A Tiny Slip Ch. 01 free porn video

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The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography.

Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.

This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.

SPOILER ALERT!: This story reveals the identity of the Consultant of Crime. If you have not read the previous stories, the author strongly advises you to read them before continuing with this story!

Part 1 – Prologue

Southeast Asia. Somewhere on the other side of a politically drawn line, early 1973.

The Captain watched as the Green Berets and his own men of the 173d Airborne evacuated the body of their dead comrade, as well as the wounded. He ordered the retreat, and the men began falling back.

But the Enemy had regrouped, and were coming after them. He felt as much as heard the bullets whizzing past him. He turned and stood, firing his machine gun into the advancing enemy soldiers, slowing them down just enough to give his men time to get out.

He barely felt the bullet that struck his upper right shoulder area, driving through his lung and deflecting off his scapula and out his back. He maintained his fire…

The explosions of grenades between him and the enemy rocked his world. He felt himself being grabbed from behind as two other men began raking the enemy. Then smoke grenades were thrown to cover the retreat.

‘Come on, Captain,’ said Navy Corpsman Cordell, dragging his Captain along. ‘Time to get out of here.’ One of the other soldiers came up, grabbed the Captain’s legs, and together they ran with him to the last helicopter to take off. Everyone was aboard, including the dead Green Beret, none were left behind to face dishonor and desecration at the hands of the Enemy.

As the lush jungle canopy got smaller below them as they headed up and to the east, the Corpsman attended the Captain’s wounds. He’d been hit at least three times, once in the upper right shoulder, once in the left side, and once in a glancing blow in the neck that by the Grace of God and the Universe had not ruptured an artery, vein, or his trachea.

Still, the wounds were serious, life-threatening. The Corpsman did all he could, working through the tears blurring his vision, and rolling down his cheeks.

‘Good job, Cordell.’ the Captain whispered. ‘Tell all the men… I’m proud of them.’

‘You’ll have to tell them yourself, Captain.’ said the Corpsman. ‘Don’t you dare give up on me now. You have your wife to go home to.’

The Captain’s face formed a little smile. The Corpsman got the picture of the Captain’s wife from his shirt pocket over his heart, the corner stained in blood from the side wound. He handed it to the Captain, who just stared at it…

Part 2 – Brand New Day

‘But at last he made a slip—only a little, little slip—but it was more than he could afford when I was so close upon him. I had my chance, and, starting from that point, I have woven my net round him until now it is all ready to close.’ —— Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, ‘The Final Problem’

‘This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News.’ shouted the lovely redhead at 7:00am, Wednesday, June 22d, from in front of City Hall. ‘Channel Two News has learned that the Town & County Council did not act to suspend Commander Donald Troy in their Executive Session last night. However, they have called a Special Session for this afternoon, and have ‘invited’ several important persons in the County to attend, including Sheriff Daniel Allgood, former Chief Griswold, and University President Sidney P. Wellman.’

Bettina continued: ‘This meeting will occur before the evening’s festivities begin at First Baptist Church, where the Reverend Robert Patterson will be speaking. The Reverend Patterson will then give a large rally speech at the University Basketball Arena.’

‘Meanwhile,’ Bettina said, ‘suspended Detective Julie Newton of the TCPD was transferred to County Jail last night, where she will continue to be interrogated for what the FBI is calling serious financial crimes on a national level. And now let’s go to Sports with Nick Eastwood! Nick!…’

No mention of the death of the Iron Crowbar.

‘I thought Reverend Patterson was going to speak at the football stadium.’ said Joanne Warner.

‘They only sold 2,500 tickets.’ Cindy replied. ‘So they decided to move it indoors.’

‘Why did they take Newton to County Jail?’ asked Lt. Wes ‘Coldiron’ Masters.

‘Lt. Goodwin of Internal Affairs ordered it.’ Cindy said as she sipped her coffee. ‘Security reasons, so I’m told. She expressed fear for her safety here at Headquarters.’

‘Hell, she’s safer here than at County Lockup.’ said Teddy Parker.

‘I agree.’ Cindy said. ‘But the decision was made by higher powers than myself.’

