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2 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 16 Abused

I collapsed to the floor when he released me from the wall. He went back to the bedroom. I tried to follow but my body was wrecked with pain and I was exhausted. I just lay where I was and fell asleep. When I woke, the terror of the night before returned to my mind. I decided to get out of this torture chamber before Gary returned. I crawled to the bedroom. There was no one there. I hadn't the energy to go any further. I climbed onto the bed and collapsed. I don't know how long I lay there...

2 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 15 Tortured Some More

When I came around the machine was still hammering away in my arse. My breasts were bruised and purple from the ropes and caning. "Good, you're back. I didn't want you to miss the next bit." he laughed.My body shuddered with fear. What more could he possibly do to me.He unstrapped my wrists from the cross, lowered my legs and unstrapped them. I still couldn't move as I was stuck on the giant penis. He then pulled on the ropes tied to my breasts. I screamed like never before. He continued to...

3 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 14 Tortured

When I returned to the bedroom, my husband and Ellie were missing. "You'll be spending the night with me, slut." Gary said.He came over to me "Put your hands behind your back." When I did he grabbed my hands and put handcuffs on me. I struggled to get loose but it was too late. He then put a collar on me and attached a leash to it. He pulled on the leash. "Time for some fun" he said as he pinched my nipple. He took a key out of his pocket and brought me to a door at the end of the bedroom. He...

3 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 11 Back Home

I spent most of the next day in bed. I was emotionally and physically shattered. Despite the humiliation and degradation I had endured over the previous two weeks the thing that hurt most was his affair with Beth. I expected the phone to ring but it didn't. That evening I showered, dressed and prepared dinner. He arrived home just before 7. I met him at the door as he now demanded. "Clean my cock slut." Clean his cock? He must have meant suck it, he hadn't fucked me yet. I got down on my knees...

2 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 10 No Escape

As soon as I heard him leave for work the next morning I jumped out of bed. This was my chance to escape. He would expect me to go to my parents or sister so I wouldn't. I'd drive south to some town he would never think I'd go to, pick up a job as a waitress or something and then move on after a few months. I would take out as much money as I could from ATMs before I left town and then dump the cards. I packed two cases and brought them to the garage. I almost collapsed when I went into the...

3 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 36 Hannah and Debbie Take

As we lay there recovering, the twins came over and took Anne by the hand. They brought her to the wall and chained her hands above her head. As she started to struggle they put a gag in her mouth before spreading her legs and chaining her ankles to the wall. My husband then led Hannah out on the floor. He kissed her long and hard before removing her blouse. Anne pulled hard against her chains. The gag muffled her screams. By now Hannah's bra had fallen to the floor and my husband was unzipping...

2 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 38 MOTHER AND DAUGHTER

The other arrived back from shopping. The girls ran upstairs to try on their new outfits while my husband, mother and Anne came out to the beach. My husband looked down at Linda and smiled his appreciation. She sat up and tried to cover her body. “Lie back down slut and spread your legs” he ordered. She hesitated too long and my mother slapper her across the face. “Do what your told dear. It’ll make life easier for everyone.” She lay back down and spread her legs. My husband took out his phone...

4 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 39 Gifts For The Sluts

That evening after dinner we were all sitting in the lounge. The twins came out with some bags and lay them on the floor beside my husband. He looked around the room at us.“I bought some gifts when we were in the town.” He called Anne over to him and handed her a bag. She took out a box, opened it and took out a strapon with a large 8” dildo.“Put it on.” He instructed her. She dropped her dress to the floor and stepped into the strapon. We all watched as she adjusted it on her body. “Now fuck...

3 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 41 Exposure

I spent that night with my father and sister. He enjoyed using his two daughters. The next morning the twins arrived into the room and took Anne away. My father became very aroused watching Anne head downstairs with the twins. He grabbed my hair and forced me down to his cock. He pushed his cock all the way down my throat on his first thrust and fucked my throat non-stop. I fought and struggled thinking he was going to choke me but he didn’t care. He pounded away at my throat until he finally...

1 year ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 1 From Mother To Slut

"No, never" I screamed "Stop it, I'm your wife." He slapped me across the face, twice. Then as he left the kitchen he said "Listen, you have 5 minutes to decide your future ." What was I to do. I'd been a wife for 30 years with no job or money. My parents lived in another city and my sister was married and living abroad. I had no real friends. My husband and children had been my life. If I went back to my parents I'd never see my children again. There had to be something I could do....

1 year ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 10 No Escape

I almost collapsed when I entered into the garage. My car was gone. What had happened to it. I stumbled back inside the house. He had guessed I might try to escape and taken the car away. I could still escape. I could buy a train or plane ticket. The only problem was he would find out where I went. I decided to go to my sister. She was abroad and I could move on after a day or two with her. I went online to book the ticket. When I entered my credit card details the transaction was rejected. I...

2 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 11 Back Home

I expected the phone to ring but it didn't. That evening I showered, dressed and prepared dinner. He arrived home just before 7. I met him at the door as he now demanded. "Clean my cock slut." Clean his cock? He must have meant suck it, he hadn't fucked me yet. I got down on my knees and undone his trousers dropping them and his underwear to the ground. His cock stunk and was covered in white flakes. He seen me wince at the sight. "I fucked Beth before I left the office and I didn't...

