Well Hung Lover indian porn

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A crazy night with the new lover

“You’ve been a very bad boy!” she purred and dragged him into the bedroom, quickly whipping off his towel and pushing him back onto the bed. She straddled his chest and slowly inched up his body. Taking his left hand in hers she roughly pulled it up and secured it to the headboard with a pair of handcuffs. She repeated this rough movement with his right and he was soon safely secured to the bed. She slowly slid sensually down his body till she was pinning him with her legs wrapped around...

3 years ago
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So I did and told her to do to me what I did to her, and started eating her pussy and she started giving me a blowjob. Then i put her on her side facing me and slid my gigantic 24 inch long 6 inch diameter (This is porn, you know) peter between her legs, rubbing it in her slit, while unbeknownst to me a friend of mine who was 36 or so was watching.She saw him and said: "But Frank is watching us." I said it's OK, don't worry about it.This was upstairs in the Famous Furniture Store. She was...

2 years ago
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Introduction: We started young lasted 3 years I had seen her around the furniture store and talked to her some, and read the Green Door to her. A few weeks later I was told that she said she wanted to go to bed with me, I really had not even paid any attention to her before. So I did and told her to do to me what I did to her, and started eating her pussy and she started giving me a blowjob. Then i put her on her side facing me and slid my gigantic 24 inch long 6 inch diameter (This is porn,...

3 years ago
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First we rented a lovely apartment, so we could get our jobs going, and look for a house. We found the perfect house about three weeks ago, and closed on it yesterday. It sits at the end of a cul-de-sac. A large privacy fence surrounds the backyard and in-ground swimming pool. The lot is large, and there lots of trees and flowering shrubs. The house has four bedrooms, three and a half baths, and a gorgeous family room. We’ll move in on Monday. We celebrated by making our favorite dinner at...

3 years ago
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Arnav My Lover

I just left my wife at her lover’s house. Driving home, I was so distracted thinking about them together that I briefly lost my way. This all started a few months ago when my wife caught me masturbating while watching women on a webcam online. Asha got mad, claiming I was taking away from her, and walked away pouting. She didn’t even want me to touch her. Yes, I was masturbating a lot, at least once a day, often three or four times a week. Still, we had an active love life—I was always willing...

2 years ago
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Office Assistant Turned As Lover

Hi! I am a regular reader of this site. This attempt of writing stories and I have thought for a long consider to write then dropped and continued the same and finally now I decided to write, because. I feel in the same line that happiness is doubled when it is shared of course; sex is also joyful fun, when shared. I mean if it is only one partner of the two enjoys not minding about the other, and then there is no sex. Its only fuck and just as like as one drinks water from tap to quench his...

4 years ago
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My Brother My Lover

Hi, friends, Indu is here with a hot fuck story. I have narrated the story of a fan of mine who shared a true experience with me. I hope you will love it and ssend me your feedback at Mohit began kissing me, his lips hard against mine, and then I felt his hand against my breast. We were in the park outside my house. It was 7 pm and dark. Mohit is my brother Paul’s friend. Mum and Dad were out for a late night party. Paul, was inside the house. I pressed against my lover inviting him to touch...

4 years ago
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Wells Males Part Three

Wells Males Part Three Bobbie and Nicole go deeper. Monday Cayuga County Sheriff's Office Bobbie drove to the Cayuga County Sheriff's Department. Bobbie walked in and asked for Sheriff Sterling. Bobbie was escorted to Sheriff Sterling's office by Deputy John Henry. Bobbie walked in and shook hands with Sheriff Sterling. Bobbie said, "Sergeant Roberta Wintson- Remington. Salem County Sheriff's Department. Good Morning Sheriff Sterling." Sheriff Sterling asked,...

3 years ago
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The Hunger 1

I withheld my sex-hungry nature for a month or two after I began my relationship with Scott. Whenever we were together, it was innocent, and that's all I needed. I knew jumping into bed with a guy after just a couple weeks could (and usually would) completely fuck up a relationship. It had happened to me before, and I was terrified it would happen again. This time, waiting was a good but frustrating thing. Every time I saw him, I just wanted to be close to him. I wanted to snuggle into his...

2 years ago
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The Hunger 0

THE HUNGER My body was telling me I needed to start planning dinner. I don't need to eat the way you might. I sustain my life with fluids, but my race always calls it The Hunger. My life-mate and I were the last of our line on this continent. She was destroyed by the Others. No one seems to know why they hate Us. I'm not even sure if the Others know any more. Their attacks on Us have cost me some friends over the years. Of course, it affected me, but those who had been...

2 years ago
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Lindas erziehung zur Sklavin

Ich war gerade 25 geworden als ich den Hauptgewinn in der Lotterie abräumte. Ich konnte mein Glück damals kaum fassen und wusste nicht dass dies dazu führen würde dass ich bald meine eigene kleine Sex-Sklavin besitzen würde. Eins nach dem anderen. Ich machte damals eine Weiterbildung und als ich mich eines Abends spät auf den Weg nach Hause machte sah ich auf einer Bank ein weinendes Mädchen sitzen. Sie sah abselut bezaubernd aus. Schwarzes glattes Haar eine schlanke Figur mittelgrosse Titten...

3 years ago
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Ein berraschungsbesuch mit Folgen

Ein Überraschungsbesuch mit Folgen Hallo Liebe Leser. Mein Name ist Mia. Ich bin 32, verheiratet mit meinem wunderbaren Mann Alexander 40, Rotschopf (bisschen nachgeholfen) mit halbkurzer frecher Frisur, gar keiner Frisur untenrum, B-Körbchen und sehr knackiger Figur. Ja ich weiß...ich betone das vielleicht besonders, aber ich bin durchaus stolz auf meine Optik. Ich lebe mit meinem Mann kinderlos in einer kleinen Wohnung in der Stadt. Wir führen eine sehr gute Ehe. Wir verstehen uns gut und...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Im Bann der Versuchung

Das Leben zieht seine eigenartigen Kreise. Man trifft Menschen. Man verliebt sich. Man entliebt sich, verliert sich aus den Augen, vergisst sich. Manche jedoch hinterlassen Spuren. Seltsame, eigenartige Erinnerungen tauchen auf. Und einer von diesen Menschen ist Tia, meine Jugendliebe. Wir blieben vier Jahre zusammen, die letzten zwei Schuljahre, die ersten zwei Erwachsenenjahre, bevor wir uns trennten. Eigentlich trennte ich mich. Sie war eine Droge gewesen, unwiderstehlich, hatte mich...

