MICHELE'S NEW LIFE - CHAPTER 55D free porn video

I wake to another beautiful morning, the morning light again filtering into the cabin with the gently moving curtains and the waves breaking off the ship below us. I am again spread out naked on top of the sheets and as I fully stretch my body, waking up completely, I wonder. I rolled to the edge of the bed, step to the open sliding door to the balcony, and pull the curtains fully open. I see the dogs perk up at seeing me and something else … there is again coffee and pastries from room service on the balcony table between the two chairs. Anthony notices the dogs, puts his book down, and turns, “Care for some coffee, Michele?” How is he managing that each morning? He won’t even tell me if the steward is male or female.
Today was going to be low key until the ship docked at the next port at about noon. This was going to be a beach outing and Natasha promised to have the afternoon and evening off and would be spending it with us. I was looking forward to that. I found her to be a hot and sensuous woman and I know Anthony enjoyed her as much as I did.
At the moment, however, I was sprawled out on the chair, my legs apart, the sun shining on me, meaning the ship must have turned to a Northerly direction. We are quietly talking about the events so far and the itinerary of the ship for the remainder of the cruise when we hear a soft knock on the railing next to us. I look toward the next balcony. There is white fiberglass between each balcony. I put out a tentative, “Hello?”
Suddenly two heads, a man and woman of about 45 peek around the wall at the railing. She says, “Hi! If we’re intruding on your morning, just tell us to go away.”
I laugh, “Not at all. We were just enjoying the morning with coffee and pastries, would you care to join us? It will be easier than peeking around the wall.”
“If we could, we’ve wanted to talk to you. We have some coffee, too. We’ll bring ours over, also.”
I looked at Anthony and shrugged but got up and went to the door, opening it and waiting for them to come from next door. In the meantime, two guys walked by in the passageway, looked me up and down, and smiled. I smiled back. Then the couple were at the door.
“Dear, you really are comfortable being naked, aren’t you?”
“Yes, I am, but on this trip it isn’t really up to me.” As I closed the door, I saw a quizzical look on her face. “I am a submissive and I was told not to have any clothes that might cover my body. That’s why if you see me with anything on, it is a sheer negligee and sheer stockings.”
“That’s all you have for the entire cruise?” I smile and led them to the balcony.
I grabbed the chair from the desk and take it out with me. I point to the chairs and they look at me. There are three chairs now and four of us. “Please, I’ll force myself to sit on this stud’s lap.” I look down at Anthony who is smiling at me. “As if I am going to mind sitting there, his hands on me, again.” He opens his arms and I back into him, I am smiling at our guests the entire time. And his hands were on me. One hand covered a breast as the other stroked my stomach to my mound, not quite going between my legs. Per his requirement while in public, my knees were separated. “What’s on your mind?”
They both seemed to be temporarily lost in watching Anthony’s hands roam over my exposed body. “Is this too distracting? Would it be more comfortable if he stopped?”
That brought her out of her trance, “NO! Definitely not, that’s what we wanted to talk to you about.”
“It seems we are seeing you two all over the ship and you are often having fun with your bodies. We were at the fitness center, we were in the first row when you gave the demonstration with the dogs, and we saw you in the gangbang. We came on this cruise thinking we could try out some sharing of partners but it doesn’t seem to be quite as simple as that.”
“You, too, huh? I think there are quite a few people just like you on this cruise. We met a nice young couple with the same comment. Those five guys that were the start of the gangbang had never done it before. They were just hoping to get the chance. How about if we introduce you to the young couple we met. They were very nice and seeking a safe exploration, too.” I got up from Anthony’s lap, went to the desk, copied the couple’s cabin phone number, and handed it to the man before resuming my position on Anthony. “But, if you truly are serious about expanding your experience, I have a challenge for you.”
She looked at her husband and they nodded, “What’s that?”
I stood up, again, and stepped to her, putting my hand out to her. She took it and I gave just a slight tug for her to stand up. I put my hands on the sides of her face, looking into her eyes, which were darting between mine, her husband’s, and Anthony’s. I kissed her on the lips, lightly at first, but then harder. When I pulled back, her eyes were closed and her lips were slightly parted. I was smiling at her as she opened her eyes. She smiled in return and glanced at her husband who was smiling big. I put my hands to her waist and slowly tugged her tee-shirt up her body, over her breast (no bra), and continued up as she raised her arms. I then pushed her shorts down off her hips, saw the panties, and frowned, then pushing them off, too. Now naked, I pulled her into an embrace and she moaned in my arms. When we kissed, again, she returned it with equal passion. I then moved her to her husband’s lap and I rejoined Anthony. Both men now were fondling us in plain view of the other.