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

If this was going to be my last day on this earth, I thought to myself, it would include one hell of a good breakfast. I made a great steak-and-cheese omelette and a stack of pancakes… then I remembered how Carole would ‘help’ me make pancakes, and I had to work through the pain. The bodies would be flying back here tomorrow…

Still, I resolved to eat well, and did so, washing it down with delicious coffee, thinking of all my Detectives at the coffee klatch. Good Detectives. Great people.

I spent a good bit of time with Bowser and Buddy, giving them a lot of skritchins and loving, talking to them and letting them show their love for me like they liked to, mostly by licking my face and pressing their bodies against me while I gave them belly rubs.

After my toilet, I dressed today in my ‘black’ uniform. It looked good, it gave me ease and freedom of movement. I would need to be able to move today. And if it were my last day, at least I would look good when I went down. Damn good.

‘Okay, guys,’ I said, ‘it’s time to take you to your place of protection.’ The dogs were in as grave danger as I was, I knew. Fortunately, there was a place they’d be safe, and people to protect them.

We drove to the headquarters of BOW Enterprises, with me being careful to make sure I was not followed. I walked two leashed dogs to the office of the Chief Executive Officer. His assistant Mariko bowed, complimented the dogs, then led me into Todd’s office.

‘Hello Commander.’ said a cheerful voice from behind the desk. It was Lieutenant (Ret.) Tanya Perlman. ‘I see you brought your cute buddies today.’

‘Buddy and Bowser.’ I said. ‘How are you and little Pete doing?’

‘Just fine.’ Tanya said. She began driving her wheelchair to a door to the right side of the room as one entered it, to the left of Todd’s desk. Going through, she drove down the hallway and stopped at an elevator, which was barely noticeable in the wall. We got on, and descended a couple of floors. Getting out, I found myself in a narrow hallway with gray concrete blocks for walls. Going left (back underneath Todd’s office a couple of floors above), I opened a gunmetal gray door. Tanya drove in, leading the way, and I followed with the dogs.

‘Come on in, guys.’ said Barry Oliver. It was another room, well-protected. Also inside were my nephew Todd, Teddy Franklin, Seth Warner, and Lt. Teresa Croyle, who was holding little Pete Feeley. Buddy went right to Teresa, so she gave Pete back to Tanya and took Buddy into her lap. Bowser sat on the floor near them, skeptical and wary.

‘Hi, Uncle Don.’ Todd said with a bright smile. ‘As you can see, this is our safe room, as well as where we meet to talk about our secret technologies. We can monitor everything j
ust like the Security Desk up front, and when we go on lockdown, it’ll take some serious firepower to get to us.’ I just nodded as I looked around, seeing the monitor screens.

‘How’s Cindy?’ Teresa asked.

‘Still very pissed off.’ I said. ‘So if and when you come into Headquarters, do reconsider not being crowbar-armed.’

Teresa was officially assigned to protect the BOW Enterprises CEO and top Staff. It had been Todd that had helped move Cindy after Teresa had knocked her out with a sleeping drug, it was Your Iron Crowbar that had anticipated the need for that to happen.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

He put on his suit and adjusted his tie. It was going to be a big, big day. His lovely Sinon had been transferred to County Jail, making her extraction easier… though no less deadly for the ‘Peace Officers’ working there.

‘Sinon’, he thought to himself. What a perfect name. A mole within the walls of the Enemy’s stronghold. ‘Sinon’ had been the name of the Greek left with the Trojan Horse outside the walls of Troy, buried to his neck. He had told the Trojans that the Horse was a gift in admission of defeat in the War. The night after he and the Horse were brought inside, it was Sinon that released the Greeks from inside the Horse… and the rest is most very ancient history.

Likewise, Julie Newton had been his ‘Sinon’ inside TCPD Headquarters for a long time. She adored Harold Malone, she would fuck Malone’s balls off whenever she got the chance… but she was loyal to him, the Consultant of Crime, first and foremost. Ditto that for Angela Harlan, the Black Widow, being loyal to the Consultant first and foremost… but she got caught. Julie didn’t… until now.

He had listened to Bettina’s broadcast this morning, and had not heard what he’d wanted to hear: a report that the Iron Crowbar was dead, and by his own hand. It is just as well, he thought to himself. What I have in store for him… will be much, much better.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

‘We’re not getting anything.’ said FBI Special Agent Martin Nash. Sitting in Cindy’s office with him was Special Agent Eduardo Escobar. ‘We’ve talked to her for hours. She’s all but admitting to every bit of it, but says that Commander Troy instructed her to do every bit of it.’