2 years ago
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Hungrycocks com

Cock-vore and dark-web surfing were both part of your usual fapping menu: there wasn't anything better than a big, throbling cock slurping down right into the balls a surprised prey just to churn it down to semen seconds after. It was a few weeks ago when you got to know of a site promising to turn any penis of any size in a bottomless pit, always craving from new things to churn down in the owner's balls. It seemed like a good site to spend some time wandering in for the sake of wishing and...

4 years ago
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Nach 3 Jahren Beziehung ist es zu einer Routine geworden. Jedes es, das es in Patricks Leben gibt. Der Weg zu Arbeit ebenso wie die Abende und Nächte mit seiner Freundin Vera. Sie ist ein paar Jahre älter als er, sieht aber deutlich junger aus. Mit ihren 1,65 Körpergröße und 52kg passt sie gut in Größe 36. Nur die Brüste verlangen manchmal nach mehr. 75D-Körbchen halten sie meist in Form aber ohne BH hängen sie deutlich. Ansonsten ist sie durchaus hübsch mit der hellen Haut und dunkelbraunen...

3 years ago
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Segelurlaub mit berraschungen

Matthias stoppt den Mietwagen, er sieht noch einmal auf das Navigationsgerät und dann auf den Bootssteg zu seiner Linken. Dann nickt er zufrieden und blickt abwechselnd seine Frau und seine Tochter an: „Ich denke, wir sind da!“ Matthias hat kaum den Motor abgestellt, da ist seine Tochter Verena schon aus dem hinteren Teil des Wagens geklettert. „Papa, das ist ja toll hier!“ Der Blick der Achtzehnjährigen schweift über die Bucht und die vielen Yachten, die hier vor Anker liegen. „Ja, wirklich...

3 years ago
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Entstehung einer Schlampe

Susi K. war eine blonde Hausfrau Mitte 30. Ihr Mann war als Ingenieur häufig im Ausland unterwegs und die Kinder waren tagsüber in der Schule. Susi selber war jetzt Hausfrau und tagsüber nicht immer ausgelastet. Ihr einziges Vergnügen waren die Stunden im Fitness-Studio. Das war auch Grund, warum Susi eigentlich noch ganz knackig war. Im Fitness-Studio pfiffen ihr sogar Männer hinterher. Susi langweilte sich und schaltete ihr Lap-Top ein. Um sich Ideen für ihre Freizeit zu holen, gab sie in...

4 years ago
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Die Erziehung der Gaby

Seit vier Wochen bin ich jetzt mit Gaby zusammen. Kennengelernt haben wir uns auf einer Party. Voll war die kleine Maus und ich fand sie total niedlich. Ich habe sie abgeleckt, geknutscht und später auf dem Klo gebumst. Heute kommt ihre Freundin von der ich nur gehört habe. Wir sind bei Gaby in ihrer Wohnung. In den letzten Wochen haben wir mehrmals täglich gepoppt. Ich bereue nicht das ich Gaby erst im hellen richtig gesehen habe. 49 ist die kleine süße Bumskugel. Die Haare schwarz gefärbt,...

3 years ago
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Erziehung zur Hure

Diese Erzählung ist ein reines Phantasieprodukt. Ähnlichkeiten mit der realen Welt wären rein zufällig. Ich bin Anfang 30 und verdiene mein Geld im Rotlichtmilieu. Zusammen mit einigen Partnern betreibe ich in Deutschland mehrere Bordelle und Clubs. Nach außen habe ich natürlich die Fassade eines seriösen Geschäftsmannes mit Villa in einem Nobelviertel und großem Auto aufgebaut. Mir obliegt es unter anderem, immer für ausreichenden Nachschub an Frauen, intern unsere Pferdchen genannt, zu...

3 years ago
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Als Forschungsobjekt erwacht

Stefanie wachte in der kühlen Atmosphäre eines krankenzimmerähnlichen Raumes auf. Sie hatte keine Ahnung, warum sie in diesem Zimmer war, denn sie konnte sich an nichts erinnern, was einen solchen Aufenthalt rechtfertigte. Die junge Frau schaute an sich herunter, um festzustellen, ob sie irgendwelche Verletzungen hatte, denn spüren konnte sie derlei nichts. Das einzige, was ihr ein wenig Unbehagen bereitete, war ihre Klitoris, die ein wenig juckte. Dies fand sie allerdings nicht beunruhigend....

2 years ago
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Erziehung meiner Frau

wieder mal gab es einen kleinen streit. nachdem er den ganzen tag unterwegs war, war sie abends unzufrieden und misstrauisch. die direkten fragen vermied sie wie immer völlig. sie wollte nur sehen ob er einen dicken bekam wenn sie ihn berührte. dieses spiel kannte er. sie wollte gar nichts von ihm, wollte nur sichergehen, dass er nur für sie da war. er ging darauf ein und sagte ihr, dass er ihren po wolle. innerlich lachend kannte er ihre antwort bereits: völlige ablehnung. doch diesmal...

3 years ago
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Ich war mit Susanne nach Frankfurt gezogen. Susanne, 22 Jahre, so 1,75m groß, mit langen Beinen, kleinem Knackarsch und festen stehenden Brüsten 80C, mittellange brünette Haare und grünen Augen. Ihre Eltern lebten in der Nähe von Marburg also nicht weit von Frankfurt und es war klar das wir sie öfter besuchten. Ganz besonders angenehm war es im Sommer, weil ihre Eltern auf dem Lande lebten, mit einem großem Garten. Es war im August und Frankfurt klebte richtig vor Hitze. Da ich noch im Büro...

