April in Texas Ch 09
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Caleb dunked his butt in the mountain spring coolness of the fast running stream and smiled as he pondered the infinite delight of the widow lady Eliza humping her way silently to an explosion of female juices and whispered naughty words that helped him to drain a little bit faster.
She was really a contradiction of impressions because he had figured her bible-carrying ways and demure style of dress implied she was just another “cold fish” settler woman accepting copulation as the only means to motherhood and a duty to be obeyed for any spouse or nubile female seeking to create new life.
Her depraved manipulations of his exhausted shaft and her knowledge of feminine tricks that most God-fearing females purposely remained ignorant of shocked him out of his complacent acceptance of her promised coupling covertly hidden from her two other female companions.
Caleb gave her everything she wanted and thanked his lucky stars that he had found a truly hot-blooded woman under the long flowing settler gown that effectively hid any curves that might arouse a gent’s libido.
The other two war widows were just as nubile and actually several years younger than Eliza but they seemed all caught up in each other’s company and he was not the sort of man to interfere in their obvious preferred companionship. He sensed it was more a fad caused by shortage of males and their close proximity night after frustrating night.
Eliza was still bedded down inside the tent and she watched him with one open eye as he strode naked to the stream to cleanse his long, lean body. He kept his long gun close to him just in case of trouble brewing from the other side of the river.
He saw the two other women brushing each other’s hair and watching him walk to the running water with his dick swinging like some obscene pendulum seeking elusive pussy wherever it could be found. Caleb hoped he was not blushing like some foolish yahoo willing to do anything to get a female on her back. The truth was that he was mostly passive around the opposite sex but never passed up an opportunity put right in his path.
Off in the distance, he spotted some tell-tale smoke signals rising into the chilly foothills air and he knew immediately that the hostiles had jumped the reservation again and were probably raping and lifting the hair of docile settlers interested in getting in their crops and begetting new citizens to work their fields when they got too tired to put in a twelve hour day.
He had no intention of ever falling into that trap of soft yielding female flesh and ignoring the signs of violence in the neighborhood. He knew that this was a dangerous time for anyone living outside of a settlement or a fort and he was instinctively a cautious person in all matters of survival.
Eliza came out of the tent stark naked and she ran down to the river like a forest sprite with her boobs bouncing and her still youthful cheeks swinging in the breeze like some wanton woman with nothing but getting poked on her mind. He knew she was a serious-minded female and that her sexuality was a burden to her and a constant reminder of her formerly happy married life before a war came along to steal her spouse with permanent finality. It was an unspoken truth that she was using Caleb’s hardness to chase away her ghosts of pleasure and not in any way an indication of her attraction to his other attributes.
The other two widows were laughing now because they suspected Caleb and Eliza had been coupling all night and they were not very far from the truth.
He decided he could go another day without shaving because he wanted to get dressed and belted up for action in case the hostiles headed in their direction. In a way, he was glad they were still on the settlement side of the river and that he had that natural barrier to give them some defense against a daylight attack.
Caleb told all three women that they would not have a fire this morning without mentioning his concerns about the threatening hostiles. There was no need to upset them until he felt certain the war party was headed in their direction. He had plenty of time to reverse direction and light out for the safety of numbers and the uniformed patrols from the nearby fort.
The womenfolk took the opportunity to wash their clothes in the running water and he could see they had all removed their underwear because their shapely forms were outlined under the thin summer dresses like a girlie show at the combination saloon and gambling emporium. He could see the luscious figure of his Eliza bending over the soapy clothing with her heart-shaped buttocks clearly outlined. The sight gave him a humongous erection that lighted the eyes of all three women and they whispered behind their hands about his over-sexed nature. Caleb did his best to ignore their amusement because he knew as soon as he acknowledged it they would be pumping both he and Eliza for details of their coupling just to spice up another dreary day.
The youngest war widow was Dorinda.
She gave every indication of being the bottom half of the Dorinda-Constance partnership and generally followed the other girl around like a lost sheep trying to keep close to her mama.
Caleb knew the young girl was still virtually untested in horizontal indoor games despite being married for almost six months to a shave-tail Union officer placing constant demands on her female flesh for favors of the most humiliating nature. She seemed perfectly comfortable at being Constance’s little pet and he had never seen her even glancing at any of the males in their vicinity including Caleb as well. It was also a foregone conclusion that Constance was not interested in any serious poking exercises because she wore no make-up and let her pubic hair grow wild down below. Apparently, the other girl followed her example and they both were addicted to munching their full blown carpets at the slightest opportunity.