3 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 14 Tortured

He came over to me "Put your hands behind your back." When I did he grabbed my hands and put handcuffs on me. I struggled to get loose but it was too late. He then put a collar on me and attached a leash to it. He pulled on the leash. "Time for some fun" he said as he pinched my nipple. He took a key out of his pocket and brought me to a door at the end of the bedroom. He opened the door and switched on a light. I screamed in terror when I saw what was inside. I tried to get away but he...

2 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 16 Home Alone

He arrived back one morning when I was still in bed. He came into the bedroom, stripped, flung the bedclothes off the bed, turned me over and started fucking me in the arse. "What are you?" "I'm an ass fucking slut." I sobbed. He came and rolled off me. "Clean my cock slut." I went down and took his shit stained smelling cock in my mouth and sucked it clean. When I finished, he showered, dressed and left without saying another word. That afternoon the phone rang. It was Beth....

3 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 15 Tortured Some More

"Good, you're back. I've been waiting for you. I didn't want you to miss the next bit." he laughed. My body shuddered with fear. What more could he possibly do to me. I watched him come towards me. He unstrapped my wrists from the cross, lowered my legs and unstrapped them. I still couldn't move as I was stuck on the giant penis. He then pulled on the ropes tied to my breasts. I screamed like never before. He continued to pull causing pain to rip from my breasts through to my whole...

3 years ago
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LifelineChapter 1

The ringing telephone startled me from my poolside reverie. My wife answered the phone, listened for a moment, and turned toward me. "Ben, I think it's one of your sisters," she said with a puzzled look on her face. "She sounds upset." I sincerely doubted any of my sisters would be calling me. I was the black sheep of the family, the youngest child by 10 years. My sisters resented the preferential treatment – real and imagined – given me as the youngest by my mother and as the lone boy...

2 years ago
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LifelineChapter 2

It was six hours later when Elizabeth drove to the airport to pick up Pam. I offered to go but Saturday nights were Daddy-Daughter nights at the Wallace/Vargas-Wallace household. Lauren and Lauren took to one another like two peas in a pod (or two Laurens in a living room, I guess) and before a few minutes had passed the duo was lying side-by-side on the carpet coloring socks to make puppets. My Lauren put her head on the older girl's lap midway through The Lion King and fell asleep. It was...

3 years ago
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LifelineChapter 3

Elizabeth was apoplectic when I arrived home. She seemed poised for physical violence and I could tell her hold on her frayed temper was tenuous. "Why in the hell did you see Tiny Huntley again today?" she asked through clenched teeth. "Are you intent on getting yourself killed? If you are, just say the word. Because I'm about ready for that." I looked at her calmly. "Tiny and I have a business arrangement in this one particular area," I said. "I needed to let him know that I...

1 year ago
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LifelineChapter 4

The man on the witness stand had testified before. I could tell that from his answers to Tony Baker's direct examination. I could also tell that Baker had no chance to prep this guy and that the guy wasn't interested in being in the courtroom. "Officer Scarborough," Baker began. "Detective Scarborough," the man corrected. "I apologize," Baker said. I saw his shoulders tense. He was getting no cooperation from his own witness. "Detective Scarborough, did you find yourself at a park...

2 years ago
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LifelineChapter 5

I was happy that I at least left on a high note as I rode the elevator to the 14th floor of the county courthouse. It didn't last. Al Castille had two other people in his chambers – Tony Baker and Valerie Dwyer, the elected district attorney for the county. I had met Dwyer only twice – and that was enough. She was nearing the middle of her first four-year term in office. From the outset, she set her sights on bigger things, namely moving across town as a federal prosecutor or taking a seat...

3 years ago
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LifelineChapter 6

It was the Tuesday following the Wellses' abrupt departure when Elizabeth called me at my office. Our offices were only five floors apart but we rarely visited each other during the working day. The legal section of Children and Youth Services did not hang out with prosecutors. I was surrounded by granola eaters that think every child is a snowflake. I guess I agreed to a certain extent. I spent enough winters in the North that I think snow is a pain in my ass. I feel the same about...

2 years ago
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LifelineChapter 7

I drew stares as I entered the district attorney's office and asked to see my wife. They all knew who I was. But it was highly unusual for me to pay a social visit to Elizabeth's office. "It's important," I said when the receptionist told me that Ellie was extremely busy. The woman frowned but buzzed Elizabeth. She appeared at the door a moment later and the receptionist buzzed me through the security measures. Elizabeth smiled and took my hand. "Come to see my new office?" she...

1 year ago
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LifelineChapter 8

My wife arrived at home that evening with a trunk filled with boxes. I could see she had a weekend of work planned. That was OK because it freed me up to grab Lauren and spend all weekend playing games with her, going to the park and having fun. If Elizabeth was too busy to participate it left more hugs for me. I was OK with that. "Where do you want these?" Ellie asked as she carried the first of a half dozen boxes into the house. "Wherever you want them is fine," I said. "They're...

2 years ago
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LifelineChapter 9

My Keenan counsel was nowhere to be found when I checked out our new digs. It was an unused judge's chamber so it was nice. There was an outer office for the staff. There was a spacious inner office and a separate private office. I figured I would share the big office with whoever my Keenan counsel wound up being and we would use the private office for meeting with witnesses. The judge had also allocated two other smaller offices – one on either side of the chambers – for our use. I was not...