I smiled at them as Anthony’s hand dipped between my spread legs and a finger wound into my pussy. They were mesmerized, again, but this time his hand was duplicating Anthony’s efforts on me. “If you think you are ready to share partners, I personally think it is much more rewarding to do so with your partner present. It is hotter to be loved by someone else while seeing your partner loved at the same time and both of you enjoying the experience honestly.”
We watched as he brought her to orgasm in front of us. Flushed and breathing hard, she looked at us with a timid smile, “I’ve never climaxed so easily.”
“That’s the effect of psychology. Your mind playing with your reactions, magnifying them. That’s what exhibitionism is all about and that’s what you were just doing. Being exposed to us, first of all, then openly being played with. The combination brought you off quicker. Now, I have two more challenges for you: First, return to your cabin naked. Your husband is in need of relief, too. Fuck on the balcony and don’t restrict your vocal responses. And, know that these balconies are the largest, the one above can see down onto yours.” She looked up and shuddered, realizing she had been more exposed than she had thought. “Second, call that couple and set up a lunch meeting and mention us. See if something happens and if it does, just release yourselves and enjoy it.”
I walked them to the door and watched as they returned to their cabin next door. He made her wait in the passageway naked as he pretended to fumble for the key-card. I smiled at her nervousness but she didn’t let it show too much, even when a cabin door opened up further down and that couple saw her and smiled. She turned to me and smiled, “Thank you, he’s going to get the fucking of his life!” She threw her hands to her mouth and looked at him. “I can’t believe I said that.”
He took her into his arms in the passageway, hugged her tight, and kissed her. “Dear, I hope it’s not the last time.” He held the door open for her and gave her naked ass a pat as she passed and he followed her in. I heard her squeal as the door closed.
Returning to Anthony on the balcony, he grabbed my hand and spun me into his lap. He was naked now; his hard cock was throbbing against my ass. His hands were roaming my body much more urgently than he had allowed previously. “Now you have me all worked up, too.”
I raised up and turned to face him, my feet on either side of his lounge chair. I held his cock up with the intention of sitting down on it, but he stopped me. “No, as wonderful as that always is, I have something else in mind that I have never experienced, but I know you have.”
“Hmmmmmm … that sounds intriguing, what could that be?”
He has a devilish smile, “I want the dogs involved with me in a DP of you. I know you have done it, even a DP with just the dogs, remember? You didn’t know which dog would get his knot into which hole, first. That was amazing to watch.” Since he stopped me, I was sliding my very wet pussy along the length of his rigid cock. We both looked down, his cock was shiny with my fluids.
I rubbed a little harder on his cock, particularly the head. “Oooooo … how would you like me to accomplish this for you, Sir?”
He smiled at the instant transformation in my attitude. “I want your ass and the dogs can have your pussy. Possibly knot with you, too. And, out here in case anyone above should happen to look down.”
That caused me to shiver. It is true that I have done this before, but not so publicly. I also remembered it as being very intense. I bent forward and kissed him, “As you request, Sir.” I stood up, went into the cabin while recounting in my mind how this had been accomplished before. I got several towels from the bathroom, all the pillows from the bed and laid it all on balcony floor after moving the furniture out of the way. I asked Anthony to lay on his back on the towel covered pillows, then I straddled him and decided we needed a little more elevation for the dogs to be at a comfortable position. Once we were set, I straddled him facing away from him, then sat down on his cock into my pussy. I moved up and down on his cock, already feeling the effects of penetration and the mental aspects of anticipation. When I felt like his cock was well lubricated, I pull up and reached between my legs, holding his cock up, lowering my ass toward his cock, moving around to find my asshole, then applying pressure downward, slowly opening my tight hole, then rising a fraction and pressing back down.
My face, I was sure, would have been a reflection of pure concentration as I continued to press down, relax, and rise, then press down more, feeling my sphincter opening, stretching to accept his cock. When it finally pushed through and the head was past and lodged firmly inside me, I paused and breathed, allowing my asshole to adjust to the presence of this intrusion. It was then that I noticed both dogs sitting at attention in front of me. Damn, could they actually be anticipating their participation in this?
I then continued to press, rise, and press down until his cock was lodged deeply inside me. I looked back over my shoulder at Anthony, “One in. Now for the dog. Sir, I need you to stabilize me while I focus on the dog’s cock.”
I leaned back onto his chest and patted the inside of my thighs. I didn’t really care which one came to me first, I was going to take care of both of them eventually this morning, anyway. Shadow was at me, first, and began licking my pussy but I didn’t need any more preparation, I needed his cock. I grabbed his collar and gave a tug. This was an unusual position but he seemed to get over that quickly enough and seemed more than willing to mate me regardless of the position I might be in. He stepped over our legs and his chest was rubbing on my stomach and then my own chest as he moved forward, his cock bumping into my pussy lips. It was in me before I could figure out how to get my hand down there to help him. I moaned at the penetration and the immediate additional fullness with Anthony already in my ass. I pressed my hips up into the air and away from Anthony, stretching my two holes apart, trying to give more room between the two chambers. As Shadow’s cock slid steadily into me, I gasped as I felt the beginnings of his knot at my opening.
