hu.5’8 height hai dikhne me bhi smart hu married hu. Meri shadi ko 2 saal ho chuke hai. Ye kahani meri aur meri dur ki bahen priyal ki hai. Pehle Priyal ke figure ke bare me bata du uska figure 32-26-32 hai.Ab me story pe aata hu. Meri job vadodara me thi and meri wife ki job mere hometown me thi so hum dono alag alag rehte the. Main baroda me akela hi rehta tha, maine akele hi room isliye liya tha ki agar chudai ka mauka mile to jagah ki...

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Forbidden Temptation

The Human legions had pushed deep into Elven territory faster than Queen Ethimilee could have imagined. The had marched north through her lands, burning forests and villages, killing her people, and taking anything of value they found. Her people were ageless and had grown complacent in the long period of peace they had enjoyed until only a few months ago. Her soldiers were more than rusty, they were completely and utterly unprepared. She had gathered all her remaining warriors to the south and...

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The School Band

20/06/2020 A/N: Hello there. I have resumed work on this story once again. I will be editing up the current stuff quite significantly (no real change to the overall storyline, just the words itself). I would just like to say at this time that I will be focusing on progressing the story primarily, then add alternate choices at a later time. The incessant beeping of your alarm rouses you from your slumber. 'Isn't it Saturday today? Why would I turn the alarm on?' You stretch out your arm towards...

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New Year Celebration With Housewife Sandya

I won’t celebrate 1sy Jan as new year and I celebrate our Ugadi festival as new year….but my neighbor wanted to celebrate and they wanted me to join them and from December 15th they started asking me….every day for new year fun. I told them its completely depends on hubby schedule and i knew that hubby is going to take leave for house construction in native but did not gave them any hint…..just keep on dragging…..they told me i am going to get good time with themI said completely depend on...

4 years ago
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Training 2 Hubby

First off, these started as his fantasies not mine, but as time has gone on our sex life has gotten incredibly hot and I wish I had started earlier.I've known for a long time that my husband has some submissive fantasies, and even fantasizes about being forced to eat his own cum. This seemed bizarre to me at first, but now I love making him lick his cum off me every time we make love and he thanks me for it. I don't like to swallow cum, but it is super hot that he will do it on my command.After...

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PornMegaLoad Jessae Rosae Slutty Nerd

The good ol’ teasing-a girl-to-get-her-attention trick. It doesn’t always work, but in this scene it does. Robby cracks on Jessea for being a nerd, and it piques her interest. She follows him to the couch where he’s playing the guitar. He invites her to sit on his lap so he can show her how to play. Soon he’s playing with her pussy, getting it wet through her underwear, then pulling her panty panel aside to give her slit long tongue strokes. Jessea may be skinny, but...

1 year ago
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Blessings in our New Apartment

A childless couple buys a Flat at Ahmadabad and the lady achieves motherhood which brings huge property to husband, How? read New Apartment I am Prarthana. Let me narrate about my good and bad fortunes in life. First it is necessary to briefly tell about me, parents, husband and in laws. I was born in Mysuru and my education was completed there. I am the only daughter for my parents and was brought up with much pampering. I had very good enjoyable childhood with loving parents. Naturally I had...

3 years ago
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Winston s WitchChapter 3

That evening the gaoler showed in more of Nicola's accusers, Widow Driven Snow Blanchett and her fifteen year old daughter, Diana. (It was, you may recall, a tradition among the Pilgrims and other religious types in that part of the country to give their children names -- allegorical or otherwise -- that would hopefully influence them in their future lives.) "Do you intend to leave me alone with these two, Master Gaoler? I know not about Mistress Chastiy, but I am quite certain that Widow...

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Sex with Bhabhi

I am seducer from kolkata age 28 My aunty with a married son, her daughter-in-law whom I used to call Ranju Bhabi was a damn sexy lady, I always dreamt of having her one day. One day I went to auntie house to see her, she was not there and had gone off to her daughters house so I decided to stay back and gossip with bhabhi, she was looking gorgeous as ever in her blue sari and sleeveless blouse after some time of chatting of here and there she went off to her kitchen to make tea for both of...

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I love my mom

I am 21 now but was fantasing about my mother since my 8th grade.. my mom has a very bad or should i say good drinking habit.. She usually gets piss drunk and is knocked out almost every night she is not having a very happy married life and I doubt she is even having a sex life.. I was 18 when I shifted in with mom was with my grandparents before that and when i saw my mom I just got a hard on looking at her fairly huge tits firm ass and a heavenly womanly body something was missing in the...

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Naa Sex Anubhavaalu

Hi friends naa peru surya nenu already meeku telusu.Naa age 24 height 5.4 and my tool 6 inches.Inthaku mundhu nenu maa inti mundhu unde deepa tho naa 1st sex experience meetho share chesukunnanu.Mundhugaa naa previous storylo meeru icchina support ki thank you.Indhulo deepatho naa 1st experience tharvatha naa sex life meetho share chesthanu.Inka storyloki velthe deepa marriage ayipoyina tharvatha thanatho phonelo matladudham ante thana sim vaalla nannaki icchi velli poyindhi.Tharvatha okasari...

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Bo Derek Discovers the BeastChapter 13

Miles O'keefe received word two months later that he would be the star in John Derek's next movie project, a remake of 'Tarzan.' Now he knew why all the questions regarding animals. After his introduction into Bo Derek's quirky love habits, he had convinced himself that they were for that rather than a movie. Now he knew. What happened back at the Derek Ranch was just a bonus. He could still picture Bo and John along with the dogs. That same night he had given the Derek's young...

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The Guy Next Door Chapter 8

The Guy Next Door - Chapter 8 Jane and Matt arrived home at the same time. Matt had actually parked down the street a little. He decided it would be safer if he kept all the toys, just to save Jane’s blushes. Jane rang the doorbell and looked at Matt, he winked at her and smiled then disappeared inside his own house. Jane rang the doorbell again. There was no answer, she eventually rummaged around in her bag for the keys and opened it herself, she struggled in with her bags. She sighed and...

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Getting The Best Blowjob And Finger Fucking My Teen Cousin

Hi guys, this is Sudeep. I had written the story of a cousin of mine and her experience with her boyfriend in . This is my second story here, so forgive me if you find any mistakes. I am a student in my third year of B Tech in Mechanical engineering and I am studying in Coimbatore. I have four cousins, three females and one male. It was the second of the three female cousins who had introduced me to pornography when she was quite young. I know it feels exaggerating but she is a sex...


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