‘Where’s her proof?’ Cindy asked.

Martin Nash said ‘Her attorney provided us… and the SBI investigators of Commander Troy… with a number of emails and texts. Texts are from burner phones that were bought in Fillmore County, in the Rome Wal-Mart. There’s a sales receipt that Commander Troy did buy a couple of burner phone while he was in Apple Grove last year.’

‘But are they the same ones?’ Cindy said.

‘The ones used were from same batch of one hundred as the ones the Commander bought.’ Nash said. ‘Yes, someone could have come in right behind Commander Troy and bought them, but Newton’s lawyer, as well as the rabid dogs of the SBI, are going to push hard to say it’s a connection.’

‘Or a frame-up.’ said Cindy.

‘It gets worse, though.’ said Nash. ‘Newton is saying that the ammonium nitrate bought from Ward Harvester and used to kill those rogue CIA agents on the Bypass was bought by Commander Troy himself, through intermediaries. She provided a paper trail link through front companies that the CIA has used from time to time. Dr. Casey B. Walker of CIA Counterintelligence gave some documents to the SBI… who gave them to Newton’s lawyer… that show the front companies were indeed used to buy the ammonium nitrate, and that Commander Troy was behind the purchase.’

‘If anything, it’d be Laura that made those purchases, which would make them legal.’

‘Ma’am,’ said Eduardo Escobar, showing respect, ‘I’m sorry to have to say this, but Dr. Fredricson is now dead, and cannot vouch for her husband in this. They can twist it however they want, and she’s not here any more to counter them.’

Cindy bowed her head, more due to the pain of her cousins Carole and Jim’s deaths than anything else. She could also feel the sorrow the FBI Agents were feeling for her right now. She willed herself to continue.

‘Did Walker give those documents to the FBI?’ asked Cindy.

‘No.’ said Nash. ‘Walker did not give the FBI those documents at all. That in itself might be a crime, but good luck bringing any charges or any accusation on that. That’s way above all our pay grades put together.’

‘Where is Jack Muscone? And Sandra?’ she asked.

Nash said ‘Mr. Muscone is at the Federal Building. You know how you always complained about Commander Troy not telling you stuff? We have the same problem with Jack from time to time. And Sandra?… Well, I’m not sure. She said she had a mission from Jack today and left, and I haven’t heard from her since.’

‘So guys, just between friends, off the record…’ Cindy said. ‘How bad is this?’

‘There’s nothing as bad as losing his family.’ said Escobar. ‘But it’s going to be very rough for Commander Troy in the next few weeks. Even if he survives all this and is exonerated… his reputation will be destroyed…’

Part 3 – Security Arrangements

The Precinct Captains meeting was at Precinct 1 today. Captain Ross was presiding in Commander Troy’s stead.

‘All right, guys,’ she said, ‘I can sit here today as Commander Troy’s surrogate. If he gets suspended, I’m not sure what’s going to happen. It will be up to the Chief. But for now, we have two issues. One, security for the Reverend Robert Patterson. Two, Julie Newton in County Jail. Okay, Captain Briggs, tell me about the security for Patterson.’

‘It’s all set.’ said Briggs in his casual, laconic voice. ‘The Reverend Patterson has a private security detail that makes the U.S. Secret Service look tame by comparison. The TCPD will be handling mostly parking and crowd control at the Church and its perimeter, and at the University Arena. The Campus Police will be doing most of the traffic control on Campus. There’s really a lot less for us to do than I expected.’

‘But…’ Cindy said, then made sure to keep her voice under control as she continued: ‘… but what are we doing to monitor possible threats to the Reverend. I don’t need to remind you guys what happened when Jonas Oldeeds came in here. The Commander nearly got his head shot off… and Jonas Oldeeds did get his head blown out. And then there’s the possibility of someone firing at the Church, firing a rifle, or even a small missile like an old LAWS rocket.’

‘Yes, ma’am.’ said Briggs. ‘Again, the Reverend Patterson said his security was handling most of that, with our cooperation where asked for, of course. The Church itself recently installed a new security system, and Pastor Westboro gave Patterson’s people access to it. The Church itself is not overlooked by too many buildings, mostly the Catholic Church on the other side. Not many sniper nests nor opportunities, ma’am.’