This didn’t appear to be quite natural for him and his initial thrusts were clumsy, but he soon developed some comfort and his thrusts became regular and faster. I was groaning and moaning constantly now, the fullness and the rubbing of the dog’s cock against the Anthony’s. I was wondering how I ever got the knot inside me before like this. I gave up thinking, laid my head back against Anthony, and let the dog take care of whatever was to happen. I was a piece of fuck meat at this point, anchored by the cock in my ass while being drilled and pounded by the cock in my pussy. Then, I felt it, the knot. I groaned even louder and Anthony must have anticipated the cause because his hands shifted from my waist to my b**sts and nipples. The knot was banging at my pussy, then pressing and pushing. All the while, my nipples were being pulled and twisted, abused in any normal situation, but in this, it was distracting my attention from what was happening between my legs; just enough to allow me to be relaxed enough to allow my pussy to stretch. Slowly it started, stretching and yielding to the demand of the dog and my increasing lustful need for release and to accomplish for Anthony what he so desired to experience.
I rotated my pelvis up, again, pulling my body up, stretching my asshole from the cock inside it, and providing just a bit more room for the knot to work at my opening. When it pressed through and into me, I cried out, sure the couple next door, presumably also on the balcony fucking, would have clearly heard. Anthony groaned out loudly as his cock was compressed tightly inside my ass by the accommodation my body made for the knot in the next chamber. The fullness was amazing. I am sure it felt the same way before, but I couldn’t get over the feeling. It seemed like there couldn’t possibly be any movement as tight as it felt then. But, Shadow managed to push and pull that knot inside me, my muscles clamping down on both chambers at once, my ass and my pussy, putting both cocks into a lock down, except it wasn’t. Somehow, the dog got movement and it was quickly too much, for Shadow, Anthony, and me. When I started to orgasm, my muscles clenched even tighter and that sent Shadow in near convulsions as his cock jerked wildly inside me, sending spurt after spurt of dog cum into my pussy. That was all it took for Anthony, who had been essentially motionless during the entire event, except that motionless hadn’t felt motionless with the rubbing of the cock and knot in my ass pressing against the length of his cock. Then I felt him cumming inside, too.
As my body started to relax from my shaking orgasm, my body relaxed against his, the dog wanting to turn but I wouldn’t let it. We were tied and very tightly. There was no telling what might happen if he tried to turn, so I held him and petted his sides to calm him. “Hmmmmmm … Anthony, Sir, that was amazing. I hope it was for you, too.”
“Nearly mind-blowing. And I never even thrust into you. The dog’s action was all the stimulation I needed. You continue to amaze me, dear.”
“You still feel hard.”
“I am clamped in you so tight; it is still stimulating me when he moves.”
Eventually, Shadow was able to pull out of me, but even that was an effort, they were so tightly stuffed into me. I continued to clench my ass around Anthony’s cock as I called Tucker over. He was licking my abused pussy and hitting Anthony’s cock in the process. I could feel him twitch at the contact as the tongue continued. I allowed the licking for a few minutes and the cock in my ass stiffened some. I then patted my thighs for Tucker to mount and he too seem confused by the position but finally figured it out and he too was stabbing at my pussy. I needed to assist him more and I had another dog cock inside me. As it moved in and out, pressing along my pussy, I felt Anthony stiffen inside me.
“Sir … you … Ooooooooooo … nnnnnnnnnnnn … you … surprise me. You … mmmmmmmmm … just came but … you … are … mmmmmmmm … staying hard.”
“Can’t … help it. The pressure … mmmmmmmm … wow, this is awesome! … the pressure and tightness … is so stimulating.”
Soon the knot was pushing at me and I groaned. Maybe after being stretched last time, this would be a little easier. I tried raising my hips, again, stretching my asshole to relieve some the pressure and fullness. I was nearly beside myself already as the knot pressed and stretched me until it, too, was inside and causing my two chambers to convulse around the intruding members. It was as though each hole was flexing and clamping onto the cocks to milk them of their juice. When I exploded, again, equally hard as the previous time, it sent Tucker spurting his seed into my pussy. I was filled with dog cum. And, although I felt Anthony’s cock twitching and jerking in climax, I wasn’t at all sure he gave me anything so soon after his previous climax.
When Tucker released me, finally, I completely relaxed and slid to the side and off Anthony, his softened cock slipping out of my ass. Without looking, I knew both holes were still gaping and leaking cum.
Lying on my back I glance up and saw the balconies above lined with people, far more than could possibly be staying in each cabin. The word had apparently spread and our audience grew. I wondered with a wicked smile if they had arrived in time to also witness the couple next door.