It was sort of unnatural considered the shortage of females in the Wild West at the time and he knew that from time to time they would have to distribute their favors just to stay in accord with the demands of a hedonistic society.
Surprisingly, he had not expected their opposite gender favors to come so quickly, but before the sun reached its zenith, a little dust cloud came up with a partial troop of uniformed horse soldiers from the fort.
It was an odd assortment of fifteen souls with three of them being commissioned officers. He knew right away it was a “getting their ticket punched” patrol to scout the area for hostiles, but hoping not to find any because it would cause far too much paper work.
The smoke signals in the morning had already disappeared and he didn’t see any reason to mention it to the patrol leader, a Captain Franklin. The Captain was still wet behind the ears, but Caleb treated him with respect as if he was General Custer himself.
It was Eliza that spilled the beans about the war party.
Caleb suspected it was because she was scheming to keep the soldiers around for protection the next couple of days and he didn’t have any problem with that because it made a lot of sense. He saw Eliza talking to the other two widows and shortly after, he noticed that they were all laughing and making coy faces at the three officers in a way that promised a happy ending if they stayed the night.
Captain Franklin latched onto Eliza without the slightest hesitation and Caleb gave him credit for common sense because the sober minded Eliza was easily the most sensuous of the three widows and she certainly didn’t hold back when there was a naked man in her tent. He expected they would both be in there until daylight the next morning and the poor Captain would get very little sleep or rest.
Dorinda drew a young Second Lieutenant to protect her pretty ass that evening and she was eager to pretend he was her husband reincarnated for at least an evening of pleasure. She started things off right by kneeling between his legs until he filled her gullet with Union officer cream just like her unfortunate spouse. She often thought of her beloved husband that came to a sudden end at Gettysburg in a common grave with a multitude of others. This was her opportunity to give the Union officer her best female favors in honor of her fallen husband. After all, he was going out the next day to risk his life fighting the hostiles that would certainly rape her with unchecked joy before they lifted her scalp and left her naked on the barren plain as a warning to other settlers to get out of Indian Territory.
Constance was hooked up with a First Lieutenant called Mister Murphy. He had the respect of all the enlisted men because he had been an enlisted man in the Civil War and had been promoted to officer status due to a shortage of qualified men to lead the troops into battle against the rampaging Indian Nations.
Underneath her calm exterior, Constance had a deep-seated and totally irrational fear of all men because she had fuzzy memories of being used poorly by her grandfather. She was not quite certain if it was reality or fantasy because she had been quite ill with prarie fever at the time and it seemed so out of character for the elderly gentleman. The older man had raised her after her parents died in an epidemic when she was only the tender age of sixteen. He had seen to her general education and had disciplined her nightly just to teach her the need for obedience and quick response to orders from any grown-up in authority. The combination of discipline and strict upbringing taught her to mistrust allowing any male to take complete control of her actions.
She had confronted the old man shortly before he died about his strict upbringing and he apologised for his overbearing attitude. His excuse was that he wanted her to be regarded as a well-behaved young female and one that would be appealing to men of distinction looking for an obedient spouse to manage their home and children. She was relieved because she loved him like a father and her need to see him as a loving parent was paramount in her mind. Constance no longer saw men as masters, but as human beings just like her with their own sets of fears and faults to plague them all their lives.
Eventually, she came to understand that she had not been mistreated and that she was merely naturally submissive in such matters and it was a role that she found most comfortable in all situations.In a way, she was happy to have met her fears head-on and find the self-confidence to meet the world with eyes wide open and with a better understanding of her own motivations.
The shrewd Irish mustang officer sensed the hidden submissiveness in her haughty attitude and he didn’t hesitate to issue commands to her like a drill sergeant to get her into the proper position for some doggy style poking. It was sheer excitement to watch the handsome woman go down on all fours and look back over her shoulder at him in complete submission to his every command.
First, he poked her pussy long and hard and then when she was almost exhausted, he switched to her tiny rear door opening and she shrieked her alarm at his huge member stretching her feminine core to the limit. He persisted until his entire package was buried in her fundament and she was forced to sob silently as her degraded her womanly dignity in a way that she would remember for a very long time. It was only at the end, when she was beginning to feel the vibrations of an approaching orgasm that she begged him not to stop until the dirty deed was done.