3 years ago
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LifelineChapter 10

To say the Pickle was ecstatic with the news would be an understatement. I wondered, briefly, if she were about to start jumping for joy. Thankfully, if she felt that way, it passed quickly. I was also thankful that she didn't ask where the money was coming from. I had given her a general overview, for which I think she was grateful, where I explained that Huntley's sister had established a defense fund to help defray costs. The smile vanished from her face as quickly as it...

2 years ago
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LifelineChapter 11

I arrived for my initial meeting with The Honorable Leo Tagliotti with plenty of time to spare. In fact, it appeared I had so much time to spare that his administrator left to me stand in front of her desk for several minutes while she conducted a series of personal telephone calls. Midway through the conversations, Jane Cummings joined me. We stood together for several seconds, glancing at one another. I had little dealings with the judges who heard criminal trials, so the woman's actions...

2 years ago
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LifelineChapter 12

It was the weekend following Thanksgiving when I finally got the chance to sit down with the evidence. The Pickle had admonished Judge Tagliotti and she had forced him to offer an apology to Jane and me in front of our staffs. More importantly, at least in my eyes, she relegated him to the newly created post of overnight arraignment judge. In order to keep the court staffed during its busiest times, she assigned him to work from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday...

1 year ago
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LifelineChapter 13

I found Elizabeth and Lauren sitting at the kitchen table with coloring books and crayons when I got home. I was hours earlier than normal and my daughter, who I hadn't seen awake and alert in three weeks, jumped off the chair and raced to give me a hug. I scooped her up and kissed her on the end of her nose – which wrinkled in the most adorable manner – and tucked her on my hip as I turned to Elizabeth. My wife greeted me with a warm smile and a wink. I did my best to return the smile but...

3 years ago
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LifelineChapter 15

Lucy Barrett was in the office when I got back and I was able to add an additional unhappy look in my direction. "You really thought it was a good idea to chew out Judge Valasik in public?" she asked. "It was not perhaps the best idea I've ever had," I agreed. "However, the timing seemed appropriate. I don't know if she thought I would back down if she confronted me in the hallway or if she just has no concept of propriety. Either way, when she braced me, I fired back." "She...

3 years ago
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LifelineChapter 16

I survived a sleepless night and managed to get Lauren to preschool on time. I got to the courthouse and headed straight for Jane Cummings' office. She wasn't in yet but I saw one of her investigators and motioned him over. "Any luck with the second video?" I asked urgently. "None," he said. "I'm headed out to the motel to see if they have a backup copy. I doubt they do. Most of those places don't keep surveillance video very long." "I have to have that video," I...

1 year ago
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LifelineChapter 17

I picked Lauren up at daycare just like nothing was wrong. She gave me her normal hug and then clung to me as I carried her to the car. She was babbling a mile a minute as I strapped her into her car seat, telling me in great detail about a picture of a cat she had drawn that day. We went to the house and went through our nightly routine. We played on the floor with her dinosaur action figures and read a story aloud. We were just sitting down to her favorite meal – fish sticks and macaroni...

4 years ago
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LifelineChapter 18

Elizabeth was holding a photo in her hand when she walked out. She was studying it intently. "What is this?" she asked. I pulled it from her hand, the cell phone still in my hand even though no one was on the other end. "There are two more coming in," I said. " Print them for me, please." At least I was polite. The photo was from a red-light camera and was of the rear of a gray Ford Escape. I could clearly see the license number, not that it meant anything to me. There was no second...

2 years ago
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LifelineChapter 19

Breakfast was a strained affair. For the second night in a row – and the second night of our marriage – Elizabeth and I slept apart. I bedded down in a guest room while she returned to our bedroom. I had begun to wonder if Elizabeth's professional life was more important to her than the life we'd built at home. I would never have to ask myself that question. I would gladly give up my career if it brought an end to the sort of tension that the past few days had delivered. It seemed that...

1 year ago
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LifelineChapter 20

It was snowing and 12 degrees when we flew into the airport in the town where Pam and Lauren lived. It had been close to 60 and sunny when we left our city five hours earlier. Two state troopers would meet us near Pam's house to perform the arrest. We would have to extradite her to our state to face charges but no one thought it would pose much of a problem. The week between our meeting in Judge Valasik's chambers had seen my life return to an even keel. The four of us put our heads...

3 years ago
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LifelineChapter 21

I wish I could say Pam's arrest and the sealed indictment on Wallace Mann was the end of the story. In a nicer world, maybe it would have been. But we don't live in a nicer world. The world of jurisprudence is filled with violence, hubris and greed. All three were a part of Biff Wells' sad legacy. I had made arrangements with Lucy Barrett to handle Pam's plea deal. We didn't know who the prosecutor in the case would be but Judge Valasik promised that she would apply pressure on...

2 years ago
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LifelineChapter 22

The next six months moved forward so fast I could barely keep up. February saw Elizabeth at the state capital for most of the month. She spent a week telling her story to a legislative subcommittee and another week being interviewed by the State Police Anti-Corruption Squad, the group the attorney general had appointed to investigate the Combined Drug Task Force members and the groups that might have corrupted them. Then she spent 10 days testifying about her actions as a member of the Task...