That was also the day for the beach. The ship was arriving off the small island at noon. They would be using the small boats to ferry guests to the island. That would give us a couple hours to prepare and that mostly was spent replenishing ourselves with fruit and juice. A long hot shower was also on the agenda.
For this day, I am completely naked. No pretense of anything else. My hair was pulled back into a pony tail and I have my sunglasses on. I am already lathered up with sunscreen from head to toe, as was Anthony but he was also wearing a swimsuit. I have the dogs on short leash, they are anxious to get off the ship and onto stationary ground, again. Anthony has a beach bag with suntan lotion, beach towels from the ship, bottles of water, and snacks. We meet Natasha in the hallway leading to the exit where our cabin key-cards are scanned on the way out. I return mine to Anthony as we are about to board the smaller boat. Natasha is in a very small bikini. Anthony is looking at her intently. Her bikini has no support for her breasts, simply material covering her. As she notices Anthony inspecting her, her nipples become erect and press into the material, becoming very evident. I whisper to her and we laugh causing Anthony, sitting opposite us to ask what is funny.
“It is just interesting, Sir, that you are so fixated by what is kind of visible to you behind Natasha’s bikini when I am exposed to you with the very same body parts.”
He laughs now, too. “You’re right. Of course, I have only seen Natasha naked once for a short time. I am hoping it will be longer this time and that her bikini is for getting to the beach, only.”
She looks at us both and her demeanor has changed, “Oh, I need to tell you that the Captain has requested me back on the ship after three hours. I have to cut the afternoon short.”
I looked at her, “No, that’s not fair.” Then I just smiled, “Well, that just means we can’t waste any time. You are still interested in the dogs, aren’t you?” This comment was heard by a few of the surrounding passengers and drew more attention to us than my nudity already had.
“Oh, yes, being on the beach will be nice, but that part is what I am really looking forward to.”
“What about tonight, Natasha. Do you have to cancel out of joining us tonight, too?”
“No. He has a short time period when he needs my assistance. He said he would make it up to us. I don’t know what that means. But, after the few hours late afternoon, I don’t go back on duty until morning.”
I gave her a hug and Anthony smiled. I whisper into her ear, “You’re going to lose that bikini, aren’t you?” She smiled and nodded.
We are brought into the shallows and we jump from the boat into the shallow water and wade up to the beach. We are the third boat load so there are already some passengers spread out on the beach. We were informed that this is an uninhabited little island surrounded by beach and we were free to explore and use the entire island. The ship would have boats going back and forth all afternoon but at the end of the time, the ship would blast the horn to indicate that all must gather to leave in order to stay on schedule.
With the dogs, I suggest that we walk down the beach further so they don’t bother the other passengers while playing and so there might be a little more privacy when we decide to ‘play’ with the dogs. We walk along the water edge and around the point. There we set up our little area. We talk Natasha out of her bikini and offer to add sunscreen to the newly exposed body parts. I tried to convince her that Anthony could provide an excellent service in that regard, but she seemed inclined to apply it herself. The five of us splash in the water and waves, engaging the dogs in active play, which they relished after the confines of the ships for the past days.
The playing and splashing in the water provides lots of opportunity for touching and contact between our bodies. At one point, the dogs are chasing sticks we throw into the water and Natasha and I are picking on Anthony, playfully of course. As the dogs are running by after the latest throw of the sticks, Anthony turns to evade our grab ass play and trips over Shadow and we fall on top of him. Shadow, of course, scrambling away to resume his chase, but Natasha and I take advantage of having Anthony down to attack him with our bodies and lips. We move him to the very shallows at the water edge and are lying next to him on either side. Both of us kissing and stroking him, his cock is soon very hard and ready for us. I am focused on his mouth with mine and with a hand I gently push Natasha’s head toward his cock, which she attacks with relish, devouring him into her mouth. He is groaning into my mouth so I pull back a little to see how she is doing and I am amazed. She has him in her mouth but is also occasionally taking him so far into her mouth that he is just into her throat, with her nose in his groin.
I turn back to Anthony and smile at him, “She seems to know what she is doing.”
“Oh my god … she’s almost as good as you!” And I started kissing him again. I felt his body tensing and his hips raise up off the ground, so I peeked back, again.
When I saw what was happening, I smiled at her and she smiled back. “Sorry, but this seemed to be a free-for-all, so I took my chance.” She was straddling him with his cock buried in her pussy as she rose and fell on it. There was no apology needed as far as I was concerned, I just hoped she would still want to fully try one of the dogs.
Anthony is groaning into my mouth as we kiss and I sense that he is getting close to his climax. Then, I hear Natasha exclaim, “Oh God! Ohhhhhhh … ooooooooo … I don’t … believe this …”
I look back at her but her eyes are ahead, then drop down and closed. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Look … there are … mmmmmmm … are people walking … nnnnnnn … walking by and watching.”