3 years ago
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Beziehungsunf auml hig 6

Nun folgt der sechste Teil der Geschichte. Sie ist sogleich der letzte Part des Sarah-Zykluses; stellt aber nicht das Ende der Geschichte dar.Schließlich geht es ihr um Ben; nicht um Sarah.Das schreibe ich, um eventuelle Missverständnissen vor zu beugen.Es empfiehlt sich wie immer, die voran gegangenen Teile zu lesen.Na dann; viel Spaß!--E-W-K----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Das...

2 years ago
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Die Erziehung einer Mutter

Wie alles begannEs war 1981 und ich war gerade mit der Schule fertig, als ich in einer Kneipe meine Freundin kennen lernte. Sie war ein Jahr jünger als ich und eines Tages, als wir beide etwas vom Alkohol angeheitert waren und uns richtig schön gegenseitig geil gemacht hatten, gingen wir nachts gemeinsam zur Wohnung ihrer Eltern, um dort unseren Rausch aus zu schlafen und natürlich noch ein wenig weiter zu kuscheln.Es war auch schon ziemlich spät in der Nacht, und als wir ankamen, war schon...

4 years ago
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Unsere Phantasie: Wir stellen uns vor bei einem Senior, gemeinsam mit einem sehr jungen Teeny-Paar ein Wochenende zu verbringen. Der Senior ist 62 Jahre, groß, schwer, muskulös mit dickem Bauch und großem sehr dicken Schwanz, der Bull. Wir ein Mittdreißiger-Ehepaar mit Cuckoldneigung und ein junges zierliches Paar um die 19 Jahre erleben eine Rollenspiel-Wochenende bei dem Herren.Das junge Paar ist schon da als wir eintreffen. Wir kennen uns bisher nur aus Nachrichten und einem längeren...

3 years ago
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Later that Night Dedicated to hungandlooking

There weren’t much conversation going on between her and her brother but not for any particular reason. Sometimes you can be in someone special’s company without sharing a single word, you know? They did in fact also plan a movie marathon that evening. Based on what happened earlier, the choice of movies now seemed to be a huge elephant in the room that they both wanted to avoid. It was a very sexy movie that needed no introduction and both her and her brother would talk about the books...

2 years ago
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Appa Ennai Thungum Pozhuthu Oothar

Naan ippozhuthu thaan kalluri irandaam varudam padithu varugiren, ennai niraiya aanal ippozhuthu pine sutra varugiraargal aanal yanaku yaaraiyum pidikaamal irunthathu aanal avargaluku theriyaamal avargalin sunniyai paarpen. Enathu thanthai ennai eppozhuthum paasamaaga paarthu kolvaar. Ennaku en ammavai vida thanthaiyaiye migavum pidikum aanal oru naal engalin uravu veru vithamaaga maariyathu. Athu muthalil kasapai thanthaalum iruthiyil kaama unarchigale vendrathu enbathai naam etru kola thaan...

3 years ago
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Ammavai Thungum Pozhuthu Naki Oothen

Vanakam enathu peyar Bala, vayathu 22 naan kalluriyil padithu varugiren. Enathu kalluri chenniyil irukirathu naangal ingu thaan vasithu varugirom appa aransanga vellai seithukondu irukiraar. Avaruku vayathu 45 aagugirathu enathu ammavuku vayathu 36 aagugirathu aval eppozhuthum veetil iruka maatar. Amma thaniyaaga thaan irupaargal engalin vaazhkai ippadiye sendru kondu irunthathu aanal enathu ammavai naan oopen endru appozhuthu ennaku theriyavillai. Pengal annaivarukum sariyaaga 32 muthal 38...

2 years ago
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Thungum Pozhuthu Auntyai Thadavi Oothen

Vanakam enathu peyar Navas vayathu 24 naan enathu patapadipinai mudithuvittu ippozhuthu veetile irukiren. Ennaku innum velai kidaikaamal than irukirathu athnaal naan eppozhuthum enathu nanbanin veetirku sendru kathai pesikondu irupen, enathu nanban veli naatirku sendru irunthaan athnaal avan veetil amma matume irupaargal. Avargalin veetil puthithaaga thirumanam aagi oru marumagal irunthaal, aval konjam kova kaari pinbu ivargal avaluku aarambathil irunthe pidika villai. Enathu nanbanin manaivi...

4 years ago
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Book Store Bop By Cumhunger

A lady friend of mine Kelly had been riding to work with me for the past weekand every evening on the drive home we past an adult book store.I mentionedsomething to her in passing that the lot always seemed to be full.She looked atme with a mischivous grin and said... yeah all the guys who's wifes won't sucktheir dicks frequent the place.I've been there a few times to suck a few myself she giggled,what I said to herin shock? Not straight laced Kelly,she's the demure type I never would have...

2 years ago
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Ein Wochenende mit berraschungen

Ein Wochenende mit ?berraschungen Jays finanzielle Lage war nicht berauschend. Vor wenigen Wochen erst hatte er seinen Job verloren, und bei aller Suche war bisher nichts viel versprechendes herausgesprungen. Eines Morgens holte er seine Tagespost aus dem Briefkasten, um zu sehen, ob etwas Neues f?r ihn dabei war. Neben einigen Absagen und viel Werbung war da ein Brief, dessen Absender er nicht kannte. Er ?ffnete diesen Brief und fand darin eine Einladung zu ...

2 years ago
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Erziehungsmassnahmen einer Mutter Teil 1

Erziehungsma?nahmen einer Mutter Kapitel 1 Manche w?rden es als pervers beschreiben - andere w?rden mich jedoch f?r meinen Mut loben. Ich komme mit beiden Meinungen zurecht, wenngleich ich pers?nlich eher zwiesp?ltig dem gegen?berstehe, was ich getan habe. Alles begann damit, dass ich wieder am Rande eines Nervenzusammenbruches war. Christian, mein zw?lfj?hriger Sohn, brachte mich wie so oft in Rage. Sein penetranter Ungehorsam mir gegen?ber lie? mich an meinen Erzie...