2 years ago
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LifelineChapter 23

In an amazing bit of irony, several people in the drama came out smelling a lot better than when they went in. Judge Valasik retired from the local bench to accept a senior position in the Attorney General's Anti-Corruption Unit. Pam became an icon for women who stand up to abusive partners. Lucy managed to leak a little of Pam's life with Biff Wells – not to mention Wells' plan to send his daughter to prison for his crimes – and the media ate it up. That vaulted Lucy up the charts as...

3 years ago
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Hook Unhook

Hey everyone… This story is about my mom and me. I have been studying in hostel since class 1 so as a result I only get to spend only 2 to 3 months at home.. I have always been my momma’s boy and have always helped her and never got my sexual intensions towards her. Although she is very sexy. I do not know about her breast size etc but they are quite big. The best part about her is that she is very cute… Other than my mom, my dad and I live in d house… Mom used to take a lot of care of me…...

1 year ago
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Hogwarts Hookups

It's a secret that is kept as well as any secret in the school. It was the Irrumabo room where the most depraved spellbooks, potions and enchanted objects were kept. From collars that changed the most headstrong person into a complete submissive to spells that changed the physical appearance of anyone to potions that enhance the pleasure experience could be found in this room.

2 years ago
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Sideline Hottie

There’s absolutely nothing I like better than a big, strong man between my thighs.  I just love the feeling of a vigorous guy on top of me, pumping hot cum inside my dripping pussy while my toes are pointed straight at the ceiling and my nails are digging into his tight ass.  I’ve always been attracted to bigger men, real athletes, especially football players.  There’s just something about all that energy, the power and the vigor, the violence even, that makes my pussy soaking wet and me a hot...

4 years ago
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Sideline Hottie

There’s absolutely nothing I like better than a big, strong man between my thighs.  I just love the feeling of a vigorous guy on top of me, pumping hot cum inside my dripping pussy while my toes are pointed straight at the ceiling and my nails are digging into his tight ass.  I’ve always been attracted to bigger men, real athletes, especially football players.  There’s just something about all that energy, the power and the vigor, the violence even, that makes my pussy soaking wet and me a hot...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Hey everyone! Smooches. I just got done turning my FIRST trick EVER. Before, my fiance would talk dirty calling me a hooker, whore, etc, but it was never true...now, it is true. I can not believe I just did what I did. I made three hundred bucks being pimped out to the hottest black dude I've ever seen. I'm blushing people would pay for my pussy, mouth, and butthole. I cried for a lil after we were done...I felt so dirty. I dunno, i still feel dirty, but I know I will do it again. ...

2 years ago
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Hindi Hotel Hooking

Meena was at her wits end. She worked hard as a hotel maid in one of the upscale ones near where she lived but just didn’t make enough money to help her husband go to university and get a job with a good income. He had looked and looked for work but none was to be found so he stayed home with their two-year-old girl child while she made what income she could. When a client at the hotel offered her money for sex, she was seriously tempted. She liked sex and got it frequently from her husband....

4 years ago
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Storyline Pt2

Weekend came and I was meant to be there for 18:30I arrived early a little excited at the thought of what could happen, I pressed the bell and heard the little ones, I remembered a conversation about them going away the weekend and thought they haven’t gone yet, il get to say goodbye to them. The door opened and it was the eldest one letting me in. I walk in to the kitchen where everyone was and said “Hi” They was too busy chatting and almost completely ignored me when his wife grabbed my hand...

2 years ago
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StoryLine Pt2

Weekend came and I was meant to be there for 18:30I arrived early a little excited at the thought of what could happen, I pressed the bell and heard the little ones, I remembered a conversation about them going away the weekend and thought they haven’t gone yet, il get to say goodbye to them. The door opened and it was the eldest one letting me in. I walk in to the kitchen where everyone was and said “Hi” They was too busy chatting and almost completely ignored me when his wife grabbed my hand...

1 year ago
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My mums friend, had her sister staying, she was running from an abusive relationship. They had arranged a night out and I went to look after her k**s for a few hours. When I got there they was just about to leave, she told me her husband was in the shower but had to go to a meeting and they would be back by 1am. I went and got settled as their cab arrived. It wasn’t long before the baby needed a bottle and I went and got one for him, he soon went back to sleep. So I watched TV. I got a little...

2 years ago
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Gaming, anime, and cosplay. Sabrina lived for it all. The nineteen year-old enjoyed living a casual life of excercise, cosplaying at conventions, and relaxing in her apartment. One particular thing she enjoyed doing at home was chatting and playing with people online. Sabrina spent enough time on the internet to distinguish real, friendly people on the internet from the fake and thirsty ones. At least, she believed that she did. She had made many friends and even significant others over the...

1 year ago
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Friendliness Helps

Every Friday night, my friend Jacob and I head out to the Irish pub down the way from the hospital he works at for a couple of drinks. We always order the same thing: a strawberry martini for him, a ginger ale for me. This all began a few years ago when I finally got a job in teaching after months of unemployment. Those months were not fun; residing under the roof of a friend and stuck sleeping on a sofa for several months was not my idea of grand living. That, and he always brought someone new...