I turn to the beach and see a small group of people gathered and a few others casually milling as they walk by. I smile, “Yes, intense isn’t it? To be the focus of such a wanton sexual act in public? All these people watching you fuck and be fucked.”
That apparently set her off and with her, Anthony. Both of them were groaning and moaning she was bent forward; her head drooped down, her hair over her face. She then collapsed onto Anthony. I whispered into his ear, “Good, Sir?” He just managed to increase his smile.
While resting at the edge of the water, the dogs approach us and start licking both of us. Our legs are open, hers because of the fucking she just experienced and mine because … well, just because that’s what Anthony expected.
She reacts, though. “Oooooooooo … oh my god … already? More? Hmmmmmmmmm …”
I smile and run my hand over her breasts and down her stomach. “Well, dear, we wouldn’t want our audience to get bored …”
“Oh jees, I forgot about them!” I chuckled as the dogs continued to lick us.
I sat up and checked out both dogs visually. Both had exposed cocks. “Get on your hands and knees, Natasha. I will help you get mounted.”
“Ooooooo … in front of all … these people? Oh god …” But she did it. She raised her leg and rolled over, Shadow moving back a step as she repositioned herself. Then, almost as soon as she was in position, he was on top of her. I reached under her, found his cock, and guided it with pressure on his rear until I heard her gasp out, knowing then that he had penetrated her. I waited a moment as he pounded into her before taking the same position myself for Tucker who was just as anxious and inside me with little issue.
She was gasping and moaning almost constantly at the new and unusual experience of a dog. When she cried out, “Is that the knot? Damn, it’s too big.”
“No, it’s not. Relax, it will stretch you and you will experience some discomfort, but it will pass when it goes in. Relax, Natasha, press back against him, and help him.”
Soon, I heard another exclamation and knew he had her as his now. The knot was locking them together and she had nowhere to go but to enjoy the ride. After we both orgasmed, she started to panic at being stuck. “Relax, dear. I know I am telling you that a lot, but this is what is so different about dogs. The cock shape and texture, the amount of cum they give, and the knot that now has us tied to them. If you want to experience something more, rock back and forth on the knot. Move back and forth, up and down.”
I watched her and she looked at me like I was insane, but she tried it and, “OOooooooooo … wow, it must have … nnnnnnnnnnnn … nice!”
When we finally separated, both of us collapsed to the water and rolled over onto our backs. There was applause from on the beach and Natasha immediately blushed all over again. “I keep forgetting about them.”
“You apparently haven’t done much exhibitionism. It is naughty, but that is what makes it so stimulating.”
She left soon after to return to the ship but promised to meet us at the restaurant for dinner. She said the reason for her being needed was an impromptu special dinner offering for tonight for a limited number of guest on a reservation basis. And, that she had already put us on the list. That had me interested.
Arriving back on the ship, we are handed a flyer identifying an option for dinner with limited seating on an appointment basis. We go directly to the events desks and verify that we are on the list for this special dinner offering. The woman even comments that it appears that her Director will be joining us. We play that information dryly, merely commenting that we looked forward to it.
We have a couple hours before dinner, so I make sure the dogs are fed and watered, then I take them to the rear of the ship for some more playing and letting them ‘do their business’. While we are doing that, Anthony is showering, shaving, etc. to be ready to dress semi-formally for dinner. He tells me how he is dressing and I think about how I will dress in response. Then, I call Natasha and we talk.
Coming out of the bathroom, my hair, and makeup is ready. Anthony is dressed and sitting in one of the easy chairs with a bourbon. “Wow, Michele, you look beautiful. I mean … not that you don’t normally … I mean you always look … how do I do this to myself?”
I laugh and move to him before getting dressed. I sit in his lap, take a sip of his drink, hand it back to him, and cuddle up in his arms. “Thank you, Anthony, Sir. Your stumbling is cute. For such a strong and confident man, sometimes little situations can befuddle you. Like complimenting a woman.” I kissed him again as I got up off his lap, “And, I do appreciate the compliment.” I wiggle my ass at him as I went to the bed to put on my white, patterned stockings and jewelry. I slipped into my heels and walked to the closet for the negligee I was intending to wear tonight.
“Wow, again. I love the jewelry. I can’t wait to see the final product.” I was wearing a string of pearls that hung between my breasts, earrings that were slightly dangling, and a gold waist chain with a single pearl hanging in front nearly reaching my mound. Tim said it was a perfect combination with the reflective gold at my waist and then the white pearl leading the eye to my pussy.
I opened the closet door and took out the gown I had planned to be wearing tonight. It was a floor length, white, sheer, slightly patterned gown that tied just below the breasts. This was one of my favorites for feeling elegant, but at the same time nearly naked. I have several of this gown in different colors and I have replaced the white one a couple of times from wearing it as my favorite and then trying to play sexually in it afterward.