2 years ago
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HuGeHuNg fucks desperate turkish wife Burcu

Before I start I must tell you a little about myself. I am a Turkish Stud body-builder with huge hard hung cock who has a extraordinary desire for married wives. My experience tells me that most, if possibly not all have a deep desire to taste the "forbidden fruit" of huge thick hard muscled turkish cock. Let me tell you of my latest conquest.I work as a social worker in a large metropolitan hospital. My education includes a Doctorate Degree in Psychology; and a Masters Degree in Social...

3 years ago
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Marias Erziehung 1 Das vergessene Essen

Marias Erziehung: 1. Das vergessene Essen Mein Herr hat mir befohlen, dass ich mich hier oute und erz?hle, was mir geschehen ist. Mein Name ist Maria, aber fr?her war ich Mario. Das war, bevor ich meinen Herrn und Meister kennenlernte und erkannte, dass es meine Bestimmung ist, ihm als Zofe zu dienen, als Zofe mit dem Namen Maria. Ich bin gerne seine Zofe, auch wenn mein Herr sehr streng ist und mich konsequent bestraft. Das sei zu meinem Besten, sagt er. Ich m?sse lernen, ihm zu g...

3 years ago
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Marias Erziehung 2 Nachhilfestunden

Marias Erziehung: 2. Nachhilfestunden Zusammenfassung: Mario alias Maria erf?llt nicht alle Anspr?che ihres Herrn. Die Nachhilfelehrerin Wanda soll das ?ndern. Nach einigen Wochen fasste mein Herr -er m?chte nicht, dass ich hier verrate, wie er hei?t- eines Abends den Entschluss, das Tempo meiner Ausbildung zur Zofe zu versch?rfen. Was war geschehen? Nun, eigentlich hatte ich einfach nur einen schlechten Tag gehabt. Als mein Herr abends nach Hause kam, hatte er viel zu bem?ngeln: Der Spie...

4 years ago
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Marias Erziehung 3 Hochmut kommt vor Strafe

Marias Erziehung: 3. Hochmut kommt vor Strafe Ich bin jetzt schon l?nger als drei Monate bei meinem Herrn - seinen Namen darf ich nicht nennen - als Dienstm?dchen t?tig, aber ich habe mich noch immer nicht an meine neue Identit?t gew?hnt. Mein Herr ist der Meinung, dass es mir hilft, wenn ich Episoden aus dem Alltag im Internet ver?ffentliche. Wenn er der Meinung ist, hei?t das nicht, dass die Meinung von mir in Frage gestellt werden k?nnte, sondern dass seine Meinung gilt! Ohne Wenn und Aber gi...

2 years ago
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Die Forschungsreise

Die Forschungsreise (Katrin *2013/ 2014) Teil 1 Einleitung Die Schule war vorbei und ich hatte mal wieder Semesterferien. Mein Studium besch?ftigte sich mit den Mythen und Sagen der verschollenen Mysterien, die sich um die Mayas rankten. Das hatte mich schon immer fasziniert und aus diesem Grunde, hatte ich an einem verregneten Sommertag einen Termin in der B?cherei unserer Hochschule. Die blonde Bibliothekarin kannte mich inzwischen als B?cherwurm und begr??te mich, wie immer, wenn ic...

2 years ago
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So lief die Umerziehung zum Sissy Baby

Heute ist die Zeit der Strafe um. Heute wird Sissy Heidi 25. Vor genau 5 Jahren zu ihren 20. Geburtstag erwischte ich meinen Stiefsohn mit meiner Unterw?sche. Damals war er noch unter seinen Namen Marcel unterwegs. Ich war au?er mir vor Wut als ich ihm mit meinen rosa Tanga erwischte. Es folgte eine totale Umerziehung ?ber 5 Jahre zum Babym?dchen er sollte M?dchenkleidung hassen nach 5 Jahren. Das 1 Jahr war ein totaler Kampf viel Geheule von Marcel und es sind ein paar Holzb?rsten an seinem P...

3 years ago
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Rahel Erziehung einer Jungfotze

Rahel - Erziehung einer Jungfotze (Teil 1 - 27) =============================================== by Alphatier, © 2014/2015*         *kopieren, ausdrucken, reposten ist alles erlaubt Entgleist       Alles begann, als meine Frau mir vor drei Monaten heulend erklärte, dass es aus ist. Einfach so hatte sie plötzlich mit ihrem kleinen blauen Sportrucksack in der Küchentür gestanden und mich mit einer Mischung aus Schuldbewusstsein, Vorwurf und Selbstmitleid angesehen, während ich nur zitternd am...

2 years ago
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Dschungel der Lust

Mein Name ist Lisa, ich bin 22 Jahre alt und habe gerade meinen Bacherlor in Forstbiologie gemacht. Nach dem Bachelor-Studium und vor dem Master möchte ich gerne ein Jahr im Dschungel von Borneo zubringen, um dort meine Kenntnisse aus dem europäischen Wald ein wenig zu erweitern. Daher habe ich mich als Freiwillige im Danum Conservation Area auf Borneo beworben und bin genommen worden. Mit meinen 1,72 m, meinem Gewicht von 50 kg, meinen blonden Haaren und meiner sportlichen Erscheinung bin ich...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Reddit HungryButts, aka r/HungryButts! I am sure y’all have your preferences when it comes to girls and their body, but this subreddit is just dedicated to butt pictures. It is called r/HungryButts/, which should basically explain all that you need to know about this subreddit’s content. However, there are other things you might be interested in as well, and that is why I am here.Let The Porn Dude explain how things function and what you can expect to see here. First of all, there is a lot of...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Information about sexual relationship with a Virgo lover

Virgo’s symbol is the virgin or maiden and is often considered a shy, “lady in waiting” personality that is a little naive. Though Virgos are seldom celibate, they often keep their personal identity intact throughout their lives. This composure is virginal in nature. Virgo’s symbol is sometimes shown as a woman carrying a sheaf of wisdom, representing the harvesting of wheat at the time of year of the Virgo (late summer). Virgo Symbol GlyphThe glyph for Virgo is thought to depict the sexual...