‘Are we going to have bomb-sniffing dogs go through the place?’ asked Cindy.

‘Ma’am’ said PCpt. Damien Thompson with a grin, ‘we’ve got you.’ He was referring to Cindy’s nose at the Community Center.

‘I’d rather have Sergeant Seymour go through, if it’s all the same with you guys.’ Cindy said with a smile. ‘Oh, don’t tell me… Reverend Patterson’s team will handle all that.’

‘That is what they told me.’ said Briggs.

‘All right.’ Cindy said. ‘Captain Briscoe, let’s you and me go up to Precinct 3 and County Jail. I want to check on security around Newton. Hal, Damien, keep up the good work.’

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Cindy drove her SUV south down University Avenue, then turned right on College Avenue, going west. She went slowly, observing First Baptist Church to her right, the Catholic Church and Methodist Church to her left. First Baptist had a fair sized lawn to its right, as one faced the front door, and a copse of two-hundred-year-old oak trees to its left, part of the same trees that went west towards Courthouse

Cars behind her were not happy at her slow pace, but what are they going to do, blow their horns at a Police vehicle?

She saw some men in suits and ties around the Church, and already was seeing roped off areas. Security for the event was being put in place.

When she got to Precinct 3 Headquarters, PCpt. Briscoe gave her the tour. ‘Everything’s pretty secure here, ma’am. The Interrogation Rooms have that double door lock where you can’t open the door to one side and the other at the same time. The jail doors have standard security and are manned by Deputies or TCPD Officers at every important juncture.’

After touring the Jail, they headed back toward’s Briscoe’s office. Cindy said ‘With all the extra security for Patterson’s rallies tonight, a lot of Deputies will be assigned to that, especially on Campus. I want you to make sure that the Officers manning all the posts here know each other very well, and know who should be here and shouldn’t be. Put out orders than no one from the other Precincts are to man posts here. I will back you up on that if you have any problems at all.’

‘Yes ma’am.’ said Briscoe. ‘Do you think there will be trouble today?’

‘I don’t know.’ Cindy said. ‘I am doing as the Iron Crowbar taught me, and trying to figure out how I would extract a prisoner from this Jail. Events like the Patterson rallies, with us scrambling to provide security, would be a good time to try something.’

‘Yes ma’am, that’s smart thinking.’ Briscoe said. ‘I hope all that crap about the Commander is just that… a bunch of crap. But if it’s not, I think you’re going to do very well in his place.’

‘Chief Griswold would applaud your kissing ass and buttering me up.’ Cindy replied with a grin. ‘But I pray to God the Commander overcomes this. We may be good… but no one else is the Iron Crowbar…’

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When they got back to PCpt. Briscoe’s office, a patrolman hurried up to her. ‘Ma’am,’ he said, ‘Mrs. Veasley asked to see you when you were finished here. I don’t know how she knew you were here…’

‘She’s good.’ said Cindy with a smile. She went to the lobby. ‘Hello, Mrs. Veasley.’

‘Ah, hello Child.’ said Mrs. Veasley, turning her wheelchair from the window to face Cindy. ‘I need to have a moment of conversation with you. It is of the utmost importance.’

‘Right this way.’ Cindy said. She took Mrs. Veasley past the Duty Desk and into the office areas that was Precinct 3. Finding a small conference room, they went in and closed the door. Cindy also activated her anti-bugging device. Greatest. Christmas. Gift. Ever. she thought to herself.

‘I can see, Child,’ said Mrs. Veasley, ‘that you are considering the security of that despicable harpy Newton.’

‘Yes, ma’am.’ said Cindy. ‘There is something here, something not right… but I don’t know what it is.’

‘Yessss,’ hissed Mrs. Veasley. ‘But there is so much more. You must now think about saving Commander Troy.’

‘How?’ asked Cindy.

‘Use your mind, Child.’ Mrs. Veasley ordered. The words seemed to sear through Cindy’s soul. ‘Yesss, that’s it.’ Mrs. Veasley said as she felt Cindy going deep into a reverie…

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Julie Newton watched as Captain Ross, escorted by Sergeant Rudistan and Patrolman Morton, looked around outside her cell.

‘Okay, it looks secure enough.’ Cindy said. ‘Captain Briscoe, I want to interrogate Newton in I-1. Rudistan, Morton, escort this traitor to the Interrogation Room.