The Captain mustered all three widows into his tent in a naked trio of frontier women down on their knees in a line and the three officers took turns on all of them without mercy. It was obvious that they were basically just slabs of meat for the high-ranking men and their sobs and whimpers fell on deaf ears the entire night.
Caleb stayed away from the tent, but he had a pretty good idea of the tableau inside.
It seemed like a poor bargain for the three widow ladies, but the bottom line was that they did it to insure their safety at least until the danger of the savages had passed and they could proceed on their journey to the south and the lush fertile valley described by Caleb as a paradise isolated from the usual frontier violence. It was a pleasant promise and the women were willing to give up some of their personal dignity to continue their travels without interruption.
The next morning, the enlisted men used the river water to bathe and to shave and there was no sign of the hostiles.
The Captain was convinced they had moved north up into the mountains to avoid any confrontation with the patrols from the fort and that was fine with him because he had no liking to losing his hair in making a suicide attack on a large party of the Plains Indians with Custer’s scalp on their war party agenda.
It would be several years before Custer finally got his just desserts and the Captain was fortunate enough to be already up in the Black Hills keeping the miners away from the Indian burial grounds as promised in the most recent treaty.
They continued down the trail to Texas and Caleb knew nothing could stop them now unless they got flooded out, burned out, or hit by some other dire happening of freak nature to plague their mission.
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Texas Gal - Part 4 by C. Sprite Copyright 1999 Chapter Thirteen Lumber 102 Susan and I got out of bed and went into Auntie's room. She was still sleeping so I opened up her curtains to let the morning sun in, while Suz went into the bathroom to run our bath. Auntie stirred with the sunlight on her face and when I was sure that she was awake, I went into the bathroom. We were soaking in the tub when Judy and Mary arrived. As always, we talked about our...
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Everything's Bigger in Texas By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "I just can't get over her," said Connor. "You're a bloody millionaire, man," Replied Billy Bob as they sipped their beers at the bar. "I knew leaving New York might be an issue, but she's loved Texas since we've been here," said Connor. "Just not me anymore! I'm so damn lonely since she moved out." "Damn it, come on man! Pick yourself up," said Billy Bob. "With your money, you can have almost anyone...
Author's note: This story was originally hosted over on Writing.com, but has been transferred over here so that people may read it again! Wherever possible, the original authors have been credited. Otherwise, the chapter was written by Squashedflat. The characters and settings are all from the game Texas in Trouble, which can be found here. Additions are more than welcome, and I've left character bios for all the characters in the story guidelines sidebar (which comes up if you're adding or...
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When I learned Puckbunii’s name derived from her crush on Canadian hockey players, the possibilities swirled in my mind. So, with her permission, here is her story…. ‘The Canucks are coming, the Canucks are coming!’ For weeks, Cindi talked up the imminent arrival of her favorite Canadian hockey team, the Vancouver Canucks. She desperately wanted to go, but the combined cost of transport, hotel, meals, and tickets was too dear for her. Alice, from New York, was a Ranger fan, but agreed to go...
Aaron and I managed to get together with Harris two more evenings during that torrid week in Houston. Each encounter was wonderfully fulfilling. I must confess, when I said goodbye to my ebony lover late Thursday evening, I was deeply saddened. I had developed a genuine affection for him. “Do you think we’ll ever see him again?” I asked solemnly.Aaron hugged me before responding, “I don’t know. Perhaps…You really like him, don’t you?”I nodded, “He’s the only other man I’ve been with…and...
Wife LoversI was on my way to a business meeting in Austin, Texas, which is about a four-hour drive south of Dallas. Just south of Waxahachie, about an hour south of Dallas, I was humming along in my rental car, making sure I minded the posted speed limit, when a very cute young redhead, about twenty something, flew past me in a red sports car. Two things crossed my mind. One – the flash of red hair and her speed. I knew she would be my ticket to get to Austin a lot faster than I had hoped, if only I...
College SexJennifer's CumPulsion III: A Trip to Texas By Jennifer James In the Fall of 2000 I had a single business meeting, on a Wednesday, arranged in Texas's largest metro area. I decided to make a mini vacation out of it, and made arrangements to arrive there the Friday morning before, and to fly back right after the meeting itself. Since I only had the one meeting, I had decided I would spend the entire time, except for the single meeting itself, as a woman. Arriving at the...