4 years ago
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Letter to a Dominant Lover

My Dearest X, Perhaps I should start with the knowns:We love each other dearly.You are a dominant personality and, in terms of love and sexuality, I am submissive.We are adults, both with good professional reputations, and therefor what we share goes far beyond the phony “sir” and “master” nonsense beloved of the chat line want to be dominants.We also realise that our professional lives demand that we ignore many of the other domination clichés. My turning up to the office dressed as a French...

2 years ago
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Angry Wealthy Lover

We had only been living together six months when she caught me having sex with a woman in my limo, but it didn’t stop there, for the next five years I was constantly bed hopping, she knew but turned a blind eye to. The final crunch came when I did not come home one night; she decided that was the last nail in the coffin. Five years on she had moved into the other bedroom and never slept with me again, she found me disgusting and repulsive, I still was the player of rumors.. Her disgust didn’t...

4 years ago
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My dream guy became my lover

My name is Matt, im a freshman in High School. i have long curly brown hair that guys love about me. i weigh around 180 lbs but its all muscle because of the fact I work out every day after School. I have a height of 6'2 FT tall with deep blue eyes. enough about me now about my lover. My lover Justin is about 6'3 FT tall and very skinny. he always wears these sexy jogger pants to school with a t-shirt and occasionally a sweatshirt. I would say that he is about 120 lbs all muscle like...

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Becoming My Mother s Lover

At the time mom was only in her early forties and quite attractive, at least I thought so. She was a relatively small woman, only about five foot three inches tall with a slender build and weighing only about 110 pounds. Her breasts were quite small and although she had a taut tummy and always looked wonderful in shorts or slacks, her hips were fairly full. Her hair was a warm, dark brown that she kept trimmed to just shoulder length. At that time she had begun to fret over the fact...

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His Pregnant Lover

Dave was happy as he strolled towards the local supermarket. He needed a few things to top up his stores and was trying to remember them all. It had started to rain about an hour ago and the pavers in front of the supermarket were slippery especially those that lay on a slope. As Dave took his time navigating through the shopping crowd he saw out of the corner of his eye a rather tall young woman slip and fall heavily. She lay awkwardly struggling to get up. Dave moved to help, immediately...

3 years ago
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Her Online Lover

Cherise had been writing to Fred for a while and she had to admit, she wondered if he was nearly as good in person as he was in writing. This whole friendship started when she was lucky enough to have a short erotica story posted on a website. While she liked the story, she was unsure of how it would be received. When a friend told her to give it a try, she did. It seemed to take forever before the story was posted, but when it was she was giddy with excitement. She never actually got...

3 years ago
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A white wife has a black lover

Carl Webber sat in his lawyer’s office, and he told the story of how his wife had left him for a black man. It all started about three months before, when his wife Debbie was working at her new job as an assistant at the Corbin Company. Her boss was a young black man, Stan Ross he was the vice president in charge of sales. Debbie was a blonde with firm breasts and a nice ass too. Debbie would come home late sometimes, and would go right to sleep. Carl was getting concerned about her...

4 years ago
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Midnight Lover

As Lina brushed out her long, soft, blond hair and applied lip gloss to her full lips, she looked once more into the mirror and smiled at the sight before her. She loved how her full breasts, small waist and shapely hips perfectly filled out her new silk gown. She loved the feeling of the material clinging to her pale skin. She decided that she was ready. Lina climbed into her king-sized bed, under the cool silk sheets, and closed her eyes, waiting for her lover to get there. As she waited...

3 years ago
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Mystery Lover

I sense your presence before I see you. I feel your breath before I taste your kiss. My eyes arWoman meets her Mystery Lover.e closed before your lips touch mine. I don’t know what you look like. Your lips caress mine gently. There are other people around but you don’t care. You tell me to keep my eyes closed and take my hand. Where you are leading me, I don’t know. I feel something hard against my back. I hear a door open and you move me sideways. You push on my shoulders and I sit. The door...

3 years ago
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Pat s Lover

Now, I can assure you that I am not the sort to foist blame for my actions on to another person. On the other hand, and in this case, I think my husband Edgar was in part responsible for what happened. Before getting to the important aspects, let me introduce myself, and treat you to a little of my history. I am generally known as “Pat,” Pat Cooper that was. Like many people, you might assume that Pat is a contraction for Patricia, Patria or suchlike. You would be wrong. Parents, who should...

4 years ago
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Me My Wife her Lover

Introduction: True story, first time writing My wife brings her lover into our bed for some action. Happened just this morning. True story if there ever was one. Go easy with the comments, its my first time recounting our adventures. The names have been changed to protect the naughty. The players: Susan, my wife- 30 55 not skinny but not fat. 36DD tits pierced. Chip, her friend with benefits- 20 510 skinny but toned. Cock prolly 6 inches. Joe, me- 30 57 average build few extra pounds. Cock...

2 years ago
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My Cousin My Lover

MY COUSIN. MY LOVER. This is the first time ever true story written by my cousin. This is also her first posting .Please be kind. As far back as I can remember, I have had a huge crush on my 2nd cousin. I should say that he is 13 years older than me. When I was 14, my Mom, sister and I were all out at his families house for the annual 4th of July BBQ. I had gone downstairs by myself to use the restroom and saw him changing into his bathing suit through a crack in the door of the downstairs...

2 years ago
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Tazlynns Lover

Tazlynn stared at the huge fish tank and thought how nice it would be to take a dip in the lake. She wondered how cold the water was because it was a crater lake formed in a long extinct volcano. She didn’t know much about fish, nothing of volcanoes nor what to do with her dead brother, Chet’s cabin. Tazlynn was a city girl from Manhattan, but Chet had left New York ten years ago to work on environmental issues, something she also knew nothing about. Taz worked for a big shot lawyer as his...

3 years ago
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Marys Secret Lover

My name is Mary and I’m eighteen. I’m kind of shy around my peers, and have not really ever had a boyfriend before. I just get real nervous and start to sweat a little around them. I love school and do really well in my studies. I’m in my last year of high school and will be attending college in the fall. I have long brown hair and green eyes, and I am five foot five inches tall. I’m one hundred and ten pounds. I have long legs, and I’m a 34 B cup size. I’m still virgin, but I ache to know,...