‘Yes, ma’am.’ said Rudistan.

‘Ma’am,’ said PCpt. Briscoe, ‘we have to have at least one female officer escort her.’

‘What do you think I am?’ asked Cindy derisively. PCpt. Briscoe blanched, and Rudistan did not manage to control his laughter.

Once they had Newton in I-1, she said ‘Where is my lawyer?’

‘Oh, I’m sure he’s on the way.’ Cindy said. In fact, when PCpt. Briscoe had said he’d have someone contact Newton’s lawyer to get him here, Captain Ross had countermanded him. ‘I know the legalities.’ Cindy had said. ‘I’m going to be doing all the talking.’

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Destiny Weekend by captv8td [email protected] 1?Okay, pups, listen up.  Let me go over the rules for the weekend.?  Samantha stood in front of the pledges as note pads were being distributed.  ?We’re going to be playing differently this year.  We’re going back to the old rules.??Ha!? exclaimed Sarah.  ?Old rules.  New rules.  We won’t know the difference.  This is our first time.??Hehe,? snickered Sam.  ?That’s true.  So I won’t bore you with the changes.  I’ll just tell you the...

4 years ago
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It couldn't have been a crisp and prettier late Autumn day. It was the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and 43 year old Colleen Follett had made the short, three block drive over to visit her friend, Destiny McCullough.Dressed in her black exercise spandex along with a pair of black leggings, it had been such a lovely day, Colleen decided to leave her coat in the car figuring even when it turned off cooler, she'd be so fired up from her workout session, the last thing she need was a coat for the...

3 years ago
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Destiny and Harmony

Destiny and Harmony by captv8td [email protected] 1“Aiiieee!!!” squealed Destiny.  She pounded her chest triumphantly with her foot planted in the small of the back of the woman lying on the ground as two other women stripped and bound the prone one.“Hush, Des,” admonished Harmony.  “You’re acting like an invitation to come capture us.”“Sorry, Mom,” said Destiny as she stepped back from the woman.  “I guess I got overexcited.”“Don’t worry, kitten,” replied Harmony.  “We all get...

2 years ago
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Tiny Cock Cuck

“What do you think you’re doing?”She looked down at me with a scowl on her face. I couldn’t say anything, not with the gag in my mouth. Besides, I was sitting propped up against the sofa with my hands tied tightly behind my back. I was stark naked, my pathetic little cock standing straight up, rock hard. It looked like a toy…perfect in every way; symmetrical, straight, with a large purple head… except it was miniature.I’d always had a love hate relationship with my tiny penis; I loved to touch...

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Tiny Dancer

I have always loved the stars. On a clear night, like that night, I can watch the universe in its slow eternal dance. Sometimes, as I sit and watch the light from distant suns, I wonder where she is, how she is doing. I will never know what really happened that night. I will never understand who, or what, she was. I will never see her again I fear, but sometimes it is enough just to remember. It was here that we met, outside my little house in the hills. I was sitting on my front porch, lost...

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Moms white half slip

At this point, I was sleeping in Mom’s bedroom and wearing her panties, slips and even bras to bed. I loved masturbating in bed and mentally daring Mom to walk in and catch me. It never occurred to me that she was probably awake and listening on quite a few evenings. I loved getting in the best position, with my legs hanging off the side of the bed and my hands sliding one after another under my prone body, working myself to a huge erection and aroused to the point of being intoxicated. My...

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Destiny City

Destiny City Foreword: I hate smartphones. I know that doesn't sound like something you'd expect from your typical four year old. Anymore children practically come out of their mommies with some sort of electronic device in their hands. I'm not a typical child, just like any other Destiny City child. Before I get into that I guess I should tell you why I hate smartphones. Like any other, "how I got from there to here story" mine starts a little over a year ago. Four year old...

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Tiny Way to Die

Hi all, so this is a story that I have brought over from writing.com. This story was originally called "Tiny Way To Die," and it was originally created by a chap by the name of 'chaos'. Link to said story here: https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1381651-Tiny-Way-to-Die Now as for why I brought this story over from writing.com, well, I noticed that the original has been largely neglected by the site, only getting updated once every 3-4 months or so. I decided to bring the story over...