3 years ago
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Online Cheating

She loves her husband. She loves her children. At least that's what she always told her online lovers. It set the ground rules and put up boundaries so that none of them got too serious or requested a meeting. It was a grand rationalization, to put it mildly. By getting this up front, she was able to tell herself that none of this was real, that it was all fantasy and fun and that no one would get hurt. If she had believed that, then perhaps it wouldn't have gone so wrong, caused so much hurt,...

1 year ago
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We meet as arranged on the 23rd of March. I’m excited and nervous. I’ve looked forwards to seeing you again for so long. I yearn for the touch of you. The taste of you. Your kisses. To be used and enjoyed again.Were in the pub now. It’s much busier than I expected for a weekday lunch time. Which makes the room uncomfortably warm. You place my drink in front of me and sit down close beside me. You thigh is pressed against mine. It makes me tingle, right up the inside of my thigh, to my throbbing...

4 years ago
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Silliness At The Neighborhood Mall Sports Bar

I’ve come to realize that along with a wicked exhibitionist streak, I love being submissive in a mild sort of way. I think being told what to do, and therefore not being wholly responsible, takes away some of the guilt I sometimes feel. I owe this discovery to an ex-boyfriend, who had a certain way of getting me to do things. The way he’d whisper in my ear telling me how hot I looked and how every guy there wanted to fuck me, among other things, just sent me into a state of mind where I wanted...

2 years ago
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Silliness At The Neighborhood Mall Sports Bar

I've come to realize that along with a wicked exhibitionist streak, I love being submissive in a mild sort of way. I think being told what to do, and therefore not being wholly responsible, takes away some of the guilt I sometimes feel. I owe this discovery to an ex-boyfriend, who had a certain way of getting me to do things. The way he'd whisper in my ear telling me how hot I looked and how every guy there wanted to fuck me, among other things, just sent me into a state of mind where I wanted...

1 year ago
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The Hooker

As time passed and the urge to fuck kept growing he started surfing around the internet, as it turned out it wasn't very hard to find a hooker, even though it was illegal in his state. Of course they marketed themselves as "escorts" with the implication being that sex was off the table even though everyone knew that was the whole point. He wasn't sure what was the straw that finally broke the camel's back, but something in him snapped and he made the call. After a long conversation on...

4 years ago
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My First Time With A Hooker

My name is Mark Woods and the story I'm about to tell you is true. It happened about five years ago now... I was twenty years old and fresh out of a two-year technical college with a brand new Associates Degree in Computer Sciences.I was in Philadelphia on a job interview–my professor told me of a new company opening up and put in a good word for me, so I was following up on it. I wanted to get into the whole computer security field as my professor told me that was where the good money was and...

1 year ago
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My Day as a Hooker

I was quite depressive for some time after the abuse I endured in the strict female highschool and I didn’t turn myself into a woman for at least two weeks. Then an order from eBay arrived that I ordered almost a month ago a crotchless full body fishnet stocking and a pair of black satin crotchless thongs. That gave me an idea. It was time for me to get a revenge and destroy some dreams as mine were destroyed. I will dress as a hooker and let guys pick me up and then I shall fuck them in their...

3 years ago
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Early Morning Hooker

Early Morning Hooker In the nineties, I carried on an erotic pen-pal correspondence with a woman who earned the name DG late in her high school years. She had fantasies of being turned out as a prostitute and liked having her breasts slapped. I wrote this for her. This is my only story in first person present. I usually don’t like that, but it seems to work here. Enjoy. – Paddler You and I are on the road, traveling across country. It’s summer and hot, so even in the early morning you wear...

3 years ago
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Dog Bitch To Gloryhole Hooker

Introduction: I push my wife to explore her darker fantasies and take her to back room of a sleazy adult bookstore. My wife and I had reached a point in our relationship where we needed to find new sexual territory. We started to play around with domination fetish stuff. After a while we found that she really got off on humiliation and being degraded. So I started giving her orders to tell me her fantasies and she did her best to obey. At first it was all tame and some of it for my amusement...

3 years ago
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Hot Black Motel Hooker

I was out of town for work. Had the day off. So I just was chilling in my room. I heard a women laughing. I went to check it out. I had room over looking the pool. As I looked down. I seen her. Sexy black women. Her big tits seem to almost burst out her swim suet. She had guys all around her. Seemed like everyone was flirting. I watched her for a while. Every now and then. she would look up and wave. I did not know why but it made me feel sexy. After a while. she went to her room. I went back...

1 year ago
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1st time VERY young black TS hooker

A few years ago I was driving to work just before 8:00 A.M. I was stopped at a light while crossing a small bridge and saw a beautiful young black woman (so I thought) in a sundress. I had my windows down and happened to make eye contact with her. She came right out and asked me for a ride about a mile in the opposite direction I was going. Even though I am about as gay as a man can get, as she was so young and innocent looking I said ok. She got in my car and I headed where she directed me....

2 years ago
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OHGirls Hard Life as a Hooker

OHGirl:“Me and a few guys from the frat were thinking about taking a roadtrip to Boston next week.” James said as I rode his hard, black cock. I had been fucking him on a daily basis for the last three weeks and he was lying on his back, his hands behind his head while I slid on his shaft like a carousel horse. “I heard your sister was dancing at a club there this weekend.” I stated, while I held onto my tits to keep them from bouncing. “She’s there for a week and I sent a text to see if she...