4 years ago
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My Lesbian Lover

My wife was trying to come to grips with the realization that I cross dressed, with marginal success. Part of her plan was for me to meet in the Twin Cities with other CDs so I could have a ‘safe’ place to dress up, away from our small town. To be safe, I was to drive up, change clothes there, meet with my friends and then change again for the drive home. A good plan … a safe plan … but not one I particularly liked (so I changed it a bit!) Kim was a mutual friend who lived in town. Although she...

4 years ago
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Tracy Meets Her Cyber Lover

Tracy Park was going to do something out of the ordinary.  She had met somebody online and was going to meet up with them.  They chatted online every day for the past three months.  Their cyber sessions were extremely naughty and always made her orgasm.They usually chatted online and would role-play.  They both took their time creating storylines that were very involved.  She would never masturbate until the very end.  Her friend was sometimes late with his replies which probably meant he was...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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The Perfect Lover

“Fuck!” I breathed as I felt his glans spread my labia and ease inside me. His hands were unsubtle as they mauled my breasts through my top as I slowly sank down onto his thick swollen member. Johnny, nude while I was fully dressed, had no finesse at all (yet) but such a wonderfully thick cock, just the right length that filled me to the brim as it eased deeper and deeper within me.It was always far better to be in control of him; his youthful, he was only seventeen, after all, exuberance...

3 years ago
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Create a lover

Thank you for contacting Create a lover inc. With our leading (and legal) genetic labs we can create a custom lover of your choosing guy, girl, or hermaphrodite. As well as a range of fictional characters from movies, TV, comics, ect. First I need to ask you a few questions.

2 years ago
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Surrendering to Her Lover

Surrendering to Her LoverWe'd been married for almost two years when I caught her. I had been out of town on business and was scheduled to get home late. A canceled flight is normally a disaster, but in this case the airline was able to book me on a direct flight that actually got me home hours earlier than my initial itinerary. I figured I'd keep quiet and surprise Sharron when I got home.I knew what was happening the moment I entered the door. The sound of skin slapping together. Sharron's...

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Mom a Dominant Lover

First you must choose, from whose perspective will this encounter take place, an encounter which eventually leads to a forbidden relationship, a relationship in which the mother is controlling and aggressive. From whose perspective will this intricate and involved tale unfold? Will it be through the eyes of the mother, however she is before the encounter, whether her habits are drastically changed or slightly altered to fit her new obedient, forbidden lover- She becomes a dominant lover, taking...

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Hi, I’m Sarah, married to Ted who has posted several Tales of our exploits, with my permission of course, however with me having lots of time on my hands, due to the current situation, I thought I would start telling a few of my own and compile a “Sarah’s Stories” series. Obviously these will be written with Ted’s permission and a little help. Enjoy!!xTed and I only embarked on involving others in our sex life when I hit 50 and as we tended to seek suitably equipped guys when we were on...

4 years ago
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The morning afetr with a new black lover

I was awakened by the feel of soft lips kissing my naked back. I noticed the early sun streaming through the curtains and I decided I needed to get back home to my loving husband.Victor would be worried about me, since I had told him I would do some late evening mall shopping and later would have dinner and spend the night at Helena’s home.But these soft lips kissing my skin were not Helena’s.I rolled over onto my back and my new black lover Jackson’s lips covered mine with wet kisses. It felt...

2 years ago
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Mother In law Lustful Lover

[Contains: M/Mature F, Hardcore, Impregnation & Babymaking]James had met Julia 3 months ago at his MBA graduation dinner. Julia was there partnering her father, Mark, the Dean of the School of Business Administration. The fact that she, and not her mother Lauren, had accompanied her father gave a clue as to the state of their marriage. Within a week he had met Lauren and had been immediately besotted by her. It was not that Julia was unattractive or unintelligent, rather at 5 foot 8 inches,...

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My Moroccan lover

My Morrocan lover. PART ONE: making acquaintance. I was 25 and moved from the Dutch countryside to the city of Utrecht for a study as a male nurse for elderly people. I was already Aware that my sexual interest was orientated on men. I struggled a long time with this feeling and Tried to ignore it. But I knew it wouldn’t work in any way. Going to Utrecht was intact an escape and a search to my inner self. I was shy, had so.e gay encounters, but no real sex.even being gay in Holland was never a...

2 years ago
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Almost Caught with My Bi Lover

This story isn't as erotic as most, but it is true, and I always enjoy relating it to other bi gals.I had always had a desire to be with another woman, but due to my upbringing and my mother's warnings about "those" type of women, I would suppress those feelings. As I matured into my 40's, my desires became unbearable, to the point that I would taste my fingers after masturbating, and wonder if other women tasted as good!At this time I met a gal who was new to the area. It didn't take long for...

3 years ago
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Hello: Not sure how this will play but here goes. I have giving in to my womanly needs and taken a lover,he asks what my needs are things I would like him to try. When he first sees me he grabs a fist full of hair pullingme to him kissing me with hunger taking my breath away placing his hands on my bum pulling me into him he knows I feel his excitement as I am sure he senses my excitement guiding me along the hall stopping at our he pushes the door open holding it open for me as I step in...

2 years ago
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Weekends with an Anal Lover

Two singles meet at a party that leads to anal weekends.I had been divorced for about a year before I went to my first singles get together. It was held at a local bar and restaurant in town. The bar was closed to others and only those that attended the singles meeting were allowed in. I did not know what to expect since I had never been to one of these meetings, however I needed a break from the normal bar scene.When I first arrived I checked out everyone that was there. They all seemed to be...

3 years ago
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The Suite Orgy a continuation of Diane s life with her black lover

The After Party The Limo pulled up to the Four Seasons. Thomas let Diane out. David had already texted her to come straight up to his suite. She walked through the foyer to the elevators and pressed the button to the top floor. However, it was security locked. She needed a key. She went back to the front desk and asked to be escorted to his room. The valet went with her. She noticed he could not keep his eyes off of her. "How are you tonight Miss..." he asked. "Mrs." she answered coyly." I am...