2 years ago
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Tiny Tit Teens 1 Russian Rides 1 2 videos

Russian sex scenes are easily recognized: raw rough solid sex, and usually with slim sexy shy tiny tit u******e great gal girls.Russian sex scenes are hot to watch, but cold as Siberia, in expressing sexual or erotic emotions, beyond the moaning minors.Russian sex scenes are as true as Russian raw reality. In all countries counts: . Opportunity or obligation?Russian sex scenes are as cold as in real: fucking the teacher for good grades, the dean and professors to enter university. Russian...

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DestinyChapter 1

I was jogging in the park one morning sweating in my nice new outfit on a lovely sunny day. The trail led through the forest which presented a variety of wonderful smells like pine and some floral scent I couldn't identify but I loved it. Suddenly, I noticed a guy running along beside me. I almost panicked before he smiled and asked, "Are you Destiny?" What a relief. Maybe my heart missed a beat and I'm sure that my look of surprise gave me away. I managed to gasp, "Yes, and you're...

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DestinyChapter 4

They had plenty of space between my room and Dad's to have complete privacy. I opened the computer and stared at the opening screen. As I reflected, I had practically forced them into an arranged courtship. Did I do the right thing? What would you do if she came to live with us? I let that question play out a while. Is she going to stay with me while he's gone? Is Tyler? Yeah, I was confused. She told you many times that she had no interest in getting married. I forced myself to...

2 years ago
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The Slip

The Slip by Georgina It was quiet in my place of rest. I lay there, peaceful, warm, surrounded by my little friends, my companions, waiting, always waiting for a chance to come out and see something of the world. I was something special though as I was desired by a creature of such magnificent youth and such deep emotions as to excite jealousy amongst the rest of my coterie of fellows. They were always on call for my mistress and were used and abused, willy-nilly on an everyday...

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DestinyChapter 2

In a few more minutes, I stopped crying and had to get serious. I took out my nifty makeup case that Charlene gave me. The local merchants gave her a bunch when she won the title and she gave me four. I gasped when I found out how much regular people had to pay for them. I fixed my face and stayed in the restroom until after the class bell rang. I went quickly to the nurse to get a tardy slip, telling her about my period being a surprise. The last time I used that excuse, it was a physical...

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Transgendered Fairy Tales Cinderellas Slippers

Transgendered Fairy Tales: Cinderella's Slippers By Dee Dee Perri CHAPTER 1 437 A.D. A cold, heavy mist hung over the castle and the surrounding village as the earth waited for the arrival of the sun. It would be dawn in a few minutes and still the old woman had been unable to discover the secret of the glass slippers. The first hint of light already was evident in the East. Time was running out and she knew it. "Maybe Cinderella's step-sisters were wrong!" Muttered the...

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Celebrity Slips

CelebritySlips is a must-see website for all men around the world who have a crush on a certain famous girl. You'd be surprised how many times women all over the world have been photographed in such a way that their privates have been completely exposed to the camera. These pictures are obviously rarely seen in the media as these girls have paid a hefty sum of money to keep these hot pics out of big websites such as BuzzFeed or The Rolling Stone, and so on, but they've never really cared enough...

The Fappening
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DestinyChapter 5

After my successful two-hour study session it was time to organize dinner from leftovers and the new delivery that would be coming. I really was getting better at focusing on work after a good fucking. When the doorbell rang, I figured it was Charlene. She came in with her overnight bag smelling sexy — almost depraved — to give me a hug. I said, "I'll have to get you a key, Mom. No reason for you to knock anymore." "I'd be afraid to use it. What if he had someone here?" She looked in...

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DestinyChapter 10

After starting the picnic with the company video, Amanda paired us with our trainees for a few minutes to go over the daily checklist. Tyler picked the girl named Sherree, the one with the best figure, and took her to the outside table. Why not? I took the male named Dylan to sit on adjoining chaise lounges. Bill and Charlene picked the other two and went inside to find a place to work. Dylan stood about six feet, looked strong, smiled a lot, and was in my class. In our interviews, I noticed...

2 years ago
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It has been said that there are three steps to happiness - step 1 find out who we are, step 2 - accept who we are and step 3 - be who we are. For many of us, this is straightforward but for some, the changes needed to complete each step are far reaching and life changing. It's then that we need Destiny to do her job. Destiny is a funny thing. For most of the time, we don't even notice her. It's as if she's sitting in the background, quietly minding her own business until she...