He came up behind me as I checked myself in the floor length mirror. He put his arms around me and nuzzled my neck, “It is truly amazing. You are clearly naked, but the impression is very elegant. Have I ever mentioned how beautiful you are?”
“Hmmmm … yes, I think that might have come out a few times.” I hugged his arms around me. “And, you, Sir, are exceedingly handsome. I think I may be fighting off the hussies who see you.”
He kissed my neck and took my hand. I told the dogs we would be back, maybe with some playmates later. They just looked at me. Why do we insist on talking to our a****l friends like they actually understand us?
We arrived at the restaurant, checked in with the host; he checked off our names and led us to our table. As I walked, some of those already seated noticed my gown and watched with interest as each step separated the gown and exposed me from below my breast down. Our table was set for three and Natasha had not yet arrived. We were seated, including the host holding my chair for me; I just love these fancy restaurants. I guess it indicates the kind of places we normally go to …
We are in yet another of our easy, comfortable interactions when I notice movement coming our way. I turn and smile. Anthony notices and turns to see. He stands and opens his arms, kisses Natasha and holds her at arm’s length. “Michele, you have the exact same out … fit … you guys planned this, didn’t you? When, how?”
Natasha and I laughed, “Sir, when I asked you to take the dogs to their spot. You didn’t know I already had, but it got you away for enough time for her to come and decide on the gown.” It was the identical one that I was wearing, but in pink. She was stunning in it and the color hid some of the redness from the sun. She doesn’t live outside in the sun like I do.
We got a drink for her and then got conspiratory. She said her friend was anxious to meet us. Some of the things I have done on the ship have made the gossip rounds of the crew, I was told. Her friend, Marie, isn’t terribly outgoing but she was interested.
Natasha leaned forward and quietly said, “As I said, she is very interested but she is reserved with new people socially. But, she told me she has a unique way to tell you she is interested, if you ask her.”
She came to the table and explained the dinner for the evening. She was dressed in an opaque nightgown and high heels. It was clear she had no bra on as her breasts jiggled and swayed as she moved and placed things on the table. Everybody was getting the same menu but we were assured it would be delightful. She kept looking at Natasha. When she stopped, I took my chance, “Marie, I love that name. Of course, Anthony and I have a very special friend by that name.” She smiled and left for the first course. As the meal went on, we were able to engage her a little more each time. Each server had only a few tables to care for and I suggested that she serve us last in each cycle and that would give us more freedom to talk. It seemed to work as her comfort increased over the length of the dinner. I noticed another table become touchy with her, but it didn’t seem to be working on her. Our slow, even approach was pulling her in. Of course, it helped to have Natasha as part of our group.
At dessert, I decided to go for it, “Marie, we really like you and the rules appear to be different tonight so I am just going to take a chance.” I glanced at Natasha and she looked encouraging. “Marie, we would like, if you are interested, to invite you to join us tonight. We … you can decide later what that might mean.”
She only smiled at me, asked for our after dinner drink order, and left. I looked to Natasha who was still watching Marie as she moved to the bar area for our drinks. She turned and saw me looking at her, “I don’t understand. I was sure from the way we talked earlier today that she would be interested.”
“You said this would be new for her, being with another couple, maybe she just needs a moment to be sure.”
When Marie returned with our drinks and to remove the dessert plates, I heard this faint little bell ringing. Although it was faint, it seemed to be very near. I concentrated and noticed it stopped as Marie stopped and started again when Marie moved. Her nightgown was not see-through, although, a hint of her nipple did show every now and then. I looked at Anthony, “Do you hear that little bell?” He did, as did Natasha. Marie smiled. “Marie, is that bell ringing coming from you?”
She glanced at Natasha and smiled bigger, “Yes, it is. If you want the answer to your invitation, you need to find and take the bell.” She was all out blushing now and I had an idea of where it might be. Natasha said that Marie had a unique way planned of letting us know. This was clearly it.
“Marie, if you are reserved around new people, you are still quite the tease. Would you come stand by me, please?”
“Of course, Ma’am.”
As she walked over to me from being beside Natasha, I watched her movement and listened for the bell. It was her legs, I was sure of it, now. “Right alongside of me and facing me.” She turned her right side to the table so she was facing me directly and nearly so to Anthony. I raised her gown from mid-thigh where it naturally hung to her waist and found the little bell hanging between her legs. I looked up at her and her eyes were closed, she was holding her breath at the spectacle she had created for herself. Her breathing was now heavy, causing her filmy gown covered breasts to rise and fall dramatically. I put two fingers between her legs and they opened slightly more to accommodate me. I felt the bell; it was suspended by a fine chain. I put my two fingers on either side of it and slowly pulled down. There was resistance and she gasped, her hands going to her face.