2 years ago
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My Wife the Pretend Hooker

The construction company i work for in Las Vegas sent me to Reno to do a small job for a couple months. I found a place to live and hired 4 guys and went to work. the wife came up to spend the last week with me. it had been over a month since we fucked so the first night we spent fucking like rabbits. My wife likes to pretend she is a hooker and i am her john. on the weekends she will get all dressed up and go walk the streets for an hour or two then i pick her up at a bar. she has had a...

3 years ago
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Caught dad with hooker

My dad had been sick in cancer for a long time.I drove by his house everyday to give him something to eat.This day was like every other day.I finished work and drove by the grocery store.As i parked outside his house, i noticed a old european car outside his house.Didnt think much about it as a walked to dads front door and rang the doorbell.I just heard dads voice "Come in , son!! "Entered the old house and walked in the kitchen.I put the beers and the chickenwings in the fridge.- Come in son,...

4 years ago
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Early Morning Hooker

Early Morning Hooker In the nineties, I carried on an erotic pen-pal correspondence with a woman who earned the name DG late in her high school years. She had fantasies of being turned out as a prostitute and liked having her breasts slapped. I wrote this for her. This is my only story in first person present. I usually don’t like that, but it seems to work here. Enjoy. - Paddler You and I are on the road, traveling across country. It's summer and hot, so even in the early morning you wear...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Mistaken for a Hooker

My lovely little brown Filipina wife is very attractive and loving caring person. Ella is 5'5'' - which is very tall for a Filipina - and she has a firm slim sexy body with long flowing black hair. I married my wife in Philippines four years ago now and in spite of the twenty years age difference - my wife is 29 years old - we have had a very good marriage. Apart from cooking, my wife enjoys sex every day and she is a very good lover. She even had her tongue and pussy pierced to be able to...

2 years ago
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MFM threesome hooker

True story from back in the craigs list days:Their add was looking for a MMF threesome. It was blunt and had no photo. At the time CL was wide open and a fairly good source to meet like minded sexual freaks. Later it turned and then finally went away with gvt regulations. They were at a King Motel. I knew they were not fake and not cops. Cops will go to a better hotel. If you have never been to a King Motel... You can almost just drive up and find a hooker. I have. It is dirty. It is not a safe...

2 years ago
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Line Of Sight

Author's Note - The story I am about to unfold is a true incident that happened in a neighborhood I lived in. It happened a long time ago but a lot of the characters are still living. I have changed the names to avoid some kind of libel suit. Tom Taylor and his wife Jeri lived next door to me in a small house. The neighborhood was mostly older and much larger houses. The Taylor house had been built several years back when the big house that had been there before it had burned. The elderly...

2 years ago
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Amma Jacket Hooks

Hi buddies, this is raja from andhra, sharing my sexperiences with my traditional and some what conservative mother. Let me introduce myself first. I am 26, working in a state government office since three years. My dad is staying at a far away place in Tamilnadu for some reasons not needed to be explained. My mother and me are living together in a small town in andhra. Now let me get into the story. It all started when I was in first year inter when my gorgeous mother started seducing me. She...

3 years ago
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It was the fourth quarter of the game, with the Jamestown Demons trailing by six points; with two minutes remaining on the clock. You swore. This was bad - if your team lost, it would bring down the morale of the entire school, and that was something you couldn't let happen. After all, what was better than watching cheerleaders scream and shout your name while wearing mini-skirts and tank tops that barely contained their large tits? You glanced at the field, and growled as your team didn't...

2 years ago
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This is a work of fiction, sad to say… That an opportunity for the two of us to be together, face to face, seemed to me to be nothing short of a miracle. For months we had been chatting, teasing, learning, sharing and loving. I had resigned myself to never being able to actually meet her. After all, we lived in different countries, lived completely different life-styles, had no reason whatsoever to think that we would ever meet. Yet here we were – together, alone. Not just alone, but alone on...

3 years ago
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This is a work of fiction, sad to say... That an opportunity for the two of us to be together, face to face, seemed to me to be nothing short of a miracle. For months we had been chatting, teasing, learning, sharing and loving. I had resigned myself to never being able to actually meet her. After all, we lived in different countries, lived completely different life-styles, had no reason whatsoever to think that we would ever meet. Yet here we were – together, alone. Not just alone, but alone on...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Cleanliness is Next To

God how I hated these annual meetings in Chicago. An entire week of seminars and workshops just to tell us that if we increased production we could increase profits. What a waste of resources, to drag me halfway across the country with Jen back in Connecticut, God I missed her. I looked at my watch, 2 o’clock, I was never going to make my flight I thought, and my attitude worsened as I thought about how much I missed Jen. I hadn’t seen her since Sunday night, and barely had time to talk to her...

4 years ago
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Online Crush

I first met her about 8 years ago. I met her online in a video chat room. I had met other women in chat rooms, but none that I ever really connected with. You see I’ve always felt a tad bit silly visiting those sites. I even assumed that I wouldn’t meet anyone that I would like, although I realized that that view was indeed a bit hypocritical. Rather, I would lurk and read the dialogue, but it quickly bored me. However, this woman was different. She was quick-witted, she was bright and she...