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Olivias Smelly Socks Slippers

This is a true story and was my first ever foot fetish experience. This very experience at the age of eight was what gave me my fetish for female feet, especially white socks.It was late afternoon on a summer day, and I was outside playing in my neighbourhood. I was sitting on the kerb alone, directly opposite my friend Ken’s house waiting for him to finish his dinner. Ken had a few older sisters and one of them was a girl called Olivia. Olivia at the time was about 18 and she was very pretty....

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DestinyChapter 6

Some days I surprise myself. I lined up the food service. We could eat a decent meal and not cause Tyler or Paul to go bankrupt. Eating at home, I could serve us wine. The TV was paid for, I had the network code, so if we wanted a racy movie, I could rent it. So for the price of the gas to drive over here, Tyler and Paul would have an evening to remember. I think Tyler likes to look at Charlene's naked body as much as I do. If Paul joined the group play, we'd all have a wonderful date. I...

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Destiny Allison and Bailey

I waited by the stall door when, finally she opened it. As she turned the corner and faced me I slapped her pretty white face, knocking her into the stall wall. She hit it with a thump and passed out. I stood there gazing at her beautiful 15 year old body, well developed for her age. She had double c tits and a big firm ass. She had blonde hair the fell about halfway down her back. She wore black tights that showed off her ass and a small OU shirt that revealed her cleavage. I walked over...

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DestinyChapter 11

On the way to school, I asked him, "What did you say to Mom when she came down to breakfast?" "I said that I wish she could be a participant rather than a spectator and that I wanted to play that game with her." She turned red, and said, "Thank you, Tyler." "Good for you. I like it when you crowd her a little. I know it makes her feel good, even though she knows that she should be playing with someone older. I hope you can get her over that hump." Monday always had more potential...

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Tiny House 1

Josh pretty much makes his owns hours now and usually just goes to the various sites to make sure everything stays on course. He does date, but not that much, but he does like older women and has had many an affair with married ladies. They don’t want much from him, except a friend to talk with and fuck. After his disaster of a marriage, he didn’t want to be tied down again. His sister though, was always trying to set him up, but he always begged off from those. Since Josh was not that much...

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Tiny Cousin Amanda first time

so i did i though there rents would be home and they were not.. i was playing on the computer and she needed to check her email so she said can i use it for a sec i said sure and before i could stand up she set on my lap, at 1st i did not think ne thing of it. then she would move around and before u know it i was getting a boner i said srry about that she said do not worry about it, and asked me why its hard and explained it to her. she said im a virgin and want to have sex one day but im...

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Tiny Cousin Amanda first time

Introduction: skinny Cousin Amanda first time, well lets see she was younger like 5 years younger then me, we always played around like wrestle and video games, well we started to text and what not and joking around and both her parents worked mornings and she would skip school sometimes and one day she asked me to come down bc shes bored. so i did i though there rents would be home and they were not.. i was playing on the computer and she needed to check her email so she said can i use it for...

4 years ago
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Tiny Cock

I have a tiny penis. There, I said it. Not that I haven’t known for most of my life, but admitting it lets me begin to deal with it.I guess I first knew back in school. We were required to shower after gym; the coach made us line up and walk through the showers. There were ten shower heads set mostly warm but the last one was ice cold. We lined up and walked around the loop. Over the course of several gym classes we all got to see each other. In the beginning, seventh grade, there were only a...

2 years ago
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Tiny Tits Tight Twat Arrangements

On Saturday morning, I realized we hadn’t set up another date, so I called her just after ten. No answer, but I was pretty sure this was her cell phone. When I called again in two hours, she picked up and I could hear some background noise.“I’m busy for most of the weekend,” was her answer. My cock shriveled in disappointment.I begged a little, and finally she said, “All right, I should be home by five on Sunday. Anytime after.”I turned on the TV to watch the big game and patted my crotch. “A...

Straight Sex
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Tiny Tits Tight Twat another delivery

It was Saturday morning and my cock was still remembering that red-haired pussy from yesterday. I jerked off in the shower, but that didn’t help much. Stroking my rod while I tried to watch TV was not soothing enough, either. Finally I got into my car and drove over to her house. She could only say no. Wearing civilian gym shorts and t-shirt, I held my UPS board in front of me as a shield and rang the bell. It promised to be another warm day, but the inside door was still closed. As she peeked...