Group Sex
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PART 2 My First Time With a Black Lover

PART 2A couple of evenings later that week we were attending a beach barbeque just along from our bungalow. We were usually the last ones to leave the beach bar which closed when the last guest left, this particular night I had been flirting a lot with the a beautiful young black barman called Jess and James my new black lover. At about midnight I told Rob I was making a move back to the beach bungalow, he said he would be along in a few minutes, as a parting shot I asked him to bring a bottle...

3 years ago
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My First Time With a Black Lover

Every since I was in my teens I have always had this fantasy about having a black lover. Even then, I watched porn of huge black guys fucking white girls and was so aroused and fascinated by these interracial couplings, the contrast between the shiny black body of the stud and the milky white body of the girl coupling with pure lust. I know in real life it's not always like that, but it still fascinates me and gets me very wet and horny.The opportunity to turn this fantasy into reality came...

2 years ago
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My Lesbian Lover

My wife was trying to come to grips with the realization that I cross dressed, with marginal success. Part of her plan was for me to meet in the Twin Cities with other CDs so I could have a ‘safe’ place to dress up, away from our small town. To be safe, I was to drive up, change clothes there, meet with my friends and then change again for the drive home. A good plan … a safe plan … but not one I particularly liked (so I changed it a bit!) Kim was a mutual friend who lived in town. Although she...

4 years ago
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Waiting For My Lover

While she sat waiting for her lover to arrive, she began thinking back to their previous rendezvous, when her lover had thrusted so deep and came so much, that not only did she feel his cum dripping down her vagana and into her pussy lips,But it was stuck there, on her pussy lips, to be held there. Held there until her husband stuck two of his fingers into her pussy, collected some moistness, and pronounced that, yes indeed, he did still taste her lover's cum from the previous day's playdate ....

4 years ago
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Waiting For My Lover

While she sat waiting for her lover to arrive, she began thinking back to their previous rendezvous, when her lover had thrusted so deep and came so much, that not only did she feel his cum dripping down her vagana and into her pussy lips,But it was stuck there, on her pussy lips, to be held there. Held there until her husband stuck two of his fingers into her pussy, collected some moistness, and pronounced that, yes indeed, he did still taste her lover's cum from the previous day's playdate ....

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James had met Julia 3 months ago at his MBA graduation dinner. Julia was there partnering her father, Mark, the Dean of the School of Business Administration. The fact that she and not her mother Lauren had accompanied her father gave a clue as to the state of their marriage. Within a week he had met Lauren and had been immediately besotted by her. It was not that Julia was unattractive or unintelligent, rather at 5 foot 8 inches, blonde and curvy and having recently finished her Masters in...

1 year ago
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Tazlynn s Lover

Tazlynn stared at the huge fish tank and thought how nice it would be to take a dip in the lake. She wondered how cold the water was because it was a crater lake formed in a long extinct volcano. She didn't know much about fish, nothing of volcanoes nor what to do with her dead brother, Chet's cabin. Tazlynn was a city girl from Manhattan, but Chet had left New York ten years ago to work on environmental issues, something she also knew nothing about. Taz worked for a big shot lawyer as his...

Straight Sex
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My dad had been killed in an industrial accident at the Greensboro textile plant when I was thirteen and in the seventh grade. We were living in a nice, comfortable house on Walnut Street at the time of his death. The loss of my dad was not a financial burden, since the accidental death benefits ensured that my mother and I would not be destitute. However, although his death had been very difficult for me, it was devastating for my mom. At the time mom was only in her early forties and quite...

2 years ago
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My Amazing First Time With My Lover

I finished my medical college when I was 24 and then joined house job in Medicine. The mind was always thrilled about meeting new people and to have good training. Being a young man, eyes were always popping from one girl to another looking for a soulmate. It was my 3rd week of working in the medical ward and I was in the group of young doctors who were busy doing the ward round with senior doctor. My allocated beds were soon coming and after presenting my cases I got free to see others doing...

2 years ago
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Virgin Indian Girl Finds A Lover

As I wiped the sweat which rolled down my face down to my neckline with my handkerchief I asked the cabbie “bhaiya kitna paise huey ” ? “700 he replied ” gazing at my face I handed him the money he took it smiled and drove off “jerk” yes that was my immediate reaction. A very hot day indeed and almost as tiring it was just 11:00 am I had shifted from mumbai to gurgaon for my new job as a technical analyst with a software firm alone in a new city I didn’t had the privilege of family or friends...

4 years ago
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Me Mom and My Mom s Lesbian Lover

I arrived at my mother's house shortly after five o'clock; I had made arrangement s at an Italian restaurant she liked at six. As I approached I spotted my mother's lover Angela seated in a chair on the front porch, her legs resting on the wood railing. She opened her eyes and smiled up at me in a dreamy manner like someone who'd just got fucked. "You're mom's running late," she said. "It's my fault." Angela was not an unattractive woman by any difinition. I liked women who were a bit...

3 years ago
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My Brother s Lover

My Brother's Lover by Richard-to-Rachel I was eighteen and in high school when it happened, my brother was twenty and still living at home. I had to borrow my brother's computer one day to do some work for school and I guess maybe I let my curiosity get the better of me a little as I found myself instead of writing the essay I was supposed to be working on, looking through what files he had saved on his computer. I was pretty interested in particular by a very full folder hidden...

4 years ago
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Cleavage Lover

Hi this is Bobby from Delhi, India. Just to give a quick intro I am 37 married. I have been reading the storied from Iss.. I just thought to share my experiences in past. I was virgin till my engineering and after that certain incidents happened in my life which changed the entire scenario of my personality. It all started when I came back to Delhi after my B Tech. And was looking for a job. We have one bhabhi in our neighborhood by the name Sunita. A real charming, sexy, tall and proper flesh...

4 years ago
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My Moms Lover

When I was 18 years old, this was happened. My moms lover Mr.Venkatesh, after fucking my mom Nagamani, asked her to send me for a day to work in their house. Mom laughed and kissed his tip of 14 inches cock and said “he is your slave. You can use him as u like. If you want, you can cut him in to pieces and make curry.”. Venkatesh kissed moms nose and said “our toilet has filled up with shit. That has to be cleaned. Till then we will use him as toilet also.”. You naughty, take the bastard” mom...