2 years ago
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Online Shopping With Mom

Hello this is prasad from Mangalore. I am MBA and working in MNC in Mangalore. I am only son to my parents and dad is working in Nationalized bank as chief manager. Currently my dad working in Gujarat and mom and myself stay in Mangalore. we stay in our own house. since i am only son i got all the privileges at home and can i say happy family. My age is 27 and my mom is 49 and dad age is 5 5. My Mom is graduate and she is housewife and she is kind of innocent. She got 36 B- 36- 38 figure, fair...

4 years ago
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Online Friend Sonia Fucked

Hello People this is Luvbunny once again here to share my story with you guys. This happened with me in 2010 December and I met this beautiful South Indian Kerala lady or should say girl online via website chatting and her name is Sonia 29 years of age when we met. She is about 5 feet tall typical south Indian skin colour black hair till shoulders black eyes soft lips, bust size 32 C flat tummy and cute little ass but married lady. I use to surf a lot online to meet girls online but never got...

3 years ago
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The Hookup

It had been another long day of endless meetings before the conference finally ended. I was downstairs in the hotel lounge nursing my beer when, to my surprise, the hot blonde that I’d been watching appeared beside me. Smiling, she reached into her jeweled purse and pulled out a hotel room keycard. Biting her bottom lip, she put it in my shirt pocket and patted it. ‘Give me ten minutes,’ she said, and then turned and left without another word. Ten minutes later, I was standing in front of the...

2 years ago
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Convenience Store Hookup

I stopped off at a convenience store just north of Dallas on my way up to Oklahoma to get some gas and a bite to eat. It was about eight in the evening and my goal was to make it across the Red River and to my destination before nightfall.I filled my tank at the pump and then stepped into the store to grab some snacks for the final leg of my trip. There was no one at the counter, so I called out asking if there was anyone there. No one answered, so I waited a few more seconds and repeated my...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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My First College Hookup

Anyways, moving into my dorm was emotional. My mom cried. My sister cried. And then promised to visit with a whisper that we’d scour the school for our Prince Charmings. My dad tried to act like it wasn’t a big deal, but he was more nervous to see his eldest daughter move out than I was to be moving out. Anyways, I’ll spare you all the details of the goodbyes. My roommate had already moved in by the time we got there. We’d talked online a few times and she seemed really nice! I could tell by...

3 years ago
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The Seven Eleven Hookup

I pulled into the 7-Eleven and headed for the cooler. It was a typical hot summer afternoon, with temperatures near one hundred. I grabbed a bottle of water, then thought, A cold beer sure looks nice. I still had an hour or two left of work, but I decided, What the heck? I am self-employed and who’s going to care, right?I paid for a six-pack, even though I knew I was only going to drink one, maybe two beers and save the rest for later. Then the unexpected happened.As I was about to leave the...

2 years ago
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Hotel Hookup

Amber walked past the lobby, ignoring the looks from the others, who smiled or nodded greeting. Today she was a woman on a mission. Amber found a toilet and ducked in. She lifted her skirt and pulled down her pantyhose and removed the little bit of lace that were panties. She ran a couple of fingers over the course hair and smiled to herself. She had to be careful. She didn’t want to be too wet, not just yet at least. Amber flattered her skirt so that the pleats sat just right. She looked...

3 years ago
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The hookup

Sipping my drink I look around nervously. I start to wonderif he will even show. I am almost ready to leave when I see him. Walking into the bar so full of egotistical confidence it was almost sickening. However there is no denying that he is attractive. Standing at the height of at least 6 foot and even with clothes on I could see that he had a hard body from working out. His dark hair slicked back and I wonder how he had managed to make it look so damn good. I can’t tell from where I am...

3 years ago
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My first college hookup

This is the time that some guy in my geology class blurted out, “Are you high right now?” as class was ending one day. Of course, I was, otherwise I would have delivered the smack upside the head that that kind of lack of discrepancy warrants. Instead, I gave a stupid chuckle, pffft, no, of course not?!? Such a preposterous idea had never been proposed. But I was, and I guess that means I was in with him. Low standards if you ask me, but I’m down. He was cute, a bit juvenile looking, but...

4 years ago
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Hollywood Hookup

*The stories listed here are completely 100% fictional and for entertainment/satirical purposes only. Absolutely nothing that follows will be true. *To suggest celebs, scenarios or get a sense of who might be getting a story soon, go here: https://chyoa.com/chapter/Feedback-%26-Poll.345923 *Now, on with the story: You came to Hollywood two years ago with big dreams of making it in the film industry as a screenwriter. You were young and talented. Surely you would conquer the industry, you...

3 years ago
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Parking Lot Hookup

I am a traveling salesman that covers the western United States. On many, if not all of my trips, I check out gay chat sites. It seems once I am in my room I become horny as hell. On this particular trip, I am up in the state of Washington. While cruising on Squirt for the local hangouts I get a chat request from a local member. We make small talk as I continue to search around and watch porn. I find out his name is Jose. I check out his profile and am very pleased. He is Hispanic and in his...