Quickie Sex
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Tiny Tits Tight Twat

I’m really not that much of a voyeur. As a delivery guy for UPS, after the first few months of peeking into windows and through open doors, it got a bit boring. Most of the living rooms and entry halls looked pretty much the same, and most people lead pretty dull lives. Still, I did once see a woman fucking herself with a banana.We don’t get laid as much as you’d think, either. Some of the office girls at my regular stops might be interested, but they would want wining and dining first. I’d had...

Quickie Sex
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Tiny Coercive Part II

Tiny Coercive : Part II, By Reavan. master's Bedroom. Sandra lit a lamp turning the wick to a soft glow and then lit two candles on the opposite wall, leaving the drapes closed before waking her master and madam. "How can I pleasure my master this morning?" She curtsied deeply smiling seductively and then presented her body, swaying her hips, flaunting her curvaceous full figure in the soft flickering lights. Opening his eyes, blinking and stretching, taking in his servant's luscious flesh; he...

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Tiny Coercive Part III

Tiny Coercive : Part 3. By Reavan They comforted each other on the mattress, Sandra kissing Olivia's tears away. "Oh Sandra, I feel so good now." "You don't feel the pain." "Not when you hug and kiss me; it's strange my cheeks are burning but when you kiss me it goes away." "Well that what hugging does when you like the person you're with." "Like, is not the word Sandra." "What word would you use then Olivia?" She hugged her mentor tight and kissed her warmly. "Love," she whispered shyly,...

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Destiny tour

Destiny tourBy Ah FookSince he was just a little boy, Simon had had fantasies about slavery and submission to Asian men. He never had any idea where this vision came from, but it kept coming. When he reached 41, he was in the midst of a promising career, but suddenly he follows an impulse to realize his dark fantasy. I have translated the story from Danish in order to reach a broader audience. The plot builds on a mix of memories andfantasies.  That morning, just awakened, Simon went straight...

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DestinyChapter 7

I was wrong. Next morning, I went down and found Charlene looking delicious in her bikini and doing one of her special breakfasts. Today, she made a wonderful egg casserole with salsa on the side for the strong at heart. I helped with the fruit bowls and coffee. Tyler staggered in looking tired. I handed him a cup of coffee and winked. "Too much activity?" "I feel like a kid asking for a second helping of ice cream. It's a great idea, but he has no room. Then, you were just a little...

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DestinyChapter 14

The next morning, I felt the immediate need to go referee any difficulties in the kitchen. Paul had made coffee and was in the process of cooking some cranberry pancakes, one of his specialties. Maybe he'll take Charlene's place as the breakfast maven? We chatted a minute about our situation with Dad home and decided that we had to play everything by ear. I certainly didn't want everyone feeling anxious and thinking they shouldn't be here. Charlene came in and kissed us both. Then, she...

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Auntie Anne and her slips

Several weeks ago, whilst on vacation from college, I had the most extraordinary, but wonderful experience with my Auntie Anne. She had discovered that I had for many years harboured a secret desire to see her slips, or petticoats as she called them. On this particular day I was sitting opposite Auntie, who is an attractive woman in her mid-forties, and caught sight of the lace hem of her slip as she crossed her legs - rather provocatively I thought. I immediately felt my cock swelling at this...

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Destiny As a Vampire

So Im definitely an amatuer writer, but this fantasy has been on my mind lately. I felt the best way to indulge in it was to get it out on paper, so to speak. Keep in mind, I was writing this more for myself than anything, but I felt like I should share it, in case any one else enjoyed it. This is only the second erotica story Ive ever written, so please, go easy on me. Id love constructive criticism or comments, and if I get positive feedback, Ill consider a sequel, or series, or whatever...

3 years ago
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Destiny by The Dream Weaver There are many who believe that a persons destiny cannot be altered. In some cases, though, the magic that comes from a meeting of two souls can intervene and cause destiny to rewrite itself. The desires of mortals are sometimes taken in to consideration by the Gods and they bestow a gift for the sake of love. Chapter 1 Angel laughed so suddenly, she choked on the soda she had been drinking. "Jeez, Ian" she sputtered, "warn me next time you are...

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