2 years ago
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Surrendering to Her Lover

Surrendering to Her LoverWe'd been married for almost two years when I caught her. I had been out of town on business and was scheduled to get home late. A canceled flight is normally a disaster, but in this case the airline was able to book me on a direct flight that actually got me home hours earlier than my initial itinerary. I figured I'd keep quiet and surprise Sharron when I got home.I knew what was happening the moment I entered the door. The sound of skin slapping together. Sharron's...

3 years ago
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Kiss me like a lover

This one just came out over the course of Friday morning. It’s hot off the keyboard and hasn’t even had a read-through, which means there will be typos and errors. I’ve got to get out and do some shopping now, so here it is as an unedited piece. I hope the errors don’t detract too much from your enjoyment of the scene.Feedback is appreciated, bearing the above in mind, that is.Thanks for reading. As ever, I appreciate you taking the time and effort.Ricky – Cambridgeshire, UK – 28th of August...

2 years ago
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Cum Lover

My wife Kim met Jim a 23 year old college student when she was in a chat rooms online. They had chatted in the room for a few nights then went to a private room. They exchanged photos and began talking on the phone. They talked till the wee hours of the morning. I would lay in bed and hear her laughing and talking about the kind of sex she wanted to have with him. It probably sounds strange to you that I knew what my wife was planning to do with another man. Stranger still, not only did I know...

2 years ago
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Perfect Lover

(Copyright held by the author, March 1998) It was the night of The Storm. It hit in March of '93, and the National Weather Service - with their zany, madcap sense of humor - dubbed it the "White Hurricane." I'd been on Aer Lingus out of Shannon, headed for JFK and counting the hours till I was back on terra firma. I was not thrilled to hear that all three New York airports were socked in, and we were diverting to Boston. The good part was that I could take trusty Amtrak back to town. A...

3 years ago
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A Writers Lover

Copyright © 2002 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author. We had been sending emails back and forth now for over a year. Our content ranging from light, verbal illustrations of favorite sights, and of sex. Sex, by most peoples standards, but to them it was much more, a void filling chance to share...

2 years ago
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Snowy Rendezvous Ann Tutors Her Lover

"I can't believe that almost three months have already passed," Ann, said quietly as she perched on the arm of the large comfortable chair David was sitting in. "Our time here will be over before we hardly know it," she complained sadly, a trace of bitterness in her soft voice. "I know, darling," David said, sympathizing with her. "I'll probably never be lucky enough to ever meet anyone as wonderful as you, Ann. " "Well, you know, Ann reflected, "Like they say Time really is the...

2 years ago
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Online Lover

© 2004 We had been sending emails back and forth now for over a year. Our content ranging from light, verbal illustrations of favorite sights, and of sex. Sex, by most peoples standards, but to them it was much more, a void filling chance to share something very personal and fulfilling. I was writing a story about a fantasy of my own desires, Sara was an inspiration to me, keeping the passion I needed alive, spiriting my creativity. The emails we exchanged the previous day were at a new...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Aya Kisaki Our cheating housewife out with her lover

A lovely sexy Japanese housewife Miss Aya Kisaki is a cheating wife. She knows how to seduce a man and in this new video of her she is using her sexy ass and cute tits to turn her lover on. She wears some sexy thong panties, dances around him and waits to see what he does. We think he is going to like the attention she gives him. He waits and watches and enjoys the show as she plays and runs her hands up and down his body. She loves to take time and ease into the fucking. He is married and so...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Kaisa Nord Feet Photos for Her Lover

This sultry vixen knows her feet are sexy. She doesn’t need anyone to tell her. It’s how she gets what she wants. After snapping a few pics and sending them to her lover, he joins her and begins to foot worship her. He needs her perfectly manicured sexy feet and toes all over his face, he takes in the subtle smells and feels her soft soles on his rough skin. Soon he is getting a slippery footjob from his vixen lover with her sensual feet. He gets to fuck her from all angles until...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Silvia Saige Mrs Jones 8217 s Lover

Things at the Joneses are out of control when babysitter Moka catches her employer, Silvia, making out with a man other than her husband! Silvia, unwilling to subscribe to conventional relationships, happily enjoys taking a lover other than her husband. The two laugh about Moka and how she would be the perfectly little toy for Silvia’s husband. Then, Silvia and Jay fall onto bed and indulge in a passionate and sinful encounter. Silvia craves Jay’s rock hard cock gliding into her...

1 year ago
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Wicked Jessica Drake My Younger Lover

In this first episode of jessica’s FANtasies, you voted on Tyler Nixon! We kiss passionately on a gorgeous white bed. We just couldn’t keep our hands off each other as our passion deepened. Tyler DEVOURED my pussy. Things get even hotter when I begged him to fuck me slowly, just the way I like it. I thought I was going to have to teach my younger lover a thing or two, but chemistry cannot be taught, and Tyler shot his load all over me as I stroked him off. I licked his cum off my...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Runa Hagawa Runa Hagawa in the hot springs today with her lover

Runa Hagawa in the hot springs today with her lover. What a perfect day for these two to escape daily life and just relax and enjoy some time together out at a hot spring. They spend the day in the water just enjoying the natural restorative properties of the water. They end the day out on the balcony of their room enjoying the view after a day of relaxation. Her lover is very excited to see Runa in her yakata and she rests her head in his lap while they sit and enjoy the view. She looks lovely...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Evelyn Claire Sabina Rouge The Better Lover

Sabina Rouge and Claire Brunette are having a tiff because Claire is fucking Sabina’s ex boyfriend. Claire gets to her breaking point and tells Sabina that her ex dumped her because she was bad in bed. Sabina decides to prove to Evelyn that she’s great in bed. Shoving Evelyn against the door, Sabina shoves her hand down Evelyn’s pants to make her point crystal clear. Evelyn is kind of into her friend’s forceful attitude. She lets Sabina turn her around so that her face...


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