3 years ago
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Lesbian HookUp

I saw her sitting at a table close to the dance floor. She had just lit a cigarette, and I watched her full lips circle the end of it as she inhaled. I smiled as I watched her turn her head up and crook it to the side as she slowly let the smoke out.From where I sat, I could only see her profile. She was pretty, with short red hair; I could see the outline of high cheekbones, and big, wide eyes. Her lips were what I was most fascinated with, full with a natural pout, perfectly shaped, I wanted...

2 years ago
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Covid grindr hookup

This is my first story so go easy on me lol.its not my first experiance with a guy but my most recent and 100% true, enjoy.i had recently downloaded grinder for some nsa cock fun even though im married (you know how it is guys).i had been browsing daily for a promising meet but kept getting pic hunters or time wasters untill i stumbled upon this one guys profile. He was down as vers so suited me and was close (bonus).we messaged back and forth just gauging what each other wanted and he seemed...

2 years ago
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The craigslist hookup

Shortly after buying my first computer I began searching out porn dating sites in which I discovered craigslist, I began responding to some of the personal ads and found most of the women were hookers but the men and couples were legitimate. On this day I was in the mood for sucking a Dick and I found a post with a picture of a guy with a nice cock, I responded to the ad and he replied he was not able to host, bummed I asked him if he would be interested in car head, He replied "yes that would...

4 years ago
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My first grandmother hookup

So I happen to be in between regular friends at the moment and decided to post an ad last week. I was specifically looking for a married woman who needed a little no strings fun. As usual, I wasn't expecting much, if anything, to come from it.I received only one message. She said she was a 55 year old woman, married, short, and a little overweight. She also included her Kik handle. She didn't sound exactly my type, but I figured what the hell as I've been horny for the past month. I decided to...

3 years ago
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My first college hookup

This is the time that some guy in my geology class blurted out, “Are you high right now?” as class was ending one day. Of course, I was, otherwise I would have delivered the smack upside the head that that kind of lack of discrepancy warrants. Instead, I gave a stupid chuckle, pffft, no, of course not?!? Such a preposterous idea had never been proposed. But I was, and I guess that means I was in with him. Low standards if you ask me, but I’m down. He was cute, a bit juvenile looking, but...

College Sex
2 years ago
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First Time Gay Hookup

This is the story of the first time i hooked up with a guy. feel free to comment/question. Let me know if you like it or would like to hear another story. Included a picture of his dick for reference.So i started getting a little curious about guys when i was younger. I didn’t feel i was gay but i would sometimes think about sucking cock while i was jerking off, only to feel ashamed of it after i had blown my load. I didn’t find men attractive, so much as I just enjoyed the deviant idea of...

2 years ago
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First Online Hookup

Every once in awhile I get horny enough to hop on a male for male hook up site and browse around, luckily for me most of the guys on the website are older so it’s nice jackoff material too. I usually just browse around till I’m horny enough that I’m on the edge of cumming then jack myself off to take care of it. This day was different though. I log in to the website and within about 5 mins, an older man in his 50s messages me asking me how my day was. I was horny as hell that day so I told him...

3 years ago
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The hookup

I walk into the pub and take my usual seat at the end of the bar and wave over the bartender. I order my usual whiskey and look down at my hands. The pub was always busy, full of teenagers letting loose after a day of long boring classes, I hated the noise they brought in but I let it slide considering I was always having dirty thoughts about the young college girls that came in. I scan the room and spot my target for tonight. A young girl at the other end of the bar, she had strawberry blonde...

1 year ago
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Car wash hookup

In my 48 years of life on this planet I have been fortunate to bed hundreds of women. Some might scold and look down upon me but yet others envy it. I have average looks but have always stayed in shape by eating healthy and going to the gym. The past few years I have been approached by more married or attached women than single ones. I have learned that women cheat probably just as much as men or more however they seem to hide it better. I was divorced at 32 and have been single ever since. I...

3 years ago
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My First Hotel Hookup

Recently I was on a business trip and had a free evening. I was content to hang in my room and watch porn and jerk off. I was watching some bi and gay porn and getting pretty turned on so on a whim I downloaded Grindr to my phone. I had it on my phone before, but nothing ever came from it, so to speak.After it finished I opened it up and boom. Thanks to the distance info on the app there was a “DL Married Bi” guy 50 feet from me. Wow! I immediately felt my heart rate speed up. I have never...

1 year ago
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On Line hookup

Last evening after I had my dinner I read my emails then surfed the net for a while. I kept my email open. as I was checking out a few of my sites I am a member at the BING sounded and I saw a new email had arrived. Opening it my heart started to race as I saw it was from an older man I met a few months ago at a truck stop. He wanted to know if I was free to meet up with him for his truck broke down and he was staying at a motel about an hour away. I responded that I would love to stop over...

2 years ago
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CL Hookup

So I had been so horny that I posted an ad to CL looking for Dominant guys to come fuck me while dressed. I posted my ad and waited for the responses to cum in. I got one from this thick Mexican guy and he was really into me. He seemed pretty dominant so I invited him over. I took a shower and got my ass ready. I cleaned it well and used this butt plug that i have that is kind of like a snowman with the largest thickest ball being at the bottom. It stretches out my hole so when he would stick...

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