Anthony had been watching intently and took a commanding move, “Hands behind your back, Marie. Open your eyes and look into Michele’s.”
She did just as she was commanded. And while she did, she shivered noticeably. I looked up at her, my fingers still applying a little pressure on the bell. I tugged a couple time more, not intending to pull it out of her pussy, just to reinforce to her that a woman she hardly knew was playing with her in public, but to her credit, she maintained eye contact. I smiled at her and pulled harder and a small ball attached to the other end came out. I held it in my fingers, smiled broadly and handed it to Anthony, who did the same and passed it to Natasha. I followed the ball and little bell around the table, as did Marie. Written on the ball was, “I want you.”
I stood up and gave her a hug, feeling her nakedness under her flimsy gown. “Please have a seat with us, Marie. What would you like to drink; we’ll be leaving as soon as we are done.”
After our drinks, Anthony gets up indicating it was time to move our group to a more private and intimate location. As we are moving through the ship from the restaurant to the bank of elevators, he stopped in a commons area of shops, which are now closed. He looked at each of us women. Natasha and I are dressed nearly identically, which makes me think whatever he is considering is in regards to Marie. That thought concerns me a little because she is very new to this and pushing to fast might backfire. And, he is also new to this control thing.
“Ladies, you are all beautiful women, but it doesn’t seem right that one of you isn’t as exposed as the others.” He was now focused on Marie. And she looked a little nervous. His face turned playful, “I think if you all take off your negligees … the problem is solved.”
Marie was nervous, “Right here?”
“Look at them. They are effectively already naked and have been throughout dinner.”
She looked to Natasha for support but instead found her untying the tie holding her sheer gown together. She sighed deeply, took hold of the gown, and pulled it over her head. I smiled at Anthony. That was very well done. He remembered that exhibitionism can be a powerful stimulant and would undoubtedly increase these women’s readiness by the time we arrived at our cabin.
When we entered the suite, the dogs were at us almost immediately, three naked females for them. Shadow was at Marie’s pussy after only a couple licks to her thigh and it took her by complete surprise. “I don’t think I want to do a dog. Natasha, you said I wouldn’t have to.”
She seemed scared, so I stepped between the dog and her, took her into an embrace, and just held her for a moment. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want.” I looked to Natasha who was still enjoying the attention of Tucker.
She broke the contact with the dog by moving to us. “I know your feelings, honey, and you don’t have to fuck them. But, at least try their tongue. Do it with me, just try it, okay?”
She looked nervous but more at ease with Natasha’s presence and support. Natasha took her hand and led her to a location with enough room on the floor for them to be side-by-side. She instructed her to open her legs by raising her knees and splaying them to the sides. They held hands and I released the dogs. Tucker found Marie and Shadow didn’t hesitate to go to Natasha.
I sat in Anthony’s lap and we shared a Jack Daniels while we watched, one woman enjoying her third experience and the other her first with a dog. I, of course, held the glass so both of his hands were free to explore my body. My legs were, naturally, spread wide and his hands and fingers were on my breasts, between my legs and pinching nipples and clit. By the time the two women on the floor both orgasmed, I was highly charged myself. But he wasn’t wanting me to climax, just yet. The intent of this evening was bringing two other women along the journey of sexual variety.
I called the dogs from the women. We could see their pussies convulsing from where we were sitting. I then got up and poured some wine for the women and another Jack for us. They shared the other easy chair and it was clear they were far more than ship-board friends. Being nosey, I learned they were bi-sexual lovers. They understood they were not lesbian but they were very comfortable in their relationship. They also understood that one or the other might someday find that man who would be the difference. But, they also weren’t averse to the idea that it might also become a three-way relationship. After this experience, Natasha believed that Marie might be even more open such a situation.
After our drinks were finished, I suggested that there were three males who had been watching or involved in the two women achieving satisfying orgasms and it would be only fair to assist them in achieving the same satisfaction. Natasha smiled at the idea of once again taking one of the dogs. She checked with Marie to be sure she hadn’t changed her mind. She thought about it after experiencing the tongue, but smiled at her and move to Anthony. Natasha and I were only too willing to take the dogs. Anthony had her straddle his lap with her back to him so she could watch us being mated. It seemed to have the desired effect of stimulating her into an aggressive fuck.
In the middle of the night, both women tried crawling out of the bed to return to their cabins. I came up behind them at the door, startling them. “You can’t leave without a proper thank you.” I took each one into my arms and kissed them passionately. “It was a wonderful night and Anthony and I very much appreciate you two sharing it with us. Natasha has my contact information. If you, either of you, are ever in the Phoenix area, please let me know. I’d love to have you to the house.” It was the middle of the night, but I was proud of them leaving and walking the passageway. They remained naked; Marie was carrying her gown and holding Natasha’s hand.