When I learned Puckbunii’s name derived from her crush on Canadian hockey players, the possibilities swirled in my mind. So, with her permission, here is her story…. "The Canucks are coming, the Canucks are coming!" For weeks, Cindi talked up the imminent arrival of her favorite Canadian hockey team, the Vancouver Canucks. She desperately wanted to go, but the combined cost of transport, hotel, meals, and tickets was too dear for her. Alice, from New York, was a Ranger fan, but agreed to go...
SpankingTEENAGE TEXAS SLUTS ????? Jennifer got off the bus and looked at the barren landscape in the small Texas townshe was being forced to spend the summer in. This was definitely not on herlist of places she would have chosen to end her teenage years. Her father haddied, and she and her sister Allison had been bounced back and forth from acouple Friends homes until the Final chapter 13 paperwork was finished liquidatingtheir Dads business. Her mother Brenda was finishing all that up and was goingto...
For my 18th birthday my bitch mother was going to have me committed to a lockup nuthouse. Back in the day, homosexuality was classified as a mental illness (typically treated with electroshock), homosexual acts between consenting adults were criminalized, and being outed at the tail end of the McCarthy era (as my supposedly best friend did to me in high school) got you branded by some as traitor to your country. So I visited my grandma who gave me $10, stuck my thumb out at the entrance to the...
I am a proud Texas Latina and a flight attendant for a major US airline but what you wouldn't know from your flight with me is that I am also an admitted exhibitionist, addicted really. Being watched while masturbating is a sexual fantasy and exhibitionist passion that began for me in my early teens. But I've actually been an exhibitionist all my life. Even as a c***d, my parents could not keep clothes on me. When I got off the school bus, I'd run up the long drive of our Texas Hill Country...
New neighbors; you just never know what you’re going to get! I didn’t know my neighbors to the west very well. The husband was a consultant of some sort in the Cayman Islands. He and his wife spent most the year there, only coming “home” for holidays. I never learned what happened to them, but in March, a For Sale sign went up and the house sold in about two months. The housing market here in Beaumont, Texas is pretty lively. The next thing I knew, there was a moving van in the street and...
“Take the 12th Avenue Exit, then swing back underneath the interstate ... and take a right on Holiday Drive. There’s a western store down there where we can get you some work clothes.” “Wade, you’re investing a lot of money in me before we even get to your ranch. I hope I’m capable of doing the job you have for me.” “I still think you’re worth it. Besides, I don’t like the thought of dropping you off down at Sherman where you’re afraid to go to sleep. You have a lot to offer this world, and...
"I hope you realize what's going to happen when you get back," Melissa said. "You're going to do nothing but sate the lusts of older men." "I know. I've talked with the other girls. They told me what's happened to them." I cocked my head and studied Melissa out of the corner of my eye. "Is that why you gave it up and moved away?" "I didn't give it up entirely," she said. "I belong to a nudist resort in Kissimmee. That's on a lake south of Orlando. Very private, and without...
Sam sent Hey Pete over to the Barkley ranch to tell me that they had discovered another twenty-three cattle carcass’s that had been missed last winter when we tried to get the cattle under the bluff. Sad, but nothing we could do about it. Nancy had included a note to Rita. “Rita, everyone busted their butt to get through the winter and we will soon be sorting out the cattle. Steers to fatten to sell, see how many heifers we have that came through the winter, and how big a calf crop we are...
She was talking me into it now. I couldn't believe it. Another person was going to do this. I wasn't going to be the only weird one on campus."But you heard Dr. Spiros, people stopped doing this," I protested."PHFT so what? So, some perv has a dirty picture. Doesn't mean we shouldn't be allowed to show our bodies."I held my breath as I took off her T-shirt and held it out awkwardly in front of me along with my books. Sam took a second with the tiny white covering as I saw how truly...
ExhibitionismHis friendship with Vickie was over. Hellfire, he fumed, he hadn't ever asked that crazy female woman to fall in love with him. Due to his association with her, a good woman he might have learned in time to really care for wouldn't even give him the time of day. The one good thing he'd done in the last month was to kill that damned Silas Hawkins, if you could call his having killed another mother's son a good thing. Any other time Jim would have been proud of having been the long,...
The warm air of Texas is a relief after the cold northern breezes in the early part of the trip. The Harley has been running smooth for almost 2000 miles. I had to keep removing articles of clothing as I progressed south. Now I was left wearing my blue jeans and a white T-shirt, leather boots on my feet and a small black helmet covering my head. The rest of my gear rolled up in the bedroll tied on the back of the bike. After checking a map I roll through the town and head out to Mustang Island...