The next to the last day, we are standing on the dock for the last excursion island. We are talking with Natasha who is in full uniform overseeing the passengers leaving the ship. We hear excited screams and shouts and see the water park along the beach. Natasha says that the cruise leased the park for the day so it could be used naked. Anthony takes her by surprise and gives her a kiss. “You left the other night without giving the opportunity to thank you.” He then gave her another. “Would you see that Marie gets that one?” She smiled through her blush. She turns to the other passengers but steals a glance at us as I walk hand-in-hand down the dock with my stud.
Anthony has an idea for the park. He doesn’t bother asking what any rules might be. We are allowed to be fully nude and he intends to take some liberties. He takes me directly to the water park and to the tallest winding slide. At the top, the slide attendant indicates that we can go down. He strips off his suit and pulls me onto his lap. He is erect and puts his cock into my pussy as we start down the slide. He then pulls me back against him as he lies flat on his back. We are going fast, rising onto the sides in the spirals, all the while the movements and bumps are sending jolts through us. When we hit the bottom and go underwater, we separate. I come to the surface and I stare at him. He is waiting. He didn’t ask, didn’t tell me, he just did it. I leapt into his arms and we go under, again.
“God! That was amazing!”
He takes my hand, pulls me to the edge, and lifts me out of the pool and we jog up to the top. There is a single guy at the top waiting his turn. The attendant is giving us a wary look but he hasn’t indicated that he was going to interfere. Anthony taps the single guy on the shoulder, “Strip off your shorts and she’ll ride down the slide on your cock.” He says this loud enough for all to hear. He looks at Anthony, then me. But, he’s definitely not stupid. He strips off his shorts and takes my hand. We go down the slide the same way. Anthony has me jogging up the stairs after each slide for a new partner. Before we move to another ride, I have ridden seven men this way.
In the meantime, he has spotted a straight slide with four bumps on it. He has noticed that each bump puts the slider airborne. He takes me there, next. I know what to expect and am ready to sit on his cock as he gets into position. He is holding me tightly, very tightly, but it isn’t until the first bump that I realize why. As we go airborne, we surely would have come apart if not for being held tightly. The landing after each bump drove his cock deeper into me and I nearly came by the time we hit the water at the bottom. The next guy wasn’t as secure in holding me and we separated, but as we continued down the slide, his hand was on my breast. Anthony gave firm directions to the other guys to hold onto me tightly and on the last bump of the fifth guy, I climaxed. The buildup was steady and despite the interruptions at the bottom going into the water and the jog back to the top. That was a most memorable day.
The last night we host a gathering of the two couples from Austin, the young couple, and the couple next door. It turns out they had discovered each other along the way and were excited to spend the last night together.
The last morning and my only dress still hasn’t been delivered from laundry. I am beginning to panic. I have no alternate clothes to fall back on. There is finally a knock on the door. We are only an hour to docking. I rush to the door to find Natasha and Marie who is holding my dress on a hanger. She has a twinkle in her eyes, “We thought maybe, just maybe, you might be needing this to leave the ship.”
I crushed them both in embraces. “You guys! I love you.”
Natasha smiled, “That’s why we wanted to deliver it ourselves.” Anthony was behind me with his hands on my shoulders. “Both of you. We thoroughly enjoyed our time together and hope that somehow, sometime, we can be together, again.” Everybody hugged and kissed and they were gone, off to their duties.
Anthony and I arrive back at the estate late in the afternoon. It is confirmed that I am again taking the private jet back home the next morning late. The other two couples are spending a few more days on the island so my trip back will be quiet and direct. I am not particularly disappointed. It has been a very sexually active week and … the plane has its own demanding features. But it never fails to get me wet just thinking about that seat. Especially with the new programming put into it.
After a relatively quiet evening, I am again sharing Carlos’ bed for the night. And that is never a regret. After making love, because that is exactly how we do it, Carlos pulls me in tightly to him. He is playing, fondling really, my breasts, and lightly kissing my neck and shoulder from behind, “Michele, I would like it very much if Barb could come down for a visit, just her. Would that be possible?” I turn in his arms and in the moonlight through the open window; he is looking a bit shy. I am always intrigued how this extremely wealthy and powerful man can become so tentative and awkward around us. “Do you think it would be okay to ask her?”
I give him a long look and see his intensity, his honest feelings, but also his desire not to hurt us or offend us. I give him a smile and pull him into me, “Let me talk to Tim, but I can’t see why not. She’s a big girl. Just … be careful with her.” He gives me a bigger smile and hugs me to him. I snuggle into him and feel good but my lone thought is, hmmmmmm … ‘just her’ …
* * * CHAPTER 56: ANNE AND BETTY – ATTORNEYS AT LAW will follow * * * Thanks for reading.

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